Unit of Inquiry Planner

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Some of the key takeaways from the unit plan are that it focuses on the life cycles and needs of plants, uses hands-on activities and experiments to engage students, and incorporates various forms of assessment throughout the lessons.

Assessment is used in the unit for both formative and summative purposes. Formative assessment (Assessment FOR Learning) is used to inform future lesson planning and content coverage, while summative assessment (Assessment OF Learning) evaluates student understanding at the end. Assessment is also used AS Learning to encourage student responsibility.

The unit utilizes various assessment strategies including teacher observation during activities and discussions, collecting student work samples, peer assessment, and questioning students to check vocabulary understanding and depth of thinking.


UNIT TITLE: Whats growing on?


4-6 Amanda, Kim and Amy Term 3 9 weeks


- Living things have life cycles What is a life cycle?
- Living things, including plants, depend on How do plants rely on the environment for
the environment to survive survival?
How does a plant grow?
- Living things have structural features and What are the different features of a plant?
adaptations that help them to survive in How do plants stay alive?
their environment What are the needs of a plant?

- The growth and survival of living things How do plants grow in different environments?
are affected by the physical conditions of How do plants affect us?
their environment Why do plants grow?

Life Cycle, Plants, Environment, Growth,
Survival, Adaptation, Photosynthesis

Thinking Processes Communication Personal Learning Interpersonal

Skills Development

Making comparisons Working successfully Identifying personal Working collaboratively

and identifying in a group, thoughts and feelings and collectively to
similarities and communicating ideas, about plants and the achieve specified
differences. plans, predictions and environment. Eliciting outcomes in a range of
Articulating discoveries outcomes. and expanding on prior contexts with other
and learnings from the Ability to communicate knowledge. year levels, in groups.
unit. findings in written and
oral forms.

Cambridge University Press. (2014) Seed Science Research. Retrieved from: http://journals.cam

Garden guides; online; (2010) Retrieve from; http://www.gardenguides.com

Jcmdi Stock Footage. (2012) Mung Beans Sprouting and Root Growth. Retrieved from:

Jordan. H. (2006) How a Seed Grows. United States: HarperCollins Publishers Inc.

Melbourne city council. (2011) Royal Botanical Gardens; Retrieved from; http://www.rbg.vic.gov.au

Sacs/Fsc. (2008). Living or Never Alive? Retrieved from: http://www.saps.org.uk/attachments/article


School World (2014) Why Plants have Leaves, Retrieved from:


Unknown. (2014) The Magic School Bus Gets Planted [Video file], Retrieved from:

Unknown. (2014) All about Plants/ video file; [Video file],

Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nu_j7-UIq8c&spfreload

United States department of agriculture; (2009) National resources conservation service;

Retrieved from; http://plants.usda.gov/java

Unknown. (2013) Amazing Nature: [Video file], Plants growing.

Retrieved from; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgDZBqTuUuE
Lesson 1: Introduction to Plants

Introductory Video: Plants (David Attenborough Introduction to the plant kingdom)

What makes a plant a plant? Group discussion elicit prior knowledge/interests about plants.
Write key words from the discussion on the board.
Ask students to bring in parts of plants from home leaves, sticks, petals, flowers etc.
Break students into small groups and have them place all their parts of plants together to share
samples. In their groups, make a list of the similarities and differences. Have each group make a
tally that includes elements of plants:
Makes fruit: etc.
Bring all the students back together and have a group discussion about what they discovered.
Create a mind map on a large piece of paper that can be placed on the discovery board. Write the
mind map based on responses to key questions.
What were the main similarities that they found?
What were the main differences?
Are your pieces of plants still plants?
Show the class some items a pineapple, some moss etc. Are these plants?


Lesson 2: How Plants Grow

Ask students if all plants are alike, and what they require to grow. Write students key words and
ideas on the board as they discuss.
Show All About Plants to give students an understanding of plants and their needs.
After watching the video, talk about the types of plants featured. Do all plants look alike? Did any of
the plants look like the ones weve seen before? What needs do plants have? Make a list on board
as children discuss. How do they get their food? Discuss briefly the parts of flowering plants and
the process by which plants make food. Talk about plants that are familiar to the students. What do
they look like? Where do they grow? What are their needs?

Have students choose a familiar flowering plant they would like to learn more about in their groups;
tell them they will research and write a paragraph about it. Each paragraph should include the
plant's names; a description of the parts (seed, root, stem, leaves, and flower); its needs; and at
least three interesting facts. Also have groups draw a picture. Each group will have either a laptop
or ipad available for them. The following Web sites also have useful information:


Allow time in class for students to research and complete their paragraphs and drawings. Then join
3-4 groups together for them to share their findings. Ask them to discuss within their groups the
differences and similarities of the plants.

Lesson 3: Identifying and Sorting Seeds

Read: How a Seed Grows Helen Jordan

The students and teacher will bring a range of seeds to class. The teacher will read the text How a
Seed Grows by Helen Jordan and pose questions such as what are these? What do you notice?
Following this, the students can compare and contrast the seeds they brought with the seeds they
have seen in the text.

The students will be split into groups and each group will be provided with their own seeds and the
seeds that the teacher supplied. The students will be required to identify the features of the seed
by answering questions such as:

How are the seeds different?

What do you notice about the different seeds?
Why dont all of the seeds look the same?
What are the features of each seed (size, shape, colour, texture, origin (fruit, vegetable, flower,
herb or bean seed))

The students will use these questions and answers to predict which category the seeds will go into.
The categories will be based on their name (pumpkin seed, sunflower seed, etc.) and placed in an
egg carton.


Students will return to the floor and sit in their groups. The teacher will instigate a class discussion
based on the findings everyone has discovered and uncovered in the lessons. A review of the
discovery board will take place with students being encouraged to make comments on elements
of the board, ask any questions they have, with other students encouraged to answer questions
and comment on statements. An overall review of whats been covered so far will take place
through class discussion and inquiry.


How can we: Take students beyond what How will students sort out, organise, represent and
they already know? Challenge their ideas, present what they have found out? Ho can they
beliefs and attitudes? Enable them to use communicate and express what they know? How
skills and knowledge to collect new will they use preferred ways to demonstrate their
information? Provide a range of experiences knowledge, skills and values?
to develop our understandings?
Lesson 4: Life Cycle and Seeds Lesson 6 : Changing a plants environment

What is the life cycle of a plant? Show video

Show the students an animated drawing of a https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgDZBqTuUuE
plants life cycle:
Seed Germination Seedling Young Students will be asked to move one of the two
Plant Adult Plant Seed etc seedlings planted in the previous lesson. This
Group discussion around the 5 elements of lesson will allow students to compare the growth in
growth of plants. two contrasting environment.
It all starts with seeds: students will be Discuss with students what we have learnt from
dissecting mung beans(seed) that have been previous lessons;
soaked overnight. What do plants need? How do plants grow? Add
Each group receives a mung bean and the new question to discussion how will my plant
utensils to dissect their mung bean. They grow if I move it? Would the location affect the
need to remove the outer shell of the bean growth and why?
and cut it in half each team will identify the Groups will be asked to independently move their
4 main parts of the bean: leaves, root, stored own plant to a place of their choice.
food and seed coat, and label on their bean
sheet. Students have a discussion about Groups will then create an A4 sheet predicting the
what they think the different parts of the bean changes in growth/plant appearance from new
do. What do they think the purpose of the location, and how the growth will alter from the
different parts are? Where do they think the controlled plant.
plant grows from?
Reflection Once groups have completed the task all groups
All students come back together and sit on will be asked to share their work with the class as a
the floor in their groups, they bring their whole on the floor. As the groups share their
dissected bean. They teacher has a large location for their second plant, the teacher will add
picture of a dissected bean that needs to be the name of the location to the board. The list
labelled (it will be hung on the discovery created on the board will be discussed at the end,
board). With input from the students the and together the class will predict the locations that
teacher labels the bean and asks the they believe will be most successful and which may
students to help describe each feature and be unsuccessful and why.
the features purpose. The A4 sheet created in this lesson will be added
Class discussion create a group discussion to the Discovery board.
about the inside of a bean/seed. Has anyone
ever seen the inside of a bean/seed before? (ACSSU073)
What was it like? Are you surprised by whats


Lesson 5: Planting Seeds Lesson 7: Excursion

What do seeds need to successfully grow? All grade levels will be attending an excursion at
Group discussion eliciting prior knowledge the Royal Botanical Gardens.
about plant growth and plant environments. The aim of this excursion is for students to gain a
Does every plant grow the same? greater insight into the fascinating life of plants.
Create a mind map as a whole with the title The excursion will give students an opportunity to
Whats Growing On? in the middle, the mind explore a wider variety of plant species, delve
map is focussed on plant deeper into the specific needs of plants and
growth/environments/needs (will be put on anatomy of plants.
the Discovery Board). Students will also get the opportunity to visit the
Demonstrate todays activity: Planting a Childrens garden and will be led in a 90 minute
bean. guided tour of the grounds.
Show the students exactly what theyll be
doing, planting two of the same beans (per Reflection
group) in different plastic cups. Beans will be This excursion will serve as a priceless opportunity
planted using cotton wool (better able to see for students to develop and refine their
growth and less messy). Beans are planted understanding and learnings from the past weeks
surrounded by cotton wool and given some lessons. Students will have group sessions as well
water. as be given the opportunity to explore the grounds
Each group labels their plants and places in small groups.
them in a safe spot.
Students work together in their groups to A checklist will be provided by the Royal Botanical
draw an estimate of what they think will have gardens staff for the children to complete through
happened by next week and what they think out the day in order to stay engaged and present
will appear from the bean first. throughout the experience. The day will be
scheduled so there is half an hour, once arrived
Reflection back at school at the end of the day, for a general
All students come back together and sit on discussion about the excursion.
the floor. Create a class discussion eliciting
different groups estimations, what they think Questions could be as follows;
will appear from the seed first and if they Most interesting fact learnt? Favourite plant?
think the seeds will grow exactly the same. Favourite part of day? Do you see or hear any
To finish: show Youtube video Mung Beans information that we have discussed throughout our
Sprouting and Root Growth. lessons?
Ask students if they think their bean will grow
the same and if theres anything in the video (ACSSU072 ACSHE022)
that had happened they hadnt thought about.


How can we extend and broaden the unit? What other perspectives or dimensions can we
explore? What are the ways which students can negotiate their own personal inquiries?
Lesson 8: Follow from Excursion

The students will be required to journal their plant growth from lesson 5 by comparing and
contrasting their control and experimental plants. As well as identifying similarities and differences
between their plants, students will be required to compare their plants with those they saw on the
excursion. They will be required to journal their answers to questions such as:

Why did the plants grow the way that they did?
Why did some plants survive while other plants died?
Did your plants look like those seen on the excursion?
Were your predictions accurate?

Explain that the students plants may or may not have survived because of photosynthesis.
Students will be introduced to the concept of photosynthesis. Students will watch The Magic
School Bus Gets Planted.


Following the show and as a class, the teacher and students will record key words associated with
photosynthesis from the show. These include oxygen, carbon dioxide, sun, water, light, sugar and
chlorophyll. Students will further record these key words in their books.

Lesson 9: Photosynthesis and completing the chlorophyll rubbing activity.

Explain that photosynthesis is the process whereby the chlorophyll in the leaf of a plant absorbs
and converts water, carbon dioxide and sunlight into sugar and oxygen for its growth and survival.
(Refer to Why Plants have Leaves information sheet in resource list).

Once students understand the purpose of chlorophyll and why its so crucial for plants, it will be
explained that chlorophyll is what makes leaves green. The students will complete a chlorophyll
rubbing activity, which requires them to colour in a picture of their choice using their hands, water
and chlorophyll from a leaf.

As a whole class, conclude lesson and inquiry by discussing why photosynthesis is important as
well as answering questions such as:

Why is it important for plants to experience photosynthesis?

Why would chlorophyll rubbings not work with a dead leaf?
Did your plants photosynthesize? Why/why not?
Review the discovery board as a class one last time.



What are the cumulative and summative opportunities for assessment? How can teachers and
students monitor progress? What strategies can we use to cater for variance in learning styles and
progress? How can we allow for expected and unexpected outcomes? How can we provide
opportunities for self, peer, teacher, parent assessment?
Lesson #1 Teacher observes students Assessment FOR Learning:
concepts and misconceptions To inform specific questioning
around plants throughout the in subsequent lessons.
activity and during questioning
Lesson #2 The teacher will observe Assessment AS Learning:
students participation Giving the students a focused
throughout the lesson. research task on the unit topic
Students will be asked allows them to explore
questions to gain where the personal interests whilst still
students are at with their vocab staying within the unit
knowledge of the unit. As well guidelines.
as monitor that they are
completing work on track and
sufficiently. All work will be
collected to keep for follow on
classes and/or portfolio work,
and be added to the discovery
Lesson #3 Teacher observes students Assessment FOR Learning:
understanding of the Informs focus questions for
characteristics of different future lessons to ensure
seeds during whole class students are observing and
sharing time. commenting on features.
Lesson #4 Teachers walk around the Assessment FOR Learning:
class ensuring students are Informs the specific information
correctly dissecting and needing to be covered in the
identifying elements of the reflection of the lesson.
Lesson #5 Each group chooses one Assessment AS Learning:
member to closely observe the Students giving feedback to
planting of their seeds and give each other to inform learning
feedback to other group goals, encouraging students to
members. Teachers ensure take responsibility for their
feedback is being given. learning.
Lesson #6 When viewing the YouTube Assessment FOR Learning:
video the teacher will use Students will delve deeper into
questions to encourage the their understanding of how
students deeper thinking. plants grow and be given the
Through the activity the teacher opportunity to alter this growth
will monitor each students and explore with the peers the
progress, and the work will be reasons for the changes.
collected to assess students
use of vocab and
understanding of the topic.
Lesson #7 Students will be assessed Assessment FOR Learning:
throughout the day for their To revise the learning across
willingness to participate, the unit and consolidate the
enthusiasm, input, expression information to help shape
of knowledge and team moral. students overall learning in
They will also be expect to relation to the unit topic and
complete the provided checklist experiences.
and this is will explored once
back in the classroom.
Lesson #8 Peer assessment through Assessment FOR/AS Learning:
students discussion of their Understanding of
plants growth compared to photosynthesis to inform the
other students and ones seen development of the following
on excursion. lesson.
Teacher assesses key words
used to describe their plants
Lesson #9 Teacher questions students to Assessment OF Learning:
find out students understanding Finalising understanding and
of vocabulary associated with use of vocabulary.
photosynthesis. Assessment of learning as this
What is the green substance in is the final lesson in the inquiry.
a leaf called? Teacher gathers information to
What does chlorophyll require determine student
to feed the plant? understanding and


Overall, this was a very successful inquiry unit. Due to it being so hands on with many activities
and experiments students found it very engaging and anticipated the next lesson. Perhaps for
future inquiry units on this topic, the excursion could be to a plant nursery rather than the botanic
gardens. This may allow the students to delve deeper into the topic. Also, it would be fantastic to
involve families in the community in a planting project as a part of the inquiry.

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