OnLine Shopping Project
OnLine Shopping Project
OnLine Shopping Project
Chapter Scheme :-
1. Acknowledgement
2. Certificate of Originality
3. Brief about the organization R.M Infotech(P) Ltd.
4.Introduction to the Problem
5.Introduction to Project.
6. Purpose.
7. Objective.
8. Contribution of Project
9 Hardware Software Used
. About Java.
. About Oracle.
10. Analysis.
. My Role
. Module Description
. Methology
. Table Description.
. Flow Diagram.
11. Problem Definition
. Exiting system
. Proposed system
. Feasibility Study
. Request Approval
. Optimization
. Validation Checks
. Object of the proposed
12. Bibliography
13. Screens
14. Demo Code.
BY :
This is the era of Information Technology. Its significance is vital in our lives
because it presents infinite opportunities for growth and development, all this through
Internet. A key ingredient for the Internet to be successful is state-of-art net
infrastructure to converge different media and sources with integral knowledge and
clear concept is very essential. This has been the main motivation for our launching
R.M INFOTECH as an intensive unit of Training and Development center.
R.M Infotech aims at providing complete and Quality Solution to its clients in all
spheres of IT activities. Strategic tie-ups with IBM, Compaq, Hewlett-Packard, SUN
Microsystems, HCL, Acer, MICROSOFT, Computer Associates, Cisco, 3Com, Nortal
Networks, AMP, Mod-Tap and AT&T with a team of highly qualified professionals
are the strong points of the organization. Quality being the hallmark of the
organization, R.M Infotech provides tailored solution and takes on turnkey projects.
R.M Infotech with its standard facility at NOIDA with air-conditioned premises of
300 sq. ft., is custom designed with essential infrastructure to accommodate six
batches prospectively with twelve students in each batch per day i.e. seventy students
per day subsequently.
The Lab-Room is equipped with heavily configured ten P.C. connected through
network and loaded with all latest software like c# (sharp), EJB and Oracle 8i. The
center is also equipped with backup facility in case of electricity failure.
We shall define ourselves in the cutting edge technology in the coming era. We shall
create honest working environment with see-through-glass planning.
To create opportunity for growth & self actualization to trainees and provide An
environment of highly conducive works culture.
Added features :
a) Connectivity through JDBC - Thin Driver i.e. Oracle Driver.
b) Chat Server - Applet & Servlet communication with RMI.
c) Java Mail Server.
d) Java Search Engine.
e) Uploadation using File Transfer Protocol (FTP).
For Application :
Introduction to Project
Brief Description :
This site is acting as a middle men connecting Seller and Buyer. Both has to register
themselves by paying a minimum amount of Rs. 500/- which will remain valid for
one year. After registration a seller has to register its product. Similarly Buyer can
log on to site and search for a product and can do shopping.
Project Category
This is an On Line Shopping Web Site on which person can log in and
can register himself and can search for products.
E-Com i.e transaction on net.
Business to Consumer.
Virtual Auction site.
Both users can use search engine to search for a product
Internet help to fulfill these goals. It will help in easy storage and access of all
information, in short period of time.
Objective :-
Computerized system help to fulfill these goals. Computerization of the official works
will help in doing lot of manual work quickly. It will help in easy storage and access of
all information, in short period of time.
(i) It has the features of providing all the information online (through
the net). About the product for Shopping.
(iii) The site includes the Chat Messenger which provides the users to
interact with each other online.
(iv) The site includes the search engine and advance search engine
which gives the user easy way to find the product which he/she can
(v) The site also includes the electronic mail facility for the users who
have registered themselves.
(vi) The site has the registration fee Rs. 500 which prevents the
unregistered user to bid a product.
(vii) The site acts as a middle-ware for the seller and the buyer.
(viii) The site has the facility to inform the seller and buyer about the
final sale.
It should contain all the information of Seller who is registering his product.
It should contain all the information of Product like Product id, Category, Sale
Price etc.
It should process and evaluate purchase made by buyers.
It should contain information of Sale Price etc.
It should contain information related to Product expiry or re registration.
It should inform both buyer and Seller when the product is sold.
It should maintain proper financial records.
It should have Administrator for scheduling administrative work of site.
It should contain all the information of company.
It should contain all the information of the products, which is produced by
the company with their quality.
It should contain all the information of the money transactions.
It should contain the facility of ordering the products through e-mail or Fax.
It should contain facility of on line shopping either through credit card or through
User Info U_registration
1 2
User Info
User Product Info Prod
User uct
Detai Detai
ls ls
Product Info
3 Product Tables
r Status Info
Product Tables
Order Details Order
Address rers Name
Phone No.
Product ID
User/Company ping Product
Stock Sale
Order Price
Product ID
Category ID Product ID
Clients Name :-
The company Micro Data Product (P) Ltd. is one of the leading
manufacturers and exporters of Micro Processors , Modem , Sound Card, Fax Machine
etc.. It supplies these items to Middle-East countries, Singapore and other Western
This site is made to globalize product and to increase both buyers and sellers
hence increasing the business of client. There requirement was to prepare a web site
which can do manual things i.e. computerization of manual job. Some of the clients
requirements are: -
Clients Requirements :-
Module 1:
Registration module, which is further sub-divided into two sub- sections: -
1) Company Registration
2) User Registration.
Module 2:
Administration section, which is further sub-divided into three sub- sections: -
1) Login
2) Forget Password
3) Change Password
Module 3:
Maintaining Company section, which is further sub-divided into three sub-
sections: -
1) Product Registration.
2) Product Updation.
3) Company Status.
Module 4:
Maintaining User section, which is further sub-divided into three sub-
sections: -
1) Search Engine.
2) Order Registration.
3) Order Updation.
4) User Status.
Site Working :-
1. Person can register as a Seller or Buyer but if one person wants to be both
Seller and Buyer he has to register him self twice first as a seller and then
as a Buyer with two user id.
4. If person is Seller he can register his product , or update his product or can
check the status of his product i.e. How many purchases have been made,
what is the total sale price etc.
5. At the time of Product Registration Seller has to specify Market price and
other information of product.
6. If the product is already sold then Seller can not update his product.
9. After choosing products his shopping cart will be displayed showing total
number of purchases. He can make updation to his shopping cart.
10. If he makes order his order will be booked and an order id will be
Enter Password
Bank Form
If Exist in D.B. (cr-card infor)
Back to Comp.
Regis. Form
are registered
* Note :- Same Architecture is adopted for User Sign up ---- C
Change Password Form
Forgetpass1 Enter Old UserId
Enter Old Password
Message : your
password is..
. Product Registration Update Product
Form. Form
Message : Product
Bank Form Updated
<Update Order>
Product Order Form
<My Status>
Bank Form
Message : Order
Message :Order
7. Computer
9 Furniture
11 garments_ tab
12 buyer
2. Distributed Projects.
Local Area Network projects are those projects where application has to be
incorporated in the Local area network of the client i.e within its premises
only. In LAN case server is not remotely located and client access this
application through this network. Here the question of platform
independence does not arise and we use technologies like : Visual Basic ,
Fox pro , D2k or C,C++.
Project Models :
MVC Model II
Servlets / JSP are middleware technologies which are used in web based
projects because they use :-
1. HTTP Protocol to handle Request and Response.
2. They are invoked through Browser.
3. They give out put in HTML format.
4. They need Browser Support.
We have designed web based forms using servlets and servlets call EJB in which
we have defined business logic.
2. DBMS.
Centralization of database.
Client Server Technology.
Normalization of Data Base.
Transaction Processor.
It gives some internet related features.
Introduction to Java
Java is a high level, third-generation programming language, like C, Fortran, Pearl and
many others. It is a platform for distributed computing a development and run-time
environment that contains built-in support for the World Wide Web.
History of Java
Java development began at Sun Microsystems in 1991, the same year the World Wide
Web was conceived. Javas creator, James Gosling did not design java for the Internet.
His Objective was to create a common development environment for consumer electronic
devices which was easily portable from one device to another. This effort evolved into a
language , code named Oak and later renamed Java that retains much of the syntax and
power of c++ , but is simpler and more platform independent.
Java Features
Platform Independence
High Performance
Multi Threading
Dynamic linking.
Garbage Collection.
One of the most important feature of Java is Platform Independence which makes it
famous and suitable language for World Wide Web.
The client application or operating system must have a java byte-code interpreter to
execute byte-code instructions. The interpreter is a part of a lager program called the
JVM. The JVM interprets the byte code into native code and is available on platforms
that supports java.
When the user runs a Java program, it is upto the JVM to load , possibly verify, and then
execute it. The JVM can perform this function from within a browser or any other
container program or directly on top of the operating system.
When a browser invokes the JVM to run a Java program, the JVM does a number of
things :
1. It validates the requested byte-codes, verifying that they pass various formatting
and security checks.
2. It allocates memory for the in coming java class files and guarantees that the
security of JVM is not violated. This is known as the class loader.
3. it interprets the byte code instructions found in the class files to execute the
JdbcOdbcDriver : This provides Jdbc access via Odbc drivers. Note that
Odbc binary code , and in many case database client code, must be loaded
an each client machine that uses this driver. As a result this kind of driver is
most appropriate on a corporate network where client installations are not a
major problem.
Partly Java Driver : This Driver translates Jdbc calls into a Net Protocol
which is then translated to a RDBMS protocolby a server.In this kind of
driver part of the binary code should be on client machine and part should
be on server, hence this kind of driver has same problem that was with
JdbcOdbc driver and it is mostly used in Intranet.
Pure Java Driver : This is a platform independent driver as this kind of
driver remains on server. This kind of driver is provided by third party
vendor. This net server middle ware is able to connect its pure java clients
to many different databases.
Native Driver : This kind of driver converts JDBC calls into the network
protocol used by Dbms directly. This allows a direct call from client
machine to the DBMS server and is a practical solution for Intranet access.
Note :- We are using 3rd Type of driver i.e. Thin Driver in our project.
Oracle 8.0 contains all the features of previous version. It also supports some new
features & enhancement to some existing features. Oracle servers provides deficient &
effective solution for the major features.
Oracle supports the largest database potential hundreds of Giga Bytes in size. To make
efficient use of expensive devices , it allows full control of space usage.
Oracle maintains the processing features with a high degree of overall system
performance. Database user doesnt suffer from slow processing performance.
High Availability
At some sets Oracle works 24 Hours per day with no downtime or limit database
throughput. Normal system operation such as database backup & partial completion
system failure dont interrupt database use.
Controlled Availability
Oracle can selectively control the availability of data at the database level & sub
Database level. e.g. an administrator can disallow use of a specific application .Data can
be reloaded without affecting other application.
Oracle adheres to industry accepted standards for the data access language operating
system, user interface & network communication protocols . It is open system that
protocols a customer invention.
Manageable Security
To protect against unauthorized database aspects & users .Oracle provides failsafe
security features to limit & monitor the data area. The system make it easy to manage
even the most completed designs for data assets.
Oracle enforces data integrity Business rules that dictates the standards for applicable
data. As result the cost of coding & managing checks in many database applications are
For community environment that are connected via networks. Oracle combines the data
physically located on the different computers in one logical database that can be accessed
by all the network users. Distributed systems have same degree of user transparency &
data consistency as non-distributed systems. Yet receives the advantages of local database
Oracle software is compatible to work under different operating system & same on all
system. Application developed on Oracle can be used on virtually any system with little
or no more modification.
Oracle software is compatible with industry standards, including most industry standards
operating systems. Application developed on Oracle can be used on virtually any system
with little or no modification.
Oracle software allows different types of computers & operating system to share
information networks.
Improved Scalability
The maximum size of an Oracle database has been increased to support hundreds of
terabytes depending on the operating system on which it resides.
Improved Security
Oracle 8.0 server now includes password management so that a password has a limited
lifetime & must meet certain complexity such as minimum length. An account can be
locked after a specified no of failed login attempts.
A table of index can divided into smaller pieces called patrons, based on the value of one
or more columns. A table patron can be individually managed so that operation in one
partition do not affect the availability of data on the other partitions. Also Insert
,Update ,Delete operation against a partitioned table can be processed partially.
In other words, the Oracle 8 server can assign a portion of the work to execute a single
DML statement to multiple processes , which may then be allocated to multiple processes
by the server operating system. As a result ,the parallel DML operation is completed
more quickly.
By pooling database connection, the Oracle 8 server is able t9o service a much larger
number of concurrent users up to 3000, depending on the server operating system &
server hardware resources.
Some existing data types have been enhanced & new data types have been introduced.
A new feature of the select statement allows a sub query to be used in place of a table
in a from clause.
Tools/Environment used :
Software requirements
Hardware Requirements
Feasibility Study :
A feasibility study is conducted to select the best system that meets performance
requirement. This entails an identification description, an evaluation of candidate system
and the selection of best system for he job. The system required performance is defined
by a statement of constraints, the identification of specific system objective and a
description of outputs.
The key consideration in feasibility analysis are :
1. Economic Feasibility :
2. Technical Feasibility :
Hardware :
Software :
(a) Backend - Oracle 8I
(b) Middleware - EJB
(c) Front-end - SERVLET
(d) Operating System - Windows NT
The proposed system is economically feasible because the cost
involved in purchasing the hardware and the software are within approachable. The
personal cost like salaries of employees hired are also nominal, because working in this
system need not required a highly qualified professional. The operating-environment
costs are marginal. The less time involved also helped in its economical feasibility.
Software Costing :-
Software Industry, an industry which sells logical things. The advantage of buying
a software is automation, better analyzing of business, thus making life easier. As
we are into logical selling, it makes difficult to come with a costing to an accurate
level. Customer can see the benefits of buying only when he uses the software for
quiet a period of time and then says 'Aah its worth of it'. When customer sees
accountants performing better, invoices been made with least errors etc., customer
gets convinced. So to convince the customer at the primary stage is really a big
nut to crack. If you give more quote you lose the project, if you give less quote
you will end up doing social service to clients and probably also loss. Software
Industry, an industry which sells logical things. The advantage of buying a
software is automation, better analyzing of business, thus making life easier. As
we are into logical selling, it makes difficult to come with a costing to an accurate
level. Customer can see the benefits of buying only when he uses the software for
quiet a period of time and then says 'Aah its worth of it'. When customer sees
accountants performing better, invoices been made with least errors etc., customer
gets convinced. So to convince the customer at the primary stage is really a big
nut to crack. If you give more quote you lose the project, if you give less quote
you will end up doing social service to clients and probably also loss.
If said to analyze cost of any physical product, example a simple pen, I can pin point to a
good extent the cap's cost, the ink cost etc., and come out with a rough estimation. Even
the customer is equally convinced as he can see those physical products. Software
industry also has practices of evaluating cost, the following are 2 major ones:
1. Lines of code.
2. Function points (FP).
I personally do not believe in lines of code. In this software world of reusability, 1000
lines of code can become 200 lines, thus leading to complete misjudgment. Just
wondering during design phase how can you know the total lines of code. For some
reason, I feel Lines of Code favor the software company more than its clients. Just
imagine i want to make simple window based customer GUI in C language and the same
in Visual basic. The Lines of code will differ a lot and hence the costing. In short lines of
code are programming language dependent." Lines of code would have been fair if there
was one programming language in the world". Just my 2 cents Programmers output is not
Quantity (Lines of code) but the logic what he has written. If you want to evaluate a
house cost do we ever measure the bricks and nails. Well i stop here talking about LOC or
else the whole tutorial will look like i am against LOC.
But with FP, I see the quote coming out fair for both customer as well as the software
company and is language independent to a very good extent Note not completely
independent). I was very convinced with FP in one of my clients' place where the client
handed us a huge book of use case and said to come out with estimation. We where a
team of 4 people. We divided in team of 2 and said let's come out with some quote and
then tally our results. After 2 days continuously counting every element, we saw both
teams coming to the same value of "Function Points", that means consistency even after
different people sitting on it.
Software Cost :
J2EE : 25000/-
Ms-Office : 15000/-
Oracle : 20000/-
Manpower Cost :
3) Data Report
4) JDK 1.3
Duration of Project :-
Methodology: -
The following approach is used to design this system, which is called classic life
cycle or waterfall model. This linear sequential model suggests a systematic,
sequential approach to software development that begins at the system level and progress
through analysis, design, coding, testing and maintenance. The linear sequential model
encompasses the following activities:-
Analysis :-
My role in this project was to do Analyzing, designing and coding. I was
involved in development of :-
module of this project. The project is Divided into different modules as above
discussed: -
Program Structure :
Title of this project is On line Shopping Web Site , Objective of this project is to do
on line sale and purchase of the registered products. Basically this site is acting as a
middlemen connecting two different people i.e. Seller and Buyer. Seller is the person
who wants to sell off his product where as Buyer is a person who is making bid on a
product. Both Seller and Buyer has to register them selves by paying an annual
subscription amount. Seller has to register his product also by paying the 2% security
of market price. Buyer will be using search engine to search for the registered
products and then after that can make purchase on the selected product of his choice
We have used Java Language and Oracle as a backend Data Base.
Login Verification.
Change Password
Forget Password
Company Registration
User Registration
User Bank
Network Chat
Mail Server.
Some of the modules is divided into different Sub Modules. Now I am explaining
each module in detail.
Hence first form that opens up is a verification form, we are taking input from the
user of this software i.e. user id and password then we are checking this input
from our database if it is correct then we are opening First form i.e. Introduction
Change Password :- By this module user can change his password from old
password to new password. He has to enter some information like User Id , old
Password, new Password and reconfirm password.
Then we have to first verify that new password and reconfirm password matches,
If it does not matches then we have to send user back to change password form
else if it matches then we have to check weather he is a member or not.
This is done through verifying User Id and Old password if they matches with our
data base then it means he is a member other wise not. If he is not a member then
again we are redirecting him back to Change password form with a error message
else if he is a member we will change his Old Password to New Password and
confirm him the New Password.
Forget Password: By this module user can get his password if he has forgotten
his password. For this particular purpose user first has to enter his User Id and we
have to verify his ID i.e. weather he is a member or not. If he is not a member
then we have to redirect him back to Forget password form else we have to open
another form indicating his Secret Question. He has to enter correct Secret
Answer to confirm his Password.
If he enters wrong Secret Answer then we have to again redirect him back to
Forget Password form else we have display his Password.
Company Registration Form: This is the first form when client i.e. Company
visit this site for the first time. As already discussed earlier both Company and
User has to register them selves. This is a Company registration form where user
has to fill up information like his Company name , address , Email , Tel , Fax ,
secret question , secret answer etc along with Company user id and password.
We have to test his user id before registering him, as user id, which he is
choosing, should not exist in database. User id is a primary key and should be
unique. We have to make connection with the database and check weather userid
already exist or not. If it exist in data base then we have to open the same
registration again with all the filled up fields like his Company name, address,
email, secret question, secret answer etc. else if userid does not exit in data base
we have to open Company bank form.
Note * - we are not inserting the record into the database we are just redirecting
him to Company bank form.
User Registration Form: This is the first form when client i.e. User visit this site
for the first time. As already discussed earlier both Company and User has to
register them selves. This is a Company registration form where user has to fill up
information like his Company name, address, Email, Tel, Fax, secret question,
secret answer etc along with Company user id and password.
We have to test his user id before registering him as user id which he is choosing
should not exist in data base. User id is a primary key and should be unique. we
have to make connection with the database and check weather userid already exist
or not. If it exist in data base then we have to open the same registration again
with all the filled up fields like his Company name , address, email , secret
question , secret answer etc. else if userid does not exit in data base we have to
open User Inroduction form.
After successfully logging on our server side program will be checking the status
of the person i.e. weather he is logging on as a
a) Company
b) User
Company Introduction Form: After successfully logging in the first forms that
the company get is Company Registration Form. This form has three hyper links
1. Automobiles
2. Garments
3. Property
4. Antique
5. Celebrity Item
6. Computers
7. Consumer Products.
8. Books
9. Jewelry
10. furniture
11. Live stock.
12. Industrial Scrap.
After logging in the Seller has the options of registering his product , updating his
products and he can also check his status.
Let us assume he wants to register his product for that particular thing we will
open select category form.
Select Category Form: In this particular form seller has to select from the broad
categories as listed above the particular category in which his product falls and he
will select that category.
Category Form: After Select Category Form, a particular category form will
open. We have made different html forms for different categories like an
Automobile form for an Automobile Category or a Garment Form for a Garment
category. A particular form of the particular category will open on selection of the
category. Company has to fill up these information in the Category form i.e.
We are taking user id to ascertain that to whom this product belong to.
Description of the product means that he has to describe his product like if it is a
automobile he has to give item name like Bus, Sccoter , Moter cycle etc then he
has to give color , average, fuel type, condition etc.
Similarly is the procedure for product registration, as our server side program will
calculate the 2% security of the value of registered price and insert the records in
the database here we will generate the Item ID and display to the seller that his
Product has been registered and the Product Id will be generated which he can use
for future reference purpose.
Update your Product: Next link is Update your product by going on to this link
seller will get Product Updation Form in which he will select the category of the
product with Product ID , he will get the Filled up product registration form here
he can make changes to his product like change product price or can change
description etc.
But server side program is conducting one validation check i.e. weather shopping
has already started on this product or not. If the shopping has already started then
he cannot make changes to his product but if the shopping has not started then he
can make changes to his product.
My Status : Last link in this module is My status. This module will show the
status of the Company i.e.
User Introduction Form: After successfully logging in the first forms that the
User get is User Introduction Form. This form has three hyper links i.e.
Do Shopping
Update Shopping.
My Status.
Do Shopping: By going on to this link User will get the Search Engine specific to
site which will be searching the registered products from the data base.
Search Engine : In this search engine User will be selecting the category of the
product on which he wants to make a bid and he will also be specifically entering
the item name in the search criteria. Take an example he wants to do shopping of
a Car. In that particular case he will be selecting the automobile from the broad
category and then writing car in the search criteria.
By selecting the broad category we will come to know the name of the table in
which he wants to make a search and what he wants to search well get from item
name. The search engine will display following information:
User can then select the particular product of his choice and a Shop Form will
Shop Form: In this module User will be searching for the products and will select
the product along with the quantity purchased and will add items to the cart. We
will be using the session tracking here. After doing add to cart User will get the
total price due. He can update his shopping as well as can also make final order,
which will be placed, and shopping id will be generated.
Update your Shopping: By this module person can update his previous
shopping. It is not necessary that every time User want to make new shopping he
has to go to search engine and search for the product he can just go to Update
Shopping form and can update his bid.
In update form he has to enter his Shopping id and has to select the category of
product, After selecting program will verify that weather he has entered right
shopping id or not if the id is wrong then we will display error message else if id
is right we will open Shop Now Form where he will get the last order entered by
him with the total price. If he is interested he can update his Shop cart i.e. can
make more purchases or can reduce the purchases.
My Status: My Status will display the status of the User. Last link in this module
is My status. This module will show the status of the User i.e.
Network Chat: This is software which can be incorporated with this project.
Objective of making up this software is to enhance my knowledge in the field
of Java as in my project I was using only Java Servlets with Jdbc, I was not
using the every technology in java. The scope of making this software is that
in this particular software I am using technologies like :
Multi Threading.
Event Handling.
Exception Handling.
Net Working.
By using all these topics I am increasing the scope of my area .The advantages in
which this software can be used in my Project is that we can incorporate this
software in this site by which different people around the world can communicate
with each other using this software. Basically in this software we are Applet
Servlet Communication.
1. Submission of form
2. Accessing of database
3. Generation of appropriate response.
1. Submission of form
2. Accessing of database
3. Generation of appropriate response
1. Submission of form
2. Updating database
3. Generating appropriate response
Module: Login
1. Submission of form
2. Accessing of database
3. Generation of appropriate form
4. Submission of form
5. Updating database
5. Validation Criteria : Each HTML page and its hyperlink is examined and the
respective servlet is also examined. The connection between form (Front-end ) and
database (Backend) is examined keeping in the mind hat no garbage value could be
entered. Middleware or processing logic is also examined.
Validations Checks :
In this phase we actually practically implement paper work and do the
front end and back end programming part.
This is the most important phase of the Project where we practically
check our code in different situations i.e. weather it is working in different
conditions or not , weather it is solving the objectives of client. During this
phase only we do rectification job.
Incorporating means loading the application on to the server from
where it will be used by the client machines.
After Incorporating the code on to the client machine we have to
provide training to the employees of the client i.e. how to use this software
and if there is any problem they can do verification part.
Here we will be discussing Testing Part i.e. Validation Checks. As already told
one of the most important technique of Testing is Trial and Error System In
this system we put our code to different conditions to check that weather it is
working properly or not. We also have adopted this technique.
We have done data verification by entering wrong data type in our data base to
test weather it is working properly.
We tried to search records from different tables using Primary Key i.e. particular
ID and checked weather it is fetching correct record or not.
We have tested weather proper records according to proper fields are inserted to
the tables or not.
We have also used scripting to verify our code. Scripting are of two types i.e.
Client Side Scripting and Server Side Scripting.
Client Side Scripting : We have used Java Script for client side scripting. By
client side scripting we do validation part on client side i.e. at front end , before
submitting up of form. Examples of Client side scripting it that there are some
compulsory fields which has to be filled but are not filled up by the client in that
particular case form should not be submitted and an error message should be
displayed , similarly like that take an example there are two fields one numeric
like age and other text like name user has to enter numeric in numeric field
and text in text field but if does not do so an error message should be displayed
stating that he has made wrong entry. This kind of technique where Information is
tested on client side befor going on to server side program is called Client Side
Server Side Scripting : Server side Scripting is done by server side program .
There are certain things which has to be tested on server side like Employee ID ,
Department ID or User Id. For this particular case we have to first make
connection with our data base and then test weather User Id actually exist in our
database or not if userid exist it means he is a member other wise not. Similarly if
we want to check record of employee this will we done by Employee ID i.e.
primary key in a database these type of checks will be performed by Our Server
Side Program.
In last I am stating that I have performed all the validation checks upto my
knowledge and is satisfied that my code is running properly.
Here the system testing involved is the most widely used testing process consists of five
stages as shown in the figure. In general, the sequence of testing activities is component
testing, integration testing then user testing. However, as defects are discovered at any
one stage, they required program modifications to correct them and this may required
other stages in the testing process to be repeated.
Unit testing
There are basically two types of security associated with this system:-
1. Physical security:-
Damage due to natural causes like earth tremor, flooding, water logging, fire
hazards, atmospheric or environmental conditions etc..For overcoming these
difficulties the replica of the data are automatically stored at various networks and
for environmental conditions Air conditioning environment is created.
2. Data security:-
a). Data not being available to the authorized person at the time of need.
To overcome these difficulties the following access facilities has been provided:-
i) Identification:-
Unique Ids for the different users have been provided.
ii) Authentication:-
System checks the password under the particular user identification. The
computer permits the various resource to the authorized person.
iii) Authorisation:-
The access control mechanism to prevent unauthorized logging to the system.
For Us, Primary role of testing is not demonstration of correct performance, but
exposure of hidden defects, detecting specification errors and deviations from the
specification, establishing confidence that a program does what it is supposed to do and
verifying that a system satisfies its specified requirements or identifying the differences
between expected and actual results
1. Test Planning
Describing the scope, approach, resources and schedule of intended test activities,
also describes the technical and managerial approach to be followed for testing a
component or system
2. Test Specification
Specifies the test inputs, execution condition and predicted results for an item,
unit, integration and system level test cases are designed on the basis of
requirements and as per the plan lay down
3. Test Execution
Test cases are executed according to the test procedures prepared for each test
designed, test procedure describes the purpose, special requirements and the steps
to be followed in executing the tests
4. Test Recording.
All executed tests have test log. Whenever discrepancies are observed from the
expected results, test incidents must be raised. Test Log is a record of all relevant
details of execution of tests. Test incident records any event that occurs during
testing that requires investigation
5. Test Completion
Test records are checked against test completion criteria. Every test must be
completed and there must be no defect logged during execution phase that is not
fixed by respective developer and if fixed should not remain untested by testing
Unit Testing
Testing logical pieces of work, functions, subroutines or logical units, generally
conducted by developer. Our approach towards Unit testing is
a. Document all test cases, and test procedures, review all test cases
b. Execute implemented test set on compiled unit
c. Modify and revise the code and test as necessary
d. Re-execute the modified tests until test completion criteria re met
Integration Testing.
Our main function of integration testing is to test that interfaces between units are
correct, after few units are integrated verify that specific requirements have been
implemented correctly. Test response time of integrated modules is another aspect
that we take care. Our approach towards Integration Testing is
a. Identifying the integration test sets and their execution
b. Units are combined one at a time and tested till entire software gets
c. Verifying that data flow between the screens is correctly integrated
d. Verifying that all the integrated modules and units are behaving as per
Regression Testing.
Testing of all the effected screen or module due to defect fix or change in the
requirement is our aim at regression testing. Tasks that we perform during a
regression test are
a. Testing a defect fix
b. Testing that a defect fix has not caused some other error
c. Both are done by regression testing by running a set of test cases run
System Testing
System testing for us is not a process of testing the functions of the complete
system which has already been achieved by function testing, but it is a process of
attempting to demonstrate how the program does not meet its objectives
a. Test cases derived using black box methodology
b. While functional testing can be taken up in any hardware, the system
testing has to be taken up only with target hardware.
c. In addition to functionality, other aspects such as usability, performance,
recovery etc tested.
Acceptance Testing.
For us Acceptance testing is conducted to determine whether a software system
satisfies its acceptance criteria, this is the reason we conduct acceptance testing on
actual environment and data. The final acceptance decision holds with every
individual client, we verify that the delivered product is adequate and consistent
with executable system and the complete system meets the buyers requirements.
Our acceptance process is
a. Define buyers role
b. Define acceptance criteria
c. Develop acceptance plan
d. Execute acceptance plan
e. Develop acceptance decision
After implementing the system in the market its advantages were incomparable to the
present contemporary systems available in the market. The most admirable feature
founded was its simplicity in terms of application to the user but its highly beneficial
outputs cant be ignored. The users will be highly benefited after using the system.
Since, every system has some limitations so our proposed system is also not untouchable
in this regard. Although it includes every kind of features but it cant be used in a huge
organization where number of networks are very large, because the data base used in this
system is an average one. Also it doesnt have different kind of access feature for
different users.
Since this system has been generated by using Object Oriented programming, there are
every chances of reusability of the codes in other environment even in different
platforms. Also its present features can be enhanced by some simple modification in the
codes so as to reuse it in the changing scenario.
Extensibility: This software is extended in ways that its original developers may not
expect. The following principles enhance extensibility like Hide data structure, Avoid
traversing multiple links or methods, Avoid case statements on object type and
distinguish public and private operations.
Robustness: Its method is robust if it does not fail even if it receives improper
parameters. There are some facilities like Protect against errors, Optimize after the
program runs, validating arguments and Avoid predefined limits.
Cost-effectiveness: Its cost is under the budget and make within given time period. It
is desirable to aim for a system with a minimum cost subject to the condition that it
must satisfy all the requirements.
Scope of this document is to put down the requirements, clearly identifying the
information needed by the user, the source of the information and outputs expected from
the system.
Like Gantt chart PERT also makes use of tasks. It shows achievement.
These achievements are however not task achievement. They are
terminal achievement called events. Arrow are used to represent tasks
and the circle represent the beginning or completion of the task. The
PERT chart uses these paths and events to show the interrelationship of
project activation.
Activity Task
1. Design Forms
Design home page
Design Change Password Page
Design Forget Password Page
Design New User Signup page
5. Prepare Documentation
User can login himself for placing orders of the products. Also a new user can register himself
and can change Password.
This is the welcome page for the project. One can register product, Update product
and can view Product Status.
This page is used to register a new Company. He needs to enter his complete details with secret
question and secret answer. When company will fill up the form with appropriate values inside
the fields he will be registered and the home page will be displayed.
This page is used to change the password of the registered Company. If the password
is changed successfully home page will be displayed.
This web page is used to retrieve the password of the company if he somehow forgot
the password.
This web page is used when the user forget his password . So he needs to enter the
user ID here.
Description :
This web page is used to select the category of the product like automobile, books,
computers etc.
Description :
This is the product registration form. User needs to enter the details of the product
and the product ID is generated and is displayed.
Our Web site works successfully and companies person really appreciate this Web site.
This Web site is fully documented so that future modification can be made very easily, if
some requirements get change in future.
It is highly cost effective and user friendly.
Moreover it leads to the first Industrial and professional experience in the software.