SARAMET Austenitic Stainless Steel

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SARAMET trough distributor part of Aker

While pipe distributors have a long service re-

cord, trough distribution systems are preferred
by many acid plant operators because of the
potential to increase the number of distribution
points across the tower area and ability to see
into the troughs to check for debris.

The SARAMET trough distributors are de-

signed for ease of installation, simplicity of op- Austenitic Stainless Steel
erating low maintenance and a long service life.

A simple pipe delivery system feeds into the

individual troughs which delivery the acid to the

SARAMET trough
downcomer pipes through calibrated orifices.
Nests of downcomer pipes, designed for ease
of installation, are attached to the underside of
the trough.

Solutions to everyday corrosion problems

in sulphuric acid plants

For more information please contact:

Aker Chemetics Aker Chemetics

A division of Aker Solutions Canada Inc. A division of Aker Solutions Canada Inc.
Suite 200 - 2930 Virtual Way 2001 Clements Road
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada V5M 0A5 Pickering, ON, Canada, L1W 4C2
Tel: +1 604 734 1200 Fax: +1 604 734 0340 Tel: +1 905 619 5200 Fax: +1 905 619 5345
email: email:


Aker Chemetics, a division of Aker Solutions Canada Inc. 2010 Aker Solutions
SARAMET methods and new opportunities in other chemi- Material improvements Meet the family
cal industry sectors.
When originally introduced to the sulphuric acid Like materials of similar chemistry, the applica- SARAMET 23 the first silicon stainless
industry by Aker Solutions Chemetics opera- The SARAMET family of austenitic stainless tion of SARAMET has practical temperature & steel applied in sulphuric acid production, has
tions in 1982, SARAMET was the first silicon steels offers outstanding corrosion resistance acid concentration limitations. This is particular- accumulated much experience in many dif-
containing stainless steel used to fabricate in strong sulphuric acid. The material manufac- ly true when weaker acids at elevated tempera- ferent plant applications. Typical applications
corrosion resistant process equipment for hot tured in wrought form has the following typical tures are encountered. Recognizing that no for SARAMET 23 have included strong acid
concentrated sulphuric acid service. composition: one material can satisfy the complete range on towers, tanks, piping, distributors, acid coolers,
acid concentrations, Aker Solutions embarked mesh pad mist filters, tower packing, strainers,
The excellent corrosion properties of SARA- on the development of a family of alloys to pro- nozzle inserts and orifices.
MET in this most critical of services led to end Nominal Composition of SARAMET vide superior overall performance throughout
use patents being granted in many countries Austenitic Stainless Steel the normal operating acid concentration range. SARAMET 21 is the grandfather of all
around the world. SARAMET 35, the latest member of the family, silicon-containing stainless steels for sulphu-
Element Weight % exhibits excellent corrosion properties across a ric acid service. Because of its reduced alloy
Recent development initiatives have expanded Chromium 17 18 broad range of acid concentrations. content, SARAMET 21 has diminished strong
the original SARAMET alloy into a family of Nickel 17 18 sulphuric acid corrosion resistance when
materials through alloying, novel production Silicon 4.5 5.8 Extensive field data has also confirmed the compared to Alloys 23 and 35, but can offer an
Iron and other alloying elements Balance exceptional resistance to erosion/corrosion in economic solution with acceptable performance
> hot sulphuric acid of both parent metal & weld in many applications.
SARAMET piping deposits with velocities exceeding 3 m/sec. free
distributor during When compared to other stainless steels it is from any indication

of weld
35 Isocorrosion sensitization.
Chart SARAMET 35 the new breed of SARA-
the high silicon content of this formulation that MET, which through significant modifications
endows the material with its remarkable cor- 155 311
to chemistry and improvements in production
Boiling Point Curve
rosion resistant properties in strong sulphuric 140 284 practice, exhibits dramatically better dilute acid
acid. SARAMET austenitic stainless steel is corrosion resistance in applications where pro-
produced by special melting and casting tech- 125 257
cess upsets, air/atmospheric moisture ingress
niques, following which it is worked to produce > 100 mpy and dilute acid formation from strong acid water
110 230
all the normal wrought forms. The finished addition are concerns.

Temperature ( C)

Temperature ( F)
20 - 100 mpy
material is fully weldable using Gas Tungsten

95 203
Arc Welding (GTAW) and Shielded Metal Arc Practical examples of these are drying acid
Welding (SMAW) techniques specifically devel- 80
5 - 20 mpy
circuits in certain smelter acid plants, where
oped for the alloy to ensure controlled ferrite acid strength excursions can occur, gas inlet
65 149
formation in the weld deposit. regions in sulphur burner air drying towers, and
> 50 122 strong acid pump tanks under suction and with
< 5 mpy
SARAMET pipe top entry dip tube style water dilution.
35 95
spool illustrating the
benefits of welded
construction by 20 68

elimination of 7 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

flanged joints H2SO4 Concentration (% )

Corrosion Chart

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