The Synthetic Plotkin Powerdomain: Wesley Phoa Paul Taylor 1990
The Synthetic Plotkin Powerdomain: Wesley Phoa Paul Taylor 1990
The Synthetic Plotkin Powerdomain: Wesley Phoa Paul Taylor 1990
Plotkin [1976] introduced a powerdomain construction on domains in order to give
semantics to a non-deterministic binary choice constructor, and later [1979] characterised
it as the free semilattice. Smyth [1983] and Winskel [1985] showed that it could be
interpreted in terms of modal predicate transformers and Robinson [1986] recognised it
as a special case of Johnstones [1982] Vietoris construction, which itself generalises the
Hausdorff metric on the set of closed subsets of a metric space. The domain construction
involves a curious order relation known as the Egli-Milner order.
In this paper we relate the powerdomain directly to the free semilattice, which in a
topos is simply the finite powerset, i.e. the object of (Kuratowski-)finite subobjects of an
object. We show that the Egli-Milner order coincides (up to ) with the intrinsic
order induced by a family of observable predicates.
This problem originally arose in the context of the Effective topos, in which the observ-
able predicates are the recursively enumerable subsets. However we find that the results
of this paper hold for any elementary topos, and so by considering a (pre)sheaf topos
(which the Effective topos is not) we may compare them with the classical approach.
Important Note: Much of the credit for the work in this paper is due to Wesley
Phoa and Martin Hyland, but I take the blame for its presentation. Comments on it are
most welcome. When it is finished it will be submitted as a joint paper with Wesley Phoa,
and an announcement will be made on types.
1 Introduction
1.1 The Plotkin powerdomain
Plotkin [1976] introduced his powerdomain construction in order to extend denotational se-
mantics in the Scott style to languages involving a binary choice, or. The behaviour of a
program in such a language may be that:
it always diverges;
it always terminates, but there are several (but finitely many) possible output values;
and so to express its denotation we must consider the set of possible outputs. Divergence
must be mentioned explicitly as a value if it occurs in order to distinguish the third and
fourth cases. The set must be nonempty since there must be some behaviour divergence
if nothing else. Incidentally, by Konigs lemma, if there are infinitely many possible output
values, then divergence must also be possible.
By analogy with the powerset, X , one might suppose that the powerdomain would be
of the form T X for some truthvalues domain T . There are two objections to this: First,
the class of admissible subobjects would then be closed under inverse images, so including
infinite subobjects. Second, the subobjects themselves would be upwards-closed (on the
reasonable assumption that the generic such set is a maximal element of T ), but we want {}
to be admissible.
The central theme of denotational semantics is that each program constructor should
correspond to an algebraic operation in the domain. In particular since or is a conjunction of
nondeterministic behaviours, it must correspond to a binary operation d on the domain. In the
natural understanding, this must be commutative, associative, idempotent and computable,
so the nondeterministic domain must be a semilattice (A, d) in the category of domains.
Moreover since every deterministic program is nondeterministic in a trivial way, there is an
inclusion of the deterministic domain X into the nondeterministic one. Indeed Hennessy and
Plotkin [1979] argued that (A, d) has to be the free semilattice on X.
There is another approach to semantics, which is axiomatic: we argue about the properties
of programs. We have already informally said that a program may or must diverge: these
are modalities on propositions concerning its actual behaviours in any particular run. Smyth
[1983] showed how a program p (in particular a non-deterministic one) can be interpreted
as a predicate transformer from post-conditions to the weakest corresponding pre-condition.
Winskel [1985] characterised the powerdomain in terms of the properties it could express in
a logic which includes these transformers [p] and hpi as unary operators. Robinson [1986]
did something slightly different: he treated the modal predicates and as abstract
symbols and showed that they generate the topology (i.e. the lattice of properties) on the
powerdomain A as ranges over the open sets of the base domain X. In fact the point of
Robinsons paper was to show that the powerdomain is a special case of Johnstones [1982]
Vietoris monad, which had already been generalised from a construction on metric spaces due
originally to Hausdorff.
These axiomatic and topological approaches are very significant in the literature, but for
two reasons we have not attempted to make use of them in this paper. First, Johnstone
showed that the Vietoris construction and the free semilattice agree only in special cases
(admittedly including all those of interest in classical domain theory), and our problem is
likely to be as difficult as his. Secondly, the analogy with topology is not strict (in particular
we do not assume all joins), so it is not yet clear what a -frame should be.
arbitrary limits of predomains exist (which is not true of most of the classical categories
of domains) and are constructed set-theoretically
we may perform some type construction with sets (for instance, in our case the Plotkin
powerdomain is the free semilattice) and turn the result into a predomain.
Proposition 1.2 The left adjoint to SL(C) SL(E) is given by the reflector T : E C.
Proof Explicitly, if (A, d) is a (binary) semilattice, then the free C-semilattice on it is
(T A, T d). To make this meaningful we need
= T (A A)
i.e. T preserves finite products: itself is unambiguous because products in a reflective sub-
category are always calculated as in the larger category. By functoriality this is a C-semilattice.
If f : (A, d) (B, d0 ) is a homomorphism into a C-semilattice then the underlying map has
a lifting f : T A B and this is a homomorphism because d0 (f f) and f T d both serve
as the unique lifting of d0 (f f ) = f T d, again using the fact that T preserves binary
products. The argument for the unit, }, is similar, using the terminal object.
Proof Let X C and (A, d) SL(C). We have to show a natural bijection between maps
f : X A and homomorphisms T (K(X), ) (A, d); it doesnt matter whether we work in
C or E because the former is a full subcategory of the latter. But T K a V U .
So in order to construct the synthetic Plotkin powerdomain it suffices
to define our categories of sets and domains, and show that the latter is a full reflective
subcategory of the former and that the reflector preserves finite products,
to show that the finite powerset affords the free semilattice in the category of sets.
This says that every computable property possessed by x is shared by y, so y is more de-
fined than x. Clearly v is reflexive and transitive, but it need not be antisymmetric.
Examples 2.2
if = {>, } then the (pre)order is the finest decidable equivalence relation on X.
in the topological example, (the externalisation of) v is exactly the specialisation order
(on generalised points of representables).
Examples 2.6
If = , every object is a -space, but only the terminal object is focal.
If = {>, }, an object is a -space iff (the equality predicate on) it is decidable, and
again only the terminal object is a focal -space.
In a Scott topos, every representable object is a -space, and is focal iff it has a bottom
in the specialisation order.
In the Effective topos, all -spaces are modest sets (but not conversely) and hence
definable by partial equivalence relations on N.
It is not difficult to see that X is a -space iff the map
X : X by x 7 f.f x
is mono. This suggests forming the epi-mono factorisation of X : we shall show that this does
in fact give the reflection of X into the full subcategory of -spaces.
the induced map p : Y X is split epi iff p factors into X .
pX e X
Proposition 2.8 Let X TX X
be the epi-mono factorisation of X . Then T defines
the reflection into the full subcategory of -spaces, and also preserves the property of being
In order to be able to construct the powerdomain we need another property:
Proposition 2.11 Every object X has a -replete reflection, SX, and S preserves finite
In the topological example, a representable is -replete iff it is sober, and in this case the
specialisation order has directed joins.In the Effective Topos -replete also implies that -
sequences have joins, although the proof makes crucial use of Markovs Principle and Churchs
to prove properties of K(X) we consider the class L K(X) of sets which possess
the property and show that it includes and singletons and is closed under binary
and let
D = U A : a A.hU, ai C
h, }i C and
{a} = 1 h{a} , ai = a
(so essentially f(U ) = {f (u) : u U }). This factorisation is unique, since given two such
we may form their equaliser E K(X), which is a sub-semilattice containing X and hence
the whole.
The number n is not a constant, but is parametrised by v V , where V is some supported object (see next
footnote). The indices i of the enumeration are similarly functions i : V N such that v.1 i(v) n(v).
For example if E = SetG for some group G, any finite set with a G-action is Kuratowski-finite, but (constant)
numerals [n] and their quotients carry the trivial action.
The following simple but important result is true of the free functor of any finitary alge-
braic theory:
It contains the singletons because for U = {x} we are given y Y.f (y) = x, so put
V = {y} and then K(f )(V ) = {f y} = U .
It is closed under unions because if U1 = K(f )(V1 ) and U2 = K(f )(V2 ) then U1 U2 =
K(f )(V1 ) K(f )(V2 ) = K(f )(V1 V2 ).
Corollary 3.4 (Weak Axiom of Finite Choice) Let U X be finite (i.e. U K(X)) and
let (x, f ) be a predicate on X F such that
u U.f F.(u, f )
0 : {hu, f i U F : (u, f )} U
Notation 3.5 Let K+ (X) X be generated by the singletons and (not ). By a binary
semilattice we mean an algebra (A, d) with an idempotent, commutative and associative
binary operation (but no unit).
Proposition 3.6
Proof The first part is exactly similar to what we did before. The subset L K+ (X) of
supported sets includes the singletons and is closed under so is all of it. Finally K+ (X)+{}
carries a (d, })-semilattice structure, so there are mediators K(X) K+ (X) + {}; the
universal properties (coproduct and free semilattice) make these mutually inverse.
So the finite powerset, like the Hausdorff and Vietoris constructions but unlike the full
powerset X , falls into two parts. This means that, given a Kuratowski-finite set, there
is a constructive procedure to determine whether it is empty or inhabited. The Plotkin
construction only defined the larger part anyway because the empty set of process behaviours
is not meaningful in denotational semantics.
holds; this is called the Egli-Milner order, written S vEM T . Then for each i we have some
t0i T with si v t0i . Similarly T is the word t1 d d tm and we have s0j v tj with s0j S.
using the semilattice equations for the equalities and v-monotonicity of d for the inequality.
Now each of the authors who have discussed the Egli-Milner order have given motivations
for it (from Computer Science), which one may or may not find convincing. However a little
consideration of pure category theory shows how it is forced upon us. For each object X E
we have
[v] == {hs, ti X X : s v t}
which internalises the order relation. We write p, q : [v] X for the projections, and of
course one is pointwise less than the other.
Now apply the functor K. What is this order4 K[v] KX? An instance of it is a finite
set V of pairs hs, ti with s v t; then let
S == K(p)(V ) = {s X : t X.hs, ti V }
T == K(q)(V ) = {t X : s X.hs, ti V }
In fact K[v] K(X) K(X) is not mono, but this doesnt matter; shortly we shall show that its image
is [vEM ].
so we have S vEM T . We shall now give a purely categorical proof that it implies the -
order. The first result (like preservation of surjectivity) is true of the free functor of any
finitary algebraic theory.
K(p)({y}) = {py} v {qy} = K(q)({y}) by monotonicity of {} : X K(X),
Lemma 4.3 If S, T K(X) with S vEM T then there is some V K[v] with K(p)(V ) = S
and K(q)(V ) = T .
Proof We use the weak axiom of finite choice with the finite set S and the predicate s v t
on S T to find V1 K(S T ) with
s S.t T.hs, ti V1
t T.s S.hs, ti V2
Finally put V = V1 V2 .
Corollary 4.5 v is not necessarily antisymmetric, but if X has a least element in this
order then K+ (X) has a least element {}.
Let X = and consider the finite sets
def def
S == {h, i, h>, i, h>, >i} and T == {h, i, h, >i, h>, >i}
5 Modalities
We want to derive a property of v on X (which is defined in terms of maps : X )
from v on K(X) (which is defined in terms of : K(X) ). Therefore we need a way of
generating computable properties of finite sets from those of elements.
i I.>,
i, j I.k I.i k j k .
In this case we write i for their join5 . These two axioms are of course the nullary and
binary forms of the more general
i.e. a uniformity result. For this we use the weak axiom of finite choice to obtain a finite
set V U I such that
So by the general statement of directedness of I we have j I with
hu, ii V.i j
Remark 5.5 It seems that the dual result, cocontinuity of , can only be proved by contra-
diction. This is a pity, because it is what we really want to use.
Finally there are two properties which relate the two modalities:
Lemma 5.7 K+ (X) K(X) is characterised by the imposition of either of the equivalent
additional relations
= or > = >
Proof The second is x U.>, which is just the definition of being inhabited, whilst the
first, x U., is clearly equivalent.
In the context of locales or -predicates we do not consider negation, but of course it is
defined for general predicates and we need to know how the modal operators relate to it. It
is an easy exercise in natural deduction to show that ( ) () ().
In the Effective Topos, where is of the form n.f (n) = 1 for some f : N 2, this assumption
is precisely Markovs principle; intuitively, it says that if a process doesnt diverge then
eventually it converges. Although forcing all predicates to be -closed makes
Boolean, this condition does not even make Boolean.6
The reader is invited to find a lattice of regular (pinhole-free) open subsets of R.
The converse argument is beset with negations, and the best way to understand them is
by introducing a relation which says positively that not every property of s is shared by t:
x v| t X .(s) (t)
N (s).(t)
x v| z y.(x v| y y v
| z)
We introduce
S 6vEM T s S.t T.s v
| t t T.s S.s v
| t
Suppose informally that the first disjunct holds for a particular s S. Writing T =
{t1 , . . . , tm }, there are computable predicates j X such that j (s) but j (tj ). Then
with = 1 m we have (s) but t T.(t). Then = is satisfied by S but
not by T . The other part is similar, with as the disjunction and . More formally,
by continuity of and then . Recall that the former used the weak axiom of finite
choice, and it is easy to check that N (s) is a filter. Then
X .s S.(s) (T )
the second predicate (fixing t) is
_ _
S (S) S (S)
M (t) M (t)
X .t T.(t) S (S)
from which we deduce (T ) (S), so we put = .
A classical argument would now be complete, but we have to reason constructively, and
negation is a delicate thing, so there is more work to be done and we must be careful. The
negated Egli-Milner relations do not behave quite as well as v,
| but we do have
S T s v
| t T S s v
| t
whilst, by the first lemma, we have already expressed (S vEM T ) in the form
S T s v
| t T S s v| t
from the relationships between modal operators and negation.7
S v T (S v
| T ) (S 6vEM T ) (S vEM T ) (S v T ) S v T
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