Syllabus ME100A 2016fall 10242016
Syllabus ME100A 2016fall 10242016
Syllabus ME100A 2016fall 10242016
ME 100A Thermodynamics
Course Information
Fall Quarter, 2016
Required Text Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics, by M. J. Moran et al., 8th ed., Wiley,
2014. ISBN 9781118412930
Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics 8e Binder Ready Version, by M. J. Moran
et al., 8th ed., Wiley, 2014. ISBN 9781118820445
Binder Version bundled with Wiley Plus, ISBN 9781119309970
Updated October 24, 2016
Course Upon completion of this first course in engineering thermodynamics, students should be
Objectives able to:
a) Evaluate the properties of an ideal gas, and be aware of some corrections for non-
ideal behavior.
b) Evaluate the properties of pure substances from tabular data.
c) Identify appropriate control volumes for the analysis of various engineering
systems such as nozzles, pumps, turbines, and heat exchangers.
d) Apply the 1st law of thermodynamics (energy) to open and closed systems.
e) Apply the 2nd law of thermodynamics (entropy) to open and closed systems.
f) Identify fundamental limits on the efficiency of refrigerators and heat engines.
g) Analyze the performance of basic cycles, such as the Rankine or Brayton cycle.
We will have quizzes roughly every 1~2 week (~6 in total). The average
grade from the quizzes will contribute to 30% of the overall grade. The
worst quiz grade will be dropped.
The midterm is tentatively scheduled in class for Oct. 31, 1 hour time
Any serious concerns about grading of the quizzes and midterm exam
should be addressed to the instructor (not the TAs) within 1 week of
receiving the grades. Include a brief, written explanation of your concern.
Re-graded scores may go up, down, or stay the same. I reserve the right to
re-grade the other problems on the exam as well.
Absences, Late Lectures: Notes will be posted. Check iLearn for major announcements.
Work, and
Midterm/quizzes: Missing the midterm or a quiz will result in a zero grade for that exam
unless alternative arrangements are made with the instructor prior to the exam.
(Exceptions may be made for severe medical or family emergencies.) Makeup exams will
be oral.
Updated October 24, 2016
Academic misconduct is any act that does or could improperly distort student grades or
other student academic records. (from the UCR Committee on Educational Policy.) Zero
tolerance policy. Academic misconduct will be penalized and possibly referred to Student
Judicial Affairs.
Updated October 24, 2016