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Solution Design Template

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<07/31/09: SOP-24-02 Solution Design artifact template UAT-ready>

Employers Direct Insurance Company Document Number: <DocNo>

<System/Project> Solution Design Revision Number: <N.NN>

Subject: <system, sub-system, component name(s)> Date: <MM/DD/YY>

Status: <DRAFT or APPROVED> Page 1 of 14

Confidentiality Statement

The information and data contained herein are the proprietary and confidential information and data
of Employers Direct Insurance Company.
<System or Project Name> Solution Design

Document Revision History

Version Change Description Date Author
<N.NN> <Initial draft> <MM/DD/YY> <doc owner>
<N.00> Approved for <identification of Designate Release <MM/DD/YY> <doc owner>

Document Information
File Name Location
<system or project name> EDC wiki > Project Documentation > <project name>

Related Documents
Document # Document Title Location
<relDocNo> <relDocTitle> <drive>:\directory\ or EDC wiki >
GLO-01-01 IT Glossary
<existing Solution Design>
<existing system admin and
maintenance SOP>
<Stories or other report
requirements artifacts>
POL-01-02 IT Security Policy EDC wiki > IT Effective Documents
POL-04-02 IT Backup and Restore Policy EDC wiki > IT Effective Documents
POL-06-01 IT Record and Data Retention EDC wiki > IT Effective Documents
SOP-10-02 IT Infrastructure Monitoring EDC wiki > IT Effective Documents
Standard SOP
SOP-11-02 IT Operations Standard Operating EDC wiki > IT Effective Documents
SOP-12-02 IT Backup and Restore Standard EDC wiki > IT Effective Documents
Operating Procedure
SOP-13-02 Business Continuity Planning and EDC wiki > IT Effective Documents
Disaster Recovery Standard
Operating Procedure
SOP-16-02 IT Security Standard Operating EDC wiki > IT Effective Documents

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<System or Project Name> Solution Design

Document # Document Title Location

SOP-19-02 Change Management Standard EDC wiki > IT Effective Documents
Operating Procedure

Document Title Location
<refDocTitle> <drive>:\directory\ or physical location or EDC wiki >
Network Design Diagram EDC wiki > IT Infrastructure
<system name> System Diagram EDC wiki > IT Infrastructure > System & Network Documents > <file
<existing application configuration EDC wiki > <system name> > <EDIC configuration file name>
<existing server/other component EDC wiki > IT Infrastructure > Server Device Setup and Configuration
configuration guidelines > <for example, SQL Server Standard Baseline Configuration>
<vendor documentation>
<industry coding standards>
<EDIC coding standards>


<examples of responsibilities related to the solution design that should be considered in compiling content for
the solution design>

Contributor Name Responsibility

<lead developer> <Create and maintain system design artifacts>
<IT application architect> <as defined in SOP-24-02 section 4.0 as relate to this solution design,
for example, document system interfaces, data and system
integrations, application level security, data storage and reporting
technology framework>
<IT infrastructure architect and IT <as defined in SOP-24-02 section 4.0 as relate to this solution design,
security officer> for example, determines and documents impacted cross-system
network design, servers and other infrastructure components and IT
security >
<QA manager> <as defined in SOP-24-02 section 4.0 and related to this solution
design, for example, reviews design artifacts from a testing
perspective and collaborates with the developer or infrastructure
manager for clarity

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<System or Project Name> Solution Design

Contributor Name Responsibility

<system administrator> <as defined in SOP-24-02 section 4.0 and related to this solution
design, for example, reviews design artifacts from infrastructure and
operations perspective including system environment delivery,
monitoring, job scheduling, security design implementation, backup,
restore and other operational procedures>
<product owner/BSA> <as defined in SOP-24-02 section 4.0 and related to this solution
design, for example, reviews design artifacts for requirements to
design trace>

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<System or Project Name> Solution Design

<sample approvers with titles as of July 2009>
Name Title, Department Signature Date
John Barrus Senior Technology
<include in SOP-24 Architect, Information
infrastructure arch Technology
role and SOP-16
security officer role>
Joe Cardenas Vice President/Chief
Information Officer,
Information Technology
LuNell Gilliland IT Manager, Information

Phillip Grove Business Application

<include when Manager, Information
solution is an app Technology
dev project in SOP-
24 app arch role and
dev mgr role>
Sandro Zanon Infrastructure Manager,
Information Technology

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<System or Project Name> Solution Design

Table of Contents

1.0 Overview................................................................................................................................. 2

2.0 Purpose.................................................................................................................................. 2

3.0 Scope...................................................................................................................................... 2

4.0 System Overview................................................................................................................... 2

5.0 Design Considerations.......................................................................................................... 2

5.1. Assumptions............................................................................................................................... 2
5.2. Dependencies............................................................................................................................. 2
5.3. Constraints................................................................................................................................. 2
5.4. Exclusions.................................................................................................................................. 2

6.0 System Architecture.............................................................................................................. 2

7.0 Application Design................................................................................................................ 2

7.1. Software..................................................................................................................................... 2
7.1.1. User Interface................................................................................................................ 2
7.2. Data Design................................................................................................................................ 2
7.2.1. Database Design........................................................................................................... 2
7.2.2. Data Warehouse Design................................................................................................2
7.3. Workflow Design......................................................................................................................... 2
7.3.1. Automation..................................................................................................................... 2
7.3.2. Integration...................................................................................................................... 2
7.3.3. Rules............................................................................................................................. 2
7.4. Output Design............................................................................................................................. 2
7.4.1. Reports.......................................................................................................................... 2
7.4.2. Other Output.................................................................................................................. 2
7.5. Secure Access Design................................................................................................................ 2
7.5.1. Access and Authorization..............................................................................................2
7.5.2. Authentication................................................................................................................ 2
7.5.3. User Roles..................................................................................................................... 2
7.5.4. Remote Access.............................................................................................................. 2
7.5.5. Data Security................................................................................................................. 2

8.0 Infrastructure and Operations..............................................................................................2

8.1. Environments.............................................................................................................................. 2

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<System or Project Name> Solution Design

8.2. Operations.................................................................................................................................. 2
8.3. Backup and Restore................................................................................................................... 2
8.4. Disaster Recovery...................................................................................................................... 2

9.0 System Documentation......................................................................................................... 2

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<System or Project Name> Solution Design

1.0 Overview

<Reference the project requirements artifacts. Is this a new system or an enhancement to an existing system?

2.0 Purpose

The purpose of this <system name> Solution Design is to translate business requirements and functional
specifications to a logical and a physical solution design. To provide a documented description of the design of
the project solution that can be reviewed and approved, the artifact:

Specifies the project architecture, interfaces and sub-system requirements in enough detail so
component parts can be procured and built

Provide the build-to specification for software and hardware during construction and the as-build
specification upon acceptance of the Designated Release

Describes the IT components in sufficient detail for them to be maintained and upgraded.

3.0 Scope

<Describe the design components. State which of the following need to be addressed in this document:
database requirements, file format, data dictionary, system flow diagrams, program modules, system
operations requirements, screen designs, report designs and other components as applicable.>

4.0 System Overview

<Describe the solution that is to be delivered at high level, overview of architecture, design goals, design
approach and components logical design diagram.>

5.0 Design Considerations

This section describes the assumptions, dependencies, constraints and exclusions of the design solution.

5.1. Assumptions

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<System or Project Name> Solution Design

<Describe any assumptions (a starting point, something taken for graned) relating to this solution. This
includes integration processes, related software or hardware, end-user characteristics and so forth (for
example, this solution requires the installation of Adobe 9.0 that supports a new and needed feature so
assumption is that Adobe will release the new version 9.0 by x date).

5.2. Dependencies

<Describe any dependencies (something this design relies on) relating to this solution. Identify dependencies
with existing applications and components (such as data warehouse, reporting, ETL or integration systems).
Example dependency may be that development of the ClaimCenter-dependent module cannot begin until
version 5.3 is available in the dev environment.>

5.3. Constraints

<High-level description of restrictions, limitations or constraints surrounding this solution design. Constraints
may be anything that prevents development or infrastructure from implementing a particular requirement, story,
report or PBI (for example, a component required to support the requested feature currently does not exist in
the COTS or SaaS orDWH system available to EDIC IT so design is constrained to use of whatever the
alternative is, such as same-sign-on rather than single-sign-on). Timing is common constraint such as a
business requirement constrains delivery to no later than set date. Could be regulatory timing constraint that
requires a report delivery on set date.>

5.4. Exclusions

<Identify solution design exclusions in reference to requirements/stories/reports/PBI that are not addressed by
this solution design to be delivered as part of this project. For example, a requirement or story or PBI that will
be documented in a different, related system.>

6.0 System Architecture

<Describe the high-level design plan. This should briefly discuss all the major components and their
interactions, key technologies, standards, integrations and workflow. EDIC architectural strategy (SaaS, Web
Services, loose-coupling) should also be discussed. Reference <existing or new> <system name> System

7.0 Application Design

The following sections document the software, data, workflow, output and secure access design.

7.1. Software

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<System or Project Name> Solution Design

<Describe the high-level design plan. This should briefly discuss all the major components and their
interactions, key technologies, standards, integrations and workflow. EDIC architectural strategy (SaaS, Web
Services, loose-coupling) should also be discussed. Reference <existing or new> <system name> System

7.1.1. User Interface

<Description of UI screens and interactions
Wireframes or mock-ups

Field name, description, data type, mapping to database elements, data validation, events

Special requirements (Look and Feel).

Screen design: fields in each screen and the purpose of each field, description of how screen is
triggered, logical flow of the screens by specifying screens that pull from other screens (such as
Screen Flow Diagram), input checks performed, description of error messages>

7.2. Data Design

This solution design is consistent with <or exception to/requires revision of> IT Record and Data Retention
Policy (POL-06-01) [Note to add Data Privacy Policy/SOP when effective.]

<Database diagram, data structure, data dictionaries>

7.2.1. Database Design

<Describe structure in the software, relationship between data elements and file requirements (description of
each file (such as input, temporary, output, type of information that it contains), file access method, list of the
fields in a record (record layout), data attributes (number of positions, numeric versus alpha), anticipated
number of records>

7.2.2. Data Warehouse Design

<Include the data warehouse design or changes and any necessary ETL designs>

7.3. Workflow Design

<Include overview diagram or reference if documented in other location.>

7.3.1. Automation

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<System or Project Name> Solution Design

<Scheduling, Events, Triggers, Batch processing. Define software automation tools related to this solution
such as Microsoft Task Scheduler (Windows), AutoMate from Network Automation, DCO Scheduler. Describe
type of integration such as business component, query pages, Web parts and portal pages and thin client
access. Describe method for enforcing data integrity.>

7.3.2. Integration

<Define both external and internal integrations.>

7.3.3. Rules

<Business, processing, validation and other workflow rules)

7.4. Output Design

This section describes the output included in this solution design.

7.4.1. Reports
<Address any report or future report phase requirements that this design requires, when applicable>

7.4.2. Other Output

<Specify any other required output.>

7.5. Secure Access Design

This solution design complies with IT Security Policy (POL-01-02) and is <consistent with or requires revisions
to the IT Security Standard Operating Procedure (SOP-16-02). <Reference existing Network Design Diagram
and specify <system name> System Diagram as related to system access control.>

7.5.1. Access and Authorization

< How is access and authorization designed? For example, the application or report is designed for use by xyz
departments as currently documented in the Cognos Reporting System Administration and Maintenance
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP-07-01) or in the Cognos Reporting Solution Design artifactthe system
database is shared by system A and system B, and so on.>

7.5.2. Authentication

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<System or Project Name> Solution Design

<Does this use an internal, Single-Sign-On/Same-Sign-on, Active Directory, LDAP or another authentication
mechanism? Reference name and location where those are documented. When user role authenticated at
application level specify design/configuration.>

7.5.3. User Roles

<Specify how access to user role/permission/privilege/menu/(whatever this system calls it) is controlled--
through the application, through Active Directory or a combination of both. Define and describe various system
(application and database) roles and parameters [whats meant by parameters? Application-defined vs.
configurable parameters?].

Define any service accounts needed and their use and how they are controlled and if any are exceptions to

7.5.4. Remote Access

<Describe when design requires users to access this feature or application using a Web Server, Terminal
Server, Quest Software (formerly Provision Networks) or VPN and how secured.

Specify any unique solution design for components to be accessible by vendors, customers or the general

7.5.5. Data Security

<When data is transferred outside of the EDIC network, what type of encryption is necessary and does comply
with or need to be documented exception to the IT Security Policy (POL-01) and IT Security Standard
Operating Procedure (SOP-16-02)?>

8.0 Infrastructure and Operations

The following sections specify environment minimums and other design considerations in support of IT
infrastructure and system operations procedures.

8.1. Environments

<Identify minimum hardware and supporting software needs.

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<System or Project Name> Solution Design

Include application, database, middleware, integration and so on.

Include production, QA, UAT, and development.

Should this be co-located with other applications or on a new server?

Any special networking needs firewall, switching and so on?

Any other hardware needs.>

8.2. Operations

This solution design is consistent with <or exception to/revisions needed to> the IT Operations Standard
Operating Procedure (SOP-11-02). <Design of job scheduling, managed reports, non-managed reports, job
monitoring, operations deployment.> Delivery of the solution Designated Release for operational deployment
is consistent with the IT Change Management Standard Operating Procedure (SOP-19-02).

8.3. Backup and Restore

This solution design complies with the IT Backup and Restore Policy (POL-04-02) and is consistent with <or is
exception/requires revision of> IT Backup and Restore Standard Operating Procedure (SOP-12-02).

<Describe design considerations addressing backup and restore procedures specific to this solution or
application. Do not duplicate system administration and maintenance procedures documented as part of the
systems existing SASOP.>

8.4. Disaster Recovery

This solution design is consistent with <or is exception/requires revision to> Business Continuity Planning and
Disaster Recovery Standard Operating Procedure (SOP-13-02).

<Response to any DR requirements specific to this solution, any other DR documents if applicable or note
special recovery requirements.>

9.0 System Documentation

<Review and reference existing documents to determine if revisions or additional docs needed including

System-specific workflow diagrams

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<System or Project Name> Solution Design

<application configuration guidelines create or update>

<database set up guidelines create or update>

<server configuration guidelines create or update>

System Administration and Maintenance Standard Operating Procedure

Vendor documents that are required for design>

<Doc owner/author note for review prior to submitting for approvalsdelete this checklist from final doc:
Checklist: Critical Information
Does the Solution Design artifact include definition of requirements unique to the chosen architecture
[interfaces between sub-systems, for instance]? Are interfaces that are not shared with systems
completely specified in this Solution Design? Are integrations between this system and others completely
specified in this Solution Design or referenced to a related document that can be verified?
Are system requirements traced to the sub-systems in the <system name> System Design reference
Are COTS/SaaS products identified?
Is the architecture, both hardware and software, of the sub-systems [components and interconnections]
Are any necessary database schema and structures defined?
Are the hardware components defined in enough detail to support procurement or fabrication?
Has the trace from requirements to hardware and software components been checked and verified?
Is the Solution Design artifact linked to the source code components, that is, do they use the same object
names, file names, attribute names, and method names? >

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