phdQusuayAlqifiarydiferencne PDF
phdQusuayAlqifiarydiferencne PDF
phdQusuayAlqifiarydiferencne PDF
This thesis has been written under the supervision of my mentor Prof. dr. Julka
Knezevic-Miljanovic at the University of Belgrade in the academic year 2014-2015.
The aim of this study is to investigate Hyers-Ulam stability of some types of
dierential equations, and to study a generalized Hyers-Ulam stability and as
well as a special case of the Hyers-Ulam stability problem, which is called the
superstability. Therefore, when there is a dierential equation, we answer the
three main questions:
1- Does this equation have Hyers -Ulam stability?
2- What are the conditions under which the dierential equation has stability ?
3- What is a Hyers-Ulam constant of the dierential equation?
The thesis is divided into three chapters. Chapter 1 is divided into 3 sections. In
this chapter, we introduce some sucient( conditions ) under which each solution
of the linear dierential equation u (t) + 1 + (t) u(t) = 0 is bounded. Apart
from this we prove the Hyers-Ulam stability of it and the nonlinear dierential
equations of the form u (t) + F (t, u(t)) = 0, by using the Gronwall lemma and
we prove the Hyers-Ulam stability of the second-order linear dierential equations
with boundary conditions. In addition to that we establish the superstability
of linear dierential equations of second-order and higher order with continuous
coecients and with constant coecients, respectively. Chapter 2 is divided into
2 sections. In this chapter, by using the Laplace transform method, we prove
that the linear dierential equation of the nth-order y (n) (t) + k y (k) (t) = f (t)
has the generalized Hyers-Ulam stability. And we prove also the Hyers-Ulam-
Rassias stability of the second-order linear dierential equations with initial and
boundary conditions, as well as linear dierential equations of higher order in the
form of y (n) (x) + (x)y(x) = 0, with initial conditions. Furthermore, we establish
the generalized superstability of dierential equations of nth-order with initial
conditions and investigate the generalized superstability of dierential equations
of second-order in the form of y (x)+p(x)y (x)+q(x)y(x) = 0. Chapter 3 is divided
into 2 sections. In this chapter, by applying the fixed point alternative method,
we give a necessary and sucient condition in order that the first order linear
Alqifiary Abstract ii
redovni profesor dr Julka Knezevic-Miljanovic
Matematicki fakultet,
Univerzitet u Beogradu
redovni profesor dr Bosko Jovanovic
Matematicki fakultet,
Univerzitet u Beogradu
Datum odbrane:
A special thanks to my family and friends, for their full support, patience and
Qusuay Alqifiary
This subject dates back to the talk given by the Polish-American mathematician
Ulam at the University of Wisconsin in 1940 (see [40]). In that talk, Ulam asked
whether an approximate solution of a functional equation must be near an exact
solution of that equation. This asking of Ulam is stated as follows:
Theorem 0.0.1. Let G1 be a group and let G2 be a metric group with a metric
d(., .). Given > 0, does there exist a > 0 such that if a function h : G1 G2
satisfies the inequality d(h(xy).h(x)h(y)) < for all x, y G1 , then there is a
homomorphism H : G1 G2 with d(h(x), H(x)) < for all x G1 ?
One year later, a partial answer to this question was given by D. H. Hyers [5] for
additive functions defined on Banach spaces:
f (x + y) f (x) f (y) ,
exists for each x X1 , and A : X1 X2 is the unique additive function such that
f (x) A(x)
This result is called the Hyers-Ulam Stability of additive Cauchy equation g(x +
y) = g(x)+g(y). After Hyerss result, many mathematicians have extended Ulams
Alqifiary Introduction vi
for some 0, p with 0 p < 1 and for any x, y X1 , then there exists a unique
additive function A : X1 X2 such that
f (x) A(x) xp
2 2p
for each x X1 . If, in addition, f (tx) is continuous in t for each fixed x X1 ,
then the function A is linear.
The stability phenomenon of this kind is called the Generalized Hyers-Ulam Sta-
bility (or Hyers-Ulam-Rassias stability). A generalization of Ulams problem was
recently proposed by replacing functional equations with dierential equations:
The dierential equation (f, y, y , . . . , y (n) ) = 0 has Hyers-Ulam stability if for
given > 0 and a function y such that |(f, y, y , . . . , y (n) )| , there exists
a solution ya of the dierential equation such that |y(t) ya (t)| K() and
lim0 K() = 0. If the preceding statement is also true when we replace and
K() by (t) and (t), where , are appropriate functions not depending on y
and ya explicitly, then we say that the corresponding dierential equation has the
generalized Hyers-Ulam stability (or Hyers-Ulam-Rassias stability).
Obloza seems to be the first author who has investigated the Hyers-Ulam stability
of linear dierential equations (see [21, 22]). Thereafter, Alsina and Ger published
their paper [3], which handles the Hyers-Ulam stability of the linear dierential
equation y (t) = y(t): If a dierentiable function y(t) is a solution of the inequality
|y (t) y(t)| for any t (a, ), then there exists a constant c such that
|y(t) cet | 3 for all t (a, ). Since then, this problem now known as
the problem of Hyers-Ulam stability - has been extensively investigated for the
algebraic, functional, dierential, integral, and operator equations.
Alqifiary Introduction vii
Those previous results were extended to the Hyers-Ulam stability of linear dier-
ential equations of first order [3337, 42, 43].
Rus investigated the Hyers-Ulam stability of dierential and integral equations
using the Gronwall lemma and the technique of weakly Picard operators (see [13,
14]). Recently, The results given in [36, 42, 45] have been generalized by Cimpean
and Popa [10] and by Popa and Rasa [8, 9] for the linear dierential equations.
In 1979, J.Baker, J. Lawrence and F. Zorzitto[16] proved a new type of stability
of the exponential equation f (x + y) = f (x)f (y). More precisely, they proved
that if a complex-valued mapping f defined on a normed vector space satisfies
the inequality |f (x + y) f (x)f (y)| for some given > 0 and for all x, y,
then either f is bounded or f is exponential. Such a phenomenon is called the
superstability of the exponential equation, which is a special kind of Hyers-Ulam
stability. It seems that the results of P. Gavruta, S. Jung and Y. Li [23] are the
earliest one concerning the superstability of dierential equations.
This thesis is about stability of some types of dierential equations, where we
introduce this thesis in three chapters.
Chapter one is titled by Hyers-Ulam stability of Dierential Equations. This
chapter consists of three sections. In section 1.1, we introduce some sucient
conditions under which each solution of the linear dierential equation (1.1.2) is
bounded. As well as we prove the Hyers-Ulam stability of the linear dierential
equations of the form (1.1.2). In section 1.2, we prove the Hyers-Ulam stability
of the nonlinear dierential equations of the form (1.2.1) by using the Gronwall
lemma. In section 1.3, we prove the Hyers-Ulam stability of the second-order linear
dierential equations with boundary conditions. Furthermore, the superstability
of linear dierential equations with constant coecients.
Chapter two is titled by Generlaized Hyers-Ulam stability of Dierential equa-
tions. This chapter consists of two sections. In section 2.1, by using the Laplace
transform method, we prove that the linear dierential equation of the nth-order
y (n) (t) + k y (k) (t) = f (t)
has the generalized Hyers-Ulam stability, where k is a scalar, y and f are n times
continuously dierentiable and of exponential order, respectively. In section 2.2,
we establish the generalized superstability of dierential equations of nth-order
with initial conditions and investigate the generalized superstability of dieren-
tial equations of second-order in the form of y (x) + p(x)y (x) + q(x)y(x) = 0.
In additional, we prove the Hyers-Ulam-Rassias stability of the second-order lin-
ear dierential equations with initial and boundary conditions as well as linear
dierential equations of higher order in the form of
y (n) (x) + (x)y(x) = 0,
Alqifiary Introduction viii
Abstract i
Acknowledgements iv
Introduction v
List of papers 62
Bibliography 63
Chapter 1
Hyers-Ulam Stability of
Dierential Equations
In this subsection, we first introduce and prove a lemma which is a kind of the
Gronwall inequality.
for all t t0 .
t v(t)
c + t0 u( )v( )d
Alqifiary Hyers-Ulam Sability of The Solutions of Dierential Equations 2
for all t t0 . Integrating both sides of the last inequality from t0 to t, we obtain
( t ) t
ln c + u( )v( )d ln c v( )d
t0 t0
or t ( t )
c+ u( )v( )d c exp v( )d
t0 t0
for all t t0 .
is bounded.
Proof. First, we choose t0 large enough so that 1 + (t) 1/2 for all t t0 .
Multiplying (1.1.2) by u (t) and integrating it from t0 to t, we obtain
1 2 1
u (t) + u(t) + 2
( )u( )u ( )d = c1
2 2 t0
for any t t0 .
In view of Lemma 1.1.1, (1.1.4) and our hypothesis, there exists a constant M1 > 0
such that ( t )
u(t) 4|c2 | exp
2| ( )|d < M12
for all t t0 . On the other hand, since u is continuous, there exists a constant
M2 > 0 such that |u(t)| M2 for all 0 t t0 , which completes the proof.
Given constants L > 0 and t0 0, let U (L; t0 ) denote the set of all functions
u : [t0 , ) R with the following properties:
(i) u is twice continuously dierentiable;
for all t t0 and for some 0, then there exist a solution u0 U (L; t0 ) of the
dierential equation (1.1.2) and a constant K > 0 such that
|u(t) u0 (t)| K (1.1.7)
for all t t0 . If we integrate each term of the last inequalities from t0 to t, then
it follows from (ii) that
t t t
1 2 1
|u ( )|d u (t) + u(t) + 2
( )u( )u ( )d |u ( )|d
t0 2 2 t0 t0
for any t t0 .
Integrating by parts and using (iii), we have
1 1 1 1
L u (t)2 + u(t)2 + (t)u(t)2 ( )u( )2 d L (1.1.8)
2 2 2 2 t0
for all t t0 .
Since 1 + > 0 holds for all t t0 , it follows from (1.1.8) that
1+ 1 1+ 1 1( )
u(t)2 u (t)2 + u(t)2 u (t)2 + 1 + (t) u(t)2
2 2 2 2 2
1 t
L + ( )u( )2 d
2 t0
1 t
L + | ( )|u( )2 d
2 t0
or t
2L 1
+ | ( )|u( )2 d
1+ 1+ t0
for any t t0 .
Applying Lemma 1.1.1, we obtain
( t ) ( )
2L 1 2L C
u(t) 2
exp | ( )|d exp
1+ 1 + t0 1+ 1+
Alqifiary Hyers-Ulam Sability of The Solutions of Dierential Equations 5
for all t t0 and for some 0, then there exist a solution u0 U (L; t0 ) of the
dierential equation (1.1.5) and a constant K > 0 such that
|u(t) u0 (t)| K
( C ) 2L
for any t t0 , where K := exp 2
for all t 0 and for some 0 and L > 0. According to Corollary 1.1.5, there
exists a solution u0 : [0, ) R of the dierential equation, y (t) + ay(t) = 0,
such that
|u(t) u0 (t)|
Alqifiary Hyers-Ulam Sability of The Solutions of Dierential Equations 6
for any t 0.
Indeed, if we define a function u : [0, ) R by
u(t) := 2
cos at + 2
sin at ,
(t + 1) a(t + 1)
where we set = L, then u satisfies the conditions stated in the first part
a+ a+2
of this example, as we see in the following. It follows from the definition of u that
( ) ( )
2 2 a 4
u (t) = 2
cos at 2
+ 3
sin at
(t + 1) (t + 1) (t + 1) a(t + 1)
and hence, we get u(0) = u (0) = 0. Moreover, we obtain
( )
2 + a 4
u (t) + 2
(t + 1) 2 a (t + 1)3
( )
2+ a 4
u ( )d = d + 2 d
( + 1)2 a ( + 1)3
0 0
( 0
( ) 2
= 2+ a + 1
= L.
For any given > 0, if we choose the constant such that 0 <
a a+4a+2 a+12
then we can easily see that
u (t) + au(t)
( )
8 6
+ cos at
(t + 1) 3 (t + 1) 4
( )
4 a 1 12
+ + sin at a
(t + 1)3 a (t + 1)4
( ) ( )
8 6 4 a 1 12
+ + + a
(t + 1)3 (t + 1)4 (t + 1)3 a (t + 1)4
a a + 4a + 2 a + 12
for any t 0.
Alqifiary Hyers-Ulam Sability of The Solutions of Dierential Equations 7
for any t t0 .
Proof. We multiply (1.1.6) with |u (t)| to get
|u (t)| u (t)u (t) + u(t)u (t) + (t)u(t)u (t) |u (t)|
for all t t0 . If we integrate each term of the last inequalities from t0 to t, then
it follows from (ii) that
t t t
1 2 1
|u ( )|d u (t) + u(t) + 2
( )u( )u ( )d |u ( )|d
t0 2 2 t0 t0
for any t t0 .
Integrating by parts, the last inequalities together with (iii) yield
1 2 1 1 1 t
L u (t) + u(t) + (t)u(t)
2 2
( )u( )2 d L
2 2 2 2 t0
for all t t0 . Then we have
1 1 t ( ) ( )
( )u( ) d + L L +
u( )2 d
2 2 t0 t0 ( ) 2
for any t t0 .
Applying Lemma 1.1.1, we obtain
( )
1 t
( ) (t)
(t)u(t)2 L exp d = L
2 t0 ( ) (t0 )
for all t t0 , since : [t0 , ) (0, ) is a monotone increasing function. Hence,
it holds that
(t0 )
for any t t0 . Obviously, u0 (t) 0 satisfies the equation (1.1.2), u0 U (L; t0 ),
as well as the inequality (1.1.9) for all t t0 .
Alqifiary Hyers-Ulam Sability of The Solutions of Dierential Equations 8
for all t t0 and for some > 0, then there exists a solution u0 U (L; t0 ) of the
dierential equation (1.1.5) such that
|u(t) u0 (t)| 2L
for any t t0 .
for all t t0 and for some > 0, then there exists a solution u0 U (L; t0 ) of the
dierential equation
( )
u (t) + 1 (t) u(t) = 0
such that
|u(t) u0 (t)| 2L
for any t t0 .
for all t 0 and for some > 0 and L > 0. According to Corollary 1.1.8, there
exists a solution u0 : [0, ) R of the dierential equation,
( )
y (t) + 3 et y(t) = 0, such that
|u(t) u0 (t)| 2L
for any t 0.
Indeed, if we define a function u : [0, ) R by
u(t) := sin t + cos t ,
(t + 1)3 2 (t + 1)2 2
where is a real number with || 2
, then u satisfies the conditions stated
in the first part of this example, as we see in the following. It follows from the
definition of u that
3 1
u (t) = 4
sin t sin t
(t + 1) 2 (t + 1)2
and hence, we get u(0) = u (0) = 0. Moreover, we obtain
u (t) 3|| + 1 ||
(t + 1)4 2 (t + 1)2
1 ||
u ( )d d + d =: L < .
0 0 ( + 1)4 0 2 ( + 1)2
We can see that
( )
u (t) + 3 et u(t)
12 3 ( )
sin t 4
cos t + 4 et sin t
(t + 1) (t + 1) (t + 1)3
2 et 3 et
+ cos t
2 (t + 1)2 2
12|| 3|| 4|| || 3
+ + + + ||
(t + 1)5 (t + 1)4 (t + 1)3 (t + 1)2 2
for any t 0.
Alqifiary Hyers-Ulam Sability of The Solutions of Dierential Equations 10
Theorem 1.2.1. [28] Given constants L > 0 and t0 0, assume that F : [t0 , )
R (0, ) is a function satisfying F (t, u(t))/F (t, u(t)) > 0 and F (t, 0) = 1 for
all t t0 and u U (L; t0 ). If a function u : [t0 , ) [0, ) satisfies u U (L; t0 )
and the inequality
u (t) + F (t, u(t)) (1.2.2)
for all t t0 and for some > 0, then there exists a solution u0 : [t0 , ) [0, )
of the dierential equation (1.2.2) such that
|u(t) u0 (t)| L
for any t t0 .
Proof. We multiply (1.2.2) with |u (t)| to get
|u (t)| u (t)u (t) + F (t, u(t))u (t) |u (t)|
for all t t0 . If we integrate each term of the last inequalities from t0 to t, then
it follows from (ii) that
t t t
1 2
|u ( )|d u (t) + F (, u( ))u ( )d |u ( )|d
t0 2 t0 t0
for any t t0 .
Integrating by parts and using (iii), the last inequalities yield
1 2
L u (t) + F (t, u(t))u(t) F (, u( ))u( )d L
2 t0
for any t t0 .
Applying Lemma 1.1.1, we obtain
( )
F (, u( ))
F (t, u(t))u(t) L exp d = LF (t, u(t))
t0 F (, u( ))
for all t t0 . Hence, it holds that |u(t)| L for any t t0 . Obviously, u0 (t) 0
satisfies the equation (1.2.1) and u0 U (L; t0 ) such that
|u(t) u0 (t)| L
for all t t0 .
Theorem 1.2.2. [28] Given constants L > 0 and t0 0, assume that h : [t0 , )
(0, ) is a dierentiable function. Let be an odd integer larger than 0. If a
function u : [t0 , ) [0, ) satisfies u U (L; t0 ) and the inequality
u (t) + h(t)u(t) (1.2.4)
for all t t0 and for some > 0, then there exists a solution u0 : [t0 , ) [0, )
of the dierential equation (1.2.3) such that
( )1/
|u(t) u0 (t)|
h(t0 )
for any t t0 , where := + 1.
Proof. We multiply (1.2.4) with |u (t)| to get
for all t t0 . If we integrate each term of the last inequalities from t0 to t, then
it follows from (ii) that
t t t
1 2
|u ( )|d u (t) + h( )u( ) u ( )d |u ( )|d
t0 2 t0 t0
Alqifiary Hyers-Ulam Sability of The Solutions of Dierential Equations 12
for any t t0 .
Integrating by parts and using (iii), the last inequalities yield
1 2 u(t)+1 u( )+1
L u (t) + h(t) h ( ) d L
2 +1 t0 +1
for any t t0 .
Applying Lemma 1.1.1, we obtain
( )
u(t)+1 t
h ( ) h(t)
h(t) L exp d L
+1 t0 h( ) h(t0 )
( + 1)L
h(t0 )
for all t t0 .
Given constants L 0, M > 0, and t0 0, let U (L; M ; t0 ) denote the set of all
functions u : [t0 , ) R with the following properties:
for all t t0 and for some > 0, then there exists a solution u0 : [t0 , ) R of
the dierential equation (1.2.5) such that
( )
|u(t) u0 (t)| 2M exp
for any t t0 .
for all t t0 . If we integrate each term of the last inequalities from t0 to t, then
it follows from (ii ) that
t t t
1 2 1
|u ( )|d u (t) + u(t) + 2
h( )u( ) u ( )d |u ( )|d
t0 2 2 t0 t0
for any t t0 .
Integrating by parts and using (ii ) and (iv ), the last inequalities yield
1 2 1 1 1
M u (t) + u(t) + h(t)
u(t) +1
h ( )u( )+1 d M
2 2 +1 + 1 t0
Alqifiary Hyers-Ulam Sability of The Solutions of Dierential Equations 14
for any t t0 .
Applying Lemma 1.1.1, we obtain
( t 1 ) ( )
1 2L 2CL1
u(t) M exp
|h ( )|d M exp
2 t0 + 1 +1
for all t t0 .
(b a)2
max |y(x)| max |y (x)|.
xI 8 xI
Alqifiary Hyers-Ulam Sability of The Solutions of Dierential Equations 15
Proof. Let M := max |y(x)|. Since y(a) = 0 = y(b), there exists x0 (a, b) such
that |y(x0 )| = M . By the Taylors theorem, we have
y ()
y(a) = y(x0 ) + y (x0 )(a x0 ) + (a x0 )2 ,
y ()
y(b) = y(x0 ) + y (x0 )(b x0 ) + (b x0 )2
for some , [a, b]. Since y(a) = y(b) = 0 and y (x0 ) = 0, we get
2M 2M
|y ()| = , |y ()| = .
(a x0 )2 (b x0 )2
( ]
If x0 a, (a + b)/2 , then we have
2M 2M 8M
( )2 = .
(a x0 )2 ba (b a)2
[ )
If x0 (a + b)/2, b , then we have
2M 2M 8M
( ) = .
(b x0 )2 ba 2
(b a)2
Hence, we obtain
8M 8
max |y (x)| = max |y(x)|.
xI (b a)2 (b a)2 xI
(b a)2
max |y(x)| max |y (x)|,
xI 8 xI
Lemma 1.3.2. [29] Let I = [a, b] be a closed interval with < a < b < . If
y C 2 (I, R) and y(a) = 0 = y (a), then
(b a)2
max |y(x)| max |y (x)|.
xI 2 xI
for some [a, b]. Since y(a) = y (a) = 0 and (x a)2 (b a)2 , we get
|y ()|
|y(x)| (b a)2
for any x I. Thus, we obtain
(b a)2
max |y(x)| max |y (x)|,
xI 2 xI
where I = [a, b], y C 2 (I, R), C(I, R), and < a < b < .
Theorem 1.3.3. [29] Given a closed interval I = [a, b], let C(I, R) be a
function satisfying max |(x)| < 8/(b a)2 . If a function y C 2 (I, R) satisfies
the inequality
for all x I and for some 0, as well as the boundary conditions in (1.3.2),
then there exist a constant K > 0 and a solution y0 C 2 (I, R) of the dierential
equation (1.3.1) with the boundary conditions in (1.3.2) such that
|y(x) y0 (x)| K
for any x I.
Alqifiary Hyers-Ulam Sability of The Solutions of Dierential Equations 17
(b a)2
max |y(x)| max |y (x)|.
xI 8 xI
(b a)2 (b a)2
max |y(x)| max |y (x) + (x)y(x)| + max |(x)| max |y(x)|
xI 8 xI 8 xI xI
(b a) 2
(b a) 2
+ max |(x)| max |y(x)|.
8 8 xI xI
Let C := (ba)
and K := 1C maxC
. Obviously, y0 0 is a solution of (1.3.1)
with the boundary conditions in (1.3.2) and
|y(x) y0 (x)| K
for any x I.
|y(x) y0 (x)| K
for any x I.
(b a)2
max |y(x)| max |y (x)|.
xI 2 xI
(b a)2 (b a)2
max |y(x)| max |y (x) + (x)y(x)| + max |(x)| max |y(x)|
xI 2 xI 2 xI xI
(b a) 2
(b a) 2
+ max |(x)| max |y(x)|.
2 2 xI xI
Alqifiary Hyers-Ulam Sability of The Solutions of Dierential Equations 18
Let C := (ba)
and K := 1C max C
. Obviously, y0 0 is a solution of (1.3.1)
with the initial conditions in (1.3.3) and
|y(x) y0 (x)| K
for all x I.
for any x I and max |(x)| < 8/(b a)2 . If a function y C 2 (I, R) satisfies
the inequality
for all x I and for some 0 as well as the boundary conditions in (1.3.6),
then there exist a constant K > 0 and a solution y0 C 2 (I, R) of the dierential
equation (1.3.5) with the boundary conditions in (1.3.6) such that
for any x I.
Alqifiary Hyers-Ulam Sability of The Solutions of Dierential Equations 19
Proof. Suppose y C 2 (I, R) satisfies the inequality (1.3.9) for all x I. Let us
for all x I.
Now, it follows from (1.3.8) and (1.3.9) that
( ) ( x )
z (x) + q(x) 1 p (x) 1 p(x)2 z(x) = u(x) exp 1 p( )d eL/2 ,
2 4 2 a
that is,
z(a) = 0 = z(b).
for all x I.
We now set
( x )
y0 (x) := z0 (x) exp p( )d . (1.3.14)
2 a
Alqifiary Hyers-Ulam Sability of The Solutions of Dierential Equations 20
Then, since
( x ) ( )
1 1 1 x
y0 (x) = z0 (x) exp p( )d p(x)z0 (x) exp p( )d ,
a 2 2 2 a
( x ) ( x )
1 1
y0 (x) = z0 (x) exp p( )d p(x)z0 (x) exp p( )d (1.3.16)
2 a 2 a
( )
1 1 x
p (x)z0 (x) exp p( )d
2 2 a
( )
1 1 x
+ p(x) z0 (x) exp
p( )d ,
4 2 a
it follows from (1.3.12), (1.3.14), (1.3.15), and (1.3.16) that
y0 (x) + p(x)y0 (x) + q(x)y0 (x)
( ( ) ) ( )
1 1 1 x
= z0 (x) + q(x) p (x) p(x) z0 (x) exp
p( )d
2 4 2 a
for all x I. Hence, y0 satisfies (1.3.5) and the boundary conditions in (1.3.6).
Finally, it follows from (1.3.8) and (1.3.13) that
( ) ( )
1 x 1 x
|y(x) y0 (x)| = z(x) exp p( )d z0 (x) exp p( )d
2 a 2 a
( x )
= |z(x) z0 (x)| exp p( )d
2 a
( )
1 x
Ke exp
p( )d
2 a
for all x I.
Theorem 1.3.6. [29] Assume that there exists a constant L 0 such that (1.3.8)
holds for all x I. Assume moreover that max |(x)| < 2/(b a)2 . If a function
y C 2 (I, R) satisfies the inequality (1.3.9) for all x I and for some 0 as
well as the initial conditions in (1.3.7), then there exist a constant K > 0 and a
solution y0 C 2 (I, R) of the dierential equation (1.3.5) with the initial conditions
in (1.3.7) such that
for any x I.
Proof. Suppose y C 2 (I, R) satisfies the inequality (1.3.9) for any x I. Let
us define u(x) and z(x) as in (1.3.10) and (1.3.11), respectively. By (1.3.10) and
(1.3.11), we obtain
( ) ( x )
1 1 1
z (x) + q(x) p (x) p(x) z(x) = u(x) exp
p( )d
2 4 2 a
for all x I.
Now, it follows from (1.3.8) and (1.3.9) that
( ) ( x )
1 1 1
z (x) + q(x) p (x) p(x) z(x) = u(x) exp
p( )d eL/2 ,
2 4 2 a
that is,
z(a) = 0 = z (a).
for any x I.
We now set
( x )
y0 (x) := z0 (x) exp p( )d .
2 a
Moreover, since
( x ) ( )
1 1 1 x
y0 (x) = z0 (x) exp p( )d p(x)z0 (x) exp p( )d
2 a 2 2 a
Alqifiary Hyers-Ulam Sability of The Solutions of Dierential Equations 22
( x ) ( x )
1 1
y0 (x) = z0 (x) exp p( )d
p(x)z0 (x) exp p( )d
2 2
) a
1 1 x
p (x)z0 (x) exp p( )d
2 2 a
( )
1 1 x
+ p(x) z0 (x) exp
p( )d ,
4 2 a
we have
for any x I. Hence, y0 satisfies (1.3.5) along with the initial conditions in (1.3.7).
Finally, it follows that
( x ) ( x )
1 1
|y(x) y0 (x)| = z(x) exp p( )d z0 (x) exp p( )d
2 a 2 a
( x )
= |z(x) z0 (x)| exp p( )d
2 a
( )
1 x
Ke exp
p( )d
2 a
for all x I.
k (x) l(x)
y (x) + y (x) + y(x) = 0 (1.3.17)
k(x) k(x)
where y C 2 (I, R), k C 1 (I, R\{0}), l C(I, R), and < a < b < .
Given a closed interval I = [a, b], we set
( )2
l(x) 1 d k (x) 1 k (x)
(x) :=
k(x) 2 dx k(x) 4 k(x)
for all x I.
for any x I and max |(x)| < 8/(b a)2 . If a function y C 2 (I, R) satisfies
the inequality
y (x) + k (x) y (x) + l(x) y(x) , (1.3.21)
k(x) k(x)
for all x I and some 0, as well as the boundary conditions in (1.3.18),
then there exist a constant K > 0 and a solution y0 C 2 (I, R) of the dierential
equation (1.3.17) with the boundary conditions in (1.3.18) such that
for any x I.
Proof. Suppose y C 2 (I, R) satisfies (1.3.21) for all x I. Let us define
k (x) l(x)
u(x) := y (x) + y (x) + y(x), (1.3.22)
k(x) k(x)
( x )
1 k ( )
z(x) := y(x) exp d (1.3.23)
2 a k( )
for all x I. By (1.3.22) and (1.3.23), we obtain
( ( )2 ) ( x )
l(x) 1 d k (x) 1 k (x) 1 k ( )
z (x) + z(x) = u(x) exp d .
k(x) 2 dx k(x) 4 k(x) 2 a k( )
Further, it follows from (1.3.20) and (1.3.21) that
( ( )2 ) ( x )
l(x) 1 d k
(x) 1 k (x) 1 k ( )
z (x) + z(x) = u(x) exp d
k(x) 2 dx k(x) 4 k(x) 2 k( )
( x a )
1 k ( )
exp d
2 a k( )
eL/2 ,
Alqifiary Hyers-Ulam Sability of The Solutions of Dierential Equations 24
that is,
|z (x) + (x)z(x)| eL/2
for all x I. Moreover, it follows from (1.3.18) and (1.3.23) that
z(a) = 0 = z(b).
By Theorem 1.3.3, there exists a constant K > 0 and a function z0 C 2 (I, R)
such that
( ( )2 )
l(x) 1 d k (x) 1 k (x)
z0 (x) + z0 (x) = 0,
k(x) 2 dx k(x) 4 k(x)
z0 (a) = 0 = z0 (b)
|z(x) z0 (x)| KeL/2
for any x I.
We now set
( )
1 x
k ( )
y0 (x) := z0 (x) exp d .
2 a k( )
Then, since
( ) ( )
1 x
k ( ) 1 k (x) 1 x k ( )
y0 (x) = z0 (x) exp d z0 (x) exp d
2 a k( ) 2 k(x) 2 a k( )
( ) ( )
1 x k ( ) k (x) 1 x k ( )
y0 (x) = z0 (x) exp d z (x) exp d
2 a k( ) k(x) 0 2 a k( )
( ) ( )
1 k (x) 1 x k ( )
z0 (x) exp d
2 k(x) 2 a k( )
( )2 ( )
1 k (x) 1 x k ( )
+ z0 (x) exp d ,
4 k(x) 2 a k( )
we have
k (x) l(x)
y0 (x) + y0 (x) + y0 (x)
k(x) k(x)
( ( ( ) ( )2 ) ) ( )
l(x) 1 k (x) 1 k (x) 1 x k ( )
= z0 (x) + z0 (x) exp d
k(x) 2 k(x) 4 k(x) 2 a k( )
= 0.
Alqifiary Hyers-Ulam Sability of The Solutions of Dierential Equations 25
for all x I.
Theorem 1.3.8. [29] Assume that max |(x)| < 2/(b a)2 and there exists a
constant L 0 for which the inequality (1.3.20) holds for all x I. If a function
y C 2 (I, R) satisfies the inequality (1.3.21) for all x I and for some 0
as well as the boundary conditions in (1.3.19), then there exist a constant K > 0
and a solution y0 C 2 (I, R) of the dierential equation (1.3.17) with the boundary
conditions in (1.3.19) such that
for any x I.
Now, we give the definition of superstability with initial and boundary conditions.
Definition 1.3.9. [18] Assume that for any function y C n [a, b], if y satisfies
the dierential inequality
( )
f, y, y , . . . , y (n)
for all x [a, b] and for some 0 with initial(or boundary) conditions, then
either y is a solution of the dierential equation
( )
f, y, y , . . . , y (n) = 0 (1.3.24)
Alqifiary Hyers-Ulam Sability of The Solutions of Dierential Equations 26
or |y(x)| K for any x [a, b], where K is a constant not depending on y ex-
plicitly. Then, we say that Eq.(1.3.24) has superstability with initial(or boundary)
In the following theorem, we investigate the stability of dierential equation of
higher order in the form of
y (n) (x) + (x)y(x) = 0 (1.3.25)
with initial conditions
y(a) = y (a) = = y (n1) (a) = 0, (1.3.26)
where n N+ , y C n [a, b], C 0 [a, b], < a < b < +.
Theorem 1.3.10. [18] If max |(x)| < n!
. Then (1.3.25) has the superstability
with initial conditions (1.3.26).
Proof. For every > 0, y C 2 [a, b], if y (n) (x) + (x)y(x) and y(a) =
y (a) = = y (n1) (a) = 0. Similarly to the proof of Lemma 1.3.2,
y (n1) (a) y (n) ()
y(x) = y(a) + y (a)(x a) + + (x a)n1 + (x a)n .
(n 1)! n!
Thus (n)
y () (b a)n
|y(x)| = (x a) max y (n) (x)
n! n!
for every x [a, b]; so, we obtain
(b a)n (b a)n
max |y(x)| [max |y (x) + (x)y(x)|] +
max |(x)y(x)|
n! n!
(b a)n (b a)n
+ max |(x)| max |y(x)|.
n! n!
(ba)n (ba)n
Let = n!
max |(x)|, K = n!(1)
. It is easy to see that
|y(x)| K.
Hence (1.3.25) has superstability with initial condtions (1.3.26).
|y (x) Cy(x)|
|y(x)| K.
Proof. Let y(x) = A(x)+iB(x), where i denotes imaginary unit and A(x), B(x)
C 1 (I, R). Since y(a) = 0, we have
max |B(x)| (b a) + |C| (b a) max |B(x)| .
Since C {z C| |z| < 1
there exists a constant K such that
max |y(x)| max |A(x)|2 + max |B(x)|2 K.
Theorem 1.3.12. [19] If all the roots of the characteristic equation are in the disc
{z C||z| < 1
}, then (1.3.27) has superstability with initial conditions (1.3.28).
Proof. Assume that 1 , 2 , , n are the roots of the characteristic equation
n + an1 n1 + + a1 + a0 = 0.
|gn1 (x)| K1 .
Alqifiary Hyers-Ulam Sability of The Solutions of Dierential Equations 28
Recall gn1 (x) = gn2 (x) n1 gn2 (x), we have
gn2 (x) n1 gn2 (x) K1 .
By an argument similar to the above and by induction, we can show that there
exists a constant K > 0 such that
|y(x)| K.
There exists a unique number < such that this integral converges
if (s) > and diverges if (s) < , where (s) denotes the real part of the
(complex) number s. The number is called the abscissa of convergence and
denoted by f . It is well known that |F (s)| 0 as (s) . Furthermore, f is
analytic on the open right half plane {s C : (s) > } and we have
F (s) = test f (t)dt ((s) > ).
ds 0
Conversely, let f (t) be a continuous function whose Laplace transform F (s) has
the abscissa of convergence f , then the formula for the inverse Laplace transforms
1 st 1
f (t) = lim F (s)e ds = e(+iy)t F ( + iy)dy
2i T iT 2
for any real constant > f , where the first integral is taken along the vertical line
(s) = and converges as an improper Riemann integral and the second integral
is used as an alternative notation for the first integral (see [1]). Hence, we have
L(f )(s) = f (t)est dt ((s) > f )
1 1
L (F )(t) = e(+iy)t F ( + iy)dy ( > f ).
The convolution of two integrable functions f, g : (0, ) F is defined by
(f g)(t) := f (t x)g(x)dx.
Let F denote either R or C. In the following theorem, using the Laplace trans-
form method, we investigate the generalized Hyers-Ulam stability of the linear
dierential equation of first order
for all t > 0, then there exists a solution y : (0, ) F of the dierential
equation (2.1.1) such that
|y(t) y (t)| e e()x (x)dx
for all t > 0, and it follows from the definition of convolution, (2.1.5), and (2.1.6)
|y(t) y (t)| = |(E z)(t)|
= E (t x)z(x)dx
e (x)dx
e e()x (x)dx
for all t > 0. (We remark that 0
e()x (x)dx exists for each t > 0 provided is
an integrable function.)
Now, we apply the Laplace transform method to the proof of the generalized
Hyers-Ulam stability of the linear dierential equation of second order
y (t) + y (t) + y(t) = f (t). (2.1.8)
Theorem 2.1.6. [30] Let and be constants in F such that there exist a, b F
with a + b = , ab = , and a = b. Assume that : (0, ) (0, ) is an
integrable function. If a twice continuously dierentiable function y : (0, ) F
satisfies the inequality
for all t > 0, then there exists a solution yc : (0, ) F of the dierential equation
(2.1.8) such that
e(a)t t
(a)x e(b)t t
|y(t) yc (t)| e (x)dx + e(b)x (x)dx
|a b| 0 |a b| 0
we have
a 2 b2 ab
yc (0) = y(0) + [y(0) + y (0)]
ab ab
= (a + b)y(0) + y(0) + y (0)
= y (0).
Now, (2.1.11) and (2.1.14) imply that yc is a solution of (2.1.8). Applying (2.1.12)
and (2.1.14) and considering the facts that
yc (0) = y(0), yc (0) = y (0), and L(Ea,b z) = (sa)(sb) , we obtain
L(y) L(yc ) = L(Ea,b z) or equivalently, y(t) yc (t) = (Ea,b z)(t).
In view of (2.1.9), it holds that |z(t)| (t), and it follows from the definition of
the convolution that
Corollary 2.1.7. [30] Let and be constants in F such that there exist a, b F
with a + b = , ab = , and a = b. Assume that : (0, ) (0, ) is an
integrable function for which there exists a positive real constant K with
( (a)(tx) )
e + e(b)(tx) (x)dx K(t) (2.1.15)
We now show that there exists an integrable function : (0, ) (0, ) which
satisfies the condition (2.1.15).
Remark 2.1.8. [30] Let and be constants in F such that there exist a, b F
with a + b = , ab = , (a) < 1, (b) < 1, and a = b. If we define (t) = Aet
for all t > 0 and for some A > 0, then we get
( (a)(tx) )
e + e(b)(tx) (x)dx
( (a)(tx) )
= e + e(b)(tx) Aex dx
A ( t ) A ( t )
= e e(a)t + e e(b)t
1 (a) 1 (b)
( )
1 1
+ (t)
1 (a) 1 (b)
for all t > 0.
for all t > 0, then there exist real constants M > 0 and g and a solution yc :
(0, ) F of the dierential equation (2.1.16) such that
|y(t) yc (t)| M e(tx) (x)dx
( )
L y (k)
= s L(y)
skj y (j1) (0)
for any integer k > 0. Using this formula, we can prove that a function y0 :
(0, ) F is a solution of (2.1.16) if and only if
L(f ) = k sk L(y0 ) k skj y0 (0)
k=0 k=1 j=1
n n
= k sk L(y0 ) k skj y0 (0)
k=0 j=1 k=j
= Pn,0 (s)L(y0 ) Pn,j (s)y0 (0), (2.1.18)
where Pn,j (s) := k skj for j {0, 1, . . . , n}.
Let us define a function z : (0, ) F by
z(t) := y (n)
(t) + k y (k) (t) f (t) (2.1.19)
L(z) = Pn,0 (s)L(y) Pn,j (s)y (j1) (0) L(f ).
Hence, we get
( )
L(y) Pn,j (s)y (j1) (0) + L(f ) = . (2.1.20)
Pn,0 (s) j=1
Pn,0 (s)
k sk
Pn,j (s) 1 k=0
= j j (2.1.24)
Pn,0 (s) s s Pn,0 (s)
for every s with (s) > max{0, P }. Applying Lemma 2.1.1 for the case of
Q(s) = k sk and P (s) = sj Pn,0 (s), we can find an infinitely dierentiable
function gj such that
k sk
L(gj ) = (2.1.25)
sj P n,0 (s)
and gj (0) = 0 for k {0, 1, . . . , n 1}.
fj (t) := gj (t) (2.1.26)
(j 1)!
for j {1, 2, . . . , n}. Then we have
(i) 0 (for i {0, 1, . . . , j 2, j, j + 1, . . . , n 1}),
fj (0) = (2.1.27)
1 (for i = j 1).
If we define
yc (t) := y (j1) (0)fj (t) + f0 (t),
for every i {0, 1, . . . , n 1}. Moreover, it follows from (2.1.21) to (2.1.28) that
L(yc ) = y (j1) (0)L(fj ) + L(f0 )
n ( )
1 L(f )
= y (0) j L(gj ) +
s Pn,0 (s)
( n )
= Pn,j (s)y (j1) (0) + L(f ) (2.1.29)
Pn,0 (s) j=1
because n is an integer larger than 1. By (2.1.17) and (2.1.19), it also holds that
|z(t)| (t) for all t > 0.
In view of (2.1.30), (2.1.31), and (2.1.32), we get
Consequently, we have y(t) yc (t) = (g z)(t) for any t > 0. Hence, it follows
from (2.1.17), (2.1.19), and (2.1.32) that
t t
|y(t) yc (t)| = |(g z)(t)| |g(t x)||z(x)|dx M e(tx) (x)dx
0 0
for all t > 0 and for any real constant > g , which completes the proof.
for all t > 0. Moreover, assume that the constant g given in Theorem 2.1.9 is less
than . If an n times continuously dierentiable function y : (0, ) F satisfies
the inequality (2.1.17) for all t > 0, then there exist a real constants M > 0 and a
solution yc : (0, ) F of the dierential equation (2.1.16) such that
Remark 2.1.11. [30] Assume that < 1. If we define (t) = Aet for all t > 0
and for some A > 0, then we get
t t
A ( t ) 1
(x)dx = e(tx) Aex dx = e et (t)
0 0 1 1
for all t > 0.
Alqifiary Hyers-Ulam Sability of The Solutions of Dierential Equations 40
First of all, we give the definition of generalized superstability with initial and
boundary conditions.
Definition 2.2.1. [19],[25] Assume that for any function y C n [a, b], if y satisfies
the dierential inequality
( )
f, y, y , . . . , y (n) (x)
for all x [a, b] and for some function : [a, b] [0, ) with initial(or boundary)
conditions, then either y is a solution of the dierential equation
( )
f, y, y , . . . , y (n) = 0 (2.2.3)
or |y(x)| (x) for any x [a, b], where : I [0, ) is a function not de-
pending on y explicitly. Then, we say that Eq.(2.2.3) has generalized superstability
with initial(or boundary) conditions.
In this subsection, given the closed interval I = [a, b], we assume that : I
[0, ) and let M (p(x)) denote max [a,x] |p( )| for every p C(I, R).
Alqifiary Hyers-Ulam Sability of The Solutions of Dierential Equations 41
Theorem 2.2.2. [19] If |(x)| < n!/(b a)n for every x I, then Eq.(2.2.1) has
generalized superstability with initial conditions (2.2.2).
Proof. Suppose that a function y C n (I, R) satisfies the inequality
y (x) + (x)y(x) (x), (2.2.4)
for all x I,
By Taylor formula, we have
y (n1) (a) y (n) ()
y(x) = y(a) + y (a)(x a) + + (x a)n1 + (x a)n .
(n 1)! n!
Therefore, (n)
y () (x a)n
|y(x)| = n
(x a) M(y (n) (x))
n! n!
for every x [a, b]. Then,
( )
(x a)n
M (y(x)) M M(y (x)) (n)
( )
( ) (x a)n
M M(y (x)) M
(x a) n
= M(y (n) (x))
(x a)n
M(y(x)) M(y (n) (x))
(x a)n ( (n) ) (x a)n
M y (x) + (x)y(x) + M |(x)| M(y(x))
n! n!
(x a)n (b a)n
M ((x)) + max |(x)|M (y(x)) .
n! n!
Let C1 = 1 n!
max |(x)|. It easy to see that
(x a)n
M (y(x)) M ((x)) .
Moreover, |y(x)| M (y(x)), which completes the proof of our theorem.
u(x) = y (x) + p(x)y (x) + q(x)y(x), (2.2.8)
for all x [a, b], and define z(x) by
y(x) = z(x)exp( p( )d ). (2.2.9)
It follows from Theorem 2.2.2 that there exists a constant C1 > 0 such that
(x a)n
|z(x)| M (x)exp( p( )d ) .
n!C1 2
Alqifiary Hyers-Ulam Sability of The Solutions of Dierential Equations 43
Boundary Conditions
Lemma 2.2.4. [24] Let y C n [a, b] and satisfies the initial conditions
y(a) = y (a) = = y (n1) (a) = 0, (2.2.11)
max y (n) (x).
then max |y(x)| (ba)
for all x I, with boundary conditions (2.2.13) such that the function (2.2.15) is
increasing (decreasing) function then there exist a constant K > 0 and a solution
y0 C 2 (I, R) of the dierential equation (2.2.12) with boundary conditions (2.2.13)
such that
for any x I.
Proof. We have by Lemma 1.3.1 that
(b a)2
max |y(x)| max y (x) .
(b a)2 (b a)2
max |y(x)| max y (x) + (x)y(x) + max |(x)| max |y(x)|
8 8
(b a)2 (b a)2
(x) + max |(x)| max |y(x)| .
8 8
Let C = (ba)
, K = 1C max|(x)| . Obviously, y0 (x) = 0 is a solution of (2.2.12)
with boundary conditions (2.2.13) and
|y(x) y0 (x)| K (x).
for any x I.
Alqifiary Hyers-Ulam Sability of The Solutions of Dierential Equations 45
(b a)2
max |y(x)| max y (x) .
(b a)2 (b a)2
max |y(x)| max y (x) + (x)y(x) + max |(x)| max |y(x)|
2 2
(b a)2 (b a)2
(x) + max |(x)| max |y(x)| .
2 2
Let C = (ba)2
, K = 1C max|(x)| . Obviously, y0 (x) = 0 is a solution of (2.2.12)
with initial conditions (2.2.14) and |y(x) y0 (x)| K (x).
In the following theorems investigate the Hyers-Ulam-Rassias stability of linear
dierential equation of nth - order
for all x I, with initial conditions (2.2.11) such that the function (2.2.20) is
increasing (decreasing) then there exist a solution y0 C n (I, R) of the dierential
equation (2.2.19) and a constant K > 0 such that
for any x I.
Alqifiary Hyers-Ulam Sability of The Solutions of Dierential Equations 46
(b a)n
max |y(x)| max |y n (x)| .
(b a)n (b a)n
max |y(x)| max |y n (x) + (x)y(x)| + max |(x)| max |y(x)|
n! n!
(b a)n (b a)n
(x) + max |(x)| max |y(x)| .
n! n!
Let C1 = (ba)
, K = 1C1 max|(x)| . Obviously, y0 (x) = 0 is a solution of (2.2.19)
with initial conditions (2.2.11) and |y(x) y0 (x)| K (x).
Chapter 3
+ A(t)z(t) + B(t) = 0 (3.1.1)
C 1 (I, Rn ) of inequality
+ A(t)z(t) + B(t) (t)
Theorem 3.1.3. (The fixed point alternative) [15] Let (X, d) be a generalized
complete metric space. Assume that : X X is a strictly contractive operator
with Lipschitz constant L < 1. If there exists a nonnegative integer k such that
d(k+1 x, k x) < for some x X, then the followings are true :
{ }
X = y X/d(k x, y) < ;
Lemma 3.1.4. [26] For given real numbers a and b with a < b, let I = [a, b] be a
closed interval and let be
X = {f : I Rn , is continuous f unction}, and d : X X [0,] a function is
defined as follows :
Lemma 3.1.5. [26] For given real numbers a and b with a < b, let I = [a, b] be a
closed interval and let
X = {f : I Rn , is continuous function }, consider a generalized metric function
on X, d : X X [0,] which is defined as follows:
We will prove the Hyers-Ulam-Rassias stability for the equation (3.1.1) on the
intervals I = [a, b), where < a < b .
A(t1 ) (t1 )dt1 P (t) (3.1.5)
for all t in I. Then there exists a unique solution s : I Rnn of the equation
(3.1.1) which verifies the following relation:
z(t) s(t) (t) (3.1.7)
for all t I and s(a) = z(a).
Proof. Let us consider the set
d(h1 , h2 ) = d (h1 , h2 )
= inf{K > 0, h1 (t) h2 (t) K(t), t I}
In the same manner it is possible to proved the following theorem of the Hyers-
Ulam-Rassias stability of the equation (3.1.1) on the interval J = (b, a] , where
b < a < .
A(t1 ) (t1 )dt1 P (t) (3.1.10)
for all t J, then there exists a unique solution s : J Rnn of the equation
(3.1.1) which verifies the following relation:
z(t) s(t) (t) (3.1.12)
for all t J and s(a) = z(a).
The Hyers-Ulam-Rassias stability equation (3.1.1) on R will be proved by Theorem
(3.1.6) and Theorem (3.1.7).
for all t R, then there exists a unique solution s : R Rnn of the equation
(3.1.1) which verifies the following relation:
z(t) s(t) (t) (3.1.15)
for all t R and s(0) = z(0).
Proof. By relation (3.1.13) we have
A(t1 ) (t1 )dt1 P (t) (3.1.16)
for all t 0. Applying Theorem (3.1.6), there exists a solution of equation (3.1.1),
s1 : [0, ) Rnn , which verifies relations (3.1.7) and s1 (o) = z(o) . From
relation(3.1.13) we also obtain
A(t1 ) (t1 )dt1 P (t) (3.1.17)
for all t 0. Applying Theorem (3.1.7), there exists a solution of equation (3.1.1),
s2 : (, 0] Rnn which verifies relation (3.1.12) and s2 (o) = z(o). It is easy
to check if the function {
s1 (t), t 0
s(t) = (3.1.18)
s2 (t), t < 0
is a continuously dierentiable function on R, a solution of equation (3.1.1) on R
and it verifies relation (3.1.15).
+ Az(t) + B(t) (t) (z(t)
+ Az(t) + B (t)) (3.1.20)
Alqifiary Hyers-Ulam Sability of The Solutions of Dierential Equations 54
for all t R, then there exists a unique solution s : R Rnn of the equation
+ Az(t) + B(t) = 0 (z(t)
+ Az(t) + B = 0)
In this section we will prove the Hyers-Ulam-Rassias stability for the following
scallar equation
y(t) + f (t)y(t)
+ g(t)y(t) + h(t) = 0 (3.1.22)
In the same manner, at first we will prove the Hyers-Ulam-Rassias stability for the
equation (3.1.22) on the intervals I = [a, b) , where < a < b .
by this, Weiss and Infante introduced the concept of finite time stability[20]. There
are many studies about the relation between types of stability, Lyapunov stability
and practical stability (see [17],[31],[2]). With these results in mind, in this sec-
tion, we give a sucient condition in order that the first order nonlinear system of
dierential equations has Hyers-Ulam stability and Hyers-Ulam-Rassias stability.
In addition, we present the relation between practical stability and Hyers-Ulam
stability and also Hyers-Ulam-Rassias stability.
Let (B, .) be a Banach space (real or complex), and let J = [t0 , t0 + T ) for some
T > 0, t0 0. We consider two systems: a system
x = f (t, x) , t J, (3.2.1)
where f is defined and continuous on J B. The equilibrium state is at the origin
: f (t, 0) = 0, t J.
A system that depends on parameter (0, 0 ],(0 (0, )) which is said to be
perturbed system
x = f (t, x) + p(t, x). (3.2.2)
Let P be the set of all perturbations p satisfying p(t, x) = 0 for all t J
and all x, let Q be a closed and bounded set of B containing the origin and let Q0
be a subset of Q .
Definition 3.2.2. [39],[41] Let be a positive real number. We consider the system
(3.2.1) with following dierential inequality
f (t, y(t)) , t J. (3.2.3)
f (t, y(t)) (t) t J, (3.2.4)
{x B : V (t, x) 1} Q , t J (3.2.7)
Q0 {x B : V (t0 , x) 1} (3.2.8)
Proof. We will prove by contradiction. Suppose that conditions (3.2.7) ,(3.2.8)
are satisfied but there are J and x0 Q0 such that the solution x(t) =
x(t, x0 , t0 ) of (3.2.5) leaves the set Q. From (3.2.7) follows inequality
V (, x( )) > 1which contradicts the condition (3.2.8). Therefore our assumption
is false and the equilibrium of system (3.2.5),(3.2.6) is (Q0 , Q, 0 )-practically stable
Alqifiary Hyers-Ulam Sability of The Solutions of Dierential Equations 59
Theorem 3.2.6. [27] Consider two systems: the system of dierential equation
(3.2.5), (3.2.6) and the system (3.2.2) . If equilibrium of (3.2.5) (at the origin) is
(Q0 , Q, 0 )-practically stable then the system (3.2.5), (3.2.6) is generalized Hyers-
Ulam stability.
Proof. Since Q is closed and bounded set then there exists real number M > 0
such that Q = {x : x M }.
Now, let x = f (t, x0 , t0 ) satisfying (3.2.3) for arbitrary (0, 0 ], then x satisfies
(3.2.2). Since the equilibrium of (3.2.5) is (Q0 , Q, 0 )-practically stable then x in
Q, that means that x M. Since M > 0 , > 0 then there exists s > 0 such
that M = s .
Hence, x s for all t J ,lim K() = lim s = 0 . Obviously ,w(t) = 0
0 0
satisfies the equation (3.2.5) and
x (t) w(t) s , t J.
Hence, the equation (3.2.5) with initial condition (3.2.6) has generalized Hyers-
Ulam stability.
Corollary 3.2.7. [27] For the system (3.2.5), (3.2.6) to be generalized Hyers-
Ulam stability it sucient that there exists a continuous non increasing on the
system (3.2.5) solutions Lyapunov function V (t, x) such that satisfies the condi-
tions (3.2.7) and (3.2.8).
Proof. Suppose that conditions (3.2.7), (3.2.8) are satisfied, then by lemma 3.2.5
the system (3.2.5),(3.2.6) is (Q0 , Q, 0 )-practically stable. Hence, by theorem 3.2.6
the system has generalized Hyers-Ulam stability.
Proof. Since Q is closed and bounded set then there exists real number M > 0
such that Q = {x : x M }.
Now, let x = f (t, x0 , t0 ) satisfying (3.2.9), since (t) then x satisfies (3.2.2).
Since the equilibrium of (3.2.9) is (Q0 , Q, 0 )-practically stable then x in Q, that
mean that x M . Since M > 0, 1 > 0 then there exists K > 0 such that
M = K1 .
Then, x K1 for all t J ,hence x K(t) for all t J. Obviously,
w(t) = 0 satisfies the equation (3.2.9) and
Hence, the equation (3.2.9) with initial condition (3.2.10) has generalized Hyers-
Ulam-Rassias stability.
Corollary 3.2.9. [27] For the system (3.2.9), (3.2.10) to be generalized Hyers-
Ulam stability it sucient that there exsist a continuous nonincreasing on the sys-
tem (3.2.9) solutions Lyapunov function V (t, x) such that satisfies the conditions
(3.2.7) and (3.2.8).
Proof. Suppose that conditions (3.2.7), (3.2.8) are satisfied, then by lemma 3.2.5
the system (3.2.9), (3.2.10) is (Q0 , Q, 0 )-practically stable. Hence, by theorem
3.2.8 the system has generalized Hyers-Ulam-Rassias stability.
Theorem 3.2.10. [27] Let (B, .) be a Banach space (real or complex), and let
J = [t0 , t0 + T ) for some T > 0, t0 0. Consider two systems : a system
x = f (t, x) , t J, (3.2.11)
Published papers
(3) Qusuay.H. Alqifiary, S.M. Jung, Laplace transform and generalized Hyers-
Ulam stability of linear dierential equations, Electronic Journal of Dieren-
tial Equations. 2014 (2014), no. 80, 1-11.
(6) Qusuay.H. Alqifiary, Note on the stability for linear systems of dierential
equations, International Journal of Applied Mathematical Research, 3 (1)
(2014) pp.15-22.
Accepted papers
[1] B. Davies, Integral Transforms and Their Apllications, Springer, New York,
[2] B.N. Chakip, B.M. Walid and G. Germain, Finite time stability by solving
LMIs problem: Application on four tanks system, Int. Conference on Control,
Engineering and Information Technology, 1(2013), 1-6.
[3] C.Alsina and R.Ger, On some inequalities and stability results related to the
exponential function, J.of Inequal and Appl.. 2, (1998),373-380.
[5] D.H. Hyers, On the stability of the linear functional equation, Proc. Natl.
Soc. USA 27, pp. 222224, 1941.
[6] D.H. Hyers, G. Isac and Th.M. Rassias, Stability of Functional Equations in
Several Variables, Birkhauser, Boston, 1998.
[8] D. Popa and I. Rasa, On the Hyers-Ulam stability of the linear dierential
equation, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 381, pp. 530537, 2011.
[9] D. Popa and I. Rasa, Hyers-Ulam stability of the linear dierential operator
with non-constant coecients, Appl. Math. Comput. 219, pp. 15621568,
[10] D.S. Cimpean and D. Popa, On the stability of the linear dierential equation
of higher order with constant coecients, Appl. Math. Comput. 217, pp.
41414146, 2010.
Alqifiary Bibliography 65
[12] H. Rezaei, S.-M. Jung and Th.M. Rassias, Laplace transform and Hyers-Ulam
stability of linear dierential equations, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 403, pp. 244
251, 2013.
[13] I.A. Rus, Remarks on Ulam stability of the operatorial equations, Fixed Point
Theory 10, pp. 305320, 2009.
[14] I.A. Rus, Ulam stability of ordinary dierential equations, Stud. Univ. Babes-
Bolyai Math. 54, pp. 125134, 2009.
[15] J.B.Diaz and B.Margolis, A fixed point theorem of the alternative for contrac-
tions on a generalized complete metric space,Bull.Amer.Math.Soc., 74, (1968),
[16] J. Baker, J. Lawrence and F. Zorzitto, The stability of the equation f (x+y) =
f (x)f (y), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 74 (1979), 242-246.
[17] J.P. Lasalle and S. Lefschetz, Stability by Liapunovs Direct Method with Ap-
plications, Academic Press, New York, (1961).
[20] L. Weiss and E.F. Infante, On the stability of systems defined over a finite
time interval, Proc. Nat. Academic Sci, U.S.A., 54(1965), 44-48.
[21] M. Obloza, Hyers stability of the linear dierential equation, Rocznik Nauk.-
Dydakt. Prace Mat. 13, pp. 259270, 1993.
[22] M. Obloza, Connections between Hyers and Lyapunov stability of the ordinary
dierential equations, Rocznik Nauk.-Dydakt. Prace Mat. 14, pp. 141146,
[23] P. Gavruta, S.-M. Jung and Y. Li, Hyers-Ulam stability for second-order linear
dierential equations with boundary conditions, Electronic J. Dierential Equ.
2011 (2011), 15.
Alqifiary Bibliography 66
[26] Qusuay.H. Alqifiary, Note on the stability for linear systems of dierential
equations, International Journal of Applied Mathematical Research, 3 (1)
(2014) pp.15-22.
[30] Qusuay.H. Alqifiary, S.M. Jung, Laplace Transform and Generalized Hyers-
Ulam Stability of Linear Dierential Equations, Electronic Journal of Dier-
ential Equations. 2014 (2014), no. 80, 1-11.
[34] S.-E. Takahasi, H. Takagi, T. Miura and S. Miyajima, The Hyers-Ulam stabil-
ity constants of first order linear dierential operators, J. Math. Anal. Appl.
296, pp. 403409, 2004.
[35] S.-M. Jung, Hyers-Ulam stability of linear dierential equations of first order,
Appl. Math. Lett. 17, pp. 11351140, 2004.
Alqifiary Bibliography 67
[36] S.-M. Jung, Hyers-Ulam stability of linear dierential equations of first order,
III, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 311, pp. 139146, 2005.
[37] S.-M. Jung, Hyers-Ulam stability of linear dierential equations of first order,
II, Appl. Math. Lett. 19, pp. 854858, 2006.
[39] S.-M. Jung, Hyers-Ulam stability of first order linear dierential equations
with constant coecients ,Math.Anal.Appl., 320 (2006),549-561.
[40] S.M. Ulam, Problems in Modern Mathematics, Chapter VI, Scince Editors,
Wiley, New York, 1960.
.. .
[41] S.M. Jung, Hyers-Ulam stability of dierential equation y +2x y 2ny =
0, Hindawi Publ. Corp. J. of Inequalities and Applications, Article ID
793197(2010),12 pages.
[44] Th.M. Rassias, On the stability of the linear mapping in Banach spaces, Proc.
Amer. Math. Soc. 72, pp. 297300, 1978.
Prilog 1.
Izjava o autorstvu
Potpisani Qusuay Hatim Eghaar Alqifiary
broj indeksa 2001/2011
da je doktorska disertacija pod naslovom
Potpis doktoranda
U Beogradu,
Alqifiary Hyers-Ulam Sability of The Solutions of Dierential Equations 69
Prilog 2.
Izjava o istovetnosti
stampane i elektronske
verzije doktorskog rada
Prilog 3.
Izjava o kori
1. Autorstvo
2. Autorstvo - nekomercijalno
3. Autorstvo - nekomercijalno - bez prerade
4. Autorstvo - nekomercijalno - deliti pod istim uslovima
5. Autorstvo - bez prerade
6. Autorstvo - deliti pod istim uslovima
Alqifiary Hyers-Ulam Sability of The Solutions of Dierential Equations 71
Potpis doktoranda
U Beogradu,
Alqifiary Hyers-Ulam Sability of The Solutions of Dierential Equations 72