Basic 2

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1. The SNT-TC-1A Interpretation Panel will respond to inquiries about SNT-TC-1A.

The inquiry must be:

~ stated in writing and in general terms only.

B. stated in writing and include all specific details of the case, in-

cluding names of companies and individuals involved, dates, and other

; pertinent facts.

C. considered by the ASNT Board of Directors if it involves decisions

that would place ASNT in a position between buyer and seller.

D. ruled upon by the Technical Council of ASNT before the SNT-TC-1A

Interpretation Panel prepares a response.

2. Who should be responsible to assess whether or not an individual should be

qualified and certified who does not perform NDT but monitors and evaluates NDT?


~ The individual's employer

C. A government regulatory agency

D. The customer's auditor

E. None of the above

3. Certification is:

A. the skill, training, and experience required for personnel to properly

perform the duties of a specific job.

~ written testimony of qualification.

e. intended to be conferred by an organization independent from the


D. intended to be conferred by an organization hired by the employer.

E. intended to be conferred on Level III personnel by ASNT only.

....... '.'

4. Which of the following is NOT within the scope of activities of a Level II

individual, as recommended in SNT-TC-IA?

A. Calibrate equipment

B. Prepare written instructions

~ Establish techniques

D. Provide training

5. High school education is recommended as a minimum requirement for:

~ Level III only.

B. Level II and Level III only.

C. none of the levels.

D. all three levels.

6. The recommended number of training hours in a particular method are:

~? listed as a function of the candidate's education.

B. the same regardless of the candidate's education.

C. listed as a function of the candidate's experience.

D. reduced if the candidate is being qualified in more than one method


E. increased if the candidate is not working full-time in NDT.

7. As recommended in SNT-TC-IA, a Level II:

/ may conduct 'on-the-job training and guidance of Level I personnel,

with the Level I training and guiding Trainees.

B. is responsible for the training and examination of Level I per-

sonnel for certification.

C. must be capable of and responsible for establishing techniques.

~ all of the above are true.

E. none of the above are true.

8. As recommended in SNT-TC-IA, which of the following is true?
A. Overtime cannot be considered in meeting the minimum experience.

/ Overtime can only be considered if the candidate is being qualified

in more than one method simultaneously.

C. Overtime can be credited based on total hours.

SNT-TC-IA does not currently provide a recommendation regarding


9. According to written instructions, NDT Level I may be qualified to perform:

A. specific calibrations.

B. specific nondestructive tests.

C. specific evaluations.

~ allof the above, AND write reports of test results.

E. only A, B, and C above.

10. Should personnel that operate ultrasonic digital thickness measurement equip-

ment be qualified and certified?

~yes. because SNT-TC-1A requires that all personnel performing NDT

be qualified and certified.

B. No, because SNT-TC-IA does not cover that specific operation.

C. Only if required by industry codes, standards, and specifications.

~ Whether any NOT personnel should be qualified and certified depends

solely upon the needs of the employer and the requirements of the

employer's customers or clientele.

11. For a person being qualified directly to Level II with no time at Level I,

the recommended experience consists of:

A. the time recommended for Level II.

B. the time recommended for Level III.

sum of the times recommended for Level I and Level II.

D. not less than 6 months for any method.

E. the sum of the times recommended for a Trainee and Level I.


12. The practical examination is recommended to include operational familiarity

with test equipment and analysis of test results for:

A. Levels I, II, and III.

.r>: C.
I and II.

Levels II and III.

D. Trainees., Level I, and Level II.

E. Trainees, Levels I, II, and III.

13. A certified Level III individual terminates his employment with employer A

\ and is immediately employed by employer B. Employer B may certify the indi-

idual as Level III based upon which of the following?

A. The employer must examine the individual.

B. The employer must examine the individual if he has not been working

as a Level III during the past six months.

C. The employer may recertify the individual to Level III, but only

after six months of satisfactory service.

~: The employer may waive examination if the individual can provide

evidence of demonstrated ability, achievement, experience, and


14. For Level I and II examinations, the recommended composite score is:

A. 60%

B. 90%

C. 70%

, 80%

15. If an outside agency is engaged to provide Level III services, the:

written practice of the outside agency pertains, and it is not neces-

sary for the employer that uses the outside services to have a writ-

ten practice.

~ responsibility of certification must be retained by the employer

utilizing outside services.

c. employer utilizing outside services must nonetheless have a Level III

in direct employment.

D. outside agency may certify the personnel of the employer utilizing

outside services.

16. Which of the following statements is true concerning recertification? ~

A. Recertification can be accomplished only be re-examination at least

once every three years.

~ Recertification can be based upon evidence of continuing satisfactory


c. Once certified to a particular level, certification can only be

terminated if the certified individual terminates employment with the

certifying employer.

D. Re-examination of a certified individual can be accomplished on~y

after three years at a particular level.

17. In certification of Level III personnel according to the recommendations of

SNT-TC-IA, the employer:

A. must give written examinations.

~ L
B. must give general and specific examinations.

C. may waive examinations.

D. can waive written examinations only if oral examinations are given

in their place.

18. Which of the following parts of Level I and Level II examinations should be


---;7. The general and specific

B. The general and practical

C. The general, specific, and practical

D. Only the general

19. Of the f personnel, which can administer the near distance visual

acuity examination using the reading card with Jaeger letters?

A. An NDT Level III.

B. A selected representative of the NDT Level III.

C. A plant nurse, if so designated by the NDT Level III.

~All of the above.

20. Percentile weights used in grading are recommended to total:

A. 10.0

B. 1.00

C. 0.10

D. 0.80

21. The penetrating ability of an X-ray beam is governed by:

~ Kilovoltage or wavelength

B. Time

C. Milliamperage

D. Source-to-film Distance

22. Which of the following technique variables is most commonly used to adjust

subject contrast?
... ;';"

A. Source to Film Distance

B. Milliamperage

/ Kilovol tage

D. Focal Spot Size

E. None of the above

23. Circular Magnetization is useful in the detection of:

A. Circumferential cracks

~ Longitudinal cracks

C. Cracks in cylindrical parts at right angle to the long axis of the part

D. Both A and C above

- - - -_ ------------------------

24. How is the inside diameter of a cylinder best magnetized?

A. By a Head Shot

B. By using prods at either end

/With a central conductor placed between contact heads

D. with the cylinder placed crosswise in a solenoid

25. The type of magnetizing current for inspection of fatigue cracks is:

A. Direct Current

~ Alternating Current

C. Half-Wave cirect current

D. Full wave rectified direct current

E. Any of the above will do a good job

26. When an Ultrasonic beam passes through the interface of two dissimilar mater-

ials at an angle, a new angle sound travel takes place in the second material

due to:

A. Altenuation

B. Rarefaction

C. Compression


27. Significant errors in Ultrasonic thickness measurement can occur if:

A. test velocity is varied

~ the velocity of propagation deviates substantially from an assumed

constant value for a given material.

C. Water is used as a couplant

D. longitudinal waves are used

28. Which of the following penetrant systems is generally considered the least


~water-washable; visible dye

B. Solvent-removable; visible dye

C. Water-washable; fluorescent dye

D. Post-emulsified; visible dye
29. A problem with retesting a specimen which has been previously tested using

liquid penetrant is that:

A. the penetrant may form beads on the surface

~ the penetrant residue left in discontinuities may not readily

dissolve and the retest may be misleading.

C. the penetrant will lose a great deal of its color brilliance

D. none of the above

(( 30. Reference Standards used for eddy current testing:

A. must contain artificial discontinuities such as notches and drilled


B. must contain natural discontinuities such as notches and drilled


C. must be free of measurable discont~nuities

D. may contain artificial or natural discontinuities or be free of dis-

continuities depending on the test system and the type of test being


(31. In order to generate measurable eddy currents in a test system, the specimen

must be:

A. an electrical conductor

B. an electrical insulator

C. either a conductor or insulator

D. a ferromagnetic material

E. a non-magnetic material

32. Materials which are exposed to thermal neutron beams during newton radiography:

A. may not be handled for at least 3 minutes after the exposure has ceased

B. must be stored in lead-lined rooms

C. may become radioactive after exposure to newtrons

D. should be monitored by means of a newtron counter

E. present no particular problem since they cannot be radioactive

33. Lead is:

A. a good newt ron shield

B. corroded by newt ron exposures

C. a relatively poor newtron absorber

D. an efficient conversion screen

34. Which of the following is a technique of leak testing?

A. Bubble detection

B. Measurement of pressure change

C. Halogen "sniffing"

D. all the above

35. All leak detection methods are dependent upon:

A. barometric pressure

B. gas or liquid flow

C. mass spectrometers analysis

y mean free paths of helium flow

36. ~h ~f the following statements best differentiates between a defect and a


/"B. Discontinuities can propagate and become defects.

All discontinuities are defects.

C. All defects will lead to failure if undetected; discontinuities can

be harmless.

D. Discontinuities are external natural boundaries only; defects are

internal flaws originating from errors in processing.

37. Which of the following materials properties are of most concern if corrosion

resistance is essential?

A. Processing properties

B. Mechanical properties

C. Physical properties

/" Chemical properties

------------- ---------------------------------------------------~-------

38. Most seamless tubing made without welds is processed by:

A. forging

B. casting


cold rolling

E. brazing

39. A fatigue failure can often be prevented by utilizing NDT to:

A. verify the cyclic loading on a component part.

detect surface discontinuities that could be stress risers.

measure the endurance limit of a part undergoing cyclic stresses.

D. determine percent elongation of a material before it is placed in


40. Frequently, dimensions are permitted to vary within specified limits. These

variations are called:

A. variances

B. fudge factors

C. absolute dimensions

factors of safe ty
7E. tolerances

41. Metal corrosion that is accelerated when the metal is under loads is called:

A. pitting corrosion

B. galvanic corrosion

C. electrochemical corrosion

.: stress corrosion

42. Corrosion-resistant steels having relatively high percentages of nickel and

chromium are called:

A. wrought iron

B. low alloy steels

--- -- ----- -----------------------~--

~stainless steels

D. nonferrous steels

43. Monel and Inconel are:

~nickel alloys

B. steel alloys

c. magnesium alloys

D. aluminum alloys

E. copper alloys

44. Which of the following metals can typically be used in the as-cast state?

A. Aluminum

B. Zinc

c. Steel

D. Iron

~All of the above

45. Manufacturing processes c~ange raw material by:

A. increasing the material's volume

B. decreasing the material's volume

C. solid deformation with no volume change

D. both A and B above

/- all of the above

46. The design of the casting is important because the quality of the finished

product can be adversely affected by the:

A. lack of molten metal to compensate for contraction

B. location of the gate with reference to either progressive solidifi-

cation or directional solidification

c. the location of "hot spots" in areas of the casting that are isolated

by thin sections

/- all of the above

E. none of the above

------------- ---------- --------------------------------------=~-----------=~-----

47. The term used to describe a*?iscontinuity

in a casting that occurs when molten

metal interfaces with already solidified metal with failure to fuse at the

interface is:

A. hot tear

/- cold shut

C. lack of fusion

D. segregation

48. Which of the following may cause a discontinuity even though its intended

purpose is to prevent shrinkage cavities by absorbing heat from the molten

metal in the center of the casting?

A. Riser

X Core

/- D.
Internal chill


49. After welding, many steel weldments are heat treated to obtain more uniform

properties between the weld and base metal and to relieve stress. Which

heat treatment method is often used following we Ldf.rig


- .~ A. Tempering

B. Martensitic aging

C. Normalizing

D. Spheroidizing

50. Welds and weldments have been known to develop cracks long after cooling but

prior to being used in service.

What is the principal cause for such cracks?

A. Accelerated corrosion at high temperature

B. Scattered porosity in the weld

C. Improper selection of base material

.: Excessive residual stresses

51. The part of the casting where the gate or riser was attached:

A. should be the area used to establish reference standards for future

NDT examinations because this area will contain the best quality

cast material.

B. provides the best quality material because of rapid cooling in this


C. should be the area that "freezes" first, thus preventing excessive

shrinkage cavities.

j ~ay provide a concentration point for discontinuities.

52. Cracks in the weld metal are primarily of which three types?

A. Shallow, deep, and intermittent

/ Longitudinal, transverse, and crater

C. Laminar, through, and oblique

D. Longitudinal, laminar, and intermittent

53. Which of the following is an incorrect welding symbol with respect to the

weld joint shown?

C) B c
Crater cracks may take the form of a single crack or star-shaped cracks and

will usually be found:

A. by magnetic particle techniques since crater cracks are always sub-


~/~ anywhere along a weld where the welding was stopped and restarted.
~ C. in the natural crater formed between the two plates in a typical

fillet weld.

D. in the root area of a multiple pass weld where the weld metal failed

to flow completely into the root opening.

55. If the vee groove weld shown below was made in multiple passes and not clamped

or restrained, typical warping would take place in which direction?

A. Edges A and B would be lowered due to the expansion of the weld

metal in the weld zone.

Edges A and B would be raised due to contraction of the weld metal.

C. In a multipass weld, there would be little if any warpage.

D. Expansion and contraction would be equal in a vee groove weld as shown.

The principal purpose of pre-heat treatmen~ and post-heat treatment in welds

is to:

A. reduce the probability of formation of porosity in the weld.

~neutralize residual stresses and geometric distortion.

C. create grains in the weld that are the same as those in the base metal.

D. cause the weld ripple and reinforcement to blend into the base metal.

57. The welding process in which the arc is extinguished after melting a slag

cover and in which the base metal and copper slides form a sort of moving mold

is called:

~ctroSlag welding.

B. submerged arc welding.

C. electron-beam welding.

D. slag-mold welding.
58. Which of the following welding processes uses a nonconsumable electrode with

the arc maintained in an atmosphere of inert gas?

.. _/

/ Gas Tungsten Arc Welding

B. Submerged Arc Welding

c. Gas Metal Arc Welding

D. Electroslag Welding

59. In welding, the most obvious defects are those associated with structural

discontinuities in the weld itself.

Other conditions that can also be considered defects are:

A. improper weld dimensions and profile.

B. base metal irregularities that have been enlarged by welding stresses

and distortion.

c. structurally sould welds, but those with inadequate properties caused

by errors in filler metal selection.

D. both A and C above.

~ all of the above.

60. In a casting, shrinkage occurs:

A. only after the transformation from liquid to solid.

B. only during the transformation from liquid to solid.

~ before during and after the transformation from liquid to solid.

D. only when the metal is in the liquid state.

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