04 2010 Gillett PDF
04 2010 Gillett PDF
04 2010 Gillett PDF
April 2010 I S T R AT E G I C F I N A N C E 25
ees base salary in a 401(k) program from the day the 2020. For simplicity, the following metrics will be used in
employee begins, and its compensation plan is rated in Caterpillars 2010 strategic goals: Peoples metrics include
the top 10% of plans in the S&P 500. Caterpillar recog- a highly engaged workforce and achieving world-class
nized that its greatest asset was its people and that it safety. Performance Product & Processs metrics include
would have to competitively replace the knowledge base being No. 1 in quality, market leadership, and market-
that was going to be leaving the company. leading availability. Finally, Profitable Growths metrics
In 1990, Caterpillar reorganized to a business unit include $50 billion in revenue and earnings per share
structure, which sometimes makes the transfer of knowl- growth in the top half of the S&P 500 companies.
edge between business units more difficult. But 6 Sigma Over the last eight years, Caterpillar has demonstrat-
provided an effective change mechanism and a means of ed the usefulness of 6 Sigma in achieving its strategic
integrating the knowledge learned through 6 Sigma proj- goals. This was accomplished by fully integrating the
ects across the various business units. methodology and its principles into all aspects of the
In addition to its own use of 6 Sigma, the company has business, including suppliers and dealers. It also allowed
taught its suppliers and dealers about the benefits of using the integration of knowledge from Black Belt projects
the technique to refine the entire sales model. Caterpillar across business units. Further, Caterpillar believes that,
has introduced 850 suppliers worldwide to 6 Sigma, which by using 6 Sigma to drive change, its new goals are
has created more than 1,000 supplier Black Belts to help obtainable.
run the projects. One supplier that said it was interested in One example that exemplifies Caterpillars continuing
the Caterpillar 6 Sigma methodology allowed Cat to con- integration of 6 Sigma into all aspects of the business is a
sult and transform the business. When implementing 6 project that will improve threaded joint design in the
Sigma, Caterpillar used facts and data to show the results assembly process. This project focuses on continuous
the supplier could expect, so it didnt take long for the improvement in Caterpillars quality culture and provides
supplier to totally buy in to the methodology. an opportunity to leverage best practices and replicate
Dealers have also taken on the 6 Sigma commitment. solutions across the enterprise.
More than 165 dealerships have produced more than The company is also working on a 6 Sigma project that
1,000 Black Belts to help with projects. Dealers find it focuses on ergonomic improvement. This project is help-
amazing that they can share their projects with one ing Caterpillar put processes in place that allow a proac-
another on a Caterpillar website that depicts best prac- tive and, ultimately, preventive approach to ergonomic
tices among the dealers. Even though each dealership is injuriesproviding a better work environment for
run as a separate business, 6 Sigma has helped give all of employees.
them a common feel across the world. Not only are deal- As you can see, Caterpillar is continuing to embrace
erships learning about projects that need to be done in the 6 Sigma methodology, not only in manufacturing
their business, but theyre following the steps of the and engineering, but across the organization. This way
process and learning which projects to do first. Just as of working and thinking continues to be successful in
Caterpillar embraced the methodology, dealers have also driving the companys strategy for change. SF
accepted the idea of making 6 Sigma a top-down
methodology that pushes the training and concept down John W. Gillett, CPA, Ph.D., is professor of accounting and
to the workers at the lowest level. chair of the Department of Accounting at Bradley Universi-
ty in Peoria, Ill. He also is a member of IMAs Central Illi-
Attaining Strategic Goals nois Chapter. You can reach John at (309) 677-2290 or
When Glen Barton introduced 6 Sigma to Caterpillar, jwg@bradley.edu.
he envisioned using it to help the company achieve the
$30 billion mark in revenue by 2006. Instead, it achieved Ross L. Fink, Ph.D., is professor of operations management
this goal in 2004two years ahead of plan. Current in the Department of Business Management and Adminis-
Chairman and CEO Jim Owens continues to execute tration at Bradley University. You can reach him at (309)
strategy using the 6 Sigma methodology. New strategic 677-2271 or rf@bradley.edu.
goals include People; Performance Product & Process;
and Profitable Growth. Metrics have been developed for Nick Bevington is a staff accountant at Caterpillar Inc. in
each of the strategic goals for the years 2010, 2015, and Griffin, Ga.
28 S T R AT E G I C F I N A N C E I April 2010