Isbn9789514289866 PDF
Isbn9789514289866 PDF
Isbn9789514289866 PDF
G 36
G 36
U N I V E R S I T Y O F O U L U P. O. B . 7 5 0 0 F I - 9 0 0 1 4 U N I V E R S I T Y O F O U L U F I N L A N D
Kari Sippola
Kari Sippola
Professor Mikko Siponen
University Lecturer Elise Krkkinen
Professor Hannu Heusala IN SOFTWARE BUSINESS
Professor Olli Vuolteenaho
Information officer Tiina Pistokoski
University Lecturer Seppo Eriksson
Professor Olli Vuolteenaho
Publications Editor Kirsti Nurkkala FACULTY OF ECONOMICS,
ISBN 978-951-42-8985-9 (Paperback)
ISBN 978-951-42-8986-6 (PDF)
ISSN 1455-2647 (Print)
ISSN 1796-2269 (Online)
G Oeconomica 36
O U L U N Y L I O P I S TO, O U L U 2 0 0 8
Copyright 2008
Acta Univ. Oul. G 36, 2008
Supervised by
Professor Juha-Pekka Kallunki
Professor Janne Jrvinen
Reviewed by
Professor Marko Jrvenp
Doctor Vesa Partanen
Cover design
Raimo Ahonen
Malmi et al. (2004) argue that the cost of quality (COQ) literature typically deals with
manufacturing or service organizations in continuous or repetitive business processes in which
identical or similar activities and work phases are repeated in the same sequence or order, batch
after batch or customer after customer. Many modern businesses, such as the software business,
are outright project based, or operate like a string of semi-independent projects characterized by
unique resources, customized activity or work sequence order, and a predefined start and finish.
COQ measuring and reporting are traditionally based on ex post calculations. In this study, an idea
of real-time quality cost measurement will be developed and tested. The literature on real-time
quality cost accounting is limited or even non-existent. The dissertation investigates whether it is
possible to measure quality costs as a real-time basis in the software industry. The purpose is to
develop a model for measuring quality costs on a real-time basis in software development. This is
achieved by seeking answers to the research question how to measure quality costs on a real-time
basis in the software industry. The research extends the current literature in three main respects.
First, the study presents the idea of measuring quality costs in real-time basis. Second, a
contribution is made by investigating how the characteristics of software business impact on the
accounting of quality costs by presenting the nature and distinction of software business as well
as its implications for software quality and applying quality cost measurement to the software
business. Third, this study is expected to make a contribution by investigating how to use quality
cost measurement as a management accounting tool in modern software business environment.
The constructive research approach (CRA) proposed by Kasanen et al. (1993) is used in a case
company, A, that develops and produces packaged software used in embedded products. Since it
is not typically possible to pass semi-strong or strong market tests within a medium-term time
span, the construction is tested by using more detailed nuances within the weak market test
category suggested by Labro and Tuomela (2003) in order to analyse the level of progress of the
construct. The possibility of constructing a real-time cost of quality measurement system
developed in Case A is also tested in another case company (Case B) to make the weak market test
stronger, and the boundary conditions how to construct such a system in a totally different working
environment are charted. The results indicate that such a system could be constructed irrespective
of the cost accounting environment or the software used. The anticipated contribution arises from
the fact that the construct is a novelty that leads to a new means of quality cost accounting in
software business (cf. Lukka 2000).
in the licentiate phase. Without his support the licentiate thesis would have never
been completed. Jukka also offered me a chance to attend to my first EAA
congress in Graz, Austria in 1997, even if I did not have an own paper to present
yet. This journey was also a very important for research motivation purposes.
I am also grateful to Professors Seppo Pynnnen at the University of Vaasa
and Professor Jukka Pellinen (University of Lapland at that time) for their
valuable comments in the KATAJA Accounting Tutorial, January 1999. Their
comments helped to improve the final version of the licentate thesis. I also thank
Dr. Timo Siln for the opportunity to attend to another TEKES project, Tutkimus-
ja tuotekehitystoiminnan laatu (T&K laatu) and my colleague in that project,
M.Sc. Tapani Talonen, for interesting discussions.
I gratefully acknowledge the comments and suggestions by Professor Juha-
Pekka Kallunki. He has inspired me to write and present at international
conferences and to learn from collegues all over the world. I want to thank my
other supervisor, Dr. Janne Jrvinen for reading my research reports and all the
comments that helped me to improve the thesis. His support has been extremely
valuable. Ph.D Sinikka Moilanen has also helped me to fine-tune one version of
the thesis. Thank you Sinikka, for taking your time to provide critical comments
and suggestions that have improved the quality of my dissertation considerably.
The earlier versions of the research topic were presented at the 24th Annual EAA
Congress in Athens (2001), at the 26th Annual EAA Congress in Seville (2003),
and at the MCA and ENROAC research conference on the changing roles of
management accounting as a control system in Antwerp (2005). I would like to
thank Professors Angelo Riccaboni (University of Siena) and Bill Nixon
(University of Dundee) who commented my congress paper at the inaugural joint
workshop by MCA/ENROAC 2005. The contributions of this research were also
presented in 8th Manufacturing Accounting Research congress Cost and
Performance Management in Services and Operations in Trento (2007). I also
want to thank Professor Jukka Pellinen, who has guided to my research work
when he was working at the Department of Accounting and Finance in Oulu. I
wish to thank the official pre-examiners, Professor Marko Jrvenp, University
of Jyvskyl and Dr. Vesa Partanen, Turku School of Economics. They have
provided insightful comments and suggestions adding value to this thesis.
A case-study research could have never be done without the case-companies.
I will always be grateful to financial manager, Petri H., M.Sc. at Case Company A
for asking me to attend to the companys accounting and quality development
projects. Working at an embedded software company has been extremely
important for me as a management accounting person. I had the priviledge to see
how software is developed in practice, not only by reading the books and journal
articles. I would also like to thank managing director Kauko S., acting manager of
SW department Pekka V., testing manager Kai N., quality manager Mikko Y.,
manager of HW department Markku N., and all the other people at the company
who were interviewed. I also thank the other staff of Company A for a friendly
attitude to my work while I was doing research at their premises.
I would also like to thank Case Company B for the chance to do research
work there. I would like to thank manager Kai N., sales manager Tarja P., group
managers Sami S. and Lasse M., and all the other interviewees at the company
and its sister company, and Sales Manager Sauli O. and key account manager
Riku M. at the mother company of B. I would also like to thank the manager of
subcontracting Heikki Salmi of Nokia Ltd.
This dissertation would have never been completed without financial support.
I am grateful to KAUTE-sti, Liikesivistysrahasto, Tauno Tnningin sti,
Jenny ja Antti Wihurin rahasto, University of Oulu, Oulu University Scholarship
Foundation, and Marcus Wallenbergin Liiketaloudellinen Tutkimussti for
financial support. I am also grateful to Matti Sundbergs foundation in Excellence
Finland (Laatukeskus, ex. Suomen Laatuyhdistys ry) for their award in 2002. The
Foundation is administered by Helsinki University of Technology. For the reader,
I claim the sole responsibility for all the mistakes and errors you may find in this
I wish to express my sincerest gratitude to friends and colleagues both at the
Department of Economics and Business Administration and at the Faculty of
Economics and Business Administration with the inspiring research atmosphere
in our Faculty. Especially I want to thank Professor and Dean Kimmo
Alajoutsijrvi, Vice Rector Rauli Svento, Leena Ervasti, Dr. Seppo Eriksson,
Seija Hurskainen B.Sc., Jari Ilama, Marketta Holmberg, Virpi Virta, Chief
Administrator Jukka Maamki, M.Sc., and Chief Academic Officers Sauli Sohlo,
M.Sc. and Merja Inget, M.Sc for great help in all practical matters during the
research process. Thanks are due to M.A. Virginia Mattila who checked the
language of the major parts of the thesis on a very tight schedule, and to Ville
Varjonen for the editing work.
There are still a great number of colleagues, who have not been recognized
here, but who certainly deserve my sincerest acknowledgment. Special thanks go
to my frieds who have given me quality time to forget all the issues considering
quality costing.
My dearest thanks go to my wife Pia, my daughter Laura and son Miika, my
parents and grandparents, and my sister and her family.
Acknowledgements 5
Contents 9
List of Abbreviations 13
1 Introduction 15
1.1 Background ............................................................................................. 15
1.2 Aim of the research and the anticipated contribution.............................. 17
1.3 The research process ............................................................................... 18
1.4 Theoretical framework ............................................................................ 21
1.4.1 Methodological orientation .......................................................... 21
1.4.2 The constructive research approach ............................................. 26
1.4.3 Specific steps in constructing the real time cost of quality
measurement model...................................................................... 28
1.5 Structure of the study .............................................................................. 34
2 Concept of quality, quality cost accounting and quality in the
software business 37
2.1 Concept of quality: contents and essential nature ................................... 37
2.1.1 Multiple definitions of quality...................................................... 39
2.1.2 Total Quality Management as a way of thinking.......................... 43
2.2 A review of quality cost research ............................................................ 44
2.2.1 History of quality costing ............................................................. 45
2.2.2 Quality cost research in management accounting ........................ 47
2.2.3 Studies on quality costing in production economics and
software engineering .................................................................... 49
2.3 Characteristics of software business and software quality ...................... 53
2.3.1 Software products and processes .................................................. 54
2.3.2 Software product quality characteristics....................................... 57
2.3.3 Benefits of improved software usability....................................... 61
2.3.4 User Perceived Quality and Quality in Use.................................. 64
3 Quality cost accounting in traditional and activity based costing
environment 73
3.1 Principle elements of the PAF-approach ................................................. 74
3.1.1 Quality cost models traditional and new ............................ 79
3.1.2 Approaches to quality improvement............................................. 86
3.2 Measuring quality costs with the Taguchi approach ............................... 89
3.2.1 Example of estimating intangible quality costs ............................ 92
3.3 Types of quality costs levels.................................................................... 95
3.4 Drawbacks of the PAF-approach............................................................. 99
3.4.1 Difficulties in collecting and measuring quality costs................ 102
3.5 Process cost approach (New customer and process focused poor
quality cost model)................................................................................ 107
3.6 Quality cost measurement in Activity-Based Costing
environment........................................................................................... 113
3.6.1 Cost assignment view of ABC.................................................... 113
3.6.2 Process view of ABC.................................................................. 118
3.7 Comparison between COQ approaches and ABC ................................. 120
3.7.1 Integrated COQ-ABC framework............................................... 123
3.8 COQ measurement and reporting under ABC-environment ................. 127
3.8.1 Use of COQ information ............................................................ 130
4 Cost of software quality 135
4.1 Introduction to the cost of software quality........................................... 135
4.2 Benefits of using quality cost accounting in the SW-business .............. 138
4.3 Elements of COSQ information ............................................................ 140
4.4 Findings of the empirical COSQ-research done in software
companies.............................................................................................. 144
5 Case A. Constructing a real time cost of quality measurement
model 153
5.1 Case selection........................................................................................ 153
5.2 Description of the Case Company A ..................................................... 154
5.2.1 Starting point of the empirical project ........................................ 155
5.2.2 Working methods during the fieldwork phase ............................ 156
5.2.3 Description of the result of the preliminary phase...................... 160
5.2.4 The change process..................................................................... 175
5.3 The Description of the constructed quality cost measuring
system RQC .......................................................................................... 177
5.3.1 Examining the scope of the solutions applicability ................... 181
6 Case B. Testing the possibility for constructing real time cost of
quality measurement in another company 187
6.1 Case selection and the objectives in Case B.......................................... 187
6.2 Case B and its mother company ............................................................ 188
6.3 Description of the data .......................................................................... 189
6.3.1 Themes of the interviews............................................................ 191
6.3.2 History and business concept of Case B..................................... 193
6.3.3 Summary of the themes and main development objectives
suggested by interviewees .......................................................... 194
6.3.4 The possibility of implementing real time cost of quality
accounting (RQC) in Case Company B...................................... 202
7 Conclusions 205
7.1 Contributions......................................................................................... 205
7.2 Evaluation of the study reliability and validity ...................................211
7.3 Limitations of the research and avenues for future research................. 216
References 219
Appendices 237
List of Abbreviations
ABC Activity Based Costing
ABM Activity Based Management
ASQ American Society for Quality (since 1998)
ASQC American Society for Quality Control (until 1998)
BDM BDM International company
BPR Business Process Re-engineering
BS British Standard
CD Committee Draft
CIM Computer-integrated Manufacturing
CMM Capability Maturity Model for Software
COC Cost of Conformance
CONC Cost of Nonconformance
COQ Cost of Quality
COSQ Cost of Software Quality
DIS Draft International Standard
EOQ The European Organization for Quality
GQM Goal Question Metric paradigm
GUI Graphical user interface
IAQ International Academy for Quality
IEC The International Electrotechnical Commission
ISO International Organization for Standardization
KYPRO Kytettvyyssuunnittelun prosessien arviointi ja kehittminen
(Development of an improvement approach for user interface
LSL Lower Specification Limit
MET Suomen Metalli-, Kone- ja Shkteknisen Teollisuuden Keskusliitto
(Federation of Finnish Metal, Engineering and Electrotechnical
NPVCF Net present value of the software quality revenues and costs or cash
NPVIC Net present value of the initial investment and ongoing maintenance
costs for the software quality initiative
OWT Own Tool -software developed at Case Company B
PAF Prevention Appraisal Failure -model
PCB Printed circuit board
PQC Poor quality costs
PSP Personal software process
QC Quality cost(s), quality costing
QFD Quality function deployment
RQC Real time quality costing
RES Raytheons Equipment Division
ROI Return on Investment
ROSQ Return on Software Quality
SFS Suomen standardisoimisliitto, The Finnish Union of Standardization
SPICE Software Process Improvement and Capability dEtermination
SPIRAL Software Process Improvement Research Action Laboratory
SQA Software quality assurance
SQI Software quality investment
SQM Software quality maintenance
SQPI The ratio of the present value of the difference between the software
quality revenues and costs divided by the software quality
SQR Software quality revenues
TCOQ Total Cost of Quality
TEKES Teknologian kehittmiskeskus (The National Technology Agency of
TQC Total Quality Control
TQM Total Quality Management
TSOSQ Total Cost of Software Quality
UCD User-centered design
UI User interface
USL Upper Specification Limit
WBS The Work Breakdown Structure
VTT Valtion Teknillinen Tutkimuslaitos (Technical Research Centre of
1 Introduction
1.1 Background
The explosive growth of the software industry in recent years has focused
attention on the problems long associated with software development:
uncontrollable costs, missed schedules, and unpredictable quality. To remain
competitive, software firms must deliver high quality products on time and within
budget. However, to bring their products to market more quickly, software
managers may avoid quality improvement processes such as design reviews and
code inspections, believing that these processes add only time to the development
cycle. Certainly the economics of improving quality are not well understood in
the software development world (Krishnan 1996). For example, a study on the
adoption of the Software Engineering Institutes Capability Maturity Model
reports the following quote from a software manager: Id rather have it wrong
than have it late. We can always fix it later (Paulk et al. 1994).
Humphrey (1996) argues that when the quality of the parts of a software
system is poor, the development process becomes fixated on finding and fixing
defects. The magnitude of this fix process is often a surprise. As a result, the
entire project becomes so preoccupied with defect repair that more important user
concerns are ignored. When a project is struggling to fix defects in a system test,
it is usually in schedule trouble as well.
Knowledge of the cost of quality deficiencies and insufficient features, the
COQ (Cost of Quality) is a useful aid to identifying problem areas in business or
organizational life. By studying the breakdown of these quality costs, one gains
an opportunity to carry out effective improvement activities, dealing first of all
with the problems which cause the highest costs. Once the companys quality
costs are determined, its employees and management realize the usually
remarkably high costs incurred when the quality level is not the intended one.
This realization can have positive effects on both motivation and improvement
activities within the company (Srqvist 1998).
The meaning of quality as improving the competitiveness of a companys
products and functions has become more apparent in the course of time. Because
of this, the meaning of an effective quality control system has become more and
more essential. One of the problems in improving and controlling quality, has,
however, been a lack of illustrative indicators, or parameters, with the aid of
which it is possible to measure and follow quality and quality goals.
Information systems of companies have traditionally produced ample
information concerning financial processes. The development of data systems has
further improved the flow of internal information in firms. Also, the real
processes of a company can now be more effectively brought under systematic
control. This means that it is possible to set clear and measurable objectives,
measure realization, report the differences between the objectives and realization,
and perform corrective actions in accordance with to the deviation.
The evaluation of a companys quality situation can be made easier by using
financial measurements. This is important because the terms used by quality
professionals are unfamiliar to most of the people. The importance of quality can
be explained to management by using quality costs. By using quality costs (Cost
of Quality, COQ), managements interest in quality improvement may hence be
obtained. (Tervonen 1992: 2)
Crosby (1986: 4041) states that the reason for management not being
interested in quality has been the fact that quality practitioners have not been able
to show the real size of quality costs and thus the meaning of quality as an
important element of competition. Cost accounting based on earlier quality
concepts has shown quality costs to be 24 per cent of turnover. According to
Horngren-Foster-Datar (1994: 794), quality costs range from 15 per cent to 20 per
cent of sales1 for many organizations. Modern, comprehensive cost accounting
based on modern quality concepts has shown quality costs to be about 1520 per
cent of turnover in manufacturing companies and 35 per cent of operating costs in
service companies (Campanella & Corcoran 1983: 17). In the electronics industry,
quality transactions add up to some 25 to 40 per cent of manufacturing overhead
(Cooper-Kaplan 1991: 348).
As can be seen, quality costs based on modern quality concepts seem very
large. It is surprising if company management can make rational decisions based
on knowledge that represents only the tip of the iceberg presented by older
methods. If the source of information behind a decision is distorted, the decision
has no chance to achieve the goals that were set. In addition, most COQ
measurement systems in use do not trace quality costs to their sources (OGuin
It is often difficult to state the exact percent of COQ because there are no universally accepted
accounting techniques how to calculate quality costs. This causes a distortion of the COQ percents
1991: 70), which prevents managers from identifying where the quality
improvement opportunities lie.
The purpose of this study is to develop a model for measuring quality costs on a
real time basis in software development. This is achieved by seeking answers to
the following research questions:
1. How to measure quality costs on a real time basis in software industry?
2. How do the characteristics of software business impact on the accounting of
quality costs?
3. How to use quality cost measurement as a management accounting tool in a
modern software business environment?
Answers to the above questions are sought through the development of a
theoretical framework and the analysis of the key concepts of the study. The
thesis extends the current literature in three main respects.
First, the study presents the idea of measuring quality costs on a real time
basis. Despite advances in quality management and systems, most managers still
find it difficult to link quality development projects with expected economic
returns (Ittner & Larcker 1996). Ittner (1999) considers the primary reason for this
to be the lack of adequate methods for determining the financial consequences of
poor quality. The literature on real time quality cost accounting is limited or even
non-existent. In this thesis, the idea is demonstrated by developing a model for
measuring the cost of quality on a real time basis in Case Company A (a
constructive case study); and the boundary conditions for how to construct such a
system in a totally different working environment are also charted in Case
Company B. The constructive research approach (CRA) proposed by Kasanen et
al. (1993) is used in a Case Company A that develops and produces packaged
software used in embedded products. Since it is not typically possible to pass
semi-strong or strong market tests within a medium-term time span, the
construction is tested by using more detailed nuances within the weak market test
category suggested by Labro and Tuomela (2003) in order to analyse the level of
progress of the construct. As such, this dissertation also contributes to Labro and
Tuomelas (2003) study by using their weak market test testing method.
Second, a contribution is made by answering the research question how do
the characteristics of software business impact on the accounting of quality costs
by presenting the nature and distinction of software business as well as its
implications to software quality and applying quality cost measurement to
software business. Malmi et al. (2004) argue that the COQ literature typically
deals with manufacturing or service organizations in continuous or repetitive
business processes in which identical or similar activities and work phases are
repeated in the same sequence or order, batch after batch or customer after
customer. Many modern businesses, however, are outright project based, or
operate like a string of semi-independent projects characterized by unique
resources, customized activity or work sequence order, and a predefined start and
finish. In Case A of the thesis, the emphasis was mainly on the first type of
contribution in Lukkas (2000) classification the construct itself is a novelty that
it introduces an awareness of a completely new means to achieve certain ends.
The anticipated contribution arises from the fact that the construct is a novelty
that leads to a new means of quality cost accounting in the software business.
Third, this study is expected to make a contribution by answering the research
question how to use quality cost measurement as a management accounting tool
in modern software business environment. Malmi et al. (2004) follow the
constructive approach suggested by Kasanen et al. (1993), considering the
practice-relevant problem of managers having to justify investments in quality
improvement (Ittner & Larcker 1996, Ittner 1999, cf. Kasanen et al. 1993). The
construct developed by Malmi et al. collaborative approach for managing
project cost of poor quality provides some indication of expected cost savings
or expected reductions in resource consumption given that certain poor quality
cost elements can be removed or the required proactive actions are successful
(Malmi et al. 2004: 314). In this thesis, this point will be elaborated further by
providing an indication of real time cost of quality information classified by
software product versions, calendar time, quality cost categories, or by defect
type. By using such information, the managers can gain a deeper understanding of
(quality) cost behaviour in the software business. Regardless of the earlier
research done considering quality costing, there is still limited evidence on how to
use quality cost accounting as a management accounting tool.
The research process of the thesis can be divided into main stages. To be able to
answer the above research questions, an extensive preparatory study was made of
the approaches traditionally used to measure quality costs. Literature reviews
were conducted in areas including management accounting and industrial
engineering, especially the TQM2 literature. The preparatory work was based on a
literature review as well as on the researchers earlier experience in constructing
quality cost measurement systems in case companies. The purpose of the
preparatory study was to map the existing methods used for measuring quality
costs and the experience gained through these methods. The researcher also wrote
articles on quality cost measurement in various environments3.
After this came the question of directing the study to one branch of business.
The researchers interest was the high-tech and software business, mainly because
this branch of business is a fruitful research area; typically COQ in manufacturing
industry range from 5 to 25 percent of company sales, which contrasts
significantly with the cost of software quality (COSQ), which appears to be
roughly twice as much as the manufacturing COQ. This originates mainly from
the nature of the software development process. Literally, software is developed,
not constructed. Because of this intuitive way to develop (=manufacture) software
products, there are always some ambiguity and inaccuracy in the management
point of view of software development. To study COSQ, the researcher must have
knowledge of software development process and software quality. In the second
research stage a great amount of literature concerning software development,
software business, and software quality was read, software quality courses were
taken and seminar papers written on the topic area. The software development
process can be defined as a set of activities, methods and practices that are used
in the production and evolution of a software product. Improving the quality of
the software products is realized in software development by improving the
quality of the software development process. This thesis offers an extrapolation of
the manufacturing and service industries cost of quality model for the business of
software development. To understand the quality level in software development
processes the researcher had to familiarize himself with the common maturity
models used in the software business. The researchers knowledge of software
development and software maturity was gained by participating in the KYPRO
(Development of an improvement approach for user interface development)
The total quality management (TQM) doctrine is based on customer satisfaction, continuous
improvement, quality assurance, standardization and fact-based management (Dean and Bowen, 1994)
Sippola, Kari 1997. Laatukustannusten kyttytymist tutkitaan suomalaisella aineistolla Perinteinen
vai uusi laatukustannusmalli? Laatuviesti 3 / 1997 ss. 24-26.
Sippola, Kari 1998. Laatukustannukset (luku 7). Tutkimus- ja tuotekehitystoiminnan laatu (T&K
laatu) projektin esitutkimusvaiheen loppuraportti. RAPID teknologiaohjelma (MET, TEKES).
Maturity Model for Software project. The knowledge gained of the Capability
Maturity Model for software (CMM), SPICE (ISO 15504 -standard) and
Bootstrap maturity models, and the Goal Question Metric (GQM) method was
also gained by participating in the project. The KYPRO project was a project
funded by the National Technology Agency of Finland (TEKES) in Infotech Oulu
Software Process Improvement Research Action Laboratory (SPIRAL4), in which
the Department of Information Processing Science in the University of Oulu and
Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT Electronics research institute) in
Oulu participate. By participating in this project, the researcher has also gained
knowledge of software usability and other software quality characteristics, as well
as clarification of the path that leads through the jungle of dozens of various
software quality standards.
Based on the information obtained, the research process was concentrated on
the empirical research, which was done on two case companies, A and B. The
empirical part of the dissertation process was started in 2001 at Case Company A
and in 2005 at Case Company B. In this study, two case companies were selected.
The selection process of cases is discussed in the empirical part of the study (in
Chapter 5.2.1) Multiple cases are employed to strengthen the market test for the
construct developed in Case A. With regard to empirical work, this phase
resembled other case study methodologies in which deep understanding of the
issues researched is pursued through observing, interviewing, studying archival
material, etc. (cf. Lukka 1999). Over 40 hours of interview data was collected and
analyzed in Case Company A before and during the model construction process.
The construction developed in Case A was also tested using more detailed
nuances within the weak market test category suggested by Labro and Tuomela
(2003) in order to analyse the level of progress of the construct. The possibility of
constructing a real time cost of quality measurement system developed in Case A
was also tested in another case company, Case B, to make the market test
stronger, and the boundary conditions how to construct such a system in a totally
different working environment were also charted.
SPIRAL - Software Process Improvement Research Action Laboratory is a joint research group
between the Department of Information Processing Science in the University of Oulu and the Software
Engineering Group of VTT Electronics focusing on software process improvement. The objective of the
SPIRAL research group is to develop and disseminate new software process improvement approaches
that: 1) combine and enhance the strengths of process assessment, goal-oriented measurement, process
modelling and risk management; 2) develop methods for focused product quality driven process
improvement; are tailored specially to embedded software development; and 3) can be applied in practice.
1.4 Theoretical framework
In this study I draw on Silvermans (1993) usage of the term qualitative in relation to methodology,
which, in the management accounting literature, has, with minor variations, also been referred to as
naturalistic, holistic, interpretative, and phenomenological. It stands in contrast to a positivistic approach
to research.
The common denominator of all modes of case research is that they tend to
apply all the data collection methods first mobilised by ethnographers:
observation, interviews, and analysis of archival material of the case.
Ethnographic research tends to always imply immersion in the world due to the
participant observation feature of the approach (Hammersley & Atkinson 1995).
However, in ethnography, intervention is nevertheless typically kept to a
minimum: intervention tends to be viewed as a threat to the scholarly value of the
study rather than as a research weapon (Lukka 2005).
Regarding the researchers empirical intervention, there are two basic
positions in (management) accounting academia. The dominant one is based on
the idea that the research should, and can, be objective and value-free.
Accordingly, the aim of the researcher is to describe and explain, as well as
potentially to predict, the existing reality, and thereby to develop a prior theory of
the field in question, but not to be involved with attempts to change the world
(e.g. Friedman 1953, Watts & Zimmerman 1986). This position leads to an
attempt to eliminate the researchers empirical intervention. The dominance of the
non-interventionist position can be seen, for instance, in the fact that the standard
literature on case or qualitative research discusses the researchers intervention
only in passing, if at all (see e.g. Yin 1984, Silverman 1985 2000, Marshall &
Rossman 1989, Stake 1995, Hammersley & Atkinson 1995). Non-interventionist
case research tends to focus on formulating, understanding (making sense of), and
explaining management accounting issues on a conceptual level. The
development of these understandings and explanations may have different kinds
of theory connections. (Jnsson & Lukka 2007: 375). In order to make a
contribution to theory, the findings of non-interventionist case research needs to
be translated i.e. generalized so that their meaningfulness in other contexts
can be captured by the reader (Lukka & Kasanen 1995).
The alternative, often overlooked position in management accounting
academia, the interventionist position, which is used in this research, allows for
the researchers active participative co-operation with the actors in the field.
Jnsson and Lukka (2007: 375) argue that the key advantage of interventionist
research is the opportunity to collect more subtle and significant data than what
can be accessed through more traditional research methods. They also argue (p.
376) that interventionist research approaches offer the researcher a lot of potential
to gain emic (insider) understandings of what is going on in the case organization.
According to Lukka (2005), the core belief here is that the researchers
intervention may offer him/her an effective route to the inner structures and
processes of the research target, thereby making him/her able to connect prior
theoretical understanding with practical knowledge, know-how, possibilities, and
purposes. The researchers intervention is viewed as a fruitful, at the extreme
even indispensable necessary, avenue for relevant new knowledge. In addition to
adding to our theoretical understanding, interventionist research projects tend to
have practical purposes, too there is often a strong desire to change the world in
the picture. The adopters of the interventionist approach do not accept the need
for necessarily striving for objectivity and value-freeness in research, since they
argue these qualities tend to be only myths in research, and furthermore, it is
useful for the social sciences researchers to explicitly open up their values in their
research projects. In addition, it has been argued that the pragmatic test of the
usefulness of knowledge should be actually viewed as scientifically strong (e.g.
Susman & Evered 1978, Kasanen et al. 1993). These arguments are considered
especially relevant in applied fields, such as accounting (Mattessich 1995). The
dissertation represents an example of an interventionist mode of case research.
An interventionist researcher has to conduct him/her study simultaneously
with the flow of life in target organization. This allows his/her to bypass many of
the potential threats to quality and contribution inherent in the ex post facto type
of studies. For instance, there are no recollection problems and the issue
examined is certainly relevant and topical. The fact that the researcher is
thorougly immersed in the practical flow of life also decreases the risk that s/he
will be treated as a tourist in the field, with whom one should communicate with
simplified child talk an interventionist researcher tends to be taken seriously
(Lukka 2005). ... she is viewed as a seriously taken participant in this process,
and if so, she will be treated and talked to like one of us (Jnssn & Lukka
2007: 376).
Keating (1995) distinguishes between the various roles that a management
accounting case study can have regarding theory: theory discovery, theory
refinement, and theory refutation (=theory testing). Theory refinement is further
divided into two options: theory illustration and theory specification. Keating
views these variations of case research as forming an iterative and circular
process. By theory discovery case study Keating refers to research aiming at
mapping novel, dynamic, and/or complex phenomena ignored or inadequately
explained by existing theories (p. 70). He defines theory illustration case study
(a variation of theory refinement) as the pursuit to establish the plausibility of a
specific theoretical perspective by demonstrating its capacity to illuminate some
previously unappreciated aspect of management accounting practice (p. 70) and
theory specification case study (another variation of theory refinement) as the
pursuit to refine a sparce, unspecified theory in order to make it amenable to
broad scale statistical test or critical case test (p. 70). Finally, by crucial
test/counterpoint case study (aiming at theory refutation/testing), Keating refers
to research attempting to falsify or otherwise refute a well-specified theory
(p.70). (Lukka 2005).
In the formation for mapping case research in management accounting, I will
apply Lukkas (2005) taxonomy which is based on Keating (1995) in a slighty
modified manner. While for Keating theory refinement is one of the main
categories including the sub-categories of theory illustration and theory
specification, Lukka (2005) raises theory illustration to one of the main
categories. On the other hand, Lukka uses theory refinement as a category
including several types of elaborations of existing theory as not only referring to
theory specification as defined by Keating (which looks unnecessarily positivist
tuned to Lukka) and not including theory illustration at all. In addition, Lukka
uses the notion theory testing case rather than the narrowly theory refutation
case privileged by Keating. Hence, the idea of the theory development cycle goes
here from theory discovery via theory illustration and theory refinement to theory
Based on the above contemplations, Lukka mobilises two analytical
dimensions, in light of which he will examine existing and potential case research
in management accounting. These dimensions are the nature of the researchers
empirical intervention, including the categories of non-interventionist and
interventionist case research, and the theory linkage of the study, including the
options of theory discovery, theory illustration, theory refinement, and theory
testing case research. On this basis, he forms the following six-item taxonomy:
theory discovery case research, theory illustration case research, theory
refinement case research, theory testing case research, action research, and
constructive case research. The first four variations of case research in
management accounting in this list predominantly seek to minimise the empirical
intervention of the case researcher. In them, empirical intervention is generally
regarded as a potential threat to the validity and reliability of the study (cf.
McKinnon 1988, Lukka 2005). For the remaining two alternatives of case
research the intervention of the researcher is transformed into a research weapon
and it is therefore deliberately applied, not avoided (cf. Lukka 2005).
Interventionist approaches, applied with skill and care, have significant potential
for producing a new understanding of management accounting practices, not least
due their inherent quality of ascertaining the topicality and relevance of the issues
examined (Lukka 2005). In the next section, CRA is discussed more detail.
1.4.3 Specific steps in constructing the real time cost of quality
measurement model
Originally, Kasanen et al. (1993) mentioned six steps in conducting constructive research. Lukka
(2000) complemented these by adding a new step, examining the potential for long term co-operation, to
this prescription.
research process in order to make the project meaningful to the research
community, even though the exact theoretical contribution can be elaborated on
only in the final part of the research process.
In the empirical part of the thesis, certain particularities of the study are
discussed that I consider to be of prime relevance to the conduct of constructive
case research. With regard to each step, I will outline methodological imperatives
given in the literature, describe the conduct of the study, and finally draw certain
conclutions. The seven step approach (Kasanen et al. 1993, Lukka 2000, 2002)
will be used in presenting the working process and evaluating the construction
developed at Case Company A. As follows, the specific steps in constructing the
real time cost of quality measurement model, are briefly presented.
1. To find a practically relevant problem which also has research potential
At the core of any constructive research project lies a practical problem. The
development challenge should be, as Labro and Tuomela (2003: 416) point out,
directly relevant to managers or other decision-makers. On the other hand, the
problem should possess theoretically significant potential to be solved (Kasanen
et al. 1993): there should not be an obvious solution available in the literature
(Lukka 2000). Labro and Tuomela (2003: 438) argue that at the core of CRA is
the pursuit of novel innovations. Transferring an existing technique from one field
of science to another can be considered novel if it requires adding completely new
knowledge and features to the model. Applying an existing construct as such to
another organization may be good consulting work or part of an innovation action
research (Kaplan 1998) but it should not be considered to be constructive
research. Labro and Tuomela (2003: 416) point out that while earlier articles
about the CRA heavily emphasize practical relevance, they do not indicate how
researchers can find companies with interesting problems.
The practical relevance of the problems identified was rather obvious in this
case study since the request for the development work came from the manager
responsible (cf. e.g. Labro & Tuomela 2003). Consequently, a comprehensive
study of the companys quality costs was needed for practical purposes. The
researchers expectations and the financial managerss views about prevailing
problems in quality cost accounting were also supported by other managers of the
company. As Labro and Tuomela (2003: 418) point out, much of the contribution
of constructive research rests on the premise that both instant practical progress
and direct theoretical contributions are sought. In point of fact, this is a major
differentiating factor between the CRA and consulting (which puts emphasis on
practical contribution) or the majority of other research methods (which have
emphasis on theoretical contributions which may have some, but need not
necessarily have any, (in)direct practical consequences). Accordingly, it is
important that constructive researchers ensure that both kinds of contributions are
indeed available. If not, it is possible that the empirical work may be discontinued
or that the results of the study may not be interesting enough to warrant
2. To examine the potential for long term research co-operation with the target
The second step in constructive research is to examine the possibilities for
longitudinal co-operation with the case organization(s). Labro and Tuomela
(2003: 418) emphasize that gaining and maintaining the commitment of the case
company is crucial in order for the research process to be successful (cf. e.g.
Lukka 2000). A possible way of ensuring commitment is to charge for the
researchers services (Puolamki 2000). Kaplan (1998) argues that compensation
builds commitment. However, there may be some danger that a commercial
consultancy relationship, with its inherent problems, will develop (Westbrook
1995). In Case Company A, a fixed fee was payed to the project researcher for a
certain period of time. By so doing, commitment was ensured both for the
company and researcher. The compensation was not, however, a primary issue
from the perspective of either the company studied or the researcher, and the
course of events how to conduct the research process was not limited in any way
during the research process.
3. Obtaining a general and comprehensive understanding of the topic
Becoming familiar with both the practical and the theoretical underpinnings of
the topic constitutes the third step in the CRA (Labro & Tuomela 2003).
According to Lukka (2000: 117, see also Lukka & Tuomela 1998) this phase is
very different from consulting assignments in terms of the more extensive
theoretical and empirical groundwork. The researcher needs solid ex-ante
knowledge of theory in order to make informed interventions (Dickens & Watkins
1999) during the research process. In addition, even though the innovation phase
may be very heuristic (Kasanen et al. 1993), knowledge of the existing literature is
needed in order to analyse the theoretical contribution of the study.
In this study, previous knowledge of the relevant literature had been
accumulated before the empirical research phase began. The researchers
Licentiate thesis (Sippola 2000) offered an extrapolation of the management and
service industries COQ Model for the business of software development. As this
research (Sippola 2000) presented a theoretical framework for quality cost
measurement in the software business, and reported results obtained from other
companies, it was obtained that there is still an obvious avenue for future
empirical research. This research partly lowered the doorstep for the researcher to
gain access to Case Company A. Issues considering quality cost measurement had
been familiar to the researcher since 1994, when his masters thesis (Sippola
1994) was published. Knowledge of the literature was complemented by
attending both academic and non-academic conferences, seminars and workshops.
Congress papers (Sippola 2001, 2003, 2005, and 2007) were also written during
the research process.
With regard to empirical work, this phase resembles other case study
methodologies in which deep understanding of the issues researched is pursued
through observing, interviewing, studying archival material, etc. (Lukka 1999). In
Case A, the data collection process was meticulous, involving long periods in the
field. The interviewees had time to get used to the presence of the researcher in
the both case companies. As McKinnon (1988) states, the longer the researcher
spends in the studied context, the less vulnerable the study is to factors that
jeopardize its reliability and validity. Some modernization is advisable, however.
The notorious tale of the sociologist being finally rediscovered in a Borneo jungle
wearing a hula-hula skirt and a ring in his nose warns us about the threat of Going
Native. McKinnon (1988) states that researchers undertaking qualitative studies
must maintain an appropriate distance from the studied context.
In the study, I also noticed the fact raised by Lukka (2005) that the
interventionist researcher is thorougly immersed in the practical flow of life; this
also decreases the risk that s/he will be treated as a tourist in the field.
4. Innovating and constructing a theoretically grounded solution idea
An intensive search for a (both practically and theoretically) innovative solution is
the primary feature distinguishing constructive research from other types of action
research and most consultancy work (Labro & Tuomela 2003). Consequently,
Labro and Tuomela (2003) emphasize that the aim of developing a basic model
picked up from a textbook would not meet the criteria of constructive research,
even if this construct would be something new to the firm in question. Lukka
(2000, 2002) argues that the innovation phase is a creative, and possibly even
heuristic sequence of events during which co-operative teamwork between the
researcher(s) and company managers is crucial. The above mentioned points were
also important in Case A.
5. Implementing the solution and testing whether it works in practice
Since constructive research relies on a pragmatic view of truth, the
implementation phase is an elementary part of the research (Lukka 2000).
Moreover, the phase of trying out the construct is critical, since even a failed
implementation test may turn out to be theoretically interesting (Lukka &
Tuomela 1998). It should be borne in mind that the implementation test has a
twofold purpose: a successful implementation means both that the research
process has been successful, at least with regard to the most critical factors, and
that the construct has been technically feasible (Lukka 2000, 2002).
Shields (1995) argues that when a new management accounting construct is
implemented and taken into use, it means that a management accounting change
is taking place. In order to cope with the challenges of change, the researchers
need to be alert not only to the technical issues but to the behavioural and
organizational variables that are likely to play a paramount role in the pursuit of
successful implementations. In addition to addressing and taking advantage of the
basic advancing forces of change, i.e. motivators, catalysts and facilitators of
change (Innes & Mitchell 1990), the role of leaders and the need for a momentum
for change should be acknowledged (Cobb et al. 1995). Moreover, a profound
analysis of potential barriers to change, i.e. confusers, frustrators and delayers of
change, is useful when implementing a construct (Kasurinen 2002).
6. Examining the scope of the solutions applicability
Labro and Tuomela (2003: 429) emphasize the point made by Lukka (2000), that
the researcher(s) should become detached from the empirical data and consider
the wider implications, i.e. external validity. The sixth step involves discussing
those aspects of the construct that could be transferable to other organizations. In
the case of failed implementation, it is possible to consider implementation
problems that are also likely to emerge in other organizations.
In their seminal article, Kasanen et al. (1993) make a case for market-based
validation of managerial constructs. The weak market test is passed when a
manager is willing to apply the construct to his or her actual decision-making
problem. Lukka (2000, 2002) has specified that the weak market test should really
refer to the actual implementation of the construct, rather than the willingness to
implement it. The semi-strong market test is passed if the construct is widely
adopted by companies. Passing the strong market test requires that the businesses
applying the construct produce better results than those that are not using it. The
third test seems very harsh, as even for widely accepted concepts or techniques
such as ABC, just in time and total quality, researchers have found it very hard to
measure the exact financial benefits resulting from the introduction from the
construct, as these are confused with other business processes (e.g. Balakrishnan
et al. 1996, Huson & Nanda 1995, Rust et al. 1995, Easton & Jarrell 1998, Reed
et al. 1996, Kennedy 1997).
Lukka (2000) argues that in a constructive case study, it is practically
impossible to go beyond the weak market test, where the main issue is whether or
not the company has adopted the construct. Labro and Tuomela (2003: 438) add
that the innovation action research approach (Kaplan 1998) could later be used to
complement the constructive studies. Lukka and Kasanen (1995) emphasize that
constructive case researchers can and should assess the transferability of their
construct, at least to some extent. This is true even if the final applicability
judgement (of the construct) resides with the reader, who is the only expert on
his/her own circumstances. By providing a rich description of the research
process and case context, constructive case researchers can provide important
guidance in making the judgement on transferability. Lukka (2000) argue that
external validity can and should be considered as early as the research design
There is a wider applicability of the construct developed in case A, since in
most software companies the software development process is a labour-intensive
process, and the most of the quality costs come from finding and fixing defects.
The applicability of the construct is also tested in Case B in the Chapter 6 of the
thesis. The results show that the construction built in Case A could be constructed
irrespective of the cost accounting environment or the software used.
7. Showing the theoretical connections and the research contribution
According to Lukka (2000), there are two primary ways of contributing to theory
in constructive studies. First, it is possible that the construct itself is of such
novelty that it introduces an awareness of a completely new means to achieve
certain ends. This is the fundamental purpose of applied science (Mattessich
1995). Second, a constructive case study can serve the purpose of developing,
illustrating, refining or testing a theory or theories (Keating 1995). Through the
pragmatic implementation test, the underlying positive relationships are also
tested. In this way, both successful and failed implementations may turn out to be
interesting and lead to the refinement, maybe even the discarding, of theories and
proposals of new theories (Lukka 2000 2002).
Malmi et al. (2004) argue that the COQ literature typically deals with
manufacturing or service organizations in continuous or repetitive business
processes in which identical or similar activities and work phases are repeated in
the same sequence or order, batch after batch or customer after customer. Many
modern businesses, however, are outright project based, or operate like a string of
semi-independent projects characterized by unique resources, customized activity
or work sequence order, and a predefined start and finish. In Case A, the emphasis
was mainly on the first type of contribution in Lukkas (2000) classification. The
construct is a novelty that leads to a new means of quality cost accounting in the
software business. In addition to this, the identification of the quiddity of software
business, e.g. the fact that software is developed, not constructed (Humphrey
1989), and software quality is also important, as quality cost measurement has so
far only been modelled using ex-post calculation methods. This study also
contributes to theory in the second way. An attempt is made to elaborate theory on
linking software quality issues to quality cost measurement.
The rest of the dissertation is organized as follows. The second chapter presents
the concept of quality, summarizes the research done on quality cost accounting
and explains the characteristics of software products and processes and various
software quality models and standards for software quality. The chapter answers
questions regarding the main characteristics of the software business compared to
other businesses, the characteristics of software quality, and how the
characteristics of the software business impact on the accounting of quality costs.
After this, the third chapter, cost of quality measurement in traditional cost
accounting and in a activity based accounting environment, presents various
approaches of measuring COQ, and the results of the research done on describing
the role of the cost accounting environment in accounting of quality costs. The
chapter presents a conceptual framework for measuring quality costs in various
cost accounting environments.
The fourth chapter is a description of the cost of software quality
measurement. The section presents the benefits of using COSQ and an example of
a COSQ chart, and the empirical results gained from the research done in the
field. The chapter explains why the recognition of quality costs is a key issue in
the software business.
After this, the idea of real time quality cost accounting is presented in
Chapter Five and the construction developed in Case Company A is tested using
the detailed nuances within the weak market test category suggested by Labro and
Tuomela (2003) in order to analyse the level of progress of the construct. The
chapter answers research questions on how to measure quality costs on a real time
basis in the software industry and how to use quality cost measurement as a
management accounting tool in a modern software business environment. The
results of the empirical research done in Case Company A are presented there.
In the sixth chapter the possibility of constructing a real time cost of quality
measurement system as developed in Case A is tested in another case company
(Case B), and it is investigated if and how such a system could be built in a totally
different working environment.
The seventh chapter presents the main findings of the thesis, and discusses the
potential insights, and provides a basis for assessing the contribution of the study.
Evaluation of the study and limitations of the research, as well as avenues for
future research are also presented there.
2 Concept of quality, quality cost accounting
and quality in the software business
is very difficult almost an impossible mission on the basis of present knowledge.
A lot of difficulties are met in defining the quality concept because the concept is
complex and indistinct. (Savolainen 1992: 6)
As follows, some definitions of quality preceded in the literature are
presented: In the dictionary of the new Finnish language, the Association of
Finnish Literature, (1978: 7) quality has been determined as follows: those
features, which do something only because of what it is, or which essentially
belong to something; those things that give something its essential nature, or
which is essential for something7.
Juran (1988: 2) defines quality as follows: Quality consists of those product
features which meet the needs of customers and thereby provide product
satisfaction. Quality consists of freedom from deficiencies. Crosby (1979: 17) has
defined quality as: Quality is conformance to requirements. Jurans quality
definition is thus larger than Crosbys. Feigenbaum (1983: 7) defines quality: The
total composite product and service characteristics of marketing, engineering,
manufacture, and maintenance through which the product and service in use will
meet the expectations of the customer. Horngren et al. (1991: 912) define quality
as: Quality of a product or service means its conformance with a prespecified
(and often pro announced) standard.
SFS-ISO 8402 -quality standard (1988: 2) defines quality as the totality of
features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to
satisfy stated or implied needs. In the ASQCs (1977 and 1987) guides for
reducing quality costs, it is said concerning the definition of quality, that in the
majority of cases quality is meant to be conformance to drawings and plans.
However, quality is understood in the broader sense of the word in these guides,
and it means fitness for customers use (Tervonen 1992a: 10). In the survey
among Finnish quality experts in 1992 the definition of quality includes both the
qualities of functions. Customer satisfaction had the largest approval (Tervonen
1992b: 10). Schonberger states: Quality is like art. Everybody stands for it and
recognizes it when they see it, but everybody defines it in a different way
(Schonberger 1989: 157). As can be seen, quality as a concept is very complex
and varied. To be able to measure quality, it must first be defined. If quality can
not be measured, how can we separate good and poor quality? (Lillrank 1990: 39)
The original definition in Finnish: Ne (olennaiset tai tilapiset) ominaisuudet, jotka tekevt jonkin
siksi, mik se on, tai jotka olennaisesti kuuluvat johonkin; se, mik antaa jollekin sen olennaisen leiman
tai on ominaista jollekin.
2.1.1 Multiple definitions of quality
Manufacturing-Based quality
proposing alternative designs that enhance reliability. The latter, by employing
statistical techniques to discover when a production process is performing outside
acceptable limits. (Garvin 1988: 45, Lillrank 1990: 42)
Each of these techniques is focused on the same end: cost reduction.
According to the manufacturing-based approach, improvements in quality (which
are equivalent to reductions in the number of deviations) lead to lower costs, for
preventing defects is viewed as less expensive than repairing or reworking them.
Firms are therefore assumed to be performing sub-optimally. (Garvin 1988: 45)
The limitation on the manufacturing-based approach is that quality is dependent
on the knowledge and ability of the product designers and process engineers, and
the competence of the standards that they have developed. If the standard is
defective, the product will be defective, although it is very well done according to
the specifications. Crosby, as well as Deming, Juran and Feigenbaum, represents
the manufacturing-based quality approach as well as the Japanese Taguchi.
(Lillrank 1990: 42)
Product-Based quality
Value-Based quality
The value-based approach defines quality in terms of costs and prices. Thus, a
quality product is one that provides performance or conformance at an acceptable
price or cost. By this reasoning, a $550 running shoe, no matter how well
constructed, could not be a quality product, for it would find few buyers (Garvin
1988: 45). The value-based quality approach is important because it does not
handle quality as an abstract matter, but fixes it to price and the purchasing power
of customers. (Lillrank 1990: 4344).
A survey of consumer perceptions of quality in twenty-eight product
categories suggests that the value-based view is becoming more prevalent8. The
studys overall conclusion was that quality is increasingly apt to be discussed and
perceived in relationship to price. (Garvin 1988: 46)
Competition-Based quality
The Consumer Network, Inc., Brand Quality Perceptions (Philadelphia; PA: Consumer Network,
August 1983)
User-Based quality
User-based definitions start from the premise that quality lies in the eyes of the
beholder. Individual consumers are assumed to have different wants or needs,
and the goods that best satisfy their preferences are the ones they regard as having
the highest quality. This is an idiosyncratic and personal view of quality, and one
that is highly subjective (Garvin 1988: 43). According to the user-based approach,
quality is the ability of the product to satisfy the needs and wants of the customer.
A quality product satisfies the customers needs so much that they will buy the
same brand name again and again (Lillrank 1990: 44). The user-based approach
also has restrictions. The observation of the current needs of the customer will not
lead the firm to radical innovations, because customers may not want such things
that do not exist. (Lillrank 1990: 47)
In the marketing literature, the user-based approach has led to the notion of
ideal points: precise combinations of product attributes that provide the greatest
satisfaction to a specified customer. In the economics literature, it has led to the
view that quality differences are captured by shifts in a products demand curve.
And in the operations management literature, it has given rise to the concept of
fitness for use. Each of these concepts, however, faces two problems. The first is
practical: how to aggregate widely varying individual preferences so that they can
lead to meaningful definitions of quality at the market level. The second is more
fundamental: how to distinguish those product attributes that connote quality from
those that simply maximise consumer satisfaction9 (Garvin 1988: 43).
Environmental-Based quality
In the environmental-based quality concept all the effects, which the product will
cause to the environment and to society, will be considered (destroying non-
renewable natural resources, recycling, healthiness) (Savolainen 1992: 12). The
environmental-based quality concept measures quality on the grounds of clear
standards and indicators. Thus the quality of the product will not only be defined
by the needs and requests of the customer, but also the outside quarters. Quality is
not in the product, it is the way the product will adapt to the ecosystem. (Lillrank
1990: 49)
For more about this problem, see Garvin 1988: 43-44
In this research, quality is defined as User-Based: the goal of quality is to
totally satisfy the needs and requirements of both external and internal customers,
combined with faultless action in the all functions of the company.
The four categories of quality costs are: prevention costs, appraisal costs, internal failure costs,
external failure costs
The new name since 1998 is American Society for Quality (ASQ).
quality to the well-being of manufacturing business through measurements of the
cost of quality (Campanella 1990: 2). In 1967 the ASQC published Quality Costs
What and How in which quality costs are defined only by category and by
reference to Feigenbaum. This booklet was revised in 1970 and 1974, and it may
still be the most definitive work on the subject, even if it does not include all the
cost elements that might be identified as being quality related in a total approach
to management of product and service quality. The fact that the emphasis is on
measuring and reducing (or optimizing) the major quality cost categories and
elements, rather than on the currently more popular quality cost improvement
projects approach, does not invalidate or detract from the value of the strategy or
advice in any way (Dale & Plunkett 1991: 89). Other ASQC publications that
deal best with practical aspects on how to do quality costing are Guide for
Reducing Quality Costs and Guide for Managing Supplier Quality Costs (Dale
& Plunkett 1991: 9).
The British Standards Institutions publication BS 6143 Guide to the
Determination and Use of Quality Related Costs (1981 issue) is in many
respects an abridged version of Quality Costs What and How; and is according
to Dale and Plunkett (1991: 10) but a poor imitation.
The earliest Finnish writings pertaining to quality costs are also from the
1970s, such as Verjnkorva (1974 and 1977) and Liesmki (1974). The Finnish
Union of Standardization has published a handbook concerning quality costs (SFS
1977). As far as other business organizations are concerned, Suomen Metalli-
Kone- ja Shkteknisen Teollisuuden Keskusliitto (MET), Federation of Finnish
Metal, Engineering and Electrotechnical industries, has most significantly tried to
raise the appreciation of quality. (Tervonen 1992: 10)
In Finland, Tervonen has performed research in the area of quality costing.
He has done literature research on the quality costs concepts and categories in
1991 as well as an interview study on the quality costs practice in Finnish
industrial companies. His Licentiates dissertation deals with poor-quality costs.
MET has dealt with this matter in some of its publications (e.g. Virtanen 1986 and
Lipponen 1988). The latter was also a Masters thesis in business economics. In
TEKESs publications there has also been research on quality costs (e.g. Sippola
1998). There have also been articles on the subject in the special journal of
Laatuviesti (e.g. Sippola 1997).
2.2.2 Quality cost research in management accounting
defective product from being shipped to the customer, thereby increasing the
number of units scrapped or reworked internally. (Pomenon et al. 1994: 214)
The elemental literature of management accounting contains a little about
quality costs. The topic of quality, as well as measurement of quality and quality
costs, has been recently touched upon in the management accounting literature
(Horngren et al. 1994, Morse 1991, Tervonen 1991, Atkinson et al. 1997). Given
the central prominence that discussions of quality play in the economy today, it
seems puzzling that cost of quality analysis is absent from accounting curricula
and accounting journals (Shank & Govindarajan 1993: 25) In the last few years,
there has, however, been quite a lot of QC-research in the area of management
accounting, as can be seen from the list of articles presented above.
A recent article published is by Malmi et al. (2004). Their study follows the
constructive approach suggested by Kasanen et al. (1993), considering the
practice-relevant problem of managers having to justify investments in quality
improvement (Ittner & Larcker 1996, Ittner 1999, cf. Kasanen et al. 1993). The
construct by Malmi et al. a collaborative approach for managing project cost of
poor quality developed provides some indication of expected cost savings or
expected reductions in resource consumption given that certain poor quality cost
elements can be removed or the required proactive actions are successful (Malmi
et al. 2004: 314). Malmi et al. (2004) argue that the COQ literature typically deals
with manufacturing or service organizations in continuous or repetitive business
processes in which identical or similar activities and work phases are repeated in
the same sequence or order, after batch or customer after customer. Many modern
businesses, however, are outright project based, or operate like a string of semi-
independent projects characterized by unique resources, customized activity or
work sequence order, and a predefined start and finish.
There are also some other journal articles considering quality costing in
management accounting (and in other accounting curricula). Albright & Roth
(1992) and (1994) show how the Taguchi quality loss function can be used to
estimate unrecorded quality costs. Brinkman (1994) discusses about quality cost
reporting in a case company. The results of Carr & Pomenon (1994) reveal an
emphasis on reducing external failure costs at the expense of conformance and
internal failure costs. In addition, there is a time lag before conformance costs
influence nonconformance costs. Carr & Tyson (1992) discuss how much
prevention and appraisal costs should a company incur in order to improve
quality. Diallo et al. (1995) discuss quality cost behaviour in the new
manufacturing environment, Edmonds (1989) illustrate quality cost accounting
techniques developed in a case company, Gee (1994) discuss the effects of quality
costs on a monopoly market, Godfrey et al. (1988) state that the a flaw in quality
control systems is their focus on reducing individual, not total quality costs in
production. Nandakumar et al. (1993) built a model to measure and account for
the cost of quality. The model shows that it may not be optimal for quality
improvement efforts to target products that have the highest defective levels,
largest direct costs or consume the maximum capital resources. Ostrenga (1991)
discuss the return on investment through the cost of quality, Pasewark et al.
(1988) study the impact of socially motivated quality cost control policies on cost
behavior, Poston (1996) describes the development and evolution of a
comprehensive quality cost reporting system at the case company. Ravitz (1991)
argue that cost of quality systems are bound to increase in importance because
COQ-related activities consume as much as 25 percent or more of the resources
used in companies. Reitsberger et al. (1990) study quality cost trade-off
philosophies between Japan and Silicon Valley. Shank & Govindarajan (1994)
discuss quality cost measurement from a strategic cost management perspective,
and Simpson and Muthler (1987) discuss quality costs as facilitating the quality
Scientific treaties concerning quality costs have been especially popular in the
USA and in the UK. Technical universities have been the center of research work
concerning quality costs and the quality of products and different operations.
Quality costs have been emphasized in Ph.D-studies in the departments of
industrial economics (Morgan 1964, Gryna 1988, Carlson 1990, Chen 1989,
Bajpai 1990, Holland 1990, Moraddess 1986, Viger-Chantal 1995). The only
doctoral thesis considering cost and quality management I noticed in software
product management has been written by Krishnan in 1996.
There have been plenty of journal articles considering quality costing. The
content of the research done is shortly presented as follows (articles in
alphabetical order). Abdul-Rahman et al. (1996) describe the use of a quality cost
matrix to capture the cost of non-conformance during a construction project.
Beheiry (1991) describes the role of activity based costing in quality cost
accounting, Bohan and Horney (1991) pinpoint the cost of quality in a service
company, Bottorf (1997) states how to avoid the roadblocks and reap the benefits
of COQ, Bland et al. (1998) examine quality costing as an administrative process,
Burgess (1996) examine the behaviour of quality costs through the system
dynamics method more rigorously, and Carr (1992) explains how a case company
in service business adapted cost of quality concepts. Chen and Tang (1992)
present a pictorial approach to measuring COQ, which is patterned after that used
in a computer-based information system design. Chong (1996) constructed
models to describe cost behavior and financial outcomes of companies under
different competitive markets. Crosby (1983) argue that COQ is a
communications tool and it should be used to motivate changes where necessary.
Denton and Kowalski (1988) study how measuring non-conformance costs
reduced manufacturers cost of quality. Fosters (1996) study was undertaken to
examine the relationship between conformance and quality-related costs in a case
company. Goulden and Rawlins (1995) introduce a quality costing system using
the process model, within a division of a case company. The system was
introduced to identify and prioritize improvement areas within the context of a
continuous improvement program. A critical review of a former quality costing
system within the division based on the prevention, appraisal, and failure model is
included in their study. Gray (1995) argue that if a company devoted to quality
improvement is finding itself frustrated or inarticulate about what its real results
are, designing and implementing a quality cost system might be the answer. Israel
(1991) state that quality cost systems are intended to help achieve quality goals,
Ittner and Larcker (1996) measure the impact of quality initiatives on firm
financial performance, Johnson (1995) conducted a project to identify existing
measures of the cost of quality (COQ) that could be used by a clients engineering
unit. A number of measures of the COQ were identified, some of which were
transferable to the client organizations setting. Johnson and Kleiner (1993) argue
that the conventional wisdom of the business community in the USA has been
that in order to improve the quality of a product the cost of manufacturing will go
up. The study shows that by reducing the amount of variability in a process will
improve quality, increase productivity, and lower costs. Keogh et al. (1996)
illustrates that problems still exists with quality costs even when well educated,
determined staff are involved in ensuring quality assurance throughout the system
in an enlighted organization. Kumar and Brittain (1995) state that it is important
that the cost of quality is used as a management tool, and as an indicator of the
economic health of the organization. It is revealed that there is some evidence in
the literature, supported by the results of a survey, that organizations are skeptical
about the real strength of this tool which was proposed, in the present format, by
Joseph Juran in the 1950s. The importance and strength of this tool are
highlighted, and the relative position of the manufacturing sector in the UK is
established through a detailed survey. Laszlo (1997) investigate the role of quality
cost in TQM. He states that a cost-based approach to select the quality
improvement projects that are appropriate to the organization is a key part of the
strategy for overall business success to do the right things right. Maycock &
Shaw (1994) made a pilot quality costing study to a health care organization, and
Moen (1998) constructed a new quality cost model used as a top management
tool. Plunkett and Dale (1987) made a literature review on quality related costs,
and criticized economic quality cost models (1988). Porter and Rayner (1992)
made a survey of small firms in the North of England which showed that only a
minority of firms systematically monitor quality costs and that quality costs are
frequently underestimated. Pursglove and Dale (1996) examine the development
and setting of a quality costing system in a case organization. In the established
system, three major difficulties were encountered: the lack of information which
could be utilized for quality costing purposes, an unrefined accounting system and
a lack of data on non-conforming product. Robison (1997) integrates COQ
elements in the team problem solving process. He suggests a ten-step approach to
find, prioritize, and solve problems based on the cost of poor quality.
Schneiderman (1986) state that as defect levels fall, failure costs decline while
appraisal plus prevention costs rise. This trade-off suggests that an optimum
quality level exists and that efforts to further improve quality about this level will
increase total cost and decrease financial performance. Thus, proponents of this
view argue that striving for zero defects (ZD) through a program of continuous
improvement is not in a companys best economic interest. Sullivan and Owens
(1983) report a survey designed to obtain information about the way quality cost
systems are organized and about top management attitudes toward the systems.
Forty-five responses from readers in the US, Canada, and overseas were obtained.
Results showed that companies use their quality cost systems for a variety of
purposes. Companies appear to have been looking to the future when they started
collecting quality costs: some firms used quality costs for quality improvement,
while others introduced them as the basis for action. Respondents indicated that
quality cost reports receive wide circulation outside the quality department at the
companies represented in the sample. Quality cost reports seem to be making
their way to top management. About 25% of the firms responding indicated that
their quality systems were new. This may imply that quality cost systems are
being developed rapidly at that time. Thorne (1990) discuss the basic concepts of
calculating cost of quality, Tsai (1998) investigate quality cost measurement under
activity-based costing, and Whitehall (1986) review the problems with a quality
cost system.
A significant amount of research concerning quality issues has come from the
Quality Management Centre UMIST, Manchester. In particular, there has been a
great deal of work on quality costs, published by both Dale and Plunkett, the most
important of which is probably their 1991 work entitled Quality Costing.
Examples from the research studies of particular industries suggest that quality
cost can range from 5 to 25 per cent of the annual company sales turnover (Dale
& Plunkett 1991). A pilot study of quality costs at Sun Microsystems, based in
Linlithgow, Scotland, illustrates that problems12 still exist with quality costs, even
if well educated, determined staff are involved in ensuring quality assurance
throughout the system in an enlightened organization. (Keogh et al. 1996: 29).
There have been continuous conference discourses concerning quality costs
in the annual ASQC conferences. Some discourses have also taken place in the
annual conferences of the European Organization for Quality (EOQ), as well as in
different technology conferences. (Tervonen 1992: 1112)
Quality costs have also been dealt with in general surveys of the field
published in the USA (Crosby 1979, Feigenbaum 1983, Harrington 1987, Gryna
1988), and in UK (Munro-Faure 1992, Dale & Plunkett 1991). The ASQC has
published several guides concerning quality costing (for instance Campanella
The major part of both the speakers in quality conferences and the writers in
journals considering quality cost issues have been either consultants or persons
working for quality departments of companies. Academic presenters and writers
have been a minority. This research area is thus largely based on practical views.
In their review of literature, Plunkett and Dale (1987: 4041) have not found
any French or Italian articles on quality related costs in English. One article;
Kume 1985, was found from Japanese sources. (Tervonen 1992: 12)
Primarily, there has been research on the area of software quality only in
recent years. Examples of the research (regarding journals articles and conference
discourses) are Brodman (1998) who state that cost of quality analysis used in a
case company is a viable mechanism for measuring the overall effect of software
improvement. By using it to monitor and reduce software COQ, productivity and
There are problems in measuring COQ because no universal accounting techniques are developed to
measure these costs. The problems of measuring COQ are further discussed in chapter 3.4.
predictability can be increased. Dion (1993) used the COQ model as a means of
interpreting the results of quality initiatives undertaken at a case companys
division, Hersch (1993) discuss the return on process improvement. Houston
(1998) state that cost of quality is the easiest and most cost-effective way for the
CMM13 level14 1 or 2 organization to begin seeing the results of software process
improvement. Houston & Keats (1996) have studyed the results of the research
done on the topic of cost of software quality. They found that while the costs of
software quality assurance and process improvement have been a topic of concern
for over 20 years (Alberts 1976) and the COQ categories have often been used
broadly in discussions of software quality (Daugherty 1988), very limited data has
been available in the open literature for discussing the cost of software quality
(COSQ). Houston & Keats (1997a) identified the cost categories associated with
the cost of quality and discussed the relationship between the costs of achieving
quality and costs due to lack of quality. They went on to examine the elements of
the emerging field of the cost of software quality (COSQ) and the potential
benefits of employing it, as well as COSQs use in software process improvement.
In their (1997b) article, Houston and Keats discuss how the optimum cost of
quality is shown as absolute costs against a quality measure and how simulation
can be used to predict COSQ for software process improvement (SPI). Humphrey
(1997) discusses the current state of software quality and suggests that software
industry must follow the same quality principles as other technological industries.
Knox (1993) argues that since investments in software quality are not meant to
realize quick, dramatic returns, the defect prevention processes probably offer the
most immediate visible evidence that the overall cost of quality has been reduced.
In this chapter, the nature and distinction of software business as well as its
implications to software quality are illustrated. The chapter explains the nature of
Capability Maturity Model developed at Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon University
in Pittsburgh. The CMM was originally described in the book Managing the Software Process (Addison
Wesley Professional, Massachusetts, 1989). The CMM was conceived by Watts Humphrey, who based
it on the earlier work of Phil Crosby. Active development of the model by the SEI (US Dept. of Defense
Software Engineering Institute) began in 1986.
Maturity levels: It is a layered framework providing a progression to the discipline needed to engage
in continuous improvement. An organization develops the ability to assess the impact of a new practice,
technology, or tool on their activity. Hence it is not a matter of adopting these, rather it is a matter of
determining how innovative efforts influence existing practices.
software products and processes, software product quality characteristics and
economics of software quality. In the chapter, various quality standards for
software quality are also presented. The relationships between different types of
quality and quality in the software lifecycle are also described.
Improve quality
Capability improves
Stay in business
There are plenty of problems in developing software (Youll 1992); e.g. schedule
overruns (deadlines are not reached), major budget overruns, difficult project
estimation, expensive maintenance, bad knowledge on reliability of product, and
lack of information for effective process improvement. Large number of software
projects are unfinished and stopped and the level of software quality is unknown.
By creating more visibility in the current status of a project, the above problems
can be solved. Because of the better insight in current performance, corrective
action can be identified earlier. Therefore, it is necessary to create more insight
(visibility) into the way software is developed, in order to achieve better
understanding of the development process, its activities, tasks and products.
Software development process is any process containing the following
activities: requirements analysis and definition, system design, program design,
implementation, unit testing, integration testing, system testing, system delivery
and maintenance. Different approaches towards the order of activities in the
software development process exist, such as the waterfall model, the spiral model
(Boehm 1981), the evolutionary development model (iterative enhancement)
(Basili & Turner 1973), evolutionary delivery (Gilb 1985), the rapid prototyping
model and object oriented development.
There is a direct relation between a product and its process, but a good
quality process can give a bad quality product, since other factors that are not part
of the process also influence the quality of the product (Drenth 1995). Dunn
(1990) has stated that Good products are only one of managements objectives.
The other objectives are meeting schedule, meeting cost, and manageability. A
quality process addresses all of these objectives.
The impact of software in current products is rapidly increasing. The size and
complexity of software products is increasing, and unless the error rates are
reduced, the greater volume of code will mean a greater number of errors
(Humphrey 1989). Therefore, the reduction of these error rates must be
emphasized. Controlling and improving the quality of the product is an activity
that must be executed and is becoming indispensable when the current increase in
software application is taken into account.
According to Humphrey (1989) one of the best ways to evaluate a software
organization (a firm producing software) is to examine the quality of its products.
Product quality is thus a key measure of the software process. It provides a clear
record of development progress, a basis for setting objectives, and a framework
for current action. In order to improve the quality of a software (product), one has
to first know the current situation. Without the knowledge on the current situation
it will never be clear which improvements has to be prioritized, and it will not be
possible to visualize the results of improvements, since they can not be compared
to the original situation. The fact is that when no information is available on the
current situation, there cannot be real understanding, although some people will
claim they do. Collecting data on the current situation will improve understanding
and this will result in the identification of improvement areas. As the metaphor of
Humphrey (1989) already explained: If you dont know where you are, a map
wont help.
When an organization wants to improve the quality of its software products, it
must integrate process quality and product quality (Drenth 1995). Quality must be
built in from design to product. A structured way to achieve this is for example
to introduce software process assessment models like SPICE, CMM, Bootstrap,
There are increasing expectations for quality, both in the consumer and
professional markets. Bevan (1999) states, that it is no longer sufficient to just
deliver products which have technical excellence products also need to be easy
to use and to fit in with the work practices and activities of the consumer and
professional user. Traditional approaches to quality put emphasis on meeting the
specified requirements which are primarily functional. Attempts have been made
to broaden the perception of quality, for example in software quality model
ISO/IEC 9126.
Many organisations would like to be able to identify those attributes that can
be designed into a product or evaluated to ensure quality. ISO 9126 (1991) takes
this approach, and categorizes the attributes of software quality as follows:
functionality, efficiency, usability, reliability, maintainability and portability. To
the extent that user needs are well defined and common to the intended users this
implies that quality is an inherent attribute of the product. However, if different
groups of users have different needs, then they may require different
characteristics for a product to have quality for their purposes. Assessment of
quality thus becomes dependent on the perception of the user.
Humphrey (1996) states that in a broad sense, the users views of quality must
deal with the products ease of installation, operational efficiency, and
convenience. Will it run on the intended system, will it run the planned
applications, and will it handle the required files? Is the product convenient, can
the users remember how to use it, and can they easily find out what they do not
know? Is the product responsive, does it surprise the users, does it protect them
from themselves, does it protect them from others, and does it insulate them from
the systems operational mechanics? These and a host of similar questions are
important to the users. While priorities will vary among users, quality has many
layers, and no universal definition will apply in every case. If the software does
not measure up in any single area that is important to the users, they will not
judge your product to be of high quality. While few software people will debate
these points, their actions are not consistent with these priorities. Humphrey
(1996) states that rather than devoting major parts of their development processes
to installability, usability, and operational efficiency, they spend them on testing,
the largest single cost element in most software organizations. Furthermore, these
testing costs are almost exclusively devoted to finding and fixing defects.
Humphrey (1996) argues that when the quality of the parts of a software
system is poor, the development process becomes fixated on finding and fixing
defects. The magnitude of this fix process is often a surprise. I argue, that the
construction developed in Case company A (chapter 5) in this thesis succeeds to
sheds light on this fix process problem. As a result of the magnitude of fix process,
the entire project becomes so preoccupied with defect repair that more important
user concerns are ignored. When a project is struggling to fix defects in a system
test, it is usually in schedule trouble as well. The pressures to deliver become so
intense that all other concerns are forgotten in the drive to fix the last defects.
When the system tests finally run, everyone is so relieved that they ship the
product. However, by fixing these critical system test defects, the product has
reached only a bare minimum quality threshold. What has been done to assure the
product is usable or installable? What about compatibility or performance? Has
anyone checked that the documentation is understandable or that the design is
suitable for future enhancement? Because the projects development team has
been so fixated on fixing defects, it has not had the time or resources to address
the issues that will ultimately be of greater concern to the users (Humphrey 1996:
ISO/IEC 9126 (1991) provides a general-purpose model which defines six
broad categories of software quality: functionality, reliability, usability, efficiency,
maintainability and portability. These categories are further broken down into
subcharacteristics which have measurable attributes (Fig. 2). The ISO/IEC 9126
characteristics and subcharacteristics provide a useful checklist of issues related
to quality. The actual characteristics and subcharacteristics which are relevant in
any particular situation, will depend on the purpose of the evaluation, and should
be identified by a quality requirements study.
functionality reliability
suitability maturity
interoperability fault tolerance
compliance recoverability
usability efficiency
maintainability portability
analysability adaptability
changeability installability
stability conformance
testability replaceability
Sufficient internal and external attributes need to be identified for each required
Bevan (1997) states, that the actual characteristics and subcharacteristics
which are relevant in any particular situation will depend on the purpose of the
evaluation, and should be identified by a quality requirements study. The ISO/IEC
9126 characteristics and subcharacteristics provide a useful checklist of issues
related to quality, but other ways of categorising quality may be more appropriate
in particular circumstances.
Figure 4 shows the ISO/IEC 9126 (1991) definitions of the software quality
characteristics (the concepts presented in Fig. 2).
The ISO/IEC 9126 view was derived from the ISO 8402 (1994) (Quality
vocabulary) definition of quality: the totality of characteristics of an entity that
bear on its ability to satisfy stated and implied needs. This is a product oriented
view of quality (Garvin 1984): an inherent characteristic of the product
determined by the presence or absence of measurable product attributes. In this
view, the quality of a software product can be specified and built in as specific
attributes of the code. The ISO/IEC 9126 definitions acknowledge that the
objective of these attributes is to meet user needs in the form of functionality,
reliability, usability, efficiency, maintainability and portability. But, as Bevan
(1997) states, ISO 8402 makes it clear that a product-oriented view of quality
should not be confused with measures of the degree of excellence resulting
from the presence of absence of required attributes. Yet the objective of quality
from the users perspective is to achieve a degree of excellence in a particular
context of use. Despite the apparent user orientation of ISO/IEC 9126, the
definitions in terms of attributes imply that software quality should be specified
and measured on the basis of attributes of the source code.
Other default values in this exaple were 5 years life cycle of the product and 20% annual growth of
market demand.
marketability of a product with demonstrated usability, increased end user
productivity, and lower training costs. Another goal for product development
usability is speeding up market introduction and appectancy by using usability
data to improve marketing literature, reach market influencers and early adopters,
and demonstrate the products usability and reduced training cost. For example,
that speeding up market acceptance may increase revenues with 10 percent, the
equivalent of getting the product to market three months earlier. The 10 percent in
revenues reflect either a 10% higher volume in sales or a more valued product
that is marketed at a 10 percent higher price.
Usability-engineered internal development projects can result in decreased
training, support, service, product documentation, personnel costs, and increased
user satisfaction. (Karat 1992). The management of a company do not usually
mind spending money on the development of product usability, however, they
care about the value of what they get. That is, they want to know what the
benefits of usability engineering are16, what is it in usability engineering that
brings about those benefits, and how you should plan to measure (i.e. justify) the
benefits. Managers know that usability engineering evaluates the ease of use of
products, but they are concerned that this testing will increase their development
schedules, causing them to be late in shipping their products.
Usability engineering and other user-centered design17(UCD) activities are
becoming a more accepted part of a software development process. As products
compete on ease of use and ease of learning rather than just on functionality,
companies are beginning to realize that they need to focus more on the users of
their products.
Ehrlich and Rohn (1994) state that in the past, development teams found
computers easier to design because the users of computers were people like
themselves people who were excited about computers. Today millions of people
use computers, usually as tools to get their jobs or activities done, and the users of
computers no longer resemble the development team. In addition, as users are
more varied in their background and their needs, companies are trying to capture
increasingly larger segments of this varied population with a single product or a
product line. Usability engineering provides methods to obtain feedback from
customers so that the products can meet their needs.
The term usability engineering refers to the specific activities associated with making a product
useful and usable, such as performing evaluations and observing customers. The term user interface
(UI) design is referring to special activities associated with designing the user interface.
User-centered design (UCD) refers to the overall endeavor of making products easier to use.
Customers are becoming more particular about choosing products that are
easier to learn and easier to use. Sales and marketing representatives from several
companies believe that most people decide how usable a product is in less than an
hour. Satisfied customers not only have brand loyalty and are much more likely to
buy the same brand in the future with less researching the particular product,
whereas dissatisfied customers are less likely to even consider the brand in the
future even if marked improvements were incorporated into the new version of
the product. According to Ehrlich and Rohn (1994), customers also influence their
friends and families.
Requirements Operation
Specification System
indicate Integration and
external External
system quality external
behaviour quality metrics
Design and
development indicate
ISO 14598-1 defines External quality as the extent to which a product satisfies stated and implied
needs when used under specified conditions.
executing the software. The values of external measures necessarily depend on
more than the software, therefore the software has to be evaluated as a part of the
working system. Software which performs satisfactorily in one environment may
show quality defects in another environment. External evaluation of quality
characteristics should therefore take place under conditions which emulate, as
closely as possible, the expected conditions of use. External measurements of
characteristics are made when the code is complete, though as it may not be
possible to emulate the exact conditions of use (e.g. network environment and
user characteristics), external measures are often only indicators of the actual
quality in use.
The required values of these external metrics provide goals for design. To
achieve these goals the internal attributes of the system can be specified as
internal requirements. These attributes of the software can be evaluated to
produce internal metrics verifying how closely the internal requirements have
been met. Although these attributes contribute to achieving quality in use, users
and tasks vary so much that conformance to requirements for internal metrics is
rarely sufficient to ensure quality in use. If the external quality requirements are
not achieved, the results of the evaluation can be used as feedback to modify the
internal software attributes in order to improve the external quality, and thus
support a continual improvement process.
Bevan (1997) states, that for the purpose of development, internal quality
requirements are defined which enable the quality of intermediate products to be
verified. The internal properties (e.g. the specification or source code) of the
software can be measured by internal metrics. Internal metrics are of most interest
during the development process. They can be measured in their own right as
essential pre-requisites for external quality. They can also be used as indicators of
external attributes. Modularity and traceability are examples of internal attributes
which can be measured. Achievement of the required internal quality will
contribute to meeting the external requirements of the software in use. Internal
software quality metrics can thus be used as indicators to estimate final software
quality (see figure 6).
measures of measure quality in use
actual usage
external external
measures measure attributes of
of software computer system
internal internal
measures measure attributes
of software of software
Bevan (1997) states that it is very important that internal software quality
attributes are directly related to external quality requirements, so that the quality
characteristics of software products under development (both intermediate and
end item software products) can be assessed with respect to final system in-use
quality needs. Internal metrics are of little value unless there is evidence that they
are related to external quality.
When defining usability in ISO 9241-11 (guidance on usability), the ISO
software ergonomics committee took an approach to usability based on the degree
of excellence of a product. This standard provides the definition of usability that
is used in subsequent related ergonomic standards (see e.g. Bevan 2001):
usability: the extent to which a product can be used by specified users to
achieve specified goals with effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction in a
specified context of use.
ISO 9241-11 explains how usability can be measured in terms of the degree of
excellence in use: effectiveness (the extent to which the intended goals of use are
achieved), efficiency (the resources that have to be expended to achieve the
intended goals), and satisfaction (the extent to which the user finds the use of the
product acceptable). ISO 9241-11 also emphasizes that usability is dependent on
the context of use and that the level of usability achieved will depend on the
specific circumstances in which a product is used. The context of use consists of
the users, tasks, equipment (hardware, software and materials), and the physical
and social environments which may influence the usability of a product in a work
system. Measures of user performance and satisfaction thus assess the overall
work system, and, when a product is the focus of concern, these measures provide
information about the usability of that product in the particular context of use
provided by the rest of the work system.
It is important to note that while this definition provides a practical way to
measure usability, it is also measuring the consequences of other software quality
characteristics such as the functionality, reliability and the efficiency of the
computer system. Changes in these characteristics, or other components of the
work system, such as the amount of user training, or improvement of the lighting,
can also have an impact on user performance and satisfaction. For this reason, the
early drafts of ISO 9241-11 also defined a broader concept:
quality of use: the extent to which specified goals can be achieved with
effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction in a specified work system.
However, this was removed from later drafts, as an unnecessary
complication. The concept of the quality of a product in use (Bevan 1995a
1995b) did, however, provide the link between the ISO 9241-11 and ISO/IEC
9126 views of usability, and quality in use was incorporated as a high level
quality objective into the revision to ISO/IEC 9126-1, and the related
ISO/IEC 14598-1 standard (Software product evaluation General guide).
quality in use: the extent to which a product used by specified users meets
their needs to achieve specified goals with effectiveness, productivity and
satisfaction in a specified context of use. The revised ISO/IEC CD 9126-1
now distinguishes three broad approaches to improving the quality of a
product (Fig. 7):
3. Set criteria for quality in use: the extent to which the code meets user needs
for effectiveness, productivity and satisfaction in use.
influences influences
internal external quality
quality quality in use
depends on depends on
achieving related criteria for the associated internal measures (Fig. 8).
Measures are normally required at all three levels, as meeting criteria for internal
measures is not usually sufficient to ensure achievement of criteria for external
measures, and meeting criteria for external measures of sub-characteristics is not
usually sufficient to ensure achieving criteria for quality in use.
The software quality characteristics in the revision of ISO/IEC 9126 have
been redefined in terms of the capability of the software, to enable them to be
interpreted as either an internal or external perspective (Fig. 9). The definitions
also refer to use under specified conditions to make it clear that quality is not an
absolute property, but depends on the context of use.
To summarize chapter two, it seems that there is quite a lot of research done on
the field on of quality costing; the majority of this research is presented in
production economics journals, but also in the field of management accounting
and software engineering. Examinations focusing the characteristics of software
business and various quality standareds have also been done. In the field of MA,
no quality cost study seems to be carried out in software business environment.
Due to the gap in our knowledge on the role of quality costing in software
industry and quality cost measurement, further research is needed, especially
made by interventionist approach.
3 Quality cost accounting in traditional and
activity based costing environment
The purpose of the chapter 3 is to present a conceptual framework for measuring
quality costs under traditional cost accounting environment and under ABC
environment. First, the present approaches to measuring COQ are reviewed;
second, the two-dimensional model of ABC and activity-based management
(ABM) is explained; third, COQ approaches and ABC are compared and an
integrated COQ-ABC framework is presented; and fourth, COQ measurement,
COQ reporting, and uses of COQ information under ABC are discussed.
Cost of quality is an accounting technique introduced by Juran in 1951
(Hagan 1986) as a means of providing justification to management for
investments in process improvements, or as Crosby (1979) has promoted the
concept, to get managements attention and to provide a measurement base for
seeing how quality improvement is doing. However, the use of COQ has been
expanded beyond its initial purpose of demonstrating return on investment of
quality efforts. It has been widely used in manufacturing and service industries
both for controlling the costs of quality activities and for identifying opportunities
to reduce quality costs. (Houston & Keats 1996: 1)
Many companies in the world gradually promote quality as the central
customer value and regard it as a key concept of company strategy in order to
achieve the competitive edge (Ross and Wegman 1990). Measuring and reporting
cost of quality is the first step in a quality management program. Even in service
industries, COQ systems receive considerable attention (Bohan and Horney 1991,
Carr and Tyson 1992, Ravitz 1991). Cost of quality systems are bound to increase
in importance because COQ-related activities consume as much as 25 percent or
more of the resources used in companies (Ravitz 1991). Cost of quality
information can be used to indicate major opportunities for corrective action and
to provide incentives for quality improvement.
Traditional cost accounting, whose main functions are inventory valuation
and income determination for external financial reporting, does not yield the COQ
information needed. While most COQ measurement methods are activity/process
oriented, traditional cost accounting establishes cost accounts on the basis of the
categories of expenses, instead of activities. Under traditional cost accounting,
many quality related costs are lumped into overheads, which are allocated to cost
centers (usually departments) and then to products through predetermined
overhead rates. For example, among various COQ-related costs, the rework and
the unrecovered cost of spoiled goods caused by internal failures are charged to
the factory overhead control account which accumulates the actual overhead costs
incurred (Hammer et al. 1993: 155164).
The cost accounting treatment described above cannot satisfy the needs of
COQ measurement. Thus, Oakland (1993: 210) claims that quality related costs
should be collected and reported separately and not absorbed into a variety of
overheads. According to Oakland (1993: 197), prevention-appraisal-failure
approach and process cost approach are two main approaches to measuring COQ.
However, these approaches still cannot provide appropriate methods to include
overhead costs in COQ systems. Accordingly, many quality cost elements require
estimates and that is a prevailing belief in COQ literature. It is a danger that
managers become too concerned with accuracy in COQ determination a
number-crunching exercise that will consume resources disproportionately. In
addition, most COQ measurement systems in use do not trace quality costs to
their sources (OGuin 1991: 70), which hinders managers from identifying where
the quality improvement opportunities lie. Nevertheless, these deficiencies could
be overcome under activity-based costing developed by Cooper and Kaplan of
Harvard Business School (Cooper 1988, Cooper and Kaplan 1988). Activity based
costing uses the two-stage procedure to achieve the accurate costs of various cost
objects (such as departments, products, customers, and channels), tracing resource
costs (including overhead costs) to activities, and then tracing the costs of
activities to cost objects (Tsai 1998: 719).
Quality cost measurement has its origin in the early 1950s. Feigenbaums (1956)
classification of quality costs into the familiar categories of prevention, appraisal
and failure has been almost universally accepted (Plunkett and Dale 1987). New
cost elements have been added e.g. Harrington (1987), but the concept is still
based on the same premises as in the early 1950s (Moen 1998). Many quality
cost systems are based on the research of Juran, Crosby, and Feigenbaum. These
authors developed the basics of COQ measurements by classifying quality cost
types into prevention, appraisal, internal and external failure cost. Further,
prevention and appraisal costs are the cost of conformance, while failure costs are
the cost of nonconformance.19 The quality cost model measures prevention and
appraisal costs, comparing them to internal and external failure costs.
Feigenbaum is considered to be the originator of quality cost categorization (Dale
& Plunkett 1991: 26). Feigenbaum (1983: 111112) divides quality costs into two
main categories: costs of control and costs of failure of control.
Since the time Jurans (1951) discussions about the cost of quality, many
researchers have proposed various approaches to measuring COQ. Reviews of
COQ literature can be found in Plunkett and Dale (1987) and Porter and Rayner
(1992). In this section, the approaches of measuring COQ are briefly reviewed.
After Feigenbaum (1956) categorized quality costs into prevention-appraisal-
failure (PAF), the PAF scheme became universally accepted for quality costing.
Oakland (1993: 186189) describes these costs as follows. Prevention costs are
associated with the design, implementation and maintenance of the total quality
management system. Prevention costs are planned and are incurred before actual
operation. Appraisal costs are associated with the suppliers and customers
evaluation of purchased materials, processes, intermediates, products and services
to assure conformance with the specified requirements. Internal failure costs
occur when the results of work fail to reach designed quality standards and are
detected before transfer to customer takes place. External failure costs occur
when products or services fail to reach design quality standards but are not
detected until after transfer to the customer.
In order to calculate total quality cost, the quality cost elements are identified
under the categories of prevention, appraisal, internal failure and external failure
costs. British standard (BS) 6143: Part 2 (1990) and ASQC (1974) have identified
a list of quality cost elements under this categorization. These lists act as a
guideline for quality costing. Most elements in these lists are not relevant to a
particular industry, while many elements identified by practitioners are peculiar to
an industry, or a company (Dale and Plunkett 1991: 28). Some typical COQ
elements are shown in Error! Reference source not found.: 78.20 In the initial
stages of the quality costing exercise, some companies put emphasis on just
identifying the costs of failure and appraisal activities. The methodology usually
used is for each department, and it uses a team approach to identify COQ
elements which are appropriate to each department and for which departments
Feigenbaum uses the terms Cost of control and Cost of failure of control instead of Cost of
conformance and Cost of nonconformance.
A table of quality cost elements specified for software industry is specified in Table 7. (Table 1
describes QC elements which are not specified for a special branch of industry).
have ownership. Several techniques, such as brainstorming, nominal group
technique, Pareto analysis, cause and effect analysis, fishbone diagrams, and
forcefield analysis, can be used to effectively identify COQ elements (Dale and
Plunkett 1991: 41, Johnson 1995). The quality cost measurement system
developed will improve with use and experience and gradually include all21
quality cost elements. (Tsai 1998).
Plunkett and Dale (1988) state that one of the goals of total quality
management (TQM) is to meet the customers requirements with lower cost. For
this goal, we have to know the interactions between quality-related activities
associated with prevention, appraisal, internal failure and external failure costs.
This will help in finding the best resource allocation among various quality-
related activities. Literature includes many notional models describing the
relationships between the major categories of quality costs. Generally speaking,
the basic suppositions of these notional models are that investment in prevention
and appraisal activities will bring handsome rewards from reduced failure costs,
and that further investment in prevention activities will show profits from reduced
appraisal costs22 . Fig. 10 presents the idea in which an increase in prevention
activities leads to a reduction in the total quality costs.23
The undersigned would like to put quatation marks in the word all. There are no universally accepted
accounting techniques how to calculate all quality costs.
The discussion of the shape of the quality cost models is in chapters 3.1.1. and 3.1.2.
Some other figures that describe the generic quality cost behaviour have a third (intermediate stage)
QC histogram between the two histograms presented in figure 10. This means that TQC will first rise
because while prevention costs will rise the other quality cost components will be stable. The histogram
on the right side of Fig. 10 portrays the resources saved as a result of the companys quality
improvement program.
Internal failure costs
Appraisal costs
Prevention costs
Fig. 10. Total quality costs can be reduced by investing in prevention activities.
(Srqvist 1998.)
Plunkett and Dale (1988) conclude that many of the models are inaccurate and
misleading, and serious doubts are cast on the concept of an optimal quality level
corresponding to a minimum point on the total quality-cost curve. Besides,
Schneiderman (1986) asserts that, in some circumstances, if enough effort is put
into prevention, no defects at all would be produced, resulting in zero failure costs
and no need for appraisal (also given in Porter and Rayner 1992). Thus, in these
circumstances, the only optimal point is zero-defects.
Table 1. Typical COQ elements. BS 6143: Part 2 (1990). Also given in Dale and Plunkett
(1991: 71).
Fig. 11 illustrates the typical quality cost categories and Table 2 provides
definitions of the four COQ categories with typical costs of software quality.
Internal costs of failure
Costs due to lack of quality
External costs of failure
Cost of quality
Appraisal costs
Costs of achieving quality
Prevention costs
USL is used as a synonym for UTL (upper tolerance limit).
Fig. 12. Taguchis loss function.
In the traditional view of quality, items such as subassemblies, parts, and the like
are considered acceptable or unacceptable (defective) within the same standard.
Parts or products whose critical measurements fall within the USL and LSL are
considered acceptable, and those with measurements above or below these limits
are considered defective or unacceptable. Such parts or products are scrapped or
reworked to conform to specifications. No distinction is made between the level
of quality of parts or products that have measurements equal to or close to the
target value and equal to (or close to ) the USL or LSL. Thus, this concept of
quality leads to pass or fail classification. (Diallo et al. 1995: 2021)
From a COQ perspective, traditional costing methods focus only on the costs
incurred in the production of defective or unacceptable parts or products. That is,
the production or rework cost (direct material, direct labor, and manufacturing
overhead) of the units not meeting quality control standards (specifications) is
considered a loss. The implied loss function is a discrete linear function with zero
loss if the part or product has measurements within USL and LSL or full loss
if the product or part has measurements above the USL or below the LSL. The
loss is divided into the category of normal and abnormal. (Diallo et al. 1995: 20
Many prevailing accounting systems report the abnormal loss only, as
feedback for control and corrective action. The premise is that while the abnormal
loss (special causes) is controllable in the short run, the normal loss (common
causes) is an inherent part of the chosen production process and cannot be
controlled without costly process and/or product design changes. This philosophy
is counter to the Total Quality Management philosophy that is being adopted by
an increasing number of companies.
The advantage of the traditional COQ classification is that it provides a
framework for quantifying and minimizing the total cost of quality. The classic
model of optimum quality costs, presents a concave, U-shape total quality cost
function. It also gives rise to the concept that effective strategic management of
quality means choosing a quality level and mix of spending across the four
categories that minimize total quality cost. As voluntary expenditures on appraisal
and prevention are increased, the COC (lower defects rate) results in lower
involuntary failure costs. The minimum total quality cost occurs where the
marginal cost of prevention and appraisal equals the marginal cost of failure. The
Classic Model of Optimum Quality Costs is presented in Fig. 13.
The costs of achieving quality and the costs due to lack of quality have an inverse
relationship to one another: as the investment in achieving quality increases, the
costs due to lack of quality decrease. This relationship and its effect on the total
cost of quality (TCOQ) are normally shown as a set of two-dimensional curves
which plot costs against a measure of quality. In traditional COQ models, the
TCOQ has a point of diminishing returns, a minimum prior to achieving 100
percent of the quality measure.
The traditional cost of quality model has been criticized in the recent
research. A careful analysis of the traditional model of COQ reveals several
problems. The model suggests that the optimal level of quality cost occurs at less
than 100 percent conformance. The model depicts an increasingly steeper
appraisal and prevention cost curve that is an application of classical economic
theory of diminishing marginal returns relative to reduction in defective output.
As the proportion of defective production is reduced, failure costs decline at an
increasing rate. While the general nature of cost curves appears reasonable, the
exact shape of the cost curves is an empirical question. It is, however, reasonable
to expect that the nature of the curves would be different under different
manufacturing environments.
Yet despite the widespread implementation of quality cost systems and the
continuing promotion of the concept in the accounting and operations literature,
relatively little empirical research on the measurement, usage, or economics of
quality costs has been undertaken (Ittner 1992: 1011). There is relatively little
empirical evidence on the relationships of the four traditional quality cost
categories. In other words, the magnitude of the trade-offs between conformance
and nonconformance costs, and the lag between increased conformance activity
and reductions in quality failure. The lack of support has prompted a number of
observers to conclude that because the economics of cost-to-quality relationships
are not well understood, it is possible that quality cost information is irrelevant
for decision making purposes. (Pomenon, Carr, Wendell 1994)
It is best to consider appraisal and prevention costs separately, because they
have very different cost behavior and implications for cost control. Appraisal
costs based on the classic inspection approach largely are inspection staff-hours.
A graph of this approach may follow closely the traditional postulated prevention
and appraisal costs curve. (Diallo et al. 1995: 22)
Technological advances in automatic gauging, together with other factors
such as high labor costs, flexibility, and reliability, are resulting in a greater
number of companies investing in in-line appraisal or measurement systems. The
new gauging devices have increased the possibility of measuring parts more
reliably for more conditions at a higher cycle rate. Thus appraisal costs in the new
manufacturing environment are relatively flat (or fixed). Once equipment is in
place, there is little variation in appraisal costs whether inspecting a few units or
all of the output. (Diallo et al. 1995: 22)
In the behavioural area, many companies using modern technologies now
realize that, no matter how diligent the inspectors, high quality cannot be
inspected in. Quality is built in the production process. These companies are
empowering assembly-line employees to be responsible for quality and virtually
are eliminating the need for highly paid quality-control inspectors. Thus, overall
costs of appraisal are significantly lower because of technological and
behavioural changes. In addition, with 100 percent in-line measurement, these
costs are relatively flat (or fixed). In other words, the shape of the appraisal cost
curve in the new manufacturing environment is not the increasingly steeper curve
as assumed in traditional COQ model.
lost sales due to various quality problems (Atkinson, Hamburg and Ittner 1994:
For example, in Motorola, the portion of external failure costs related to lost
sales was the bulk of the COQ savings. Because these estimates are so subjective,
their credibility is crucial. Consistent calculation procedures must be maintained
and disclosed. In addition to estimating the volume of lost sales, lost profit per
unit valuation is problematic. Should it be based on lost contribution margin or
lost revenues? Fortunately, despite of these problems, COQ measures have proven
useful in successfully introducing TQM (Mackey and Thomas 1995: 106).
In the traditional COQ model, all products/parts considered good units are
assigned equal value for quality even though one part/product may fall just within
the tolerance limit while another may match the target value exactly. Japanese
quality guru Taguchi disagrees with this approach. The argument of Taguchi is
that a product that barely meets specification, is likely to fail in the hands of the
customer. Consequently, the company runs the risk of losing not only that
particular customer but several others as well. Taguchi links quality through
variation reduction to costs using his Quality Loss Function. Based on his
experience, he proposes a quadratic quality loss function as an approximation of
the external failure costs. The implication of the function is that if management
decides not to incur the voluntary expenses of reducing the variation, it
involuntarily will incur several times that amount in the form of warranty costs,
lost contribution because of customer ill will, and so forth. (Diallo et al. 1995:
A revised (new) cost of quality model in Fig. 14, based on the above
considerations, shows the relatively flat curve for appraisal and prevention costs
compared with traditional curve for appraisal and prevention costs. The stable
production process resulting from eliminating root causes of variation problems
requires fewer and fewer preventive efforts. The achievement of new quality level
means lower internal and external failure costs. Thus, total quality costs
(including intangible and indirect costs of failure) never reach a minimum below
100 percent conformance level. Carr and Tyson (1992) also reach a similar
conclusion and are very critical of efforts to trade off quality for cost, as
suggested by the traditional quality cost model.
The problems with traditional and contemporary quality and COQ concepts,
together with technological developments, increasing quality, and cost-based
competition, indicate that any COQ system designed for achieving high quality
with minimal costs cannot be based on outmoded concepts. Furthermore,
customer satisfaction has become a top priority for almost all businesses today.
Many management control systems for manufacturing continue, however, to
overemphasize throughput and short-run cost control within individual
departments. These systems lead to goal congruence and goal displacement
problems. That is, minimizing individual department costs does not minimize
overall company costs, and managers resort to managing the numbers instead of
focusing the activities that would lead to higher quality and lower costs. (Diallo et
al. 1995: 24)
Research indicates that companies typically spend too little on prevention
activities that would ensure robust product and process designs or that would
correct design deficiencies and provide preventive maintenance, training, and so
forth. Management accountants need to design cost systems that systematically
accumulate or estimate all quality cost. The COQ classifications and other
meaningful formats should be used to show the financial impact of problem
solving efforts aiming at variation reduction.
The optimum quality level is indicated by the intersection of the curves
representing The cost of conformance (costs of prevention and appraisal) and The
cost of nonconformance (failure costs). Both set of curves are smooth and steadily
increasing and, thus, reflect a gradualistic perspective. The critical point about the
effect of adopting a gradualistic perspective is that optimum is always at some
internal point rather than at an extreme. (Cooper 1996: 78).
Cooper (1996: 78) argues that the modern thinking holds that no defects are
acceptable. Although there is still a single optimum defect level, it is zero. Trying
to achieve this objective requires passing through several plateaus. The first step
in this journey to quality is to accept that current practice is suboptimal. This
chance in mindset allows employees and managers to observe the negative side of
defects and realize that there are no offsetting savings.
The opinion of the undersigned to this optimal conformance level
discussion is that there is still far too little empirical evidence to cast off the
traditional COQ-model. The empirical evidence has only shown that the new
COQ-model may hold true in some companies or branch of business, but from
this fact we can not draw the conclusion that the traditional model should be
discarded. At least in software business, we are far from the situation in which the
final products are defect free.
Albeit the literature is using the names such as traditional and new
quality cost models, it has to be mentioned that the question is only about a shape
of the quality cost curves and as such I argue that we could as well talk about the
same model.
The classic quality cost model urges managers to increase prevention and
appraisal expenditures (conformance costs) so that internal and external failure
costs (non-conformance costs) can be reduced. Practioner-oriented publications
continually advocate that managers should use the trade-offs portrayed in the
classic model as a guide for allocating quality improvement actions. Similarly,
researchers have applied the tradeoffs in the classic model to formulate quality
control models in such areas as inspection plans. (Ittner 1992: 50)
According to Juran (1988), managers face two major objectives with respect
to the optimal quality level portrayed in the classic model:
When the historic level of performance is at the economic optimum, the
objective is holding the optimum, i.e. holding the status quo.
When the historic level of performance is not at the optimum, the objective is
changing from the historic level to the optimum, i.e. changing the status quo.
Juran portrays the relationship between these quality levels with the diagram in
Fig. 15 below.
historic level
optimum level
According to the diagram, the actual performance level fluctuates around a
historic level. Periodically, however, the performance exhibits a significant or
sporadic departure from the historic level which is due to some sudden change in
the process. The elimination of sporadic causes of departure from historic levels
of performance is commonly referred to as firefighting (Ittner 1992: 5152).
Perhaps the greatest waste of resource in any organization is the amount of
management time that is spent on firefighting performing a task which only
exists because somebody did not do the original job right the first time. This can
represent between 20 percent and 95 percent of employees time. A major UK
bank estimates that 49 percent of its employees time is wasted in this way. The
cost of such waste to the organization is almost incalculable; it is not just the cost
of salaries and overheads that is wasted, it is the cost of all the things that could
have been done in the time so saved new products designed, new customers
gained, better management decisions made. (Porter and Rayner 1992: 74)
In contrast, when it is determined that the economic level is markedly
different from the historic level, the difference between the two levels is
considered a chronic problem. The job of the people involved is to eliminate the
chronic causes of differences between historic levels of performance and
optimum levels through quality improvement programs. (Ittner 1992: 5152).
An implication of both the classic model and Jurans framework of quality
improvement is that non-conformance costs can only be reduced through
increased expenditures on conformance activities. Morse and Roth (1987: 859)
state that, to reduce non-conformance costs, more money must be spent on
prevention and appraisal activities. Thus, a tradeoff exists between the types of
quality costs.
Though the importance of prevention and appraisal activities to quality
improvement is widely recognized, the claim according to which managers must
continue to increase conformance costs in order to achieve quality improvements,
has recently been questioned. Zero defects advocates (Deming, Schneiderman,
Dawes) argue that in firms committed to continuous quality improvement, a fixed
level of conformance expenditures can lead to ongoing reductions in non-
conformance costs as quality improvement teams continuously identify and
eliminate quality problems.25 The continuos cycle of identifying and eliminating
the most serious quality problems leads to ongoing (albeit diminishing) reductions
The zero defects concept promotes the need for never-ending improvement.
in non-conformance with no increase in conformance expenditures. (Ittner 1992:
Unlike some zero defect advocates, Harrington argues that conformance
expenditures may even decline as quality improves. Within Harringtons quality
cost model, substantial prevention and appraisal costs are incurred at the
beginning of the quality program as errors are systematically tracked down and
actions taken to prevent them from recurring. These actions, in turn, cause the
error level to decline, thereby allowing 100 percent inspection to be replaced by
sampling. In this manner, both conformance and nonconformance costs continue
to fall as the quality level improves. (Ittner 1992: 5455).
The discussions above suggest three approaches to quality improvement. The
first one is Firefighting and it means that many organizations consider the word
improvement to be synonymous with corrective actions or firefighting required to
alleviate sporadic problems. Consequently, organizations that employ firefighting
methods of quality control increase conformance expenditures in periods with
higher defect rates, leading to positive relationship between conformance and
non-conformance costs. The second one is Optimal Quality Level. The classic
tradeoff model suggests that prevention and appraisal activities must be increased
to reduce non-conformance costs, leading to the following managerial
implications. A: Increased conformance expenditures lead to lower non-
conformance costs. B: Reductions in conformance expenditures lead to higher
non-conformance costs. C: A fixed level of conformance expenditures produces
no change in non-conformance costs. The third one is Continuous Improvement
(new model). Advocates of continuous improvement philosophy argue that
ongoing reduction in non-conformance costs can be achieved with stable or
declining conformance costs. Consequently, companies committed to continuous
improvement should exhibit declining non-conformance costs with stable or
declining conformance costs. (Ittner 1992: 5657).
Table 3 summarizes the expected behaviour of quality costs with respect to
the three approaches.
3.2 Measuring quality costs with the Taguchi approach
Quality cost measures, especially failure costs, have normally been driven by
defect rates based on specification limits. These limits are often based on
convenience, internal company opinions about customers needs and the
performance of production equipment (Diallo et al. 1995). Another way of
viewing costs and performance is by using Taguchis loss function.26 Taguchis
loss function is based on the assumption that any deviation from the target value
of a characteristic will result in a loss to the company. This loss is described by a
symmetrical quadratic function (Taguchi et al. 1989):
L( x) = k ( x T ) 2 where k = .
The function is described by the distance (d) from the target value (T) where the
product becomes unfit for use, the cost (c) to the company at this point, and the
proportionality constant (k). The function can also be used for a smaller-the-better
and larger-the-better characteristic, which are only special cases of the target-the-
best situation described in Fig. 12 on page 80. In recent years, the loss function
proposed has been used to monitor external quality costs including a primary
component of lost sales (Margavio et al. 1994) and intangible quality costs
(Albright & Roth 1992, Kim & Liao 1994) like customers dissatisfaction, loss
because of bad reputation, and lost market shares. The ASQC quality cost
committee (ASQC 1990) has also in its general terms advocated the use of the
loss function on the principles of quality costs. However, little has been done to
describe how to determine the magnitude of the loss at the tolerance limit (c) and
the distance from the target value to this limit (d). These values are critical for
determining the proportionality constant (k) and thereby the overall validity of the
loss function. The literature emphasizes that these values have to be estimated,
but a good methodology has not been provided. To overcome this problem, a
simplified activity based costing approach was developed by Moen in 1998. (Fig.
See Fig. 12. Taguchis loss function. in page 80.
Fig. 16. Process analysis based on a simplified activity based costing (ABC)
approach. (Moen 1998.)
The purpose is to break down the result of not meeting customer requirements
into manageable and measurable activities, and subsequently add up the cost for
each activity to an overall cost for each cost category. One standardized form is
used to analyze each of the four cost categories for each customer requirement,
except for internal failure costs where the analysis is based on key process
parameters. The consequence of inadequate performance is measured through
activities that have to be undertaken to bring the performance back to an
acceptable level. Each activity is divided into labor (time consumption), wasted
material, process disturbances, and facility usage, both direct and indirect.
Overhead costs are included. Shifts in performance indicates when additional
activities, and by that additional costs, are necessary to regain acceptable
performance (Moen 1998).
One asymmetrical loss function with multiple intervals is used for each cost
category where the shift in performance in Fig. 16 gives shifts in the loss function
(Fig. 17).
Fig. 17. Calculated loss. (Moen 1998.)
The cost at these shifts are the overall cost determined through the analysis in Fig.
16. The expected loss for one customer requirement or key process parameter (for
internal failure costs) can be illustrated as the shaded area under the loss function
( L1 (x)) and the actual performance of the characteristic ( g1 (x)) in Fig. 17. The
expected loss can then be calculated as:
E [L1] = L ( x) g ( x)dx,
1 1 g1 ( x) N ( , 2 ).
A normal distribution has been assumed for a target-the-best characteristic, but for
a characteristic with a smaller-the-better or larger-the-better loss function, a
Weibul or exponential distribution would have been expected. For all practical
purposes the integration can be done between 3. Necessary input to the loss
calculation is the shifts in performance ( Li ) and the cost at these shifts. In
addition, the expected value of the process influencing the characteristic and the
standard deviation of this process are required. These values can be used to
simulate how changes in process performance, either the centering or the range of
variation, will influence the loss for the characteristic (Moen 1998: 338).
Moen (1998) has developed a new customer and process focused poor quality
cost model to give a more accurate picture of the cost of (poor) quality, and to
enable management to make long term strategic decisions concerning how to best
satisfy their customers. Areas for improvement are identified through first
determining customer requirements and their importance and subsequently
translating these requirements to key process parameters. The most important key
process parameters, regarding how to meet customer requirements, are monitored
through the loss function. The loss function describes how sensitive a
characteristic is to process deviation from the target value, and when it is linked
to actual process performance, it becomes possible to predict the expected quality
costs for each characteristic. This model, presented by Moen (1998), can also be
used to simulate how changes in process performance will influence quality costs.
Intangible costs have been described as the most important costs needed for
management, but they are unknown or difficult to calculate. However, it is
believed that by using the QFD matrix (Fig. 18) it is possible to make quite
accurate estimates of these costs. Intangible quality costs consist of customer
dissatisfaction costs and loss of reputation costs, and they are calculated as
follows (Moen 1998):
1. An estimate of the lost revenue of the current product or service because one
existing customer is lost. This can be estimated as re-purchase intention and
the average number of re-purchases during a given time frame.
2. An estimate of lost revenue from potential customers that is lost because the
dissatisfied customers advise against the current product.
3. Lost sales of other products provided by the manufacturer based on poor
experience with one product. This element is strongly dependent on the
product mix the company provides, and the similarity and coherence between
each product. The total cost of (1), (2), and (3) has been denoted Ctot , which
is an estimate of the potential intangible cost due to a dissatisfied customer
that leaves the company. Actual intangible quality costs, based on the
estimate of potential costs ( Ctot ), has been determined by using the QFD
The customers rating of importance (described as in figure above) of each
requirement (described as in figure above), along with the customers
perception of the companys performance for each requirement compared to chief
competitors ( ), have been used to calculate a cost index ( ). This cost index is
used as an estimator of the probability that poor product or service performance
will result in an intangible cost. If the importance of a customer requirement is
low, the probability that a loss will occur is low, but if the importance is high, the
probability of loosing the customer is high. The performance of the company
compared to competitors will also influence the probability of a loss. The
difference between the companys and their chief competitors performance has
been denoted Pi , which is a performance index. A negative Pi indicates that the
companys performance is better than their chief competitor, and it is assumed
that a loss will most likely not occur even if the customer is dissatisfied and the
requirement has a high importance attached to it. The customer has no alternative
supplier and will not gain anything by leaving the company. If the companys
performance is low compared to the chief competitors, a loss will most likely
In the worst case the difference in performance ( P1 ,, P2 ,, , Pn ) can be five to
the disadvantage of the company for every customer requirement (Req #1, Req
#2, Req #n), which gives the maximum expected loss Ctot . The cost index CI for
each customer requirement can be expressed as: C I i = I i P i
A loss factor (floss) can be described as the overall loss estimated in (1), (2), and
(3) (Ctot) divided by the worst case cost index (Cimax), that is when the difference
in performance is five for every requirement to the disadvantage of the company:
Ctot Ctot
f loss = = n
5 Ii
i =1
The expected annual loss for one product can be expressed as the loss factor times
the sum of cost indexes (the probability that not meeting each customer
requirement will lead to an intangible loss):
E ( L) = f loss CI i .
i =1
The loss factor can then be described as:
Ctot Ctot $400
f loss = = n
= = 2.88,
Cmax 5 27.8
5 Ii
i =1
By using this approach, the manufacturer can obtain a picture of the long-term
consequences of not meeting customer requirements, and focus their
improvement efforts on those elements that will lead to a reduction in intangible
costs. By using the QFD matrix and a cost index based on the importance of each
customer requirement, and the companys performance compared to competitors,
it has become possible to estimate the expected intangible loss for each customer
requirement. When this estimate is included in the overall cost picture, the
priorities for quality improvement will most likely change dramatically. An
allegation is that companies that rely exclusively on traditional quality cost
models are suboptimizing their processes, and the results of quality improvement
may at the worst antagonize customer satisfaction and loyalty.27
There is no evidence in the literature that the model presented by Moen (1998) has been used in
practice. Naturally, some companies may have used it for benchmarking purposes.
costs in the second level in Srqvists classification (rework often takes place
directly when the personnel correct the fault without accounting for it separately).
Still, it is very important to notice, that the quality costs reported usually (and also
in the construction developed in this thesis) constitute only a small portion of the
actual QC:s. This is demonstrated in Fig. 20.
The first level comprises traditional quality costs, or the obvious losses which
are managed using existing quality cost systems, mainly in manufacturing
companies. Many of these losses have incurred in the production base, where the
personnel generally work on a time basis and have a possibility to make a
distinction for a non-value adding time. In many service companies few of the
traditional quality costs are known.
Traditional quality costs are largely due to sporadic problems28 which disrupt
operations, while those caused by chronic problems remain hidden. These losses
consist mainly of cost elements such as rejects, rework, guarantee costs,
complaints, penalties and the costs associated with inspection personnel.
Normally, costs are gathered from financial accounting system and the existing
failure reporting system are used for the measurements. Admittedly, this provides
a very simple measuring method, but using this means we only pick up a small
proportion of the total losses (the top of the iceberg, as seen in the following
figure) and then almost exclusively those in production.
The second level consists of the remaining losses which directly affect the
business, but which are not revealed by the financial accounting system. Srqvist
(1998) calls these losses hidden quality costs. In the financial accounting system
these losses are generally registered, for instance, under direct wages, direct
material and production overhead. These types of losses include almost all the
QC:s which are incurred on the white-collar side of the business, but also a higher
proportion of the losses within production where only certain QC:s are
distinguished and reported separately. One example of this is that rework often
takes place directly when the personnel correct the fault without accounting for it
separately. In this thesis, I also make anticipated contribution by developing a
construction in which it is not possible to make such default corrections. Many of
the losses arising as a result of chronic problem are at this level. The traditional
QC:s that we normally measure may therefore be seen as the top of the iceberg.
See Fig. 15 on page 86.
Traditional quality costs
Fig. 20. Traditional quality costs constitute only a small proportion of the actual QC:s.
(Srqvist 1998.)
The third level consists of lost income. This is the income lost by releasing goods
and services, which do not satisfy all the requirements of the external customer, to
the market. This can result in the customer experiencing failures and faults in the
product, in the stated needs of customers not being satisfied, or in the products of
a competitor offering characteristics that customers perceive to be valuable and
which the companys own products lack. In this way the company suffers loss of
goodwill which leads to fewer sales and the loss of potential customers. In many
companies it is likely that those losses amount to very substantial amounts.
It is very difficult to measure loss of income and it is often necessary to study
this by carrying out estimates. Sometimes even this is impossible. To avoid
making incorrect decisions in the analysis of quality costs, it is, however,
essential to be aware of the existence of these losses. External quality costs could
probably give indications of changes at this level. Parallel to estimates and
measurements of economical losses, it is also important to study those effects
with other methods (e.g. measuring customer loyalty and customer profitability).
The fourth level consists of customers costs. By this Srqvist means those
losses which affect the external customer due to poor quality in some stage of the
process. These could be the losses incurred by the customer due to breakdowns in
production, functional defects, market effects and so on caused by goods and
services sold to them. These losses are significant since they are strongly related
to costs for lost income. A poor quality product which causes heavy costs to the
customer will usually erode the goodwill of the supplier.
Nowadays, the views of customers and suppliers have changed and
companies now endeavour to co-operate and build long-term relationships with
common goals. Such an approach means that a policy in which we are solely
interested, in the short-term optimization of our companys situation, is no longer
viable. Taguchi describes this in a readily comprehensible way by means of
Customers loss
Producers profit
Customers costs
Fig.21. Taguchi shows that if a supplier maximizes his profit this will be at the
expense of the customer. (Srqvist 1998.)
processes and products. Such losses may be the costs caused by the harm done to
the environment by products with quality deficiencies, since environmentally
friendly is, according to the definition of quality, a stated or implied quality
requirement of a community. From the point of view of the company, these losses
are important considerations, since even in the short term some of them have to
be paid for in the form of environmental taxes, penalties and market effects. The
effects of socio-economic costs on businesses are likely to increase in the near
future as a result of widely held political belief in the western world according to
which companies should compensate the community for the losses they cause
(Srqvist 1998: 3639)
company opinions about customers needs and the performance of production
equipment (Diallo et al. 1995).
Moen (1998) considers that the most severe problem with prevention costs
can be found in the underlying philosophy. It implies that it is necessary to
distinguish between normal, error-prone activities, and some extra effort to
perform them error free.29 Error free design and work performance are normally
the duty of everyone in an organization, and the extraction and definition of
prevention activities is difficult, if not impossible (Porter and Rayner 1992). More
recently, we have begun to refer more to quality costs to bring out the fact that it
is poor quality that causes the costs. Accoring to Srqvist (1998), prevention costs
are not a cost for poor quality but are rather an investment in good quality. It is of
course possible to measure these costs parallel to failure costs. However, this
would appear unnecessary since decisions have actually been made to incur these
investment costs and they are therefore not unknown costs that we wish to study
as a means of identifying problems and selecting appropriate improvement
measures. It is difficult to determine what is really a prevention cost since costs
incurred in the business which are not quality costs result in good quality. It
could, in an extreme case, be claimed that the prevention costs comprise the costs
of all activities in the business except quality costs. According to this argument,
the result is arbitrary and Srqvist (1998) argues that there is therefore little point
in measuring prevention costs.
The idea behind measuring preventive measures used to be to allow us to
compare costs incurred in quality improvements with (poor) quality costs, from
which we would be able to determine the optimal quality level for business. In
practice, however, this is impossible partly because of the definition problems
mentioned above regarding prevention costs, and partly since in practice we have
only managed to measure a small proportion of the actual quality costs. Srqvist
(1998, p .34) argues, that the risk associated with such an approach is that of sub-
We should also bear in mind that it is the effects of preventive activities that
are of value and not an investment as such. If our measures to improve quality are
the wrong ones, even some of the prevention costs would not be value adding,
and would therefore be a failure cost (Srqvist 1998, p .34).
For this reason most organizations which calculate quality costs do not calculate prevention costs at
Moen (1998) reminds, that the problem with appraisal costs is that they have
no optimum value. A high figure may indicate badly performed production or an
intrinsic necessity of the process. Understanding appraisal costs requires a
thorough process understanding, and reporting an aggregated figure to top
management serves no useful purpose. Appraisal costs that are a direct
consequence of inadequate processes should be recorded as failure costs, and
customer ordered inspection and testing should be considered as separate
The main weaknesses and criticisms of the the PAF model (Oakland 1993:
200201, Porter & Rayner 1992) are described as follows. First, it is difficult to
decide which activities stand for prevention of quality failures since almost
everything a well-managed company does has something to do with preventing
quality problems. Second, there are a range of prevention activities in any
company which are integral to ensuring quality but may never be included in the
report of quality costs. Third, practical experience indicates that firms which have
achieved notable reductions in quality costs do not always seem to have greatly
increased their expenditure on prevention. Fourth, original PAF model does not
include intangible quality costs such as loss of customer goodwill and loss of
sales. Fifth, it is sometimes difficult to uniquely classify costs (e.g. design
reviews) into prevention, appraisal, internal failure, or external failure costs.
Sixth, the PAF model focuses attention on cost reduction and ignores the positive
contribution to price and sales volume by improved quality. Seventh, as
mentioned above, the classic view of an optimal quality level is not in accordance
with the continuous quality improvement philosophy of TQM. Eight, the key
focus of TQM is on process improvement, while the PAF categorization scheme
does not consider process costs. Therefore, the PAF model is of limited use in a
TQM program.
Tsai (1998), considers the overhead allocation in measuring cost of quality
the most important, the aspect of overhead allocation in calculating COQ is
seldom discussed in the literature. In practice, some companies add overheads to
the direct cost of labor and material on rework and scrap, while other companies
do not. If they do, rework and scrap costs become grossly inflated compared
with prevention and appraisal costs which are incurred via salaried and indirect
workers (Dale and Plunkett 1991: 45). OGuin (1991: 70) states that most of
COQ measurement systems in use are not (there are some exceptions) intended to
trace quality costs to their sources such as parts, products, designs, processes,
departments, vendors, distribution channels, territories, and so on. Accordingly,
the COQ information derived from these systems cannot be used to identify
where the quality improvement opportunities exist. Dale and Plunkett (1991: 112)
state that, it is the general lack of information about how people, other than
direct workers, spend their time which presents a considerable obstacle to the
collections of quality costs.
Goulden and Rawlins (1995) argue that the limitations of the PAF model
within PSD can be considered to fall into two areas; the model itself, and the
company culture. The PAF-model reinforced preconceived ideas, meaning that the
model reinforced the view that the ultimate responsibility for the provision of
quality lay with the quality departments, in that prevention is solely associated
with quality assurance department and calibration. They also argue that PAF-
model was open to misinterpretation. Certain costs could not be accommodated to
the satisfaction of all parties, hence the development of informative and defective
codes. For example, unplanned work could be viewed as a failure of the planning
process, alternatively it could be argued that this represented work which would
have had to be done and could not therefore be called failure. According to them,
the model was also inappropriate for indirect functions. In manufacturing
functions the identification of activities as prevention, appraisal or failure is fairly
straightforward. However, in indirect departments (i.e. those departments not
required to book time such as quality assurance, sales, accounts) the nature of
work makes the use of the PAF categories more complicated.
Fundamentally, the first stage in collecting COQ is to identify the quality cost
elements. For the PAF approach, COQ elements are identified under the cost
categories of the selected categorization scheme. Most of COQ elements relate to
quality-related activities. For the process cost approach, the cost elements of COC
and CONC for a process are derived from the flowcharted activities of the
process. Most cost elements of COC do not relate to quality-related activities of
traditional COQ view. After identifying the quality cost elements, we should
quantify the elements and then put costs (dollar values) on the elements which
have been identified (Dale and Plunkett 1991: 4041). In COQ literature, many
authors30 pay attention to why COQ information is important and what should be
included in a COQ system, and seldom discuss how to measure and collect quality
The importance of COQ measurement is stated in almost every journal article considering the subject.
costs.31 Besides, Thorne (1990) recommends some relatively uncomplicated
methods for calculating COQ, i.e. collecting quality costs by account, by defect
type, by whole person, by labor hours, and by personal log (see also Johnson
Dale and Plunkett state that the collection and synthesis of quality costs is
very much a matter of searching and shifting through data which have been
gathered for other purposes (Dale & Plunkett 1991: 38). Some of quality costs
are readily available from a cost accounting system (e.g. scrap and rework costs);
some can be derived from the data of activity reports (e.g. repair and inspection
costs). Nevertheless, a large portion of quality costs should be estimated by some
ways. For example, the opportunity costs of lost customer goodwill and lost sales,
which are intangible external failure costs, can be estimated by Taguchis quality
loss function (Albright and Roth 1994). Other examples are the costs of producing
excess inventories and material handling due to suboptimal plant layouts, which
are indirect failure costs and can be estimated by expertise. In addition,
calculating prevention costs needs the estimates of apportionment of time by
indirect workers and staff who do not usually record how they spend their time in
various activities.
Srqvist (1998) has studied the methods of measuring and working with
quality costs in 36 Swedish companies. The sample included both manufacturing
and service companies, such as Volvo, SAAB, Scania, Ericsson, Sandvik, IBM,
Telia, Teli, Sweden Post, and a number of smaller companies. The companies
were chosen by means of a selection process which main criterion was the
experience of measuring poor quality costs. The studies of companies were
carried out at very different levels of intensity, depending on the companies
experience, time and interest, and usefulness in the study. The following problems
considering quality cost collection and measurement were found is his study:
Problem 1. Scope. Most of the QC:s measured in the majority of the
companies studied were related to production, such as rejects, rework, claims,
inspections and testing activities. The costs which arise in other parts of the
company, which are for the most part dominated by white-collar workers, are only
measured to a limited extent, in many cases not at all, as these are considered to
be too difficult to measure. The measurements mainly focus on the problems
There are no universally applicable accounting methods of measuring cost of quality. Because of this,
the comparability of COQ between companies is extremely difficult. The problems considering quality
cost collection and measurement are further discussed in the next few pages.
which are associated with poor product quality, while the effects of other
deficiencies and insufficient features are often omitted. In other words, the
measurements are not measuring total quality. The faults and deficiencies
measured are mainly sporadic in character, whilst chronic problems32 tend to
remain hidden.
Problem 2. The object of the measurements. Most of the companies studied
had not decided in advance for what purpose they would use the measurement
results, and consequently they have not selected the measuring methods
accordingly. Some companies give the impression that their main goal is to
receive regular reports and not to use the information as a basis for making
The utilization of the information obtained is often faulty and in most cases
there is no reliable connection to improvement activities. All of this indicates a
very tangible fixation on methods, where the focus is placed on measuring
systems and methods rather than on results and potential for improvement. In
some cases it would be true to say that the measurements had become an end in
themselves, without any practical use.
Problem 3. Definition. A common problem when measuring poor quality
costs33 is that considerable disagreement can arise over which costs should be
included among the companys poor quality costs. Some costs are regarded as
more or less self-evident, while others arouse heated discussion. The latter could
include, for instance, the cost of repairs paid by the customer for recently
delivered products, the cost of inspections and tests requested by customers or
authorities, or the cost of product development (where trial and error is often
regarded as accepted practice).
In this field a crucial distinction can be made between those companies which
are successful at measuring their poor quality costs and those which have failed.
The companies which have succeeded with their measuring activities generally
make quick decisions on these issues and then move ahead, while the less
successful companies tend to prolong their discussions and fail to move on to the
actual measurement stage. Even during the later stages of the measurements (e.g.
analysis and presentation of results) the latter companies tend to revert to the
relevance of various costs and thus, also forego many opportunities for
About chronic and sporadic problems, see e.g. Fig. 15 on page 86.
Srqvist uses the term poor quality cost instead of quality cost.
Problem 4. Responsibility. The question of whose account the various costs
should be charged against, for example how to determine who has actually caused
the costs, often leads to difficulties in connection with measuring poor quality
costs. As with the previous problem, the successful companies make their
decisions quickly, regardless of the decision they make, while the less successful
companies also prolong this discussion. In general, companies which have
succeeded with the poor quality cost measurements often use simple methods to
determine whose account should be charged for the costs measured. In some cases
they only measure the costs where they are incurred, and leave the rest for later
analysis in connection with improvements, while in other cases they have clear
and simple procedures for allocating costs.
Problem 5. Measuring methods. Companies often experience problems with
measuring methods and discuss them frequently. Most companies have chosen to
measure QC:s by designing measuring systems the employees should use to
report problems and deficiencies. In some cases these measuring systems are
based on the financial accounting system and other reporting systems, which are
usually expanded to suit the new task. In other cases new measuring systems are
designed, and incorporating report form or PC systems specially designed to
measure poor quality costs.
The existing financial accounting system is usually considered to be
unsuitable for reporting poor quality costs. The normal arrangement of accounts
and cost centres in a financial control system is not suitable for measuring poor
quality costs, as these are not distinguished. The financial control departments
practices and systems mostly appear to be intended to satisfy the requirements of
official authorities and shareholders, and they are often poorly suited to internal
purposes. Other failure-reporting systems are often difficult to use, since in many
cases they are local and often incompatible with each other.
In some cases, problems arise which are caused by the reporting procedures
being unclear, the knowledge of the users being inadequate and the opportunities
for making mistakes numerous. The use of separate systems is often impeded by
the belief of the intended users that the extra workload would be too heavy. In
general, many problems are experienced due to the systems not being used in the
manner intended, which affects the quality of the results.
Some companies have chosen to combine different types of measurement, for
example, measurements of poor quality costs, customer satisfaction and work
climate, as a means of obtaining an accurate picture for the decision-making
situation. Sometimes these may be weighted in the form of an index.
Problem 6. Management. It has been demonstrated that if the companys
management is not properly involved, and does not make demands regarding the
information, this can be one of the most important reasons why the reporting of
poor quality costs fails to work. In many cases management has not used the
information for measures and improvements, which has reduced the motivation of
the personnel to report problems.
Problem 7. Personnel. The employees in some companies feel that reporting
poor quality costs involves an additional workload, and they cannot see the
benefits of the measurements. This could be due to the adaptation to local
requirements being less than perfect, to the absence of support and resources
when the reported poor quality costs are high, and to the lack of interest among
management in requesting information.
In many cases employees experience discomfort or fear when reporting poor
quality costs which have arisen at their workplace, as these could easily be
interpreted as personal failures. In some cases, this has even caused employees to
conceal certain awkward costs. Employees and trade unions have protested
against the measurements in several companies.
The companies which have succeeded best have attached great importance to
training their personnel so that understanding has increased, created personnel
involvement in the design of the system, and underlined the importance of the
measurements by demanding information and reacting quickly to problems and
Problem 8. Precision. Studies carried out with the aid of statistical methods
have shown that in many cases the capability of the measurements was poor. In
several cases, management considered that the results of the poor quality cost
measurements contained unreliable and incorrect information. Poor measurement
results can easily cause the priority of the measurements being lowered, which
makes the results even worse.
To avoid such situations, several successful companies have begun the
measuring activities with measurements on a small scale, to accumulate
experience and the ability to later introduce a capable measuring system. Some of
the most successful companies have begun the work by mapping the companys
total poor quality costs on the basis of estimates, from which certain types of cost
are then selected for further measurement.
Problem 9. Implementation. One important experience gained is that a
company definitely has the best chance of implementing a measuring system at
the first attempt. Companies which have already made unsuccessful attempts to
measure poor quality costs often experience immense problems when they use
new methods for the next attempt, as the personnel already know what poor
results this could achieve. This means that the introduction of the measurements
must be properly planned and prepared.
A number of companies found that the introduction of a system for measuring
poor quality costs is very time-consuming and requires several years of intensive
work. Other companies have achieved good results in a short time, as simplified
surveys have been made, based on estimates. The support of the financial control
and controller functions in the company is often regarded as very important. This
creates both greater acceptance of the results and access to competence and skills
in the financial control field.
Problem 10. Comparisons. The magnitude of the poor quality costs measured
varies widely from a few per cent of the turnover to almost 20 per cent.
Manufacturing companies generally appear to have higher relative poor quality
costs than service companies, which is probably due to the fact that it is easier
and usually more acceptable to make these measurements in production. The
highest poor quality costs are usually found among those companies which have
developed the best measurement techniques. They are better at revealing the level
of poor quality costs in the company. This shows that comparisons of poor quality
costs should not be made between different companies, unless it can be ensured
that identical approaches and methods have been used.
Some researchers argue that identification of quality cost elements in the PAF-
approach is somewhat arbitrary. The PAF-approach may focus on some quality-
related activities which account for the significant part of total quality cost, not on
all the interrelated activities in a process. Goulden and Rawlins (1995) argue that
under the philosophy of process improvement in TQM, analysts should place
emphasis on the cost of each process rather than an arbitrarily defined cost of
quality. In view of this, the process cost approach, described in the revised BS
6143: Part 1 (1992), is proposed. It recognizes the importance of process cost
measurement and ownership. The process cost is the total of the cost of
conformance (COC) and cost of nonconformance (CONC) for a particular
process. The COC is the actual process cost of providing products or services to
the required standards, first time and every time, by a given specified process.
The CONC is the failure cost associated with a process not being operated to the
required standard (Porter and Rayner 1992). According to this definition, the
content of this categorization (COC and CONC) is different from that of Crosbys
(POC and PONC) mentioned previously.
The essence of this model is that it can be used to measure the total cost
associated with any process. It allocates costs to categories of conformance and
non-conformance. Cost of conformance is the minimum cost of the process as
specified (combining prevention and appraisal costs from the PAF model). Cost of
non-conformance is the cost of inefficiency within the specified process
(combining internal and external failure costs from the PAF model). The total cost
of a process is the cost of doing all the activities without error or wastage plus the
cost of the failure activities. Total process cost is usually expressed as the sum of
the Cost of conformance and Cost of non-conformance. Categorization of costs
need not necessarily be restricted to those of the two models above. Organizations
could also consider other forms of categorization which will suit their business
needs. (Bland et al. 1998).
The process cost model can be developed for any process within an
organization. It will identify all the activities and parameters within the process to
be monitored by flowcharting the process. Then, the flowcharted activities are
allocated as COC or CONC, and the cost of quality at each stage (i.e., COC +
CONC) are calculated or estimated. Finally, key areas for process improvement
are identified and improved by investing in prevention activities and process
redesign to reduce the CONC and the excessive COC respectively (Tsai 1998:
725). The British Standards Institution has included this methodology in the
revised BS 6143: Part 1 (1992). Dale and Plunkett (1991: 43) state that this will
help to extend the concept of quality costing to all functions of an enterprise and
to non-manufacturing organizations, and that it also gets people to consider in
more detail the processes being carried out within the organization.
A new proactive customer and process focused poor quality cost (PQC)
model has been developed to overcome some of the problems in previous models
(Feigenbaum 1956, Harrington 1987). The term poor quality cost has been used to
stress that prevention and appraisal costs have been left out compared to
Feigenbaums PAF model, since they are difficult to measure and have limited
application in the strategic decision process. However, it is still important to
measure these elements for internal operational use in each department. The
model in Fig. 22 (developed by Moen 1998) divides PQCs into two main
categories of direct and indirect costs. The direct element consists of cost
categories that are monitored and perceived within the company, while the
indirect element contains costs that are first perceived by the customer, but
subsequently returned to the company as lost market shares. The basis for both
elements is customer requirements, needs and expectations. Both internal and
external failure costs are made up by direct failure costs, consequence costs, and
lack of process efficiency costs. Direct failure costs include the direct financial
consequence of every failure that is discovered before shipment (internal) and all
direct costs associated with claims, rejects, warranty administration, etc. as a
result of problems discovered after shipment (external). Critical failures that have
a direct influence on customer satisfaction are monitored by Taguchis loss
function. Consequence costs include additional costs such as administration,
disturbances in current and related processes, additional planning, etc. These costs
are assigned to direct failure costs through a simplified activity based costing
approach. Lack of (process) efficiency costs, which are costs due to inadequate
process performance compared to chief competitors or theoretical performance, is
determined through competitive or functional benchmarking.
Fig. 22. New customer and process focused poor quality cost model. (Moen 1998.)
Fig. 23. Integrated poor quality cost system. (Moen 1998.)
This enables the company to predict PQCs at the present performance level, and
also simulate how changes in performance due to quality improvement efforts
will influence total PQCs.
According to Moen (1998), there are still some approaches to measuring
COQ apart from the PAF approach (chapter 3.4) and the process cost approach
presented above. For example, Son and Hsu (1991) propose a quantitative
approach to measuring quality costs, which considers both manufacturing
processes and statistical quality control. In this approach, statistical terms of
quality are translated to dollar terms. However, the quality cost model presented
in their paper is restricted to a simplified manufacturing system which consists of
only a machining area (with in-process sampling inspection) and a final
inspection area (with 100 percent final inspection). Moreover, Chen and Tang
(1992) present a pictorial approach to measuring COQ, which is patterned after
that used in a computer-based information system design. The COQ variables
considered in this approach include direct COQ variables (PAF costs and quality-
related equipment costs) and indirect COQ variables (customer-incurred costs,
customer-dissatisfaction costs and loss of reputation). It includes two major steps:
1) specifying the COQ variables as well as the significant relationships among the
variables, and mapping the variables and relationships into an influence
diagram showing the structure of a COQ system; and 2) converting the structure
into a well defined entity-relationship diagram showing the input-output
functions and their associated properties. The influence diagram used in the
pictorial approach can provide an easy-to-understand COQ system for quality
management practitioners, and the entity-relationship diagram can provide an
effective framework for maintaining and modifying the COQ system.
In the next chapter, Quality cost measurement under activity based
accounting environment, a generic cost of quality -model will be presented. The
chapter will discuss of the strengths and weaknesses of the Prevention Appraisal
Failure (PAF) -model in various business environments. In the chapter,
sophisticated models of measuring COQ are presented. The accounting principles
of ABC and their implications to cost of quality are discussed. The chapter also
focuses on COQ measurement and continuous quality improvement under activity
based costing environment. This is done by presenting an COQ-ABC framework.
3.6 Quality cost measurement in Activity-Based Costing
Although ABC has found rapid and wide acceptance, there is significant diversity
of opinions regarding the efficacy of ABC (McGowan and Klammer 1997).
Several reservations have been expressed concerning its usefulness, relevance,
and practicality (Innes et al. 2000). Despite managers insistence that
management accounting systems pass the costbenefit test (Foster and Young
1997), there still is no significant body of empirical evidence to validate the
alleged benefits of ABC (Shim and Stagliano 1997, McGowan and Klammer
1997). Empirical research is needed to document the (financial) consequences of
ABC implementation (Kennedy and Bull 2000, McGowan 1998). Furthermore,
previous research has suggested that the benefits of ABC are more readily
realized under enabling conditions such as sophisticated information technology,
highly competitive environment, complex firm processes, relatively high
importance of costs, and relatively low unused capacity and intra-company
transactions (Cagwin and Bouwman 2002).
However, despite a strong and durable advocacy (Cooper 1988, Cooper and
Kaplan 1991, 1992, 1998, Kaplan 1992), several reservations have been
The terms activity-based costing (ABC) and activity-based management (ABM) are sometimes used
interchangeably. Strictly speaking, ABC refers only to determining the costs of activities and the outputs
that those activities produce. Some researchers and practitioners prefer to use the term activity-based
management (ABM) when describing how the activity information is used to support operating
Two decades at 2008
expressed concerning (a) the substance of its practical attraction (Bjornenak 1997,
Gosselin 1997, Malmi 1999), i.e. that it may be a fad or fashion, engendering a
bandwagon effect rather than a genuine and useful technical enhancement, (b) its
decision-making relevance (Noreen 1991, Bromwich & Hong 1999), i.e. that
several restrictive (and practically unlikely) conditions must apply before the
ABC information can legitimately be used to generate relevant costs for
decisions, and (c) the problematic and costly design, implementation and
operation of the systems required for ABC in an organizational context (Cobb et
al. 1992, Malmi 1997). These qualifications may contribute to an explanation of
the relatively low adoption rates that have been consistently observed for ABC in
surveys conducted in different countries (e.g. Lukka 1994, Armitage & Nicholson
1993, Ask & Ax 1992), and imply that even practical experience of ABC may not
necessarily lead to its permanent adoption. However, most survey research to date
has produced only snap-shot evidence of the extent of ABC adoption at one
location and at one point in time. Survey replication in the same location has been
uncommon and consequently little is known about how the adoption of ABC has
actually progressed at a general level over time. (Innes et al. 2000).
According to Brimson (1991), the main shortcoming of traditional cost
accounting is to distribute overhead costs over products by using volume-related
allocation bases such as direct labor hours, direct labor costs, direct material
costs, machine hours, etc. It will not seriously distort the product cost in the
conventional manufacturing environment where overheads are just a small
portion of product cost. In the modern manufacturing environment, however, the
overheads will grow rapidly as manufacturers increasingly promote the level of
automation and computerization, and the cost distortion of traditional cost
accounting will be significant (Brimson 1991: 179). The main reason is that many
overhead costs vary with volume diversity, product diversity, and volume-
unrelated activities (e.g. set-up and scheduling activities), not with volume-related
measures. For example, high-volume products consume more direct labor hours
than low-volume products, but high-volume products do not necessarily consume
more scheduling cost than low-volume products. Therefore, traditional cost
accounting will overcost high-volume products and undercost low-volume
In view of this, Cooper and Kaplan suggested to use ABC to improve the
accuracy of product costs. In the early ABC systems (Turney 1991: 7780),
overhead cost is divided into various cost pools, where each cost pool contains the
cost of a group of related activities consumed by products in approximately the
same way. Each cost pool is distributed to products by using a unique factor that
approximates the consumption of cost. This unique factor, called an allocation
basis in traditional cost accounting, could be volume-related (e.g. direct labor
hours and machine hours) or volume-unrelated (e.g. number of orders, set-up
hours, and number of parts).
As follows, a two-dimensional model of ABC (Turney 1991: 81) is proposed
in Fig. 24. This ABC model is composed of two dimensions: cost assignment
view and process view.
The detailed cost assignment view of ABC is shown in Fig. 25. Activity based
costing assumes that cost objects (e.g. products, product lines, processes,
customers, channels, markets, etc.) create the need for activities, and activities
create the need for resources.
Fig. 25. Detailed cost assignment view of ABC.
categories of activities (Cooper 1990): unit-level activities (performed one time
for one production unit, for example, 100 percent inspection, machining,
finishing); batch-level activities (performed one time for a batch of products, for
example, sampling inspection, set-up, scheduling); product-level activities
(performed to benefit all units of a particular product, for example, product
design, design verification and review); facility-level activities (performed to
sustain the manufacturing facility, for example, plant guard and management,
zero defect program). The costs of different levels of activities will be traced to
products by using the different kinds of activity drivers in the second stage of the
ABC cost assignment view. For example, machine hours are used as the activity
driver for the activity machining; set-up hours or the number of set-up for
machine set-up; and the number of drawings for product design (Tsai 1996b).
Usually, the costs of facility-level activities cannot be traced to products with the
definite cause-effect relationships and should be allocated to products with
appropriate allocation bases (Cooper 1990). The information achieved from the
ABC cost assignment view is usually used for the decisions of pricing, quoting,
product mix (Tsai 1994), make versus buy, sourcing, product design, profitability
analysis, and so on (Turney 1992).
Kaplan and Anderson (2004) have recently advocated time-driven ABC, in
which the actual time for performing an activity is estimated instead of using
percentage of time of total time spent on it. Time-driven ABC is partly an effort to
overcome the labour and costs often associated with implementing and
maintaining ABC systems. The capacity of most resources is measured in terms
of time availability, which helps in distinguishing between used and unused
capacity. Time-driven ABC also makes it possible to use time equations, which
help in differentiating between the complexity of different products. Information
for time equations can be easily available from the companys ERP system, which
makes updating also easier. Despite the obvious benefits of duration-based drivers
in many environments, transaction-based drivers are still more commonly used.
The problem has been that the measurement of durations has been laborious or
even impossible (Varila et al. 2007).
A new variant of Activity-Based Costing, time-driven ABC, utilizes estimates
as the sole type of cost driver. There has been little discussion, however, about the
potential for errors introduced by their use, although experience indicates that
employees estimates of the activities they perform and their duration are often
inaccurate (Ittner 1999). Labro and Cardinaels (2006) argue that they were the
first to systematically study measurement error on duration drivers, the contingent
factors that impact on it, and the costing system design parameters that can
alleviate it. Given the widespread use of duration drivers and their potential for
error in the design stages (Ittner 1999), it is important to understand the sensitivity
and robustness of costing systems to these types of errors. Labro and Cardinaels
(2006) find a strong overestimation bias when participants provide estimates in
number of minutes, which may be problematic in the application of the new time-
driven ABC (Kaplan and Anderson 2004). Time-Driven ABC advocates claim that
a response mode in minutes is superior to one in percentages as it allows only
allocating the practical capacity cost, rather than the full capacity cost (Kaplan
and Anderson 2004).
The process view of ABC is composed of three building blocks: cost drivers,
activities and performance measures. It provides information on why the activities
are performed via cost drivers and on how well the activities are performed via
performance measures. Cost drivers are factors that determine the workload and
effort required to perform an activity (Turney 1991: 87), that is factors that cause
a change in the cost of an activity (Raffish and Turney 1991). For example, the
quality of parts received by an activity (e.g. the percent that are defective) is a
determining factor in the work required by that activity, because the quality of
parts received affects the resources required to perform the activity. Cost drivers
identify the cause of activity cost and are useful because they point people to take
action at the root cause level, i.e. they reveal opportunities for improvement. An
activity may have multiple cost drivers associated with it.
Performance measures are used to indicate the work performed and the
results achieved in an activity (Raffish and Turney 1991). They tell us how the
activity is meeting the needs of its internal or external customers. There are five
fundamental elements of activity performance: the quality of the work done; the
productivity for the activity; the cycle time required to complete the activity; the
cost traced or allocated to the activity; and customer satisfaction (Miller 1996:
945, Turney 1991: 8889).
Performance measures differ from one activity to another and from one
company to another. Performance measures may be financial or nonfinancial. The
process view of ABC places emphasis on processes. A process is a series of
activities that are linked to perform a specific objective. A business process often
runs across artificial organizational boundaries, departments or functions.
Because of the interdependency of activities in a process, the work of each
activity affects the performance of the next activity in the process. Accordingly,
performance measures for one activity may become cost drivers for the next
activity (Turney 1991: 190). For example, performance measures for designing
new tools may include the number of change in specifications and the number of
new drawings, and these performance measures are just the cost drivers for the
succeeding activity, manufacturing new tools. This tells us that merely identifying
activities without consideration of their relationship to other activities in the
process will result in overlooking many improvement opportunities (Lawson
1994: 35).
The information achieved from the process view of ABC can be used as an
aid in process/activity improvement. The potential improvement opportunities can
be located by performance measurement and value analysis. First, the areas where
the improvement is needed can be identified by comparing this periods
performance with performance goals or with best practices of comparable
activities inside or outside the company. The latter comparison is called
benchmarking (Turney 1991: 111). Second, the areas where the improvement is
needed can be identified through the categorization of activities as value-added or
non-value-added. An activity is value-added if it is judged to contribute to
customer value or to satisfy an organizational need; otherwise, it is non-value-
added. For the non-value-added activities, improvement initiatives should be
directed toward eliminating or minimizing the activities. For the valued-added
activities, improvement initiatives should be directed toward streamlining,
improving what is being done, and optimizing performance (Miller 1996: 9293).
However, the potential improvement opportunities should be prioritized by the
Pareto analysis. We can rank the activities in descending order of cost achieved
from the cost assignment view of ABC, and determine the significant activities
that will provide the greatest opportunities for improvement. Usually, we will find
that 20 percent of the activities cause 80 percent of the cost. Thus, these
significant activities are worth improving in the first place.
After the top-priority areas of improvement are recognized, cost driver
analysis can be used to examine, quantify, and explain the effects of cost drivers
of the significant activities mentioned above. This will help direct improvement
efforts to the cause of cost and avoid treating the symptom (Miller 1996: 93). For
example, inspecting the incoming material is a non-value-added activity and its
cost driver will be the quality of material received from suppliers. If we have
sufficient confidence in the quality of material received from suppliers, we may
either conduct sampling inspections, or even have no inspections for incoming
material. Otherwise, we may need 100 percent inspections. Therefore, the best
way to reduce the efforts of incoming material inspections is to choose suppliers
that provide high-quality material or to help our suppliers establish the quality
control/assurance systems.
Using ABC to improve a business is called activity-based management
(ABM). As defined by the consortium for Advanced Manufacturing International
(CAM-I) (Raffish & Turney 1991), ABM is a discipline that focuses on the
management of activities as the route to improving the value received by the
customer and the profit achieved by providing this value. This discipline includes
cost driver analysis, activity analysis, and performance measurement. ABM uses
the cost and nonfinancial/operational information acquired from ABC in various
analyses. For example, ABM uses the cost information of activities, products,
customers, and other cost objects, supplied by the cost assignment view of ABC,
to perform strategic decision analysis (such as pricing, product mix, sourcing,
customer profitability analysis), activity-based budgeting, life-cycle costing and
target costing. In addition, ABM uses the information provided by the process
view of ABC to support cost reduction, downsizing, process/quality improvement,
benchmarking, business process reengineering (BPR), and TQM.
Table 4. Comparison between COQ and ABC. (Tsai 1998: 733.)
Aspects of COQ
Comparison PAF approach Process cost approach ABC
Orientation Activity oriented Process-oriented Activity-oriented
Process-oriented (cost assignment view)
(process view)
Activity/cost Prevention Conformance Value-added
categories Appraisal Nonconformance Non-value-added
Internal failure
External failure
Treatment of No consensus method to allocate overhead to COQ Assigning overhead to
overhead elements under current COQ measurement systems activities by using resource
and traditional cost accounting drivers in the first stage of
cost assignment view
Tracing costs to No adequate method to trace quality costs to their Tracing activity costs to cost
their sources sources objects by using activity
drivers in the second stage
of ABC cost assignment
Improvement COQ-related activities Processes activities Processes/activities
Tools for Quality circle, Brainstorming, Nominal group technique, Process/activity value
Improvement Cause and effect Analysis, Fishbone diagram, analysis, Performance
Forcefield analysis measurement, Bench-
Marking, Cost driver
Information The cost elements of PAF The COC and CONC The costs of activities and
Outputs categories, Total quality cost elements of the processes, The costs of
and the costs of PAF processes investigated, value- added and non-value
categories/elements and Total process cost, added activities and their
their percentages various COC, and CONC of the percentages of various
bases processes investigated bases, Accurate costs of
and their percentages of various cost objects (e.g.
various bases products, departments,
customers and channels)
Activity-based performance
measures, Cost drivers of
Related TQM ABM
As for activity/cost categories, the COQ approaches and ABC have the following
classifications: PAF approach prevention, appraisal, internal failure, and
external failure; process cost approach conformance and nonconformance; ABC
value-added and non-value-added.
Some authors classify prevention and appraisal costs as the cost of
conformance, and internal and external failure costs as the cost of
nonconformance.36 However, the content and meaning of conformance and
nonconformance costs of the PAF approach are different in nature from that of the
process cost approach. Under the ABC perspective, only prevention costs in the
PAF approach (Ostrenga 1991) and only some of conformance costs in the
process cost approach are value-added, and their relationships are shown in Fig.
Fig. 26. The relationship between activity/cost categories of COQ approaches and
Thus, the cost of nonconformance either in the PAF or in the process cost
approach would be eliminated or minimized through investment in prevention
activities. The cost of conformance in the process cost approach would be reduced
by streamlining or redesigning the process.
As for information outputs, the fundamental cost information outputs
achieved from the PAF approach include the costs of PAF-related activities,
whereas the outputs achieved from the process cost approach and ABC are the
costs of activities and processes. While all these three methods provide the costs
of activities, ABC creates a variety of information outputs.
From the discussion above, we can see that there are many similarities in
process perspective between the process cost approach and ABC. In addition, the
similarities between the two methods can also be found in the steps of process
According to the reviewer of the thesis, appraisal costs could also be seen as value-added costs. There
could also be a dash line between appraisal and value added in Fig 26.
improvement by the process cost approach and by ABC/ABM, as shown in Table
5 below. In this Table, the corresponding steps are in the same rows, which
indicates that the two methods deal with the same thing by using different
From the explanation in the previous sections, we know that ABC can supply
various cost and nonfinancial information to support COQ programs. Moreover,
ABC can provide more accurate costs of activities and processes than traditional
cost accounting, which make COQ information more valuable for TQM. Hence, it
is better to integrate the COQ approaches with ABC. Figure 27 shows an
integrated COQ-ABC framework by Tsai (1998). In this framework, we may
adopt the PAF approach or the process cost approach for COQ measurement.
Strictly speaking, COQ-related activities for the PAF approach or flowcharted
activities for the process cost approach should be incorporated into the building
block activities of the ABC model. That is, ideally, the ABC and COQ blocks in
this framework should be merged as one. Furthermore, there are the following
characteristics in the integrated COQ-ABC framework. ABC and COQ systems
should share the common database in order to avoid data redundancy and
inconsistency. The related management techniques of ABC and COQ are ABM
and TQM, respectively; and ABC system can provide cost and activity/process-
related information for ABM, COQ/TQM, and business process reengineering
(BPR). BPR is another management technique for process improvement. The
major difference between BPR and ABM/TQM is that BPR overthrows and
improves current business processes in a fundamental and radical way. This can
be seen from the definition of BPR: BPR is the fundamental rethinking and
radical redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in
critical, contemporary measures of performance, such as cost, quality, service,
and speed (Hammer and Champy 1993).
Table 5. Steps of process improvement by the process cost approach and ABC/ABM.
Process cost approach ABC/ABM
9. Review the flowchart to identify the scope for 9. Draw up the process improvement plan:
reductions in the cost of conformance. Attempts to (1) Locate the potential improvement
reduce COC require a thorough process opportunities by performance measurement and
understanding, and a second flowchart of what the value analysis
new process should be may help. (2) Prioritize the improvement opportunities by
Pareto analysis and select the significant
activities that will provide the greatest
opportunities for improvement
(3) Design and select the improvement
alternatives by cost driver analysis, process
redesign, new process design (process
innovation), and others
10. Monitor conformance and nonconformance 10. Implement the process improvement plan
costs on a regular basis, using the model and
review for further improvements (i.e. continuous
11. Monitor the process improvement results by
installing performance measurement and feedback
control systems to ensure that the desired results are
achieved and to provide feedback for continuous
1. Steps of process/quality improvement using the process cost approach (Oakland 1993: 201203).
2. Steps of process improvement using ABC/ABM are combined from the information provided by Beischel
1990, Harrington 1993, Miller 1996: 6998, OGuin 1991: 306313, Ostrenga and Probst 1992.
Figure 27. Integrated COQ-ABC framework. (Tsai 1998: 736.)
The common goal of ABM, TQM, and BPR is continuous improvement by using
various respective tools. In fact, all these tools can be used in ABM, TQM, and
BPR. The common objectives of ABM, TQM, and BPR are to promote
productivity, to eliminate waste, to reduce throughput time, to reduce cost, and to
improve quality. The ultimate missions are to profitably improve the value
received by the customer and to increase the equity owned by the shareholder.
departments or products as cost objects and trace the various COQ-related activity
costs to departments or products by using appropriate activity drivers in the
second stage of the ABC cost assignment view. Most activities related to
prevention costs are sustaining activities and their costs are not easily traced to
departments or products. It is because of no explicit cause-and-effect relationship
between prevention activities and departments (or products). On the other hand,
cause-and-effect relationships do exist between departments (or products) and
most activities related to appraisal, internal failure, and external failure costs.
Therefore, these costs could be traced to departments or products appropriately.
Similarly, we could trace external failure costs to distribution channels or
territories (used as the cost objects).
From the above discussion, we know that the COQ reports for the PAF
approach can be prepared under ABC in the following ways. 1) COQ reports are
associated with detailed COQ-related activities for the whole company. 2) COQ
reports are associated with activities related to appraisal, internal failure and
external failure costs by departments, products, or product lines; or 3) COQ
reports are associated with activities related to external failure costs by
distribution channels or territories.
These are just some illustrative COQ reports. These COQ reports usually
provide monthly costs, year-to-date costs, variances to budgeted costs, and a
comparison with the previous years cost data. These COQ reports may include
the COQ percentage of various bases such as sales revenue, manufacturing cost,
units of product, and so on (Simpson and Muthler 1987). In addition, trend
analysis can be used to compare present COQ data with historical COQ data in
order to know how COQ changes over time.
In order to prepare the above COQ reports, we could use activity centers to
group the related activities under ABC. There may be hundreds of activities in a
company. Activity centers allow us to easily locate activities with identical
characteristics. If we group the companys activities by processes, then we will
have the COQ activity center and several other activity centers. Within the COQ
activity center, four nested activity centers can be established, i.e., prevention,
appraisal, internal failure, and external failure activity centers (as shown in Fig.
Fig. 28. COQ activity center and its nested activity centers.
Under the integrated COQ-ABC framework, the quality system and the ABC
system must be integrated to produce COQ information and the related
operational information of activities and processes. The information achieved can
be used in various aspects (Dale & Plunkett 1991: 5968, OGuin 1991: 7175).
Some of the important uses of COQ information are described as follows.
To identify the magnitude of the quality improvement opportunities
Activity based costing, together with other techniques such as work sampling, can
trace resource costs (including overhead costs) to various activities in a rational
way which avoids double counting. Thus, ABC can create the accurate costs of
the PAF-related activities for the PAF approach and of the COC- and CONC-
related activities for the process cost approach. The prime purpose of the quality
improvement is to gradually eliminate or reduce the cost of poor quality, i.e. to
improve the activities related to the appraisal and failure costs for the PAF
approach and to the CONC for the process cost approach. Activity based costing
will tell management the accurate cost of poor quality and indicate which
activities are the most expensive through the Pareto analysis. Accordingly,
management can identify the directions and magnitude of the quality
improvement opportunities. This information is useful in the investment
justification of the quality improvement alternatives such as investment in
prevention activities or equipment.
By integrating the ABC system and the quality system, the cost of poor quality
can be traced to its sources. Hence, the integrated system can identify where the
quality improvement opportunities exist and provide the following benefits
(OGuin 1991: 72):
By tracing quality losses to product attributes, parts, processes, engineering,
and vendors, management can take corrective actions toward the right
By tracing and costing vendor returns by vendor and parts, purchasing
managers will understand the true costs of buying from particular vendors.
This will avoid forcing purchasing managers to buy strictly on price.
If scrap costs result from worker errors, the scrap costs are assigned to the
processs overheads. This will provide management with clear pictures of
who is causing defects and how much they cost.
The integrated system arms the quality department with defect and rework
cost information. Some defects are more costly than others and some mean
much more to the customers than others. Thus, the system can tell the quality
department where to concentrate its quality improvement efforts.
By tracing warranty and return costs to their products, it will eliminate the
tendency for product managers to rush a product through testing, or ship
defective goods to achieve their sales targets.
Before tracing quality costs to their sources, we should dig out their root causes
by using the cost driver analysis of the ABC process view in order to direct
improvement efforts to the cause of cost and avoid treating the symptom. Table 6
gives a list of some possible cost drivers of the four COQ components. For
example, the root causes of the internal failure rework could be design error,
defective purchased material, deficient tooling and maintenance, and worker
error. If we find out that the real root cause of excessive rework cost is defective
purchased material, then we could effectively solve the problem by helping to
improve the suppliers quality system or searching another supplier. As another
example, if excessive in-process inspections are due to complex design, then we
can encourage designers to simplify the design by using the number of different
part numbers as a performance measure or activity driver.
according to the savings of required activity driver quantities for each quality-
activity of the selected quality improvement actions. On the contrary, quality
improvement actions may be worked out according to improvement targets set by
management just like the approach of target costing. In this scenario, management
may establish quality improvement targets for every unit of the organization.
Management may request purchasing to reduce vendor quality costs by 20 or 40
percent in a year. The amount of rework, which is the activity driver of rework
activity, may be targeted to be cut by 30 percent. Target quality costs are derived
from the quality improvement targets under the present operational conditions.
Then, various quality improvement actions are evaluated one by one till the ones,
which budgeted quality costs are not greater than target quality costs, are found.
In either case, quality cost budgets are constructed incorporating improvement
targets by using the budgeted activity driver quantities based on improved
activities and the moving average rates (or the last periods rate) of activity
drivers. This method can be applied in either the PAF approach or the process cost
approach (Sharman 1996).
Since management establishes quality improvement targets for every unit of the
organization, management can then track actual performance to these targets after
one periods operation. If improvement targets are not met, variances between
actual and budgeted quality costs will emerge. The variances may represent
unanticipated quality loss. The variances force management to exploit what is
causing the variance and encourage management to eliminate the source of
quality loss. This feedback allows management to continuously plan quality
improvement programs and control quality costs (OGuin 1991: 74).
The method described above is the budget control of quality costs. It may
report quality costs monthly. However, it is not fit for daily operation control.
Turney (1991: 197199) demonstrated how ABC was used for total quality
control by utilizing daily COQ reporting in a printed circuit board (PCB) plant.
The ABC system was used to prepare a report on the cost of poor quality for each
activity immediately after each of the three daily shifts and to show graphically
the trend in physical defects and cost. The report allows management to focus
immediately on the quality problems with the biggest cost impact. The ABC
system also daily prepares a top ten offenders list that reports the ten products
with the highest cost of poor quality on the previous day. It pinpointed the poor
quality products and provided the greatest potential for redemption. When a
product unit on this list was scrapped, a report, which showed the cause of the
problem as well as the cost, was prepared and sent to the person most likely to
correct the problem. This use of ABC made quality problems visible within a
matter of hours, or even minutes. Turney suggested linking ABC with computer-
integrated manufacturing (CIM) to prepare COQ reports for real time and cost-
effective control.
4 Cost of software quality
Humphrey (1997: 2) states that the current state of software quality is best
described by the commonly held view that it is impossible to remove all defects
from software products. This statement, while widely accepted, is incorrect.
Many defect-free software products have been developed. A more accurate way to
state the current situation is that It is generally impossible to prove that all
defects have been removed from a software product. There are several reasons
for this. Many software products are extraordinarily complex. It is not possible to
exhaustively test these products. Thus, if one relies exclusively on testing, it is
truly impossible to demonstrate that a software product is defect free.
While the software industry has had a troublesome history, there is no reason
for it to follow different quality principles from those used in other
technologically intense industries. Humphrey (1997: 2) concludes that a modern
commercial aircraft, for example, have very complex hardware and software
systems. One cannot definitively prove that all design and manufacturing defects
have been removed from a large aircraft. This, however, does not prevent aircraft
manufacturers from warranting their products or from taking full responsibility
for product quality. Many other industries produce high-quality products and take
full responsibility for any resulting defects. No technologically intense industry,
other than software, relies exclusively on product testing to remove defects. It has
been known for more than 20 years that testing is an expensive and ineffective
way to eliminate defects from any product, including software. He adds, that
when leading manufacturers in other industries strive for high quality, they focus
on the development and manufacturing processes. They use defined and measured
procedures and established statistical methods. Many organizations routinely
produce products that are, for all practical purposes, defect free. While they do
not guarantee that their products are defect free, they do provide warranty and
support services to minimize their customers damage and inconvenience. They
recognize that defects are not acceptable and, to the extent they can, they bear the
full costs of fixing or replacing defective products. This is not true for software.
Software quality can be viewed as an economic issue. We can always run
another test or do another inspection. In large systems, every new test generally
exposes a host of new defects. It is thus hard to know when to stop testing. While
it is important to produce a quality product, each test costs money and consumes
time. Economic issue is thus an important issue not only because of the test
decision, but also because of the need to optimize the life-cycle cost of software
quality. The key for doing this is to recognize that we must put a quality product
into test before we can expect to get one out.
The cost of software quality largely concern the costs of defect detection,
prevention, and removal. The cost of finding and fixing a defect includes the costs
of several elements. First the source of the problem has to be determined. Then
the problem source has to be isolated and determined exactly what is wrong with
the product. After this the requirements, design and implementation of the product
has to be fixed. Then the fix has to be inspected to ensure it is correctly made.
The fix should also be tested to ensure it fixes the identified problem and to
ensure it doest cause other problems. Finally, the documentation should be
changed as needed to reflect the fix. While every fix will not involve every cost
element, the longer the defect is in the product the larger the number of elements
that will likely be involved. Finding a requirements problem in test can thus be
very expensive. Finding a coding defect during a code review, however, will
generally cost much less. Our objective thus should be to remove defects from the
requirements, the designs, and the code as soon as possible. Reviewing and
inspecting programs soon after they are produced minimizes the number of
defects in the product at every stage. Doing this also minimizes the amount of
rework and the rework costs. It is also likely to reduce the costs of finding the
defects in the first place.
One of the most costly activities in software development is reworking or
redoing what has already been done. For some reason, we have come to accept
mountains of rework as part of our every day activities. In some cases, we may
not even think of it as rework. For example, we spend precious schedule time on
fixes for code defects when software doesnt perform as expected (functionality
or error) or on redesign of a user interface because the customer expects
something different from what we provide (insufficient/incorrect customer
requirements). (Brodman 1998: 4)
There are not many published fix time data required to identify software
defects. The following are some that are available. An unpublished IBM rule of
thumb for the relative costs to identify software defects: during design, 1.5; prior
to coding, 1; during coding, 1.5; prior to test, 10; during test, 60; in field use, 100.
At TRW the relative times to identify defects is: during requirements, 1; during
design, 3 to 6; during coding, 10; in development test, 15 to 40; in acceptance
test, 30 to 70; during operation, 40 to 1000. (Boehm 1981). At IBM the relative
time to identify defects is: during design reviews, 1; during code inspections, 20;
during machine test, 82. (Remus 1979). At JPL Bush reports an average cost per
defect: $90 to $120 in inspections and $10,000 in test. (Bush 1990). Freedman
and Weinberg (1982) report that projects that used reviews and inspections had a
tenfold reduction in the numbers of defects found in test, and a 50 to 80 percent
reduction in test costs, including the costs of the reviews and inspections.
The cost of conformance includes appraisal costs and prevention costs.
Appraisal costs are those associated with evaluating or testing the product or
service to determine if it is faulty. Prevention costs, on the other hand, are those
derived from the proactive steps one takes to reduce or eliminate rework.
Therefore, according to Brodman (1998: 4) appraisal costs are assigned to
software quality assurance activities, activities associated with multiple levels of
testing (unit, component, system), while prevention costs are assigned to activities
such as conducting inspections and/or walkthroughs and the activities associated
with the software process improvement program.
Clearly defect identification costs are highest during test and use. Thus,
anyone who seeks to reduce development costs or time, should focus on
preventing or removing defects before starting test. This conclusion is reinforced
by the PSP data on the fix times for the 664 C++ defects and 1377 Pascal defects
that was found by Humphrey (1996: 34) in the development of more than 70
small programs. These data show that fix times are 10 or more times longer
during test and use than in the earlier phases. While this pattern varies somewhat
between the defect type, the principal factor determining defect fix time is the
phase in which the defect was found. A question often raised about these data is;
how do we know that the easy defects are not being found in the inspections with
the difficult ones left for test? While this question cannot be resolved without
substantially more statistical data, there is some evidence that inspections are as
good as or better at finding the difficult-to-fix defects than is test. (Humphrey
In the PSP, the pattern of fix times between reviews and test time is
essentially the same regardless of defect type. Organizations that do inspections
report substantial improvements in development productivity and schedule
performance (Humphrey 1991). The PSP data show that reviews are two or more
times as efficient as testing at finding and fixing defects. This is true of
Humphreys own data, students data, and working engineers data. The fix
advantage of reviews over tests is also true, almost regardless of the phase in
which the defect was injected.
While the fix time can often be longer for code design defects and much
longer for requirements defects, the times to identify the defects appear to be the
same. The reason for this appears to be that even trivial typographical defects can
cause extraordinarily complex system behavior. Once these symptoms are
deciphered, however, the fix is generally trivial. Conversely, very complex logic
problems can have relatively obvious system consequences but be quite difficult
to fix. It is also likely that the relative costs of finding and fixing sophisticated
logic problems is a function of the application. Data suggests that defects in real
time systems or control programs can average as much as 40 hours each to be
found and fixed in a system test. This data is very important and we need to
gather such data on our own work to determine the appropriate values for our
environment. (Humphrey 1996: 47)
Plunkett and Dale (1990) point out that cost of quality accounting can be used for
a number of benefits, e.g. provide cost data for motivational purposes, provide a
basis for budgeting the quality operation (Kaplan and Ittner 1988, 1989, Albreigh
and Roth 1992, Rust 1995, Shah and Mandal 1999), compare process
improvements and identify the most cost effective ones (Wallace and Fuji (1989).
COSQ provides one measure of comparing the success of projects. Even within a
given organization, the software process may vary widely from one project to
another. The many factors, tangible and intangible, which characterize a project
make it difficult to compare projects. COSQ can be measured within and across
projects and provides a means of comparison. COSQ can be used to identify
quality improvement candidates. Examination of the COSQ components often
reveals higher quality costs in particular area. For example, high appraisal costs
due to integration testing may indicate a lack of consideration for interfaces
during design, or it may indicate late design changes. Analysis of the causes of
these costs can provide the basis for quality initiatives in development processes.
COSQ can also be used to reduce the quality costs by altering the process in a
particular project. Once the relationships and trade-offs among the COSQ
components are understood, then adjustments can be made on a project-by-project
basis. Weller (1993) offers an example of a project in which inspection data and
partial unit test results were the basis for decision to skip the bulk of unit testing,
resulting in significant savings. This decision was confirmed in the low defect
discovery rates produced by integration testing. Although this example uses only
two of the COSQ categories, it illustrates a cost-benefit made once the trade-off
between the two categories was understood.
The works of Knox in Raytheons Equipment Division (RES) demonstrate
still one of the benefits of measuring and using COSQ: justification for quality
initiatives. Examples of return on investment (ROI) in quality improvement
initiatives speak most clearly to managers responsible for maintaining a profitable
organization. Important questions then arise concerning whether and how much to
invest in specific software quality improvement initiatives. It is useful to
approach these questions from a financial return on investment (ROI) perspective.
We refer to this as the Return on Software Quality (ROSQ) (Slaughter et al. 1998:
The rationale behind ROSQ is that software quality expenditures must be
financially justified. Increasingly, the chief financial officers in many companies
are promoting disciplines for financial evaluation to encourage investments that
yield the greatest response for limited resources. Such disciplines are particularly
important in the context of software engineering, as software expenditures
account for larger portions of capital budgets. According to Slaughter et al.
(1998), software quality is an investment that should provide a financial return
relative to the initial and ongoing expenditures in the software quality
improvement initiatives. One way to evaluate software quality improvement
efforts is to consider them in terms of specific initiatives. Examples of software
quality improvement initiatives include implementation of design reviews, testing
and debugging tools, code walkthroughs, and quality audits. Initiatives require an
initial investment the software quality investment (SQI) that includes the
initial expenses for training, tools, effort, and materials required to implement the
quality initiative. There are also ongoing expenditures for meetings, tool
upgrades, and training that are required to maintain the quality process once it is
in place. We call this software quality maintenance (SQM). Finally, each software
quality improvement initiative should result in annual revenues. These software
quality revenues (SQR) can be derived from the projected increases in sales or
estimated cost savings due to the software quality improvement.
The return on the software quality initiative is the net present value of the
software quality revenues and costs or cash flows (NPVCF) divided by the net
present value of the initial investment and ongoing maintenance costs for the
software quality initiative (NPVIC). More formally, by selecting a financial
discounting factor (r) that reflects the companys weighted average cost of capital,
we can calculate the ROSQ over T periods of time for which the project yields
value for the firm. Related to the concept of financial ROI is the SQPI, which is
the ratio of the present value of the difference between the software quality
revenues and costs divided by the software quality investment.
A value greater than 1 for the SQPI implies that the initiative will create
value that exceeds its investment. SQPI provides a method for comparing the
return on a number of initiatives. When there are limited funds for investment,
only the highest value SQPI initiatives are selected (Slaughter et al. 1998: 6869)
One of the pitfalls of a COSQ program is controversial cost categories
(Gryna 1988). Usually the question is about which costs are normal operating
costs and which are quality costs. They mention the following points which
should be kept in mind. (Houston & Keats 1996: 6). The trend among quality
specialists has been to view quality costs as those incurred to directly prevent,
appraise, and address the failures of poor quality. Arguments over controversial
categories have been known to sabotage cost of quality programs. The largest
quality costs are those which are most easily discerned, for example reviews,
SQA, testing, and rework. Therefore, it is often safe to exclude controversial
categories without unduly affecting the TCOSQ. Consistency throughout a COSQ
program is more important than thorough inclusion of quality costs because
consistency allows for clear identification of improvements and candidates for
Concerns may also arise as to how quality costs should be categorized. Again,
Houston and Keats (1996) emphasize that consistency is important. For example,
in Table 7 the costs associated with formal inspections (peer reviews) are treated
as prevention costs rather than as appraisal costs. This is a matter of
interpretation, depending on when a work product is considered ready for
appraisal. Although manufacturing inspections are conducted on pieces after they
are produced, in software production, inspections may be incorporated in the
production process. For documentation, this means that a document is not
complete until it has undergone a peer review and been revised. The same is true
for code, especially when code inspections precede unit testing, clearly an
appraisal activity. Kaner (1996) gives another example of categorization
problems. Design reviews are part prevention and part appraisal. To the degree
you are looking for errors in the proposed design itself when you do the review,
you are doing an appraisal. To the degree that you are looking for ways to
strengthen the design, you are doing prevention.
Table 7 on the next pages describes a Sample COSQ Chart (adapted from
Hagan 1986).
Table 7. A Sample of COSQ Chart.
1 Prevention Costs
1.1 Requirements
1.1.1 Marketing research for customer/user quality needs
1.1.2 Customer/user quality surveys
1.1.3 Product quality risk analysis
1.1.4 Prototyping for customer review
1.1.5 User requirements/specification reviews/inspections
1.2 Project
1.2.1 Project quality planning
1.2.2 Project process validation
1.2.3 Quality assessment of development platform and tools
1.2.4 Platform and tools development for quality
1.2.5 Developer quality training
1.2.6 Quality metrics data collection
1.2.7 Design for quality: software component reuse
1.2.8 Formal inspections / peer reviews
1.2.9 Project configuration management
1.2.10 Supplier capability assessment
1.3 Reuse library
1.3.1 Salaries
1.3.2 Expenses
1.3.3 Training
1.3.4 Platform and tools
1.4 Configuration management administration
1.4.1 Salaries
1.4.2 Expenses
1.4.3 Training
1.4.4 Platform and tools
1.5 SQA administration
1.5.1 SQA salaries
1.5.2 SQA expenses
1.5.3 Software process and standards definition and publication
1.5.4 Metrology: data maintenance, analysis, and reporting
1.5.5 SQA program planning
1.5.6 SQA performance reporting
1.5.7 SQA education/training
1.5.8 Process improvement
1.5.9 SQA process compliance audits
2 Appraisal Costs
2.1 Supplied product testing
2.2 Project appraisal costs
2.2.1 Verification and validation activities
2.2.2 Testing: planning, platforms, setup, test data generation, test execution and logging,
reporting, test data evaluation
2.2.3 Product quality audits
2.3 External appraisals
2.3.1 Process maturity evaluation
2.3.2 Field performance trials
2.3.3 Special product evaluations
3 Internal failure costs
3.1 Product design defect costs
3.1.1 Causal analysis and reporting
3.1.2 Design corrective action
3.1.3 Rework and retest due to design corrective action
3.1.4 Work products wasted due to design changes
3.2 Purchased product defect cost
3.2.1 Defect analysis cost
3.2.2 Cost of obtaining product fix
3.2.3 Cost of defect work-arounds
3.2.4 Rework
3.3 Implementation defect costs
3.3.1 Defect measurement and reporting
3.3.2 Defect fixing
3.3.3 Causal analysis and reporting
3.3.4 Project process corrective action
3.3.5 Fix inspection
3.3.6 Retest and integration
4 External failure costs
4.1 Technical support for responding to defect complaints
4.2 Product returned due to defect
4.3 Maintenance and release due to defects
4.4 Defect notification costs
4.5 Upgrade due to defect
4.6 Service agreement claims (warranty expense reports)
4.7 Liability claims (insurance and legal reports)
4.8 Penalties (product contract reports)
4.9 Costs to maintain customer/user goodwill due to dissatisfaction (sales reports)
4.10 Lost sales due to quality problems (field salesperson reports)
Sources of quality cost data: ordinarily quality cost data for the majority of categories would be obtained
from salary and expense reports. Exceptions are in the external failure category and are shown in
Houston and Keats (1996) point out that plotting COSQ costs against a quality
measure (for example KLOC37) provides the COSQ curve and reveals trends in an
organizations quality processes. This addresses most of the goals of quality
costing: justification, motivation, budgeting, and process improvement cost
effectiveness. However, the Pareto analysis, based on the principle that quality
costs are localized (80 percent of the quality costs are incurred by 20 percent of
the quality failures), can be used to identify candidates for process improvement.
When the COSQ are categorized by product and process sources, typically one or
two sources will be shown to incur much higher costs than the other sources.
When we are talking about COSQ presentation, Juran and Gryna (1980)
suggest that the relationships which have the greatest impact on management are:
quality costs as a percent of sales, quality costs compared to profit, and/or quality
costs compared to the magnitude of the current problem. The technique used by
Knox and by Dion, showing COSQ as a percent of total development costs, is
appropriate to software for several reasons. First, sales and profit often do not
have a direct relationship to the actual cost of a software product. Second, all but
a small percentage of software productions costs can be measured in labor hours,
so the costs can be readily shown in either hours or dollars. Third, the state of the
art in software development is such that comparing quality costs to production
costs illustrates the magnitude of the current problem. Though quality costs as a
percent of development costs can show significant effects of process
improvements (as in the case of Raytheon and in the case of BDM international
described in next section), it does not show the optimum cost of quality. The
optimum can be seen when quality costs are shown as absolute costs against a
quality measure.
There is not much empirical research done in the field of cost of quality in
software business, also called as cost of software quality -research. As follows,
some empirical research done in the field is demonstrated in this chapter to show
the reader the power of cost of software quality and to the results gained from the
cost of software quality cases done before.
Kilobyte lines of code.
Houston and Keats (1996) have studyed the results of the research done on
the topic of cost of software quality. They found that while the costs of software
quality assurance and process improvement have been a topic of concern for over
20 years (Alberts 1976) and the COQ categories have often been used broadly in
discussions of software quality (Daugherty 1988), very limited data has been
available in the open literature for discussing the cost of software quality (COSQ)
(Hersch 1993, Knox 1993). Knoxs COSQ model (1993), the Raytheon studies
(Dion 1993, Haley 1996) and Slaughters, Harters and Krishnans studies in
BDM International (1998) are notable exceptions in that they explicitly use the
cost of quality model. Due to the limited amount data available on COSQ, Knox
used the emerging COQ model developed in manufacturing environments and
extended it across the SEI CMM38 to produce a theoretical COSQ model. Starting
with a total COSQ (TCOSQ) at 60 percent of development costs (based on two
industry figures) for CMM level 1 organizations, Knox used manufacturing
experience to hypothesize that CMM level 5 organizations can cut this COSQ by
about 67 percent. He then rationalized the four component costs at each CMM
level. His model suggests that for level 3 organizations, COSQ is about half of
development costs. This is illustrated in Fig. 29 (Houston & Keats 1996: 1).
Capability Maturity Model developed at Software Engineering Institute in Carnegie Mellon
Prevention Appraisal Int Failure Ext Failure TCoSQ
Cost as a Percent of Development
1 2 3 4 5
During the same year that Knoxs paper appeared, Dion (1993) used the COQ
model as a means of interpreting the results of quality initiatives undertaken at
Raytheons Equipment Division (RES). Haley (1996) updated this study. The
COSQ results are shown in Fig. 30. Appraisal and prevention costs were shown
separately in the 1993 paper, but not in the 1996 paper. Starting at CMM level 1,
RES introduced a software process improvement program in August 1988. Using
the results of tracking 15 projects, they achieved CMM level 3 practices in a little
over three years. Their results agree well with Knoxs model: in the level 1 stage,
COSQ at RES fluctuated between 55 and 67 percent of total development costs
and by the time of reaching level 3 process maturity, their COSQ had dropped to
approximately 40 percent of total project cost. Today the TCOSQ in the
organization is approximately 15 percent of development costs and the rework
due to both internal and external failures has been reduced to less than 10 percent
of development costs.
Start of intiative
70 CMM level 1 CMM level 3
Percentage of total project cost
Cost of
10 Rework
87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96
Fig. 30. Cost of Software Quality for 15 Projects at RES. (Dion 1993 and Haley 1996.)
A third source of COSQ data the Price Waterhouse study (1988) which analyzes
the costs and benefits of software quality standards in a survey of 19 software
suppliers in the United Kingdom. The study estimates the cost of a quality control
effort (prevention and appraisal costs) to be 23 to 34 percent of the development
effort. The study also estimated failure costs at 15 percent of development effort
for a TCOSQ of 38 to 49 percent of development effort. It must be noted that this
study excluded the costs of unit testing and rework because the suppliers could
not separate these costs. With increases in the estimates to account for this
oversight, TCOSQ in a software organization with a quality system can range
from 40 percent to 55 percent of development costs with a conformance costs to
nonconformance costs ratio from 1.5 to 2.
Comparing these figures to the RES graph, they generally agree with a period
late in 1990 when RES was approaching CMM level 3 RES TCOSQ was about
45 percent of development and its ratio of conformance to nonconformance costs
was 1.5. Turning to Knoxs model, it predicted that a CMM level 3 organization
would have a TCOSQ of 50 percent, but with a conformance to nonconformance
cost ratio of 0,5. It appears that Knoxs model is a fair predictor of TCOSQ for
maturing software organizations, but that actual conformance costs are much
higher and nonconformance costs much lower than what the model predicts.
Houston and Keats (1996) emphasize, that the BDM studies are not
comparable to those above, because the COSQ was calculated as quality costs per
lines of code over the life of a project.
Typical manufacturing COQ, ranging from 5 to 25 percent of company sales,
contrasts significantly with COSQ (Plunkett and Dale 1990). From the data
above, we can expect COSQ, with the present state of software engineering
practice, to range from 20 to 70 percent of development costs. Even accounting
for the margin between production costs and sales, COSQ appears to be roughly
twice manufacturing COQ. Also, the optimum manufacturing COQ is often in the
range of 95 to 100 percent of conformance to quality standards. The open
literature lacks data for COSQ as a function of conformance to quality, but the
data above suggests that software producers have yet to reach such an optimum.
According to Brodman (1998: 5), The COQ analysis used by Raytheons
Equipment Division is a viable mechanism for measuring the overall effect of
software improvement. By using it to monitor and reduce software COQ,
productivity and predictability can be increased. It can also be used to isolate
software scrap and drive it to zero. Applying the COQ approach also provides
early feedback and can help to improve an organizations standard process.
Subsequently, the observations and experiences gained from two companies,
Raytheon and BDM International, are presented more closely as an example of
the sparse research published in the area of quality costing in software business.
According to Brodman (1998: 4), Raytheon was the first company to shine a
spotlight on COQ as a method for calculating return on investment (ROI) from
software process improvement perspective. Raytheon found it difficult to break
quality cost categories into subcategories, define the subcategories, and map
project activities and costs to them. The work breakdown structure (WBS) used
on the software projects did not map well to the COSQ categories, and the
companys definitions of each subcategory, which were rather brief for reasons of
simplicity, were subject to misinterpretation. Raytheon addressed the first
problem, by working toward both a short- and a long-term solution. In the short
term, the company continued to collect project costs using the conventional WBS,
and project leads periodically and manually remapped all costs to COSQ
subcategories. In the long term, Raytheon developed a common WBS to provide
as close a mapping to the COSQ as possible. This was expected also to entail a
revision of the cost accounting system and possibly the time card reporting
system as well. The second problem was to refine the definitions as the company
gained experience using them. This literally required five iterations of the initial
data-gathering exercise before the company obtained a satisfactory level of
Following are some of the experiences RES gained by using the COSQ
model: 1) Many questions arose about how to allocate costs to subcategories.
There was quite a variation in the methods used to break the actual costs down to
the defined cost bin. These were resolved by refining the sub-category definitions
and by analyzing and comparing the suballocation algorithms used by the six
project leaders. 2) Initially it was necessary to have the project leader instead of
an administrator generate the data because the project leader possessed first-hand
knowledge of project particulars, as well as good engineering judgment. 3) The
data showed that the average cost of rework decreased following the start of the
process improvement initiative. In the two years before the initiative, rework
costs averaged about 41 percent of project costs. In the two years following, that
value had dropped to about 20 percent, and the trend was continuing downward.
Brodman (1998: 4) emphasizes, that, rework savings were achieved at the
expense of a small increase in appraisal or prevention costs, as expected. For
example, appraisal costs rose when informal reviews were replaced by formal
inspections, and prevention costs rose when inspection training was instituted.
Also, rework costs associated with fixing defects found during design rose from
about 0.75 percent to about 2 percent of project cost. Those associated with fixing
defects found during coding rose from about 2.5 percent to about 4 percent of
project cost. The major reduction in rework costs was that associated with fixing
source code problems found during integration, which dropped to about 20
percent of its original value. The second largest contributor to rework reduction
was the cost of retesting, which decreased to about half its initial value. This
clearly indicates that the additional costs of performing formal inspections and the
training that must precede it. This is justified on the basis that finding problems
earlier in the process results in a more efficient integration.
Houston (1998: 5) found that categorizing these costs between prevention and
appraisal varies somewhat with different authors for the reasons just mentioned.
Regarding software quality assurance activities, he would add a distinction used
by the American Society for Quality (ASQ): it considers quality administration
(such as quality program planning, reporting, and education) as preventive and
audits of product and production processes as appraisal).
Regarding the performance category39 added by Raytheon, no concrete
examples of its activities are offered. It is added so that all project costs can be
allocated to a quality cost category. This is a departure from the ASQ approach,
however, because it would mean that total COQ is equal to total project costs.
Taking this total costs view of COQ defeats its original purpose of showing the
contributions of quality improvement to product profitability.
Quality costs represent the expenses when an organization has the
opportunity to reduce spending by improving its quality-inducing processes. This
is especially true today in software development; software quality is the most
difficult of the project dimensions to define and is often sacrificed to budget,
schedule, and functionality. Measuring and monitoring COQ helps to define
product quality but only if it is not watered down by including all other
development costs. There is one other disadvantage of equating COQ and total
project costs. Cost of software quality is often shown as a percentage of
development costs. This allows a company to see the financial benefits of
software process improvements across projects and over time. This benefit
disappears, however, if all project costs are accounted as quality costs.
Raytheons difficulties with misinterpretation of quality categories shows the
importance of an organization having a good COQ chart of accounts when it starts
measuring COQ. This is emphasized in the lessons the company learned.
Although most of the categories in a chart may not be used at the outset, a good
chart provides the definition required as quality activities mature and accounting
questions arise.
Raytheon said that COQ is not sufficient as the only method of measuring
results of process improvements. I am sure that is true, but I am coming to the
conclusion that it is the easiest and most cost-effective way for a level 1 or 2
organization40 to begin seeing the results of software process improvement
because it is straightforward and does not require a large effort to start. As
interest in COQ builds, more effort can be invested in it, as Raytheons
experience shows (Houston 1998: 5).
Raytheon added another cost category: performance costs. These simply include all the costs that are
absolutely necessary in developing the software product even in an error-free environment. In other
words, this category is the cost of doing it right the first time. With this addition, all project software
costs can be allocated to one of the four cost categories.
Level in this context means a CMM-level (Capability Maturity Model).
Observations and experiences gained from BDM International
The authors found that the larger returns from quality improvement occur
early in the project (both ROSQ and SPQI are highest then) and the rest of the
project can benefit from these improvements. It was indicated that defect dencity
improves after each quality improvement, but the data suggest that this
improvement diminishes, that is, the largest reductions are toward the beginning
of the quality improvement project. The managerial implication of this case
project is to avoid making large investments in software quality toward the end of
a project. The findings suggest that it may be profitable to invest early in software
quality improvement initiatives that have synergies with future initiatives or that
make future improvements possible. For example, investing in a software metrics
program at time t may enable use of other quality techniques like the Pareto
analysis and Statistical Process Control at time t + 1.
The intent of the analysis in this case study was to emphasize that software
quality improvement should be viewed as an investment. The authors argue that it
is possible to spend too much on software quality. Thus, it is important that
companies financially justify each software quality improvement effort. Finally,
the authors suggest that that it is important to monitor software conformance and
nonconformance costs so that conformance policies can be adjusted to reduce the
total costs of software quality. Slaugher et al. (1998) emphasize that further
studies of software conformance and nonconformance costs to clarify this issue
would be helpful. The authors do not give any comments or recommendations
how these results could be generalized to other companies.
To summarize the chapter, there is no reason for software industry to follow
different quality principles from those used in other technologically intense
industries. Software quality can be viewed as an economic issue. The cost of
software quality largely concern the costs of defect detection, prevention, and
removal. Mountains of reworks has been accepted as part of daily activities. Cost
of quality accounting can be used for a number of benefits at this industry.
However, even there is not much empirical research done in the field, the research
has shown that COQ analysis is a viable mechanism for measuring the overall
effect of software improvement. Moreover, the upcoming cases in chapters 5 and
6 can shed light how to measure cost of quality in this industry even more
efficiently, by presenting an idea of real-time quality cost measurement.
5 Case A. Constructing a real time cost of
quality measurement model
In this chapter, the central focus is on the empirical research design. The research
design is an explanation of the delivery of the empirical research done in the field.
In this study, two case companies were selected. Multiple cases are employed to
strengthen the market test for the construction developed in Case A. According to
Yin (1989: 52) the methodology framework is the same in both single and
multiple case design. It is not typically possible to pass semi-strong or strong
market tests within a medium-term time span in a constructive study. For this
reason, the construction developed in Case A is tested by using more detailed
nuances within the weak market test category suggested by Labro and Tuomela
(2003) in order to analyse the level of progress of the construct. The possibility of
constructing a real time cost of quality measurement system developed in Case A
is also tested in another case company, Case B, to make the market test stronger,
and the boundary conditions how to construct such a system in a totally different
working environment are also charted. Of course, more case studies (a third case)
could have provided more information about the phenomenon and this could be
acknowledged as a limitation. Future case studies of the phenomenon will yield
more generalizable results. However, in this kind of research when studying a
new phenomenon, real time cost of quality measurement, a sufficient amount of
cases could also even be one. Selection of cases is an important aspect of building
theory from case studies (Eisenhardt 1989: 536). At one extreme, some
researchers focus on single organizations or sites; at the other extreme, some have
much larger samples.
Ahrens and Dent (1998: 3) emphasize, that small sample studies typically
have different objectives than large sample studies; and researchers with a
technical focus aim to capture different aspects of the relationship between
systems and organization from those with an organizational focus. Small samples
typically permit closer engagement with the field than large samples. Rich
descriptions of organizational practice build on such closer engagement.
I will consider the main reasons when selecting Case A to be the willingness
of the company management towards the project, the companys working
environment on high technology embedded software business, and the companys
interest to develop quality management and cost accounting procedures. Case B
was selected to study the explanation power of the construct.
Eisenhardt (1989: 537) states that the cases may be chosen to replicate
previous cases or extend emergent theory, or they may be chosen to fill theoretical
categories and provide examples of polar types. While the cases may be chosen
randomly, random selection is neither necessary, nor even preferable. Perry
(1998) advises researchers to select information-rich cases, while Pettigrew
(1989) recommends choosing a case which represents situations in which the
object of interest is clearly observable. Similarly, Stake (1995) highlights
maximizing what we can learn. Common to all these is a theoretically purposeful
selection and to maximize the amount that can be learned. Also, a contribution to
science should be possible, i.e. visible.
The empirical part of the dissertation process was started in October 2001.
Among other projects, I was a contact person on a student mentoring project at
the University of Oulu. In this project, we had closing speeches at the premises of
one of our student mentor. At the beginning of my own speech, I also touched
upon my research work as senior assistant at the Faculty of Economics and
Business Administration. After the meeting, one student mentor, a financial
manager at Case Company A, became interested in my research and asked me if I
would be interested in some collaboration. This manager raised the problem of
quality cost accounting in the company. I gave him a reseach report based on my
licentiate thesis Quality cost measurement as a tool for top management in
contemporary software business environment. The licentiate thesis offers an
extrapolation of the management and service industries COQ Model for the
business of software development. After a few phone calls and e-mail messages
he asked me to come to his company for discussions. I had a meeting there with
him, managing director of the company, and the quality manager. After that, I
collected the ideas discussed and sent him a research project proposal and we
started a project called Laatukustannus- ja projektilaskennan kehittmishanke,
the development project of quality costs and project cost accounting on October
1st 2001.
The idea in the backround when starting the project was to improve the
companys earning capacity by measuring, controlling, and cutting the companys
quality costs. At the beginning of the project the project group was formed. The
supervisor of the project was the managing director of the company. He gave the
green light for the study. The persons in the project group were the researcher,
controller, software development manager, testing manager, quality manager and
the manager of the hardware department. The initial goals of the project were to
define the quality cost elements in A, to draw a map of the actual state of project
cost accounting and find the main development targets, and finally to prepare the
adoption of the procedures that would be agreed in the project group. I worked as
a researcher on this project from October 2001.
The amount of working time which the researcher would spend on the company
premises was agreed in principle, but it was flexible. The researcher worked on
this project 2 working days per week from October 1st 2001 to February 28th 2002
on the companys premises. After this period, a new commitment was made to
continue co-operation. A new commitment resulted for the greatest part directly
from the fulfilment of the first step. From March 1st to June 30th 2002 the
researcher stayed at the company 1 day per week. I consider this kind of
commitment necessary because otherwise the researcher cannot gain a deep
understanding of the issues researched (cf. Lukka 1999). The initiative for the
project came from the financial manager of the company, who was responsible for
developing financial and management accounting. He ranked high enough in the
company hierarchy to be able to ask other staff to help in collecting the required
Labro and Tuomela (2003) argue that the negotiations and tentative problem
scanning should be carried out in co-operation with several people from different
functions and hierarcial levels. However, the potential for co-operation is not only
dependent on the case firm managers willingness to participate in the study.
When examining the possibilities for joint development work the values of
different participants should also be carefully assessed. At the beginning of the
project in Case Company A, a project group was built up of the key persons. The
group consisted of the following people: researcher (the undersigned), controller
of the company, acting manager of SW department, testing manager, quality
manager, and manager of HW department. The key people chosen by the project
group who were also interviewed were three software designers, the manager of
the project department, the manager of A-customer key accounts department, a
customer service engineer (A-customer project), a customer service manager, two
hardware engineers, and a service manager. Each interview lasted from one hour
to two hours. The researcher reported to this group during the project, and also to
managing director of the company. Mattessich (1995) emphasizes that in order to
sustain the credibility of the constructive research, the researchers and managers
values should be made exclicit. Puolamki (2000) argues that if the values of the
researcher(s) are in (sharp) constrast with those of managers, co-operation should
not be initiated. In Case A, the objectives of the project were discussed and jointly
accepted in project group before starting the project.
Labro and Tuomela (2003) argue that in order to make any research
worthwile, the results have to be presented to the wider community (cf. Ijiri 1975,
Kaplan 1998). In the context of CRA, Lukka (2000) emphasizes the importance
of ensuring commitment to the publication of the research findings. Any
publication issues that might subsequently arise should be settled in the very early
phases of co-operation. In Case A, the issues of publishing were discussed with
the financial manager and also written also into the contract. A confidentiality
agreement was signed at the very beginning, covering all data later made
available during the project, but allowing the researcher to summarize the results
in a disguised form. This means that the researcher may present the research
process, the construction and his research findings, but should first let the
company to go though the report. The constructed model itself was not subject to
the confidentiality agreement (cf. e.g. Labro and Tuomela 2003).
Labro and Tuomela (2003) propose five critical issues in the preparatory
phase that need to be dealt by all constructive researchers: 1) Ensuring that the
practical problems are recognized by several actors in the case organization and
that they are enthusiastic about solving these problems. 2) Ascertaining that the
case organization is able to commit enough resources to the development work. 3)
Identifying managerial values and ensuring that these are not too much in contrast
with those of the researcher(s). 4) Providing case firm participants with enough
information about the CRA so that they understand the fundamental features and
objectives of this kind of research. 5) Agreeing on publication and confidentiality
issues. Case firm representatives should read the material through, not only for
confidentiality reasons but especially because this improves the validity of the
findings (see Atkinson and Shaffir 1998).
The research co-operation spanned quite a long time. The fieldwork phase
covered a period of two years: participating in a related development project, the
development and implementation of the construct in the company, and following
the usage. In the field, triangulation had a critical role (cf. e.g. Tuomela 2000). A
number of interviews with several key persons (see Appendix 1) were conducted
and a considerable amount of groundwork (see Appendix 2) was done before
beginning the actual development work. In Case A, the approach was first to
become acquainted with the company including the products, to hold discussions
with the workers, read accounting data, learn the processes etc. The number of
key persons interviewed (decided in project group meeting) was 15. The
interviews lasted from 1 to 2 hours. The 15 employees interviewed can be
grouped as follows: four of them were responsible for SW (software)
specifications, three of them were responsible for SW development, four were
responsible for SW maintenance, one was responsible for HW (hardware)
specifications, two were HW developers, and one was responsible for HW
maintenance and service.
McKinnon (1988: 38) states that the researcher may experience data access
limitations, which will be imposed by research hosts. Either irrespective of, or
because of, who the researcher is, the research hosts may impose restrictions on
mobility and access to certain documents, events or people. In my study, a non-
disclosure agreement (NDA) was signed at the very beginning (in both case
companies). Beside its negative consequences it may cause for this research
(inability to publish the companies names in these case studies), the positive side
of signing was that all information the researcher needed was given in both
companies and the researcher noticed no restrictions on mobility and access to
certain documents, places (e.g. restricted R&D facilities with unpublished
products, etc.), events, or people. McKinnon (1988: 38) states that (in case data
access limitation exists) although the researchers aim may be to study a specific
process or phenomenon, they may be faced with the prospect of being barred
from witnessing specific aspects or dimensions of the process; i.e. the researcher
may be studying less than the complete phenomenon they claim to be studying.
The working method in the project entailed conducting and transcribing the
interviews described above, but also unofficial discussions in the company and
writing reports. The project group meetings, lasting 1 to 3 hours, were held
regularly, seven in total. The interviews were not tape-recorded as the researcher
was not able to picture in advance what sort of issues would emerge during the
research process. It was felt that not using a tape-recorder would perhaps make it
easier for interviewees to express themselves more freely. However, interview
reports were written after each interview on the same day to avoid research biases
(see e.g. Granlund & Malmi 2002: 303) Labro and Tuomela (2003: 424)
perceived in their study that the aim of practical problem solving was likely to
increase the commitment of the persons interviewed and hence reduce observer-
caused distortions. The persons interviewed are likely to put more effort into the
answers when compared with a traditional descriptive research agenda where
there is nothing at stake for the interviewee. This point was also noticed at our
study. Observer-caused effects may be described as the reactive efforts of the
observers presence on the phenomenon under study (McCall & Simmons 1969:
78). McKinnon (1988: 37) states that a common criticism of the field study
method is that the researchers presence in the setting will cause the participants
to change their behaviour and conversations and that, as a result, the researcher is
not observing the natural setting, but one which is disturbed by the researchers
presence. According to Simon and Burstain (1985: 246), the field researchers
presence must, by definition, alter the setting since it now contains another person
with another role (researcher). In the study, I did not consider observer-caused
effects a big problem. As McKinnon (1988: 37) argues, the benefit of a substantial
time in the field is that it can effectively overcome the problem of observer-
caused effects. Although subjects in the setting may seek to appear different from
their usual selves to the researcher, the longer the researcher remains with them,
the less they are able to do so. I argue that the amount of time spent in Case
Company A is enough to eliminate this kind of bias.
The researchers role gives rise to three types of limitations on access to data
in the field (Zelditch 1962). First, the researcher is only on site for a limited
period of time and cannot observe what happened before they arrived or after they
leave. Hence, the researcher is not in a position to observe the historical
backround of the phenomenon, which may be important in terms of understanding
its current from. This kind of limitation was of course noticed by the researcher at
the beginning of the empirical research phase in both case companies. In Case
Company A, I tried to avoid such bias by beginning the empirical period in the
company with a large set of interviews (see Appendix 1) where 15 company
employees in all levels of the hierarcy were interviewed and reported. To get a
true and fair picture of the companys situation regarding the themes at the
interviews, the reasons for the problems in profitability, project costing and
project pricing procedures, the companys quality system, opinions on SW
development and HW development, etc. were gone through. The intermediate
report (12.2.2002) included 20 pages of quotations from the interviews conducted.
This was made to obtain a general and comprehensive understanding of the topic,
in other words, to understand what has happened in company history before the
researcher arrived. The researchers intermediate project report was produced and
presented at the project group meeting at 15th of February 2002. At this report the
summary of those 15 interviews was presented. The subjects treated in the
interviews were grouped into different themes in the report. Based on the
intermediate report that concluded the opinions of the key persons at the
interviews, the researcher made a list of the development suggestions for the rest
of the project (MarchJune 2002). The persons in charge were named in the
company for each development suggestion.
The main content of the intermediate report consisted of the quotations of the
interviewees classified according to the thematic areas mentioned above. For the
sake of anonymity the names of the employees of the company have not been
published in the citations below. The citations from the interviews are given in
italics. I have used the formulation that the people interviewed used, but also
deleted the citations in which there are derogatory statements about other
employees, swearwords etc. The people intervieved were Petri H., Pekka V., Kai
N., Mikko Y., Markku N., Sanna L., Risto R., Antti J., Pasi V., Riku N., Timo H.,
Jarmo M., Pete M., Risto S., and Hannu A. As follows, a resum of each thematic
area will be presented.
There were several reasons for the poor financial success; the main reasons
mentioned at the intermediate project report are listed below.
Understanding customers:
We have the philosophy of understanding the customers. The customer is
the king at the company. This is a good thing to a certain point but in this
company it has been understood wrong. We should understand business. I
understand that the company culture will not change fast. (Field notes, test
Pricing problems:
We try to do business at any price. To get a contract we sell things that do
not yet exist. We have not been involved enough in the importance of
specifications of the system we sell. This leads to custom-designed systems
that are difficult to maintain. We have not been able to consider all of the
fixed costs. (Field notes, customer service manager.)
Problems in making contracts:
We have agreed what will be dispatched but we havent put it on paper. Our
contracts have not been detailed enough. (Field notes, customer service
We have been selling hardware and got turnover. It has been important to
get turnover. The most problematic projects have been X-, Danish and
German projects. (Field notes, software designer.)
We have done reuse from old software, the problem has been that old
software has not been designed for reuse. Software development costs have
not been considered. (Field notes, test manager.) The controller of the
company emphasizes that software problems have delayed the projects. The
activities have been constructed on the conditions of HW-development.
Bad demand situation, only few customers:
The company has formerly been in a state of poor demand. This means that
the company was forced get net sales. For this reason contructs that are
known to be unprofitable are taken. (Field notes, manager of the R&D
The export market has not developed as A desired. The market is waiting for
standardization. Our product development has been delayed, new products
have not been finished on schedule. (Field notes, customer service manager.)
He adds: We make no mass-producted articles, there are few customers. We
havent been able to make money. This means that every business agreement
is behind a stone. The customers dont come to A to queue up our
merchandise. We should make the sales volume bigger but the problem is that
the number of potential qustomers is abridged.
The opinions concerning the actual state of product pricing and project
cost accounting:
Cost accounting has been done based on the best knowledge at that time, though
the absorbtion cost prices have in many times been taken from the hat. The
company should have invested more in price setting. Nowadays the pricing is
more or less defective. The projects have no decent actual cost calculation of the
actual costs. The company has also very easily taken R&D projects even if there
is a big risk that they will be unprofitable. Investment decisions are not calculated
enough. One of the main products, and its HW and SW has been totally
reconstructed (more memory capacity has been constructed). The determination
of the price for this main product has had problems (Intermediate report
According to X, Case Company A accept the price that the customer says
(s)he is ready to pay. The determination of prices must change in the future. The
determination is difficult because it is hard to sell the products that dont exist
(have not yet been developed). The new product palette -thinking is thought to
abolish this problem. The researchers development suggestions for pricing
determinations: the company has to do marketing research, the specification must
be compact, the product development costs should be estimated upwards rather
than downwards. The R&D-costs have in the most cases been estimated
downwards, likewise the timetables. More effort should be put into price setting.
(Intermediate report 12.2.2002).
The contracts are made first, the project manager will step in just when the
contract is already clinched. Things should not be like this. Pricing decisions have
been based on actual cost calculations, the fixed costs have not been fully
included in pricing decisions. Before the company has been selling equipments; it
has not been able to charge the SW maintenance because software is expected to
belong to as one part of the equipment. The company has sold software and could
not take charge of it. The gross margin of sales are small (margins seem to be
good prosentually but the company has not been able to direct the fixed costs to
the projects). (Intermediate report 12.2.2002).
A lot of contractual penalties have also been incurred. This should be taken
into account in making the pricing decisions (A should also estimate the price of a
risk). Contractual penalties are incurred because the customer demands a certain
date of delivery. The company has to put a date for delivery into a contract
because otherwise there will be no deal. The company has had to offer with a
short time period in order that it would get a deal. The contractual penalties may
even be 20% of net sales. One half of the penalties were due to delay and the
other half is because of defects in functionality (the product does not work as
stipulated). (Intermediate report 12.2.2002).
The determination of prices has been based on an it seems to feel principle.
The cost of HW could be calculated, but the cost of SW has been anticipated.
There has only been 1,5 years chargeable maintenance in A. So far, the
maintenance has been free of charge to customers. A year ago the company tried
to introduce a monthly based maintenance billing system but the results were bad.
In the new system a company charges a %-basis maintenance payment that
includes error corrections, software maintenance, some software upgrades, error
occurrence detection and fixing, and a modest amount of telephone support. The
major upgrades are furthermore chargeable. This is a good way of thinking.
(Intermediate report 12.2.2002).
Based on these opinions collected from 15 interviews concerning the actual
state of product pricing and project cost accounting above, the researcher made
the following development suggestions (considering these thema areas in A). The
suggestions were presented at the intermediate report.
Go through the investment costs and actual cost calculation practices in
R&D-projects. Besides, clarify how, when, who, and to whom the differences
is projects should be reported.
Go through the determination of prices system for the future. Confirm that the
determination of prices procedure is similar in all products in the future.
The company should invest more resources in management accounting. We
have to consider if this requires acquiring more personnel to accounting
function. According to the researcher, the earning capacity of the new
projects is a live or death-question in A. in the future. (Intermediate report
The main phases of software process in A are requirements definition, design, and
implementation. The final outcome of the definition phase at A is the
requirements document. The requirements are also inspected as a rule. The design
phase includes SW design and the design is done with Rational Rose software.
The implementation phase includes coding. The coding phase should be a piece
of cake, but of course it depends on the size of the software. After coding the
code is inspected by other SW engineers. The aim of inspection is to find and
eliminate the bugs and silly implementations of the code. After code inspection
follows the integration testing which can be e.g. modulemodule-testing, driver
terminal dual interface reader -testing, or driver terminal dual interface reader
backgroud system -testing. In coding phase the company tries to use existing
SW-components. After testing follows the maintenance phase. There is
uncertainty in A as to what actually maintenance means and when this phase
actually begins. The maintenance should be informed when making customer
contracts. There should be facts about what belongs to maintenance and how long
time the free of charge maintenance will last. Maintenance phase typically
includes rework of the code bugs; that means a new release. (Intermediate report
There were quite a lot of problems mentioned at the interviews. One problem
mentioned was the link between sales department and SW development. The
expert knowledge of the sales personnel with relation to products was insufficient.
The boundary between the R&D department and the project department has been
unclear. There has been lack of co-operation. (Intermediate report 12.2.2002).
Sales department sales whatever under the sun. Sales department has got
in touch with the software designers like we need this kind of changes. Sales
has promised such characteristics that cannot be achieved with the current
resources in R&D (especially on the schedule given by sales). This has
caused timetable problems when the sales department has promised
something to a customer; something that cannot be done. We would like better
connection between sales and R&D. R&D has also done some things which
have not been defined in the requirements definition phase. (Field notes,
software engineer.)
The project organization was also seen problematic. The philosophy of building
products, not only customized software, should solve many problems. The
wastage rate of personnel has been quite big in R&D department. Trainees have
been used quite much. (Intermediate report 12.2.2002).
Cheap employees for the company; but how about the quality of code?
(Field notes, software engineer.)
The programming language is new, the database is new. We have employed
quite a lot of people in the last two years. We have tried to get experienced
software engineers, but we havent found them. Thats why we have hired
inexperienced people. Thats one reason why we have big quality costs
(rework). There has also been high turnover of workers and firing cases.
(Field notes, controller.)
There were also problems in version management. The software used was not
designed for reuse. (Intermediate report 12.2.2002).
There are version management problems on the coding side. The software
changes doesnt hold stil when employees change. For instance, on X project,
an error that was fixed three years ago, now springs up again. An update
version had been done based on other version in which the bug still exixted.
(Field notes, software engineer.)
Poor quality results mainly from the R&D department. The version
management is bad. The fixing of one defect can cause 4 new bugs. Software
should be modularly programmed to avoid this. The R&D department dont
run in time, the planning of work is poor. The department dont adhere to
promised timetables. (Field notes, software engineer.)
There were also problems in inspection practices. They have only been made
The requirements are inspected in every project in the future. Earlier this has
not been done, we have only commented the requirements definitions. 12
persons in every department inspect the documents. (field notes, software
At the R&D department there are employees who do requirements definitions.
This work should be done somewhere else (in sales). Customer requirements
definition should not be R&Ds business. Requirements definition causes costs to
R&D department that do not belong in that department. Sales/marketing should
be able to do requirements definitions. (Intermediate report 12.2.2002).
At present the company inspect the codes. The instructions tell to do the
inspections, in practice it is not a necessity (e.g. haste and the like). The
instructions tells to inspect everybodys codes. At the coding phase, code
inspections are made by Parasoft Codewizard (C++) that inspects the layout of the
code, and Parasoft Insure ++ inspects the memory errors. The inspection is made
when about 5000 lines of code have been completed (or the code is finished by
the encoder). The encoder gives his/her code to another person for inspection.
Two persons inspect the code, after this a note of inspection is put into the code.
The note is also put into the project document. The codes are not taken to the
official SW version if they have not been inspected. (Intermediate report
MS-DOS-programming has also caused problems. For instance, the Dos-
based depot system is difficult to code. (Intermediate report 12.2.2002).
There have also been problems in the estimation of workload and trust in
verbal agreements. The inspection process has been primitive but nowadays it is a
more systematic process. The current software process has been inspected, the
whole personnel has had an effect on it. The specifications are inspected.
(Intermediate report 12.2.2002).
Based on these employees opinions concerning R&D-department and
opinions of improving the departments activities above, the researcher made the
following development suggestions (considering these thema areas in A). The
proposals were presented at the intermediate report.
Clarify the inspection process. (Based on the masters thesis of Pekka V.)
Clarify the interfaces and responsibility areas of software process
Clarify who as the permission to command the R&D-process.
Clarify the documentation management
Consider whether a manager responsible of the whole department is needed
Start quality development work based on SPICE, CMM, eg. Model. We
should also develop quality metrics. The company must make time and
resources for this kind of development effort.
The overall quality system of the company was not considered to be satisfactory
at the time of the interviews.
As regards quality issues, we have mainly taken care that we can fulfill the
needs of the DNV:s (Det Norske Veritas Oy) certificate. We want to keep it on
the wall. (Field notes, software engineer.)
The internal auditing of the quality system should be done. The auditing
should also be continuous. Now the quality system is unconnected and it will
not be used. We would also need continuous discussion of the functionality of
the quality system. There could be a team of 56 persons who would say if
what the company is doing is in compliance with quality system. This group
could also inspect quality documents. (Field notes, software engineer.)
It was seen that a quality system can not be optional (as nowadays). The
quality system was not used frequently by software engineers. I havent read any
quality system document!. (Field notes, software engineer.)
There were also comments like Quality issues are not on the right track, we
dont use the quality system much. The changes made to the quality system are not
informed to employees, the connection of the individual documents to our
quality system limps, quality documents are not read, and we havent had
any use for our quality system and the system hasnt been used very much. One
task of the quality manager would be to get the self-controlling teams (quality
circles) to be active. Also quality assurance of a subcontractor has not been
done. The information on the defects comes from the customers. There was also a
lack of continuous quality training. (Intermediate report 12.2.2002).
There should be quality training for employees; especially project managers.
I think our quality manager should train the employees. At least in other
companies this happens. (Field notes, software engineer.)
There were operative instructions for many situations in quality system, but the
instructions were quite complex. If employees should always conform to these
instructions, the situation would blow over. The system was also seen to be
inflexible. The base of the quality system has taken from the base of the bigger
company. (Intermediate report 12.2.2002).
The version management was also a big problem. There were too much
memory-resident things, e.g. various versions of documents etc. For example
when updating software the documents have to be updated. This has caused
terrible bumbling around and rework when the customer has had another
document version as thought.
The quality system does not answer the question who decides which software
versions are installed into the product. (Field notes, software designer.)
Poor quality is mainly the due to the R&D department. The version control
limps. The correction of one defect may generate 4 new defects. Software
should be modular so this could not happen. The work planning is poor, the
promised timetables will not hold. (Field notes, project manager.)
Almost all the employees interviewed thought that measuring quality costs is
necessary. No one was actually against the measurement. There were comments
like quality cost measurement is a damn good thing. (Intermediate report
The basic terms of quality costing are quite difficult to understand by coders,
particularly the prevention and appraisal costs (why they are quality
costs). Quality costs should be considered as normally related to the SW
process. Separating quality costs from normal activities is very difficult, but
however it is possible. For example, it could be done by inputing the projects
working hours. When entering the worktime into the working hours follow-up
(system) we could enter the project, the task inside the project, and the hours
used. (Field notes, software engineer.)
In case the requirements definitions are all right and if the software doest
work, then it is quality cost of R&D department. (Field notes, software
Rational ClearQuest (QC) -software41 was seen very positively in measuring and
improving quality issues.
Rational ClearQuest software is a workflow automation tool (in particular bug tracking system) from
the Rational Software division of IBM. The product was originally designed for tracking defects (bugs)
in software development projects. The tool can be linked to Microsoft Project to create ordered steps for
resources assigned to specific goals.
In Rational ClearQuest we have the version control (of the coders), the
others cannot make the changes. Rational links the changes. There are also
test- and default reports in Rational. The errors are registered as defect type;
what defect, what SW version, etc. The coder acknowledges the error in the
system when the fixing of the defect has been started and also when the defect
has been fixed. All the time we know in what phase we are. Rational should
also be linked to MS Project software. The testing of BISTRO was carried out
through Rational. (Field notes, customer service manager.)
The opinions concerning the testing process
The testing process can be described as follows. First a smoke test (24 hours) is
done. In this test the most important things are tested; e.g. that the new version
goes onto the old (the transactions are all right, the functionality of the software is
all right etc). Earlier, about 30% was returned from the smoke test, nowadays less
frequently. It means that software has been improved. The normal testing takes
about one week, the analyzing of test results takes a couple of days. The
documents are also read. Error messages are put into Rational CQ -software. The
defects will be tested again after they have been fixed. If new defects have been
found, the test plan is extended. There is no classification of defects but in the
future the defects will the classified as a fatal defect, functional defect, and
cosmetic disturbance. The following problems concerning the testing process
were seen at the interviews:
Testing process was not seen to be systematic. The testing process has been
very elementary. Testing has not been systematic, there have been may
versions of SW. Version control has been bad. (Field notes, software
engineer.) Another coder adds: Testing process has improved but still it is
undersized. There is incongruity between the number of coding- and testing
people. (Field notes, software-engineer.)
The requirements definition was also seen as a problem in testing. The
testing department should also participate in the requirements definition of
the software. Usually, functional requirements are OK but there are problems
in requirements specifications. Also the other documentation (operation
instructions of the devices) should be tested. (Field notes, test manager.) He
adds: Everything is reflected to specs. About half of the defects are due to
imperfect requirements.
Testing process was seen to be a part of normal operation but it can also be
seen as rework. In testing we cannot always say if some issue is a defect or
not because the issue cannot be found in specs, e.g. if the customer must press
*-button before the software carries out a certain task.A good coding
method should include a module test done by the coder before the software is
given to the testing department. Naturally, the testing department tests the
module whether the module works versus the functional requirements. The
aim is to hasten the testing process. (Field notes, test manager.)
The coder tests his/her own code. The coder can also test the SW/HW
integration. Integration testing has caused problems. There can be many types
of integration testing. In projects, integration testing means testing between
various subcontractors subsystems. (Field notes, quality manager.)
We should have delivered a proto to the customer, or at least say that this
device is a prototype, so the customer would not imagine that the device we
sold is completed. The problem is that the customer is testing, A is not. The
devices should be better tested before being delivered to the customer. We
should have usage tests in the vehicles. The problem is that the company
management has wanted the products to be completed on a very tight time
schedule. (Manager, HW department.)
The researcher made a development suggestion that the company should clarify
which part of testing belongs to the R&D department and which part to the testing
Making the intermediate report helped the researcher to analyse the gathered
data. Eisenhardt (1989: 539) emphasizes that analysing data is the heart of
building theory from case studies, but it is both the most difficult and the least
codified part of the process. Since published studies generally describe research
sites and collection methods, but give little space to the discussion of analysis, a
huge chasm often separates data from conclusions. As Miles and Huberman
(1984: 16) wrote: one cannot ordinarily follow how a researcher got from 3600
pages of field notes to the final conclusions, sprinkled with vivid quotes though
they may be.
Appendix 1 clarifies the chronological progression of the project. The events
mentioned on this list are only the main events of the research project. Not all the
small negotiations, phone calls, daily questions and smalltalk discussions with the
employees while working one or two days per week at the company premises in
this project from October 1st 2001 to 30st May 2002 are reported, because this
work was not designed to be an action research project in which every small daily
event has to be reported.
Labro and Tuomela (2003), based on their experiences in the field, suggest
that sufficient time should be devoted to getting acquinted with the case
organization and letting the people at the case organization familiarize themselves
with the researcher(s). Speaking of field research more generally, McKinnon
(1988: 44) makes the point: prior to having any real information, people in the
setting will approach the researchers arrival with feelings ranging from genuine
interest to annoyance, disinterest, and fear of exposure, or they may see the
researcher as a means of promoting their own political agendas. Hence the
researchers first concern on the research site should not be data collection; rather
it should be preparing the ground for data collection. This involves, firstly, that
the participants understand clearly why the researcher is there and, secondly,
creating the conditions under which they will be allowed to the social
relationships of the setting. McKinnon (1988: 44) points out that the researcher
needs to gain the confidence, trust and respect of the participants and to be seen
as personable and genuinely interested in them. While this may sound like
motherhood statements and the description of the researcher somewhat idealized,
appropriate social behaviour on the researchers part is essential for securing
access to reliable and valid data.
Labro and Tuomela (2003) also rise an issue of any qualitative research to
experience reality as others do (Atkinson and Shaffir 1998). When becoming
deeply involved in an organization and in the trials and errors of company
development practices the researcher him/herself participates in the experiential
learning cycle (Kolb 1984) which should allow a more profound understanding of
the case envents. Labro and Tuomela (2003) also acknowledge the potential for a
severe participant bias on the part of the researcher. This is something he/she
should be aware of when embarking on a CRA study in order to minimize it. They
suggest (2003: 424) that in terms of internal validity the drawback of participant
observer bias is outweighed by the reduction in observer-caused distortions, the
timeliness and length of the research process and better access to all kinds of data.
According to Simon and Burstein (1985: 224) observer bias is a tendency to
observe the phenomenon in a manner that differs from the true observation in
some consistent fashion. Moreover, the CRA enables issues to be tackled the
moment they occur, rather than relying on somewhat distorted explanations by
company people afterwards. McKinnon (1988: 37) distinguishes observer bias
from observer-caused effects, where the observers presence actually changes the
phenomenon under study. With observer bias, it is what the observers see and hear
(or think they see and hear) that is of concern. It is the distorted effects of the
researchers selective perception and interpretation. Observer bias may enter in
the split second following the occurrence of an event as the researcher registers it
as an initial impression, subsequently as the event is interpreted in the context in
which it occurred, and later as the event recorded and transcribed into field notes.
McKinnon (p.37) states, that the approach to overcoming observer bias must
proceed on an acceptance of its existence, and to be directed towards what actions
the researcher can take to protect the collection and analysis of data from the
contaminating effect of their own bias. She argues (p.40) that a substantial length
of time in the field serves to lessen the potential for observer bias. In the study, I
did not consider observer bias a big problem, because the data collection process
was meticulous, involving long periods in the field. The interviewees had time to
get used to the presence of the researcher in both case companies. As McKinnon
(1988) states the longer the researcher spends in the studied context, the less
vulnerable the study is to factors that jeopardize its reliability and validity. In the
study, I also noticed the point raised by Lukka (2005) that the interventionist
researcher being througly immersed with the practical flow of life also decreases
the risk that s/he is treated as a tourist in the field. In Case A, observer bias was
also noticed, but the researcher tried to avoid it by not remaining aloof as a so-
called objective observer but actively drive the process together with the project
According to McKinnon (1988: 38), Complexities and Limitations of the
Human Mind -distortion means that the statements subjects make may not be able
to be taken at face value. The threats to validity and reliability are of two types.
First, the subject may consciously seek to mislead or deceive the researcher,
perhaps reporting events in a manner most flattering or acceptable to him/herself.
This is similar to an observer-caused effect, but differs in that such deception is
not caused by or restricted to the researcher. Rather it is a deception that the
subject seeks to maintain for all others. Second, subjects may be trying to be
honest and accurate in their dealings with the researcher, but their statements and
reports are affected by natural human tendencies and fallibilities. People forget
things, they pay varying amounts of attention at different times to their own
behaviour and to the behavior of others, and, like the researcher, they also have
their own sets of biases which shape their perceptions and opinions. McKinnon
(1988: 41) argues that the length of time has further benefits for combating data
access limitations and human mind effects. The longer the researcher remains in
the field, the more likely it is that they will be granted, or can negotiate, access to
events, activities and people which may have been denied on initial entry to the
setting. During the research process, I did not consider human mind bias a big
problem at least bigger than usually in qualitative research because of the long
research period.
5.2.4 The change process
After the preparatory phase, the work done was reported and presented to project
group members and to all interviewees of the project group members on February
15th 2002. The researcher continued the close co-operation in the form of
additional interviews with the caucus of the project group (financial manager, test
manager, researcher). The main objective of these interviews was to deepen
understanding of how to develop quality cost measurement of the company. One
main turning point of the project was the presentation of the testing manager of
the company at 8th March 2002. At that time he presented the new software
(Rational ClearQuest) to software developers of the company. The meaning of the
software was to be a substitute for the old Microsoft Excel -based software
which had been used to record every software bug noticed.
After the presentation, the idea of a real time cost of quality measurement
system came to the researchers mind for the first time. I noticed that it was now
only a question of programming work and such an innovation could be executed.
The early development work of the system was very much dependent on the
researcher. However, the researcher received very encouraging feedback on these
suggestions from company management. Company management gave strong
support to the idea of real time measurement of quality cost. At that time, the
research effort was strongly focused on the development of the quality cost
system of company. This expectation came from the company management. The
managing director was even taking about patenting the construct. The test
manager put very much of his working effort to programming a construct based
on the ideas of real time cost of quality accounting. This construct was made on
the basis of the Rational ClearQuest -software. The question now was what kind
of devices and software would be needed to construct a real time cost of quality
measurement construction. As follows, the defect fixing procedure constructed in
the company will be presented. After that, the development process of the
constructed real time quality cost measurement system RQC will be reviewed.
In a software company, including embedded software manufacturers like
Case Company A, quality costs are typically based on working hours; e.g.
correction of bugs (rework). For this reason it is important to be able to clarify
where the working time is used. Quality costs related to employees can be
measured by calculating a cost per each working hour that the company pays for.
The detection, clarification, and fixing of the defects in the software is also
important. In the company, Rational ClearQuest (CQ) software had been modified
and taken into use as a defect data base. This software replaced the earlier defect
data base run in Microsoft Excel. By using CQ, the defects are registered using
intranet or normal user interface. In the basic state of the software a new defect
can be entered using Submit/New defect. Fig. 31 illustrates the states developed
for defect fixing process at company A.
Fig. 31. Description of the states developed for defect fixing process at company A.
The software automatically registers the employee and time, and also sends defect
notification of the defect to selected employees. The so-called Change Control
Board (CCB), an innovation made in the company to manage the defect
management process, which consists of selected employees of the company,
manages the tasks in Submit- or Postpone-state by changing them to
Request-state. The tasks can either be abandoned (Closed), frozen to be done later
(Postponed), or ordered to a certain employee to do the defect fixing (Assigned).
The Owner of the task can take the ordered task by changing the task from
Assigned to Open-state or give the task to another employee, (Reassigned). After
the defect has been fixed or the problem has been solved, the task can be moved
to Resolved-state. If the task is a more complicated than first though, the owner of
the task can move it to Postponed-state. The employee responsible for the
application can verify the defect fix and move it to Closed-state or, if he/she finds
that the fixing is still defective, move it to Open-state. By using this defect
correction monitoring system, it is possible to monitor and list the stages of defect
fixing. No single defect will be forgotten in the desk drawer and for this reason
not to be fixed.
5.3 The Description of the constructed quality cost measuring
system RQC
At Case Company A, the old Excel-based model used for defect detection and
fixing was substituted with a new Rational ClearQuest -based model. This meant
that after a short test period no defect fixing was allowed, and was not technically
possible, without entering ClearQuest -system. As such, the change to a new
defect correction and monitoring system and the possibility to monitor and list the
stages of defect fixing made it much easier to continue the quality cost
measurement project because no single defect would be forgotten any more and
for this reason not be fixed. It meant that every working hour outside the
normal software development is going through the RQC system.
There had been a lot of discussion and meetings considering quality cost
reporting in the company. For example, the questions to whom quality cost report
would be delivered and how often, were considered. The possibility of sending
quality cost reports automatically via e-mail was also considered. In addition, the
type of quality cost information needed; for example by projects, by SW products,
by customers, by quality cost types (prevention costs, appraisal costs, internal and
external failure costs), by defect types etc, was discussed. The possibility of
giving each person the kind of report he/she desires was taken into discussion but
the choice was abandoned for comparison purposes. After negotiations (3.4.2002)
the product, the customer, and the project, were chosen to be the cost objects. If
needed, every manager could print an other type of report from the system by
using query program (Chrystal Reports -software). The projects could go through
the quality costs in their project meetings. All departments except sales,
administration, HW-department and CEO entered their costs (working hours) in
the system. For the management group, quality costs was intended to be reported
at a rougher level (appraisal costs, internal failure costs, external failure costs). In
the system it is possible for the project managers to see real time quality cost data
(a daily basis) by SW-versions (e.g. BP _A1.3.0 in Table 8), by software updates
(e.g. BP_A1.4.0), by calender time, by types of quality costs, and by defect types.
Table 8. Customer/software matrix.
Software Customer
BP_A1.3.0 X
BP_A1.3.1 X X
BP_A1.3.2 X
BP_B2.1.0 X X
BP_B1.3.0 X X
BP_C1.1.0 X X X X
1 2 3 4
. . .
Improvements + hotfixes Internal development
Fig. 32. A new product, improvements, hotfixes, and internal development version.
Failure costs in the quality cost report are the reported working hours (salary +
indirect employee costs). Appraisal costs, the reported working hours of
inspection and testing, can also be taken equally from ClearQuest -software. The
cost of an employees working hour consists of salary plus indirect employee
costs (37%) consisting of costs fixed by law as pension contribution based on the
Employees Pensions Act, unemployment insurance contribution, holiday pay
(holiday periods salary and holiday remuneration), etc.
Considering failure costs, the decision was made for confidentiality reasons
that the real salaries + indirect employee costs were not used in this system.
According to the financial manager, it is not a good practice for employees to see
each others real salaries. Because of this, employees were classified to four
categories. These categories are 1 Trainee, 2 Junior Designer, 3 Senior Designer,
4 Manager, and 0 Unclassified. For each of the categories the hourly earnings
were calculated. The system was also tested with real salary costs. The difference
between estimated and the real salary cost was 2% compared to bookkeeping in
April 2002 (salary costs calculated by using categories minus salary costs
calculated by actual salaries).
In this project, quality costs caused by software are in on the developed
system. Quality costs caused by hardware development are not included in. It
would be technically possible in case the company wished to invest money in
developing the system further in the future. Normally, if the aim were the
maximum coverage of all quality costs of the company, the costs of the testing
devices and the code inspection software would also be included (as appraisal
costs) but not in this case because this system was only designed to measure
quality costs of software development. This is because the costs of testing devices
and investing in code inspection software can also be seen as a normal investment
to software process, as sunk costs. It was also decided to exclude prevention costs
because it is difficult to distinguish the normal development and the development
work made for quality purposes, see e.g. Moen (1998), Porter and Rayner (1992),
and Srqvist (1998). Srqvist (1998) argues that there is therefore little point in
measuring prevention costs. In this system the following quality cost elements are
measured. Appraisal costs: reviews considering system, requirements, design, test
plan, test scripts, testing first time (test build 1). Internal failure costs: re-reviews,
re-tests (test build 2-), fixing code defects, fixing documentation defects,
reworking any documentation. External failure costs are not collected because
they cannot be collected automatically by any system. Examples of these are
warranty expenses, contractual penalties, and products returned due to defect.
Measuring and reporting the cost of quality is traditionally based on
ex post-calculations. The idea of real time software quality cost system (RQC)
was invented by the researcher and the model was developed and tested in the
project group in Case Company A. A real time cost accounting is a new
innovation and this kind of a COQ model has not been reported before in the
accounting literature. The model makes it possible to measure selected quality
cost elements in real time. The selected quality cost elements were designed for
full coverage of the problems that occur in software development. As described
above, we found that it is not possible to measure automatically all quality costs
of a company. But that was not the purpose of this study. The purpose was to
study how to measure quality costs on a real time basis in the software industry
and to find out how to use quality cost measurement as a management accounting
tool. This case the study was divided into several phases. The first phase was the
definition of the companys quality costs and the construction of the COQ
measurement system in the company. The aim was to develop and test a real time
cost of quality system in the case company. We found that it was possible to
construct a real time system by integrating the software debugging database,
software inspection database, working hours database, and software testing
By using RQC-model it is possible to see real time Cost of Quality
-information by software product versions, software product updated versions, by
calender time (detected defects, defects assignet to defect debugging, fixed
defects), by customer, by quality cost categories: (appraisal cost, internal failure
cost, external failure cost), and by defect type (e.g. parameter defect, codeing
defect, unknown defect, Bios defect, hardware defect, design defect). It is also
possible for the managers to monitor the defect fixing procedure of every defect
by using the change control board procedure in the RQC-model. The defect
status can be requested, submitted, assigned, opened, resolved, closed, or
postponed, as described in Fig. 33. The managers can follow the defect fixing
status of their projects and thus make better estimates of the accomplishment of
their projects. In case of approaching a busy project deadline, the managers can
move labour force from their other projects to an urgent project. They can also see
information like defect correction hours of the project / total working hours.
Fig. 33 Possible defect statuses in RQC-model.
There are several advantages of using the constructed model. First, the model
makes the software development process more disciplined. It helps the company
to get rid of the firefighting (cf. Ittner 1992: 65) culture (timetables are not kept, a
large amount of working time is used to correct the failures, etc.) because the
software testing and defect fixing procedure is now controlled and no single
defect is forgotten. The model also generates measurement data to its database.
Besides the real time use, the data can be used retrospectively in comparing the
relative success of projects. The model will also help to monitor the software
development process even when the project is half-finished. Quality costs can be
presented by defect type in the software development projects. This helps to
monitor timetables and costs in the projects. In Case Company A, the model was
implemented after some additional aspects to make it user-friendlier, such as a
option to use it via Intranet from the other city, e.g. entering the working hours
done in another city.
Srqvist (1998) has listed the problems considering quality cost collection
and measurement in his study (described in chapter 3.4.1). The RQC-model gives
some advice how to deal with some of these problems, especially to problems 2
(The object of measurements), 4 (Responsibility), 5 (Measuring methods), and 7
(Personnel). Regarding problem 2, object of measurement, Srqvist (1998) argues
that some companies give the impression that their main goal is to receive regular
reports and not to use the information as a basis for making improvements. In
Case Company A, the model constructed lists not only the (quality) costs, but also
serves as an information basis for making improvements by listing the root causes
of the problems (eg. verbal descriptions of each failure, the person, and the date
and time the failure was noticed). Regarding to the problem 4, responsibility,
Srqvist (1998) raises the question of whose account the various (quality) costs
should be charged against. The constructed model can help to answer to this
question because it charges the costs e.g. by products, projects or software
versions. Regarding problem 5, measuring methods, he argues that most
companies have chosen to measure quality costs by designing measuring systems
the employees should use to report problems and deficiencies. By using the model
constructed, it is not possible report problems and to make any corrections by not
using the constructed model. Problem 7, personnel, means that the employees in
some companies feel that reporting quality costs involves an additional workload,
and they cannot see the benefits. The model developed means no additional
workload for the employees. The construct presented in this chapter also
contributes to Dale and Plunkett (1991) by presenting quidence on quality cost
collection especially from the viewpoints of ease of collection, level of detail, and
accuracy of data.
As Humphrey (1996) argues, the magnitude of this fixing process is often a
surprise. As a result, the entire project becomes so preoccupied with defect repair
that more important user concerns are ignored. When a project is struggling to fix
defects in a system test, it is usually in schedule trouble as well. The idea of RQC
measurement is based on the fact that employee-based costs can be allocated to
projects of other cost objects (e.g. customers) by using a real time working time
follow-up42, which is used in many companies.
The employees usually enter their working hours in the system before they shut down their computers
at the end of the working day. In this case, real time measurement means the exactness of one day.
(Technically, it would be possible to follow the working time usage at hourly based, if such orders
would be given by the company management.)
Second, the interest in the construct was expressed to the researcher by
academics at conferences and workshops. The managing director of the company
A was also talking about patenting the construct, and the companys willingness
to cover the costs, but this did not happen. One main reason for this was that the
test manager of the company, who was doing the programming work in the midst
of the construct, moved to another company. While the researcher was no longer
actively working at the company, the introduction of the construct as an active,
continuous everyday tool in Company A did not happen. The final finishing of the
construct would have also required more financial investments to software and it
was no longer the main interest of the company management. The managers were
satisfied with the new defects detection, clarification, testing and fixing process
developed based on the construction based on Rational ClearQuest software, as
there was no need to see the quality costs real time besides of the testing effort
that showed that the construction will work in practice. The information on the
amount of quality cost working hours was enough, not the linkage to the wages
database to get the monetary information of quality costs (wages working
hours coefficient of indirect salary expences), or the particulars of each
workers salary information. However, it can be seen that the construct passes the
weak market test because a great part of it is in everyday use and the whole
construction is used ad hoc if needed by multiplying manually the wages by the
hours worked (because of the missing software linkage). This was done by
Microsoft Excel -software (see Appendix 2, archival material).
Labro and Tuomela (2003: 430431) argue that more nuances are needed
within the weak market test category to analyse the level of progress of the
construct. As a construct moves toward the upper-right-hand corner of the matrix,
the weak market test gets stronger. Fig. 34 shows the RQC-construct developed in
Case Company A displayed in the matrix developed by Labro and Tuomela
Fig. 34. RQC construction described at different dimensions of the weak market test
framework. (Adapted from Labro & Tuomela 2003.)
Even before the market test is passed, it is possible to define different degrees of
non-implementation (bottom-left had corner of Fig. 34). Passing the weak market
test would mean, at a minimun, that at least one manager occasionally uses the
construct for his or her own practices. In the upper-right-hand corner the extent
and intensity of usage is at its maximum for a weak market test, i.e. the construct
is the only system regularly used throughout the organization. A grey area is
entered when a construct is used only once. In some cases this could be regarded
as not passing the weak market test (the results obtained with the construct are
compared with existing knowledge and it is found to provide little or no new
information). But if the construct initiates notable action, even if only once used
(e.g. decision to divest because of the new reality created by the construct), it
meets the weak market test criterion. In this case, the whole construct has been
used ad hoc in the software development of the company A and the whole
construction except the daily Euro-convertibility is in more regular use.
At the follow-up meeting of the project with the controller of the company
(see Appendix 2), the use of the whole construct was discussed. At that time, the
whole personnel of the company has been furloughed for three months because of
the claims of the board directors of the company to reduce fixed costs by 500.000
euros. For this reason no development projects, including RQC have made
progress (Memorandum, meeting with the controller). For this reason, RQC was
used only ad hoc. The results are similar to the findings of Sower et al. (2002 and
2007) who suggest that organizations planning to implement a COQ system
should ensure that management supports the program.
6 Case B. Testing the possibility for
constructing real time cost of quality
measurement in another company
In Chapter 5, it was argued by Labro and Tuomela (2003: 438) that at the core of
the CRA is the pursuit of novel innovations. Transferring an existing technique
from one field of science to another can be considered novel if it requires adding
completely new knowledge and features to the model. Applying an existing
construct as such to another organization may be good consulting work or part of
an innovation action research (Kaplan 1998) but it should not be considered as to
be constructive research. As such, the Case study B does not try to apply an
existing construct developed in A to Case B but to chart the potential and
boundary conditions to construct such a system in a totally different environment.
The results indicate that such a system could be constructed irrespective of the
cost accounting environment or the software used. Case B could be called
innovation action research (Kaplan 1998) but not in its pure form where a
construction is moved to another organization. However, innovation action
research is something that can only be done after constructive research (as in
Case B), or some other process, has produced new constructs (Lukka 2000). The
purpose of this second case is also to strengthen the general understanding of
software quality and issues related to realization of quality based risks in an
embedded software company. The case study also examines measuring related to
the quality of diverse systems from the point of view of case B and its customers
and to find new business opportunities for B.
Labro and Tuomela (2003: 416) point out that previous articles do not
indicate how researchers can find companies with interesting problems. A
potential problem is, at least on the basis of the examples that Kaplan provides
(related to studies on the refinement of activity-based costing and balanced
scorecard), is that an immense research programme with access to a variety of
leading-edge companies is needed a challenge that most researchers are not able
to meet (Labro and Tuomela (2003: 437). It is not easy for a researcher to enter to
any company he/she wants.
After I had finished working at Case Company A an opportunity occurred for
the researcher to attend a TEKES funded project. The manager of Case B asked
me if I would be interested in participating in that project. I found the opportunity
interesting for several reasons. First, because Company B was also a company
that was involved in embedded software as was Case Company A. As such, that
was the most important point of the case selection. Second, the interest of the
company management in quality costing issues was another important issue.
Third, the possibilities for longitudial co-operation with the case organization (see
Labro and Tuomela 2003: 418) and gaining and maintaining the commitment of
the case company was attained through the TEKES project. The third point is also
crucial in order for the research process to be successful (cf. e.g. Lukka 2000).
The cases may be chosen to replicate previous cases or extend emergent theory, or
they may be chosen to fill theoretical categories and provide examples of polar
types. While the cases may be chosen randomly, random selection is neither
necessary, nor even preferable (Eisenhardt 1989: 537).
There have been various objectives and working methods of this case study
as a subproject of the TEKES project. At first the researcher had to constitute a
general view of the business and to study the potential development potential of
the business. One working method was to study the present state of the companys
project management tool, called Own Tool (OWT), and report the development
targets of the tool based on the persons interviewed. The possibilities for
constructing a process for measuring the real time cost of quality data, and the
possibilities for the exploitation of such data to reduce a risk of multiple failure
costs in the future projects were depicted. The means to identify the causes of
quality cost were also charted and the ways quality cost risks could be reduced,
were sought.
implemention possibilities of such a system in a completely different working
The mother company of Case B specializes in permanent, temporary and
contract recruitment, employee assessment, training, career transition,
organizational consulting, and professional financial services. The mother
companys worldwide network of 4300 offices in 67 countries and territories
enables the company to meet the needs of its 400,000 customers (per year),
including small and medium size enterprises in all industry sectors, as well as the
worlds largest multinational corporations. In Finland the company started up in
1997 and in 2005 it had 10 offices in Finland. In Finland the company provides
services in the following areas: organizational consulting, recruitment, personnel
renting, and providing business support services. Case B, which is an independent
business unit of its mother company, provides quality assurance services like
qualification Bluetooth devices, certification of OMA (open mobile alliance)
features (MMS, DM, POC, etc), Java certification and verification for platforms,
product lines, and products. It also provides test specialist services like MMS Test
Specialists for managing and coordinating operations, Bluetooth Test Specialists,
and Flash coordination services to its customers.
Case Company B, in the companys negotiation room to avoid any interruptions
McKinnon (1988: 44) talks about creating the conditions under which they will be
allowed to the social relationships of the setting. The interview sessions often
started with smalltalk on some daily issues totally outside the research topic, after
that the researcher first explained something of himself and the research interests,
and after that the nature and objectives of the research in question. This was done
to create a relaxed atmosphere and arouse the interest of the interviewee. As
McKinnon (1988: 44) points out: prior to having any real information, people in
the setting will approach the researchers arrival with feelings ranging from
genuige interest to annoyance, disinterest, and fear of exposure, or they may see
the researcher as a means of promoting their own political agendas. Hence the
researchers first concern on the research site should not be data collection; rather
it should be preparing the ground for data collection. This point was taken into
account by walking around in the companys premises (also in the restricted
R&D facilities with unpublished products), talking with almost all the employees
and sitting in the coffee room with them to speak anything else but the research
subject. The researcher also had his own desk on the companys premises. I argue
that these points were good in preparing the ground for data collection in the
interviews; many interviewees were already acquainted with the researcher before
the interviews. As Labro and Tuomela (2003: 424) point out, the interviewees are
more likely to put more effort into the answers. As suggested by Atkinson and
Shaffir (1998: 55), I also noticed that close interaction with company personnel
improved our ability to understand their behaviour. When becoming deeply
involved in an organization and in the trials and errors of company development
practices the researcher him/herself participates in the experiential learning cycle
(Kolb 1984) which should allow a more profound understanding of the case
2. Questions on the new project management tool called Own Tool (OWT),
recently developed inside the company. The present state of OWT and its
further development needs.
Comment on the Own Tool, how do you see its usefulness supporting
your work. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the tool? Is the
documentation in order?
3. Questions about quality and quality risk minimization.
What do you think the quality costs of B consist of? What causes quality
What kind of risks are there in quality of testing? Can testing find all the
defects that the customer assumes it can find? How to prevent the
defective product not going all the way to customer?
Bs mother companys sales manager Sauli O. from the Helsinki office, who is
responsible for the southern Finland sales area describes the birth process of
company B.
The testing businesss had started from about five years ago. At first, one
employee was at the main customers (used instead of the customer name)
premises as a rented employee for a certain period of time, then two
employees. (Interview 15.8.2005.)
He adds:
Then our main customer rented the whole team from us and then we had two
testing teams doing the job. After that, they (main customer) needed team
leaders, actually the activities had grown, and they chose two of our
employees as team leaders. It meant that our organization was increased at
the premises of our main customer. The strategy of the main customer has
radically changed in that they are moving from employee renting to testing
subcontracting. It means that B has to offer them ready-made solutions with
Bs workforce or by subcontracting. Earlier, we had one case that we lost
because we were not ready to make investments. We had about 20 to 40
employees working at the main customer (as rented employees) but we were
not ready to work as a (testing) subcontractor at that time. The change of the
business concept relates to Bs mother companys European-level strategy
change. (Interview 15.8.2005.)
Company B started from personnel renting business. In 2004 the company hired a
test manager and their own facilities were provided. Personnel subcontracting is a
growing business area in B. A sales manager was also hired to seek new
customers for B.
Our line of business is going towards this (subcontracting). When we talk
about personnel renting, our European-level strategy is actually our global
strategy, but especially in Europe we are trying hard to develop our clientele
in subcontracting. In Finland, our big customers (Bs mother companys) are
in that step that we can do it says Sauli O. (Interview 15.8.2005.)
According to the sales director, there are strong expectations to raise the turnover
of the company.
We need to grow. This is still a start-up enterprise. [..] We know that the
market is growing very fast in the testing business. We also need other
customers (than our main customer) because we have to diversify this risk. We
have been dependent on the one customer, on the customerss one department.
We also need other purchase orders to make our production more efficient [..]
so that if our main customer has not orders to do so this guy (our employee)
can do work for some other customers order. (Interview 15.8.2005.)
In this chapter the thematic areas of the interviews are briefly discussed. Thus, the
reader can get an overall picture of the situation in the company at the time when
the interviews were conducted. All the views are based on opinions that came up
in the interviews. At first, the questions of the strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats of the business concept were gone through (see the list
of thematic areas in Chapter 6.3.1.). The main points of the preceding issues are
briefly presented here so the reader can get a picture of the actual current topics at
the company.
1. Questions about the current business concept of the company and the
development opportunities of the concept. The strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats.
Quality of testing process was seen as strength. Quality has to be still ensured by
developing processes further, e.g. by SW inspections. A fixed price testing
subcontracting was seen as a strength because customers only pay for the work
done. Testing the first few sets based on an hourly based charge was seen as
strength to lower the risk. However, the amount of fixed price testing was desired
to be raised in the future. In new contracts, especially at the beginning of a new
contract, resource renting was seen to be better than fixed price testing.
Yes, in most of such of cases (considering a new customer) when we are
going towards the subcontracting it means that in the beginning we make the
training period as a resource renting. And in that case it is just reasonable to
do so. (Interview 7.10.2005, subcontracting manager Heikki S.)
The dependence of the main customers one deparment and the small number of
other customers, as well as reporting, was seen as a weakness in Case B.
Reporting problems, however, are going to diminish with the introduction of the
companys project management tool, named Own Tool (OWT). The tool was
developed inside the company. Another weakness was seen to be the demand
variability of the main customer. The releases of the customer software which are
put in Bs test do not come steadily. This will hinder the planning of employees
working schedules. In the future, this problem can be alleviated by negotiating a
better order procedure at the customers site. This problem is illustrated as follows
by group leader Sami S. and testing engineer Pasi V.:
We dont have access any more to certain things and e.g. to (customers)
databases from which we could see if new (main customers) software has
come up or not (to be put into test in B)..[..].. (Sami S. Interview 14.6.2005.)
When working orders reach us from there (main customer) they may be
cancelled and then comes another working order that should already have
been done yesterday...[..]. There is a terrible rush but still the software is not
working.[..]..apparently, there are managers and the people doing software,
collaboration between them is not working. (Pasi V. Interview 20.9.2005.)
The other biggest threats were seen to be that 80% of Bs turnover is still based
on hourly based invoicing; problems at the moment are the narrow customer base
and the current small facility space. The pricing of the fixed fee based testing was
seen both as a threat and an opportunity. The pricing principles should be clarified
so to take into account the urgency of the commission, the amount of workload,
the devices needed in testing, and the amount of work in reporting and managerial
activities. One big threat was seen to be dependence on key persons and keeping
them on the payroll.
The main opportunities for the business were seen to be the possibility to
develop the business towards subcontracting, e.g. invoicing based on a test case
or test set. Using flexible rented employees was also seen as an opportunity
because those employees can be got via Bs mother company. Increasing the
turnover was deemed possible; the growth could be acquired inside the main
customer and also from other companies. If the growth is going to come from the
main customer it means that B must find the right people inside the main
customer who can market Bs services inside the main company using internal
marketing inside a big customer company. A big threat was seen to be the
possibility of the main customer outsources testing operations going elsewhere,
but the same thing was also seen as an opportunity (to outsource more testing to
2. Questions on the new project management tool called Own Tool (OWT),
recently developed inside the company. The present state of OWT and its
further development needs.
Before describing the employees opinions on the OWT system the application is
first described in this chapter. The Own Tool application serves as a resource
management tool in the company. It is used for project management purposes and
as an equipment of work time controlling. OWT is used for example for creating
new projects, editing projects, carrying out cases and marking up work times. The
application is controlled via a browser and every user updates the same database
over the network. Subsequently, all the concepts belonging to the first version of
system will be described. All the definitions for concepts, operations or other data
including all the demands are also listed. All the possible development targets are
also included, thus the system environment stays in control despite of changes.
The OWT application is created in the company to manage resources and
follow up the projects. Using it new projects can be started and employees
resourced to them. It is also possible to manage all kinds of reporting through the
system, because all the necessary information about working hours, project
statuses and other evaluated data will be saved in the applications database.
OWT system sorts users into different privilege groups. Operator status is
given in the PrivilegeID-column in the user table for each user. All the Operators
are the users of the system. The system user can be an Administrator (admin),
Leader, User, Report or Device. A user with Admin status means that (s)he can
modify the whole system, make changes to functions and manage the system
totally, e.g. delete the stored data. However, that privilege is used only for
maintenance needs. The Leader has normal rights to use all operations integrated
to the system. A Leader can set new orders to the database and select the
resources for projects on the basis of orders. User has rights for normal
operational use marking case results, using working hour management and
to-do -tasks , but no rights for reports nor for project or order management. A
Report status is set for an opportunity to retrieve different reports from the
system. The Device status is used in a centralized workstation for device use
signing only. Every order is placed by a customer, whose contact info needs to be
saved in the database. All the information generated during projects will be saved
in this system.
The application is used on a network so that all users update the same
database. It makes real time situations on the project possible, meaning that cases
already accomplished will be shown as such for every user. A project with several
cases can also be completed by several users. The end users of the system are all
the employees of Company B who have advanced experience in computing.
Table 9 shows all the concepts used in the system with their descriptions.
Concept Description
Case One part of the project which forms one whole specific task
Case list Details of one case, what is supposed to be done on the case
Customer Person/Organization who places customer order
Device Equipment/component etc. used in cases or in other tasks
Off-time Work time that is used for other than working
Order An order for a new project to be done, placed by customer
Project An assignment created on the basis of an order. May include some files which are
created during completion or within the creation of the project. Can also be another
project created by the user and not based on any order.
Resource Users who have been assigned as employees of certain project(s)
Session case list Shows the status, project and composer (User) of the case
Status States where the case or project is going at the time.
Todo time Time spent by one user to complete the cases of the project
User User of OWT. Also an employee of B company (refers to employee)
Work area Describes what tasks s(he) will do for the project at present
Work hour The time that the employee is on duty. May differ each working day
All operations are divided by operation features into PHP-forms so that every
form includes the operations of specific feature. Forms divide applications into
the following sections: Log in, Main page, Create new order, Create new project,
Manage resources, Work calendar, Device register, View/Search orders,
View/Search projects, Reports, My todo, Calendar, Change password and Log
out. Every section includes functions which could be related to the operation area
e.g. Create new project-form includes functions to set the details of a new
project and for adding cases to project. On the Main page work time counting and
break-handling are operated. User interface is created on a CSS (Cascading Style
Sheet) file which sets all the settings for layout. Layout is made to imitate all
other layouts of company B. Interface is created to look a like the web interface
so that all commands are driven on links and there are no special menus for
The OWT system consists of a server, a web server, a network and
workstations connected to the network. All the system data is stored in the server
which includes the web server, database and PHP-forms on the own OWT-
section. The workstations can be used via a browser for entrance to the system.
Mozilla Firefox browser is installed in the workstations (as a default browser), but
other browsers can also be used. The workstations have no special needs for
system usage. The operating systems vary from Windows 2000 to Windows XP.
The Web server needs to support PHP. For device register use, there are a few
barcode readers attached to the system. A special label printer is used for labelling
devices with the needed barcodes. Table 10 below describes the operators of the
The OWT system operates using the users commands. The first operation in
every use case is logging into the system. After logging into the system it can be
used for project maintenance, order placing, working hours -counting, resourcing
or to reporting purposes. These operations are divided by the above mentioned
privileges so that not all operations are available to every user. Operations for
privilege status Report are report viewing and report saving. Operations for
privilege status User are Work time counting, My todo -controlling, Case status
setting, Break setting, Calendar usage, Work calendar usage, and Password
changing. The Operations for privilege status Leader are Project maintenance,
Order maintenance, Resourcing, Device register management, Work time
counting, My todo -controlling, Case status setting, Break setting, Calendar
usage, Work calendar usage, and Password changing. Operations for privilege
status Admin are System maintenance and all of the operations for maintenance
reasons. Operations for privilege status Device are the Device register
The impact of the Tool was analysed to assess what kind of implications it
has in the company. The interviewees were asked to comment the present state of
OWT development, the good and weak points of it, and its further development
Even though I find it (OWT) very positive, there is still one weak point. It is
that it is still not in the same domain as the (main) customers databases. But
it will be changed into the same domain just in the coming weeks and then we
can get all the projects to the same domain and we can create all the projects
there, we can make the distribution of work through it, and also to get various
weekly reports, monthly reports and also the invoicing in a much more handy
way. It will help a lot. The reports are going to be improved all the time. It is a
very good thing.[..]..and we can plan beforehand what work comes to us and
what kind of a resource load we have. And that is the thing that I have already
wanted for a one year. (Interview 14.6.2005, team leader Sami S.)
Another team leader also saw the tool in a positive way:
In my opinion in the longer run it (OWT) is fundamental to our business
because we cannot keep this kind of working hours bookkeeping and other
things with Excel-sheets if we are going to make this (testing subcontracting
business) a real business. Our main thing here is to test products by using our
IT skills, not to wrest (make) the reports, hourly reports. And then, we should
get the reports done because Im the man who mainly makes these Excel-
sheets every week and I welcome this kind of automatized option. (Interview
13.6.2005, team leader Lasse M.)
The Key Account manager adds
..of course the problem is that we make huge amount of test cases all the
time. Everybody is doing something all the time, so how to stay on the map, is
the work cost effective or not? For that purpose it (OWT) is just an excellent
tool, plus it leaves marks who has done something and what has been done.
Yes, it is an excellent tool. (Interview 13.6.2005, key account manager Riku
Only a few interviewees saw the using of OWT neutral, and nobody saw it in a
negative light.
Difficult to say because it has not been fully launched yet. I cant say with
certainly very exactly yet. (Interview 13.6.2005, test engineer Jari T.)
Well, we have a real threat, it means that the customer always takes a risk
what to test, when to test and if some error is found, how well we do the re-
tests. Everyone of us is doing our job as well as possible but not all the errors
are ever found. It is because the test specifications do not define exactly
enough what to test and we can have a situation that we make certification
tests, e.g. bluetooth for various profiles. It means that we do tests for hands-
free profile, by-transfer profile etc.; it means that we have to make them (the
tests) for various softwares and as the software changes, it means that the
customer is responsible for the software which is put in (certain) device to be
sold. If there is some boob in the integration it means that non-marketable
software can reach the market.
Considering the responsibilities for the faultlessness of the software tested, it was
seen that the customer carried the final responsibility.
Yes. The customer always takes the risk even if we find an error at the last
moment before the product goes to market; the customer can make the
decision that this is such a business risk that we take it. It means that there
can be a lot of bugs in the product but it will be put on the market and a so-
called bug fix will be initiated. After a few months, or in case a critical fix,
after a few weeks updating software can reach the operatiors and customers.
But honestly, this is actually our main customers decision that we test what
has been asked and often we also tell such errors that we notice even it would
not include the test. We give extra information to the customer that we have
found this kind of a problem... (Interview 14.6.2005, team leader Sami S.)
In the interviews, the need to construct and measure various key ratios
considering to the quality of testing came out. Bs mother companys sales
manager adds:
..we have to have our own indicator, we are changing our operations
towards ISO standards. It is Kaitsus task to construct the indicators and
actually they have to be created together with the customer.[..]. Probably, we
have to tailor the quality job together with the customer; what to meter, how
to meter and why to meter. (Interview Sauli O., 15.8.2005.)
The companys project management tool called Own Tool (OWT) was seen to
have very much potential in improving the various processes in company B. It
allowed the company to gather much more data to be used in project management
and quality measurement. In the next chapter, the possibility of implementing real
time cost of quality accounting in B is discussed.
6.3.4 The possibility of implementing real time cost of quality
accounting (RQC) in Case Company B
management accounting change is taking place. In order to cope with the
challenges of change, researchers need to be alert not only to the technical issues
but to the behavioural and organizational variables that are likely to play a
paramount role when successful implementations are pursued. In addition to
addressing and taking advantage of the basic advancing forces of change, i.e.
motivators, catalysts and facilitators of change (Innes and Mitchell 1990), the role
of leaders and the need for a momentum for change should be acknowledged
(Cobb et al. 1995). Moreover, a profound analysis of potential barriers to change,
i.e. confusers, frustrators and delayers of change, is useful when implementing a
construct (Kasurinen 2002).
A leading principle when constructing a quality cost system based on the
OWT is that it is not necessary to try to collect all quality cost items but to
concentrate on following up the most important ones. By following up the most
important quality cost items it is possible to access the problems which cause the
highest quality costs. Thus the companys main process, testing, can be improved.
The above mentioned quality costs (testing, retesting and retesting) can be
collected by OWT.
Since constructive research relies on pragmation of truth, the implementation
phase is an elementary part of the research (Lukka 2000). Moreover, the phase of
trying out the construct is critical, since even a failed implementation test may
turn out to be theoretically interesting (Lukka and Tuomela 1998). It should be
borne in mind that the implementation test has a twofold purpose: a successful
implementation means both that the research process has been successful, at least
with regard to the most critical factors, and that the construct has been technically
feasible (Lukka 2000, 2002).
In Case Company B, the old Excel-based model used for project management
purposes was substituted for a new Own Tool (OWT) system. Company Bs Own
Tool application will serve as a resource management tool in the company. It will
be used for project management purposes and as device for work time control.
The OWT application was created in the company to manage resources and
follow up the projects. Using it new projects can be started and employees
allocated to them. It is also possible to manage all kinds of reporting through the
system, because all the necessary information about working hours, project
statuses and other evaluated data will be saved to applications database. As such,
OWT would be an excellent instrument for quality cost measurement by doing
minor improvements. Quality costs collection could be done real time via the Tool
using the RQC-idea developed in Case Company A. The working hours can be
changed to monetary units (euros) using the same procedure as in Case Company
A (by multiplying working hours by each employeess salary costs). The
modifications to the OWT system could be made by measuring the quality cost
elements mentioned above (inspection and retesting). It would be possible to
gather quality costs by projects by using OWT, which follows working time used
e.g. by the demand to enter the working hours used as normal working hours (e.g.
testing), or inspection-, or retesting working hours. As in Case Company A,
prevention costs could also be excluded. By doing this an employee of the
company do not need to know much about quality cost accounting (theory) but
the software calculates quality costs automatically for the project management
purposes for the managers (by using OWT privilege Report).
The question of including prevention costs (or not), is discussed e.g. by Moen
(1998), Porter and Rayner (1992), and Srqvist (1998). According to Srqvist
(1998), prevention costs are not a cost for poor quality but are rather an
investment in good quality. It is, of course, possible to measure these costs
parallel to failure costs. However, this would appear unnecessary since decisions
have actually been made to incur these investment costs and they are therefore not
unknown costs that we wish to study as a means of identifying problems and
selecting appropriate improvement measures. It is difficult to determine what a
prevention cost really is since costs incurred in the business which are not quality
costs result in good quality. It could, in an extreme case, be claimed that the
prevention costs comprise the costs of all activities in the business except quality
costs. According to this argument, the result is arbitrary and Srqvist (1998)
argues that there is therefore little point in measuring prevention costs.
7 Conclusions
This chapter presents the main findings of the thesis, discusses the potential
insights, and provides a basis for assessing the contribution of the study. The
contributions, reliability and validity of the research are considered, and
limitations of the research as well as avenues for future research are also
presented below.
7.1 Contributions
This study elaborate the theory by linking the concepts of real time measurement,
quality costing, and software quality issues. We have pursued a strong practical
relevance and accounting theory development instead of implementing some
general theory taken from social sciences.
Successfully implementing a method for measuring quality costs on a real
time basis is not an easy task. Practioners so far receive no support from the
management accounting research community. The purpose of this study was to
develop a model for measuring quality costs on a real time basis in software
development. This was achieved by seeking answers to the research questions on
how to measure quality costs on a real time basis in the software industry, how the
characteristics of the software business impact on the accounting of quality costs
and how to use quality cost measurement as a top management tool in modern
software business environment. The answers to the above questions were sought
through the development of a theoretical framework and the analysis of the key
concepts of the study. The thesis extended the current literature in three main
First, the study presented the idea of measuring quality costs on a real time
basis. The thesis was a first attempt at systematically identifying the possibility
for the implementation of real time quality cost measurement. The study provides
some evidence that real time quality cost measurement is feasible. Despite
advances in quality management and systems, most managers still find it difficult
to link quality development projects with expected economic returns (Ittner and
Larcker 1996). Ittner (1999) considers the primary reason for this to be the lack of
adequate methods for determining the financial consequences of poor quality. The
previous literature on real time quality cost accounting was limited or even non-
existent. In this thesis, the idea was demonstrated and tested by developing a
model for measuring the cost of quality on a real time basis in a Case Company A
(a constructive case study (in Chapter 5) and searching consolidation of the weak
market test (in Chapter 6) to study the applicability how to construct such a
system in a totally different working environment. The results show that the
construction built in Case A could be constructed irrespective of the cost
accounting environment or the software used in another embedded software
According to Lukka (2000), there are two primary ways of contributing to
theory in constructive studies. First, it is possible that the construct itself is of
such novelty that it introduces an awareness of a completely new means to
achieve certain ends. This is the fundamental purpose of applied science
(Mattessich 1995). Second, a constructive case study can serve the purpose of
developing, illustrating, refining or testing a theory or theories (Keating 1995).
Through the pragmatic implementation test, the underlying positive relationships
are also tested. In this way, both successful and failed implementations may turn
out to be interesting and lead to the refinement, maybe even the discarding, of
theories and proposals of new theories (Lukka 2000, 2002). In Case A of the
thesis, the emphasis was mainly on the first type of contribution in Lukkas
(2000) classification.
Dale and Plunkett (1991: 5455) argue that a most striking feature of quality
costing is the preoccupation with the prevention-appraisal-failure categorization,
even though arrangements into the categories tends to be a post-collection
exercise carried out to accord with convention. The main contribution of this
study is to construct and test the real time cost of quality measurement model. I
argue that the contribution arises from the fact that the construct is a novelty that
leads to a new means of quality cost accounting in software business. These
features differentiate the construct from the existing quality costing literature.
Before this study, quality costing has so far been modeled only by using ex-post
calculation methods. I also argue that real time measurement will produce more
up to date quality cost data compared to conventional ex-post calculation
-methods. The real time model will also improve the accuracy and accountability
of COQ measurement. Dale and Plunkett (1991: 3651) give lot of guidance of
quality cost collection, including objectives and scope, approaches, sources of
data, ease of collection, level of detail, accuracy of data, and people involved. I
argue that this thesis also contributes to the Dale and Plunkett (1991) by
presenting quidence of quality cost collection especially from the viewpoints of
ease of collection, level of detail, and accuracy of data.
Second, a contribution was made by answering the research question how the
characteristics of software business impact on accounting of quality costs by
presenting the nature and distinction of software business as well as its
implications to software quality and applying quality cost measurement to
software business. Malmi et al. (2004) argue that the COQ literature typically
deals with manufacturing or service organizations in continuous or repetitive
business processes in which identical or similar activities and work phases are
repeated in the same sequence or order, after batch or customer after customer.
Many modern businesses, however, are outright project based, or operate like a
string of semi-independent projects characterized by unique resources,
customized activity or work sequence order, and a predefined start and finish. In
this study, the COQ literature has been used in such a context in an embedded
software business which fulfills the description by Malmi et al. (2004) as outright
project based, etc. In this study, the developed COQ framework was applied to an
embedded SW segment, which also makes a contribution as such. The results
show that COQ measurement can also be applied to organizations which have not
traditionally been targets of cost of quality researchers. The finding brought out
one essential issue; on the one hand, the characteristics of the software business
make real time quality cost accounting easier because of the big proportion of
labour costs (of total costs), on the other hand in the software business the amount
of time spent on firefighting seemed to be quite big because of the amount of
defect fixing work.
Goulden and Rawlins (1995: 36) argue that the process model is advocated as
a preferred method for quality costing within total quality management as it
presents a more integrated approach to quality than the PAF-model. They argue
that within the TQM culture, all business activity is related to processes and
therefore the cost model should reflect the total costs of each process rather than
an arbitrarily defined cost of quality. But they also argue that the high level of
complexity of these (process) models when applied to their case company,
presented a barrier to understanding, did not create a sense of ownership and did
not allow an integrated view of divisional activities. My study combines the
traditional PAF model with the software development process environment.
A Contribution was also made by confirming the argument by Porter and
Rayner (1992) who argue that perhaps the greatest waste of resource in any
organization is the amount of management time that is spent on firefighting
performing a task which only exists because somebody did not do the original job
right the first time. Moreover, they also argue that the cost of such waste to the
organization is almost incalculable. I argue that by using the model presented in
the thesis quality cost elements are no longer incalculable.
Third, the study answered the question how to use quality cost measurement
as a management accounting tool in a modern software business environment.
In their journal article, Malmi et al. (2004) follow the constructive approach
suggested by Kasanen et al. (1993), considering the practice-relevant problem of
managers having to justify investments in quality improvement (Ittner and
Larcker 1996, Ittner 1999, cf. Kasanen et al. 1993). The construct by Malmi et al.
a colloborative approach for managing the project costs of poor quality
developed provides some indication of expected cost savings or expected
reductions in resource consumption given that certain poor quality cost elements
can be removed or the required proactive actions are successful (Malmi et al.
2004: 314). In this thesis, this point was be elaborated further by providing an
indication of the real time cost of quality information classified by software
product versions, calendar time, quality cost categories, or by defect type. This
classification broadens the applicability of quality cost accounting from the
traditional ex-post perspective to a proactive perspective of using quality cost
accounting as a management accounting tool.
The results indicate that it is possible to measure quality costs on a real time
basis by integrating the software debugging database, software inspection
database, working hours database, and software testing databases. By completing
the construction suggested in this study, real time cost of quality information e.g.
by software product versions, by calender time, by defect type, and by customer
can be brought out. It is also possible to monitor the defect fixing status in the
software projects by using the change control board procedure developed on this
project. By using such information, the study provided managerial implications
how to gain a more profound understanding of quality cost structures and quality
cost behaviour in the software business. This will help managers to analyze the
software projects and to see what has caused the highest quality costs. The
experience gained from the projects can also be tapped in future projects.
The real time cost of quality measurement also provides data which can be
used in daily project management and also in comparing the success of the
projects. By using the RQC model as a management accounting tool the manager
can see the real time cost of quality information as (s)he wants; e.g. by software
product versions, by calender time (detected defects, defects assigned to defect
debugging, fixed defects), by customer, by quality cost categories: (appraisal cost,
internal failure cost, external failure cost), and by defect type (e.g. parameter
defect, coding defect, unknown defect, Bios defect, hardware defect, design
defect). It is also possible for the managers to monitor the defect fixing procedure
of every defect by using the change control board procedure in the RQC-model.
The manager can review the defect statuses of the software products (requested,
submitted, assigned, opened, resolved, closed, or postponed). The managers can
also follow the defect fixing status of their projects and thus make better estimates
of the accomplishment of their projects. In the case of approaching a busy project
deadline, the managers can move personnel from their other projects to most
urgent project.
There has been quite a lot of research considering quality costing in
management accounting and quality journals in the past two decades. This study
summarized the conceptual framework for understanding the work being done on
the subject. There has also been some research on the cost of software quality. In
this study I have studied the measurement of quality costs as a management
accounting tool in the software business environment. This thesis combined the
elements conceptualized in previous studies and presented the reader with the
framework of quality in software business, the new concepts of cost of quality
measurement and how this information can be used by improving the software
The thesis explained how quality costs can be measured in a company,
especially in a company producing embedded software. In order to achieve this
purpose, factors of importance were examined and discussed. Before starting to
measure quality costs in a software business environment it is important to
understand the characteristics of the software business and software quality,
especially the various quality standards and the the way in which the software
process differs from a normal manufacturing companys production processes.
These topics were clarified in Chapter 2 of the thesis.
While most COQ measurement methods are activity/process oriented,
traditional cost accounting establishes cost accounts by the categories of
expenses, instead of activities. Thus, many COQ elements should be estimated or
collected by other methods. These methods were demonstrated in Chapter 3 of the
thesis. This chapter presented the cost of quality measurement in various cost
accounting environments; in traditional cost accounting and in an activity based
accounting environment. Methods of measuring cost of quality in an integrated
cost of quality and activity-based costing framework were presented. The cost and
nonfinancial information gained from the integrated COQ-ABC system can be
used to identify the magnitude of quality improvement opportunities, to identify
where the quality improvement opportunities exist, to control quality costs, and to
meet managements various information needs regarding quality improvement
Chapter 4 of the thesis showed the potential benefits of using the cost of
software quality concept and gave the reader some facts about the results obtained
in case companies using the concept. The results from the case companies show
the managers and researchers the usefulness of cost of quality tool. Quality
costing is a proven way to show the level of software quality.
The first four chapters of the study presented a theoretical framework for
quality cost measurement in the software business, and presented some results
gained from companies. Chapter 5 investigated whether it is possible to measure
quality costs on a real time basis in the software industry. Quality cost measuring
and reporting are traditionally based on ex post calculations. In Case Company A,
an idea for real time quality cost measurement was developed and tested. This
part of the thesis contributed to the existing literature by presenting a real time
quality cost model. The literature on real time quality cost accounting was limited
or even non-existent. What makes Case A interesting from the point of view of
management accounting research? The case study was a constructive case study.
The company was ready to call into question the old working methods and
procedures. The company had several development targets and the researcher was
able to participate in the development projects. The researcher was also able to
utilize the companys database expertice in the development projects. Because of
this, it was possible to test the functionality of accounting systems authentically,
not only on paper. An important fact during the research process was that all
information the researcher needed was given to the researcher in both ompanies
and the researcher was aware of no restrictions on mobility and access to certain
documents, places (e.g. restricted R&D facilities with unpublished products, etc.),
events, or people. Without this kind of trust from the companies, a real time
quality cost model (RQC model) could not have been constructed.
Chapter 6 demonstrated the applicability of the construct. As Case B, a
business unit of a subsidiary company of a major international company, was
involved as a part of a TEKES funded project called Testausalihankinnan
tehostaminen, the development of the rationalization of subcontracting of
software testing, it was possible to constitute a relationship long-term enough to
study issues in another embedded software company (in addition to Case A). In
addition to the developing aspects, Case B offered the researcher an opportunity
to get feedback from the employees and managers of the idea of real time cost of
quality accounting construction developed in Case A, and to study the
implemention possibilities of such a system in a completely different working
environment. The results show that the construction built in Case A could be built
irrespective of the cost accounting environment or the software used.
Particularly in the constructive research approach testing the functionality of the created construct in
the spirit of pragmatism plays an important role in the research process. For the different market test
levels for constructs, see Labro & Tuomela (2003; cf. Kasanen et al., 1993).
forms of generalizability and suggest contextual (mainly in case studies) and
constructive (in constructive research approach) rhetoric of generalizability to be
applied alongside statistical means. Regarding objectivity, Malmi and Granlund
(2006) follow Mattessich (e.g. 1995b: 279), who suggests that the major criterion
of objectivity in an applied discipline is the clear revelation of its value
judgements (or objectives/objective functions) and extensive empirical testing of
its prescriptions. They argue that an important thing to realize is that, when
succeeding in producing a construct to solve a practical problem that is of
theoretical interest (i.e. it is novel), and if the construct is shown to be working,
we have built a management accounting theory (see e.g. Malmi et al. 2004). This
has been done in Case A of the thesis. Thus there is no need for any other kind of
theory building. The functionality of the theory should then, of course, be tested
in other similar types of organizations and further under very different
circumstances. This was done in Case B of the study. The scope and applicability
of the new theory would thus be examined.
In case research, the researcher has direct and in-depth contact with the
target(s) of the empirical examination over a considerable period of time, and s/he
is a major research instrument him/herself. The researcher typically collects
empirical material in multiple ways, which are mutually supportive: observation,
interview, and analysis of archival data (cf. Yin 1984, Scapens 1990, Otley &
Berry 1994, Chua 1996, Berry & Otley 2004, Scapens 2004).
In general, Reliability is concerned with the question of whether the
researcher is obtaining data on which she or he can rely, or in other words, how
well another researcher is able to obtain results with the same data. This means
that reliability refers to the extent to which measurements are repeatable.
According to Yin, (1984) the objective of testing reliability is to ensure that, if a
later researcher followed exactly the same procedures as those of an earlier
researcher and conducted the same study all over again, he or she would arrive at
the same findings and conclusions. According to Ahrens and Chapman (2006:
833), the question of reliability takes on a different significance in qualitative
field studies that are not characterized by the use of research instruments (even
though they may use them) but are instead propelled by a mix of structured and
unstructured data. In this study, the research and the research environment were
unique in nature and it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to conduct the
same research; the business environment is everchanging, old technologies are
replaced by new ones, and people with their tacit knowledge move from one
position to another. By following the same data collection process, involving long
periods in the field, another researcher could also gain deep understanding (cf.
Lukka 1999) of the issues researched in case companies A and B by observing,
interviewing (see Appendix 1 and 3), discussing with the workers, reading
accounting data, and studying archival material (see Appendix 2). However, it is
unlikely that the research process would have produced a similar construction.
While it would be possible to discuss any research approach exclusively in terms
of reliability and different dimensions of validity or purely in terms of theoretical
linkages and empirical procedures, it is useful to take the research process as the
starting point for analysis (see e.g. Labro and Tuomela 2003). In this way, we can
address different methodological aspects, such as theoretical connections, while
keeping a practical focus on doing constructive research (see Ahrens and Dent
(1998) for a similar approach).
Ahrens and Chapman (2006: 833) argue that the question of reliability of
research is not easily separated from validity. Reliability has been introduced to
social research through the use of research instruments such as questionnaires, in
positivistic studies. Valid measures are always reliable but not vice versa. The
notions of validity that were developed to evaluate positivistic studies of objective
reality are unsuitable for qualitative field studies, which assume that social
reality is emergent, subjectively created, and objectifies through human
interaction (Chua 1986: 615). Objectifications and social reality are context
specific. Ahrens and Chapman (2006: 833) emphasize that actors in the field can,
and do, strive to undo their history and invent new concepts, images, and ways in
which they went to infuse action. Valid and reliable accounts of the role of
accounting in social reality cannot pretend to study this reality without relevance
to the agency of actors in the field and indepencency of the researchers
theoretical interest. This means that the question of replication studies in
qualitative field research is inappropriate since
we should not expect identifical results when two observers study the same
organization from different points of view, or when they study different
substructures within a large organization. What we have right to expect is that
the two descriptions be compatible, that the conclusions of study do not
implicitly or explicitly contradict those of the other. (Becker 1970: 20.)
Patterns and causality are of interest to both qualitative and positivistic
researchers. Ahrens and Chapman (2006: 834) argue that qualitatively oriented
research by contrast conceives of social reality studied in ways that are not easily
captured by key variables. According to Hammersley and Atkinson (1983: 20) the
theory of a qualitative field study must include reference to mechanisms or
processes by which the relationship among the variables identified is generated.
The qualitative researcher works on the assumption that organizational activity is
meaningful in practice (Hastrup 1997). (S)he has done well when (s)he has
developed a convincing account of the ways in which meanings and purposes
relate to patterns of activity.
Defined broadly, Validity is concerned with the question of whether the
researcher is studying the phenomenon she or he pursuits to be studying
(McKinnon 1988: 36). Cronbach (1982: 108) states that validity is subjective
rather than objective: the plausibility of the conclusion is what counts. And
plausibility, to twist a clich, lies in the ear of the beholder. In this section I
briefly consider the three key issues of external, internal and construct validity
(cf. Modell 2006: 234). The issue of external validity has traditionally been
conceived of as the extent to which the findings of a particular study can be
generalized across populations, contexts and time (Birnberg et al. 1990). This
study was done in two case companies. One can assume that the main results of
the idea of real time cost of quality measurement can be generalized to other
software companies. Naturally, modifications have to be made to the construction
because every cost accounting environment is unique. Labro and Tuomela (2003:
415) emphasize that the seven steps are a powerful means of bringing forward the
key points in studies made by a constructive research approach. They argue that
the sixth step (to examine the scope of the solutions applicability) explicitly
brings forward the need to deal with external validity.
The internal validity of a specific study refers to the credibility of causal
relationships between independent and dependent variables inferred from the
data. Case study as well as survey methods have typically been considered
inferior to controlled laboratory experiments in this respect (Modell 2006: 236).
Labro and Tuomela (2003: 415) argue that steps 3, 4 and 5, for example, are
related most of all to ensuring internal validity. Most steps are partly overlapping
with the previous and following phases of the research process. The third step
obtaining a profound understanding of the topic continues throughout the entire
research process. In addition, developing a theoretical understanding is likely to
have started well before the actual constructive research process. The earlier
versions of the research topic were presented at the 24th Annual EAA Congress in
Athens (2001), at the 26th Annual EAA Congress in Seville (2003), at the MCA
and ENROAC research conference on the changing roles of management
accounting as a control system in Antwerp (2005), and at the 8th Manufacturing
Accounting Research congress Cost and Performance Management in Services
and Operations in Trento (2007). This research has been commented by many
professors and researchers with whom the research findings have been discussed.
The internal validity has therefore been respected.
Construct validity refers to whether theoretical concepts are adequately
reflected by the operational definitions and measures of empirical phenomena
(Modell 2006: 237). In this study, data were collected using various ways to
ensure construct validity. In the case companies, research reports were written and
the personnel in both companies had an opportunity to read the reports and give
feedback during the research process.
Lukka and Kasanen (1995) questioned the generalizing rhetoric often invoked
in quantitative research, typically manifested in heavy emphasis on statistical
significance tests, arguing that such rhetoric can never substitute for thorough
theoretical knowledge and framing the research issues at hand. The research
problem of this study was viewed from different perspectives and each
perspective was reflected through existing theories. Research papers were also
written on the subject. The research environment was unique, but the thesis
showed how to use real time quality cost accounting in practice in the case
company. With regard to empirical work, Lukka (1999) argues that this phase
resembled other case study methodologies in which deep understanding of the
issues researched is pursued through observing, interviewing, studying archival
material, etc.
A popular question in this context has been whether qualitative field studies
can achieve validity if their data are triangulated? (Yin 1984). According to
Ahrens and Chapman (2006: 834) triangulation works if you are out on a boat trip
trying to get a fix on your position: Measure the direction of three lines of sight to
three different fixed objects on land, draw three lines on a map, and the (hopefully
very small) triangle on the map will tell you where you are on the water. With
reference to qualitative field studies what methodogists like Yin (1984) call
triangulation could not be further from this process of determining a position.
Ahrens and Chapman (2006 834) argue that triangulation of Yins terms is a
metaphor for the corroboration of evidence for certain assumptions about the
object of the study. What data the researcher needs to make an argument about an
organization depends on the argument. Further data can support or undermine the
argument. According to them it is, however, misleading to call such support
triangulation because it suggests that some certainty has been gained in the
capture of an objective reality. Covalevski et al. (1998) argue that triangulation is
a problematic concept for the conduct and assessment of qualitative studies. We
need to make our studies plausible or, to use a term frequently referred to
qualitative field studies, trustworthy. However, Ahrens and Chapman (2006:
835) argue that the plausibility of Covaleski et al. (1998) is a complex effect that
does not rely on observing the correct antidotes of threats to validity such as (1)
observer-caused effects; (2) observer bias; (3) data access limitations; and (4)
complexities and limitations of the human mind (McKinnon 1988: 37).
McKinnon recommended that it is possible to counter these threats to the validity
of field studies through three strategies: spending more time in the field, using
multiple methods and observations, and controlling ones behaviour as a field
researcher (Ahrens & Chapman 2006: 835).
All scientific research has limitations that can be pointed out, criticized, and
raised for discussion. This study includes, as also discussed above, a number of
limitations. During the research process, many choices and limitations of scope
had to be made to avoid the research becoming too fragmented. These limits have
left many interesting areas open for further research. In this section, these
limitations will be discussed. After that, avenues for future research are
The construct developed and tested in Case A was not completed in Case B,
mainly because the final tuning of the construct would also have required more
financial investments in software and it was not, during the empirical work in B,
the main interest of the company management at that time. In addition, regarding
to case A, the testing manager in the company using most of his time for
programming the construction, was transferred to another time-critical customer
project. The managers of A were satisfied with the newly developed defects
detection, clarification, testing and fixing process based on the construction based
on Rational ClearQuest software; as such there was no longer any need to see the
monetary value in real time. However, the whole construction passed the weak
market test. The research was based on two case companies. Application of the
method to other companies may further corroborate the conclusions in the future.
Another limitation of the construct is that it only covers the quality costs of
software development. Of course, it would have been interesting to achieve full
coverage of the companys quality costs. Because of the time and resource
limitations, the measurement of quality costs of the hardware development
process and other parts of the company were left outside the scope of this project.
However, this construction fits an embedded software company.
In further studies, the idea of real time cost of quality measurement could also
be tested in other environments outside software development. This study was
bounded by the context of the Finnish information technology industry; more
closely to software products and services; and even more closely to embedded
software in the Hoch et al. (1999) classification. Today the main product category
in which embedded SW is used is what is known as intelligent products. This
segment includes embedded SW development services and the production of
packaged SW used in embedded products, such as operating systems. The
products of both case companies in this study can be classified as part of the
embedded SW segment. Thus, the results cannot be generalized to other contexts
without reservations.
These limitations, however, offer opportunities for further research. Future
studies could investigate e.g. developing real time quality cost measurement in
companies belonging to other categories in Hochs (1999) classification. The
nature of software is a fertile ground for this kind of cost accounting innovations.
As Brodman (1998: 4) states, for some reason, we have come to accept mountains
of rework (e.g. fix time) as part of our every day activities. Thus, there is room for
this kind of innovations in the software industry.
Besides applying the real time cost of quality accounting in industries that are
very closely related to software, it would be interesting to further develop the
model in some other, more traditional industry. Also in other industries there are
processes which are very much work intensive and both the calculation of
working time and project cost calculation are in use. In such environments it
would be interesting to test the possibility to construct RQC accounting and see
how it could be used as a management accounting tool.
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Appendix 1 Sources of empirical qualitative
material in Case A
Time Meeting Attendant(s) Subject Duration
21.11.2001 Interview Pasi V. Companys success, 1.5 hours
quality issues, quality (12.3014.00)
costs, SW-process
Time Meeting Attendant(s) Subject Duration
19.6.2002 Project group meeting Project group Presentation of my final 2 hours
members report (14.0016.00)
12.11.2002 Project follow-up Petri H., Pekka V., Discussion of the project 1,5 hours
meeting Mikko Y. follow-up (9.0010.30)
3.9.2003 Project follow-up Petri H., Pekka V., Discussion of the project 1,5 hours
meeting Kai N. follow-up (10.0011.30)
Appendix 2 List of data for Case A
Field notes:
Archival material:
Appendix 3 Sources of empirical qualitative
material in Case B (semi-structured thema
interviews, tape recorded and transcribed)
20. Jrvinen, Janne (2005) Rationale for adopting activity-based costing in hospitals.
Three longitudinal case studies
21. Pekkarinen, Saara (2005) Economic analysis of travelling. Studies on travel
behaviour in Finland
22. Holma, Heikki (2006) Supply chain management and industry cyclicality. A study
of the Finnish sawmill industry
23. Lhteenmki, Ilkka (2006) The development of the Finnish banking industry from
a partnership perspective
24. Salo, Jari (2006) Business relationship digitalization. A case study from the steel
processing industry
25. Kortela, Heli (2006) The predictive power of financial markets. Essays on the
relationship between the stock market and real economic activity
26. Silvola, Hanna (2007) Management accounting and control systems used by R&D
intensive firms in different organizational life-cycle stages
27. Simonen, Jaakko (2007) The effects of R&D cooperation and labour mobility on
28. Kyrlinen, Petri (2007) Essays on investor behavior and trading activity
29. Karjalainen, Pasi (2007) Valuation of intangible assets in different financial
30. Jnkl, Sinikka (2007) Management control systems (MCS) in the small business
context. Linking effects of contextual factors with MCS and financial performance
of small firms
31. Hyvnen, Johanna (2008) Linking management accounting and control systems,
strategy, information technology, manufacturing technology and organizational
performance of the firm in contingency framework
32. Lms, Tuija (2008) Knowledge creation and organizational learning in
communities of practice: an empirical analysis of a healthcare organization
33. Leppniemi, Matti (2008) Mobile marketing communications in consumer markets
34. Moilanen, Sinikka (2008) The role of accounting in management control systems
of firms having subsidiaries in the former Soviet Union
35. Kuusipalo, Jaana T. (2008) Identities at worknarratives from a post-
bureaucratic ICT organization
G 36
G 36
U N I V E R S I T Y O F O U L U P. O. B . 7 5 0 0 F I - 9 0 0 1 4 U N I V E R S I T Y O F O U L U F I N L A N D
Kari Sippola
Kari Sippola
Professor Mikko Siponen
University Lecturer Elise Krkkinen
Professor Hannu Heusala IN SOFTWARE BUSINESS
Professor Olli Vuolteenaho
Information officer Tiina Pistokoski
University Lecturer Seppo Eriksson
Professor Olli Vuolteenaho
Publications Editor Kirsti Nurkkala FACULTY OF ECONOMICS,
ISBN 978-951-42-8985-9 (Paperback)
ISBN 978-951-42-8986-6 (PDF)
ISSN 1455-2647 (Print)
ISSN 1796-2269 (Online)