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TEACHER(S): Danielle DeGraw

Grade: 6th Grade

To practice running, sidestepping, and being evasive in a team game; to practice accurate passing and catching; to
practice accurate shooting/throwing; to practice blocking; to practice communication and teamwork.

Catching and throwing skills

PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES (min =2 needed per lesson, must assess primary ALIGNED STATE & NASPE
objective. All three components in both objs.) STANDARDS

* SS will demonstrate teamwork in game-like-situations while playing zoneball, 2.5.8.C.1

while being assessed by a teamwork self-checklist. 2.5.8.B.3
*SS will show their knowledge of different strategies during zone-ball, while being
assessed by a strategy rubric by the teacher.
MATERIALS DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION (for all skill levels and ss w. disabilities)
*Lots of cones * A bigger ball can be used l for lower ages/skills
*Garbage can or large target * SS with down syndrome: have another ss partner up with them and assist
*Gator Ball when needed
*Pinnies * Visual impairments: Encourage hand-offs; use a beep ball. Use bright colored
*Football sideline poles (anything balls and cones.
that can stand up and be tagged)


The T/SS will: The T/SS will:

A. SS come into class A. SS change in locker room and go into the gym to sit in squads
B. SS go to hallway B. SS will go into hallway when told
C. T splits teams C. T will split kids into two teams- give flags
D. SS go to soccer field D. SS will go outside to the soccer field
E. SS start warm-up:
E. Flag tag
Flag tag: Each SS has a belt and two flags on. 1 or 2 SS are chosen to be
it. These SS will chase the rest of the SS trying to remove their flags.
When both flags are removed from a player, they become it as well.
The last player in the game as a runner is the winner.
After, return all the flags

F. Game Explanation F. T explains zone-ball

A large team game played between 2 teams on a large circular field with
concentric circles (from New Zealand)
Timed game
The aim is to outscore the opposing team
Play starts from the starting pole, with Team 1 throwing or kicking the
gator ball to a teammate in the innermost area. This person will then
throw it to a teammate to try to start the beginning of the scoring
Team 1 will be able to score points by touching the outer poles (for
potential points) with the gator ball by running around the outer area,
and then touching the ball down in the innermost area to convert pole
touches into points.
o When Team 1 scores, they have to restart the game at the
start area with a pass or a kick
o Team 1 cannot go through or over the bridge to score
o If a member from Team 1s flag is taken in the middle zone (the
green zone) while trying to score (if they have the ball), it is a
turn over
Team 2 must stop team 1 f rom scoring by ripping the
tag in the appropriate area
Team 2 scores points by shooting and hitting the center target with the
gator ball while in the middle area (green area on diagram)
o Whenever the gator ball touches the center target, it scores a
point for this team
o When Team 2 scores, play continues
o Jump shots are allowed if the player jumps from the middle
circle and releases the ball before landing in the innermost
circle; they must leave immediately and not affect play.
o Team 1 will have guardians around the center target to stop
team 2 from hitting the target.
Team 1 can go only in the outermost zone, unless or if they are the
o Team 1 can only go through the middle zone (green in diagram)
if they are running through to score with the gator ball
o Guardians of Team 1 can also go into the innermost zone by
using the bridge
o The bridge is for the guardians of Team 1 to get in and out of
the innermost zone to help attack and defend the center target
Team 2 can go only go in the outer 2 zones only (green zone and
outermost yellow zone)
If the ball goes out of bounds, the last team in possession but hand it
over to the other team to throw in
Players in possession must be moving with the gator ball or they have 3
seconds to pass or shoot, or it is a turnover
Players can grab the gator ball from the other boundary areas as long as
their feet stay in their legal zones
Players can not enter the bridge unless they are on Team 1 or they are
the guardians of team 1 moving between the innermost zone (yellow)
and the outermost zone (yellow)
G. Roles determined G. T splits class into 2 teams. Assign a team to be team 1 and team 2
Pick 2 guardians for team 1
H. Game begins H. T facilitates games and enforces rules and strategies.
T can add passing rules:
o Have to pass a certain amount of times before scoring
o Have to pass to everyone before scoring
o Cant run at all with the ball

I. T pauses game
I. T pauses game Switch roles of teams (ex: team 1 is not team 2 and scoring
rules/boundaries change for them)
Discuss any issues that are occurring
Give suggestion for strategy

J. Game continues J. Game continues until time is almost over

K. SS bring it in for debrief.

K. Debrief See which teams won and ask them why they won
Ask what different strategies were used
Ask if SS would play differently if they had a chance

L. SS are dismissed L. SS are dismissed after handing in pinnies

DIAGRAM/FORMATION (provide for all activities when necessary)

General overall safety concerns/safety specific to an activity placed in II/P/A section.
SS need to be careful while running; dont run into each other
Can use a softer ball if that is a concern
Need to focus on spacing

List the type and provide. Indicate assessment location in II/P/A section
Teamwork checklist:
Did I pass to multiple people?
Did I pass when there was an open player instead of run on my own?
Did I allow other people to score?
Did I communicate well with my teammates?

Strategy checklist:
Did SS pass before getting tagged?
Did SS tag as many poles as possible?
Did SS take advantage when they didnt have defense on them?

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