Recursive Sequences of The Form A + y With Integer Coefficients
Recursive Sequences of The Form A + y With Integer Coefficients
Recursive Sequences of The Form A + y With Integer Coefficients
This paper studies recursive sequences of the form yn = an yn1 + yn3 with positive
integral coefficients. Several properties of terms related to the coefficient sequence
are determined as well as some coefficients with maximal characteristics.
1 Introduction
For {yi } satisfying (1), and a given sequence {ai }, the first few yi = yi (a1 , . . . , ai )
y2 = 0
y1 = 0
y0 = 1
y1 = a 1
y2 = a1 a2
y3 = a1 a2 a3 + 1
y4 = a1 a2 a3 a4 + a4 + a1
y5 = a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 + a4 a5 + a1 a5 + a1 a2 . (3)
Note that the first term in yi is simply the product of the arguments a1 , a2 ,
. . . , ai .
Theorem 1 Suppose that a1 , a2 , . . . , ak N with i=1 ai = N . Then
(0, k, 0), N 0 mod k
(1, k 1, 0), N 1 mod k
(b1 , b2 , b3 ) = (1, k 2, 1), N 2 mod k . (6)
(2, k 3, 1), N 3 mod k
(2, k v, v 2), N v mod k; 4 v k 1
In the spirit of our Theorem 1 (and Theorem 1 in [7]), we phrase the following
conjecture, which is a natural extension. Recall that m is the shift parameter
in (2).
v v
, k v, , if 0 v 2(m 1)
(b1 , b2 , b3 ) = 2 2 (8)
(m 1, k v, v (m 1)), if 2(m 1) + 1 v k 1
This section contains several preliminary results and lemmas regarding prop-
erties of {yk (a1 , a2 , . . . , ak )} for fixed sum aj = N .
Also, let us denote (m,k ) = (am , . . . , ak ) and (similar to (4)) (bk ) = (b, b, . . . , b)
when the number of bs is k. For convenience, in keeping with (3), we take
(i+1,i ) = () = 1 and (i+t,i ) = 0 for t > 1. Some of the most basic properties
of operations on k-tuples are given in the following fundamental lemma (anal-
ogous to Lemma 1 in [7]). The symmetry property in (iv) will be particularly
crucial to our investigations. It may also be noted that the property holds
for all recursive sequences satisfying (2) for any m 2. This fact as well as
variants of other components of Lemma 1 which hold true for general m (in
(2)) were indeed part of our motivation for the formulation of Conjecture 1.
Decomposition rules as in (ii) and (iii), for larger m, could be especially useful
in proving the conjecture.
(1,k ) = (ak , ak1 , . . . , a2 , a1 ) = (1,k ). (11)
Proof. The equalities in (i) and (ii) follow directly from (1), as does (v). To
see (iii), note that, for k = 2,
(1,k ) = (1,k1 )(ak ) + (1,k3 )
= (ak )[(1,m )(m+1,k1 ) + (1,m1 )(m+3,k1 ) + (1,m2 )(m+2,k1 )]
+ (1,m )(m+1,k3 ) + (1,m1 )(m+3,k3 ) + (1,m2 )(m+2,k3 )
= (1,m )[(m+1,k1 )(ak ) + (m+1,k3 )]
+ (1,m1 )[(m+3,k1 )(ak ) + (m+3,k3 )]
+ (1,m2 )[(m+2,k1 )(ak ) + (m+2,k3 )]
= (1,m )(m+1,k ) + (1,m1 )(m+3,k ) + (1,m2 )(m+2,k ). (14)
Note that the final equality in (15) follows via an application of (iii). 2
Now, using the properties in Lemma 1, we prove several lemmas that will
help us to take steps towards maximizing arbitrary fixed sum k-tuples, and
eventually obtaining a proof of Theorem 1.
(1,k , b 1, c + 1) (1,k , b, c) = (1,k )[bc + b c 1] + (1,k1 ) + (1,k2 )[c + 1]
(1,k )[bc] (1,k1 ) (1,k2 )[c]
= (1,k )[b c 1] + (1,k2 ) 0, (19)
since b c 1. 2
Proof. We have
Comparing (23) and (24), gives
Proof. Repeated use of Lemma 1, Parts (iii) and (iii) and regrouping yields
In particular, if ak (D + C 1) 2, then
(1,k , x C, xn , x + D, k+1,m ) = (1,k )(x C, xn , x + D, k+1,m )
+ (1,k1 )(xn1 , x + D, k+1,m )
+ (1,k2 )(xn , x + D, k+1,m ). (30)
(x C, xn , x + D, k+1,m ) = (x C, xn , x + D)(k+1,m )
+ (x C, xn )(k+3,m )
+ (x C, xn1 )(k+2,m ), (31)
(xn1 , x + D, k+1,m ) = (xn1 , x + D)(k+1,m )
+ (xn2 )(k+3,m )
+ (xn3 )(k+2,m ), and (32)
(xn , x + D, k+1,m ) = (xn , x + D)(k+1,m )
+ (xn1 )(k+3,m )
+ (xn2 )(k+2,m ). (33)
(x C, xn , x + D) = (x C)(xn , x + D) + (xn2 , x + D)
= (x C)(xn )(x + D) + (x C)(xn2 )
+ (xn2 )(x + D) + (xn4 ), (34)
(x C, xn ) = (x C)(xn ) + (xn2 ),
(x C, xn1 ) = (x C)(xn1 ) + (xn3 ),
(xn1 , x + D) = (xn1 )(x + D) + (xn3 ),
(xn , x + D) = (xn )(x + D) + (xn2 ). (35)
(1,k , x C, xn , x + D, k+1,m )
= (1,k )(k+1,m )[(x C)(x + D)(xn ) + [(x + D) + (x C)](xn2 ) + (xn4 )]
+ (1,k )(k+3,m )[(x C)(xn ) + (xn2 )]
+ (1,k )(k+2,m )[(x C)(xn1 ) + (xn3 )]
+ (1,k1 )(k+1,m )[(xn1 )(x + D) + (xn3 )]
+ (1,k1 )(k+3,m )(xn2 )
+ (1,k1 )(k+2,m )(xn3 )
+ (1,k2 )(k+1,m )[(xn )(x + D) + (xn2 )]
+ (1,k2 )(k+3,m )[(xn1 )]
+ (1,k2 )(k+2,m )[(xn2 )]. (36)
The result in (28) then follows from (37), upon noting that (x C + 1)(x +
D 1) (x C)(x + D) = D + C 1. The inequality in (29) is proven upon
noting that (1,k ) ak (1,k1 ). 2
It will be useful to have available the following lemma, which follows directly
from Lemma 7 and symmetry.
Proof. If c = 1, the result follows from Lemma 3 and symmetry. Otherwise,
we have
(w, xc , 1,k ) = (w, xc )(1,k ) + (w, xc1 )(3,k ) + (w, xc2 )(2,k ), (40)
Taking the difference and applying monotonicity and symmetry, gives the
result in this case. 2
The following lemma is crucial in dealing with the final steps in the proof of
Theorem 1.
Proof. Note that repeated splitting and symmetry gives
(1,j )(1,l ) (3,j )(1,l )
(1,k , 1,j , 1,l ) = (1,k )
+ ( 1,j1 )( 3,l ) + (1,k1 ) + (3,j1 )(3,l )
+ (1,j2 )(2,l ) + (3,j2 )(2,l )
(2,j )(1,l )
+(1,k2 )
+ ( 2,j1 )( )
, (46)
+ (2,j2 )(2,l )
(1,j )(1,l ) (1,j2 )(1,l )
(1,k , 1,j , 1,l ) = (1,k )
+ (2,j )(3,l )
+ (1,k1 ) + (2,j2 )(3,l )
+ (3,j )(2,l ) + (3,j2 )(2,l )
(1,j1 )(1,l )
+(1,k2 )
+ ( 2,j1 )( 3,l ) ,
+ (3,j1 )(2,l )
Taking the difference in (47) and (46) and collecting terms gives that for
= (1,k , 1,j , 1,l ) (1,k , 1,j , 1,l ),
(w2 , xc , wd , 1,l ) (wd+2 , xc , 1,l ) (49)
Proof. Setting (1,k ) = (w2 ) and (1,j ) = (wd , xc ), and applying Lemma 11
As well,
If (2,l ) w(3,l ), then each of the three summands in (50) are non-negative
and the result follows. Otherwise, suppose (2,l ) < w(3,l ). Then,
Now, combining (53), (51) and applying Lemma 10, gives the positivity of the
sum of the last two terms in (50). Positivity of the remaining term follows
from (52) and (51). 2
Proof. Setting (1,k ) = (w) and (1,j ) = (wd , xc ), and applying Lemma 11
(w, wd , xc , 1,l ) (w, xc , wd , 1,l )
= [(w)(2,l ) (x, 2,l )] [(1,j2 ) (3,j )]
+ (w)(3,l ) [(1,j1 ) (2,j )]
+ (3,l ) [(3,j1 ) (2,j2 )]. (55)
The result follows upon noting that (x, 2,l ) (w)(2,l ), (1,j2 ) (3,j ),
(w)(3,l ) > (3,l ), and applying Lemma 10 with (1,j ), in place of (1,k ). 2
We are now in a position to move onto the proof of our main results.
Proof. First note that by Lemmas 2 and 3 and Lemma 1 (iv), we have
yk (a1 , a2 , . . . , ak ) yk (bt1,1 , bt1,2 , . . . , bt1,t , at+1 , . . . , ak )
yk (bt,1 , bt,2 , . . . , bt,t , bt,t+1 , at+2 , . . . , ak ), (59)
For the inequality in the second line of (61), we employed the fact that (xn )
x(xn1 ) 2(xn1 ). Now, if ak1 2 then (61) gives that Q 0; hence suppose
ak1 = 1. Then, ak2 2 (indeed, this also follows from the fact that M = 2),
and (61) implies that
As before, if ak1 = at+2 2 then the result holds, hence suppose at+2 = 1.
Then, by (60), at+3 2, and (61) implies that the analogue of (62) holds. The
decay then follows via Lemma 8.
For k = 2 the theorem follows from Lemmas 2 and 3. Hence, suppose the
theorem holds for k K 1.
The case when v = 0 is immediate. Now, if v = 1 or v = 2, then application of
Lemma 9 (and symmetry) leads to the result. If v = 3 or v = 4, then successive
application of Lemmas 9 and 13 give the result. Hence, suppose v 5. Here,
applications of Lemmas 9, 13 and 12 reduce to the case a1 = a2 = a3 = w or
ak2 = ak1 = ak = w. Assume the former, i.e. a1 = a2 = a3 = w (the case of
the latter follows similarly, via symmetry). By induction (and symmetry), we
(a1 , a2 , . . . , aK ) = (w, w, w, a4 , . . . , aK )
= (w)(w, w, a4 , . . . , aK ) + (a4 , . . . , aK )
(w)(wv3 , xKv , w, w) + (wv5 , xKv , w, w)
= (wv2 , xKv , w2 ), (63)
We are very thankful to a referee for comments and suggestions that improved
this manuscript.
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