CIDB Contract PDF
CIDB Contract PDF
CIDB Contract PDF
The model terms are a set of general terms of contract intended to form part of a subcontract. By design
it is generic in nature. By necessity every subcontract must have its own specific provisions to suit the
project. Care must be taken when using these model terms as part of a subcontract. If necessary, advice
must be sought for any particular project. CIDB and members of the CICC assume no liability whatsoever
in contract, tort, or otherwise, if any party chooses to use these model terms to be part of a subcontract and
suffers damages.
Published by:
Lembaga Pembangunan
Industri Pembinaan Malaysia
SYSTEM Ibu Pejabat CIDB, Tingkat 7, Grand Seasons Avenue, No. 72, Jalan Pahang, 53000 Kuala Lumpur.
P.O. Box 12278, 50772 Kuala Lumpur, Tel: +603-2617 0200, Fax: +603-4044 8523
E-mel: Laman web:
Much of construction work is subcontracted. The CIDB records show that over the last five years, an
average of 5000 main contracts exceeding RM 500,000.00 each are entered into each year. It is common
practice in the construction industry that for each main contract awarded, many more subcontracts are let
out to domestic subcontractors. Domestic subcontracts are contracts where the contractors contract with
subcontractors of their own choice.
Whilst there are various standard terms of construction contracts published for main contracts
and the corresponding nominated subcontracts, before this publication, there were no published
standard terms of contract for domestic subcontract work in Malaysia. As a result, many
subcontracts are entered into based on various in-house contracts drafted by main contractors. A significant
number are let out on an ad-hoc and often incomplete basis. And many are let out entirely orally.
Standardizing contracts
The construction industry now has a choice of using the published Model Terms of Construction
Contract for Subcontract Work. The publication is timely and in line with the strategic recommendations
in the Construction Industry Master Plan, CIMP 2006-2015 to enhance professionalism and improve
standards in the construction industry.
There are many benefits of having standardized terms of contracts. The advantages include:
1. It becomes more economical as there is no need to draft new terms of contract everytime a
contract is let out.
4. It creates the possibility of a more balanced allocation of risk between the contracting
The Model Terms of Construction Contract for Subcontract Work is intended to be used as part of a
generally stand alone subcontract and not back-to-back to any one specific main contract.
The generic drafting style means it can be used as subcontract terms with any main contract
whether a one-off contract or published standard form such as the PWD 203A and 203
contracts, PWD Design & Build / Turnkey contract, PAM, IEM, CIDB, FIDIC, JCT, or other contracts
published in relevant jurisdictions. It is also flexible enough that it can be made to be back-to-back
with any particular main contract quite easily by incorporating reference to specific main contract
provisions using the provisions in the appendix in the subcontract terms - if the parties choose to.
The drafting of the model terms of construction contract for subcontract work was led by
Sr Noushad Ali Naseem Ameer Ali, President, The Institution of Surveyors Malaysia (ISM), 2006/2007.
The draft was deliberated across a broad spectrum of the industry including relevant professional, trade,
government, and academic institutions. CIDB Malaysia led several wide consultation sessions through
workshops and forums to deliberate the policies and concepts. The key people who helped facilitate the
workshops and forums include:
Ir C K Khoo
Ir Oon Chee Kheng
Ir Steven K H Ng
Lam Ko Luen
Michael Mc Iver
Nazir Muhamad Nor
Prof Sr Dr Khairuddin Abdul Rashid
Sariah Abdul Karib
Sr Eddie Wong Weng Hong
Sr Lim Chong Fong
Sr Noridah Shaffii
Sr Noushad Ali Naseem Ameer Ali
Sr S Ramar
Sr Shariza Sabri
Sr Wan Maimun Wan Abdullah
Tan Swee Im
Tan Teng Khoon
The final outcome of the workshops and forums was a general consensus on concepts and
policies. The draft was also endorsed by the CIDB Procurement Policy Advisory Committee. What has now
been published is a generally industry consensual document published as the Model Terms of Construction
Contract for Subcontract Work endorsed by key players in the construction industry. Following consensus,
the Construction Industry Contracts Committee (CICC) was formed.
For the purposes of the Model Terms of Construction Contract for Subcontract Work, CICC comprises:
comprising part of
3 Contract Administrator
4 Client
5 Overall project
6 Subcontractors work
7 Contract documents
1 General obligations 6
3 Time obligations 10
4 Payment 14
5.1 Quality
5.2 Breach of contract provisions relating to quality of work
5.3 Safety, health, and environment
This is a construction contract between the Contractor and Subcontractor for subcontract
work. The date of this contract is stated in C.1.
The parties to this contract are Contractor and Subcontractor. Their signatures confirming
their agreement to this contract, witnesses to their signatures, organization names, and
other details are stated in C.2.
3 Contract Administrator
4 Client
The work by the Subcontractor under this contract is part of the overall project the
Contractor has contracted with the Client. The Clients name and details are stated in
5 Overall project
The overall project is what the Contractor has contracted with the Client. A short title of
the overall project is stated in C.5.
6 Subcontractors work
This contract as a whole sets out the full scope of the work by the Subcontractor. A short
title of the Subcontractors work under this contract is stated in C.6. This contract is
independent of the contract between the Contractor and the Client except for provisions
that are specifically incorporated into this contract, if any.
7 Contract documents
The Subcontractor must start the work on the date stated in C.8. If a date is not
stated, the Contract Administrator must inform the Subcontractor the date for starting
the work in writing.
The Subcontractor must complete the work not later than the date stated in C.9.
The date for completing the work may be adjusted according to provisions in this contract.
The price for the Subcontractors work is stated in C.10. This is the sum payable by the
Contractor to the Subcontractor for the work by the Subcontractor. If the price is not
stated, the Contract Administrator must calculate the price for the Subcontractors work
based on the breakdown of work and prices for the Subcontractors work. If there is no
breakdown of work and prices, then the Contract Administrator must calculate the price
for the Subcontractors work based on the actual work done using rates in the following
order of priority:
In this contract all words in the singular include the plural and words in the plural
include the singular, as the context requires.
1 General obligations
(i) To give timely access to the relevant parts of the project site to the
(i) To complete the work not later than the date for completing the work
provided in this contract;
(ii) To complete the work based on all the provisions in this contract;
1.3.1 The Contractors and Subcontractors general obligations include the following:
(i) To cooperate with each other and all others involved in the overall
project and not to disrupt anyone or cause anyone to incur any of the
(a) insurance that must be taken under the laws at the place where
the work is done; and
(iii) To comply with all laws at the place where the work is done.
2.1.1 The Contract Administrator must provide all relevant information to the
Subcontractor in a timely manner to enable the Subcontractor to complete the
2.1.2 Except where stated differently elsewhere in this contract, the Contract
Administrator must make all decisions under this contract. These include
decisions on quality, quantity, financial, time, and contractual issues under
this contract.
2.1.3 The Contract Administrator must administer this contract and make all decisions
based on provisions in this contract. The Contract Administrator must make
all decisions and carry out certification functions impartially and in a timely
2.1.4 The Contract Administrator may delegate powers provided to the Contract
Administrator under this contract to others. The Contract Administrator must
inform the Subcontractor of any delegation of powers in writing.
2.2.2 All Contract Administrators instructions, decisions, and certificates must be:
(i) in writing;
2.2.3 The Subcontractor must comply with all instructions issued by the Contract
Administrator in a timely manner.
2.2.4 The Contractor and Subcontractor must comply with all decisions and
certificates issued by the Contract Administrator in a timely manner.
2.2.5 All notices given by the Contract Administrator, Contractor, and the
Subcontractor, and all claims made under this contract must be in writing,
dated, and submitted in a timely manner.
2.3.1 The Contract Administrator may issue instructions to change the work.
2.3.2 If:
the Contract Administrator must certify the value of changed work in payment
3 Time obligations
3.1.1 The Subcontractor must start the work on the date stated in C.8.
3.1.2 If a date is not stated, the Contract Administrator must inform the Subcontractor
in writing of the date for starting the work.
3.2.1 The Contractor must give the Subcontractor an up-to-date programme for the
overall project.
3.2.2 The Subcontractor must give the Contract Administrator a work programme
showing a breakdown of the work to be done by the Subcontractor and when
each part of the work is planned to be done.
3.2.3 Both the Contractor and Subcontractor must update their own work
programmes whenever there are significant changes which affect their work
programmes. Whenever one party to this contract updates any programme, a
copy must be given to the other party to this contract and to the Contract
3.3.1 The Subcontractor must progress with the work in a timely manner, taking into
3.4.1 The Subcontractor must complete the work not later than the date stated in C.9.
The date for completing the work may be adjusted according to provisions in
this contract.
(ii) all provisions in this contract will apply to each section of the work
adjusted accordingly.
3.6.1 The Subcontractor must notify the Contract Administrator in writing immediately:
(i) if the Subcontractor cannot start the work on the date for starting the
work and progress of the work is affected; or
3.6.2 The Subcontractor must also state the causes of disruption and show the impact
of all disruptions on:
3.6.3 The Contract Administrator must assess the impact of all disruptions on:
3.6.4 If the Contract Administrator decides that any date for completing the work by
the Subcontractor is affected and is directly caused by any of the following
events, the Contract Administrator must adjust the date for completing the
(i) the act or failure to act by any one or more of the following persons or
anyone within their control:
3.6.5 The Contract Administrator may adjust any date for completing the work to be
earlier or later than a previous date for completing the work, but the adjusted
date must not be earlier than the original date for completing the work stated in
3.6.6 As an alternative to adjusting the date for completing the work to be later than
an earlier date, the Contract Administrator may, if agreed by the
Subcontractor, maintain the earlier date for completing the work and assess the
extra cost incurred by the Subcontractor in accelerating the work. The Contract
Administrator must then certify the extra cost of acceleration in payment
3.6.7 The Contract Administrator must decide all adjustments to the date for
completing the work in a written certificate clearly identified as an adjustment
of time certificate.
3.7.1 The Subcontractor must complete the work based on the provisions in this
3.7.2 The Subcontractor must inform the Contract Administrator in writing 7 days
prior to the Subcontractors estimated date for practically completing the work.
3.7.3 The Contract Administrator must decide whether and when the Subcontractor
achieves practical completion.
3.7.4 When the Contract Administrator decides the Subcontractor has achieved
practical completion, the Contract Administrator must immediately certify the
date when the Subcontractor achieves practical completion. This must be done
in a written certificate clearly identified as a practical completion certificate.
3.8.1 The Contract Administrator must issue a certificate clearly identified as a final
completion certificate;
(i) when all breaches of the provisions of this contract which are instructed
by the Contract Administrator to be rectified under this contract are
rectified, or
3.9.1 If the Subcontractor does not complete the work by the date for completing the
work provided in this contract, the Subcontractor must pay financial
compensation for the delay to the Contractor.
3.9.2 Financial compensation for delay is calculated for delay between when the
Subcontractors work should have been completed (the current date for
completing the work) and when the work is actually completed (as confirmed
by the Contract Administrator in a practical completion certificate).
3.9.3 The rate for financial compensation for delay may be pre-specified as liquidated
damages. This, if any, is stated in C.13 or it may be stated elsewhere in this
3.9.5 The Contractor may waive the right to financial compensation for delay but this
must be done in writing.
4 Payment
4.1.1 At the end of each month, the Subcontractor must submit a payment claim for
the work done and all other claims as provided in this contract.
4.1.2 By the 15th of the following month, the Contract Administrator must value and
certify the work done and all other amounts to be adjusted as provided in this
contract, in a payment certificate.
4.1.3 If the parties agree to other payment arrangements such as fortnightly payments
or stage payments, the timing, stages and prices must be clearly stated and
attached as part of this contract. The Contract Administrator must then still
issue payment certificates, but must certify based on the other payment
4.1.4 The Contractor must pay the Subcontractor the amount due as stated in the
payment certificate not later than the time stated in C.14.
4.2.1 Except if agreed differently, all payment certificates must include all relevant
items stated below.
4.2.2 Additions. The values of the following items which are relevant during the
preparation of a payment certificate must be added:
(a) rates in the bills of quantities; if there are none then using,
(b) rates in the schedule of rates; if there are none then using,
(ii) The net value of the changed work including additions and omissions
properly instructed by the Contract Administrator and properly done by
the Subcontractor. If the changed work is similar to that provided in this
contract, the Contract Administrator must value the changed work
based on the breakdown of work and prices for the Subcontractors
work. If there is no breakdown of work and prices, then the Contract
Administrator must value the changed work using rates in the following
order of priority:
(a) rates in the bills of quantities; if there are none then using,
(b) rates in the schedule of rates; if there are none then using,
(d) fair market rates; and if the work cannot be measured then,
(iii) A percentage, stated in C.15, of the value of materials for the work
delivered to the project site.
(iv) A percentage, stated in C.16, of the value of materials for the work
stored outside the project site, provided the materials are properly
insured, clearly labeled, and are to be used for the work.
(v) The extra cost incurred by the Subcontractor in accelerating the work as
provided in this contract, if any.
The Contract Administrator must take into account all reasons for the
direct financial loss and expense incurred by the Subcontractor. Any
financial loss or expense incurred due to the Subcontractors own fault
must be excluded.
(vii) Compensation for direct financial loss and expense incurred by the
Subcontractor, if any, valued by the Contract Administrator following
suspension of the work or termination of the Subcontractors
employment as provided in this contract.
(iii) The adjustment in the value of the completed work due to a breach of
the provisions of this contract by the Subcontractor which is not
required by the Contract Administrator to be rectified by the
(iv) The cost of rectifying a breach of the provisions of this contract by the
Subcontractor, which the Contract Administrator got others to rectify as
provided in this contract.
(v) Compensation for direct financial loss and expense incurred by the
Contractor, if any, valued by the Contract Administrator following
termination of the Subcontractors employment as provided in this
(vi) A percentage, as stated in C.17, of the sum of the total additions for the
payment certificate as a retained amount.
The net amount due is the total additions minus total deductions. The net
amount due must be stated in all payment certificates. This is the amount the
Contractor must pay to the Subcontractor.
4.3.1 The Contract Administrator must certify the release of half of the retained
amount in a payment certificate issued not later than 7 days after the practical
completion certificate is issued.
4.3.2 The Contract Administrator must certify the release of the second half of the
retained amount in a final payment certificate after the final accounts are
4.3.3 The final payment certificate must be issued not later than 7 days after the final
completion certificate is issued.
4.3.4 If however, there is a net amount due from the Subcontractor to the Contractor,
then the Contract Administrator must certify any of the retained amounts to be
set off against amounts due to the Contractor.
5.1 Quality
5.1.1 The Subcontractor must complete the work based on the provisions in this contract.
5.2.1 If the Subcontractor breaches any provision in this contract relating to the
quality of the work, the Subcontractor must rectify the breach immediately.
If the breach is not rectified immediately, the Contract Administrator must do
one of the following:
(i) Instruct the Subcontractor to rectify the breach, clearly identifying the
breach in writing. If the Subcontractor does not rectify the breach
within 14 days from the date the Subcontractor receives the instruction,
the Contract Administrator may get others to rectify the breach. The
Contract Administrator must then charge the Subcontractor the cost of
rectifying the breach in payment certificates; or
5.2.2 The Contract Administrator may continue to act on any breach by the
Subcontractor relating to the quality of work throughout the contract until the
final completion certificate is issued.
(i) keep their part of the project site clean and safe at all times;
(ii) comply with all safety, health, and environmental provisions in this
contract; and
(iii) comply with all laws relating to safety, health, and environment.
6.1.1 The parties rights and obligations provided under this contract are additional to
the parties rights and obligations in law generally.
6.2 Termination of the Subcontractors employment under this contract by the Contractor
(i) does not proceed with the work in a regular and timely manner; or
6.2.2 If the Subcontractor does not rectify the breach within 14 days from the date the
Subcontractor receives the notice, the Contractor may then terminate, in
writing, the Subcontractors employment under this contract within 7 days
following the end of the 14 day notice period.
6.2.3 If the Subcontractor commits the same breach again, the Contractor may
terminate, in writing, the Subcontractors employment within 7 days from the
date of the breach without giving further notices.
6.3 Suspension and termination of the Subcontractors employment under this contract by
the Subcontractor
6.3.1 If the Contractor does not pay the Subcontractor in accordance with the
provisions of this contract, the Subcontractor may give a written notice to the
Contractor for the breach to be rectified. The notice must warn the Contractor of
the possibility of a termination or suspension or both if the breach is not
6.3.2 If following the notice the Contractor does not rectify the breach within 14 days
from the date the Contractor receives the notice, the Subcontractor may then
(i) suspend the work by giving a written notice to suspend within 7 days
following the end of the 14 day notice period; or
6.4 Termination of the Contractors employment and termination of contract with the Client
6.4.1 If:
(i) the Contractors employment under the contract with the Client is
terminated; or
(ii) the contract between the Client and the Contractor is terminated,
6.5.2 If:
the Contractor must compensate the Subcontractor for all direct financial loss
and expense incurred by the Subcontractor.
6.5.3 The Contract Administrator must certify all compensation for direct
financial loss and expense following suspension of the work or
following termination of the Subcontractors employment in payment
6.6 Procedures following termination of the Subcontractors employment under this contract
(ii) the Contract Administrator must decide and issue instructions on all
plant, equipment, materials and labour that are to be retained on the
project site and those that are to be removed from the project site. The
instructions must be issued within 7 days from the date of termination
of the Subcontractors employment under this contract;
(iii) the Subcontractor must then demobilize from the project site within 7
days from the date of the Contract Administrators instructions;
(iv) the Contractor and Subcontractor must submit claims provided under
this contract to the Contract Administrator within 30 days from the date
of termination of the Subcontractors employment under this contract;
(v) the Contract Administrator must, not later than the subsequent 30 days,
prepare a payment certificate based on the provisions in this contract;
(vi) the Contractor and Subcontractor must submit all final claims under this
contract as soon as possible to enable the Contract Administrator to
close the accounts and issue a final payment certificate.
7.1.1 If either the Contractor or Subcontractor disagrees with the other on any issue
relating to this contract (including any decision or certification by the Contract
Administrator), the parties are encouraged to negotiate and reach a settlement.
The parties may also refer the disagreement to the highest authorities within
each organization for the matter to be amicably resolved.
7.1.2 The parties may also agree to opt for mediation and get the help of a third party
(a mediator) in their negotiations to reach a settlement.
7.1.3 If the parties agree to use mediation but cannot agree on a mediator, they may
then request the person named in C.18 to recommend a mediator.
7.1.4 If the parties agree on a mediator, the parties and the mediator may proceed
using any mediation procedures that they may agree on. If they cannot agree,
the mediator may decide on the procedures to be used.
7.1.5 If at any time a settlement agreement is made, both parties are bound by the
terms of the settlement agreement. The Contract Administrator, adjudicator, and
arbitrator must also follow the agreements made by the parties to this contract.
7.1.6 If the terms of the settlement agreement are not complied with, either party may
refer the matter to adjudication or arbitration as provided in this contract.
7.2 Adjudication
7.2.1 At any time during this contract, either the Contractor or Subcontractor may
request in writing for any disagreement arising under this contract to be
resolved through adjudication. The written request must state what the
disagreements are.
7.2.2 The parties may agree on an adjudicator, failing which, either party may write to
the person named in C.19 for an adjudicator to be nominated.
7.2.4 The adjudicator must act impartially between the two parties and must give a
written decision based on this contract and the law in not more than 30 days
from the date of the appointment. Upon the request of either party or the
adjudicator, a further 30 days to give a written decision is automatically
allowed. If both the Contractor and Subcontractor agree in writing, further
extensions are allowed. Beyond these timeframes, the entire adjudication on the
issues referred ends automatically and any adjudicators decision does not bind
any party.
7.2.5 The adjudicator may revise the Contract Administrators decisions and
certificates. The adjudicator may also make decisions and prepare any
certificate that should have been done by the Contract Administrator but was
not done.
7.2.6 The adjudicators written decision, if made within the allowed period,
including decisions on who pays for the adjudicators fees and reimbursables
relating to the adjudication, binds both parties.
7.2.7 Both the Contractor and Subcontractor must comply with all decisions made
by the adjudicator. The Contract Administrator must also comply with all
decisions made by the adjudicator when administering the contract.
7.2.8 Only an arbitrator or the courts can review or overrule the adjudicators
7.3 Arbitration
7.3.1 Apart from the parties choosing to resolve any disagreement through other
provisions of this contract such as negotiation, mediation, adjudication, or by
agreement, all disagreements relating to this contact must be referred to
arbitration. Any disagreement on a settlement agreement and any issues decided
by the adjudicator to be reviewed or overruled must also be referred to
7.3.3 An arbitration may however, only be started and continued following any one
of the following events:
(ii) If one party thinks all that partys obligations under this contract have
been completed;
(iii) When one of the parties acts like that party is not bound by this
7.3.4 The parties may agree on an arbitrator, failing which, either party may write to
the person named in C.20 for an arbitrator to be nominated.
7.3.6 Both parties must comply with all instructions and directions given and all
decisions made by the arbitrator.
7.3.8 The arbitrator must be independent and must act impartially between the
parties. The arbitrators written award must be based on the provisions of this
contract and the law. The arbitrator may revise the adjudicators decisions and
the Contract Administrators decisions and certificates. The arbitrator may also
make decisions and prepare any certificate that should have been done by the
Contract Administrator but was not done.
7.3.9 The arbitrators written award including decisions on costs of reference, costs
of award and who pays for the arbitrators fees and reimbursables relating to the
arbitration, and in what proportion, is final and binds both parties.
7.3.10 Arbitration under this contract is governed by the Arbitration Act stated in C.21.
Reference to Part A
(Agreement and definitions)
Item (Refer to other documents or add extra sheets
and Part B (Terms of
if space is not sufficient)
contract) and description
C.1 A.1
C.2 A.2
Reference to Part A
(Agreement and definitions)
Item (Refer to other documents or add extra sheets
and Part B (Terms of
if space is not sufficient)
contract) and description
Reference to Part A
(Agreement and definitions)
Item (Refer to other documents or add extra sheets
and Part B (Terms of
if space is not sufficient)
contract) and description
C.3 A.3
Contract Administrators
Name of Contract
C.3 (i)
Reference to Part A
(Agreement and definitions)
Item (Refer to other documents or add extra sheets
and Part B (Terms of
if space is not sufficient)
contract) and description
C.4 A.4
Clients details
Reference to Part A
(Agreement and definitions)
Item (Refer to other documents or add extra sheets
and Part B (Terms of
if space is not sufficient)
contract) and description
C.5 A.5
C.6 A.6
Reference to Part A
(Agreement and definitions)
Item (Refer to other documents or add extra sheets
and Part B (Terms of
if space is not sufficient)
contract) and description
Ringgit Malaysia:
(RM )
Reference to Part A
(Agreement and definitions)
Item (Refer to other documents or add extra sheets
and Part B (Terms of
if space is not sufficient)
contract) and description
C.11 A.12
C.13 B.3.9.3
Reference to Part A
(Agreement and definitions)
Item (Refer to other documents or add extra sheets
and Part B (Terms of
if space is not sufficient)
contract) and description
Time for payment: Not later than days from the date of a payment certificate.
If not stated, not later than 30 days from the date of a payment
Percentage of value of
materials delivered to the
project site to be included in
payment certificates: %
Percentage of value of
materials stored outside the
project site to be included in
payment certificates: __________________ %
Percentage of retention: %
Reference to Part A
(Agreement and definitions)
Item (Refer to other documents or add extra sheets
and Part B (Terms of
if space is not sufficient)
contract) and description