#1 Frame Work v001
#1 Frame Work v001
#1 Frame Work v001
PMBoK 5th Ed
International Standards for Project Management
There have been several attempts to develop project management
standards, such as:
GAPPS, Global Alliance for Project Performance Standards an open
source standard describing COMPETENCIES for project and program
A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge from the Project
Management Institute (PMI)
The ISO standards ISO 21500, Guidance on Project Management
PRINCE2, PRojects IN Controlled Environments.
Association for Project Management Body of Knowledge
Total Cost Management Framework, AACE International's Methodology for
Integrated Portfolio, Program and Project Management.
IAPPM, The International Association of Project & Program Management,
guide to project auditing and rescuing troubled projects.
1st Q 2nd Q 3rd Q 4th Q Next Year
Physical Craft Physical Intellect
Non-Physical Craft Non-Physical
Any time your project changes, you'll need to know how that change affects all three
Market Demand
Strategic opportunity or business need
Customer request
Technological advance
Legal requirement
Ecological impact
Social Need
Payback period
Number of periods to pay back a projects cost. Ex: if a project costs $1
million and will generate revenue of $100,000 per year, then the
payback period would be 10 years.
Constraints Assumption
Applicable restriction or Factor that, for planning
limitation, either internal or purpose, are considered to be
external to the project, that will true, real or certain without
affect the performance of the proof or demonstration.
project or a process. Assumptions need a
continuous monitoring to
It will limits your options to determine if they are going to
execute the project. These be false or invalid.
restrictions could be internal or Furthermore, Assumption
external, imposed by the Analysis is performed as part of
customer, management, your risk planning to identify
enterprise environmental the risks associated with each
factorsetc. assumption.
Constraints Assumption
Hire national labor only. All required materials are
Mr. X has to approve any available in the local market.
vendor before final decision is The approvals needed from
taken by the performing Mr. X will not take more than
company. 2 days.
Must finish 25% of the project Raw material prices not to
work within 30 days. increase more than 6% during