Drainage Basin Morphometry of The Encadenadas Del Oeste Lakes, Argentina

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Vol. 9(2), pp.

12-27, February, 2016

DOI: 10.5897/JGRP09.050
Article Number: A75C2FB57229
ISSN 2070-1845
Journal of Geography and Regional
Copyright 2016 Planning
Author(s) retain the copyright of this article

Full Length Research Paper

Drainage basin morphometry of the Encadenadas del

Oeste lakes, Argentina
Alejandra Mabel Geraldi1,2*, Mara Cintia Piccolo1,2 and Gerardo Miguel Eduardo Perillo1,2
Argentine Institute of Oceanography. Camino de La Carrindanga km 7 Baha Blanca, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Universidad Nacional del Sur. 12 de Octubre y San Juan. Baha Blanca. 8000. Argentina.
Received 14 June 2009: Accepted 25 February, 2011

The Las Encadenadas basin can be defined as an endorheic fluviolacustrine system. The aim of this
study is to identify hydrographic sectors and subbasins within the Encadenadas drainage basin and
analyze the formers morphometric properties including hypsometry. The morphometric analysis
allowed for quantification of variables and indices for example area, perimeter, total length of streams,
etc. Hypsometric curves were also plotted for each subbasin and finally, principal components analysis
was used to sort basins based on results from individually calculated parameters and indices. This
studys aim was to define for the first time the various drainage subbasins that comprise the
Encadenadas del Oestes basin. The characterization of these units shows that the basin is
morphologically diverse due to the dynamic fluvial activity that prevails within its limits. One of the
above mentioned morphological units are the alluvial cones which form at the mouths of the
mainstreams and delineate the bases of the different subbasins. The drainage network exhibits overall
a low level of ramification and hierarchy which is likely due to the sedimentary nature and high
permeability of the sub-surface soil.

Keywords: Basin, morphometric, drainage subbasins, hypsometry.


Drainage basins and morphometric analysis have been erosion processes, characterize geomorphology and link
the topic of numerous studies worldwide after interest in them to climatic conditions. It is also used to derive
the subject picked up in the mid-twentieth century in the drainage basin elongation and hypsometric curves at
United States (Horton, 1945, Miller, 1953; Strahler, 1952, various elevation levels. The authors found that basins
Schumm, 1956). These studies set groundwork for current which are morphologically similar to their terrestrial
research such as van der Linden and Woos (2002) which counterparts are clustered around mainstreams at lower
modeled runoff and hypsometric curves in the Liard elevations, while cliffed basins whose origin likely is
basin, Canada. Luo and Howard (2005) used a circularity groundwater sapping develop around tributaries at higher
function to quantify drainage basin morphology, infer elevations. This classification fits dry climate conditions

*Corresponding author. E-mail: ageraldi@criba.edu.ar. Tel: 054-0291-4861112.

Authors agree that this article remain permanently open access under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License 4.0 International License
Geraldi et al. 13

punctuated by wet periods. piedmont area is smooth and dissected by a well-defined

Silva et al. (2006) analyzed and compared the dendritic drainage network formed by the sloping terrain
morphometric attributes of some drainage basins located (De Francesco, 1971).
in Brazil. Their characterization is based on various The regional morphostructure underlying the basin is
parameters and indices such as area, perimeter, divided into two units: the southward Norventnica prairie
mainstream length, compactness index, drainage density, (Fidalgo et al., 1975) which includes the Positivo
etc. They linked these parameters to the geological Bonaerense (Ventania mountain range) (Yrigoyen, 1975)
characteristics of the area and demonstrated that and the northward Western sandy prairie (Figure 1). The
morphology is controlled by the main regional rock type. former comprises sub-parallel ridges up to 180 km in
Basins overlying sedimentary bedrock and basins with a length and 50 km in width ranging in age from the pre-
dissected relief exhibit lower current density and Cenozoic to the late Holocene (Zarate et al., 2005). The
compactness index values than those with a smooth Ventania is sigmoid in shape and likely arised from block
topography. faulting (Martinez, 2001). The Pun and Pig mountains
In Argentina, Doffo and Bonorino (2005) produced a are located in its northeastern sector and border an arc-
morphometric characterization of Las Lajas drainage shaped valley flanking the central section of the range,
basin in Cordoba using statistical analysis to look across which lie the western Curamalal and eastern
specifically at the control of structure and lithology over Bravard mountains (Martinez, 2001).
drainage network patterns. Morphometric data were The Western sandy prairie consists exclusively of
analyzed using techniques like correlation, dispersion, dunes arranged parallelly to the Encadenadas lakes. The
factorial analysis, etc. and ultimately revealed no areas highest elevation point occurs 130 meters above
lithological control over the drainage network. Subbasin mean sea level (amsl). The concave dune slacks are
analysis indicated they belonged to two different groups, filled by intermittent lakes. These landforms extend
neither of which was found to be controlled by structure towards the north of the province, their crescent shapes
or substrate lithology. clearly indicating an eolian origin. Their formation has
The Claromec stream catchment was studied by been cyclic, alternating between periods of pedogenesis
Carbone and Piccolo (2002) whom described the and erosion (Uriarte and Orioli, 1998).
drainage network hierarchy and characterized the basin The regions oldest geological units are 500 to 200
based on edaphic and geomorphological parameters. million years old (Harrington, 1947). It is characterized by
Mungua and Campo de Ferreras (2003) studied linear structures of younger age which formed as a result
geomorphological features of the Pescado Castigado of tectonic faulting that caused the uplifting of the Positivo
creek basin associated with runoff. They also carried out Bonaerense (also known as Ventania system) and the
a description of slope morphology, hypsometric curves downlifting of other areas such as those extending north
and topographic profiles. of the Encadenadas depression (Uriarte and Orioli,
One study which stands out is Uriarte and Oriolis 1998). These events were determinant in the pattern and
(1998) geo-environmental map of Guamin county distribution of the latters drainage basins.
(Province of Buenos Aires). This study characterizes the Surface runoff is controlled by a five million year old
potential and behaviour of water resources through deposit of eolian sediments covering the area whose top
pluviometric and hydrological budget analysis and also layer is as much as 100 m thick (Uriarte and Orioli, 1998).
does a detailed study of groundwater resources. Navarro The layers at the base of this deposit were named
and Gonzlez (1998) used a mathematical model running Pampean (Pampeanos) by Ameghino (1880) while the
least squares and regression analysis to estimate the soil top ones, Postpampean (Postpampeano) (Uriarte and
storage capacity for excess water based on a geomor- Orioli, 1998). Knowledge of these sediments is important
phological model. They also evaluated the areas since they exert control over the present landscape and
geomorphological characteristics and quantified areas in- materials over which soils form.
between contour lines. Lastly, calibration of their The area in which the lakes are located (Epecen,
mathematical model confirmed realistic peakflow Venado, Cochic, Del Monte y Alsina), between the
estimates. Norventnica plain and the Western sandy plain is
The Province of Buenos Aires mostly comprises refered to as a collector belt (Uriarte and Orioli, 1998).
planation surfaces of low morphogenic energy. These The development of this belt is a topic of scientific debate
overlie unconsolidated quaternary sediments that were which has not been solved yet although it is believed that
reworked and redistributed by eolian - and to a lesser this break in topography formed from a regional fracture,
degree - hydrological processes. The apparent monotony a fault trending SW-NE which would exert structural
of these plains is interrupted by mountain ranges such as control over the lakes striking alignment. A dynamic
the Tandil and Ventana (Figure 1). The latter are fluvio-morphological regime is also evidenced by the
charaterized by rugged relief in the highest sectors where occurence of alluvial cones in-between the lakes.
rock outcrops are overlaid by thin loess layers. Their The depression formed by the Encadenadas del Oeste
14 J. Geogr. Reg. Plann.

Sandy plain

Political limit
Basin margin

Figure 1. Location of the study area.

Fig. 1 Location of the study area.

drainage basin gives way southward to mountains where attempt will also be made to analyze behaviour of the
elevations reach a maximum of 1015 meters amsl. They drainage network in light of basin dynamics and identify
decrease to a minimum of 85 m amsl northward in those factors that control fluvial morphology. Moreover,
Epecun lake, with most of the area lying between 150 since few regional studies have focused on this topic, the
and 300 m amsl. present study has a greater significance.
The basin can be defined as an endorheic fluvio-
lacustrine system. The southern part of its catchment
area is delineated by mountains whose streams supply METHODS
Epecun Lake. From West to East, the lakes and their
Environmental characterization of a drainage basin first involves
mainstreams are Epecun lake, Pig and Pull streams; looking at its morphometric properties. These have a great impact
Venado lake and Venado stream; Monte lake, Guamin on aquatic ecology given that many indicators, physico-chemical
and Malleo Leuf streams; Alsina lake and Cura Malal, properties, sedimentation, etc. are controled by basin shape.
Pescado and Corto streams. Morphometric studies typically seek parameters which on one hand
The physical setting of this drainage basin is a low properly describe a geomorphological environment and on the
sloping plain with steepness increasing in the mountain other, allow for their statistical analysis thereby limiting the
subjectivity of their conclusions (Doffo and Bonorino, 2005). This
area and with surface runoff trending South-North. The study relied on four different methods: cartographic analysis, field
most peculiar characteristic of this basin is its climate work, use of morphometric indices and statistical techniques.
which alternates between very humid periods and intense The first step involved quantifying the relief. Contour lines with a
droughts that occur in 8 to 12 year cycles. 2.5 m interval were digitized from the Military Geographic Institutes
Consequently and because it is an endorheic basin, 1:50 000 and 1:100 000-scale topographic maps. They were then
georeferenced and mosaiced into one set covering the entire basin.
characterization of its morphometry is of great importance
The drainage network was also digitized from topographic maps
for land-use planning. The aim of this study is to identify and updated with Landsat 5 TM satellite imagery provided by the
hydrographic sectors and subbasins within the Argentine National Commission for Spatial Activities (CONAE).
Encadenadas drainage basin and analyze the formers Given that the area is highly impacted by anthropogenic
morphometric properties including hypsometry. An activities, a systemic analysis (Capitanelli, 1998) was performed to
Geraldi et al. 15

quantify regional space and embedded cultural elements such as 1. Corto stream subbasin (CAC)
channels, railways, sluice-gates, etc. Field trips were carried out to 2. Pescado stream subbasin (CP)
determine stream junctions and ground truth elevations as well as
geographic coordinates with a GPS (global positioning system).
3. Cura Matal stream subbasin (CACM)
Data thereby acquired were then used to delineate each subbasin 4. Guamin stream subbasin (CAG)
by choosing points of highest elevation on either sides of the 5. Pig stream subbasin (CAP)
mainstream and its outlet. ArcGIS 9 and relevant extensions were
used for this task and enabled instantaneous acquisition of b. Intermediate subbasins: Located in the central part of
parameters related to topography, basin length, etc. Once the Encadenadas basin which is characterized by prairie
delineation of the subbasins was completed, morphometric analysis
of their properties was carried out. The latter is of great importance
(Fig. 2). They fill the areas in-between the larger
if only to estimate the delay required for water to flow from a basins subbasins and are catchments for smaller typically
edge to its outlet. The morphometric analysis allowed for intermittent streams whose sources are found in gullies
quantification of variables and indices originally developped by rather than the mountains:
Horton (1945), Strahler (1952) and Schumm (1956).
The drainage area (A) and perimeter (P) are two parameters
1. Pull stream subbasin
which are useful for determining preliminary territorial dimensions of
a drainage basin. These parameters are also useful for establishing 2. Venado stream subbasin (CAV)
general characteristics of the latter such as the climate zone it is 3. Malleo Leuf subbasin (CAML)
part of, topography of the territory it encompasses, urbain and rural 4. Cochic stream subbasin (CaC)
areas and others which can be infered from a global cartographical
interpretation. c. Alluvial cones: Sedimentary formations of triangular
In order to determine linear properties of the basin, a number of
parameters were quantified including basin length (L), total length
shape whose wide bases are contiguous to the lakes and
of streams (Lt), mainstream length (Lc), number of perennial and apexes intersect with the subbasins. Alluvial fans form at
intermittent tributaries (NS) and number of streams of order 1 and the outlet of streams due to the decreasing slope, slower
2 (N1 and N2). Area, fluvial streams, slopes, etc. were also currents and widening valleys where material from higher
analyzed in a GIS. Shape was determined using a variety of indices grounds typically tend to acrete (Strahler, 1952). They
presented in Table 1. are flat and are formed by alluvial deposits. These units
With regards to basin shape, it is assumed that as values trend
away from zero, peakflow levels and erosive action increase. If
lie in-between the lakes and subbasins and are named
values trend towards zero, this potential is reversed. Basin shape after the latter:
was established on the basis of a morphological classification
elaborated by Lpez in 1988 (Fuentes Junco, 2004) where values a . Epecun Lake alluvial cone
ranging between 1.00 and 1.25 are deemed round; 1.25 to 1.50, b .Epecun - Venado alluvial cone
oval; and 1.50 to 1.75, oblong. Hierarchical categorization was
based on Strahlers version (1952) of Hortons system (1945) which
c. Venado Del Monte alluvial cone
Gardiner (1974) qualified as adequate for objective and hierarchical d. Del Monte - Cochic alluvial cone
applications. Analysis of surfaces and visualisation of data in three e. Cochic - Alsina alluvial cone
dimensions was carried out using a DEM (digital elevation model) f. Cura Malal - Pescado alluvial cone
derived from contour lines data and plotted as a TIN (triangular g. Pescado - Corto alluvial cone
interpolation network). A TIN is essentially a vectorial data structure
that stores and displays a surface model. It partitions a topographic
surface into a group of contiguous and separate triangles. Sampled Sand dune subbasin: Located north of the lakes and
points are converted into triangular vertices or nodes whose populated by sand-dunes. No stream drains into it.
elevation values are interpolated into a continuous surface. Notable morphological units in the area include sand
Triangles are calculated based on the Delaunay triangulation model dunes, sand veneers, dune slacks and blow outs. Four
which states that a circle drawn around the node of any of these will litho-stratigraphic units and paleosoils have been
contain that point and no other ones (Sione et al., 2004).
Hypsometric curves were also plotted for each subbasin and finally, described from the area (Dillon et al., 1985) as have
principal components analysis (PCA) was used to sort basins based compact alluvia at various depths of the Epecun
on results from individually calculated parameters and indices. formation (Dillon et al., 1985). Fine to silty alluvial sands
from the Hereford Formation are thought to date back to
the Upper Pleistocene. These are overlain by the clayey
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION to sandy and clayey to silty alluvial deposits of the Carlos
Tejedor formation. These may be related to the extensive
The topographic analysis of the Encadenadas del Oeste and typical fluvial deposits known as lujanenses (from
basin resulted in the identification of each subbasin it is Lujan) that are characteristic of the Late Pleistocene in
comprised of. This typology, the first for the area, will be the Province of Buenos Aires.
a useful tool for future regional studies. The basins were The topmost layer of this sequence is made of an
classified as follows: eolian deposit of fine sands known as Las Lilas formation
(Holocene) (Isla et al., 2003). A drainage basins size is
a. Main subbasins: Include those that flank the mountain of great importance when it comes to its hydrological
range (Figure 2) and are bisected by mainstreams: behaviour. Typically, the larger it is in area, the more
16 J. Geogr. Reg. Plann.

Table 1. Analyzed morphometry parameters, Encadenadas del Oeste lakes.

Variable Parameter Equation Symbol Unit

Compactness coefficient IK= 0.28 * P
IK IK A dimensional
4 A
Circularity ratio Rci Rci A dimensional
Shape factor Ff Ff A dimensional
Lc 2
Elongation ratio R 1.128 L Re A dimensional

Drainage density Dd Dd km

Stream density Dc (a) Dc km

Drainage Average extent of drainage Es = Es km
Bifurcation ratio N2 Rb A dimensional
0.87* Lc 3
Concentration time Tc (c) Tc min

H max H min
P *100
Mainstream slope L P %

hi * Si
Relief Mean basin elevation A H m (amsl)
H Cm
Massivity coefficient m/km
Sources: Lk: Gravelius (1914); Rc and Ff: Llamas (1993); Re: Schumm (1956); Dd: Gregory and Walling (1973); Dc, Es, Rb:
Horton (1945); Tc: Junco (2004); P, H and Cm: Strahler (1968) a) Ns: Number of perennial and intermittent streams b) N1: First
order channel; N2: Second order channel 2 c) D: Altitude difference in meters between the exit of the drainage basin and the
moved away point more. d) Hmax: Maximum elevation; Hmin: Minimum elevation e) Hi: Length of the basins contour lines and
Si: Equidistance between this.

rainwater it collects and the greater is its peakflow level. for which indices of compactness (IK), elongation ratio
Nonetheless, there is a delay between rainstorm events (Re), circularity ratio (Rc) and shape factor (Ff) were
and timing of the peakflow and associated discharge. Of subsequently calculated. The compactness index varies
the subbasin set, the Corto is the widest in area, followed between zero and one. The closer a value is to one, the
by the Pige (Table 2). Their mainstreams, along with more compact is the basin. Within the subbasin set, the
that of the Cura Malal are also the systems longest ones. Pige and Venado are more compact than the CAG, CP
The basin analysis was carried out using various and CACM subbasins which display the lowest lK. The
morphometric parameters whose results are presented in resulting value was compared with a morphology-based
Table 3. Shape is a complex morphometric concept. In classification of basins designed by Lpez (Fuentes
this study, basin shape was compared with ideal shapes Junco, 2004). Based on that scheme, the Cochic,
Geraldi et al. 17

Table 2. Sub-basin area (km2), mainstream length (Lc) and total channel length (Lt).

Sub-basin Area(km2) Lc (km) Lt (km) Shape

Malleo Leuf 270.00 16.60 32.06 Oblong
Venado 293.03 23.04 23.00 Oval
Cochic 333.97 20.14 20.14 Oblong
Guamin 605.12 50.70 156.21 Elongated
Pescado 791.91 70.22 180.40 Elongated
Cura Malal 829.63 106.38 168.77 Elongated
Pigu 998.56 80.18 80.18 Elongated
Corto 2893.62 160.37 533.00 Oblong

Table 3. Sub-basin morphometry index.

Variables IK Re Rc Ff Es Rb Dd Dc TC
CAG 1.93 0.36 0.26 0.1 0.96 2.6 0.25 0.03 19
CP 2.14 0.3 0.21 0.072 1.09 3 0.22 0.02 15
CACM 2.08 0.3 0.22 0.07 1.22 3.6 0.2 0.024 17
CAP 1.48 0.54 2.9 0.42 1.32 3.25 0.15 0.013 35
CAC 1.7 0.37 0.33 0.11 1.35 2.8 0.18 0.001 26
CAV 1.4 0.52 0.5 2.21 2.02 2 0.12 0.01 36
CAML 1.61 0.47 0.37 0.18 2.1 2 0.11 0.01 33
CaC 1.6 0.9 2.55 0.63 4.14 0.5 0.06 0.002 40

Malleo Leuf and Cortos subbasins can be designated elongation and low probability of peakflow events. Based
as oblong, the Venados oval and the rest, elongated as on this index, it is unlikely that one of these subbasins
they exceed the maximum value (Table 2). would experience a rainstorm event over its entire area.
The elongation ratio index (Re) correlates best with This remains a general assumption though as the area
basin hydrology (Lopez Bermudez and Romero Diaz, affected by a storm depends on the latters size, extent,
1988). Values lower than 1 correspond to elongated duration and intensity, as well as characteristics of the
basins and the smaller they are, the more elongated their event. The Pescado, Corto and Cura Malal subbasins
shape is. Re emphasizes the relationship between area display the lowest values by being the most elongated
and mainstream. All subbasins within the study area were and thus the least likely to have their entire area affected
found to be elongated as their Re values are all less than by a single storm.
1. Differences can still be noted between them, however. The circularity ratio (Rc) is defined as the relationship
The Guamini, Pescado, Cura Malal and Corto basin between basin area and that of a circle of equal
display the lowest values which range between 0.3 and perimeter. The lowest values are found in the eastern
0.37. These subbasins are located in the eastern part of section of the basin and belong to Pescado, Corto, Cura
the drainage basin and are also the widest in area. It Malal and Guamin subbasins. These units display the
should also be noted that their channel banks are free of lowest circularity, a morphometric characteristic which is
cliffs and their courses are meandering. These values unlikely to intensify peakflow events. It can also be
corroborate Senciales (1999) findings that lower index inferred that torrentiality is greater within the tributaries
values are typical of areas where meandering is well rather than in the main channel at their points of
developped and slope gradients low. The Cochic basin confluence.
sets itself apart by displaying a value of 0.9 which is As for mainstream length, the longest is the Corto
evidence of an almost circular shape. Values for the (Table 2) whose tributary network is also the longest (533
Arroyo Venado and Pige basins lie in the medium range km). The shortest mainstreams are Malleo Leuf (16.6
which might be related to a rounder shape upstream and km) and Cochic (20.14 km). The shortest network is the
elongated in the middle and lower sections. Cochics to which no tributaries are connected.
The shape factor (Ff) is very low, ranging between 0.07 A drainage network is a hierarchized system of streams
and 0.6 for all cases except the Arroyo Venado basin that takes into account all orders and junctions of
(Table 3). This implies an overall trend towards tributaries connected to a mainstream. It plays an
18 J. Geogr. Reg. Plann.

important role in the transport of materials and energy. the Encadenadas are long in the rounder basins (Pig,
The subbasins drainage network varies from third to Venado and Cochic) with values of 35, 36 and 40 min
fourth order which indicates a low level hierarchy. The respectively.
basin with poorest drainage is the Cochic, of first order. Basin topography was analyzed using the digital
Those of highest order (fourth) are the Guamin and Corto elevation model (Fig. 3). Elevations within the study area
basins. The Pig, Malleo Leuf, Pescado and Cura are comprised between 82 m amsl (lowest elevation) of
Malal basins are of third order and the Venado of second the western Epecun lake and 1015 m amsl (highest
order. The network pattern or ramification shape is elevation) where the mainstreams that drain the
dendritic to sub-dendritic, however parallel to sub-parallel Ventanias main basins take their source. The difference
is also developed locally. In the widest basins, this in altitude between these two extremes characterizes a
pattern tends to occur above 600 m amsl. relief whose elevations and slopes are likely to be
Drainage density (Table 3) is defined as the relationship significant and thus favour the development and activation
between stream length and total area. This parameter is of erosive processes and transport of materials. It should
used to describe basin regime and morphology (Sanchez, also be mentioned that the highest elevations lie
1991). In general, magnitude is indirectly related to soil southward of the basin and the lowest ones, northward.
cover, erosion, lithology and infiltration. Areas of The remaining landscape lies below 400 m amsl. The
permeable rocks typically display low drainage density. mean slope of the mainstream is an important parameter
The study areas basins posess a very low drainage for determining hydrological behaviour in a basin. Basins
density, including some extreme cases like the Cochic with a steeper slope are characterized by faster runoff
which exhibits a value of 0.06 km/km . This may be and respond more rapidly to rainfalls, therby increasing
caused in part, first, by the coarse texture of its silty and discharge at any given point (Horton, 1945). In basins of
sandy alluvia (INTA, 1994) which are rich in organic greater elongation and lower gradients, water circulates
materials and are characterized by large interstitial pores, more slowly along longer channels in-between sources
thereby increasing water infiltration. Sands are also and outlets.
permeable enough that input to nearby streams is Due to the higher declivity between stream sources and
minimized. Land-use being mostly agricultural, the outlets in the western part of the basin, cliffs have
vegetation cover also promotes water infiltration and developped along the channel banks of streams such as
reduces runoff. Once a rainfall is over, roots absorb soil Pig et al. (Figure 3) whose mean slopes are steepest
humidity and increase the capacity for infiltration in- (Table 4). The Cura Malal, Pescado and Corto streams
between rain events. The low drainage density indicates exhibit slopes below 0.18, 0.02 and 0.01 respectively.
that basin response to a rainstorm is likely to be slower Consequently, streams located to the east of the basin
for evacuating excess water than basins with a higher respond faster to rainfalls than those to the west. The
density. However, when water reaches streams of low headwaters sector is influenced by the presence of
ramification and hierarchization, this may cause a rapid mountains which cause mean slope values to reverse.
rise in waters and waves of peakflow events all the way The Corto, Pescado and Cura Malal streams exhibit the
to the stream outlet. steepest mean slopes, the highest levels of ramification
In terms of bifurcation ratio, subbasins displaying the and the most cliffs. This is explained by the ranges
lowest values are Venado, Cochic and Malleo Leuf curved shape (Figures 2 and 3) whose elevation
(Table 3) while the remaining are all higher. With regards decreases towards the northwest where the sources of
to the Encadenadas, the rounder the drainage basin, the Pig and Guamin streams lie.
higher the bifurcation ratio and the more elongated the Altitudinal difference is the difference between the
basin, the lower it is. This can be explained the following highest and the lowest elevation point of a basin and
way: elongated basins tend to delay the concentration of influences climatic and ecological variability. A basin with
water due to the longer length of their mainstream. a greater number of altitudinal surfaces is likely to
However, when that threshold is reached, waters may harbour more ecosystems as a result of important
start to rise suddenly and rapidly (Gonzles Matauco, precipitation and temperature variations (Junto, 2004).
2004). Thus, the fact that elongated basins display the Table 4 sums up altitudinal differences including and
lowest bifurcation ratio results from the length of their excluding the nearby mountain topography. Based on this
mainstreams which delays the concentration of waters, data, the Cura Malal, Pescado and Corto subbasins
further enhanced by low gradients (1%) in the basins exhibit the greatest climatic and ecological variations.
middle and lower sections (Senciales, 1999). The massivity index (Cm) indicates that for each
Concentration time is defined as the time required for a square kilometre within the basin, there is a mean
water particle to travel from the furthest point to a specific increment in elevation of 0.35 m, a typical value for
point. It corresponds to the time elapsed between the end basins whose relief are for the most part flat. This
of a rainfall event and the time when surficial runoff parameter is thus an indicator of increments in slope as
ceases (Fuentes Junco, 2004). Concentration times in elevation increases. The Cm index may also reflect
Geraldi et al. 19

Table 4. Mean slope calculation including and excluding mountains. cs: Including mountains ss: Excluding mountains.

Subbasin Hmax cs Hmaxss Hmin Dss Dcs Pss Pcs Cm H

Malleo Leufu 148 148 105 43 43 0.25 0.25 0.56 153
Venado 163.94 163.94 105.72 58.22 58.22 0.25 0.25 0.53 158
Cochic 147.45 147.45 107.04 40.41 40.41 0.2 0.2 0.46 155
Guamini 376.38 376.38 105 271.38 271.38 0.38 0.53 0.38 235
Pescado 600.51 300 110 190 490.51 0.02 0.69 0.28 222
Cura Malal 824.84 300 108.61 191.39 716.23 0.01 0.67 0.31 259
Pigue 375 300 100 200 275 0.24 0.34 0.24 245
Corto 853 300 110 190 743 0.01 0.46 0.1 317

Figure 2. Encadenadas del Oeste lakes: map of sub-basins.

erosion prone basins, the most vulnerable ones being the more important and render the implementation of
smaller ones who display higher coefficients versus the appropriate agricultural practices essential. It can be
larger ones whose values tend to be smaller. According noted that the basins hypsometric curve, excluding the
to Llamas (1993), the hypsometric curve is the most mountain range, comprises a gentle slope below 300 m
precise rendition of a basins elevation. Hypsometry amsl. The altimetric frequency histogram reveals that
analysis (Figures 4 and 5) demonstrates that the highest only 5% of the basin lies above 350 meters which
section is that of steepest slope and also the most corroborates the DEM analysis. As part of the targeted
restricted in area. During wet periods, water precipitations morphometric analysis, the following presents results
in the mountains are thus likely to result in intense runoffs from each subbasins hypsometric curve and histogram
above 400 m amsl. Erosion processes in that area are analysis.
20 J. Geogr. Reg. Plann.


Figure 3. Digital elevation model of the Encadenadas del Oeste lakes.

50.00 45.000

45.00 40.000 1200


Altitud en m/s/n/m
rea km2


% Area
25.000 800
20.00 600

5.00 5.000 200

0.00 0.000
95-150 150-200 200-250 250-300 300-350 350-400 400-1015

Figure 4. Altimetric histogram of the Encadenadas del Oeste lakes basin.

Figure 4: Altimetric histogram of the Encadenadas

The Pig Basin mostly comprises (78%) of elevations
reached an intermediatedel Oeste
phase, between relative Figur

lakes basin. the latter. At that stage, its morphodynamic potential for del O
equilibrium or maturity, and old age, evolving towards
ranging between 200 and 300 m. The highest lands make
up only 1% of the basin area and are where the Pig
stream source lies (Figure 6a). Its topography is smooth undergoing erosion and mass slumping of its slopes is
which corroborates well with its almost straight low.
hypsometric curve (Figure 7a). This is also evidenced by The Venado sub-basin covers 293 km , has a perimeter
the agreement between the mean elevation and the of 85 km and a mean slope of 2%. Of the lesser
elevation frequency mean. subbasins, this one has the greatest mean elevation
Figure 8 illustrates the typical phases of basin erosion (Table 5) which is worth considering since it has an
cycle and potential evolutionary scenarios as put forth by influence on runoff and erosion processes. Predominant
Strahler (1974). Based on his model, the Pig basin has elevations range between 150 to 200 metres followed by
Geraldi et al. 21



Altitud en m/s/n/m





0.00 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00
Area km2
Area km2
Figure 5. Hypsometric curve (km2) of the Encadenadas del Oeste lakes basin.

95 to 150 metres amsl (Figure 6b). Its hypsometric curve This illustrates the prevalence of low lying areas in the
(Figure 7b) increases as it reaches the basins basin over higher ones. Its hypsometric curve is overall
predominant elevation values. It does not fit well any of convex which suggests an important potential for erosion
Strahlers models (1974) though as it is located between and according to Strahlers (1974) model corresponds to
two active subbasins both in evolutionary states and has the disequilibrium or youth stage indicating the area is
two alluvial cones resting on its margins, all of which primarily a source of sediment and water.
suggest a subbasin in a state of disequilibrium evolving The Cochic stream which drains the equally named
towards youth. basin is the second shortest stream of the Encadenadas,
The Guamin sub-basin exhibits a regular slope which being 20 km in length from source to outlet. Its channel is
is evidenced by its fairly straight curve (Figure 7c). Within fairly straight for that of a plain stream. Its discharge
the erosion cycle, it has reached the equilibrium state or decreases during droughts to the point where it may
maturity which is characterised by sediment and water completely dry out, defining it as intermittent. The basin is
transport. Its altimetric frequency histogram (Figure 6c) 333 km in area, 1% in slope and has a mean elevation of
denotes the predominance of elevations between 200 155 m amsl. The frequency histogram (Figure 6e) shows
and 250 m amsl which encompass 67% of its total area that elevations ranging from 95 to 150 m are prevalent
with another 3% located above 400 m. and that low lying areas are more extensive than those at
The stream that drains the Malleo Leuf basin is of higher altitudes (200 - 250). Its convex shaped curve
intermittent character and its channel the shortest in displays a negative asymmetry (Figure 7) whose mean
length (16 km). This is a typical plain stream, winding, its equals to 175 and its median 155 m amsl. It has reached
course interspersed with meanders where it migrated to the youth phase of the erosion cycle indicating a high
connect to the outlet. Its banks are free of cliffs and allow morphodynamic potential for erosion processes to take
this shallow channel to easily overflow its banks in place.
response to increases in discharge. Its basin is 270 km The 106 km long Cura Malal stream runs through a
in area with a perimeter of 94 km and a slope of 2%. The diverse landscape of mountains and plains and drains
altimetric frequency histogram (Figure 6d) indicates that into Alsina Lake. Its middle section which lies over a plain
52% of elevations lie between 95 and 150 m. Its is characterized by meandering. This basin, 829 km in
hypsometric curve is asymetric (Figure 7d) given that the area, is comprised of a diverse range of elevations with
mean elevation is lower than the 175 m amsl median. an almost symmetrical frequency as shown in Figure 7f.
22 J. Geogr. Reg. Plann.




rea km 2
Area km2





95-150 150-200 200-250
a b
350 160


rea km2
rea km2

200 80

100 20

95-150 150-200 200-250
95-150 150-200 200-250 250-300 300-350 350-400 400-1015
c 300



rea km2

100 100
60 50

20 95-100 100-200 200-250 250-300 300-350 350-400 400-1015
95-150 150-200 200-250
e f

250 700

rea km2

rea km2


100 300

95-150 150-200 200-250 250-300 300-350 350-400 400-1015
95-150 150-200 200-250 250-300 300-350 350-400 400-1015

g h
Figure 6. Altimetric histogram of sub-basins a- Pig b-Venado c- Guamin d- Malleo Leuf e- Cochic f- Cura Malal g- Pescado h- Corto
Geraldi et al. 23

C. Pigue Venado
1200 300
1000 250
Altura m/s/n/m


Altura m/s/n/m
600 150
400 100
200 50
0 0
0 200 400 600 100 120 140 160
a b
Area km 2 Area km 2

Mallao Leufu Guamin


Altura m/s/n/m
Altura m/s/n/m


50 100

0 0
0 100 200 300 400 500
0 50 100 150
Area km2 Area km 2
c d

Cochic Cura Malal

300 1200
250 1000
Altura m/s/n/m
Altura m/s/n/m

200 800
150 600
100 400
50 200
0 0
0 50 100 150 200 0 200 400 600
e Area. km2 f Area km 2

Pescado Corto
Altura m/s/n/m
Altura m/s/n/m

600 600

400 400

200 200

0 0
0 200 400 600 800 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
g Area km 2 h Area km 2

Figure 7a-h. Hypsometric curves of subbasins a)Pig b)Venado c)Guamin d)Malleo Leuf e)Cochic f)Cura Malal g)Pescado h)Corto.
24 J. Geogr. Reg. Plann.

Figure 8. Phases of the erosion cycle based on basin hypsometric curves (adapted from
Strahler, 1974).

Table 5. Correlation matrix between the variables and the first from 150 m to 250 m amsl prevail. Mean elevation in the
three components.
basin is 222 m. Its properties are similar to the Cura
Malals nevertheless, its hypsometric curve (Figure 7g) is
IK - 0.79064 - 0.17754 - 0.40242
slightly more pronounced thereby reflecting the steeper
Re 0.92922 - 0.10657 - 0.29317
terrain. The basin has reached the maturity stage
RC 0.72409 0.07818 - 0.31155 characterized by sediment deposition (Strahler, 1974).
Ff 0.53774 - 0.31434 0.71700 2
The Corto Basin extends over 2 893 km making it the
Es 0.84875 - 0.14464 - 0.36142 Encadenadas widest subbasin. Its mainstream, 160 km
Dd - 0.94937 0.02185 0.05111 in length, is also the longest and its relief, the systems
Dc - 0.74746 - 0.56683 - 0.04081 highest as it has the widest surface covered by
Tc 0.97334 0.04702 0.14118 mountains even though it amounts to only 8% of the total.
rea - 0.27066 0.94159 0.06785 This is the Encadenadas easternmost subbasin
displaying a difference of 72 m in elevation with the Pig
subbasin (westernmost). The altimetric frequencies
histogram (Figure 6 h) shows a uniform distribution and
Areas lying above 400 m make-up only 5% of the total. variation in elevation. Its hypsometric curve (Figure 7 h)
The altimetric frequency histogram (Figure 6 f) highlights is much steeper than that of the smaller basins (Venado,
the basins symmetry and shows most area falling in the Malleo Leuf and Cochic) and displays a positive
200 to 300 m range. It has reached an equilibrium state, asymmetry due to its mean elevation, lower than the 275
evolving towards maturity. m median. This basin is in its maturity phase during
The Pescado Basin covers a 791 km wide area. Its which sediment deposition prevails (Strahler, 1974).
histogram (Figure 6 g) shows a less symmetrical A principal components analysis (PCA) was carried out
distribution than the previous one. Higher grounds only on the basins calculated morphometric indices so as to
represent 1% of the total area where altitudes ranging order them. The graphic in Figure 9 corresponds to a
Geraldi et al. 25

Table 6. Total variance accumulated in the first six components.

% Total Associated variance with c/Component

0.61145 0.76470 0.87787 0.96360 0.99021 0.99814

Figure 9. PCA as calculated from matrix correlation. Both graphics correspond to the defined plane by the two first main
components, with 87% of the total variety.

projection of the initial variables on a two-dimensional Encadenadas del Oestes basin. The characterization of
plane delineated by two axes. Axis one correlates with these units shows that the basin is morphologically
shape indices and axis two, with drainage and area. The diverse due to the dynamic fluvial activity that prevails
correlation matrix (Table 6) shows that the first three within its limits. One of the above mentioned
components explain 87 % of the variance. Pig, morphological units are the alluvial cones which form at
Venado, Malleo Leuf and Cochic subbasins are the mouths of the mainstreams and delineate the bases
grouped together as they all display a strong positive of the different subbasins. Units designated lesser
correlation with the first principal component. Similarity subbasins by this study are in a phase of disequilibrium
between them is due to their rounder shape and longer or youth and therefore are actively being eroded. These
concentration times. basins are smaller in terms of area and their mainstreams
As can be observed, the second principal component shorter. Their hypsometric curves are negative and
correlates positively with area, drainage density and asymetric due to the mean elevation being lower than its
concentration times. The group formed by Pescado, Cura median. The subbasins whose sources are located in the
Malal and Guamin is characterized by larger areas, mountains have reached a state of equilibrium refered to
greater drainage densities and shorter concentration as maturity or old age by Strahler, indicating that
times. The Corto basin sets itself apart by exhibiting a transport of water and sediment is the predominant
strong positive correlation with the second principal process. These subbasins also display a positive
component. This is to be expected as the Corto basin is asimetric curve. Corto and Pescado set themselves apart
the widest in terms of area and its mainstream, the by being the only two basins to have reached the old
longest. age phase.
With regards to the shape index, the Venado subbasin
is characterized by an oval outline, the Cochic and
Conclusion Malleo Leuf an oblong one, while the rest are
significantly elongated. The Pig and Venado basins are
This studys aim was to define for the first time the the most compact and circular indicating that rises in
various drainage subbasins that comprise the water are also likely to result in greater discharges at
26 J. Geogr. Reg. Plann.

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