Mobile: 2.LTE Signaling Radio Bearer Overview

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LTE Signaling Radio Bearer Overview

Author : Ray Khastur

Title : LTE Optimization Consultant MobileComm Professionals, Inc MobileComm Professionals, Inc

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2.1 Bearer Overview

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What is Bearer ?

Bearer is the way how packet data transmitted from the UE until the Internet Cloud area. In another
word Bearer is the pipeline that pass through the communication content which can be transform from
one pipeline to another pipeline. As we can see on above picture that during the transmission of
internet content via LTE Networks called as EPS Bearer (Evolved Packer System). Out side LTE
environment called as External Bearer.

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Bearer Components

If you see the diagram shown above, you would notice that this bearer has two main part. One is 'Radio
Bearer' and the other part is Core network bearer.
In LTE, the both 'Radio Bearer' part and 'Core Network Bearer' both configured by a single message,
'RRC Connection Reconfiguration'. Actually within 'RRC Connection Reconfiguration' message there is
one part for Radio configuration and another part for Core Network configuration.

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2.2 Type of Radio Bearer

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Type of EPS Bearer
i) Default EPS Bearer :
Be established during Attach Process
Allocate IP address to UE
Does not have specifc QoS (only Nominal QoS is applied).
Similar to Primary PDP Context in UMTS

ii) Dedicated EPS Bearer

Normally be established during the call setup after idle mode. (but can
be established during the attach as well).
Does not allocate any additional IP address to UE
Is linked to a specified default EPS bearer
Have a specific (usually guaranteed) QoS
Similar to Secondary PDP Context in UMTS

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Signaling Radio Bearer
SRB0 is for RRC messages using the CCCH logical channel;

SRB1 is for RRC messages (which may include a piggybacked NAS

message) as well as for NAS messages prior to the establishment of
SRB2, all using DCCH logical channel;

SRB2 is for RRC messages which include logged measurement

information as well as for NAS messages, all using DCCH logical
channel. SRB2 has a lower-priority than SRB1 and is always configured
by E-UTRAN after security activation.

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SRB Mapping
MasterInformationBlock RRCConnectionSetupComplete UEInformationRequest
Signalling radio bearer: - Signalling radio bearer: SRB1 - Signalling radio bearer: SRB1
RLC-SAP: TM - Logical channel: DCCH - Logical channel: DCCH
Logical channel: BCCH - Direction: UE to E-UTRAN - Direction: E-UTRAN to UE
Direction: E-UTRAN to UE
RRCConnectionReconfiguration DLInformationTransfer
SystemInformationBlockType1 - Signalling radio bearer: SRB1 - Signalling radio bearer: SRB2 or SRB1
Signalling radio bearer: - RLC-SAP: AM (only if SRB2 not established yet. If SRB2
N/A - Logical channel: DCCH is suspended, E-UTRAN does not send
this message until SRB2 is resumed.)
RLC-SAP: TM - Direction: E-UTRAN to UE
Logical channel: BCCH
- Logical channel: DCCH
Direction: E-UTRAN to UE MeasurementReport
- Direction: E-UTRAN to UE
- Signalling radio bearer: SRB1
RRCConnectionRequest - RLC-SAP: AM
Signalling radio bearer: - Logical channel: DCCH
SRB0 - Signalling radio bearer: N/A
- Direction: UE to E-UTRAN
Logical channel: CCCH - Logical channel: PCCH
Direction: UE to E-UTRAN - Direction: E-UTRAN to UE
- Signalling radio bearer: SRB1
The RLC (Radio Link Control) layer is responsible for delivery
RRCConnectionSetup - Logical channel: DCCH of upper layer SDUs. RLC can work in 3 different modes,
Signalling radio bearer: - Direction: E-UTRAN to UE depending on the requirement of the data to be
SRB0 transported; Transparent Mode (TM), Unacknowledged
Mode (UM) and Acknowledged Mode (AM). AM has
RLC-SAP: TM functions for retransmission of erroneous received PDUs.
Logical channel: CCCH The RLC working in UM or AM also has functions for
- Signalling radio bearer: SRB1 segmentation and concatenation of SDUs sent over the LTE
Direction: E-UTRAN to UE air interface. For received PDUs RLC support functions for re-
ordering, duplicate detection and reassembly
- Logical channel: DCCH
- Direction: E-UTRAN to UE
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Type of EPS Bearer Contd (Attach)

Default EPS Bearer Setup

Dedicated EPS Bearer Setup

This process happen mostly on the
Smartphone as additional Bearer Setup
after normal attach procedure perform

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Company Confidential - Pinnacle Learning Center
Type of EPS Bearer Contd (Service Req)

Dedicated EPS Bearer Setup

This process happen after UE Entering

RRC Idle State condition. When there are
packets data need to be send to this UE.
MME will performing Paging Activity to
search and waking up those UE to receive
waiting packets data.

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2.3 Function of Radio Bearer

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Bearer Level QoS

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Bearer Level QoS

Default bearer 1: Used for signaling messages (sip signaling) related to IMS network. It uses qci 5

Dedicated bearer: Used for VoLTE VoIP traffic. It uses qci 1 and is linked to default bearer 1

Default bearer 2: Used for all other smartphone traffic (video, chat, email, browser etc), assuming qci 9
is used here

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Traffic Radio Bearers

o Radio Bearers
The radio bearers KPIs consist of ten sub-KPIs, one is for the total of radio bearers and
the other nine are for nine QCIs. This set of KPIs can be used to evaluate the average
radio bearers in a cell or a cluster. The radio bearer for each QCI is based on the number
of active RRC connections for each QCI according to the QCI defined in the QoS


RadioBeare rs _ QCI _ 1

RadioBeare rs _ QCI _ 9

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Traffic Counter Mapping for Radio Bearers

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Traffic - Traffic Volume

o Downlink Traffic Volume

Similar to the radio bearers KPIs, the downlink traffic volume KPIs consist of ten sub-
KPIs, one is for the total of traffic volume for DRBs and the other nine are for nine QCIs.
This group of KPIs can be used to evaluate the DL traffic volume in a cell, which is
measured at the PDCP layer excluding the PDCP header
DLTrafficVolume DLTrafficVolume _ QCI _1 DLTrafficVolume _ QCI _ 9

o Uplink Traffic Volume

Similar to the downlink traffic volume KPIs, the uplink traffic volume KPIs consist of ten
sub-KPIs, one is for the total of traffic volume for DRBs and the other nine are for nine
QCIs. This group of KPIs can be used to evaluate the uplink traffic volume in a cell. The
KPIs are measured at the PDCP layer excluding the PDCP header.
ULTrafficVolume ULTrafficVolume _ QCI _ 1 ULTrafficVolume _ QCI _ 9
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Traffic - Counter Mapping for Traffic Volume

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Traffic - Counter Mapping for Traffic Volume

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Service Integrity Service Average Throughput

o Service Downlink Average Throughput

This KPI consist of nine sub-KPIs mapped into nine QCIs (QCI 1~9), they evaluate the
downlink throughput of a service with a specific QCI per user in each cell, it reflects the
end-user experience.

DLAverageThroughput _ QCI _ 1 DLAverageThroughput _ QCI _ 9

The total downlink traffic volume at PDCP layer of each QCI and total duration for
transmitting them are measured within a measurement period. Then the average
throughput of each QCI is obtained at the end of the measurement period.

o Service Uplink Average Throughput

Same with the service downlink average throughput, this set of KPIs consist of nine
sub-KPIs mapped into nine QCIs (QCI 1~9), and the meaning is also similar with it.
ULAverageThroughput _ QCI _ 1 ULAverageThroughput _ QCI _ 9
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Service Integrity Cell Average Throughput

o Cell Downlink Average Throughput

This KPI evaluates the cell downlink average throughput when there are data transferring
at downlink. It reflects the cell capacity.
The total downlink traffic volume at PDCP layer of cell and total duration for transmitting
which is measured within a measurement period. Then the average throughput of cell is
obtained at the end of the measurement period.

o Cell Uplink Average Throughput

Same with the cell downlink average throughput, this set of KPI reflects the cell
capacity, and the meaning is also similar with it.

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Service Integrity Cell Maximum Throughput

o Cell Downlink Maximum Throughput

This KPI evaluates the cell downlink maximum throughput when there are data
transferring at downlink. It reflects the cell capacity. It is calculated based on maximum
value of downlink traffic volume which are transferred at each second.
CellDLMaxTrafficVolumeforEach1s(bit )

o Cell Uplink Maximum Throughput

Same with the cell downlink maximum throughput. It is calculated based on maximum
value of downlink traffic volume which are transferred at each second.

CellULMaxTrafficVolumeforEach1s(bit )

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Service Integrity Counter Mapping for Service Average

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Application Protocol Identities

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LTE UE States

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Connection Management

UE State


Inter Freq Cell

Intra Freq Cell


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Basic State

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Call Processing Procedure

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Full Basic Layer Configuration

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DL Channel Mapping

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UL Channel Mapping


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Channel Mapping

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Thank You

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Ray Khastur, ST.
Educational Background :
Bachelor of Telecommunication Engineer, Telkom Institute of Technology (2006
2010) JPPA-N Acceleration

Professional Experience :
PI.Works, RAN Consultant (2014 ~ Present)
China JIESAI, LTE Optimization Consultant (2014)
Lintas Media Telekomunikasi, LTE RF Team Leader (2013 ~ 2014)
HUAWEI Tech Investment, CWiL RNP/O Engineer (2011 ~ 2013)
Transdata Global Network, CDMA RNO Engineer (2010 ~2011)

Achievements :
RF Network Design & Planning First Commercial LTE Network in Indonesia (BOLT!
Super 4G LTE)-2013 HUAWEI
NPI & Post Launch Optimization BOLT! Super 4G LTE - 2014 PI.Works
LTE Technical Expert for HUAWEI Environment
LTE Planning & Optimization Trainer Floatway Certified-2013
LTE HUAWEI Trainer for Subcont-2016

MobileComm Professionals, Inc

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