Common Rail

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Common Rail

Design & Field Experience

MAN Diesel & Turbo Common Rail

MAN Diesel & Turbo is the worlds leading designer and manufacturer of low and medium
speed engines engines from MAN Diesel & Turbo cover an estimated 50% of the power
needed for all world trade. We develop two-stroke and four-stroke engines, auxiliary en-
gines, turbochargers and propulsion packages that are manufactured both within the MAN
Diesel & Turbo Group and at our licensees.

The coming years will see a sharp in- increasingly important success factor continuous and load-independent con-
crease in the ecological and eco- for marine and power diesel engines. trol of injection timing and injection
nomical requirements placed on Special emphasis is placed on low load pressure. This means that common rail
combustion engines. Evidence of operation, where conventional injection technology achieves, for a given engine,
this trend is the further tightening of leaves little room for optimization, as highest levels of flexibility for all load
emission standards worldwide, a de- the injection process, controlled by the ranges and yields significantly better re-
velopment that aims not only at im- camshaft, is linked to engine speed. sults than any conventional injection
proving fuel economy but above all Thus, possibilities for designing a load- system.
at achieving clean combustion that independent approach to the combus-
is low in emissions. tion process are severely limited. A reliable and efficient CR system for an
extensive range of marine fuels has
Compliance with existing and upcom- MAN Diesel & Turbos common rail tech- been developed and is also able to
ing emission regulations with best pos- nology (CR) severs this link in m
edium handle residual fuels (HFO).
sible fuel consumption is becoming an speed four-stroke engines. CR permits

Sulphur content [%]

16 3
NOX [g/kWh]


Tier I

Tier II
Tier III
0 200 600 1,000 1,400 1,800 2,200 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022
rpm [1/min]
IMO Tier I IMO Tier II IMO Tier III General in ECAs

Implementation Schedule SOX & NOX limits according to

IMO MARPOL 73/78 Annex VI

IMO NOX limit curves according to engine speed Implementation schedule

MAN Diesel & Turbo Common Rail Design & Field Experience 3
System Description
General considerations

Control valve Rail unit High-pressure pump

Injection valve

Non-return valve

Valve block with

pressure-limiting valve
and flushing valve Throttle valve

Fig.1: CR injection system MAN 32/44CR

The MAN Diesel & Turbo CR system Using just one pressure accumulator by these drillings are unavoidable.
(Fig.1, Fig.2) was designed for opera- (common rail) for large bore diesel The problems and the scope of
tion with HFO in a
ccordance with spec- engines, extended over the entire counter-measures therefore increase
ification DIN ISO 8217 (viscosities up to engine length, is problematic for the proportionally with the increased
700 cSt at 50C) and fuel temperatures following reasons: inner d
iameter of the rail in larger
of up to 150C (to achieve the required engines.
injection viscosity). The different fuels that the engine
can run on is reflected in the In the case of reduced accumulator
In addition to high viscosity, this fuel required fuel temperature (25C to volumes, it would hardly be possible
also typically has a high content of 150C), and this in turn causes to achieve identical injection ratios
abrasive particles and very aggressive significant differences in the linear for all engine cylinders, and exces-
chemical components. The injection thermal expansion of the rail. sive pressure fluctuations in the
system must be able to withstand system could not be ruled out.
these conditions in a failsafe way, in- A long rail requires radial drillings for
cluding starting and stopping the en- the connection to each cylinder unit. Different numbers of cylinders would
gine during HFO operation. Very high material stresses caused also lead to various common rails.

4 MAN Diesel & Turbo Common Rail Design & Field Experience
Injection valve Control valve Rail unit High-pressure pump

Throttle valve
Valve block with
pressure-limiting valve
Non-return valve and flushing valve

Fig.2: CR injection system MAN 48/60CR

Supplying a pressure accumulator of more compact design of the CR units

excessive length by connecting it to ensures improved uti
lization of avail-
the high-pressure pump at one point able space in the engine, which is ben-
only will result in deviations in eficial for assembly. It also has advan-
injection quality. tages regarding the storage and
handling of spare parts.
It is therefore reasonable to separate
the accumulator into several rail units of Based on the concept of segmented
suitable volume (Fig.1, Fig.2) and to rails, MAN Diesel & Turbo has devel-
divide the
supply into at least two oped a modular CR system which is
high-pressure pumps for a six-cylinder applied to several engine types. For
engine. A further advantage of this seg- instance, a seven-cylinder engine is

mentation is the increased flexibility to supplied by four rail units, whereby
adapt the CR system to different num- three rails each supply two cylinder
bers of cylinders by means of proven units and one rail unit supplies one
modular system components. The cylinder unit.

MAN Diesel & Turbo Common Rail Design & Field Experience 5
Layout and Functionality
Well thought-out and proven

Injection timing


11 9

Formation of injection pressure


4 2



Fig.3: CR injection system general layout and functionality

6 MAN Diesel & Turbo Common Rail Design & Field Experience
Fig.3 shows the hydraulic layout of This design means the tube itself requires will then suitably meter the fuel quantity
the patented heavy fuel oil CR injec- no drilling and is therefore highly pres- supplied to the high-pressure pumps.
tion system for the MAN 32/44CR sure-resistant. To guarantee uniform fuel
engine. injection, pressure fluctuations in the Each rail unit (Fig.4) contains compo-
system must remain at a very low level. nents for fuel supply and injection tim-
From the fuel system, the fuel supply is This is achieved by using rail units of ing control. The fuel flow leads from the
fed through electromagnetically activat- optimum volume, several (two to four) interior of the rail unit through a flow lim-
ed throttle valves 1 and suction valves high-pressure pumps instead of one iter to the 3/2-way valve and then to
2 to the high-pressure pumps , 3 single pump, and a camshaft with a the injection valve. The flow limiter con-
which supply the rail units 5 with fuel carefully
arranged triple cam lobe for sists of a spring-loaded piston which
under high pressure up to 1,600 bar by optimum drive. carries out one stroke for each injection,
means of delivery valves 4 . whereby the piston stroke is proportion-
The high and uniform delivery volume al to the injected fuel quantity. The pis-
The rail units 5 , which function as a obtained in this way plays a key role in ton then returns to its original position.
pressure and
volume accumulator for keeping pressure fluctuations very low. However, should the injection quality ex-
fuel, consist of a high-strength tube The required amount of fuel is supplied ceed a specific limit value, the piston will
sealed with end covers in which a to the high-pressure pumps, in order to be pressed against a sealing seat at the
control-valve carrier 6 is integrated. keep the rail pressure at the setpoint. outlet side at the end of the stroke and
The control valves 7 are fixed on to will thus prevent permanent injection at
the control-valve carrier. Connections The rail pressure will be calculated by a the injection valve.
for high-pressure pipes are radially characteristic map in the injection con-
arranged on the control-valve carrier;
trol, on the basis of the engine load. The 3
2-way valve (Fig.4) inside the
these connections lead to the injection The electromagnetically activated throt- control valve is operated and controlled
valves 8 , as well as to the next rail unit. tle valve 1 in the low-pressure area without any additional servo fluid by an
electromagnetically activated 2/2-way
valve. It can therefore be actuated much
more quickly than a servo-controlled
valve. It enables the high-pressure fuel
Injection to be supplied from the rail unit, via the
flow limiter, to the injection valve.
2/2-way valve/solenoid leakages
Fig.5 describes the functional principle
of the control valve in the pressure-con-
Flow limiter
trolled CR system. Functional leakages

3/2-way valve
arising during the control process of the
3/2-way valve will be discharged back
into the low-pressure system via the
Rail unit non-return valve (see Fig.3 and Fig.4).
Break leakages Control quantity
(to leakage detection system) Next rail unit
Non-return valve

Cut-off quantity

Fig.4: Control valve and integrated components

MAN Diesel & Turbo Common Rail Design & Field Experience 7
The non-return valve 13 (Fig.3) also system is flushed by circulating pre- In the event of an emergency stop, main-
prevents backflow from the low- heated HFO from the low-pressure fuel tenance, or a regular engine stop, the
pressure system into the cylinder, e.g. system. For this purpose, the flushing flushing valve 11 provides pressure relief
in case of nozzle needle seizure. A valve 11 , located on the valve block 10 for the whole high-pressure rail system.
pressure-limiting valve arranged 9 at the end of the rail units will be opened
on the valve block 10 protects the pneumatically. Any residual high pres- The high-pressure components (rail
high-pressure system against over- sure in the system is thereby reduced units and high-pressure pipes) are dou-
load (Fig.3). and the fuel passes via high-pressure ble-walled; the resulting hollow spaces
pumps 3 through the rail units 5 ; it are connected and form, together with
The fuel supply system is provided with also passes via the flushing non-return the capacitive sensors (Fig. 6) and de-
an HFO preheating system that allows valve 12 (a bypass to ensure a higher tection screws (Fig.7), an effective leak-
the engine to be started and stopped flow rate), through the rail units 5 and age detection system (LDS), e
during HFO operation. back to the day tank. The necessary the rapid and specific detection of any
differential pressure for flushing the sys- leaks that may occur.
To start the cold engine running with tem is adjusted with the pressure-con-
HFO, the high-pressure part of the CR trol valve 14 .

1. Valve positions between two injections 2. Start of the opening of the 2/2-way valve

Capacitive sensor

Fig.6: Leakage detection system (LDS)

3. Start of the opening of the 3/2-way valve 4. Opening of the injection valve capacitive sensors

Detection screws

Valve movement Spring force Hydraulic force Hydraulic flow

Fig.5: Positions of control valve during injection Fig.7: LDS detection screws

8 MAN Diesel & Turbo Common Rail Design & Field Experience
Decisive criteria for operators

Fig.8: Common rail system MAN V32/44CR

The principal advantage of CR injec- that the injection valves are only pres- Engines equipped with this CR tech-
tion is the flexibility gained by sepa- surized during injection. This avoids un- nology, and thus an optimized com-
rating pressure generation and injec- controlled injection, even if a control bustion process, have the best poten-
tion control. valve or injection valve is leaking. tial to meet more stringent emission
regulations that may be imposed in fu-
MAN Diesel & Turbo has kept its CR The CR system is released for all marine ture with best possible fuel consump-
technology as simple as possible. For applications and the MAN 32/44CR is tion. The design ensures that smoke
example, there is no separate servo cir- also released for stationary installations. emissions stay below the visibility limit
cuit to activate the injection valves. Con- even in cases of extreme low load.
ventional pressure-controlled injection Modular division of the rail units and
valves are used and control valves are their assignment to individual cylinder Irrespective of the application (ma-
integrated into the rail units away from units reduces material costs and as- rine or power), the life cycle costs of
the heat of the cylinder heads, resulting sembly effort and allows for short a CR engine are comparable to those
in greater system reliability and easy lengths of high-pressure injection pipes. of a conventional system.
The MAN Diesel & Turbo-specific CR
Different MAN Diesel & Turbo engine system design prevents pressure
types use a very similar CR system waves in the high-pressure pipes be-
design: for instance, the same basic
tween the rail unit and the injection
design of 2/2- and 3/2-way valves is valve a problem that occurs in some
used for the control valves. The use of other CR systems, especially at the end
the separate 3/2-way valves ensures of injection.

MAN Diesel & Turbo Common Rail Design & Field Experience 9
Safety Concept
Established method, smart features

Safety in design and operation is one of the most important considerations, especially for ma-
rine engines. To ensure that all possible failures are covered by the CR safety concept, MAN
Diesel & Turbo has carried out an extensive failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) process.

On the basis of the FMEA, measures for failure detection and error prevention
have been developed and integrated into the system, but only after the suc-
cessful completion of extensive validation tests on the test rig, which are vital
for any new technology concept. The CR system and its safety concept, as il-
lustrated below, are kept as simple as possible:

Injection valves are only pressur- Two to four high-pressure pumps

ized during injection Emergency operation is possible
No danger of uncontrolled injection, should one pump fail.
even if a control valve or injection
valve leaks. Pressure-limiting valve (Fig.3, 9 ) Test rig installation of the complete CR system
with additional pressure-control
High-pressure components function/safety valve
are double-walled Emergency operation possible, even
No danger of fuel escaping in case in case of any failure in rail pressure
of leaking or broken pipes. control.

Flow limiter (Fig.4) Emergency stop valve/flushing

for each cylinder valve (Fig.3, 11 )
No danger of excessive injection The valve, actuated by compressed
quantity, even in case of leaking or air, stops the engine in case of
broken components. emergency.
Stena Hollandica, MAN 48/60CR engines
Non-return valves (Fig.3, 13 ) Redundant rail-pressure sensors
for each cylinder and TDC speed pick-ups
Prevents backflow from the No interruption of engine operation
low-pressure system into the necessary due to pick-up or sensor
cylinder, e.g. in case of nozzle error.

Bartolomeu Dias, MAN 48/60CR engines

10 MAN Diesel & Turbo Common Rail Design & Field Experience
Fully embedded into

The challenge for electronics was to design a simple and redundant CR system for single-
engine main-propulsion applications. The result of this research was a flexible and
reliable CR solution, which has meanwhile been extensively proven in practice.

For single-engine main-propulsion duration. After each engine stop, the and are displayed on the human ma-
systems, classification organizations control function changes b
etween the chine interface (HMI). For multiple en-
require a fully redundant system lay- two connected injection modules while gine installations, a non-redundant de-
out. The injection electronics is there- maintaining full functionality. In case of sign for CR control is available.
fore structured as described below. malfunction of the a
ctive injection mod-
ule, the back-up injection module takes The CR electronics extend the possibili-
The CR control is fully integrated within over within milliseconds. ties of the conventional injection s ystem
the SaCoSone (safety and control system by means of freely adjustable injection
on engine). Two injection modules are All necessary sensors, the power s upply parameters. A multitude of characteristic
available (Fig.9) to operate the control and the field bus system are redundant maps and parameters in the injection
valves (injection time and injection in design. So a single failure will not lead control allows optimized engine opera-
duration) and the high-pressure pumps to an engine shutdown. Via the redundant tion over the entire load range.
(rail pressure generation). Speed govern- CAN bus, all necessary information is ex-
ing is performed by means of injection changed between the SaCoSone devices

Fig.9: Redundancy of electronic control system

MAN Diesel & Turbo Common Rail Design & Field Experience 11
Development Process
Design, simulation, and testing

The complete development process

ensures the market launch of a new Concept, Design, FMEA
product with a high level of maturity,
so a well-proven product with low FEM & hydraulic analysis
technical risk will be available from
start of series production. With con- CR test rig (>1000 rhrs)
tinuous development after series re- Design loop
lease, experience from the field is Engine test bed (>1000 rhrs)
taken into account.
Type approval (classification)
Fig.10 gives a general impression of the
Field test (>~12000 rhrs)
development process which the new
MAN Diesel & Turbo product needs to
Series release
go through. Some important stages of
the development of the CR system are Continuous development
described below.

Simulation Fig.10: Development process

The MAN Diesel & Turbo common rail
injection system was simulated to
optimize the system before the first Fig.11 shows a physical and mathe-
components were produced. This sim- matical model for the simulation of a
ulation tool was also particularly effec- one-cylinder unit including the compo
tive for comparing simulated results nents between the unit segment and
with real results. the injection nozzle.

3/2-way valve
Rail pressure (bar)

Injection valve
valve 1.5
Needle lift (mm)




0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020

Rail unit
Cut-off non-return valve Time (sec)

Simulation Measurement

Fig.11: Simulation model for one-cylinder unit Fig.12: Comparison of simulation and measurement

12 MAN Diesel & Turbo Common Rail Design & Field Experience
Hydraulic optimization and endurance Fig.12 illustrates the comparison be- Fig.14 shows the measured pressure
testing on injection test rigs tween the simulation and the test ahead of the injection valve for three
As mentioned above, heavy-fuel opera- results to demonstrate the solid cor-
different versions of the control valve,
tion is a major challenge for all electron- relation between simulation and mea- compared to the injection pressure
ically controlled injection systems. MAN surement. However, the simulation was curve of the conventional injection
Diesel & Turbo therefore uses test rigs not limited to single cylinder units. To system. It is easy to see that the rate of
where the hydraulic optimization and investigate the influence of different cyl- injection at the beginning of injection,
endurance testing of the CR injection inder numbers, simulation models of which is most important for NOX and
systems has been carried out under al- the complete CR system for up to 10 smoke formation with the MAN Diesel &
most realistic conditions.These test rigs cylinders were prepared and also veri- Turbo CR system, can be optimized
are characterized by the following main fied by measurements. within a broad range in order to match
features: the injection system to the e
ngines re-
Fig.13 shows one of these test rigs with quirements.
Possible installation of complete the MAN Bore 32 CR injection system
CR systems for up to 10 cylinders; installed. In addition to the test rigs for
the hydraulic and endurance tests, MAN
Fully computerized operation and Diesel & Turbo installed an additional
measurement with the possibility test rig to check the calibration of the
of unmanned endurance runs; control valves. The results from the test
engine showed how important it is for
Operation with different test fuels, these components to be well calibrated.
especially with real HFO up to The optimization of the CR injection sys-
fuel temperatures of 150C for tem on the injection test rigs are demon-
endurance and hydraulic tests. strated with the example below.

High-pressure pump Rail Unit






Version A Version B Version C Convent. inject. system

Fig.13: Test rig installation of the complete CR system Fig.14: Matching of the rate of injection

MAN Diesel & Turbo Common Rail Design & Field Experience 13
Continuous Development
Driving competitiveness

The aim of continuous development

is to improve the reliability and life-
time of CR components in order to
achieve the best possible perfor-
mance. Based on our field experi-
ence since 2001, new features have
been developed and validated for
every single CR component.

To prevent damage to the CR compo-

nents by particles, an additional 10m
automatic filter needs to be installed in
the booster circuit of the HFO fuel oil
supply system upstream from the en-
gine. This filter reduces wear and stabi-
lizes the lifetime of CR components.

Fig.15: Additional 10m automatic filter in booster circuit of HFO fuel oil supply system

HFO service tank

Feeder pump 10m automatic filter
Diesel-oil service tank

Mixing tank

10m automatic
Duplex filter Viscosimeter Final heater Booster pump

Feeder circuit Booster circuit

Fig.16: Fuel oil supply system (simplified)

14 MAN Diesel & Turbo Common Rail Design & Field Experience
Adaption to a New Engine
The ease of parametrization

ECOMAP is a new innovative feature for
our fully electronically controlled engines.
The unrivalled flexibility of the CR-Sys-
tem permits the engine to be pro-

SFOC (g/kWh)
grammed to run along different SFOC /
power characteristics, each of them
having its efficiency optimum at different
load points. This, without the need to
modify anything in the engines hard- 5g/kWh
ware. Hence, the customer is provided
with the potential to realize better fuel 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

economy with changing operating pro- % MCR

files of his installation. Especially, on Full-Load-Optimized (Standard) 1 Part-Load-Optimized (Projected)

vessels with multi-engine installations,

the combination of such CR engines
with an intelligent power management Fig.17: ECOMAP example of a set of maps with different SFOC/power characteristics
system permits to exploit the flexibility
potential of such engines to the best
permissible level.

The ECOMAP concept has received

Approval in Principle (AIP) from several
major classification societies. For details
on the operating boundary conditions
and map selection principles that need
to be respected, please contact MAN
Diesel & Turbo.

Boost injection
A special, patented feature for common
rail engines, called boost injection, was
introduced in parallel with the release of
the IMO Tier II engines.

SaCoSone is able to detect a request

for engine load increase at an early
stage and to improve the load re-
sponse of the engine significantly by
activation of a so-called boost injection
in the common rail control.

MAN Diesel & Turbo Common Rail Design & Field Experience 15
Operation and Maintenance
Supported by MAN PrimeServ

The operation and maintenance of the 4. Guided troubleshooting tool 5. MAN PrimeServ Online Service
CR system are supported by: The guided troubleshooting tool is a Engines which are equipped with the
fault detection tool that assists the PrimeServ Online Service package can
1. Updated working cards customer in CR troubleshooting. This automatically and continuously be
implement the design updates of tool provides easy-to-use graphically monitored. MAN PrimeServ experts an-
the continuous development designed fault detection by means of alyze the engine data and provide valu-
improve the assessment of the multiple choice questions and is able advice for maintenance, operation
condition of CR components self-explanatory. The fault detection and repairs of the engine. At the event
integrate the handling and testing tool represents the full MAN experi- of irregularities the customer will be in-
procedures based on field experi- ence concerning CR troubleshooting formed immediately to avoid down-
ence from development, field test, system times. Furthermore a non-efficient op-
automation and service. The alarm eration mode can be adjusted earlier. If
2. Working tools codes and additional indications are necessary the experts can support the
Special tools have been created for the implemented. customer in troubleshooting via remote
replacement, assembly and testing of access.
the CR components. With the combi-
nation of working cards and tools, the
customer is able to do the necessary
work on the CR system without MAN
service personnel.

3. Training
In the PrimeServ Academies, MAN of-
fers training courses (basic and ad-
vanced levels) for personnel working
with the CR system. During training, the
customer learns all about operation
and maintenance with the purpose of
gaining confidence in handling the CR
system. For a realistic approach, prac-
tical training is carried out on a full func-
tional test model of the CR system.

Fig.18: MAN Diesel & Turbos Online Service in principle

16 MAN Diesel & Turbo Common Rail Design & Field Experience
Significance of a broad installed base

The advantage of the CR injection Excerpt of engine references with CR Technology Engine type
system, through its freely adjustable A.P. Moeller - Maersk A/S, Denmark, Charlotte Maersk 1x 7L32/40CR
injection parameters, has been com- John T. Essberger GmbH & Co. KG, Germany, DAL Kalahari 1x 6L32/40CR
prehensively presented in this paper. Norwegian Curise Line, USA, Norwegian Jewel 1x 12V48/60CR
The design of the CR system with its Scandlines Danmark A/S, Denmark, Prinsesse Benedikte 1x 6L32/44CR
extensive functionality, control elec- Harren & Partner Schiffahrts GmbH, Germany, Combi Dock III 2x 8L32/44CR
tronics and safety devices required Hermann Buss GmbH & Cie KG, Germany, CSAV Rio de Janeiro 1x 8L32/40CR
careful long-term technological plan- Pesqueria Vasco Montanesa S.A., Spain, Playa de Azkorri 1x 8L32/44CR
ning, which equipped the product Orophil Shipmanagement Corp, Philippines, Yang A 1x 9L32/44CR
with the potential to meet future en- V.Ships Ltd., Cyprus, OIG Giant II 2x 8L32/44CR
vironmental and economic demands. Stena North Sea Ltd., United Kingdom, Stena Hollandica 2x 8L48/60CR
2x 6L48/60CR
Thanks to the results of the test programs Hermann Buss GmbH & Cie KG, Germany, CSAV Brasilia 1x 8L32/40CR
and the corresponding component de- Stena Rederi AB, Sweden, Stena Britannica 2x 8L48/60CR
velopment, a remarkable level of maturi- 2x 6L48/60CR
ty has been achieved and confirmed by Columbus Shipmanagement GmbH, Germany, Paranagua Express 2x 9L32/40CR
field experience of different applications Disney Cruise Line, USA, Disney Dream 2x 14V48/60CR
totaling approximately 2,110,000 oper- 3x 12V48/60CR
ating hours (01/2015). P&O Ferries Limited, United Kingdom, Spirit of Britain 4x 7L48/60CR
Naviera Armas SA, Canary Islands, Volcan del Teide 4x 7L48/60CR
As per Status of 01/2015, more than Hamburg-Sd, Germany, Santa Catarina 2x 9L32/40CR
180 engines are in commercial operation, Nova Star Cruises Ltd., Canada, Nova Star 4x 10L32/44CR
thereof more than 80 MAN 32/44CR and Naviera Armas SA, Canary Islands, Volcan de Tinamar 4x 7L48/60CR
more than 90 MAN 48/60CR engines. Celebrity Cruises Inc., USA, Celebrity Silhouette 4x 14V48/60CR
Columbus Shipmanagement GmbH, Germany, Santa Rosa 2x 9L32/40CR
China Yantai Salvage, China, De Qi 2x 9L32/44CR
P&O Ferries Limited, United Kingdom, Spirit of France 4x 7L48/60CR
Seatruck Ferries Limited, United Kingdom, Seatruck Power 2x 7L48/60CR
Disney Cruise Line, USA, Disney Fantasy 2x 14V48/60CR
3x 12V48/60CR
Northern Marine Management Limited, United Kingdom, Stena Performer 2x 7L48/60CR
Yangtze Estuary Waterway, China, Chang Jiang Kou 01 2x 7L48/60CR
Celebrity Cruise Lines, Inc., USA, Celebrity Reflection 2x 14V48/60CR
2x 12V48/60CR
Norwegian Cruise Line, USA, Norwegian Breakaway 2x 14V48/60CR
2x 12V48/60CR
Dredging Corp. of India Ltd., India, DCI Dredge XX 2x 8L32/44CR
Huta Marine Works Ltd., Saudi Arabia, Al Bahar 2x 9L48/60CR
Allseas Engineering B.V., Netherlands, Pioneering Spirit 8x 20V32/44CR
1x 9L32/44CR

MAN Diesel & Turbo Common Rail Design & Field Experience 17
Combi Dock III, MAN 32/44CR engines
All data provided in this document is non-binding. This data serves informational
purposes only and is not guaranteed in any way. Depending on the subsequent
specific individual projects, the relevant data may be subject to changes and will
be assessed and determined individually for each project. This will depend on
the particular characteristics of each individual project, especially
specific site and operational conditions. CopyrightMAN Diesel & Turbo.
D2366466EN-N2 Printed in Germany GGKM-AUG-05152

MAN Diesel & Turbo

86224 Augsburg, Germany
Phone +49 821 322-0
Fax +49 821 322-3382

MAN Diesel & Turbo a member of the MAN Group

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