Conclusion: © 2002 by CRC Press LLC
Conclusion: © 2002 by CRC Press LLC
Conclusion: © 2002 by CRC Press LLC
Propulsion research has progressed steadily and well along focussed avenues
during the past several decades. The outstanding contributions by talented
researchers in the combustion discipline have led to the unprecedented fuel econ-
omy, reliability, and safety of the propulsion engines of today. Whereas funda-
mental problems in combustion related to propulsion are being solved at labora-
tories (in universities and industry), innovative systems are made commercially
available. Laboratory experiments and numerical simulations lead to design
optimizations that would otherwise involve heavy capital investment and long
development times. Advances in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and in
computational hardware led to a new frontier in numerical simulation and pre-
diction of combustion phenomena through Computational Combustion Dynam-
ics (CCD). The advent of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technology,
diode lasers, miniature sensors, controls, and diagnostics makes it possible to
control combustion starting at the fuel tank all the way to the exhaust pipe. To-
days combustion researcher, developer, and designer have extremely powerful
tools at hand.
To develop a totally new engine concept and to nd commercial or military
applications is a major challenge. When piston engines were the norm, the intro-
duction of gas turbine engines was criticized as an exercise in futility. Research
and perseverance have shown otherwise, and gas turbine engines are the engines
of choice for most propulsion applications today. The time is right to focus on
developing a new engine, to provide an alternate choice, perhaps a better choice,
for certain applications.
What are the choices for chemical propulsion in this century an engine operat-
ing on a totally dierent fuel, one operating on a dierent thermodynamic cycle,
or a combination of both? Of course, the choice depends upon the application.
It is worthwhile to develop a new concept of engines, ensure there are no show
stoppers, identify the issues, select appropriate approaches to solve the issues,
and establish the fundamental understanding needed to develop the concept into
a practical engine.
Before venturing into an alternate engine concept, it is prudent to briey
examine the limits and operational characteristics of existing or already tried
engines. Most of the U.S. tactical missiles employ solid rocket motors due to
their simplicity, small volume, and high-speed capability, but have a limited
range, especially powered range. For missiles requiring longer range and carrying
heavier payloads, turbojets/turbofans are employed because of their increased
specic impulse. However, they become prohibitively expensive for higher Mach
number operation, and are used for subsonic ight. Ramjets and ducted rockets
have been developed for providing long powered range at higher Mach number
(M = 24). However, they typically require solid propellant boosters to accel-
erate them to ramjet takeover speeds (M = 1.82.5), which increases cost and
complexity. They, also, do not have the capability to loiter at subsonic speeds.
Combined cycle engines such as air turbo rockets, turbo ramjets, etc. oer
the potential for missions that require wide range in operating speed, but they
are too complex and expensive [1].
Increased range, speed, stealth, reliability, reduced size, and the capability to op-
erate over a wide range of operational conditions without penalty in performance
are desired of modern propulsion systems. Further, these should be achieved with
less fuel consumption using an engine that costs less. An attractive way to in-
crease the range of a given propulsion system is to increase the energy per unit
volume of its fuel. For liquid hydrocarbon-fueled ramjets and cruise missiles,
a new class of high-density strained-hydrocarbon fuels have been synthesized
and its combustion characteristics were evaluated [2]. Research eorts in the de-
velopment and characterization of these fuels are given in Section 1 of this book.
The utilization of these fuels has not been demonstrated in actual engines, though
the major issues in combusting these fuels are solved, and synthesis techniques
for larger scale productions are in place [3].
The advantages of these fuels are often underestimated, considering the prob-
able higher cost of the fuel compared with conventional fuels like JP-10 or diesel
the time it takes and the cost to realize technology applications. It is hoped that
future engines will perform equally well in o-design conditions, with improved
reliability and easier maintenance.
An engine concept that utilizes a more ecient thermodynamic cycle that con-
sumes less fuel, and is simple and capable of operation at both subsonic as well
as supersonic speeds, would be an attractive alternative for future propulsion
systems. Pulse detonation engines (PDE), in principle, can provide higher ef-
ciency [9], and better performance over a wide range of operating conditions,
with fewer moving parts.
Over several decades, extensive research has been undertaken on the fun-
damental theory and the mechanisms involved in detonation. Extensive infor-
mation on this research is in the literature [10]. But of the three fundamental
combustion phenomena deagration, explosion, and detonation only det-
onation has not found exploitation in practical civilian or military applications
to the extent that this phenomenon warrants. This is partly due to the fact that
the science and technology involved is very complex due to the intense and fast
energy release rates and their interaction with the connement prescribed by the
application. The lack of decisive customer demand for devices based on detona-
tion phenomena is another factor that has prevented the transition of detonation
science to technology.
The climate has changed in both of these areas. Measurements with very
high spatial and temporal resolution, recently made possible, will help to under-
stand and control detonation wave propagation in conned geometry. The evo-
lution of MEMS enables advanced control strategies. Further, current advances
in CCD and the capability of modern computers make it possible to perform
meaningful computations, parametric studies, and scale-up of the transient pro-
cess. With the increasing emphasis in costs and economic fuel usage, simple and
thermodynamically more ecient engines are receiving added attention. PDE
has this potential, with a wider operational envelope and fewer moving parts. In
a PDE, detonation is initiated in a tube that serves as the combustor. The tube
can be of constant area, axisymmetric, variable area, or nonaxisymmetric. The
detonation wave rapidly traverses the chamber resulting in a nearly constant-
volume heat addition process that produces a high pressure in the combustor
and provides the thrust. The operation of multitube congurations at high fre-
quencies (100 Hz and more) can produce a near-constant thrust. A schematic of
PDE operation is shown in Fig. 30.2 [9].
In Fig. 30.3, the thermodynamic eciencies of a constant-pressure Brayton
cycle, a constant-volume Humphery cycle (which approximates a PDE cycle),
and a true detonation ChapmanJouguet (CJ) cycle for a typical hydrocarbon
fuel are compared [11]. Though the constant-volume cycle shows substantial ef-
ciency advantage, this zeroth order comparison cannot be taken as the correct
quantitative comparison, since PDE operates in a pulsed transient mode. How-
ever, this gives the condence that one begins with a much more ecient cycle
to develop PDE.
During the past several years, universities and industry have studied PDEs, deto-
nation physics as applied to PDE, and the performance and operational envelope
of PDE, as well as have demonstrated single and multicycle detonations. Cal-
culation of the theoretical cycle eciency requires prediction of detonation wave
structure, and the resulting head-end pressuretime history, which is dependent
upon the PDE geometry. The geometry inuences the evacuation and relling
times as well as the pressure history, while the detonation wave traverses the
tube. This could result in considerable dierences in the calculation of PDE
cycle eciency. Various assumptions made and the boundary conditions used in
the formulation will predict varying performance advantages. Figure 30.4 shows
the variation in the specic impulse, depending upon how the exit boundary con-
ditions of the detonation tubes are prescribed [11]. As can be seen, substantial
dierence can occur when the gases are relaxed instantaneously to the ambient
as opposed to gradual relaxation. The performance of PDE varies with the al-
titude at which it ies and the type of fuel it uses. Hence, the development of
PDE performance criteria and the tools to predict accurately the performance
are vital not only for design, but also for comparison with other competing tech-
nologies. Performance and operational envelope of various engines provided by
Adroit Systems, Inc. are shown in Fig. 30.5 [12].
In todays climate any evolving or innovative technology should meet two crite-
ria: (a) operational reliability, eciency, etc., and (b) be able to compete with
existing technology with sucient margin. Small incremental advantages do not
warrant substantial investment when R&D funds are getting scarce. Several
R&D opportunities arise from the challenges pointed out earlier. First of all,
there is a need for reliable performance prediction. This opportunity comprises
not only direct numerical simulation of the PDE process in a realistic control
volume, but also the reduced chemical reactions formulation, and appropriate
user-friendly model development. Inter-agency sponsorship is needed to develop
a mutually agreed upon and veriable performance prediction strategy.
There is opportunity in the future not only to perform CCD simulations
to understand and develop parametrics of components, but also to elucidate
inlet, combustor, nozzle interactions, and optimization. Further a validated
system code is needed from the system performance prediction, comparison,
optimization, and design points of view. The study should be extended to various
fueloxidizer combinations.
Development of benchmark experiments that can accurately measure per-
formance of simple PDE congurations, which can be used for CCD code val-
idations, is required. This will also provide fuel droplet size and distribution,
species concentration, and soot and thrust measurements.
The fuels area oers signicant future opportunities for the synthetic chem-
ists and combustion scientists. A tailored fuel may be in order since fuels that
exhibit rapid initiation and rapid development of chemical reactions can signi-
cantly inuence the detonation process.
There is also an opportunity to use the concept of controlled in-chamber
blending of two fuels exhibiting dierent detonability characteristics [17].
Simple axisymmetric detonation tubes of constant cross-sections have been
used in most of the laboratory scale and development experiments. Such a cross-
section oers ease of fabrication and stacking; however, to minimize the length
of the detonation chamber and to sustain ecient detonation propagation and
scale-up, a noncircular varying geometry cross-section may be more appropriate.
There are opportunities to explore this aspect both from the basic detonation
initiation and propagation points of view, and from the engineering design and
packaging points of view.
Tailored fuel injection, multicycle operation, and multichannel congura-
tions provide a challenging opportunity for control of detonation-based propul-
sion systems. By sequencing the ring order and controlling the number of cycles,
uidic thrust vectoring without external ns and actuators may be feasible. This
will further the competitive edge of PDE due to the associated reduction in drag,
and improved acceleration, deceleration, and maneuverability.
The past several decades have seen substantial advances in chemical propul-
sion. A number of scientic accomplishments such as sequential fuel injection
and active feed-back control with diode-laser sensors have been transitioned to
technology applications. In the 21st century, the demands on engines used in
chemical propulsion systems are increasing, whereas the development time and
costs both capital and operational are to be reduced. This leads research to
a multidisciplinary, multiorganizational structure and to a close and constant in-
teraction among scientic/technology/industry/customer communities. The old
paradigm of a scientic research leading to technology development and product
changed to a new paradigm of integration, shown in Fig. 30.8.
Research in this decade should focus on new energetic and tailored fuels
with faster energy release rates. The combustion process should be controlled
at all steps to obtain optimal performance from the chemical propulsion sys-
tem at all conditions of operation. Detonation processes should be investigated
with reference to propulsion applications such as a multitube multicycle PDE.
Investigations of new and novel combustion concepts are in order. With the
unprecedented tools on hand ultrafast computing capability, in situ diag-
nostics with high temporal and spatial resolution, and faster data processing
algorithms maybe quantum leaps can become reality in chemical propulsion
in the near future.
1. Jenson, G. E., and D. W. Netzer, eds. 1996. Tactical missile propulsion. AIAA
progress in astronautics and aeronautics ser. Washington, DC: American Institute
of Aeronautics and Astronautics 170.
2. Roy, G. D. 2000. Utilization of high-density strained-hydrocarbon fuels for propul-
sion. J. Propulsion Power 16(4):54651.