Irrationality of Values of The Riemann Zeta Function
Irrationality of Values of The Riemann Zeta Function
Irrationality of Values of The Riemann Zeta Function
W. Zudilin
The study of the arithmetical nature of the values of the Riemann zeta function
(s) = s
at integers s > 1 is one of the most attractive topics of the modern number theory.
In spite of the deceptive simplicity of this problem, the results obtained in this area
in the course of more than two centuries are far from being exhaustive. Eulers
(2i)s Bs
(s) = , s = 2, 4, 6, . . .,
in which the values of the zeta function at even integers are expressed in terms
of 3.1415926 and the Bernoulli numbers Bs Q, which are dened by the
generating function
t t ts
=1 + Bs , Bs = 0 for odd s 3,
e 1
t 2 s=2 s!
undoubtedly marked the rst progress in this area. In 1882 Lindemann proved
that is a transcendental number, which implies that (s) is transcendental if s is
The problem of the irrationality of the values of the zeta function at odd integers
seemed inaccessible until 1978, when Apery [1] produced a sequence of rational
approximations proving that (3) is irrational.
This research was supported in part by INTAS and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research
(grant no. IR-97-1904).
AMS 2000 Mathematics Subject Classication. 11J81, 11M06.
490 W. Zudilin
erys Theorem. The number (3) is irrational.
The history of this discovery and a rigorous mathematical justication of Aperys
observations can be found in [2]. The phenomenon of Aperys sequence was repeat-
edly interpreted from the point of view of various analytical methods of number
theory (see [3][8]). New approaches made it possible to strengthen Aperys result
quantitatively, that is, to obtain a good measure of the irrationality of (3) ([9]
and [10] represent the latest stages of the competition in this area).
Unfortunately, natural generalizations of Aperys construction involve linear
forms containing values of the zeta function at both odd and even integers (the
interest in which faded after the EulerLindemann result). This circumstance
makes it impossible to obtain results on the irrationality of (s) for odd s 5
by this method. Interesting attempts to approach this problem can be found in the
preprints [11] and [12].
Finally, in 2000 Rivoal [13] equipped an auxiliary rational function with a sym-
metry and constructed linear forms containing the values of the zeta function only
at odd integers s > 1.
Rivoals Theorem. The sequence (3), (5), (7), . . . contains innitely many
irrational numbers. More precisely, the following estimate holds for the dimen-
sion (a) of the spaces generated over Q by 1, (3), (5), . . ., (a 2), (a) with an
odd integer a:
log a
(a) 1 + o(1) , a .
1 + log 2
In this paper we generalize Rivoals construction [13] and prove the following
Theorem 0.1. Each of the sets
is irrational.
Theorem 0.3. There are odd integers a1 145 and a2 1971 such that 1, (3),
(a1 ), (a2 ) are linearly independent over Q.
Theorem 0.3 strengthens the corresponding theorem in [15], where it was estab-
lished that 1, (3), (a) with some odd integer a 169 are linearly independent.
1 When the work on this paper was nished, I was informed that Rivoal [14] had obtained the
assertion of Theorem 0.1 for the rst set in (0.1) independently, using another generalization of
the construction in [13].
Added in proof. I have recently obtained some renements of Theorem 0.1. In particular, I
have shown [28] that at least one of the four numbers (5), (7), (9), (11) is irrational.
Irrationality of values of the zeta function 491
Theorem 0.4. The following absolute estimate holds for every odd integer a 3:
2 log a
(a) > 0.395 log a > . (0.2)
3 1 + log 2
with integer coecients and numbers > 0 and > 0 such that
log |In | = n + o(n), log max |Aj,n| n + o(n)
as n . Then
dimQ (Q0 + Q1 + + Qm ) 1 + .
Let us note that the justication of Theorems 0.10.4 is based on the saddle-point
method and follows the scheme of proof of Aperys theorem in [8]. It should be
noted that some arithmetical results for the values of polylogarithms were obtained
in [17], where the saddle-point method was used. The dissertation [17] served a
link between our empirical observations and the rigorous justication in 2. In 4
we improve the arithmetical estimates (for the denominators of numerical linear
forms) following [18], [9], [10], which enables us to rene the lower estimate for (a)
in Theorems 0.3 and 0.4 for small values of a. Finally, in 3 we obtain an upper
estimate for the coecients of linear forms and asymptotics of their growth.
The main results of this paper were announced in [19].
I am grateful to Professor Yu. V. Nesterenko for his constant interest and valuable
advice, which have enabled me to improve this paper.
1. An analytical construction
In this section we describe an analytical construction that enables us to obtain
good linear forms with rational coecients in the values of the zeta function at
odd integers.
Let us x positive integer parameters a, b, r such that 2rb a and a + b is even.
For every positive integer n we consider the rational function
(t (n + 1)) (t (n + 2rn))
R(t) = Rn (t) := a (2n)!a2rb . (1.1)
t(t 1) (t n)
492 W. Zudilin
Here and below (t l) means that the product (sum or set) contains the factors
(summands or elements) t l and t + l. We assign to the function dened by (1.1)
the sum
1 db1 R(t)
I = In := . (1.2)
(b 1)! dtb1
It is easy to see that the sum in (1.2) is taken only over integers t > n + 2rn.
The series on the right-hand side of (1.2) converges absolutely, since the degrees of
the numerator and the denominator of the rational function (1.1) are equal to 4rbn
and a(2n + 1) 4rbn + a 4rbn + 2, respectively, whence
1 db1 R(t) 1
R(t) = O 2 and = O , t . (1.3)
t dtb1 t2
Applying Laplaces method to the integral representation of the sum in formula (1.2),
we can calculate the quantity
log |In |
= lim > (1.4)
n n
(the details can be found in 2 below), following [8] and [17].
Lemma 1.1. For every n = 1, 2, . . . the number dened by formula (1.2) is a linear
form in 1 and the values of the zeta function at odd integers s, b < s < a + b:
I= As (s) A0 . (1.5)
s is odd
we note that
Ak,1 = Res R(t) = 0 (1.7)
Ak,j = (1)aj Ak,j = 0 if a j is odd, j = 2, . . . , a. (1.9)
k=n k=n
Irrationality of values of the zeta function 493
b1 j 1
Aj = (1) Ak,jb+1, j = b, b + 1, . . . , a + b 1, (1.11)
a + b 2 Ak,a
n k+n
Ak,2 Ak,1
A0 = (1)b1 ++ + b .
b1 la+b1 b 1 lb+1 l
k=n l=1
P (t)
R(t) = (1.13)
(t + s)(t + s + 1) (t + s + n)
Dnj dj
R(t)(t + k) Z, k = s, s + 1, . . . , s + n,
j! dtj t=k
Bl = R(t)(t + l) t=l Z, l = s, s + 1, . . . , s + n.
R(t)(t + k) = Bk + Bl = Bk + Bl 1 + ,
t+l t+l
l=s l=s
l=k l=k
Bl (k l) Bl
1 dj s+n s+n
R(t)(t + k) = (1)j = .
j! dtj (t + l)j+1 (k l)j
t=k l=s t=k l=s
l=k l=k
and the Leibniz rule for the jth derivative of the product R(t)R+ (t) = F (t). The
assumptions (1.14) hold for each rational function in (1.16) and (1.19), since
(2n)! 2n
H(t)(t + k) t=k = (1)n+k = (1)n+k Z,
(n + k)! (n k)! n+k
m + 2n + k 2n
R(t)(t + k) t=k = (1)n+k Z,
2n n+k
m + 2n k 2n
R+ (t)(t + k) t=k = (1)n+k Z
2n n+k
for all k = 0, 1, . . . , n. This completes the proof of the lemma.
In what follows the denominator den(I) of the linear form I = A0 +
A1 1 + + Am m is dened to be the least rational (not necessarily integer)
D > 0 such that every DA0 , DA1 , . . . , DAm is an integer.
Lemma 1.4. The following inclusions hold for the coecients of the linear
form (1.5):
D2n As Z, (1.20)
where s is zero or an odd integer, b < s < a + b. Therefore, den(In ) divides D2n
log den(In ) log D2n
lim lim = 2(a + b 1). (1.21)
n n n n
Proof. To determine the coecients in (1.6), we use the formula
1 daj
Ak,j = R(t)(t + k) , k = 0, 1, . . . , n, j = 1, 2, . . . , a,
(a j)! dtaj t=k
and the representation
R(t) = (Hn (t))a2rb (Fn,n(t))b (Fn,3n (t))b (F(2r1)n,n(t))b (1.22)
of the rational function (1.1). The inclusions
D2n Ak,j Z, k = 0, 1, . . . , n, j = 1, 2, . . ., a, (1.23)
follow from Lemma 1.3 and the Leibniz rule for the dierentiation of a product.
Inclusions (1.20) follow from (1.11), (1.12) and (1.23). The limiting relation (1.21)
follows from the formula
log Dn
lim =1 (1.24)
n n
(the prime number theorem). This completes the proof of the lemma.
So we have constructed a sequence of linear forms In , n = 1, 2, . . . . By (1.4),
it contains an innite subsequence of non-zero forms. The forms D2n In ,
n = 1, 2, . . . , have integer coecients. Hence, for
+ 2(a + b 1) < 0 (1.25)
at least one of the numbers (s), where s is an odd integer and b < s < a + b, is
irrational. Moreover, upper estimates for the coecients of the linear forms (1.10)
in the case when (1.25) holds enable us to obtain a lower estimate for the number
of irrational numbers in the given set of values of the zeta function. This is why our
next step will be to calculate (1.4) and to nd the asymptotics of the coecients
of the linear forms (1.10) as n .
496 W. Zudilin
(b) the function sinb z cotb z is a polynomial in cos z with rational coecients:
sinb z cotb z = Vb (cos z), Vb (y) = (1)b Vb (y), deg Vb = max{1, b 2}.
Proof. We proceed by induction. For b = 1 we have cot1 z = cot z and
sin z cot1 z = cos z, whence U1 (y) = V1 (y) = y.
(a) According to the dierential equation
= (y2 + 1), y = cot z,
and formula (2.2), the following recurrence relation holds for the polynomials Ub (y),
b = 1, 2, . . . :
Ub+1 (y) = (y2 + 1)Ub (y), b = 2, 3, . . . .
The induction step from b to b + 1 shows that Ub+1 (y) = (1)b+1 Ub+1 (y) and the
degree of Ub+1 is one greater than the degree of Ub .
Irrationality of values of the zeta function 497
1 d
sinb+1 z cotb+1 z = cos z Vb (cos z) sin z Vb (cos z)
b dz
= cos z Vb (cos z) + sin2 z Vb (cos z)
= Vb+1 (cos z),
Vb+1 (y) = yVb (y) + (1 y2 )Vb (y). (2.4)
Formula (2.4) and the induction hypothesis imply that Vb+1 (y) is a polynomial
whose degree cannot exceed the degree of Vb (y) more than by one. Besides,
Ub+1 (y) = (1)b+1 Ub+1 (y). Since V2 (y) = 1 (by (2.4)), we have deg Vb+1 b 1.
The induction step from b to b+1 and relation (2.4) show that the coecient of yb1
in the polynomial Vb+1 (y) is non-zero and equals 2b1 /b! . Hence, (2.3) holds for
all b = 1, 2, . . . , which completes the proof of the lemma.
Lemma 2.3. For any b = 1, 2, . . . and any integer k the following representation
holds in the neighbourhood of t = k:
b cotb t = + O(1), (2.5)
(t k)b
where the function in O(1) is analytic in the neighbourhood of t = k. The function
cotb t is analytic in the neighbourhood of t C \ Z
Proof. The second assertion of the lemma follows from formula (2.2) dening the
function cotb z and the decomposition of the cotangent into a sum of partial frac-
1 1 1
cot t = + + (2.6)
t m=1 t m t + m
(see, for example, [22], Ch. X, 3, formula (3)).
In the neighbourhood of t = k Z we have
1 (2i)s (t k)s
cot t = cot (t k) = 1+ Bs , (2.7)
tk s=2
where Bs , s = 2, 3, . . . , are the Bernoulli numbers (see, for example, [22], Ch. X,
3, formula (2)). Dierentiating identity (2.7) b 1 times, we obtain representa-
tion (2.5) and the rst assertion of the lemma, which completes the proof.
498 W. Zudilin
Lemma 2.4. The following integral representation holds for the sum in (1.2):
M +i
b1 i
I= cotb t R(t) dt, (2.8)
2 M i
is equal to the sum of the residues of the integrand at t Z, M < t N . Using (2.5)
and the expansion
R(t) = R(k) + R (k) (t k) + + (t k)b1 + O (t k)b
(b 1)!
Res b cotb t R(t) = = . (2.10)
t=k (b 1)! (b 1)!
M <kN M <kN k=n+1
Let us note that on the sides [N + 1/2 iN, N + 1/2 + iN ], [M iN, N + 1/2 iN ]
and [N + 1/2 + iN, M + iN ] of the rectangle we have R(t) = O(N 2 ) by (1.3), and
the function cotb t is bounded. The latter assertion follows from assertion (a) of
Lemma 2.2 and the boundedness of cot t on the sides under consideration: for the
segment [N + 1/2 iN, N + 1/2 + iN ] we use Lemma 2.1, while for the other two
segments we use the trivial estimate
1 + e2ix e2|y| 1 + e2|y|
| cot (x + iy)| = , x R,
1 e2ix e2|y| 1 e2|y|
for y = N . Therefore,
N+1/2iN N+1/2+iN M +iN
+ + cotb t R(t) dt = O(N 1 ).
M iN N+1/2iN N+1/2+iN
Passing to the limit in (2.9) as N , we obtain the right-hand side of (2.8). Pass-
ing to the limit in (2.10), we obtain the desired sum (1.2), which completes the proof
of the lemma.
Lemma 2.5. The following relation holds for (1.2) as n :
(1)bn (2 n )a2rb (2)b
I =I
1 + O(n1 ) ,
I = In := sinb n cotb n enf() g( ) d, (2.11)
2i i
f( ) = b( + 2r + 1) log( + 2r + 1) + b( + 2r + 1) log( + 2r + 1)
+ (a + b)( 1) log( 1) (a + b)( + 1) log( + 1) + (a 2rb)2 log 2,
( + 2r + 1)b/2 ( + 2r + 1)b/2
g( ) = , (2.13)
( + 1)(a+b)/2 ( 1)(a+b)/2
and R is an arbitrary constant in the interval 1 < < 2r + 1.
Remark 2.1. To dene the functions f( ) and g( ) unambiguously, we consider
them in the -plane with cuts along the rays (, 1] and [2r + 1, +), xing the
branches of logarithms that take real values on the interval (1, 2r + 1) of the real
axis. This choice of branches is motivated by the following proof.
Proof. Using the formula (z + 1) = z(z), we express the rational function (1.1)
in terms of the gamma function:
b a
(t + (2r + 1)n + 1) (t)(1 t)
R(t) = (1)an (2n)!a2rb , (2.14)
(t + n + 1) (t + n + 1)
where, as before, stands for two factors in the product. We transform the inte-
grand in (2.8) using formula (2.14) for R(t) and the identity
(t)(1 t) = = (1)n (t + n + 1)(t n).
sin t
500 W. Zudilin
We have
where M R is an arbitrary constant in the interval n < M < (2r + 1)n. We put
M = n for R in the interval 1 < < 2r + 1.
The asymptotics of the gamma function
log (z) = z log z z + log 2 + O |z|1 (2.17)
(see, for example, [23], 3.10) implies that the following formulae hold on the
contour of integration in (2.16):
log (t + (2r + 1)n) = t + (2r + 1)n log(t + (2r + 1)n)
(t + (2r + 1)n) + log 2 + O(n1 ),
log (t + n) = t + n log(t + n) (t + n) + log 2 + O(n1 ),
log (t n) = t n log(t n) (t n) + log 2 + O(n1 ),
log (2n) = 2n log(2n) 2n + log 2 + O(n1 ).
( + 2r + 1)b/2 ( + 2r + 1)b/2
1 + O(n1 ) d,
( + 1)(a+b)/2 ( 1)(a+b)/2
where the sum is taken over those k that have even parity with b, and cb = cb = 0
if b > 1.
Lemma 2.6. For , R, 1 < < 2r + 1, and n a positive integer we put
Jn, = en(f()i) g( ) d. (2.19)
2i i
Jn, = Jn,,
where the bar stands for complex conjugation.
Proof. Applying Schwarz reection principle to the functions f( ), g( ) analytic
in C \ ((, 1] [2r + 1, +)) and taking real values on the interval (1, 2r + 1)
(see, for example, [24], Ch. III, 7, Proposition 7.1) and making the change
in the integral in (2.19), we obtain that
+i +i
1 1
Jn, = en(f( )i ) g( =
) d en(f( )i ) g(
) d
2i i 2i i
= en( f()+i ) g( ) d = Jn,,
2i i
as was to be shown.
Corollary 2.1. The integral in (2.11) can be written as
I = 2 ck Re Jn,k , (2.20)
kb (mod 2)
(f( ) ki ) = b log( + 2r + 1) b log( + 2r + 1)
+ (a + b) log( 1) (a + b) log( + 1) ki,
k = 0, 1, . . . , b, k b (mod 2),
502 W. Zudilin
f ( ) = b log( + 2r + 1) b log( + 2r + 1)
+ (a + b) log( 1) (a + b) log( + 1) (2.23)
and log z = log |z| + i arg z, < arg z < , for the main branch of the logarithm
with the cut (, 0] in the z-plane, we have
| + 2r + 1|b | 1|a+b
Re f ( ) = log , (2.24)
| + 2r + 1|b | + 1|a+b
Im f ( ) = b arg( + 2r + 1) b arg( + 2r + 1)
+ (a + b) arg( 1) (a + b) arg( + 1), (2.25)
and the arguments arg( ) take the value zero on (1, 2r + 1). Formula (2.25) has
the following geometrical interpretation in the notation of Fig. 2:
Figure 2
1 3 1
(3r + 1) log 1 + = 4 log > 2 log 2 = log 3 + if r = 1,
2r 2 r
1 3r + 1 7 1
(3r + 1) log 1 + > > 2 log 2 > log 3 + if r 2,
2r 2r + 1 5 r
Re f (2r + 1 2) < Re f ( ) < Re f (2r + 1 + 2 + i0) (2.32)
lim Re f ( ) = +. (2.34)
Consider the rays starting from the point 2r + 1 and contained in the upper half-
plane. By (2.33) and (2.34), each of these contains a point belonging to the domain
bounded by the above semicircle and the real axis and such that Re f ( ) = 0.
Hence, this domain contains a part of the continuously dierentiable curve
| + 2r + 1|b | 1|a+b
Re f ( ) = log = 0. (2.35)
| + 2r + 1|b | + 1|a+b
(See Fig. 3, where this part of the curve is situated, according to (2.31), between
the two semicircles corresponding to = (1 2r 1)/2 and = (2r + 1 0 )/2.)
By (2.26), the values of Im f ( ) on this curve as it approaches the real axis are equal
to 0 (at 0 ) and b (at 1 ). Therefore, Im f ( ) takes on the curve all intermediate
values between 0 and b, that is, the values , where 0 < < b. So we have
produced solutions of equation (2.22) for these . Every point obtained from these
by reection in the imaginary axis also is a solution.
Figure 3
506 W. Zudilin
For this polynomial we have found two real roots 0 in (a), two real roots 1
in (b), one real root 0 in (c), 2(a 1) purely imaginary roots in (d) and 4(b 1)
complex roots in (e). The total number of roots of the polynomial (2.36) listed
in (a)(e) is equal to its degree 2a + 4b 1.
Hence, any solution of equation (2.22) is contained in the list (a)(e). This
contradiction completes the proof of the lemma.
Remark 2.2. We replaced the original assumption a 2rb by the stronger assump-
tion a 3rb in Lemma 2.7 only in order to localize the root 1 . Therefore,
Lemma 2.7 remains valid in the case when a 2rb if
1 < 4r + 1. (2.37)
Corollary 2.2. The set of C for which (2.35) holds is the union of the imagi-
nary axis and a pair of closed curves symmetric with respect to the imaginary axis
(see Fig. 4). These curves divide the complex plane into four parts, in each of which
the sign of Re f ( ) is constant.
Figure 4
Irrationality of values of the zeta function 507
Proof. This assertion follows from inequalities (2.32), since the function Re f ( ) is
monotonic on any of these semicircles.
en(f()i) g( ) d (2.38)
can be replaced by any other contour L joining innitely remote points in the
domains Re , Im < 0 and Re , Im > 0 and intersecting the real
axis at precisely one point = . In particular, L can go along the upper and (or)
lower bank of the cut [2r + 1, +).
Proof. For any real N > we join the points of the original contour Re = and
those of the new contour L by two arcs of radius N with centre at the origin. We
denote the corresponding points of intersection with the contours by M and L
(see Fig. 5).
Figure 5
508 W. Zudilin
There are no singular points of the integrand in (2.38) inside the curvilinear
triangles L+ M+ and M L . The lemma will be proved if we can show that
g( ) d 0, en(f()i) g( ) d 0 (2.39)
L+ M + M L
f( ) = f(N eit )
= (log N + it) b( + 2r + 1) + b( + 2r + 1) + (a + b)( 1) (a + b)( + 1)
+ b(2r + 1)( + 2r + 1) b(2r + 1)( + 2r + 1)
(a + b)( 1) (a + b)( + 1)
| |
i b( + 2r + 1) + (a 2rb)2 log 2 + O
Ne 1
= 2(a 2rb) log + it bi(N e 2r 1) + O
2 N
Irrationality of values of the zeta function 509
where the sign of b coincides with the sign of t (and sin t). Therefore,
Ne 1 1
Re(f( ) i ) = 2(a 2rb) log (b )N | sin t| + O
2 N n
holds for all suciently large N . The following trivial estimate holds for the func-
tion (2.13) on the arcs L+ M+ and M L :
N b/2 N b/2 1 1
|g( )| = O =O =O as N , (2.45)
N (a+b)/2 N (a+b)/2 Na N2
since a 2rb 2. Since the length of each of the arcs L+ M+ and M L does not
exceed N/2, estimates (2.44) and (2.45) imply that every integral in (2.39) is of
order O(1/N ). Hence, the limiting relations (2.39) hold, which completes the proof
of the lemma.
Lemma 2.9. Let a, b, r be positive integers, a 2rb, let f( ), g( ) be the functions
dened in (2.12) and (2.13), and let R, || b. Assume, moreover, that (2.37)
and the assumption
0 + 20 1 1 (2.46)
f0 ( ) = f( ) f ( )
= b(2r + 1) log( + 2r + 1) + b(2r + 1) log( + 2r + 1)
(a + b) log( + 1) (a + b) log( 1) + (a 2rb)2 log 2. (2.48)
Proof. We shall prove the lemma only for 0. The case when < 0 can be
reduced to this case by reection in the real axis.
510 W. Zudilin
Re f( ) = Im f ( )
and Im f ( ) takes negative values in the domain Im < 0 and positive ones in
the domain Im > 0. So, in the case when = 0, we use the original contour
Re = 0 .
If = b, then we replace the ray going from 0 to 0 + i in the contour of
integration in (2.38) with = 0 by a ray going from 0 to + along the upper
bank of the cut [2r + 1, +). The function
Re(f( ) i ) (2.50)
Re(f( ) i ) = Im f ( ) + > 0. (2.51)
On the set = t, 0 t < +, the function Re(f( ) i ) = Re f( ) has a
unique maximum point at t = 1 (by Lemma 2.7 and Corollary 2.2).
Figure 6
Re(f( ) i ) = Re(f ( ) i) = Re f ( ) < 0
Im f ( ) = b( ) + (a + b)
Figure 7
The points = x + iy of the upper half-plane at which the real segment [1, 1]
subtends less than a given angle belong to an arc of the circle of radius 1/ sin
with centre i cot (this assertion for an acute angle is depicted in Fig. 7):
x2 + y2 2y cot = 1,
512 W. Zudilin
x2 + y 2 1
= cot1 .
On the given ray, x = 0 + t cos and y = t sin if t 0, whence
Re(f( ) i ) = Re f ( ) cos (Im f ( ) ) sin
on the segment = 0 + ei t, 0 t t1 , changes sign from plus to minus only
when passes through 0 = 0 + ei t0 . Hence, 0 is indeed the unique maximum
point on the segment and on the whole contour of integration consisting of this
segment and two rays.
To prove the asymptotic formula (2.47), we write down the contribution of the
saddle point 0 :
(2)1/2 e 2 2 arg f (0 ) |f (0 )|1/2 en(f(0 )i0 ) g(0 ) n1/2 1 + O(n1 ) (2.54)
i i
b b a+b a+b
f ( ) = + +
+ 2r + 1 + 2r + 1 1 + 1
(a 2rb) 2 (2r + 1)(a 2rb + 2ra)
=2 = 0
( 2 1)( 2 (2r + 1)2 )
f(0 ) i0 = f(0 ) f (0 )0 = f0 (0 )
and separating the modulus and argument in (2.54), we obtain (2.47), which com-
pletes the proof of the lemma.
Corollary 2.4. Let the assumptions of Lemma 2.9 hold. Assume, moreover, that
arg f (0 ) + arg g(0 ) (mod Z) or Im f0 (0 ) 0 (mod Z). (2.55)
2 2
Irrationality of values of the zeta function 513
log | Re Jn,|
lim = Re f0 (0 )
n n
22(a2rb)|0 + 2r + 1|b(2r+1)| 0 + 2r + 1|b(2r+1)
= log .
|0 + 1|a+b |0 1|a+b
Moreover, in the case when
arg f (0 ) + arg g(0 ) 0 (mod Z) and Im f0 (0 ) 0 (mod Z), (2.57)
the integral Jn, has the real asymptotics (2.47), which implies that the upper limit
in (2.56) becomes a limit.
Proof. Assumption (2.55) implies that the real part of the coecient of n1/2 in
the asymptotic formula (2.47) is non-zero for an innite sequence of numbers n. It
is on this sequence that the limiting relation (2.56) is attained. If (2.57) holds, then
the principal term of the asymptotics (2.47) is a real number, and (2.56) with lim
instead of lim follows immediately from (2.47).
We now state our denitive results concerning
log |In | log |In |
= lim = lim (2.58)
n n n n
(see Lemma 2.5). If b = 1 or b = 2, then the results take a simple form, and the
upper limits in (2.58) can be replaced by limits. Our assertions in these cases will
be stated as separate propositions.
Proposition 2.1. Let b = 1, let r be a positive integer, let a > 2r be an odd
integer, and let 1 (2r + 1, +) be a real root of the polynomial (2.21). Then
log |In | 22(a2r)(1 + 2r + 1)2r+1 (1 2r 1)2r+1
= lim = log . (2.59)
n n (1 + 1)a+1 (1 1)a+1
Proof. In the case when b = 1, = 1 is the unique maximum point of the function
Re f( ) on the contour of integration for calculating the asymptotics of the inte-
gral Jn,1 in the proof of Lemma 2.9 (the ray = 0 + it, t 0, and the ray = t,
t 0 , that goes along the upper bank of the cut [2r + 1, +)). This implies, in
particular, that f (1 ) < 0, whence
arg f (1 ) (mod Z).
2 2
In the case when b = 1 we have for the function (2.13) that
arg g(1 ) = and Im f0 (1 ) = (2r + 1).
514 W. Zudilin
Using Corollary 2.4 with = 1 and 0 = 1 , we obtain that (2.57) holds and
log | Re Jn,1 |
lim = Re f0 (1 ).
n n
The formula In = Re Jn,1 (see Corollary 2.1) and Lemma 2.5 imply that (2.59)
arg f (0 ) 0 (mod Z).
It is obvious that
arg g(1 ) = 0, Im f0 (1 ) = 0.
log |Jn,0|
lim = Re f0 (0 ) = f0 (0 ).
n n
Lemma 2.10. Assume that the real root 1 (2r+1, +) of the polynomial (2.21)
satises the inequality
br(r + 1) r(r + 1)
1 2r + 1 + min , . (2.61)
2(a + b) 3(2r + 1)
Proof. As was shown in the proof of Lemma 2.7 (see also Corollary 2.3), on the
smooth curve (2.35) in the domain Re > 0, Im 0 the quantity = | (2r +1)|/2,
= x + iy, can be represented as an implicit function of x, 0 x 1 , which is
continuously dierentiable and increases. Using formulae (2.29), (2.30) and dier-
entiating with respect to x, we obtain the following formula on the curve dened
Irrationality of values of the zeta function 515
by formula (2.35):
b b a+b a+b
2 +
2 + (2r + 1)x 2 2 + rx r(r + 1) 2 + (r + 1)x r(r + 1)
b(2r + 1) (a + b)r (a + b)(r + 1)
+ + = 0.
2 + (2r + 1)x 2 + rx r(r + 1) 2 + (r + 1)x r(r + 1)
b(2r + 1) a+b b(2r + 1)2 (a + b)(r(r + 1) 2 )
2 x = + .
| (2r + 1)| 2 | 1|2 | (2r + 1)|2 | 1|2
Therefore, the function Re f0 ( ) can be regarded on the curve (2.35) as a function
of x, 0 x 1 . By (2.29), we have
b(2r + 1) b(2r + 1)
f0 (x) = 2 + 2
2 + (2r + 1)x
a+b a+b
2 2
+ rx r(r + 1) + (r + 1)x r(r + 1)
b(2r + 1)2 (a + b)r (a + b)(r + 1)
2 + (2r + 1)x 2 + rx r(r + 1) 2 + (r + 1)x r(r + 1)
b(2r + 1) a+b
= 32 (22 + (2r + 1)x)
| (2r + 1)|2 | 1|2
b(2r + 1)2 (a + b)(r(r + 1) 2 )
+ 16(2r + 1) +
| (2r + 1)|2 | 1|2
64 (a + b)r(r + 1) 32(a + b)r(r + 1)x
| 1|2 | 1|2
32(2 + (2r + 1)x) b(2r + 1)2 (a + b)(r(r + 1) 2 )
= +
x | (2r + 1)|2 | 1|2
32(a + b)r(r + 1)
+ (2 x). (2.63)
| 1|2
516 W. Zudilin
br(r + 1)
br(r + 1) (a + b) if ,
2 2(a + b)
r(r + 1)
8(r )(r + 1 ) > (2r + 1 + )2 if ,
3(2r + 1)
with (2.64) and (2.65), we obtain that f0 (x) > 0. Hence, Re f0 ( ), regarded as a
function of x = Re , increases on the curve (2.35), as was to be shown.
Proposition 2.3. Let a, b, r be positive integers, assume that a + b is even, b 3,
a 2rb, and assume that (2.61) holds for the real root 1 (2r + 1, +) of the
polynomial (2.21). Let
Proof. The inequality (2.61) implies that 1 (2r + 1) < r/3. Hence, (2.37)
and (2.46) hold. By Lemma 2.10, the maximal value of the function Re f0 ( )
on the roots of polynomial (2.21) is attained at = 0 , for which = k = b 2. By
Corollary 2.4, the asymptotics of the integral (2.20) is determined by the contribu-
tion of Re Jn,b2, since the contributions of the other quantities are exponentially
smaller in comparison with Re Jn,b2 , and the coecient cb2 in (2.20) is non-zero
by assertion (b) of Lemma 2.2. Therefore,
Proposition 3.1. Let a, b, r be positive integers, assume that a+b is even, a 2rb,
and let the linear forms (1.5) be dened by (1.2) and (1.1). Then the following
estimate holds for the coecients As , s = 0 or s = b + 1, . . . , a + b 1:
s |
log |A
lim 2b(2r + 1) log(2r + 1) + 2(a 2rb) log 2,
n n (3.1)
s = 0 or s = b + 1, . . . , a + b 1 and is odd.
log |A
s |
lim = 2b(2r + 1) log(2r + 1) + 2(a 2rb) log 2,
n n (3.2)
s = b + 1, . . . , a + b 1 and is odd.
Proof. Consider decomposition (1.6), where the coecients can be calculated using
the formulae
1 daj
Ak,j = R(t)(t + k) , k = 0, 1, . . . , n, j = 1, 2, . . . , a.
(a j)! dtaj t=k
gk (t) = b (a + b) .
t+l t+l
l=(2r+1)n l=n
l=k l=k
(l k)j+1
is bounded above by 2(2rb + a)n (we estimate every summand on the right-hand
side by 1). Using Leibniz rule for the dierentiation of a product, we obtain that
1 dj1
Ak,aj = g k (t) R(t)(t + k)
j! dtj1 t=k
1 j1
1 d j1m
gk (t)
= Ak,am , j = 1, . . . , a 1,
j m=0 (j 1 m)! dtj1m t=k
|Ak,aj | 2(2rb + a)n |Ak,am |
j m=0
2(2rb + a)n max |Ak,am |, j = 1, . . . , a 1. (3.5)
By (3.3), we have
a1 ((2r + 1)n)!2b (2n)!a2rb
|Ak,aj | 2(2rb + a)n ,
k = 0, 1, . . . , n, j = 1, . . . , a.
We obtain the limiting relations (3.1) from (3.6) using Stirlings formula (2.17) for
(z) = (z 1)! with positive integers z .
If a is an even integer and j is an even integer such that 0 j < a, then
formula (3.4) with k = 0 implies that |A0,aj | |A0,a|. If a is even and s is odd,
b < s < a + b, then the summands on the right-hand side of (1.11) have the same
sign, whence
s | |A0,a|, s = b + 1, . . . , a + b 1 and is odd.
So we have obtained both upper and lower estimates for the asymptotics of coef-
cients of linear forms (1.5) for even a using Stirlings formula. This proves the
limiting relations (3.2) and completes the proof of the proposition.
It turns out that the estimate (3.1) holds for odd values of a as well. The results
obtained in 2 enable us to calculate the asymptotics of the coecients (1.11) for
odd a. This will occupy the rest of this section.
For positive integers m the following expansion holds in the neighbourhood of
the point t = 0:
sin t (m)
= dl t2l , (3.7)
(m) (m)
where dl , l = m, m + 1, . . . , are real numbers, dm = 1.
Lemma 3.1. Assume that a is an odd integer. Then the following recurrence
relations hold for the coecients of the linear form (1.5):
(2m + b 1)! (1)b iM + sin t
A2m+b = R(t) dt
(2m)! (b 1)! i iM
(2l)! (2m + b 1)! (m) a1
d A2l+b , m = 1, 2, . . . , ,
(2m)! (2l + b 1)! l 2
l=m+1 (3.8)
where M > 0 is an arbitrary real constant.
Proof. If m is a positive integer, then (3.7) implies that the following expansion
holds in the neighbourhood of t = k Z:
2m 2m
sin t sin (t + k) (m)
= = dl (t + k)2l .
520 W. Zudilin
Formula (1.6) implies that the following formulae hold in the neighbourhood of
t = k for the function dened by (1.1):
for m < a/2 and any integer k. If the closed contour L goes around the points
0, 1, . . . , n anticlockwise, then
1 sin t (2l)! (b 1)! (m)
R(t) dt = (1)b1 d A2l+b
2i L (2l + b 1)! l
(2l)! (b 1)! (m)
b1 (2m)! (b 1)!
= (1) A2m+b + d A2l+b ,
(2m + b 1)! (2l + b 1)! l
l=m+1 (3.9)
which follows from (1.11) and the relation dm = 1. We deduce from (3.9) the
following recurrence formulae:
(2m + b 1)! (1)b sin t
A2m+b = R(t) dt
(2m)! (b 1)! 2i L
(2l)! (2m + b 1)! (m) a1
d A2l+b , m = 1, 2, . . . , .
(2m)! (2l + b 1)! l 2
l=m+1 (3.10)
Figure 8
Irrationality of values of the zeta function 521
Therefore, we have
1 sin t
R(t) dt
2i L
iM N iM +N 2m
1 sin t
= + R(t) dt + O(N 1 ) as N
2i iM +N iM N
and the functions f( ), g( ) are dened by (2.12) and (2.13) (see also Remark 2.1).
Proof. The proof repeats the proof of Lemma 2.5 except that we replace the asymp-
totics (2.17) by (3.13) (when integrating over the contour Im t = M = n, > 0).
Lemma 3.4. Assume that (2.61) holds for the real root 1 (2r + 1, +) of the
polynomial (2.21), and assume that
log(r2 + r)
|1 | < min 3, (3.17)
for the purely imaginary root 1 (0, +i) of minimal absolute value. Then the
following relation holds for integrals (3.16) as n :
|g(1 )|
n,(a1)/2| = en Re f0 (1 ) 1 + O(n1 ) ,
|f (1 )|1/2 2a+b1/2 1/2 n1/2
n,(a1)/2 | O(e2n ), a1
n,m| = |K m = 1, 2, . . . , 1,
where the constant is dened by the equality i = 1 .
Proof. By Lemma 2.7, = a + b 1 in equation (2.22) corresponds to the root
i = 1 of the polynomial (2.21).
Irrationality of values of the zeta function 523
(a+b)/2 a+b1
n,m = m (1)
K Jn,a+b1 + hm,l Jn,a+b2l1 ,
2a+b1 (3.19)
m = 1, 2, . . . , ,
Jn,k = en(f()ki) g( ) d, k = 0, 1, . . . , (a + b 1). (3.20)
First we shall study the asymptotics of the integral Jn,a+b1 . The path of inte-
gration passes through the saddle point 1 = i. We claim that x = 0 is a maximum
point of the function
f(x) = Re(f( ) (a + b 1)i )=x+i . (3.21)
We have
f (x) = Re(f ( ) (a + b 1)i)=x+i = Re f (x + i).
Hence, the sole candidates for maximum points of (3.21), besides x = 0, are
x = x0 , where x0 + i is the point of intersection of the ray = x + i, x > 0,
with the curve Re f ( ) = 0 in the domain Re > 0 (see Fig. 4) at which Re f ( )
changes the sign from + to (if there is such a point). On the other hand,
f( ) (a + b 1)i = f0 ( ) + f ( ) (a + b 1)i
for the function f0 ( ) dened in (2.48). By Lemma 2.10 and the inequality
Im f (x0 + i) > 0, we have
The inequality
r(r + 1)
2r + 1 < 1 2r + 1 + 2, := , (3.23)
6(2r + 1)
which follows from (2.61), enables us to obtain an upper estimate for Re f0 (1 ).
We have
Re f0 (1 ) < b(2r +1) log((2r +1+))(a+b) log((r +1)r) < (a2rb) log(r 2 +r),
since (2r + 1 + ) < r(r + 1) by (3.23). Continuing estimate (3.22) and using
inequality (3.17), we obtain the inequalities
f(x0 ) < (a 2rb) log(r2 + r) + (a + b)
(a 2rb) log(r2 + r) + (a + b) log(r2 + r)
= b(2r + 1) log(r2 + r). (3.24)
To obtain a lower estimate for f(0), we use the inequalities
|i (2r + 1)| > 2r + 1, |i 1| |i 3 1| = 2.
We have
f(0) = Re f0 (i) > 2(a 2rb) log 2 + 2b(2r + 1) log(2r + 1) 2(a + b) log 2
= 2b(2r + 1) log r + > b(2r + 1) log(r2 + r). (3.25)
Comparing (3.24) with (3.25), we obtain that f(0) > f(x 0 ). Hence, the saddle
point = i is a maximum point of the function Re(f( ) (a + b 1)i ) on the
contour Im = . Therefore, Jn,a+b1 is equal to the contribution of the saddle
point i = 1 :
(2)1/2 g(1 ) n Re(f(1 )(a+b1)i1 )
Jn,a+b1 = e 1 + O(n1 )
|f (1 )|1/2 n1/2
(2)1/2 g(1 ) n Re f0 (1 )
= e 1 + O(n1 ) , (3.26)
|f (1 )| n
1/2 1/2
and a similar estimate holds for the integral of the modulus of the integrand:
(2)1/2 |g(1 )| n Re f0 (1 )
|en(f()(a+b1)i) g( )| d = e 1 + O(n1 ) .
i |f (1 )| n 1/2 1/2
For the integrals (3.20) with k < a + b 1 we use the relation
|en(f()ki) g( )| = |en(f()(a+b1)i) g( )| e(a+b1k)n
on the contour Im = . Combining this with (3.27) and (3.26), we obtain the
|Jn,k | Ce(a+b1k)n|Jn,a+b1 |, k = 0, 1, . . . , (a + b 1), (3.28)
with some constant C > 0 that does not depend on n or k. (Inequality (3.28)
is obtained by integration along a nite segment, say [i 1, i + 1], since the
contribution of the integral over the remaining innite part is exponentially small
compared with the contribution of i.) Substituting estimates (3.26) and (3.28)
into (3.19), we obtain (3.18), which completes the proof of the lemma.
Irrationality of values of the zeta function 525
Proposition 3.2. Let a, b, r be positive integers, let a, b be odd integers, a > 2rb,
assume that the real root 1 (2r + 1, +) of the polynomial (2.21) is such
that (2.61) holds, and assume that (3.17) holds for the purely imaginary root
1 (0, +i) of minimal absolute value. Then the following asymptotic formula
holds for the coecients As of the linear form (1.5):
log |A
a+b1 |
lim = Re f0 (1 )
n n
follows from formula (3.8) with m = (a 1)/2 by Lemmas 3.3 and 3.4. For the
other odd integers s, b < s < a+b1, estimates (3.29) follow from Lemmas 3.1, 3.3
and 3.4. In the case when s = 0 formula (1.5) implies that
0 | |I| + |As |(s),
s is odd
0 |
log |A
lim max{Re f0 (0 ), Re f0 (1 )}, (3.30)
n n
where the root 0 of polynomial (2.21) is dened in Proposition 2.3. Lemma 2.10
implies that Re f0 (0 ) < Re f0 (1 ). The inequality Re f0 (1 ) < Re f0 (1 ) (even a
stronger one) was proved in Lemma 3.4. Therefore, the maximum on the right-hand
side of (3.30) is equal to Re f0 (1 ), which completes the proof of the proposition.
Remark 3.1. Estimate (3.29) is but a slight improvement of (3.1), and will not be
used in the proofs of Theorems 0.3 and 0.4. However, it is quite natural (and could
have been foreseen) that the asymptotics of linear forms and their coecients is
determined by the values of the same function Re f0 ( ) at dierent roots of the
same polynomial (2.21). (In the case when a is an even integer the asymptotics
of the coecients of the linear form (1.5) is determined by the root 0 = 0 of
polynomial (2.21); see Proposition 3.1.)
Lemma 4.1. Assume that for some polynomial P (t), deg P (t) < m(n + 1), the
rational function
P (t)
R(t) = m
(t + s)(t + s + 1) (t + s + n)
Bl,0 Bl,1 Bl,m2 Bl,m1
R(t) = + + + + , (4.3)
(t + l)m (t + l)m1 (t + l)2 t+l
1 dj
Bk,j = R(t)(t + k) , k = s, s + 1, . . . , s + n, j = 0, 1, . . . , m 1.
j! dtj t=k
Since dierentiation is a linear operation and formulae (4.3) and (4.1) hold, it is
sucient to show that
Dnjq dj 1
(t + k)m Z,
j! dt j (t + l)mq (4.4)
q = 0, 1, . . ., m 1, k, l = 0, 1, . . . , n.
((t + l) (l k))m
m 1 p m (t + l)
(l k)p
(t + k) = = (1)
(t + l)mq (t + l)mq p=0
p (t + l)mq
= (1)p (l k)p (t + l)qp ,
q = 0, 1, . . . , m 1, k, l = 0, 1, . . . , n,
Irrationality of values of the zeta function 527
if l = k and
1 dj m 1
(t + k) =0
j! dtj (t + l)mq
if l = k. Since
Dnjq m (p q)j
Z and Z,
(l k)jq p j!
q = 0, 1, . . . , m 1, p = 0, 1, . . . , m, k, l = 0, 1, . . . , n, k = l,
the inclusions (4.4) follow from (4.5), which completes the proof of the lemma.
The next lemma strengthens the inclusions (1.17). It will be used in our expo-
sition of the general case.
Lemma 4.2. We denote by E = En,m the set of primes dividing each of the numbers
(m + 2n k)!
Bk,0 = F (t)(t + k)2 t=k = , k = 0, 1, . . . , n,
(m k)! (n k)!2
D2n dj
1 F (t)(t + k) Z, k = 0, 1, . . . , n, (4.7)
j! dtj t=k
We have
Bk,1 = F (t)(t + k)
dt t=k
1 1 1
= Bk,0 + 2
t+l tl t+l
l=m+1 l=n t=k
1 1
= Bk,0 2 , k = 0, 1, . . . , n.
lk l+k lk
l=m+1 l=n (4.8)
By Lemma 1.3, we have D2n Bk,1 Z, k = 0, 1, . . . , n. Therefore,
ordp (1 D2n Bk,1 ) = ordp (D2n Bk,1 ) 0 (4.9)
if p is coprime with . Now assume that a prime p divides , whence
ordp = 1. (4.10)
For p > m + 3n we have ordp (lk) 1, where (lk) is any denominator in (4.8).
1 1 n
ordp 2 1, k = 0, 1, . . . , n. (4.11)
lk l+k lk
l=m+1 l=n
We have
ordp D2n 1 (4.12)
for p 2n. Finally,
ordp Bk,0 1, k = 0, 1, . . . , n, (4.13)
if p E.
Combining estimates (4.10)(4.13) and taking (4.8) into account in the case
when p divides , we obtain that
ordp (1 D2n Bk,1 ) 0. (4.14)
By (4.9) and (4.14), we have D2n Bk,1 Z, k = 0, 1, . . . , n, which proves
that (4.7) holds for j = 1. In the case when j 2 it remains to use Lemma 4.1
with m = 2.
Note that under the assumptions of Lemma 4.2 we have
m + 2n k m k n k
ordp Bk,0 = 2 , k = 0, 1, . . . , n, (4.15)
p p p p p p
for any prime p > m + 3n, since
q q q
ordp q! = + 2 + 3 + , q = 1, 2, . . . , (4.16)
p p p
where stands for the integer part of a number. Formula (4.15) enables us to
calculate the asymptotics of the factor (4.6) as n, m , since
{p E : p > m + 3n } = p > m + 3n : min {ordp Bk,0 } 1 . (4.17)
Lemma 4.3.
log n,n 1 1 5
1 = lim = + (1) 1 0.4820, (4.18)
n n 2 3 6
where (x) = (x)/(x) is the logarithmic derivative of the gamma function.
Proof. In the case when m = n and p > 2 n, formula (4.15) implies that
n k
min {ordp Bk,0 } = min 1 , , (4.19)
k=0,1,...,n |k/p||n/p| p p
1 (x, y) = 3x + y + 3x y 3x + y 3x y. (4.20)
It is obvious that the function (4.20) is periodic (with period 1) in each argument:
1 (x, y) = 1 ({x}, {y}), {x} = x x.
Therefore, it is sucient to calculate the values of this function inside the unit
square. By the denition of the integer part of a number, the summands on the
right-hand side of (4.20) change their values only when the point passes through
the lines 3x y = const Z and x y = const Z (see Fig. 9). This enables us to
obtain the values of 1 (x, y) shown in Fig. 10.
Figure 10. The values of the function 1 (x, y) inside the unit square
530 W. Zudilin
Consider the perpendiculars to the x-axis passing through the points of inter-
section of the lines shown in Fig. 10. We have
1 if {x} E = 1 , 1 5 , 1 ,
min 1 (x, y) = min 1 ({x}, y) = 3 2 6 (4.21)
|y|x 0y1
0 otherwise.
Formulae (4.17), (4.19) and (4.21) imply that
{p En,n : p > 2 n } = p > 2 n : E1 ,
n,n = p= p p. (4.22)
p:{n/p}E p:{n/p}E 2n<p3n
1 1
2 n<p2n p>2 n
We have the following formula for the denominator of the fraction on the right-hand
side of (4.22):
p= . (4.23)
We can nd asymptotics of the numerator using following lemma (cf. [25], Theo-
rem 4.3 and 6, and [26], Lemma 3.2).
Lemma 4.4. The limiting relation
lim log p = (v) (u)
n n
p> Cn
holds for any C > 1 and any interval [u, v) (0, 1).
Using Lemma 4.4 and relations (4.22), (4.23) and (1.24), we obtain the desired
asymptotics (4.18), which completes the proof of Lemma 4.3.
Remark 4.1. Simple as it is, the calculation of (4.21) can be made four times simpler.
It is easy to verify that function (4.20) is not only periodic, but invariant under the
1 1
1 : (x, y) x + , y + , 2 : (x, y) (x, 1 y) (4.24)
2 2
(in the last map we use the shift by 1 and the fact that 1 (x, y) is odd with respect
to y). Therefore, it is sucient to nd the values of the function (4.20) on the
square 0 x, y < 12 and then use the transformations 1 , 1 2 and 2 to extend
this function to the unit square and so by periodicity to the whole of R2 .
The next object of our study is the rational function
(t (n + 1)) (t (n + 2rn))
G(t) = Gn (t) := 2r . (4.25)
t(t 1) (t n)
Lemma 1.3 and the Leibniz rule for dierentiating a product imply that
D2n dj
G(t)(t + k) Z, k = 0, 1, . . . , n, j = 0, 1, 2, . . . . (4.26)
j! dtj t=k
Irrationality of values of the zeta function 531
Lemma 4.5. For every integer r 1 there is a sequence of integers n = n 1,
n = 1, 2, . . . , such that
D2n dj
n G(t)(t + k) Z, k = 0, 1, . . . , n, (4.27)
j! dtj t=k
We claim that
D2n dj Gk (t)
1 Z, j = 0, 1, 2, . . . . (4.32)
j! dtj t=k
We claim that (4.34) holds for j + 1 if it holds for all preceding j. We shall use the
following notation for the logarithmic derivative of the function (4.31):
Gk (t)
gk (t) = = (2r + 1) .
Gk (t) t+l t+l
l=(2r+1)n l=n
l=k l=k
We have
1 dj+1 Gk (t) 1 dj
= gk (t)Gk (t)
(j + 1)! dtj+1 (j + 1)! dtj
1 djm gk (t) 1 dm Gk (t)
= . (4.35)
j + 1 m=0 (j m)! dtjm m! dtm
We also have
ordp = 0, (4.36)
j +1
(j m + 1) (4.37)
for m < j, since p > (2r + 2)n and |l k| (2r + 2)n for all denominators
in (4.37). The inequality
ordp D2n j m+1 (4.38)
for every integer n > 2r and prime p > (2r + 2)n, where the function
r (x, y) = (2r +1)x+y+(2r +1)x y (2r +1)x+y(2r +1)xy (4.41)
is periodic (with period 1) in each argument. We claim that
min r (x, y) = if {x} E , = 0, 1, . . . , 2r 1, (4.42)
l l+1 1 l 1 l+1
E2l = , + , + , l = 0, 1, . . ., r 1,
2r 2r + 1 2 2r 2 2r + 1
l l 1 l 1 l
E2l1 = , + , + , l = 1, 2, . . ., r.
2r + 1 2r 2 2r + 1 2 2r
Taking into account that (4.41) is an odd function, we can easily show that this
function is invariant under the transformations (4.24). Hence, relations (4.42) will
be proved if we prove them in the domain 0 x, y < 12 . In this domain
min r (x, y) = min r (x, y) = min (2r + 1)x + y + (2r + 1)x y ,
0y<1/2 0yx 0yx
0 if 0 y x < 12 ,
(2r + 1)x + y (2r + 1)x y =
2r + 1 if 0 x < y < 12 .
To complete the proof of relations (4.42), it remains to calculate the values of
the function (2r + 1)x + y + (2r + 1)x y in the domain 0 y x < 12 (see
Fig. 11) using arguments similar to those used in the proof of Lemma 4.3.
Figure 11. The values of the function r (x, y) in the domain 0 y < x < 1
534 W. Zudilin
which follows from the prime number theorem (the asymptotic law of distribution
of primes). We have
1 l+1
1 l
r = 2l + + +
2r + 1 2r 2 2r + 1 2 2r
2r 2r + 1
l l+1
l l 1 l 1 l
+ (2l 1) + + +
2r 2r + 1 2 2r 2 2r + 1
2r + 1 2r
l l
r1 r
l+1 l l l
=2 2l +2 (2l 1)
r + 1/2 r r r + 1/2
l=1 l=1
r1 r
2r 2r + 1 2r + 1 2r
2l (2l 1)
l l+1 l l
l=1 l=1
=2 (2l 1 2l) + 4r(1) + 2 2(l 1) (2l 1)
r r + 1/2
l=1 l=1
4rl 2(l 1)(2r + 1) + (2l 1) + 4r
l l 1
= 2 + (4r + 1) + 4r(1) + 4r.
r r + 1/2 l
l=1 l=1
Since (1) = (see, for example, [27], 1.1, formula (8)), we obtain the desired
result, which completes the proof of the lemma.
Irrationality of values of the zeta function 535
Lemma 4.6. The following estimates hold for the quantity dened by (4.28):
log(r + 1) 4 < r 4r + (4r + 1) < log(r + 1) + + 2. (4.44)
In particular,
r = 4r(1 ) + O(log r) as r . (4.45)
l l l
(1) + < < . (4.46)
r+1 r + 1/2 r
l=1 l=1 l=1
We can calculate the sums in the upper and lower estimates using the formula
x+ = r log r + r(rx) (4.47)
1 1 1
1+ + + + log r
2 3 r
decreases and the sequence
1 1 1
1+ + + + log(r + 1)
2 3 r
increases. Therefore, their common limit lies between the elements of these
sequences, that is,
log r < < log(r + 1). (4.48)
r+1 r+1
4r log log(r + 1) < r 4r + (4r + 1) < (2r + 1) log + log(r + 1).
r r
Using inequality (2.28) once again, we complete the proof of estimates (4.44). The
limiting relation (4.45) follows immediately from (4.44). The lemma is proved.
Proposition 4.1. The denominator den(In ) of the linear form (1.5) divides
b a+b1 (r)
n D2n , where the sequence of integers n = n , n = 1, 2, . . . , is dened
in Lemma 4.5. Hence,
Proof. We prove this proposition by replacing (1.22) in the proof of Lemma 1.4 by
the representation
R(t) = Hn (t)a2rb Gn (t)b ,
applying Lemmas 1.3 and 4.5 to the functions (1.16) and (4.25), and using the
Leibniz rule for the dierentiation of a product.
To conclude this section we give some particular values of (4.28) (for r = 1
see (4.18)):
is irrational.
Proof. By Lemma 1.1, for any integer n 1 the quantity dened by (1.2) is a
linear form in 1 and the numbers (5.1). Assuming that every number in (5.1)
is rational and denoting their least common denominator by D, we obtain that
Jn = D|In | den(In ) is a positive integer for innitely many n 1. This contradicts
the limiting relation
log Jn
lim + 2(a + b 1) br < 0,
n n
which follows from Propositions 2.3 and 4.1.
Proof of Theorem 0.1. We use Theorem 5.1 with suitable a, b and r = 1 for each
set of numbers. Note that 1 < 3.05 in each of the cases considered below. Hence,
assumption (2.61) holds.
We prove that at least one of the elements of the rst set in (0.1) is irra-
tional by putting a = 19 and b = 3 in Theorem 5.1. In this case 1 3.04028,
0 2.98027 + 0.02985i, and Im f0 (0 ) + 3 0.09308 0 (mod Z). Combining
the estimate
+ 2(a + b 1) br 0.72567 < 0
with Theorem 5.1, we complete the proof of the assertion for the rst set in (0.1).
Irrationality of values of the zeta function 537
which is equal to 1 3.02472. Since (2.61) holds, Lemma 2.10 implies that
Re f0 (b ) Re f0 (1 ), whence
We shall be able to use Theorem 5.1 if we can show that (2.55) holds. It is easy to
verify that
g0 (b) = Im f0 (b ) + 3(b 2)
= 3b arg(b 3) + arg(b + 3) 8b arg(b 1) + arg(b + 1) + 3(b 2)
= 2b 3 arg(b 3) + 8 arg(b 1) 16 arg(b + 1) ,
arg(b + 3) , |b + 3| |1 3| as b , b is odd,
(a, r) = (a, r) 2a + r ,
(a, r) = 2(2r + 1) log(2r + 1) + 2(a 2r) log 2 + 2a r ,
(145, 10)
1 (145, 10) 21 0.38013 104 , 1+ 2.000397,
(145, 10)
(1971, 65)
1 (1971, 65) 131 0.22019 1010, 1+ 3.000103,
(1971, 65)
where 1 (a, r) is the real root of polynomial (2.21) with b = 1 in the interval
(2r + 1, +). The criterion for linear independence implies that
2r + 1
0 < 1 (2r + 1) < 2, where := < 1. (5.6)
(r + 1)2
(a 1) log(r + 1 + ) (a + 1) log(r + )
= (a 1) log 1 + 2 log(r + )
> (a 1) log 1 + 2 log(r + 1)
a1 a 1 2(r + 2) log(r + 1)
> 2 log(r + 1) = > 0.
r+2 r+2
(2r + 1)(r + 1 + )2
(r + 1 + )2 =
(r + 1)2
(2r + 1)(r + 1 + )2 (3r2 + 4r + 1 + 2r + )
> 2
= 2r + 1 + .
(r + 1) (r + 1)2
Substituting inequalities (5.9) and (5.10) into (5.8), we obtain that h(2r+1+2) < 0.
Combining this inequality with (5.7), we obtain that the interval (2r +1, 2r +1+2)
contains at least one root of the polynomial (5.5). Now (5.6) follows from the fact
that 1 is the unique real root in the interval (2r + 1, +) (Lemma 2.7). The
lemma is proved.
Corollary 5.1. Let the assumptions of Lemma 5.1 hold with r > 6. Then the
following estimate holds for = (a, r) in (2.59):
(a 2r) log 2
2r 2
= (2r + 1) log 1 + (a + 1)r log 1 + (a 2r) log(1 + 1)
1 + 1 1 1
r (a + 1)r
< (2r + 1) log 1 + (a 2r) log(2r + 2)
r+1 r+1
= (2r + 1) log(2r + 1) (a + 1) + log(r + 1) (a 2r) log 2
< (2r + 1) log(2r + 1) (a + 1)(1 + log r) (a 2r) log 2.
540 W. Zudilin
For the remaining values of m we combine (5.13) with the trivial estimates
r 1 2r + 1 2 1 2
0< , + 2 ,
a 3m2 a 3m2 a m log 12
log r log = m log 12 2 log 2 2 log m,
log(2r + 1) log(a 1) = m log 12.
We have
Now (5.12) with m 8 follows from the fact that the function
(m) = (m log 12 2 log m) m 1 + log 2 + = m(log 6 1) 2 log m 2
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