Liquid: Ternmy Systems
Liquid: Ternmy Systems
Liquid: Ternmy Systems
Mobil Oil Coroorotion I
Paulsboro, N e w Jersey
and Norman O. Smith I Ternmy Liquid Systems
Fordham University
N e w York, N e w York 10458
O v e r the past thirty years an extensive extent. (Such interaction does not destroy the ternary
body of data on ternary liquid systems has been pub- character of the system as long as the composition of all
lished. A survey of these data and, in particular, the phases a t thermodynamic equilibrium can still he
considerable experimental work of one of us (AWF) expressed in terms of the original three components.
with such systems have revealed certain features of I n general, a quadrangle is needed to represent the
phase diagrams found only in monographs or research isothermal behavior of truly reciprocal ternary systems
papers but which are not general knowledge. The but, with the example mentioned, the composition
frequency with which some of the features have heen range studied is confined to a triangle, thus making the
observed suggests that there are guiding principles to be latter an adequate means of representation.) It is
followed, and that textbooks are frequently in error in clear, however, that a concavity cannot occur at the
certain matters. I n most cases apparent exceptions to plait point for then the tie lines immediately adjacent to
these principles have been found to be the result of it would have to cross the one-phase area and so result
known or probable impurities. This paper is an attempt in a contradiction. A symmetrical hinodal curve, with
to summarize what generalizations have been observed a plait point near the apex of the triangle is rare, but
and to draw attention to some examples of novel and observed in the system water-acetone-carbon disulfide
fascinating behavior which add interest to a classical at 20-21C (5) when compositions are plotted in
subject. It is hoped, at the same time, that it will weight per cent. This system also possesses an isopyc-
help to discourage the drawing of unrealistic phase n i e a phenomenon to he discussed below.
diagrams for instructional purposes. Except where The tie lines, when produced, intersect the side of the
stated, it is understood that ternary systems are being triangle on which the binodal curve is based only when
discussed, so that the presence of a fourth substance that side is also extended, as shown in Figure 1. Al-
(especially water), even in small amounts as an im- leged examples of tie lines intersecting the unextended
purity, is excluded. side have, in several cases tested, been shown to be the
result of impurities (4).Similarly, a tangent to the curve
Two Coexisting Phases at the plait point does not intersect the unextended
The most familiar phase behavior is that in which side. Alternatively, if straight lines be drawn from
two of the three liquid components are immiscible or the plait point to all three corners of the triangle, only
partially miscible, but each is miscible with the thud. one of these fails to cross the corresponding two-liquid
Addition of a sufficient quantity of the latter increases region. Meeting this restriction which, so far a3 is
the mutual solubility of the other two to the point where known, has no thermodynamic proof, requires con-
complete miscibility is attained, as shown in Figure 1 siderable care in the construction of figures with two or
(1) for the system acetic acid-isopropyl ether-water a t three plait points. Such systems will be discussed
23-24C. The binodal curve or "bite," XPY, separ- below. I n these the reverse relation also probably
ating the one-phase and two-phase areas, is the locus of holds, viz., only one plait point can be reached by a
the ends of the tie lines. At P, the plait point, the tie straight line from any one corner without crossing its
lines have shrunk to a point. As applied to isothermal
extraction for an unusually favorable situation, B is the
original solvent for the solute A, and C is the extracting
solvent. The extract lies on Y P and the residual solu-
tion (raffinate) on XP. For a more common, hut less
favorable, situation the meanings of B and C are re-
versed. If the two-phase area is small then it is
usually also shallow. Othmer and coworkers (1)
observed that the plait point is located at a flatter por-
tion of the binodal curve. While the curve is generally
convex, a concavity can occur, as in the system water-
sulfuric acid-diethyl ether ($) at 25'C, where chemical
interaction between components takes place to some
Presented before the Division of Chemical Education of the
American Chemical Society, Minneapolis, Minnesota, April 1969.
Present Address: Apt. 12A-3, Redfield Village, Metuchen, Figure 1. The system acetic ocid(A1-iropropyl other(B1-water(C1 at
New Jersey 08840. 23-24'C.
Figure 5. The ryrtem hydrogen chloride.woter-dioxane a t 20'C. Figure 7. System of two ralh with o common ion and wafer showing
ermneour dirporition of isothermal solubility curves.
Figure 6. The system carbon dioxide-water-phenol a t 25'C (under prel- Figure 8. The ryrtem potosium carbonate-water-methml at 25'C. H
sure). ?ha equilibria inrdving d i d phenol ore omiwed. represents the hydrate 2KzCOs .3Hz0.
NlTR BENZENE do not have a common tangent as sometimes postulated,
but appear as two nearly straight lines intersecting a t a
finite angle. Thereafter, the borders of the resulting
band are highly concave but have no cusps, Figure
The second mode of contact arises when two binodal
areas make contact involving only one of the two plait
points. Figures 10a and lob show schematically the
sequence of events in the system nitromethane-eth-
ylene glycol-lauryl alcohol at temperatures just above
and just below the subcol temperature, 28.5"C, respec-
tively (10). The subcol tie line ab, Figure 10a, splits
to form the internal triangle a'af'b of Figure lob. It is
to be noted that one of the contacting curves-the one
the plait point of which is not involved in the coutact-
Figure 1 1 . a, b. T h e system nitroethane-ethylene glycol-lauryl alcohol Figwe 12. The 3ystem toluene-97% acetic acid-n-heptone ot 2SPC
lust above a n d lust below 16..SC. The equilibria involving d i d loury1 ghoxing phore boundory cunrer.
olcohol ore omitted.
must be concave at the point where the merger occurs, triangle. The latter event is unlikely since the salt
in order not to contravene the Schreinemakers rule would tend to enter the water-rich layer to a greater
given above. extent than the alcohol-rich layer.
The t,hird
~-~ kind of behavior is shown in F i ~ u r e sl l a
In spite of the inability to represent even two-phase
and l l b which illustrate schematically the system equilibria, one can still plot "phase boundary curves"
nitroethane-ethylene glycol-lauryl alcohol (10) a t tem- on triangular diagrams in such cases. These are
peratures just above and just below the temperature at curves resembling XPY of Figure 1. Total composi-
which the new binodal area erupts from within the old, tions lying outside of the "bite" area give a single phase
also a subcol temperature, 16.5"C. (The phase re- of the same composition; total compositions lying within
lationships are actually slightly more complex than the area give more than one phase, but the compositions
shown, because of the presence of solid lauryl alcohol, of these phases cannot be accurately represented since
m.p. 22.7'C. The equilibria involving this solid have such phases are not ternary. As they cannot be
been omit,ted from the diagram for simplicity, but the plotted they do not necessarily lie on the phase bound-
omission does not affect the liquid-liquid equilibria ary curve and, strictly, tie lines cannot be drawn across
features under consideration.) the area. The curve is not, therefore, a binodal curve,
and the comments made earlier concerning the shape of
Presence of a Fourth Substance binodal curves are not applicable to it. Nevertheless,
The presence of small amounts of a fourth substance it is possible to plot a plait point under these circum-
can exert a profound influence on the phase behavior of stances, since it, too, lies on the edge of an area of
the other t,hree. The location of plait points, for homogeneity.
example, is very sensitive to impurities. The fourt,h Phase boundary curves frequently consist of reverse
substance is sometimes deliberately introduced in curves with concavities, as shown by Figure 12 for the
appreciable quant,it,iesby, for example, replacing one of system toluene-aqueous acetic acid-n-heptane at 25'C
the component,^ of a ternary system by a solution of the (81). When anhydrous acetic acid is used, the three
fourth substance in that component. The system is components, acetic acid, toluene, and n-heptane, are
now quaternary (21), but certain features of ternary miscible in all proportions, so the phase diagrams con-
systems may be retained under these circumstances. sist of an empty triangle. When 98% acetic acid
Consider, for example, the use of an aqueous salt (in water) is used, however, partial miscibility develops
solution in place of pure water in the ternary system between the aqueous acid and the heptane. When
wat,er-alcohol-acid. Let us suppose that the alcohol 97% acetic acid is used partial miscibility also develops
Volume 46, Number 12, December 1969 / 819
between the aqueous acid and the toluene, a seen in (11) TRIMBLF. F.. A N D DUNLOP. A. P.. Ind. EW. chsm.. ~ n a l ~. d . 12,
. 721
Figure 12. By regarding water as an impurity in this ( 1 2 ) F m m r a . A. w.. A N D KING.
W. H., "chemistry of P ~ nydro- ~ ~
svstem one can readily
" auureciate the drastic influence