TYM Complete Malay

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Complete Malay

Christopher Byrnes and

Tam Lye Suan with Eva Nyimas

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Meet the authors vii
Only got a minute? viii
Only got ten minutes? x
Introduction xv
Pronunciation guide xxviii
1 Welcome to Singapore 1
Greeting people introducing yourself and others
saying where you come from
2 Arrivals 15
Using less formal yes/no questions showing possession
3 Tell me more about yourself 27
Giving information about yourself and asking about
other people expressing nationalities and languages
asking basic questions
4 At work and at school 50
Talking about your job and asking about what other
people do expressing your capabilities talking about
education and study
5 Meet the family 70
Talking about members of your family expressing where
things are in your house saying the numbers 1 to 10
6 Sightseeing 98
Asking what there is to see and do expressing existence
using numbers 1 to 99 telling the time saying the
days of the week
7 Invitations 122
Making, accepting and declining an invitation
giving reasons saying the months
8 Directions 140
Asking for directions understanding the directions
you are given


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9 Changing money 151
Changing money understanding and expressing
high numbers expressing distance, weight, height, etc.
10 Getting around 166
Buying tickets for journeys talking about using
various modes of transport using more time expressions
11 Checking in 183
Getting rooms in a hotel asking about services
saying what you usually do
12 Bargain hunting 197
Going shopping for clothes talking about sizes,
colours, and what things are made of bartering with
a street seller
13 Eating out 221
Understanding a Malay menu ordering food in
restaurants and from street vendors
14 At the supermarket 239
Shopping for food at a shop or supermarket
understanding a Malay recipe
15 Hobbies and leisure 254
Talking about likes, dislikes and favourites in detail
saying what your hobbies are and what sports you do
saying how long something has been happening
16 At the doctors 271
Talking about your body saying how you feel
talking about various common ailments dealing with
a visit to the doctor talking on the telephone
Taking it further 292
Key to the exercises 295
Listening transcripts 307
MalayEnglish glossary 312
EnglishMalay glossary 341

Contents v

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Welcome to Singapore
In this unit you will learn how to:
greet people
introduce yourself and others
say where you come from



CD1, TR 4

Selamat tengah hari!

Nama saya Stan Davies.
Saya berasal dari Amrika.

Selamat tengah hari!

Nama saya Sue-Ann.
Saya berasal dari Singapura.

Unit 1 Welcome to Singapore 1

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Saya Tom.
Saya dari England.

Saya Serena.
Saya dari Malaysia.

Note that England is pronounced as it is in English.

selamat tengah hari good day, good afternoon

nama name
nama saya my name is
berasal to be from

saya berasal dari I am from

Amrika America
Singapura Singapore
hlo hello
saya I am
dari from
saya dari I am from

How the language works 1

1 Hlo is a multipurpose greeting just like Hello in English. In

addition, Malay has four greetings for the specic time of day:

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Selamat pagi in the morning, selamat tengah hari which would
correspond to good day in older style English, selamat petang
which is used between 2 and 6 p.m. and selamat malam which
is used throughout the evening and night. So we could say that
the Malay greetings roughly correspond to the English in the
following way:

selamat pagi good morning

selamat tengah hari good afternoon
selamat petang good evening
selamat malam good evening, good night

Tengah means middle or centre, and hari means day, which
makes Selamat tengah hari an appropriate greeting for the
middle of the day.

2 You do not need to use words for am, are, is in Malay. So saya
can mean both I and I am. Compare the following sentences in
English and Malay:

I am Tom. I am from England.

Saya Tom. Saya dari England.

Exercise 1
See if you can make these sentences. The names of the countries
can be left as they are.

a I am John. I am from England.

b I am Kylie. I am from Australia.
c I am Fatimah. I am from Malaysia.

3 To give your name or introduce yourself in Malay you can

use nama saya + your name or you can just use saya ... I am ...
Saya is far more natural and consequently, more frequently used,
especially in the spoken language, than nama saya. We do the same
in English. Consider how much more likely you are to say I am
John, for example, rather than My name is John.

Unit 1 Welcome to Singapore 3

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Understanding Malay

CD1, TR 5

Exercise 2
First familiarize yourself with the new vocabulary.

usahawan businessman

mahasiswa student (at college or university)

pelancong tourist
penari dancer
joget a traditional dance

Youll also hear the word seorang in the listening exercise,
which means a. It is a feature of Malay we will be dealing
with later in the course.

If you are not using the recording turn to the transcript at the back
of the book and treat this as a reading exercise. You will hear these
people introduce themselves in the order indicated by the number
next to the picture. Listen to what each person says and link the
persons name, the country he/she is from and the other piece of
information about that person.

(1) Kamal (2) Huzaini

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(3) Farah (4) Safia





usahawan mahasiswa pelancong penari joget

Exercise 3
True or false?

When you have completed the listening exercise above try the
following true/false test.

a Kamal is a student from Singapore.

b Huzaini is a tourist from Sumatera.
c Farah is a dancer from Melaka (Malacca).
d Saa is a tourist from Brunei Darussalam.

Unit 1 Welcome to Singapore 5

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Mr Davies, a businessman from the USA, has arrived at Singapore
Airport. He has come to Singapore for several months on business.
His Singaporean wife, Sue-Ann, and the rest of his family will be
joining him later. Two men from the Maju Jaya company have
come to meet him.
CD1, TR 6

Encik Zamani Maaf! Adakah saudara ini Encik Davies?

Encik Davies Ya, saya.
Encik Zamani Selamat datang ke Singapura. Kami dari
Syarikat Maju Jaya. Saya Zamani dan
perkenalkan, ini Encik Baharom.
(They shake hands.)
Encik Baharom Gembira dapat bertemu dengan Encik
Encik Davies Saya juga, begitu.

maaf! excuse me, I am sorry

adakah saudara ini ? are you ?
Encik Mr
ya Yes
selamat datang welcome

ke to
kami we
dari from
syarikat company
dan and
ini this/this is
perkenalkan, ini let me introduce
gembira happy
dapat to be able

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bertemu to meet
dengan with
gembira dapat bertemu dengan pleased to meet (you)
juga too, as well
begitu so
saya juga begitu I am (pleased to meet you) too

In the early stages of learning Malay, try not to worry about
words like begitu and dengan in the vocabulary above: just
concentrate on learning the phrases for now.


Mr Zamani Excuse me! Are you Mr Davies?

Mr Davies Yes, I am
Mr Zamani Welcome to Singapore. We are from the Maju Jaya
company. Pleased to meet you. Im Zamani and this
is Mr Baharom.
Mr Baharom Pleased to meet you.
Mr Davies Pleased to meet you, too.

How the language works 2

1 In this unit you have come across words like saya I and saudara
you. Words such as these that can be used instead of repeating
a persons name are known as personal pronouns. Here are the
formal personal pronouns in Malay:

saya I dia he/she

saudara you kami we
saudari you kita we
anda you merka they

Unit 1 Welcome to Singapore 7

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They are called formal personal pronouns because you should use
them in a situation where you are not familiar with the speaker
or where you would be expected to maintain a respectful tone to
whomever you are addressing.

As you will have noticed there is more than one word for you and
we in Malay. Saudara can only be used when addressing a male
and its counterpart saudari can only be used when addressing a

These -a for males and -i for female endings exist elsewhere
in Malay too. Mahasiswa, that you met in Part One, has
another form, mahasiswi, which refers to a female student.

Anda, on the other hand, can be used to address both male

and female speakers. In addition, in Malay, a persons name,
with or without the title, is often used in place of a personal
pronoun out of deference. In the dialogue for this section you
will notice that Mr Zamani uses Mr Davies name and title when
addressing him directly: Gembira dapat bertemu dengan Encik
Davies. This may seem awkward at rst to an English speaker,
as we only use names in this way to refer to a third party and
never to address someone directly, but it is a very common feature
of Malay and one that would be very advantageous to you to be
sensitive to, especially in highly formal situations where it is more
or less expected.

In case you were wondering, Puan is the closest female
equivalent of Encik and translates as Mrs.

The words for we, on the other hand, have specic meanings
and usage depending on the situation. Kita is used when you are
including the person or people you are speaking to in what you
say. Kami is used when you mean us but not you. For instance,
imagine you are at a party with your spouse. When it comes time

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for you and your spouse to go you announce your departure by
saying We must be leaving now. You would use kami in Malay.
If you used kita it would mean that you expect all the others to go
with you! Obviously it would not be taken literally. It is just an
illustration, but it is worth bearing in mind the distinction when
you are speaking Malay as you may unintentionally nd yourself
altering the meaning of what you want to say otherwise.



Learned the words, but cant remember the difference?
Try this! Take the ka of kami as the rst syllable in the name
KAren (it helps enormously if you have a friend called Karen)
and the mi as ME in English. Think of kami as Karen and
me, i.e. we, but not you. Kita is the other one.

2 To introduce yourself to someone in Malay simply use: nama

saya + your name

To introduce someone else use the phrase Perkenalkan, ini +

someones name. Notice the slight pause marked by the comma.

Perkenalkan, ini Peter Robinson. This is Peter Robinson.

Unit 1 Welcome to Singapore 9

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Note the set phrases:

Selamat berkenalan. Pleased to meet you.

Gembira dapat bertemu dengan anda. Pleased to meet you.
Gembira dapat bertemu dengan Pleased to meet you too.
anda juga.

Remember that you could use the other persons name to
mean you instead of anda or saudara/saudari as appropriate.
Refer to point 1.

Or, in response to the rst utterance, you could use Saya juga
begitu or Begitu juga dengan saya as alternatives to vary your

3 In Part One you saw that you do not need to use words for
am/are/is in Malay. You may have also noticed that you do not
need to use a word for a (an) or the either. You just say I from
ABC Exports or I businessman, etc. Compare the following
English and Malay sentences:

I am a businessman.
Saya usahawan.

This is a book
Ini buku.

In a sentence such as That is timber. where there would be no a in

English anyway, the pattern is the same:

That is timber
Itu kayu balak.

buku book

kayu balak timber


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Exercise 4
Put these sentences into Malay.

a This is a dictionary.
b He is a businessman.
c That is coffee.
d This is a shop
e She is a teacher.
f This is water.

kamus dictionary

kopi coffee
kedai shop
guru teacher
air water
nasi rice

4 In any language there are two types of question one that

requires an explanation (indirect) and one that simply requires the
answer yes or no (direct). One way to form a yes/no question in
Malay is by using adakah. In English we change the word order,
for example to turn the statement This is a book into a question we
say Is this a book? To form the question in Malay simply take the
statement and add adakah to the beginning:

Ini buku. This is a book.

Adakah ini buku? Is this a book?


Anda usahawan. You are a businessman.

Adakah anda usahawan? Are you a businessman?
Itu nasi. That is rice.
Adakah itu nasi? Is that rice?

Note that in the dialogue, the phrase Adakah saudara ini ?
is a very polite idiomatic expression for Are you ? and is
best learnt as a set expression.

Unit 1 Welcome to Singapore 11

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Notice that the punctuation rules capital letter at the beginning
of the sentence and question mark at the end apply in Malay too.
Also, as in English, you should use a rising intonation at the end
of the question.

Exercise 5
See if you can form adakah-type questions using the statements in
Malay you made in Exercise 4. For example:

a (This is a dictionary.) Ini kamus. Adakah ini kamus?

Using Malay

Exercise 6
Look at the following dialogue between two people. Can you
unscramble it so that it makes sense? Then translate it.
CD1, TR 7

Ya, betul.
Saya gembira dapat berkenalan dengan anda juga.
Selamat datang ke England. Nama saya Robert Davies.
Maaf ... Adakah saudara ini Encik Salleh dari Malaysia?
Ya saya. Selamat berkenalan.
Adakah anda dari syarikat perniagaan Singapore Seas Imports?

perniagaan business
syarikat perniagaan trading company

betul correct
Ya, betul. Yes, thats correct.

Exercise 7
Over to you!

Imagine that you (A) are from a company called ABC Exports.
As the only Malay speaker at your rm you have been sent to the


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airport to meet a Malaysian lady (B) called Mrs Fauziah (Puan
Fauziah). You see a lady waiting who might just be Mrs Fauziah.
Write out the dialogue replacing the English in brackets with
suitable Malay phrases you have learnt in this unit.

When you check your answers in the Key to the exercises note
that there could be several different ways of expressing the English
in Malay, so if your answers are different it does not necessarily
mean that they are wrong. We have just chosen one alternative
as an example.

CD1, TR 8
A Excuse me. Are you Mrs Fauziah?
B Ya betul.
A I am from the ABC Exports Business Company. Welcome to
England. My name is (your name).
B Gembira dapat bertemu dengan anda.
A Me too.

Its normal if you found the Over to you! exercise hard-going to

begin with! It is expected that you will have to listen, and interact
with it several times to be able to do it perfectly. Trust us on
this one. The Over to you! exercises are designed to stretch you
linguistically, and the only way to do that is to push you slightly
beyond your comfort zone, so do persevere with them!

Unit 1 Welcome to Singapore 13

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1 How would you greet someone at 1 p.m.?

2 How would you greet someone at 9.30 a.m.?

3 How would you give your name in Malay?

4 How would you say Im from Singapore?

5 How would you say Welcome to England?

6 What is the difference between saudara and saudari?

7 Kami or kita? Which one do you use to include everyone in

what you say?

8 How would you introduce Mrs Walters to someone in Malay?

9 What word can you add to the beginning of a statement to

form a question?

10 If someone said Gembira dapat bertemu dengan anda to you,

how would you respond?


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