Catching and throwing skills
PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES (min =2 needed per lesson, must assess primary ALIGNED STATE & NASPE
objective. All three components in both objs.) STANDARDS
A. SS come into class A. SS change in locker room and go into the gym to sit in squads
B. SS go to hallway B. SS will go into hallway when told
C. T splits teams C. T will split kids into two teams- give flags
D. SS go to soccer field D. SS will go outside to the soccer field
E. SS start warm-up:
E. Flag tag
Flag tag: Each SS has a belt and two flags on. 1 or 2 SS are chosen to be
it. These SS will chase the rest of the SS trying to remove their flags.
When both flags are removed from a player, they become it as well.
The last player in the game as a runner is the winner.
After, return all the flags
I. T pauses game
I. T pauses game Switch roles of teams (ex: team 1 is not team 2 and scoring
rules/boundaries change for them)
Discuss any issues that are occurring
Give suggestion for strategy
List the type and provide. Indicate assessment location in II/P/A section
Teamwork checklist:
Did I pass to multiple people?
Did I pass when there was an open player instead of run on my own?
Did I allow other people to score?
Did I communicate well with my teammates?
Strategy checklist:
Did SS pass before getting tagged?
Did SS tag as many poles as possible?
Did SS take advantage when they didnt have defense on them?