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(Established under Pharmacy Act, 1967)

Block No.7, LDA Flats, Huma Block, Allama Iqbal Town, Lahore. Ph. # 042-99260298

Photograph to
be Pasted by
the Applicant
size 4 x 5 cm

Application Form for Registration as Pharmacy Technician in Register-B

1. Name (Block Letters) ____________________________________________________

2. Fathers Name: _________________________________________________________
3. Permanent Address: _____________________________________________________
4. Postal Address: _________________________________________________________
5. Qualification____________________________________________________________
6. Roll No._________________ Session ____________________ Held in_____________
7. From the Institute _______________________________________________________
8. Date of Birth _________________________ Place of Birth _______________________
9. National Identity Card No. ________________________ Nationality________________
10. e-mail address. ____________________________ Phone No. ___________________
11. Mark of Identification _____________________________________________________
12. The prescribed Fee of Rs. _____________________________ has been remitted by
Bank Draft/Pay Order No. ___________________________ Dated: _______________
Receipt No. ___________________________________ Dated: __________________
Signature of Applicant
Fee in Cash
English _______________________________
Not Accepted
Dated: _____________________ Urdu _________________________________
Following documents must be submitted/attached with the application form:

1. 4 Photographs (size 4 cm x 5 cm) attested by the Principal/Director of the Institute

2. 2 Photostat Copies of Diploma Certificate attested by the Principal/Director
3. 2 Specimen Signatures duly attested by the Principal/Director of the Institute
4. 2 Photocopies of National Identity Card attested by the Principal/Director.
5. 2 Photostat Copies of I and II Year Result Card attested by the Principal/Director
6. Affidavit as per specimen given overleaf on Non-Judicial paper of Rs. 50 duly attested
by Oath Commissioner / Gazetted Officer.
7. Character Certificate.
8. Attested Photocopies of Matric and F.Sc, if any.
9. Pay Order/Bank Draft for Registration Fee in the name of Secretary, Punjab Pharmacy
Council, Rs. 2000/-.
10. Bank Draft for verification fee for matric in the name of concerned board
I,_____________________________________ S/o ______________________________
Caste__________________ Resident of _______________________________________
Tehsil _________________ District ________________________________ do hereby
solemnly affir m and declare as under:-

1. I passed Diploma/Pharmacy Technician, Examination in the Year ___________

Roll No._________________ from the Institute __________________________.

2. That the Institute ____________________ issued my Diploma Certificate vide

No._____________________________________ which is genuine one.

3. That my National Identity Card No.____________________________________.

4. That I have never been granted Registration Certificate by any of the Provincial Pharmacy
Council in Pakistan. Neither I have applied for the same elsewhere.

5. That I have never been convicted by any Court of Law for an offence involving Moral

6. That I have never been declared unsound mind by any Court of Law.

That as stated above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.


Verified on oath this _____________________________

Day of ____________________ at _________________
That the contents of this affidavit are true to the best of my
Knowledge and belief and nothing have been concealed.


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