Marathon-Related ECG Exasperation
Marathon-Related ECG Exasperation
Marathon-Related ECG Exasperation
The following two ECGs were taken from a 36-year old marathon runner presenting to the
ED with acute gastroenteritis. He was completely asymptomatic at the time the ECGs were
taken, with normal blood pressure and no chest pain, palpitations or dizziness. Electrolytes
were normal.
What are the ECG findings?
Isorhythmic AV dissociation:
Sinus P waves are buried in the QRS complexes and T waves at a similar rate
to the ventricular rhythm best seen in the rhythm strip in ECG # 2
Isorhythmic AV dissociation:
AV dissociation with sinus and ventricular complexes occurring at similar
rates, unlike 3rddegree heart block where the atrial rate is usually faster than
the ventricular rate. Isorhythmic AV dissociation is usually due to functional
block at the AV node from retrogradely conducted ventricular impulses
(interference-dissociation), which leaves the AV node refractory to the
anterograde sinus impulses.
Sinus arrhythmia:
Sinus rhythm in which the PP interval varies by 0.16 s or more.
There are pacemaker cells at various sites throughout the conducting system, with
each site capable of independently sustaining the heart rhythm. The rate of
spontaneousdepolarisation of pacemaker cells decreases down the conducting
Under normal conditions, subsidiary pacemakers are suppressed by the more rapid
impulses from the sinus node. AIVR occurs when the rate of an ectopic ventricular
pacemaker exceeds that of the sinus node.
Athletic training leads to changes in the autonomic nervous system, with increased
resting vagal tone and decreased sympathetic tone. This hypervagotonic state
causes suppression of impulse generation by the SA node and propagation by the
AV node. As a result, athletic individuals will commonly exhibit sinus bradycardia and
low-grade AV blocks (e.g. 1st degree heart block, Mobitz I).
Electrolyte abnormalities
Sinus arrhythmia
Sinus bradycardia
Wenckebach phenomenon
Axis deviation
Incomplete RBBB
AIVR is a benign rhythm in most settings and does not usually require
o correct electrolytes
An Electrocardiographic Exigency
RBBB with wide QRS (150ms), tall R wave in V1, RSR complexes in leads
Q2. What is your interpretation of the ECG findings given the clinical context?
The combination of new RBBB with signs of right ventricular strain (deep T
wave inversions in V1-3) in a patient presenting with dyspnoea and syncope
is strongly suggestive of acute pulmonary hypertension secondary
to massive PE.
ECG changes are all fairly insensitive for the diagnosis of PE, and in most patients
with PE the ECG will be normal.
The following ECG changes may be seen in acute pulmonary embolism:
Sinus tachycardia
Simultaneous T wave inversions in the inferior (II, III, aVF) and right precordial
leads (V1-3).
Clockwise rotation: shift of the R/S transition point towards V6, persistent S
wave in V6
Extreme right axis deviation may occur, with axis between zero and -90 degrees, giving the
appearance of left axis deviation (pseudo left axis). Simultaneous T wave inversions in the
inferior and right precordial leads is the most specific finding for PE, with reported
specificities up to 99% in one study. Check out Amal Mattu and William Bradys
excellent ECGs for the Emergency Physician books for some great examples of this.
Myocardial ischaemia
Cardiac surgery
ECG Example
junctional Tachycardia
Short PR interval (< 120 ms) indicates a junctional rather than atrial
Atrial Flutter
The length of the re-entry circuit corresponds to the size of the right
atrium, resulting in a fairly predictable atrial rate of around 300 bpm
(range 200-400).
Ventricular rate is determined by the AV conduction ratio (degree of AV
This is based on the anatomical location and direction of the re-entry circuit.
ECG Features
General Features
Flutter waves (saw-tooth pattern) best seen in leads II, III, aVF
may be more easily spotted by turning the ECG upside down!
Fixed AV blocks
Variable AV block
Rapid Recognition
Turn the ECG upside down and scrutinise the inferior leads (II, III + aVF)
for flutter waves.
RR intervals
In atrial flutter with variable block the R-R intervals will be multiples of
the P-P interval e.g. assuming an atrial rate of 300bpm (P-P interval
of 200 ms), the R-R interval would be 400 ms with 2:1 block, 600 ms
with 3:1 block, and 800 ms with 4:1 block.
Look for identical R-R intervals occurring sporadically along the rhythm
strip; then look to see whether there is a mathematical relationship
between the various R-R intervals on the ECG.
ECG Examples
Example 1
There are inverted flutter waves in II, III + aVF at a rate of 300 bpm (one per
big square)
Example 2
Inverted flutter waves in II, III + aVF with atrial rate ~ 300 bpm
The diagnosis of flutter with variable block could be inferred here from the R-R
intervals alone (e.g. if flutter waves were indistinct) note how the R-R intervals
during periods of 4:1 block are approximately double the R-R intervals during 2:1
Example 3
There are inverted flutter waves in II, III + aVF at a rate of 260 bpm.
Example 5
Atrial Flutter with High-Grade AV Block
The very low ventricular rate suggests treatment with AV nodal blocking drugs
(e.g. digoxin, beta-blockers). Other possibilities could include intrinsic
conducting system disease (true AV block) or electrolyte abnormality (e.g.
Tip: The combination of new-onset atrial flutter with high-grade AV block is very
suspicious for digoxin toxicity.
Example 6
Atrial Flutter with 1:1 Block?
Flutter waves are not clearly seen, but there is an undulation to the baseline in
the inferior leads suggestive of flutter with a 1:1 block.
Alternatively, this may just be rapid SVT (AVNRT / AVRT) with rate-related ST
With ventricular rates as rapid as this, spending any further time evaluating the ECG
is unwise! Resuscitation is the priority This patient will almost certainly be
haemodynamically unstable, requiring emergent DC cardioversion.
Example 7
Atrial Flutter with 2:1 Block
The heart rate of 150 bpm makes this flutter with a 2:1 block.
Suspect atrial flutter with 2:1 block whenever there is a regular narrow-
complex tachycardia at 150 bpm particularly when the rate is extremely
In contrast, the rate in sinus tachycardia typically varies slightly from beat to
beat, while in AVNRT/AVRT the rate is usually faster (170-250 bpm).
To tell the difference between these rhythms, try some vagal manoeuvres or
give a test dose of adenosine AVNRT/AVRT will often revert to sinus
rhythm, whereas slowing of the ventricular rate will unmask the underlying
atrial rhythm in sinus tachycardia or atrial flutter.
Flutter waves unmasked by adenosine
Example 8
Negative flutter waves at ~ 300bpm are best seen in the inferior leads II,
III and aVF (= anticlockwise pattern).
There is a 3:1 relationship between the flutter waves and the QRS
complexes, resulting in a ventricular rate of 100 bpm.
Atrial Tachycardia
AKA paroxysmal atrial tachycardia (PAT), unifocal atrial tachycardia, ectopic atrial
Both atrial flutter and multifocal atrial tachycardia are specific types of
atrial tachycardia.
Sustained atrial tachycardia may rarely be seen and can progress to tachycardia-
induced cardiomyopathy
ECG Features
P wave morphology is abnormal when compared with sinus P wave due to ectopic
There is usually an abnormal P-wave axis (e.g. inverted in the inferior leads II, III and
QRS complexes usually normal morphology unless pre-existing bundle branch block,
accessory pathway, or rate related aberrant conduction.
ECG Example
Ectopic atrial tachycardia:
Patients typically have a pre-existing LBBB or bifascicular block, and the 2nd
degree AV block is produced by intermittent failure of the remaining fascicle
(bilateral bundle-branch block).
In around 75% of cases, the conduction block is located distal to the Bundle
of His, producing broad QRS complexes.
In the remaining 25% of cases, the conduction block is located within the His
Bundle itself, producing narrow QRS complexes.
Causes of Mobitz II
Cardiac surgery (especially surgery occurring close to the septum, e.g. mitral
valve repair)
Clinical Significance