The document provides the schedule for Route 221 Wolf Road bus service. It lists the times for stops going northbound and southbound. The schedule includes stops at schools, Metra stations, and other landmarks along the route. Times are provided for weekdays in morning, afternoon and evening hours.
The document provides the schedule for Route 221 Wolf Road bus service. It lists the times for stops going northbound and southbound. The schedule includes stops at schools, Metra stations, and other landmarks along the route. Times are provided for weekdays in morning, afternoon and evening hours.
The document provides the schedule for Route 221 Wolf Road bus service. It lists the times for stops going northbound and southbound. The schedule includes stops at schools, Metra stations, and other landmarks along the route. Times are provided for weekdays in morning, afternoon and evening hours.
The document provides the schedule for Route 221 Wolf Road bus service. It lists the times for stops going northbound and southbound. The schedule includes stops at schools, Metra stations, and other landmarks along the route. Times are provided for weekdays in morning, afternoon and evening hours.
B - Waits up to 3 minutes for late arriving Metra trains. S - Trip operates to Maine West High School bus concourse on school days only. W - Trip operates on Wednesdays only. Unless otherwise noted, bus will stop upon signal to driver at any intersection along the route where it is safe to do so. No service on Saturdays, Sundays or holidays. Note: Additional service is provided between the CTA Blue Line Rosemont Station and the Allstate Arena for Certain events. The bus will depart Rosemont CTA beginning 1 hour before the start of the event, with additional trips leaving every 20 minutes, and the last bus leaving at the start time of the event. Return service to the CTA Blue Line Rosemont Station departs Allstate Arena 20 minutes after the event concludes. Multiple trips will be made to accomodate all riders. Passengers should call (847) 228-2416 for more information about event dates and times. A - Servicio a/de Wolf/Piper. B - Autobs esperar hasta 3 minutos por los trenes de Metra que llegan tarde. S - Este viaje entra a la plaza de Maine West High School solamente los dias escolares. W - Este viaje opera solamente los Mircoles. A menos que se indique de otra manera, el autobs parar al hacerle seal al conductor en cualquier interseccin a lo largo de la ruta, siempre y cuando sea un lugar seguro para parar. No hay servicio los sbados, domingos, o das de feriados. Nota: Servicio adicional se proveer entre la estacon de CTA en Rosemont y el Allstate Arena para ciertos eventos. El autobs saldr de la estacon una hora antes de que empiece el evento, con viajes adicionales saliendo cada 20 minutos con el ltimo viaje saliendo a la hora que comienza el evento. El servicio regresa a la estacon de la Lnea Azul del CTA en Rosemont 20 minutos despus que termine el evento. Pasajeros pueden llamar al (847) 228-2416 para obtener informacin de fechas y horarios de eventos.