10 11648 J Nano 20130101 17 PDF
10 11648 J Nano 20130101 17 PDF
10 11648 J Nano 20130101 17 PDF
Email address:
rico4000@aucegypt.edu(I. S. Fahim), wael_mamdouh@aucegypt.edu(W. Mamdouh), madkour@aucegypt.edu(T. M. Madkour), hgsa-
lem@aucegypt.edu(H. A. G. Salem)
Abstract: In the current research work reinforcement of a thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) polymer with graphene
powder (G, in the form of particles) as a nanofiller material by in-situ and ex-situ mixing of various weight fractions of G is
reported. In addition, investigation on the effect of the weight fraction of G on the mechanical properties of the resulting
TPU/graphene (TPU/G) nanocomposites is conducted. A number of different preparation methods have been employed in
order to investigate the influence of the preparation process on the resulting TPU/G nanocomposites. Solvent (wet) mixing
and mechanical (dry) mixing processes have been used. Significant enhancement in compressive strength, melt flow index
and electrical conductivity were observed by employing the different mixing processes when compared with the pure TPU
polymer processed under similar conditions. However, dry mixing process has shown enhanced mechanical, viscosity and
electrical properties compared to wet mixing process. Moreover, dry mixing process has led to the formation of TPU/G
nanocomposites with the highest compressive strength at 0.1 wt% G compared with 0.5, and 1 wt % G. It is believed that the
processing technique plays a vital role in producing the desired TPU/G nanocomposites and is also affected by the dispersion
of graphene nanofiller particles within the TPU polymer matrix. These results may lead to the development of novel appli-
cations of TPU/G nanocomposites across different disciplines.
Keywords: Polymer Nanocomposites, Graphene, TPU, Conductivity
which serve many different applications such as household resistance and high-temperature performance still low
goods, packaging, sporting goods, aerospace components, stiffness and tensile strength can be drawbacks in structural
and automobiles[2]. Compared to other types of reinforce- applications especially for TPU with low hard segment
ment, where 20% to 40% filler is needed, nano-fillers offer content. Water vapor and other gas permeability can be
the possibility of achieving the desired effect with very low another drawback. These weak mechanical and gas barrier
filler contents, often in the range of a few weight percent. properties can be complemented by reinforcing with rigid
Nanoparticles are added to metallic, ceramic and polymeric layered nano-fillers[10-11]. The addition of Graphene to
materials as a reinforcement to enhance the mechanical, TPU will enhance the properties of TPU polymer to be used
thermal and physical properties of the parent compound. in several applications including automobiles, aerospace,
Owing to the very small filler dimensions, the interface injection molded products, coatings, adhesives,
between the matrix and filler is large, even at low filler fire-retardants, packaging materials, optical integrated
concentration, and filler properties can be largely transferred circuits, drug delivery, sensors, water filtration systems,
to the matrix[3]. dental, medical devices and tissue engineering applica-
Filler particles in the nanometer range have a large surface tions[8].
area-to-volume ratio leading to improved physical proper- There are several methods of adding the fillers into the
ties and chemical reactivity[4]. Among these promising polymeric matrix including solvent mixing, in situ polyme-
fillers, graphene molecules have shown tremendous appli- rization and direct melt-mixing. Solvent mixing occurs
cations across a wide spectrum of disciplines ranging from when the solid polymer is dissolved in a selected solvent, to
biomolecular nanocomposites and up to molecular elec- which the filler is added and dispersed by sonication. This is
tronics. This is mainly due to its exceptional electron followed by solvent evaporation and the re-solidication of
transport, mechanical properties, and high surface area[5-6]. the polymer now containing the dispersed filler. However,
Graphene nanoparticles are used as reinforcement for there is a concern that the solvents may inuence the me-
synthetic polymers. Graphene is an isolated single-atom chanical performance of the composite and that the sonica-
plane of graphite. In 1960, higher basal-plane conductivity tion energy tends to break the filler into shorter lengths.
of graphite intercalation compounds was discovered com- Moreover the evaporation of large amounts of the solvent
pared to that of the original graphite. This was considered a will not enhance the mass production[12]. Melt mixing on
cheaper substitute for metal conductors. The research about the other hand by using conventional polymer processing
graphene has drawn great attention from scientific commu- techniques such as extrusion and compression molding are
nity since its discovery in 2004. It is considered a promising used frequently due to the its high speed and simplicity[13].
nanofiller due to its excellent mechanical, thermal and After mixing the polymer matrix and the filler, there is an
electrical property, combining with its ultra high surface area interfacial region between the matrix and filler that is
and economical sources. It is an atomically thick, formed. The interfacial region communicates between the
two-dimensional sheet composed of sp2 carbon atoms co- polymer matrix and the filler and acquires different proper-
valently bonded in a hexagonal manner. There are several ties from the bulk matrix because of its proximity to the
structures of graphene including, 0-D fullerenes (buckyballs) surface of the filler[14].
that are made by wrapping a section of graphene sheet. 1-D Previous work has been carried out to fabricate several
carbon allotropes, carbon nanotubes (CNT) are made by nanocomposites with improved mechanical properties.
rolling and slicing graphene sheets respectively[7]. Gra- Reinforcing Aluminum with carbon nanotubes showed a 78%
phene has an affinity to organic compounds and polymers increase in hardness with 5 wt % CNTs compared to alu-
due to the presence of multi-pores, functional acids and OH minum without reinforcement[15]. In addition, in a poly-
groups. This enables polymers to be absorbed into the pores mer-derived ceramic matrix; siliconcarbon nitride rein-
besides its high levels of stiffness, strength, and thermal forced with CNT showed an improvement from conductivity
conductivity[8-9]. amounted to 7.6 102 S/cm to 1.71 at 5 wt % CNT[16].
Thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) is a synthetic polymer Moreover, previous works have been carried out with the
with outstanding properties. It is a linear segmented block purpose of characterizing similar nanocomposites with TPU
copolymer having hard segments (HS) and soft segments and different fillers. Quan et al. investigated the fabrication
(SS). The SS consist of the long exible polyether or po- of Graphite nanoplatelets (GNP) lled with thermoplastic
lyester chains, which interconnect two hard segments. The polyurethane (TPU) polymers using melt blend mixing. The
hard segments act as multifunctional tie points functioning inclusion of GNPs improved the stiffness of TPU and
both as physical cross links and reinforcing llers, while the thermal stability of the resulted nanocomposite. It also
soft segments form an elastomeric matrix, which accounts maintained a long elongation at break value (over 600%).
for the elastic properties of this polymer. The presence of However, the mixing technique used before melt mixing was
two soft segments can show different extents of phase se- solvent mixing[17]. Barik et al. prepared Carbon nanofibres
paration, offering new possibilities on tuning polymeric (CNF) based TPU nanocomposites by melt blending, to
matrix properties. Thus, TPU has been used for a variety of explore the effect of dispersion and wt. % loading of CNF on
applications such as fibers, coatings, adhesives. However, material properties. The thermal stability of the TPU eva-
despite good extensibility, abrasion resistance, good solvent luated by Thermo gravimetric analysis (TGA) showed
American Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2013; 1(1): 31-40 33
signicant increase with increased CNF content. It has been Press, USA). The mixture is pressed under a pressure of 100
observed that storage modulus and glass transition temper- bars; a pressure that is sufficient to prevent leaking of the
ature of the TPU matrix increased by the incorporation of mixture out of the mold (i.e. flash). Then, the mixture sof-
CNF. The melting point of soft segments observed from tens and flows into the desired shape (i.e. round compact
Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) was found to shift disc) as the mold temperature reaches 170 C. The mold is
towards higher temperature with the inclusion of CNF[18]. then cooled down and the molding (TPU/G round compact
disc) is extracted. During compaction, silicon based grease
2. Experimental Procedure was used to avoid the sample from sticking to the mold.
After the compression molding process, the TPU/G round
2.1. Materials compact disc was washed thoroughly with distilled water
followed by another washing round with ethanol to minim-
Graphene is added as a filler to thermoplastic polyure- ize contamination.
thane (TPU) to produce TPU/G nanocomposites and was
provided by Skyspring Nanomaterials, Inc. (USA). G par- 2.4. Mechanical Testing
ticle size is (6-8 nm). TPU was prepared as reported pre-
viously in the form of pellets[19]. Tetrahydrofuran (THF) The compressive behavior of TPU/G nanocomposite was
(Sigma Aldrich, 99% purity) was used to dissolve TPU and evaluated through an axial compression test. The test was
G. Methanol (Sigma Aldrich, 99.9 %purity) and ethanol conducted using an Instron universal testing machine
(Sigma-Aldrich, 99.5 % purity), were used for cleaning the (Model 3300, Instron, England). For every single TPU/G
glassware. The mold material is plated steel with a stainlessround compact disc preparation, 7 grams of TPU/G sample
steel frame. The upper and lower punches are made of was placed on the top of a cylindrical plate, and then another
polished steel. cylindrical plate applies a vertical compression on the sam-
ple with a strain rate of 1.3 mm/min and the preload was set
2.2. Mixing Techniques to 0.1 N. For final adjustment of the specimen (i.e. TPU/G
round compact discs) dimensions to be in accordance with
The amount of G added to the TPU was varied so as to ASTM- D 1621 standard, mechanical modification was used
obtain TPU/G nanocomposite samples of 0.1, 0.5, and 1 wt % to yield height-to-diameter (HD) ratio of 1:2. The final
of G dispersed in TPU matrix. Two processing techniques TPU/G specimen dimensions were adjusted to be H = 12.5
were used for the in-situ and ex-situ mixing of graphene and mm and D= 25mm.
TPU; solvent (wet) mixing and mechanical (dry) mixing.
2.5. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)
2.2.1. Solvent (Wet) Mixing
TPU pellets were dissolved in THF with constant stirring The microstructure of the TPU/G compact discs, the
to form a clear homogeneous solution. G was then added to homogeneity of the nanocomposite and the dispersion of
the TPU solution with continuing stirring for 60 min. The graphene in The PU matrix were analyzed using a scanning
resulting TPU/G nanocomposites were left to dry in air at electron microscope (FESEM, Leo Supra 55 Zeiss Inc.,
room temperature. Germany).
2.2.2. Mechanical (Dry) Mixing 2.6. Image J Analysis
A turbula mixer (Turbula T2F, Switzerland) was used to
mix the TPU pellets with G powder in-situ. During the Image J was used to display, edit, analyze, and process the
process, the mixing speed was set to 96 rpm and the duration SEM images in order to determine the particle size and
was 1 hour. The mixer works by moving the mixing con- distribution by creating a density histogram. It is commer-
tainer in a three dimensional motion of rotation, translation, cially available software used for image processing and
and inversion analysis. The measurement scale is set from the scale bars of
each of the SEM images. A careful selection of the desired
2.3. Hot Compaction particles and features appearing in the SEM images have
been taken into account and inserted in the software.
Melt processing indicates the blending of filler materials
with the melted polymer matrix by the application of shear 2.7. Melt Flow Index
forces[13]. Two of the most commonly used techniques of
melt processing are; i) extrusion and ii) compression mold- The viscosity of the TPU/G was measured using a melt
ing[20]. The method used in this work is melt processing by flow indexer (MFI) (A Ray-Ran Co. England melt flow
compression molding. TPU/G nanocomposites (with 0.1 systems). In this technique, a stainless steel cylinder is
wt %, 0.5 wt %, and 1 wt % G weight fraction percentages) placed on top of the TPU/G nanocomposite powders placed
were fabricated through a cylindrical mold made of stainless inside a column. The selection of the cylinders weight is in
steel to form TPU/G round compact discs. The TPU/G accordance with ASTM D-1238 and the weight is selected to
mixture (in the dry form) were placed in a cylindrical mold be 2.16 kg at 210 C. The procedure is to heat the sample
and then placed on a mechanical press (Carver Laboratory placed inside the column until reaching its melting point at
which the cylinder will start flowing through the melt to
34 Irene S. Fahim et al.: A Nanoscale Investigation of Mechanical, Thermal Stability and Electrical Conductivity
Properties of Reinforced Thermoplastic Polyurethane/Graphene Nanocomposite
produce stripes of the material. The weight of the resulting slow solvent evaporation with high content of G, resulting in
material strips was measured every 0.5 min. The specified inhomogeneous distribution of G in TPU matrix[13].
flow range to drive the melt through the column was in g/10
2.8. Thermo Gravimetric Analysis
the 0.1, 0.5 and 1.0 G wt%, respectively. The increase in the
diameter size as the G wt % increases is obvious in Fig. 5B
and 5C.
pathway and enables fast charge transfer, compared to in TPU matrix. When G content increases,
increase interfacial adhe-
reinforcing with carbon nanotubes, that has an irregular sion between the phases becomes
become weak, and the nanofillers
arrangement and defects resulting in lowering the conduc-
condu behave as holes or nanostructured flaws, inducing local
tivity of the nanocomposite. Increasing G wt w % further stress concentrations and reducing the transfer
trans between the
increases the electronic conductivity as shown in Fig.
Fig 8. The matrix and the filler.. Besides, wet mixing is not
n ideal for
increase in G-content
content leads to the formation of a conducting industry production, owing to the low yield and high pro-
network with a large number of charge carriers traveling duction cost.
though the entire network, and thus higher active
activ material
utilization ratio[29].
Figure S4. Compressive strength of Pure TPU and different wt. % of G. (e.g.
Figure S1. A Schematic illustration of the solvent (wet) mixing process of 0.1, 0.5, 1 wt. %) in TPU/G Nano composite prepared by solvent (wet)
TPU/G nanocomposite
anocomposite followed by compression molding. mixing
American Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2013; 1(1): 31-40 39
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