Constituional Law
Constituional Law
Constituional Law
2 see further Constitutions Compared by Professor Finner, who compares and contrasts the constitutions of a number of
different States.
Constitutional and Administrative Law
legal provisions enacted under powers granted to the executive by Parliament
Constitutional and Administrative Law
Unitary or Federal.
The U.K. has a unitary Constitution since all power vests in Westminster. The U.S.A. and Germany have federal
systems where individual states have their own powers which can only be altered by altering the Constitution,
under a special procedure. Consider the merits and demerits of this especially in the light of the hopes and
aspirations of the Euro-philes who hope ultimately to see the creation of a Federal Europe with the UK as one part
of a greater whole. From an economic point of view membership of the E.U. may already be tantamount to this
already. Constitutionally the moment has not arrived yet and may never arrive especially if a unified currency is
considered to be a prerequisite.
Flexible or Ridged.
Can the Constitution adapt quickly and easily to changes in society or is a complex mechanism in place which makes
it difficult to effect changes. The U.S. has changed its Constitution on relatively few occasions since its inception,
whereas the U.K. Constitution is permanently in flux. Compare the way Wheare uses the words in a non-legal sense
to actually discuss the frequency of change and remarks on the fact that, despite the existence of a special procedure,
Switzerland has managed a great number of changes to its Constitution.
Monarchical or Republican.
Is the state a republic or not? If it is a monarchical state then the further question as to whether or not it has a
Constitutional monarchy (a mere figure head) has also to be considered.
Separated or fused powers.
Does the state adhere to Montesquieus divisions of power of the Legislature, the Executive and the Judiciary into the
hands of separate and distinct bodies or are the powers fused so that a single body exercises all of the powers.
Supreme or, subordinate.
If the Constitution requires that alteration requires cooperation between the various organs of power to effect a
change it is supreme. If the Legislature acting alone can change the Constitution then the Constitution is subordinate
(to the will of the legislature).
Arguably labelling or categorising a Constitution is meaningless since a Constitution may attract several labels and
the totality of the Constitution is more important than its individual parts, which cannot be judged in isolation.
General Principles, Theories and Doctrines of the Constitution
There are four so called guiding principles that are considered to underpin our constitution, namely:-
Democratic Governance
This is the idea that the people are governed by the people (or at least by appointed representatives / delegates) for
the benefit of the people. For this to be the case, the constitution needs to establish mechanisms to hold the appointed
representatives to account.
The Sovereign State and Sovereignty of Parliament
A sovereign, self governing people, is free to exercise its will to legislate howsoever it pleases without restraint. The
law plays such a central role in the constitution of the state that arguably a people who cannot make their own laws
could not be considered to be sovereign. That said, control of the purse strings of state is probably equally important.
The Separation of Powers
There are three central functions or organs of state, namely the Executive, the Legislature and the Judiciary. The
notion is that since power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, power should either be shared out between
separate and distinct bodies or alternatively that measures are adopted to ensure that whilst each organ can
cooperate with the other organs, no one organ will be subservient to any other. A legislature that could also act as
prosecutor, judge, jury and executioner could command total power without responsibility or accountability.
The Rule of Law.
This combines a number of concepts, including the notions that
There are fundamental societal limits to the power to make law
Everyone in society comes under the equal protection of the law and is accountable to that law.
Law must be made in the regular constitutional manner no-one can be punished arbitrarily.
What is a Constitution ?
Bollingbroke : social contract theory.
De Smith : regular system of government, defining composition, function and interrelationship of the
institutions of government, and delineating the rights and duties of the governed ...1
de Tocqueville, Britain did not have a Constitution.
Stephen Sedley we have Constitutional law without having a Constitution ... unprincipled legitimacy
Question : Is a Bill of Rights a constitution or The Constitution?
The Speaker
Regional branches
Of Civil Service
Social Security
Constitutional and Administrative Law
Armed Forces
parties not in opposition
Constitutional and Administrative Law
Private Arbitration
Private Tort &Contract
High Court High Court
Admiralty Probate
Collisions see State Adjudication :
s20/21 SCA e.g. Immigration and Road
Traffic Adjudicators.
Crown Court : Circuit Judge from High Court County Court : District Judge : Minor
plus jury : Criminal Law. Civil claims up to 50,000
Serious cases referred to Crown Court for trial SCC was a division of the County Court
Magistrates Court : 3 lay magistrates or a Fast Track Procedure for Small Claims CPR
stipendiary magistrate : Criminal Law and 1998 : Previously the Small Claims Court
some minor civil law / public law licensing Judicial Arbitration by District Judge
work etc claims below 5,000.
Reading Materials
De Smith : Constitutional Law : General Foundations and Chapter One.
Hood Phillips Constitutional Law : Chapter 1.
The Sound of Silence : Constitutional Law without a Constitution :
Stephen Sedley Justice of the High Court of Justice : LQR 1994 p270.
John Alder Constitutional Law : Chapter One.
Bradley & Ewing Constitutional Law : Chapter 1 & 2.
Geoffrey Marshall Chapter One.
Laws & Conventions Revisited. William Maley. 48 M.L.R. 121.
4 England includes Wales. Scotland and Northern Ireland have their own distinct, separate systems of law.
5 See p2 below on The Functions of Law.
6 For additional information see Glanville Williams. Introduction to Law.
Constitutional and Administrative Law
Law fulfils a wide variety of functions in society. For every function of modern society there is a
corresponding body of law. The categories discussed are not intended to be exhaustive but identify some of
the main functions of law. An understanding of the intended function or functions of a particular law
facilitates interpretation and application of that law.
Law provides a formal means of social control. Whereas small, undeveloped societies can rely on the
customs and recognised standards of behaviour within that society to maintain an ordered existence the
development and growth of society brings with it the demand for effective social control and formal means
of social control. This is assisted most obviously by the criminal law but ethical codes of acceptable
behaviour within society are embodied within family law, the laws of contract and tort and in property law.
Law draws the parameters of acceptable behaviour regarding a wide range of human activities. The citizen
submits himself of herself to the control of the law in exchange for the protection that is afforded to him or
her by the law. Submission is not consensual. Submission is automatic, by virtue of being a member of the
society, most often by birth but it can occur by naturalisation. No member of society can live within that
society and at the same time exempt themselves from its prescriptions.
Law provides a forum for settling disputes. The settlement of disputes in court provides one example of
third-party dispute settlement (others include arbitration, mediation and conciliation). A prescribed and
respected court procedure helps maintain order in a complex society since parties do not take the law into
their own hands and seek satisfaction through force. It is not legally possible to exclude the role of the courts
even by agreement, though alternative methods of dispute resolution (ADR) can be made a pre-requisite to
court action. Once the parties have participated in the prescribed ADR process it may well be possible to
then refer the dispute for review, appeal or enforcement, as the case might be, to the courts.
Law can be used by the State as an instrument of change. Law assists in the planning of change within our
social system. It is an instrument of social engineering. Thus revenue law and social security law affect all
classes in society though to an extent which is governed by the political party, which forms the government
at a particular time. The existence of the State itself is a legal entity in its own right. The form of that legal
entity is continuously being changed as it evolves to meet the changing needs of society.
Law provides the citizen and the state with security. Law provides us with order and security in the sense
of providing us with a system within which we can conduct an ordered life. A will is a legally recognised
form for passing on property after death and can therefore be used in the knowledge that it will be upheld
by the legal system. Records of births, marriages, deaths, interests in land, limited liability companies and
directors, etc, assist in the settlement of disputes and facilitate activities. Negotiable instruments such as
money, cheques, bills of exchange etc are artificial legal tokens enabling commerce to function.
It is useful to be able to classify law because each of the divisions tends to involve its own distinct methods
of application involving different logic processes for the development of rules within that particular sphere
and distinct legal procedures for taking disputes to court, often in distinct courts established to deal with
that area of law. This is not always the case however.
There are a number of ways of classifying law. Law is classified in different ways for different purposes but
despite the differing aims the methods are not necessarily mutually exclusive.
7 See also The Functions and Methods of Law L.M.Friedman, Law & Society.
8 See also : Smith & Keenan, The English Legal System
Constitutional and Administrative Law
This is concerned with the relationship between the state and its citizens.
Public law is made up of constitutional law and administrative law. Compare Criminal law, which also involves
the citizen and the state but is not dealt with under this classification.
Generally a public law action is sought by an individual, against the state, or a government department, to
maintain a legal right which has been adversely affected by an activity or decision of the state.
A typical case would be R v Northumberland Compensation Appeal Tribunal, ex parte Shaw, 12 The
plaintiff is the Crown [R], the Defendant is the Tribunal, but the person who claimed to have suffered a loss was
Shaw who is represented by the Crown i.e. Ex Parte, on behalf of. Of interest to the construction lawyer would
be issues involving planning applications.
Public Law has its own special procedures, which are dealt with by a specialist branch of the Queens Bench
Division of the High Court and frequently involves specialised tribunals to deal with issues at first instance.
Private law is concerned with the rights and duties of individuals towards each other. It includes: the law of contract;
tort; property; succession; and family law. The defendant is sued to remedy a private wrong carried out by one person
which causes a loss to another, the plaintiff. A typical case is Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Co.13 . The Claimant,
Carlill claimed that the defendant (The Smoke Ball Co) had breached a contract, causing Carlill financial loss.
A crime is an offence against the state. A typical case would be R v Steane.14 The defendant (the alleged wrong-doer)
is prosecuted, by the Crown, so as to maintain order. Punishment is a sanction. Criminal Law impacts on commerce :
For example the Construction Industry must comply with CDR construction regulations, Health and Safety at Work
Regulations : all commerce must avoid unlawful methods of achieving lawful objectives such as lorry drivers
exceeding the speed limit : The Merchant Shipping Acts and allied Statutory Instruments contain a large number of
rules, reinforced by sanction before the criminal courts.
Public International law. The law governing the Private International Law & Conflict of Laws.
relationships between nations. Until recently it did not Deals with civil disputes between citizens of
afford rights to or impose duties on individuals but today different states. Relevant to International Trade,
this is starting to change as the United Nations develops including shipping and construction regarding
codes intended to apply to the whole of mankind. In contract, tort and bailment : choice of law and choice
particular the Law of the Sea can now have an impact on of jurisdiction.
9 10 maritime
11 construction industry:
Constitutional and Administrative, or Public Law can be divided into black letter law areas which
set out the legal rights and duties of both the governors and the governed and constitutional /
political areas which discuss the rationale for government and the way that its various organs are
instituted. As with all law, there are underlying principles governing the way the rules and laws
have evolved and what they are supposed to achieve and why. However, the two areas require
different approaches because of the way that they are applied and regulated.
The black letter law areas are governed by the courts and so the traditional methods of legal analysis
and application apply. The constitutional / political areas are governed by the mores of political
practice and are in many ways self regulatory, reflecting the degree of influence exerted by the
people from time to time upon those who practice the art / science of government.
Black letter law areas may be examined either by application exercises or by essay type questions that
require a critical analysis of the law.
The constitutional / political areas are likely to be examined by essay type questions.
Learning and thinking are distinct and different mental processes. Whilst it is important to learn legal
rules, this is simply one aspect of legal study. Indeed, the fact that the legal rules frequently change over a
period of time means that knowledge of the law is in many ways a lifetime learning exercise rather than
simply something that is done by students at a training institution. Understanding why rules have come
into existence and what they are intended to achieve is important both to evaluate the effectiveness of the
law and to assess whether or not the law needs to be changed or modified in any way. Furthermore,
critical analysis of the understanding of what individual laws are supposed to achieve provides guidelines
for interpreting law to ensure that it continues to fulfil its stated or underlying purpose.
A tribunal decision involves the application of facts and law to produce a statement of the legal rights and
liabilities of the parties arising out of the respective legal responsibilities of the parties to a civil/public
dispute or criminal action. This is represented by the equation :-
1 Long term study strategy. Use past exam papers to identify the style and nature of questions.
Prepare for exams during the entire course. Use tutorials to answer problem issues and to debate
essay questions.
2 Question spotting : This is dangerous if you draw too narrow a focus and target a limited number
of topics. Many candidates focus on a number of topics and discard others but remember that it is
quite possible that you will be unhappy about addressing a question on a topic that you have
prepared. If you have no other fall back topic you can answer you will be in trouble.
3 Pre-revision : Start to prepare some topics early. Preparation before an exam involved starting
from scratch, firstly reminding yourself about the topic before making a considered opinion about
what to revise. If you draw up a list of essentials immediately after tutorials on a topic, whilst it is
fresh in your mind, it will take much less time. The revision note will kick start your pre-exam
revision and save much time and effort at a stage when you are under pressure.
4 Remember exams are not about how much you know but rather about how much you under
stand and the ability to apply that understanding in a clear and meaningful way.
1 Read the exam rubric make sure you know how many questions you must attempt and take care to ensure
that instructions regarding compulsory questions of section quotas are observed.
2 Atempt the correct number of questions, even if you are weak on a particular topic. It is easier to get to 50%
on any given topic than to get to 70% so the chances of passing if you only answer three out of the required
four are considerably reduced.
3 Time Management : Practice writing to time in advance and make an assessment as to whether you need to
expand revision or slim down your material and refocus on essentials.
4 Last minute Cramming : Do not cram too much especially at the last moment. It is important to ensure that
you are not too tired to think. It is best to finish revision in the evening and sleep on it over night than to swot
first thing in the morning before an exam or even worse to swot all night and take the exam with the intention
of sleeping afterwards. Extreme fatigue during exams is fatal.
5 After the exam, forget about it, move on and focus on the next exam. Post exam analysis immediately after
the event wastes time and nervous energy.
6 Space out your answer - exam paper is free. Use new paragraphs for each point. It is better to cover as many
relevant issues as possible rather than to go into excruciating detail about some issues to the detriment of
other issues that the examiner is also looking for comment on. Always ask, is this relevant to and does it
answer the question and is the scope of the response proportionate to the entirety of the question.
7 Highlight or underline cases. If you have a short-term memory loss regarding a case name you can for
instance write As decided in the case of . there is a duty . If you later remember the case it is easy to
locate the omission and fill in the gap, without having to squeeze it in between the lines or in the margin. A
lot of time can be wasted reading through your script to find where to add the remembered case.
8 Statute books, where permitted should be used as a comfort blanket. You should not rely on the statute book
but rather should know the issues in advance and where to look for any information you wish to double
check. Do not copy sections of statute out verbatim summary and explanation are what is called for.
9 Do not write out a question or summarise all the facts. You should target issues and use quotes from
questions to demonstrate you are answering the questions. E.g. Regarding the assault on Fred .. or Thus it
is clear that s49 XX Act does / does not fulfil the purpose of YYYY
1 Past papers are useful to identify topics but not to determine the focus or objective of
future exam questions.
2 Always answer the question and respond to its focus using only relevant information.
Do not write all you know about a topic. All topics have linked themes and cases and
common / logical sequences which can be sub-grouped and leant in bubbles. Then
think in the exam how to link up the sub-categories, leaving out the bubbles not
called for in the question and then draw up focussed conclusions.
3 Identify an area : Define : State function and Purpose : Does it work i.e. fulfil its
functions and purposes and if not why not ? Critiques, articles and commentary can
be usefully drawn upon but you should also draw your own conclusions, agreeing
or disagreeing with other commentators.
4 If the law fails to fulfil expectations what can be done about it ? Conclusions.
5 Beware of the essay that looks like a problem. Some questions use a scenario to
highlight an area but really require an essay answer. The key is often words such as
provide a critical analysis . as opposed to Advise John.