Web Based Online Examination System
Web Based Online Examination System
Web Based Online Examination System
ISSN: 2455-5703
An Online Examination System is a web software solution, which allows any institute or industry to set up, direct and manage
examinations via an online environs. Some of the problems faced during manual examination systems are the retard take place in
result processing, filing poses a problem, chance of loss of records is more as well as searching records is hard. System Maintenance
is also very difficult and time consuming and endeavor. Online examination is one of the essential parts for online educational
system. It is effective, fast and reduces the large amount of resource material. An examination system is develop base on the
internet. This paper delineate the system principle, presents the main intention of the system, analyzes the auto-create test paper
algorithm, and discourse the system security.
Keywords- Online Examination, Result Processing, Auto-Create, System Security, Web Software Solution
With the computer and network technologies widely used, many computer applications based on Internet have been developed.
Online examination system is the one which allow students or trainees to do exercise or tests through computer. It not only reduces
the workload of teachers, but also achieves the objectivity and impartiality of examination. In the past several years, many
examination systems have emerged, such as [5], [6], [7] and [8]. An Online Examination System is an Online test simulator is to
take Online Examination, test in an effective way and no time wasting for manually checking of the test paper[3] [4]. The main
aim of Web based online examination system is to effectively evaluate the student exhaustively through a totally automated system
that not only saves lots of time but also gives fast and exact results. For Students they give exam according to their convenience
from any location by using Internet and there is no need of using additional thing like pen, papers, etc.
Online examination system helps students to offer a quick as well as easy way to available for the paper. It gives the
results quickly after the examination with 100% accuracy. Student can enter to give exam only with their valid username and
password. The online Examination contains multiple choice questions and appropriate number of options. There are no limitations
on number of options and it can be randomized so same set of question will not come to all student so it forbid manipulation. More
than one option can be right but the user can select only one option. This provides time limit. The user can see their results after
completing the paper. This helps the students to give the exam from far distance and which can provide surety of protection and
easiness and other beneficial features to the student [1].
A. System Architecture
The administrator module, coordinator and student modules include their part of functions to the Online Examination. The
initialization of the Online Examination is done by the ADMIN. The administrator adds registered information of the users to the
Online Examination system database and edited or deletes it as needed. The Coordinator inserts the questions to the question paper
of the Online Examination in subject wise manner. The question numbers are automatically generate. The complete subject wise
results of students can be viewed by the exam coordinator and administrator at any time after the completing the exam. The student
only have to login to attend the exam and after completing and submitting the exam the result is immediately generate.
C. Context Diagram
This diagram represents what are the bounders and scope of Online Examination System. It describes the main objective of the
system and its entities involved.
This Online Examination System can be applied in Universities and Colleges, Schools, Training institutions etc.
Functions of Online Examination System
B. Paper Genesis
The Role of this module is arbitrarily generating question paper according to specified requisite. It is the main function of online
examination system.
C. Online Test
Student user can use the function of online test to arbitrarily select a paper or use a paper assigned by teacher.
Online examination systems attempt to expeditiously evaluate the paper partakers thoroughly through a totally automated system
that saves time as well as give quick results. The Online examination system helps to completely automatize the old manual process
of taking exams. Normally it is execute by a Web Based Online Examination Software or and Intranet variance. It also importantly
decline the need for supervise while the exam is being taken.
An important high point of using a web based online examination system is that it gives a high level of transprentness as
opposing the traditional method. It is virtually impossible to compromise exam questions and valuations because they cannot also
be determined. Most online exams generate their results immediately and it is always possible for the examiner to get information
on his results instantly.
It becomes more and more popular in many colleges and training organizations that students have an exam via the internet.
It has many advantages, which has not geographical restrictions and is fair and reasonable. In high schools, Online test can realize
the "separation of teaching and evaluating" and automation management, and can use effectively campus network software and
hardware resources to achieve maximum effectiveness, and better for the school's teaching, research and management services. In
schools, to promote large-scale online test not only enables the examination of objectivity, fairness, but also can reduce the
workload of teachers through the automation of test paper, marking [10].
With the use of this system, we can moderately conclude that: It can help the authorization of the educational institution to maintain
the safety and integrity of its important data like record of attendance, exam results, etc. as the data shall instantly be transmitted
on the cloud wireless. The authorities not need to worry about misplacement pervert of attendance registers or exam registers, etc.
[1] Xu Qiaoxia, Liu Dongsheng. Research and Design of the Security of Network Examination System [J]. Computer Education, vol 5, pp. 40-42, 2010.
[2] Song Luo, Jianbin Hu and Zhong Chen."Task based automatic examination system for sequenced test". 2009 International Conference on Electronic Computer
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[5] Song Luo, Jianbin Hu and Zhong Chen."Task based automatic examination system for sequenced test". 2009 International Conference on Electronic Computer
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[6] Yu Yong-qui, Huang ji-feng, Lu xiao. Design of a remote training and examination system based on B/S. Microcomputer Information.Vol 9, pp232-233,292.
[7] Wang Aimin, Wang Jipeng. Design and Implementation of WebBased Intelligent Examination System. Proceeding of the 2009 WR1 World Congress on
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[8] Meiyu Fang."Design and implement of a web examination system using Struts and EJB". 2008 Seventh international Conference on Web-based Learning,
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[9] Zhang Chunhui. Analyzation of Data Security in Network Examination System [J]. Software Guide, vol 7, pp. 175-177, 2008.
[10] PENG JiJiang, YANG Guangzhong. "Design and realization of internet Exam system based on .NET". Science Technology and Engineering Vol(5),2005(20),
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