Basic 2
Basic 2
Basic 2
B. stated in writing and include all specific details of the case, in-
; pertinent facts.
qualified and certified who does not perform NDT but monitors and evaluates NDT?
3. Certification is:
....... '.'
A. Calibrate equipment
~ Establish techniques
D. Provide training
A. specific calibrations.
C. specific evaluations.
10. Should personnel that operate ultrasonic digital thickness measurement equip-
solely upon the needs of the employer and the requirements of the
11. For a person being qualified directly to Level II with no time at Level I,
.r>: C.
I and II.
13. A certified Level III individual terminates his employment with employer A
B. The employer must examine the individual if he has not been working
C. The employer may recertify the individual to Level III, but only
14. For Level I and II examinations, the recommended composite score is:
A. 60%
B. 90%
C. 70%
, 80%
written practice of the outside agency pertains, and it is not neces-
sary for the employer that uses the outside services to have a writ-
ten practice.
in direct employment.
outside services.
certifying employer.
in their place.
18. Which of the following parts of Level I and Level II examinations should be
A. 10.0
B. 1.00
C. 0.10
D. 0.80
~ Kilovoltage or wavelength
B. Time
C. Milliamperage
D. Source-to-film Distance
22. Which of the following technique variables is most commonly used to adjust
subject contrast?
... ;';"
B. Milliamperage
/ Kilovol tage
A. Circumferential cracks
~ Longitudinal cracks
C. Cracks in cylindrical parts at right angle to the long axis of the part
A. By a Head Shot
25. The type of magnetizing current for inspection of fatigue cracks is:
A. Direct Current
~ Alternating Current
26. When an Ultrasonic beam passes through the interface of two dissimilar mater-
ials at an angle, a new angle sound travel takes place in the second material
due to:
A. Altenuation
B. Rarefaction
C. Compression
28. Which of the following penetrant systems is generally considered the least
continuities depending on the test system and the type of test being
(31. In order to generate measurable eddy currents in a test system, the specimen
must be:
A. an electrical conductor
B. an electrical insulator
D. a ferromagnetic material
E. a non-magnetic material
32. Materials which are exposed to thermal neutron beams during newton radiography:
A. may not be handled for at least 3 minutes after the exposure has ceased
A. Bubble detection
C. Halogen "sniffing"
A. barometric pressure
be harmless.
37. Which of the following materials properties are of most concern if corrosion
resistance is essential?
A. Processing properties
B. Mechanical properties
C. Physical properties
A. forging
B. casting
cold rolling
E. brazing
detect surface discontinuities that could be stress risers.
40. Frequently, dimensions are permitted to vary within specified limits. These
A. variances
B. fudge factors
C. absolute dimensions
factors of safe ty
7E. tolerances
41. Metal corrosion that is accelerated when the metal is under loads is called:
A. pitting corrosion
B. galvanic corrosion
C. electrochemical corrosion
.: stress corrosion
A. wrought iron
~stainless steels
D. nonferrous steels
~nickel alloys
B. steel alloys
c. magnesium alloys
D. aluminum alloys
E. copper alloys
44. Which of the following metals can typically be used in the as-cast state?
A. Aluminum
B. Zinc
c. Steel
D. Iron
46. The design of the casting is important because the quality of the finished
c. the location of "hot spots" in areas of the casting that are isolated
by thin sections
metal interfaces with already solidified metal with failure to fuse at the
interface is:
A. hot tear
/- cold shut
C. lack of fusion
D. segregation
48. Which of the following may cause a discontinuity even though its intended
A. Riser
X Core
/- D.
Internal chill
49. After welding, many steel weldments are heat treated to obtain more uniform
properties between the weld and base metal and to relieve stress. Which
- .~ A. Tempering
B. Martensitic aging
C. Normalizing
D. Spheroidizing
50. Welds and weldments have been known to develop cracks long after cooling but
NDT examinations because this area will contain the best quality
cast material.
shrinkage cavities.
52. Cracks in the weld metal are primarily of which three types?
53. Which of the following is an incorrect welding symbol with respect to the
weld joint shown?
C) B c
Crater cracks may take the form of a single crack or star-shaped cracks and
~/~ anywhere along a weld where the welding was stopped and restarted.
~ C. in the natural crater formed between the two plates in a typical
fillet weld.
D. in the root area of a multiple pass weld where the weld metal failed
The principal purpose of pre-heat treatmen~ and post-heat treatment in welds
is to:
C. create grains in the weld that are the same as those in the base metal.
D. cause the weld ripple and reinforcement to blend into the base metal.
57. The welding process in which the arc is extinguished after melting a slag
cover and in which the base metal and copper slides form a sort of moving mold
is called:
~ctroSlag welding.
C. electron-beam welding.
D. slag-mold welding.
58. Which of the following welding processes uses a nonconsumable electrode with
D. Electroslag Welding
59. In welding, the most obvious defects are those associated with structural
and distortion.