Supporting Tools For Operator in Robot Collaborative Mode: Sciencedirect
Supporting Tools For Operator in Robot Collaborative Mode: Sciencedirect
Supporting Tools For Operator in Robot Collaborative Mode: Sciencedirect
Procedia Manufacturing 3 (2015) 409 416
6th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2015) and the
Affiliated Conferences, AHFE 2015
Making use of robot automation for customized products put high demand not only on the robot but on the efficiency, simplicity
and flexibility to actually deploy and use robots in manufacturing stations and production lines in short batches and low volume
production. Hence, market oriented product development and production requires more products to be developed and offered in
less time than before, and produced for the market with more customizable options. The role of the operator is in this context an
important factor and tools are needed to support the operator for highly efficient and flexible production. In this paper, the
development and study of supporting tools for operators is presented. A demonstrator has been built for robotic nailing, screwing
and manipulation operation in producing scaled down gable wall elements in wood for a family house. Issues raised to support
the operator included automatic programming and generating relevant information for the operator for the deployment procedure
to prepare for production. During production, different concepts of safety system to support collaboration mode between the
operator and the robot was developed and studied. Wearable devices was used for the operator to access the information
generated and different safety configurations were developed and evaluated. The baseline for this work has been to identify
industrial use cases which has a clear need for automation as well as collaboration between operator(s) and robot(s). Work
scenarios were discussed and analyzed with industrial partners and it was concluded that, in addition to the deployment tools, a
smart safety system which is able to detect and react on humans entering the robot system work area is needed. This should
support for efficient production and less downtime for both automatic mode and collaboration mode. The benefit of operator
robot collaboration is clearly shown as well as the need for supporting tools.
2015 The
Publishedby by Elsevier
Elsevier B.V.B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of AHFE Conference.
Peer-review under responsibility of AHFE Conference
Keywords: Collaboration; Operator; Safety; Deployment
2351-9789 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of AHFE Conference
410 Gunnar Bolmsj / Procedia Manufacturing 3 (2015) 409 416
1. Introduction
Most current use of industrial robots is within automotive industry and applications where robots are used in
repetitive and deterministic operations from a control point of view within production lines or robotic stations [1].
These systems usually offer full automation solutions and operate separated from operators providing safe operation.
Although robots are characterized by its flexibility, automated production systems are in general not as flexible as
expected. To apply automation, work processes must be reasonable simple and consistent, and production volume
and batch sizes fairly large. For product variants, processes should be similar as well as products to make efficient
use of the same system related to hardware and software, so that task programs and control algorithms can be
adapted, if needed, to work with different variants of a product [2]. In addition, resetting of robots and machines
should not be too frequent as that will reduce the productivity of the system. If these conditions are met, robotic
production systems work excellent as the conditions are stable over a long period of time.
An interesting trend is increased automation within customized product manufacturing which put the issue of
product variants and low batch sizes into focus. When capability of robots increases, the possibility to automate
more operations and tasks will become a reality [3]. This is also the situation with a consumer oriented market
pushing product development to more customized products in combination with shorter product life cycles [4].
Making use of robot automation given these requirements put high demand not only on the robot but on the
efficiency, simplicity and flexibility to actually deploy and use robots in manufacturing stations and production lines
in short batches and low volume production. As a consequence, market oriented competition require more products
to be developed and offered in less time than before, and produced for the market with more customizable options.
At the same time, new technologies offer new materials to be used in products with new work processes to master in
the manufacturing system. Thus, the challenge is not only the use, implementation and efficiency to automate and
produce products, but to adapt to new opportunities as they appear. In this context configuration of systems becomes
important as well as collaboration between robots to perform tasks in a flexible way [5]. As a result, there is a need
to develop work procedures for tasks with a high degree of product variability and related re-setting of robot
Thus, it can be expected that production system of the future will be characterized by a need to produce
customized products on order resulting in frequent changeover between products [6]. Such production system is
likely to increase in complexity (hardware, software, operation, etc.) and a need for competent operators to solve
complex problems on the floor. In order to cope with this situation, the operator should be supported by proper tools
which makes the work tasks efficient and manageable [7, 8].
This paper will focus on challenges where an operator is needed to work in collaboration with robot(s) to perform
the tasks in a highly flexible production system. This is aligned with safety standards ISO 10218-1 and 2 and the
upcoming ISO/TS 15066 Collaborative Robots [9,10,11]. The baseline for this work has been to identify industrial
use cases which has a clear need for automation as well as collaboration between operator(s) and robot(s). For this
purpose, demonstrators has been designed and setup in a laboratory environment using industrial equipment but
scaled down work objects. For the demonstrators, some has been physical and some simulated use cases.
2. Experimental platform
The experimental platform for experiments and designing demonstrators are based on ABB robots (irb 6640 and
4400) with safe move and a KUKA robot KR 180 R2500 equipped with safe operation controller function. The
robot systems were setup with standard safety guarding (fences and light curtain), but for the purpose of testing and
evaluating operator work, different use and setup of safety related equipment were used. These included SafetyEye
from Pilz, safety scanner S300 from Sick, and safety PLC from Jokab Safety. Processing tools for nailing and
screwing operation were adapted and developed for robotic use by ITW.
The application used in our development is related to tasks performed in manufacturing of prefabricated family
houses. It highlights interesting challenges related to low volume and one-off production, and introduces work
processes where the operator is needed to take part in some operations, while others can be made in fully automated
mode by robot(s). Typical work processes included nailing, screwing and manipulation of objects. Two modes of
Gunnar Bolmsj / Procedia Manufacturing 3 (2015) 409 416 411
Fig. 1. Example of family house for production in a factory. Elements like walls are transported and erected on site.
operations were tested; operator robot collaboration and robot robot collaboration. In the former case the
operator takes part in the task by loading work objects in the demonstrator system, and in the latter a robot is
performing the loading job instead with possible intervention by an operator. The main purpose for the operator
collaboration was to experiment on collaboration modes and evaluate different work procedures and need for tools
to be developed.
3. Demonstrator
A demonstrator was designed for the purpose of performing experiments during the development of operator
support tools and was an important part in validating the concept for integrating and using different work processes.
By this, the feasibility could be studied under different work conditions. The task of the demonstrated was to
produce a typical object in house fabrication, a gable wall in wood structure for family houses. For this
demonstrator, the work object was simplified and downscaled to fit the conditions in our laboratory setting. During
this work people from companies within construction companies (producers of family houses, producers of interior,
windows, etc.) were invited to comment and contribute to the development based on their own experience.
A typical family house is depicted in Fig. 1 and the customer can change many design features such as size and
position of windows, placement and design of entrance door, wood panel, etc. One house manufacturer usually has
in the order of 30-40 different house models of which the customer can select and hence make changes to. Thus,
every house is considered as a unique product but elements such as walls produced for the house are similar to the
template house but not identical. During the design process, a customized house is designed based on a parametric
model and unique CAD data and production data will be generated for every customer. Hence, in production the lot-
size is one where products have different geometrical sizes but all similar.
The scaled down element of a house gable was produced in a simplified way and included material handling,
nailing and screwing operations. To simplify the demonstrator, the robots are fixed to the floor and the reachability
limits the size of the work objects. The demonstrator is shown in Fig. 2 with the robot (ABB) for nailing and
screwing to the left and the materials handling robot (KUKA) to the right. One screwing tool was used for fastening
plasterboard. A nail gun tool was used for the inner wood structure and a nail pusher tool for the wood panel. The
pusher tool uses a force of approximately 3000 N and the robot must be able to withstand this force during nailing.
Furthermore, the nailing using a pusher tools results in a high a consistent nailing operation with the head aligned to
the panel with high precision.
Also, other equipment was used during this work for separate studies including an ABB 4400 with force sensor
and safe move function, different safety related equipment and operator tools to support in deployment and
operation. The programming tool for the ABB robot was RobotStudio, which is provided by ABB Robotics for
simulation, analysis and programming ABB robots. In our work, it was assumed that the robot station together with
work pieces to be manufactured are known beforehand and defined numerically by a CAD system. The
demonstrator was running for a period of approximately six months and work scenarios where discussed and
analyzed together with people from wood working industry. It was concluded that key features which should be
included are a smart safety system which is able to detect and react on humans entering the robot system work area,
as well as efficient information about the task to the operator. This should be complemented by a risk assessment for
the task to be executed by the system. In addition, it was also concluded that an operator is needed as some parts of
the tasks will be in collaboration mode, and re-setting will address some operations during the deployment process.
412 Gunnar Bolmsj / Procedia Manufacturing 3 (2015) 409 416
Fig. 2. Demonstrator for scaled down house gable elements. For size comparison an operator is present in the middle of the figure.
Flexible production where batch size is down to lot size one means in reality a new product every time a task
program for the robot system is deployed. For this purpose, emphasis must be on simplicity in operation and
understanding what the robotic system will produce, how the operation will be performed and what is expected by
the operator.
Development of tools which support safe and efficient operator robot collaboration is an important part to make
the transition from high volume manufacturing to customization of products efficient. Some key aspects related to
this is the need to make preparation and re-setting efficient when the number of product variants increases, and
collaboration during the task execution, if needed.
From an operator point of view, many operations will increase in complexity simply by the fact that more
variants are produced and mixed in the production system. Even if the same product type has been produced before,
an upgrade may have been implemented and alterations in programs for a robot have been made due to changes of
the CAD model by automatic procedures.
For such cases, it is important to have efficient tools for the collaboration between the operator and robot system
which support deployment and safe operation. This should consider access to information for the operator related to
re-setting such as robot tools, calibration or adjustments to be made, work procedures for executing the task, and
safe work procedures during collaboration mode related to risk assessment and the work operations as such. Two
aspects are of great interest,
With deployment is meant all work operations needed to prepare the work station (robot and related equipment)
for a new task. Deployment and safety represent fundamental parts of a robot system to enable efficient and safe
collaboration. If addressed in a proper way with tools which support the operator, this can result in efficient task
execution in complex and small batch production [12,13,14].
A challenge from a general point of view is to increase the number of different products in a robot system and
reach a certain level of flexibility. This can be classified into different categories, (i) products which are produced
using different work processes and no real similarity in geometry, material, shape or sequence of operation, (ii)
products which are produced using the same work process but no real similarity in geometry of the products, and
(iii) products which are variants based on a parametric model and have common features or shapes between each
other and produced using the same operations and work processes. In this paper the focus has been on the latter
category where products are unique but they have common features related to geometry, work processes and
sequence of operation which makes it feasible to generate task programs automatically and produce a product down
to lot size one in a robust way.
Gunnar Bolmsj / Procedia Manufacturing 3 (2015) 409 416 413
However, even for similar products, there are many challenges which has to be dealt with. Even if the products
are variants of each other, programs need to be made for every product. Programming is a time consuming task and
our approach is to make these automatically. The reason for this is not only related to efficiency but to generate
tasks in a consistent and robust way. If made in a proper way, the same work procedures including instructions for
the operator will be consistent, including safety related instructions. Automatic programming for general tasks is a
challenge in itself and in this case we adopt a template parametric approach where new programs and tasks are
based parameters related to a template model. To make sure the new task program is working it is simulated as part
of the generation and checked against known issues such as collisions, robot configuration changes, joint limits,
singularities, etc. Programming and simulation is made using an add-in and API for RobotStudio as a dedicated
developed software to generate updated robot station and robot program for a new CAD model.
Based on the simulation, supporting data are generated together with the simulation and the robot program for the
operator to be used during the deployment and operation of the task. Such data include complete simulation and part
thereof as images, video or interactive simulation, and instructions for the deployment. Such instructions are
typically graphical information about tool setup, calibration or tuning specific data before execution such as work
object frames (zero frame) or tool data. Finally, the complexity of the work tasks, with a time in a robot station
lasting in the order of about 30 minutes, cannot be expected to be executed in full automatic mode, but in parts,
where needed, in collaboration between operator and robot. In such cases, certain safety precautions must be taken
and the current working procedure is to make use of a handheld enabling device while, at the same time, the robot is
moving at a safety speed. However, work is ongoing to develop a monitoring safety device which makes the work
for the operator easier and makes it possible to use both hands in an efficient way as well as lower the cognitive load
when moving in or out of the robotic system. By the term collaboration in this context it is primarily meant
collaboration between operator and robot system. Through true collaboration, the operator will be an important
source through skill and cognitive capability. Thus, the operator will be an integral part of the robot system, and the
robot can act as a co-worker with important capabilities related to repeatability, loading capacity, speed and reach.
In our case, the generation of programs automatically, is based on the assumption that products such as wall
elements of the house can be described in a parametric way and high degree of similarity. In reality, this means that
the length of the wall element can vary between one to eight meters, openings for windows can exist anywhere, but
the height and thickness of the wall as well as structure, materials and sequence of operation are the same. Objects
are generated using a parametric representation and a model of every work object will be generated together with
numerical information, see Fig. 3. Based on this, operations for nailing and screwing can be defined and the
simulation can take place and check for possible issues related to collisions, joint limits, close to singularities, etc.
During this process, deployment related information is generated together with the task program. In order for the
Fig. 4. Glasses providing interactive view of information related to deployment and task execution (left), operator at robot (right. (Epson Moverio
BT-200 glasses).
operator to prepare for deployment and task execution, different wearable devices have been tested, including tablet
computers and glasses. An observation is that most such devices are not rugged for industrial use, but glasses
provides a possibility to work with both hands and at the same time view information in the glasses which overlay
the real world, see Fig. 4. By connecting over Wi-Fi to a server the information can provide for an interactive
simulation, premade graphical images or video clips showing important parts related to operator activities.
The development and implementation of robot systems which operate in collaboration mode between operator
and robot put emphasis on many issues which have to be addressed in a proper way. In the work presented in this
paper, the demonstrator was addressing an application with low automation level and hence, low use of robots. One
important aspect on this relates to collaboration and the implication of that. Collaboration as discussed here, means
to share the task between operator and robot. Thus, the speed of operation should be adapted for human interaction.
In reality this means a safety speed of 250 mm/s when working close to the robot, which affect the speed of
operation and cycle time. Hence, most robotic applications of today are not suitable for collaboration and we must
look for new ones. Other possible applications for collaboration with present technology include quality related
procedures and inspection where an operator is needed, or manipulation and holding heavy objects in position for
fastening and assembly operations.
For collaboration, a whole series of actions need to be processed and working together. First, the time to produce
robot programs will need to be made by automatic procedures as this otherwise will be a time consuming process.
Furthermore, lot-size one production will put high load on the operator to actually know and adapt to a new task for
every work object. Thus, supporting information are produced together with the program generation using the
simulation facility of RobotStudio. Making use of this information was made and tested in different ways and the
most promising tools are wearable devices such as tablet computers or glasses where different media can be viewed.
This includes graphics, such as premade images, video clips, text based documents, but also the option of running
the simulation which provides for an interactive 3D visualization. These were connected to a server with access
information package and simulation model generated together with the task program for the robot. Although
intuitive to us in principle, more development is needed to facilitate for simple access to the right information at the
right time. Also, wearable devices need to be rugged for use in industrial environment which include people with
gloves, dust, and possible situations where heavy objects fall over the device. However, it was found that
information could be generated in a proper way and access by the operator for tasks included in the deployment
Safety is an important part in collaboration. The initial approach taken was to section the area of the demonstrator
so that the robot could continue to operate if the operator was elsewhere. And if the operator is working in
collaboration mode within the same work space, the operator was using an enabling device, and the robot was
operating a safety speed. This working operation was set up initially in the demonstrator and different safety devices
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were tested including the Pilz SafetyEye and safety scanners from Sick. However, the main concern during
discussions with people from industry, was (i) speed of operation, and (ii) ease of operation. It was concluded that
the speed of operation is low during collaboration mode and it was preferred to generate task programs where the
robot can execute the task in automatic mode during a period as long as possible. At this point, there is no indication
on the relation between automatic mode and collaboration, but for a 30 minutes work cycle it is expected that
automatic mode is more than 80 percent of the time. However, it was concluded that besides planned collaboration,
things happens which calls for actions by the operator due to unplanned stop, monitor some processes, etc. For such
events, it was concluded that the safety system must provide for an ease of operation. A concern which came up
with the standard safety procedures was related to monitoring operators inside the robot cell and knowing if
someone was inside the system. From a user point of view, the preference is to minimize the use of fences. From
this, it was concluded that a key challenge is to develop a smart safety system which is able to monitor people or
other unknown objects inside the robot system and react on such events in a proper way. Depending on risk analysis
the collaboration and work process can proceed at safety speed and an enabling device, or, if sectioned, at higher
speed. When the operator moves out of the system automatic mode can resume. Work on this is ongoing and
includes multiple monitoring devices for the same work area for redundancy and safety reasons.
As a result of the work presented, production systems with collaboration and lot-size one is likely to be
characterized by high complexity requiring competent operators to work together in flexible teams where work tasks
are changed on a frequent basis. The need for accurate information will be more important and frequent changes due
to customized production will put high demand on reliable and safe communication, and content in the information
related to tasks to be performed by operators. Moreover, the quality of the information must be relevant and
understood by operators, and connected to the task to be performed. This is usually related to programs uploaded to
controllers (robots, CNC machines, PLC) in the production system and complemented information for the operator.
Thus, the work tasks for operators in production will move to a highly qualified knowledge based work which
include, besides skill and understanding of production related issues, cooperation in teams, ability to take in new
information, respond to new input and produce efficient solutions.
However, to make collaboration feasible, the steps taken here is to limit the scope of the application and make it
possible to automate as many steps as possible. In this process, supporting tools for the operator has been developed
and evaluated in a demonstrator environment and the next step will be a pilot installation at a factory environment.
6. Conclusions
A demonstrator has been developed and was an ongoing part of this work, both as a complete system and parts
thereof. The aim of this was to provide a platform for development and evaluation of work tasks in automatic and
collaboration mode.
Tools supporting the operator was developed and evaluated was based on the work scenario for lot-size one of
products for production of family houses. The work scenario included support for task programming of the robot
where information for the operator was generated for deployment procedures and execution. This was based on
wearable devises which could provide information based on graphical information as images, video clips, interactive
simulations or documents.
During execution, different safety concepts where designed and evaluated and it was concluded that a monitoring
function is needed to support operator interaction and collaboration and at the same time increase productivity.
Work is ongoing on further development of operator information for wearable devices as well as evaluating
monitoring functions for safety use and the next step in this process is expected to be a detailed evaluation of a smart
safety system as well as a pilot system in a factory setting.
Specifically, it was found that certain parts related to work methodologies for the safety system should be
generated automatically to ensure proper consideration of issues raised in a risk analysis, as well as integration of
routines for relevant collaboration during deployment as well task execution.
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Work presented in this paper was supported by European Regional Development Fund, Tillvxtverket, Sweden,
Grand No. 165734, and internal project funding at University West for Work Integrated Learning.
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