Hex Corder

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Hexcorder MM

CIPS / DCVG Surveys

Designed for close interval potential surveys (CIPS),
direct current voltage gradient surveys (DCVG) or both
Work with interruption cycles as fast as 1 second
User alarms can be enabled to help ensure data integrity
GPS location data stored with each reading
Records chainage, date and time with each reading
Active AC filter to remove the effect of induced AC
Reads and stores waveforms
Comments can be easily entered into the data stream
Data stored in an ASCII comma delimited text file
No special software required
Easy to import and graph in any standard spreadsheet
or database program
Software upgradeable
Choice of hip pack or back pack wire dispenser
Comes complete with all cables, reference electrodes, etc
to start surveying, including a spool of wire
Benefits Optional sub-meter GPS precision available
Optional on-site survey training is available
Can perform three different types of Comprehensive 1 year warranty
survey at the same time, CIPS, DCVG
and mapping
All data obtained in the same location
with the same weather and soil
Easy to correlate cathodic protection
data with coating integrity data to
better prioritize remediation
Waveforms allow the user to capture
electrical interference
Can also act as a stationary data logger
for stray or telluric current studies
GPS location data can be imported
into mapping software

Cathodic Technology Limited Phone (905) 857-1050 www.cath-tech.com

15-1 Marconi Court, Bolton, Fax (905 ) 857-3499 ctl@cath-tech.com
Ontario, Canada L7E 1E2
Hexcorder MM
CIPS / DCVG Surveys

Hexcorder MM
Wire dispenser with one spool of survey
Choice of:
Hip pack - short surveys, urban areas
2 km (1.25 mile) survey wire
Back pack - long, across country
16 km (10 mile) survey wire
2 x half cell extension poles
2 x Cu/CuSO4 half cells
Carrying strap
Half cell and wire dispenser cables
Data logger cable
GPS magnet mount antenna
AC charger; 120/240 V AC, 50/60 Hz
Technical Specification RS-232 straight through cable
USB to RS-232 converter
Range: +/- 5 V DC Rugged carrying case
A/D Converter: 14 bit Owners manual
Memory Capacity: 1 Mb, expandable to 2Mb
Input Impedance: 10 M ohm or 250 M ohm
AC Rejection: 100 dB active filter
Case: Machined aluminum with powder coat
Dimensions: 21cm x 19cm x 6cm (8 x 7.5 x 2.5)
Weight: 3.2 kg
Battery: 7.2V 4.5 amp hour NiMH
User Interface: 240 x 64 graphic LCD with 40 key QWERTY membrane keypad
Communications: RS-232
Carrying Case: Plastic, IP 67 rated 53cm x 45cm x 23cm (21 x 18 x 9)
Fully integrated 12 satellite WAAS / EGNOS GPS antenna
GPS co-ordinates, altitude, PDOP and number of satellites logged with every reading
Sub-metre GPS precision available upon request

Specifications subject to change without notice

Cathodic Technology Limited Phone (905) 857-1050 www.cath-tech.com

15-1 Marconi Court, Bolton, Fax (905 ) 857-3499 ctl@cath-tech.com
Ontario, Canada L7E 1E2

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