Lesson Plan - GR 3 Social Studies
Lesson Plan - GR 3 Social Studies
Lesson Plan - GR 3 Social Studies
(b) Give examples of how culture is reflected in daily life in various communities,
and examine why these cultural elements are important (e.g., language, stories,
cultural traditions, religious traditions, recreation, art, architecture, and clothing).
Stage 2- Assessment
Assessment FOR Learning (formative): Assess the students during the learning to
help them understand our discussion in talking circle.
At the beginning of the first lesson in talking circle I will ask students questions on how
they say good-bye to someone they know? Ask them questions if they know the
importance of the First Nation culture in not saying good-bye to someone.
Students will conduct themselves with respect, paying attention, being respectful of
others & respecting smudge.
By doing this we will follow up after talking circle with them writing in their journals
about what they have learned from saying see you again.
Stage 3- Procedures:
We will start talking circle off with telling Mushum that we will discuss where we are
from? How old everyone is and what do they like to do?
Main Procedures/Strategies:
Introduction: The students will engage in asking and answering questions about what
they know of saying good-bye to someone.
To not hold onto grudges to someone who is special to you because you never know
when the creator will call them home.
Closing of lesson:
Do an assessment on where the students are after they have written a reflection in their
journals. Get the students to show me what they have written down before putting away
their journal books. Review the lesson and thank them all for having circle with me.
Personal Reflection:
As a student teacher, I am growing and learning to start creating lesson plans. I want to
learn and be able to put as much knowledge and discovery learning in each lesson plan I
create and teach.