Paper Su Zhang Eeuu
Paper Su Zhang Eeuu
Paper Su Zhang Eeuu
AbstractBy taking the data-receiving energy consumption techniques [3] which works as follows. The sensors send the
into account, we propose an extended analytical model to derive collected raw data to the cluster-head first. Then, after
the optimal parameters the number of clusters for wireless
sensor networks. Our analyses show that the previous existing processing the data locally in the cluster-head, the cluster-head
model underestimates the optimal number of clusters within a transmits the processed data to the base station or data
sensor network. The simulation results verify our analyses and processing center.
demonstrate the modified model is more accurate in deriving the The clustering algorithms have received significant research
optimal number of clusters to maximize the network lifetime of attention recently. The early Linked Clustering Algorithm
the wireless sensor networks. Using our extended model, we also
develop the energy-threshold-driven based clustering reconfigu- (LCA) [4] is a simple clustering scheme where each node is
ration schemes with the optimal number of clusters to further assigned with the unique identification number (ID) for
improve the wireless sensor-network lifetime. The simulation cluster-head selection. To better control the number of cluster
experiments indicate that our clustering reconfiguration schemes members in each cluster, authors in [5] proposed Max-Min d-
outperform the existing ones in terms of sensor-network lifetime Hop Clustering algorithm, where the maximum number of
while imposing low overhead due to clustering reconfigurations.
hops between the cluster members and its cluster-head is less
Index Terms Wireless sensor networks, energy control, clus- than d. The authors of [7] developed a clustering algorithm that
tering reconfiguration, energy-threshold driven, Voronoi cells. can choose single-hop or multi-hop method adaptively based
on the analysis of the energy consumed. This system employed
two types of nodes where one type is ordinary sensor node and
A S THE DEVELOPMENT of the VLSI device, commu-
nication and battery technologies, the tiny sensor nodes
have the capacities of sensing, wireless communicating, and
the other type is complex/high-energy node specially used as
the cluster-head. This scheme is not too robust because the
system can quit functioning if one of the special cluster-heads
data processing. This type of sensors not only collect the dies.
environment data by detecting the surrounding objects, but In [8], authors proposed a distributed clustering algorithm
also process the collected data and then transfer it to the base called Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH)
station or data process center via wireless communication that includes two parts: clustering algorithm (LEACH-CA) and
channels. Compared with their wired counterpart, the wireless cluster-head rotation scheme (LEACH-CHRS). Their simula-
sensor networks are less costly and easier to deploy because tions show that there exists the optimal number of clusters
of its infrastructureless and ad hoc construction. Wireless which minimizes the energy consumption. However, they did
sensor networks have a wide range of applications in the fields not give the solution on how to derive the optimal number of
of military, environmental monitoring, and health and home- clusters for LEACH. The authors of [9] proposed a distributed
networks, etc. clustering algorithm, which we thus refer to as BC Clustering
The limited size of the sensor nodes in wireless sensor Algorithm (BCCA) in this paper. The BCCA is similar to
networks confines the energy they can carry [1] . As a result, LEACH-CA, but differs from LEACH-CA in that BCCAs
the transmission power of the sensor is significantly lower transmission power is fixed while LEACH-CAs transmission
than wired-line networks. The sensors transmit the collected power varies. One of the important contributions of [9] is the
data via multi-hop wireless communications channels. Authors development of an analytical model used to derive the optimal
in [2] showed that the energy consumed for transmission is number of clusters for BCCA. However, their model only
much higher than that for data processing. Thus, it will be considered the energy consumption used for the data
more energy-efficient to employ the clustering and data-fusion transmission without taking the data-receiving energy con-
The research reported in this paper was supported in part by the U.S. sumption into account. Unfortunately, if the data-receiving
National Science Foundation CAREER Award under Grant ECS-0348694. energy is ignored, the important fact that the cluster-head
uses more energy tnan the cluster member, except for the part tem or any location awareness device. Henee, the nodes are not
consumed for data-fusion, will mistakenly be neglected, aware of their localities. The energy in each node is limited.
significantly degrading the accuracy of modeling results. To All nodes transmit at the same power level and henee have the
remedy this deficiency, we propose an extended model which same radio range denoted by r. The energy at processing
takes the energy consumption used by not only the data center is unlimited since it has the wired power supply, and
transmission, but also the data-receiving into consideration. thus the system energy consumption does not consider the
Our analyses show that our extended model can correct the energy dissipation at the processing center.
underestimation on the optimal number of clusters, which is To make the analysis tractable, we also use the following
caused by the previous model proposed in [9]. Furthermore, three assumptions. First, the nodes at the wireless sensor
by using the optimal number of clusters, we also develop the network are distributed following the homogeneous spatial
energy-efficient clustering reconfiguration schemes, called Poisson process with intensity A in a 2-dimensional space.
Energy-Threshold-Driven Based Reconfiguration (ET-Driven), Second, the communication environment is contention-free
which are showed to be more energy-efficient as compared and error-free, and thus, nodes do not have to retransmit any
with the LEACH-CHRS scheme. data packets. Third, the compression ability is strong so that
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II the cluster-head can compress several data packets, which are
proposes our modified system model for BCCA-based algo- from the member nodes, into a fixed-length packet.
rithm to derive the optimal cluster number by considering both As per our assumptions, the nodes are distributed according
data-transmission and data-receiving energy consumption. to the homogeneous spatial Poisson process and henee, the
Section III proposes our enhanced clustering algorithms. number of nodes in a square rea of side 2a is a Poisson
Section IV presents the simulation results to evalate the random variable N with mean equal to XA, where A = 4a?.
performance of proposed schemes. The paper concludes with Assume that for a particular realization of the process, there
Section V. are n nodes in this rea. Also, assume that the probability of
becoming a cluster-head is p; henee, on average, np nodes can
II. THE SYSTEM MODEL become cluster-heads. Let D be the random variable that
The BCCA algorithm is a distributed, randomized clustering denotes the length of the distance from a node located at (x,
algorithm with a run-time of O(k) rounds, where k is the y), i = 1,2,..., n to the processing center. Without loss of
mximum number of hops from the member nodes to their generality, we assume that the processing center is located at
cluster-head. Each of the nodes equipped with the same the center of the square rea. Then,
hardware has the unique ID. The BCCA algorithm works as
follows. In the BCCA, each sensor node becomes cluster-head
with the probability of p and advertises itself as a cluster-head
to the sensors within its radio range with the help of
broadcasting Cluster Jieadjmsg packets. These cluster-heads Now, since a node becomes a cluster-head with probability
formed this way are called the Volunteer Cluster-Heads (VCH). p, the cluster-head nodes and the non-cluster-head nodes are
The lifetime of the broadcasting packet is k hops. The non- distributed according to independent homogeneous spatial
cluster-head nodes that receive the broadcasting packets join Poisson processes PP1 and PPO with the intensity Ai = pX and
the cluster of the closest (measured by hops or Euclidean Ao = (1 -p)X, respectively.
distance) cluster-head. If a node neither is a cluster-head or Denote
If denoting
that L
v as
the random
for transmitting
for the total
a unit
has joined any cluster, it claims itself as the cluster-head. between
data by Pthe
t and
to thefornucleus
in aaVoronoi
unit of
These cluster-heads formed in this way are called the Forced cell, then
databy Pr.its
written aswe[10]:
let Pr = f3Pt, where
Cluster-Heads (FCH). Since the mximum number of hops of
the Cluster Jieadjmsg packet away from the cluster-head is A;, If we do not limit the mximum number of hops, according
if a node cannot receive any Cluster Jieadjmsg packet in the to the results from stochastic geometry, the square rea can be
time of t/. (the time in which the Cluster Jieadjmsg is partitioned into a number of Voronoi cells, each of which
forwarded), the node becomes a forced cluster-head. corresponding to a PP1 process point, called its nucleus [10].
The authors of [9] proposed the analytical model of the Let Nv be the random variable denoting the number of PPO
BCCA and showed that the energy are mainly determined by process points in each Voronoi cell and we get the expected
two parameters, the probability, denoted by p, of becoming a valu of Nv conditioned on N as follows [10]:
cluster-head and the mximum number, denoted by k, of hops.
However, the work in [9] did not consider the data-receiving
energy consumed at each cluster-head. We will develop a
modified analytical model that takes data-receiving energy into
In our data gathering sensor networks, every node has the
same functions (processing and communicating). The nodes
are not equipped with GPS (Global Positioning System) sys-
Fig. 1. The valu of optimal probability p* against data-receiving energy-cost Fig. 2. Energy consumption against probability of becoming a cluster-head with
parameter fi with different vales of modifying parameter m when A = 15 and a different node densities. The line marked with x in xy-plane indicates the
= 5. optimal p achieving the lowest energy-cost performance for a given node
density .
Algorithm 1 ET-Driven 1
1: New Round begins
2: repeat
3: Receiving the message including raw data plus energy information (Ememi)
from Node i 4: until get messages from all
member nodes 5: Processing the raw data
6: Transmitting the aggregated data to processing center 7: if
Eres/Einit < Thcond1 then 8: Rotating the role with Node [arg
maxiC Ememi] 9: end if
The network lifetimes achieved by T-Driven algorithms are show its correctness by simulations. Our analytical analyses
almost the same although the clustering reconfiguration period is reveal the insight that the original analytical model under-
diferent. In every round the total energy consumption by all estimates the optimal number of clusters and thus needs to be
nodes are nearly the same statistically. The most important factor modified. The simulation results verified our analyses and show
that limits the network lifetime is the energy draining of cluster- that the modified model we proposed is more accurate in deriving
head. If one node is not allowed to become a cluster-head for a the optimal number of clusters to maximize the lifetime of
long time, no matter what period of the clustering wireless sensor networks. Based on our modified model, we also
reconfiguration, T-Driven achieve almost the same performance. proposed and analyzed the clustering reconfiguration schemes: T-
Fig. 5 (b) shows that how many nodes are subject to joining the Driven and ET-Driven to improve the network lifetime of the
new cluster on average per round when employing different sensor networks. The simulation results show that our proposed
algorithms. Clearly, in MTE and Static BCCA, none of the node ET-Driven can significantly prolong the wireless sensor network
is required to change cluster. T-Driven 1 algorithm has the largest lifetime as compared to that using the T-Driven and LEACH-
number of nodes that join new clusters and the number is linear to CHRS scheme.
the density of nodes. The number of nodes that join new clusters
in ET-Driven 2 is the minimum among all the clustering REFERENCES
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