d1.2 The Endless Runway Background v3
d1.2 The Endless Runway Background v3
d1.2 The Endless Runway Background v3
The Endless Runway project intends to design a circular runway that enables aircraft to always
operate at landing and take-off with headwind. In this document, existing work on circular runways
is reviewed: previous theoretical work is analyzed, and live trials of circular runway are mentioned.
Design elements and figures on conventional runways are given; current regulations and aircraft
physical considerations are identified. Future aspects of airport, aircraft and ATM developments are
addressed and the relevance to the endless runway outlined. Other alternatives to the straight
runway are presented.
Document Distribution
Organisation Name
EC Ivan Konaktchiev
NLR Henk Hesselink
Carl Welman
Ren Verbeek
Joyce Nibourg
DLR Steffen Loth
ONERA Maud Dupeyrat
Sbastien Aubry
Peter Schmollgruber
INTA Francisco Mugoz Sanz
Mara Antonia Vega Ramrez
Albert Remiro
ILOT Marin Jez
Table of Contents
Document Change Log 2
Document Distribution 2
Review and Approval of the Document 2
Table of Contents 3
Acronyms 6
Definitions 9
1 Introduction 12
2 Background on circular runways 13
2.1 History of the concept 13
2.1.1 Popular Science Monthly and Backus concepts (1919-1921) 13
2.1.2 Winans and Tempest concepts (1955-1957) 13
2.1.3 U.S. Navy concept (1960-1965) 15
2.1.4 Final thoughts 16
2.2 Various designs proposals 17
2.2.1 Backus landing station for aircraft using a circular trackway 17
2.2.2 Conreys simple circular runway 18
2.2.3 Barys circular runway 20
2.2.4 Barys circular runways with three straight segments 21
2.2.5 Barys circular runway with straight inlet runways 23
2.2.6 Scelzes coupled circular runways 26
2.3 Circular runways initiatives 27
2.3.1 Take-off and landing live trials on circular runways 28
2.3.2 Human factors 31 Pilots 31 Passengers 32 In flight 32 On ground 34
2.4 Physical theory 34
2.4.1 In-flight 34
2.4.2 On-ground 36 With friction 37 Without friction 38
3 Alternative runway designs 42
3.1 The airport/runway at sea 42
3.2 Airports with runways in many directions 45
4 Vision of the Air Transport System of the future 48
4.1 Demand for air travel 50
4.2 Research agendas 50
4.3 Technology 51
5 Background on Airport Design 53
5.1 Airport design considerations 53
5.1.1 Infrastructure aspects general overview 53
5.1.2 Access to the airport 55 Single mode transportation 56 Intermodal transport 58
5.2 Runway characteristics and regulations 59
5.2.1 Runway orientation 59
5.2.2 Runway systems and airport capacity 61
5.2.3 Runway sizing 64 Runway length 64
GM General Motors
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System
GPS Global Positioning System
GRAS Ground-based Regional Augmentation System
HC hydrocarbons
HLTC High Level Target Concepts
HMI Human Machine Interface
Hz Hertz
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
IFR Instrument Flight Rules
IIT-JEE Indian Institute of Technology Joint Entrance Examination
ILOT Instytut Lotnictwa
ILS Instrument Landing System
INSA Ingeniera y Servicios Aeroespaciales
INTA Instituto Nacional de Tecnica Aeroespacial
JATO Jet Assisted Take-Off
KOM Kick-Off Meeting
kt knots
LDA Landing Distance Available
LDEN Day Evening Night Sound Level
LDL Landing Length
LVC Low Visibility Conditions
M Mach (speed)
MLS Microwave Landing System
MRO Maintenance Repair Overhaul
MTM Management of Aircraft Trajectory and Mission
MTOW Maximum Take-Off Weight
NDB Non-Directional Beacon
NLR Nationaal Lucht- en Ruimtevaartlaboratorium
NOx Nitrogen Oxides
NWEF Naval Weapons Evaluation Facility
OFA Object Free Area
OFZ Obstacle Free Zone
OMG Outer Main Gear
ONERA Office National dtudes et de Recherches Arospatiales
ONZ Grosse Ile Municipal Airport
PAT Personal Air Traffic
The inner approach surface is defined as a rectangular portion of the approach surface immediately preceding
the threshold. Its limits comprise:
An inner edge coincident with the location of the inner edge of the approach surface but of its own
specified length.
Two sides originating at the ends of the inner edge and extending parallel to the vertical plane
containing the centre line of the runway.
An outer edge parallel to the inner edge.
Approach surface
The approach surface consists of an inclined plane or combination of planes preceding the threshold. The
elevation of the inner edge shall be equal to the elevation of the mid-point of the threshold. Its slope shall be
measured in the vertical plane containing the centre line of the runway and shall continue containing the
centre line of any lateral offset or curved ground track. Its limits comprise:
An inner edge of specified length, horizontal and perpendicular to the extended centre line of the
runway and located at a specified distance before the threshold.
Two sides originating at the ends of the inner edge and diverging uniformly at a specified rate from
the extended centre line of the runway.
An outer edge parallel to the inner edge.
The above surfaces shall be varied when lateral offset, offset or curved approaches are utilized,
specifically, two sides originating at the ends of the inner edge and diverging uniformly at a specified
rate from the extended centre line of the lateral offset, offset or curved ground track.
An inner edge horizontal and perpendicular to the centre line of the runway and located at a specified
distance after the threshold.
Two sides originating at the ends of the inner edge and diverging uniformly at a specified rate from
the vertical plane containing the centre line of the runway.
An outer edge parallel to the inner edge and located in the plane of the inner horizontal surface.
Conical surface
The conical surface is defined as a surface sloping upwards and outwards from the periphery of the inner
horizontal surface. The limits of the conical surface comprise on one hand, a lower edge coincident with the
periphery of the inner horizontal surface and, on the other hand, an upper edge located at a specific height
above the inner horizontal surface. Its slope shall be measured in a vertical plane perpendicular to the
periphery of the inner horizontal surface.
An inner edge horizontal and perpendicular to the centre line of the runway and located either at a
specified distance beyond the end of the runway or at the end of the clearway when such is provided
and its length exceeds the specified distance.
Two sides originating at the ends of the inner edge, diverging uniformly at a specified rate from the
take-off track to a specified final width and continuing thereafter at that width for the remainder of
the length of the take-off climb surface.
An outer edge horizontal and perpendicular to the specified take-off track.
A clearway (CWY) is a rectangular area, whose width must be at least 150 m (according to ICAO
recommendations), beginning at the end of the runway and centred on the runways extended centreline, over
which an airplane can make the initial portion of its flight on take-off.
A stopway (SWY) is a rectangular area, at least as wide as the runway, beginning at the end of it and centred
on its extended centreline, which has been prepared as a suitable area where an aircraft can be stopped in the
case of an aborted take-off without suffering structural damage.
The TORA (Take-Off Run Available) is the length of runway declared available and suitable for the ground run
of an aircraft taking off.
The TODA (Take-Off Distance Available) is the length of the take-off run available (TORA) plus the length of the
existing clearway, if any. The TODA is greater than the maximum distance between TOD1 and TOD2, with:
TOD1 (Figure 1): 115% of the distance needed by the aircraft to reach a height of 35 ft (10.7m) with all
engines assumed available throughout.
All engines
Figure 1 TOD1 calculation
TOD2 (Figure 2): distance, from the start of the take-off run, needed for the aircraft to attain an
altitude of 35 ft (10.7 m) if it continues to take-off when one engine fails.
Figure 2 TOD2 calculation
The ASDA (Accelerate-Stop Distance Available) is the length of the take-off run available (TORA) plus the length
of the existing stopway, if any.
The LDA (Landing Distance Available) is the length of the runway declared available and suitable for the ground
run of an aircraft landing. For turbine-powered aircraft, the aircraft must be able to stop within at most 60% of
the landing length of the runway (LDA). It is assumed that the aircraft flies over the threshold of the runway at
a height of 50 ft (15 m).
1 Introduction
The Endless Runway project aims at building a concept of runway of circular shape that enables aircraft to
always operate with headwind at landing and take-off. The runway is called endless, as runway overruns
cannot occur since the runway has no end. The airport terminals with all aircraft, passenger, baggage, and
cargo facilities are located within the circle, making the airport more compact than a conventional airport of
equal dimensions.
Wind direction, wind speed, and visibility conditions are the major factors in the decision of air traffic control
to use a certain runway configuration. Tailwind and crosswind components determine whether runways can
be used or not, and low visibility limits the use of dependent runways. Imposed direction of the runways
results in a dependency to the wind direction, and to the fact that aircraft have to use the same approach
path, resulting in the need for wake turbulence separation. The Endless Runway operates a concept consisting
of a circular runway that will allow take-off in any direction and landing from any direction, thus making the
airport operations independent of wind direction and speed.
In this document, elements concerned with the design and operation of the Endless Runway are explored.
Chapter 2 explores earlier work on circular runways. Theoretical work is analysed in detail and experiences
from live trials are noted down. Chapter 3 then analyses which other alternatives exist to the current straight
runways, which mostly have the same motivation for their construction: independency from the wind
Chapters 4 to 7 describe specific elements with regard to current and future operations. Chapter 4 gives an
overview on visions of the air transport system of the future. Chapter 5 focuses on runway and airport design,
including capacity, environmental and accessibility considerations, and chapter 6 gives details of relevant Air
Traffic Management (ATM) procedures, specifically for landing and take-off. Chapter 7 then introduces some
considerations on aircraft candidates to operations on circular tracks.
Finally, chapter Appendix C provides an overview of relevant current regulations on the construction and
operations of runways.
In 1921, a first circular runway is patented by P.J. Backus [46]. He proposes a flat and small circular trackway,
which was adapted to light aircraft of that time.
physics at the University of Wisconsin and passionate about aviation, foresaw the advantages of such a
concept: aircraft roll-out and overrun would be avoided thanks to the infinite length of a circular runway.
This advantage was considered especially valuable in emergency situation (engine failure or iced-up wings),
during landing and take-off.
In 1957, a refined design of the circular runway was proposed by Sir H. Tempest [4]. The problem at hand was
the future evolution of jet aircraft whose speed was expected to increase more and more, causing straight
runways to be longer and longer. Subsequent problem was the size of major airports. Indeed, their growth was
limited by the land available, the cost of the land, and the necessary expenses for building and maintaining
them. Finding new free sites near major cities or extending aerodromes raised the same concerns. Such
constraints lead to the circular runway concept (see Figure 4): with a 914 meters diameter, the runway would
measure 2,870 meters and the surface of such an airport would be of about 0.66 km (to be compared with
the 12 km from London Airport at the time). Thanks to the endless runway, the run on the runway could be
extended, longer than its actual length, accommodating aircraft take-off and landing runs as long as needed to
reach take-off speed or full stop.
The concept foresaw a steeply banked runway to accommodate aircraft even at very high speed (see Figure 5).
The vertical banking on the outer edge was proposed for safety reason, to prevent runway excursion. A
specific approach procedure was proposed: aircraft arriving over the airport would lose height in a spiral glide
directly over the runway throughout the landing, preventing landing undershoot or overshoot. The visibility of
the runway and the proximity of the control tower during the approach (457 meters) were seen as useful
assets for the pilot especially in bad weather condition.
The airport design (see Figure 6) consists of a main runway in the form of a banked track constituting the
perimeter of the airport. At the centre of the circle is the control tower (N) housing radar and navigation aids.
It is surrounded by an open parking and gardens (M), themselves encircled by a ring-shaped passenger
terminal building (L). The entire outer wall of the terminal faces the runway. It provides a maximum of parking
and loading positions for planes (K). The parking and loading area is connected with the runway by taxiways for
departing aircraft (I) and high speed turn-off ramps for arriving aircraft (H), 24.4 meters wide and arranged like
spokes on a wheel. Finally, a roadway (J) passes under the airport for passengers access to the terminal
The circular runway, to accommodate aircraft with broad speed ranges (e.g. up to 151 kt), would need to be 98
meters wide. It would be about 9,400 meters long, which corresponds to a diameter of about 3,000 meters.
In operation, three or more aircraft could take off simultaneously, which would leave more than 3,050 meters
separation between each plane. In low wind conditions, aircraft could then depart in three different directions.
For landing, incoming planes could land at a high frequency on one predetermined touchdown point.
In an article from the NewScientist Magazine [10], the possibility to have an even bigger runway (18,300
meters in circumference that is to say 5,800 meters diameter) is mentioned, which would allow six aircraft to
operate on the runway simultaneously. Each aircraft would still have about 3,050 meters margin for take-off,
as on conventional straight runways.
Actually, the wheel-shaped airport was foreseen for both civilian and military use, with a diameter ranging
from 1,200 to 6,100 meters for the largest international airports. It must be noted there that, below a certain
radius, the g force becomes so large that more lift is needed to take off, which requires a higher speed, which
again increases the g force.
The dilution of the cross-wind problem, the gain in land use compared to a comparable conventional airport
(one-third saved space), and the unlimited runway available for take-off and landing were already known from
previous circular runway designers. Even more advantages were foreseen by the U.S. Navy [7]. From the safety
side, one can mention the inherent stable tracking feature, the maximum runway access for the crash crews,
and the possibility to make flameout and dead-stick 1 approaches. Unlimited flexibility in approach and
departure corridors, minimum required taxi distance, rapid aircraft departures and arrivals, optimum low
visibility procedures would increase airport capacity. Considering efficiency, the optimum control tower
position (unobstructed view of every portion of the runway), installation of navigation aids in the control
tower, and passenger access to and from aircraft from the centre building complex were other assets from this
design. Compactness derived in the building complex would have a positive effect on land use, cost, and
efficiency. From the environmental perspective, noise abatement procedures could be defined thanks to the
runways lateral geometry. For military purposes, fragmentation by enemies would require a plurality of well-
placed craters before making the runway unusable.
Interest to the concept was even expressed by aviation authorities in Sydney, Australia, in 1965 [6].
A flameout refers to the failure of a jet engine caused by the extinction of the flame in the combustion chamber. A
deadstick landing is a type of forced landing when an aircraft loses all of its propulsive power and is forced to land
devising new landing techniques and procedures, which are necessary for implementation in the air traffic
Even though aircraft do not take off on circular runways today, it appears that the unmanned Falconet
subsonic aerial target from Flight Refuelling Ltd. (see Figure 7) can take off from a circular runway, which is
considered to be more economical than with Jet Assisted Take-Off (JATO) [22].
Circular airports are coming back to designers mind conceiving for the airport of the future. During the
Fentress Global Challenge: Airport of the Future launched in the Spring 2011 and awarded early 2012, two
students (one from Stanford university and the other one, Thor Yi Chun, from Malaysia's University of Science)
proposed both a circular runway concept (see 5.5.1).
In practice it is preferred that the trackway T be of a width not less than three hundred feet so that it may be possible for
two aeroplanes to make a landing at substantially the same time. [23]
The runway is banked in order to compensate the roll generated by the lateral acceleration. Headings are
marked along the runway at 30 increments beginning with magnetic north (36). Radial striped lines (see G on
Figure 6), positioned at 304.8 meters intervals, are distance marks. Lane guide lines (see A, B, C, D, E and F on
Figure 6) correspond to the aircraft airspeed. Numbers are positioned in such a way that the pilot can read
them as the aircraft approaches in left hand turn (only unique sense of circulation allowed). Figure 6 shows the
design of the complete airport with its infrastructure in more detail.
11 runway
12 aircraft parking and loading ramp
13 airport terminal building
14 parking and garden area
15 control tower housing radar and
navigation aids
16 high speed turn-offs
17 taxiways
18 roadways
19 - heading marks
(30 increment)
20 radial stripes lines (305 m
intervals between each)
22 inner edge
23 outer edge
The infrastructure involves a network of taxiways aimed at connecting the airport building at the centre of the
circle with the runway. The arrival taxiways (high speed exits) are curved while the departure taxiways are
straight lines. High speed exits are banked at 1.5 to the left in the left hand motion. They are approximately
24.4 meters wide.
Figure 12 A. Woldemar Bary's closed track airport plan and sectional views
The ring-track might be a circle, an ellipse, or an oval, the circular shape being the preferred one, as depicted
on Figure 12. A particularity of this patent is that occasional and emergency passage of extra-large vehicles
(including aircraft) is enabled through a tractor towing over the track banking (see legend 24 in Figure 12).
For landing, the aircraft is first guided towards the runway on a straight path with a kind of ancient ILS, a
conventional blind landing electronic apparatus. Then the pilot circles in the air over the track and makes
appropriate use of rudder and ailerons to give the aircraft the right bank angle before landing. He lands at the
slowest possible speed, facing the wind, on the appropriate runway section and radial as instructed by ATC. He
then rolls the aircraft following a spiral course towards the inside of the runway, circling as many times as
needed, decreasing speed with sole use of wing flaps and regular wheel brakes. Flaps control is also used to
obtain the required anti-centrifugal force. Radar guidance with an on-board display is used for landing roll.
Take-off operation starts with the aircraft entering the runway at any convenient point from the inside ring
area. Radar guidance with an on-board display is used for take-off roll. The pilot accelerates the aircraft, rolling
for as many track loops as necessary to reach the decision speed. He then manages to reach the appropriate
runway section and radial as instructed by ATC, where he faces the wind and from where he can accelerate
until Vr and takes off.
The advantages of the circular runway foreseen by W. A. Bary are the reduction of airport land-use, the
proximity to the area to be served, the longest life of aircraft systems such as engines and wheels, and a
reduction of the noise print of the airport, due to slower aircraft accelerations and decelerations. Added value
of the infinite runway is mentioned for high-altitudes airports, where take-offs are longer and landings
Figure 13 Closed track airport with straight runways for instrument landing and take-off plan view
The three chordal tracks are located symmetrically on a triangular pattern in accordance with prevailing winds
or other local requirements. Their length is such that 2.
16 hump
30 descending aircraft
(maximum 7 slope)
Figure 14 Closed track airport with straight runways for instrument landing and take-off enlarged sectional views
As depicted on Figure 14, the bank angle follows a parabolic shape of 61 meters (200 ft.) and becomes flat on
its inner part for 15 meters (50 ft.). Aircraft can be towed over the hump in emergency situations, thanks to
the slow slope of the dedicated ramp.
The tracks bank angle, also called here superelevation S, is given by the following formula borrowed from
highway engineering formulas (see [15] and [16]):
where: V = design speed (e. g. 65 ms )
g = gravity (9.81 ms )
R = radius of the track curve
F = side friction coefficient (e. g. 0.12)
For aircraft characteristics in the 60s, this meant that S was equal to 17.5 %.
During landing, the aircraft approaches the airport on a straight course with an angle of descent lower than 7.
The pilot follows the instructions from the control tower and flies towards the assigned chordal track, which
mainly depends on the wind. Note that the risk of overshooting the runway landing point is taken into account
through a margin of length given to the straight chordal track.
For departure, the aircraft leaves its parking area and enters either the curved track or the straight strip at the
nearest to the pavilion point, in order to lower taxiing time. Then it accelerates slowly on the endless track,
doing as many loops as necessary, until it reaches its decision speed. It then takes off into the wind, either
along a tangent course or from a straight track.
Again, as in the previous patent, during the roll on the circular part of the runway, flaps, rudder, and aileron
are used to compensate centrifugal forces.
In this new concept, straight level portions of runways are added outside the ring and join a flat portion of the
circular track. A small number (1, 2 or 3) of touchdown points are allowed for landing, each associated with its
own ILS.
This lateral slope of the track is known in civil engineering for highways as the superelevation.
For departures, the take-off run is made along a curved section. Once decision speed is reached, the aircraft
can take off, either on a curved or on a straight section, at a point into the wind, if desired. Indeed, as take-off
is not carried out using instruments, taking-off from a straight section is not necessary.
Figure 17 Closed track airport with tangential runways for straight instrument landings sectional view
W.A. Bary proposed several variants of his invention, with one, two or three tangential runway segments.
On Figure 15, flat sections of the runway are dashed.
The runway presented on Figure 16 is a variant of the one depicted on Figure 15. Land area is smaller (1609
meters instead of 2012 meters square side). Straight runway portions are no longer located outside the track.
In fact, they start outside the closed track and cross the closed track to continue as straight chordal runways
within the closed track. They are even longer than on Figure 16, which is an advantage as it makes the
touchdown point less critical while the aircraft slows down to a lower speed before changing from a straight to
a curved path. In operation, aircraft will preferably take off from the closed track, ideally at the point where
they face the wind.
Figure 18 Closed track airport with two tangential Figure 19 Closed track airport with two tangential runways for
runways for straight instrument landings plan view, straight instrument landings plan view, version 2
version 1
In Figure 18, the airport is located on an area of land of the same size as the airport of Figure 15. The main
difference is that new design has only two straight sections instead of three, placed at opposite sides
preferably. Tangential approach runways are substantially longer (1067 meters instead of 762 meters), which
is made possible by the new geometry over the same terrain.
Figure 19 can be seen as a variant of Figure 16 and Figure 18: of Figure 16 because it also has straight runways
and the same ground occupancy, and of Figure 18 since it has only two straight runway sections and similar
terminal facilities placement. This new geometry allows the straight sections to be longer than in Figure 16, as
they can extend further outside the closed track.
Figure 20 Closed track airport with one tangential runway for straight instrument landings plan view
Figure 20 is similar to Figure 15 and Figure 18 except that it has only one approach runway. In this design, the
different shape of the track provides for a different arrangement of the pavilion and hangar complex.
Buildings, parking, storage, etc., are built on the area outside of circular stripe 6. On this airport, there is no
obstruction and the ground infrastructures are level, contrary to previous patents where the track is banked.
For departure, aircraft taxiing takes place on circular runway 9 in a counter clockwise direction. The
acceleration run for take-off starts on runway 10 in a clockwise direction and then continues turning onto one
of operational runways C, L or R. Control would be done by the pilots themselves, departing aircraft being able
to see approaching aircraft.
When landing, the pilot aligns the aircraft with the appropriate operational straight runways, using the
heading markings (see 12 on Figure 21), the circles (17) and bulls eye circle (19). The touchdown takes place
between the circular strip (8) and the circular arrangement of circles (17). The aircraft decelerates on runway
C, L or R before making a right turn to join circular runway 10, where it continues to slow down. Once the
speed has decreased sufficiently, a left turn into circular runway 9 completes the landing and the aircraft ends
up taxiing until the parking area.
Parallel runways C, L or R can accommodate three aircraft simultaneously. By convention, centre and left
runways are preferably used for landing while centre and right runway are used for take-offs.
In night operations, only the heading markers (12) corresponding to the operating runways L, C and R
headings, are illuminated by floodlights (20) and strobe lights (13). Reciprocal heading markers are illuminated
only by floodlights. The circles (17) and the centre bulls eye circle (19) are illuminated all the time (by lights
During the Second World War, endless runways were used for training purposes to practice cross wind and
back wind landings. On the other hand, it was also possible to avoid crosswind by using an appropriate runway
segment. These airports were not circular, but rather consisted of "regular straight runways laid out in a
pattern where the end of one runway would connect with the next runway at about a 45 degrees angle" [21].
Circular flat take-off was first tested on ice the 21 of March 1955 on Lake Kegonsa, Wisconsin, with a light
aircraft, the Ercoupe [3].
Figure 22 Ercoupe aircraft used for circular take-off on frozen lake, 1955
This required special equipment: a spindle and a hub were attached to a steel barrel frozen into the ice and
guyed solidly. A double strand of woven nylon, 400 long, led to a quick-release fixture under a wing of the
aircraft. Even though the aircraft left the ground after sweeping just part way round the circle, the first four
tries were failures, as the rope broke before a controlled release was made. Following take-off trials were
successful, but is has to be noted that landing was out of scope of this trial.
In 1964 and 1965, tests were undertaken at the General Motors Desert Proving Grounds track near Mesa,
Arizona, on a circular banked track, after an agreement between the NWEF (Naval Weapons Evaluation
Facility) and General Motors [19].
The track used for the flight trials was a bit smaller and steeper than the theoretical one proposed by LCdr.
J. R. Conrey. It had a circumference of 8047 meters, that is to say a 1281 meters radius, was 13.7 meters wide
and was banked from nearly 0 on the inside to 22 on the outside. This corresponds to equilibrium speeds
varying from 0 kt to about 140 kt.
A T-28C Trojan propeller aircraft was chosen for the first tests for the large margin offered by the propeller
distance-to-ground and for its stability on the ground thanks to its tricycle landing gear. Moreover, wing tips
were always more than 1 meter higher than the track even in most critical positions. In emergency situations
(flat tire and collapsed landing gear), wing tips would still not touch the ground with a margin of a few
The first flight tests were conducted on March 7, 1964 with three test pilots with various aviation backgrounds.
A crash crew, a mobile tower crew, and a crash helicopter crew were present for safety purposes. To cover the
event, a movie-camera equipped helicopter, a high-speed Chevrolet carrying a movie camera, and a
photograph on the terrain provided recordings. Initial weather conditions were a 6 kt headwind. Then, wind
varied in direction and intensity up to 12 kt crosswind gusts. After a short adaptation time, pilots reported
good aircraft stability during take-off and landings and little influence of the surface wind on angle of bank,
control forces, and control displacement.
Following these first flights, successful landings and take-offs with propeller and jet planes of varied types
were made by seven different pilots from the NWEF Kirkland air force base between 1964 and 1965 on the
General Motors track [5], [9]. Four aircraft were used: a T-28 trainer, an A-4B jet (Figure 26), an A-1E single
engine propeller plane (Figure 27) and a C-54 transport aircraft (Figure 28), the largest one, which had roughly
the size of an Airbus 319. Pilots accomplished the landing by approaching the runway with a 15 degree bank
angle; the left wing facing the centre of the circle. Pilots
Pilots first feeling when landing on the GM circular track [18] was that they were flying into a hole [19], even
though this impression disappeared after a few landings. This impression was due to the particular shape of
the GM track, which was much narrower and more steeply curved in cross-section than the theoretical ideal
circular runway.
Moreover, it was hard for them to keep the aircraft banked on ground, as they experienced a tendency to level
the wings as on a straight runway and an aircraft bank angle lower than the track bank angle caused the
aircraft to drift slightly to the outside of the track.
When the pilots made their first landings, they tended to touch down first with one wheel and then the other,
which could be quite dangerous on a conventional straight runway. They realized it when watching the movies
of the flights, since they did not feel it at all during the landings. Indeed, the circular runway tended to correct
smoothly pilots errors.
It was also reported that positioning the aircraft over a constant speed circle was easy when the speed was
painted on the track. Otherwise, aligning the aircraft on the imaginary circle corresponding to its groundspeed
relied mostly on pilots judgement, which revealed not to be obvious at the beginning of the practice. This
showed the importance to have a clear marking on the runway, for instance with colour-coded lines, even
though it appeared that experience helped a lot regarding this matter. Landing too far out of the optimum
circle was more comfortable and required less control displacement than landing too far inside of the circle.
After a few trials, pilots mastered the knack and they reported an exceptional lateral stability, the aircraft
would easily find its natural line corresponding to its speed on the runway [5]. The stability was such that cross
winds were no more a factor, removing the constraint to take off and land with headwind. Margins for errors
regarding landing speed, point of touchdown, or degree of bank was not that critical as the runway tended to
correct them. This shared perception by different pilots on different aircraft in being confident in the safety of
the circular runway.
A minimum briefing and training seems important to prepare the pilots to operate on a circular runway. For US
Navy Commander Smith, training for a commercial pilot could be done in about five minutes or one approach
[8]. Less radically, practicing constant speed touch-and-go in an arc and performing roll-out with a constant
speed rather than slowing down were found to be good preparation exercises. Circling around the track also
allowed pilots to get the feeling of the circular runway. Knowledge of the physical factors of the test area
(dimensions, possible track obstacles, etc.) was also an asset. Finally, assisting to or participating as a
passenger to operations on a circular runway would also give useful information to the pilots. Passengers In flight
Any force applied to an aircraft to deflect its flight from a straight line produces a stress on its structure. The
amount of this force is the load factor. Loading conditions can be due to gusts, manoeuvres, and landings. In
aerodynamics, the load factor is the ratio of the apparent weight created by the acceleration to the gross
weight of the aircraft created by gravity. It is measured in g, the acceleration of gravity (g 9, 81 ms-2).
In straight level flight, the load factor is equal to 1. Any time the aircraft speed changes (in value or direction),
there are positive or negative acceleration forces applied to the aircraft and felt by its occupants.
- During climb and descent, the load factor is almost equal to 1 due to the low climb and descent
- In a constant altitude turn, the acceleration consecutive to the modification of the trajectory
corresponds to an inertial force. Drag is compensated by thrust and is not represented in the
following diagram.
Figure 29 Load factor during a turn (credit: FAA Pilots Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge)
The centrifugal force and the weight sum up into a force directed towards the bottom of the aircraft, which
creates an impression of compression felt by the passengers. The lift must be equal and opposed to this
inertial force, which is why it is stronger in turn than on a straight trajectory. Knowing this, the load factor can
be expressed with the following equation:
= (1)
From the two previous equations (1) and (2), we get the following expression of the load factor:
= cos (3)
Figure 30 Load factor evolution with bank angle (credit: FAA Pilots Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge)
According to flight manuals, from a structural standpoint, standard aircraft have a limit load factor varying
between +3.8 g and -1.52 g. For acrobatics aircraft, values can range from +6 g to -3 g. The aircraft structure
must be capable of supporting 1.5 times the limit load factors without failure.
Load factors become significant as the bank increases beyond 45. The approximate maximum bank angle for
general aviation aircraft is 60, which corresponds to a load factor of 2 g.
A load factor limit is not only imposed by the aircraft structure, but also by the passengers. A passenger
subject to a load factor of 3 g would be pressed down into the seat with a force equal to three time his or her
weight. On ground
Trains are designed so that passengers do not sustain a lateral acceleration higher than 1,2 m/s , which
corresponds to 0,23 g. And a sportive car like the Pagani Zonea F Clubsport has a maximum lateral acceleration
of 1,4 g.
As a first step, we will sum up the forces which apply to the aircraft without considering the wind and
assuming that the aircraft has a constant speed.
2.4.1 In-flight
Before landing on the circular runway or just after take-off, the aircraft is in-flight, with a bank angle as close as
possible as the bank angle of the runway at the point it took-off from or is about to land.
We can consider that the aircraft is in balanced turning flight and that the speed V is constant (thrust and drag
are equal). The bank angle is , the radius of the turn is R, the mass of the aircraft m. Two forces act on the
and the lift , the last one being divided into its horizontal component, the centripetal
aircraft: the weight
, and its vertical component , opposed to the weight. The centrifugal force and the
resultant load are represented for clarity reasons, as those terms are commonly used when speaking of turns.
Note that the centrifugal force is the apparent but fictitious force that draws a rotating body away from the
centre of rotation. It is inversely proportional to the radius of the turn (see Figure 31).
O R force
We can use the Newtons second law in the upward and radial direction.
The vertical component of the lift balances the aircraft weight as follows:
= (4)
= sin (5)
tan = cos = = (6)
The centripetal acceleration is given by (see [24] chapter 7.4 for the complete demonstration):
= (7)
During a balanced turn, the aircraft does not skid nor slip. During an unbalanced slipping turn, the centrifugal force is
lower than the horizontal component of the lift (i.e. the centripetal force), whereas during an unbalanced skidding turn, it
is greater.
= = (8)
Knowing that:
= (9)
with g the gravitational acceleration, we conclude from (6), (8) and (9):
tan = = (10)
= 2
where is the density of the air (dependent on the altitude), is the true airspeed of the aircraft, is the wing
area and is the coefficient of lift. depends, amongst others, on the angle of attack.
Considering that the angle of attack is constant during approach in equation (11), equation (4) becomes:
= (12)
2 = (13)
with 1 = 2
= = 2 = (14)
1 1
= arcsin (15)
2.4.2 On-ground
For equilibrium, the centrifugal force must be counteracted either by lateral friction developed between the
aircraft tyres and the runway surface alone, by the inward slope of the runway surface alone, or partially by
friction and partially by superelevation while the weight of the vehicle is balanced by the road reaction force
on the vehicle. Here the runway is banked to minimize the wearing out of the tyres due to friction.
This slope of the track is known in civil engineering for highways as the superelevation.
When the aircraft moves on the circular runway, in the lateral plane, the forces applied are the weight
, the
reaction of the track on each wheel of the landing gear, summed up as , and the friction .
Figure 32 Forces operating on the aircraft on ground on a circular banked track with friction depicted
= + (16)
= + = +
0 =
0 =
= +
We also know that the norm of the force of friction acting radially inwards on the aircraft can be expressed as:
= (18)
From equations (17) and (18), we compute the ideal banking angle for given V, R and (see Appendix D.1 for
complete demonstration):
= tan1 + 2 (19)
We also find the maximum speed at which the aircraft can successfully operate the curved track for given R, ,
and (see Appendix D.1):
= 1 (20)
For given and R, the optimum speed in terms of tyres wear is obtained when friction is not needed at all. In
that case, we can simplify equation (20) and we get:
= (21)
The value of the friction coefficient is empirical. It has been observed that it is a function of the type and
condition of the track surface, the condition of the tyres, the weather conditions, the temperature of the track,
etc. Table 2 indicates average friction coefficients observed on contaminated and non-contaminated runways.
In condition of no lateral force e.g. the friction is neglected , the forces applied to it are the weight
the reaction of the track on each wheel of the landing gear, summed up as .
The coefficient of friction for tires in rudder on a dry flat concrete is an approximation. It decreases below 0.2 if the track
is wet or icy.
O R Centrifugal
Figure 33 Forces operating on the aircraft on ground on a circular banked track without friction
So, for the airport designer, the size of the runway depends on a referent average aircraft technical
constraint, that is to say the maximum bank angle for the aircraft at standard approach airspeed . For
example, an aircraft flying at 125 kt should not be banked more than 15, which imposes a 15 bank angle to
the runway track. In this situation, we will have = = 1,584 meters.
In operation, aircraft with a speed below 125 kt would land on an inner portion of the runway and aircraft with
a speed in excess of 125 kt will land with a higher bank angle on the outer side of the runway.
About the shape and sizing of the banked track, the slope of the runway varies from the inner edge to the
outer edge, from Y = 0 to Y = Ymax . One supposes that the track has an inner radius R0, its width is equal to
and we want to accommodate a range of aircraft velocities from 0 to Vmax. Any point on the track is
specified by its horizontal coordinates R0+x.
Actually, take-off and landing airspeeds are very close, so this applies for both take-off and final approach operations.
As it can be seen from the previous chart, we have the following relationship between Y and X:
= (22)
= ( (23)
0 +)
[18] assumes that = () = , with K being a constant, and the previous expression can be integrated as
0 0 1 +
= + +
For a runway 91 meters wide with R0=1,509 meters and a maximum aircraft landing speed of 150 kt, we find:
150 0,5144444
= = 0,84
0,842 (1509)2 1 912 91 91
= + ln 1 + = 11,7
9,81 2 15092 1509 1509
The cross-section of the slope between R0 and R0+ Wrunway is decided by the designer. In [18], with R0=1,509 m
and Wrunway=91 m, it was decided that the slope would begin with a 1.5 on the inside at about R0 (inducing
friction at null speed) and the slope would increase with 2 degrees each 7.62 meters during the first 38.1
meters. Then, the remaining part of the slope would increase more slowly: 1.5 every further 7.62 meters. This
is depicted on Figure 35:
The ground speed corresponding to each radius and slope is found using equations given above.
This chapter will present alternative runway designs in section 3.1 and will continue to present some
innovative ideas on airport design in general in section 3.2. Finally, the vision on the air transport system from
several groups will be presented.
Figure 36 Rafale M landing on an aircraft carrier Figure 37 USAF / USN C17 carrier landing
Aircraft carriers are too short to be operated as basis for civil aircraft. One concept that would allow civil
aircraft use is the dedicated development of runways that float on the water. The first written concept of a
floating runway is a concept that was filed for a patent in 1931 from Clarence W. King [30] (see Figure 38).
Following this, several patents were filed on floating runways [33], [34], [35] or even floating airports [31],
[32], all focusing on the construction that can easily be disassembled when, for example, the weather requires
so (in case of expected storms). Some of the patents mention the fact that the runway or airport can be moved
or rotated in any desired direction relative to the water to align runways with the prevailing winds and
minimize the winds impact on its stability. Some structures can be easily detached and transported [37], or
even submersed when not in use [38]. Interesting also is the ship to platform transformer [39], where a ship
can be transformed from a vessel into a floating platform that can be used as a forward mobile air basis. The
list of patents referenced is not complete, but the mentioned ones give a good overview of ideas.
The idea of floating and rotating runways is still alive and recent intiatives include a cruise home port, which
is a floatable seaport and the floating airport from the out-of-the-box study [82] as can be seen in Figure 39,
Figure 40, and Figure 41.
Figure 39 Cruise home port top view Figure 40 Cruise home port with aircraft and ships
An airport with rotating runways inside the structure to allow landing in all wind directions was also thought of
(see Figure 42).
A conceptually easier idea consists of using the water as a landing surface for the aircraft with the airport
infrastructure built on land. If the water surface is large enough, the aircraft is able to land in any direction,
depending on the wind conditions. Water aircraft already use the principle, where in current practice small
aircraft can float to a quay and where for larger aircraft, the infrastructure for (de-)boarding and other aircraft
servicing is transported to the aircraft. One concept presents aircraft landing on a large water surface in any
direction and then floating to the land where docking facilities are present, like the one presented in the Out-
of-the-Box study [82] in Figure 43.
The idea is still alive. Figure 45 [82] shows a novel airport design where aircraft can take off and land in any
direction as the runways are constructed as radius of a wheel. The figure actually shows the aircraft taking off
on a construction, sort of rail track that enables shorter take-off runs. Nothing is said about landing.
The land area that is necessary for this type of runway system can be reduced when crossing runways are
used, like on the Chicago Midway Airport as shown in Figure 46.
Another idea to reduce land area that needs to be allocated to runways is the elevated airport or gravity
assisted take-off and landing. It was one of two ideas suggested by Sir H. Tempest [4] in 1957 to reduce the
land use that was necessary for the long runways. His design shows a runway system that covers no more than
81 hectares, where the runways are constructed in a spoke pattern on an elevated airfield. On top of the
airfield, at a height of 122 meters, the control tower and terminals are constructed. Gravitational effects serve
both to shorten landing runs (ascending aircraft direction) and take-offs (descending aircraft direction). Figure
47 shows the design of the elevated airport.
The extreme case of multiple runways is a large concrete surface which can be operated in any direction. On
Grosse Ile Municipal Airport, Detroit, a runway design allowing take-off and landing to and from any direction
across a large circle, see Figure 48, was constructed [42]. The construction dates from the facility's earliest
years as a Naval Air Station, which closed in the late 60's. The runway circle remnants are now crossed-over by
modern taxiways, but are still visible from the air.
the Vision and second Strategic Research Agenda of the Advisory Council for Aeronautics Research in
Europe (ACARE ) [71] [72] [73]
the Vision and Phase 2 studies of the Association of European Research Establishments in Aeronautics
(EREA ) [63] [65]
the Flightpath 2050 Vision document of the High Level Group on Aviation Research of the European
Commission (DG for Research and Innovation, DG for Mobility and Transport) [66]
ACARE presents, through the work of a group of personalities, the avionics research agenda for Europe, by
identifying challenges and opportunities for research and technology development. The EREA study, funded by
the Association of European Research Establishments in Aeronautics (EREA), aimed at providing to the
European aeronautical community the vision of the European research centres on the Air Transport System
(ATS) of the far future by the year 2050. In Phase 1 of the study, the vision of EREA is presented, based on the
four CONSAVE (Constrained Scenarios on Aviation and Emissions scenarios) of the ATS 2050 [74]. Phase 2, built
on these four scenarios, aims to further investigate the technical options identified in phase 1. The four
scenarios, see Figure 49 to Figure 52, are defined as follows:
The scenario Unlimited Skies (ULS) represents a world that is not fundamentally constrained by
energy availability: the world is not governed by shortages, and as a consequence, aviation undergoes
explosive growth, with the development of many different types of aircraft.
The scenario Regulatory Push & Pull (RPP), places emphasis on the public interest through a series
of constraints and regulations. These constraints are primarily in terms of energy (both the cost and
availability of fossil fuels becomes a deterrent) and the environment. This is a world dominated by
electricity largely produced by nuclear plants but also by wind and solar power and any other
technology using a natural resource in ecological fashion.
The scenario Down to Earth (DTE), presenting a radical situation, reflects a political commitment to
eliminate fossil fuels usage. These fuels are not necessarily depleted, but society has decided to stop
tapping nature, and to freeze the remaining reserves as they are.
ACARE presents, through the work of a group of personalities, the avionics research agenda for Europe, by identifying
challenges and opportunities for research and technology development.
The EREA study, funded by the Association of European Research Establishments in Aeronautics (EREA), aimed at
providing to the European aeronautical community the vision of the European research centres on the Air Transport
System (ATS) of the far future by the year 2050.
The scenario Fractured World (FW), offers a brand-new geopolitical vision. The world has been
divided into very distinct blocs following major political and economic crises, partly caused by in-
equality in relation to the consequences of global warming and access to energy.
World-wide traffic is predicted to grow at a rate of close at 4-5% per year with even higher growth
rates in the Middle East and Asia
The ACARE study is less concrete in its estimates, but also anticipates a future growth of both air travel
demand and supply. About demand:
With changing demographics and increased urbanisation, society towards 2050 will need more long-
range transport to connect markets and people. Passenger travel will increase with growth in business
and social-related mobility (dependent on the population being able to afford air travel). This
continuing growth in demand will bring increased challenges for dealing with mass transportation and
congestion of infrastructure.
The growth of air traffic over the past 50 years has been spectacular, and will continue in the future,
particularly in the growing markets of the Far East.
Just as well, FlightPath 2050 is in its vision document concrete about its goals, which can be summarized as
90% of travellers within Europe can complete their journey, door-to-door within 4 hours.
Flights arrive within 1 minute of the planned arrival time regardless of weather conditions.
An air traffic management system is in place that provides a range of services to handle at least 25
million flights a year.
In 2050 technologies and procedures are available to allow a 75% reduction in CO2 emissions per
passenger kilometre to support a 90% reduction in NOx emissions.
The perceived noise emission of flying aircraft is reduced by 65%.
Aircraft movements are emission-free when taxiing.
Air vehicles are designed and manufactured to be recyclable.
Overall, the European air transport system has less than one accident per ten million commercial
aircraft flights.
For specific operations, such as search and rescue, the aim is to reduce the number of accidents by
80% compared to 2000 taking into account increasing traffic.
4.3 Technology
The Overall Air Transport system will have to cover future requirements and adapt the technology accordingly.
Therefore three levels are described in [67] that are summarized in Table 3
air vehicle (including the power plant)
air traffic management (ATM) system
airline and operations, including maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) & training
The following chapters in this document will take the information of this chapter as a basis to further elaborate
aspects of the Endless Runway, concerning the airport design (chapter 5), ATM procedures (chapter 6), and
aircraft design (chapter 7).
In this chapter, typical airport design aspects of relevance to operating the Endless Runway are examined.
General consideratons of airport design that appear relevant to the Endless Runway are given, like
construction of buildings (inside the runway circle) and access to the airport, including multi-modal transport.
Then, runway surface characteristics and regulations for the construction of runways are described.
Environmental aspects are mentioned in section 5.4. Indeed, they are in Europe a major issue to ensure that
people living near the airport do not experience too much noise or suffer from emissions and can live safely
with aircraft overflying their communities. The final part of this chapter presents ideas on future airport design
in line with the 2050 visions of ACARE and EC. An overview of airport design regulations and regulatory
organisations can be found in Appendix C.
Airport design involves several complex aspects and has to be performed taking into account global transport
goals and strategies. A good design should also provide enough space for future airport expansions and allow
for new aircraft types and configurations to operate.
important because of the trend of reconfiguring or expanding existing airports rather than building new ones.
The current airport runways, taxiways, and aprons must accommodate new and larger types of aircraft.
Changes must be made at the lowest expense. Thus long-range planning is absolutely essential. Moreover, the
airport designer must also take into account the interactions between the different airport subsystems
(runways, taxiways, landside buildings, etc.).
Safety also influences enormously the design process. Two organizations, the FAA (for the United States) and
ICAO (specifically, Annex 14 [26]) have a considerable importance in this respect. These two organizations have
similar design standards. Additionally, Annex 14 is supplemented by the ICAO Aerodrome Design Manual [28]
and, in the United Stated, by the FAA Advisory Circular 150/5300-13 [44].
For the airport design process, the following factors have to be taken into account:
Hydrology and Geology
Communication network
Meteorological factors need to be taken into account for the selection of an appropriate location when
designing an airport. They have huge influence on the runway orientation and they strongly influence airport
departing from the central terminal. Luggage is taken to and from the aeroplane via a centralised luggage
handling location. The current set-up requires the use of a substantial amount of land for runways and
Some revolutionary solutions will be presented in chapter 5.5, e.g. how to provide the location of the landside
activities as close as possible to the runway and preferably underground or how to collocate access to the
aircraft with the access to other transport modes.
Regarding the Endless Runway concept, a good starting point for designing a circular airport layout
consists of adapting the current airport design trends to a circular runway. Moreover, the designer
must take into consideration the current norms in order to ensure aircraft safety.
Requirements in current regulation impose a minimum distance between permanent structures such
as terminals and runways centreline. This has to be further studied for the Endless Runway sketching.
road access, although the construction of roads is a planning problem in itself as the large airside area of the
airport must be avoided. Larger airports have road tunnels passing under taxiways and runways.
Access by public transportation is becoming more important as roads tend to get congested.
An intermodal transport system is an integrated system where different transport means including ground, air,
and maritime transport are connected within a network where the users easily change from one to another
from the beginning to the end of their travel, enabling in this way efficient and uninterrupted goods and
persons transport.
Ground access to the Endless Runway will need special consideration as any traveller from and to the
airport buildings, located inside the circle, will need to pass the runway ring.
Ground access places an important role in the current planning and airport design because it can constrain its
growth. Main access to the airport is done by car and by bus. Nowadays European and North American
airports are making an effort to reduce automobile traffic and promote public transportation. Some airports,
Boston/Logan for instance, try to restrict the parking space available in order to reduce the number of trips to
the airport. This measure has backfired because some people now drive the passengers to the airport,
employing two trips instead of one. Moreover public transportation is sometimes not convenient, which is
especially the case for families with lots of luggage and children who live far away from public transportation
facilities. However, due to public pressure, airport operators are investing in the creation of public
transportation access to airports. The most used public transportation intermodal links are: rail links, bus-train
links and airport-ferry connections. Many airports have extended underground, tram, and rail services to
provide travellers with a reliable way to access airports, preventing unnecessary traffic jams on the roads to
the airport. Many large cities use their bus network to complement the rail link. Some airports, Kansai to Kobe
for instance, are connected with ferries. Other ones, like Hong Kong International, provide ferry services to
several piers in the Pearl River Delta.
Table 4 shows the distribution of different transport modes to access the major European airports.
Airport Car (%) Taxi (%) Bus (%) Train (%) Other (%)
Amsterdam 52 13 6 25 4
Berlin/Tegel 34 45 17 - -
Brussels 55 20 - 25 -
Kln 64 22 11 - 3
Dsseldorf 65 19 2 14 -
Frankfurt 56 12 3 29 -
Geneva 35 21 10 34 -
Hamburg 52 36 8 - 4
London/Gatwick 55 9 12 24 -
London/Heathrow 46 20 13 20 1
London/Stansted 69 8 10 12 1
Manchester 66 22 4 8 -
Munich 43 8 7 42 -
Paris/CDG 54 14 9 23 -
Paris/Orly 60 16 18 6 -
Zurich 29 8 29 34 -
Table 4 Transportation distribution in major European airports (source: Ingeniera Aeroportuaria; MGC)
People-mover systems or APMs (Automated People Movers) can assist the distribution of passengers between
different points inside an airport without walking excessively. As these systems can be very expensive, airport
operators must determine their viability. APMs have various common characteristics:
Designed for people
Confined to special-purpose guideways reserved for their use
Generally run as trains of 2 or 3 vehicles
Operated horizontally (though there are exceptions, such as the system at Kuala
Lumpur/International, which drops two levels from boarding areas into a tunnel under the taxiways).
Figure 54 APM in London Heathrow airport Figure 55 APM connecting Terminal 4 with Terminal 4S at
Madrid/Barajas ([55])
Various systems (examples are Figure 54 and Figure 55) have been developed depending on the distance
between two points. Systems longer than 600 meters use vehicles, consisting of a rubber-tired self-propelled
system. For shorter distances and simple routes, cable-driven systems are used, which are cheaper than the
former ones. There are roughly 30 APM systems currently in use worldwide.
Access to the airport buildings needs to be ensured for all transportation modes: cars, buses, trains,
and automated people movers. Cars and buses access to the buildings inside the circle should remain
limited. This is why they might have access to remote parking areas and bus stations, served by APMs.
Underground infrastructures appear as a good option for access to the buildings inside the circular
In 2050 it is envisaged that the European Transport System will be integrated within a complete logistic
transport chain as part of a global aviation system completely interconnected.
Figure 56 An integrated
European Transport System in 2050
Cooperative systems, based on exchanges of information and communication between vehicles and also with
the road infrastructure, are developing rapidly. Interoperability between potential cooperative applications in
is the next challenge to reach a coherent and open system architecture [103].
By 2050, air transport systems will be thoroughly integrated with other transport modes and will well connect
the airport to the rest of the world, in order to meet the growing demand for travel [66].
In the forthcoming years, European ground infrastructure will be in place for all airspace users. It will comprise
major hubs, secondary airports, vertiports, and heliports, all of them being seamlessly connected within a
multimodal transport system [66].
Interconnections within this network will be provided by multimodal transport, including high-speed trains for
the national or international network, trains, subways, tramways or suburban trains at regional airports,
electric ground vehicles, environmentally friendly ships, or even air-buses. A major goal for the future
intermodal transport system is to reduce dependence on the automobile as the major mode of ground
transportation and increase the use of public transport, especially in the context of the future air transport
system. To do so, one should have in mind that the Door to door journey has the user comfort as main driver.
Underground railway stations built below terminals reduce the need for private cars and limit the
environmental footprint. In 2050 the airport will be connected to a railway station integrated with the
landside. High Speed train for the national or international network will be available in all continental hubs as
well as secondary airports. Subway, tramway, or suburban train for the regional airport connected to the
nearby cities centers will be available.
A move in airport access can be observed nowadays. Transport by car shall no longer be the major
means to arrive at the airport. A train station shall connect the airport to nearby cities and other
regional airports. High speed trains shall serve locations (cities and airports) further away.
The Endless Runway airport layout would have as one of the main requirements the connection with
the other transport means mentioned above, and the facilitation of the direct transfer from those
transports to the airport.
Wind considerations influence both the orientation and the number of runways. In fact, according to ICAO, any
runway should reach a 95% of wind coverage. If it is not possible, an additional crosswind runway should be
considered to bring the combined wind coverage of the two runways to at least 95%.
For information, the theoretical runway utilization rate is defined statistically as the ratio between the number
of observations where crosswind is below a certain rate (e.g. 26 kt) over the total number of observations
during a relevant timeframe (yearly or more specific period) on the closest meteorological station.
A wind rose is established to analyse wind data. Each concentric circle corresponds to a wind speed (m/s or kt)
and each radial line corresponds to the wind direction ().
On this wind rose, a crosswind template is drawn in red, see Figure 57. The spacing allowed (maximum
crosswind limit in the example: 7 m/s) determines the width of this crosswind template. The numbers in blue
represent the number of observations with a crosswind above the crosswind limit. Summed-up and divided by
the total number of observations and converted in a percentage, it should be below 5%.
The theoretical runway utilisation rate needs then to be confronted to other limiting factors, among others:
Aircraft manufacturers provide for each aircraft a take-off run (TOR), a take-off distance (TOD) and a landing
distance for non-standard conditions. Airport designers must look at those published performances to
establish an optimal runway distance (runway + stopway + clearway).
Obviously, runway orientation is for the construction of the Endless Runway not an issue. Still, the
location of the circular runway will need to be considered in relation to neighboring cities and the
prevailing wind conditions, so that the city will not be overflown during most of the time. Just as well,
the prevailing winds will determine where most aircraft will be originating from during landing and
need to be considered for the stopping distances and therefore for the construction of (high speed)
runway exits.
A capacity analysis involves a focus on the processing elements (service rates, queuing requirements, delay),
flow elements (speed, conveyance technology, level of service, distance, traffic patterns), storage elements
(level of service, traffic characteristics, environmental conditions, amenities and concessions) and apron
interface (aircraft turnaround times, flight schedules, processing needs, loading/unloading, security), as shown
on Figure 59.
A focus on the capacity of the runway system seems valuable here. As seen in chapter 5.2.1, crosswinds play a
central part in the runway choice; these are winds which are perpendicular to the runway centreline. Landings
and take-offs should be made into the wind (headwind). However, operations with tailwind up to 9-11 km/h
are also permitted. Regarding crosswind, a designer should keep in mind that official limits are somewhat
conservative, as modern aeroplanes whose code letters are D, E or F are able to manoeuvre with crosswinds
up to 46-55 km/h. When the airport designer is deciding the number and orientation of the runways, he or she
has to keep in mind that the usability factor within the crosswind limit of the aerodrome shall not be less than
95%. In the worst case an airport would remain 18 days per year without crosswind coverage, which is
unacceptable in current commercial airports. Therefore, in order to increase the usability of the airport, a
sufficient number of runway orientations is needed. The number of runways is determined by the aircraft
movements and the number of passengers. One distinct characteristic of US airports is that they employ more
aircraft movements, with the same number of passengers, than their Asian counterparts. European airports
stay in the middle. Therefore, US airports, followed by European ones, tend to have more runways.
See Appendix A for code letters description.
Major airports usually have two parallel runways. Depending on the separation between them they are called
close, medium-spaced or independent parallel runways.
The first type, close parallel runways, consists of those whose centreline separations are less than 762
m. If two aircraft operate in both runways under IFR (Instrument Flight Rules) the movements of
these two must be carefully coordinated. According to the ICAO and FAA, parallel operations of no
more than 214 m can be conducted in VFR, although the larger the aeroplanes the more distance
between them must be considered.
The second case, medium-spaced parallel runways, also called segregated parallel operations, use a
runway for departures and the other one for arrivals. This runway system is used often. Nevertheless
it must be kept in mind that these movements are not independent and thus must be somehow
Regarding independent parallel runways, their separation varies depending on the airport and on the
country. Separations greater than 1035 m, 1310 m and 1525 m are found. In this case simultaneous
operations do not need to be coordinated.
When operated under IFR, the independent parallel runways generate more capacity than the other two.
However, when operated under VFR (Visual Flight Rules) and good weather conditions, close and medium-
spaced runways may be able to obtain similar capacity than an independent pair.
There is usually enough space between independent parallel runways for the development of landside facilities
between them. Examples of this configuration include some of the busiest airports around the globe: Munich,
Singapore, Beijing, Hong Kong, Seoul/Incheon and Athens/Venizelos. The main advantages are: efficient use of
the area between runways, proximity between passenger and cargo buildings for both runways, better airfield
traffic circulation and an ability to isolate the airports landside from the surroundings. Nevertheless, some
issues can arise due to connecting landside facilities with highways or railways for accessing the airport. In this
case, an extensive taxiway system, including bridges (for example, in Munich) must be developed. Another
disadvantage consists of the difficult expansion of landside facilities due to not having sufficient space
between both runways (London/Heathrow is an example of that). In order to give a sizing estimation, an
airport with two parallel runways of 4 km length separated by no less than 1525 m would need 11 million m2,
or roughly 5 km by 2.2 km, which is not huge.
A staggered configuration (one threshold is farther along the central axis of the runway than the other one)
is used with independent parallel runways to provide additional separation between two aircraft operating
simultaneously. The main disadvantage of this configuration is that it needs more land area. Thus, land
acquisition costs are higher.
A combination of independent and close parallel runways may occur in some of the biggest airports, such as
Paris/Charles de Gaulle, Atlanta and Los Angeles /International, which receive more than 50 million passengers
annually. The complex of two pairs of close parallel runways separated by passenger buildings in the middle,
can provide more than 140 aircraft movements per hour. In order to facilitate transfers of passengers and
bags, it is very important to have all passenger buildings on the same side of the runways, especially for close
and medium-spaced parallel runways. If passenger buildings exist on both sides, then services are duplicated
and transfers of passengers and bags are less efficient.
Airports with intersecting runways are needed when there are strong winds from several different directions.
When both runways are operated simultaneously, it is crucial that aircraft movements are well-coordinated.
The capacity is also affected by the location of the intersection point.
Other airports use a combination of the two previous configurations. This is the case of airports that offer two
parallel runways and another intersecting runway. The primary utilization is for the parallel runways. The
crosswind configuration offers a reduced capacity, as there is only one runway available. The largest capacity
is achieved when winds are calm, using all runways. Examples include London/Heathrow, Brussels and Tampa.
It will be interesting to compare the capacity of The Endless Runway with these figures on classical
runway systems.
Furthermore, the capacity of the whole Endless Runway airport should be determined using the
methodology mentioned above.
When the length of a runway is considered, the airport designer must keep in mind the following points:
- The critical aircraft, that is to say the most demanding aircraft in terms of take-off performance (and
rarely in terms of landing requirements).
- The most demanding environmental conditions during runway use, such as the mean daily
temperature for the hottest month of the year at the airport.
- The obstacles that the aircraft needs to overfly with a 35 feet vertical margin [49].
Aircraft manufacturers provide for each aircraft a take-off run (TOR), a take-off distance (TOD) and a landing
distance for non-standard conditions. Airport designers must look at those published performances to
establish an optimal runway distance (runway + stopway + clearway).
Since published aircraft performance is given for standard conditions of temperature (15C), pressure (sea
level), slope (null), a dry runway and in absence of wind, some correction factors need to be applied.
The aircraft flight manuals provide through dedicated charts the different landing and take-off lengths,
depending on temperature, slope and altitude. If the designer doesnt have the manuals, the following
formulas are used to estimate the corrections needed [51]:
= 1 +
= 1 + 0.01( )
= 1 + 0.1
Fa = correction in altitude
Ft = correction as a function of temperature
Fs = correction as a function of slope
a = altitude
tr = reference temperature
tsh = corresponding standard atmosphere to every altitude
s = slope
If > 1.35, the preceding formulas are not applicable and a specific study must be done.
Therefore, once the take-off and landing lengths are known, the final runway length will be the largest
between the take-off and the landing length with the corrections Ft, Fs and Fa applied.
As an example, lets suppose that the take-off and landing lengths in standard conditions are 1,550 m and
1,700 m. The altitude of the airport is 500 m, its effective slope 0.5%, the reference temperature is 23C and
the reference temperature at sea level 15C.
The validity of the formulas is established since = 1.08 1.05 1.117 = 1.27 < 1.35.
Thus, we get:
Runway length in relation to the necessary take-off and landing length is no issue on the Endless
Runway (as the name says). For separation issues, the above given figures are important and need to be
Airports declare four runway distances to the attention of the airspace users: the TORA (Take-Off Run
Available), the TODA (Take-Off Distance Available), the ASDA (Accelerate-Stop Distance Available) and the LDA
(Landing Distance Available) [51], see Figure 60 and the Definitions chapter.
Runway Stopway
Declared distances will be available without problems on the Endless Runway. The construction of
runway exits will depend on stopping distances and need to be considered in relation to prevailing
Loads transmitted by aircraft are distributed up to 30 m. The excess paved area is used for safety reasons.
The width of a runway shall be not less than the appropriate dimension specified in Table 7, in meters (for
code numbers and code letters definition, refer to Appendix A) ([26]).
Code number
Code letter
1 18 18 23 - - -
2 23 23 30 - - -
3 30 30 30 45 - -
4 - - 45 45 45 60
One can see that widths vary from 18, 23, 30, 45 to 60 meters (e.g. necessary for the A380) for a paved
runway. For an unpaved one, widths are different, varying from 50 to 80 meters.
Width of the runway is an important factor for the Endless Runway. As the aircraft will have to make
maneuvers on the runway (make a turn), probably, for safety, the runway needs to be wider than the
minimum requirements specified above. As indicated in chapter 2, when using a bank angle, the
runway width will also depend on the aircrafts landing speed and even more space needs to be
allocated for the runway.
The runway safety area (RSA) includes (see Figure 61 and Table 8): the structural pavement, runway shoulders,
runway blast pads, and stopways. An object situated on a runway end safety area which may endanger
aeroplanes shall be regarded as an obstacle and shall, as far as practical, be removed.
A shoulder is defined by the ICAO as an area adjacent to the edge of a pavement so prepared as to provide a
transition between the pavement and the adjacent surface. It shall be capable, in the event of an aeroplane
running off the runway, of supporting the aeroplane without inducing structural damage to the aeroplane and
to supporting ground. Although a turf may be enough, it is recommended that the runway shoulders are
paved, mainly for runways that accommodate code letter C and above (see Appendix A for ICAO codes).
Letters E and F usually require paved shoulders.
As far as width is concerned, they extend symmetrically on each side of the runway so that the overall width of
it and its shoulders is not less than:
Another characteristic of a runway shoulder is that its transverse slope shall not exceed 2.5% and the surface
of it that abuts the runway shall be flush with the surface of the runway.
The goal of a blast pad is to protect the runway against the damage made by jet blasts. They should extend
across the full length of the runway and its shoulders.
Runway blast pads will not be necessary for operations on the Endless Runway as behind the aircraft,
there will always be more runway. Possibly, however, the runway safety area can be prone to jet
blast, as the aircraft is making a turn, creating jet blast over the runway shoulder, see figure below.
Shoulders and runway safety areas around the circle should also be taken into account, especially on
the inner part of the circle.
Jet blast
Take off direction
According to FAA, the obstacle free-zone (OFZ) (see Figure 62) is aimed at providing clearance protection for
aircraft landing or taking off and for missed approaches. It is centred above the runway and extends to 45 m
above the established airport elevation. It is subdivided into three parts:
1. Runway OFZ: the airspace above a surface centred on the runway centreline.
2. Inner-approach OFZ: centred on the extended runway centreline and applicable only to runways with
an approach lighting system.
3. Inner- transitional OFZ: the airspace above the surfaces located on the outer edges of the runway OFZ
and the inner-approach OFZ.
The runway object-free area (OFA) is an area kept free of all objects, except those needed for air navigation or
aircraft manoeuvring purposes.
The precision-object free area (see Figure 64) is a rectangular area centred on the runway centreline, which
begins at the runway threshold, extends 61 meters along the runways centreline and is 244 meters long.
The Runway Protection Zone (RPZ) (see Figure 65) is a trapezoidal shaped area whose objective is to enhance
the protection of people and property on the ground. It is comprised of the Object Free Area, the Extended
Object Free Area, and the Controlled Activity Areas (the portion of the RPZ beyond and to the sides of the
According to ICAO, obstacle limitation surfaces define the limits to which objects may project into the airspace.
They comprise the following (for more details, go to the Definitions chapter):
1. Transitional surface
2. Inner transitional surface
3. Inner approach surface
4. Approach surface
5. Balked landing surface
6. Conical surface
7. Inner horizontal surface
8. Take-off climb surface
Figure 66 Obstacle limitation surfaces: inner transitional, inner approach and balked landing (Source: ICAO[26])
a. All dimensions are measured horizontally unless d. Or end of runway whichever is less
specified otherwise e. Where the code letter is F, the width is increased to
b. Variable length 155 m
c. Distance to the end of strip
Table 9 - Dimensions and slopes of obstacle limitation surfaces, according to ICAO
The runway protection zone will differ significantly for the Endless Runway and is an important element
to consider in the design of the runway. The zone will be extended to a circle around the complete
runway as aircraft may arrive and depart from any direction.
In Table 10, an overview of the runway dimensions and the dimensions of the runway safety area and runway
object-free area is given. The figures refer to lengths which begin at each runway end, when a stopway is not
provided; if not, they begin at the stopway end.
On the other hand, according to ICAO Annex 14 [26], longitudinal slope changes allowed are summarized in
the following table for ICAO code element 1.
except that for the first and last quarter of the length of the runway, in case of precision approaches Category II and III,
the longitudinal slope shall not exceed 0.8%.
except that for the first and last quarter of the length of the runway the longitudinal slope shall not exceed 0.8%.
a curved surface with minimum radius of curvature of 7500 m
a curved surface with minimum radius of curvature of 15000 m
a curved surface with minimum radius of curvature of 30000 m
Where slope changes cannot be avoided, they shall be such that there will be an unobstructed line of sight
Any point 1.5 m above a runway to all other points 1.5 m above the runway within a distance of at
least half the length of the runway where the code letter is A.
Any point 2 m above a runway to all other points 2 m above the runway within a distance of at least
half the length of the runway where the code letter is B.
Any point 3 m above a runway to all other points 3 m above the runway within a distance of at least
half the length of the runway where the code letter is C, D, E or F.
Apart from the proposed bank angle on the Endless Runway, the area for constructing the runway is
larger than for straight runways of three to four kilometers. The consequence of this may be that a
slope is necessary. The same regulations as given in this section will apply for the Endless Runway.
The designer has to take into account the force (with : runway longitudinal slope angle
and W: aircraft weight), especially for large aircraft. Given that slopes are small, ~W.
Aircraft performance along the circle must be as even as possible. Therefore there shall not be
significant slope variations along the circle (in opposed areas). For this, the surface where the
circular runway is located should not be inclined.
It has to be mentioned that, in any event, the transverse slope shall not exceed 1.5% or 2%, as applicable, nor
be less than 1% except at runway or taxiway intersections where flatter slopes may be necessary. Besides, the
slope on each side of the centre line shall be symmetrical. It shall be substantially the same throughout the
length of a runway except at an intersection with another runway or taxiway where an even transition shall be
provided taking account the need or adequate drainage.
A transversal runway profile will be necessary when a bank angle is applied. Obviously, the rules given
above will not apply. Particular points of interest for the Endless Runway are the points of entry and
exit to the banked runway and, if designed so, runway crossings. Points of entry should be flat or have
a slight slope. The maximum slope for a given aircraft should be reached at the point of lift-off or
touch-down. If crossings were projected, the distance between aircraft landing gear and belly should
be sufficient.
The pavements can be classified under three types: rigid, flexible and semi-rigid.
The first one, rigid, is made of concrete whose bending capacity is limited. Sometimes supporting
materials are provided under the concrete such as cement, lime, and ashes. The fabrication of
concrete is slow and expensive. The concrete joints constitute the critical part and its material is also
very expensive. Fissures are the main enemies of this pavement. They can appear due to bending
originated by loads or temperature gradients between both sides or when a block of concrete slides
from its base.
The second one, flexible, can absorb the loads applied, recovering totally or partially from them.
When the elastic limit is surpassed, permanent deformation or fracture can appear. They are made
basically of granular layers of asphalt or tar and sometimes resins, lime, cement, vinyl, or rubber in
order to improve certain characteristics. Its main advantage is its adaptability to every type of ground
and its simple repair. However, flexible pavements offer little resistance to aviation fuel. High
temperatures can soften the material, which can alter the runway slope. De-icing substances can also
affect its performance.
The semi-rigid ones are a mixture of the previous two. Nowadays their costs are similar. Indeed, on
one hand, petroleum is the raw material of flexible pavements. Therefore, it must be imported in
most countries. The rising prices of oil are making flexible pavements more expensive. On the other
hand, production costs of concrete are decreasing.
For application to the Endless Runway, costs for pavement material will be considerably higher than for
the construction of a conventional straight runway, due to the larger width and length of the runway
and to its particular profile if banked. The best type of pavement to use should be determined further
in the project, considering the aircraft categories using the runway.
Regarding runway contamination, the runway surface is sensitive to precipitation (e.g. rain, snow), which can
impede runway operations in such a way that the runway friction may be reduced. A smaller runway friction
coefficient during heavy rain restricts crosswind and tailwind operations (see In these cases, no tail
wind and a cross wind limit of 5 to 10 kt are allowed.
Runway contamination should be considered as the friction coefficient has an importance for the
stability of the aircraft on the banked track.
1. Indicators and signalization devices: These indicators give information about wind direction (Figure
68), landing direction (Figure 69), light signals (red, green and white signal using Morse, also known as
Aldis Lamp), signal areas. The last one consists of a square flat surface whose sides measure at least 9
m. It is recommended that this area is visible from any point over 10 over the horizon, seen from 300
m high. These signals can be applied when the airport does not have a control tower or the aircraft
are not equipped with a radio. Therefore, they are only required when it is desired to communicate
with planes with visual terrestrial signals.
Figure 68 Wind direction indicator (reference [56]) Figure 69 Landing direction indicator (reference [57])
2. Markers: they consist of painted surfaces on the airfield, like the runway numbers (see Figure 70).
3. Lights: The objective of lights is to provide visual guidance to the pilot such as the landing lights as
given in Figure 71.
5. Signs: these are visual aids over the surface located near the edge of pavements (Figure 74). Their
usual abbreviations are: APRON, RAMP, FUEL, GATE, PARK, etc.
Runway navigation visual aids will be an important aspect to consider when a circular runway will be
actually constructed. Some elements, like landing signals, will not be relevant as the aircraft can land
anywhere in the circle. Other elements will need reconsideration, e.g. beacons and the runway entry
sign that indicates the runway orientation. As the Endless Runway will have several entries, the
orientation will need to be indicated at the entry. Besides, as aircraft will certainly not take off in the
direction of the entry because it will accelerate over the circle for some time before taking off, a
digital signal showing the expected takeoff direction would be useful. The air traffic controller would
introduce certain aircraft parameters, such as MTW, aircraft model, etc., and this new visual aid
would calculate the takeoff direction.
impacts, especially those living in their proximity. Most countries require the preparation of a dedicated
environmental study which details the environmental impact when an airport is planning to expand its
facilities. This preparation process can add several years to the implementation of airport projects. For
example, it took eight years to build the new passenger building at London Heathrow.
The Endless Runway will be designed in an environment with similar or even stricter environmental constraints
(2050) than current airports (see chapter 4). This is why it is interesting to consider the latest environmental
solutions regarding noise, water quality, wildlife, air quality, and third party risk.
Another reason for examining environmental aspects is that the Endless Runway is expected to enable
operations that are more environmental friendly than current ones with fixed approach and departure routes.
5.4.1 Noise
All airports undertake environmental studies in order to mitigate noise. The result of a noise impact study
around an airport usually is a set of noise contours: lines drawn on a map show specific values of Ldn (typically
55, 60, 65, 70 and 75 dBA). Table 13 summarizes the effects of different values of the main metrics used by
airports, Ldn (see Appendix B for metrics definition) on people. Values of Ldn up to 65 dBA can be considered
bearable for airport neighbours.
The exact pattern of the noise contours at an airport (see for example Figure 75) is determined by the wind
direction and the layout of the runways and air routes over one operational year. To mitigate noise, several
actions can be implemented:
Firstly, several airport design adjustments can be implemented in order to reduce noise. Runways can be
constructed so that the noise contours lead to as few as possible people experiencing nuisance. One source of
noise is the propagation of noise through the ground, which is depending on surface characteristics, as shown
on Figure 76.
Measures for noise reduction can be implemented in the ground infrastructure as well. The first option is
constructing well-placed high-speed runway exits that prevent the use of reverse thrust on landing. The
second one is the construction of new runways, taxiways, and buildings which are located further from
neighbouring communities. The third one is to put sound barriers, such as buildings or other structures at
strategic points at the airport periphery. For instance, Miami/International built a noise wall 669 meters long
and 6-9 meters high. Another example of a noise wall is depicted in Figure 77.
Figure 77 Inflatable noise wall proposed at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol (source: [63])
The fourth measure consists of displacing runway thresholds. This allows aircraft to fly over neighbouring
communities at a higher altitude both on approach and take-off.
Access restriction
By not allowing access to the airport to certain aircraft types or to restrain aircraft movements to specific times
of the day (preventing night operations), noise can be reduced. According to Annex 16 [27], an aircraft cannot
exceed certain levels of noise. Subsonic transport aircraft can be designated as Chapter 1, 2 and 3. Chapter 1
aircraft no longer operate in developed countries and chapter 2 aircraft have been phased out as of 1 April
2002 in the majority of developed countries. Therefore, nowadays fleets from developed countries should be
operating in Chapter 3.
Noise monitoring
Noise monitoring systems have become habitual for airports in developed countries. These consists of a series
of remote sensors/microphones (usually 10 or more) spread out at strategic points at the airport. The outputs
from sensors are transmitted to a central computing and reporting system. This computer also receives aircraft
operations data from the air traffic management system. Both noise and aircraft operations information is
correlated, so that aircraft producing excessive noise can be detected. Noise monitoring data can also be used
to improve noise estimation models.
Nuisance can be regulated by setting up a good communication with the population. Noise nuisance is a
subjective measure. Every individual will experience aircraft related noise in a different way. Every airport will
have a telephone or internet desk where noise complaints can be submitted. Most airports are looking for a
good relationship with their neighbours through informing them of measures they intend to take towards
avoiding noise nuisance and through agreements, which can be enforced through political measures.
Economic incentives
Economic incentives can be implemented, on one hand, noise-related landing fees and, on the other hand,
penalties for violating noise limits. The first incentive is effective in the long-term, as it motivates airlines to
purchase quiet aeroplanes. The second one can be considered a short-term incentive. A few major airports
have a system of fines for the airlines which deviate substantially from noise restrictions.
Operational restrictions
A growing number of airports are imposing measures in surface and flight operations in order to reduce noise.
Regarding surface operations, some airports restrict engine test-running and reverse-thrust during night-time.
Another possibility consists of limiting the number of taxiing aircraft, especially at times of air traffic
congestion. For flight operations, two measures can be adopted: noise reduction procedures on landing and
take-off and preferential runway systems. The first one consists of establishing arrival and departure flight
paths, STARs and SIDs, over uninhabited or less populated areas. New procedures, like Continuous Descent
Approaches (CDA) and Continuous Climbs (CC) are defined that will allow aircraft to perform more noise
and/or emissions friendly operations. Just as well, Performance Based Navigation (PBN) can be used to fly a
specified route more exactly, giving the possibility to avoid populated areas. In the second one, noise
abatement takes place thanks to an adequate runway choice, in other words, choosing runways in a way that
minimizes noise.
Noise considerations will be an important aspect, when developing the operational concept for the
Endless Runway. Noise contours will not follow the runway directions, but will go in any direction,
where the overall contour will reflect the yearly prevailing wind.
Contrary to current day noise considerations, people will not live under the arrival or departure
route, but anywhere near the airport, where aircraft can fly in and out.
One aspect is the land use of the airport operating an Endless Runway. As the airport will be smaller
in size, the noise footprint will be smaller as well. As the total generated noise will not decrease, the
noise volume will have a different shape with peaks all around the runway.
The design of the Endless Runway will need to take into consideration the possibility of the construction
of a drainage system under and/or next to the runway. The bank angle may cause problems in heavy
rain situations, where the water will flood to the middle part of the runway.
5.4.3 Wildlife
As far as wildlife is concerned, a population of animals in the area of a proposed project can alter it. These
animals are mostly controlled by fencing. However, it is more difficult to prevent bird collisions, which can
seriously endanger passengers and crew.
For a circular runway, the safety area around the runway may be attractive to (migrating) birds.
Similar to the consideration made with noise, the air quality of the area around the airport will
significantly change (possibly more spread) with operations in all possible directions on the Endless
Runway. On the other hand, higher concentration of pollutants might be experienced at the center of
the circle due to concentrated taxiing operations and to the presence of the wall constituted by the
banked track.
To mitigate third party risk around airports, usually regulation exists that prevents communities, organisations,
or individuals to build real estate within high risk areas. These areas are defined based on risk models that
indicate the risk of fatal accidents per year at a certain location. In areas where this risk is 10 or higher, no
building activities are allowed at all; in areas where the risk is 10 , only limited activities are allowed, e.g.
industrial activities, but definitely no schools or hospitals should be present. In several countries, like the
Netherlands, Germany, Great Britain, and Italy, regulations are enforced by law.
In the Endless Runway, aircraft will not fly arrival and departure patterns, instead, they can operate
anywhere around the airport, leading to a significant change in the third party risk areas. Models will
need to be modified in order to enable calculations for circular runways.
The risk of runway veer-off accidents will need to be investigated further. From the early trials on
banked circular runways, it showed that the increasing bank angle causes the aircraft to
automatically correct pilot errors for going too fast or too slow on a particular part of the track, so
that veer-off accidents to the outside of the circle might be reduced.
Clean Sky European aeronautical research program [104] remarks that air transport's contribution to climate
change represents 2% of human-induced CO2 emissions (where the total of all transport sources contributes to
12%). All flights together produce 628,000,000 tonnes of CO2 yearly. Emissions will increase; it is estimated
that the equivalent of 1,300 new international airports will be required worldwide by 2050 with a doubling in
the commercial aircraft fleet.
Therefore, the major aviation challenge is to meet the predicted growth in demand for air travel (increasing 4-
5% per annum over the next 20 years) but to do so in a way that ensures minimum impact on the
Aviation industry in Europe has long recognised this challenge. As a consequence, in 2001, the Advisory Council
for Aeronautical Research in Europe (ACARE) [67] established the following targets for 2020 (compared to
Reduce fuel consumption and CO2 emissions by 50% per passenger kilometre
Reduce NOx emissions by 80%
Reduce perceived noise by 50%
Make substantial progress in reducing the environmental impact of the manufacture,
maintenance, and disposal of aircraft and related products
In addition, ACARE has identified the main contributors to achieving the above targets. The predicted
contributions to the 50% CO2 emissions reduction target are:
Going beyond these objectives and with 2020 now not far off in terms of civil aircraft development cycles
(typically 10 - 15 years), ACARE has been evaluating the progress towards the 2020 targets and conducted a
consultation process to identify priorities for a new vision for 2050 [73]. It is clear that these longer term
targets will be at least as demanding as the ACARE 2020 targets and it is widely accepted that to achieve these
longer term aims there will need to be a significant step change in the technologies of future aircraft as well as
operational changes.
According to [66], in 2050, it is envisaged that the effect of aviation on the atmosphere is fully understood. A
reduction on aviations impact on citizens and the environment is needed, and aviation has an important role
to play in reducing noise as well as greenhouse gas emissions, regardless of traffic growth. Biofuels and
hydrogen are gaining increased attention by factors as oil price increasing and concern over greenhouse gas
emissions from fossil fuels. This new generation of alternative fuels should be compatible with new generation
of aircraft and with those existing conventional aircraft.
The Endless Runway concept should take into account this alternative fuels, specially the Hydrogen, in
order to include specific safe facilities for its storage.
EREA ATS 2050 [65] presents as one of the principal challenges for future Air Transport the environment issue.
A dramatic reduction of chemical emissions (CO2, NOx) and perceived external noise is necessary. Using
alternative energies on both aircraft and ground support equipment could lead to a positive environmental
impact. Besides improving the air vehicles, new and intelligent ways of energy efficient and climate neutral
facility management concepts need to be implemented. With an efficient integration with intermodal
transport in place, some of the current environmental issues can be solved. The headline figure is the aim to
reduce carbon emissions generated by Europes transport system by 50% by 2050.
The Clean Sky program has recently published the Clean Sky Technology Evaluator [105], a tool that will help
inform the members and external stakeholders of the Clean Sky program and will help guide decisions for
future optimization of research efforts. Within this evaluator it is explained how to address airport
environmental concern. Noise nuisance and increasingly local air-quality issues are contained within the wider
airport surroundings.
Research in energy generation and storage is currently developed by several groups. The Aero-Loop concept
[41] for instance, tries to contribute to this environmental challenge by using the battery panels located under
the runway. These battery panels are intended to utilize the centrifugal force of the aircraft on the runway to
generate electricity.
The Endless Runway concept will have highly ambitious environmental goals when selecting the most
promising concept. Airport general layout should present benefits compared to conventional airport
layout with respect to aircraft noise and emissions.
Advanced airport design to enhance efficiency and capacity, including advanced pavement.
Ground transportation interfaces and integration.
Aircraft ground movement management and optimization, including automatic taxiing and extension
of flight management to mission management (i.e. from gate-to-gate).
Airport operations and maintenance:
o Next generation passenger, luggage and cargo systems - utilizing RFID (Radio-Frequency
Identification) and biometrics.
o Ticketing/boarding pass/immigration improvements.
Aircraft integration and support services:
o Ground power.
o Fuel, food and waste.
These new trends in airport design result in several proposals in aeronautical and architectural fields. Research
engineers as well as designers and architects are working on revolutionary concepts for airport layout and
terminal arrangement, proposing innovative locations, building constructions or runway shapes. Some
examples that can be considered (partly) interesting for application to the Endless Runway are presented in
the following sections.
Several interesting ideas came out during the yearly design competition of Fentress Architects, where the
theme for 2011 was the Airport of the Future [41]. It must be noted that most designs did not specifically go
into details of the runways system.
The winning design featured a new concept for the London City airport, called LDN delta airport, which would
be constructed of large, floating building blocks or a delta of prefabricated mass-produced islands, as depicted
in Figure 81 and Figure 82.
Figure 82 LDN Delta Airport, Oliver Andrew, London South Bank University
The LDN islands would be situated in the Thames Estuary, upstream from London. The airport would ease the
overcrowding of the surrounding airports as there are no cars, highways, nor check-in desks, since it is served
solely via public transportation. Flight information (including departure time and assigned gate) is provided
through passengers' cell phones. The airport supports vertical take-off with hypersonic jets capable of flying at
the edge of space, lifting off from purpose-built landing pads, and using the tidal currents to run on total
sustainable power.
The Aero-Loops concept (see Figure 83 and Figure 84) aims at creating an environmentally friendly platform
for future transportation which optimizes performance and energy consumption to achieve self-sustainability
while acquiring as minimal space as possible. The proposed runway is in the form of a continuous loop. Aircraft
move along the track for few rounds before lift-off/ landing, thus reducing land usage. In fact, this
revolutionary concept is in line with the Endless Runway concept.
With respect to the airport airside, apart from those characteristics related to number, orientation, and
configuration of runways as well as usual criteria used for airside design, other factors have to be taken into
account for future airports.
Section 5.1 and 5.2 explain that runways are designed based, amongst others, on expected traffic demand and
on environmental design considerations. As explained in [65], real or actual capacity is usually lower than
declared capacity because of weather restrictions and dependencies between runways. This is why current
trends in airport runway operations optimize the use of the existing runway system through:
In order to avoid nuisance for inhabitants of surrounding communities and to safe space, new visions
regarding the location of runways and their orientation appear:
Runways separated from the airport: remote runways, possibly in the sea.
Large surfaces enabling runway operations from any direction.
Double deck runways used for land use saving.
Airports in the sky (cruiser feeder concept).
Design of a large circle as runway that would enable operations from any direction.
This latter idea is the one that is taken as a base for the development of the Endless Runway concept.
The airport landside is not just the physical interface for passengers, baggage, and cargo between surface and
air transport. It is also the interface between the air transport service providers (airlines, airports etc.) and the
end users the passengers.
As stated in [65], future landside infrastructure and services must focus on passengers needs and comfort.
This document also states that airport terminals in the future will be much less time-consuming for the
passenger. As time needed in processing steps and especially waiting time is perceived uncomfortable by the
users, those times should be reduced to a large extent. This could be achieved by reducing the number of
process steps or by changing their quality, duration, or even location. Automation and wireless technologies
will strongly support this development. The travel process will be hassle-free, smooth, and free of disruptions.
Terminals will be without queues as process steps, which need to remain at the airport, will develop to be
more sophisticated and provide more capacity. The time required for processes between arrival at the airport
and boarding the aircraft will not exceed 15 minutes for short-haul flights and 30 minutes for long-haul flights.
To achieve this, one very important area of development is the security check which nowadays often causes
too much hassle. Future systems will support a secure and thorough screening on the move without
interrupting the flow, ensuring full security with maximum freedom of movement together with minimal
Airport terminals will have short walking distances for passengers. Moving walkways and individual automated
guided vehicle systems will serve passengers to cover long distances conveniently and fast where needed not
just between different terminals but also within large terminals. Baggage will be cared for at an earliest
possible stage. This might be via pick up services at home or at the hotel prior to departure as well as through
city center baggage drop off stations, baggage check-in in the train to the airport, or via postal / parcel
services. Baggage and passenger flow thus might be uncoupled to some extent. Also shopping might develop
into a more virtual direction where goods can be selected at home prior to travel or in the aircraft while flying
and delivery will be at the destination airport or even back at home via parcel services.
Regarding the Endless Runway concept, the terminal buildings are proposed to be constructed in the
centre of the circle, which leads to a more compact terminal that would reduce the space needed. In
addition, this would ease access to boarding areas reducing the distances for passengers and
consequently making the process less time consuming.
The first part of the chapter gives an overview of the current TMA and airport operations. Starting with the
transition from the cruise phase, down to the final approach to the threshold with a possible go-around,
procedures and commonly used systems are described briefly. As the final approach to the Endless Runway
needs to be redesigned, additional attention is paid to the current situation here. In addition, some topics
relevant for actual developments that have direct relation to the Endless Runway are addressed.
The second part of the chapter is looking into the future of ATM. Short term initiatives from EUROCONTROL
and the CAA are mentioned as well as the main programme for the future ATM in Europe SESAR. New
concepts like 4D-trajectories and free flight are presented and some developments in systems highlighted.
Finally automation is looked at as this might become one of the most relevant part future air traffic, enabling
ATM actors to become managers rather than operators.
To assist the pilot in approaching the runway, special navigation equipment is available. The most commonly
used is ILS (Instrument Landing System), but alternatives are available using MLS (Microwave Landing System),
and GPS (Global Positioning System). Furthermore, modern navigation equipment also allows for precise
navigation throughout the TMA using RNAV (Area Navigation).
In terms of fuel consumption, the most efficient inbound and outbound trajectories are the Continuous
Descent Approach (CDA) and Continuous Climb Operations (CCO). In case an aircraft is not able to perform a
nominal landing, it has to perform a missed approach or balked landing. In case an aircraft has a non-nominal
departure the aircraft can choose to go-around and return to the airport.
Because of the very different layout of the Endless Runway it is expected that current operations, procedures
and systems might have to change. Therefore an overview on the relevant phases of arriving and departing
aircraft is given.
Tromboning consists of adjusting the moment an aircraft turns to base to intercept the final approach path.
A balked landing is a very late missed approach.
Also, for the approach a pilot can use navigational beacons like VORs/DMEs/NDBs to navigate his or her
aircraft towards the final approach. The air traffic controller can actively separate inbound and outbound
traffic flows by using radar vectoring, flight level, and speed control. With radar vectoring, aircraft can be put
in the right sequence and separation between subsequent aircraft can be established very fast. The easiest
way of separating traffic is by using vertical separation. Indeed, by keeping traffic at different flight levels
aircraft can be separated safely without the need to precisely know the positions of aircraft in the TMA. For
aircraft following the same route, speed control is also used to control the separation between subsequent
aircraft. By coupling the speeds of subsequent aircraft, the controller ensures that aircraft will not overtake
each other. Furthermore, the approach controller can influence the time between subsequent aircraft on final
approach by adjusting the moment an aircraft is turning to base to intercept the final approach path. This is
called tromboning. Another alternative is the use of RNAV routes towards the final approach. These RNAV
routes are like SIDs separated from other inbound and outbound traffic flows. With RNAV routes the aircraft
can precisely calculate the optimal approach profile to the runway. This is not possible with radar vectoring
where the controller dictates the approach profile.
Coming from the cruise phase of flight on high altitude, aircraft start their descent towards the destination
airport. The optimal approach for a flight is the Continuous Descent Operation (CDO). During the CDO a flight
will make an approach using (near-)idle thrust setting, thereby saving fuel. At the ILS intercept altitude the
aircraft will level off, and intercept the ILS localizer signal and then the ILS glideslope. From that point on a
regular final approach is flown. The CDO complicates the TMA operations as the aircraft must be given more
freedom in their vertical profile. As a result of this controllers will increase separation between subsequent
aircraft. Consequently full CDOs are currently applied only in low capacity situations, for instance during night
operation. The counterpart of the CDO is the Continuous Climb Operation (CCO). Here the aircraft can choose
the optimal climb profile for a climb towards the ATS routes.
As traffic will not follow the same routes to the Endless Runway the separation of traffic will be limited
to lateral and vertical separation. Speed control will not be necessary to separate traffic in the TMA.
The approach controller for the Endless Runway must have methods to separate the traffic correctly.
These methods must not necessarily be tromboning, and can take advantage of the circular nature of
the Endless Runway.
In the current TMA a CDO can be flown until the aircraft has intercepted the ILS. From that point on a
regular final approach is flown where the aircraft is stabilized for touchdown at a single touchdown
point. For the Endless Runway the touchdown point can be moved. Stabilizing for touchdown on the
Endless Runway can be expected to be easier as the touchdown point can be moved. Therefore a CDO
until touchdown can be considered for the Endless Runway.
The landing system will guide the aircraft to the touchdown point and even along the runway during the roll-
out phase. The most commonly used equipment for landing is the Instrument Landing System (ILS). An
alternative system is MLS (Microwave Landing System), which allows curved landing approaches, but MLS is
rarely available or used at airports. Another alternative is GPS which, in conjunction with a ground-based
augmentation (GBAS) or space-based augmentation (SBSAS) enables Cat I approaches.
The landing navigation systems ILS and MLS are geared towards singular touchdown points. For the
Endless Runway a landing navigation system will be needed that is not fixed to this single touchdown
point. It is therefore recommended to have a landing navigation system that is independent from the
chosen touchdown point, and that can handle all visibility conditions. Currently, such a landing
navigation system is not available, but we expect that future Satellite Navigation Systems with local
area augmentation can provide the needed flexibility, reliability, and accuracy.
The ILS has a glide path and localizer antenna and gives lateral and vertical guidance to the aircraft. Because of
the used technology a straight path to the threshold is defined which is typically around 10NM long and has a
glide path of 3 (see Appendix F, Figure 109).
Final Approach Path Guidance Glide Path Localizer
Antenna Antenna
Dependent on the technical equipment (ground and on-board) and the skills of the air crew it can be applied
even up to zero visibility conditions using an automatic landing system, based on radio signals. The system is
categorized by:
Besides a marker beacon, which is often used as an additional checkpoint during the approach, large airports
provide a medium- or high-intensity approach light systems to allow operations in almost all visibility
conditions. The lights support the transition from the instrument phase to the visual phase, where the pilot
aligns the aircraft with the runway centreline.
For the Endless Runway ILS procedures are not applicable anymore. Curved approaches are needed
which cannot be supported by the ILS system. Even more, the dynamical definition of touchdown
points makes it almost impossible to provide the relevant radio signals and visual guidance.
The Microwave Landing System is more advanced than the ILS and was intended to replace it. It has some clear
advantages over ILS that are (in some cases) also relevant for the Endless Runway:
Slow Aircraft
Approach Streching
High Speed
Approach Curved
Considering its advantages and capabilities, MLS could be a suitable landing system to be used in
conjunction with an Endless Runway. However, aircraft equipped with MLS remain scarce.
However, ILS is still the most commonly used navigation aid for Cat I/II/III conditions. FAA opted long ago for
GPS augmented solutions to replace ILS. MLS is installed at some European airports (e.g. London Heathrow), in
conjunction with existing ILS, but few aircraft are equipped with a Multi-Mode Receiver required to use MLS.
With the availability of satellite based navigation solutions, navigational ground infrastructure is becoming less
important. The Global navigation Satellite System (GNSS) uses positioning satellites each of them sending their
current position and time information. Any receiver of these signals that has information of at least four
satellites can calculate its 3D position. GBAS is being developed (currently only Cat I capability is commercially
available) was to eventually cater for all weather operations, i.e. up to Cat III conditions. For GBAS, the
correction signals are transmitted by a ground station hence ground-based augmentation.
Besides the additional position and correction data, the ground station sends predefined approach paths to
the aircraft. Therefore, topographic limitations are a lesser problem as compared to ILS. GPS based systems do
not have a sensitive areas which is an important advantage over ILS and MLS systems where aircraft are not
allowed to be present in these areas during the final approach of subsequent aircraft. On the other hand
GNSS-based systems are more susceptible to radio interference and (un-)intentional jamming.
GBAS could be one of the enablers for the landing procedure to the Endless Runway.
Some constraints due to airworthiness standards need to be taken into account when designing the operations
on the circular runway. In FAR 25.473 (Structural design limitations for landing gear, large aircraft), 25.473
Landing load conditions and assumptions, it is mentioned that: For the landing conditions [] the aircraft is
assumed to contact the ground [] with a limit descent velocity of 10 fps at the design landing weight (the
maximum weight for landing conditions at maximum descent velocity), and with a limit descent velocity of 6
fps at the design take-off weight (the maximum weight for landing conditions at a reduced descent velocity).
These vertical speed limits should be considered when designing the Endless Runway specific
Low visibility conditions reduce the runway capacity, according to local criteria and the availability of ILS
equipment. Low visibility conditions are divided into different categories, like the conditions given in Table 15
as applicable for Amsterdam Airport Schiphol (LVC = Low Visibility Conditions; RVR = Runway Visual Range):
Marginal visibility and LVC limit the runway operations in such a way that no intersection take-offs are
allowed, runway crossings are avoided as much as possible, non-essential traffic is not allowed, combinations
of crossing runways is avoided, and separation is increased.
Low Visibility Conditions will have to be considered when describing the concept of operations of the
Endless Runway.
Weather aspects that have an influence on runway operations are first of all the wind speed and direction.
Limitations on head wind and crosswind conditions are defined in accordance to local procedures as
recommended according to the information provided in [26], paragraph 3.1.3:
Landing or take-off is, in normal circumstances, precluded when crosswind component exceeds:
37 km/h (20 kt) for aeroplanes with reference field length >1500m except when poor runway braking
action owing to an insufficient longitudinal coefficient of friction is experienced with some frequency,
in which case the maximum crosswind component is 24 km/h (13 kt).
24 km/h (13 kt) for aeroplanes with reference field length between 1200m and 1500m.
19 km/h (10 kt) for aeroplanes with reference field length <1200m
This may impact the radius of the circular runway; the higher it will be, the less high crosswinds may
occur during landing or take-off. Computations taking into account the wind speed range, landing and
take-off distances, and runway radius, will be necessary to optimize the design of the Endless Runway.
In relation to the Endless Runway project this will be an important issue to consider. Aircraft make
missed approaches at current runways due to being not stable for the landing, mechanical issues or
due to other traffic. For the Endless Runway missed approaches can still be expected. So for the
Endless Runway new missed approach procedures must be designed. This missed approach procedure
could take advantage of the circular nature of the runway.
Implementing curved approach and departure profiles leads to more complexity when integrating vertical
operating vehicles. While it is relatively easy to separate them from the normal traffic nowadays (because of
the straight finals) approach paths will cross much more in the future.
The Endless Runway has to take vertical take offs and landings into account and allow these types of
operation on the airport.
The first step was the implementation of Area Navigation (RNAV), where aircraft have on board systems that
can calculate any course between two points. With RNAV procedures there is no need to fly over ground based
navigational aids. Since RNAV uses predefined waypoints to define a route it enables flexibility in designing
routes thus it allows to optimise airspace usage (e.g. RNAV approach chart Appendix F Figure 110). PBN
prescribes so-called navigation specifications for each phase of flight. For RNAV5 the aircraft should remain
within +/- 5 NM of the intended flight path (and for RNAV1 this is +/- 1 NM for 95% of the flight time.
PBN specificies two categories: RNAV and RNP. In addition to RNAV systems that can achieve the required
accuracy, RNP systems also provide on-board performance monitoring and alerting. With these improvements
of integrity, closer routing and spacing is possible. With the naming convention of RNP the required
performance specification for procedures or airspace sectors is described.
For the approach phase (initial to final or even missed approach) A-RNP and RNP APCH have been defined with
a required accuracy of 1NM for all phases and 0.3 NM for the final approach segment. A special category called
RNP AR APCH (authorization required) is defined in the ICAO DOC 9913 (Manual on Performance Based
Within RNP APCH two subcategories are defined (see figure below) depending on whether vertical guidance is
provided or not. These are non-precision (2D) and approach with vertical guidance (3D) called APV.
Vertical requirements differ depending on the type of approach and required landing minima. For so-called
APV-I operations the navigation system should be able to provide a vertical navigation accuracy of at least 20
metres. For ILS Cat I, a vertical accuracy of at least 6 metres is required. A detailed description on the limits on
this procedure can be found in [108].
In [102] a timeline is described for the gradual transition towards full PBN operations. As presented in Figure
88 this transition should be finished in 2025.
In relation to the Endless Runway, performance based navigation and in particular RNP AR APCH could
be the basis to enable approach and potentially landing operations on the circular runway. At the
moment, ICAO PANS-OPS requirements (Doc 8168) for instrument flight procedures do not cater for
non-straight runways. Low visibility operations (Cat I) would require SBAS (e.g. EGNOS/WAAS) and
GBAS is expected to achieve Cat II/III operational capability within 5 years.
In a first trial phase a system was implemented in Frankfurt between 1999 and 2004 with an additional
displaced threshold on runway 25L. The new threshold was called 26L and was set up about 1.500m from the
original 25L threshold. With the also existing parallel runway 25R, three thresholds were available. A full
approach lighting system was installed for threshold 26l also.
In combination with this a new procedure called HALS/DTOP was introduced and tested. The first phase HALS
(high approach landing system) was using runway 25R and 26L and was intended to familiarize the pilots and
controllers with the operations. In the second phase DTOP (Dual Threshold Operation), all three thresholds of
the two runways were operational. The main focus on this operation was to avoid wake vortexes because of
the different approach paths and therefore a capacity gain. After a number of trials the system was removed
completely. The expected benefits could not be achieved and the workload for pilots and controllers was
slightly higher. Even if the system is not operational anymore, it showed that multiple thresholds are possible
on straight runways also.
For the Endless Runway, using multiple thresholds is essential and one of the most beneficial points.
With only one resource available a high capacity can only be achieved with flexible touchdown and
departure points and simultaneous operations on the circle.
6.2.1 Initiatives
This section provides an overview of programs for the modernization of the air transport system. SESAR
The SESAR (Single European Sky ATM Research) programme has the goal of modernising the European Air
Traffic Management. Launched by the European Community it will combine technological, operational as well
as economic and regulatory aspects to harmonize and coordinate all relevant research and development
Based on the Single European Sky (SES) legislation it is intended to tackle safety and capacity needs but also
look for environmental and financial issues of the future ATM system.
One of the main achievements is the cooperation and involvement of all stakeholders in ATM. Separated into
Consortium Members and associated partners this includes Industry, Airspace Users, Air Navigation Service
Providers (ANSPs), Airport Operators and the Supply Industry (European and non-European), safety regulators,
military organisations, staff associations (including pilots, controllers and engineers) and research centres and
As SESAR is setting the standards and technologies for the next years it has to be taken into account when
defining the concept for the Endless Runway. Some of the needs and technological changes already identified
by SESAR are directly related to the Endless Runway.
Already in the near future there will be significant changes in the general operation within the ATM system. In
SESAR [76] it is stated that:
The ATM Concept of Operations for 2020 represents a paradigm shift from an airspace based
environment to a trajectory-based environment.
Following this, the Endless Runway-concept will go even further and needs to adapt and extend some of the
already identified changes in operation and structures.
The following changes of ATM operation are already addressed by SESAR and might be relevant for the Endless
The Endless Runway concept for 2050 will need to extend the concept of a more flexible airspace,
which is already foreseen enroute, also to the approach and departure routes and to the use of the
airport ground resources (runway and taxiway system).
As the Endless Runway could lead to a more complex (simultaneous) use of resources a much more
intense collaborative planning might be necessary.
Optimised wind operations and flexible routing can lead to significant capacity gains and reduced
environmental problems. While conventional runways have to be closed in certain crosswind
conditions, the Endless Runway can provide at least two take-off and touchdown points and hereby a
minimum number of flights.
Complete new ways of separation have to be in place. As lateral spacing might not be relevant
anymore (no straight approach paths), safe ways of staggered separation with free choice of routing
and curved paths will have to be possible.
The role of ATC controllers is expected to change even more as the complexity of the Endless Runway
might lead to a work-overload. Therefore humans might be even more responsible for managing and
supervising the operation instead of actively control airspace users.
Taking SESAR as a base the CAA already defined in much more detail the future airspace for the UK. Within
[79], [80] and [81] a modernized airspace concept is presented with clear steps in concepts and technology
development to cope with the expected need of change. Even if this is prepared specifically for the UK, most of
the issues are similar in the rest of Europe and even in the US.
In relation to the expected benefits a number of potential technologies and concepts are setup in [80], see
Figure 90.
Figure 90 Potential technologies and concept for the UK Airspace in 2030 [80]
Looking into the Strategic Research Agenda 2 (SRA2) [72], a number of research fields seem to be relevant for
the future transport system. Based on the High Level Target Concept (HLTC) and the sector a tabular form
presents technologies that are proposed for the future. In relation to Airport and Air Traffic Management
(including the airspace around airports) the following elements can be found describing new structures,
systems, and procedures.
Dynamic and collaborative (civil and military) airspace management, strategic and collaborative traffic
Self-separated take offs and landing.
Multiple/flexible threshold operations.
Aircraft/VTOL simultaneous non interfering approaches and departures
New runway management systems.
Overarching airport management system (capacity, arrival, etc.)
Some of the mentioned technologies in the Strategic Research Agenda will be relevant for application to
the Endless Runway.
In 2000 a European Vision on Air Transport to the year 2020 was launched by the European Commission.
ACARE, which was formatted on this base, produced 2 SRAs and an ADDENDUM: 2008 which provided major
challenges and High level targets. With new and even bigger challenges in the future a need for a new vision
beyond 2020 was identified. Therefore ACARE setup the AERONAUTICS AND AIR TRANSPORT: BEYOND VISION
2020 (TOWARDS 2050) [73]. Aspects of Society, Economy, Environment but also technology and operation are
addressed in the vision. Besides others some key ATM concepts and capabilities are mentioned that need to be
4D planning and flight execution to fully manage and optimise aircraft mission in time and space.
Increased aircraft autonomy through topics such as airborne self-separation, to enable aircraft to
effectively interact with other aircraft
Enhanced airspace management to maximise the efficiency and availability of airspace.
The role of the human operator will be critical for a period, but in the timeframe under review it is
likely that automation will take over and enhance safety, performance and cost, subject to major
issues of social acceptance and technology.
Key enablers will need to be developed in the fields of communication, navigation and surveillance.
Some of the mentioned technologies in the ACARE Vision 2050 are relevant for application to the Endless
EUROCONTROL introduced the The 2015 Airspace concept & Strategy for the ECAC Area & Key Enablers [83]
which describes an intermediate step for the near future in line with the SESAR ATM Target concept for 2020+.
With more complexity and diversity of future aircraft types (see chapter 7) a much more flexible and adaptable
airspace is envisaged to meet the most important requirements in terms of safety, capacity, efficiency, and
environmental aspects. According to the concept the airspace will be used on the basis of defined
performance targets that respect these requirements. Because of the dependencies between them a tradeoff
has to be found. This will result in a strategy of the configuration and use of the airspace which is defined in
[83] as an airspace configuration. It is stated that the changes are not only limited to en-route (ATS routes and
ATC sectors) but also to the terminal area and the overall management of the airspace. Therefore four streams
have been defined with incremental steps of different elements that are implemented. The following Figure 91
presents an overview of the streams and the elements in a timeline to realize this concept.
In stream 1 Terminal Routes & Structures, the following elements are mentioned that have a very
close relation to the Endless Runway project already. The concept can build on these steps that
should be in place in the near to mid-term future: 4D-Trajectories
One of the key elements in the future transport is the implementation of a full 4D-operation. That means that
there will be a 4D-trajectory in place for each flight, which replaces the current ICAO flight plan structures.
Besides the three spatial dimensions, time is included as the fourth.
One of the problems with a 4D-trajectory is the missing capability to ensure the compliance of the aircraft to
its trajectory from the ground. In todays environment, airborne and ground systems use trajectory data for
different purposes (flight plan vs. support tools), which leads to discrepancies in the trajectory. Those are
solved in the tactical phase between the air crew and the controllers. To overcome these problems, the
advanced 4D-contract concept introduces the idea that the responsibility of the compliance is transferred from
the ground to the aircraft.
A 4D-contract can be represented as a time dimension moving along with a three-dimensional airspace tube
assigned to each aircraft by the ATM system and/or negotiated by the aircraft themselves. All aircraft must
stay within their assigned 4D-volumes (i.e. respect their contracts) for the entire duration of the flight, so that
they are free of conflicts with other aircraft. If this is not possible, a new 4D-contract has to be negotiated.
During all phases of a flight, information about actual and planned positions in space and time are available
and exchanged with all concerned air and ground systems. This opens the possibility of coordinating flights and
negotiating flight profiles between airspace users and air traffic management leading to more predictability
and optimised usage of the available resources. One of the key issues will be to ensure safety with this new
approach of operation. Not only high accurate planning will be needed but also the capability of the respective
systems to follow the coordinated profile. Therefore big evolution in automation and flight management
systems is needed.
The 4D-contract is one of the main pillars of the SESAR program, which is currently implemented and will see
its implementation as of 2020. In the early application of the program, probably concessions will need to be
made with respect to full implementation of the 4D-contract, specifically in phases of the flight where
sequences of aircraft need to be made under high demand (arrival management, departure management) and
tactical intervention cannot always be avoided.
With respect to the Endless Runway the 4D-trajectory concept needs to be in place to fully
coordinate airport operations. It will be necessary to agree on the usage of the runway in real time
with highly accurate information about the planned approach/departure path, touchdown points
and runway entry/exit operation to utilize the resources on a maximum.
Application of the full 4D-contract to the Endless Runway implies that the complete flight is planned
in advance and that the exact moment of take-off and landing is known some time before the flight
(or before the event actually happens longer flights may be planned for landing while they are
already airborne). This implies that the take-off and touch down points need to be known in
"... as a safe and efficient flight operating capability under instrument flight rules in which the operators have
greater flexibility in selecting their path and speed. Air traffic restrictions are limited in extent and duration and
are only imposed to ensure separation, to preclude exceeding airport capacity, and to prevent unauthorized
flight through special use airspace".
Free Flight defines a concept where airspace users are not restricted to fixed routes and airway systems but
can choose their route themselves. This includes direct routing from departure to destination, the choice of
altitudes and speeds, and even considerations on weather and other hazards. Expectations are that the
concept leads to much more capacity in the airspace system. The main focus of the work in this area was the
en-route phase and originally addressed to low density traffic. In [78] an approach was taken to show that the
implementation of a free flight concept is also possible in a high density environment. Different simulations
showed that the distributed Free Flight ATM concept features a safety and airspace capacity that is
magnitudes higher than the current en-route ATM system. Looking into 2050 and taking [78] as a base, the
free flight concept could be implemented in the whole airspace also including very high density areas around
One of the key factors of the free-flight-concept is the transfer of responsibilities from air traffic controllers to
the airborne side. The role of the air traffic controller would change to safety monitoring and managing too
crowded airspace. Therefore concepts of self-separation were introduced where the aircraft is responsible to
maintain the minimum separation according to the regulations. The actual concept defines a protected zone
(that should never be penetrated) and an alert zone (when penetrated interventions and action are required).
Advanced airborne self-separation systems will include detection, prevention, and solution of potential conflict
Based on the expected growth of the number of movements and the increased complexity of the operations
the traffic has to be a kind of self-coordinated. The concept of free flight and self-separation will be extended
to the critical phases of takeoff and landing. With the availability of high performance networks and the
concept of 4D-contracts, coordination between the airspace users is possible. This leads to highly dynamic
lateral and vertical flight paths that have to be followed very precisely. One of the main challenges will be the
coordination between different types of airspace users, different approach and takeoff procedures, and
As the Endless Runway gives possibilities of dynamic takeoff and touchdown directions, airspace users
could define their flight profile from departure to arrival on their own preferences and with a minimum
of restrictions. From that perspective, the free flight context should be further examined.
With respect to the Endless Runway the requirements for Advanced airborne self-separation systems
might be much higher than today. Even if highly precise 4D-trajectories are available and can be used
for early coordination, short term conflict management is critical in the vicinity of an airport.
In terms of future airspace and air traffic control, different possibilities are conceivable.
It is envisaged that there will be much more unscheduled traffic in the future. Personal air transport (PAT),
business charters, or even unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) are part of the system with non-scheduled flight-
plans and no trajectory information available. Define special airspace dedicated to these operations is contrary
to the goal of using and optimizing the airspace as a whole. Numerous non-scheduled operations would
actually lead to an uncontrolled airspace with monitored and controlled areas. To allow safe operation under
these circumstances, all air vehicles will need to be equipped with standard systems that can assure that mid-
air collisions and traffic jams near airports are avoided.
In contrast, the full availability of 4D-contracts also for PAT is concluded in the project PPLANE. Here
operations with a preplanned flight plan and a coordinated 4D-trajectory is taken as a base and has to be
available. All airspace users flying under 4D-contract, there would only be controlled airspace.
A choice between these two airspace structures (an uncontrolled airspace with monitored and
controlled areas or a fully controlled airspace) should be done when designing the Endless Runway
6.2.3 Systems
In the US some research in the field of System Oriented Runway Management (SORM) has been conducted by
FAA and NASA. In [107] a first approach to dynamically configuration management of runways and the
coordination of arrival and departure flows is been presented.
Runway management today follows the physical structure/layout of the runways and weather conditions. It is
a reactive process based on experience and without support systems. With increasing complexity of the
runway system, the responsible personal wont be able to evaluate all possible combination in terms of
optimization anymore. In addition the choice of the configuration could be an impact not only on the runway
system itself but also on the surrounding airspace and the airport surface usage.
Strategic and tactical modules are separated using different algorithms as the time horizon and the level of
uncertainty are different. In [107] the following definitions of the capabilities are used:
While the Runway configuration management is the process of designating active runways, monitoring the
active runway configuration for suitability given existing factors, and predicting future configuration changes,
the Combined Arrival/Departure Runway Scheduling is the process by which arrivals and departures are
assigned runways based on local (airport) and NAS goals through the effective distribution of arrival and
departure traffic across active runways in conjunction with effective scheduling of traffic on those runways.
It is obvious that these systems have a direct link to the airspace and airport surface operations. Therefore a
data exchange and direct connection between these systems has to be established. It is also mentioned in
[107] that SORM will also provide information useful to future envisioned functions such as Dynamic Airspace
Configuration (DAC).
Having only one runway in the Endless Runway concept, an optimized use of this resource is essential.
Allowing the simultaneous use of runway sections needs a high level of coordination and optimization,
keeping safety on the highest level. The highly dynamic and flexible operation of the runway requires
new automation and support systems. As the SORM concept covers some of the required functions
like tactical and strategic runway management, it could be an approach to enable the dynamic
utilization of the limited runway resource.
In the future, airports will need to be coordinated as a whole considering every aspect of the operation.
With A-CDM, a first collaborative decision making process is introduced that will be much more important in
the future. Ideas like Total Airport Management (TAM) are in line with the performance based approach of
the future ATM and will support the integration of all aspects of air transport. Instead of point to point
communications and messages exchange a tailored information sharing and coordinated decision finding is
needed. In combination with more interaction on local and regional level, much more system integration and
advanced support tools are needed for the stakeholders.
A number of support and management systems will be in place to plan and optimize the traffic at and around
airports. Arrival and Departure manger will coordinate queuing and spacing of the airspace users in the
terminal area. Surface management systems (SMAN) are responsible for taxi operations and turnaround
management systems will link the ground based operations with the gate to gate profile. All systems are
interconnected with the SWIM network and have access to all relevant information at any time.
With highly dynamic change of the airport system (dynamic touchdown points) and a flexible airspace and
ground operations, high performance requirements for the systems are needed. Arrival and departure
managers have to be very flexible taking into account actual and predicted weather data. As there is a direct
impact on runway entry and exit points as well as on the timing, the surface management systems should have
a high performance. Predictable On/Off block times are necessary to optimize the taxi operations.
Information management related to A-CDM, TAM, and SWIM will be implemented at airports, offering
the possibility to be used for optimization of traffic in planning and information management. This will
be essential for the operation of The Endless runway, as a high degree of system support will be
needed and the data exchange between the systems will be essential to coordinate the different areas
of operation.
Total Airport Management defines a concept of performance driven airport operations. Based on a collaborative decision
making process involving all stakeholders at the airport, an optimized usage of available resources is achieved (see also
6.2.4 Automation
Several studies have been performed to investigate the future air transport system and to create a view on
flying in the year 2050. This chapter focuses on their vision towards automation.
EREA, in its 2050 vision documents [63] [65], explains why automation should and will play an increasingly
important role in the future air transport system, where full automation represents the ultimate evolution:
The ever more complex air transport system facing more and more ambitious goals is naturally
evolving towards automation.
A question is what the final level of automation will be, if it exists. The EREA phase 2 study report explicitly
questions full automation, in a chapter called Towards Full Automation?.
EC [66] does not foresee drastic changes towards fully automated systems. Pilots and air traffic controllers will
still play an - albeit modest role. The report does however foresee a changing role: from aircraft and air
traffic control being operated by pilots and controllers towards giving them a role as strategic managers and
hands-off supervisors, only intervening when necessary.
Just as well ACARE [67] is critical about the feasibility of fully automated passenger flights. ACARE raises
questions about the flexibility of a fully automated system, its ability to handle unscheduled traffic and older
aircraft, the means to transfer control between ground stations, and the liabilities in case of accidents.
Fully in line with this, the vision that is produced in the Airport 2050 project [68] believes that automation will
become more of a commonplace, where automated task performance will not be restricted to solve simple
and restricted tasks at limited terrains only. However, despite everything, it will remain important for humans
to have some degree of control in the things they do.
All studies towards the future of automation of the air transport system oppose against a fully autonomous
ATM/ATS system in the year 2050. They all do foresee a different role for the human operator, who will
become more a flight manager who makes strategic decisions, checks correct performance of the system, and
only intervenes if the system is about to make mistakes.
Several theoretical models exist that describe different consecutive levels of automation, where a simple and
easy to explain model has been set up by Parasurman, Sherican, and Wickes [69]. They describe four stages of
information processing within which each level of automation may exist: information acquisition, information
analysis, decision/action selection, and action implementation:
1. Information Acquisition. The first stage involves the acquisition, registration, and position of multiple
information sources similar to that of humans initial sensory processing.
2. Information Analysis. The second stage refers to conscious perception, selective attention, cognition,
and the manipulation of processed information.
3. Decision and Action Selection. Next, automation can make decisions based on information acquisition,
analysis, and integration.
4. Action Implementation. Finally, automation may execute forms of action.
It can be concluded that neither one of the mentioned studies foresees that in the 2050 timeframe level 4
automation will have been reached for the major stakeholders in the air transport system.
For the application of automation to the Endless Runway, we may assume therefore, that automation
play a major role until level 3, where the system can automatically make decisions, but the operation
remains in command.
The following sections describe the three elements that were identified in [65] and assess the necessities,
possibilities, and opportunities of automation for the Endless Runway.
One of the main aspects of future automation is that the current trend of data gathering and information
provision will continue. Aircraft will be able to communicate with each other and interoperability between
systems will become more important but also more a standard feature of any information processing system.
Information will be automatically gathered from the source that has the best information and information
transfer from one device to another will be performed without delay or explicit actions from an operator. This
also means that information from different sources will be fused automatically without informing the end user
of the fact that the information has been collected from different sources.
A new generation of HMIs for managers will be developed, corresponding to the new, monitoring/managing
human role in the automated system. This type of HMI should be designed by continuously deciding which
information not to present, removing not relevant data for the user. In a highly automated system, selection of
this user available information is a relevant issue to be studied, considering the suitability of showing
information that he or she is allowed or is not allowed to act on. The end user on the ground and in the aircraft
will get more natural or intuitive user interfaces, both for providing as for receiving information through a
confluence of human and computer.
To represent the interest of all aviation stakeholders, the system will use the principle of collaborative decision
making. As the system will be oriented towards a globally optimal solution, each stakeholder will take part in
the collective decision process by inputting his own criterion. It is likely that several tasks that currently exist
and work in separation will be combined into one decision making tasks, e.g. the tasks of traffic management
and flight management may be combined. Eventually, the ground planning centres will take charge of
calculating and assigning new optimised contracts to ensure the global ATM solution remains optimised and
safe for the duration of each flight.
A ground based user interface for the Endless Runway will have to be built on new principles with
respect to current air traffic controller interfaces. Aircraft will not fly standard routes and will not
follow a predefined height profile any longer. Instead, aircraft may fly in or originate from different
directions. Research on an appropriate human machine interface will need to be performed to ensure
that the end user has a good situational awareness at any moment, and has the ability to intervene
when necessary and solve problems the computer is not able to solve. It will be essential that humans
still get a good overview of a situation, specifically in emergency handling.
The transition towards automated ATM has been on-going for several years. Airspace sectors are bigger, direct
routing is replacing strict airways, and controllers are supported by 4D-planning tools in order to increase
efficiency, predictability, and throughput. This transition will continue, ultimately resulting in a shift from a
human decision maker supported by assistance systems towards advanced automated decision systems
managed by a human. Challenges are found on the human-machine interface (HMI) level and legal issues.
Situational awareness needs to be complete under all weather conditions, including low visibility. If aircraft
arrive and depart from several directions simultaneously and no standard routes are applied, good situational
awareness for ATM will be a major issue.
No operational concept for the Endless Runway has been defined yet, but it can be easily imagined
that the concept is more complex for a controller to handle as the aircraft will not always fly the same
routes towards the runways. Depending on the concept, aircraft might even fly towards the runway
from different directions at the same time. Automation will be necessary to advise exactly where to
land, while ensuring separation with other traffic.
Aircraft will be responsible for monitoring their commitment with the 4D contract agreed with the ground
ATM centre. In the case where it is impossible to fulfil the contract or in emergency situation, the aircraft will
be able to dynamically update its planning and will negotiate the new trajectory with the ground ATM centre.
Thus, aircraft will have to collect and manage information on other air traffic, weather, communications,
navigation and surveillance infrastructure status, airports, terrain, and obstacles and continuously check
subsystem status to perform real-time evaluations of their capacities and performance limitations.
It is not expected that before 2050 on-board pilots are replaced by remote pilots, and particularly not for
passenger transport. Part of the traffic may, however, be remotely piloted, especially small aircraft with non-
transport tasks (surveillance, search-and-rescue, crop dusters). Large remotely piloted aircraft will appear as
cargo transport aircraft first.
The role of the pilot will, similar to the one of the air traffic controller, shift towards a monitoring role in the
operation instead of taking active actions and command over the aircraft.
For operating the Endless Runway, aircraft will be able to determine automatically their optimized
flight profile including descent profiles into approach zones with significant glide slopes, flown with
engines at idle to limit consumption and noise. Pilots need to have a good situational awareness with
respect to their performance within the 4D trajectory and their expected take-off and landing routes.
Specifically as they will not fly standard routes, pilots will still need to know whether the route they fly
and the take-off and landing run they perform are conflict free.
7 Background on aircraft
This chapter will provide an overview of aircraft related aspect to the application of the Endless Runway.
As indicated in several studies [66] [84] [85], the demand for air travel is continuously growing and in 2050,
there will be about 16 billion passengers annually (in 2011, there are about 2.5 passengers annually). In
Europe, this increase translates to 25 million of commercial flights. With the goal of reducing the number of
aircraft accidents or incidents [66], future aircraft will then have to further improve their reliability and safety
level. In addition, the more and more stringent requirements on noise and emissions [67] will lead to
important modifications regarding aircraft. In this section, the objective is then to present possible aircraft that
would take-off and land on an Endless Runway.
However, in order to limit the categories of aircraft to be investigated, it is important to make some
considerations: to take-off and land safely on a circular runway requires a complete control of the aircraft
attitude and speed. It would then be preferable to perform these critical segments of the mission in an
automated manner. General aviation aircraft generally used for leisure and driven by low cost requirements
would certainly be reluctant to integrate the necessary onboard equipment. This category of aircraft is
therefore not considered in the following fleet assessment. Regarding the business jet category, prospective
studies [65] indicate that future airplanes would fly supersonic. A consequence of this change is that the low
speed handling of the vehicle will be a true challenge. In addition, because of the associated configuration,
takeoff and landing speeds will be high. It is thus considered that business jets would not be the primary
customers for circular runways because of a higher risk. As for military aircraft, reliable information on the
characteristics of potential future vehicles is not available.
For these reasons, this deliverable concentrates on the evolution of the commercial fleet and presents its
associated future airplanes. Where data on business jets and military aircraft is found, it is presented
nonetheless. This chapter also identifies airframes that are evolutions of the current configurations as well as
revolutionary ones, characterized by a real discontinuity with todays shapes. To conclude, new missions
foreseen for 2050 and their specific planes are presented.
Design aircraft or critical aircraft = aircraft most demanding on airport design that operates at least 500 annual
operations on the airport. There can be more than one design aircraft for one airport.
The following tables present performance figures for current-day aircraft. Table 16 presents nominal and
maximum bank angle values for both civil and military aircraft on take-off and landing given by EUROCONTROL
In Table 17, take-off and landing speeds and take-off and landing lengths are extracted from BADA 3.10 .
More information can be found in the flight manuals of the aircraft, which provide the following figures:
The take-off speed for various aircraft weight, in chapter Performances/Climb Performance Take-off
The approach speed for various aircraft weight, in chapter Performances/Landing distance flaps LDG
The take-off distance (corresponding to the TOL ) for various temperature, take-off mass, wind
component, obstacle height conditions and flaps position, in the chapter Performances/Take-off
The landing distance over a 50 feet obstacle (corresponding to the LDL ) for various temperature,
take-off mass, wind component, obstacle height conditions and flaps position, in the chapter
Performances/Landing distance flaps LDG,
The range of admissible bank angles, in chapter Performances/Stalling speeds,
The maximum admissible crosswind component, in chapter Performances/Wind components. Smaller
and slower aircraft are more subject to crosswind, which can be seen from the crosswind limit. In
Table 17, the maximum demonstrated crosswind is indicated. It must be noted that during a Cat II and
CAT III automatic landing, the maximum allowed crosswind is lower.
Another possible source is provided in reference [29] (Janes database).
The TOL (FAR Take-Off Length [m]) corresponds to 115% the distance required to accelerate, lift-off and reach a point 35
feet above the runway with all engines operating, with aircraft weight at MTOW, on a dry, hard, level runway under ISA
conditions and no wind.
The LDL (FAR Landing Length [m]) corresponds to 166% the distance from the point at which the aircraft is 50 feet above
the surface to the point at which the aircraft is brought to a complete stop, with aircraft weight at MLW on a dry, hard,
level runway under ISA conditions and no wind.
Landing distance(m)
Large Boeing B737-300/CFM56- B733 Jet 157 143 2,160 1,500 30 31-35
3B-1 Engines
28 29
Medium-sized Airbus A320-232 / V2527- A322 Jet 151 137 2,190 1,440 30 29 -38
A5 Engines
Regional Saab SF340B/CT7-9B SF34 Turbo- 128 105 1,271 1,049 30 35
Engines prop
Business jet Dassault FALCON FA20 Jet 138 129 1,450 985 30 23
Military Fighter Rockwell B-1 Lancer B1 Jet 250 220 2,270 1,660 60 DNF
General aviation Diamond DA 40 DA40 Jet 54-67 58-73 170 638 60 20
(leisure aircraft)
Table 17 Today's aircraft TO and LDL performances and crosswind limitations
In civil engineering, for roads construction, the stopping distance in a tight turn is increased since braking is
less energetic (ref [47]). When the turn radius is lower than 5 times the speed of the vehicle, expressed in
km/hour, the stopping distance is increased by 25%. We can assume this will apply to aircraft decelerating on a
circular runway as well.
Another aspect to look at when investigating the sectional shape of the track is the wingspan and the height of
the wingtips of the aircraft when on the curved banked track. Indeed, wing tips should never touch the runway
during the aircraft roll, take-off, and landing. A certain clearance should be adopted (e.g. 1.8 meter clearance
As given by the flight manuals in chapter Performances/Stalling speeds.
Data source: BADA 3.1.
Crosswind during take-off.
Crosswind with gusts.
Data Not Found
Data source: Airplane flight manual DA 40
between wingtips and ground). Reciprocally, this requirement should also be considered when designing new
aircraft adapted to the circular runway. Wingspan and wingtips height over horizontal ground are given for the
aircraft previously notified:
Aircraft type Aircraft description ICAO code Wingtips height (m) Wingspan (m)
Large Boeing B737-300/ B733 3 29
CFM56-3B-1 Engines
Medium-sized Airbus A320-232/ A322 3.7 34
V2527-A5 Engine
Regional Saab SF340B/ SF34 2.5 21.4
CT7-9B Engines
Business jet Dassault FALCON 20/ FA20 1.5 20
Military Fighter Rockwell B-1 Lancer B1 3.6 Extended: 41.8 m
(Bomber) Swept: 24.1 m
General aviation Diamond DA 40 DA40 0.73 11.9
(leisure aircraft)
Table 18 Today's aircraft geometrical characteristics
Finally, aircraft turning radius should be considered. Aircraft turn by using their nose landing gear. Only newer
large aircraft have the capability of swivelling the main gear when making sharp turns, which reduces the
turning radius. This information will play a large role in the design of the connection between the circular
runway and the taxiways, and between the taxiways themselves.
wheel track
The turn radius of the aircraft is depending on the aircrafts wheel track and its wheelbase. For standard
aircraft, the wheelbase b (distance between the centre of the aircrafts main landing gearand the centre of its
nose gear) and the wheel track t (distance between the outer wheels of the main landing gear) and the
maximum nose gear steering angle (specified by the aircraft manufacturer, usually between 60 and 80)
determine its minimum turn radius according to the following formula [49]:
Aircraft type Aircraft description ICAO code Max steering Radius at nose
angle () level (m)
Large Boeing B737-800 B738 78 20
Medium-sized Airbus A320-232/ A322 70 18,3
V2527-A5 Engines
Regional Saab SF340B/ SF34 DNF DNF
CT7-9B Engines
Business jet Dassault FALCON 20/ FA20 DNF DNF
Military Fighter Rockwell B-1 Lancer (Bomber) B1 DNF DNF
General aviation Diamond DA 40 DA40 DNF DNF
(leisure aircraft)
Table 19 Aircraft turn properties
Regional turboprops
Regional turbofans
Single aisle
Twin aisle
Very large aircraft
fuselage while on the Q400, the main landing gear is fixed to the wing, where the engine supporting structure
is located.
ATR in flight [87] and on ground[88] Q400 in flight [89] and on ground [90]
Figure 94 Examples of regional turboprops
Regional turbofans also specifically serve the transportation of about 40 to 70 passengers. However, in
comparison to turboprops, the cruise speed, the flight altitude as well as the range are significantly higher
(M=0.8, 10000 m and 1750 NM). Regarding their configuration, the two options that are used in todays
aircraft consist in installing the engines on the fuselage in the rear part (with a T-tail empennage) or attaching
the engine under the wing. As examples of these architectures, one can indicate the Embraer ERJ-170 and the
Bombardier CRJ 700 (see Figure 95).
Single aisle aircraft form an important group of aircraft in the commercial fleet. Passenger capacity ranges
from 100 to 200 and the available range enables to cover key routes at the national and international (within
Europe) level. Given its size, this category of aircraft is fundamental to the aeronautics industry economy.
Usually, a basic aircraft is produced and subsequently, derived versions are studied to accommodate the right
number of passengers (A318 and A321 are derived versions of the A320). The success of the Airbus A320 and
the Boeing B737 families led to the development of enhanced versions called A320 NEO and B737 MAX (see
illustrations in Figure 96). From an external point of view, the new airdraft can be recognized by the new
sharklets installed on A320 NEO and the innovative winglets on the B737 MAX (both on the wing tips).
For intercontinental flights, industry proposes twin aisle aircraft that have a capacity from 250 to 350
passengers. The cruise speed is around M=0.84 and the range extends 5000 NM for the basic versions. Other
versions have been produced in a second step with the objective of extending significantly the possible flight
distance. Once equipped with 4 engines, aircraft of this category are now converging to a two-engines
configuration that is compliant with the ETOPS rules (Extended-range Twin-engine Operational Performance
Standards). The latest products in this category are the Boeing B787 (already in service) and the Airbus A350
XWB set for a first flight in 2013 (see Figure 97).
In order to meet the demand for high capacity transport aircraft, Boeing designed the B747 that flew for the
first time in 1969. In 1994, Airbus initiated the A3XX project in order to add to its catalogue an ultra-high
capacity airplane. The result is the A380 airplane that can carry more than 800 passengers in a single-class
configuration (first commercial flight in 2007). These very large airplanes are characterized by a double deck
that is found only in the front part for the B747. This solution enabled to increase the passenger capacity
significantly without designing too risky configurations. Figure 98shows the latest version of the B747 (B747-
800) and the A380-800.
To conclude this brief presentation of the five aircraft categories, reference characteristics in orders of
magnitude are summarized in Table 20.
A representation of these data under the form of pie charts enables to visualize the evolution of the fleet share
between the categories, see Figure 99. It seems that in 2050, the single aisle segment will slightly decrease in
favour of the twin aisle part. For the remainder of the aircraft categories, the breakdown between 2010 and
2050 is almost identical.
evolved configuration based on specific technologies [95] of open rotors for the propulsion system, active
aeroelastic wings, advanced composites, and flight controls.
The integration of these technologies results in the design of an Open Rotor Tailless Aircraft (ORTA) with
retractable canards and chin rudder capable of transporting 180 passengers over 2800 NM (at a speed of
M=0.7). Regarding the fuel burn, the new design provides a 60% reduction. In Figure 100, it is possible to
observe the high aspect ratio wing (15 vs. 9.45 for the B737-800) that clearly favours the fuel consumption.
Within the same NASA Project, Boeing performed its own research called SUGAR (Subsonic Ultra Green
Aircraft Research) regarding single aisle aircraft to enter into service in 2035. In this paragraph, it is decided to
present the SUGAR Volt, a possible future aircraft using a hybrid engine (batteries + fuel). As for the vehicle
defined by the Conceptual Research Corporation, the SUGAR Volt airplane aims to fly at a speed of M=0.7 and
it relies on an important number of new technologies [96]. The following figure illustrates this new aircraft
concept that reaches also a reduction of 60% in fuel consumption (for a 900 NM mission):
Figure 101 Possible single aisle aircraft with hybrid engines in 2050 (SUGAR Volt) [94]
The European counterparts of the programs described in this section, like the CleanSky program, have been
mentioned before in this document.
In [96], Boeing designs a BWB based on the requirements of a single aisle typical configuration. The resulting
aircraft, called SUGAR Ray, providing a gain of 43% in the fuel consumption (for a 900 NM mission) compared
to current-day aircraft configurations, is illustrated in Figure 102(data correspond to the turbofan version).
For comparison of these advanced concepts with todays aircraft, Table 22 specifies the aircraft characteristics.
This chart clearly indicates that the trend for future aircraft is to increase the wing span. In this manner, the
aspect ratio is higher and the overall aerodynamic efficiency is better. However, it is obvious that ground
operations would more complex (future concepts proposed by Boeing include indeed a folding system to
reduce the area covered by the airplane on the ground). Although exact characteristics of these aircraft are not
yet known, this particular change in the geometry of the future aircraft might be a limiting parameter in the
definition of the Endless Runway concept with banked tracks.
Concerning the aircraft itself (see Figure 105), the study emphasizes on specific technology developments that
would enable to fulfil the specific aircraft needs. The key improvements concern turboprop engines, laminar
flow control, composite structures, electric systems, and systems integration. The resulting airplane is a high
loaded classical configuration with an oval fuselage that achieves similar performance over a large portion of
its mission profile and offers the same comfort as a B737.
Reference Aircraft GE SCTA
Passengers 20
Range [NM] 800
Length [m] 14.7
Span [m] 16.2
Wing area [m] 18.9
MTOW [kg] 6651
Figure 105 Characteristics of a 2050 Small Commercial Transport Aircraft (SCTA) [98]
8 Conclusion
This document has provided an overview of aspects related to a possible circular runway. The document has
described earlier work (theoretical and practical), and aspects related to the construction of runways and the
airport infrastructure, ATM procedures, and aircraft design. Emerging and innovative airport concepts and
future air transport have been described in order to set up a framework for the Endless Runway.
The circular runway is not a completely new idea. The first reference to a circular runway track was found in a
publication from 1919, where a sky-based runway would support commuters travelling to their office buildings
in New York. The first trials with a circular take-off were performed as stunts in 1938. The idea of using a
circular runway became popular in patent claims in the sixties, when several concepts, constructions, and add-
ons were filed as patents. The US Navy performed operational trials with landing on a circular track, from
which extensive reports can be found. The idea was abandoned at that time, as aircraft and ATM procedures
were not available for installation and implementation of circular runways in a large scale. However, the idea
of the Endless Runway appears every now and then in ATM literature and airport design studies as an
interesting solution to solving the cross- and tailwind issues during landing and take-off, where just as well,
airport operations can be performed more efficiently with a circular runway track around an optimised airport
terminal building construction.
The construction of the runway and design of terminal buildings inside the ring.
The majority of the airport infrastructure will be constructed inside the circular runway track, thus setting
requirements to the size of the circle. It will need to cover all facilities necessary for aircraft taxiing, parking,
and servicing. The terminal buildings will need to be constructed to allow passengers, luggage, and cargo
handling in the same ways as it takes place at airports nowadays. Special attention will need to be paid to the
access to the airport, as passengers, crew, and service handlers will always have to cross the runway circle at
some point. A trend is observed towards multi-modal airport access through the use of train and automated
people mover systems. Emergency situations in which aircraft and passengers might need to get easily outside
the circle should be considered as well.
One major aspect for further research is the consideration of the environmental and the societal impact of the
Endless Runway. Aircraft noise, CO2 and NOx emissions, and third party risk will not be concentrated along
existing runway arrival and departure routes, but will be spread over the whole terminal manoeuvring area
around the airport. This diffusion may have a positive impact over currently overflown populations, but it may
be regarded negative as well as more people will experience nuisance. Procedures may need to be established
to avoid overflying heavily populated areas.
A concept for landing at different positions on one runway is already in use at airports where they operate the
displaced threshold procedure. This procedure allows aircraft to land at different positions on one runway,
avoiding wake turbulence, hence enabling shorter separation and providing more capacity. This procedure is
interesting for further research as the idea of operating multiple thresholds at one runway can be used in the
operational concept of the Endless Runway.
The current development in ATM, implemented in the SESAR program, is the application of 4D trajectories.
Aircraft will fly assigned routes in space and time and negotiate these routes in advance. Together with
planning systems for arrival and departure management, and good ground operations planning, this will allow
efficient operations on the circular runway. Aircraft will be able to automatically determine their optimised
flight profile, using continuous descent approaches and continuous climb operations. Good planning is also
necessary for the pilots and air traffic controllers situational awareness, who will both need a good overview
of the traffic situation in a newly developed HMI.
8.3 Aircraft
Neither aircraft configurations nor the aircraft fleet composition are expected to change significantly over the
next decades. Although several new aircraft types are proposed (BWB and personal air vehicles) from which
the characteristics are not yet fully known, it will suffice to use existing aircraft parameters for the evaluation
of accessibility of aircraft to the Endless Runway. Important aspects concerning the aircraft configuration are
the wing tip and engine clearance from the bank angle of the runway. This must still apply in case of incidents,
like flat tires. Aircraft turn radius and allowed bank angle must allow them to operate the Endless Runway.
For the comfort of passengers, the centrifugal forces must not exceed values that will cause them to feel
Trials from the sixties have demonstrated that the circular runway track is forgiving in such that it tends to
correct pilot errors when landing too high with a slow speed or too low with a high speed on the banked track.
The aircraft will sweep to the right position in the track. Just as well, if the aircraft reaches the track with
only the outer landing gear wheel first, the aircraft will be able to maintain position and finish the landing
without problems.
The results of the literature survey in this document are promising and suggest that a circular runway can be
developed with current and expected technology. Todays aircraft characteristics allow to take off and land
with speeds and low altitude bank angles compatible with the operation on a circular track. The Endless
Runway fits in future concepts that specify improved planning of operations, new navigation equipment, and
intermodal transport.
One or more operational concepts will need to be developed and further evaluated to define exact ways of
working with the Endless Runway.
9 References
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[2] Roosts for City Airplane : Would This Circular Track Solve the Landing Problem?, in Popular Science,
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[3] Circular Take-off, in Time Magazine, March 1955
[4] Jet-age Runway Problem Solved?, FLIGHT, Dec 1957
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[6] Circular Runway concept, The age, Dec 1965
[7] New Directions, in Time Magazine, December 1965
[8] U.S. Navy Ends Tests on Revolutionary New Airport Concept, The telegraph, Dec 1965
[9] Coming: Airports Shaped Like Wheels?, Popular Science, June 1966
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[11] US Patent 3157374, Airport Design, James S. Conrey, Nov 1964
[12] US Patent 3173634, Closed Track Airport, A. Woldemar, March 1965
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[26] ICAO Annex 14, Volume I, Aerodrome design and operations
[27] ICAO Annex 16, Environmental Protection, Volume I, Aircraft Noise
[28] ICAO 9157 Aerodrome Design Manual
[29] Janes database (http://jawa.janes.com/public/jawa/index.shtml)
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[33] US Patent 5588387, Wentworth J. Tellington, Floating Platform, Filing date Mar. 14, 1995, Issue date
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[34] US Patent 5906171, Per Herbert Kristensen et.al, Floating Runway, Filing date Sept. 24, 1997, Issue date
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[35] US Patent 6651578, Patrick H. Gorman, Floating Structures, Filing Date Mar. 27, 2002, Issue date Nov.
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[109] EASA Website; http://easa.europa.eu/atm/total-system-approach.html
[110] Aircraft Maintenance Engineering article:
The majority of commercial airports have ICAO code number 4 where the RFL of the most demanding aircraft
is usually greater than 1,800 m. The second ICAO element is determined by the most demanding characteristic,
usually the wing span. Usually the combinations for commercial airports are 4-D, 4-E and 4-F. Combination 4-C
can be found for airports whose largest aeroplane is a B-737 or an A320.
It should be noted that reference code elements 2 for ICAO and FAA are exactly the same. This reference
code 2 is what actually determines the geometrical design standards, as the wingspan shows aircraft size.
For most practical purposes, nowadays, the physics of noise is well understood. Sound is defined as a
mechanical wave that is an oscillation of pressure transmitted through a solid, liquid or gas, composed of
frequencies within the range of hearing and of a level sufficiently strong to be heard, or the sensation
stimulated in organs of hearing by such vibrations. When we hear an unwanted sound with little, if any,
information content, then we call that sound noise.
Experts have observed that the human ear perceives changes of sound nonlinearly. That is why a logarithmic
scale for measuring noise is used. The unit of measurement is called decibel, denoted as dB. The sound
pressure levels for the human ear are in the range of 0 to 120 dB. While the first value is barely perceptible,
the second one can even cause pain to the human ear. This logarithmic scale can lead to some
misinterpretations. For example, an increase from 90 dB to 100 dB does not imply an increase of 10% in sound
pressure level, but a doubling of sound level. Not only measuring the sound pressure level is important, but
also the frequency of the sound. The human ear can perceive frequencies ranging from 16 to 16000 Hz.
Nevertheless it is most sensitive in the range of 2000 to 4000 Hz. In order to capture the sensitivity of the
human ear to different frequencies, the A-weighted scale is used, whose units are denoted as dBA. This
adjustment is used in measurements of noise in airports. It adds 2-3 dB to the range between 2000 to 4000 Hz
and subtracts a few dB from sounds outside this range.
Regarding airport noise measurement, two approaches are used. On one hand, single-event measures
associated with a single aircraft movement. On the other hand, cumulative measures, which consider the
cumulative effect of many movements.
The most commonly used single-event measures of airport noise are Lmax and SEL. The former is defined as the
maximum sound level reached during the amount of time T (typically range from 10 s to minutes). The latter
stands for Sound Exposure Level and takes into consideration all the noise readings during the duration T of a
noise event to produce a single estimate of the total sound exposure associated with the event. Therefore, its
objective is to measure the total noise impact of an event on a listener. SEL will always have a higher value
than Lmax. Any readings that are 10 dBA or less than Lmax are usually left out in the calculation of SEL due to the
logarithmic scale used. In practice, in order to calculate their values, the readings of noise sensors are used.
That is why one must work with discrete values Li instead of a continuous function L(t). Their mathematical
definitions are the following:
T L10(t ) N 10 Li
SEL = 10log 10 dt 10log 10 t
i =1
The two most important cumulative measures are the equivalent noise level (Leq) and the Day-night average
sound level (Ldn). Their mathematical definitions are the following:
1 M SEL j
Leq = 10log 10 10
T j =1
These measures are used to estimate the impact of the loudness of the individual noise events and its
frequency. Leq consists of a generic cumulative measure. The problem with measuring cumulative effects is the
inability to differentiate between a scenario where there is just one event which generates severe noise from
another scenario where several events generate moderate noise. Ldn is becoming the most used measure in
analyses of airport environmental impacts. It is the standard measure for the FAA and is more adjusted for
night-time noise.
For information, ICAO has set up a committee, the Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection, in charge
of reducing the impact of engine emissions. One of ICAOs annexes, the Annex 16 [27], is related to the
environmental protection. It consists of 5 parts, 6 appendixes and 4 annexes. Part 1 poses several definitions
related to aircraft. Part 2 (10 chapters) discusses aircraft homologation with regard to noise. Part 3 expounds
noise measurement for surveillance. Part 4 covers noise evaluation in airports. Part 5 treats the distinct
operational procedures in order to mitigate noise.
Appendix C Regulations
With the presented state of the art and future technology and operation in the previous chapters, it has to be
kept in mind that the political and regulatory framework has to be in place also to be prepared for the future.
Aviation in general is one of these fields that are highly regulated. There are different areas where aviation
regulations apply:
o operations
o personnel
o airports
o air traffic management
economic handling
o airport charges
o ATS charges
o slot allocation
o passenger rights
airspace organization
States that signed the convention transfer the regulations and standards into national law. Some difficulties
may show up during the process, such as:
To overcome these problems, within Europe, the Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA) was founded to harmonize
the regulations in Europe. The Joint Aviation Requirements (JAR) provided by the JAA are a set of basic rules to
achieve a high level of safety in European aviation. These requirements are produced in cooperation to
provide common safety regulatory standards and procedures, which have to be achieved by the members
authorities. In 2009 functions of the JAA where taken over by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA).
Contrary to JAA, which is an associated body, EASA is a European agency with regulatory and executive tasks.
As safety/airworthiness is one of the key factors that need to be addressed in relation to the Endless Runway
concept, some background information is presented in the next chapter.
With respect to air traffic regulations, great changes are envisaged to be accomplished for the future air
transportation. Radical changes in air transport would need to be accompanied by changes in legislation.
Transition to this new regulation would be linked to the development of certain key technologies, for instance
those related to detect and avoid functionalities in a medium term scope or communications, navigation,
guidance and control advances that will allow 4D contract operations in a long term future, but also to social
acceptance of full automated air transport.
As described earlier in this document, full automation of air transport is the ultimate evolution. In this
scenario, the human role, human-machine authority sharing, and distribution of responsibilities are critical
issues that would have to be regulated in addition to airworthiness and operational requirements. The
evolution on air regulations will take a gradual transition, from short term operations legislation, restricted
mainly by todays lack of critical technology, to evolving in a medium term future to SESAR ATM 2020 and from
there to the 2050 and beyond future air transport.
Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) integration into non segregated airspace legislation evolution could serve as
a guideline for fully automated air transportation system regulation of the future, where a great diversity of
future airspace users would operate in an adaptable and flexible airspace.
As an initial step for UAS operations in non-segregated airspace, they must be able to demonstrate compliance
with the airspace separation procedures and collision avoidance requirements. This implies that unmanned
aircraft must be able to operate in accordance with the rules of the air as presented in ICAO Annex 2 and the
various rules and procedures relating to Air traffic Management presented in ICAO Document 4444 PANS ATM
and other national, regional, and international documents relating to air traffic management requirements.
Unmanned aircraft will also be required to meet the ATC requirements currently being developed by SESAR
and NextGen.
ANS Providers
One of the main objectives of the basic regulation is to establish and maintain a high uniform level of civil
aviation safety and environmental compatibility. The Community system gives legal certainty as one single set
of requirements will be adopted and implemented at the same time by all 31 EASA Member States (27 EU plus
Norway, Iceland, Switzerland and Liechtenstein). These requirements are directly applicable and replace
national law without creating an additional layer of legislation. [109]
Based on the basic regulations, the following regulation documents are relevant for the Endless Runway:
The part of airworthiness is subdivided into the initial and continuing phase. Therefore two regulations are
relevant for the aspects of
Commission Regulation (EU) No 748/2012 of 03/08/2012 laying down implementing rules for the
airworthiness and environmental certification of aircraft and related products, parts and appliances,
as well as for the certification of design and production organisations
Commission Regulation (EC) 2042/2003 of 20/11/2003 on the continuing airworthiness of aircraft and
aeronautical products, parts and appliances, and on the approval of organisations and personnel
involved in these tasks
Air Crew
Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 of 03/11/2011 laying down technical requirements and
administrative procedures related to civil aviation aircrew pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 of
the European Parliament and of the Council. (OJ L 311, 25/11/2011, p.1-193)
Commission Regulation (EU) No 290/2012 of 30/03/2012 amending Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011
laying down technical requirements and administrative procedures related to civil aviation aircrew
pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council (OJ L 100,
5.4.2012, p.1-56)
Commission Regulation (EC) No 805/2011 of 10/08/2011 laying down detailed rules for air traffic
controllers licences and certain certificates pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 of the European
Parliament and of the Council
ATM/ANS Oversight
ANS Providers
Appendix C.3 Regulation on aerodromes, air traffic management and air navigation
In the field of ATM/ANS, the regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 has amended Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 in the
field of aerodromes, air traffic management and air navigation services. Here a Total system approach and
performance-based rulemaking is foreseen. Seeing aviation as one network of different elements (products,
operators, crews, and aerodromes, ATM, ANS), the total system approach ensures that uniformity is achieved
and conflicting requirements and confused regulations are avoided.
Currently there are some rulemaking groups working on Notices of Proposed Amendments (NPAs) that will
form the base for future legislatives. For aerodromes these are:
After public comments these NPAs will lead to Accompanying Means of Compliance (AMC), Certification
Specifications (CS) and Guidance Material (GM) that will be included in a formal Opinion, which will be then
transferred into a legislative proposal.
1) PCN number
2) Pavement type:
- R = Rigid
- F = Flexible
3) Subgrade strength category:
3 32
Rigid (MN/m ) Flexible (CBR )
A) High K = 150 > 120 15 > 13
B) Medium K = 80 60< 120 10 8< 13
C) Low K = 40 25< 60 6 4< 8
D) Very Low K = 20 25 < 3 4<
Table 28 Subgrade strength categories
W High No limits
X Medium Up to 1.5 MPa
Y Low Up to 1 MPa
Z Very low Up to 0.5 MPa
Table 29 Maximum allowable tire pressures
5) Evaluation method:
- T = Technical
- U = Experimental
For example, if the bearing strength of a rigid pavement, resting on a low strength subgrade, has been
assessed by technical evaluation to be PCN 76 and there is no tire pressure limitation, then the reported
information would be: PCN 76/R/C/W/T.
CBR (California Bearing Ratio): is a penetration test for evaluation of the mechanical strength of road subgrades and
33 3
K: Westergaard subgrade reaction module, in MN/m .
Numerically, the ACN is twofold the simple wheel load, in thousands of kilograms, which depends on subgrade
strength. Its normalized pressure is 1.25 MPa.
As aircraft operate in varying centre of gravity and mass, it has been adopted the following criteria:
The maximum ACN is calculated considering the mass and centre of gravity which lead to the
maximum loads to the pavement by the landing gear. It is supposed that tires are inflated following
the aircraft manufacturers recommendations.
In the aircraft ACN tables, the centre of gravity is a constant value corresponding to the maximum
ACN (maximum mass on the platform) and considering the tire pressure suitable for the maximum
mass on the platform.
= (26)
= + (27)
= (28)
We are looking for an expression of tan as a function of V, and R, and for an expression of V as a function of
R, and tan.
= 2
= 2
= 2 ( + )
( + ) = 2
( 2 )
= (+)
We proceed in a similar way with equation (29) combined with equations (29) and (28) :
= + = +
= + 2
( + ) = ( + 2 )
(+ 2 )
= (+)
Considering that cos 0 ( []), we divide (29) by (30):
= = + 2
(31) + 2 = 2
( + ) = 2 (1 )
2 = (1) (32)
2 2
0 0 1 +
We have:
2 2 2 2
2 + 1 1 1 + 2 + 1 + 1
2 0 2 0 0 2 0 0
= 0 = 0 = 0
1 + 1+ 1+ 1+
0 0 0 0
= 02 1 + 2+
0 + 1
A change of variable u = 1 + allows to easily compute a primitive of 1+ .
0 0
= /0 = 0
2 1 +
1 + = 0 = 0 + 1 = 0 + 1
0 2 2
1 0 2 1 + 0
= 02 1 + 2 + = 0 2 + 0 ln 1 + + 2
0 0 0 + 1 2 0 0
2 02 1 2
= 1 + 2(1 + ) + ln 1 + + 2
2 0 0 0 0
2 02 1 1 2 1
= + + 2 22 + ln 1 + + 2
2 0 2 0 0 0 2
2 02 1 2
= + ln 1 +
2 02 0 0
To conclude:
2 02 1 2
= 2 2 + ln 1 + (33)
0 0 0
The following table shows the annual passengers for the different types in 2011:
Source : http://www.caa.co.uk/default.aspx?catid=80&pagetype=88&sglid=3&fld=2011Annual
Approach charts
Figure 109 Approach chart for ILS approaches (AIP Hamburg, Germany)
Figure 110 Approach chart for RNAV approaches (AIP Hamburg, Germany)