Application of Schiff Bases and Their Metal Complexes-A Review
Application of Schiff Bases and Their Metal Complexes-A Review
Application of Schiff Bases and Their Metal Complexes-A Review
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Abstract: Schiff bases are versatile ligands which are synthesized from the condensation of an amino compound
with carbonyl compounds. These compounds and their metal complexes are very important as catalysts in various
biological systems, polymers, dyes and medicinal and pharmaceutical fields. Their use in birth control, food
packages and as an O2 detector is also outlined. This review summarizes the applications of Schiff bases and their
Keywords: Schiff bases, metal complexes, biological activity, nonlinear optical properties.
and Co(II) complexes have shown better antifungal derived from the condensation of S-
activity compared to the ligand and the corresponding benzyldithiocarbazate with salicyldehyde and its Zn,
metal salts[18]. Two bidentate Schiff base ligands 2- Sb, Cu complexes showed cytotoxic properties[27].
(2-hydroxy-3, 5-dichloro/dibromo) benzaldehyde-[4- Copper(II) complexes containing Schiff bases derived
(3-methyl-3-mesitylcyclobutyl)-1, 3-thiazol-2- from S-benzyldthiocarbazate and saccharinate showed
yl]hydrazone, L 1H, L2H and their metal complexes anticancer properties. The complexes were highly
were tested against a yeast-like fungus C.albicans[19]. active against the leukemic cell line (HL-60) but only
The fungicidal effect of salicylaldimine containing [Cu(NNS)(sac)] was found to exhibit strong
formaldehyde and piperazine moity and its metal cytotoxicity against the ovarian cancer cell line (Caov-
polychelates were determind against two yeast 3). The activities being higher than the standard
Candida albicans, Aspergillus. The Cu(II)-polychelate anticancer drug Doxorubicin[28]. Compexes of
exhibited high activity against Candida albicans and chromium(III) are much less cytotoxic than
the other show mild activity. The presence of N and O chromium(VI) to cultured human cells[29].
donor groups in the ligand and its metal polychelates Chromium(III) is an essential nutrient that is involved
inhibited enzyme production because enzymes that in the glucose tolerance factor(GTF) in maintenance of
require free hydroxyl group for their activity appear to normal carbohydrate and lipid metabolism[30].
be especially susceptible to deactivation by the metal
ion of polychelates. All the metal polychelates are Antiviral Activities
more toxic than the ligand[20]. Neutral complexes of
Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II) and Zn(II) with Schiff bases Schiff bases of gossypol show high antiviral
derived from 3-nitrobenzylidene-4- aminoanttipyrine activity[31]. Silver complexes in oxidation state I
and aniline(L1)/p-nitroaniline(L2)/p-methoxyaniline showed inhibition against Cucumber mosaic virus;
(L3) showed antifungal activity. A comparative study glycine salicylaldehyde Schiff base Ag(I), gave
of the MIC values for the ligands and their complexes effective results up to 74% towards C.mosaic
indicates that the complexes exhibit higher virus[32].
antimicrobial activity. Such increased activity of the
complexes can be explained on the basis of overtones Synthetic Action on Insecticides
concept and Tweedys chelation theory[21]. Inhibition Schiff base derived from sulfane thiadizole and
is enhanced with the introduction of an electron salicylaldehyde or thiophene-2-aldehydes and their
withdrawing nitro group in the phenyl ring[22]. complexes show toxicities against insects[33]. -
Semicarbazones and thiosemicarbazones complexes of Aminoacid acts as intermediate in synthesis of
Ni(II) metal showed antifungal activities against 11 photostable pyrthriod insecticides[34]. Flourination on
pathogenic fungi. The complexes were moderate active aldehyde part of Schiff base enhances insecto
against all pathogenic fungi and much lower than those acracicidal activity[35]. Schiff bases (thiadiazole
of standard fungicide Nistatin[23]. Co(II),Ni(II) and derivatives with salicylaldehyde or o-vanillin) and
Cu(II) complexes with Schiff base 3,3-thiodipropionic their metal complexes with Mo(II) show insecticidal
acid bis(4-amino-5-ethylimino-2,3-dimethyl-1-phenyl- activities against bollworm and promote cell survival
3-pyrazoline showed antifungal activity against rate of mung bean sprouts[36].
Alternaria brassicae, Aspergillus niger and Fusarium
oxysprum and results indicate that the complexes show Plant Growth Regulator
the enhanced activity in comparison to free ligand[24].
N-acetylated compounds show growth inhibitory
Antitumor and Cytotoxic Activities activity with seedling of wheat, rye and barley[37].
Schiff bases show remarkable activities on plant
Metal complexes of Schiff base derived from 2- hormone such as the auxins on root growth[38]. Schiff
thiophenecarboxaldehyde and 2-aminobenzoic acid base of ester and carboxylic acid show remarkable
(HL) have been recommended and/ or established a activity as plant growth hormone[39]. Schiff bases of
new line for search to new antitumor particularly when thiodiazole have good plant growth regulator activity
one knows that many workers studied the possible towards auxin and cytokine[40].
antitumor action of many synthetic and semi synthetic
compounds e.g. Hodnett et al. and Hickman[25]. Such Other Therapeutic Activities
compounds may have a possible antitumor effect since
Gram-negative bacteria are considered a quantitative Several Schiff bases possess anti inflammatory,
microbiological method testing beneficial and allergic inhibitors reducing activity radical scavenging,
important drugs in both clinical and experimental analgesic and anti-oxidative action[41]. Thiazole
tumor chemotherapy[26]. A tridentate Schiff base derived Schiff bases[42] show analgesic and anti-
Anant Prakash et al /Int.J. ChemTech Res.2011,3(4) 1894
inflammatory activity. Schiff base of chitosan and (OH2)2]ClO4 was reported[53]. Ternary complexes of
carboxymethyl-chitosan shows an antioxidant activity Cu(II) containing NSO donor Schiff base showed
such as superoxide and hydroxyl scavenging. Furan DNA cleavage activity. In the presence of 3-
semicarbzone metal complexes exhibit significant mercaptopropionic acid (5mM) as a reducing agent,
anthelmintic and analgesic activites[42]. the complexes (40 M) show efficient DNA cleavage
activity giving the order NSO-dppz > ONO-dppz >
(2) Catalysts NSO-dpq > ONO dpq[54].
Co(II), Fe(III) and Ru(III) complexes of Schiff bases
(4) Dyes
derived from hydroxy benzaldehyde are used in
oxidation of cyclohexane into cyclohexanol and Chromium azomethine complexes, cobalt complex
cyclohexanone in presence of hydrogen peroxide. The Schiff base[55], unsymmetrical complex 1:2
most efficient catalysts are the Fe(III) complexes chromium[56] dyes give fast colours to leathers, food
which is unusual because, in general, the cobalt(II) packages, wools etc. Azo groups containing metal
complexes have high activity for alkane oxidation complexes[57] are used for dying cellulose polyester
reactions[43]. Chromium-salen complexes are well- textiles. Some metal complexes are used to mass dye
known catalysts both in heterogeneous and polyfibers[58]. Cobalt complex[59] of a Schiff base
homogeneous[44]. Binucleating complexes of Fe, Co, (salicylaldehyde with diamine) has excellent light
Ni, Zn with Schiff bases resistance and storage ability and does not degrade
neytralbis(iminopyridyl)benzene and monoanionic even in acidic gases (CO2). Novel tetradentate Schiff
bis(iminopyridyl)phenolate acts as catalysts in the base acts as a chromogenic reagent for determination
oligomerisation of ethylene[45]. New manganese(II) of Ni in some natural food samples[60].
and manganese(III) complexes of substituted N,N-
bis(salicylidine)-1,2-diimino-2-methylene appear to be (5) Polymer
efficient models for peroxidase activity[46]. New
Copper(II) complexes of indoxyl thiosemicarbazone Photochemical degradation of natural rubber yield
(ITSC) show one pair of well defined reduction peaks amine terminated liquid natural rubber(ATNR) when
at different potential in the forward scan, which carried out in solution, in presence of
represent the reduction of Cu++ to Cu+ by one electron ethylenediamine[60]. ATNR on reaction with glyoxal
process and subsequent oxidation of Cu+. The quasi- yield poly Schiff base[60], which improves aging
reversible nature of the Cu++/Cu+ is due to inherent resistance. Organocobalt complexes with tridentate
reducing tendency of thiosemicarbazone ligands[47]. Schiff base act as initiator of emulsion polymerization
Ruthenium and cobalt complexes with Schiff bases and co-polymerization of dienyl and vinyl
bis-salicylaldehyde-o-phenylene-diaimine(saloph) and monomers[61].
substituted(Cl,Br and NO2) oxidize -pinene into
camphene, 2,7,7-trimethyl ss pinene(3-oxatricyclo- (6) Miscellaneous Applications
4,1,1,o2,4-octane), 2,3-epoxy, campholene aldehyde Transition metal complexes with 1, 10-phenanthroline
and D-verbenone[48]. Ni(II) complexes with and 2, 2-bipyridine are used in petroleum refining[62].
bidentate(NN) ligands become an efficient catalyst Popova and Berova reported that copper is good for
precursor for olefin oligomerisation in presence of an liver function, its level in blood and urine has
activator[49]. A wide variety of cobalt(II) complexes influence in pregnancy disorders, nephritis hepatitis,
are known to bind dioxygen more or less reversibly leprosy, anemia and leukemia in children[63]. NLO
and are therefore frequently studied as model Metal complexes of Schiff base derived from
compounds for natural oxygen carrier and for their use tetradentate precursor 1-phenylbutane-1, 3-dionemono
in O2 storage, as well as in organic syntheses due to S-methylisothiosemicarbazone with o-hydroxy
their catalytic properties under mild conditions[50]. benzaldehyde or its phenylazoderivative showed
nonlinear optical (NLO) properties. A comparison
(3) Antifertility and Enzymatic Activity between complexes of different metals with the same
About 20 Zinc enzymes are known in which Zinc is phenylazo-substituted ligand indicated that the NLO
generally tetrahedrally four coordinate and bonded to response strongly depends upon the electronic
hard donor atoms such as nitrogen or oxygen[51]. The configuration of the metal center[64]. It has been
Schiff base complexes of 2-pyridinecarboxaldehyde reported that Zinc(II) complexes with Schiff bases type
and its derivatives have been reported to posses high chelating ligands can be used as an effective emitting
super oxide dismutase activities[52]. Recently, the layer[65]. In addition, it has also been shown that
interaction of DNA with complexes [Cr(Schiff base) Zinc(II) complexes with benzothiazoles, which are
Anant Prakash et al /Int.J. ChemTech Res.2011,3(4) 1895
oxidized forms of benzothiazolines are deficiency[68]. Amino acid Schiff base complexes
luminescent[66]. Zinc(II) and Cadmium(II) complexes derived from 2-hydroxy-1-naphthaldehydes are
with N2S2 -Schiff base ligands are a new class of important due to their use as radiotracers in nuclear
luminescent compounds, and the careful derivatization medicine[69]. Macrocyclic Schiff bases of
of the substituents on the pendent phenyl rings permits Dithiocarbazic acid have many fundamental biological
a finetuning of the emission wavelength[67]. Bakers functions, such as photosynthesis and transport of
yeast contains a benzofuran derivative which acts as an oxygen in mammalian and other respiratory
antioxidant preventing haemorrhagine liver necrosis in system[70].
rats and haemolysis of red cells in vitamin E
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