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Product Cost Controlling A cost that is directly and fully identifiable

A component for planning the cost of with a reference object according to the
products before an order to commence costs-by-cause principle.
manufacturing is placed. Origin group
The origin group defined in this step can
Product Cost Planning be assigned to certain materials on the
Product Cost Planning includes tools for costing-1-view of the material master
planning costs and setting prices record. This provides for calculating
for materials (cost estimate with overhead rates for this material
quantity structure, cost estimate separately, even if the costs for the
without quantity structure) and material are updated on the order under
for other objects of cost the same cost element as for other
accounting (reference and materials.
simulation costing)
Calculation bases
Overhead Cost Elements Calculation bases are used in the costing
To allocate overhead to cost centers sheet. They define which cost elements a
(including activity types), business percentage rate refers to.
processes, orders, projects or products, The calculation base determines to which
you need to define overhead cost cost elements overhead is applied
elements. The SAP system then posts the together.
overheads within these overhead cost We will define two bases on which
elements overheads will be calculated:-
1) Materials
Cost Element 2) Wages
A cost element classifies the
organization's valuated consumption of Overhead key
production factors within a controlling The overhead key defined in this step will
area. A cost element corresponds to a be assigned to an overhead group which
cost-relevant item in the chart of will be entered into the costing-1-view of
accounts. the material master record of the finished
Overhead Rates products used in the meat production
The rate at which overhead is allocated to processes. This allows to apply certain
direct costs to charge cost objects with the overhead rates only to those materials
proportion of the overhead costs who have the appropriate overhead key
attributable to them. This can be a lump Specifies which overhead is applied to a
sum, percentage, or quantity-based rate. reference object (such as a material), thus
An example of the use of overhead rates is forming the link between overhead
to allocate overhead from material cost conditions and the following:
centers to orders by debiting the orders in A particular material master record
proportion to the material withdrawals and A particular cost object node of a
crediting the material cost centers with cost object hierarchy
the same amounts. This is also used to A particular general cost object
allocate sales and administration A particular sales order item
overhead. The rate applied to the direct Origin groups are created to subdivide the
costs to allocate the indirect costs. material costs further. Materials assigned
Overhead rates are used to pass on costs to the same cost element by automatic
to cost centers that do not directly account determination can be separated
reference the activity used. into origin groups.
Direct Costs
If an origin group is entered in the costing Costing sheet
view of the material master record, the The costing sheet calculates overhead
combination of origin group and cost surcharges in standard cost estimates and
element is updated in the Controlling production orders. The costing sheet
module. combines all parts of the overhead
If the Material origin indicator in the calculation and determines the rules for
costing view of the material master record calculating the values to be posted. A
is specified in addition to the origin group, definition of how values posted in the SAP
the costs are updated under the System are calculated. The costing sheet
combination of material number and cost integrates all elements of overhead
element in the Controlling component. costing defined
such as calculation base (Material,
Valuation Variant Wages), overhead rates (Material
Valuation variant containing the overhead, production overhead) and
parameters required for valuation of a cost the credit key
estimate. It is a a key, in Product Cost
Planning, that determines the prices that
the SAP System selects to valuate the Cost component structure
quantity structure of a material cost The cost components breaks down the
estimate or order, or to valuate the results of the standard cost estimate into
costing items of a unit cost estimate. factors such as raw materials, packing
material, material overhead, salaries and
Overhead group wages, production overheads, depreciation
The overhead group defined in this step and other costs. Or
will be entered into the costing-1-view of The cost components breaks down the
the material master record of the finished results of the standard cost estimate into
products used in the meat production factors such as raw materials, packing
processes. This allows to apply certain material, material overhead, salaries and
overhead rates only to those materials wages, production overheads, depreciation
and other costs.
Percentage overheads
Percentage overheads are used in the Quantity structure category
costing sheet. The percentage value The quantity structure category controls
specifies the amount of overhead costs how mixed costing is applied and how it is
that is added to the costs covered by the executed. It determines which
respective calculation base. For the meat procurement alternatives are to be costed
production processes, two extra with which mixing ratios for the materials
percentages are needed: one for the in the cost estimate.
surcharge regarding quality inspection of
raw materials, which is dependent on the Costing versions
plant and one for the surcharge regarding Costing versions enable you to create
quality inspection of finished goods, which multiple cost estimates for the same
is dependent on the overhead key. material and analyze the different results
in the information system.
Credits When you cost materials, the costing
Credits are used in the costing sheet to variant you specify defines various control
determine the credited sender and the parameters for costing. Because the
cost element for the overhead posting. costing variant contains all parameters for
costing, it can be time consuming to
create new costing variants every time
you want to make minor changes in the cost centers, orders, product cost
control parameters. The costing version collectors, or processes, represent the
enables you to simulate such changes utilization of resources for this sending
without having to create new costing cost center.
variants You valuate activities using a price
calculated on the basis of certain business
Settlement profile or management information.
The settlement profile controls various Bill of Materials- BOM
parameters related to settlement. The A list of all of the items that make up a
settlement profile set up in this section product or assembly.
does not support settlement to CO-PA. The list has a formal structure and states
A settlement profile that does so can be the name, quantity, and unit of measure
configured in the following step. Later, for each component.
when setting up the order type for the A comprehensive product life-cycle
meat production processes, you will have management solution should offer support
the possibility to choose whether you want for the following categories of BOM:
to assign the settlement profile with or feature and requirements structures,
without CO-PA, depending on whether material BOM, document structures,
Profitability Analysis has been installed or equipment BOM, functional location BOM,
not. sales order BOM, and work breakdown
If you use the Profitability Analysis and structure BOM.
want to settle production variances to CO-
PA, it is not necessary to create the
settlement profile described in this step. Percentage Overhead Rates
Maintain Overhead Percentages An overhead rate specifies the
In this section, percentage values for the conditions under which overhead is
overhead rates YGM0 and YGM1 are applied to an object.
maintained. To fulfill this requirement we need to select
The entries cannot be taken into a change the dependency overhead type/ plant.
request and therefore cannot be created Thus the system will only calculate
by a BC Set. Percentage overheads are overhead rate for the configuring plant
used in the costing sheet. The percentage In the Std. SAP system there are quite a
value specifies the amount of costs that is number of dependencies available such as
added as overhead costs to the costs plant, order type, overhead type,
covered by the respective calculation overhead key, company code etc.
base. For the meat production processes, Here we can calculate Plan and actual
two extra percentages are needed, one for overhead. Plan overhead rate is required
the surcharge regarding quality inspection for the purpose of planning the cost of the
of raw materials, which is dependent on product (standard cost estimate).
the plant, and one for the surcharge Actual overhead rate is required for the
regarding quality inspection of finished purpose of charging it to the production
goods, which is dependent on the order.
overhead key. In this step we will create the overhead
Activity types rate, attach the dependency and define
Activity types define the type of activity the overhead rate. Further we will also
that can be provided by a cost center define whether it is plan or actual.
activity, machine hours, and so on). Cost Center
Activity outputs supplied by one cost A cost center is an organizational unit
center (the sending cost center) to other responsible for budgetary monitoring and
reporting that collects revenues and costs. are not linked to a General Ledger account
Organizational divisions can be based on that are used in the CO module to allocate
functional requirements, physical location revenues and expenses (secondary cost
and/or responsibility for costs. The cost elements).
center number indicates a university Primary Cost Elements
division or health system entity, A primary cost or revenue element is the
department or functional unit and/ or sub- same revenue or expense general ledger
department or other sub-organization (G/L) account that exists in Financial
level. Every cost center in Controlling (CO) Accounting (FI).
corresponds to a funds center in the FM A primary cost or revenue element in
module. Controlling can only be created if it has
Cost centers already been defined as a G/L account in
Cost centers represent an organizational the chart of accounts and created as an
structure used to report where costs are account in FI, since the SAP system checks
incurred. Cost centers will represent the whether a corresponding account exists in
lowest organizational level where costs are FI or not.
collected and reported. Cost centers will When creating a journal entry in Financial
be designed on a one to one basis with Accounting, the system creates one
funds centers. Since cost centers are document in the General Ledger and an
master data, they will be centrally additional document in the Controlling
maintained to ensure data integrity. module, utilizing the cost elements.
Cost Collector
A cost collector is a generic term used to Secondary Cost Elements
describe a Cost Center, an Internal Order
or a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Secondary cost elements can only be
element. created and administered in Controlling
Cost Element (CO). They are used for internal activities,
A cost element in CO corresponds to a such as activity allocations and overhead
revenue or expense general ledger calculations.
account in the chart of accounts. There are Transactions that use secondary cost
Primary and Secondary Cost Elements. elements only affect Controlling balances
Primary Cost Elements - correlate and postings.
one for one to general ledger In integrated scenarios using SAP Public
expense or revenue accounts. Sector, these transactions are also posted
Secondary Cost Elements are used to Funds Management and Grants
for revenue and cost allocations Management.
across the Client / Enterprise within The CO ledger is then periodically
the Controlling Module. synchronized with the General Ledger for
A cost element corresponds to a revenue all CO transactions that allocated costs or
and expense account in the chart of revenues across Business Area, Fund or
accounts. Postings to Controlling are Grant.
limited to revenues and expenses Balance
sheet accounts are not posted in the Cost element groups
Controlling module. Cost element groups are used to group
There is a 1 to 1 relationship between together revenues and expenses with
expense and revenue accounts in the similar characteristics. Examples of similar
Chart of Accounts and Cost Elements in characteristics: Salaries and wages, fringe
the Controlling module (primary cost benefits, travel, student aid, interest,
elements). Besides these cost elements, depreciation, etc.
Controlling can post to cost elements that
Cost center groups Costing Type
A combination of multiple cost centers into
groups according to various criteria. In the costing type, we define which field
Cost center groups permit evaluations for in the material master record the costing
each decision-making, responsibility, or results can be transferred to:
control area, and support the processes Standard cost estimate as the
during planning and internal allocations. standard price or the field
Transfer Control commercial price.
The purpose of partial costing is to prevent You can also specify that no update
the system from creating a new cost take place in the material master.
estimate for a material when costing data Further you define here which
already exists. Instead, the existing valuation view is costed. Legal,
costing data is simply transferred into the Group or profit center (in case
new cost estimate. This improves material ledger is activated)
performance. A function for planning costs and setting
Partial costing is particularly useful in the prices for materials without using the data
following situations: from Production Planning and Control.
You want to cost a new product. The Product cost collector
BOM for this product contains A cost object in the Product Cost by Period
materials that have already been component that collects the actual costs
costed, and you do not want to cost incurred in each period for the
these materials again. manufacture of a material. Products cost
You want to cost all new products collectors place the focus on the product
during the fiscal year. You define a as the cost object.
costing run that includes all Allocation Structure
materials, and use transfer control Allocation Structure allocates the costs
so that only new products are incurred on a sender by cost element or
selected cost element group. The allocation
Reference variants structure is used for settlement and for
Reference variants allow you to create assessment.
material cost estimates or costing runs An assignment assigns a cost element or
based on the same quantity structure for cost element group to an settlement or
the purpose of improving performance or assessment cost element. Each allocation
making reliable comparisons. structure contains a number of such
The quantity structure is the basis for assignments.
costing. It contains all network data The allocation structure must meet the
needed for the calculation. The system following criteria:
values the quantity structure using a Completeness
costing variant. The costing variant For a settlement or assessment to be
contains the criteria for costing and executed correctly, the allocation
comprises a costing type and valuation structure must represent all cost
variants for materials, internal services, elements under which costs are
and external services. It also includes a incurred.
costing sheet for the overheads, and an Un ambiguity
overhead key. A given cost element may only exist
The overhead is calculated once in an allocation structure.
automatically as a part of costing. Value Fields
Depending on the network type in Value Fields are only required in costing-
question, the planned costs are recorded based Profitability Analysis. These are the
in the network header or activity fields that contain the currency amounts
and quantities that you want to analyze in Whether results analysis is revenue-
CO-PA. They represent the structure of based, quantity-based or manual
your costs and revenues. On which basis (planned or actual
Primary cost component split data) results analysis is carried out
The primary cost component split is an How profits are realized
alternative way of showing the cost of Whether the inventory, reserves
goods manufactured of a product. This and cost of sales are to be split
cost component split assigns the primary
cost elements for the cost center or the Results Analysis category
process to the cost components, in so A results analysis category allows you to
doing sending information necessary for define parameters such as whether a
setting the activity price for the activity group of costs can be capitalized or not.
type or the costs for the process. Valuation variant
The primary costs from Overhead Cost The aim of this activity is to define
Controlling can either be transferred strategy sequences for valuating material
directly into the primary cost component components and services within a product
split of the product, or assigned to other cost estimate. These valuation strategies
cost components. In this way, you can are assigned to a costing variant and
explode the costs for specific internal provide the basis for carrying out product
activities partly by their primary costs, and cost estimates/inventory costing.
combine them partly as secondary costs. Costing Variant
We can transfer the primary cost The aim of this activity is to define a
component split of the internal activities costing variant for balance sheet valuation
directly into the cost estimate, or assign it according to local legislation. Costing
to other cost components. It is also variants include the following components:
possible to break down certain activities costing type, valuation variant, date
only partially into their primary costs, or control, quantity structure control, and
report them as secondary costs. transfer control.
Results analysis Costing Versions
Results analysis means a periodic Method of distinguishing two or more cost
valuation of long-term orders. estimates for the same material. Costing
Results analysis valuates the ratio versions enable you to:
between costs and a base for the order's Create and save multiple cost
progress towards completion, such as estimates for a given material
revenue or quantity produced. without the cost estimates
Results Analysis Key overwriting each other
The key determines how the work in In this case you use the costing version
process is calculated. without making further Customizing
Key specifying that the object is to be settings.
selected during results analysis or when Utilize other control parameters for
work in process is calculated. A number of costing (such as transfer prices,
valuation control parameters are linked to exchange rate types for converting
this key. currencies, or quantity structure
The results-analysis key is a technical term types for mixed costing) without
used to control how the objects are having to use a new costing variant
valuated during results analysis. In this case you specify these control
The assignment of a results-analysis key parameters in the costing version in
to an object determines amongst other Customizing.
things Cost Base
Quantity on which the displayed costs are Material cost elements
based. Settlement cost elements for orders
Cost Breakdown Cost elements for allocating internal
Contains the data for creating a detailed activities
overview of the cost origins of a cost Cost element Itemization
estimate. Here, the individual documents Splits the individual costing items
are managed, along with their costs for according to cost element (such as
the materials used material costs or personnel costs).
Production cost centers If an origin group has been entered in the
Activity standard rates stored material master, the costs for each
External activities material cost element can also be split by
Overhead rates origin group.
Cost Element Layout
Cost Center Report layout that determines the line
Organizational unit within a controlling layout of a report according to cost
area that represents a defined location of element.
cost incurrence. The definition can be Cost Estimate with Quantity Structure
based on: Function for planning costs and setting
Functional requirements prices for materials using the data from
Allocation criteria Production Planning.
Physical location This data (the quantity structure) is
Cost center category determined by the system automatically.
Responsibility for costs The quantity structure can be any of the
BOM and routing (production by lot
Attribute that determines the type of cost size)
center. BOM and rate routing (repetitive
Example: F = Production cost center , H manufacturing)
= Service cost center Master recipe (process
Cost center group manufacturing)
Hierarchical group of cost centers defined
and organized according to selected
criteria. Cost Estimate without Quantity
Cost component group Structure
Group of cost components in a multilevel Function for planning costs and setting
BOM, presenting a condensed view of cost prices for materials without using the data
components in the information system. from Production Planning and Control.
This cost component group is not the We have to manually enter the items to be
same as the cost component group used costed, such as ,(materials and activities)
in Report Writer reports into a unit cost estimate.
The cost component group is a copy of the
cost component structure. It can contain
up to 40 cost components. This cost Cost object category
component group is not the same as the Specifies how a particular cost object ID is
cost component group in the information used.
system. Examples:
Cost Element category In the Product Cost by Period
Classification of cost elements according component, the cost object
to their usage or origin. category can indicate that the cost
Examples of cost element categories: object ID is being used as a cost
object node in a cost object Cost Object Profile
hierarchy Contains default values for product
In the Costs for Intangible Goods costing.
and Services component, the cost For example, entries made in the cost
object category can indicate that object profile for the following will appear
the cost object ID is being used as a as default values in the master record of
general cost object the cost object ID:
In the Product Cost Controlling Costing sheet
Information System, the cost object Overhead key
category can indicate that the cost Settlement profile
object ID is being used as a CO Cost rollup
product group Process in material costing in which a
Cost Object Id material is assigned the costs of the
Object in cost accounting to which costs materials located below it in a multilevel
can be assigned to reflect how they are BOM..
incurred. Costing Run
Examples Provides the opportunity to cost multiple
In Activity-Based Costing (CO-OM- materials at the same time.
ABC), cost object IDs are used to In Product Cost Planning, costing runs are
represent cost objects to which used to cost materials based on planning
process costs can be allocated. data. This type of costing run is based on
In the Costs for Intangible Goods a user-defined name and a date.
and Services component, cost In Actual Costing/Material Ledger, costing
object IDs are used to represent runs are used to cost materials with actual
intangible goods and services. In data. This type of costing run is based on
this component they are called a costing run profile and a period.
general cost objects. Product cost collector
In the Product Cost by Period Product cost collector is a cost object
component, cost object IDs are used where the total costs for the manufacture
to create cost object hierarchies. In of a product is collected during the period.
cost object hierarchies, cost object The costing for this particular object
IDs are called cost object nodes. requires a costing variant similar to the
In the Information System for the costing variant which we created for
Product Cost by Period component product cost planning. The costs collected
and the Product Cost by Order on this object are settled at the month end
component, you can use cost object to the material.
IDs to create CO product groups.
You can create CO product groups
for reporting purposes in the
information system. CO product Allocation structure An allocation
groups can use cost object IDs for structure allocates the costs incurred on a
reporting purposes. sender by cost element or cost element
If the Activity-Based Costing group, and it is used for settlement and
component (CO-OM-ABC) is used for assessment. An assignment maps a cost
statistical purposes, cost object IDs element or cost element group to a
are used to represent cost objects settlement or assessment cost element.
to which the process costs are Each allocation structure contains a
allocated. number of such assignments.

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