10 Herbs You Can Grow Indoors in Water All Year Long

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10 Herbs You Can Grow Indoors In Water All Year Long

Monica December 31, 2016

Herbs are known for their culinary, medicinal and relaxation properties. They give
flavor to food and provide numerous health benefits. However, not many people
can manage to have fresh herbs throughout the year and they use dried ones.
This is mainly due to the climate. Fortunately, you can grow your own herbs
indoors and have a fresh supply all year long. Fresh herbs are rich in nutrients,
color, and flavor. Heres how to grow herbs indoors.

Growing Herbs Indoors

The process of growing plants indoors in water is known as hydroponics. So,

here are the steps:

You should take some herb cutting and put them in glass bottles. Add plain
water, either rain water or tap water which has been left to air overnight.
Avoid using tight-fitting containers.
Remove the lower leaves because they can rot in water. You should
change the water once a week. When the roots start growing, dont
change the water.
You can also soak a few willow branches in warm water overnight and
then use to speed up the growth.
Place the jar on a bright light.

10 Herbs You can Grow Indoors

1. Basil

You can easily grow basil indoors. It is packed with antioxidant, antibiotic,
antifungal, and antiviral properties and it provides numerous benefits. Simply, cut
off the stem you want to root before the parent plant flowers.

2. Lemon Balm

This herb is known for its fresh smell, which keeps the mosquitos and insects
away. You should pick several cuttings in spring or fall and put them in water in a
bright place. Lemon balm can help digestion and reduce anxiety. Bear in mind
that you should change the water once a week.
3. Oregano

The process of growing oregano is similar to that of basil. You should take fresh
oregano cuttings in water and pinch the growing tips as it grows. It has various
health benefits which come as a result of its antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal,
and antioxidant properties.

4. Peppermint

This is probably the easiest herb you can grow indoors. All you should do is place
some fresh peppermint cuttings in water. You can use it in your salads and
desserts. It will soothe bowel syndrome and reduce the stress levels. Moreover,
you will be protected from spiders and mice as they dont like the smell.

5. Rosemary

Its thick stems will take a while to grow roots and should be placed in a sunny
spot. You can use it in soups, as a garnish or meat rub. It can improve the brain
health, boost memory, and promote hair growth.

6. Sage

You can grow your own sage indoors by taking a few sprigs in the spring from an
outdoor plant and placing them in shallow water. Make sure you dont let the
leaves touch the water. This amazing herb will help you with anxiety, and it will
improve the memory.

7. Spearmint

This herb requires the same growing process as peppermint. It is extremely

beneficial for post-menopausal women and can balance sex hormones.

8. Stevia

Take organic stevia cuttings and put them in a glass jar full of water. Stevia
doesnt like the cold, so make sure to put it in a consistently warm spot. It will
help you stop smoking.

9. Tarragon
Grow tarragon by taking spring cuttings after fresh growth appears. You should
place it on a warm and bright spot. Tarragon is packed with antibacterial
properties and it can regulate blood sugar levels and treat metabolic syndrome.

10. Thyme

You should take cuttings in the mid-spring or early summer before the parent
plants flowers. Keep it moist to prevent drying out. This herb is beneficial as it
can lower blood pressure, prevent tooth decay, and cause cancer cell death

Here are some of the most helpful benefits that ginger has to
1# It Reduces Inflammation
Contains Gingeroil, an active ingredient which is efficient in fighting
against cell inflammations. One study done on patients suffering from
arthritic and muscular pain, found that the consumption of ginger
successfully reduces pain and muscle swelling.

2# It Soothes Cough and Sore Throat Symptoms

Natural ginger treatments are extremely effective in the case of
common colds and sore throat. All you need to do is to cut the ginger
into slices, and add them to boiling water. Then, add some honey and
lemon. This natural cure can help you relieve a sore throat and the
nasal congestion.

3# It Stimulates Blood Circulation

Using a cloth, add freshly squeezed juice of 50 g grated ginger into 4-5l
hot water. Use the mixture to soak the affected areas on your body.

4# Ginger Kills Cancer Cells

Many studies suggest that the use of ginger rhizomes lowers
inflammation of the colon and intestines, thus reducing the risk of
colon cancer. Moreover, doctors at the UMCCC (University of Michigan
Comprehensive Cancer Center) proved that this amazing root
successfully inhibits ovarian cancer cells. Whats more, it has been
shown to be even more effective than the treatments which are
commonly prescribed to ovarian cancer patients, platinum-based
chemotherapy treatments.
5# It Alleviates Morning Sickness and Nausea
Ginger also provides relief in the case of morning sickness during the
pregnancy. Yet, women should consult their doctor before they start
using any new medication, herb or method.

6# It Stimulates Digestion and Prevents Flatulence

Ginger is one of the most efficient natural remedies against
indigestion. To treat an upset stomach and relieve bloating and gas,
boil some ginger slice in water for a few minutes. Optionally add some
raw honey to sweeten the taste.

7# It Soothes a Toothache
Due to its strong anti-inflammatory properties, can also alleviate the
toothache. All you need to do is to rub some raw ginger on your gums.
Also, you can boil it in water, cool the solution and then use it to rinse
the mouth.

8# It Relieves Headaches
The combination of ginger, peppermint and cayenne pepper can do
miracles in the case of the unbearable migraine headaches. Yet, its
preparation is simply: in a pot with boiling water, add a teaspoon of
dried peppermint, a pinch of cayenne pepper and several ginger slices.
Let the mixture simmer for some time, and then add raw honey or
Stevia to sweeten it. Furthermore, you can also use it topically. Add half
a teaspoon of ginger powder in some water and apply the paste on
your forehead. This will effectively soothe your headache.

9# It Treats Acid Reflux

Acid blocker drugs have a detrimental effect on the stomach acid
barrier, so they can lead to ulcers and stomach cancer. On the other
hand, as reported in the Molecular Research and Food Nutrition, the
ingredients of this remarkable root are six times more useful than
these medications.

10# Other benefits of ginger:

After an operation, doctors advise patients to chew on a piece
of ginger in order to help prevent nausea and vomiting.
Chewing on a piece of ginger right before a meal usually
inspires ones appetite and activates the digestive juices.
Patients experiencing muscle strains, especially athletes are
advised to combine the ginger paste with turmeric and firmly
rub on the affected area at least twice a day.
Most of the doctors advise their diabetic patients to drink a
glass of ginger water in the morning before any meal because
it helps in stabilizing the glucose levels in the blood.

Prepare It Before The Pharmacists Erase It! 4 Tablespoons of

This And You Can Say Goodbye To High Blood Pressure And
Clogged Arteries

In this article, we will show you you a powerful combination of 3

ingredients that is able to reinforce your immune system and help the
body fight colds, flu, infections and the cardiovascular diseases.

This mixture is made of ginger, garlic and lemon, all of which are
beneficial on their own, but their effects are much stronger when they
are mixed together.

Heres how you can prepare the remedy:

Ingredients needed

4 lemons
4-cm. piece of ginger root
4 garlic cloves
2 liters of water

First you need to wash well the lemons with baking soda and water.
Then you need to cut them on slices. Peel the ginger and the garlic
cloves, and then put everything in blender. Now, heat the mixture in
some pan and slowly add 2 liters of water. Now, stir everything well
and heat until it boils, then leave the mixture to completely cool down.
Finally, strain this mixture and keep it into glass bottles in the fridge.

Consume one glass of this remedy two times a day before meals. Make
sure to shake well the bottle before consumption. Dont worry about
the smell of the garlic it will be neutralized as a result of the ginger
and lemon. This incredible remedy is the best natural solution for
weakened immune system, high blood pressure, clogged arteries, and
a weakened heart muscle. Drinking it regularly is definitely going to
boost your immune system and help you defeat numerous diseases.


Posted on April 13, 2016February 28, 2017 In Cancer Research 1

It used to be common knowledge that baking soda could easily cure a common
cold, as well as assist in numerous other ailments. What happened to all that
information? Additionally, I have come across people who have swore it to rid
their cancer and then I came across this following written piece that was quite
When taken orally with water, especially water with high magnesium content,
and when used transdermally in medicinal baths, sodium bicarbonate becomes a
first-line medicinal for the treatment of cancer, kidney disease, diabetes,
influenza and even the common cold. And importantly, it is also a powerful buffer
against radiation exposure, so everyone should be up to speed on its use.

Below is an article written from the wonderful book Sodium Bicarbonate Rich
Mans Poor Mans Cancer Treatment Second Edition by Mark Sircus, AC.,
OMD.I felt it was a good idea to share this information so please be sure to check
it out -with an open mind of course. It is understandable how this can seem fa
fetched but there are a number of well known natural cancer treatments that are
working today that mainstream medicine refuses to talk about.
Baking Soda Vs. The Pharmaceutical Industry

There are many reasons to use baking soda but one overall reason is
that sodium bicarbonate is a natural substance that will not harm us, our
children or the environment because is it not a chemical compound that
effects nature in any kind of negative sense. Baking soda is actually a
compound that is found throughout nature, in the ocean, in the soil, in our foods,
and in our bodies. Baking soda is a neutralizer of many other compounds, which
makes it extremely helpful as a medicine in the age of toxicity, which we are all
presently passing through.

Life-threatening asthma in children is often resistant to treatment with

bronchodilators and systemic corticosteroids. Recent research suggests that
administering sodium bicarbonatean ingredient commonly found in kitchens
in intravenous (IV) form can significantly improve pH and PCO2 in children with
life-threatening asthma. Sodium bicarbonate can save the day when nothing
else can. The only other substance we can say the same is with magnesium
chloride, which when injected will save a person during cardiac arrest and pull
one out of a stroke if given soon enough.

There has been work going on at the University of Arizona, using bicarbonate
(baking soda) as a potential treatment for cancer. Robert J. Gillies and his
colleagues have demonstrated that pre-treatment of mice with sodium
bicarbonate results in the alkalinization of the area around tumors. (Raghunand
2003) This type of treatment has been found to enhance the anti-tumor activity
of other anticancer drugs. This is very similar to the recently published research
of injecting O2 directly into tumors where such direct administration of Oxygen
also facilitated the action of chemotherapy.

This year these same researchers reported that bicarbonate increases tumor pH
(i.e., make it more alkaline) and also inhibits spontaneous metastases (Robey
2009). They showed that oral sodium bicarbonate increased the pH of
tumors and also reduced the formation of spontaneous metastases in mice
with breast cancer. It also reduced the rate of lymph node involvement.

When it comes to sodium bicarbonate it is an open and shut case. It is already in

wide use and has been for decades, even by oncologists who do not want their
patients dropping dead too quickly because of the tremendous toxicity of their
treatments. Sodium bicarbonate is used routinely to keep the toxicity of
chemotherapy agents and radiation from killing people or from destroying their
kidneys. In relation to bicarbonate, millions of people in the world either consume
bicarbonate ions in drinking water or have been treated clinically with bicarbonate
in hospitals, medical centers, or emergency. Sodium bicarbonate helps to save
countless lives every day.

Dr. Boris Veysman specialist in emergency medicine at the Robert Wood

Johnson University Hospital in New Jersey describes one emergency room
experience: The emergency department is always noisy, but today the triage
nurse is yelling not breathing, as she runs toward us pushing a wheelchair. A
pale, thin woman is slumped over and looking gray. Without concrete proof of a
Do Not Resuscitate order, theres no hesitation. Click, klang, and the patient
has a tube down her throat within seconds. I do the chest compressions. On the
monitor, she is flat-lining no heartbeat. I synchronize my words with the
compressions and call out for an external pacemaker. Pumping thinking:
Cardiac standstill after walking in with cancer on chemo. This
resuscitation isnt by the book. Get two amps of bicarbonate, I say to the
intern. The jugular line takes seconds, and I flush it with sodium bicarbonate. This
probably will correct the bloods extreme acidity, which I suspect is driving up the
potassium. The external pacemaker finally arrives. Potent electric shocks at 80
beats per minute begin to stimulate her heart. The vitals stabilize.

Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) lives up to the image on the Arm and
Hammers box, it is the ultimate heavy weight work horse medicine that every
healthcare professional and parent should be knowledgeable about and routinely
using. When combined with other strong but basic natural substances like
magnesium chloride and iodine one has at ones fingertips a trinity of medical
super heroes ready to perform scientific medical miracles in a single bound.

We are talking about serious medicine when we talk about sodium bicarbonate.
Earlier and more frequent use of sodium bicarbonate is associated with higher
early resuscitability rates and with better long-term neurological outcomes in
emergency units. Sodium bicarbonate is very beneficial during CPR.

Bicarbonate is present in all body fluids and organs and plays a major role in the
acid-base balances in the human body.

Bicarbonate deficiency is the most unrecognized medical condition on

earth even though it is extraordinarily common.Problems from acid pH levels
(relative deficiency in bicarbonate ions) take a large toll from human physiology
and the more acid a person gets the larger the problem for cell physiology. Every
biochemical reaction is pH sensitive with enzymes being especially sensitive. Our
diet plays an important role in maintaining appropriate pH levels in the body.

Most modern diets give rise to unhealthy acidic pH conditions. An imbalanced pH

will interrupt cellular activities and functions to extreme levels as ph drops further.
Excessive acidic pH leads to cellular deterioration which eventually brings on
serious health problems such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes,
osteoporosis and heartburn. The fact that the biological life functions best in a
non-acidic (alkaline) environment speaks miles about the usefulness of baking

I have used intravenous sodium bicarbonate therapy mostly as a naturopathic

treatment for patients who consistently react to allergens or that have chemical
sensitivities. This is a great therapy during the Vancouver allergy seasons of
spring and fall. The alkalinizing sodium bicarbonate IV can often immediately
stop an allergic reaction, or asthmatic attack, since such reactions cannot
persist in an alkaline environment. Some of my patients also get benefit from
taking an alkalinizing drink every night to reduce their chemical sensitivity
symptoms, writes Dr Eric Chan. All of my Vancouver and Richmond patients
have tolerated this therapy markedly well.

The Cancer Mystery is Solved at Last! Please Share This

Information with Everyone You Know!

Noble prize Winner Dr. Otto H Warburg , who discovered the real cause

of cancer, has found that the root cause of cancer is oxygen defi ciency.

Oxyhen defi ciency leads to an acidic state in the human body. Dr.

Warburg also found that cancer cells are anaerobic (do not breathe

oxygen) and cannot survive in the presence of high levels of oxygen, as

found in an alkaline state. All normal cells have an absolute requirement

for oxygen, but cancer cells can live without oxygen a rule without
exception. Deprive a cell 35% of its oxygen for 48 hours and it may

become cancerous.

Our diet plays a vital role in maintaining proper pH levels in the body. PH

balance is the balance of acid and alkaline in all fl uids and cells

throughout your body. Your body must balance the bloods pH levels at a

slightly alkaline level of 7.365 in order to survive. Unfortunately, the

typical American diet consists primarily of toxic and acid-forming foods

like processed sugars, refi ned grains, genetically modifi ed organisms,

and etc. This leads to unhealthy acidic pH. An imbalanced pH can

interrupt cellular activities and functions. Excessively acidic pH can lead

to many serious health problems such as cancer, cardiovascular disease,

diabetes, osteoporosis and heartburn. If you keep your body in an acidic

state for a long period of time, it can drastically accelerate aging. Robert

O. Young in The pH Miracle, says, that most health problems arise from

being acidic. This is because parasites, bad bacteria, viruses, and candida

overgrowth thrive in acidic environments. But an alkaline environment

neutralizes bacteria and other pathogens.

Therefore, maintaining pH balance is one of the important tools to

optimizing your health.

Home remedies for acidity

1/3 tsp. baking soda

2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice or organic apple cider vinegar


Mix everything together. The acid/base combination will immediately

begin to fi zz. Keep adding baking soda until the fi zz stops and then fi ll

the glass with 8 oz. water.

Drink all at once. This home remedy will help neutralizes the pH and

create an alkaline-forming environment in your body. It will help with

stomach acid and reduce acidosis.

Eat Raw Hemp Seeds Every Day (And These Things Can

Hemp is one of the earliest known domesticated plants that has been

cultivated for over 12,000 years.

Hemp is a close relative of the Cannabis herb (often called marijuana),

but is not to be confused with Cannabis and its psychoactive and

medicinal properties.

This tall and coarse plant is a source of valuable fi ber, can be refi ned into

hemp oil, wax, resin, made into paper, fuel and the seeds themselves are

a super nutritional source.

According to Hemp Facts, the world-leading producer of hemp is

France, which produces more than 70% of the world output. China ranks

second with approximately a quarter of the world production. There is

smaller production in Europe, Chile and North Korea. Over thirty

countries produce industrial hemp, including Australia, Austria, Canada,

Chile, China, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary,

India, Italy, Japan, Korea, Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal,

Romania, Russia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand,

Turkeyand Ukraine.

The United Staes Department of Agriculture has concluded that the

market potential for hemp seed as a food ingredient is unknown.

However, it probably will remain a small market, like those for sesame

and poppy seeds.

Eat Raw Hemp Seeds Every Day (And These Things Can
Hemp seeds are a complete protein, containing vitamins, minerals,

essential fatty acids and antioxidants.

Nutritional Information

4 heaping tablespoons of Shelled Hemp Seed contains 240 caloric energy


Protein: 15g

Polyunsaturated fats: 15g

-Omega 6: 11.4g, Omega 3: 3.6g

Mono-unsaturated fats: 2.7g

Saturated fats: 2.1g

Fiber: 2.5g

Carbohydrates: 4.5g

Iron: 2mg

Calcium: 31mg

Sodium: 3.8mg

Vitamin E: 3.8mg

Vitamin D: 956 IU

Vitamin C: .42mg

Vitamin B6: .05mg

Vitamin B2: .14mg

Vitamin B1: .58mg

Vitamin A: 1.68 IU

The high content of vitamins, amino acids, antioxidants and trace

minerals support the brain, the cells within our body and prevents

mitochondria and cell damage from free radicals.

Vitamin A: supports good vision, healthy immune system, supports cell

growth, helps with dry eyes, used for specifi c types of leukemia,

maintains healthy bones and teeth, prevents urinary stones, great for

healthy skin, essential for the reproductive process in males and females.

Vitamin C: An antioxidant that also lowers blood pressure and lowers

blood lead levels, promotes healthy eye function, boost our immune

system and acts as a natural antihistamine.

Vitamin E: Also an antioxidant that protects cell damage and is key for

healthy skin, eyes and a strong immune system.

Vitamin B1 (Thiamine): helps the body make healthy new cells. It also

protect the immune system. Studies say this vitamin is necessary to help

break down simple carbohydrates.

Vitamin B2 (Ribofl avin): is an antioxidant to help fi ght free radicals that

damage cells and may prevent early aging and heart disease. Ribofl avin is

important for producing red blood cells that are necessary for

transporting oxygen throughout the body. Several studies suggest B2 can

prevent migraines.

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine): helps regulate levels of the amino acid

homocysteine (associated with heart disease). Mood and sleep patterns

can be affected by B6 because it helps body produce serotonin,

melatonin and norepinephrine, a stress hormone. Some studies suggest

vitamin B6 can reduce infl ammation for people with conditions like

rheumatioid arthritis.

Vitamin D: maintains normal blood levels of calcium and phosphorus.

Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium. It may also protect against

osteoporosis, high blood pressure, cancer, and other diseases.

Our bodies need polyunsaturated (good) fat such as omega 6 and

omega 3, which helps seeds have the perfect balance of.

Omega 6: Regulates blood pressure, blood clotting, infl ammation,

immunity and brain function.

Omega 3: Reduces the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer,

arthritis, autoimmune and infl ammatory disorders.

Fiber: controls blood sugar, promotes heart health, decreases risk of

stroke, enhances weight loss and management, helps remove yeast and

fungus from the body, reduces the risk of diverticulitis, lowers the risk of

hemorrhoids, provides some relief from IBS, and reduces the risk of

gallbladder and kidney stones.

Magnesium: regulates melatonin hormone for better sleep, relaxes the

nervous system, helps cells store more energy, helps the body produce

more Insulin like Growth Factor (IGF-1 helps with growth and strength

in muscles), better fl exibility, supports bone integrity and strength,

remineralizes teeth, alkalizes the body, hydrates, relieves constipation,

assists enzyme function, diabetes.

Iron: helps carry oxygen through our body and help keep our blood cells


Calcium: helps maintain heart rhythm, muscle function, and more.

Theres good evidence that calcium can help prevent or control high

blood pressure. It also may reduce PMS symptoms as well as preventing

certain cancers. Calcium with Vitamin D may help protect against breast

cancer in premenopausal women.

Phosphorus: is required by the body for bone and teeth formation and

allows for proper digestion of ribofl avin and niacin. It aids in

transmission of nerve impulses, helps your kidneys excret wastes, gives

you energy, forms the proteins that aid in reproduction, and may help

block cancer.

More than half of all bone is made from phosphate, and is also utilized to

maintain tissues and fl uids.

Ways to add hemp seeds to your daily diet:

Hemp seeds can be a great dairy alternative. Hemp milk and and hemp

ice cream are loaded with all the nutritional benefi ts of the hemp seeds

without the irritating protein of cows milk.

Breakfast foods and baked goods are another fun way to add hemp

seeds. Add a handful of hemp seeds to the batter of muffi ns, cookies and

breads. With a naturally nutty fl avor, hemp seeds can also be used as a

substitute in recipes that call for other types of nuts.

Salads can get a nutritional boost by sprinkling a few tablespoons of

hemp seeds on to it.

Superfood vegan pesto can be made with hemp seeds! I use this pesto

over my gluten free pasta. It also is very tasty as a pizza base alternative

to tomato sauce.
Smoothies blending a tablespoon of hemp seed can make your smoothie

extra nutritious without affecting the fl avor.

This Natural Drink Recipe will Purge ALL Parasites from Your Body!


According to the CDC, a parasite is an organism that lives on or in a host

organism and gets its food from or at the expense of its host. There are three
main classes of parasites that can cause disease in humans: protozoa,
helminths, and ectoparasites.

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), there are three main types
of parasites that can cause disease in humans:

1. Protozoa

Protozoa are one-celled, microscopic organisms. Theyre able to multiply in

humans, causing serious infections to develop from just one single organism.
Protozoa can be transferred to humans through a fecal-oral route from
contaminated food or water, or from the bite of an insect such as a mosquito.

2. Helminths

Helminths are multicellular organism. Theyre generally visible to the naked eye in
their mature stages. They do not have the ability to multiply in humans, but they
can still cause damage. Helminths include flatworms, tapeworms, thorny-headed
worms and roundworms.

3. Ectoparasites
This term is more generally used to refer to organisms such as ticks, fleas, lice
and mites that attach or burrow into the skin and stay there for weeks to months
at a time. These organisms can easily transfer diseases to humans.

Parasitic Infections

Parasitic infections cause disease across the world. Malaria causes the most
deaths globally, killing approximately 660,000 people each year. These infections
typically affect more people in low-income countries, but they are also present in
the United States.

Symptoms of a parasitic infection include:

Lowered immune system and constant illness

Rectal itching
Vaginal yeast infection
Sores on the mouth or lips
Constant fatigue
Bloating and gas
Rashes or itching around the genitals
Constant bladder infections
Intestinal cramps
Constipation or diarrheoa
Natural remedy to flush parasites from your body:

If you think you may have a parasitic infection, seek the advice of a health
care professional.

For a natural remedy, youll want to try garlic.

Garlic has been used for centuries as a natural health remedy. Its a potent anti-
inflammatory, antioxidant and antiviral that can work wonders for your body,
especially during an infection.

The alicin in garlic is able to target colitis, diarrhea and parasitic infections while
boosting the immune system to promote healing.

Finely mince 1-2 cloves of garlic, mix them in a cup of water and drink before
meals to help kill parasites and get your body back to its former parasite-free self!

This short video demonstrates how to make your natural remedy to flush

Hydrogen Peroxide and Cancer: This is What You Must know!

February 23, 2017 | Health | 0 | admin


Unfortunately, cancer has become the plague of the modern era, and we are
constantly surrounded by it.

Moreover, even though we are daily struggling to avoid its deadly effects, the
modern society is full of cancerous products, materials, and chemicals.

We are exposed to this dangerous influence through the regular use of

cosmetics, GMO foods, insecticides, pesticides, fluoride, herbicides, bleach,
antibiotics toothpaste, cosmetics, shampoos, and sun block lotions.

The acidic environment in the body is perfect for the development of cancer,
as the organs and blood are loaded with artificial foods, sugar, animal fat,
and processed salt.
The heart and the brain are trying to remove the toxins, and cancer patients
are advised to avoid certain foods which support the acidity of the body.

Sadly, most cancer patients die in less than 5 years, due to the negative
effects of the conventional cancer treatments, radiation, and chemotherapy,
as they also destroy the healthy cells in the body.

Yet, the real solution lies in the following: pathogens, viruses, and pathogens
are anaerobic, meaning that their growth is boosted in the case of a lack of
oxygen, and its abundance destroys them. Moreover, the survival and
multiplication of cancer cells depend on the fermentation of glucose.

Not only cancer, but numerous other ailments and diseases can be
prevented by alkalizing the body. Hydrogen peroxide offers numerous
benefits, like regeneration of the hair, organs, and new skin cells.

These are its most important health benefits:

New stomach lining in 5 days
New skin and hair in 30 days
New DNA cell material and new liver in 45 days
New bladder in 49 days
New brain tissue and cells in 60 days
New skeleton in 90 days
New red blood cells in 120 days

Scientists have found that there is a reciprocal relation between the spread
of metastasis and the amount of oxygen surrounding the cancer cells.
Therefore, the more oxygen, the slower the spread of cancer cells.

Hydrogen peroxide is especially beneficial in the case of cancer, as it destroys

them since cancer cells are not able to break it down.

Namely, the pancreatic enzymes effectively break down the thick protein
covering the affected cells, so the immune system does not recognize them
as cancerous.

However, even a more shocking fact is that this has been known for more
than half a century. The difference between the affected and normal cells
has been found by Dr. Otto Warburg, the popular Nobel Laureate and a
German doctor.

He discovered that all cells derive energy from glucose, and the normal ones
need oxygen to combine it with glucose, while the cancer cells do not. Now
you probably understand why obese people are more prone to cancer, as
cancer cells require sugar in order to survive.

Therefore, such oxygen treatments, like hydrogen peroxide are completely

safe and provide amazing effects. You should use 35% hydrogen peroxide
and avoid 3% Pharmaceutical Grade, as it is not suitable for external use.

This is how to use it:

Pour two drops of 30% or 35% hydrogen peroxide in a glass of water
and drink it.
Pour it in a tub filled with warm water and enjoy this healthy bath for
30 minutes.

Prepare It Before The Pharmacists Erase It! 4 Tablespoons of This And

You Can Say Goodbye To High Blood Pressure And Clogged Arteries
In this article, we will show you you a powerful combination of 3
ingredients that is able to reinforce your immune system and help the
body fight colds, flu, infections and the cardiovascular diseases.

This mixture is made of ginger, garlic and lemon, all of which are
beneficial on their own, but their effects are much stronger when they
are mixed together.

Heres how you can prepare the remedy:

Ingredients needed

4 lemons
4-cm. piece of ginger root
4 garlic cloves
2 liters of water
First you need to wash well the lemons with baking soda and water.
Then you need to cut them on slices. Peel the ginger and the garlic
cloves, and then put everything in blender. Now, heat the mixture in
some pan and slowly add 2 liters of water. Now, stir everything well
and heat until it boils, then leave the mixture to completely cool down.
Finally, strain this mixture and keep it into glass bottles in the fridge.


Consume one glass of this remedy two times a day before meals. Make
sure to shake well the bottle before consumption. Dont worry about
the smell of the garlic it will be neutralized as a result of the ginger
and lemon. This incredible remedy is the best natural solution for
weakened immune system, high blood pressure, clogged arteries, and
a weakened heart muscle. Drinking it regularly is definitely going to
boost your immune system and help you defeat numerous diseases.

Source: www.healthylifevision.com

Why Oregano Oil Is One Of The Greatest Things You Could Own

Oregano oil is the ultimate antibiotic. Oregano is a powerful herb with

unique healing properties. Did you know that oregano has eight times

more antioxidants than apples and three times as much as blueberries?

Antioxidants are needed to protect our body against free radical

damage. They boost the immune-system naturally. Oregano Oil is the

most potent plant oil in the world!

the distribution of oregano oil started in Ancient Greece. In Greek the

word oregano is translated as joy of the mountains. The Greeks were fi rst

to use oil for medicinal purposes, such as a powerful antiviral,

antibacterial, antiseptic, antifungal agent and also as a remedy for pain,

and infl ammation. It was the main

Oregano Oil is The Ultimate Antibiotic

Main Ingredients Oregano Essential Oil is a mineral density

powerhouse. It contains calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, potassium,

copper, boron, manganese, vitamins C, A (beta-carotene), Niacin.

Oregano oil contains four main groups of chemicals which are

active healing agents.
Phenols including carvacrol and thymol. They act as antiseptics and

antioxidants. Terpenes including pinene and terpinene. They possess

antiseptic, antiviral, anti-infl ammatory and anesthetic properties.

Linalool and bonreol are two long-chain alcohols found in oregano oil.

They exhibit antiviral and antiseptic properties. Esters include linalyl

acetate and geranyl acetate. They exhibit antifungal properties.

Although all these compounds possess healing properties, the most

signifi cant primary compound found in oregano oil is carvacrol.

Scientifi c research has proved carvacrol to be one of the most effective

antibiotics known to science.

Not Oil Oregano Oil Created Equal
Real wild Mediteranean Oregano needs to be either of origanum vulgare

kind, or Thymus capitatus, which mostly grows in Spain. It is very

important to make sure the Oil of Oregano is derived from these two

kinds. It also has to have the carvacrol concentration of 70% or more.

Most importantly, oregano essential oil does not create harmful strains

in the body and does not have side effects the pharmaceutical

antibiotics do. Moreover, it is effective against a dangerous and even

deadly bacteria, but does not produce biological changes in the body.

Oregano essential oil nourishes the body and doesnt deplete it of

nutrients like conventional antibiotics do. And if you look at the

statistics, people in the Mediterranean live longer for the most part.

Maybe partly because of oregano which is added to most Mediterranean


The plant that makes cancer cells disintegrate within 48 hours

They might not be welcome in your yard, but it turns out that dandelions

have tremendous potential when it comes to helping people who are

suffering from cancer.

Chemo-resistant melanoma is now the most common type of cancer

affecting Americans aged 25 to 29. The only option doctors can

presently offer these patients is surgery to remove the tumor and its
surroundings, followed by immunotherapy, which does not usually work

when the melanoma has metastasized.

However, all that looks set to change, thanks to a humble plant that

many people pull out of their gardens and throw away. At the University

of Windsor in Ontario, the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

has shown that dandelion root extract can cause human melanoma cells

to essentially kill themselves without leading to any type of toxicity. In

fact, their initial study saw cancer cells disintegrating within 48 hours,

while healthy cells remained unaffected. The study was led by Professor

Siyaram Pandey, PhD.

Concentrated dandelion root tea being used in clinical trials

These promising results prompted the non-profi t organization Mitacs to

reach out to AOR Inc., a Calgary company that produces natural health

products, in order to develop a dandelion tea powder that is signifi cantly

stronger than that found in health food stores. They accomplish this by

milling dandelion root, creating an extract from it, and then freeze-

drying it into a powder that patients dissolve into hot water and then


Frontier Dandelion Root Cut & Sifted, ORGANIC 16-Ounces

AOR is producing 6,000 doses of this tea for a clinical trial that will take

place at the Windsor Regional Cancer Centre, and will involve 30

patients with various types of cancer, including leukemia, who have not

had success with conventional therapy.

A statement on the website of the Dandelion Root Project at the

University of Windsor says:

Since the commencement of this project, we have been able to successfully

assess the effect of a simple water extract of dandelion root in various human

cancer cell types, in the lab and we have observed its effectiveness against

human T cell leukemia, chronic myelomonocytic leukemia, pancreatic and

colon cancers, with no toxicity to non-cancer cells. Furthermore, these

effi cacy studies have been confi rmed in animal models (mice) that have been

transplanted with human colon cancer cells.

Researcher and medical oncologist Dr. Caroline Hamm said that some of

her patients have noted improvements after drinking dandelion root tea

from health food stores. The concentrated tea could prove to be even

more effective, potentially saving countless lives.

Dandelion could help fi ght a number of cancers

A 2008 study published in the International Journal of Oncology showed

that dandelion tea reduced breast and prostate cancer cells. A

subsequent report in the same journal showed that a dietary supplement

that contained dandelion suppressed the growth of prostate cancer cells.

Dandelion extracts have also demonstrated their effi cacy in treating

breast cancer and leukemia in traditional Chinese medicine as well as in

Native American medicine.

Frontier Dandelion Root Cut & Sifted, ORGANIC 16-Ounces

In addition, dandelion extracts show promise in fi ghting colon and

pancreatic cancer cells.

Dandelion has plenty of other benefi ts, too

The benefi ts of dandelions dont end there. The root can also stimulate

the secretion of bile, relieve allergies, reduce cholesterol and cleanse

the liver. In addition, it contains high amounts of Vitamin A and Vitamin


This is just one of many natural cures that is showing great promise in

treating conditions that conventional medicine has failed to conquer.

Countless more natural remedies are likely growing in our planets

forests, oceans and even deserts, just waiting to be discovered.

Baking Soda and Honey: Remedy That Destroys Even The Most Severe
Monica March 1, 2017 Baking Soda and Honey: Remedy That Destroys Even The Most
Severe Diseases2017-03-01T11:01:51+00:00 Natural RemediesNo Comment
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Baking soda is one of the most versatile ingredients there is. It is usually used
for cooking, but it has a wide range of other uses and benefits. This
inexpensive ingredient is extremely beneficial for the health, too. It can be
used in the treatment of injuries, digestive issues, stomach pain, coughs and
sore throats. Baking soda is 100 % sodium bicarbonate, which when mixed
with acid, makes bubbles and causes the dough to rise. Moreover, it has
properties to be used as a deodorizer, soother, and a cleanser. This
seemingly simple ingredient can be used on its own or combined with other
ingredients. For instance, it can be combined with lemon and castor oil.
However, one of the most powerful remedies for various diseases is when
baking soda is mixed with honey.

Honey is an ancient remedy and it can be used for skin, hair, blood sugar,
circulation, and detoxification. This is another versatile ingredient, which is
packed with a wide range of health benefits. Honey can be used in the
treatment of wound infections. Moreover, it can be also combined with other
ingredients. For instance, honey can soothe pain when combined with
cabbage, it can treat hypertension and cholesterol levels when combined
with garlic, and cure numerous diseases when combined with cinnamon. The
best honey is one that is totally raw and organic.

At first, it probably sounds strange to combine these two ingredients.

However, honey and baking soda are one of the most powerful
combinations. You probably know that the cancer cells feed on sugar, but
this type of sugar acts very differently in this particular case. So, baking soda
is able to neutralize the cancer cells, so they will fail to use sugar for their
further growth. This combination can treat a wide range of diseases and
target and destroy cancer cells.

Baking Soda and Honey Syrup


baking soda

raw Manuka honey


You should mix three parts of raw honey with one part of baking soda until
you get a homogenous mixture. You should consume this remedy during the
day in duration of a month. Make sure you consume three teaspoons of this
remedy on a daily basis.

Note: While you take this remedy, you must avoid any kind of white flour,
sugar, and meat.

Let All Doctors Surprised Applies This Remedy And Will Grow Your
Hair Like Crazy
October 22, 2016 Healthylifefusion Health 0

Hair is one of the most important physical attributes of people, for this
reason many people spend large amounts of money on treatments to make
it look really perfect, which is why in todays special we will present an
excellent natural treatment that will grow your hair in a really impressive
One of the major skin problems causing greatest concern in people is hair
loss, this can be caused by various factors, such as stress, hormonal changes
and in many cases excessive use of dyes or continued use of the dryer, irons
or curling irons.
Recent studies have established that another factor that can influence the
hair loss is food, since a person with a poor diet can fall out hair in large
quantities due to nutritional deficiencies.
A so if you want to have a full head of hair you must take into account that
very extreme diets can hurt rather than help. Additionally you should keep in
mind is that an adult has between 100,000 and 150,000 hairs grow and fall
continuously for a cycle called hair cycle, average daily drop as many
dermatologists is 60 to 100 hairs, when the fall exceeds this limit it is
important to investigate the cause of his fall.
Natural Treatment for fall
Although currently on the market there are a variety of products that
promise to attack and destroy hair loss, they may have a very high cost and
often can cause side effects, that is why today we offer a treatment that left
has surprised more than a dermatologist thanks to its effectiveness. You just
have to try to have the following ingredients:
1/2 banana
One egg yolk
One tablespoon of organic honey
Half a glass of beer.
The procedure is very simple, you just have to mix all the ingredients until
you get a smooth paste then you apply it to all those places where you can
notice the absence of hair, let stand at least two hours and then removed by
washing your hair regularly a important point to consider is that when you
apply yourself feel warm this is the ideal way to know that the treatment is
2017-02-25T19:29:41+00:00 Natural Remedies No Comment

I know talking about your bowel function; constipation, diarrhea and

diseases caused by neglecting the health of your colon is certainly not a
pleasant subject
But, it just might be worth investigating, if you can learn how to improve your
health, or better yet, avoid serious health problems that develop from having
a toxic colon.

And the good news is, there are some really excellent and simple ways you
can protect yourself.

In fact, many people who are not particularly over weight or obese, may be
carrying around 10 to 25 pounds of dried fecal matter in their colons!
Overweight, over stressed, or people with severe allergies could easily have even
more than that!

Children are not exempt either, and poor eating habits may lead to a lifetime
of digestive disorders, if ignored.
Accumulated waste built up in your colon can lead to colon toxicity which is
responsible for many body imbalances, and could be the underlying cause of
many of the weight and health problems we see people struggling with every

The first step is to clean your colon using this simple homemade recipe
which involves mixture of ginger, organic apples, sea salt and lemon.

Ginger-Apple-Lemon Detox Recipe

You will need:

1 cup organic apple juice

2 tbsp. organic lemon juice

1 tbsp. organic ginger juice

tsp. of sea salt

cup purified warm water


You will need a juicer to juice the ingredients first (fruits, roots, etc.).

In a saucepan add around 3.5 ounces of the purified water and put it on a

Heat the water using a low flame. The water should not start boiling.
Transfer the warm purified water in a glass and add the sea salt.

Stir well until the sea salt is dissolved.

Add the apple and lemon juice and ginger as well and stir well.

Your colon cleansing drink is done.

How to use it?

You should drink one glass of this drink every morning on an empty stomach
and before breakfast.
The lemon and apples in the drink are high in potent minerals, antioxidants
and vitamins that will boost the immune system, fight diseases and
infections and clean your body of dangerous toxins.

Weve tried many different intestinal cleansers and juices over the years and
this recipe is one of the most effective that weve seen. Also be sure to drink
lots and lots of water while you are using this detox juice to maximize its

It is the Most Powerful

Antioxidant and Itll Cleanse Your
Arteries from LDL Cholesterol:
FEBRUARY 28, 2017

The high cholesterol is a worldwide health issue that leads to numerous

cardiovascular problems. Many people choose prescription drugs in order to
decrease it, but they can cause various negative side-effects that can lead to
further problems.

Fortunately, Mother Nature always got our backs. Basil is a known common plant
that can successfully lower your cholesterol levels and prevent them from
increasing again, without causing any side-effects.

This ancient bushy plant is rich in phytonutrients. It grows in warm and tropical
climates, and experts say that there are over 60 types of basil, which can be
divided into bush, purple and sweet types.

It can be grown at home, and to get its maximum, then always consume fresh
basil. It is quite tasty and will eliminate bad (LDL) cholesterol in your blood. It
contains vitamin K which is crucial for blood clotting as well as other nutrients
that can improve your overall health.

Basil offers numerous health benefits, but the most important are:

Contains antioxidants

Basil is rich in antioxidants that fight free radicals in the body

A natural antibiotic

Thanks to its natural antibiotic properties, it can fight harmful bacteria. It is

recommended to combine basil and garlic and consume the mixture.

Cleans the blood vessels

It eliminates the LDL cholesterol in your blood and keeps your blood vessels

You can use basil in cases of kidney disease, constipation, cough, headaches,
diarrhea, etc. You can prepare basil tea and improve your overall health.

With drinking water on an empty stomach you can successfully

body aches,
heart system,
accelerated heart beat,
menstrual disorders,
diseases of the ear, nose and throat,
blood fat,
bronchitis and asthma,
kidney disease and urinary tract etc
How to do it properly :
In the morning before you brush your teeth, drink 4 times per 160ml
(640 ml) of water.
Dont eat nor drink anything in the next 45 minutes.
After 45 minutes you can normally eat and drink.
After the breakfast, lunch and dinner make a pause of two hours
before eating or drinking anything else.
Old and sick cant drink 4 glasses of water on an empty stomach so
they c should start with as much as they can, and then daily increase
the amount until they reach the required 640ml .
Diabetes 30 days
For constipation 10 days
TB 90 days
High blood pressure 30 days
For gastritis 10 days
Drinking water on an empty stomach should be applied throughout life
and you will stay healthy and full of energy.
-If you suffer from arthritis, limit the treatment to three days in the first
week, then have a week of pause and re-start .
This treatment has no side effects.
Have plenty of water to lose weight
Drink before you eat.
Replace calorie-filled drinks with water.
Drink ice cold water.
Drink plenty of water when you workout.
Eat healthy food .

This Seed Can Cure Diabetes, Help

You Lose Weight And Provide Many
Other Health Benefits!

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Canary seed is usually used for feeding birds, but as it contains amino
acids and enzymes, people should consume it as well.

Furthermore, this seed is rich in lipase enzyme which is proven to help

with the digestive process. This enzyme is also known to breaks down the
fat cells which accelerates their absorption through the intestines. The
lipase enzyme is effective in reducing the symptoms of celiac disease and
indigestion as well.

Here you can find some of the nutritional and health benefits of
the birdseed:

o It is proven to be a powerful antioxidant, so it slows down

the aging process and tightens the skin as well
o Its refreshing
o Regenerates the pancreas and helps in preventing diabetes
o It is effective against cellulite
o Boosts the kidney enzymes and eliminates the excess
fluids from the human body
o This seed has the ability to recharge enzymes
o The protein in birdseed are very easy to digest and less
harmful for the human body
o The enzymes in these seeds act as a natural remedy. They
reduce the swelling of internal organs, like: kidneys, liver
and pancreas
o It can be used as an appetizer
o Prevents arteriosclerosis
o Helps with abdominal toning
o Rich in different types of vegetable proteins
o Helps with stomach ulcers, gastritis, edema, gout.
o Helps with obesity and bloating
o Its very effective in treating high blood pressure
o Contains emollient properties
o It helps in the weight loss process and reducing the
cholesterol levels. So, its recommended for people who
want to lower the cholesterol levels (LDL) and to lose
o It helps in treating cirrhosis as it increases the number of
hepatocytes in the liver. In this way it also helps against
o As we said before, it is rich in lipase enzyme, which helps
in burning fats that damage the veins
o Its effective against kidney and bladder problems,
because it kills the bacteria in the urinary tract
Here is one useful RECIPE: Milk Birdseed

Put 5 tablespoons of birdseed in water and leave them overnight. In the

morning strain the water and blend the birdseeds. Add soy milk or fruit
and blend again. For better taste, you can add some honey.

This milk is very healthy and it will give you energy for the whole day. You
can also drink it before going to bed but it should be warm.

Stunning: Scientists Discover the Missing Link Lymphatic Vessels Connecting

Brain and Immune System

Until date, no one could find a connection between the brain and the
immune system because no one could find any lymphatic vessels in the
brain. For centuries, scientists and medical practitioners were convinced
that the brain (part of the central nervous system) was kept safe from
pathogens, since it lacked a direct connection to the lymphatic system
(which performs important immune functions).

However, a team of researchers at the University Of Virginia School Of

Medicine have done the unthinkable: they have discovered a new series
of lymphatic vessels in the body that connect the brain to the immune

The lymphatic vessels carry immune cells, including the white blood cells,
and rid the human body of dead blood cells, toxins and waste. These
vessels may have gone undetected until now since they were hiding in the
meninges (the layer of tissue that covers the brain) the membrane that
is frequently discarded when the brain is prepared for analysis.

Dr Jonathan Kipnis, lead researcher and director of University of Virginias

Center for Brain Immunology and Glia, commented:

I really did not believe there are structures in the body that we are not
aware of. I thought the body was mapped. I thought that these
discoveries ended somewhere around the middle of the last century. But
apparently they have not.
Maps of the lymphatic system: old (left) and updated to reflect University
of Virginias discovery (right). | Credit: University of Virginia Health
The discovery of the central nervous system lymphatic system not only
challenges the basic assumptions in neuroimmunology, it has the
potential to revolutionize future treatment of patients suffering from
neuroinflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases associated with
immune system dysfunction such as autism, Alzheimers and multiple
sclerosis. Dr Kipnis added:

Instead of asking: How do we study the immune response of the brain?

Why do multiple sclerosis patients have the immune attacks? now we
can approach this mechanistically. Because the brain is like every other
tissue connected to the peripheral immune system through meningeal
lymphatic vessels. It changes entirely the way we perceive the
neuroimmune interaction.

We always perceived it before as something esoteric that cant be

studied. But now we can ask mechanistic questions. We believe that for
every neurological disease that has an immune component to it, these
vessels may play a major role. Its hard to imagine that these vessels
would not be involved in a neurological disease with an immune

For example, take Alzheimers disease. In Alzheimers, there are

accumulations of big protein chunks in the brain. We think they may be
accumulating in the brain because theyre not being efficiently removed
by these vessels.

The discovery was made possible by Dr Antoine Louveau, a researcher in

Dr Kipnis lab. The lymphatic vessels were detected after Dr Louveau
mounted a mouses meninges on a single slide rather than slicing them
up, which is how theyre normally studied in order to study the mouses
brain as a whole, under high-powered microscopes.

A microscopic examination revealed immune cells spread across the

meninges in vessel-like patterns; further testing confirmed them to be
lymphatic vessels. Later, the team was able to show how the lymphatic
vessels carry immune cells from the cerebrospinal fluid, along veins in the
sinuses, and into nearby deep cervical lymph nodes a direct connection
between the brain and the immune system.

While the discovery of the new lymphatic vessels leads to more questions
than answers, Kevin Lee, the chair of the Department of Neuroscience at
the University of Virginia (who wasnt involved in the research) is
buoyant. Recalling the first time Dr Kipnis showed him their results, Lee

I just said one sentence: Theyll have to rewrite the textbooks. There
has never been a lymphatic system for the central nervous system, and it
was very clear from that first singular observation and theyve done
many studies since then to bolster the finding that it will fundamentally
change the way people look at the central nervous systems relationship
with the immune system.

An estimated 8% of the U.S. population suffers from one of the 80 to 100

currently recognized autoimmune disorders. With more than 5 million
Americans suffering from Alzheimers and over 3.5 million living with an
autism spectrum disorder, this new discovery could be a game changer.

Your views matter. Please share your thoughts on this stunning discovery
in the comments section below.

This article (Stunning: Scientists Discover the Missing Link Lymphatic

Vessels Connecting Brain and Immune System) is a free and open
source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative
Commons license with attribution to the author and AnonHQ.com.

Got Health Problems? Drink Frankincense Water. Here is

How to Make It.

Frankincense water has been a traditional drink in the Middle East for
Centuries. People in Oman and Yemen usually soak 4 or 5 pieces of this
resin in water overnight and drink the water. According to their doctors,
only few people over there have cancer.

Frankincense is a fragrant plant resin that comes from the Boswelllia sacra
tree found in Africa and the Arabian peninsula, including Yemen and Oman.
Frankincense possesses analgesic, anti-arthritic, antifungal, anti-
infl ammatory, antioxidant, antiseptic, astringent, carminative, digestive,
diuretic, expectorant, sedative, tonic, vulnerary properties.
Scientists have found that there is some agent within frankincense which
helps stop spreading of cancer. It induces cancerous cells to close
themselves down. According to the latest studies,

Cancer starts when the DNA code within the cells nucleus becomes
corrupted. It seems frankincense has a re-set function. It can tell the cell
what the right DNA code should be. Frankincense separates the brain of
the cancerous cell the nucleus from the body the cytoplasm, and
closes down the nucleus to stop it reproducing corrupted DNA codes.]

Benefits of Frankincense Resin Water

Prevents digestive problems

Strengthens immune system

Works As A Natural Diuretic

Strengthens, tones, and lifts the skin, muscles, and internal organs

Promotes skin and tissue regeneration

Helps the body to rid of toxins

Helps with stress relief and inflammation


Eases Fever And Headaches

Penetrates the blood-brain barrier

Helps with bronchitis

Helps relieve sore throats

How to Make Frankincense Water


One bag Frankincense resin (where to find)

One quarter of clean purified water

A one quarter glass jar


Place Frankincense Resin in the bottom of the jar. Boil Water. Pour water
over resin until the jar is full. Cover with a glass plate or towel. Let the
water sit overnight.

How to Use it

Drink a few ounces throughout the day. If its your first time drinking the
water, make sure to introduce this drink to your body slowly.

Madina-frankincense-1 Lb
Frankincense Essential Oil

One of the oldest known medical records from the sixteenth century B.C.,
the Ebers Papyrus, mentions frankincense oil. The ancient Egyptians
listed the oil on hundreds of prescriptions and recipes.

Frankincense oil is one of the most highly prized essential oils in the
world and one of the best oils you can use for your health. The
astringent property of frankincense oil can help strengthen gums, stop
the bleeding from wounds and cuts, help with skin health, reverse signs
of aging, and reduce the appearance of stretch marks and scars.
Frankincense oil can break up phlegm deposits in your respiratory tract
and lungs, and can relieve bronchitis-related congestion. It can suppress
the production of key inflammatory cells, helping to prevent the
breakdown of cartilage tissue in patients with arthritis.

Quality frankincense oil is hard to find. Make sure you are getting the
real oil. This is why I recommend these Essential oils. (where to find)

Baking Soda True Enemy of the

Pharmaceutical Industry

Sodium Bicarbonate, otherwise known as baking soda, is enjoying the

spotlight as researchers begin to study baking soda and cancer. Known for

many years as the cure for all things fungal, baking soda is now taking

center stage in many studies around the world. That focus is bringing to

the fore the concept that cancer and fungal infections go hand in hand.
When taken orally with water, especially water with high magnesium

content, and when used transdermally in medicinal baths, sodium

bicarbonate becomes a fi rst-line medicinal for the treatment of cancer,

kidney disease, diabetes, infl uenza and even the common cold. And

importantly, it is also a powerful buffer against radiation exposure, so

everyone should be up to speed on its use.

Bicarbonate defi ciency is the most unrecognized medical condition on

earth even though it is extraordinarily common. Problems from acid pH

levels (relative defi ciency in bicarbonate ions) take a large toll from human

physiology and the more acid a person gets the larger the problem for cell

physiology. Every biochemical reaction is pH sensitive with enzymes being

especially sensitive. Our diet plays an important role in maintaining

appropriate pH levels in the body.

Most modern diets give rise to unhealthy acidic pH conditions. An

imbalanced pH will interrupt cellular activities and functions to extreme

levels as ph drops further. Excessive acidic pH leads to cellular

deterioration which eventually brings on serious health problems such as

cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, osteoporosis and heartburn. The

fact that the biological life functions best in a non-acidic (alkaline)

environment speaks miles about the usefulness of baking soda.

I have used intravenous sodium bicarbonate therapy mostly as a

naturopathic treatment for patients who consistently react to allergens or

that have chemical sensitivities. This is a great therapy during the

Vancouver allergy seasons of spring and fall. The alkalinizing sodium

bicarbonate IV can often immediately stop an allergic reaction, or

asthmatic attack, since such reactions cannot persist in an alkaline

environment. Some of my patients also get benefi t from taking an

alkalinizing drink every night to reduce their chemical sensitivity

symptoms, writes Dr Eric Chan. All of my Vancouver and Richmond

patients have tolerated this therapy markedly well.

Below is an article written from the wonderful book Sodium Bicarbonate

Rich Mans Poor Mans Cancer Treatment Second Edition by Mark Sircus,

AC., OMD. I felt it was a good idea to share this information so please be

sure to check it out -with an open mind of course. It is understandable how

this can seem fa fetched but there are a number of well known natural

cancer treatments that are working today that mainstream medicine

refuses to talk about.

Ancient German Remedy That

Will Unclog Your Arteries,
Decrease The Cholesterol And
Improve Your Immune System!
Today were going to present an ancient German recipe that has been used as a
remedy against atherosclerosis, high cholesterol levels, colds, the flu, fatigue and
different infections. The recipe contains garlic, ginger, lemon and water,
ingredients that are easily available and can be found in everyones home.
Heres how to prepare it:


-2 l. of water
-3-4 cm. of ginger root
-4 garlic cloves
-4 lemons


Wash the lemons and cut them on slices, then peel the garlic and mix it with
the lemons and ginger in a blender. Mix well until you get a homogenous
mixture, then put it in a pan and add 2 l. of water. Cook the mixture while
stirring until it boils, then remove it from the heat and leave it to cool down.
Once cooled down, strain the liquid and pour it into a bottle or a glass jar.

Take a glass of the drink every day for 3 weeks 2 hours before meals. Take a
one-week break afterwards and repeat the process again. You can add some
honey to improve the flavor of the remedy. The results should be noticeable
after only 3 weeks you should feel more energetic and you will improve your
overall health significantly. The remedy can also be helpful in cases of kidney
stones or vascular congestion.

This Will Shock You the Juice

That Kills Cancer Cells, Treat
Diabetes, Gastritis and Lower
Blood Pressure!

This juice is more effective than any type of modern medicine. It

successfully prevents diabetes, gastritis, high blood pressure and many
other serious diseases, including cancer.

The useful benefits of raw potatoes are known for centuries, for
people who use them in folk medicine, but despite that, we all still think
that we shouldnt consume raw potatoes.

But, actually, it is mistake, because in raw form, potatoes are

very healthy and extremely useful food.
Another important thing, worth mentioning, is that its necessary to peel
of some potatoes before eating. Immature potatoes with green skin and
potatoes sprout can be dangerous.

The danger lies in Solana the poison that exists in germ and
green parts of potatoes. However, in such a potato you can
easily remove the shell before use.
A lot of medical experts, including John Lesindzer and Dr. John Tucakov
wrote many articles about the healing properties of potato juice.

John Lesindzer believes that this juice is the best natural remedy for
the treatment of gastritis , one of the most common diseases of modern

Lesindzer recommends taking 1 tbs. of homemade potato juice with little

water. You should drink this homemade potato juice 30 minutes before
breakfast, lunch and dinner.

He also claims that in treating stomach and duodenal problems, you

should take deciliter of potato juice on empty stomach. And you
should take deciliter 30 minutes before lunch and dinner.

Dr. Kagamine, a professor of Medicine University of Akita, Japan,

has conducted a study in which he managed to isolate the substance of
raw potatoes. He found that this substance was effective in suppressing
the growth of tumor cells in mice.

The results of his study were published in the IC (International

Congress) for the fight against cancer. The Congress which was held in

Today, the potato is gaining importance as an effective tool in the fight

against diseases of the kidneys and liver, but also in cases of heart
disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, lumbago, rheumatism and so

Notwithstanding the positive effects in the treatment of serious diseases,

drinking juice of raw potato is an excellent tool for strengthening the
immune system.

So if you feel weak or exhausted, drink juice made from a single

medium-sized potato, carrots and apples, once daily in the morning and
evening, and in two weeks you will get back the good of the health

Benefits of potato juice:

Boosts immunity
Cleanses the body of toxins
Treat skin diseases
Fight cancer
Helps with gastritis and other stomach problems
It lowers blood sugar
Aids in liver and kidney ailments
Protects against cardiovascular disease
Shell potato is contributing to the detoxification of the body and is
the source of many nutrients.
Potato peel helps with the detoxification process in removing the harmful
toxins from your body and its a source of many healthy nutrients.

The potato peel contains high amounts of healthy nutrients, such as:
Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, potassium, iron, magnesium, zinc, protein and a
lot of carbohydrates. Its very important for you to know that potatoes
lose their Vitamin C when they are cooked.

This is really a great pity, because there is 27 mg of Vitamin C in one

medium sized raw potato, which makes 45% of the recommended daily
intake for this vitamin.

Potatoes are also very effective in treating skin problems. They give
your skin a clean and radiant complexion, and skin without acne and

Due to its antiseptic properties, its great cleaner skin problems, and
because it contains a high percentage of vitamin C and starch,
nourishes the skin and prevents its aging. All you have to you is grind
some potatoes and apply them as a facial mask.

It will clean and tighten your skin. Potato can help in the fight against
cellulite. All you have to do is rub the critical area with a slice of potato.

How to Make Homemade Potato Juice

This is very easy. First, wash the potatoes and remove all the green
parts and the seeds from the crust. Then, cut the potato into this slices.
Then, wrap them in a cloth fabric and squeeze the juice. Or you can use
a juicer as well.

This is very important thing you should remember You

should always drink freshly prepared juice from potatoes.
You can mix it with fruit and vegetables of your choice. You
can add apples, carrots, lemon juice and some honey.
The author of the book The road to a healthy lifestyle: Cancer is nothing
to fear is the Buddhist monk Tomizawa. According to him, just by
drinking 2 cups of potato juice every day you can greatly contribute to
cure cancer and other diseases as well.

This Fruit Kills Diabetes And Stops

Breast Cancer Cells From Growing And


Apparently, the bitter melon is one of the most beneficial fruits on the planet,
and its potent medicinal properties have been valued and used in the East for

This amazing fruit has been traditionally used to treat a wide range of uses, like
fever, diarrhea, malaria, kidney stones, high blood pressure, painful
menstruation, skin infections, colic, glaucoma, stomach cramps, high cholesterol
levels, and hemorrhoids.

It is a rich source of proteins, acids, peptides, alkaloids, glycoside, momordine,

cucurbitins, charantin, cucurbitacins, and momorcharins.

It is believed that the primary components in charge of the hypoglycemic

properties include charantin, momordicin, cucurbutanoids, and oleanolic acids.

Recently, scientists have found that bitter melons have potent hypoglycaemic
and anticancer properties.

Bitter Melon and Diabetes

The researchers at the Garvan Institute of Medical Research and the Shanghai
Institute of Materia Medica have discovered the efficacy of treating Type 2
diabetes with bitter melon.

Bitter melon contains certain chemical compounds that activate AMPK which
encourages the movement of glucose transporters to the surface of cells.
More transporters on cells surfaces increase the uptake of glucose from
circulation in the blood into tissues of the body, such as muscle, thus lowering
blood sugar levels.

In the Journal of Ethnopharmacology, researchers concluded that,

Bitter melon had a modest hypoglycemic effect and significantly reduced

fructosamine levels from the baseline among patients with type-2 diabetes who
received 2,000 mg/day. However, the hypoglycemic effect of bitter melon was
less than metformin at 1,000 mg/day.

Bitter melon and breast cancer

According to another study from the University of Saint Louis, bitter melon
extract can trigger a chain of events on a cellular level that can stop breast
cancer cells from proliferation. The lead scientist on the study concluded that
bitter melon extract modulates several signal transduction pathways, which
induces breast cancer cell death. This extract can be utilized as a dietary
supplement for the prevention of breast cancer.

The fruit can be eaten raw or added to smoothies. You can also find bitter melon
supplements in almost all health stores.

This bath pulls toxins

out of the body;
improves muscle and
nerve function,
reduces inflammation
and improves blood
Posted on December 28, 2016January 18, 2017 In Health & Fitness 1

. E psom salts have been used by many different cultures for

hundreds of years. They have a number of different beneficial properties and

are used in gardening, household cleaning and detoxifying the body. These
salts are very inexpensive and can be purchased at bulk discounts in garden
centers nearly everywhere. Using Epsom salt baths is an advanced
detoxification strategy that has remarkable health benefits.

Epsom salts are named for a bitter saline spring located at Epsom in Surrey,
England. Epsom is different than traditional salts in that it is actually a naturally
occurring pure mineral compound of magnesium and sulfate. These minerals
have very powerful health benefits that can enhance the detoxification
capabilities of the body.

How an Epsom salt

bath works:
Magnesium and sulfate are both readily absorbed through the skin and into the
bodys blood stream. The skin is a highly porous membrane that both takes in
minerals and eliminates toxins every day. Using a powerful mineral base such as
Epsom salts in a bathwater medium creates a process called reverse osmosis.
This process pulls salt and harmful toxins out of the body and allows the
magnesium and sulfates to enter into the body.

Magnesium plays a critical role in over 325 enzymes, helps to improve muscle
and nerve function, reduces inflammation and improves blood flow and
oxygenation throughout the body. Sulfates are necessary building blocks for
healthy joints, skin and nervous tissue. Epsom salts replenish the bodys
magnesium levels and sulfates. This combination helps to flush toxins from the
body and helps build key protein molecules in the brain tissue and joints.

The use of regular Epsom salt baths has been shown to improve the symptoms
of many health conditions including athletes foot, gout, toenail fungus, sprains,
bruises and muscle soreness. It is also good for anyone dealing with chronic
disease or chronic pain to do regular Epsom baths to help detoxify and de-
inflame while improving mineral and sulfur balance in the body.

Contraindications to Epsom baths would be if you are pregnant, dehydrated or

have open wounds or burns on your skin. Individuals who are suffering with
cardiovascular disease should always consult with a natural health physician who
is familiar with the health benefits of Epsom salt baths before starting.
How to take an Epsom
salt bath:
The first step is to schedule yourself at least 40 minutes, as you need about 20
minutes to remove the toxins, and for the second 20 minutes, the body absorbs
the minerals in the bath water.
Fill up your bath with warm water. Be sure to have a water filtration system in
your house, as you dont want to bathe in tap water that has toxic chlorine,
fluoride, dioxins and heavy metals. Add in the Epsom salts in the following

Children under 60 lbs: Add 1/2 cup of salts to a standard size bath
Individuals between 60-100 lbs: Add 1 cup of salts to a standard size bath
Individuals between 100-150 lbs: Add 1 1/2 cup of salts to a standard size bath
Individuals between 150-200 lbs: Add 2 cups of salts to a standard size bath
For every 50lbs larger add in an additional 1/2 cup of salts.
Additional strategies
to apply with an
Epsom salt bath
Adding in a 1/2 cup of olive oil is also very good for the skin, as the polyphenols
soak into the skin and give extra antioxidant benefits. Adding ginger or cayenne
can increase your heat levels, which will help you to sweat out toxins. You can
add anywhere from 1 tbsp to 1/2 a cup to stimulate sweating, and these herbs
are loaded with antioxidants that will enhance the detoxification process as well.

Do not use soap with an Epsom salt bath, as it will interfere with the action of the
minerals and the detoxification process. Try to rest for an hour or two afterwards
unless you have arthritic joints, in which case you will want to stay active as
much as possible to prevent congestion in the joints.

Castor oil is great for

thickening and regrowing
hair, eyelashes and
By Danna Norek
Posted Saturday, November 9, 2013 at 09:30am EST
Keywords: castor oil, castor oil for hair growth, castor oil for lips, castor oil for regrowing
eyebrows, castor oil for skin, castor oil for thicker hair, castor oil shiny hair, regrow brows,
thicker eyebrows
Castor oil is often overlooked for its benefits for the skin and hair because of its extremely
thick and sticky consistency. However, if youre looking for a cheap, natural remedy for
several common skin and hair complaints, then castor oil is definitely worth your time.

Castor oil for regrowing and thickening hair, eyelashes

and eyebrows

I first stumbled on castor oil as a remedy for regrowing thin eyebrows. I had over-plucked my
brows back in the nineties when it was the hip thing to have pencil thin brows, and they
never did quite recover. It became necessary for me to pencil in the bald spots and I
missed the natural look of real hair where these spots were missing.

I read about castor oil as a remedy for thinning brows and hair, and thought Id try it. I bought
a hexane free, organic and cold pressed castor oil and started applying it to my eyebrows
every night after washing my face. After about three months, I noticed my brows were
noticeably thicker (and they seemed to be growing in darker as well), and attributed it to the
nightly application of castor oil.

Im not the only one that this has worked for. So, why would castor oil help you regrow hair
both on your head and the other two important places, the eyebrows and the eyelashes.

Castor oil is high in ricinoleic acid. This acid is a very effective natural anti-bacterial and anti-
fungal agent. This can help keep any fungus or bacteria from inhibiting hair growth. Since
the oil is also very thick, it may help to prevent hair loss simply by helping to coat the hair
and protect it from falling out.

Castor oil is also high in omega 9 fatty acids, which are nourishing to both the hair and the
follicle, as well as the surrounding skin. Castor oil has a unique ability to be deeply
penetrating, and this helps it to deliver its nourishment deeply into the pores and the follicles
that produce hair.

It also has a high gloss, so it lends a lush glossiness and shine to the hair. A little goes a long
way, and it is best to only add a tiny bit to the very ends of your hair instead of putting it up
near the scalp if youre just looking for a natural hair smoother.
Simply put about two drops on your hands and rub, then smooth through the ends. If you
use too much, there is a fine line between subtle shine and a heavy greasiness so go very
light until you figure out the amount that works right for your hair type.

If youre looking to regrow the hair on your head, you can use castor oil as a scalp treatment.
However it can be tricky to get on the scalp without thinning it out with a lighter oil. You can
add some melted coconut oil, apricot kernel oil or another lighter oil to help get it spreadable

If youre simply looking to help thicken hair that is thinning at the edges of your hairline, you
can use pure castor oil, with a light hand of course. Another use is to apply the oil to
eyelashes to help thicken and strengthen them, as well as to help prevent thinning and

Castor oil for scar tissue reduction and shiny, smooth


Many attest to the wonders castor oil offers for keloid types of scars and other scars that
involve a lot of hardened scar tissue. This is presumably due to its ability for deep
penetration through multiple skin layers.

Because castor oil softens the skin so much, the thought is that this softening helps to break
down deep scar tissue so it may be smoothed out. In addition, castor oil has shown promise
as a white blood cell stimulating agent. Studies have also shown that castor bean oil helps
reduce the inflammatory response in subcutaneous tissue. This may be why it seems to
speed wound healing, and may also contribute to its ability to reduce scarring more quickly.

Castor oil is also excellent for the lips. Our lips needs constant protection against the
elements. Although our lips regenerate and recover quickly, they also dry out and begin to
peel when they are dehydrated.

Castor oil not only smooths the lips with fatty acids, but it also helps protect them due to its
naturally thick and immovable nature. In other words, it doesnt budge without being wiped
off. It also imparts a natural shine to the lips, which makes it ideal for both improving the
appearance and health of the lips.
Danna Norek is the founder of AuraSensory.com, which offers a line of natural body, skin
and hair care products. The Herb Mint Citrus lip balm uses castor oil as one of the primary
ingredients to add shine, moisture and protection to the lips (all naturally flavored). Line also
includes a Natural Shine Enhancing Shampoo (sulfate free), Deep Hydration Conditioner,
natural deodorant and a popular MSM and Vitamin C Face Cream.

Guaranteed! Whiten Your Yellow

Teeth In Less Than 2 Minutes!
admin July 26, 2016 Guaranteed! Whiten Your Yellow Teeth In Less Than 2 Minutes!2017-01-27T17:14:48+00:00 Filed
under Alternative Medicine, Health, Natural Remedies & Cures tagged in alternative medicine, baking soda, coconut oil,
health, natural remedy, teeth whitening, yellow teeth
Almost every picture in the magazines shows people with beautiful, aligned and white teeth. Even though,
photoshop has a hand in it, there are a lot of options to whiten the teeth. For example, you can do that through a
dentist appointment but remember thats really expensive.
Also, there are many whitening kits available at the groceries or pharmacies. Even though some of the products
can lighten the teeth to some degree, a lot of people experience side effects that are painful because of the many
chemicals and corrosive peroxide used to bleach the teeth.

Fortunately, we offer you an all- natural, painless and quick alternative and you may have it in your kitchen
cabinets at this moment. A simple mixture of baking soda and coconut oil will solve your problem and it only takes
two minutes to be prepared and you will have the million dollar smile you have always wanted.

Why exactly the coconut oil?

This oil is extremely efficient and healing agent for many issues with the health like preventing cancer, improving
Alzheimers disease, improving digestion, improving the levels of blood sugar to burning fat and regulating
hormones. There are many studies (at least 1,500) that support the health benefits of the coconut oil as it has
antibacterial properties and fight bacteria that are responsible for tooth decay.
It was found by the researchers that it is really effective in the case of the strains growth of Streptococcus- bacteria
like the Streptococcus mutants that is acid- producing bacterium that causes tooth decay.

It is also a great alternative to the conventional tooth pastes which are consisted of triclosan which is an
antibacterial chemical related to the antibiotic resistance issue and endocrine disruption and that is linked to
testicular, prostate, ovarian and breast cancer, also a preterm babies and low birth weight babies, undescended
testicles in boys and early puberty in girls. Some studies show that the toothpastes triclosan may cause bone
malformation sand it is linked to hormonal effects, as well. Around 95 percent of the toothpastes (traditional)
contain fluoride that is an industrial waste product that is very toxic and it is shown to be poisonous. Nowadays,
there are more than 23, 000 reports per year from toothpaste fluoride poisoning and hundreds of them result in
emergency room treatments.

Baking soda

It is untrue myth that baking soda is too abrasive. Actually it is the least abrasive that others things you use. It
boosts the saliva- hurting pH, the bacteria that causes cavity and activates the good bacteria. Baking soda also
removes the stains for brighter and whiter teeth.

How you can whiten your teeth?

Brushing the teeth and whitening them using coconut oil is a real deal and it works quickly. You can whiten your
teeth with coconut oil in only two minutes. You will need only two ingredients to prepare this natural whitening

-Eight teaspoons of baking soda;

-Eight teaspoons of coconut oil (cold- pressed and extra- virgin)

Mix them together, put some on the toothbrush and brush them for two minutes (slowly). Next, just rinse. You can
use it as your regular toothpaste as it is a great and natural alternative. You can give it a fresh minty taste just by
adding a drop of peppermint oil in it.

A Secret Has Been Uncovered:

Cancer Is Not A Disease But
March 4, 2017 | Health | 0 | admin


We are constantly afraid of the word cancer, as we are surrounded by people

who suffer from it, and it seems that no one can defeat this deadly disease.
However, what we have to say about it is that it is not a real disease. Cancer is
a business, and we are paying its toll.

Millions of people suffer from cancer, regardless of their age and sex. However,
most of them are still unaware of the fact that they are being manipulated.

There is a book titled World Without Cancer which has been prevented to be
translated into numerous languages.

However, our aim today is to persuade you that there is no such a disease as
cancer, as it is only a vitamin B17 deficiency (Amygdalin). Therefore, stay away
from surgeries, radiation, chemotherapy, and other conventional treatments.

In the past, while numerous people and seamen were dying of scurvy, and as
many people profited from it, it was later discovered that it is not a real disease,
but only a deficiency of vitamin C.

We believe this is the same! The cancer industry is a huge business, and billions
of dollars are being earned annually. It flourished after the World War II.

However, when we consider the fact that the cure has been found long ago, the
conclusion is more than clear: cancer fills the pockets of colonizers.

Yet, cancer can be prevented by following these simple tips:

Do not panic, but investigate the condition, and try to find out the cancer
Since cancer is only a lack of vitamin B17 in the body, you should
consume 15 to 20 pieces of apricot stone/nucleus (fruit stone) daily to prevent
Wheat bud is a potent anti-cancer medicine, rich in liquid oxygen and the
most powerful anti-cancer compound- laetrile, an extracted form of this
vitamin, found in the fruit stone of apples.

Laetrile is being manufactured in Mexico, and then smuggles into the USA, as
the medicinal industry implements the law forbidding laetrile production.

Dr. Harold W. Manner, the author of the book Death of Cancer, maintains that
laetrile treats cancer in over 90% of the cases.

Amygdalin (Vitamin B17)is found in:

The fruit stone or grain (seed) of fruits in highest concentration. These
fruits include pears, apples, apricots, prunes, and peaches.
Seeds (Grains): sesame and linseed (seed of linen/flax seed).
Grouts of oats, grouts of block wheat, barley, brown rice, rye, linseed,
Common beans, such as bean, lentil sprout (lentil bud), corns (grains),
Lima (Lima beans) and pea.
Mulberry Kernels: Bitter Almond (which is the richest source of vitamin
B-17 in nature) and Indian almond.
Mulberries: blueberries, black mulberry, raspberry, and strawberry.
sweetmeat pumpkin, brewers yeast, and rough rice (paddy).

These are the richest sources of absorbable B17:

Apricots (kernels/seeds)
seeds from fruits like cherries, apples, pears, peaches, prunes, plums
Fava beans
Macadamia nuts
Lima beans
Bean sprouts

Moreover, when washing the hands and plates with hand- washing, and dish-
washing liquids or soaps, that cannot be fully rinsed.
Then, they attach to the food and enter our body. Yet, you can solve this issue by
pouring half of the dish-washing liquid and hand washing liquid, and add

You should never wash the vegetables with dish-washing liquid as it enters their
tissues and cannot be washed away. Instead, just wash them with water, and
add vinegar to keep them fresh.

This will help you avoid the detrimental effects of the severe chemicals added in
these products, such as various ailments, allergies, and cancer.

Make sure you lead a healthy lifestyle, exercise regularly, eat organic, healthy
foods, manage stress, and you will maintain your optimal health.

Source: simplecapacity.com

German Supreme Court Upholds Biologists Claim that

Measles Virus Does Not Exist

Could There Be Something Wrong

with the Germ Theory?
by Paul Fassa
Health Impact News

Our modern medicines paradigm is based mostly on the germ theory of

microbes invading our bodies and causing disease, thus creating the need for a
war against microbes to eliminate them all and conquer all diseases. Fear is the
motivation for creating the weapons of antibiotics, antivirals, and vaccines
befitting this concept, but our modern populations are sicker than ever.

Are the weapons creating chronic debilitating diseases in exchange for acute
illnesses considered infectious that most manage to get over with a renewed
resilience to the dreaded pathogenic microbes blamed for all illness? Are we
actually destroying our immune systems with our war on microbes?
Ever since Pasteurs claim to fame as the father of the germ theory, our overall
health has decreased even while lifespans have increased. But during Pasteurs
late 19th century early 20th century media dominance and since then till now,
there have been many scientists denouncing Pasteurs model of disease, even
providing evidence that he was a plagiarist and fraud.

Lets focus on some of the few scientists and medical practitioners who have not
agreed with the germ theorys dogma that places microbes as agents of death
that should be feared while ignoring other aspects of health.

The Analogy of Mosquito Larvae and

Stagnate Water
As early as the late 19th century, right around the time Louis Pasteur made his
questionable germ theory claims of germs out there causing disease in us,
German biologist Dr. Rudolph Virchow, known as the Father of Pathology made
this statement, which was included in Dr. Robert O. Youngs book, Sick and
Tired?: Reclaim Your Inner Terrain.

If I could live my life over again, I would devote it to proving that germs
seek their natural habitatdiseased tissuerather than being the cause
of the diseased tissue; e.g., mosquitoes seek the stagnant water, but do
not cause the pool to become stagnant.

This inner terrain model was echoed by two of Pasteurs most critical
contemporaries, French scientists Antoine Bechamp and Claude Bernard.
Bechamp was an advocate of the pleomorphic tendency of microbes to change
from one type to another according to the blood or tissue where it resided.
Bernard supported that view also, exclaiming the germ was nothing, the inner
terrain is all.

In other words, any benign or more likely helpful microbes, which actually all exist
in our bodies and outnumber our cells, when engulfed with some sort of
imbalance, low pH, chronic inflammation, or toxic environmental influences,
change into less desirable guests within our inner terrain, of which our immune
system is a part, not the whole.

Pasteur violated Robert Kochs late 19th century rules for determining
pathogens, known as Kochs postulates. Though not completely accepted in
microbiology today, these conditions for determining pathogenic microbes was
certainly applicable during Pasteurs time. The germ must be:

found in all cases of the disease examined

prepared and maintained in a pure culture
capable of producing the original infection, even after several generations
in culture
retrievable from an inoculated animal and cultured again
Pasteur violated most of those rules, often simply injecting animals with the blood
of other animals and not isolating and culturing the microbes. (Source)

But because of political favoritism from the French hierarchy at the time and his
own ambitions, Pasteurs germ theory took over all other theories of disease. His
one germ for one disease turned out to be highly profitable for the soon to rise
pharmaceutical industry and this model controls contemporary Western medicine
to this day. (Source)

The Universal Microscope Proved

Pleomorphism Correct
Despite widespread acceptance of Pasteurs germ theory, one germ for each
disease, there were enough scientists who accepted the pleomorphism theory of
microbial organisms, changing perhaps from helpful, benign, to pathogenic
according to their immediate organic environments, or inner terrain.

Later in the 20th century, circa 1930, a brilliant scientist named Royal (Roy)
Raymond Rife created what he called the Universal Microscope, a large complex
instrument that was capable of magnifying even viruses in real time. He was able
to report microbial changes of form and size, often up to 16 phases of transition
within the same microbe. Those of the pleomorphic persuasion were thrilled to
witness the proof of their beliefs with Rifes microscopic wizardry.

Until Rifes Universal Microscope, electron microscopes would not allow

microbial organisms to thrive. The electron fields killed them. The practice of
staining blood and tissue samples also destroys them before they even are
placed under the microscope.

After determining the radio wave kill frequencies of several viruses in their
pathogenic phases and curing cancer with 16 test subjects, Roy Rife and his
radio frequency machines were destroyed after refusing to allow AMA henchman
Morris Fishbein to buy him out. The incredible microscopes he had developed for
his research into the pleomorphic tendencies were also destroyed. (Source)

Fast Forward To Todays Virus Wars: Does

the Measles Virus Actually Exist?
A recent episode in Germany created a suppressed stir in the field of
microbiology when microbiologist Dr. Stefan Lanka claimed he would award
anyone 100,000 Euros who could prove the existence of the measles virus.
At first it appeared he had lost. But Dr. Lanka took his loss to a higher court with
more experts and the backing of two independent laboratories. He wound up not
having to pay. It turned out that the proof provided was a composite of several
different electron microscope images. And the composite involved different
components of damaged cells. The composite could not be duplicated. The
German Federal Supreme Court confirmed that there was not enough evidence
to prove the existence of the measles virus. (Source)

So how are they making MMR vaccines with attenuated measles viruses? Thats
Lankas contention. He and several other virologists have also challenged the
HIV virus as a valid viral entity and even if so, as the cause of AIDS. Some
question how one virus can cause a myriad of diseases.

They all question the fact that the virus is not isolated in diagnosis. Instead,
unreliable antibody tests are performed to put someone into life or death crisis
over a virus that many claim really doesnt exist.

These are prominent virologists like professor Peter Duesberg, whose contention
that HIV does not cause AIDS (Acute Immune Deficiency Syndrome), has
caused him to be cut from research funding and marginalized by many of his
peers in the scientific community.

Saying AIDS is not from a virus but by simply running out ones inner terrain to
the max and destroying oneself with lifestyle choices and the high use of legal
poppers (amyl nitrite) was just unacceptable. But claiming a virus is the cause
of AIDS and scaring everyone was okay.

Heavy antibiotic use also contributes to damaging ones inner terrain, especially
beneficial gut bacteria that are needed for good digestion and immune

Another suspect virus is hepatitis C. No virus has been really isolated and proven
according to Kochs postulates. Just another antibody test that proves antibodies
exist, but for what if there is really no virus?

Objectively examine the results of all recent epidemic viral threats, including the
bird flu, swine flu, Ebola, and Zika viruses. They certainly created the panic for
more vaccines getting rushed into existence as well as more getting vaccinated.
And as the U.S. vaccine court proves, many who get vaccinated wind up with
minor, major, and chronic autoimmune diseases, sometimes paralysis, autism,
and death. The one germ one disease theory certainly seems to be a great
business model for the medical/pharmaceutical industry complex.

This is where the germ theory has taken us. Wendy Myers explains that:

illness was practically always due to errors of diet or manner of living, the
germs being present solely as scavengers of dead and waste tissues and
foods, and not as the cause of the disease. (Source)

How To Lower Blood Pressure Fast

Without Medications
Monica March 5, 2017 How To Lower Blood Pressure Fast Without Medications2017-
03-05T14:47:16+00:00 Health, Natural RemediesNo Comment
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High blood pressure or hypertension is a common issue. In fact, about 67

million Americans deal with high blood pressure. The blood is vital for life. It

circulates through the arteries and veins. The blood is vital for life. It

circulates through the arteries and veins. The blood supplies crucial nutrients

and oxygen to all the cells and organs and removes waste and carbon

dioxide. The pressure created when the heart beats, which stimulates the

blood flow is blood pressure. The first force is created by the heart pumping

blood out into the arteries, and the second occurs when the heart rests

between beats. However, when the blood pressure increases it may lead to

damage of this system. Therefore, regulating the blood pressure is of crucial

importance for keeping the heart healthy and staying alive. Fortunately, you

dont have to rely on medications. Instead, you can use a wide range of

natural remedies to treat this issue. We decided to present you some of the

most powerful natural remedies for regulating the blood pressure.

Natural Remedies for Lowering Blood Pressure


Garlic is a miracle food when it comes to lowering the blood pressure. Garlic
can lower and control the blood pressure and the cholesterol levels. Whats
so great about garlic is that it stimulates the production of nitric oxide, which
is the most important thing for lowering the blood pressure. Garlic relaxes
the blood vessels and makes the blood flow more freely. You can consume
fresh or cooked garlic. You should consume 1-2 crushed garlic cloves a day.
Eat it like that or drink it with a cup of milk.

This Is Why You Should Always

Have a Needle In Your Pocket


A stroke is a brain attack. It can happen to anyone at any time. It

occurs when blood flow to an area of brain is cut off. When this
happens, brain cells are deprived of oxygen and begin to die.
When brain cells die during a stroke, abilities controlled by that area of
the brain such as memory and muscle control are lost.

Hard to believe that a needle is something you ought to dependably

have in your pocket? Possibly yes, but reading this article will change
your thoughts with no doubt.

Something as simple as a needle can really help you spare yours or

another persons life and well demonstrate you how. Straightforwardly
were going to share this and can help you if in such situation as stroke
until the paramedics arrive.

When somebody is having a stroke the brain capillaries begin to tear

and the cerebrum quits receiving the required measure of oxygen. This
causes the cerebrum cells to begin vanishing and it needs quick
medicinal support or could have fatal outcomes.

What would it be a good idea for you to do in such a circumstance, on

the off chance that you or somebody near you is having a stroke?

The principal thing you have to do is to keep it together and call 911
quickly. At that point, until the paramedics arrive dont move the
individual whos having a stroke get a needle as quickly as possible.

Its ideal in the event that you have a medicinal needle however a
general one will do fine and dandy. Ensure you clean it and sterilize
before anything.

After that take the needle and prick the tips of every one of the ten
fingers with it, as near the nails conceivable and as quick as possible.
Wait for the blood to begin spilling out of the fingers.

If theres no blood press the fingers and once the blood begins to flow
the person will recover consciousness and thats it.

Its very simple and can help you save somebodys life. After doing
this just sit tight and wait for the paramedics.
If you notice that the persons mouth is crooked then you should start
massaging the patients ears until they become red, to improve his blood
flow. Then prick the softest part of the earlobe two times and wait for two
drops of blood to come out.

After a while his mouth will return to normal and the crisis has passed.

Now wait for the paramedics to arrive and theyll do the rest.
Congratulations, youve just saved someones life!

Effective Way of Destroying

1000 Gallstones In 24 Hours
March 5, 2017 simplewomanUncategorized

A large number of the individuals including children have stones in their liver
channels. A few individuals have no indications while others create rashes or
sensitivities. At the point when performing x-rays of liver, the stones cannot be
seen on the grounds that they are not calcified and they are little. There are
numerous sorts of stones with cholesterol gems inside them. The gallstones can
be red, dark, green, dim or white tinted.

At the point when gallstones are there, less measure of cholesterol leaves the
body and it might increase. The stones can gather microorganisms, infections,
blisters and parasites which go through the liver, and these is on account of the
gallstones are permeable. In this situation starts the development of nests of
diseases that supply the body with other microbes. If you need to cure stomach
ulcer or disease, you ought to dispose of the gallstones first.

Ingredients that you will need:

- cup of cold pressed olive oil.

-Four teaspoons of unrefined Epsom salt.
-Fresh juice of one large or two small grapefruits.
-One cup with a lid.
For body refinement, pick the day when you have extra time. The preceding day
do not take any remedies, minerals or vitamins in tablets frames. Devour low fat
nourishment for breakfast and lunch.


-2pm Stop with eating and drinking after 2 pm, else you will feel torment later.
Make a blend of four teaspoons of foul Epsom salt and three glasses of water,
empty the blend into a container and you will get four doses. Keep the mixture
in the fridge.

-6pm- You have to drink the first dose of the mixture. That will be of the

-8pm Drink the second quarter. You will not feel appetite regardless of the fact
that you have not eaten by 2pm.
Keep in mind that the end goal to fruitful purge of the liver, you should drink
each dosage at the definite time.

-9:45pm Squeeze the grapefruit and place it in a measure of cool squeezed

olive oil. Close the cup and mix until it gets smoothie. Before you drink this
arrangement, go to the restroom couple of additional times.

-10pm Drink the composed arrangement standing for 5 minutes and if you
experience the ill effects of sleep deprivation, take valerian. Lie on your back in
your bed instantly after you drink the mixture and attempt to stay in this
position for no less than 20 minutes. Try not to move! If you lie down instantly,
more stones will leave the liver. You will feel the stones going through liver
channels and on the grounds that the channels are open, you will not feel
torment by any pain.

-When you wake up, take the third quarter of the measurement but not before 6
am. In the event that you have sickness hold up until goes away and afterward
drink the measurements.

-After two hours, drink the last measurement of the mixture and r two hours
later you may begin to eat. You ought to start with juice made of natural
products, after thirty minutes you can eat some leafy foods an hour later you
can start with the typical sustenance, however keep it light.

-The following morning you will have diarrhea. Your body will get free from the
liver stones and you will feel great. This liver cleaning is so sheltered and
Neuroscientist Shows What Fasting
Does To Your Brain & Why Big
Pharma Wont Study It
March 4, 2017

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Have you ever thought about the effects of fasting on your body and
health? This article provides a TEDx talk by Mark Mattson, who is the
current Chief of the Laboratory of Neuroscience at the National Institute
on Aging.

Also, he works as a professor of Neuroscience at The Johns Hopkins

University and is undoubtedly one of the best researchers of cellular and
molecular mechanisms underlying multiple neurodegenerative disorders,
such as Parkinsons and Alzheimers disease.

During the last few decades, Big Pharma has been found to manipulate
published research. Due to this, the Harvard Professor of Medicine Arnold
Seymour Relman said that the pharmaceutical industry has bought the
medical profession.

The same reason made John Ioannidis, an epidemiologist at the Stanford

University School of Medicine, publish an article under the title Why Most
Published Research Findings Are False that became the most widely
accessed article in the history of the Public Library of Science (PLoS).

In the same manner, Dr. Richard Horton, Editor in Chief of The Lancet,
told that there is a great part of the published scientific literature these
days that is simply false. Furthermore, Dr. Marcia Angell, an ex-editor in
Chief of The New England Journal of Medicine, maintained that the
pharmaceutical industry likes to depict itself as a research-based
industry, as the source of innovative drugs. Nothing could be further from
the truth.

At the end of the video, Dr. Mattson also comments on this topic:

Why is it that the normal diet is three meals a day plus snacks? It isnt
that its the healthiest eating pattern, now thats my opinion but I think
there is a lot of evidence to support that.

There are a lot of pressures to have that eating pattern, theres a lot of
money involved. The food industry are they going to make money from
skipping breakfast like I did today?

No, theyre going to lose money. If people fast, the food industry loses
money. What about the pharmaceutical industries?

What if people do some intermittent fasting, exercise periodically and are

very healthy, is the pharmaceutical industry going to make any money on
healthy people?

Marks team has published many papers whose subject examines the
effects of fasting on reducing the risk of Parkinsons and Alzheimers.

Dietary changes have long been known to have an effect on the brain.
Children who suffer from epileptic seizures have fewer of them when
placed on caloric restriction or fasts.

It is believed that fasting helps kick-start protective measures that help

counteract the overexcited signals that epileptic brains often exhibit.
(Some children with epilepsy have also benefited from a specific high-fat,
low carbohydrate diet.)
Normal brains, when overfed, can experience another kind of uncontrolled
excitation, impairing the brains function, Mattson and another researcher
reported in January in the journal Nature Reviews Neuroscience.

Multiple caloric restriction studies have found that it leads to boosted

ability of the body to fight chronic diseases, as well as a prolonged

Calorie restriction (CR) extends lifespan and retards age-related chronic

diseases in a variety of species, including rats, mice, fish, flies, worms,
and yeast. The mechanism or mechanisms through which this occurs are

While fasting, the brain experiences multiple neurochemical changes,

which are beneficial for the body, and inflammation is reduced, stress is
managed, and the cognitive function and the neurotrophic factors are

Namely, the brain is challenged by fasting, and its response is actually an

adaptation of stress response pathways which help the brain to lower
stress and fight diseases.

These effects are the same as the ones of regular exercise. The protein
production in the body is supported, and this, in turn, stimulates the
growth of neurons, their connection, and the synapses strength.

Challenges to your brain, whether its intermittent fasting [or] vigorous

exercise . . . is cognitive challenges. When this happens neuro-circuits are
activated, levels of neurotrophic factors increase, that promotes the
growth of neurons [and] the formation and strengthening of synapses
Moreover, fasting also triggers the production of new nerve cells from
stem cells in the hippocampus. Neurons get their energy from ketones,
and fasting stimulates the production of ketones as well.

This leads to an increased number of mitochondria in neurons and nerve

cells, as neurons adapt to the stress of fasting.

As the number of mitochondria in the neurons is raised, their properties

to create and maintain links between each other is also boosted, and the
memory and learning skills of the individual are also enhanced.

Intermittent fasting enhances the ability of nerve cells to repair DNA.

He also comments about the evolutionary aspect of this theory and

explains the way our ancestors coped with the long periods of time
without having any food.

Scientists from the University of Southern California published a study in

the June 5 issue of Cell Stem Cell, which confirmed that cycles of
prolonged fasting prevent weakening of the immune system, and support
its regeneration.

They also found that fasting converts stem cells from a dormant state to a
state of self-renewal, which situates stem cell-based regeneration of an
organ or system.

Human clinical trials involved patients who were undergoing

chemotherapy, and the long periods of eating nothing drastically reduced
their white blood cell counts.

In the case of mice, experts have found that fasting cycles flipped a
regenerative switch, changing the signaling pathways for hematopoietic
stem cells, which are responsible for the generation of blood and immune

Therefore, fasting destroys the old and damaged immune cells, and uses
stem cells when the body rebounds in order to form new, entirely healthy

According to Valter Longo, the corresponding author:

We could not predict that prolonged fasting would have such a

remarkable effect in promoting stem cell-based regeneration of the
hematopoietic system. . . .

When you starve, the system tries to save energy, and one of the things
it can do to save energy is to recycle a lot of the immune cells that are
not needed, especially those that may be damaged.

What we started noticing in both our human work and animal work is that
the white blood cell count goes down with prolonged fasting. Then when
you re-feed, the blood cells come back.

Back in 2007, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a

scientific review of numerous studies which examined the effects of
fasting, and the multiple human and animal studies have shown that
fasting effectively lowers the risk of cancer and heart problems, and
provides great effects in the treatment of diabetes.

However, before you decide to fast, research this topic in order to get at
least a general idea of the entire procedure. You can start fasting by
initially restricting the food intake between 11 am and 7 pm, and do not
eat outside this time frame.
The BBCs
Michael Mosley tested another method with an attempt to regulate his
high cholesterol levels, reverse his diabetes, and treat other issues
related to his obesity. The plan is known as the 5:2 Diet.

It requires that you cut the food down to of the normal daily calories
on fasting days (which is approximately 600 calories for men and 500 for
women), while consuming plenty of water and tea, and you can eat
normally on the other 5 days of the week.

However, always make sure your diet supports your health and maintains
your optimal body state.

The Most Powerful Natural

Antibiotic Ever, It Cures Any
Infection In The Body And Kills
March 3, 2017 | Health, Health Tips, Natural Remedies | 0 | admin


This natural antibiotic is regarded to be the most powerful one by numerous

experts, and it effectively cures infections and destroys parasites.
The master cleansing tonic is, in fact, an antibiotic which destroys gram-
positive and gram-negative bacteria.

It has potent antiviral and antifungal properties, boosts blood circulation and
lymph flow in the entire body. It is plant-based and offers multiple health

It is a potent weapon against Candida, and all kinds of viral, bacterial, parasitic
and fungal diseases.

The master tonic purifies the blood, boosts blood circulation, and treats various
chronic conditions. Its effectiveness is due to the combination of high-quality,
natural and fresh ingredients!

However, note that you should wear gloves when preparing it, as the hot
peppers might cause a tingling sensation, and the intense smell might stimulate
the sinuses.

This is how to prepare it:

cup finely chopped garlic
cup grated ginger
2 tablespoons grated horseradish
24 oz. /700 ml organic apple cider vinegar
2 tablespoons turmeric powder or 2 pieces of turmeric root
cup finely chopped onion
2 fresh hot peppers


In a bowl, mix all the ingredients except the apple cider vinegar. Then, transfer
the mixture to a Mason jar, and pour the vinegar to fill the jar to the top. 2/3 of
the jar should consist of dry ingredients, and the other third should be filled with
vinegar. Close the jar well and shake.

The jar should be kept in a dry, cool place for 2 weeks. You should shake it
several times every day.
After two weeks, squeeze well and strain the mixture. You can use the dry
ingredients in cooking.

The master tonic does not need to be stored in the fridge, as It lasts long. If
mixed with some olive oil, you can use the master tonic as a salad dressing, or
you can add it to stews.


The flavor of this antibiotic is very strong and hot, so after its consumption, you
can eat a slice of lime, lemon, or orange, to soothe the burning sensation. Gargle
and swallow, without diluting the tonic.

You should take a tablespoon of it to boost the immune system and prevent
common colds. You should gradually increase the dose until you reach a dose of
a small glass daily.

In the case of serious infections and diseases, take a tablespoon of the master
tonic, five to six times during the day. Also, it is perfectly safe for pregnant
women and children, as its ingredients are all-natural and toxin-free.

The miraculous effects of this natural antibiotic are due to the various medicinal
properties of its ingredients, as follows:

Apple cider vinegar is an extremely healthy item, which has been used as a
medicine for millennia. Its healthy properties were commonly used by
Hippocrates, the father of medicine, around 400 BC.

It is made from fresh, ripe apples, which are fermented afterward, and undergo
a rigorous process s the vinegar as a final product. It is high in pectin, which is a
fiber that regulates cholesterol and blood pressure.

It also assists the extraction of calcium from foods it is mixed with, and thus
supports the health of the bones. It is a rich source of potassium, whose
deficiency leads to slow growth, sinusitis, hair loss, brittle nails and teeth, and
runny nose.

Therefore, its regular use will help you prevent these health issues. Potassium
also detoxifies the body.
Apple cider vinegar also helps the process of weight loss, as it breaks up fat.
Vinegar is also abundant in beta-carotene which prevents free radical damage
and keeps the skin young and soft.

Furthermore, apple cider vinegar contains malic acid, which fights bacterial and
fungal infections. It soothes joint pain as it dissolves uric acid deposits around
the joints, and it is afterward removed from the body.

Apple cider vinegar is also used in the treatments of indigestion, diarrhea, sore
eyes, constipation, hair loss, headaches, eczema, arthritis, obesity, chronic
fatigue, weak bones, high cholesterol, mild food poisoning, high blood pressure,
and many others.

Turmeric is undoubtedly one of the healthiest spices on the planet, and it

soothes inflammation and treats infections. Moreover, it prevents dementia,
alleviates joint pain, and inhibits the development of cancer.

Garlic is also one of the healthiest natural foods, as it is a strong antibiotic with a
wide range of uses.

It kills bad bacteria and microorganisms, supports the growth of healthy

bacteria, fights fungi, and all kinds of antigen, pathogen, and harmful disease-
causing microorganisms.

Its closest relative, onion, has amazing effects on the sinuses and lungs, boosts
blood circulation, and treats common colds and flu.

Ginger is rich in healthy nutrients and thus offers various health benefits. It has
powerful anti-inflammatory properties and stimulates the blood circulation.

Chili peppers are extremely potent circulation stimulators, and also possess
strong antibiotic properties which effectively fight diseases.

Horseradish has an excellent effect on the sinuses and lungs, opens the sinus
channels, boosts circulation, and fights common colds and flu.

The master tonic is an extremely potent natural remedy that is your best ally
against numerous ailments and diseases. Therefore, prepare this natural
antibiotic and enjoy your optimal health.
Natural Remedies No Comment
Ever wondered what might really be the cause behind your diabetes?

Perhaps you have excess weight, kidney or liver disease or youve simply
been told there is nothing you can do about it except stay on the
conventional treatment plan.

Well a simple 2 ingredient home remedy could change all of that.

How Happy are Your Intestines?

Over your lifespan your intestines process quite a big amount of foods
and fluids which can end up accumulating in your gut due to poor bowel

This toxic waste can cause inflammation and is the root cause of all of the
afore mentioned health problems, and is what this simple home remedy can
help remove.

This toxic waste, if left in the gut, will slowly contaminate your blood causing
large amounts of damage to the body.

The following conditions and symptoms are all signs of an unhappy and
intestinal tract riddled with toxins; inflammatory conditions of the upper
respiratory tract and GI tract, gastritis, colitis, stomach and duodenum ulcer,
cystitis and other disease of the urinary tract including infections and
pyelonephritis, carrying excess body weight, being under weight,
metabolic syndrome, high cholesterol, nail and hair health, kidney disease,
hearing and vision problems, to arthritis, cancer.
Spring Clean Your Intestines Naturally

Many people who are aware of how important it is to remove this toxic waste
know that the easiest way is via the colon, and so will resort to using enemas
or a clyster, but unfortunately these only work on cleansing out a small part
of the colon just a mere 40-50 cms of intestine that are a full 7 metres in

Not to mention that these special enema cleansing kits are often expensive,
are invasive and can disturb the balance of your precious microflora.

This is what makes this simple remedy so great as it requires you consume
only 1-3 tablespoons of organic flaxseed flour for three weeks. Making it
something everyone can do easily and effortlessly.

Everyone of the aforementioned problems could be improved by giving

your gut a smooth cleanse for a short period of 3 weeks.

How to Make the Colon Cleansing Remedy

So all you need to help keep your gut happy is the following for a duration of
3 weeks;

Week 1: Mix 1 tablespoon of flaxseed flour with 100ml of kefir

Week 2: Increase to 2 tablespoons of flaxseed flour and 100ml of kefir

Week 3: Increase to 3 tablespoons of flaxseed flour mixed with 150ml of


This simple and gentle recipe can help to completely heal your gut from all
the mucus and fecal deposits, and parasites that have built up over the

By using this colon cleansing remedy you will also be helping to preserve
your microflora, whilst taking care of the bad stuff.

If you cannot find flaxseed flour at your local health store, then buy fresh
whole flaxseeds and grind them finely in a blender. It is advisable to do this
daily to ensure they are not rancid by the time you get around to using them.
And make sure to store your flaxseed/flour in the fridge!

How to Use

In the morning, after waking up and drinking a glass of water or lemon water
proceed to consuming the colon cleansing remedy before having breakfast.

Do this every single day for 3 weeks and make sure to drink at least 2 litres of
water a day whilst doing it. (This remedy works even better if you drink
honey water!)

For best results, like you would service your car, service your gut with this 3-
week cleansing remedy once or twice a year to ensure regular bowel


March 4, 2017March 4, 2017 admin 0 Comment
Baking soda is a powerful versatile ingredient that can be used for anything
from cleaning to treating skin and health problems.
It is usually used for rising dough, but it can also treat and prevent numerous
diseases and conditions and whiten clothes.
Besides this, people use baking soda as an effective odor absorber and a carpet
freshener as well as an all-surface cleaner. However, baking soda can also be
used for aesthetic purposes as well and can drastically improve your beauty.

Baking soda is an effective remedy against acne and pimples just prepare a
paste with some water and use in directly on the acne to get rid of it.


Take your favorite whitening toothpaste and read the contents on the label
there should be baking soda in it. When combined with hydrogen peroxide,
baking soda can whiten your teeth, although it shouldnt be used too often as it
can damage your teeth enamel. Using it once a week should be sufficient.


If youre suffering from bad breath, you know that those mint drops do nothing.
They only hide the underlying problem of halitosis, but baking soda can
eliminate bad breath effectively and quickly. Put a teaspoon of baking soda in a
glass of water and mix until it dissolves, then gargle the solution to disinfect your
throat and oral cavity and eliminate the bacteria. Repeat the process every other
day for best results.


If the skin on your hands and feet is dry, apply a mixture of baking soda, water
and soap and massage nicely, then rinse with warm water. This will hydrate your
skin and can also relieve the odor from your hands after preparing some meals.


The shampoos and conditioners we use are not as good as advertised they
usually contain chemicals that can harm the scalp and the hair as well. However,
using baking soda as a conditioner will keep your hair and scalp healthy and
clean. Just make sure to use it only once a month as the pH levels of baking soda
are high.


Fill your bathtub with water and add a small cup of baking soda, then soak
yourself in the mixture to neutralize the bacteria and acids on your bath that
cause unpleasant body odor and relieve oily skin. Repeat the process once or
twice a week to make your skin smooth and soft.


Mix 3 parts of baking soda with 1 part of water to prepare a paste that can be
applied on your nails. Rinse afterwards and your nails and cuticles will be
healthier than ever


Baking soda can be used to make a natural DIY deodorant just add a few drops
of your favorite essential oil in 4 tablespoons of baking soda and apply the
mixture on your underarm to kill the bacteria thats causing the odor. This
natural deodorant will keep you fresh for hours and can be safely reapplied
when needed.


Include baking soda in your facial routine every day to keep your skin clean and

6 Reasons to Use Coconut Oil as Toothpaste

A case could be made that coconut oil has a near-perfect makeup to act as an effective
toothpaste. Six top reasons, as reported by MindBodyGreen, include:
1. No Harmful Chemicals
Conventional toothpaste such as Colgate Total contains an antibacterial chemical called
triclosan, which has been linked to concerns over antibiotic resistance and endocrine
Endocrine-disrupting chemicals are a serious concern, as they can promote a wide variety
of health problems, including: breast, ovarian, prostate, and testicular cancer, preterm and
low birth weight babies, precocious puberty in girls, and undescended testicles in boys.
Some animal studies showed that triclosan caused fetal bone malformations in mice and
rats, which may hint at hormonal effects.
Fluoride is another common chemical in conventional toothpaste. Fluoride is a toxic
industrial waste product that is a poison to your body even in trace amounts
2. Effective Against Cavity-Causing Bacteria
Research even shows that massaging coconut oil into your gums for about 10 minutes
daily (continued for three weeks) significantly reduces decay-causing Streptococcus
mutans as well as plaque.4
3. No Foaming Agents
Many toothpastes also contain surfactants like sodium laurel sulfate, sodium laureth
sulfate (SLS), or sodium lauryl ether sulfate (SLES). Surfactants are chemicals
responsible for the foaming action of the toothpaste, but they also interfere with the
functioning of your taste buds by breaking up the phospholipids on your tongue.
This enhances bitter tastes and is thought to be the reason why everything tastes so bad
right after youve brushed your teeth. This may also be part of why coconut oil works so
well for oral hygiene, as it helps maintain a more natural balance of lipids on your
tongue, while still having potent antibacterial properties.
Not to mention, SLS has even been linked to painful canker sores, with research
suggesting an SLS-free toothpaste should be used for people with recurring sores.
4. Inexpensive
It takes only a small amount of coconut oil to keep your teeth clean, and one jar can
easily last you months, making it a very inexpensive toothpaste.
5. You Can Use It on Your Dogs Teeth Too
While you wouldnt want to brush your pets teeth with ordinary human toothpaste,
coconut oil is effective and safe for dogs and humans alike. Applying it with a toothbrush
would be best, but your pet may even get some oral health benefits just from licking a
small amount of oil. The recipe below is not recommended for dogs. As noted, some
ingredients that are fine for human consumption can be toxic for pets.
6. Simple to Make
Coconut oil toothpaste is simple to make with just a few ingredients:
Essential oils to give your
toothpaste flavor and add
Baking soda, additional therapeutic benefits.
which acts as Peppermint oil extract, for instance,
Coconut oil an abrasive has been shown to be superior to
and helps with the mouthwash chemical
whitening chlorhexidine in inhibiting the
formation of biofilm formations
linked to dental cavities.
Erythritol, xylitol, or stevia
(optional), which are natural
Bentonite clay, which adds a paste-
sweeteners. Xylitol, in particular, has
like consistency and may help draw
been linked to reductions in cavities. Salt
out toxins from your gums and
However, if you plan to give this
toothpaste to your dog, do not include
xylitol, as it is toxic to dogs.
You Can Use Coconut Oil for Oil Pulling Too
Oil pulling involves rinsing your mouth with coconut oil, much like you would with a
mouthwash (except you shouldnt attempt to gargle with it). The oil is worked around
your mouth by pushing, pulling, and drawing it through your teeth for about 10-15
minutes. When youre first starting out, you may want to try it for just five minutes at a
This process allows the oil to pull out cavity-causing bacteria and other debris from
your mouth. Once the oil turns thin and milky white, youll know its time to spit it out.
As reported by the Indian Journal of Dental Research:
Oil pulling has been used extensively as a traditional Indian folk remedy without
scientific proof for many years for strengthening teeth, gums, and jaws and to prevent
decay, oral malodor, bleeding gums, and dryness of throat and cracked lips.
However, oil pulling does appear to have a significant cleansing and healing effect, which
is backed by science:
Oil pulling reduced counts of Streptococcus mutans bacteria a significant
contributor to tooth decay in the plaque and saliva of children. Researchers
concluded, Oil pulling can be used as an effective preventive adjunct in
maintaining and improving oral health.
Oil pulling significantly reduced plaque, improved gum health, and reduced
aerobic microorganisms in plaque among adolescent boys with plaque-induced
Oil pulling is as effective as mouthwash at improving bad breath and reducing the
microorganisms that may cause it
Oil pulling benefits your mouth, in part, via its mechanical cleaning action.
Researchers noted, The myth that the effect of oil pulling therapy on oral health
was just a placebo effect has been broken and there are clear indications of
possible saponification and emulsification process, which enhances its
mechanical cleaning action.
Its worth noting that the above studies used sesame oil, which is traditionally

A Herb That Cures Diabetes and

Destroys Cancer Moringa
hldice1 January 19, 2017 A Herb That Cures Diabetes and Destroys Cancer
Moringa2017-01-19T01:30:39+00:00 No Comment
This herb is an excellent way to be healthier,
extend your life spam, have no health problems
and increase your energy levels.

This is an incredible plant called moringa oleifera and it comes from South
Asia. For thousands of years, traditional medicine has used the benefits of
this amazing plant. Moringa oleifera is also known under the name
drumstick. It has potent antioxidant properties.
It is already proven that this plant is extremely healthy, but its benefits need
to be researched even more.

Here are some reasons why you should consume the fruit, as well as the
leaves, of this plant.

Nutritional value

The fruit and the leaves of this plant are loaded with vitamins and
minerals. Only one cup of pods will provide you with high amounts of vitamin

One cup also contains:

19% of the daily need of vitamin B6

12% of the daily need of vitamin C

11% of the daily need of iron

11% of the daily need of riboflavin or vitamin B2

9% of the daily need of vitamin A

8% of the daily need of magnesium

And 2% of the daily need of proteins

Even though, the best way to consume the leaves of moringa is from a
plant, you can also find supplements of dry moringa leaves.

Strengthens the bones

This plant improves the bone density. It prevents bone loss due to
high content of iron and calcium. It also boosts the health and stamina of

Cancer prevention

This plant contains antioxidants, vitamin C, beta carotene, quercetin

and chlorogenic acid, which fight free radicals and prevent cancer.
Stops headaches

Juice from the roots of this plant is excellent against headaches.

Eye problems

By applying ground leaves of this plant on your eyes, you will solve
corneal problems, conjunctivitis and swelling.

Treats high blood sugar

This plant is especially useful for diabetics. According to one study, the
leaves can reduce the blood sugar levels by more than 13% in 3 months.

Purifies the blood

The leaves and the fruits also cleanse the blood. Apply the juice on
pimples and acne can also cleanse the skin.


This plant is loaded with vitamin A, so it prevents aging, improves the

function of the immune system and your vision.

How To Get Rid Of Tooth

Cavities Using Nothing But
An eggshell is the outer covering of a hard-shelled egg and of some form of eggs
with soft outer coats. It contain the ideal substance for healing cavities [which
regular toothpaste do not], and large amounts of calcium and 27 minerals. The
composition of eggshells, resembles human teeth. It provides the important
amount of calcium to re-mineralize teeth.
A Hungarian physician, Krompeher, conducted a research along with the
medics and biologist. They studied the healthy properties of the eggshells. Over
10 years of study have shown that eggshells are a good source of bio-available
calcium [dense and easily absorbed].

Also a research conducted by a dentistry school in the Philippines, comparing

various commercial toothpaste brands with their own compounded toothpaste
from eggshells. They concluded that overtime, the teeth cleaned with the
eggshell toothpaste had less plaque build-up and contains stronger enamel. This
is due to eggshells have calcium and other trace minerals, which are essential
for a healthy enamel, thus preventing cavities.

Eggshells has a number of minerals that helps for the treatment of cavities. It
also contain calcium, the primary mineral required for a strong and healthy
teeth. Other minerals found in eggshells are:

Take the eggshells and put them in boiling water for at least 5 minutes to get rid
of the pathogens. Then air dry them. Grind up the shells in a coffee grinder until
they turn into a fine powder.

Take teaspoon every day. You can add it to your food.

Other Health Benefits of Eggshells

Bone tissue is composed of calcium The bones and teeth of human are similar
to the composition of eggshells. The calcium content [93%] in the eggshells is
one of its benefits. It also used for treating such orthopedic diseases as
congenital dislocation of a hip or osteoporosis. Eggshells also contain mineral
elements such as phosphorous, sodium, iron, silicon, magnesium, aluminum,
potassium and sulfur.

Eggshell contain 27 elements The protein of eggshells are composed of

important amino acids like methionine, lysine, isoleucine and cysteine. Properly
prepared eggshells are the most balanced natural source of calcium.
htpnojco | November 16, 2015 | General | No Comments
The colon has one of the most important roles in the human body. It maintains the water balance in the
organism, regulates your immune system and helps in digestive process. For functioning and healthy
body, colon is a vital part. The toxic waste will not be removed from the body it will be absorbed by
the wall of the colon, if the colon is not working properly.

24 hours are needed for food to transit through your body. Processed foods that lack of nutrients,
fibers and enzymes) slow down the process to 70 hours. The final result of this unpleasant situation is
30 pounds of accumulates waste.

Condition called constipation is the most common sign for waste in your body. You have painful or
infrequent elimination of the waste material during constipation.

Symptoms of toxic colon:

Immune system
Skin rashes, bladder or recurrent vaginal infections, weak immune system

Behavioral symptoms
Poor memory, mood swings, grain fog, anxiety, fatigue, depression

General health
Muscle pain, joint pain

Digestive symptoms
Stomach pain, indigestion, gas, diarrhea, bloating, constipation.

The master cleanse program was developed in 1940 by Stanley Burroughs alternative health
practitioner. The process takes 10-16 days for total cleansing of organism.


Ten ounces of filtered water

1/10 tsp cayenne pepper powder
2 tbsp of organic maple syrup grade b
freshly squeezed lemon


The preparation of this powerful remedy is really easy. You only have to mix all the ingredients and to
consume the mixture at least 10 days 5-8 times a day.

Essential oils are the best support in the detoxification process of the body. The nutrients presented in
the oils are readily assimilated on a cellular level.


10 drops each peppermint and lemon essential oils

1 freshly squeezed organic lemon

You should combine the mixture with 8 ounces of water and consume it for two weeks.
Remove the toxic waste and feel the difference in your body.

This Ancient Remedy

Cures All Diseases
HIV, AIDS, Diabetes,
Cancer, Stroke, STDs,
Arthritis & More
Posted on December 18, 2015February 11, 2017 In Cancer Research 2

B lack cumin seed oil inhibits cancer cell activity and can even kill some

types of cancer cells. Scientific research has shown that black seed oil (Nigella
sativa) is an effective treatment for cancer in animal studies, and can be as
effective as anti-cancer drugs for some types of cancer. Black cumin seed oil and
its extract thymoquinone have powerful benefits for various inflammatory
diseases including liver cancer, melanoma skin cancer, pancreatic cancer,
cervical cancer, breast cancer, bone cancer, stomach cancer, lymphoma,
prostate cancer, colon cancer, and brain cancer. [1]
Despite several decades of very positive research on using black seed oil against
cancer, researchers have rarely advanced their work into human clinical testing,
even though the benefits are strong and the risks of negative side effects are
extremely small. [2]

As you will learn from the research findings that I will discuss, the use of black
seed oil for cancer prevention and treatment has proven to be a powerful
strategy for many forms of cancer. Yet black cumin seed oil still has not been
recognized as beneficial by mainstream medicine. I will examine some of the
political pressures that might be holding back clinical research with human
cancer patients, and will consider why drug companies may wish to suppress the
use of black seed oil.

Black Seeds have

been used to Treat
Cancer for Thousands
of Years
In two separate 2011 studies, Chinese researchers [3] and Saudi Arabian
researchers [4] reviewed the scientific literature for the use of black seed oil (also
called black cumin seed or Nigella sativa), with cancer. They reconfirmed the
anti-cancer property of this safe and natural seed oil. They noted that black seed
oil has been used as a traditional medicine for centuries. The oil and the
extracted component called thymoquinone are both effective against many
diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular complications, diabetes, asthma, kidney
disease, etc. It is a safe and effective agent against cancer in the blood system,
lungs, kidneys, liver, prostate, breast, cervix, and skin.

These researchers noted that the molecular mechanisms behind its anti-cancer
role are still not clearly understood. However, some studies showed that
thymoquinone plays an antioxidant role and improves the bodys defense
system. Black seed oil induces apoptosis, which means that it helps the body to
systematically eliminate old cells, unneeded cells, and unhealthy cells (such as
cancer cells) without releasing toxins into the body. It also controls the Akt
pathway, which means it controls the process that manages cell survival for both
normal and cancer cells. Although the anti-cancer activity of Nigella sativa was
recognized thousands of years ago, it was not until the past two or three decades
that modern scientific research has been undertaken to study this important
traditional medicine.

Black Seeds and

Honey Work Together
Folk Medicine is
Egyptian researchers studied the protective effect of bee honey and Nigella
grains on the oxidative stress and the cancer that was created by exposing rats
to a strong carcinogen. After the four groups of rats were exposed to the
carcinogen, some groups were fed black seeds or honey, and one group was fed
both black seeds and honey. The rats were evaluated after 6 months. The rats
that ate black seeds received an 80% protection against oxidative stress and
cancer formation. Whereas the rats that ate a daily dose of both honey and
black seeds were protected 100% against oxidative stress, inflammatory
responses, and cancer formation. [5]

Black Seed Oil is An

Important Aid to
Radiation Treatments
In a 2014 study, Turkish researchers reported how black seed oil could
potentially be helpful to people receiving radiation treatment for cancer. They
indicated that many cancer patients treated with radiation therapy suffer severe
side effects during and after their treatment. This study investigated the effects of
irradiation and the addition of black seed oil on the oxidant/antioxidant system in
the liver tissue of irradiated rats. They exposed some of the rats to a single dose
of gamma radiation. One group of rats received one gram of black seed oil per
kilogram of body weight one hour before the radiation and received a daily dose
afterward for 10 days. Another group received the radiation treatment and was
given a saline solution instead of black seed oil. The control group was not
irradiated. The analysis of the data shows that black seed oil reduces oxidative
stress markers and has antioxidant effects, which also augments the antioxidant
capacity in the liver tissue of rats. Thus, the use of black seed oil before
radiation treatment, and for 10 days afterward, protected the rats from
some of the harmful effects of radiation. [6]
In a 2012 study in India, scientists investigated the effect of using an extract of
black seeds on mice exposed to gamma radiation. A group of normal mice and a
group of tumor bearing mice were tested. This experiment was done to mimic the
human clinical setting where normal tissues of cancer patients are exposed to
the harmful effects of radiation therapy. The mice were given black seed extract
before being exposed to the gamma radiation. They were given 100 mg of black
seed extract per 1 kg of body weight. The results showed that the extract of black
seed protected the liver, spleen, brain and intestines from gamma radiation
damage for both the normal mice and the mice with tumors. Researchers
concluded that the liquid extract of black seeds has protective effects against
radiation-induced damage and biochemical alterations. They attributed this
protective effect to the ability of the extract to scavenge free radicals and to its
antioxidant properties. Thus, the liquid extracted from black seeds could be
used with human cancer patients who receive radiation to protect against
oxidative stress in normal tissues, and to mitigate other unwanted side
effects of radiation. This could improve the quality of life for cancer
patients. [7]

Black Seeds Interfere

with Uncontrolled Cell
Growth and Kill Liver
Cancer Cells
In 2013, researchers in India investigated the use of thymoquinone, which is a
compound derived from black seeds. Two groups of rats with liver cancer were
studied. One group was given water to drink that contained 0.01%
thymoquinone, and the other group was given plain water. After 16 weeks, the
liver cancer nodules, liver injury markers and tumor markers were measured in
both groups. The rats that did not receive the thymoquinone had substantial
increases in liver tumor size. However, the rats that received 20 mg of
thymoquinone per kilogram for body weight had greatly reduced liver injury
markers and decreased tumor markers. The group treated with thymoquinone
from black seed oil did not develop liver cancer nodules, and the amount of new
tumor formation was much less than the untreated group of rats. They
concluded that thymoquinone had a beneficial role in the treatment of liver
cancer, because of its potent ability to prevent cancer cells from
proliferating. [8]

A 2012 study from Egypt evaluated anti-tumor effects of bee honey and black
seed oil on human liver cancer cells in laboratory experiments. They examined
the antioxidant capacity of honey and black seed extract, and the ability of these
substances to eliminate unhealthy cells such as cancer. They found that both
honey and black seed extract were effective in reducing the viability of liver
cancer cells. Honey and black seed extract also improved the antioxidant
status of cells and induced cancer cell death by apoptosis. [9]

Black Seed Oil Kills

Lung Cancer Cells
Saudi Arabian researchers reported in 2014 that black seeds have been used in
traditional medicine to treat many diseases. The antioxidant, anti-inflammatory,
and antibacterial activities of black seed oil are well known. This study
investigated the anti-cancer activity of black seed oil and black seed extract when
used against human lung cancer cells in the laboratory. Scientists exposed lung
cancer cells to black seed oil or to black seed extract for 24 hours. They used
0.01 mg/ml to 1 mg/ml of the oil or the extract in this experiment. After the
exposure, the cancer cell viability was assessed.

The results showed that both the black seed oil and the black seed extract
significantly reduce the population of living cancer cells and altered the cellular
morphology. They found that the greater the concentration of the oil or the extract
that was used to treat the cancer cells, the greater the level of cell death. Also,
both the black seed oil and the black seed extract caused the cancer cells to lose
their typical appearance and to appear smaller in size. Researchers concluded
that their data revealed that black seed extract and black seed oil
significantly reduce viability of human lung cancer cells. [10]

Black Seed
Components Kill
Malignant Brain
Cancer Cells
Researchers from Ohio State University published a study in 2013 indicating that
glioblastoma is the most aggressive and common type of malignant brain tumor
in humans, with a median survival of 15 months. These researchers emphasized
that there is a great need for additional therapies for the treatment of
glioblastoma. Naturally occurring phytochemicals have received much scientific
attention because many exhibit potent tumor killing action. Thymoquinone is one
of the bioactive compounds of black seed oil. Thymoquinone has anti-oxidant,
anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer actions. It has selective cytotoxic properties for
human cells, which means that it kills human cancer cells while not being harmful
to normal cells.

This specific study examined how thymoquinone selectively inhibits the ability of
glioblastoma cancer cells of the brain and spinal cord from making clones of
themselves. Thymoquinone, however, does not inhibit normal cell activity in the
human brain and spinal cord. Another important ability of thymoquinone is the
inhibition of autophagy genes in cancer cells. Autophagy in cancer cells enables
continued growth of tumor cells by maintaining cellular energy production. If
autophagy is inhibited, then cellular energy production for cancer cells will also
be inhibited. This will result in a regression of tumor activity, and will extend the
survival of organs affected by tumors. Thus, thymoquinones ability to inhibit
cancer cells from making clones of themselves and its ability to inhibit
cancer cells from reusing cellular materials from other cells by means of
autophagy, provide an exciting and emerging strategy for cancer therapy.

Black Seeds Inhibit

Breast Cancer
A 2013 study, conducted in Malaysia, addressed the anti-cancer efficiency of
thymoquinone when it was used for long-term treatment of human breast cancer
cell lines in the laboratory. Thymoquinone showed a sustained ability to
inhibit breast cancer cell proliferation with long-term treatment. The length
of inhibition was determined by the size of the thymoquinone dose. Larger doses
produced greater inhibition. [12]

Black Seeds Kill

Leukemia Cells
Malaysian researchers noted in a 2013 study that there is a growing interest in
the use of naturally occurring compounds from traditional medicine which have
anti-cancer potential. Nigella sativa (black seed) is one of the most widely studied
plants. This annual herb grows in countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea and
India. Thymoquinone is one active ingredient isolated from Nigella sativa. The
anti-cancer effect of thymoquinone, via the induction of apoptosis resulting from
mitochondrial dysfunction, was assessed in an acute leukemia cell line.
Researchers found that treatment of leukemia cells with thymoquinone
encouraged apoptosis resulting in cell death. These results indicate that
thymoquinone from black seeds could be a promising agent for the
treatment of leukemia. [13]
Black Seed Oil
Inhibits and Kills
Colon Cancer Cells
Researchers from the University of Mississippi Medical Center stated in their
2007 study that that the chemotherapy drug 5-fluorouracil continues to be the
chemotherapeutic gold-standard for the treatment of colon cancer. However, they
noted that the side effects of 5-FU are numerous due to its ability to attack both
healthy and cancerous cells. They responded to previous research findings
showing that antioxidants have an ability to deter certain disease processes,
especially cancer. They studied epigallocatechin-3-gallate, the most abundant
catechin found in green tea, and thymoquinone which is considered to be the
most important anti-cancer component of black seeds. Black seeds are known
for their powerful scavenger abilities. They are an inhibitor of oxidative stress,
and have been utilized in the Middle East for centuries because of their capability
to heal many different diseases.

The objective of this study was to investigate the role of sustained delivery of
thymoquinone from black seeds, catechin from green tea, and the chemotherapy
drug 5-FU on the metabolic activity and the structural changes in human colon
cancer cells in laboratory cultures. Results of this study showed that green
tea catechin and black seed thymoquinone produced significant cancer cell
destruction and interfered with cellular metabolic functions, which was
comparable to cells exposed to sustained drug delivery of the
chemotherapy drug 5-FU. Morphologically, cellular changes occurred after
exposure to green tea catechin and thymoquinone for 24 hours, which was
comparable to the cellular changes seen in cells exposed to the chemotherapy
drug 5-FU. Ultimately, the researchers concluded that the natural agents
may offer a safe alternative treatment for colon cancer. [14]

In an earlier study in 2004, Lebanese researchers identified the powerful role of

black seed oil as a cancer preventative and cancer treatment agent. The
researchers noted that black seed and black seed oil have been used in Asia, the
Middle East and Africa to promote health and fight disease. Thymoquinone, the
most abundant constituent present in black seed, is a promising dietary agent for
preventing cancer. We investigated the effects of thymoquinone against human
colon cancer cells. We report that thymoquinone inhibits the growth of colon
cancer cells. Our data support the potential for using thymoquinone for the
treatment of colon cancer. [15]

Black Seeds Useful

for Helicobacter
pylori Infection
In 2010, Saudi Arabian researchers indicated that a large number of diseases are
ascribed to Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), particularly chronic active gastritis,
peptic ulcer disease and gastric cancer. Successful treatment of H. pylori
infection with antimicrobial agents can lead to regression of H. pylori-associated
disorders. H. pylori resistance against antibiotics is increasing, and it is
necessary to find new effective agents. Nigella sativa seed (black seeds), a
commonly used herb, possesses anti-helicobacter activity.
The present study was undertaken to evaluate the efficacy of black seeds for the
eradication of H. pylori infection in 88 human non-ulcer dyspeptic patients.
Patients were randomly assigned to four groups. The groups received various
combinations of clarithromycin and/or amoxicillin (antibiotics), omeprazole (anti
gastric reflex drug), and black seed oil. Researchers found that black seeds
possess clinically useful anti-H. pylori activity, comparable to the combined
use of all three drugs that were tested. [16]

What is the Future for

Black Seed Oil?
Thymoquinone from
Black Seeds with
Conventional Cancer
In 2011, German researchers described the drug doxorubicin as being a
mainstay of cancer chemotherapy despite its cardiotoxicity and its limited ability
to treat multi-drug resistant cancers. Recent studies revealed a protective effect
of thymoquinone, a non-toxic constituent of the essential oil of Nigella sativa,
against doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity.In summary, they found that
thymoquinone is a booster for the anti-cancer effect of the chemotherapy
agent doxorubicin in certain cancer cell lines. [17]

In 2013, researchers from Singapore reported that there are a limited number of
therapeutic agents for cancer, and cancer cells are developing resistance to
these agents. Thus, there is a need to discover novel agents to treat breast
cancer. The antitumor activities of thymoquinone, a compound isolated from
black seed oil, were used to treat mice with breast cancer. Thymoquinone
treatment was found to suppress tumor growth, and this effect was further
enhanced by combining it with the chemotherapy drug doxorubicin. [18]

Clinical Trials with Human

Cancer Patients
Researchers from Wayne State University in Michigan found that their review of
published reports about black seeds indicate that further in-depth studies are
warranted. They specifically point to the need to study its bioavailability and
Phase-I toxicity profiling in human subjects. The results from such studies
will be instrumental in advancing this field in support of initiating clinical
trials for testing the effects of this ancient agent in cancer therapy. [19]

A researcher from Oman describes where future research for black seed oil
should be directed. He states the obvious fact that thymoquinone (the bioactive
phytochemical constituent of black seed oil) has been extensively studied. The
use of thymoquinone in test tube research with human cancer cells and in animal
studies with induced forms of cancer has been thoroughly investigated. As a
result, a considerable amount of information has been generated from research,
thus providing a better understanding of the anti-proliferating activity of this
compound. Therefore, it is appropriate that thymoquinone should move
from testing on the bench to clinical experiments.[20]

After reviewing over 120 scientific research abstracts on the use of black seed oil
and thymoquinone with various types of cancers, I began to wonder why there
have been so few clinical trials with cancer patients. I couldnt stop asking myself,
If black seed oil possesses the significant anti-cancer properties that have been
shown by all this research, and it has been proven to not be toxic to healthy
human cells, then why are scientists still doing laboratory research? Why are
human trials not being undertaken yet?

The history of black seed use is well known. Traditional folk medicine has been
safely using black seeds since the time of the Egyptian Pharaohs. Black seed oil
was found in the tomb of the Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamen, which indicates
that the oil probably had an important role in ancient Egyptian practices. [21]
Archeologists also found black seeds mixed with honey and bees wax in a
pilgrim flask from the Old Hittite Period level of Boyal Hyk (Mound), dating
from around 1650 BC, in north-central Turkey. [22] Black seeds and black seed
oil have been used for dozens of diseases with great success ever since that
time throughout a large portion of the world.

Yet, when it comes to cancer treatment, this remedy is still stuck in the laboratory
as if it were a dangerous unproven toxic substance. Lets remember black seeds
and black seed oil are food! They are completely edible. They have been used
for flavoring food and have been used as daily tonics and remedies for
thousands of years. We do not need more test tube research or animal studies to
prove that black seeds are safe and effective in laboratory experiments. The
research that we need involves the development of protocols for using black
seed oil in a clinical setting with cancer patients. It is clear from the research that
black seed oil and thymoquinone are both effective against cancer and do not
have harmful side effects. Its time for clinical trials.

Why is Clinical Research

on Black Seed Oil as a
Treatment for Cancer so
I believe the answer to this question involves the controlling power of
pharmaceutical companies. As some of the researchers noted in their abstracts,
conventional chemotherapy drugs are becoming less effective. Some of the
studies I cited above investigated the use of black seed oil and thymoquinone in
combination with existing chemotherapy drugs. When they did these types of
experiments, they often found that the combination worked better than
chemotherapy drugs by themselves. In some experiments, thymoquinone worked
equally as well as chemotherapy drugs, which might mean that toxic
chemotherapy agents just might be able to be replaced by a natural seed extract,
which has no harmful effects. For people with cancer, this could be great news,
but to the pharmaceutical industry, this would be extremely bad news for

There is a disturbing trend in the pharmaceutical industry where these

companies attempt to gain control over a natural substance and prevent it from
being available without a prescription. Then they would add the natural
substance to an existing drug, which has an expiring patent, and create
something that they call a new drug, which of course they can then patent. This
strategy is being pursued by drug companies with the help of the FDA for the use
of folate (vitamin B9). They are trying to take the natural form of vitamin B9,
which is essential to human life, and make a SSRI/folate combination to create a
new patentable drug. In doing so, health minded consumers would only then
have access to the less effective synthetic form of B9, which is called folic acid.

Along the same lines of reasoning, pharmaceutical companies might be

interested in reformulating their failing chemotherapy drugs to include
thymoquinone, which would improve the performance of the drugs. As some of
the preceding research shows, this type of research is already underway. In
some of these experiments, thymoquinone performs as well as chemotherapy
drugs and has no side effects, but drug companies cannot make billions of
dollars selling black seed oil or thymoquinone. It would not be in the financial
interest of drug companies to encourage human trials with a natural substance
such as black seed oil or thymoquinone, which is not patentable.

Compassion for People

with Cancer
It deeply saddens me when I watch people have the healthy parts of their bodies
destroyed by chemotherapy and radiation therapy when it is likely that a natural
substance could reduce and maybe eliminate damage to healthy tissue. The
research that has been cited clearly shows that black seed oil could prevent
radiation damage to healthy tissue if it is given before radiation therapy and is
continued on a daily basis after each treatment. The fact that there isnt any
published research pointing to human clinical trials (despite the success with
using black seed oil with animals) is a true offense against people who receive
radiation treatment.

Black seed oil offers a powerful protective effect against radiation and
chemotherapy, and is a potent anti-cancer agent, but we can only make guesses
about the daily dose that is needed to protect human patients. There are some
websites that have information about the use of black seeds and black seed oil
for the treatment of cancer. However, I do not have a specific recommendation,
because we do not have any research to confirm whether these advertised
protocols are effective for all forms of cancer. Based on the research that I have
read, the benefit from taking black seed oil is best achieved when taking daily

Black seed oil is not a drug. More is not necessarily better. I have seen
suggestions that people take 1 to 3 teaspoons of black seed oil per day for
various conditions. One teaspoon seems to be a daily dose to support health.
Two or three teaspoons per day are suggested for specific diseases. Sometimes
it is taken with honey and sometimes it can be applied to the skin. I recommend
researching your specific health concerns to find treatments that will work for
your situation.

Your Body is Acidic. Here is

What You Need to Do (The
Real Truth behind Cancer
that You Will Never Hear
from Your Doctor)
February 10, 2017 SatyaRaj
Your Body is Acidic. Here is What You Need to Do (The Real Truth behind
Cancer that You Will Never Hear from Your Doctor):

The real cause of cancer has been found long ago, by the Nobel Prize
winner, Dr. Otto Warburg. Namely, he has discovered that the major
reason for the incidence of all cancer types is, in fact, oxygen insufficiency.

This means that if the body lacks oxygen, the organism will become acidic
and this will speed up the development of cancer.

Moreover, Dr. Warburg also claimed that cancer cells are anaerobic,
meaning that they cannot survive in an alkaline environment (high in
oxygen). Namely, without any exceptions, All normal cells have an absolute
requirement for oxygen, but cancer cells can live without oxygen. Deprive a cell
35% of its oxygen for 48 hours and it may become cancerous.

What we can do to maintain the balance of our pH levels is to consume a

healthy and balanced diet. pH balance is the balance of acid and alkaline
cells and fluids in the organism. Our body needs to maintain the pH levels
in the blood at an alkaline level of 7.365 in order to survive.

However, modern living has made all of us, especially Americans, eat
dangerous, toxic, unhealthy, and acid-forming products, including
processed sugars, refined grains, GMOs, and the like. These unhealthy
eating habits cause detrimental acidic pH levels.

In the case of an imbalance of the pH levels, there will be an interruption

of the cellular functions and activities in the body.

Moreover, it the levels of the pH slope to the acidic side, they will lead t
numerous health issues, ailments, and diseases, from heartburn and
osteoporosis to diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer.
Furthermore, if this state of the body lasts for a longer period of time, it
will accelerate the aging process as well.
In his book The pH Miracle, Robert O. Young also claims that the main
culprit for the incidence of numerous diseases is, in fact, the acidic state of
the body.

Namely, all kinds of dangerous organisms that destroy our health, such as
bad bacteria, viruses, parasites, or Candida survive and multiply in an
acidic state, but cannot thrive in an alkaline environment.

Therefore, in order to prevent health issues and preserve your health, you
need to take some measures and maintain the alkaline state of your body
and the balance of pH levels.

Today, we will offer you a fantastic natural remedy for acidity that will
help you eliminate all health threats:

2 tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar or lemon juice
1/3 teaspoon baking soda

Method of preparation:
You need to mix the ingredients until the mixture begins to fizz. Keep
adding baking soda until the fizzing stops. Next, pour the mixture into a
glass of water. (8oz.)

Drink the prepared remedy all at once. You will immediately feel its
beneficial effect, especially in the case of a stomach acid or acidosis.

This incredibly effective natural remedy will create an alkaline state of

your body by neutralization of the pH levels, and will thus help you prevent
all kinds of diseases, including cancer.

Your Body is Acidic. Here is

What You Need to Do (The
Real Truth behind Cancer
that You Will Never Hear
from Your Doctor)
February 10, 2017 SatyaRaj
Your Body is Acidic. Here is What You Need to Do (The Real Truth behind
Cancer that You Will Never Hear from Your Doctor):

The real cause of cancer has been found long ago, by the Nobel Prize
winner, Dr. Otto Warburg. Namely, he has discovered that the major
reason for the incidence of all cancer types is, in fact, oxygen insufficiency.

This means that if the body lacks oxygen, the organism will become acidic
and this will speed up the development of cancer.

Moreover, Dr. Warburg also claimed that cancer cells are anaerobic,
meaning that they cannot survive in an alkaline environment (high in
oxygen). Namely, without any exceptions, All normal cells have an absolute
requirement for oxygen, but cancer cells can live without oxygen. Deprive a cell
35% of its oxygen for 48 hours and it may become cancerous.

What we can do to maintain the balance of our pH levels is to consume a

healthy and balanced diet. pH balance is the balance of acid and alkaline
cells and fluids in the organism. Our body needs to maintain the pH levels
in the blood at an alkaline level of 7.365 in order to survive.

However, modern living has made all of us, especially Americans, eat
dangerous, toxic, unhealthy, and acid-forming products, including
processed sugars, refined grains, GMOs, and the like. These unhealthy
eating habits cause detrimental acidic pH levels.

In the case of an imbalance of the pH levels, there will be an interruption

of the cellular functions and activities in the body.

Moreover, it the levels of the pH slope to the acidic side, they will lead t
numerous health issues, ailments, and diseases, from heartburn and
osteoporosis to diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer.
Furthermore, if this state of the body lasts for a longer period of time, it
will accelerate the aging process as well.
In his book The pH Miracle, Robert O. Young also claims that the main
culprit for the incidence of numerous diseases is, in fact, the acidic state of
the body.

Namely, all kinds of dangerous organisms that destroy our health, such as
bad bacteria, viruses, parasites, or Candida survive and multiply in an
acidic state, but cannot thrive in an alkaline environment.

Therefore, in order to prevent health issues and preserve your health, you
need to take some measures and maintain the alkaline state of your body
and the balance of pH levels.

Today, we will offer you a fantastic natural remedy for acidity that will
help you eliminate all health threats:

2 tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar or lemon juice
1/3 teaspoon baking soda

Method of preparation:
You need to mix the ingredients until the mixture begins to fizz. Keep
adding baking soda until the fizzing stops. Next, pour the mixture into a
glass of water. (8oz.)

Drink the prepared remedy all at once. You will immediately feel its
beneficial effect, especially in the case of a stomach acid or acidosis.

This incredibly effective natural remedy will create an alkaline state of

your body by neutralization of the pH levels, and will thus help you prevent
all kinds of diseases, including cancer.

5 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Cysts

And Fibroids Naturally
During childbearing years, many women, mostly face uterine fibroids and cysts.
Generally, these conditions are not a reason for discomfort, although for some women,
hormonal fluctuations can cause significant pain and bloating. Fibroids, which are also
known as myomas, are benign, non cancerous tumors that grow on the uterine
wall. Ovarian cysts, including polycystic ovary syndrome, are fluid-filled cysts that
appear in the ovaries and are fairly common.


Ginger root is very effective, because it reduces the pain and increases blood circulation.
You can make a tea by adding some fresh ginger roots in a glass of boiling water. Strain
the tea and drink it many a times in a day. Ginger root also aids in reducing inflammation
in the ovaries and uterus.
Olive oil is one of the natural cures for fibroids. It is known for blocking estrogen. You
should take one tablespoon of olive oil with some lemon juice on an empty stomach in
the morning. You can likewise make olive tea by brewing olive leaves that help boost the
immune system.
An Epsom salt bath will also greatly help reduce pain and other indications connected
with ovarian cysts. Epsom salt consists of high magnesium sulfate that works as a muscle
relaxant that in turn eases pain.
Lemon juice is one of the other natural remedies for the treatment of fibroids. Add two
teaspoons of lemon juice and one teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water. Stir the
solution well and drink it. If you want to reduce the symptoms of fibroids, drink this
solution on a regular basis.
Necessary ingredients:
5 Oz / 300 g leaves of houseleek
5 Oz / 500 g honey
Method of preparation:
You should chop the leaves of the houseleek and add the honey. Leave it to stay for 2-3
days, until they are well soaked.
This remedy should be the first thing in the morning. You should consume it on an empty
stomach, and you should not eat anything in the next 2 hours as well.
This remedy is extremely helpful for stimulating your metabolism and cleansing your
body of toxins, which makes it really effective especially amid the winter months.


Admin | March 6, 2017 | Beverage, Health, Natural, Recipe, Remedy | No Comments
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This drink is so powerful that it can change the blood circulation, strengthens the immune system like
never before, cleans the liver and may reduce the effects of free radicals.


8 cloves of garlic

8 pieces of lemon

ginger root

4 l of water


The first thing you need to do is wash and peel the ginger. Then, chop. Do the same thing with garlic.
Then, chop the lemon peel and put all ingredients in a blender.

The next thing is to put a pot of water and add this mixture. When the water starts boiling, remove and
allow to cool for a while. Then strain the liquid and store in glass bottles.

Consume a drink every day, two hours before each meal. After a while, youll start to feel much better.

7 Easy And Eff ective Ways To Clear Your Body Of

Infl ammation
February 11, 2016
Inflammation has been linked a vast majority of common
illnesses and health conditions, including a weakened immune
system, heart disease, and high blood pressure. It is also
connected to an increase to the severity of arthritis, diabetes,
and eczema.

Essentially, inflammation is the result of your immune system

responding to tissue damage. For example, when you are sick
with the cold or if you scrape your knee, your immune system
inflames the region to help prevent infection. It is a necessary
part of how your body responds to injury and illness.

Also read about the 6 basic rules to speedy healing and amazing health.

While inflammation is beneficial in certain situations, chronic

and silent inflammation can lead to an increased risk of some
of the medical conditions mentioned. The following seven
suggestions may help you clear your body of inflammation.
1. Improve Your Gut Health
A very important and great place to start to prevent
inflammation, is to focus on your gut health. A big part of your
immune system is located in your gut, so it makes sense that
the health of your digestive system is one of your main
priorities for fighting inflammation.

The biggest problem that people face with their gut is a lack of
healthy bacteria. This can be remedied by eating fermented foods,
or regularly drinking green juices. A much easier way is that
you could also consider taking a probiotics supplement.

Apple cider vinegar is a fermented drink that is easiest and most

convenient to add to your diet that will help reduce
inflammation significantly. Buy only Braggs apple cider vinegar that
has its mother in it, which is the key to your healing.

2. Reduce Your Consumption Of Sugar

Sugar is a major culprit in promoting inflammation. Large
consumption of sugar slows your metabolism and your
digestive process, weakening your immune system and
increasing the risk of inflammation.

It is hard for many people to avoid consuming refined sugars,

as it is found in most processed foods. A good way to begin
cutting back on sugar is to quit drinking soda and other sugary
drinks. Switching from flavored coffee to tea could also limit
your intake of sugar.

If you have to add sweetener in your food and beverage,

consider using the safer alternatives.

3. Get More Exercise

As mentioned, sugar is an important part of inflammation.
When you exercise, your use energy, which your body receives
from glucose. To combat your intake of sugar, get plenty more
exercise. You could start with at least a 30-minute walk around
the neighborhood or incorporate a full workout into your daily

4. Cut Back On Processed Foods

Along with sugar, you may want to limit your consumption of
processed foods. The transfats that are found in most
processed foods can increase your inflammation.

This applies especially to fast food. It is often difficult to

determine exactly what ingredients are contained in processed

Transfats are found in foods where there is hydrogenated oil

or vegetable oil. Read the labels. Cut back on
these processed foods, and focus on a balanced diet with
plenty of whole foods instead.

5. Eat Foods High In Antioxidants Content

Adding more antioxidant-rich foods into your diet should also
help fight inflammation. Antioxidants can attack free radicals
that cause inflammation.

The best sources of antioxidants include fresh fruits and

vegetables. Look for brightly colored fruits, such as oranges,
apples, pineapple, and kiwi fruit for an abundance of
antioxidants. Dark, leafy vegetables, such as spinach and kale,
tend to be a good source as well.

Get more ideas of highly anti-inflammatory foods here. Consume

these foods regularly to enjoy their full benefits. Freshly
extracted juices is an excellent way to get them into your body
as fast as possible, to quickly reduce your inflammation. Here
are some anti-inflammatory juice recipes that work.

6. Identify Potential Food Allergies

Illness and allergies can promote inflammation as your body
attempts to rid the body of the threat. By identifying potential
food allergies, you can prevent inflammation related to an
allergic reaction. You can develop new allergies or resistances
throughout your life. You may even develop an intolerance to
an item that you consume regularly.

If you suspect that you may have developed an intolerance to

soy, dairy, yeast, or gluten, you should get tested or go on an
elimination diet to know for sure. In the meantime, avoid
eating foods that cause gastro-intestinal distress or any other

Headaches and migraines are inflammation that may be

triggered by eating the wrong foods. Heres a list of 10 foods that
may trigger them. Are you avoiding these foods?

7. Make Sure You Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is often overlooked as being a key part of your health. You
need to get enough sleep, in order to remain healthy. A good
nights rest gives your body time to recover from inflammation.
When you sleep or are relaxed, your body produces fewer pro-
inflammatory compounds. Try to get at least seven to eight
hours of uninterrupted sleep each night.

Here are more ideas and tips on basic concepts of health that will propel
you to amazing health. Once you understand these, it is not
difficult to completely remove inflammation and pains from
your body.
Reducing inflammation is not complicated nor difficult. You can
prevent heart disease and an increased risk of diabetes,
arthritis, and other illnesses by cutting back on sugar and
processed foods. Start focusing on gut healthy, get regular
exercise and better rest by making a few simple changes to
your lifestyle.

7 top herbal antibiotics that really work

(Homesteading.news) Everyone gets sick, eventually, even the healthiest among us, and when
someone in our family is ailing, we want to do whatever we can to make them feel better, faster.
Now granted, if you dont have any advanced medical training you should always see a qualified
health care provider when youre sick. But that said, there are certainly some natural plants, oils and
herbs that studies have shown have some inherent antibiotic qualities.

Plus, there is another reason why you might consider some of the natural remedies below, as noted by

In the last few decades, extensive uses of antibiotics have led to an

increase in the rate of antibiotic-resistant infections. And as a result
people who are hospitalized because of common illnesses, cancer,
heart disease or even accident injuries end up with hospital-
acquired infections and some even die because of infections.
It is not difficult to make microbes resistant to penicillin in the laboratory by exposing them to
concentrations not sufficient to kill them, warned Alexander Fleming, the creator of the first
antibiotic, penicillin, back in 1945 when he received his Nobel Prize for medicine. There is the
danger that the ignorant man may easily under dose himself and by exposing his microbes to non-
lethal quantities of the drug make them resistant.
With that in mind, here are 7 natural antibiotics to consider as alternatives to traditional antibiotics that
can fight against bacterial infections:
1. Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera leaves have been used for centuries to treat various conditions like
inflammation (especially from burns), rashes, arthritis, constipation and rashes.
2. Tumeric: This herb has been used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic and Chinese medical
circles and it treats a wide range of infections. Besides its antibacterial properties it also has been
known to work as an anti-inflammatory. It is highly effective at treating bacterial infections and can
even be used topically for MRSA and lesions on the skin.
3. Tea Tree Oil: Many who have used this swear by it. A very potent and essential oil, Tea Tree
has been shown to be very effective at killing off MRSA on the skin that resists traditional antibiotics.
Note, however, that therapeutic-grade Tea Tree Oil must be used undiluted if youre using it on the
skin. An added bonus: Tea Tree Oil is also very effective against lice.
4. Garlic: This essential food seasoning has been around for quite some time as a medicinal
aid. It was used in the 1700s to help ward off deadly plague. Garlic possesses strong antibiotic,
antiviral and anti-fungal properties.
5. Oil of Oregano: This contains antiviral, antiseptic, anti-fungal, antioxidant, anti-
inflammatory, anti-parasitic and pain-relief properties. Georgetown University completed a study in
2001 that found oregano oils germ-killing abilities were almost as effective as most antibiotics. As an
aside, farmers are turning to oregano oil-laced foods for their livestock as an alternative to traditional
human antibiotics, which many say is harmful over the long run. The New York Times reports on that
6. Licorice: This has great anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antibacterial properties,
researchers have shown. Licorice is also beneficial to improving bronchitis indigestion, viral
infections, obesity and heartburn.
7. Echinacea: This has been used to treat aging, as well as a variety of infections, for centuries
as well. Traditionally it was used to treat open wounds as well as blood poisoning, diphtheria and
other bacteria-related illnesses. Today, it is mostly used to treat colds and flu.



admin | March 3, 2017 | Health | No Comments

Gallstones are made of cholesterol and salts that form in the gallbladder, a little pear-shaped organ
underneath the liver that stores bile. Bile ducts are the tiny tubes that carry bile a liquid that helps
the body digest fats from the liver to the gallbladder and then into the digestive system.

While you can live with gallstones with no symptoms, if they start to block the gallbladder they cause
pain and nausea and a potentially fatal infection.

They can also stop the flow of bile out of the gallbladder and liver, so it backs up causing jaundice.

Chinese doctor, Dr. Lai Chiu Nan, came up with a wonderful natural recipe to remove gall stones
easily, quickly and permanently, and best of all is that effectively remedy is giving great results!

So if you think you have gallstones, Dr. Lai offers the following methods for its removal.

The first 5 days of treatment drink four glasses of apple juice (per day) or eat 4-5
apples, whatever you want. Apple juice softens the gallstones. During those five
days, you need to eat normally.
On the sixth day do not eat dinner.
At 6 pm on the sixth day take a teaspoon of Epsom salts (magnesium sulphate)
with a glass of warm water.
At 8 pm, repeat the same thing. Magnesium sulphate opens the failure of bile.
At 10 pm, take half a cup of olive oil (or sesame oil) with half cup of freshly
squeezed lemon juice. Mix well and drink. The oil lubricates the stones and
facilitate their passage.
The next morning (seventh day), you should find green stones in your stool.
Usually they float. You might want to count them. I had people who find 40, 50 or even up to 100
stones. Very many says Nan Chiu.

Even if you do not have any symptoms of gallstones, you can take this natural therapy. It is always
good to have your gall bladder clean says the Chinese doctor, according to learn.

Wormwood: The Parasite-

Killing, Cancer-Fighting
Super Herb
Affiliate Disclosure

What do Edgar Degas, Vincent van Gogh and Pablo Picasso

all have in common aside from their incredible painting
abilities? These three artists all shared a love of
absinthe, a botanical spirit made from wormwood, anise
and fennel. Absinthe is currently illegal in the U.S. as well
as many other countries, but its still available in Europe.
You may have heard of wormwood because of its inclusion
in this famous European beverage, but did you know that
it also holds an ability to aid many common and serious
health concerns?
Its true. Wormwood is actually used to eliminate intestinal
worms, especially roundworms and pinworms. This is
exactly why I recommended it as part of my parasite
cleanse. Just how powerful is wormwood? Well, its owed
thanks and praise for being the source of the key
ingredient for the herbal drug artemisinin, which is the
most powerful antimalarial on the market. (1)
And it doesnt stop there. Scientific research also
shows that wormwood can even kills cancer cells. (2) It
can also be used to treat anorexia, insomnia, anemia, a
lack of appetite, flatulence, stomach aches, jaundice and
indigestion. (3)
Wormwood herb is used in alcoholic beverages while the
wormwood star is mentioned in the bible. Truly an
intriguing plant to say the least, but can this herb really kill
parasites and cancer? Studies say yes, and the positive
medicinal effects keep on coming.

Of course, there is good reason for caution with wormwood

products (like absinthe) as well, but once you learn about
thujone, youll see why not all wormwood products are
created equally. What to watch out for and what to know
read on to get your full dose of wormwood education.

6 Wormwood Benefits
1. Beats Malaria
Malaria is a serious disease caused by a parasite that is
transmitted by the bite of infected mosquitoes and invades
human red blood cells. Artemisinin is an extract isolated
from the plant Artemisia annua, or sweet wormwood.
Artemisinin is an herbal drug thats the most powerful
antimalarial on the market. Its known for quickly reducing
the number of parasites in the blood of patients with
malaria. The World Health Organization recommends
artemisinin-based combination therapies as first-line
treatment for uncomplicated P. falciparum malaria. (4)
Recent experiments have shown that artemisinin is
effective against the malaria parasite because it reacts
with the high levels of iron in the parasite to produce free
radicals. The free radicals then destroy the cell walls of the
malaria parasite.

2. Kills Cancer Cells

According to recent studies, artemisinin can kill iron-
enriched breast cancer cells similar to the way it kills
malaria-causing parasites, making it a potential natural
cancer treatment option for women with breast
cancer. Cancer cells can also be rich in iron since
they commonly soak it up to facilitate cell
division. Researchers in a 2012 study tested samples of
breast cancer cells and normal breast cells that had first
been treated to maximize their iron content. The cells were
then treated with a water-soluble form of artemisinin, an
extract of wormwood.
Results were quite impressive. The normal cells showed
little change, but within 16 hours, almost all of the cancer
cells were dead and only a few normal cells were killed.
Bioengineer Henry Lai believes that because a breast
cancer cell contains five to 15 more receptors than normal,
it absorbs iron more readily and hence is more susceptible
to artemisinins attack. (5)
3. Gets Rid of Parasites
Wormwood is used to eliminate intestinal worms,
especially pinworms and roundworms. Pinworms are the
most common worm infection in the U.S. with pinworm
eggs spread directly from person to person. Roundworms,
or nematodes, are parasites that also infect human
intestines. Pinworms can cause extreme itching in the anal
region while roundworms can cause cough, shortness of
breath, abdominal pain, nausea and diarrhea, blood in the
stool, weight loss, and presence of the worm in vomit or
Parasites are never a good thing, but thankfully theyre
treatable with natural remedies. Wormwood (Artemisia
absinthium), black walnut (Juglans nigra), and clove
(Syzygium aromaticum) are commonly used together to
kill off a parasitic infection. Its said that when these three
are taken at the same time, together theyre able to break
the parasites life cycle. (6)

4. Treats Crohns Disease

In Germany, a double-blind study examined
the effectiveness of an herbal blend containing wormwood
at a dose of 500 milligrams three times per day versus a
placebo over 10 weeks in 40 patients suffering from
Crohns disease who were already on a steady daily dose
of steroids. This initial stable dose of steroids was
maintained until week 2, after that a defined tapering
schedule was started so that by the beginning of week 10
all the patients were steroid-free.

Researchers found that there was a steady improvement in

Crohns disease symptoms in 18 patients (90 percent)
who received wormwood in spite of the decrease of
steroids. After eight weeks of treatment with wormwood,
there was almost complete remission of symptoms in 13
(65 percent) patients in this group as compared to none in
the placebo group. This remission lasted until the end of
the observation period, which was 20 weeks (12 weeks
later), and the addition of steroids was not necessary.
The results were truly impressive and suggestive of
wormwood being able to decrease or eliminate the need
for steroids in Crohns disease patients. Additionally,
results indicate that wormwood has positive effects on
mood and quality of life, which is not achieved by other
standard Crohns disease medications. (7)
5. Contains Antimicrobial and Antifungal Abilities
In vitro studies have shown that the essential oils of
wormwood have antimicrobial activity. Research published
in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry showed
that wormwood oil showed a broad spectrum of
antimicrobial activity against several bacterial strains,
including E. coli and salmonella. (8) Every year, salmonella
is estimated to cause 1 million food-borne illnesses in the
U.S. alone, with 19,000 hospitalizations and 380 deaths. E.
coli is another concerning type of bacteria that can cause
a range of issues from diarrhea to urinary tract infections
to pneumonia and other illnesses.
Not only can wormwood kill bacteria, but its also been
shown to kill fungi. Essential oil distilled from the aerial
parts of Artemisia absinthium inhibited the growth of a
very broad spectrum of tested fungi (11 to be exact). The
wormwood essential oil also showed antioxidant properties
during testing. (9)
Another study published in Planta Medica showed that A.
absinthium oil inhibited the growth of Candida albicans.
(10) This is the the most common type of yeast infection
found in the mouth, intestinal tract and vagina, and it may
affect skin and other mucous membranes. Candida
albicans can cause all kinds of common yet highly
unwanted candida symptoms.
6. Treats SIBO
Many people turn to natural and alternative treatments
when it comes to problems with their gastrointestinal
health, and for good reason. Studies show that herbal
remedies like wormwood are as good or even better at
fighting small intestinal bacterial overgrowth or SIBO
Todays typical treatment of SIBO is limited to oral
antibiotics with varying rates of effectiveness. A 2014
study had 104 patients who tested positive for newly
diagnosed SIBO take either a high dose of rifaximin or
an herbal therapy daily for four weeks. The herbal
products were specifically chosen because they contained
antimicrobial herbs like wormwood, oregano oil, thyme
and berberine extracts, which have been shown to
provide broad-spectrum coverage against the types of
bacteria most commonly involved in SIBO.
Of the patients who received herbal therapy, 46 percent
showed no evidence of SIBO on follow-up tests compared
to 34 percent of rifaximin users. Adverse effects reported
among those taking rifaximin included anaphylaxis, hives,
diarrhea and C. difficile colitis, while only one case of
diarrhea and no other side effects were reported in the
herbal therapy group.

The study concluded that herbal therapies are at least as

effective as rifaximin for eradication of SIBO. Additionally,
the herbal therapy with wormwood appears to be just as
effective as triple antibiotic therapy for individuals who
dont respond to rifaximin. (11)

Wormwood Plant Origin and

Chemical Components
What is wormwood exactly? Artemisia absinthium is an
odorous, perennial that belongs to the Asteraceae or
Compositae family, more commonly known as the daisy
family. This artemisia plant releases an aromatic odor and
has a spicy, bitter taste. Many species of the artemisia
family tend to have medicinal properties. Its related
to Artemisia vulgaris, or mugwort, another medicinal herb.
The wormwood plant is native to Europe and parts of Africa
and Asia. Today, it also grows wild in the U.S., most
commonly along roads or paths. Also called shrub
wormwood, Artemisia absinthium is a shrubby plant that
typically grows to be one to three feet tall. It has gray-
green or white stems covered by fine hairs and yellowish-
green leaves that are hairy and silky. The leaves of the
plant have glands that contain resinous particles where
the natural insecticide is stored.

Sweet wormwood (Artemisia annua), also known as sweet

annie, sweet sagewort, annual mugwort or annual
wormwood, is a common type of wormwood native to
temperate Asia but naturalized in parts of North America.

Wormwood can be used either fresh or dried. All the aerial

portions (stem, leaves and flowers) of the plant have
medicinal uses. The essential oil is extracted from the
leaves and flowering tops by steam distillation. One study
of the essential oil of Artemisia absinthium found that it
contains at least 28 components representing 93.3
percent of the oil. The main components are - pinene
(23.8 percent) and - thujone (18.6 percent). (12)
Thujone is the potentially poisonous chemical found in
wormwood. Distilling the herb in alcohol increases the
thujone concentration, which is what makes absinthe such
a debatable liquor of choice.

Wormwoods biologically active compounds

acetylenes (trans-dehydromatricaria ester, C13 and
C14 trans-spiroketalenol ethers, and others)
ascorbic acid (vitamin C)
azulenes (chamazulene, dihydrochamazulenes,
bisabolene, camphene, cadinene, sabinene, trans-
sabinylacetate, phellandrene, pinene and others)
flavonoids (quercitin 3-glucoside, quercitin 3-
rhamnoglucoside, spinacetin 3-glucoside, spinacetin 3-
rhamnoglucoside, and others)
lignins (diayangambin and epiyangambin)
phenolic acids (p-hydroxyphenylacetic, p-coumaric,
chlorogenic, protocatechuic, vanillic, syringic and
thujone and isothujone
sesquiterpene lactones (absinthin, artabsin,
anabsinthin, artemetin, artemisinin, arabsin, artabin,
artabsinolides, artemolin, matricin, isoabsinthin and

Wormwood History and Interesting

The name wormwood is derived from ancient use of the
plant and its extracts as an intestinal anthelmintic,
antiparasitic drug that expels parasitic worms and other
internal parasites from the body.
In ancient Egyptian times, it was a commonly used
medicinal plant, specifically for anal pain, and as an
additive to wine. Later on it was used in European folk
medicine to induce labor. The plant, when steeped into a
strong tea, has been used traditionally in Europe as well as
a bitter stomach stabilizer to stave off indigestion.

A favorite alcoholic beverage in 19th century France,

absinthe was said to be addictive and associated with a
collection of serious side effects known as absinthism or
irreversible damage to the central nervous system.

Absinthe was made popular by some very well-known

writers and artists, such as Ernest Hemingway, Henri de
Toulouse-Lautrec, douard Manet, Edgar Degas, Vincent
van Gogh, Pablo Picasso and Oscar Wilde. The manic
depressive painter Vincent van Gogh was addicted to
absinthe, and some say his continual drinking of it led to
many of his paintings having a green or yellowish tint (due
to the thujuones hallucinatory effects) and that the
wormwood actually enhanced his epilepsy.

Absinthe is an anise-flavored spirit derived from several

botanicals. Absinthe ingredients include the flowers and
leaves of wormwood, anise and fennel. Its illegal in the
U.S. as well as many other countries. However, its not
banned in some European Union countries as long as the
thujone content is less than 35 milligrams per kilogram.
Thujone is the potentially poisonous chemical found in
wormwood. Distilling wormwood in alcohol increases the
thujone concentration. Thujone-free wormwood extract is
currently used as a flavoring in alcoholic beverages like
Wormwood, or its derivative chemical components, have
famously been mentioned in many a novel, play and in
other art forms, from Bram Stokers Dracula to John
Locke essays to Romeo and Juliet.

There are several Bible references to this herb as well.

The word wormwood appears several times in the Old
Testament, translated from the Hebrew term laanah
(which means curse in Arabic and Hebrew). Its also
spoken of in the New Testament in the Book of Revelation:
The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star,
blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers
and on the springs of water the name of the star is
Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter, and many
people died from the waters that had become bitter. (Rev
How to Use Wormwood + Recipes
Wormwood is commercially available at health stores and
online as an essential oil, as well as in capsule, tablet,
tincture and liquid extract forms. It can also be used in
fresh or dry form to make an infusion or tea.

Its best used in dried form, which contains little, if any,

thujone. To make a wormwood infusion or tea, steep a half
teaspoon to one teaspoon of dried or fresh wormwood in
one cup of boiling water for five to 15 minutes.
Its important that you use no more than one teaspoon of
the leaves as theyre very strong and bitter. Longer steep
time will make for a stronger tea, but also a more bitter
tea. Wormwood should be taken unsweetened to have the
best effect, but you can counter the bitterness by adding
dried peppermint or anise.

Wormwood tea can be especially helpful for

digestion, specifically before heavy meals that may likely
cause gas and bloated stomach. Preparations are
typically sipped because the strong bitter taste is an
important component of its therapeutic effect on stomach
ailments. It can also be taken as an occasional energy
For intestinal concerns like worms or parasites, its best to
take powdered wormwood in pill form.

You can also use wormwood and other botanicals in a

homemade bitters recipe. Bitters make an excellent
digestive aid.
Wormwood should only be taken under the supervision of
a professional. It should always be taken in small doses as
directed and for no longer than four weeks at a time.

Wormwood Potential Side Effects,

Allergies and Interactions
Wormwood herb is not meant for long-term use. Make sure
you dont exceed recommended doses because excessive
consumption could be highly toxic. I recommend it in dried
form, which contains little, if any, of the volatile oil

The FDA lists wormwood unsafe for internal use due to the
toxicity of thujone oil. However, its considered to be
safe when taken by mouth in the amounts commonly
found in food and beverages, including bitters and
vermouth, as long as these products are thujone-
free. Using wormwood for longer than four weeks or at
higher than recommended doses may lead to nausea,
vomiting , restlessness, insomnia, vertigo, tremors and

Wormwood products that contain thujone, like absinthe,

can be unsafe when taken by mouth. Absinthe
effects/thujone effects can include restlessness, difficulty
sleeping, nightmares, seizures, dizziness, tremors, muscle
breakdown, kidney failure, vomiting, stomach cramps,
urine retention, thirst, numbness of arms and legs,
paralysis, and death.
Dont take this herb in any form if youre pregnant or
breast-feeding. There have been documented abortifacient
and emmenagogue effects of wormwood.

If youre allergic to ragweed and other plants in

the Asteraceae/Compositae family, then wormwood may
cause an allergic reaction.
If you have porphyria (a group of disorders that result from
a buildup of natural chemicals that produce porphyrin in
your body), then you should know that the thujone present
in wormwood oil might increase your bodys production of
chemicals called porphyrins, which could make your
porphyria worse.
If you have epilepsy or any other seizure disorder, speak
with your doctor before using this herb. The thujone in
wormwood cause cause seizures, especially in people who
have a tendency toward seizures.

Wormwood is not recommended for people with kidney

disorders. The oil might cause kidney failure. If you have
kidney concerns, dont take this herb before talking with
your doctor.

I would not advise using the essential oil in aromatherapy

since it contains an extremely high amount of thujone,
which is a convulsant and neurotoxin.

Be cautious and speak with your doctor before combining

wormwood with any anticonvulsant, which is a
medication used to prevent seizures. Since these
medications and wormwood can both affect brain
chemicals, this herb may decrease the effectiveness of
Final Thoughts on Wormwood
Absinthe is a botanical spirit made from wormwood,
anise and fennel, but thats not all wormwood is good
for. Its used to eliminate intestinal worms, especially
roundworms and pinworms, and its the source of of the
key ingredient for the herbal drug artemisinin, which is
the most powerful antimalarial on the market.
Its also been shown to kill cancer cells and treat
anorexia, insomnia, anemia, a lack of appetite,
flatulence, stomach aches, jaundice and indigestion.
Specifically, this herb has been proven to beat
malaria, kill breast cancer cells, get rid of parasites,
treat Crohns disease, contain antimicrobial and
antifungal abilities, and treat SIBO.
Wormwood is commercially available at health stores
and online as an essential oil, as well as in capsule,
tablet, tincture and liquid extract forms. It can also be
used in fresh or dry form to make an infusion or tea.
Wormwood should only be taken under the
supervision of a professional. It should always be taken
in small doses as directed and for no longer than four
weeks at a time.
7 Proven Black Seed Oil
Benefits & Cures
Affiliate Disclosure

Of the 630 scientific peer-reviewed articles that have been

published about black seed oil benefits, one fact is clear:
there are few issues that it cannot help the body
overcome. With virtually no side effects, the healing
prowess of black seed is actually quite unbelievable and it
boggles the mind that most Americans have never heard
of it!

Unique Black Seed Oil Benefits

The uniqueness of the seeds from southwest Asia Nigella
sativa is first realized by the many names that it is referred
to: (1)
Black cumin
Black caraway
Black sesame
Onion seed
Roman coriander
Black seed is actually more of a description than a
proper name, yet is preferred because it helps to
distinguish it from caraway and cumin. Many health
experts claim that it is, indeed, a true panacea; able to
help cure everything from allergies to hypertension. Quite
possibly, the most promising research has been done
connecting Nigella sativa to multi-drug resistant bacteria.
This is a real big deal because these so-called superbugs
are becoming a significant public health risk. According to
the National Institute of Health: (2)
Strains of bacteria and viruses that are
antimicrobial-resistant are becoming virtually
impossible to treat; including HIV, staphylococcal,
tuberculosis, influenza, gonorrhea, candida, and
Between 5 10% of all hospital patients
develop an infection from superbugs.
More than 90,000 of these patients die every
year, up from 13,300 patient deaths in 1992.
People infected with superbugs typically have
longer hospital stays, require more complicated
treatment and dont recover as well.
A study conducted by Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College
researchers set out to determine just how potent black
seed oil against some of these superbugs and pared it
against several antibiotics such as Amoxicillin, Gatifloxacin
and Tetracycline. According to the study,

Out of 144 strains tested, most of which were resistant to

a number of antibiotics, 97 were inhibited by the oil of
black cumin!

Next to oil of oregano, few things on the planet can boast

this type of potency to microbes! The study uncovered
that it was especially effective against multidrug resistant
strains of P. aeruginosa and S. aureus.

The key to understanding why black seed oils benefits the

body in this way is because it is rich in 3 key natural
chemicals: thymoquinone (TQ), thymohydroquinone (THQ)
and thymol.

The Power Behind Black Seed Oil

Benefits: Phytochemicals
In an effort to offer a solution to the growing antifungal
resistant problem people have with yeasts and molds, a
recent study was conducted with the purpose of
determining if Nigella sativa seed oil could help. Published
in the Egyptian Journal of Biochemistry & Molecular
Biology, scientists tested thymol, TQ and THQ against 30
human pathogens and were surprised to discover that: (3)
Each compound showed 100% inhibition for the
thirty pathogens evaluated.
Thymoquinone was the best antifungal
compound against all of the tested
dermatophytes and yeasts, followed by
thymohydroquinone and thymol.
Thymol was the best antifungal against molds
followed by TQ and THQ.
What this study tells us is that Nigella sativa oil carries a
very unique chemical constituency that is not only
effective individually, but more importantly also
collectively. Essentially proving that fungus and molds
cannot exist in the presence of these phytochemicals, it is
no wonder why researchers are seeking to solve the
superbug problem with the mighty black seed!

Thymoquinone An active ingredient in black seed,

researchers have been investigating TQ since the 1960s. It
is well known for its anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and
anticancer properties that have been reported to help with
encephalomyelitis, diabetes, asthma and carcinogenesis.
(4) Interestingly, thymoquinone acts as a free radical or an
effective superoxide radical scavenger, in addition to
preserving antioxidant enzymes glutathione peroxidase
and glutathione-S-transferase. Both Glutathione
peroxidase and S-transferase are heralded for being major
detoxifiers and greatly aid in cellular antioxidant defense
systems because they protect the liver from toxins. (4,5)
Thymohydroquinone A kin to thymoqinone,
thymohydroquinone is one of the most potent natural
acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitors on the planet. (6)
AChE inhibitors are chemicals that stop enzyme activity,
which increases the amount of time and the amount of the
neurotransmitter acetylecholine remains active in the
brain. To give you an idea of their usefulness,
pharmaceutical-grade acetylcholinesterase inhibitors are
used medicinally to treat a wide range of conditions
including: (7)
Alzheimers disease
Myasthenia gravis
Neurodegenerative conditions
Postural Tachycardia Syndrome
Parkinsons disease
Considering that the pharmaceutical approach to these
diseases comes at a great cost to the patient, it offers
much hope to literally millions to learn that safe, plant-
based solutions are a viable alternative!
Thymol The active ingredient that gives thyme essential
oil its medicinal properties, thymol is a natural
monoterpene that holds a number of useful qualities. For
example, (8) (9)
It is commonly used as a tuberculocide and
virucides to kill TB and various viruses.
It is used as a medical and general-purpose
It is a rapidly degrading, non-persisting
It is also used in food flavorings, perfumes,
mouthwashes, and even cosmetics.
According to the Environmental Protection Agency (9)
Thymol is among those pesticides for which EPA believes a
broadly reduced set of generic data requirements is
appropriate for reregistration. The Agency, therefore, has
waived most generic data requirements for thymol with
the exception of studies that are considered essential,
including additional information about chemical purity, and
product chemistry studies.

Top 7 Black Seed Oil Benefits

Of the many ways that black seed oil benefits the body,
the 6 that stick out in the scientific literature its ability to
help prevent cancer, diabetes, obesity, hair loss, skin
disorders and infections like MRSA.

1. Cancer
Croatian scientists evaluated the antitumor activity of
thymoquinone and thymohydroquinone in mice and
discovered that the two phytochemicals in black seed oil
can resulted in 52% decrease in tumor cells! (10)
Being rich in both chemicals, black seed is unique in that it
can help prevent and treat cancer through a variety of

Apoptosis induction
Cell cycle arrest
Reactive oxygen species generation
According to one study,

The anti-tumor effects of thymoquinone have also been

investigated in tumor xenograft mice models for colon,
prostate, pancreatic and lung cancer. The combination of
thymoquinone and conventional chemotherapeutic drugs
could produce greater therapeutic effect as well as reduce
the toxicity of the latter. (11)

2. Liver Health
The liver is one of the most important organs in the body.
Nearly every toxin gets processed through the liver, and
the bile from the liver is the key to digesting fats and
keeping your mind and body happy and healthy. For those
that have struggled with poor liver function due to
medication side effects, alcohol consumption, or disease,
black seed oil could greatly speed the healing process. In a
recent study scientists discovered that black seed oil
benefits the function of the liver and helps prevent both
damage and disease. (12)
3. Diabetes
Explained in a recent article published by the Journal of
Endocrinology and Metabolism, researchers from the
Indian Council of Medical Research highlight that black
seed oil causes gradual partial regeneration of pancreatic
beta-cells, increases the lowered serum insulin
concentrations and decreases the elevated serum
glucose. (13) This is actually quite profound because
Nigella sativa is one of the few substances on the planet
that is suggested to help prevent both type 1 and type 2
In fact, according to the study, black seed improves
glucose tolerance as efficiently as metformin; yet it has
not shown significant adverse effects and has very low
toxicity! (13) This is HUGE because metformin, one of the
most commonly prescribed type 2 diabetes drugs, can
cause a wide slew of side effects including: (14)
Flushing of the skin
Nail changes
Metallic taste in mouth
Muscle pain
Stomach pain

4. Weight Loss
The Journal of Diabetes and Metabolic Disorders published
a study last June systemically reviewing the literature for
plants that have anti-obesity properties and discovered
that black seed oil was amongst the most effective natural
remedies on the planet. (15)
Not traditionally believed to treat obesity, Nigella sativa is
a marvelous anti-inflammatory agent that is known to help
people lose weight in the same way that it helps diabetics.
Specifically, by decreasing these weight gain triggers,
black seed oil has helped millions shed excess weight: (16)
Glucose absorption in the intestine
Liver gluconeogenesis
Blood glucose levels

5. Hair
Probably one of the most unique black seed oil benefits is
its uncanny ability to help restore hair loss. No one quite
understands why it happens, but its not too hard to guess
that it has something to do with its powerful antioxidant
and antimicrobial properties. By strengthening hair
follicles, there is very good reason to see how black seed
oil can help promote strengthened hair roots.
6. Skin
Produced in the retina, choroid and epidermis, melanin are
pigments that protect the skin from damage. You probably
are most family with it being the main chemical
responsible for giving our eyes and skin their individual
color. Known to promote and inhibit melanogenesis
(melanin production), black seed oil benefits on the skin
and other cells are profoundly healing. (17, 18)
For example, in a recent study conducted by Iranian
researchers, Nigella saliva was found as effective as the
skin cream Betamethasone in improving quality of life and
decreasing severity of hand eczema. (19) When you
consider that black seed oil has virtually no side effects,
the benefits of Nigella, in fact, far exceed medical

7. Infections (MRSA)
Of all the superbugs that black seed oil can kill, Methicillin
resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is one of the most
important. MRSA is plaguing hospitals and nursing homes
across the globe because ordinary staph infections are
becoming resistant to generic antibiotics. The elderly
population is especially at risk because it is generally
associated with invasive procedures such as surgeries,
intravenous tubing, and artificial joints. (20) Primarily due
to weakened immunity, the growing population of senior
citizens has made MRSA a global public health risk.
Thankfully, one of the strongest black seed oil benefits
comes to the rescue. Pakistan scientists took several
strains of MRSA and discovered that each one was
sensitive to N. Sativa, proving that black seed oil can help
slow down or stop MRSA from spreading out of control.

Final Note:
With all of these health benefits, I cannot think of one
reason why everyone on the planet shouldnt have black
seed oil in their medicine cabinets

How to Maintain Normal

Blood Sugar
If you are one of the millions of people who has
prediabetes, diabetes, metabolic syndrome or any other
form of insulin resistance, maintaining normal blood
sugar levels can be challenging. Over the past several
decades, these chronic disorders have swept through the
U.S. and many other nations, reaching epidemic
proportions and causing serious, but often preventable,
side effects like nerve damage, fatigue, loss of vision,
arterial damage and weight gain.
Elevated blood sugar levels maintained for an extended
period of time can push someone who is prediabetic into
having full-blown diabetes (which now affects about one in
every three adults in the U.S.). (1) Even for people who
arent necessarily at a high risk for developing diabetes or
heart complications, poorly managed blood sugar can lead
to common complications, including fatigue, weight gain
and sugar cravings. In extreme cases, elevated blood
sugar can even contribute to strokes, amputations, coma
and death in people with a history of insulin resistance.
Blood sugar is raised by glucose, which is the sugar we get
from eating many different types of foods that contain
carbohydrates. Although we usually think of normal blood
sugar as being strictly reliant upon how many
carbohydrates and added sugar someone eats, other
factors also play a role. For example, stress can elevate
cortisol levels, which interferes with how insulin is used,
and the timing of meals can also affect how the body
manages blood sugar. (2)
What can you do to help avoid dangerous blood sugar
swings and lower diabetes symptoms? As youll learn,
normal blood sugar levels are sustained through a
combination of eating a balanced, low-processed diet,
getting regular exercise and managing the bodys most
important hormones in other ways (such as getting
enough sleep and reducing stress). The power is within
your hands, since many of the disorders triggered by
poorly managed blood sugar are avoidable and can be
managed naturally and successfully through practicing
certain healthy habits.

How to Maintain Normal Blood

Most of the habits that help us maintain healthy, normal
blood sugar levels are fairly obvious and simple to carry
out. However, some might also surprise you, especially if
you think it will be tough to start managing your blood
sugar better.
Small changes in your diet, exercise routine and sleep
schedule can wind up making a big difference when it
comes to blood sugar management. Lets look at some of
the best ways to help get you on the right track to
reaching and maintaining normal blood sugar levels for

1. Eat a Low-Processed, Anti-Inflammatory Diet

A healthy diet is key to blood sugar management and
preventing or treating diabetes. Its not that you must
avoid consuming any carbohydrates or sugar when trying
to maintain normal blood sugar just that you need to
balance them out with protein/fats, and focus on getting
them from real, whole foods. Eating a source of protein,
fiber and healthy fat with all of your meals can help
stabilize blood sugar, especially when you consume
carbs/sugar (such as starchy veggies like potatoes, fruit or
whole grains). These slow down the absorption of sugar
into the bloodstream, help manage your appetite, and are
also important for your metabolism and digestion.
Some of the best protein foods for managing blood
sugar include: wild fish such as salmon, free-range eggs,
grass-fed beef or lamb, raw dairy products (including
yogurt, kefir or raw cheeses), and pasture-raised poultry
Healthy fats include: virgin coconut oil, MCT oil,
extra virgin olive oil, nuts and seeds (like almonds, chia,
hemp and flax), and avocado. Coconut oil, ghee and
grass-fed butter are all some of my favorite fat-
burning foods for managing blood glucose levels while
also improving the taste and filling quality of your
High-fiber foods include: fresh veggies, whole
pieces of fruit (not juice), sprouted beans or peas, and
ancient grains. Some of my favorite foods especially
high in fiber are artichokes, green leafy vegetables, chia
seeds, flaxseeds, apples, pumpkin seeds, almonds,
avocado and sweet potatoes.
According to an article in Diabetic Living magazine,
other foods and drinks that make great additions to a
blood-sugar-stabilizing diet include apple cider vinegar,
cinnamon, green tea, herbal teas, fresh herbs and
spices. (3)
2. Switch Up Your Carbs & Sweeteners
While all types of added sugars are capable of raising
blood sugar levels, some sources of sugar/carbs affect
blood glucose levels more so than others. When you use
appropriate amounts sparingly, natural/unrefined, ideally
organic sugar sources (such as those from fruit or raw
honey) are less likely to contribute to poor blood sugar
management than refined sugars (such as white cane
sugar or refined products made with white/bleached wheat

To help sustain normal blood sugar, check ingredient labels

carefully, since sugar can be listed under dozens of
different names.

Skip anything made with refined flour (also called

wheat flour or enriched flour) and added sugars, such
as beet sugar/beet juice, cane sugar, high fructose
corn syrup, fructose and dextrose.
Instead choose natural sweeteners, including raw
honey, organic stevia, dates, pure maple syrup or
blackstrap molasses.
Most importantly, still watch your portion sizes, using
only a small amount per day of even natural sweeteners
(such as one to three teaspoons daily).
When it comes to grain-flour products, its best to
consume grains in their whole form whenever possible
as opposed to in flour form, which tends to spike blood
sugar more. But if you must use flour, choose those
made with 100 percent whole grains, or else try
coconut flour or almond flour for an even healthier
In terms of beverages, stick with water, seltzer,
herbal tea or black tea, and coffee. Coffee is best in
moderation, meaning one to two cups daily, especially
compared to sweetened drinks, juices or soda. (4)
Keep in mind that alcohol can also raise blood sugar,
especially if you consume sweetened alcoholic drinks
(such as certain dessert/fortified wines, sherries,
liqueurs, mixed drinks with juice and ciders). (5)
3. Get Regular Exercise
Youre probably already aware that there are literally
dozens of benefits associated with exercise. According
to the National Diabetes Association, exercise manages
blood sugar in more than one way. Short-term exercise
helps cells in your muscles to take up more glucose in
order to use it for energy and tissue repair, therefore
lowering blood sugar in the process. Long-term exercise
also makes cells more responsive to insulin and helps
prevent resistance. (6)
Doing about 3060 minutes of exercise most days of the
week (such as running, cycling, swimming and lifting
weights) is also a simple, beneficial way to lower
inflammation, manage stress, improve immunity and
balance hormones. Insulin sensitivity is increased, so your
cells are better able to use any available insulin to take up
glucose during and after activity.

4. Manage Stress
Excessive stress can actually cause blood sugar levels to
rise due to an increased release of the stress hormone
cortisol. Stress kicks off a vicious hormonal cycle for many
people. It not only contributes to high blood sugar by
raising cortisol, but also tends to increase cravings for
comfort foods (many of which are refined and filled with
sugar or other inflammatory ingredients) and often
interferes with getting good sleep. (7)
All around, dealing with high amounts of stress makes it
less likely that people will take good care of themselves
and keep up with healthy habits that contribute to normal
blood sugar. For example, skipping workouts and drinking
more alcohol and caffeine are both common among
chronically stressed adults. These self-destructive habits
contribute to even more stress, which interferes with blood
sugar management even more. Its no wonder that people
who develop health problems like diabetes or heart
disease, or even who wind up gaining a lot of weight and
facing obesity, tend to feel more depressed and hopeless
but find it hard to break the cycle and develop new habits.

What are some ways you can help deal with the inevitable
stresses that occur in life? Studies have found that natural
stress relievers, including exercise, yoga, meditation and
using relaxing essential oils for anxiety (such as
lavender, rose and frankincense) are all helpful for
diabetics and those with insulin resistance. (8) Other ways
to wind down include spending more time outdoors, joining
groups in your community, and connecting with family and
friends more.
5. Get Enough Rest
Being well-rested is crucial for maintaining a healthy
outlook on life, sticking with healthy habits and even
managing hormone levels. According to the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention, about 35 percent of
Americans report getting less than the recommended
seven to nine hours of sleep each night, raising their risk
for numerous health problems, including type 2 diabetes.
(9) A lack of sleep can raise stress and appetite
hormones (like cortisol and ghrelin, which make you
hungry), making it harder to void sugary snacks, refined
grain products and caffeine overdose.
Sleep and metabolic processes are linked in several key
ways, and research shows our natural circadian rhythms
can trigger high blood glucose or raise the risk for diabetes
when theyre disturbed. Sleeping too little, getting poor
quality sleep or sleeping at the wrong times can impair
insulin secretion even if you dont change your diet.
Aim to get between seven to nine hours of sleep per night,
ideally by sticking with a normal sleep/wake schedule in
order to balance hormones, curb stress responses, and
have enough energy to exercise and keep up with your

How the Body Manages Blood Sugar

People who tend to experience fluctuating,
abnormal blood sugar levels include:
anyone with prediabetes or diabetes
those eating a poor diet, high in sugar, refined grains,
artificial ingredients and packaged foods
people who skip meals, dont eat enough or who fad
anyone who doesnt eat around the time of
exercising, before or after workouts, to help refuel
people who dont get enough sleep and live with high
amounts of chronic stress
pregnant women (who can be at risk for gestational
people with a history of insulin resistance/diabetes in
their families
Your diet is the single most influential factor when it comes
to your blood sugar levels. The foods that we eat fall into
one of three categories: carbohydrates (sugars and
starches), proteins and fats. Fats dont affect blood sugar,
while carbohydrates and to a small extend proteins
do. Carbohydrates in our diets along with a portion of the
protein we eat are turned into glucose, which is what gives
cells most of their energy and helps fuel the majority of
the bodys many functions.
Glucose requires insulin in order to be brought into cells,
which is the hormone secreted by the pancreas thats
most important for blood sugar control. When we eat
carbohydrates or proteins, blood sugar rises, which alerts
the body to produce more insulin in order to bring levels
back to normal by ushering sugar to cells. Insulin levels
rise and fall in accordance with our diets and are also
impacted by levels of other hormones, such as cortisol.
In people who have diabetes (whether type 1 or type 2),
cells stop responding to insulin the way they should and
the process described above starts to break down. Either
not enough insulin is being produced by the pancreas or
cells are no longer responding to normal amounts of
insulin (called insulin resistance). This is when a lifestyle
and diet to manage diabetes become especially
According to the Hormone Health Network,
problems maintaining normal blood sugar arise
when: (11)
Insulin-releasing mechanisms no longer work as they
should specifically beta cells within the pancreas stop
reacting to changes in blood sugar normally and too
little insulin is produced, leaving blood sugar elevated.
When blood sugar levels arent managed,
hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia can then occur as
levels rise and fall drastically. These comes with many
side effects that are indicative of prediabetes or
diabetes, including fatigue, sugar cravings, changes in
blood pressure, weight loss or gain, nerve damage, and
Cells stop receiving enough energy since insulin is no
longer doing its job of bringing them enough glucose
(sugar). At the same time, blood glucose levels can
remain elevated, which damages the kidneys, heart,
arteries and nerves which in turn affects the whole
body negatively.

Whats Considered Normal Blood

What doctors consider to be normal blood sugar depends
on your medical history (such as if you have or ever had
diabetes) and when the last times you ate something and
exercised were. Blood sugar is measured in terms of
milligrams of sugar per dL of blood, and measurements are
most often taken in the morning after youve been fasting
through the night. (12)
The following blood sugar measurements are considered
healthy and normal according to health authorities,
including the American Diabetes Association: (13)
If youre generally healthy (you dont have diabetes)
and you havent eaten anything in the past eight hours
(youve been fasting), its normal for blood sugar to be
anything between 7099 mg/dL (less than 100 mg/dL).
If youre healthy and youve eaten within the past two
hours, its normal for blood sugar to be anything less
than 140 mg/dL.
If you do have a history of diabetes, fasting glucose
should ideally also be below 100 mg/DL, which might
need to be managed through the use of insulin. Its also
considered healthy to have levels between 70130 prior
to eating.
If you have diabetes and youve eaten in the past two
hours, the goal is to have blood sugar below 180 mg/dL.
If you have diabetes, you want to keep blood sugar
between 100140 mg/dL prior to bedtime and at least
100 mg/dL prior to exercising.

Signs of High/Low Blood Sugar

Even without measuring your blood sugar levels, there are
certain clues that things might not be normal. How do
you know if youre not successfully managing your blood
sugar levels throughout the day? Common signs and
symptoms not to ignore that can signify diabetes and
fluctuating blood sugar levels include: (14)
Fatigue or chronic fatigue syndrome, low energy
Sugar/carb cravings
Excessive thirst
Weight fluctuations/weight loss
Increased urination
Mood swings, nervousness or jitteriness
Blurred, worsening vision
Slow healing of skin wounds, dryness, cuts and
Frequent infections
Heavy breathing and trouble exercising
Tension headaches

Normal Blood Sugar Takeaways

Elevated blood sugar levels maintained for an
extended period of time can push someone who is
prediabetic into having full-blown diabetes (which now
affects about one in every three adults in the U.S.).
People who tend to experience fluctuating,
abnormal blood sugar levels include anyone with
prediabetes or diabetes; those eating a poor diet, high
in sugar, refined grains, artificial ingredients and
packaged foods; people who skip meals, dont eat
enough or who fad diet; anyone who doesnt eat around
the time of exercising, before or after workouts, to help
refuel; people who dont get enough sleep and live with
high amounts of chronic stress; pregnant women (who
can be at risk for gestational diabetes); and people with
a history of insulin resistance/diabetes in their families.
Signs of high/low blood sugar include fatigue and low
energy levels; sugar/carb cravings; excessive thirst;
weight fluctuations/weight loss; increased urination;
mood swings, nervousness or jitteriness; blurred,
worsening vision; slow healing of skin wounds, dryness,
cuts and bruises; frequent infections; heavy breathing
and trouble exercising; and tension headaches.
In order to achieve normal blood sugar levels and
maintain them, eat a low-processed, anti-inflammatory
diet that includes protein foods, healthy fats and high-
fiber foods; switch up your carbs and sweeteners,
avoiding refined flour and utilizing natural sweeteners in
moderation; get regular exercise; manage stress; and
get enough rest.

4 Steps to Heal Leaky Gut

and Autoimmune Disease
Affiliate Disclosure

Leaky gut syndrome is a rapidly growing condition that

millions of people are struggling with and dont even know
it. From the sound of it, you might think leaky
gut syndrome only affects the digestive system, but in
reality it can lead to many other health conditions.
According to research, the cause of your food allergies,
low energy, joint pain, thyroid disease, autoimmune
conditions and slow metabolism could be leaky gut
symptoms progression.
In this article, I will outline specifically how you can
heal leaky gut syndrome and break through the health
problems youve been struggling with.

What Is Leaky Gut Syndrome?

Think of the lining of your digestive tract like a net with
extremely small holes in it that only allow specific
substances to pass through. Your gut lining works as a
barrier keeping out bigger particles that can damage your
When someone has leaky gut (often referred to as
increased intestinal permeability), the net in your
digestive tract gets damaged, which causes even bigger
holes to develop in your net, so things that normally cant
pass through, are now be able to.

Some of the things that can now pass through include

proteins like gluten, bad bacteria and undigested foods
particles. Toxic waste can also leak from the inside of your
intestinal wall into your bloodstream causing an immune
Leaky Gut Symptoms and
This leads to inflammation throughout your system and
can cause symptoms, such as:

Food sensitivities
Thyroid conditions
Joint pain
Skin issues like rosacea and acne
Digestive problems
Weight gain
Syndrome X
One of the biggest warning signs that you may have leaky
gut I recommend that you take a leaky gut test can
be that youre experiencing multiple food sensitivities.
Partially digested protein and fat can seep through your
intestinal lining, making their way into your bloodstream
and causing an allergic response.
This allergic response doesnt mean youll break out in a
rash all over your body, but it can lead to one of the
symptoms Ive mentioned above. If left un-repaired, it can
lead to more severe health issues like inflammatory bowel
disease, IBS, arthritis, eczema, psoriasis, depression,
anxiety, migraine headaches, muscle pain and chronic

According to the Journal of Diabetes, there is a strong body

of evidence pointing to leaky gut syndrome as a major
cause of autoimmune diseases, including Type 1 Diabetes.

Another problem with leaky gut is that it can cause

malabsorption of vital minerals and nutrients
including zinc, iron and vitamin B12.

What Causes Leaky Gut?

There are four main causes of leaky gut which include:

Poor diet
Chronic stress
Toxin overload
Bacterial imbalance
The most common components of food that can damage
your intestinal lining are the proteins found in un-
sprouted grains, sugar, GMOs and conventional
dairy.The problem with un-sprouted grains is that they
contain large amounts of antinutrients or nutrient
blockers called phytates and lectins. Lectins are sugar-
binding proteins that act as a natural defense system for
plants that protect them from outside invaders like mold
and parasites.This is good news for plants but bad news
for your body. Your digestive lining is covered with
sugar-containing cells that help break down your food.
Lectins gravitate toward this area and when they attach
to your digestive lining, it damages your gut and causes
Lectins and Foods that Cause
Leaky Gut
Lectins are found in many foods, not just grains, and
consumed in smaller amounts, your body will do just
fine with them. But foods that have large amounts of
lectins are more problematic. Some of the lectins and
foods that cause leaky gut include wheat, rice, spelt and

Sprouting and fermenting grains reduces phytates and

lectins, making these foods easier to digest. GMO and
hybridized foods tend to be the highest in lectins since
they have been modified to fight off bugs. Also, gluten-
containing grains will damage your intestinal lining and
cause leaky gut syndrome.
So while you are working to heal leaky gut and cure
autoimmune disease, stay away from all grains,
especially ones that contain gluten like wheat. Once
your gut is healthy, you can add back in grains that
have been fermented and sprouted to eat occasionally.

Conventional cows milk is another food that can cause

leaky gut. The component of dairy that will harm your
gut is the protein A1 casein. Also, the pasteurization
process will destroy vital enzymes, making sugars like
lactose very difficult to digest. For this reason, I only
recommend buying dairy that is raw and from A2 cows,
goats, sheep, or buffalo.
Sugar is another substance that will wreak havoc on
your digestive system. Sugar will feed the growth of
yeast, candida and bad bacteria, which will further
damage your gut. Bad bacteria actually creates toxins
called exotoxins that damage healthy cells and can eat
a hole into your intestinal wall.

Other Factors that Cause Leaky

Chronic stress: It weakens your immune system over
time, which cripples your ability to fight off foreign
invaders like bad bacteria and viruses, leading to
inflammation and leaky gut. To reduce stress, I
recommend getting more sleep, schedule fun into your
week, rest one day a week, meditate on scripture, and
hang out with positive, uplifting people.

Toxins: We come into contact with over 80,000

chemicals and toxins every single year, but the worst
offenders for causing leaky gut include antibiotics,
pesticides, tap water, aspirin and NSAIDS. I recommend
buying a high-quality water filter to eliminate chlorine
and fluoride and look to natural plant-based herbs to
reduce inflammation in your body.
Dysbiosis: Finally, one of the leading causes of leaky
gut is a condition called dysbiosis, which means an
imbalance between beneficial and harmful species of
bacteria in your gut. For many, this imbalance can begin
at birth because of a C-section or because the mother
didnt have a healthy gut herself. The overuse of
prescription antibiotic drugs, tap water with chlorine and
fluoride, and the lack of probiotic-rich foods
contribute to this imbalance of good and bad bacteria.
Leaky Gut and the Brain

Another topic I want to quickly discuss is how leaky gut

can affect the brain. If youve ever seen a child with
autism experience a mood swing, this can be caused by
intestinal permeability. Gluten-free and casein-free diets
have proven effective for many children with autism
because these proteins can leak through the gut and
then recirculate and act on the brain similarly to an
opioid drug.

This is also why leaky gut syndrome has been linked to

other psychological disorders such as anxiety,
depression and bipolar disorder. So, in many cases, if
you can heal the gut, you can heal the brain.

The 4-Step Plan to Heal Leaky Gut

The good news is theres a solution to successfully
healing leaky gut. There is a four-step process that

1. REMOVE foods and factors that damage

the gut
2. REPLACE with healing foods
3. REPAIR with specific supplements
4. REBALANCE with probiotics
Heres the protocol I have used with my patients over
the years that has helped them see incredible results.

Remember, the top foods to remove that cause leaky

gut are sugar, grains, conventional meat, conventional
dairy and GMO foods. The top toxic exposures to
eliminate are tap water, pesticides, NSAIDS and
antibiotics but remember to always consult with your
physician if he or she has prescribed these for you.

The Leaky Gut Diet and 5 Healing

If you suffer from leaky gut syndrome, youre overdue to
consider adopting a leaky gut diet. Here are the
five foods and supplements to heal your leaky gut.
#1 Bone Broth broth contains collagen and the
amino acids proline and glycine that can help heal your
damaged cell walls. Ive had many of my patients do a
bone broth fast for three days to help heal leaky gut and
cure autoimmune disease.

#2 Raw Cultured Dairy contains both probiotics and

SCFAs that can help heal the gut. Pastured kefir,
yogurt, amasai, butter and raw cheese are some of the
#3 Fermented Vegetables contain organic acids
that balance intestinal pH and probiotics to support the
gut. Sauerkraut, kimchi and kvass are excellent sources.

#4 Coconut Products all coconut products are

especially good for your gut. The MCFAs in coconut are
easier to digest than other fats so they work well for
leaky gut. Also, coconut kefir contains probiotics that
support your digestive system.
#5 Sprouted Seeds chia seeds, flaxseeds and hemp
seeds that have been sprouted are great sources of fiber
that can help support the growth of beneficial bacteria.
But if you have severe leaky gut, you may need to start
out getting your fiber from steamed vegetables and

Also, consuming foods that have omega-3 fats are

beneficial anti-inflammatory foods like grass-fed
beef, lamb and wild-caught fish like salmon.

Top 5 Supplements for

Healing Leaky Gut
There are many supplements that support your
digestive health, but I believe the most beneficial leaky
gut supplements are l-glutamine, probiotics, digestive
enzymes, aloe vera juice, quercetin, NAG and licorice
#1 Probiotics are the most important supplement to
take because it helps replenish good bacteria and
crowds out bad bacteria. I recommend getting probiotics
in both food and supplement form. I see people all the
time only follow part of the protocol in healing their
leaky gut syndrome by removing the damaging irritants.
But the part they often leave out is re-inoculating their
gut with beneficial bacteria that will keep bad bacteria
at bay.

So load up on BOTH probiotic-rich foods and take AT

LEAST 50 billion units of probiotics daily from a high-
quality brand.

#2 Digestive enzymes (one or two capsules at the

beginning of each meal) ensure that foods are fully
digested, decreasing the chance that partially digested
foods particles and proteins are damaging your gut wall.
#3 L-Glutamine is critical for any program designed to
heal leaky gut. Glutamine powder is an essential
amino acid supplement that is anti-inflammatory and
necessary for the growth and repair of your intestinal
lining. L-glutamine benefits include acting as a
protector: coating your cell walls and acting as a
repellent to irritants. Take 25 grams twice daily.
#4 Licorice Root (DGL) is an adaptogenic herb that
helps balance cortisol levels and improves acid
production in the stomach. DGL supports the bodys
natural processes for maintaining the mucosal lining of
the stomach and duodenum. This herb is especially
beneficial if someones leaky gut is being caused by
emotional stress. Take 500 milligrams twice daily.
#5 Quercetin has also been shown to improve gut
barrier function by sealing the gut because it supports
creation of tight junction proteins. It also stabilizes mast
cells and reduces the release of histamine, which is
common in food intolerance. New studies have also
shown its effectiveness in healing ulcerative colitis. Take
500 milligrams three times daily with meals.
If you can follow the above protocol, you are well on
your way to successfully treating your gut for good.

If you think that you might have leaky gut after reading
this article or you are interested in learning more, Im
hosting a FREE training about how you can repair your
leaky gut. Click here to learn more about the free

10 Proven Benefits of
Astragalus Root (#4 Is Vital)
Affiliate Disclosure

Do you know about astragalus? If not, you should, because

astragalus root is one of the most powerful immune-
building plants on the planet.
This adaptogen herb lowers cortisol, aka the stress
hormone, while fighting disease at the same time. How
effective can it be? Turns out, plenty.
In addition to pumping up your immune system, studies
show its vital for cardiovascular health and can even fight
off tumors and alleviate symptoms of chemotherapy!

Believe it or not, thats not all, either. There are more

astragalus benefits that are simply unbelievable, which is
why I consider it one of the essential herbs to add to your
wellness regimen.
What Is Astragalus?
Astragalus is a plant within the Leguminosae (beans or
legumes) family, with a very long history as an immune
system booster and disease fighter. Its roots are in
Traditional Chinese Medicine, in which its been used as an
adaptogen for thousands of years meaning it helps the
body fight off stress and disease. Today, astragalus
medicinal healing and treatment uses span many different
illnesses and diseases.
The perennial flowering plant, also called milkvetch root
and Huang-qi, grows from 16 to 36 inches tall and is native
to the north and eastern regions of China. Its also been
traced back to Mongolia and Korea.
Astragalus roots are harvested from 4-year-old plants and
are the only part of the plant thats used medicinally. Only
two of the over 2,000 species of astragalus, astragalus
membranaceus and astragalus mongholicus, are used
medicinally. (1)
Astragalus contains three components that allow the plant
to have such a positive impact on human health: saponins,
flavonoids and polysaccharides, which are all active
compounds contained in certain plants, including some
fruits and vegetables. (2) Saponins are known for their
ability to lower cholesterol, improve the immune system
and prevent cancer. (3) Flavanoids, also found in
astragalus, provide health benefits through cell signaling.
They show antioxidative qualities, control and scavenge of
free radicals, and can help prevent heart disease, cancer
and immunodeficiency viruses. (4) Polysaccharides are
known to have antimicrobial, antiviral and anti-
inflammatory capabilities, among other health benefits. (5)
Astragalus Benefits
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the herb was hailed as a
protector against stresses, both mental and physical.
Astragalus provides health benefits to a number of body
systems and ailments. Although more studies in humans
are needed to solidify its effectiveness, success in rats,
mice and other animals have prompted progressive
research on the herb.
Because of the tremendous success of so many research
studies and trials, new information about astragalus is
coming to light all the time. In general, its greatest
strength is preventing and protecting cells against cell
death and other harmful elements, such as free radicals
and oxidation.
According to continuing research, astragalus health
benefits include:

1. Acts as an Anti-Inflammatory
Inflammation is at the root of most diseases. From
arthritis to heart disease, its often the culprit of the
damage. Many studies show that thanks to its saponins
and polysaccharides, astragalus can reduce inflammatory
response in connection to a number of illnesses and
conditions, from helping to heal wounds and lesions to
reducing inflammation in diabetic kidney disease. (6)
2. Boosts the Immune System
In terms of reputation, boosting the immune system is
astragalus claim to fame. Its been used in this capacity
for thousands of years. A study out of Beijing displayed its
ability to control t-helper cells 1 and 2, essentially
regulating the bodys immune responses. (7) Although the
full extent of the herbs capabilities are yet to be
determined, there is sufficient evidence to suggest that
astragalus, used as an adjunct therapy, will someday be
used to cure many diseases.
3. Slows or Prevents the Growth of Tumors
Many recent screenings have shown the success of
astragalus saponins, flavonoids and polysaccharides in
decreasing or eliminating tumors. In instances of
chemoresistance treating liver cancer, astragalus has
shown potential in reversing multidrug resistance and as
an addition to conventional chemotherapy, according to a
study published in the Journal of Pharmacy and
Pharmacology. (8)
4. Protects the Cardiovascular System
The flavonoids present in astragalus are antioxidants
that help prevent plaque buildup in arteries and narrowing
of vessel walls by protecting the inner wall of the vessel. In
addition, a 2014 study published in the Chinese Journal of
Integrative Medicine suggests injection of astragalus,
combined with conventional treatment for viral
myocarditis (inflammation of the middle layer of the heart
wall), makes treatment more successful in heart
conditions. (9)
Other studies have shown its ability to reduce blood
pressure and level of triglycerides. (10) High levels of
triglycerides put individuals at risk for many forms of heart
disease, such as stroke, heart attack and hardening of
artery walls.
During a heart attack, heart muscle damage occurs when
there is a lack of blood supply and oxygen. At that time,
calcium overload creates secondary damage. Astragalus
can prevent additional heart muscle damage by regulating
calcium homeostasis in the heart.
5. Regulates and Prevents Diabetes and Illnesses
Related to Diabetes
Astragalus has been studied progressively as an
antidiabetic. Studies show its ability to relieve insulin
resistance and treat diabetes naturally. The herbs
collection of saponins, flavonoids and polysaccharides all
are effective in treating and regulating type 1 and 2
diabetes. Theyre able to increase insulin sensitivity,
protect pancreatic beta cells (the cells in the pancreas that
produce and release insulin) and also act as anti-
inflammatories in areas related to diabetes symptoms.
Kidney disease in diabetics is also a common problem, and
astragalus has been used to treat kidney illness for many
years. More recent studies have shown astragalus can
slow the progress of kidney problems in diabetics and
protect the renal system. (12, 13)

6. Contains Antioxidative and Anti-Aging

Oxidation due to free radical damage is the main
component in disease and aging, and many elements
found in astragalus fight free radical damage and
prevent of oxidative stress. The herbs polysaccharides
have positive effects on the immune system and
improvement of the function of the brain, both of which
could lengthen life span. (14)
7. Heals Wounds
Because of its anti-inflammatory qualities, astragalus has a
long history of treating wounds. Radix astragali, another
name for the dried root of astragalus, has been used in
Traditional Chinese Medicine for the repair and
regeneration of injured organs and tissues.
In a 2012 study by the Institute of
Pharmaceutics at Zhejiang University, wounds treated with
astragaloside IV (the active ingredient in dried astragalus
root) showed recovery rates increase two- to threefold
over 4896 hours. It was concluded that astragalus is a
promising natural product for anti-scarring and healing in
wounds. (15)
8. Alleviates Symptoms of Chemotherapy
Astragalus has been shown to help patients receiving
chemotherapy to recover more quickly and extend their
life spans. In cases of severe chemotherapy symptoms like
nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and bone marrow suppression,
astragalus has been given intravenously and in
combination with other Chinese herbal mixtures. Early
research suggests its ability to reduce these symptoms
and increase the efficacy of the chemotherapy treatments.
9. Treats Colds and Flu
Because of astragalus antiviral capabilities, it has long
been used to treat common colds and the flu. Its
commonly combined with other herbs like ginseng,
angelica and licorice. As with many other natural cold
remedies, it seems to work better when used when
healthy individuals use the supplement regularly in order
to prevent the illness before it happens. A regimen of
astragalus before the colder months of winter is said to
prevent or decrease the number of colds and upper
respiratory illnesses individuals will have throughout the
season. (17)
10. Provides Supplemental Therapy for Chronic
Astragalus has been used to treat chronic asthma and
determined to be a successful supplemental therapy and
asthma natural remedy. After being treated,
hypersensitivity in airways decreased substantially and
mucus production and inflammation were reduced in
studies. By preventing or reducing asthma attacks,
individuals could be relieved of chronic asthma issues. (18)
There is also evidence to suggest astragalus can

prevent collagen degradation

promote the growth and function of new blood
vessels in newborns
inhibit herpes simplex virus 1 (19)
prevent the replication of viruses like Coxsackie B-3, a
virus that triggers illnesses ranging from mild stomach
issues to major heart complications (20)
treat inflammation in eczema (21)
treat hepatitis by inhibiting hepatitis B virus cells in
the liver (22)
treat HIV by protecting t-helper cells fight the virus for
much longer (23)
be used as a mild diuretic

How to Use Astragalus

There are a number of ways to use astragalus root
medicinally. Astragalus is currently used as an addition to
conventional treatments and should not be used as a
replacement for medications unless suggested by a doctor.
According to the University of Maryland Medical Center,
astragalus is available at most Chinese markets or health
food stores in these forms:

Tincture (liquid alcohol extract)

Capsules and tablets
Injectible forms for use in hospital or clinical settings
in Asian countries
Topically for the skin
Dried and used in tea
There is not a standardized dosage for astragalus, but you
can work with a doctor or specialist to determine how
much you should take and how often. There are
differences in doses depending on age, health and medical

Possible Side Effects & Cautions of

Astragalus is generally safe to use with no serious side
effects. There are possible interactions with other herbal
supplements, so start with smaller doses to prevent side
Women who are pregnant and who are nursing should not
use astragalus, as there is not sufficient research to
determine it is safe for mother and baby.
People with autoimmune diseases should speak with their
doctors before starting astragalus because of its ability to
stimulate the immune system. Individuals with diseases
like multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and other
immune system conditions could be especially sensitive to

Some specialists suggest only using a specific adaptogen

for a few months and then move on to another.

The following drug interactions can occur with astragalus:

Cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan, Neosar): This drug
is used to suppress the immune system. Using
astragalus will decrease the effectiveness of this drug.
Lithium: Astragalus can affect how the body reduces
lithium levels because of its diuretic qualities. Taking
astragalus with lithium can lead to unsafe levels of
lithium in the body. Speak with a medical professional
before combining astragalus with lithium, as a dosage
change might be required.
Immunosuppressants: Drugs that suppress the
immune system are commonly used to help prevent
rejection in transplant patients and accept the new
organ or tissue. Because of astragalus immune system
boosting capabilities, it decreases the effectiveness of
these drugs. Some of these drugs include: azathioprine
(Imuran), basiliximab (Simulect), cyclosporine (Neoral,
Sandimmune), daclizumab (Zenapax), muromonab-CD3
(OKT3, Orthoclone OKT3), mycophenolate (CellCept),
tacrolimus (FK506, Prograf), sirolimus (Rapamune),
prednisone (Deltasone, Orasone), corticosteroids
(glucocorticoids) and others.

Herbal Immune System Booster Soup Recipe

, a great cold home remedy July 1, 2010/in Remedies & Recipes /by John

GallagherThis herbal immune system remedy goes a weeee bit beyond my

KEEP IT SIMPLE mantra, but I felt it was worth posting. If you want to keep it

to what you have in the kitchen, keep with my EIGHT SIMPLE SECRETS to

natural cold care. If you are ready to venture out a little and add one or two

herbs you may not have heard of and are ready to learn about, try this recipe

out. Most of the recipe still uses common ingredients. This recipe was

reprinted in one of MY FAVORITE HERB BOOKS called Herbal Antibiotics, by

Stephen Buhner. If you want to thoroughly read about all the herbs I talk

about on this sight related to cold and flu cure along with many other, this is

the book for you. It is a short, simple book that is concise and amazing. In

this recipe, Stephen takes Andrew Weils recipe in Eight Weeks to Optimum

Health and tweaks it a bit.

Immune Soup 8 cups (237 ml) water 1 tablespoon (15 ml) olive oil 1 onion,

diced 1 bulb garlic (at least 10 cloves), minced One 1 12 inch (3 12 cm) piece
of fresh gingerroot grated 1 12 cups salted vegetable soup stock (I use

chicken broth) 5 pieces sliced dried Astragalus Root 2 cups fresh, sliced

shiitake mushrooms 1 large reishi mushroom cayenne powder, if desired

Now, you can make variations. You can cut out the reishi if you cannot find it.

***You can buy dried reishi mushrooms here*** Shiitake mushrooms are

amazing for the immune system and are available at most supermarkets.

Astagalus, as well as the mushrooms, are available at Asian groceries (as

Huang qi), BUT you can also buy astragalus here (root, not the powder).

Mountain Rose Herbs is a high quality, reputable herb company. I always

have a big jar of astragalus root by my stove. I throw a few pieces in

practically every soup and tea I make. It is the main herb you think about for

herbal immune system nourishment. Ohback to the recipe! Bring water to

boil in large pot. Heat olive oil, saut garlic, onions, and ginger until soft and

aromatic. Add contents of skillet to water. Add broth, shiitake, astragalus,

and reishi. Simmer covered for two hours. Remove from heat, allow to sit for

two more hours. Remove astragalus and reishi mushrooms. Reheat. Add salt

and pepper to taste, and cayenne powder if desired. (just enough to bring

out a light sweat) At this point, I also usually add a bit of miso.

Astragalus Butter
Astragalus powder is very versatile in all the ways you can use it. This recipe makes an
excellent substitute for peanut butter -- and is better for you, too. To read a brief
summary of astragalus health benefits, please click here and scroll down to the
1 cup tahini (sesame seed butter)
7 tablespoons of almond butter (I also use pumpkin seed and hemp butters
combinations thereof)
3 tablespoons astragalus powder (I purchase it through PennHerb.com)
3 tablespoons sesame oil (I often omit the oil to lower the calories)
Sweetener to taste (I don't use any sweetener, but you can use maple syrup, agave
nectar, or another favorite)
Dash of cinnamon powder (Sometimes I add a dash of nutmeg)
Warm the tahini and the seed and/or nut butters in a double boiler. Do not use high heat. Stir
in the astragalus powder and cinnamon powder. Add the sesame oil and stir until you get a
smooth consistency. There are really no exact measurements. Add more or less for the
consistency that you desire. Refrigerate and enjoy within two weeks. I spread this delicious,
health-boosting spread on apple slices, celery sticks, whole grain bread, and even thin it out
with lemon juice and apple cider vinegar to use as a salad dressing. When using as a salad
dressing, I often blend in a tomato, add fresh minced garlic, and omit the cinnamon and
sweetener. Drizzled on crisp, organic salad greens, it's scrumptious.

To learn more about the immune-boosting and health-enhancing benefits of the herb
astragalus and how to use it in capsule, liquid extract, and other powder forms, as I do daily,
and to learn more about healing ingredients for herbal recipes, please refer to my booklet/CD
combo Herbs: Nature's Medicine Chest. You can get a copy FREE of this booklet with any
purchase of The Joy Factor, Recipes for Health Bliss, The Healing Power of
NatureFoods, Vegetable Soup/The Fruit Bowl, or Walking on Air by calling: 800-523-
9971 (US & Canada) or 215-632-6100 (Intl), both ET, M - F, 8:30 - 5pm.

Dandelion Root Coffee

Looking for an easy way to incorporate all the health benefits of this amazing plant ---
Dandelion Root? Try this easy roasted Dandelion Root coffee recipe. Serves 2-4
4 cups water
2 tablespoons roasted dandelion root
2 tablespoons roasted chicory root
1 cinnamon stick
1-2 ginger coins (sliced from raw ginger root or you can use ginger powder to taste)
Place water, dandelion root, chicory root, ginger coins or powder, and cinnamon stick in a
pot. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to simmer for about 5 minutes. Pour coffee through
a small mesh strainer into cups and serve.
FYI: This centuries-old detoxifier is in the same class as milk thistle. Here are some of the
well known benefits of dandelion root: It encourages the liver to flush accumulated waste;
it acts as a superior diuretic, which does not deplete the body's potassium levels like most
pharmaceutical options; it promotes healthy digestion, particularly of fatty foods; it gently
promotes bowel regularity without the risk of dependency associated with most laxatives;
and the roasted root is a healthy yet energizing alternative to coffee.

Immune Power Ball Recipe with

Astragalus root
September 29, 2010Posted in: Herbs
Immune Power Balls
Adapted from Herbal Recipes for Vibrant Health by Rosemary Gladstar
2 Tablespoons Astragalus root powder
1 Tablespoon Maca root powder
1 Tablespoon Ginkgo powder
Tablespoon Spirulina, Blue-Green Algae, or Chlorella powder
1 cup sesame butter (tahini) or peanut butter
cup honey (or more to taste)
cup crushed almonds
Your choice of shredded coconut, cocoa or carob powder, raisins or goji berries,
chocolate or carob chips, and granola for flavor
Combine the powdered herbs and mix well.
Combine the sesame or peanut butter and honey, mixing to form a paste.
Add enough of the powdered herbs to thicken, and add the almonds and the other
optional components to your liking. Thicken to consistency with carob or cocoa powder.
Roll into walnut or teaspoon size balls and eat two per day. Store in the refrigerator or in
a sealed glass jar and eat within a week.
The herbs in this recipe:
Astragalus root is from the Chinese system of medicine, as a long-term, supportive
immune system tonic, antioxidant, liver protectant, antitumor, and adaptogen
(stress/adrenal support).
Maca root is from high in the Andes and is eaten as a food, as a nourishing root
vegetable high in B vitamins, protein, and carbohydrates. This food and herb has been
used to support a healthy immune system, increase energy levels, and enhance libido.
Ginkgo leaf is used as a supportive tonic to the nervous system, increasing circulation in
the body, especially to the brain, and acts as an antioxidant.
Spirulina/Chlorella/Blue-green algae are superfoods, high in chlorophyll, beta-
carotene, and many trace minerals, and are detoxifying.

9 Chia Seeds Benefits + Side

Chia seeds have become one of the most popular
superfoods in the health community. They are easy to
digest when prepared properly, and are a very versatile
ingredient that adds easily to recipes.
Originally grown in Mexico, the seeds were highly valued
for their medicinal properties and nutritional value. In fact,
they were even used as currency!
The chia seed is nutrient dense and packs a punch of
energy boosting power. Aztec warriors ate chia seeds to
give them high energy and endurance. They said just 1
spoonful of chia could sustain them for 24 hours. Chia
means strength in the Mayan language, and they were
known as runners food because runners and warriors
would use them as fuel while running long distances or
during battle.
Not only that, but recent research has found that the chia
seed benefits are even greater than we realized. Chia seed
benefits include promoting healthy skin, reducing signs of
aging, supporting the heart and digestive system, building
stronger bones and muscles and more. Now they have
even been linked to healing diabetes. Continue reading for
possible side effects, preparation instructions and a
complete list of benefits and nutrients.

Chia Seed Nutrition Profile

The reason Chia seeds are so beneficial is due to them
being rich in fiber, omega-3 fats, protein, vitamins and
minerals such as (1):
Dietary fiber (11g 42% recommended daily
Protein (4.4g 9% RDV)
Omega-3 fatty acids (4915 mg)
Omega-6 fatty acids (1620 mg)
Calcium (77 mg 18% RDV)
Copper (0.1 mg 3% RDV)
Phosphorus (265 mg 27% RDV)
Potassium (44.8 mg 1% RDV)
Zinc (1.0 mg 7% RDV)
Chia also contains essential fatty acids alpha-linolenic and
linoleic acid, mucin, strontium, Vitamins A, B, E, and D, and
minerals including sulphur, iron, iodine, magnesium,
manganese, niacin, thiamine, and they are a rich source of

Top 9 Chia Seeds Benefits

Being rich in so many key nutrients, research has
uncovered that regularly eating chia seed can improve
your health in numerous ways. Some of the top chia seed
benefits are:
1. Skin & Aging
This past July, researchers from Mexico uncovered that
chia seeds had a total natural phenolic (antioxidants)
concentration nearly two times higher than previously
reported, and the antioxidant activity was shown to stop
up to 70% of free radical activity. (2)
Essentially proving that chia seeds are one of natures
riches antioxidants. Antioxidants speed up the skins repair
systems, and prevent further damage. Taking chia seeds
can prevent premature skin aging due to inflammation free
radical damage.
2. Digestive Health
Chia is super-high in fiber, providing nearly 11 grams per
ounce. One serving can provide the recommended
fiber intake for the day, according to the American
Dietetic Association.
Fiber is essential for your bodys ability to balance insulin
levels. According to the National Institute of Health, seeds
like flax and chia can be a natural blood sugar balancer
due to its high fiber content and healthy fats.

Being high in dietary fiber, chia helps promote bowel

regularity and healthy stool. The rich fiber content in chia
seeds also helps people feel more full quicker because it
absorbs a considerable amount of water and immediately
expands in the stomach when eaten. (3) This may explain
why clinical studies have proven that chia curbs hunger
and suppresses appetite, which can also lead to weight
loss. (4)
Also when consumed, chia seeds create a gelatin-like
substance in the stomach. This gel-forming action is due
to the soluble fiber in chia seeds and it can work as a
prebiotic supporting the growth of probiotics in the gut.
3. Heart Health
Chia seeds ability to reverse inflammation, regulate
cholesterol and lower blood pressure make it extremely
beneficial to consume for heart health. (5) Also, by
reversing oxidative stress, someone is less likely to
develop atherosclerosis when theyre regularly consuming
chia seeds.
In a nutshell, according to an article published in the
journal Reviews on Recent Clinical Trials:

The available human and non-human studies show

possible effectiveness for allergies, angina, athletic
performance enhancement, cancer, coronary heart
disease (CHD), heart attack, hormonal/endocrine
disorders, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, stroke, and
vasodilatation. Some evidence also suggests possible
anticoagulant, antioxidant, and antiviral effects of
Salvia hispanics.

And Chia seeds are high in linoleic, a fatty acid which helps
the body absorb fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. For
such a tiny seed, chia is quite high in healthy fats boasting
more Omega-3 fatty acids than salmon. Omega-3s work
to protect the heart by lowering blood pressure, bad
cholesterol, and inflammation. Inflammation can put strain
on blood vessels and cause heart disease. So by eating
chia seeds you can boost and protect your heart!

4. Help Treat Diabetes

Because chia seeds are rich in alpha-linolenic acid and
fiber, researchers from the University of Litoral in
Argentina set out to determine how chia seeds can help
prevent metabolic disorders like dyslipidemia (excessive
fat in the blood) and insulin resistance which are two
factors in the development of diabetes. Published in
the British Journal of Nutrition, I find this article extremely
fascinating because
these scientists conducted two studies at the same time
and uncovered some profound data. (6)
The first test evaluated how healthy Wistar rats
responded to 3 weeks of a sucrose-rich diet (SRD) in
which chia seeds made up theprimary dietary source of
The second test took healthy rats and fed them a SRD
for 3 months so that they developed dyslipidemia and
insulin resistance. Then, they fed these newly diseased
rats SRD + chia seeds for an additional 2 months.
The results were astounding:

During the first examination, eating chia seeds

completely prevented the onset of dyslipidemia and
insulin resistance. In fact, the blood levels in these rats
didnt change at all in spite of having 65% of their diet
comprised of sugar for 3 weeks!
During the second examination, after the dyslipidemic
and diabetic rats were fed chia seeds + SRD for two
months, they completely recovered from their
conditions. The researchers also discovered that the
dietary addition of chia seeds also reduced visceral
adipose tissue, a belly fat tissue that effects the
metabolism of the body and is a component of obesity!
In a nutshell, chia seeds was proven to halt diabetes and
reverse it!

5. Boost Your Energy & Metabolism

A recent study published in the Journal of Strength and
Conditioning concluded that consuming chia seeds
enhanced exercise performance for workouts that lasted
90 minutes the same way a sugar-laden sports drink
would, but without all the sugar.

In the study, half of the athletes drank 100 percent

Gatorade, while the others consumed half Gatorade and
half chia drink. Their runners time were matched and the
half-chia group consumed far less sugar.

By adding a serving of chia seeds a day you can help

boost your metabolism and burn belly fat as well!
Studies show that the addition of chia seeds to your diet
also reduces visceral adipose tissue, a belly fat tissue
that effects the metabolism of the body and is a
component of obesity!
6. Stronger Bones
Just one ounce of chia seeds has 18% of the recommended
daily amount of calcium.

Calcium is fundamental in bone health and helps maintain

bone strength and mass. Chia also contains boron which is
another essential nutrient for bone health.

Boron helps metabolize calcium, magnesium, manganese,

and phosphorus for healthy growth of bones and muscles.
7. Build Muscle & Lose Weight
Chia seeds also rank among the top plant based sources
of protein. This is another reason this super seed is great
to consume for those trying to put on lean muscle, burn
fat, and balance blood sugar levels.
Chia seeds pack a powerful antioxidant punch to help
replace some of those nutrients lost when exercising.
Theyre high in essential minerals like calcium,
phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, copper,
zinc, iron and niacin.
One of the characteristics that make chia so unique is that
it can absorb up to 10X its own weight in water. Because
of this, chia seeds can prolong hydration and improve
nutrient absorption of electrolytes. This also slows
digestion and keeps you feeling fuller longer reducing
sugar cravings.

And because chia seeds are also high in zinc, they help
your body increase leptin. Leptin is a key hormone that
regulates your bodies appetite, how your body spends
energy and regulates how your energy levels! It also
improves stamina and endurance, making chia a great
source of nutrition if you are looking to get in shape.

8. Fight Breast and Cervical Cancer

Chia seeds are rich in alpha lineic acid (or ALA) which is an
Omega-3 fatty acid. Recently in 2013, the Journal of
Molecular Biochemistry found that ALA limited the growth
of cancer cells in both breast and cervical cancers.

They also found that it caused cell death of the cancer

cells without harming the normal healthy cells. While
more research still needs to be done to find out the deeper
implications of ALA on other types of cancer, this is a great
discovery for women struggling with these increasingly
common types of cancer. (7)
9. Dental Health
With chia seeds being packed with calcium, phosphorus,
Vitamin A and zinc, its no wonder that they are a top food
to help your teeth! Calcium is the building block of your
teeth and necessary for tooth health.
Zinc prevents tarter by keeping plaque from mineralizing
onto your teeth and has an antibacterial effect that keeps
bad breath germs away. Vitamin A and phosphorus are
also important for strong teeth and a healthy mouth.

Chia Seeds Side Effects

There are very few side effects associated with chia
seeds. There has been some conflicting research about the
effect of chia seeds on prostate cancer. A study done
with ALA and prostate cancer (8) showed that this fatty
acid could increase the risk of prostate cancer, but this
study was later shown to have some bias.
And according to a recent study in 2010, ALA not only did
not increase prostate cancer risk, but actually decreased
the risk in participants. (9)
Occasionally some people may experience stomach
discomfort when consuming chia seeds especially in large
amounts due to the high fiber content. As with any food,
eat in moderation and always drink plenty of water unless
soaking your seeds.

How to Eat Chia Seeds

Chia seeds have a mild nutty taste and can easily be
added to most dishes as a garnish, yet chewing small
seeds like flax or chia generally doesnt make the omega-
3s and other nutrients readily available for digestion and
assimilation. The best way to access their vitamins and
minerals is to either grind or soak them.
Raw vs. Soaking:
There seems to be much debate as to whether you need to
soak chia seeds before eating. It wont hurt to eat them
straight, but if you soak them, then you sprout them and
it releases the enzyme inhibitors that are used to protect
the seed.

One, this makes it much easier to digest, and two, your

body can then access the dense nutrients inside the seeds.
In my opinion, you always want to get the most
nutrition out of any food that you eat, so I
prefer soaking them before adding them to my recipe or
smoothie, if possible. Either way, they are still an excellent
source of nutrition!

How to Soak:

To soak chia seeds, simply mix them in a 1:10 ratio chia

to water. Thats about 1.5 tablespoons chia seeds in
one cup of water. It does not have to be exact, but you
do want it to gel all the way and not be too watery. Then
let them sit for about 30 minutes to 2 hours.
Since chia seeds can hold up to 12 times its weight in
water, they are wonderful to prevent dehydration.
However, if you choose not to soak them, then they can
also absorb water from you during digestion. So make
sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep
your body hydrated.
Another option is to grind chia seeds in a coffee grinder
or Vitamix to break down the hard outer shell before
eating them. When pulverized, chia seed flour can be used
in most gluten-free recipes like pancakes, muffins, breads
and even pastas. When grinding omega-3 rich seeds,
however, it is important to store them in a sealed, glass
container in your refrigerator or freezer.
Unlike flaxseeds, you do not have to grind chia seeds to
access their nutrition. You can eat them whole and still get
their energy-packed punch! You can even just eat a
spoonful straight but beware they do tend to stick in
your teeth!

There are so many reasons to eat chia seeds and theres

no better time to start then now!

Benefits of Eating Chia Seeds

During Pregnancy
These tiny seeds pack such a nutritional punch that
expectant mothers should also consider incorporating
them into their diet. Pregnancy can deplete your body of
important nutrients and eating chia seeds can help replace
those lost nutrients while providing a much needed energy
boost. Chia seeds are easy to incorporate into your daily
routine and benefit not only the mothers health, but the
babys development as well.

Here are the top chia benefits for pregnancy:

Great Source of Omega-3

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for a babys brain
development. Most people choose to meet their daily
requirement by consuming salmon or fish oil supplements.
The mercury content in fish tends to make most pregnant
women skeptical, so chia is a great alternative. For such a
tiny seed, chia is quite high in omega-3 fatty acids.
Typically nuts and seeds with a high fat content have a
short shelf life before they turn rancid, but chia seeds are
so rich in antioxidants they can be kept in storage for up to
four years without deterioration.

Replenish Lost Nutrients

Pregnancy is very taxing on the body. Chia seeds pack a
powerful antioxidant punch to help replace some of those
lost nutrients. Theyre high in essential minerals like
calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, copper,
zinc, iron and niacin.

During the final three months of pregnancy, its important

to get adequate calcium for proper skeletal development.
Chia seeds contain almost five times the amount of
calcium as milk. An added bonus they also contain
boron, another critical mineral for bone health.

Iron is essential to develop the red blood cells that

transport oxygen through the body. During pregnancy,
increased iron intake is necessary to accommodate the
mothers increased blood volume and for the development
of the babys blood.

According to a study by Natural Standard Research

Collaboration, Chia seeds have shown possible
effectiveness for allergies, angina, athletic performance
enhancement, cancer, coronary heart disease (CHD), heart
attack, hormonal/endocrine disorders, hyperlipidemia,
hypertension, stroke, and vasodilatation. Some evidence
also suggests possible anticoagulant, antioxidant, and
antiviral effects.
Slows Sugar Absorption
High blood sugar makes for a risky pregnancy. Its been
linked to complications such as high birth weight, increase
chance of C-section deliveries and preeclampsia. When
consumed, chia seeds create a gelatin-like substance in
the stomach. This slows digestion and keeps blood sugar
levels stable.

Energy Booster
In addition to slowing sugar absorption, chia also slows
down the process of converting sugars and carbohydrates
from the seeds into energy. This slow-burning process, in
combination with the high protein content, leads to a
sustained energy boost.

Incorporating Chia in Your Diet

Chia is quite versatile. The seeds can be eaten raw, soaked
in water to form a gel or sprouted like alfalfa sprouts.
When eaten raw they have a nutlike flavor and are a great
addition to your morning quinoa porridge, or tossed on a
salad. They can absorb up to ten times their weight in
water so they are a great way to thicken up soups or a
However you choose to incorporate them in your diet, its
best to do it gradually. Chia is high in fiber so start out with
a small amount and be sure to drink plenty of water. The
recommended daily serving is 1 2 tablespoons of dry
seeds, start out slow and give your body time to adjust to
the increased fiber intake. Make sure to choose an organic
Alkaline Diet: The Key to
Longevity and Fighting
Chronic Disease?
There are all types of diets out there some good, some
bad but there is perhaps no diet better for longevity and
staving off disease than an alkaline diet. Dont just take
my word for it.

A 2012 review published in the Journal of Environmental

Health found that balancing your bodys pH through
an alkaline diet can be helpful in reducing morbidity and
mortality from numerous chronic diseases and ailments
such as hypertension, diabetes, arthritis, vitamin D
deficiency, and low bone density, just to name a few. (1)
How do alkaline diets work? Research shows that diets
consisting of highly alkaline foods fresh vegetables,
fruits and unprocessed plant-based sources of protein, for
example result in a more alkaline urine pH level, which
helps protect healthy cells and balance essential mineral
levels. (2) Alkaline diets (also known as the alkaline ash
diets) have been shown to help prevent plaque formation
in blood vessels, stop calcium from accumulating in urine,
prevent kidney stones, build stronger bones, reduce
muscle wasting or spasms, and much more.

What Is an Alkaline Diet?

An alkaline diet is one that helps balance the pH level of
the fluids in your body, including your blood and urine.
Your pH is partially determined by the mineral density of
the foods you eat. All living organisms and life forms on
earth depend on maintaining appropriate pH levels, and
its often said that disease and disorder cannot take root in
a body that has a balanced pH.

Although some experts might not totally agree this with

statement, nearly all agree that human life requires a very
tightly controlled pH level of the blood of about 7.3657.4.
As Forbes Magazine puts it, Our bodies go to
extraordinary lengths to maintain safe pH levels. (3) Your
pH can range between 7.35 to 7.45 depending on the time
of day, your diet, what you last ate and when you last
went to the bathroom. (4) If you develop electrolyte
imbalances and frequently consume too many acidic
foods, your bodys changing pH level can result in
increased acidosis.
Wondering what exactly pH level even means?
What we call pH is short for the potential of hydrogen. Its
a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of our bodys fluids
and tissues. Its measured on a scale from 0 to 14. The
more acidic a solution is, the lower its pH. The more
alkaline, the higher the number is. A pH of around 7 is
considered neutral, but since the optimal human body
tends to be around 7.4, we consider the healthiest pH to
be one thats slightly alkaline, and pH levels vary
throughout the body, with the stomach being the most
acidic region.

Even very tiny alterations in the pH level of various

organisms can cause major problems. For example, due to
environmental concerns, such as increasing CO2
deposition, the pH of the ocean has dropped from 8.2 to
8.1 and various life forms living in the ocean have greatly
suffered. The pH level is also crucial for growing plants,
and therefore it greatly affects the mineral content of the
foods we eat. Minerals in the ocean, soil and human body
are used as buffers to maintain optimal pH levels, so when
acidity rises, minerals fall.

How an Alkaline Diet Works

Heres some background on acid/alkalinity in the
human diet, plus key points about how alkaline
diets can be beneficial:
Researchers believe that when it comes to the total
acid load of the human diet, there have been
considerable changes from hunter gather civilizations to
the present. Following the agricultural revolution and
then mass industrialization of our food supply over the
last 200 years, the food we eat has significantly less
potassium, magnesium and chloride, along with more
sodium, compared to diets of the past.
Normally, the kidneys maintain our electrolyte levels
(those of calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium).
When were exposed to overly acidic substances, these
electrolytes are used to combat acidity.
According to the Journal of Environmental Health
review mentioned earlier, the ratio of potassium to
sodium in most peoples diets has changed dramatically.
Potassium used to outnumber sodium by 10:1, however
now the ratio has dropped to 1:3. People eating a
Standard American Diet now consume three times as
much sodium as potassium on average!
Many children and adults today consume a high-
sodium diet thats very low in not only magnesium and
potassium, but also antioxidants, fiber and essential
vitamins. On top of that, the typical Western diet is high
in refined fats, simple sugars, sodium and chloride.
All of these changes to the human diet have resulted
in increased metabolic acidosis. In other words, the pH
levels of many peoples bodies are no longer optimal.
On top of this, many are suffering from low nutrient
intake and problems such as potassium and
magnesium deficiency.
This accelerates the aging process, causes gradual
loss of organ functions, and degenerates tissue and
bone mass. High degrees of acidity force our bodies to
rob minerals from the bones, cells, organs and tissues.

Alkaline Diet Benefits

1. Protects Bone Density and Muscle Mass
Your intake of minerals plays an important role in the
development and maintenance of bone structures.
(5) Research shows that the more alkalizing fruits and
vegetables someone eats, the better protection that
person might have from experiencing decreased bone
strength and muscle wasting as they age, known as
An alkaline diet can help balance ratios of minerals that
are important for building bones and maintaining lean
muscle mass, including calcium, magnesium and
phosphate. Alkaline diets also help improve production of
growth hormones and vitamin D absorption, which further
protects bones in addition to mitigating many other
chronic diseases.

2. Lowers Risk for Hypertension and Stroke

One of the anti-aging effects of an alkaline diet is that it
decreases inflammation and causes an increase in growth
hormone production. This has been shown to improve
cardiovascular health and offer protection against common
problems like high cholesterol, hypertension (high blood
pressure), kidney stones, stroke and even memory loss.
3. Lowers Chronic Pain and Inflammation
Studies have found a connection between an alkaline diet
and reduced levels of chronic pain. Chronic acidosis has
been found to contribute to chronic back pain, headaches,
muscle spasms, menstrual symptoms, inflammation and
joint pain.
One study conducted by the Society for Minerals and Trace
Elements in Germany found that when patients with
chronic back pain were given an alkaline supplement
daily for four weeks, 76 of 82 patients reported significant
decreases in pain as measured by the Arhus low back
pain rating scale. (6)

4. Boosts Vitamin Absorption and Prevents

Magnesium Deficiency
An increase in magnesium is required for the function of
hundreds of enzyme systems and bodily processes. Many
people are deficient in magnesium and as a result
experience heart complications, muscle pains, headaches,
sleep troubles and anxiety. Available magnesium is also
required to activate vitamin D and prevent vitamin D
deficiency, which is important for overall immune and
endocrine functioning.
5. Helps Improve Immune Function and Cancer
When cells lack enough minerals to properly dispose of
waste or oxygenate the body fully, the whole body suffers.
Vitamin absorption is compromised by mineral loss, while
toxins and pathogens accumulate in the body and weaken
the immune system.

Research published in the British Journal of Radiology

showed that cancerous cell death (apoptosis) was more
likely to occur in an alkaline body. (7) Cancer
prevention is believed to be associated with an alkaline
shift in pH due to an alteration in electric charges and the
release of basic components of proteins. Alkalinity can
help decrease inflammation and the risk for diseases like
cancer plus an alkaline diet has been shown to be more
beneficial for some chemotherapeutic agents that require
a higher pH to work appropriately.
6. Can Help You Maintain a Healthy Weight
Limiting consumption of acid-forming foods and eating
more alkaline-forming foods can protect your body from
obesity by decreasing leptin levels and inflammation,
which affects your hunger and fat-burning abilities. Since
alkaline-forming foods are anti-inflammatory foods,
consuming an alkaline diet gives your body a chance to
achieve normal leptin levels and feel satisfied from eating
the amount of calories you really need.

How to Eat an Alkaline Diet

Here are some key tips for following an alkaline
Whenever possible, try to buy organic alkaline foods.
Experts feel that one important consideration in regard to
eating an alkaline diet is to become knowledgeable about
what type of soil your produce was grown in since fruits
and vegetables that are grown in organic, mineral-dense
soil tend to be more alkalizing. Research shows that the
type of soil that plants are grown in can significantly
influence their vitamin and mineral content, which means
not all alkaline foods are created equally.
The ideal pH of soil for the best overall availability of
essential nutrients in plants is between 6 and 7. Acidic
soils below a pH of 6 may have reduced calcium and
magnesium, and soil above a pH of 7 may result in
chemically unavailable iron, manganese, copper and zinc.
Soil thats well-rotated, organically sustained and exposed
to wildlife/grazing cattle tends to be the healthiest.

If youre curious to know your pH level before

implementing the tips below, you can test your pH by
purchasing strips at your local health food store or
pharmacy. You can measure your pH with saliva or urine.
Your second urination of the morning will give you the best
results. You compare the colors on your test strip to a chart
that comes with your test strip kit. During the day, the
best time to test your pH is one hour before a meal and
two hours after a meal. If you test with your saliva, you
want to try to stay between 6.8 and 7.2.

Best Alkaline Foods:

Fresh fruits and vegetables promote alkalinity the
most. Some of the top picks include mushrooms, citrus,
dates, raisins, spinach, grapefruit, tomatoes, avocado,
summer black radish, alfalfa grass, barley grass,
cucumber, kale, jicama, wheat grass, broccoli, oregano,
garlic, ginger, green beans, endive, cabbage, celery, red
beet, watermelon, figs and ripe bananas.
All raw foods: Ideally try to consume a good portion
of your produce raw. Uncooked fruits and vegetables are
said to be biogenic or life-giving. Cooking foods
depletes alkalizing minerals. Increase your intake of raw
foods, and try juicing or lightly steaming fruits and
Plant proteins: Almonds, navy beans, lima beans and
most other beans are good choices.
Alkaline water: Alkaline water has a pH of 9 to 11.
Distilled water is just fine to drink. Water filtered with a
reverse osmosis filter is slightly acidic, but its still a far
better option than tap water or purified bottled water.
Adding pH drops, lemon or lime, or baking soda to your
water can also boosts its alkalinity.
Green drinks: Drinks made from green vegetables and
grasses in powder form are loaded with alkaline-forming
foods and chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is structurally
similar to our own blood and helps alkalize the blood.
Anti-Alkaline Foods and Habits:
Foods that contribute most to acidity include:

High-sodium foods: Processed foods contain tons of

sodium chloride table salt which constricts blood
vessels and creates acidity.
Cold cuts and conventional meats
Processed cereals (such as corn flakes)
Caffeinated drinks and alcohol
Oats and whole wheat products: All grains, whole or
not, create acidity in the body. Americans ingest most of
their plant food quota in the form of processed corn or
Milk: Calcium-rich dairy products cause some of the
highest rates of osteoporosis. Thats because they
create acidity in the body! When your bloodstream
becomes too acidic, it will steal calcium (a more alkaline
substance) from the bones to try to balance out the pH
level. So the best way to prevent osteoporosis is to
eat lots of alkaline green leafy veggies!
Peanuts and walnuts
Pasta, rice, bread and packaged grain products
What other kinds of habits can cause acidity in your
body? The biggest offenders include:
Alcohol and drug use
High caffeine intake
Antibiotic overuse
Artificial sweeteners
Chronic stress
Declining nutrient levels in foods due to industrial
Low levels of fiber in the diet
Lack of exercise
Excess animal meats in the diet (from non-grass-fed
Excess hormones from foods, health and beauty
products, and plastics
Exposure to chemicals and radiation from household
cleansers, building materials, computers, cell phones
and microwaves
Food coloring and preservatives
Pesticides and herbicides
Poor chewing and eating habits
Processed and refined foods
Shallow breathing

Alkaline Diet vs. Paleo Diet

The Paleo diet and alkaline diet have many things in
common and a lot of the same benefits, such as lowered
risk for nutrient deficiencies, reduced inflammation
levels, better digestion, weight loss or management,
and so on.
Some things that the two have in common include
eliminating added sugars, reducing intake of pro-
inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids, eliminating grains
and processed carbs, decreasing or eliminating
dairy/milk intake, and increasing intake of fruits and
However, there are several important things to
consider if you plan to follow the Paleo diet. The Paleo
diet eliminates all dairy products, including yogurt and
kefir, which can be valuable sources of probiotics and
minerals for many people plus the Paleo diet doesnt
always emphasize eating organic foods or grass-
fed/free-range meat (and in moderation/limited
Additionally, the Paleo diet tends to include lots of
meat, pork and shellfish, which have their own
Eating too many animal sources of protein in general
can actually contribute to acidity, not alkalinity. Beef,
chicken, cold cuts, shellfish and pork can contribute to
sulfuric acid buildup in the blood as amino acids are
broken down. Try to obtain the best quality animal
products you can, and vary your intake of protein
foods to balance your pH level best.
Precautions About an Alkaline Diet
Certain foods on the highly acidic list might surprise you,
such as eggs and walnuts. These might be acidic in your
body, but dont let that scare you away from eating them.
They contain a host of other health benefits like
antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids, which still makes
them valuable.
The bottom line is that a healthy balance is what were
shooting for. As far as your pH is concerned, its possible to
become too alkaline, and having some acidic foods is both
expected and healthy. Our problem is more a matter of not
taking in enough alkaline-promoting foods rather than
taking in too many acids from healthy, whole foods. Eat a
variety of real, whole foods (especially vegetables and
fruit) and limit consumption of packaged items, and youll
be on your way.

Final Thoughts on an Alkaline Diet

An alkaline diet is one that includes whole foods
that have positive effects on pH levels of the blood and
Benefits of an alkaline diet can include better heart
health, stronger bones, decreased pain and reversal of
nutrient deficiencies.
Foods that are emphasized as part of an alkaline
diet include whole fruits and vegetables, raw foods,
green juices, beans, and nuts.
Foods that are acidic and therefore limited on an
alkaline diet include high-sodium foods, processed
grains, too much meat and animal protein, added
sugars, and conventional milk.
Scandal! Prepare It Before The
Pharmaceutical Companies
Erase It! With Only 4 Teaspoons
Youll End Your Problems With
The Blood Pressure, Congested
Arteries etc.!
Admin March 1, 2017 Scandal! Prepare It Before The Pharmaceutical
Companies Erase It! With Only 4 Teaspoons Youll End Your Problems With The
Blood Pressure, Congested Arteries etc.!2017-03-01T19:04:16+00:00 Health No

In this article, were going to present you a remedy that is going to help you
cleanse your liver, unclog all of your blocked arteries, regulate your blood
pressure, eliminate the excess of fats in your blood, fight the flu, infections and
free radicals.

The recipe is extremely powerful and is consisted of numerous vitamins and

minerals which will help you strengthen your complete immune system in

Heres how to prepare this marvelous remedy and help yourself!


8 lemons

8 cloves of garlic

4 liters of water

2 inches (5 cm) of ginger root

The process of preparation is extremely easy. First, wash and cut very well all the
lemons into chunks. Then, add thecut lemons and garlic in a blenderbut make
sure you peel all the ingredients previously! Mix until you get a completely
homogeneous mixture. Add the drink in a pot, along with the water and ginger,
and put everything on fire. Remove it from the fire when it starts to boil. Leaveit to
cool down, and after that strain the preparation.

Use: You have to take this effective remedy for blood pressure twice a day.
Always take it two hours before every meal!

Discover 3 surprising things about aloe vera

that could change your life
By: Tara Paras
Date: March 03, 2016
in: Clean foods & organics, Food, Healing arts, Health, herbal medicine

The unassuming aloe vera, a hardy desert herb that easily grows indoors, is actually one of the worlds
most beneficial plants. Its quite amazing that such a common plant has dozens of natural medicinal
uses, yet flies under the radar and never quite gets the attention it deserves.
Most people literally only know about the topical applications of aloe vera gel, which they think is
good for sunburns. In fact, aloe vera is good for both internal and external use. The hardest thing to
deal with when it comes to aloe vera gel is that there is no reliable way to get it, but to grow it
yourself. Typically, the aloe vera products you purchase at retail stores are weak, and some contain
very little of the aloe vera gel itself. Many are mixed with thickeners, or are heated to pasteurize,
destroying the plants healing effects. Thankfully, authentic aloe vera gel powder is now available
from some wellness shops online. This powder is the next best thing to actual aloe vera, in a
convenient form you can use for your own smoothies.

But what does it do? Aloe vera is good for many things, but three of my favorites are:
1. Aloe vera replaces your first aid kit
Think about this for a second. The aloe is a hardy plant, but a small scrape of its thin inner leaf would
expose the gel within, with all its nutritious water-rich goodness a feast for bacteria to enjoy. The
reason this does not happen in the wild is an ingenious adaptation designed by Mother Nature. Aloe
vera gel is antibacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal.
This natural ointment replaces all sorts of chemical first-aid and skin care products and you can
grow it on your desk! You can get rid of all those lotions, bandages and antibacterial sprays, and
replace them all with aloe vera. You can apply the gel directly to wounds, because aloe vera contracts
when it dries, thus pulling the wound shut. The gel also serves as nourishment for the wound. Aloe
vera is perfect for wounded pets, because they cant be poisoned by the synthetic chemicals in first aid
products when they lick the wounds.
2. Aloe vera makes your blood work better
This one actually gets a bit gnarly. In a study, researchers bled out lab rats, removing up to 3.15ml of
blood per 100g of rat body weight, then tried to resuscitate them by injecting a polymer made from
aloe vera. The study showed phenomenal improvements in the resuscitation, blood pressure and
survival in the group receiving the aloe vera polymer.
In summary, the rats who took the aloe vera actually had their remaining blood work better. Using aloe
vera in humans, who, believe it or not, actually live on a diet worse than lab rats, would be nothing
short of astonishing. Now, drug companies want to isolate the specific chemical in aloe vera and turn
it into a patented drug, but you can just eat aloe vera gel and get all the benefits, plus the synergy of
all the other components of the plant. However, a few nibbles wont cut it. You have to make it part of
your diet, and eat it like food.
3. Aloe vera extends lifespan
Another study on rats showed aloe vera extends lifespan by 10 percent. The study showed the
A summary of results are as follows: Aloe ingestion, both crude and processed, was shown to extend
(10%) average life span and slow the mortality rate doubling time. Also, several beneficial effects
from aloe ingestion on age-related disease were found: Group 2 and 3 showed a lower incidence of
atrial thrombosis than Group 1. Furthermore, Group 2 showed a significantly lower incidence of fatal
chronic nephropathy and occurrence of multiple causes of death compared to the control group. All
groups ingesting aloe showed a slightly lower incidence of fatal leukemia. Moreover, no adverse, toxic
effects were found with the ingestion of aloe vera.
The incidence of kidney disease, or nephropathy, is reduced by aloe vera ingestion, as is leukemia.
This is interesting since many children nowadays eat hot dogs laced with sodium nitrite, a known
cancer-causing agent that causes leukemia and brain tumors, among other things.
The three above mentioned facts are just some of the many astonishing benefits you could derive from
aloe vera. To start your journey to wellness, you could try incorporating this simple aloe vera recipe
into your diet. Just make sure to steer clear of GM ingredients and artificial sweeteners, and youre
definitely good to go!
Turmeric Lemonade That Treats Depression Better
Than Prozac! How To Prepare?
Depression is a mood disorder characterized by low mood and
a wide range of other possible symptoms, which will vary from
person to person. Depression is common, and in its mildest
form, most people can lead a healthy and active life with the
right treatment and support. When it gets severe, depression
can be devastating and even life-threatening, so dont go
through it alone.
Some of the signs and symptoms of depression include:

Sad, anxious, or empty feelings

Feelings of hopelessness
Feelings of guilt
Irritability, restlessness
Fatigue and decreased energy
Difficulty concentrating and making decisions
Insomnia or excessive sleeping
Thoughts of suicide, suicide attempts
The good thing is Nature is blessing us with great spices, such
as turmeric, that can fight most types of diseases. It helps
prevent the breakdown of cells into cancerous cells. It can be
beneficial if you have Alzheimers. It fights skin cancer,
prevents cholesterol oxidation, heals stomach disorders and
pains, reduces acidity, arthritis, stops diarrhea, heals liver
disorders, jaundice and more.



is loaded with antioxidants

has powerful anti-inflammatory benefits
has amazing benefits for your brain
helps in lowering the chances of developing heart disease
helps in fighting depression


There are several methods and drugs to fight depression
with one of the most common drug in the market being
Prozac. The sad thing is that these drugs have been
known to cause severe side effects most notably:
difficulty in breathing, suicidal effects and bleeding in the
Researches conducted on turmeric and its uses found that the
ingredient curcumin present in it is effective against
major depressive disorder in the same way as fluoxetine
(Prozac). But it doesnt cause any side effects that come
with the medication.


4 cups of cold filtered or sparkling water
1 teaspoon of freshly grated or powdered turmeric
3 tablespoons of 100% maple syrup, honey (or Stevia if
you are avoiding sugar)
Juice of 1 organic lemon or 2 limes
Juice of 1 or 2 blood oranges or regular oranges.
Combine all ingredients into a small pitcher, stir and
serve with a slice of lemon as a garnish. Add ice cubes for
a refreshing drink!


O ne of the most empowering acupressure points on the body is
CV 6, known as the Poop Button. You can do great healing on
yourself and others if you know the point location of CV 6.

It strengthens the bodys internal condition especially the colon,

immune system, sexual urinary reproductive system, and
heightens your ability to heal yourself, according to Acupressure



Constipation is a common condition that affects people of all

ages. It can mean that youre not passing stools regularly or
youre unable to completely empty your bowel.

If youre dealing with constipation, theres no need to reach

straight for the laxatives. According to Dr. Michael Reed Gach, an
acupressure therapist, the poop button works by reviving your
bodys healing processes. A major part of healing is getting rid of


1. Find the spot by measuring three fingerwidths exactly

below your belly button.
2. Using your fingers, apply firm pressure but not too hard
to the poop button. If it hurts, reduce the pressure.
3. Focus on taking deep breaths as you press down.
4. Continue to press until you feel the need to poo. It can take
as little as ten seconds, or up to 3 minutes.
5. Dont hold for longer than 5 minutes.
Note: During pregnancy be very gentle, and use the palm of your
hand instead of fingertips.

According to Dr. Michael Reed Gach, an acupressure therapist,

this point is also good for all kinds of sexual problems for men
and women. The abdominal muscles often tighten during
lovemaking, which can block the flow of sexual energy.

Pressing CV 6 and acupressure points around it, can relieve the

abdominal tension, strengthen the urinary and reproductive
systems, and increase sexual intimacy and pleasure.

Celery Reduces Hypertension, Cleanses Kidneys,

Relieves Arthritis And Gout Pains!
June 25, 2012
Celery is from the same family with parsley and fennel, the
Umbelliferae family. It can grow to the height of up to 16
inches. The white celery is grown shaded from direct sunlight,
thus has less chlorophyll, compared to its greener

The ribs of celery are crunchy and are often used to make soup
or salad. It has a salty taste, so celery juice is a good mix with
the sweeter fruit juices. Depending on variety, some may taste
very salty.

Celery leaves has high content of vitamin A, whilst the stems
are an excellent source of vitamins B1, B2, B6 and C with rich
supplies of potassium, folate, calcium, magnesium, iron,
phosphorus, sodium and plenty essential amino acids.

Nutrients in the fiber are released during juicing, aiding bowel

movements. The natural organic sodium (salt) in celery is very
safe for consumption, in fact is essential for the body. Even
individuals who are salt-sensitive can safely take the sodium in
celery, unlike table salt (iodised sodium) which is harmful for those
with high blood pressure.

While many foods lose nutrients during cooking, most of the

compounds in celery hold up well during cooking.

Celery has always been associated with lowering of blood
pressure. When combined with other juices, it provides
different formula that help other conditions.

Recent studies have shown that celery might also be

effective in combating cancer. Read on.

Some of the health benefits of celery juice:

Acidity: The important minerals in this magical juice

effectively balance the bodys blood pH, neutralizing acidity.

Athletes: Celery juice acts as the perfect post-workout tonic

as it replaces lost electrolytes and rehydrates the body with its
rich minerals.

Blood Pressure: Celery has organic sodium that actually

reduces blood pressure rather than increases it. Drinking celery
juice every day for a week significantly helps lower blood
pressure. A compound called phtalides help relax the muscle
around arteries, dilating the vessels and allowing blood to flow
normally. To be effective, drink the juice for one week, stop for
three weeks, and start over.
Cancer: Celery is known to contain at least eight families of
anti-cancer compounds. Among them are the acetylenics that
have been shown to stop the growth of tumor cells. Phenolic
acids which block the action of prostaglandins that encourage
the growth of tumor cells. And coumarins which help prevent
free radicals from damaging cells.

Cholesterol: This humble pale juice has been shown to

effectively and significantly lower total cholesterol and LDL
(bad) cholesterol.
Colon and stomach cancer: The phytochemical coumarins
prevent the formation and development of the colon and
stomach cancers.

Constipation: The natural laxative effect of celery helps to

relieve constipation. It also helps relax nerves that have been
overworked by man-made laxatives.

Cooling: During dry and hot weather, drink a glass of celery

juice two or three times a day, between meals. It wonderfully
helps to normalize body temperature.

Diuretic: The potassium and sodium in celery juice helps to

regulate body fluid and stimulate urine production, making it
an important help to rid the body of excess fluid.

Inflammation: The polyacetylene in celery is an amazing

relief for all inflammation like rheumatoid arthritis,
osteoarthritis, gout, asthma and bronchitis.

Kidney function: Celery promotes healthy and normal kidney

function by aiding elimination of toxins from the body. While
eliminating toxins, it also prevents formation of kidney stones.

Nervous system: The organic alkaline minerals in celery

juice has a calming effect on the nervous system, making it a
wonderful drink for insomniacs.

Weight loss: Drink celery juice frequently throughout the day.

It helps curb your cravings for sweets and rich food.
Urinary stones, breaking of: The diuretic effect of celery
juice also aids the breaking and elimination of urinary and gall
bladder stones.

You can expect many more healing benefits from celery juice
as you consume its natural sodium. Read how our body lacks
and have been deprived of, natural salt.

Choose green celery where possible for its chlorophyll. Ensure
that the ribs are still firm, not limp. To store in the fridge, keep
celery in a sealed container or wrap in a plastic bag.

Do not leave it at room temperature for too long as it tends to

wilt quickly. If your celery has wilted, sprinkle it with a little
water and put it in the refrigerator for a few hours. It will regain
its crispness.

Celery is such a succulent plant that it produces its own
pesticide to protect itself from fungi. This protective layer is
called psoralens which although protects the celery, may not
go down so well with some people.

If you begin having skin problems after eating celery, it might

mean that you have some sensitivity to psoralens.

Some people with low blood pressure had complained that

celery makes their blood pressure even lower. I personally
didnt encounter that problem so I believe it is also your overall
make-up. But, you might want to avoid celery if you have low
blood pressure. Listen to your body when you take celery.


htpnojco | July 17, 2016 | Health | 3 Comments
The liver, located in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen and enclosed partially by the ribs, is the
largest organ in the human body. It is very important for a number of bodily functions. Therefore, it is
crucial to known the symptoms of liver damage and how to address the problem.


In reality, there are more than 100 kinds of liver disease and each manifests differently. Some of these
diseases are hepatitis, alcoholic liver disease, cirrhosis of the liver, and fatty liver disease. Sometimes,
people tend to mistake these signals for something else, as they arent very specific.

Take a look at some of the most usual early symptoms:

Upset stomach
Vomiting and nausea are the most common symptoms; however, they can also point out to other
diseases like food poisoning, migraines, motion sickness, kidney problems, vertigo, depression, early
pregnancy, etc. It is important to mention that people who suffer from liver damage are likely to
experience persistent nausea as the livers ability to eliminate toxins has decreased.

Feeling tired and weak are common symptoms of a damaged liver. This happens as the liver is
damaged and the body must work harder which requires more rest. Additionally, this is a result of the
toxins that cannot be eliminated by the liver. If you experience frequent fatigue, always consult your

Loss of appetite
This symptom occurs as a result of lack of bile which helps with the digestion of fat. When the food
isnt properly digested, it leads to loss of appetite and weight loss.

Digestion problems
The liver is important for the digestion process as it produces bile. Hence, if the bile fails to function
properly, diarrhea and indigestion occur. When there is a lack of bile, the individual can experience
fatty food intolerance, irritable bowel syndrome, gallstones, constipation, and abdominal bloating.

Changes in urine color

The increased levels of bilirubin in the blood cause the urine to have an orange, amber, or brown color.
The bilirubin levels increase because the liver is unable to remove it and it is instead removed through
the urine.

Changes in stool color

When there is lack of bile, the color of the stool can change and instead of the normal brown color, it
can be yellow, gray, or clay colored. If this condition is temporary, it isnt dangerous. However, if it
occurs all the time, you need medical attention.

When a person has jaundice, the color of the eyes, the fingertips, the tongue, and the skin become
yellow. It occurs when the bilirubin levels in the blood increase. Additionally, it may indicate
problems with the pancreas or gallbladder.

Abdominal changes
Cramps or ache in the lower part of your abdomen or bloating can be signs of a damaged liver. Ascites
is one of the early symptoms of liver damage and it involves accumulation of fluid in the abdominal
Portal hypertension-high blood pressure in the veins and arteries of the abdomen occurs as a result of
liver damage.

Fluid retention
Usually, this symptom manifests through bloating of the ankles and feet. It can also be a symptom of a
lymphatic disease, heart failure, hormonal imbalance, and kidney problems.

Skin itching
In case of liver deficiency, the skin becomes more sensitive and it flakes and itches. Also, its
hypersensitive to touch. Moreover, there can be increased vein visibility and bruises. Proper
moisturizing may help, however, the problem wont go away until the condition is treated adequately.

Abdominal ache
This is a normal symptom of damaged liver.

Constipation, intestinal bleeding, and diarrhea

Without the clotting factors which the liver makes, bleeding in the intestines can occur, along with
diarrhea and constipation.

This is not the complete list of liver damage symptoms. Whats more, liver deficiency can manifest
through problems in the balance of sex hormones and, for example, men can develop breasts.

Likewise, both men and women can experience a loss of libido. Its important to consult your doctor if
you have problems that wont go away and make you feel unwell.

Nausea, gout, indigestion and diabetes? Treat

them with ginger!
287 0 0 34 Views
By: Tara Paras
Date: February 29, 2016
in: Clean foods & organics, Diabetes, Fitness, Food, functional food, Health, pain relief

Studies reveal that taking a gram of ginger before surgery may actually help reduce nausea and
vomiting post-op. Aside from its widely known ability to reduce nausea and vomiting, ginger has also
been shown to alleviate a variety of health problems. In fact, in China, ginger has been used for over
2,000 years to help treat stomach problems, arthritis and even heart conditions.
Aside from the aforementioned benefits, this spicy herb is also known to reduce chronic inflammation,
pain and migraines, in addition to treating ulcers, gout and diabetes complications. Gingerol and
shogaol, two compounds found in ginger, are thought to be the active compounds responsible for
gingers many health benefits.

According to the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, ginger aids digestion by stimulating saliva
and digestive juices. A 2008 study published in the European Journal of Gastroenterology and
Hepatology also showed that ginger helps the muscles of the stomach contract, thereby aiding
digestion by moving the contents of the stomach into the small intestine.
Another study conducted at the University of Michigan Medical School, and published in the journal
Cancer Prevention Research, revealed that a ginger root supplement administered to participants
reduced inflammation markers in the colon within 30 days.
Suzanna M. Zick, N.D., M.P.H., one of the studys co-researchers, explained that the risk of
developing colon cancer can be reduced by eliminating inflammation in the colon. Zick stated, We
need to apply the same rigor to the sorts of questions about the effect of ginger root that we apply to
other clinical trial research. Interest in this is only going to increase as people look for ways to prevent
cancer that are nontoxic, and improve their quality of life in a cost-effective way.
Research has further shown that osteoarthritis pain can be relieved by taking ginger. One particular
study revealed that taking 500 mg of ginger extract twice a day worked as well as taking 400 mg of
ibuprofen three times a day for knee and hip pain related to arthritis. Research has also indicated that
ginger and orange oil used in massage therapy can help lessen stiffness and pain in the knee.
Additionally, studies also indicate that aside from aiding patients post-surgery, a gram of ginger a day
can help reduce vomiting and nausea among pregnant women. Another study found that nausea and
vomiting were reduced by 38% when using ginger.
For nausea and vomiting, try drinking tea made with fresh ginger slices and a bit of honey. When
traveling, remember to carry ginger capsules and take them before you get moving. Some ginger
capsules, containing pure ginger without additives, can also be opened and sprinkled into hot water to
make tea.
Other benefits of ginger include the prevention and treatment of:
Menstrual cramps
Morning sickness
Muscle soreness
Upper respiratory tract infections
Chest pain
Back pain
Stomach pain
Healthy Beauty World


March 7, 2017 admin Health Leave a comment
Your eyes allow you to see the world. Unfortunately, their precious essence is
underestimated, and today we use them to stare in the computer or any other
gadget in the house. Such activities exhaust our eyes and worsen age-related

Even though loss of vision is usually associated with aging, in some cases it is
largely affected by our lifestyle choices. Your everyday habits can sure increase
or decrease the risk of developing macular degeneration.
When you think of lifestyle choices, it is your dietary habits you should be more
aware of. Food is the best remedy you can have. In this article we shall focus on
the benefits provided by garlic, as it is considered to have a huge power in the
treatment of many ailments, including vision problems.

This super food has brilliant healing properties, and it has been long praised
for its tremendous potential. A study conducted at the Harvard Medical School
involved thorough analysis of the diet and health condition of over 800 patients.
Some of the participants were diagnosed with age-related macular degeneration,
while others did not have such problems. The results showed that high-fat diet
may have a huge impact on the risk of age-related macular degeneration.

Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, i.e. fats in processed foods like

potato chips, french fries, cookies and pre-packed foods, double the risk of
developing macular degeneration, as explained by Dr Seddon. He also
concluded that by consuming small amounts of foods rich in linoleic acid, and
having two or more servings of fish packed with healthy oils per week could
dramatically reduce the risk of this ailment.

Oily fish

Healthy fat in fish is actually docosagexanoic acid. It has an amazing effect on

the blood vessels that reach to the retina. Docosagexanoic acid is highly
concentrated in your retina, and foods with high amounts of this healthy fat
decrease the risk of macular degeneration.

Researchers from the Tufts University in Boston conducted a study and involved
over 4,000 people. According to their results, those who indulged in foods like
white rice, pasta and bread, run at a higher risk of developing diabetes and
macular degeneration. They also assumed that about 20% of the patients could
have prevented their condition by reducing their consumption of processed


Garlic affects the function of your platelets. Drugs with this role are known as
blood thinners. The difference is that garlic does not thin blood. Moreover, it acts
as an anticoagulant. Anticoagulants are agents that prevent blood clotting, and
this could cause excessive and spontaneous bleeding.

Regular eye check is the best prevention of vision issues. Early detection is
always the best prevention. In that way you will prevent any significant loss of

Cholesterol reduction

Garlic does miracles for your cardiovascular health. Considering that it is a strong
antioxidant, garlic can decrease triglycerides and total cholesterol. In numbers
that would be 5-15%. Its antioxidant power prevents plaque buildups, which are
held as responsible for clogged arteries.

Blood pressure reduction

Garlic also works well on your blood pressure. Allicin in garlic affects the function
of angiotensin II. It is a tiny protein that contracts blood vessels.

To sum up, garlic is an all-purpose remedy, and it can help you prevent macular
degeneration. Given that it is a natural remedy, garlic does not cause any side
effect that occurs as a result of synthetic drugs.
Eat more garlic to keep your eyes healthy for longer. Add it to your soups, stews
and salads. Remember, eating your food raw brings you maximum benefits.
7 Ways Washing Dishes By Hand Can
Impact Your Health And Life
Many people spend their evenings in very similar ways: getting home from work
or daily errands, searching our cabinets and fridges for an easy meal, then finally
sitting down to eat.
Cooking dinner after a long day is exhausting for some, but relaxing for others.
One thing most people agree on, though, is that doing dishes after eating is not a
particularly fun part of the evening.
That being said, there are actually some great benefits to doing your dishes by
For those of us who have to wash our dishes by hand, the task isnt something
we usually look forward to hands get wrinkly from being in the water, it always
takes longer than expected, and one usually gets frustrated for not rinsing the
dishes right after using them.
Once in a while, doing dishes doesnt seem so bad it can actually feel
somewhat relaxing. Plus, once its done, youre usually glad to have clean dishes
and to have been productive with housework.
Although most people are ridiculously grateful to have a dishwasher (or
desperately want to have one), there are actually a lot of benefits to doing your
dishes by hand.
Read on to see seven of the most surprising benefits of hand-washing dishes!
Thumbnail: Flickr / Flickr

Benefit #1: Lowers Stress

A recent study conducted by researchers at Florida State University found
that washing dishes by hand is linked to mindfulness.

According to Psychology Today, mindfulness is a state of active, open attention

on the present. Generally, this means that you focus on the actions youre doing
in the present.
Hand-washing dishes takes just enough focus to keep you paying attention to the
And Real Simple explains that the mindfulness you can experience while doing
dishes has been linked to improved well being, reduced levels of stress, and
even immune-system boosts.
Benefit #2: Fewer Allergies
In 2015, the journal Pediatrics published a preliminary study that suggests that
our immune systems can benefit from getting a little dirty.
They came up with the hygiene hypothesis, that claims that kids today have
more allergies because their environments are too clean.
Time magazine reports that researchers discovered that children in homes
where the family hand-washed the dishes instead of using a machine were less
likely to have allergies.
Benefit #3: Relaxation
One way people love to relax is by going to the spa.
Theres nothing more calming than getting a massage or facial. Being pampered,
listening to nice music, and relaxing in a dark, nice-smelling room, is a surefire
way to feel calm.
Psychologist Dr. Aric Sigman found that doing the dishes can have a similar
effect on ones mental health as visiting a spa.
Daily Mail reports, The soothing, warm, scented suds in the sink induce a
relaxed mood, while the completion of the task produces a sense of wellbeing.

Benefit #4: Heightened Immune System

The hygiene hypothesis that was outlined in #5 doesnt just apply to allergies
it also applies to general health and wellness.

The studys co-author, Dr. Bill Hesselmar, explained, If you are exposed to
microbes, especially early in life, you stimulate the immune system in various
ways and it becomes tolerant.
Benefit #5: Uses Less Water
Lots of people think that using a dishwasher saves water, and that is often true,
but if you focus on conserving water while hand-washing dishes, you can actually
use less water than a dishwasher.
In order to save more water than a dishwasher does, you have to make sure to
turn off the water while youre using the sponge on the dishes only turn on the
water to rinse off the plates afterward.
Lifehacker explains that while energy-efficient dishwashers use multiple gallons
of water, its possible to use around one gallon when hand-washing.
Benefit #6: Better For Delicate Dishes
Even with delicate cycles on dishwashers, its almost always safer to wash
special dishes by hand.
In a dishwasher, you cant have perfect control of the temperature or direct the
water perfectly, so its easier to take care of delicate dishes in the sink.
If you have fancy china, the last thing you want to happen is for it to break, crack,
or chip. If you do dishes by hand, you can have complete control over how gently
you wash them.
Benefit #7: Teaches Kids Life Skills
Many parents want their children to do the dishes as one of their chores.
While many kids think that doing the dishes means moving them from the sink to
the dishwasher, teaching them to hand-wash dishes is a great life skill.
Its possible that when they grow up, the kids will live somewhere that doesnt
have a dishwasher. More important than that, hand-washing dishes can teach
kids that putting in effort pays off in visible ways.
What About Dishwashers?
Morgan Swofford for LittleThings
But dont worry if you cant get away from your dishwasher, there are benefits
to using the machine as well! The key to getting the benefits of both? Balance.
Dishwashers are a great option for many families they cut down on time, and
are sure to get your dishes cleaner than you might be able to.
Maybe the best way to do the dishes is to find a happy balance between hand-
washing and using a dishwasher.
Do you use a dishwasher or hand-wash your dishes? Let us know in the
comments below!

10 Natural Substances That

Could Help Cure Type 1
Could the long-sought after cure for type 1 diabetes be as close as your
kitchen cupboard? An accumulating body of scientific research appears to
point in exactly that direction.
One so-called 'incurable disease' that afflicts millions of people around the world is type
1 diabetes. Unlike type 2 diabetes, where the body becomes resistant to its own insulin,
type 1 is characterized by the inability of the body to produce enough insulin, as the
beta cells within the pancreas which are responsible for the production of insulin (and
the proinsulin from which it is made) are either destroyed or seriously impaired. This
can happen due to autoimmune issues, bacterial or viral infections, incompatible foods
in the diet and chemical exposures (or a combination of any one or more of these
factors), to name but a few major triggers.
And yet, plenty of peer-reviewed and published research now indicates that plant
compounds, including many found within commonly consumed foods, are capable of
stimulating beta cell regeneration within the pancreas, and as a result may be
potentially provide a cure truly a four letter word, as far as the profit-based model of
medicine goes, which thrives on the concept of the incurability of the disease-afflicted
human body in favor of symptom management.

The discovery of the beta cell regenerative potential of various food and compounds is
bound to upset a burgeoning diabetes industry, with millions of dollars of public and
private money continually being poured into fund-raising efforts for a future "cure"; A
cure that will presumably be delivered through the prohibitively
expensive pharmaceutical,vaccine or biologic (e.g. stem cells, islet cell
xenotransplantation) pipeline, which by the very nature of the FDA drug approval
process requires the promotion of synthetic (and therefore patentable) compounds
over natural ones.

Let's take a look at the latest preclinical study on the topic, published last month in the
Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology[1]. An active fraction of flaxseed, which
researchers named Linun usitassimum active fraction (LU6), was found to generate a
wide range of benefits in a type 1 diabetes animal model, including the following:

Improved glucose utilization in the liver

Supported normalized glycogenesis (glucose forming activity) in the liver and
muscle tissue
Reduced pancreatic and intestinal glucosidase inhibitory activity, which
translates into lower post-meal blood sugar elevations
Even more remarkable was the observation that this flaxseed compound normalized
plasma insulin and C-peptide levels (C peptide is not C-reactive protein, rather it is a
direct indicator of how much insulin is being produced by the beta cells in the body.
Learn more), an indication that beta cell function was effectively restored. The
researchers described the truly amazing results as follows:

Normalization of plasma insulin and C-peptide levels were observed in

diabetic mice, indicating endogenous insulin secretion after the
treatment with LU6. The histochemical and immunohistochemical
analysis on pancreatic islets suggests the role of LU6 fraction in islet
regeneration and insulin secretion as evident in increase functional
pancreatic islets producing insulin. Furthermore, significant insulin
producing islet formation was also observed in in vitro PANC-1 cells after
LU6 treatment, indicating the cellular aggregates to be newly formed
islets. This suggests the potential of LU6 fraction in the formation of
new islets in vitro, as well as in vivo. Thus, LU6 can be used as a
nutraceutical-based first-line treatment for diabetes. [emphasis added]
Keep in mind that this is not the first time that flaxseed has been found to improve
blood sugar disorders. We have a few studies on GreenMedInfo.com already indexed on
the topic that you can view here: Flaxseed and Diabetes.

Furthermore, we have found a broad range of natural substances experimentally

confirmed to stimulate beta cell regeneration, 10 of which are listed below:

Arginine: a 2007 study found that the amino acid L-arginine is capable of
stimulating the genesis of beta cells in an animal model of alloxan-induced
Avocado: A 2007 study found that avocado seed extract reduced blood sugar in
diabetic rats. Researchers observed a restorative and protective effect on
pancreatic islet cells in the treated group.[3]
Berberine: A 2009 study found that this plant compound, commonly found in
herbs such as barberry and goldenseal, induces beta cell regeneration in diabetic
rats, which lends explanation for why it has been used for 1400 years in China to
treat diabetes.[4]
Chard: A 2000 study found that chard extract given to diabetic rats stimulates
the recovery of injured beta cells.[5]
Corn Silk: A 2009 study found that corn silk reduces blood sugar and stimulates
beta cell regeneration in type 1 diabetic rats.[6]
Curcumin (from Turmeric): A 2010 study found that curcumin stimulates beta
cell regeneration in type 1 diabetic rats.[7] Additionally, a 2008 study found that
curcumin preserves pancreatic islet cell survival and transplantation efficiency.
Genistein (from soy, red clover): A 2010 study found that genistein induces
pancreatic beta-cell proliferation through activation of multiple signaling
pathways and prevents insulin-deficient diabetes in mice.[9]
Honey: A 2010 human study found that long-term consumption of honey might
have positive effects on the metabolic derangements of type 1 diabetes,
including possible beta cell regeneration as indicating by increases in fasting C-
peptide levels.[10]
Nigella Sativa (black seed): A 2003 animal study found that black seed
consumption lead to partial regeneration/proliferation of the beta-cells.[11] A
2010 human study also found that the consumption of one gram of black seed a
day for up to 12 weeks had a broad range of beneficial effects in diabetics,
including increasing beta cell function.[12]
Stevia: A 2011 human study found that stevia has anti-diabetic properties,
including revitalizing damaged beta cells, and compares favorably with the drug
glibenclamide but without the adverse effects.[13]
For a full list of beta cell regenerating substances, view our page on the topic. The
data is also available to download as a PDF, which members can acquire by using their
membership tokens without paying the nominal fee.

For additional research on the topic of regenerative medicine and diabetes you can
consult the articles 6 Bodily Tissues that Can Be Regenerated Through Nutrition and
Diabetes: An Entirely Preventable and Reversible Disease. Or, visit our Health Guide
on Blood Sugar Disorders.

How to make homemade cannabis oil to treat cancer, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimers and

CBD oil, which is increasingly being used to treat a variety of medical conditions, is a form of
cannabis oil derived from marijuana or industrial hemp that contains significant amounts of
cannabidiol, a molecule found in cannabis. Cannabinoids have a natural way of interacting with our
bodies through receptors called endocannabinoids, which are present in all humans and animals. When
introduced into the body, cannabinoids regulate cell growth, which in turn combats cancer, among
other things.
Made simply from a sizable amount of pot, a bucket and a solvent, cannabis oil has proven effective
for treating a variety of serious ailments including cancer, Alzheimers disease, epilepsy, Lyme
disease, chronic pain, rheumatism, multiple sclerosis, anxiety disorders, asthma and diabetes,
according to Constance Pure Botanical Extracts, a California-based medical pot provider.
Extracting marijuanas beneficial compounds or cannabinoids to form a thick oily substance was first
made known through Rick Simpsons documentary Run from the Cure, which generated worldwide
interest in cannabis oil or Rick Simpson Oil, as its referred to in the film. The film sparked
countless success stories of individuals who used the oil to cure all sorts of debilitating diseases,
including forms of cancer that were previously thought to be incurable.

The herbal cure

The governments hypocritical lambasting of the drug, accompanied by its restrictive marijuana
policies, prevented Americans from accessing the oil. However, now that state governments are
finally relaxing their authoritarian policies on marijuana, both for recreational and medicinal purposes,
cannabis oil can serve people in the manner it was designed to.
Because cannabis oil has so many medical benefits, the public deserves better access to it, which is
why were providing you with your very own cannabis oil recipe as described by ewoa.com:
You will need one ounce of dried cannabis. Out of this one ounce, you may be able to produce 3-4
grams of oil.
IMPORTANT: Be extremely careful when boiling solvent off, the fumes are extremely flammable. Do
not smoking and avoid sparks, stove-tops, and red-hot heating elements. You can set up a fan to blow
fumed away from pot. Work on this project in a well-ventilated area throughout the whole process.
1. Place the dry material in a plastic bucket.
2. Dampen the material with the solvent you are utilizing. Various solvents can be used. For
instance, you can use pure naphtha, ether, butane, or 99% isopropyl alcohol. Two gallons of
solvent are necessary to extract the THC from one pound. To be exact, 500 ml is enough for
an ounce.
3. Crush the plant material using a stick of clean wood.
4. Keep crushing the material with the stick, while adding solvent until the plant material is
completely covered and soaked. Continue to stir for approximately 3 minutes. When you do
this, the THC is dissolved off the material into the solvent.
5. Pour the solvent-oil mixture of the plant material into another bucket. At around this time,
you have stripped the material of about 80% of its THC.
6. Second wash: add solvent to the mixture and stir for another three minutes to extract the
remaining THC.
7. Pour this solvent-oil mix into the bucket containing the first mix that was previously poured
8. Throw away the twice washed material.
9. You can utilize a coffee filter to pour the solvent-oil mixture into a clean container.
10. Boil the solvent off: a rice cooker will boil the solvent off nicely, and will hold over a half
gallon of solvent mixture. CAUTION: avoid stove-tops, red-hot elements, sparks, cigarettes
and open flames as the fumes are extremely flammable.
11. Add solvent to rice cooker until it is about full and turn on HIGH heat. Stay in a well-
ventilated area throughout the whole process. Keep adding the mixture.
12. As the level in the rice cooker decreases for the last time, add a few drops of water (about 10
drops of water for a pound of dry material). This will help to release the solvent residue, and
protect the oil from too much heat.
13. When there is about one inch of the solvent-water mixture in the rice cooker, put on your oven
mitts and pick the unit up and swirl the contents until the solvent has finished boiling off.
14. When the solvent has been boiled off, turn the cooker to LOW heat. At no point should the oil
ever reach over 290 degrees F or 140 degrees C.
15. Remove the pot containing the oil from the rice cooker. Then gently pour the oil into a
stainless steel container.
16. Place the stainless steel container in a dehydrator. You know its ready for use if there is no
longer any surface activity on the oil.
17. Suck the oil with a plastic syringe. A syringe will essentially make the oil easy to dispense.
Once the oil is cooled it will have a thick grease consistency.

Natural antibiotics to stockpile now: 10 herbs and foods that

kill superbugs
Monday, June 16, 2014 by: J. D. Heyes

NaturalNews) Longtime readers of Natural News know that, because of massive

over-prescribing by the modern healthcare industry, today's crop of antibiotics are
becoming less and less effective. Another culprit: The increased use of antibiotics
in factory-farm animals.
"It is not difficult to make microbes resistant to penicillin in the laboratory by
exposing them to concentrations not sufficient to kill them," warned Alexander
Fleming, the creator of the first antibiotic, penicillin, back in 1945 when he
received his Nobel Prize for medicine. "There is the danger that the ignorant man
may easily underdose himself and by exposing his microbes to non-lethal
quantities of the drug make them resistant."

And while bacteria have been a part of "life" on Earth for humans since the dawn
of time, constant exposure to antibiotics -- which kill even "good" bacteria -- is
responsible for the rise of superbugs that are resistant to an increasing number
antibiotic drugs.

With that in mind, and before you find yourself in dire need of something that will
kill the superbugs, here are 10 herbs and foods that will do the job naturally:

-- Honey: In a recently released study, researchers from the Salve Regina

University in Newport, Rode Island, reaffirmed that raw honey is one of the best
natural antibiotics you can have.

Lead author Susan M. Meschwitz, Ph.D., presented the findings at the 247th
National Meeting of the American Chemical Society.

"The unique property of honey lies in its ability to fight infection on multiple levels,
making it more difficult for bacteria to develop resistance," she said.

Honey uses a combination of weapons including polyphenols, hydrogen peroxide

and an osmotic effect. Honey is practically an ambidextrous fighter, using
multiple modalities to kill bacteria.

-- Colloidal silver: As noted by Gregory A. Gore, in his book, Defeat Cancer:

Silver was used 1,200 years ago by Egyptians, Romans, Greeks, sailors, and
then by the pioneers who populated our country. They used it for various
illnesses and to keep their foods and liquids from spoiling. Prior to 1938, before
antibiotics, colloidal silver was used by doctors as their main substance to fight
bacteria in a more natural way than through the antibiotics they use today.
Antibiotics can harm our kidneys and liver functions. Colloidal silver promotes

-- Pascalite: This is a type of bentonite clay found only in the mountains of

Wyoming. It possesses remarkable healing powers. When it is used topically, it is
known for its ability to draw infections from wounds in a matter of hours or days,
thereby bringing about total recovery. The first recorded use of Pascalite was in
the early 1930s when a trapper named Emile Pascal set his traps near a cold,
clear mountain lake, where he had noticed a large number of animal tracks; after
getting some of it on his chapped hands, he noticed some time later that it
appeared to help them. So he continued to experiment with the substance and
found that it had a number of topical uses, including for burns, minor wounds and

-- Turmeric: This herb has been used in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine for
many thousands of years to treat a wide range of infections. The antibacterial
and anti-inflammatory qualities have been known to be highly effective in the
treatment of bacterial infections. It can also be used topically for MRSA and
additional lesions of the skin.

-- Oil of Oregano: This is an essential oil known best for its bacteria-killing
abilities, as well as controlling staph infections like MRSA. It contains antioxidant,
antiseptic, antiviral, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antiparasitic and pain-relieving
properties. In 2001, Science Daily reported on a Georgetown University study
which found that oregano oil's germ-killing properties were nearly as effective as
most antibiotics.

-- Tea tree oil: This is also a very potent and essential oil that has been shown to
be effective in killing antibiotic-resistant MRSA on the skin. One important note:
Therapeutic-grade tea tree oil must be used undiluted if it is to be used for this

-- Olive leaf extract: This substance has been used for a number of centuries to
battle bacterial infections and is now currently being used as well to fight MRSA
infections in some European hospitals. It provides immune system support while
fighting antibiotic-resistant infections.

-- Garlic: This tasteful seasoning veggie has been used for medicinal purposes
around the world for thousands of years. It was even used in the 1700s to ward
off the plague. It possesses very potent antibiotic, antiviral and antifungal

-- Echinacea: This compound has been used to treat aging and a wide variety of
infections for centuries. It was traditionally used to treat open wounds, as well as
blood poisoning, diphtheria and other bacteria-related illnesses. Today, it is used
mostly to treat colds and flu.

-- Goldenseal: This is one of the most popular herbs sold on the American
market and has recently gained a reputation as an herbal antibiotic and immune
system enhancer. American Indians used goldenseal as a medication for
inflammatory internal conditions such as respiratory, digestive and genitourinary
tract inflammation induced by allergy or infection, according to Herbwisdom.com.


Simple dietary modifications that include the addition of foods rich in certain amino and
fatty acids could help people with type 1 diabetes to keep producing at some of their own
insulin, according to new research in Diabetes Care. "Increased intake of branched-chain
amino acids and long-chain omega-3 fatty acids may support preservation of beta-cell
function," said the authors.

The American Diabetes Association's website lists top super foods for diabetics. Among
them are nuts and seeds such as walnuts and flax, as well as vegetables - the darker and
leafier, the better.
Wild green edibles have been found by many Type 1 diabetics as an effective solution to
reverse their disease. The story of Sergei Boutenko is one of many hundreds of Type 1
Diabetics who successfully reversed their condition with a raw food diet and wild edibles.
While foods such as kale, lettuce, collards, etc. offer immense nutrition to the people who
consume them, they will never come close to the nutrition of wild greens. Greens found
in nature have been grown without human interference and are therefore hardier plants,
with longer roots. These root systems are able to reach deep down into the mineral rich,
forest soil and draw out trace minerals, which are unattainable through the best
commercially grown organic plants. Wild plants have not been hybridized and remain in
their natural form.

Boutenko's story is a wake-up call for any Type 1 diabetic who has been told by their
doctor that their disease is not reversable with diet and exercise.

Nutritional Strategy for Type 1s

In order for a nutritional strategy for Type 1 diabetics to be effective, it
must address diabetes management, blood glucose control and
autoimmune dysfunction (i.e. beta cell dysfunction).

In order to achieve blood glucose stabilization, eat lots of green and

bright-colored vegetables and drink raw vegetable juices to help
provide maximum nutrition.

Key Point: Both Type 1s and Type 2s suffer unnecessarily, especially

when a superior nutritional program can help to stabilize blood glucose
levels, strengthen the immune system, and cleanse/detox the body,
especially the pancreas (for Type 1s).

There must be an adequate intake of foods that don't require a lot of

insulin and that provide antioxidants and other phytonutrients to keep
the pancreas and other organs healthy.
Antioxidant-rich, low-insulin-response foods include most
(organic) green and bright-colored vegetables and (some) fruits, i.e.
broccoli, Brussel sprouts, string beans, spinach, kale, Romaine lettuce,
celery, cucumbers, cantaloupe, berries, peppers, (cooked) tomatoes,
sweet potatoes, and (organic) carrots. Other key foods include sea
kelp, shitake mushrooms, goji berries, aloe vera gel, cabbage, okra,
and eggplant.

Unfortunately, both Type 1s and Type 2s who try to eat properly still
suffer because they're eating too many "dead" foods and too many so-
called healthy foods that are not healthy for diabetics. Once they
reduce or eliminate these foods and replace them with superior plant-
based foods, both groups are able to achieve more consistent blood
glucose stabilization.

Most people are aware that the pancreas controls blood glucose with
its secretion of insulin to help lower blood glucose levels. But most
people are unaware of the other hormone -- glucagon, which helps to
raise blood sugar.

In addition, most people forget that the pancreas performs another

key function -- secrete digestive enzymes to help break down the food
we eat. That's one of the reasons why a plant-based digestive enzyme
supplement may be important for most diabetics.

It is imperative that a Type 1 diabetic avoid all the 5 "dead" foods,

especially the dairy, wheat, gluten, grains, hydrogenated oils, fatty
animal meat, processed meats, and the refined processed foods made
with sugar and flour. Type 1s should also avoid most soy products,
except for the fermented ones, i.e. kefir, tempeh.

Beans can be a healthy alternative to meats, and in addition to being a

low-fat source of protein, beans also provide fiber and B vitamins.
Healthy bean choices for the pancreas include kidney beans, black
beans, navy beans, garbanzo beans and lentils.

In addition to blood glucose stabilization, a sound nutritional program

must address the autoimmune system dysfunction, specifically
the beta cell dysfunction.
For example, make sure that you eat key foods and supplements
that help to fight autoimmunity (and leaky gut syndrome) including,
raw vegetables, fermented vegetables, wheat grass, bone broth, extra
virgin coconut oil, chlorella, spirulina, l-glutamine, collagen protein
powder,and unprocessed cod liver oil.

In addition, include anti-inflammatory and antioxidant-rich foods

and herbs such as wild salmon, sardines, blueberries, flaxseed,
garlic,turmeric, and extra virgin olive oil.

Also, eat herbs and foods and use compounds with antiviral
properties such as echinacea, licorice root, astragalus; garlic, onions,
lemons, turmeric, extra virgin coconut oil, and medicinal mushrooms;
and colloidal silver. This, along with detoxing, will further help your
immune system, especially if the primary root cause of your
autoimmune dysfunction is virus/bacteria/infection-related.

Just as important (maybe even more important), make sure

that you avoid the "trigger" foods, drugs, toxins, and chemicals
that may trigger autoimmune dysfunction and damage the beta cells,
e.g. white flour (alloxan), wheat, gluten, grains, cow's milk, most
dairy, vegetable oils, canola oil, legumes/nuts, some diabetic drugs,
and possibly other OTC/prescription drugs.

Use raw juicing to help get key nutrients into your cells and to help
strengthen and rebalance your immune system.

Perform a periodic cleanse and detox to help fight most infections

and remove accumulated toxins within your cells that may contribute
to chronic inflammation and excess oxidation.

In addition, use nutritional supplements to complement your

nutritional program, e.g. l-glutamine, Vitamin D3, Vitamin B-Complex.

Foods That May Regenerate Beta Cells

When your body is fighting any disease, your immune system triggers
its repair, regenerative and healing processes in order to overcome the
various degenerative processes such as excess oxidation and toxicity.
However, in order to accomplish this, the body requires critical
nutrients and other resources from various foods and herbs. But, the
overuse of medications can block the body's regenerative and cell
renewal processes by suppressing the symptoms associated with the

For example, taking the drug metformin to lower one's blood sugar
inhibits certain cell renewal processes and keeps the body in a diabetic
state. As a result, anyone taking metformin for years, eventually has
to go on insulin. Why? Because the drug did nothing to stop the
progression of the diabetes; and, may, in fact, prevent the body from
initiating its repair and healing processes.

Based on research that has been done for centuries about nutritional
science and various super foods and nutrients, there are specific foods,
nutrients and herbs that help to cleanse and detox the pancreas so
that it can be repaired and healed by the body.

In fact, some clinical studies have shown that the pancreatic beta
cells can be awakened from their dormancy to help produce
insulin. This is a key point because if the beta cells are not completely
destroyed, then, there is hope for some people with Type 1 diabetes.

Foods and Nutrients: Some of these foods, nutrients and herbs that
are beneficial to the health of the pancreas and may help to
regenerate or awaken dormant beta cells include: arginine*,
artichokes, asparagus, avocado*, berberine*, biotin, bitter melon*,
broccoli, cedar berries, corn silk*, curcumin* (turmeric), dandelion,
garlic, fermented vegetables, flaxseed, garlic, goldenseal, genestein*,
gymnema sylvestre*, licorice root, medicinal mushrooms, onions, olive
leaf extract, oregano, probiotics, pumpkin seeds, raw honey*
(manuka), raw vegetable juices, spinach, Swiss chard*, and organic
yogurt (with active cultures).

Note: Foods with an asterisk (*) have been identified as possibly being
able to regenerate the beta cells. Refer to the Clinical Studies web
page for more details.

Note: All green, leafy vegetables contain myrtillin, a sugar lowering

substance. And, fresh raw foods, like cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels
sprouts, garlic, onions, and Swiss chard are all rich in much needed

Cedar berries have antiviral, antimicrobial and anti-fungal properties

which stimulate the immune system, cleanse the lymph system, and it
is noted as an excellent detoxifying agent for the expulsion of toxins
from the system.

In addition, cedar berries can regulate the normal function of the

pancreas, have a high concentration of insulin and may be helpful in
healing the pancreas.

Bitter melon is an herb that has demonstrated the ability to stimulate

beta cell regeneration in diabetic rats. Indian J Exp Biol. 2007
Dec;45(12):1055-62. PMID: 18254212 Abstract Author: Neera Singh,
Manushma Gupta.

Bitter melon contains three potent compounds which work together for
the healing of pancreatic beta cells oleanolic acid glycosides,
charanti, and polypeptide P which is an insulin like polypeptide which
helps to lower blood sugar. All three together and especially oleanolic
acid glycosides seem to increase the number of beta cells in the

Gymnema sylvestre is an herb that is native to the tropical region of

southern and central India where it is known as "the sugar destroyer"
and has been used as a naturopathic treatment for diabetes for
centuries. It is a very effective and potent herb in managing and
controlling diabetes.

Scientific researches done since 1990, has shown that gymnema can
help people with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes Its active
component, gymnema sylvestre extract (GS4), acts by raising the
number of beta cells in the pancreas. Thus, the internal production of
insulin is enhanced.

Goldenseal can lower blood sugar levels and help the pancreas with its
overall function by stimulating the beta cells within the pancreas.
Horsetail is rich in silica, which helps the body heal and rebuild
damaged tissue that become damaged due to inflammation of the

Licorice root is thought to be an excellent treatment for many

problems with pancreas. Traditional Chinese medicine has used licorice
root for thousands of years.

Sea algae contains high levels of beta-carotene, antioxidants, amino

acids, vitamins, minerals, and gamma linolenic acid (GLA). The high
density of nutrients found in algae help strengthen the human cells
membrane, and the cellular function. Algae contain high levels of
antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory micro-nutrients to fuel metabolism
and the detoxification process. Also, it appears that sea
algae strengthens the function of the mitochondria the power plants
within cells that produce energy required to carry out various cell

Yogurt with active cultures are a good source of probiotics, beneficial

bacteria which help keep the immune system and digestive system
functioning at their best.

Detox: In addition to eating healthy foods with anti-inflammatory and

antioxidant properties, detoxing the pancreas (and liver) to remove
harmful toxins (e.g. chemicals, metals) is very beneficial to healing the

Note: Refer to the Clinical References web page and the Clinical
References listed in the Appendix of the Death to Diabetes book for
more details about the clinical references and applicable studies.

Note: No other diabetes book or program focuses on how to nourish

cleanse, and protect the pancreas! (which is especially critical to Type
1 diabetics).

Note: In addition to more frequent blood glucose testing, the following

Super Meal diabetes planning attributes are more critical to a Type 1
vs. a Type 2: Meal timing, meal consistency, meal frequency, meal
content, carb/protein/fat ratio, number of carbs, and type of carbs.
Note: We are not experts when it comes to Type 1 diabetes, so we
recommend that you get a book that is strictly focused on Type 1
diabetes, such as Dr. Bernstein's book "The Diabetes Solution".

Note: Interestingly, Dr. Bernstein also happens to be an engineer just

like Mr. McCulley. So, maybe, there is something unique about
engineers and their approach to solving problems like diabetes.

Note: If you have an autoimmune disease such as Type 1 diabetes, we

recommend that you also get the How to Treat Autoimmune Diseases
Naturally ebook along with the Death to Diabetes book.

Prepare It Before the Pharmacists Erase It! 4 Tablespoons of This and You
Can Say Goodbye to High Blood Pressure and Clogged Arteries!HARE ON:

High blood pressure is considered a silent killer. It sneaks up on you,

carries no symptoms and can put you at risk for heart disease. It can
also feel like it came out of nowhere, like it did for survivor, Shermane

Shermane thought she was perfectly healthy until she suffered a

stroke. And as it turns out, her family history of high blood pressure and
heart disease had put her at risk all along.

High blood pressure, also known as HBP or hypertension, is a widely

misunderstood. We often assume it affects those who are type-A, tense
and aggressive. But the truth is, it has nothing to do with personality
traits. In fact, you can be the most relaxed, calm person and still suffer
from HBP.

This mixture is going to help your blood pressure problems in a very

effective way.

Old German Blood Pressure Recipe


68 ounces filtered water

4 organic lemons, unpeeled
4 organic garlic cloves
4 drops lavender essential oil (we recommend this)
1 thumb organic ginger root

1. Wash the lemons well and cut them in tracks. Then, clean the
garlic cloves and remove the rind of the ginger root.
2. Place all the ingredients in a blender and mix well until you get a
homogeneous mixture.
3. Put the mixture in a pan and turn the fire on while you add the
water in it slowly. Stir everything continuously until it starts boiling.
Then, remove it from the fire and leave it to cool down.
4. Strain the mixture and then pour it into glass bottles. Store the
bottles in the fridge.
How to Consume:

Consume this drink once on an empty stomach, two hours before a

meal, on a daily base.

If you think that you cannot take it because of the smell of the garlic, you
do not have to worry about that, because the lemon and the ginger
combined together neutralize the strong smell of garlic.

Do not forget to shake the drink well before drinking it, because the
ginger will probably remain at the bottom of the bottle. Enjoy this
powerful and beneficial mixture!

Top Foods For Blood Pressure Diet

High fiber foods Unprocessed foods high in fiber such as vegetables,
fruits, and seeds should be the basis of any healthy diet.
Low sodium foods Excess salt consumption raises blood pressure.
Limit your consumption to no more than 1500-2000 mg daily.
High potassium foods Potassium counteracts the effect of sodium
and helps lower blood pressure, include foods like melons, avocados,
and bananas.
Omega-3 rich foods Consume omega-3 rich foods like grass-fed
beef, wild caught salmon, chia and flax seeds to reduce inflammation.
Dark chocolate Look for a dark chocolate that contains at least 200
mg of cocoa phenols which can reduce blood pressure.

Blood Pressure Foods to Avoid

High sodium foods -Sodium raises blood pressure, avoid high sodium
processed foods, pickles, olives, or canned foods.
Trans fats and Omega-6 fats These fats increase inflammation and
blood pressure and are found in packaged foods and conventional
Sugar High sugar consumption is connected to high blood pressure.
Caffeine Too much caffeine can cause an increase in blood pressure.
Alcohol Narrows arteries and can increase blood pressure.


turns out that this spice may be a powerful therapeutic intervention for more than
just type 2 diabetics. Pre-clinical research now reveals it may have a role in reversing
pancreatic damage in insulin-dependent, type 1 diabetics, who are routinely told that
their condition can not be cured. Type 1 diabetics are rarely educated to the fact that
the root cause of their disorder can be addressed: namely, that the deficiency and/or
dysfunction of the beta cells in the pancreas responsible for producing insulin can be
repaired, as well as the autoimmune issues at the heart of the problem.

The daily dose used in this rodent study (80 mg/kg) was the body weight equivalent
of 6,400 mg or 6.4 grams of curcumin for an average North American male
adult (80 kilograms/176 lbs). Rodent and human physiology is, of course,
radically different, but significant crossovers nonetheless do exist.

turns out that this spice may be a powerful therapeutic intervention for more than
just type 2 diabetics. Pre-clinical research now reveals it may have a role in reversing
pancreatic damage in insulin-dependent, type 1 diabetics, who are routinely told that
their condition can not be cured. Type 1 diabetics are rarely educated to the fact that
the root cause of their disorder can be addressed: namely, that the deficiency and/or
dysfunction of the beta cells in the pancreas responsible for producing insulin can be
repaired, as well as the autoimmune issues at the heart of the problem.

The daily dose used in this rodent study (80 mg/kg) was the body weight equivalent
of 6,400 mg or 6.4 grams of curcumin for an average North American male
adult (80 kilograms/176 lbs). Rodent and human physiology is, of course,
radically different, but significant crossovers nonetheless do exist.

This recipe will help you lower your blood sugar levels in only 5 days!


2 stalks of celery

1 green apple

3 handful of spinach

2 carrots


First, wash the apple and carrots and remove the peel and seeds from the apple. Then, add them into a blender
together with the celery and spinach and blend until you get a consistent mixture.


Consume the mixture every morning on an empty stomach. The taste can be heavy so you can add a bit of honey
to sweeten it, but not too much. On the following blood count, youll notice that your blood sugar will normalize.
Make sure you prepare a fresh dose every time.



To be honest with you, I really think that youll be amazed when we tell you that grape seeds are
loaded with powerful anti-cancer properties! Yes, they contain powerful anti-cancer compounds (more
than any other fruit on the planet).

Study confirms a recent study has discovered that the grape seed extract is more effective
than the conventional chemotherapy treatment, in killing advanced cancer cells.
And, now you probably ask yourself how this works? We can answer this question for you when
the cancer is more advanced, the grape seed extract is much more effective in destroying the cancer
cells. The grape seed extra aims for the cancer cells, which are very resilient to the conventional
chemotherapy treatment and at the same time. And, the best thing about grape seed extract is that it
doesnt destroy the healthy human cells. As we said, the grape seed extract destroys cancer cells
efficiently in later stages, without destroying the healthy cells. The medical experts think that the
grape seed extract causes oxidative stress, which can lead to a programmed cell death also known as
apoptosis. And, the cancer patient needs just a small amount to destroy these cells. And, another good
thing about this grape seed extract is that the extract also works on cancer cells, which usually became
resistant to drugs and medications which makes the conventional chemotherapy treatment useless.

Youll need the following ingredients:

1 cup of grape seeds

1 glass jar (with lid)
1 clean towel

Heres what you need to do first, you need to wash the grape seeds with water. After that, you need
to use the towel to absorb the water. Then, you need to leave them for 2-3 days and let them air dry.
After 3 days, you need to grind them. Pour this mixture in a glass jar and keep it in a cool and dark

How to use it

You need to use this powder 2-3 times a day. Just add 1 tsp. of this mixture into a glass of water or
juice. Mix it well and drink it. Thats it! Make sure you use this remedy for 3 months. After that, you
need to take a break for 2 months. And trust me youll be amazed by the results. We really hope you
find this article helpful and dont forget to share it with your friends and family. Thank you and have a
good one.

17. Conclusions
Berberine, a single compound identified from Rhizoma Coptidis, is a promising oral
hypoglycemic agent. The metabolic activity in regulating blood glucose and lipids has
been widely studied and evidenced in patients and various animal models (Fig. 1). The
major mechanism is related to inhibition of mitochondrial function, stimulation of
glycolysis and activation of AMPK pathway (Fig. 2). Additionally, berberine may also act
as an -glucosidase inhibitor. In the newly-diagnosed type 2 diabetic patients, berberine
is able to lower blood insulin level via enhancing insulin sensitivity. However, in patients
with poor -cell function, berberine may improve insulin secretion via repairing
destructed or exhausted islets. Compared with other hypoglycemic agents used in clinic,
berberine is of particular interest and may have extra beneficial effects on diabetic
cardiovascular complications because of its cholesterol-lowering property. Berberine is
also characterized with the antioxidant and aldose reductase inhibitory activities, through
which berberine alleviates diabetic nephropathy in animals. However, it has not been
tested in human subjects so far. Since evidence-based medicine is the gold standard for
clinical practice, large-scale multicenter trials are needed to evaluate the efficacy of
berberine on diabetes and the related complications.
The Best Supplements for Diabetes
by Dr. Julian Whitaker

While eating a healthy diet (which includes mini-fasting) and exercising regularly
are necessary to lower blood sugar, these are not the only parts of my natural
approach to managing diabetes. Nutritional support is also a key component of
treating the disease.

Supplements to Manage Diabetes Are Critical

One reason nutritional support is so important is because diabetes is a nutritional
wasting disease. Elevated glucose levels act like a diuretic and cause
substantial loss of nutrients in the urine. Therefore, people with type 2
diabetes are likely to be deficient in important water-soluble vitamins and

Incredibly, most experts specializing in diabetes make no attempt whatsoever to

replace lost nutrients, leaving their patients to suffer the inevitable consequences
of nutritional deficiencies.

A second reason nutritional supplements for diabetes are essential is that

carefully increasing your intake of nutrients that support your bodys ability to use
insulin can help keep your blood sugar at healthy levels.

Anyone who has diabetes shouldat a minimumtake a high-quality vitamin

and mineral supplement every day. Research has shown that taking a potent
daily multivitamin dramatically reduces the incidence of infection and the number
of sick days taken by patients with type 2 diabetes.

Must-Have Supplements for Diabetes

In addition to a multivitamin, make sure you are getting the following
nutrients. Many are included in multivitamins, but not always at the dosages I
recommend. If your multi comes up short, supplement with additional doses of
the specific nutrients until youre taking the recommended amount.

B-Complex Vitamins
Vitamins B6 and B12 specifically support nerve health, which is critical for
addressing conditions such as diabetic neuropathy. Biotin is another B-complex
vitamin that is necessary for both metabolism and growth. Biotin is also involved
in the manufacture and utilization of protein, fats and carbohydrates. Take 75 mg
of B6, 150 mcg of B12, and 300 mcg of biotin daily.

Vitamin C
Vitamin C lowers levels of sorbitol, the sugar that can collect in and damage cells
in the eyes, kidneys and nerves. I recommend at least 1,000 mg of vitamin C

Vitamin D
Vitamin D turns on genes that boost production of antimicrobial peptides called
cathelicidins, which destroy viruses, bacteria and other germs. Because people
with diabetes are more prone to infections due to diabetic ulcers and periodontal
disease, making sure your body has optimal levels of this fat-soluble vitamin is
important. I recommend at least 2,000 IU of supplemental vitamin D (as
cholecalciferol or D3) daily.

Vitamin E
Vitamin E is the bodys premier fat-soluble antioxidant. It improves glucose
control and protects blood vessels and nerves from free radical damage, which is
accelerated by the diabetes. Studies have shown that high doses of
supplemental vitamin E may even reverse damage to nerves caused by diabetes
and protect against diabetic cataracts and atherosclerosis. I recommend that
everyone, regardless of health status, take at least 200 IU of vitamin E
every day.

When taking vitamin E, take only the natural form of it. You can tell its
natural if its listed as d-alpha-tocopherol or d-alpha-tocopheryl. Synthetic vitamin
E is listed as dl-alpha-tocopherol or dl-alpha tocopheryl (note the l).

Magnesium is a mineral crucial for energy production and protein synthesis,
cellular replication and DNA production. Magnesium has also been shown to
decrease insulin resistance, helping to keep blood sugar levels in check. I
recommend 5001,000 mg of magnesium daily.

Vanadyl Sulfate
Vanadyl sulfate mimics insulin in the body and helps maintain normal blood sugar
levels. The suggested dose is 100 mg daily.
Chromium is a trace mineral that improves the action of insulin and helps move
glucose and other nutrients into the cells. Chromium doesnt cause the body to
make more insulinit just helps insulin work better.

At least 15 well-controlled clinical trials examining the effects of supplemental

chromium on patients with diabetes, insulin resistance and other blood sugar
abnormalities have shown that this mineral improves glucose metabolism. I
recommend 200400 mcg of chromium picolinate daily.

Berberine, a plant alkaloid, targets AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), which
is a very basic and ancient regulator of metabolism present in all animals and
plants. AMPK stimulates the uptake of glucose into the cells, improves insulin
sensitivity and reduces glucose production in the liver, which is in overdrive in
diabetic patients. I recommend 1,500 mg of berberine daily.

Purslane (Portulaca oleracea) is a plant that Americans generally consider to be
a weed, yet Europeans and Asians love to eat. But purslane has a health benefit
that everyone can appreciateits ability to help control blood sugar.

A patented purslane extract (Portusana) has been shown to increase insulin

sensitivity, enhance glucose uptake into the cells and slow the transport of
glucose from the intestines into the blood. I recommend 180 mg of purslane

Gymnema Sylvestre
Gymnema sylvestre is an extract from the leaves of a climbing plant native to the
forests of central and south India. The leaves of the plant contain gymnemic
acids, which have been shown to slow the transport of glucose from the
intestines to the bloodstream. This, in turn, helps to keep blood sugar levels in
the healthy range. I recommend 400 mg of Gymnema sylvestre daily.

Banaba Leaf Extract

Banaba leaf extract (Lagestroemia speciosa L.), which comes from Asia,
contains corosolic acid. Corosolic acid promotes glucose transport into cells,
keeping blood sugar levels on an even keel. I recommend 3 mg of banaba leaf
Pterocarpus Marsupium
Pterocarpus marsupium (also known as Indian kino tree extract) is an extract
from the bark and wood of a tree with a long history of use in Ayurveda, the
traditional medicinal system of India. It contains flavonoids (epicatechin and
pterostilbene) that promote insulin sensitivity, improve the bodys ability to
transport sugar from the bloodstream into the cells, and help maintain normal
blood sugar levels. I recommend 450 mg of a standardized extract of
Pterocarpus marsupium per day.

Because herbs have strong medicinal effects on the body, they can interact with
some drugs in ways that can be dangerous to your health. If you are taking any
medication (prescription or over-the-counter), talk to your doctor before
using herbal products.

Are There Side Effects of Berberine

By Theresa Groskopp, CN on May 29, 2014 in Nutrition Supplements

Berberine has several amazing benefits but someone recently asked me, what are the side
effects of Berberine? I wasnt familiar with many so I did some research to find out if there
were any.

These are the Potential Side Effects of Berberine:

One article I found from The Examiner lists things to know about Berberine, including side
effects of berberine:

Berberine is able to activate an enzyme called AMPK (Adenosine

Monophosphate-Activated Protein Kinase)
Due to AMPK inhibition, berberine is normoglycemic (reduces blood sugar only if
elevated). However, the reduction in blood sugar from berberine may make other
hypoglycemics more likely to cause reduced blood sugar.
High doses of berberine taken acutely, due to their poor intestinal uptake rate,
may cause cramping and diarhhea; for this reason, berberine should be taken in
multiple doses throughout the day.
Berberine is known to inhibit CYP2D6 and CYP3A4 (an enzyme responsible for
metabolism of toxins, drugs, carcinogens, etc.)
Berberine is one of the few supplements in the Examine.com database with human evidence
that establishes it to be as effective as pharmaceuticals.

Now thats interesting to me since unfortunately, there arent many sources that would state a
supplement is as effective as pharmaceuticals. It also seems to me that due to AMPK
suppression, the article is suggesting that berberine may help reduce blood sugar if it is
elevated, but would not, if it isnt. So for someone with elevated blood sugar, the article
suggests berberine would not have side effects and in fact, might function more like
adaptogens do. If you are unfamiliar with adaptogens, they are herbs (usually) that work with
the body to increase or decrease the bodies ability to adapt to a specific situation. In that
case, it might actually be better than a drug since it doesnt have side effects.

However, it does go on to state that due to the increase in AMPK, berberine will have muscle-
suppressing effects. Not to worry though, this can be reversed by intense workouts and
activities like weight-lifting and strength-training exercises such as push-ups.

Probably the most important side effects of berberine to note (in my opinion) is that it inhibits
the enzyme CYP3A4, a member of the Cytochrome P450 family. What that means is that
berberine may decrease how fast the liver breaks down medications. Those medications
then could have a longer life and potentially have a stronger effect than intended. Avoiding
berberine while on medication is similar to avoiding grapefruit juice when youre on certain
medications. Grapefruit juice has an enzyme that prevents drugs from breaking down in the
body as quickly as intended, same as berberine.

What should the Berberine dosage be?

A general guideline would be that the dose is based on the actual berberine content,
standardized is best. Berberine dosing could be from 500 mg -2,000 mg a day, in divided
doses. Smaller, divided doses are best to avoid stomach upset, cramping, and diarrhea.

Berberine should be taken with a meal to be absorbed most effectively (due to the glucose
and lipid release during eating).

Read about the Amazing Health Benefits of Berberine to see if berberine may benefit you.
Then, give berberine a try as a natural anti-microbial, to support healthy blood sugar levels,
support heart health and provide super immune support. Buy some of the best brands of
berberine supplements now.

If you have used berberine supplements, share you story below. There are many who are
looking for alternatives to diabetes medication and would like to know if this works or doesnt!
A cure for type 1 diabetes! Prof Eli Lewis
on a medical holy grail

Dr Eli Lewis, professor of clinical biochemistry and pharmacology at Ben Gurion

University of the Negev, a public research university in Beersheba, Israel, may have
stumbled across one of modern medicines most enduring holy grails: a safe, effective
way to reverse type 1 diabetes. Lewiss research focuses on the tissue damage that
plays a role in type 1 diabetes, and which he says is often overlooked and under-
studied. Back in 2003, Lewis began researching the role of inflammation in injured
islets tiny clusters of insulin-producing cells in the pancreas and the effects
of transfusions of an anti-inflammatory drug based on a protein the body produces
naturally all the time, known as Alpha 1 Antitrypsin (AAT, or alpha1). AAT has so
far been used mostly only to treat emphysema, but Lewiss breakthrough research
shows the proteins promise via transfusion in reducing insulin dependence in type 1
diabetics, and in some cases actually reversing the condition completely, if caught
early enough. He believes it may help type 2 diabetes, again if the disease is caught
early enough, and supported with lifestyle change, including keeping carbohydrates
low, which he says is essential for diabetics.
Lewis describes AAT as a form of immuno-modulation, and says its application
goes beyond diabetes: US researchers are currently studying inflammatory bowel
disease in patients; bone-marrow transplant prognosis is phenomenal with AAT
according to a Seattle trial; researchers are testing it in ischemic heart disease for
diminished cardiac scar size; and it shows promise in multiple sclerosis (MS).
Other diseases in the pipeline for testing include lupus and rheumatoid arthritis,
transplants of all kinds and even pig-to-human grafting experiments that are
starving for a safe therapeutic to accommodate the grafts. Since his group is focused
on the immune assault on cells, Lewis says they are limited in funding and scope, and
are reaching out to collaborate with any group, as long as it is as enthusiastic as we
are. Here Lewis explains how the therapy works for type 1 diabetes. Marika Sboros

My guest today is Dr Eli Lewis, professor of clinical biochemistry and

pharmacology at Ben Gurion University of the Negev in Israel. He is in the
universitys clinical islet lab that is part of the universitys department of health
sciences. Dr Lewis is a medical scientist who could be bringing the world closer
to a cure for type 1 diabetes.

Dr Lewis, first of all tell me whats a clinical islet?

A clinical islet is what you end up with when you have to name your lab in any
way thats relevant to your work,. I try to combine everything to we do into one
title. So Islets are these little tiny spheres that you have in your pancreas making

I remember in biology at school learning about islets of Langerhans?

Those are the ones. Every person has in his or her pancreas one million of these
spheres, one million islets. In them, most of the cells are beta cells that make
insulin. Its the only hormone that is able to lower glucose in the blood, the only
cells that make it, and its the only location where they are placed.

So its a very dangerous entity when you consider that if you lose the beta cells
for any reason, glucose will rise in the blood. It will just rise in the blood, thats
how it goes, no way to pull it down, theres no other hormone.

Are we talking now about type 1 diabetes?

The state of art today is changing: Type 1 diabetes has been renamed type 1
auto immune diabetes to be more precise. It is an auto immune condition, you
literally see int he blood circulating antibodies against the islets, against insulin.
So its an auto immune condition. It used to be called juvenile diabetes, but we
actually see it today also in adults and later on, patients engaging in with 1 auto
immune any time in life, so its no longer juvenile.
So you mean type 1 diabetes can be diagnosed at any age?

Different ages, in some cases, after 30 years. The trigger can be one of many. We
still dont know what no longer what instigates the actual condition, but its no
longer reserved only for kids.

In type 1 diabetes, the pancreas does not make any insulin at all?

That is what we call the end point of the disease, the point where the disease is
called end stage, as if there is no next step for it. You basically lose a mass of
viable cells.

For treatment, what patients have today, what caregivers have to offer is insulin.
Its basically that component thats missing in the blood circulating. The therapy
is roughly 100 years old. Unfortunately, since its discovery insulin in different
forms, although there are different ways of introduction in actually fascinating
technology advancements, it is still basically insulin. It is very difficult for us to
manually know how much insulin you need at every moment, but it is helping
the condition, it is treating the patients.

But what about the cells that have expired thats something that is not
addressed today. What my works is trying to do over the past 10 years is to do
deal not with with levels of insulin which can always be introduced, but with the
actual disease, the death of the islets or their absence or function. Those are
things Im trying to alter.

You are trying to do that with this new drug Alpha-1 antitrypsin (A1AT,
aka AAT or alpha 1) is it a drug? In your research you say its natural
compound that occurs in the body?

Precisely. Its a molecule, a protein. Everyone of us makes this protein, you and I

And people with Type 1 diabetes?

Actually yes, they also make it, but theres a point Ill get back to in a second. We
all make AAT in the bloodstream all the time. When we are sick, we make more
of it. What do I mean sick? If you have flu, an infection, you feel horrible,
inflamed, and the body makes more AAT in the blood. That has been known for
decades; people have been measuring it; doctors have used that level of higher
AAT as if it is a marker of whether or not there was an actual infection or

But if you study it deeply enough as I have done for past 10 years, it turns out it
actually has a function, and the body doesnt just release it and increase the
levels when we are sick. It does so on purpose appropriately so.

Its one of a series of molecules we use to protect our tissues. Why do we need
to protect our tissue when we are sick? Because the involvement of the immune
system in correcting an infection, in clearing or decontaminating it, is very
drastic. Our cells are very sensitive. The immune system has to use that platform
of innocent, sensitive tissue to destroy bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, cancer
cells, dead tissue

Its a very drastic event, and while it happens, you want it to execute its full
ability to decontaminate the area, but meanwhile the tissue suffers, actually
endures a lot of inflammation, injury. Its not the best way to go through illness.

At the point when AAT rises in the blood, it circulates in the body systemically, it
reaches everywhere; some tissues like the lungs and gut make the molecule
for their own sake. it helps to facilitate closing these micro wounds. It speeds up
the wound healing process. It is anti inflammatory, so it downplays

It allows inflammation to exist, but at a very low level. And when you are sick,
your body enjoys this extra protection around the areas that are experiencing
the immune event.

So what does this have to do with type 1 diabetes?

AAT has a very close relationship with diabetes. It turns out that circulating
glucose levels, when they are high, actually stick to proteins. Some of your
listeners may know about the measurement HbA1C Hb for haemoglobin, A for
adult, and 1C means it is coated with glucose. Its actually stuck to glucose.

Everything in the blood gets coated with glucose in diabetes, both type 1 and
type 2 diseases. When it is coated with glucose, even albumen gets coated with
glucose, everything you put in a glassful of glucose over time will be coated. You
dont need enzymes to do that.

For AAT, this means it becomes inactivated. It has been shown for the past
almost 20 years, that what levels of AAt the body makes becomes inactivated in
diabetics; its not functioning.

In clinical trials we have been running, trying to see if AAT infusion may alter the
disease, the first thing we found (with patients) was when they came in, they had
an inactive form of AAT.

The form of AAT you are giving type 1 diabetics via transfusion is it
natural or synthetic? It would have to be what you call exogenous?

Exogenous, but luckily it is purified from plasma. So we are basically introducing

the native molecule that is in the plasma.

Apparently the companies that work with blood products share I learnt this
recently 50 000 litres of plasma globally. They extract human albumen, human
anti bodies for medical purposes, and AAT enjoys this extraction. It is purified
and bottled up, and the reason they do that has nothing to do with diabetes.

We came very late with the concept we have (on AAT for type 1 diabetes), before
we knew about the advance (for its use) in another disease.

Which disease is that?

Its called A1AT deficiency. It has been with us for quite a while. Medical
textbooks will have half a page on it, showing that if you have less than normal
AAT genetically, it turns out that it is slightly mutated; instead of being produced
and released into the blood, it is just produced and stuck in the cells.

For those individuals, that doesnt change much until they develop lung
emphysema the breakdown of the lung walls; also they endure more
inflammatory bouts, vasculitis (inflammation of blood vessels), things like that ,
from having lower levels of AAT.

So AAT can be used to treat emphysema?

At present, thats almost the only indication. But we feel lucky because for the
past 30 years it has been bottled up on the shelf exactly for this rare condition
around one in 10 000 individuals roughly will be diagnosed with A1AT deficiency.
They are eligible for AAT infusions

For us, its wonderful, when you consider that we have a drug or regimen to give
to people, including children, maybe for life, men to give to kids, and who knows
maybe, for life, you are not sure. Ten years ago we decided to adhere completely
to testing on safety and feasibility on a drug that is identified already as usable
and clinically safe.

How long would it take to reverse type 1 diabetes using this drug?

We have a lot more experience now than we had before. At the time we started
testing AAT infusions in patients, it took a very long while to identify the window
of opportunity. We had no idea how long we would need to administer the
infusion. In pre-clinical studies, in the early years of intensive experiments in
animal studies, we discovered that it takes a few weeks at least for the immune
system to alter for the better. It cant be done overnight, or a week or two. It
needs four weeks at least in mice and rat models.
But if its animal studies, particularly in rodents, you cant generalise to

Oh, completely.

Will you be doing human trials soon?

Oh yes, the next trial is running already one at Ben Gurion University, two
others currently recruiting in the States; we have several teams in multi centre
working on it.

This is really revolutionary! Is your hypothesis that this will be a long-term

cure, or you dont know that at this stage?

We dont know exactly. The longest we have followed a patient that has been
treated for a while with AAT, is eight years. That is in a child who was for eight
weeks, and still has no need for insulin. He is still making his own after eight
weeks of infusions.

But that said, we still have to find the best window opportunity for each patient.
We are not sure. We are thinking that it is very close to that close to time of
diagnosis, so that really doesnt help those who are years down the line with the

All clinical trial will usually always recruit individuals who are soon after
diagnosis, as that it the dynamic point of the disease. One clinical study of 59
patients showed that all started to make their own insulin after receiving 37
weeks of A1AT, so it could be that the longer the better. But we never knew at
the time, so we could afford to try it for a few weeks and then stop.

But also, every type 1 diabetic is slightly different. It depends on at what age the
patient gets it, the age of onset, the patients background, level of antibodies
that goes up and down, other diseases that may be present. So we dont think
this will be a uniform, mass treatment. Type 1 diabetes is a disease that
deserves to be individualised.
Yes, personalised medicine is proving to be the way to go, and also I
presume, supported by lifestyle change?

That is always in the background one of things that I strongly support. I turn to
parents all the time, and say they have actually have a lot more information that
all the medical groups put together. When parents have a child who is type 1
diabetic and the years go by, they individually calibrate what s good for the kid,
whats not good for the kid, what aggravates the condition what fits well. They
know best.

There are no two kids who get the same diet, but the longer the parents follow
what works, the better they fit the diet to their kids, when the kids grow up they
follow this on their own. They are very responsible individuals, very aware of

Do you have any thoughts on the role of carbohydrate in the diet for

Oh yes, completely! In diabetes, the pancreas in this disease is suffering an

attack, an assault; the pancreas is injured. These spherical entities, the islets are
actually destroyed by high levels of glucose; they are sensitive in ways that mean
they can actually expire if someone has a lot of glucose.

Carbohydrates consider them macromolecules of a lot of sugar actually load

a burden on anyone, but especially someone with type 1 diabetes.
Carbohydrates force the pancreas to work harder. I will never say something like
reduce (carbohydrates) to zero percent anything. We have never been designed
to survive on earth with diets that contain zero percent anything, just
moderation and common sense.

It make intuitive sense to keep carbohydrates down.

Can AAT treatment help type 2 diabetics as well?

Great point! First of all, you have to consider that what we sit upon here, this
molecule, and shedding light on a particular juncture in immunology, is not
necessarily completely restricted to type 1 diabetes. Thats because there is an
interface where inflammation, immune cells and suffering cells meet.
AAT disengages some of those vicious cycles that tend to aggravate themselves.

First of all we have to consider other immune conditions. There is some

evidence that AAT infusion can help to deviate the course of multiple sclerosis
(MS). Thats an exciting (avenue of research), as my mother suffered from MS. It
was from a pre-clinical study done between our group at Ben Gurion University
and (US scientists) in Portland. Can I take half a minute here to tell you what it
means to be a researcher?

Please do!

We shipped over shipped over those special animals that make human
antitrypsin to Portland for them to study MS, because thats their specialty. I
work on diabetes, they work on MS.

The first phone we got was two days after the beginning of the experiment and
they said: Its such a shame, we had so much invested in shipping the mice and
coordinating (the trial), but you should know they all got MS, they all entered the
disease just the same way as the others. That was disappointing, but you live
through it.

After two days they called again to say: Prof Lewis, they all recovered and the
other mice continued to get paralysis and died. I still get chills thinking about it
because of what the other mice did in this treatment the disease did have one
step forward to act, but having so much AAT, it regressed,

Thats what we actually think the body is doing when it normally makes more
AAT: its part of speeding up wound healing when there is an event.
Its really hard for me to give seminars to clinicians on this subject, especially,
there are no side effects to this molecule at the range we are considering, and at
the duration, definitely.

People until now have taken (AAT) for life and at higher doses. (For diabetes), we
mimic those doses and limit treatment for several weeks. Safety is no issue,
absolutely. In fact, even the FDA (Food and Drug Administration, the US
regulatory body) immediately approved phase 2 trials of AAT in patients. There
was no need for toxicology trials, because everyone knows if a healthy person
gets it, nothing bad happens.

Thats impressive, but clinicians find it hard to accept. It is hard to accept, I agree.
You would want to know what happens long-term, after many years. Well, these
patients have been followed for 13 years, 25 years on A1AT infusions. Thats vey
long-term for weekly infusions.

And we do know that if anything, patients have lower infection rates, and lower
cancer rates than normal populations. Because they are being treated all the
time with A1AT, their bodies are basically submerged in this mode where their
immune system is functioning but their tissues are protected. That mode is very

So this is one of the holy grails of modern medicine a cure for diabetes,
but not only for type 1 diabetes, as it has many other applications?

You mention type 2 diabetes. When it is diagnosed, it is in many ways worse

than type 1, because the patient has probably had type 2 diabetes for more than
10 years.

Type 2 diabetes is heavily underdiagnosed, and goes undetected for a very long
time. Usually if you ask type 2 diabetics what happened that they were
diagnosed, it could have been a routine check up at work, and suddenly their
glucose levels were very high. All that time A1AT is neutralised, inactivated, hard
to control, in people whose lifestyle is pretty much fixed.
A novel curcumin derivative
regenerates pancreatic islets in
experimental type-1 diabetes in
rats (long term study). - GreenMedInfo
Article Publish Status: FREE
Click here to read the complete article.

Abstract Title:
The effect of a novel curcumin derivative on pancreatic islet regeneration in
experimental type-1 diabetes in rats (long term study).

Abstract Source:
Diabetol Metab Syndr. 2013 ;5(1):75. Epub 2013 Nov 26. PMID: 24279645

Abstract Author(s):
Mohamed T Abdel Aziz, Mohamed F El-Asmar, Ameen M Rezq, Soheir M Mahfouz,
Mohamed A Wassef, Hanan H Fouad, Hanan H Ahmed, Fatma M Taha

Article Affiliation:
Mohamed T Abdel Aziz

BACKGROUND: Several studies highlight curcumin's benefit as a hypoglycemic agent,
however; a limited number of reports present the importance of curcumin in
improvement of pancreatic islets in diabetes. The aim of the present study is to evaluate
the antidiabetic effect of a novel curcumin derivative and its effect on pancreatic islet
regeneration in type I diabetes-induced by STZ.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Rats were divided into diabetic rats and diabetic rats
treated orally with the novel curcumin derivative (NCD) for 40 days. Fasting blood
samples were withdrawn periodically from all rats to estimate plasma glucose, insulin
and C-peptide for 10 months. Histopathology was performed to allow the assessment of
pancreatic islet morphology. Insulin and CD105 were detected immunohistochemically.

RESULTS: In diabetic rats, the plasma glucose, insulin and C-peptide levels remained
within the diabetic range for about 4 months, after which a gradual decrease in glucose
and increase in insulin and C-peptide was observed, which reached almost normal levels
after 10 months. NCD treated diabetic rats showed significantly lowered plasma glucose
and increased plasma insulin and C-peptide levels. This was followed by a further
significant decrease in plasma glucose and increase in plasma insulin and C-peptide
after two months from oral administration of the NCD. The plasma insulin and C-
peptide continued to increase for ten months reaching levels significantly higher than
the basal level. Histopathological examination of diabetic rat pancreas revealed absence
of islets of Langerhans, minimal adipose tissue infiltration and localized lymphocytic
infiltrates. However, after 6 months of induction of diabetes, rat pancreas showed the
appearance of small well formed islets and positive insulin cells but no CD105 positive
cells. NCD treated rats showed the appearance of primitive cell collections, large insulin
positive cells and CD105 positive cells in the adipose tissue infiltrating the pancreatic
tissues. This was followed by the gradual appearance of insulin positive cells in the islets
while, CD 105 positive cells remained in the adipose tissue. After 5 and 10 months from
the onset of diabetes, rat pancreas showed, well developed larger sized islets with
disappearance of primitive cell collections and CD 105 positive cells. Also, insulin
positive islets of variable size with disappearance of insulin positive cells in adipose
tissue were detected.

CONCLUSION: The NCD possesses antidiabetic actions and enhanced pancreatic islets

Avocado seed extract significantly

reduces blood glucose levels in
diabetic rats. - GreenMedInfo Summary
Abstract Title:
Effect of aqueous extracts of alligator pear seed (Persea americana mill) on blood
glucose and histopathology of pancreas in alloxan-induced diabetic rats.

Abstract Source:
Transplantation. 2007 Jul 27;84(2):173-9. PMID: 19553173

Abstract Author(s):
Do Edem, Is Ekanem, Pe Ebong

Effects of aqueous extract of alligator pear seed on normal and alloxan-induced diabetic rats
were investigated in 6 groups of rats (5 rats per group). Test groups were made diabetic with
intra-peritoneal injection of alloxan and treated with 300mg and 600mg/kg body weight of
alligator pear seed extract. Two non-diabetic groups were also administered with 300mg and
600mg/kg body weight extract. The levels of blood glucose were examined in all 6
experimental groups. In diabetic rats, blood glucose levels were significantly reduced (p <
0.05) by 73.26-78.24% on consumption of the extracts, with greater effect exhibited by the
600mg/kg extract. In normal rats, blood glucose levels were significantly reduced (p < 0.05)
by 34.68-38.9% on consumption of the seed extract. Histological studies showed a
degenerative effect on the pancreatic islet cells of diabetic rats. The result suggested
restorative (protective) effect of the extract on pancreatic islet cells. Administration of aqueous
extract of alligator pear seed may contribute significantly to the reduction of blood glucose
levels and can be useful in the treatment of diabetes.
Article Published Date : Jul 27, 2007

Beneficial effect of flax seeds in

streptozotocin (STZ) induced
diabetic mice: isolation of active
fraction having islet regenerative
and glucosidase inhibitory
properties. - GreenMedInfo Summary
Abstract Title:
Beneficial effect of flax seeds in streptozotocin (STZ) induced diabetic mice: isolation of
active fraction having islet regenerative and glucosidase inhibitory properties.

Abstract Source:
Can J Physiol Pharmacol. 2013 May ;91(5):325-31. Epub 2013 Jan 16. PMID: 23656171

Abstract Author(s):
Menakshi Bhat Dusane, Bimba N Joshi

Article Affiliation:
Biometry and Nutrition Division, Agharkar Research Institute, G.G. Agharkar Road, Pune
411 004, India.

Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder that affects millions of people worldwide.
Present study highlights the antidiabetogenic property of Linum usitassimum active
fraction (LU6) in streptozotocin (STZ) induced diabetic Swiss mice. Treatment with LU6
fraction showed improved glucose utilization with increase in liver glucose-6-phosphate
dehydrogenase enzyme activity and normal glycogenesis in hepatic and muscle tissues.
Reduction in pancreatic and intestinal glucosidase inhibitory activity was observed with
LU6 treatment, indicating beneficial effects in reducing postprandial hyperglycemia
(PPHG). Normalization of plasma insulin and C-peptide levels were observed in diabetic
mice, indicating endogenous insulin secretion after the treatment with LU6. The
histochemical and immunohistochemical analysis on pancreatic islets suggests the role
of LU6 fraction in islet regeneration and insulin secretion as evident in increase
functional pancreatic islets producing insulin. Furthermore, significant insulin producing
islet formation was also observed in in vitro PANC-1 cells after LU6 treatment, indicating
the cellular aggregates to be newly formed islets. This suggests the potential of LU6
fraction in the formation of new islets in vitro, as well as in vivo. Thus, LU6 can be used
as a neutraceutical-based first-line treatment for diabetes.
Article Published Date : Apr 30, 2013

Berberine Gives Diabetes the

12 Punch
There are few nutrients that have built a justified following
as fast as berberine
By Will Block

T he worldwide adult population of diabetics has more than doubled since 1980. It now

stands at 347 million (a 133% increase) according to an international team of researchers who
have just published a study in the medical journal The Lancet.1 This figure is a far larger
number than previously thought, strongly suggesting that associated costs of treating the
diabetes are about to explode. With all the economic problems of the world economy, this is a
disaster in the making. Especially in the U.S., which is now reported to have the fastest rate of
diabetes increase in men, and the third fastest in women.

A previous recent projection had put the estimated number of diabetics at 285 million
worldwide. But the new study has found that figure woefully short. By evaluating the
worldwide FPG (fasting plasma glucose) records from 2.7 million individuals 25 years of age,
the research team estimated prevalence using advanced statistical methods. Of the 347
million people with diabetes, 138 million are in China and India and another 36 million in the
United States and Russia.

Led by Professor Majid Ezzati, from the School of Public Health at Imperial College London,
and Dr. Goodarz Danaei, from the Harvard School of Public Health, the authors of the new
study attribute 70% of this increase to longer lifespans. As it turns out, the older you are, the
greater your risk is for developing diabetes. Obesity and other risk factors account for the
remaining 30%.

According to Professor Ezzati:

Diabetes is one of the biggest causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Our study has
shown that diabetes is becoming more common almost everywhere in the world. This is in
contrast to blood pressure and cholesterol, which have both fallen in many regions. Diabetes
is much harder to prevent and treat than these other conditions. 2

To which Dr. Danaei added:

Unless we develop better programs for detecting people with elevated blood sugar and helping
them to improve their diet and physical activity and control their weight, diabetes will
inevitably continue to impose a major burden on health systems around the world. 2

What is Diabetes and What Can Be Done?

Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases that have some commonalities and some
differences. In both of the two principal varieties, type 2 diabetes (about 9095% of all
diabetes in the U.S.) and type 1 diabetes (510% of the diabetes population) high blood
sugar is the common feature. High blood sugar produces the classical symptoms of polyuria
(frequent urination), polydipsia (increased thirst) and polyphagia (increased hunger).
However, in type 2 diabetes, cells do not respond to the insulin that is produced, and in type 1
diabetes, the body does not produce enough insulin.

Other differences include the presence of insulin resistancea condition in which cells fail to
use insulin properlysometimes combined with an absolute insulin deficiency in type 2
diabetes (this is why it was previously called non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus) and the
need to inject insulin in type 1 diabetes (this is why it used to be called insulin-dependent
diabetes mellitus).

Berberine Helps Both Principal Types of Diabetes

A surprising new study conducted in Taiwan has found that berberine administered to non-
obese diabetic (NOD) mice protects pancreatic islets and serum lipids. 3 In type 1 diabetes,
pancreatic islets are damaged by auto-antibodies in which the immune system is misdirected
to attack proteins, gradually causing chronic complications. This momentous study examined
the effects of berberine on type 1 diabetes in vivo. The NOD mice were grouped and given 50,
150 or 500 mg of berberine/kg of body weight per day* over a 14 weeks week period. During
the span of the investigation, the following measurements were made:

1. Changes in pancreatic islets

2. Levels of serum insulin
3. Levels of berberine
4. Levels of lipids
a. LDL/TC (low density lipoprotein
cholesterol/total cholesterol)
b. HDL (high density lipoprotein cholesterol)
c. HDL/TC (high density lipoprotein cholesterol/total cholesterol)

* The amounts given to the mice, respectively are the human equivalent of 344, 1033, or 3443 mg
of berberine per day for a 187 lb person.

The Arrival of a Two-Fisted Supplement

The results showed that berberine supplementation significantly increased pancreatic islets
cells while raising serum berberine levels in dose-dependent manners. As well, berberine
supplementation also increased insulin levels, but decreased the ratio of LDL-C/TC. (LDL-C is
known as the bad cholesterol.) Furthermore, as serum levels of berberine increased, so did
HDL-C (the good cholesterol) levels along with the HDL-C/TC ratio. This study suggests that
berberine administration protects pancreatic islets and serum lipids in NOD mice. When
combined with prior studies showing a clear benefit of berberine for type 2 diabetes, this gives
rise to a two-fisted supplement, one able to tangle with the causes of two distinct variants of
diabetes (see Berberine is Superior to Metformin in the July, 2011 issue, Berberine
Goldthread Enhances Memory in the April, 2011 issue, Take This Dye for Diabetes in
the November, 2010 issue).

Berberine administration may

alleviate cardio-metabolic
complications in diabetes via
improving serum lipid profiles.

Possible Mechanism of Activity

Unfortunately, the new paper did not perform any tests necessary to clarify the mechanism of
action. However, a previous study indicated that the ability of berberine to act both as an
insulin sensitizer and an insulin secretagogue (releaser) may be due to its modulation of
several signaling pathways and targets.4 This paper choose to investigate berberines function
as a ligand (binder) of a fatty acid receptor GPR40 (G protein-coupled receptor 40), which
stimulates glucose dependent insulin secretion. Berberine was also found to stimulate calcium
mobilization in the GPR40 cell line. Furthermore, berberine stimulated glucose-dependent
insulin secretion from rat pancreatic beta cell line. Together, this data suggests that berberine
functions as an agonist (trigger) of fatty acid receptor GPR40 and might be a novel
antidiabetic mechanism of action for berberine.

Berberine Inhibits H1N1 Influenza A

In another new study,1 researchers tested whether berberine can inhibit the growth of
influenza A. The results showed strong inhibition of the growth of 2 strains of H1N1
influenza A (PR/8/34 and WS/33) in macrophage-like cells, human lung epithelial-derived
cells, and murine bone-marrow-derived macrophages. The authors suggest that the
mechanism of berberine underlying these effects occurs after chemical translation to inhibit
virus protein trafficking/maturation which in turn inhibits virus growth.

Berberine was also assessed for its ability to inhibit production of TNF- (tumor necrosis
factor-alpha, a cytokine mediator involved in systemic inflammation) and PGE2
(prostaglandin E2, a mediator with strong physiological effects, including the regulation,
contraction, and relaxation of smooth muscle tissue) from PR/8/34 infected-macrophage-
like cells. What the researchers found revealed strong inhibition of the production of both
mediators. This effect is probably distinct from the anti-viral effect.

Finally, berberine-containing ethanol extracts of goldenseal at high concentrations also

strongly inhibited the growth of influenza A and production of inflammatory mediators.
However, diluted extracts were somewhat less effective than purified berberine. The results
indicate that berberine may indeed be useful for the treatment of infections with influenza


1. Cecil CE, Davis JM, Cech NB, Laster SM. Inhibition of H1N1 influenza A virus growth
and induction of inflammatory mediators by the isoquinoline alkaloid berberine and
extracts of goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis). Int Immunopharmacol 2011 Jun 15.
[Epub ahead of print]

Cinnamon and Berberine: Better Together

Researchers investigated the pharmacokinetics of a mixture of cinnamon granules and
berberine from Rhizoma coptidis granules in healthy male volunteers. The concentration of
berberine in the plasma of healthy male volunteers was determined directly by high
performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) after an oral administration of Rhizoma coptidis
granules alone or combined with cinnamon granules. The plasma concentration-time curves
of berberine were plotted. Based on the finding, the authors suggest berberine granules
combined with cinnamon granules could increase the plasma concentration of berberine,
promote berberine absorption and lengthen the detention time of berberine in healthy male
volunteers. Cinnamon would appear to make berberine work better, longer, and harder.

Islet Cells Protected

Returning to the current study, the central idea was to evaluate the long-term effects of
berberine supplementation on type 1 diabetes. Using a normal species control for the NOD
mice, controls were found to have markedly higher islet cell numbers than those of NOD mice,
and this continued throughout the experimental period. Nonetheless, berberine
supplementation increased the islet cell numbers in a dose dependent manner. And the higher
the doses of berberine, the more significantly increased were the counts compared to the
control group. This suggested that berberine administration protected islet cells from
spontaneous injury in NOD mice.

The serum berberine levels in

berberine-administered groups
significantly increased in a dose-
dependent manner.

Using HPLC (high-performance liquid chromatography, a technique that can analyze the
content of mixture), the Taiwan researchers calculated the berberine levels in individual mice
and compared these to the reflected peak berberine standard. It was shown that the serum
berberine levels in berberine-administered groups significantly increased in a dose-dependent
manner, offering persuasive evidence that that berberine is readily absorbable via the
digestive tract. Oral berberine supplementation enriched the body and serum concentrations,
indicating that the bioavailability of berberine supplementation was proven. Yet, the relative
distribution in different body organs remains to be further clarified.

Berberine Altered Serum Insulin Levels

When the changes in insulin levels were determined, it was found that the controls had
markedly higher levels of insulin than the groups receiving berberine. Yet the insulin levels of
the NOD mice increased throughout the experiment. But berberine reversed the lower levels of
insulin in NOD mice, allowing the researchers to conclude that berberine increased insulin
secretion levels via a reawakened use of pancreatic islets. Unfortunately, serum insulin levels
were up just slightly, but not significantly through the 14-week experimental period. Thus the
scientists thought that berberine administration at the indicated concentrations in this study
could not fully reverse the spontaneous injury to pancreatic islet -cells in the NOD mice. But
NOD mice were designed to finish their days with type 1 diabetes.

Berberine Changes Serum Lipids Mostly for the Better

Berberine administration did not significantly influence serum lipid levels, including serum
triglycerides (TG), TC, HDL-C, and LDL-C levels. Nevertheless, NOD mice had significantly
higher ratios of LDL-C/HDL-C and LDL-C/TC compared to the controls throughout the study.
This argues that relatively higher LDL-C levels existed initially in the NOD mice. Of importance,
the different doses of berberine markedly decreased the raised LDL-C/TC ratio.

Evidently, a decrease in TG, TC, LDL-C serum levels with an increase in HDL-C (good
cholesterol) in vivo is favorable to good health and avoids diabetic complications, at least for
type 2 diabetes. In summary, the results propose that berberine administration improved
serum lipid profiles in NOD mice principally through relatively decreasing LDL-C serum levels.

Correlating Berberine levels, Islet Cell Numbers, and Lipid Levels

To more fully understand the relationship among berberine, pancreatic islet cell numbers, and
lipid levels in the experimental NOD mice, the correlations between these factors were
determined using a technique called Pearsons correlation coefficients (a measurement of the
correlation between two variables). The results demonstrated a significantly positive
correlation between berberine and HDL-C levels, along with a significantly positive correlation
between the berberine and HDL-C/TC ratios.

The researchers hypothesize that

berberine inhibited pancreatic islets
cell death, particularly through its
potent anti-inflammation potential.
At the same time, a significantly negative correlation between berberine serum levels and the
LDL-C/HDL-C ratios was found. Also, there was a slightly positive correlation between the
berberine serum levels and pancreatic islet cell numbers. These results further suggested that
berberine administration, whatever the level of ingestion, could not fully protect pancreatic
islets from spontaneous injury.

Serum fasting glucose levels and oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) were determined and
showed that NOD mice developed type 1 diabetes, notwithstanding berberine absorption via
the digestive tract. Berberine is an alkaloid with moderate water soluble property, and this
characteristic may have enhanced its bioavailability in the study.

And the higher the berberine serum levels the greater the protective effects from spontaneous
pancreatic islet cell injury. Accordingly, these higher levels raised the decreased islet cell
numbers in a dose dependent manner. As they have been designed to do, the NOD mice
spontaneously developed type 1 diabetes, accompanied by chronic inflammation resulting in
apoptosis (cell death), especially in their pancreatic islet cells.

It is reasonable to assume that the prevention of pancreatic islet insulin-producing cells from
selective destructionsuch as through anti-apoptotic effects on the islets in the early stage
may cure or delay type 1 diabetes. Regrettably, the pancreas cell mass was not directly
determined in this study. Moreover, it is difficult to directly diagnose -cell abnormalities in
vivo because of their small size, as well as the fact that they are deeply and sparsely dispersed
in the pancreas. However, techniques are currently in development to do that. It is believed
that islet cell numbers correlate closely with b cell mass in the pancreas.

In the Taiwan researchers previous studies,5 berberine was found to possess potent anti-
inflammation potential and to inhibit streptozotocin-induced apoptosis in mouse pancreatic
islets. The researchers did not doubt that berberine can protect cells from cell death in NOD
mice. Once absorbed via the digestive tract, berberine can enter pancreatic islet cells and
exert its anti-apoptotic effect possibly using its potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant
activities, not to mention its ability to down-regulate the Bax/Bcl-2 gene expression ratio
(which helps govern apoptosis).

The researchers hypothesized that berberine inhibited pancreatic islets apoptosis, particularly
through its potent anti-inflammation potential. They found that appropriate insulin secretion
levels were produced by the increased pancreatic islet cells, although insulin levels were still
not significantly changed through the experimental period. Also, they found that NOD mice
showed significantly higher LDL-C/HDL-C and LDL-C/TC ratios, compared to those of controls,
suggesting that relatively higher LDL-C levels exist in NOD mice.

Berberines versatility for combating

a wide range of diabetic
consequences, now includes
protection of pancreatic islets and
the reduction of serum lipids.
Surprisingly, berberine administration at different doses for 14 weeks markedly decreased the
raised LDL-C/TC ratio, demonstrating that berberine administrations improved serum lipid
profiles in NOD mice. Further analysis also showed a significantly positive correlation between
berberine and HDL-C levels, as well as a significantly positive correlation between serum
berberine levels and HDL-C/TC ratios, but a significantly negative correlation between serum
berberine levels and LDL-C/HDL-C ratios in NOD mice.

Research results indicate that berberine administration improved serum lipid profiles in NOD
mice via relatively increasing serum HDL-C, and decreasing LDL-C levels. The results further
clarify that berberine administration may alleviate cardio-metabolic complications in diabetes
via improving serum lipid profiles. In another study, berberine was found to inhibit fatty acid
synthesis via decreasing the acetyl-CoA carboxylase activity in 3T3-L1 adipocytes (fat cells). 6
Nonetheless, this regulatory mechanism of berberine on serum lipid levels and profiles
requires more study.

Unfortunately, cell and tissue analysis of the liver, pancreas and lung were not performed to
further evaluate the protective effects of berberine on type 1 diabetes-induced organ fibrosis.
However, berberine decreased the ratios of pro-/anti-inflammatory cytokine gene expressions
in the liver and kidney of NOD mice. This suggests an anti-inflammatory protection of
berberine on visceral organs.

When taken together, the findings of this study are promising. They support a growing body of
scientific literature, whichalong with anecdotal evidenceshow berberines versatility for
combating a wide range of diabetic consequences, now including protection of pancreatic islets
and the reduction of serum lipids.


1. Danaei G, Finucane MM, Lu Y, Singh GM, Cowan MJ, Paciorek CJ, Lin JK, Farzadfar F,
Khang Y-H, Stevens GA, Rao M, Ali MK, Riley LM, Robinson CA, Ezzati M, on behalf of
the Global Burden of Metabolic Risk Factors of Chronic Diseases Collaborating Group
(Blood Glucose). National, regional, and global trends in fasting plasma glucose and
diabetes prevalence since 1980: systematic analysis of health examination surveys
and epidemiological studies with 370 country-years and 27 million participants The
Lancet 25 June 2011 DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(11)60679-X.
2. Imperial College London (2011, June 25). 350 million adults have diabetes: Study
reveals the scale of global epidemic. ScienceDaily. Retrieved June 26, 2011, from
3. Chueh WH, Lin JY. Berberine, an isoquinoline alkaloid in herbal plants, protects
pancreatic islets and serum lipids in non-obese diabetic mice. J Agric Food Chem 2011
Jun 22. [Epub ahead of print]
4. Rayasam GV, Tulasi VK, Sundaram S, Singh W, Kant R, Davis JA, Saini KS, Ray A.
Identification of berberine as a novel agonist of fatty acid receptor GPR40. Phytother
Res 2010 Aug;24(8):1260-3.
5. Lin WC, Lin JY. Five bitter compounds display different anti-inflammatory effects
through modulating cytokine secretion using mouse primary splenocytes in vitro.
J Agric Food Chem 2011;59:184-92.
6. Kim HY, Kim K. Protective effect of ginseng on cytokine-induced apoptosis in
pancreatic -cells. J Agric Food Chem 2007, 55, 2816-23.
Will Block is the publisher and editorial director of Life Enhancement magazine

Bitter gourd (Momordica charantia)

stimulates beta cell regeneration in
diabetic rats. - GreenMedInfo Summary
Abstract Title:
Regeneration of beta cells in islets of Langerhans of pancreas of alloxan diabetic rats by
acetone extract of Momordica charantia (Linn.) (bitter gourd) fruits.

Abstract Source:
Indian J Exp Biol. 2007 Dec;45(12):1055-62. PMID: 18254212

Abstract Author(s):
Neera Singh, Manushma Gupta

Acetone extract of whole fruit powder of M. charantia (bitter gourd) in doses 25, 50 and
75 mg/100 g body weight lowered the blood glucose from 13.30 to 50% after 8 to 30
days treatment in alloxan diabetic albino rats, confirming antihyperglycemic effect of
this plant in diabetic animals and humans. Histological observations with acetone
extract showed different phases of recovery of beta cells of the islets of Langerhans of
pancreas, which in the untreated diabetic rats were less in number and showed varied
degree of atrophy. The most important finding of the present study was observation of
the presence of small scattered islets among the acinar tissue in some experimental
animals, which may reflect neoformation of islets from pre-existing islet cells. The liver
of alloxan diabetic rats showed hydropic degeneration, fatty change and necrosis at
some places but liver of extract treated animals was normal. Glycogen localization in
liver of diabetic rats was faint but after 30 days treatment with different doses of
extract, normal to heavy glycogen localization was observed.

Article Published Date : Dec 01, 2007

Black cumin's hyperglycemic

activity in the rat model of diabetes
may be due to beta cell
regeneration/proliferation. - GreenMedInfo
Abstract Title:
Partial regeneration/proliferation of the beta-cells in the islets of Langerhans by Nigella
sativa L. in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats.

Abstract Source:
Tohoku J Exp Med. 2003 Dec;201(4):213-9. PMID: 14690013

Abstract Author(s):
Mehmet Kanter, Ismail Meral, Zabit Yener, Hanefi Ozbek, Halit Demir

This experiment was carried out to investigate the effect of N. sativa L. on
histopathology of pancreatic beta-cells, and blood insulin and glucose concentrations in
streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Fifty male Wistar rats (200-250 g) were divided into
two experimental groups (diabetics with no treatment and diabetics with N. sativa L.
treatment), each containing twenty-five rats. Diabetes was induced in both groups by a
single intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin (STZ) (50 mg/kg). The experimental
animals in both groups became diabetic within 24 hours after the administration of STZ.
The rats in N. sativa L.-treated group were given the daily intraperitoneal injection of
0.20 ml/kg of N. sativa L. volatile oil for 30 days starting the day after STZ injection.
Control rats received only the same amount of normal saline solution. The rats in both
groups received the last injection 24 hours before the sacrification and 5 randomly-
selected rats in each group were sacrificed before, and the 1, 10, 20 and 30 days after
the STZ injection to collect blood and pancreatic tissue samples. The N. sativa L.
treatment caused a decrease in the elevated serum glucose, an increase in the lowered serum
insulin concentrations and partial regeneration/ proliferation of pancreatic beta-cells in STZ-
induced diabetic rats with the elapse of the experiment. It is concluded that the
hypoglycaemic action of N. sativa L. could be partly due to amelioration in the beta-cells of
pancreatic islets causing an increase in insulin secretion. More studies are needed to
demonstrate the exact mechanism of action of N. sativa L. on ameliorated blood glucose
concentration in STZ-induced diabetes.

Article Published Date : Dec 01, 2003

Can you describe your diet briefly? What exactly are you eating right now? I mean today.

Kirt: My typical breakfast consists of raw granola that I make out of almonds, walnuts, Brazil nuts, pecans
and Yacon syrup with coconut oil and so forth. Then I make almond nut milk for a bowl of cereal. Everything
is made by me. For lunch I typically make a salad consisting of broccoli, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, olives,
cucumbers, a little bit of lemon juice. I make a raw sunflower pt with guacamole and salsa.

That's typically my lunch. For dinner I may have a raw nut burger that I make out of walnuts and different
seasoning with some soup that I may make. Typically I make a Miso soup for dinner and I snack on things
like almonds and sunflower seeds throughout the day too.

Chard (Beta vulgaris L. var. Cicla)

extract caused beta cell
regeneration in diabetic rats. -
GreenMedInfo Summary
Abstract Title:
Effects of chard (Beta vulgaris L. var. Cicla) extract on pancreatic B cells in
streptozotocin-diabetic rats: a morphological and biochemical study.

Abstract Source:
J Ethnopharmacol. 2000 Nov;73(1-2):251-9. PMID: 11025163

Abstract Author(s):
S Bolkent, R Yanarda, A Tabakolu-Ouz, O Ozsoy-Saan

Chard (Beta vulgaris L. var. cicla) is used as a hypoglycemic agent by diabetic patients in
Turkey. The present study was carried out in order to detect whether this plant, used in
folk remedies for decreasing blood glucose levels, affects pancreatic B cells and blood
glucose. In the diabetic group, a decrease in the number of B cells of Langerhans islets
and in the secretory materials, a swollen granular endoplasmic reticulum cisternae and
widened intercellular areas in some of B cells were observed. But, in a diabetic group
given chard extract, an increase in the number of B cells of Langerhans islets and in the
secretory granules were noted, together with many hypertrophic Golgi apparatus and
granules of low densities. The extract while having no effect on blood glucose and body
weight in the normal group, reduced the blood glucose value in streptozotocin-induced
hyperglycemic animals. But, in a diabetic group given chard, the body weight
significantly increased in comparison to the diabetic group; maximum reduction in
blood glucose levels was observed on the 42nd day. According to the morphological and
biochemical results obtained, it is concluded that the extract of this plant when administered
by gavage may reduce blood glucose levels by regeneration of the B cells.

Article Published Date : Nov 01, 2000

Diabetes Juice: Bitter Melon

Bitter melon is considered to be of the most effective remedy for preventing diabetes. It has a
compound called charantin, which helps to lower glucose and keep sugar levels under
control. Bitter melon has a great impact on glucose metabolism in all parts of the body.
Ingredients: 1 bitter melon, 2 celery sticks, 1 medium sized apple, a cucumber and lemon.

To prepare the bitter melon, slice the it in half along its length and remove the seeds and
white flesh with a spoon. Wash all ingredients thoroughly and blend them together in a juice
blender. If needed, add 1 teaspoon of raw honey or molasses.

Recommended: A cup of juice on an empty stomach every morning.

Diabetes Juice: Grapefruit

Quite a lot of research has been conducted to test the effects of grapefruit juice on diabetes.
Naringin, a bioactive compound in grapefruit significantly lowers the blood glucose in people
having diabetes, and aids in weight loss too. Even when tested against metformin, a drug
often prescribed for people with type 2 diabetes, grapefruit generated positive effects that
were equal to those produced by the drug.

Ingredients: 1 celery stalk, 1 medium sized or 2 small limes, 1 cup of ice cubes, a pomelo
grapefruit, 1 medium sized cucumber, 1 medium sized apple.

Wash all the ingredients thoroughly. Peel the grapefruit and lime. Blend everything with the
ice until smooth and serve.

Recommended: At least one glass with breakfast. Be aware that grapefruit is found to be
incompatible with certain medications. Consult your doctor when necessary.

Diabetes Juice: Red Cabbage

Due to its powerful antioxidant and antihyperglycemic properties, cabbage can help to lower
blood glucose levels, improve renal function, and aid weight loss. It is packed with fiber,
slowing down the rate of sugar absorption sugar in the body.

Ingredients: 1 large English cucumber, 1/2 medium sized red cabbage, 1-2 DAnjou pears, 1
large or 2 medium sized lemon, and 1 slice of 1 inch ginger root.

Wash all ingredients thoroughly. Cut as required, and juice all ingredients together. For a
smoothies version, add a cup of ice and blend all ingredients together until smooth.

Recommended: A glass of juice at breakfast.

Did Researchers Just Unlock a Type 1 Diabetes Cure?
Forget just trying to treat the symptoms of type 1 diabetes!
According to the findings from this latest study, a type 1
diabetes cure may be possible.

Sean Williams
Mar 22, 2015 at 9:12AM
TopicsResearchDiabetes mellitusAmerican Diabetes Association

Source: American Diabetes Association, Facebook.

It's not often that I read study abstracts and am wowed, but in a moment you'll
understand why a new study out of the Scripps Research Institute this past week
is so exciting.

But before we dive right in, how about a little background on one of the world's
most dangerous yet underserved disease indications: diabetes.

The silent killer

Diabetes comes in two forms. Type 1 diabetes is a genetic disease caused by a
person's immune system attacking and destroying the pancreatic beta-cells
responsible for creating insulin in the body. Type 2 diabetes, a disease that can
occur at any age whereby not enough insulin is produced by the body, or the
body doesn't properly utilize insulin, is largely preventable and/or manageable
through proper diet and exercise.

Within the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, some 29.1 million people have diabetes, with 8 million of those cases
currently undiagnosed, earning it the reputation of being a silent killer. A majority
of these cases are the type 2 variety, with somewhere between 5% and 10%
being the genetic type 1 diabetes variety. Regardless of type, diabetes can lead
to a number of co-morbidities over a patient's lifetime, potentially resulting in

Per the American Diabetes Association, the cost to treat diagnosed diabetes in
2012 was practically a quarter of a trillion dollars, with $176 billion being spent on
direct medical care associated with the disease, and $69 billion representing the
economic cost of lost productivity associated with the disease. Because this is a
disease that is so widely skewed toward type 2 patients, those who have no say
in whether or not they get this disease (i.e., type 1 diabetics) are left wondering
when they're going to receive the next major therapeutic advancement.

This week the Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) unveiled what could one day
represent not just a symptom-abating therapy, but a genuine cure for type 1

Source: American Diabetes Association, Facebook.

Forget the symptoms! Is this a cure for type 1 diabetes?

According to a study published in the March issue of Endocrinology, TSRI
researchers tested an experimental compound known as SR1001 in non-obese
but diabetic animal models and observed that it completely stopped type 1
diabetes from developing.

Specifically, researchers noted that SR1001 completely eliminated the incidence

of diabetes, it maintained insulin levels, and it reduced inflammation associated
with insulin-producing cells, which is a common occurrence in type 1 diabetic
patients. By targeting a specific pair of receptors with SR1001, researchers were
able to suppress a targeted immune response that creates Th17 cells, which
have been linked to a handful of autoimmune diseases, including type 1 diabetes.

Furthermore, researchers also note that SR1001 led to an increased expression

of the Foxp3 protein in T-cells. T-cells play a role in the development of T-
regulatory cells, which act as the balancer of the immune system. In effect,
researchers appear to, in animal models, have discovered a way to reduce the
immune system's incorrect response to destroy insulin-producing cells, and to
protect those cells over the long term from destruction by the immune system.

Researchers believe this research could lead to drugs targeted at Th17 cells,
since it would appear Th17 plays a role in the development of type 1 diabetes.

Major advances on the way for type 1 diabetics

The results from TSRI's study are incredible and certainly hold encouraging
promise for the future of type 1 diabetes treatments. Unfortunately, considering
the long-winded studies that developing drugs have to be shuffled through prior to
approval by the Food and Drug Administration, it could be years before a
compound like SR1001, or any other Th17-targeting drug for that matter, sees the
light of day in human clinical trials.

But on the flipside, there is one brand new therapy on the market poised to make
a big difference in the lives of type 1 diabetes patients, as well as another therapy
in the works which also aims to cure diabetes, though through a different pathway
than what was described in TSRI's study.

Source: MannKind.

The relatively new drug gracing pharmacy shelves that could make a difference
for both type 1 and type 2 diabetics is MannKind's (NASDAQ:MNKD) inhaled
therapeutic Afrezza. There are a number of benefits that diabetics could really
appreciate with Afrezza, including its rapidly acting formulation and the fact that it
leaves the body quicker than traditional insulin, thus implying that it could reduce
instances of hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar, which can be just as dangerous
as high blood sugar. Also, the convenience of an inhaled and painless product
cannot be overlooked.

As with any new therapy, MannKind's biggest challenge will be in securing

insurance coverage and in informing physicians and the public of this new option.
To that end it's enlisted the licensing assistance of Sanofi (NYSE:SNY). The next
quarterly report will be Afrezza's first full quarter on pharmacy shelves, and it
should give us an indication of how well the drug has been accepted by the
medical community. It certainly has a shot at being successful, but it's possible
MannKind's stock price already reflects that implied success.

Source: Flickr user ALES.

The other big name to watch here is privately held Perle Biosciences, which is
developing PRL001, a drug designed to regenerate the pancreatic beta cells that
produce insulin and protect those cells from a patient's immune system. With an
ultimate clinical goal of insulin independence, Perle's drug would be nothing short
of an effective cure if successful.

The drug itself is a combination of two already-approved oral therapeutic agents,

meaning no injections for type 1 diabetics. A late-stage clinical study is expected
to begin this year and could yield results in the not-so-distant future. As I've
previously noted, Perle is a privately held company, so no investments can be
made here as of yet. However, positive results in its phase 3 study could prompt
Perle to rethink going public, since a drug launch can be expensive. It's certainly
a study worth closely monitoring.

Working toward a cure

Although type 2 diabetes patients far outnumber type 1 diabetics, I'm encouraged
to see that progress, no matter how small, is being made in the fight against type
1 diabetes. Without a means to prevent diabetes from the get-go, having a
potential cure coming down the pipeline in the next few years is something
millions of Americans, including myself, would love to see. I've been hoping that a
diabetes cure would be discovered during my lifetime, and studies such as TSRI's
indicate we may not be too far off.

Walnut leaf (Juglans regia L.)

appears to stimulate beta cell
regeneration in type 1 diabetic rats.
- GreenMedInfo Summary
Abstract Title:
Effect of walnut leaf, coriander and pomegranate on blood glucose and histopathology
of pancreas of alloxan induced diabetic rats.

Abstract Source:
Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med. 2007;4(3):299-305. Epub 2007 Feb 16. PMID:

Abstract Author(s):
Gholamali Jelodar, Maleki Mohsen, Sirus Shahram

Article Affiliation:
Department of physiology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Shiraz University Shiraz, Iran.

Mechanism of most of herbal used for diabetes mellitus treatment has not been well
defined. This study was performed to investigate hypoglycemic effect of walnut leaf
(Juglans regia L.), coriander leaf (Coriandrum sativum L.) or pomegranate seed (Punica
granatum L.), and their possible role on pancreatic tissue. Diabetes mellitus was induced
in 20 adult male Sprague Dawley rats and the animals were divided into four groups;
three of them fed a diet supplemented with about 15 gram (60 g/ kg body weight /day)
of mentioned plants for 15 days. The fourth diabetic untreated group (positive control)
and a non-diabetic group (negative control) received standard diet. Blood glucose was
measured every day and on the last day pancreases were isolated and stained with
hematoxylin&eosin (H&E) and Gomeri aldehyde fuchsin (GAF). Histomorphology and
following morphometric factors were studied; Volume density of beta cells, volume
density of islets, percent of beta cells, number of islets per square centimeter and
average area of islets. The results of this study indicate that only walnut leaf was able to
reduce blood glucose significantly compared with diabetic untreated group (9.029 vs.
14.358 mmol/l) (P<0.05). Hypercellularity of islets tissue, increased hyperchromic
nucleus in pancreatic islets of this group was obvious. Density of islets in pancreatic
tissue, percent of beta cells and islets size increased significantly in this group in
comparison with diabetic untreated group which may signify regeneration of islets or
beta cells in group received walnut leaf (P<0.05).

Article Published Date : Jan 01, 2007

Gymnena sylvestre appears to

bring about blood glucose
homeostasis through beta cell
repair/regeneration. - GreenMedInfo Summary
Abstract Title:
Possible regeneration of the islets of Langerhans in streptozotocin-diabetic rats given
Gymnema sylvestre leaf extracts.

Abstract Source:
Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2008 Mar;5(1):61-9. PMID: 2259215

Abstract Author(s):
E R Shanmugasundaram, K L Gopinath, K Radha Shanmugasundaram, V M Rajendran

Two water soluble extracts, GS3 and GS4, obtained from the leaves of Gymnema
sylvestre, were tested in streptozotocin treated rats for their effects on blood glucose
homeostasis and pancreatic endocrine tissue. In the diabetic rats, fasting blood glucose
levels returned to normal after 60 days of GS3 and after 20 days of GS4 oral
administration. Blood collected during the conduct of oral glucose tolerance tests was
used to assay for serum insulin. GS3 and GS4 therapy led to a rise in serum insulin to
levels closer to normal fasting levels. In diabetic rat pancreas, both GS3 and GS4 were able
to double the islet number and beta cell number. This herbal therapy appears to bring about
blood glucose homeostasis through increased serum insulin levels provided by
repair/regeneration of the endocrine pancreas.

Article Published Date : Mar 01, 2008

Neem Leaf May Reduce Your Insulin
Originating in India, the neem tree has been used for centuries to treat various diseases
and conditions. Although the nutrients located in its bark and seed oil are valuable, the
most beneficial part of the tree comes from its leaves. The neem leaf possesses cancer-
fighting compounds rich in powerful antioxidants and is used as an herbal supplement to
treat urinary tract infections and promote oral health. Like many other natural
supplements, the neem leaf may also possess anti-diabetic properties.
Neem leaf extracts reportedly reduce the need for insulin by 60 to 70%; however, more
conservative studies suggest between 20 and 50%. Neem for diabetes may help control
high blood glucose levels by stimulating insulin production in the Beta cells. This is
beneficial for people with an insulin deficiency because it helps the pancreas distribute
sugar throughout the body to provide energy.
For people with diabetes, poor circulation is a common problem. Fortunately, the neem
leaf can improve poor circulation by making it easier for blood to travel through your
system. When your blood sugar rises, blood flow slows down, possibly causing artery
damage. Severe artery damage may lead to amputation. This link between blood sugar
levels and blood circulation explains why people with diabetes account for over half of
new amputees every year. In addition to decreasing your risk for amputation, increased
blood circulation can prevent you from experiencing a heart attack or stroke.
Fresh and dried varieties can be purchased at Indian food stores, but you can also shop
online for neem leaf capsules and tablets. By researching various websites, you can find
the best quality and price. Drinking bitter neem leaf tea is another option because it is
relatively easy to make. You can buy neem leaf teabags at health food stores or add neem
leaves to boiling water. Researchers recommend drinking two cups per day in order to
receive all the benefits associated with the neem leaf.
There have been no possible side effects that have been reported; however, as with any
form of diabetes treatment, you should consult a physician before adding neem leaf to
your daily routine. In the end, the most effective way to manage diabetes is by living a
healthy lifestyle.

1. Fenugreek Remedies for Diabetes

Many researches have established that fenugreek is effective in lowering fasting
blood sugar or glycated hemoglobin (HBA1C) levels in diabetic patients. Some
clinical trials conducted with Type 2 diabetics showed fenugreek could reduce the
rate at which sugar is absorbed during the process of digestion. It can also
stimulate the cells in pancreas gland as a result of which production of insulin is
increased. These wonders are said to be done by an amino acid called 4-
hydroxyisoleucine which is present in fenugreek. Long before these researches
were done, fenugreek has been used as one of the best home remedies for
diabetes. Here is how you can have fenugreek to manage your diabetes.

Ways to use Fenugreek for Diabetes

Take 4 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds and soak them in 250 ml (1 cup) water
overnight. Crush the seeds in the morning and strain to get the water. Have this
water everyday in the morning for at least two months.
Soak 2 tbsp fenugreek seeds in water overnight. In the morning chew the seeds
and drink the water along with it. Do it on an empty stomach everyday for few
Take 2 tbsp of fenugreek seeds powder and add it to a glass of milk or warm
water. Have it everyday.
Take 100 g fenugreek seeds (6-7 tbsp) and 50 g turmeric powder (about 3
tbsp). You may add a little white pepper too with this mixture. Add 1 teaspoon of
this powder mix to a glass of milk and have twice daily.
You can also add fenugreek powder to your flour that you use to make breads
or chapatis.

2. Amla Gooseberry Remedy for Diabetes

Amla or the Indian gooseberry is one of the richest sources of vitamin C. It helps
your pancreas to produce optimum so that your blood glucose levels remain
balanced. The study that established fenugreek to be beneficial in lowering
fasting blood sugar also stated that Emblica Officinalis or the amla has this same
effect on glycated hemoglobin (HBA1C) levels. When you consume gooseberries
orally in any form,it can reduce your sugar levels by stimulating the production of
insulin in just half an hour! When the seeds of amla are taken in powder form, it
works slowly to reduce glucose levels in blood.

Ways to take Amla for Diabetes

Take 2-3 gooseberries and discard their seeds. Now grind the amla to get a fine
paste. Either using a fine cloth or a sieve, squeeze out the juice from this amla
paste. You should get two tablespoons of amla juice. Mix these 2 tbsp of amla
juice in a cup of water, mix well and have it every morning on an empty stomach.
Take a cup of bitter gourd juice and 1 tablespoon of amla juice. Mix them well
and have it daily for few months.
When fresh amla is not available, the powder of amla fruit can be be taken
mixed with water. Use 1- tbsp of such powder in a glass of water.
Take tsp turmeric powder, 1 tsp amla powder and tbsp fenugreek seeds
powder. Mix them in half a glass of water. Have this daily in the morning on an
empty stomach.
Include amla in your daily diet.
You may also have raw amla.

3. Bitter Gourd Remedies for Diabetes

Many Asian countries including India has been using bitter gourd as one of the
effective remedies for diabetes. Now many researches too have established the
effectiveness of bitter melon on blood sugar levels. Bitter gourds belong to the
Momordica Charantia fruits that can repair damaged beta cells, increase insulin
levels as well as enhance the sensitivity of insulin. Bitter gourd fruits and the
whole plant is rich in plant insulin-polypeptide-P. Polypeptide-P is a bio-chemical
which is effective in reducing blood sugar. Bitter gourd contains many beneficial
compounds including bitter glycosides, saponins, alkaloids, phenolics, oils, free
acids, polypeptides, sterols, 17-amino acids and p-insulin. Apart from having
hypoglycemic activity, bitter gourd is also a fine blood purifier.
Ways to have Bitter Melon or Bitter Gourd for Diabetes
Take 4-5 bitter gourds and peel them. Also remove the seeds. Crush the peeled
and de-seeded bitter gourds to paste. Place this paste into a sieve and extract
the juice. Drink this fresh bitter gourd juice on an empty stomach every morning.
If you wish, add some water.
Cook bitter gourd in ghee (clarified butter) and have this frequently. If possible,
have it daily for at least three months.
Include at least one dish made from bitter melon daily into your diet.
Mix 1 tablespoon of amla juice with 1 cup of bitter gourd juice and have daily
for few months.
If you cant find fresh bitter gourds, take a few pieces of dried bitter melon and
boil them in a cup of water. Have this bitter gourd tea once or twice a day. This
will be less bitter than the fresh juice of bitter guard.

4. Cinnamon Remedies for Diabetes

A research conducted on people with Type 2 diabetes establishes that 1-6 g of
cinnamon per day can not only lower serum glucose but also triglyceride, LDL
cholesterol, and total cholesterol! Diabetics are naturally prone to cardiovascular
diseases and thus taking cinnamon daily makes sense as this reduces their risks
of getting cardiovascular diseases. Cinnamon powder lowers blood sugar by
stimulating insulin activity. It is also beneficial for people who have been
diagnosed with pre-diabetes status meaning those who have high fasting sugar
levels in their blood. Having cinnamon will prevent them from getting diabetes.
However, the type of cinnamon matters when you use it for therapeutic purpose.
Most commonly available Cassia cinnamon contains a compound called coumarin
which is toxic and can cause liver damage. A rather expensive variety called
Ceylon cinnamon is safer to have when considering cinnamon powder as a
remedy for your diabetes. As it is, only half to one tsp of cinnamon powder too is

Ways to Use Cinnamon Powder for Diabetes

take one liter of water and boil it. Once it starts boiling switch to simmering and
simmer it for about 20 minutes. Add three teaspoons of cinnamon powder while
you simmer the water. After 20 minutes, strain the liquid. Have this water daily.
Add 1 tsp of cinnamon powder in 1 cup of warm water. Drink this daily.
You may also sprinkle cinnamon powder on your salads, dips or other dishes.
Add cinnamon powder to your milk, coffee or tea.

5. Jamun Remedy for Diabetes

Rich in Vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus and iron. Jamun Syzygium cumini, jambul,
jambolan, jamblang or the Black plum ( and not black berry which is a different
fruit), has been traditionally used by Unani, Ayurvedic and other Asian medicine
systems for controlling diabetes. Jamun seeds are extensively used to cure
diabetes. However, extracts of the bark and leaves too are beneficial for lowering
blood sugar and glycouria or sugar in urine. The main ingredient with anti-
diabetic function in jamun seeds is jamboline chemical. This chemical alone can
not act as anti diabetic cure. It is only effective when with other inorganic or
inactive substances in the jamun seed. Jamun seeds are rich in alkaloids that
have hypoglycemic effects. Many studies have shown that jambul or jamun has
such hypoglycemic effects that can reduce upto 30% of blood sugar.

Ways to use Jamun for Diabetes

Have 1- to 1- tsp of jamun powder mixed with water every morning on an
empty stomach.
Jamun is a seasonal fruit. When available, have them raw daily.
Chew the jamun leaves.

6. Curry Leaves Remedy for Diabetes

A study published in Chemico-Biological Interactions states that due to its rich
mineral reserves like those of iron, zinc and copper, curry leaves are important in
maintaining normal glucose levels in blood. These minerals activate beta cells of
pancreas that are responsible for the production of insulin hormone. Curry leaves
also influence metabolism of carbohydrates favorably. They can restore liver and
kidney enzymes responsible for breaking down carbohydrates back to their
normal levels thus treating diabetes. As diabetic patients have decreased levels
of antioxidants, their body cells may die at a faster rate. A study found out that
curry leaves can reduce cell death in pancreatic cells which are responsible for
insulin production. Curry leaves can reduce blood sugar levels and are specially
helpful for people who get diabetes due to obesity. If diabetes runs in your family,
you should consider having curry leaves as it is known to prevent hereditary
diabetes too.

Ways to use Curry Leaves for Diabetes

Chew 8-10 fresh curry leaves in the morning.
Use curry leaves in your daily cooking. Add them to salads and dips and even in
gravies, sauces and curries.

7. Aloe Vera remedy for Diabetes

While aloe vera is traditionally used as a medicine for diabetes, some modern
researches too have found it beneficial for lowering blood glucose and blood lipid
levels in diabetic patients and heart patients. The hypoglycemic activity of aloe
vera has proved to be useful in both, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and
non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus rats. It particularly helps in lowering
fasting blood sugar levels. Combined with bay leaves and turmeric, aloe vera can
be had daily as is mentioned below.

Make Aloe Vera Herbal Mixture for Diabetes

Get this:
Aloe vera gel- 1 tsp
Bay leaves powder- 1 tsp
Turmeric powder- 1 tsp
Do this:
Add bay leaves powder and turmeric powder to aloe vera gel
Mix well
Have this mixture daily before lunch and dinner.
You can also mix 1-2 tsp of aloe vera juice with a glass of buttermilk and have it

8. Mango Leaves Remedies for Diabetes

While mango fruit is not meant for diabetics, mango leaves are! The Nigerian folk
medicine makes extensive use of mango leaves for treating diabetes. The
aqueous extract of mango leaves have hypoglycemic activity. It reduces the
intestinal absorption of glucose thus helping in lowering sugar levels in blood.
These leaves can also help improve blood lipid profiles. However, mango leaves
need to be consumed 60 minutes before having food to get its benefits.

Ways to use Mango leaves for Diabetes

Soak 10-15 mango leaves in a glass of water overnight. Filter this water in the
morning and have it on an empty stomach. Have your breakfast after one hour.
Dry the leaves of mango tree in shade. When they are completely dried, grind
them to get powder. Store it in a container and have tsp of this mango leaves
powder daily before lunch and dinner.

10 Natural Substances That

Could Help Cure Type 1
Wednesday, June 26th 2013 at 9:00 am
Written By:
Sayer Ji, Founder
This article is copyrighted by GreenMedInfo LLC, 2015
Visit our Re-post guidelines

Could the long-sought after cure for type 1 diabetes be as close as your
kitchen cupboard? An accumulating body of scientific research appears to
point in exactly that direction.
One so-called 'incurable disease' that afflicts millions of people around the world is type
1 diabetes. Unlike type 2 diabetes, where the body becomes resistant to its own insulin,
type 1 is characterized by the inability of the body to produce enough insulin, as the
beta cells within the pancreas which are responsible for the production of insulin (and
the proinsulin from which it is made) are either destroyed or seriously impaired. This
can happen due to autoimmune issues, bacterial or viral infections, incompatible foods
in the diet and chemical exposures (or a combination of any one or more of these
factors), to name but a few major triggers.

And yet, plenty of peer-reviewed and published research now indicates that plant
compounds, including many found within commonly consumed foods, are capable of
stimulating beta cell regeneration within the pancreas, and as a result may be
potentially provide a cure truly a four letter word, as far as the profit-based model of
medicine goes, which thrives on the concept of the incurability of the disease-afflicted
human body in favor of symptom management.

The discovery of the beta cell regenerative potential of various food and compounds is
bound to upset a burgeoning diabetes industry, with millions of dollars of public and
private money continually being poured into fund-raising efforts for a future "cure"; A
cure that will presumably be delivered through the prohibitively
expensive pharmaceutical,vaccine or biologic (e.g. stem cells, islet cell
xenotransplantation) pipeline, which by the very nature of the FDA drug approval
process requires the promotion of synthetic (and therefore patentable) compounds
over natural ones.

Let's take a look at the latest preclinical study on the topic, published last month in the
Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology[1]. An active fraction of flaxseed, which
researchers named Linun usitassimum active fraction (LU6), was found to generate a
wide range of benefits in a type 1 diabetes animal model, including the following:

Improved glucose utilization in the liver

Supported normalized glycogenesis (glucose forming activity) in the liver and
muscle tissue
Reduced pancreatic and intestinal glucosidase inhibitory activity, which
translates into lower post-meal blood sugar elevations
Even more remarkable was the observation that this flaxseed compound normalized
plasma insulin and C-peptide levels (C peptide is not C-reactive protein, rather it is a
direct indicator of how much insulin is being produced by the beta cells in the body.
Learn more), an indication that beta cell function was effectively restored. The
researchers described the truly amazing results as follows:

Normalization of plasma insulin and C-peptide levels were observed in diabetic

mice, indicating endogenous insulin secretion after the treatment with LU6. The
histochemical and immunohistochemical analysis on pancreatic islets suggests
the role of LU6 fraction in islet regeneration and insulin secretion as evident in
increase functional pancreatic islets producing insulin. Furthermore, significant
insulin producing islet formation was also observed in in vitro PANC-1 cells after
LU6 treatment, indicating the cellular aggregates to be newly formed islets. This
suggests the potential of LU6 fraction in the formation of new islets in vitro, as
well as in vivo. Thus, LU6 can be used as a nutraceutical-based first-line
treatment for diabetes. [emphasis added]
Keep in mind that this is not the first time that flaxseed has been found to improve
blood sugar disorders. We have a few studies on GreenMedInfo.com already indexed on
the topic that you can view here: Flaxseed and Diabetes.
Furthermore, we have found a broad range of natural substances experimentally
confirmed to stimulate beta cell regeneration, 10 of which are listed below:

Arginine: a 2007 study found that the amino acid L-arginine is capable of
stimulating the genesis of beta cells in an animal model of alloxan-induced
Avocado: A 2007 study found that avocado seed extract reduced blood sugar in
diabetic rats. Researchers observed a restorative and protective effect on
pancreatic islet cells in the treated group.[3]
Berberine: A 2009 study found that this plant compound, commonly found in
herbs such as barberry and goldenseal, induces beta cell regeneration in diabetic
rats, which lends explanation for why it has been used for 1400 years in China to
treat diabetes.[4]
Chard: A 2000 study found that chard extract given to diabetic rats stimulates
the recovery of injured beta cells.[5]
Corn Silk: A 2009 study found that corn silk reduces blood sugar and stimulates
beta cell regeneration in type 1 diabetic rats.[6]
Curcumin (from Turmeric): A 2010 study found that curcumin stimulates beta
cell regeneration in type 1 diabetic rats.[7] Additionally, a 2008 study found that
curcumin preserves pancreatic islet cell survival and transplantation efficiency.
Genistein (from soy, red clover): A 2010 study found that genistein induces
pancreatic beta-cell proliferation through activation of multiple signaling
pathways and prevents insulin-deficient diabetes in mice.[9]
Honey: A 2010 human study found that long-term consumption of honey might
have positive effects on the metabolic derangements of type 1 diabetes,
including possible beta cell regeneration as indicating by increases in fasting C-
peptide levels.[10]
Nigella Sativa (black seed): A 2003 animal study found that black seed
consumption lead to partial regeneration/proliferation of the beta-cells.[11] A
2010 human study also found that the consumption of one gram of black seed a
day for up to 12 weeks had a broad range of beneficial effects in diabetics,
including increasing beta cell function.[12]
Stevia: A 2011 human study found that stevia has anti-diabetic properties,
including revitalizing damaged beta cells, and compares favorably with the drug
glibenclamide but without the adverse effects.[13]

Protective and antidiabetic effects

of extract from Nigella sativa on
blood glucose concentrations
against streptozotocin (STZ)-
induced diabetic in rats. - GreenMedInfo
Article Publish Status: FREE
Click here to read the complete article.

Abstract Title:
Protective and antidiabetic effects of extract from Nigella sativa on blood glucose
concentrations against streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic in rats: an experimental
study with histopathological evaluation.

Abstract Source:
PMID: 23947821
Abstract Author(s):
Samad Alimohammadi, Rahim Hobbenaghi, Javad Javanbakht, Danial Kheradmand, Reza
Mortezaee, Maryam Tavakoli, Farshid Khadivar, Hamid Akbari

Article Affiliation:
Department of Physiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Tehran University, Tehran,
Iran. Samad.am84@gmail.com.

BACKGROUND: Diabetes in humans induces chronic complications such as
cardiovascular damage, cataracts and retinopathy, nephropathy and polyneuropathy.
The most common animal model of human diabetes is streptozotocin (STZ)-induced
diabetes in the rat. The present study investigated the effects of Nigella sativa
hydroalcholic extract on glucose concentrations in streptozotocin (STZ) diabetic rats.

METHODS: In this study Twenty-five Wister-Albino rats (aged 8-9 weeks and weighing
200-250 g) were tested. Rats were divided into five experimental groups (control,
untreated STZ-diabetic (60 mg/kg B.W., IP), treated STZ-diabetic with hydroalcholic
extract of Nigella Sativa (NS) (5 mg/kg B.W, IP), treated STZ-diabetic with hydroalcholic
extract of NS (10 mg/kg B.W., IP) and treated STZ-diabetic with hydroalcholic extract of
NS (20 mg/kg B.W., IP and 32 days were evaluated to assess its effect on fasting blood
glucose (FBG), and in different groups fasting blood glucose (FBG) and body weight (BW)
were measured in the particular days (1, 16 and 32). At the end of the study, the animals
were fasted overnight, anaesthetized with an intraperitoneal injection of sodium
pentobarbital (60 mg/kg), and sacrificed for obtaining tissues samples (liver,
pancreases). The number of islets and cells were counted and the islet diameters were
determined by calibrated micrometer. The glycogen content in the liver was examined
by Periodic Acid-Schiff (PAS) staining.

RESULTS: Treatment with NS (5 mg/kg b.w.) markedly increased BW gain and the FBG
level was significantly (p<0.001) reduced when compared to the control.
Histopathological examination showed that the NS (5 mg/kg b.w.) partially recovered
hepatic glycogen content and protected the great deal of the pancreatic islet cells. The
number of islets, cells and islets diameter were found statistically significant when
compared to the control (p<0.01, p<0.05).

CONCLUSIONS: Higher doses of NS did not exhibit any therapeutic effect. These results
showed that hydroalcholic extract of NS at low doses has hypoglycemic effect and
ameliorative effect on regeneration of pancreatic islets and may be used as a
therapeutic agent in the management of diabetes mellitus. The hypoglycemic effect
observed could be due to amelioration of-cell, thus leading to increased insulin levels.
Consequently, N. sativa may prove clinically useful in the treatment of diabetics and in
the protection of -cells against streptozotocin.

VIRTUAL SLIDE: The virtual slide(s) for this article can be found here:

Article Published Date : Dec 31, 2012

Stevia has anti-diabetic properties

and compares favorably with the
drug glibenclamide but without the
adverse effects. - GreenMedInfo Summary
Abstract Title:
Antidiabetic activity of medium-polar extract from the leaves of Stevia rebaudiana Bert.
(Bertoni) on alloxan-induced diabetic rats.

Abstract Source:
J Pharm Bioallied Sci. 2011 Apr ;3(2):242-8. PMID: 21687353

Abstract Author(s):
Himanshu Misra, Manish Soni, Narendra Silawat, Darshana Mehta, B K Mehta, D C Jain

Article Affiliation:
School of Studies in Chemistry and Biochemistry, Vikram University, Ujjain - 456 010,
Madhya Pradesh, India.

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the medicative effects of medium-polar (benzene:acetone, 1:1,
v/v) extract of leaves from Stevia rebaudiana (family Asteraceae) on alloxan-induced
diabetic rats.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Diabetes was induced in adult albino Wistar rats by
intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of alloxan (180 mg/kg). Medium-polar extract was
administered orally at daily dose of 200 and 400 mg/kg body wt. basis for 10 days. The
control group received normal saline (0.9%) for the same duration. Glibenclamide was
used as positive control reference drug against Stevia extract.

RESULTS: Medium-polar leaf extract of S. rebaudiana (200 and 400 mg/kg) produced a
delayed but significant (P<0.01) decrease in the blood glucose level, without producing
condition of hypoglycemia after treatment, together with lesser loss in the body weight
as compared with standard positive control drug glibenclamide.

CONCLUSIONS: Treatment of diabetes with sulfonylurea drugs (glibenclamide) causes

hypoglycemia followed by greater reduction in body weight, which are the most
worrisome effects of these drugs. Stevia extract was found to antagonize the necrotic
action of alloxan and thus had a re-vitalizing effect on-cells of pancreas.

Article Published Date : Apr 01, 2011

These results suggest that neem

leaf extract has beta cell
regenerating potential. - GreenMedInfo
Abstract Title:
Beta Cell Regenerating Potential of Azadirachta indica (Neem) Extract in Diabetic Rats.

Abstract Source:
West Indian Med J. 2015 May 5. Epub 2015 May 5. PMID: 26716795

Abstract Author(s):
G McCalla, O Parshad, P D Brown, M T Gardner

Article Affiliation:
G McCalla

OBJECTIVE: This study evaluated the ability of 0.8% neem leaf extract (NLE) to treat
diabetes mellitus by assessing its effects on blood glucose, insulin levels and islet
morphology in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic Sprague-Dawley rats.

METHODS: Diabetes was induced in two to three-day old rat pups by STZ
intraperitoneally (60 mg/kg), followed by a further 40 mg/kg dose 12-23 weeks later. The
diabetic treated (DT) rats received 0.8% w/v NLE in tap water while diabetic control (DC)
and normal control (NC) rats received water ad libitum. Body weight, water and chow
consumption, and blood glucose were evaluated weekly. Blood and pancreas were
collected at the end of the study to evaluate serum insulin and islet histology,
RESULTS: Neem leaf extract (0.8%) improved weight gain and-cell regeneration but did
not reduce blood glucose. Serum insulin increased slightly in the treated group and
three-fold in the DC group (p<0.05).

CONCLUSION: The results suggest that NLE has beta cell regenerating potential.

Article Published Date : May 04, 2015

Turmeric Extract May Prevent,

Even Reverse Diabetes (Type 1
and 2)
Posted on:
Sunday, August 30th 2015 at 3:45 pm
Written By:
Sayer Ji, Founder
This article is copyrighted by GreenMedInfo LLC, 2015

What if the long sought after "cure" for diabetes was as safe, affordable,
and accessible as a spice sitting in your kitchen cupboard?
Slowly but surely the world is waking up to the reality that diabetes is not only a
preventable but a reversible condition, and that the drug-based model of symptom
suppression and disease management has fatal flaws. For instance, some of the drugs
used to treat type 2 diabetes actually increase the risk of death, with a recent study
showing GMO insulin given to type 2 diabetics may lead to the development of so-
called "double diabetes": type 2 and type 1 diabetes, together. Clearly, if medicine
can't at least abide by its founding principle to "do no harm," it must seek the answer
somewhere other than from the "chemist's pot."

As the pharmaceutically-driven medical paradigm continues to lose adherents by the

droves, and the public seeks a system that identifies and resolves the root causes of
disease, interest is growing in the use of natural substances and lifestyle modifications
to prevent and treat blood sugar disorders. And unlike a few decades ago, where most
of the evidence for "natural healing" was anecdotal, there are now thousands of studies
on hundreds of natural substances and therapeutic activities that may ameliorate blood
sugar disorders and their complications. You can check out a good portion of the
relevant research on the topic on GreenMedInfo.com's blood sugar disorder database.

While plants like cinnamon and gymnema sylvestre have received plenty of attention
for diabetes over the years, one special plant extract that is beginning to stand out from
the crowd as being exceptionally valuable as an anti-diabetic agent is turmeric. There
are, in fact, 21 articles on turmeric's value in type 2 diabetes on our database alone.
Turmeric's primary polyphenol curcumin is the main compound in the plant that has
been researched for it's blood sugar regulating properties. One particularly striking
study, published in the American Diabetic Association's own journal, Diabetes Care,
found turmeric extract to be 100% effective in preventing pre-diabetics from
developing type 2 diabetes -- a feat of prevention that no FDA approved drug for type
2 diabetes has yet come even close to accomplishing.

Turmeric Extract May Reverse

Pancreatic Damage In Type 1
It turns out that this spice may be a powerful therapeutic intervention for more than just
type 2 diabetics. Pre-clinical research now reveals it may have a role in reversing
pancreatic damage in insulin-dependent, type 1 diabetics, who are routinely told that
their condition can not be cured. Type 1 diabetics are rarely educated to the fact that
the root cause of their disorder can be addressed: namely, that the deficiency and/or
dysfunction of the beta cells in the pancreas responsible for producing insulin can be
repaired, as well as the autoimmune issues at the heart of the problem.

Back in 2013, an exciting study published in the journal Diabetology & Metabolic
Syndrome titled, "The effect of a novel curcumin derivative on pancreatic islet
regeneration in experimental type-1 diabetes in rats (long term study)," found that
diabetic rats who received a novel water-soluble, high concentrate (53.21%) curcumin
derivative orally for 40 days showed an improvement of their plasma glucose, insulin
and C-peptide (a marker for the health and insulin producing capability of the beta cells)
levels, that began after about 4 months, and continued to improve until the 10 month
mark, when their values were almost completely normalized and evidence of significant
pancreatic regeneration could be observed. The researchers concluded the novel
curcumin derivative (NCD): "...possesses antidiabetic actions and enhanced
pancreatic islets regeneration."
The daily dose used in this rodent study (80 mg/kg) was the body weight equivalent of
6,400 mg or 6.4 grams of curcumin for an average North American male adult (80
kilograms/176 lbs). Rodent and human physiology is, of course, radically different, but
significant crossovers nonetheless do exist. In another article, titled "Why Turmeric
May Be the Diseased Liver's Best Friend," we reviewed research indicating that
turmeric may help to reverse damage in and even regenerate the diabetic liver, as well
as safety literature on what is a safe human dose:

A 2001 study in cancer patients reported that quantities of curcumin up to

8 g, administered per day for three months, were not toxic and resulted in
significant anti-cancer properties in a number of those treated.
[5] Considering that turmeric is only 3-4% curcumin by weight, this implies
that a larger quantity of turmeric can be consumed safely, as well.
Given that organ transplantation (pancreatic islet transplants) is exceedingly expensive
and prohibitive due to a lack of donor material and the potential for rejection by the
host, the notion that a safe, affordable, and non-prescription spice extract like curcumin
may have significant therapeutic value and may even regenerate damaged pancreatic
tissue, is truly exciting. That said, it should be noted that since curcumin is not
patentable, it is unlikely the 800 million dollars or more needed to fund the requisite
clinical trials needed to obtain FDA drug approval will materialize. Because the so-
called "evidence" needed to justify the use of a new treatment is locked behind an
insurmountably high paywall, don't count on randomized, controlled, trials being
performed on this "natural cure" in the near or distant future.

In this study, the authors surmised that the ameliorative effects curcumin treatment on
type 1 diabetic rodents observed were the result of beta cell regeneration and they
explained the theory behind how this works:

Each tissue or organ is believed to contain a small sub-population of cells that is

capable of self-renewal and has the ability to give rise to each mature cell type
[47]. Thus, one of the most promising sources of beta cells might be pancreatic
stem cells.
The researchers theorized that curcumin likely produces,

"...a favorable systemic and pancreatic environment to foster bone marrow

transplantation and islet neogenesis. Accordingly, administration of curcumin; as
an established anti-inflammatory and immune modulatory drug; would likely
boost and preserve the process of islet regeneration; which was evidently
proven true in this study."
Curcumin's "immunomodulatory" benefit in type 1 diabetes, also known as autoimmune
diabetes, appears to be based on it reducing the activity of the host immune system in
attacking self-structures. In fact, another recent study, published in 2014 in the journal
Clinical and Experimental Immunology titled, "Curcumin ameliorates autoimmune
diabetes. Evidence in accelerated murine models of type 1 diabetes," found that
curcumin down-regulates the T cell response that destroys pancreatic beta cells,
resulting in an improvement in autoimmune or type 1 diabetes.

It is important for the reader to know that curcumin is not a magic bullet; nor is it the
only natural substance studied to have potential beta cell regenerative properties.
Indeed, pancreatic regeneration has been induced experimentally for at least 23
different natural substances. We have a keyword dedicated to indexing relevant
research on the topic here: beta cell regeneration. We've highlighted 10 of the most
compelling ones in our article, "10 Natuaral Substances That Could Help Cure Type 1

As the research continues to accumulate on the value of natural substances for disease
prevention and treatment, it is clear the future of medicine will rely on returning to the
wisdom of the ancients, where Hippocrates' fundamental principle that one can "cure
the patient with food" is once again passionately embraced.

Vinca Rosea regulates blood sugar

and causes Beta Cell regeneration
and stimulation. - GreenMedInfo Summary
Abstract Title:
Effect of Vinca rosea extracts in treatment of alloxan diabetes in male albino rats.

Abstract Source:
Indian J Exp Biol. 2001 Aug;39(8):748-59. PMID: 12018575

Abstract Author(s):
S Ghosh, S A Suryawanshi

Administration of aqueous extracts of V. rosea flower and leaf have been found to
regulate the blood sugar level in alloxan diabetic male albino rats. V. rosea therapy not
only produced blood glucose homeostasis but also reversed changes in carbohydrate,
protein, lipid metabolisms and metabolic and pathologic changes that took place in
pancreatic islet cells, liver and kidney following a single dose (150 mg/kg body weight) of
alloxan monohydrate. B-cell secretory activity resumed near-normalcy as evidenced by
near-normal serum insulin concentration and electron-microscopic study proving that V.
rosea manifests its beneficial activity through B-cell rejuvenation, regeneration and

Article Published Date : Aug 01, 2001

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Collagen is a structural protein that provides support for connective tissues

and holds the body together. Yes, its that important. It plays an important

role in the replacement of dead skin, hair and nail cells. In fact, around 30%

of the protein in our bodies is collagen.

5 Reasons you should supplement with

collagen every day!
1. Heals The Stomach.

Collagen is great for gut health and has been known to help conditions such

as leaky gut, IBS, and more. Collagen has been shown to strengthen mucosal

lining and improve low stomach acid.

2. Strengthens Bones, Joints, and Cartilage.

Bones are 1/3 collagen and cartilage is 2/3 collagen.

As we age, our cartilage wears out and our joints begin to ache.

3. Promotes Healthy Skin and Reduces Wrinkles.

While collagen is benefi cial to the entire body, it is most noticeably

benefi cial to the skin. Collagen consumption increases skin elasticity and

moisture, which reduces wrinkles.

4. Boosts Hair and Nail Growth.

Collagen is the bedrock of your hair, skin and nails. Our hair is made up of

91% protein ! Our bodies need those essential amino acids to make protein,

so taking a collagen supplement is excellent for hair growth!

5. Reduces Infl ammation.

Collagen is rich in the amino acid glycine, which has been shown to reduce

infl ammation. Infl ammation is natural, but prolonged infl ammation can

lead to many health problems.

How To Eat Pumpkin Seeds To Paralyze Parasites

And Intestinal Worms For Elimination
Parasites such as human intestinal worms are a far more
common problem than most people realize. But what are some
of the symptoms of tapeworm and other worms and how can
you use pumpkin seeds for parasites as an intestinal worm

Below is a natural remedy for tapeworms and other worms,

based on a traditional German parasite treatment using raw
pumpkin seeds.

First though, lets look at the problem of parasites and some of

the most common symptoms of parasitic intestinal worms.
Parasites can enter our bodies through contaminated water or
food (particularly from meats that are not fully-cooked or raw
sashimi fish); mosquitoes; intimate contact; or through the
nose or mouth after touching an infected animal or
contaminated surface.

Generally, a healthy persons body should deal with parasites

effectively and prevent them from getting a chance to get a
foothold. However, when your first immune system is weak or
your digestive system is functioning poorly, parasites like
intestinal worms can become a big problem, manifesting a
variety of sometimes baffling symptoms.

The difficulty in diagnosing intestinal parasites is that the

symptoms often mimic other health problems. Experts in
human parasites have said that parasitic infection is a
condition commonly goes undiagnosed.

Just because you have one of the symptoms listed below, does
not mean you have intestinal worms.

If you have several of the symptoms combined though, it may

well be a good idea to seek advice from a knowledgeable
healthcare professional. Choose someone who understands
just how serious a problem this can be and how to treat
parasites properly.


Bloating and Gas

Parasitic infection of the gastrointestinal tract can be
responsible for intestinal bloating and excessive gas. This is
due to the blockages tapeworms and other parasites can cause
in your digestive system and the changes they often make to
the intestinal environment.
Frequent Diarrhea
Some human parasite infestations, like a protozoan infection,
produce a substance that leeches sodium and chloride from
your body, leading to frequent diarrhea.

Conversely, parasitic worms can block the passage of digesting
food or waste being eliminated, resulting in constipation.
Chronic constipation can lead to a host of health problems if
left untreated.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Worms can attach themselves to your intestinal walls, causing
irritation and inflammation that leads to gastrointestinal
spasms, contractions and poor nutrient absorption. All of these
are common symptoms of IBS.

The malabsorption of the nutrients in your food and stresses on
your body due to a an infection of intestinal worms can lead to
being in almost constant state of tiredness, low-energy and

This is obviously very difficult for the average doctor to

diagnose and, unless there are more obvious symptoms, low
level parasitic infections often go undiscovered for long
periods, if at all.

Parasites can cause irritation and inflammation in a
gastrointestinal tract, making proper digestion difficult and
leading to allergic reactions to certain foods.

Leaky gut syndrome is often behind a sudden increase in

allergies and improving your intestinal environment is the key
to healing it, not taking drugs that mask the symptoms.

Poor Immunity
Parasites steal energy sources, vitamins, minerals and other
nutrients from your gastrointestinal tract during digestion. Poor
immunity can result from this lack of nutrition, even if you are
eating relatively well.

Additionally, as parasites are constantly stimulating an immune

response, over time they can lead to an exhausted immune
system. This makes you vulnerable to other kinds of other
foreign invaders like viruses and the candida fungus.

Parasites are a serious problem and a lot more of us may be
infected with them than we realize. This is due to the
symptoms (and there are many more than those listed above)
often been explained away as something much easier to

If youre having health problems like digestive issues, allergies

and poor immunity, low-energy and constant tiredness and
fatigue, it may be well worth your time to visit someone who
understands just how much of a health issue parasites are and
what treatments are available.

Pumpkin and papaya seeds are traditional remedies for

parasites, and in this article we will discuss how to use
pumpkin seeds as a treatment for intestinal worms.


Pumpkin seeds have been traditionally used as an anthelmintic
(a substance that helps expel intestinal parasites). Heres a
recipe for how to make them up for this purpose and use them

Importantly, this pumpkin seed remedy for intestinal worms

may not actually kill the parasites outright. It is believed the
high levels of compounds known as cucurbitins paralyze the
worms. This prevents them from holding on to the intestinal
walls, as they usually do during a bowel movement.

It is strongly recommended to follow this pumpkin seed

treatment with diatomaceous earth or bentonite clay, to make
sure that as many worms as possible are expelled during

1. Blend 1 cup (around 130 grams) of high quality raw
pumpkin seeds in a blender with half a cup of fresh
coconut milk and half a cup of water.Coconut milk is very
good for intestinal health and recommended but an
undiluted cup of a good unsweetened almond milk or
hemp milk could also be used. Dairy or sweetened liquids
arent recommended as both feed parasites
2. You want the consistency to be like a smooth paste so
start by blending in the coconut milk and then add the
water in small amounts until its smooth and creamy. A
quality blender is great for making healthy recipes like
3. Getting the mixture out of the blender and into a bowl
can be tricky. I find a silicon spatula does the job.
4. Eat this, just as you would a porridge breakfast, on an
empty stomach in the morning. It actually tastes quite
good but is very filling and you may struggle to finish it.
You can also add a pinch of seasalt or Himalayan salt for
taste, if you like. Store-bought honey and especially sugar
is not recommended, as these work against the purpose
of the treatment and feed parasites.
5. Within the hour make sure you drink a large glass of
water with a teaspoon of diatomaceous earth or bentonite
clay. And drink several glasses of water over the next few
hours. This is important to keep the pumpkin seed
parasite treatment moving along and doing its work.
6. When doing the cleanse, eat up to 1 tablespoon (start
with 1 teaspoon) of castor oil as a laxative. Take the
castor oil at least two hours after eating the pumpkin
seeds smoothie. Before too long, the paralyzed worms will
be eliminated. Be sure that you have easy access to the
washroom. Choose to do this parasite cleanse on
weekends or on your days off.
7. Take a course of high quality probiotics whether by food
or supplement. It is important to keep a healthy gut flora
to prevent parasites from dominating in the digestive

While some people may get results with just one treatment,
intestinal parasites like tapeworms can be tenacious and
making up the mixture multiple times is likely to be more

For best results, take this pumpkin seed parasite

treatment first thing in the morning for at least two or three
days (and no longer than a week, as laxatives shouldnt be
used for more than seven days in a row).

Stop for a week off and then repeat the following week. Follow
this pattern for up to a month to deal with the parasite
breeding cycles.

As mentioned earlier, there are many different types of

parasites that can cause a variety of problems. While this
homemade pumpkin seed remedy for tapeworms has been
reported effective for many people, it may be best considered
as part of an overall parasite treatment program.
It is beyond the scope of this article to cover all that is involved
in treating parasites once they get a hold, but it is a start.

A Dirty Little Secret Hidden in Your Crock Pot. It

may surprise you!

Crock pots containing lead was the subject of an investigation that began in

Salt Lake City with KUTVs Bill Gephardt. After his investigation about lead

in ceramic glazed plates, bowls and mugs and fi nding high a content of lead

in them, his focus turned to ceramic glazed crock pots after a viewer did a

little research on her own.

A concerned mom from Weber County, who frequently used her crock pot,

took her Rival slow cooker to the county fair, where she could do a free lead

testing on dishes. What she discovered was her crock pot contain lead. She

notifi ed Gephardt about her fi ndings and he started his own investigation.

He discovered that when ceramic ware was heated to just 80 degrees, it

released nearly 10 times the amount of lead as a plate at room

temperature. The FDA limits the amount of lead that is allowed to leach

from cookware. But there isnt a safe amount of lead to have in your body.

Unfortunately, most crockpot inserts are most commonly made of glazed

ceramic, which is known for leaching lead. Did you know that lead is

harmful at any dose? The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC) has drastically lowered the offi cial level for what it considers to be

safe exposure to lead. However, recently the agency admitted that there

is no safe level of exposure to lead, and that the only way to protect our

health is to avoid it completely.

Lead is found to cause damage to your brain and nervous system. Even tiny

amounts of lead can be dangerous, as it builds up in your body over time.

Additionally, lead can mimic and inhibit the essential mineral calcium. In

humans the lead is directly absorbed, distributed, and excreted. Once in the

bloodstream lead is distributed to three main compartments: blood, soft

tissue (kidney, bone marrow, liver, and brain), and mineralized tissue (bones

and teeth).

Lead can cause:

Increased chance of illness during pregnancy.

Harm to a fetus, including brain damage or death.

Fertility problems (in men and women).

High blood pressure.

Digestive problems.

Nerve disorders.
Memory and concentration problems.

Muscle and joint pain.


If you are worried about lead in crock pots, buy these lead test swabs here,

and fi nd out whether your slow cookers are leaching lead. Then check back

here and report your results.

Are crockpots worth the risk to you? References:


Spirit Says: Healing Foods

Weve been wanting moremuch morefrom Medical Medium Anthony William
ever since our trusted health expert, Dr. Alejandro Junger, introduced us to him
and his debut book, which explored new ways to heal chronic, misunderstood
illnesses. William is one of the most unconventional and surprisingly insightful
healers today: As he explains, the voice of a divine force called Spirit guides him
to identify the roots of his patients hard-to-diagnose illnesses and find the best
solutions to restore their health. While the way William works is undeniably
otherworldly, his recommended health regimens are blissfully practical and
attainable, and lean heavily on the inherent healing powers of food. Which is the
subject of his long-awaited, incredibly fascinating second book, Medical Medium
Life-Changing Foods: Save Yourself and the Ones You Love with the Hidden
Healing Powers of Fruits & Vegetables.

In advance of the books November 8th release, William is sharing four of his
wonder foodsapples, celery, ginger, and honeyexclusively with us. Below, he
breaks down what makes them so powerful (dont expect the reasons to be
familiar), which ailments (from anxiety to Lyme disease, adrenal fatigue, and
brain fog) to target with each food, along with favorite recipes for incorporating
all four into your diet.

Medical Medium Life-Changing Foods

by Anthony William

In our world today, it can feel impossible to figure out what to feed yourself and
your family. You want to eat healthfully, though not to the point of deprivation
you dont want to forfeit the soul-soothing comfort of a delicious meal. You want
to pick the right foods, though just what those are isnt always clear. Out of so
much advice about which foods are supposed to be beneficial and which to avoid,
how do you make sense of what it means for you? After all, you and your loved
ones are special. Youve faced specific symptoms and illnesses, suffered distinct
injuries (emotional and otherwise), and have your own unique hopes and dreams.
What if you knew the exact foods to add to your lifefoods to protect you, foods
you could trust, foods that were tailored to your goals and your needs? Enter the
life-changing foods. My new book, Medical Medium Life-Changing Foods: Save
Yourself and the Ones You Love with the Hidden Healing Powers of Fruits &
Vegetables, reveals the secrets of what these fifty-plus foods can do for you, why
we need them now more than ever, and which to pick based on your
circumstances. In the excerpt below, youll find critical healing information about
four readily available foodsapples, celery, ginger, and raw honeyso that you
dont have to wait a moment longer to move forward.

All of the life-changing foods are amazing for overall health. Each one also has
specialized properties, so you can select what to eat based on your particular
needs, whether on a physical, emotional, or spiritual level. One food, for
example, can help you put an end to mystery infertility, combat autoimmune
disease, stave off Alzheimers, ease ADHD, boost your immune system at
bedtime, connect you back to your true self, and help you hold on to good
memoriesand thats just for starters. (That food is raw honey; more on its other
amazing attributes soon.)

When you discover these answers, you welcome healing knowledge that has the
power to change everything. When you know what a fruit, vegetable, herb, spice,
or wild food has to offer, and when you focus on eating more of it on a regular
basis, you get to let go of the massive food confusion. Instead of living in fear
and struggling to keep up with each day, you give your mind and body the fuel
they need to adapt to our changing times. You finally get to take control of your
life, and to guide the ones you love to health and happiness.

Never underestimate the power of an apple. This fruits anti-inflammatory
properties make it a top pick when youre faced with practically any illness.
Encephalitis (brain inflammation), IBS (intestinal inflammation), and viral
infection (which can result in nerve inflammation) are just a few conditions in
which apples can play the critical nutritional role of calming your system by
reducing viral and bacterial loads that create inflammation.

The phytochemicals in apples make them a true brain food, feeding neurons and
increasing electrical activity. Apples with red skin contain anthocyanins and even
traces of malvidin (a type of anthocyanidin), which are partially responsible for
the red color. These pigments have anti-obesity properties and compounds that
increase digestive strength, encouraging weight loss. Apples also have traces of
flavonoids, rutin, and quercidinphytochemicals that are responsible for heavy
metal and radiation detoxificationas well as the amino acids glutamine and
serine, which help detoxify the brain of MSG. This fruit helps cleanse and purify
the organs, improve circulation in your lymphatic system, repair damaged skin,
and regulate blood sugar.

Apples are the ultimate colon cleanser. As the pectin from an apple moves
through your gut, it collects and rids your body of microbes such as bacteria,
viruses, yeast, and mold. It also gathers and expels putrefied, impacted protein
and debris thats been hiding in intestinal pockets and feeding colonies of
harmful bacteria such as E. coli and C. difficile. This makes apples an excellent
antiproliferative for healing SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) and other
digestive disorders.

Apples are also hydrating on a deep, cellular level. They provide precious trace
minerals such as manganese and molybdenum, as well as electrolytes and
critical mineral salts that help the body rehydrate after exercise or stress of any

If you have any of the following conditions, try bringing apples into your life:
kidney disease, liver disease, Alzheimers disease, arthritis, seizure disorders,
multiple sclerosis (MS), thyroid disease, hypoglycemia, diabetes, transient
ischemic attack (TIA), urinary tract infections (UTIs), adrenal fatigue, migraines,
shingles, mold exposure, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), osteomyelitis,
attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism, post-traumatic stress
disorder (PTSD), acne, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Lyme disease, obesity,
small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), anxiety, tinnitus, viral infection,

If you have any of the following symptoms, try bringing apples into your life:
ringing or buzzing in the ears, diabetic neuropathy, dizzy spells, room spins,
balance and equilibrium issues, heart palpitations, acid reflux, hypoglycemia and
other blood sugar imbalances, mineral deficiencies, body odor, premenstrual
syndrome (PMS) symptoms, rib pain, fatigue, bloating, gas, constipation,
nervousness, anxiousness, frozen shoulder, weight gain, back pain, blurry eyes,
brain fog, body pain, confusion, ear pain, body stiffness, brain inflammation,
dandruff, menopause symptoms

Emotional Support
The apple is an ancient food that brings us back to the source. It is one of the
very first foods to have comforted us, and so apples connect us to a sense of
sanctuary. This makes them ideal for when youre feeling depressed, alienated,
invalid, powerless, useless, worthlessyou get the idea. If the time ever comes
when you feel you arent being validated, eating apples can help change your

Apples open up a part of you and change the energy within and around you to
attract happier and brighter things. They can bring back your vibrancy, elevate
you, lighten your spirit, and make you more energetic. This is because for
thousands of years, weve stored apples to get us through the winter months.
The fruit is a ray of hope that puts us in touch with the good life. Its instilled in
our bodies that when the outside world seems bleak, an apple can reconnect us
to life, rebirth, sunlight, and summertime.

Spiritual Lesson
Apples teach us not to get burned by the frost of insensitivity from others. Unlike
crops that risk damage from autumn temperatures, many apple varieties
continue to grow and ripen through the cooler months, protected by their frost-
resistant skin. When a cold front from a friend, lover, or colleague comes upon
you, take heed from the apple and draw a protective shield around yourself until
conditions improve.

Red-skinned apples with the most color are best.

Try eating three apples a day. If you commit to this routine, you could see
your health improve in unexpected ways.

At least once a year, go to an organic orchard that allows you to pick

apples yourself. The skin of fresh, unwashed, pesticide- and wax-free
produce contains elevated microorganisms that are critical to the health of
your gut and immune system. The act of picking fruit is also one of the
most powerful, grounding meditations that exists.

Apples with Caramel Dip

This is the perfect snack to have waiting when your kids get home from school:
crispy apple slices laid out alongside a gooey caramel dipping sauce. You may
want to double the recipe, because this dish will disappear before you know it.

Celery is one of the most powerful anti-inflammatory foods, because it starves
unproductive bacteria, yeast, mold, fungus, and viruses that are present in the
body and flushes their toxins and debris out of the intestinal tract and liver.
Pathogens like these are so often the underlying cause of inflammationin their
absence, your body is much better able to handle whatever life throws your way.
At the same time, celery helps good bacteria thrive.

Consuming celery is the most powerful way to alkalize the gut. Thats in part
because celery (which is technically an herb, not a vegetable) is high in bioactive
sodium. It also contains cofactor micro trace mineral salts as yet undiscovered in
research. These are varieties of sodium and other trace minerals (more than 60
of them) that are present in celery and work symbiotically and systematically
with each other and with celerys regular sodium to raise your bodys pH and rid
toxic acids from every crevice of your body, including your gut. This process is
ideal to cleanse and repair intestinal linings.

At the same time, celery offers enzymes and coenzymes, and it raises
hydrochloric acid in the stomach so that food digests with ease and doesnt
putrefy. This helps prevent a multitude of gastrointestinal disorders. Adding
celery juice to your diet is the best way to resolve ammonia permeability, an
unrecognized condition in which ammonia gas seeps through the intestinal lining
and causes health issues such as dental rot and brain fog. (You can read more on
ammonia permeability and the misunderstood leaky gut syndrome in my first

While celery may seem to some like a bland, boring food, it is anything but. In
addition to the above, celery improves kidney function, helps restore the
adrenals, and can even bring ease to ones mind and thought patterns, with its
mineral salts feeding electrical impulse activity and supporting neuron function,
which is key if you suffer with ADHD, brain fog, or memory loss. When it comes to
celery, think electrolytes. It hydrates on a deep cellular level, lessening your
chances of suffering from migraines. Celery is ideal to address each of the
Unforgiving Four factors (threats responsible for the rise of illness), plus it offers
stress assistance and also repairs your DNA. I could go on and on about the
benefits of celery juice for all manner of ills. It is one of the greatest healing
tonics of all time.

If you have any of the following conditions, try bringing celery into your life:
acne, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism, eczema, psoriasis,
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), leaky gut, infertility, Lyme disease, migraines,
obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), thyroid
diseases and disorders, low reproductive system battery, diabetes,
hypoglycemia, adrenal fatigue, anxiety, sepsis, urinary tract infections (UTIs),
kidney stones, kidney disease, pancreatic cancer, pancreatitis, fatty liver, chronic
fatigue syndrome (CFS), fibromyalgia, lupus, Sjgrens syndrome, Addisons
disease, rosacea, lipoma, bladder cancer, interstitial cystitis, Crohns disease,
colitis, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), thrush, hyperglycemia, hypertension,
depression, apnea, thyroid cancer, bacterial vaginosis, edema, injuries, parasites,
yeast infections, insomnia, mold exposure, bacterial infections, viral infections,
ammonia permeability

If you have any of the following symptoms, try bringing celery into your life:
intestinal spasms; cysts; low hydrochloric acid; sluggish liver; low cortisol; high
cortisol; brain fog; food allergies; acidosis; hypothyroid; hyperthyroid; blurry
eyes; joint pain; headaches; bloating; gas; abdominal pressure; abdominal
distension; chronic dehydration; eye dryness; frozen shoulder; acid reflux;
inflamed gallbladder, stomach, small intestine, and/or colon; rashes; nausea;
white film on tongue; Candida overgrowth; anxiousness; memory loss; high blood
pressure; food sensitivities; swelling; inflammation; muscle spasms; leg cramps;
fatigue; mineral deficiencies; brain inflammation; sleep disturbances

Emotional Support
We tend to hold a lot of fear in our guts. Nervousness causes those sensations we
know as tummy flips or butterflies in the stomach, and anxiety can run deep
through the nervous system, putting our guts in knots. Celery restores the entire
digestive system. Use it for its calming effects when you are feeling frightened,
panicky, shocked, fretful, nervous, threatened, unsure, afraid, or defensive.

Spiritual Lesson
All too often, we make life more complicated than it needs to beor else we
oversimplify whats truly a complex issue. This push-and-pull happens in all areas
of life, especially health. In one approach, people overthink health problems and
throw all kinds of potential solutions at them. In the other approach, people take
a health challenge thats actually a delicate interplay of many factors and try to
make it seem like its just a simple case of the body going haywire out of the

For true healing to occur, we have to embrace a balance of the simple and the
complexand celery teaches us this. Drinking celery juice is the simplest of
measures, so simple that people often write it off as too easy to make a
difference in how they feel. They figure that adding several other ingredients to
their green juice will add that many more nutrients. While green-juice blends can
be very healing (see recipe below, for example), there is nothing that equals the
simple power of pure celery juice. It is as healing, transformational, and life-
changing as it getsand thats due to its complex nutritional makeup, which
needs to be left undisturbed to work its magic. Its an important reminder for
other areas of life. Where else do we need to have an intricate understanding of
a situation to conclude that the simplest approach is the best?

To press the reset button on your body, juice celery by itself. For the full
effect, drink a full 16 ounces of fresh celery juice dailyand make sure its
on an empty stomach to raise hydrochloric acid levels most efficiently. For
dramatic results, drink two 16-ounce glasses of fresh celery juice a day.

If your goal is to cleanse your body of toxic heavy metals such as mercury,
aluminum, lead, copper, cadmium, nickel, and arsenic, add a half cup of
fresh cilantro when youre juicing your celery.
An easy way to get more celery into your diet is to add two to four sticks
of it when blending the smoothie of your choice.

Easy Green Juice

This green juice is clean and sweet, making it an easy way to get in an extra dose
of greens. Its the perfect way to start off any morning, and you may be surprised
that the kids in your life will love it, too.

In this world, we live by reaction. We start the day with certain goals, and before
we know it we get a phone call about a minor emergency, or an appliance
breaks, or a client calls with an urgent request. Suddenly were in crisis mode
and we may not be able to leave this state for the rest of the day, because the
moment one issue is resolved, a new one takes its place. All day long, every day,
were putting out fires, large and small. This reactivity is what we need to
survive. At the same time, never winding down can set us up to be hyperreactive
like when theres traffic when youre already late to pick up your child from
soccer practice, and without even thinking, you honk the horn at the car in front
of you for stopping at a yellow light.

Ginger is one of the most important tools for giving ourselves respite from a
reactive state. When youve been going a mile a minute from morning until night
and you finally start to check out mentally and emotionally, the physical body
often stays reactive, in a heightened, spasmodic state. This is how stress-related
illnesses such as adrenal fatigue, acid reflux, sleep apnea, spastic bladder,
insomnia, digestive issues such as spastic colon and gastritis, and chronic muscle
pain can get kicked up. Ginger is the ultimate antispasmodic. A cup of ginger tea
can calm an upset stomach and relax any other areas of tension for up to 12
hours. Rather than acting as a nerve tonic, it acts as a tonic for the organs and
muscles, telling the body that it can let go, that everything is under control.

If your throat muscles are tight from speaking or yelling too much, or from having
to hold in something you wish you could say, ginger is an amazing relaxant for
the area. It also helps relieve tension headaches and flush excess lactic acid from
muscle tissue into the bloodstream and out of the bodybecause its not just
strenuous exercise that causes the release of lactic acid; stress does, too. If you
sit at a desk all day with stress pumping lactic acid through your muscles, it
needs a way out, since youre not moving around to keep it flowing on its normal

Gingers antispasmodic properties come from its more than 60 trace minerals,
well over 30 amino acids (many of them undiscovered), and more than 500
enzymes and coenzymes all working together to calm reactivity. And as an
antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-parasitic, ginger deserves all the accolades it
gets for promoting a healthy immune system. Ginger is also ideal for stress
assistance, DNA reconstruction, enhancement of your bodys production of B12,
and so much more. It will be 100 years before research uncovers how much
ginger truly holds.

If you have any of the following conditions, try bringing ginger into your life:
pancreatitis, gallstones, adrenal fatigue, spastic colon, sleep apnea, spastic
bladder, insomnia, laryngitis, common colds, influenza, hiatal hernia, Epstein-Barr
virus (EBV)/mononucleosis, migraines, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth
(SIBO), thyroid disease, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), HHV-6, eczema,
psoriasis, anxiety, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), plantar fasciitis, Raynauds
syndrome, radiation exposure, all types of cancer (especially thyroid cancer and
pancreatic cancer), celiac disease, chronic sinusitis, ear infections, fungal
infections, hiatal hernia, human papilloma virus (HPV), insomnia, lymphedema,
lupus, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), psoriatic arthritis, shingles

If you have any of the following symptoms, try bringing ginger into your life:
muscle spasms, muscle cramps, ganglia cysts, muscle tightness, muscle pain,
temporomandibular joint (TMJ) issues, anxiousness, gastritis, bloating, stomach
cramps, stomach pain, canker sores, acid reflux, upset stomach, headaches,
gallbladder spasms, pelvic pain, back pain, dizziness, lightheadedness, sinus
pain, congestion (particularly of the chest and/or sinuses), cough, urinary
frequency, incontinence, urinary retention, weight gain, food allergies, abnormal
Pap smear results, mineral deficiencies, food sensitivities, belching, diarrhea,
brain fog, chronic nausea, colon spasms, cough, congestion, digestive
disturbances, high cholesterol, sleeping disturbances, fatigue

Emotional Support
Ginger is ideal for those who feel forced to hold back what they have to say.
When you are silenced, there are circumstances where the right course of action
is to speak up anyway, and circumstances where you get the sense that saying
your piece, however valid, would make the situation worse. Ginger is for the
latter. Because holding in your true sentiments can make you feel locked up and
stifledand even put you into muscle spasmits very important to release all
that tension, and ginger performs the job beautifully.

Spiritual Lesson
Ginger teaches us that we dont always have to have an insight, breakthrough, or
solution in order to let go of whats not helping us. We dont have to process
everything or stress ourselves out reliving it. We dont have to react. There are
enough other situations that require our reactions; theres no sense in taking on
extra. Just like we can turn to ginger to work the kinks out of our muscles and the
knots out of our stomachs, we can let it work that antispasmodic magic on our
souls, cleansing us of wounds and damage without us having to do anything
other than let it.

Ginger can be reused throughout the day. Its fine to keep using the same
ginger for multiple servings of tea.
Drinking ginger tea during a full moon increases the medicinal effects of
the ginger by 50 percent.

Consume ginger shortly before or during a time period when you have to
make a serious life decision.

Just before you take a therapeutic bath, drink ginger water or ginger tea to
enhance the baths healing power.

Ginger Limeade

This ginger limeade is so refreshing. It will be especially helpful to anyone trying

to transition off of caffeinated energy drinks. The subtle heat of fresh ginger juice
makes this drink one you will come back to time and time again.

Raw Honey
If you feel out of touch with miracles, then reacquaint yourself with honey.
Unprocessed honey in its raw, living form is nothing less than a miracle from God
and the earth. Honey has saved human life during drastic times of starvation,
and it will become critical again in the future as a food for our survival. You dont
need to be in dire circumstances to benefit from honey, though. Take a moment
to think about what this wild food really is: nectar. It is liquid gold that can turn
your life around.

For those who are afraid that honey is just pure sugar and therefore should be
avoided, put your worry aside. If you turn your back on honey, youre missing out
on its amazing health benefits. The sugar in honey is nothing like processed
sugardont confuse it with table sugar or high-fructose corn syrup. Rather,
because bees collect from plant species far and wide, the fructose and glucose in
honey are saturated with more than 200,000 undiscovered phytochemical
compounds and agents, including pathogen-killers, phytochemicals that protect
you from radiation damage, and anti-cancerous phytochemicals. When drawn
into cancerous tumors and cysts, this last class of phytochemicals shut down the
cancerous growth processmeaning that raw honey can stop cancer in its tracks.
Honeys highly absorbable sugar and B12 coenzymes make it one of the most
powerful brain foods of our time. Plus, raw honey repairs DNA and is extremely
high in minerals such as calcium, potassium, zinc, selenium, phosphorus,
chromium, molybdenum, and manganese.

Our immune systems are constantly adapting to whatever microorganisms we

encounterwhich is why raw honey, one of the most adaptogenic foods on the
planet, produced by bees, one of the most adaptogenic beings on the planet, is
so important for supporting immunity. Honey in its raw form is a secret weapon
against infectious illness. When youre dealing with weakened immunity and feel
like youre extra susceptible to catching colds, flus, stomach bugs such as
norovirus, and food poisoning, raw honey assists your body in keeping a strong
first line of defense by strengthening neutrophils and macrophages so they can
fight off pathogens. (Its not yet documented by medical science that these and
other white blood cells feed off of immune-stimulating phytochemicals.) These
properties also make raw honey anti-inflammatorybecause it inhibits pathogens
from procreating and thus releasing toxins that elevate inflammation. Honey is
truly medicine for our planet.

If you have any of the following conditions, try bringing raw honey into your life:
sinus infections, ear infections, diabetes, hypoglycemia, posttraumatic stress
disorder (PTSD), allergies, sties, eye infections, MRSA, staph infections, mystery
infertility, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), low reproductive system
battery, insomnia, adrenal fatigue, colds, influenza, norovirus, all types of cancer,
bipolar disorder, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Alzheimers
disease, dementia, all autoimmune diseases and disorders, parasites, food
poisoning, respiratory infections, colds, influenza, bronchitis, laryngitis, thrush

If you have any of the following symptoms, try bringing raw honey into your life:
sore throat, postnasal drip, inflammation, canker sores, sleep disturbances,
bacterial infections in the gut, all neurological symptoms (including tingles,
numbness, spasms, twitches, nerve pain, and tightness of the chest), body odor,
dry skin, cysts, eye dryness, dizzy spells, earaches, ear pain, eye floaters, fever,
headaches, hot flashes, joint pain, lack of energy, loss of libido, fatigue, memory
issues, memory loss, sinus issues, shortness of breath, stomachache

Emotional Support
Honeys sticky nature isnt just a physical trait; it also applies itself on an
emotional level. If honey is in your life, then when you experience something
goodsomething that lifts you up and feeds your soulthat memory sticks to
you, and you dont lose it among the negative experiences that threaten to
distract you.

Spiritual Lesson
If you could trace your family lines back to their oldest days, you would find
ancestors who subsisted on honey. Raw honey was not a survival food in the
sense that it simply got people by until something better came along. Rather, it
was (and still is) incredible medicinal nourishment. Honey is written into our
lineage. Who we areour souls, our DNAin a sense derives from honey. This
means that if we avoid honey, were shutting off a part of ourselves that
connects all the way back to the beginning of human life. Trends that cut us off
from honey go to show how disconnected we can really become. Connecting with
honey puts us back in touch with ourselves. It prompts us to ask what else weve
turned a cold shoulder to that made us who we are today. What else deserves

Add raw honey to lemon water to enhance the honeys bioflavonoids and
give the drink an additional immune boost.

If you feel like youre coming down with something, take a teaspoon of raw
honey before bed. This is also a good remedy to enhance a nights sleep.

Use raw honey in place of all processed sugar and other sweeteners you
normally use. Look for wildflower honey, if you can find it.

Applied externally, honey is great for healing small wounds and

revitalizing the skin. Try it on scars where you want to speed up the
healing process.

Consuming honey prior to meditation strengthens the mind and brings

about happy sensations throughout the body.

Honey-Coconut Ice Cream

Fair warning: This ice cream recipe is dangerously good. It only takes a few
minutes to prep with an ice cream maker, and in under an hour, you can have ice
cream that is cleaner and way more delicious than anything available in the
store. As a bonus, youll have some leftover almond milk that you can use in
smoothies or enjoy cold from the fridge.

Reprinted with permission from Medical Medium Life-Changing Foods: Save

Yourself and the Ones You Love with the Hidden Healing Powers of Fruits &
Vegetables. Copyright 2016 by Anthony William. Recipe photos by Ashleigh &
Britton Foster. Published by Hay House; November 8, 2016.

For over 25 years, Anthony William has devoted his life to helping people
overcome and prevent illnessand discover the lives they were meant to lead.
What he does is several decades ahead of scientific discovery. His
compassionate approach has time and again given relief and results to those
who seek him out. He is the host of the weekly radio show Medical Medium and
the New York Times best-selling author of Medical Medium: Secrets Behind
Chronic and Mystery Illness and How to Finally Heal and Medical Medium Life-
Changing Foods: Save Yourself and the Ones You Love with the Hidden Healing
Powers of Fruits & Vegetables.

The views expressed in this article intend to highlight alternative studies and
induce conversation. They are the views of the author and do not necessarily
represent the views of goop, and are for informational purposes only, even if and
to the extent that this article features the advice of physicians and medical
practitioners. This article is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for
professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, and should never be relied
upon for specific medical advice.

You Can Treat 24 Different Health

Issues with Baking Soda and Castor
hldice1 March 8, 2017 You Can Treat 24 Different Health Issues with Baking Soda and
Castor Oil2017-03-08T01:55:11+00:00 No Comment
The beneficial properties of castor oil have
been known and used for many years.
Over the years, this oil has been used as a treatment, cure and weapon
against many different health problems and diseases. Thanks to the
development of science, today many of the benefits of castor oil are even
medically confirmed. In this article, we will show you how you can use castor
oil to treat and cure many different health problems, which are especially
common nowadays.

The beneficial properties of castor oil

The plant known as Ricinus Communis is the source of castor oil. In

fact, the plant consists of 50% castor oil. The beneficial properties of castor
oil come from the component called ricinoleic acid. However, you should
know that the plants seeds are very toxic, but the oil is completely harmless.

According to history, the first people that have used castor oil to treat and
cure some health problems were the Ancient Egyptians. Castor oil is most
often used as a delivery accelerator and as a purge. However, this oil can be
beneficial in other ways as well. For instance, it is used in different beauty
treatments and as a remedy to improve the circulation of blood in the body.

How to improve the look of your skin with castor oil?

As we already mentioned, castor oil can improve blood circulation.

Compresses are used to do this. They are also helpful in easing joint pain.
Actually, the compresses with castor oil help to enjoy all the beneficial
properties of the oil and aid its absorption. The compresses are very simple,
but effective.

To do the compresses you need:

Hot water bottle

Paper kitchen foil

Gauze or clean cloths


Clean the part where you want to apply the compresses with baking
soda and water. It will disinfect the spot.

Soak the gauze or a clean cloth in castor oil and put it on the desired

Then, wrap up the area with the kitchen paper or foil

Then, put the hot water bottle over the compress.

The last step is to wrap the area with a towel to keep the warmth

Leave the compress on for 60 minutes.

Remove the compress after an hour and rinse with water.

Repeat the treatment every day for no more than 40 days.

These compresses are also beneficial for relieving premenstrual pain,

varicose veins treatment, better digestion, improved liver function, relieving
inflammation and pain.

Health problems that can be treated with castor oil

Mix castor oil and baking soda to treat dark skin spots.

Treat stretch marks by massaging them with the oil.

Treat small bruises, cuts and burns with castor oil.

Strengthen and stimulate growth of the hair by massaging the scalp

with the oil.

You can also use the oil to eliminate pilonidal cysts.

Massage the ankles for injuries and sprains.

Cure tinnitus by drinking 1 glass of water and 6 drops of castor oils for
4 months.

Prevent cataracts with a single drop of castor oil in the eye daily.
Treat allergies by consuming 5 drops of the oil on a daily basis.

Rubbing castor oil on the neck can treat thickened vocal cords and
throat nodules.

Rub castor oil on the eyelids before going to sleep in case of

conjunctivitis and allergies.

Remove wax plugs with one drop of the oil.

Consuming 2 drops of castor oil daily, combats alcoholism and

cleanses nicotine in ex-smokers.

Massage the soles of your feet to remove plantal calluses and calcium

Apply the oil on the stomach against constipation and diarrhea.

Treat hyperactivity with massages with castor and lavender oil.

Cure lumbar and cervical pain by applying castor oil on the back.

Remove different fungi, like athletes foot, from the skin with the oil.

You can remove warts in one month by rubbing castor oil on them.

Red moles are also treated with the oil.

Snoring can be stopped by applying the oil on the chest on a daily


Alkalize the body and stop chronic illnesses by mixing baking soda and
castor oil.

Stop the itching and redness caused by insect bites with a single drop
of the oil.

The Oxygen Bomb: When You Insert This

Plant, You Take Out All The Toxins From Your
You surely have heard that plants possess amazing properties
to cleanse the air and create a perfect environment. If you keep
them at home, they will filter the air inside and eliminate mold
and toxins from it.

According to NASA, every household should have between 15 and

18 of the following plants on an area of 500 square meters, and it
is recommended to keep at least one of these in the bedroom.

The plant that will remove all toxins from your home and is
considered to be an oxygen bomb is the Aloe Vera plant.


This plant an easy-to-maintain plant which eradicates polluting

chemicals found in cleaning agents. It purifies the air by
absorbing carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and formaldehyde.
Moreover, when harmful chemicals are at a high level in your
home, the plant will develop brown spots, keeping you informed.


This plant doesnt require plenty of light and successfully cleans

the air. Be careful with this plant because it is not recommended
near children and pets as its leaves are poisonous.


The Ivy also called Devils Ivy is another plant famous for its air
purification abilities. This is one best air-purifying plants because
it absorbs formaldehyde. It also improves symptoms of allergies
or asthma. Be cautious with this plant because it is toxic to pets
and kids, so try to keep it out of their reach.


Green Lily or Spider plant, is placed among the top 3 types of

houseplants that are great at removing formaldehyde by NASA. It
has the ability to absorb toxins from the air formaldehyde,
styrene, carbon monoxide and gasoline.


Estragon or Grass Snake is almost indestructible and is very

persistent of its survival. It removes toxins and you wont lack
oxygen with this plant in your home. It improves oxygen purity.
This plant emits oxygen at night whilst simultaneously taking in
carbon dioxide something we naturally produce when breathing

The Truth About Your Thyroid and Essential Oils:

What NO Endocrinologist Will Tell You

The thyroid is a large endocrine gland located in your neck/throat area,

above your collar bone. This butterfl y-shaped organ stimulates metabolism

and controls the bodys circulation of calcium levels with the help of the

parathyroid gland.
Most people do not pay much attention to this gland until there is a

problem. The thyroids hormone production can be thrown out of balance.

These imbalances can have a negative effect on the body.

Our thyroid is part of our endocrine system. The endocrine system has a

unique delivery system, sending hormones to targeted organs and tissues.

Essential oils can be benefi cial since they use the same delivery system.

There are specifi c oils that have been shown to support certain

organs/glandular functions. Working together with your medical

professional, you may consider the benefi ts of essential oils as well as

modern medical treatments.

Frankincense (boswellia frerena) , is steam distilled from the resin

collected from the boswellia trees in Oman. Support for the pineal,

hypothalamus and pituitary gland can be achieved with frankincense

essential oil.

Sandalwood (santalum album), is steam distilled from the wood of the

santalum trees of India. Support for the pineal, hypothalamus and pituitary

gland can be achieved with sandalwood essential oil.

Geranium (pelargonium graveolens), is steam distilled from the leaves of

the pelargonium plant, indigenous to China. Geranium essential oil is

supportive of the hormone/glandular, and adrenal gland.

Ylang ylang (cananga odorata), is steam distilled with the fl owers of ylang

ylang grown in Madagascar. Ylang ylang essential oil is supportive of the

hormone/glandular, and adrenal gland.

Clove (eugenia caryophyllata), is made from the steam distillation of the

buds sourced from Madagascar. Clove essential oil is incredible supportive

of the thyroid.

Lemongrass (cymbopogon fl exuosus), is steam distilled from the

lemongrass leaves of India. Supporting your thyroid with clove essential oil

with the addition of lemongrass essential oil is especially benefi cial.

Rosemary (rosmarinus offi cinalis) , is steam distilled from the leaves of the

Rosemary indigenous to Morocco. Rosemary is stimulating to the glands

and brain function as well as offering support, specifi cally to the adrenal.

Myrrh (commiphora myrrha), is steam distilled from the collected resin of

the trees thriving in Ethiopia. This essential oil is very benefi cial for overall

thyroid health and immune system support.

Basil (ocimum basilicum), is steam distilled from the basil leaves in the

USA. Basil is found to be supportive of the adrenal, pancreas, parathyroid,

pineal, and the pituitary gland.

Here are some of my favorite ways to use essential oils for thyroid health:
1. Rub a drop of myrrh essential oil (mixed with coconut oil) over your

thyroid area each day.

2. Rub a drop of basil essential oil on the adrenals each morning.

Make a roller ball blend and use it daily on the

bottom of your feet:
20 drops frankincense

20 drops myrrh

20 drops lemongrass

20 drops basil

Top off the roller ball with any carrier oil such as jojoba or coconut oil.

Essential oil usage tips:

Topical use

Apply selected oils, diluted with choice of carrier oil (to avoid evaporation

and prevent sensitivity), directly over location of the glands or to the

corresponding refl ex points on the feet

Aromatic use

Place 5-10 drops of selected oils into an essential oil diffuser, or inhale

directly from the bottle, from drops placed in your cupped hands, or apply

to your clothing

Candida: How To Eliminate It Naturally

An imbalance in gut fl ora can allow specifi c bacteria and fungi to invade our

bodies. Candida is a fungus, which is a form of yeast, and a very small

amount of it lives in your mouth and intestines. When overgrowth

overgrowth occurs, candida breaks down the wall of the intestine and

penetrates the bloodstream, releasing toxic byproducts into your body. This

can lead to many different health problems, ranging from digestive issues to

depression and even cancer.

How do you get candida overgrowth?

The healthy bacteria in your gut typically keep your candida levels in check.

However, several factors can cause the candida population to get out of


-Eating a diet high in refi ned carbohydrates and sugar (which feed the


-Consuming a lot of alcohol

-Taking oral contraceptives

-Living a high-stress lifestyle

-Taking a round of antibiotics that killed too many of those friendly

Symptoms Caused by Candida Overgrowth

When Candida Albicans is under control it poses no problem, but when it

gets out of control it begins to overgrow causing numerous symptoms and

health problems from the top of the head to the tips of the toes, from

migraines to nail fungus. It can result in symptoms inside (pain and

malfunction of organs, even brain lesions) and outside (eczema and hives).

It can also cause problems with the mind and emotions. Here are many of

the symptoms caused by an overproduction of candida.

-Allergies, sensitivities and intolerances that worsen in damp, muggy

or moldy places or weather that is damp, muggy, humid or rainy.

-Hay fever and asthma.

-Intolerances or allergies to perfumes, odors, fumes, fabric shop

odors, grass, cats, dogs or other animals, tobacco smoke, chemicals,

smog, molds, dust mites, dust, pollen, and other airborne substances.

-Athletes foot.

-Babies colic, diaper rash, thrush (coated white tongue), and cradle


-Bruising easily.
-Cheekbone or forehead tenderness, pain.

-Cold hands or feet, low body temperature.

-Cold-like symptoms excessive mucus in the sinuses, nose, throat,

bronchial tubes and lungs.

-Cravings or addictions for sugar, bread, pasta and other high carb

foods, and also alcohol.

-Cysts, abnormal formation of, in different parts of the body,

especially around the neck, throat, and ovaries, and in the bladder or


-Digestive problems diarrhea, constipation, abdominal distention,

bloating or pain, gas, mucus in the stools, hiatal hernia, ulcers,

suffering from bacteria, i.e. salmonella, E. coli, h. pylori, etc.

-Ears ringing in the ears (tinnitus), sounds in the ears, ear

infections, dryness, itchiness, ear pain, ear aches, ear discharges, fl uid

in ears, deafness, abnormal wax build-up.

-Eyes erratic vision, spots in front of eyes (eye fl oaters) and

fl ashing lights; redness, dryness, itching, excessive tearing, inability to

tear, etc.

-Fatigue, chronic fatigue syndrome or Epstein Barr or a feeling of

being drained of energy, lethargy, drowsiness.

-Flu-like symptoms.
-Glands swollen, too little saliva (dryness in the mouth), blocked

salivary glands, swollen lymph nodes.

-Hair loss, scum on the scalp, dandruff, itchy scalp, scalp sores and


-Heart palpitations and irregular heart beat.

-Headaches, migraines, brain fog, dizziness, etc.

-Hemorrhoids, and rectal itching, rash, irritation and redness.

-Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), and diabetes.

-Hypothyroidism, Wilsons Thyroid Syndrome, Hashimotos disease,

hyperthyroidism, erratic thyroid function, etc.

-Irritability, nervousness, jitteriness and panic attacks.

-Lesions on the skin, and inside the body, i.e. the brain.

-Male associated problems jock itch, loss of sex drive, impotence,

prostitis, penis infections, diffi culty urinating, urinary frequency or

urgency, painful intercourse, swollen scrotum, etc.

-Female health problems infertility, vaginitis, unusual odors,

endometriosis (irregular or painful menstruation), cramps, menstrual

irregularities, pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS), discharge, painful

intercourse, loss of sexual drive, redness or swelling of the vulva and

surrounding area, vaginal itching or thrush, burning or redness, or

persistent infections.
-Fungal infections of the skin or nails, i.e. ringworm, saborrheic

dermatitis, dark and light patches on the skin (tinea versicolor), etc.

-Joint pain, stiffness or swelling (arthritis).

-Kidney and bladder infections, cystitis (infl ammation of the

bladder with possible infection), urinary frequency or urgency, low

urine output, smelly urine, diffi culty urinating, burning pain when


-Lack of appetite.

-Mind and Mood anxiety attacks, crying spells, memory loss, feeling

spaced out, depression(including suicidal feelings), manic feelings,

inability to concentrate, mood swings, irritability, etc.

-Mouth sores or blisters, canker sores, dryness, bad breath, a white

coating on the tongue (thrush) and blocked salivary glands.

-Muscle aches and pain, numbness, burning or tingling, and lack of

strength and coordination.

-Nasal congestion, postnasal drip, itching, dryness.

-Odor of the feet, hair or body not relieved by washing.

-Respiratory cough, bronchitis or pneumonia, pain or tightness in

the chest, wheezing, shortness of breath, asthma.

-Sick all over feeling.

-Sinus infl ammation, swelling and infections.

-Skin dryness, dry red patches, acne, pimples, hives, rashes, itching

skin, eczema, psoriasis, seborrhoea, ringworm, contact dermatitis,

rosacea, etc.

-Stomach h.pylori bacteria (causes ulcers), heartburn, indigestion,

hiatal hernia, acid refl ux, belching, vomiting, burning, stomach pains,

needle-like pains, food that seems to sit in the stomach like a lump,


-Sleep insomnia, waking up frequently, nightmares, restless sleep,


-Sore throat, hoarse voice, constant tickle in the throat, laryngitis

(loss of voice), etc.

What Causes Candida to Get Out of Control?

The causes of immune system dysfunction are varied and complex, but

antibiotics are the biggest culprits because they wipe out friendly micro-

organisms, in the digestive system. Because Candida is resistant to

antibiotics the imbalance of micro-organisms allows it to take over. It

begins to change its shape and starts to overgrow; raising large families

called colonies.Adding to the problem of malabsorption are nutritional

defi ciencies that also weaken the immune system. Todays standard diet

lacks the necessary nutrients to maintain a healthy immune system. It is

loaded with sugar, carbohydrates, hydrogenated oils and fats (trans-fats),

white fl our products, processed foods, food additives, preservatives,

pesticides, and heavy metals. This, in addition to foods being irradiated

(exposed to high levels of radiation to extend shelf life), and being grown in

nutrient depleted soil, long storage and transportation time, and improper

handling, cooking and microwaving that goes on in most homes, further

depletes nutrients available. All of these factors contribute to a weakened

immune system.

Testing for Candida at Home

Your holistic practitioner will have conclusive means of testing for candida,

however for a simple at home test try the following. First thing in the

morning, before you put anything in your mouth, fi ll a clear glass with room

temperature bottled water.

Work up a bit of saliva, and spit it into the glass of water. Check the water

every 15 minutes or so for up to one hour.

If you see strings (fi bers) traveling down into the water from the saliva

fl oating on the top, cloudy specks (particles suspended in the water) or

cloudy saliva that sinks to the bottom of the glass you have a candida

The Candida Control Program

In order to get Candida overgrowth under control fi ve things need to be

done simultaneously:

1. Eliminate foods that feed Candida

Candida overgrowth is mainly fueled by sugar, refi ned carbohydrates and

gluten. Lets look at each of these separately so you know what to avoid


Candidas main food supply is sugar and all forms of it, such as lactose

contained in dairy products, honey, glucose, fructose, and sugar substitutes,

i.e. Nutrasweet, aspartame, saccharin. Eliminating sugar is the most

important part of the Candida Program. All fruit, except lemons, are also

very high in sugar and should be extremely limited during the initial stages

of the program, along with some vegetables that are very high in sugar, such

as sweet potatoes, parsnips and beets. Sugar also contained is most

processed foods such as smoked luncheon meats, ketchup, cereal, and

yogurt making it important to read labels carefully.

Most Candida sufferers are gluten intolerant. Gluten is an elastic and gluey

protein found in wheat, rye, barley, oats, spelt, kamut, triticale and it is

hidden in an endless variety of processed foods. Triticale is a new hybrid

grain with the properties of wheat and rye, while spelt and kamut are

gluten-containing wheat variants and are likely to cause problems similar to

other wheat varieties. Gluten-containing grains have come to be used

extensively in breads and other baked goods because of their glutinous,

sticky consistency.

Gluten grains feed Candida because they have a high glycemic index just

like sugar, and like sugar, creates insulin resistance within the cells which

leads to blood sugar problems like hypoglycemia and diabetes. The cells

become resistant to insulin as they try to protect themselves from the toxic

effective of high doses of insulin caused by high intake of sugar and simple

carbohydrates. As the cells become insulin resistant, the pancreas produces

more insulin which creates a vicious cycle. This exhausts the pancreas

eventually leading to its breakdown resulting in diabetes.

Gluten grains contain a protein that is diffi cult to digest and interferes with

mineral absorption and causes intestinal damage. This damage makes the

intestines incapable of absorbing nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates,

fats, vitamins, minerals, and even water in some cases. Our grain food

supply also contains mycotoxins (a toxin produced by a fungus), especially

found in corn and wheat. Mycotoxins can suppress our normal immune

function. See the section on Yeast, Mold and Fungus for more information.

2. Build up the immune system

-Eating the right foods

-Taking essential supplements

-Avoiding yeast, mold and fungus

If the wrong diet is constantly consumed, or if yeast overgrowth damage is

never reversed from previous drug and antibiotic use, a cure can almost

never be achieved. Eating the right foods is the most important aspect of

getting Candida under control and building up the immune system. The

Candida Control Diet is high in protein and good saturated fats and oils,

and low in carbohydrates, and contains no sugars, grains or processed

foods. All foods must be as fresh and natural as possible, and free of

additives, pesticides, heavy metals, irradiation, mycotoxins, etc.

Good Fats and Oils Good fats and oils are equally important to protein in

the diet and they are essential to getting Candida under control. They not

only increase the bodys ability to absorb nutrients from the foods eaten

but also provide the most effi cient source of energy. They also provide the

building blocks for cell membranes and a variety of hormones and hormone-

like substances. Good fats act as carriers for important fat-soluble vitamins

A, D, E and K and for the conversion of carotene to vitamin A, for mineral

absorption and for a host of other processes. The kinds of fats consumed

greatly infl uence the assimilation and utilization of vitamin D.

Essential Fatty Acids There are also two types of essential fatty acids

that must be obtained from the diet and these are omega-3s and omega-6s.

They are called essential because we have to get them from food because

our bodies cant manufacture them from other fats. Most peoples diets

contain an excessive amount of omega 6 fats, therefore it is important to

ensure the diet contains more omega 3 rich foods to offset this imbalance.

Avoid all newfangled fats and oils (trans fats) Candida sufferers cannot

afford to jeopardize their health by consuming toxic oils and fats and must

avoid all of the newfangled polyunsaturated fats and hydrogenated

vegetable oils (margarine, Canola oil, saffl ower oil, etc.), called trans fats.

These newfangled fats and oils are not only toxic and increase the bodys

need for vitamin E and other antioxidants, but also depress the immune
system. All trans fats, found in margarine and shortenings used in most

commercial baked goods and most processed food, should always be

avoided even by healthy people.

Coconut Oil Coconut oil is another healthy saturated fat that contains

many properties that are benefi cial to Candida sufferers which are anti-

bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal. It also kills off yeast overgrowth.

Coconut oil supports immune system function, supplies important nutrients

necessary for good health and improves digestion and nutrient absorption.

The fat in coconut oil is easily digested and absorbed, unlike the

newfangled trans fats that act like plastic in the body. It puts little strain on

the digestive system and provides a quick source of energy necessary to

promote healing. Coconut oil is absorbed directly from the intestines into

the portal vein and sent straight to the liver, whereas other fats require

pancreatic enzymes to break them into smaller units.

Avoid Soybean and Soy-based foods Soybeans contains large quantities of

natural toxins or anti-nutrients, including potent enzyme inhibitors that

block the action of enzymes needed for protein digestion. These inhibitors

are not completely deactivated during ordinary cooking and can produce

serious gastric distress, reduced protein digestion and chronic defi ciencies

in amino acid (proteins) uptake. In test animals, diets high in enzyme

inhibitors cause enlargement and pathological conditions of the pancreas,

thyroid malfunction and other diseases including cancer. Soybeans also

contain haemagglutinin, a clot-promoting substance that causes red blood

cells to clump together.

Soy also contains one of the highest percentages of pesticides of any of our

foods and is 99% genetically modifi ed. Soybeans are also high in phytic acid,

present in the bran or hulls of all seeds, which blocks the uptake of

essential minerals calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and especially zinc

in the intestinal tract. Candida sufferers must avoid soy and all soy

products in order to get well.

Taking essential supplements

Candida sufferers need to build up their immune system by supplementing

with certain essential vitamins and minerals, that are yeast-free and sugar-

free, including:

-Chlorella is a whole-food that contains a wide array of vitamins,

minerals and enzymes. It helps build the immune system, detoxifi es

heavy metals and other pesticides in the body, improves the digestive

system, improves energy levels and normalize blood sugar and blood

pressure. Take two capsules three times a day.

-Vitamin B Complex (non-yeast), 50 mgs. twice a day.

-Vitamin C with biofl avonoids, 1,000 mgs. twice a day.

-Vitamin D (with vitamin A) take 1 teaspoon per 50 lbs. of body

weight per day of a high quality cod liver oil or fi sh oil.

-Vitamin E, containing natural alpha tocopherol, (d-alpha tocopherol

is synthetic), that is not from a soy source, 400 IU twice a day.

-Calcium/Magnesium Citrate, with elemental amounts containing

800-1,200 mgs. of calcium with an equal ratio of magnesium.

3. Kill off Candida overgrowth

There are many anti-fungal agents that kill off Candida overgrowth,

including raw garlic, apple cider vinegar, olive leaf extract and Pau darco.

Garlic Garlic contains a large number of sulphur containing compounds

that exhibit very potent broad-spectrum anti-fungal properties. Among the

most studied are allicin, alliin, alliinase and S-allylcysteine.

Fresh garlic is signifi cantly more potent against Candida albicans than any

other form, including tablets, oils and pills. Fresh garlic is also a suitable

alternative to drugs for serious systemic yeast infections in patients with

severe immune suppression. Adding fresh garlic to food (raw and crushed),

or crushing and swallowing raw clove is a cheap and powerful anti-fungal

treatment. Garlic also stimulates the immune system, improves circulation,

lowers high blood pressure, kills intestinal parasites, and is a powerful

antioxidant and antibiotic, in addition to many other health benefi ts.

To obtain the most benefi t from garlic buy certifi ed organic garlic and crush

it. Crushing breaks the cell walls releasing garlics benefi cial properties. To

kill off Candida overgrowth take 4-5 average sized cloves per day mixed in

foods or with meals. Another alternative is to drink 3-4 cups of garlic tea

per day.

Raw apple cider vinegar Raw apple cider vinegar and Candida do not get

along. Take a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and mix it with a glass of

water and drink before every meal. The apple cider vinegar helps to fi ght

off the intestinal yeast overgrowth by actually killing the yeast, creating a

die off reaction. Raw unfi ltered apple cider vinegar creates an unfriendly

environment for the yeast, while helping create a good environment for

friendly gut fl ora.

Olive Leaf Extract Olive leaf extract can kill invading fungus rather than

just inhibiting its growth. It contains a a phenolic compound called

oleuropein, which has antiviral, anti-fungal, antiprotozoal, and antibacterial

properties. Take as directed on the product label.

Pau darco Pau darco is the bark of a rainforest tree which is inherently

anti-fungal (also known as Taheebo or Lepacho tea). Pau darco may be

taken in a capsule or a tea. Take capsules as directed on the product label or

drink 3 cups of tea per day.

4. Plant good bacteria in the digestive tract

As the yeast overgrowth is being killed off by anti-fungal agents it is

important to ingest a constant supply of probiotics. These are the friendly

or benefi cial bacteria, or micro organisms, that live in the digestive

tract.As yeast colonies are reduced space becomes available for colonizing

the other healthy bacteria. The most numerous bacteria found in the small

intestines are species of Lactobacilli. In the colon the majority are mainly

Bifi dobacteria.

The easiest and least expensive way to plant healthy bacteria in the

digestive tract is to take Cabbage Rejuvelac. But probiotic supplements

can also plant good bacteria in the digestive tract. Unfortunately its not

as simple as just buying the fi rst probiotic supplement and assuming it will

do the job. The best probiotic supplements will contain specifi c strains of

bacteria that have been studied and verifi ed as effective, and they will

identifi ed on the bottle as a series of letters or numbers after the name of

the bacteria to indicate a specifi c strain. Some of the most studied strains

include Lactobacillus acidophilus DDS-1 and Lactobacillus GG. Probiotic

supplements should be at least 500 billion organisms per gram, contained in

dark bottles to avoid deterioration by heat and light, and kept refrigerated,

even in the store. Take according to instructions on the bottle.

5. Manage the healing crisis

The Healing Crisis is brought about when the body becomes overcrowded

with waste and toxins. Cells and tissues begin to throw off the waste and

carry it from the bloodstream to various eliminating organs including the

bowels, kidneys, lungs, skin, nasal passages, ears, throat, and genital

organs. These organs in turn become congested and irritated producing

symptoms such as colds, boils, kidney and bladder infections, headaches,

open sores, diarrhea and fevers.

Die-off symptoms are caused by high numbers of yeast being killed off

which releases a high number toxins into the system. In medical terms this

is called the Herxheimers reaction, or yeast die-off phenomenon . Die-off

symptoms resembles the fl u and can be very uncomfortable. They can be

alleviated by:

-Taking 1,000 mgs of Vitamin C (preferably in powdered form in pure

water) several times a day or whenever needed.

-Taking an Epsom salts bath also draws toxins out through the skin

and helps minimized die-off symptoms (add two cups, or 500 grams, of

Epsom salts to warm bath water).

The most important aspect of the healing crisis is to never go to extremes in

making changes to your diet or lifestyle. It is important to gradually

introduce changes one at a time, allowing the body to adapt to the changes

and adjust itself. The keys to successfully overcoming Candida are: 1)

sticking to the Candida Control Program, 2) being patient, and 3) being

persistent. You will get well.

Take The 3 Juice Colon Cleanse And

Flush Pounds Of Toxins From Your
Health Tips, Healthy Drinks, Natural Remedies

A lot of people are having health problems related to the digestive system, such as
chronic constipation, Celiac Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, hemorrhoids, IBS,
Diverticulitis, anal fissure, etc.

The large intestine also called the colon is also a vital organ in the elimination of
waste from our body. So it is very important to keep it healthy so it can do its function
impeccably. If you want to keep you colon healthy you should cleanse it to reduce
discomfort, the pain, and help digestion. You can accomplish all of this with
homemade colon cleanser, which is natural detoxification method.

Before we provide you with the remedy make sure that you stay in your home
during this process of cleansing. The remedy is made from natural ingredients only. It
will eliminate the waste and the toxins from your body, and will reduce the
constipation symptoms.

The remedy is made from: apples, lemon, sea salt and ginger. These ingredients are
very high in nutrients that will provide you with improved overall health.
Researches have shown that by consuming just one apple a day you keep the doctor
away by reducing the amount of prescription drugs. The juice from freshly squeezed
lemon is extraordinary for detoxification. The lemon is high in vitamin C, which is
proven that is a very powerful antioxidant.

The ginger is also distinctly beneficial, because it stimulates the function of the colon
and also reduces the bloating. Sea salt helps you to stimulate the toxins and waste to
move through the body and improve the digestion.

Dose and consumption:

-Take it the morning on an empty stomach.

-Before lunch

In the evening from 6-7 pm.

Also be sure that you take your daily dose of water -8 glasses during a day.
If you are worried about any side-effect, relax this treatment for your colon does not
have any. But if you are pregnant, or taking prescription drugs, or if you have any
kind of allergy, we advise you to consult your doctor before drinking it.


Dont use it if you have diabetes.


1 teaspoon of ginger juice

2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice

teaspoon of sea salt

cup of pure apple juice

cup of lukewarm filtered water

* Needed amounts per one serving.

Method of preparation:

In a regular pan, pour 3.5 oz. of filtered water and warm it, but do not bring it to a
boiling point, because you should drink the juice right after its preparation.
Afterwards, add the sea salt, stir it well, and add the juices: apple, ginger and lemon
juice. Stir again.

This colon cleanse procedure can only be consumed for one day, but if you want to
continue consuming it take it one week apart.

Abracadabra your digestion is improved and your body is fully free of toxins.

Your Hair Will Start To Grow Like Crazy

And Youll Have Eagle Eyesight: Eat 3
Tablespoons A Day And You Will
Witness The Miracle!

People often have problems with hair loss, and also with poor eyesight. Nature has many
solutions for this kind of problems.

All you need to do is to consume this mixture, with a lot of healthy ingredients, and thus to
improve your vision, but also the health of your hair.

After a few days of use, you will notice a significant improvement and you will feel much better.
Here is the recipe and how to prepare!
Ingredients that you need:

200 g of linseed oil

4 lemons
1 kg of honey
3 small cloves garlic

Method of preparation:
Firstly, you need to peel the garlic and place it in the blender along with the lemons.
Mix everything well, until you get a homogeneous mixture.
Then add flaxseed oil and honey in the mixture and mix well again.
Place the mixture in a jar and close tightly and store in the refrigerator.

How to consume this healing and miraculous mixture:

Consume 1 tablespoon of the mixture in the morning on an empty stomach half an hour before
a meal, but be sure to use a wooden spoon!

You need to take 3 tablespoons of this mixture daily before each meal. This will improve your
overall health and will certainly prevent many diseases.

You will definitely notice a significant improvement, so why not try this recipe already today?

Cure a Urinary Tract Infection in a

Completely Safe and Effective Way
April 15, 2016 Health, Healthy Drinks 0 Comments

Those who suffer from a urinary tract infection know that it can be quite
unpleasant and difficult to fight.

In general, women are more susceptible to these infections, but men can suffer
from the same issues as well.

The danger in the case of a urinary infection is, in fact, the possibility to become
a serious issue, and in the case of an antibiotics therapy which can give no
results, this infection can lead to kidney damage. Also, the use of antibiotics is
also detrimental, as they kill good and bad bacteria.

Moreover, these infections are an immense threat in the case of pregnancy, as

they can cause premature birth.

The situation became, even more, complex as these infections are starting to be
resistant to the treatments used in this case, including antibiotics and other
medications. Therefore, what you need to do is to turn to your immune system.

Hence, you can benefit a lot from some natural remedies as they are safe to use,
and provide remarkable effects, which is the reason why they are used in
numerous cases. One of these amazing homemade treatments includes
grapefruit seeds.

The oil and grapefruit seed

In 2005, researchers tried to discover whether grapefruit seeds are effective in

the case of these infections. They concluded that these seeds are extremely
beneficial, and act even in cases when treatments with antibiotics do not provide
positive results. Furthermore, this research also confirmed that the extract of
grapefruit seeds can prevent bacteria development.

So, they proved that the extract of grapefruit seeds in recommended doses is
incredibly successful in the fight against bacteria in the body.

Yet, scientists discovered the way they act only a decade ago. They used a
transmission electron microscope and examined the favorable activity of these

The extract from the grapefruit seed, even in small, diluted doses, goes through
the bacterial cytoplasmic membrane and discharges its inner structure rapidly,
within 15 minutes. Their research showed that the extract prevented the growth
and development of gram-positive and some of the gram-negative bacteria.

Even if compared to traditional antibiotic therapies, these seeds provide effective

and quick results. Moreover, they have another positive property more as well, as
they also act as antifungal agents.
Furthermore, antibiotics are not safe in some cases, and may fail to provide
results. Yet, even if the antibiotic therapy was safe, these seeds are still a better

Also, the grapefruit seeds therapy is cheap, while antibiotics are expensive.

All you need to do in order to treat the urinary infection is to regularly consume
grapefruit seed for two weeks. Also, you can eat grapefruit every day.


Kills 93% of Colon Cancer
Cells in Just Two Days? SHARE ON:

We all have a risk of developing cancer. Many cancers seem to develop

for no apparent reason.

However, certain risk factors are known to increase the chance that one
or more of your cells will become abnormal and lead to cancer.

Colorectal cancer is cancer that starts in the colon or the rectum. These
cancers can also be named colon cancer or rectal cancer, depending on
where they start. Colon cancer and rectal cancer are often grouped
together because they have many features in common.

Most colorectal cancers begin as a growth called a polyp on the inner

lining of the colon or rectum Some types of polyps can change into
cancer over the course of several years, but not all polyps become

The chance of changing into cancer depends on the kind of polyp. The
two main types of polyps are:
Adenomatous polyps (adenomas): These polyps sometimes
change into cancer. Because of this, adenomas are called a pre-
cancerous condition.
Hyperplastic polyps and inflammatory polyps: These polyps
are more common, but in general they are not pre-cancerous.

Have You Heard of Lauric Acid?

Since science still dominates the pharmaceutical industry and
pharmaceutical companies still fund the largest number of medicinal
research, they remain mainly focused on financial gains, rather than
protecting human health.

However, this does not mean that a great amount of important and
beneficial research isnt still published in prominent scientific journals.

One excellent example of this exception comes from the University of

Adelaide, Australia, where researchers have found that lauric acid
(which makes up 50% of coconut oil) can destroy over 93% of colon
cancer cells in humans, about 48 hours after treatment, according to
The Raw Food World.

The Powerful Coconut

The potential of organic coconut oil (we recommend this) to fight cancer
has only recently been discovered, but its efficiency in the treatment of
many diseases has long been known.

An all-natural remedy, coconut oil is a real weapon against many

viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites, but it is also good for your
digestion, liver, and the healing of skin and wounds Coconut oil has
also been recently used to treat patients with heart diseases,
Alzheimers disease, and diabetes.

Its power lies in the lauric acid which can poison cancer cells by
simultaneously causing oxidative stress, thereby significantly reducing
the levels of glutathione, which cancer cells need to protect themselves
against oxidative stress or excess exposure to oxygen radicals.

The experiments were performed in vitro in Petri dishes, or in vivo, in

rats, with identical results in both tests.

The lauric acid is normally found in breast milk, and its a fatty acid that
supports the immune system and one which possesses antimicrobial

Miraculous Effects

Clinical studies from the American Society for Nutrition have shown that
the fat in organic coconut oil may be useful in the treatment and
prevention of conditions such as diabetes, osteoporosis, viral diseases
(mononucleosis, hepatitis C, herpes ), gall bladder diseases, Crohns
disease, as well as cancer.

It has also been proven that coconut oil can reduce the side effects of
chemotherapy and improve the quality of life in cancer patients. Thus, it
is very unfortunate that pharmaceutical companies do not want to fund
further research into the miraculous effects of these natural compounds.

Know The Causes Of Uterine Fibroids And How To

Reduce/Shrink Them
January 19, 2016
A young lady in her late twenties, came to me with an issue of
uterine fibroids. Her doctor confirmed that she has a family of
fibroid tumors. Although the tumors were benign, they had
caused her a lot of PMS cramps, painful intercourse, and heavy
menstrual bleeding.

She had had some surgical procedures to have them removed

but the fibroids kept returning! She was told that her infertility
was linked to the growth of these fibroids. She knew her diet
had something to do with the growth of the fibroids but was
unsure, as she claimed to be a vegetarian.


When I did an assessment on her diet, I found that although a
vegetarian, her diet was not completely clean and a few
things that she ate regularly were contributing to the growth of
the tumors. Some of the culprits:

Soy products: Vegetarians tend to eat more soy

products for protein. Eating some soy may be beneficial,
but eating them in excess may cause gout and fibroids
growth. Soy products (except for fermented soy such as
miso and tempeh) have high content of phytoestrogens
that are detrimental to womens health.
Soy milk: Soy milk has very high content of estrogen
that causes hormonal imbalance. An estrogen dominance
condition may cause many other health problems, other
than fibroids growth. Some of the symptoms of estrogen
dominance are:
Blood clots in menstruation
Fibroids in breasts
Irregular menstruation cycles
Weight gain
Thyroid issues
Low or no sex drive
Birth control pills: Oral birth control pills may be
prescribed to reduce heavy menstrual flow but it actually
may further contribute to the growth of the fibroids.
Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is another
estrogen-mimicking drug that encourages fibroids growth.
Herbicides and pesticides: Residues from herbicides,
pesticides and artificial fertilizers used on food crops mimic
estrogen and affects the hormones. Foods stored and/or
cooked in plastic wares may also contribute to hormonal
imbalances and with that, a host of female health issues.
Processed foods: Limit consumption of processed foods
that are laden with artificial food additives such as
colorings, preservatives, flavorings, emulsifiers, transfats,
salt and sugar. These are very toxic to the liver and only
serve to weaken your liver functions and detrimental to
your health.
Read 10 Sources Of Endocrine-Disruptors And How To Avoid Them.

Other Non-Vegetarian Causes Of Uterine

Stay away from dairy and meat products from commercially-
raised animals that are injected with antibiotics, steroids and
hormones. These added hormones stay in the meat you eat
that can feed the tumors. If you want to eat dairy and meat
products, opt for organic hormone-free animals.


Bladder Issues: Fibroids that grow on the outside wall of the
uterus near the bladder may press against it, causing pressure
that will require more frequent visits to the washroom. If you
find yourself going to the toilet frequently in the night, you
may like to get it checked out.

Rectal Pressure: Fibroids that grow towards the back of the

uterus may press on the rectum and make the sufferer have an
uncomfortable feeling of wanting to pass motion. Straining
may further cause hemorrhoids.
Lower Back Pain: Fibroids that are located on the outer back
wall of the uterus may press against spinal nerves and cause
intense pain. Problems may be more severe before and during

Swelling of Lower Abdomen: Large fibroids may make a

woman appear as if pregnant. There may not be a presence of
pain so many women dont have it checked.

Infertility or Frequent Miscarriages: Although there are

many reasons for infertility and miscarriages, presence of
uterine fibroids may also cause these issues. A simple
ultrasound scan could reveal if there are presence of fibroids.

Prolonged and Heavy Menstruation: This is one of the first

and common warning signs of uterine fibroids. Excessive
bleeding with blood clots are signs to look out for and should
be treated as it could also lead to anemia from heavy bleeding.
Cramps and pain in lower abdomen or in the back of the legs
are also common.

Painful Sexual Intercourse: Depending on the location and

size of the fibroid, sexual intercourse can become
uncomfortable and painful. The pain may be more evident in
certain positions.


When you understand the causes of uterine fibroids, it only
makes sense to remove the causes to stop feeding their
growth. Here are some other diet and lifestyle
changes/additions you can make to shrink the fibroids:

Vigorous exercise: Exercise and physical body

movements, together with eating the right healing foods,
will help regulate your ovulation and gradually
reduce/shrink the fibroids.
Manage your stress: Women often underestimate the
damages that stress can do to their bodies. Stress
depletes the body of important nutrients, weaken the
adrenal glands and other organs, and contributes to
hormonal imbalances.
Eat legumes and beans: Avocados, eggs, quinoa, chia
seeds, legumes and beans are examples of some
excellent sources of protein that you should consume,
instead of going to soy products for protein. Eat a small
portion of these protein foods with every meal that will
not only help reduce the size of your fibroids but may also
offer protection from breast and cervical cancers as well.
Liver support foods: Strengthen your liver with foods
that support your liver, such as beetroot, grapefruit,
dandelion and milk thistle. Try this very beneficial Healthy
Liver Beetroot Juice.
Beverages: Stay away from alcohol and caffeinated
drinks such as sodas and coffee as they are diuretic and
dehydrating. Many sites recommend drinking green tea
for this condition but I advise that you should avoid it.
Green tea inhibits the absorption of iron and in the case
of fibroids, you may have lost a lot of menstrual blood and
are possibly anemic. You dont need this further
Water: Do not drink tap water as it contains fluoride,
chlorine and other heavy metals. Make sure you have a
good filtering system installed in your home to avoid
taking in these toxins that may cause permanent
damage. I drink distilled water.
Fruits and vegetables: Eat plenty of fresh organic
fruits and vegetables. If you have recurring fibroids, juice
fasting/feasting on green juices may be very helpful to shrink
the fibroids more rapidly. The chlorophyll content is very
cleansing, alkalizing and healing for the reproductive
Helpful supplements: Some supplements that may be
beneficial for shrinking fibroids (choose only from high
quality and reputable brands)spirulina, chlorella,
omega-3, L-arginine, L-lysine, vitamin C and zinc. I would
also recommend taking Essiac Tea that has 8 powerful
herbs that are highly beneficial for detoxifying the
reproductive system.

Helpful herbs: Some of the herbs you may take to

eliminate fibroids include: Dong quai, black cohosh,
dandelion root, chasteberry tincture, nettle tea, pau
darco and turmeric. If you wish to take any of these
herbs, check with the herbal store how to use them.
While many conventional doctors will recommend more
surgeries and ultimately hysterectomy to prevent regrowth,
fibroids really do respond well when you stop feeding them
with the wrong foods, and start eating the healing foods. Stop
your exposure to excessive estrogens and put the above into
practice to avoid surgery.

Apple Seeds and Cancer: What the Government

Has Been Hiding From You for Years

The mere mention of consuming apple seeds, cherry pits, apricot seeds, or

bitter almonds tends to cause almost panic attacks or angry reactions in

some. Why? Cyanide is in them. So theyre justifi ed in freaking out, right?

As a rumor based on too little knowledge, their concern is understandable.

All you have to do is Google cyanide alongside any of the foods mentioned

above and youll get a plethora of articles that all support the cyanide

dangers from those seeds and nuts.

Some say that your body quickly detoxes the compounds containing

cyanide. Others say that you will get free cyanide when your body
metabolizes those compounds. Most concede that it would take a heck of a

lot of pits, seeds, or bitter almonds to poison you.

But as the saying goes, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. In this case

the fear of fruit seeds and bitter almonds and other nuts is based on

incomplete data. The compound containing cyanide is amygdalin.

The complete amygdalin story for full

Thousands have used apricot seed kernels to eliminate cancer. They didnt

die from cyanide poisoning. They were cured without negative side effects.

This wasnt accomplished by consuming a couple every week, but dozens

daily for months. (Sydney Herald source below)

So why werent they werent poisoned? The amygdalin compound has four

molecules. Two are glucose molecules. The other two are cyanide and

benzaldyhide. The last two are scarycompounds, except for a couple of

unusual metabolic activities: they are released by and into cancer cells only.

Otherwise, they remain in the amygdalin compound and are passed through.

Its a very clever arrangement. The cancer cells depend on fermenting sugar

(glucose) for their energy instead of oxygen.

So the cancer cells attract the amygdalin compounds for their glucose, but

are whacked when they metabolize those compounds that free the
benzalldyhide and cyanide. The glucose is the sugar bait. Cancer cells

contain an enzyme that is not found in healthy cells, beta-glucosidase.

The beta-glucosidase enzyme unlocks the amygdalin compound, releasing

the deadly toxins within the cancer cell. Only cancer cells metabolize

amygdalin. Healthy normal cells dont. Most non-cancerous cells contain

another enzyme, rhodanese. Free cyanide molecules are bound to sulfur

molecules by rhodanese, creating harmless cyanates that are eliminated in

the urine.

This is the little bit of knowledge that those scary articles reference when

they say a little bit of cyanide is easily detoxed by your body. But the

complete function of amygdalin is hidden because the fact that laetrile or

B17, a concentrated extract from apricot amydgalins, can cure cancer is


Supressing a safe cancer cure

Laetrile or B17, was developed by San Francisco researcher Dr. Ernst Krebb

in 1952 by liquefying and purifying amygdalin from apricot seeds so it could

be injected into cancer patients. Dr. Krebb injected himself to assure

laetriles safety, and Dr. John Richardson proved its effi cacy by curing

several cancer patients in San Francisco with laetrile.

In 1971, laetrile was banned. Dr. Richardson called on investigative

journalist G. Edward Griffi n to publicize the merits of laetrile or B17

derived from apricot seeds. Griffi n discovered that the Sloane-Kettering

Institutes laetrile trials leading to the FDA ban were bogus.

Sloane-Kettering spokesperson Dr. Ralph Moss refused to lie about laetrile

and left Sloane-Kettering in disgust. He slipped Griffi n unpublicized papers

scientifi cally proving laetrile actually worked. This led to Griffi ns book A

World Without Cancer, where you can read much more about the amygdalin

cancer curing story.

If not promoted as a cancer cure, apricot seeds arent banned. Avoid sugar

while attempting to cure cancer with any method.

Cancer Dies Within The

Next 42 Hours This Juice
Cured More Than 50
Thousand People!


Beets are a great nutrient-rich vegetable with low-calorie content despite

their sweet taste. They are an excellent source of folate, a B vitamin that
is heart-healthy and, because of its role in producing and repairing DNA,
seems to be part of our anti-cancer arsenal, too.
The red color comes from compounds called betalains, which laboratory
studies suggest could be both heart- and cancer-protective.

In animal studies, beets seem to inhibit carcinogen formation and

increase production of immune cells and body enzymes that help fight
cancer development. Whether cooked, canned or raw, beets provide an
array of nutrients, including potassium and vitamin C.

Gently home-cooked beets, maintain much of the nutrition, and raw

beets preserve even more of the heat-sensitive nutrients. Try them
peeled and grated raw into salads for an added burst of color.

You can prepare a juice consisting of beet and consume this daily to
help you combat cancer and heres what you need to prepare this
amazing juice in the comfort of your home.


Celery root about 20%

Potatoes about 3%
Beet about 55%
Radishes about 2%
Carrots 20%
How To Prepare And Use The Recipe

All you need to do is blend all the ingredients in a blender until you
get a smooth mixture.
You should consume a glass of this juice twice daily, in the
morning before breakfast and on an empty stomach and at night
before you go to bed.
*Be sure to use organic foods for this recipe if at all possible.
March 2, 2015 by Michael Edwards
Last updated on: February 24, 2016

1489243634 17582 mc4w p-form-3

Forget buying toothpaste, reading all of those ingredients,

wondering if you can recycle the toothpaste tube or not.
Make your own toothpaste, mouthwash, and more. Theres
nothing you can get in the store that will do as well as
these recipes.

But remember, theres nothing you can do for your gums

and teeth that will heal them and keep them healthy
without eating a healthy diet. Your mouth emulates the
health of your gut. Disease starts in the gut, and thats true
for everyone except for the few people who smoke but eat
very well. Smoking (tobacco, marijuana, anything) is
extremely bad for the teeth and the gums. Thats not to
say that if you choose to smoke you should not use
these homemade recipes, its just that your teeth
and gums will deteriorate if you do not take care of
the rest of the body. These formulas can reduce the
deterioration rate, or, if the body is taken care of,
they will accelerate the healing, reverse cavities,
remove inflammation, eliminate infection, and

One other exception, and an unfortunately common

one, is someone who takes very good care of their
body, but is stuck with mercury fillings. These
fillings will also deteriorate teeth and gum health,
but there are steps you can take that will
significantly reduce health consequences.

Homemade Remineralizing and

Whitening Toothpaste Recipe
Make your own remineralizing toothpaste with
calcium, magnesium, stevia, coconut oil and
essential oils to help your teeth stay strong and
your gums stay healthy.

5 parts calcium/magnesium powder (the best
calcium for this can be obtained with this
homemade calcium recipe)
2 parts baking soda
1 part unrefined sea salt, finely ground
3-5 parts coconut oil to get desired texture
Optional ingredients: Essential oils for flavor
and/or kill germs (mint, cinnamon, tea tree,
peppermint, orange), and stevia (takes very
Mix calcium, salt, and baking soda in a bowl
Add coconut oil, one part at a time until you
reach the desired consistency
Add any optional ingredients
Store in small glass container.
Hydrogen peroxide is added to many home
toothpastes, especially those formulated for
whitening. But hydrogen peroxide is one of those
ingredients you are not supposed to swallow and it
can irritate the gums. It is not a good idea for kids
or for anyone with sensitive, damaged, or diseased

Simple Toothpaste Recipe

If you dont have access to some of the ingredients
listed above, or you just want a simpler formula,
you can make homemade toothpaste, thats not
really a paste, with the following:

1 teaspoon baking soda

1/2 teaspoon unrefined sea salt, finely ground
Just mix the ingredients.

Homemade Earthpaste Recipe

If you like the earthy shampoos and soaps, then
this toothpaste formula is right up your alley:
4 Tbsp bentonite clay
Distilled water
5 drops tea tree oil
5 drops liquid stevia
10 drops peppermint essential oil
2 Tsp unrefined sea salt
Combine 2 tablespoons of water with the
bentonite clay in a glass bowl and mix well
using a non-metal spoon (clay shouldnt come
in contact with metal)
Add tea tree oil, stevia, and peppermint
essential oils
Add salt, mix well
Add water to taste and texture.
Store toothpaste in a glass with a lid (the
toothpaste will dry out over time if left
Oil Pulling
Oil Pulling is a traditional Ayurvedic method of oral
care that involves swishing oil around in your
mouth for 15-20 minutes. Some say that this
practice can detoxify the whole body and heal all
kinds of diseases, but these statements arent
possible if the diet is not addressed. It does
promote good oral health by reducing the amount
of harmful bacteria and dental plaque while
cleaning the areas of the mouth that brushing and
flossing cannot get to. Oral health does increase
the strength of the immune system, so oil pulling
can lead to improved overall health.

Traditionally, sesame oil was used, but these days

coconut oil is more often recommended, and its
my preference as well. To increase the potency of
this protocol, use essential oils, such as
peppermint, cinnamon, or clove. Tea tree oil and oil
of oregano are two good options, but they can get
really intense. Start off with just a small amount.

Here are some suggestions with the essential oils

for oil pulling. Add these to a tablespoon of coconut

For bad breath: 2 drops of cinnamon,

spearmint, or peppermint essential oil
Toothache: 2 drops of clove or tea tree
essential oil, or one of each
Canker sores: 2 drops of holy basil essential
Gum disease: 2 drops of cinnamon, clove, or
tea tree essential oil.
Receding gums: Add 2 drops of Myrrh
essential oil.
Cavities: 2 drops of clove or tea tree essential
oil, or one of each
Any infection in the mouth: 2 drops of clove
or tea tree essential oil, or one of each
How to Oil Pull
Swish the oil around in your mouth (like you would
with mouthwash) and pull through the teeth, for 15
to 20 minutes. Dont swish hard, or your cheeks will
get sore very quickly.

The longer you do it, the more benefit youll get. 15

to 20 minutes is ideal, and I like to do it while I
write articles, but even just doing it for a few
minutes is very beneficial. You may need to take
your time and build up your mouth strength. (I did.)

Spit it out! Do not swallow it. That oil gets nasty,

and its better to dispose of it than swallow it.
Follow with tooth brushing, or at least thoroughly
rinsing the mouth. And dont spit it out in the sink.
The oil could stop it up.

Homemade Mouthwash
There are lots of interesting mouthwash recipes,
but between the homemade toothpaste and the oil
pulling, I hardly ever want to use it. When I do, I
just put some water in my mouth and drop in some
essential oils like peppermint, mint, or clove, and
follow with swishing and gargling. But here is one
recipe I have made that I like very much.

1 cup distilled water
1 teaspoon unrefined sea salt
1 teaspoon calcium magnesium powder
4 drops spearmint essential oil*
2 drops cinnamon essential oil*
2 drops peppermint essential oil*
2 drops clove essential oil*
Mix ingredients in a glass bottle and shake.

Instant Breath Freshening

If I need to freshen my breath in hurry, I gargle with
apple cider vinegar, or I chew on raw garlic,
parsley, and/or cilantro (whichever I can find first).
As long as you rinse well with water afterwards,
youll have fresh breath.

Shillingtons Tooth and Gum

There is a third step in dental care for anyone who
is struggling with gingivitis or wants to use a
preventative treatment. Dr. Shillingtons Tooth and
Gum Formula can be used as a mouthwash (one
dropperful to a cup of water), on your toothbrush
(8-12 drops on your toothbrush after brushing your
teeth), or with a water pick (2-4 dropperfuls, but
rinse out your water pick after use so the tee tree
oil does not shorten the life of its rubber seals).
After each of these methods, do not rinse; allow the
ingredients to continue working.

Dr. Shillington writes, The Echinacea in the formula

deadens pain, kills germs, kicks the immune
system into action, and starts working against
bacteria that is deep down in the gum pockets.
Bayberry and Oak Bark will tighten up the gum
tissue right before your eyes. Peppermint is a very
strong disinfectant, reduces inflammation, and also
increases blood circulation to carry off toxins, bring
in nutrition, and generally cleanse the mouth. Clove
oil is a great pain reducer for toothache.

You can make your own Tooth and Gum Formula

with Dr. Shillingtons recipe or purchase the Tooth
and Gum Formula through Green Lifestyle Market.

Dr. Shillingtons Tooth and Gum

Formula Recipe
(Use Organic ingredients where ever possible).

10 oz Echinacea tincture
1/4 cup of tea tree oil
4 oz. bayberry tincture
2 oz. oak gall (or 3X oak bark) tincture
2 TBS. Cayenne tincture
2 1/2 dropperfuls of peppermint oil
2 1/2 dropperfuls of clove oil
A part is a measurement by volume, not weight.
Blend all ingredients together and make into a
tincture using a 50/50 blend of alcohol and distilled
water. For more, see How to Make a Tincture.

A dropperful is considered to be about 1/2 way up

the dropper from a two ounce bottle.

Be sure to shake well before each use.

In Just 60 Seconds Save The Life Of Someone

Who Suffered A Heart Attack

The famed herbal healer Dr. Shulze said, If you master only one herb in

your life, master cayenne pepper. It is more powerful than any other.

Dr. John Christopher believed that you can save a mans life (who has just

had a heart attack) with only one move. The famous herbalist Dr. John

Christopher was nicknamed Dr. Cayenne because he was recommending

the healing powers of cayenne, the substance found in chili peppers that

produces a sensation of heat. He claimed that doses of cayenne could stop

heart attacks in progress.

From the healing text of Dr. Christopher:

In 35 years of practice, and working with the people and teaching, I have

never on house calls lost one heart attack patient and the reason is,
whenever I go inif they are still breathingI pour down them a cup of

cayenne tea (a teaspoon of cayenne in a cup of hot water, and within

minutes they are up and around).

Now science confi rmed that cayenne does have an amazing ability to help

the heart. University of Cincinnati (UC) scientists have discovered that

capsaicin, the main component of cayenne, can help stop a heart attack

when applied topically.

Dr. Christopher says to give the man who suffered a heart attack a glass of

water mixed with chili immideately. If the person is conscious, put just a

few drops of hot peppers extract under his tongue.

He said that this is the easiest and fastest way to save a persons life just in

a few seconds. The victim will start to regain consciousness and will return

to normal.

It is known that cultures regularly consuming cayenne pepper present

fewer cases of heart problems. Besides lowering cholesterol and

triglyceride levels, it also helps dissolving excessive blood clots forming in

the circulatory system.

Massive cover-up as thousands of medical

studies are found wildly inaccurateare
0 0 0 31 Views
By: Vicki Batts
Date: February 25, 2017
in: Bad science, Science

Scientific research is essential for countless applications, so youd think accuracy and validity would
be of utmost importance when one is conducting such experimentation. But apparently, its not as
important as youd hope: estimates suggest that between 20 and 36 percent of cell lines used for
scientific research are contaminated or misidentified rendering the same percent of studies
relatively useless and wildly inaccurate.
Often times, cells that come from pigs, rats or mice may be presented as human cells, or the desired
human cells may be contaminated with other unknown material. And even though scientific journals
have been aware of this problem for at least the last 35 years, precious little has been done about it.
Most journals do not even put some kind of disclaimer on the thousands of studies that are affected by
this kind of misrepresentation or contamination. One might say it borders on publishing fraudulent

It has been estimated that some 15 percent or more of human cell lines are not derived from the
claimed source.
One cell line involved in contamination is known as the HeLa cell line a type of cancerous cervical
cell, cultured from and named after Henrietta Lacks. These cells are ubiquitous in research labs and
are known to proliferate and spread rapidly. What researchers have also discovered is that these cells
contaminate whatever other types of cells they come into contact with. This is extremely problematic,
as several cell lines used in research could have been contaminated by the HeLa cells.
Ivan Oransky of Stat News explains, Two other lines in particular, HEp-2 and INT 407, are now
known to have been contaminated with HeLa cells, meaning scientists who thought they were working
on HEp-2 and INT 407 were in fact likely experimenting on HeLa cells.
A geneticist from the University of Colorado named Christopher Korch has researched this issue at
length. Korch has identified nearly 5,800 articles in 1,182 journals that may have confused HeLa cells
for HEp-2, and another 1,336 articles in 271 journals that may have mixed up HeLa with INT 407
cells. Together, more than 7,000 papers that have been cited some 214,000 times were likely using the
wrong cells for their research.
And that is just for those two cell lines. Over the last 15 years, Korch has reportedly identified 78
commonly used cell lines that have become overgrown with other cells. Few scientists have paid
attention to his findings, and even fewer have gone out of their way to retract or correct their work on
imposter cell lines.
But there are far more cell lines that are likely being affected by this massive breach. Some 400 cell
lines in total are lacking evidence of origin or have become cross-contaminated with other human or
animal cells at some time during their laboratory lineage. As Oransky explains, cell lines are often
chosen for their hardy nature and ability to reproduce and be bred for a long time. He says that these
cells can easily make their way around a lab if they should be on a researchers gloves, for example.
In a guest post for Retraction Watch, Amanda Capes-Davis, the chair of the International Cell Line
Authentication Committee, commented that it was astonishingly easy for cell lines to become
When cells are first placed into culture, they usually pass through a period of time when there is little
or no growth, before a cell line emerges. A single cell introduced from elsewhere during that time can
outgrow the original culture without anyone being aware of the change in identity, Capes-Davis
Korch believes that cell line contamination could easily amount to hundreds of millions of dollars of
worthless and inaccurate scientific research, based on tainted cells. While the figure from Korch is
considered controversial, cell lines are not the only material that is contaminated in labs. Many
antibodies used in research are also lacking authentication. Its very likely that the number of studies
affected by tainted or misrepresented biological material is far greater than currently estimated
rendering much medical and other scientific research without a leg to stand on.

Twelve essential oils that

fight cancer, boost
immunity and improve
feelings of well-being
By Lynn Griffith

Posted Friday, May 6, 2016 at 01:53pm EST

Keywords: Alternative Medicine, Benefits of Frankincense Oil, essential oil
One-third of Americans are seeking alternative medicine for either their sole medical
treatment or for complementary medical treatment. People are often incorporating vitamins,
fish oil, probiotics, melatonin, deep breathing, yoga, or chiropractic care into their natural
health arsenal. It appears that natural health care trends are only projected to keep growing.

One-third of Americans are seeking alternative medicine

The organic food market is expected to grow 14 percent between the years of 2013-2018
and the global essential oil market is expected to reach 11.67 billion dollars by 2022. (2,3)

Essential oils have been utilized in numerous cultures for decades to help remedy disease.
Essentials oils may have gained their appeal through their pleasant scents but will maintain
their longevity due to research and the growing demand for alternative medicine.
Different varieties of Frankincense oil found to kill bladder
cancer, breast cancer and skin cancer cells

The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences found that different types of frankincense oils
are effective at killing cancer cells. Boswellia carteri has been found to target cancerous
cells in bladder tumors, killing them and leaving healthy cells alone. Boswellia sacramay is
thought to be effective in breast cancer prevention as well as for advanced breast cancers.
Boswellia sacrais is an effective and non-invasive treatment for basal cell carcinoma.
Boswellia carteri and Santalum album both kill cancer cells in different ways, when combined
they form a strong alliance to annihilate cancer. (4)

Twelve essential oils that help fight cancer, boost immunity and
improve health and well-being

Frankincense oil is not the only effective oil for cancer. Consider adding the following 12 oils
to your collection in order to boost your immune system and help your body fight infection
and disease.

1. Black Pepper: Use for asthma, sinus congestion, chronic indigestion, cold,
respiratory infections, obesity, improper metabolism, urinary problems, cholera, headache,
intermittent fever, toxic remains in the system, and cancer. (5)
2. Cinnamon: Eighty studies have investigated cinnamaldehydes ability to inhibit
tumor cell death and cancer cell apoptosis. (6)
3. Clove: Clove oil contains 30x more anti-oxidants than blueberries which helps
reduce free radical damage. (7)
4. Oregano: Oreganos active ingredient, carvacrol, shown to have anti-tumor effects
on metastatic breast cancer cells. (8)
5. Cardamom: Cardamom essential oil shows to have chemopreventative and anti-
tumor effects. (9)
6. Fennel: Fennel contains terpenoid anethole, which has both estrogenic and
chemopreventive effects. (10)
7. Frankincense: Kills bladder cancer, breast cancer, and skin cancer cells. (4)
8. Clary Sage: Clary Sage contains sclareol which has anticancer effects against
breast cancer cells. (11)
9. Melaleuca (Tea Tree): Tea tree oil was found to fight non-melanoma skin cancer in
mice. (12)
10. Helichrysum: Studies show that helichrysum oil lowers inflammation, fights against
free radical damage and has corticoid-like effects. (13)
11. Rosemary: One study concluded that a 1 percent rosemary essential oil was able to
deactivate more than 90 percent of ovarian and liver cancer cells. (14)
12. Thyme: A 2010 study found that thyme oil was effective against breast cancer, lung
cancer,a nd prostate cancer cells. (14)
Seeking out a licensed aromatherapist or medical practitioner can help you better
understand how to use essential oils, their purposes and how they can promote your own
personal well-being.\

Cleanse Your Kidneys Almost Instantly

With This Natural Home Drink
Health Tips, Healthy Drinks, Natural Remedies

Everyone knows that the kidneys function is to filter our blood that passes through
them several times in one day. They control the balance of the fluids in our bodies,
remove wastes and they are a high factor in regulating the balance of electrolytes.
Each of the kidneys contains almost a million nephrons, and each of them is a
microscopic filter for our blood. They uninterruptedly are filtering our blood, making
sure that the toxins from our bodies exit our bodies through urine.

Remember that living and unhealthy lifestyle is building up toxins in your body,
and therefore it is harder for the kidney to successfully do their job. Also make sure
that you are hydrated, drink water, a lot a lot of water, and every once and there
make a cleansing. This step can prevent the kidney diseases, stones, and the toxic
build-up in the body.

Try these natural remedies for proper cleansing of your kidneys.


Are you asking how can parsley aid you kidneys? We will tell you!
This herb contains vitamin K, C, A, iron, folic acid, furanocoumarins, and terpenoid
All of these are very important and crucial for your kidney health. It is antimicrobial,
anticoagulant, anti-anemic, it lowers triglycerides, blood pressure, blood sugar, it is
good for regulating menstruation (thanks to its estrogenic compounds), its also
antihepatotoxic, hyouricemic, etc. Consuming parsley is recommended to help
manage the kidney stones.

It can cleanse your kidneys by increasing the urine and urine flow production,
preventing the absorption of salt onto the kidney tissue.

Parsley can also be used for reducing anxiety and its great natural alternative for
calming your nerves.
Therefore we will provide you with the recipe for Parsley tea (a tea that is alternative
healthy therapy for your kidneys.)

Before we start we recommend that you use fresh herbs, but, also dried leaves arent
bad at all.


One bunch of fresh organic chopped parsley leaves (or dried)

8 cups of filtered water

2 tablespoons of raw, organic honey

A juice made from a half lemon, freshly squeezed (at the moment)

How its made:

Wash and chop the leaves (if they are fresh), and leave them in large pieces.

Place them in a bowl and pour them with water.

Let the water boil and let it soak for about 10 minutes.

Put them in a large saucepan with a lid and let it cool.

Add lemon and honey (the amount is by your choice).

Drink of this tea 1 to 2 cups a day.

Store it in glass containers in the fridge for up to a week.

Make sure to read this- IMPORTANT:

Although parsley has no side effect, some researchers suggest that can induce
menstruation an abortion in pregnant woman so they should avoid drinking it. Also,
if you are taking medications for lowering the blood pressure consult your doctor
before consuming it.

You Almost Certainly Have Parasites and Most

Doctors Do NOT Know How to Treat Them

Parasitic infestations are an epidemic in the United States, with most

sources estimating that a massive 85% of Americans have parasites.

Because of this, we recommend a parasite cleanse every six months, care in

choosing restaurants, and washing after exposure to animals.

Unfortunately, most doctors are not trained in the treatment of parasites. It

is only when parasites are visually seen that American doctors will suspect

them, which requires an especially terrible case. There are many symptoms

of parasite infestation which people experience in daily life, believing that

these issues are completely normal. While sickness has become somewhat

normal in the modern lifestyle, it does not need to be. The amount of

damage that can be caused by parasites is virtually limitless, because many

types of them are small enough to travel anywhere in the body through the

blood stream. Parasites obtain sustenance by robbing the body of nutrients.

They are the root cause of lupus, with all other issues being secondary to
the parasitic infection. Therefore, lupus cannot be cured without a

thorough parasite cleanse. Lupus is offi cially reported to be just another

incurable disease and an autoimmune disorder by the establishment.

Most parasites can be avoided by thoroughly cooking foods and by never

drinking unfi ltered water.

Identifying Common Parasites

Round worms: Living in the stomach and intestines, these worms

enter through undercooked and contaminated food. Remember that

manure used in organic farming may be contaminated with worms.

Therefore, this parasite is one reason to avoid raw produce diets.

Always wash your hands after having contact with pets; especially if

there has been any contact with their feces.

Heart worms: It is extremely rare for heart worms to occur in

humans. In the few cases that were reported, they usually occurred as

a single worm in the lungs, rather than the heart. They cannot be

spread from one animal (or human) to another, but must be spread

through mosquitoes.

Tape worms: Enter the body through undercooked beef, fi sh or pork.

They live in the lower intestinal tract. Use gloves and wash thoroughly

after preparing meat for consumption to prevent them.

Pin worms: Living inside the intestinal tract and lungs, these small

white worms come out at night to lay eggs around the anus. The eggs
hatch, and then the young worms reenter through the anus. If the

person scratches during his sleep, the eggs get under the fi ngernails,

spreading to wherever the person touches. It is believed that they are

small and lightweight enough to become airborne, leading people to

inhale them. This is how they are purported to arrive inside the lungs.

Hook worms and thread worms: These can be found in contaminated

drinking water, or they can enter directly through the feet. They are

tiny in size, and can enter through the soles of bare feet; even without

open wounds. Always wear shoes when walking outside. These worms

are unique because they have a lifespan of several years, and the eggs

can incubate for up to 10 years.

Symptoms of Parasitic Infection

Repeated diarrhea or constipation

Chronic, unexplained nausea, often accompanied by vomiting

Fatigue and weakness

Intestinal cramping

Unexplained dizziness

Foul-smelling gas



Multiple food allergies

Loss of appetite

Itching around the anus, especially at night

Diffi culty sleeping

Diffi culty maintaining a healthy weight (over or underweight)

Itching on the soles of the feet, often accompanied by a rash

Coughing blood (severe cases)

Palpitations (hook worms)


Facial swelling around the eyes (round worms)

Wheezing and coughing, followed by vomiting, stomach pain and

bloating (suggesting round worms or thread worms)

Itching or tingling sensations on the scalp

Allopathic Treatments

If a conventional doctor believes that you have parasites, he will prescribe

an anti-parasitic pharmaceutical. These pharmaceuticals are always toxic,

for it is their toxicity that kills the parasites. Thus, swelling of the lymph

nodes, hands and feet are common with these drugs. Vision problems, lack

of coordination, and convulsions can also occur. Diarrhea is typical too.

Naturally Eliminating Parasites

Black walnut hulls



Pumpkin seeds or pumpkin seed oil capsules

Neem *

Marshmallow root

Diatomaceous earth

Cinchona *

* Do not take neem if you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant,

because it can work as a contraceptive. Cinchona is a herb that is specifi c to

curing malaria.

We do not recommend choosing one of the anti-parasite formulas that are

available in retailers, since they are usually overpriced and formulated at

very low concentrations.

Diatomaceous earth is probably the best natural anti-parasitic medication.

It is a natural pesticide that does not harm humans or pets. It is believed to

kill insects, worms and parasites by dehydrating them. When used on ants,

it usually takes approximately 20 minutes before they are all dead. One

tablespoon of diatomaceous earth taken by an adult, once a day for seven

days, is believed to be extremely effective for killing all parasites. When it

is used on children, bear in mind that height is a better indicator of the size
of their G.I. tracts than their weights. Thus, a child who is 4 feet tall should

take 2 teaspoons, and a child who is 2 feet tall should take 1 teaspoon.

If you take the diatomaceous earth route, then we advise you to only buy it

food grade. Industrial diatomaceous earth is used for swimming pool fi lters,

but it has been chemically treated, so this type is not safe to eat. Try to

avoid rubbing it onto your hands, since it will have a drying effect upon the

skin. Diatomaceous earth contains heavy metals as part of its mineral

content, but it also contains selenium, which allows otherwise accumulative

heavy metals to be safely fl ushed from the body. Therefore, it is not really a

health concern despite the trace presence of aluminum and lead. We

recommend taking selenium supplements for a week after discontinuing

this treatment to ensure that the body thoroughly neutralizes the metals.

Concerned individuals can follow the parasite cleanse with a metal cleanse.

Our research indicates that diatomaceous earth is the best overall parasite

treatment for humans, because it can kill blood-borne parasites as well.

When using it, be sure to drink plenty of fl uids, because it will dehydrate a

person considerably.

Wormwood and black walnut hulls are known to kill adult worms, whilst

cloves kill eggs. Some people use this trio for treating parasites, instead of

diatomaceous earth. It is recommended that you take 500 mg. of wormwood

and black walnut hulls, whilst taking 1/2 teaspoon of cloves daily for about
14 days. The other herbs listed can be used to augment these two core


As parasites die, they release toxins through their excrement and from

rotting. The most common parasites, the worm type, attempt to escape by

burrowing deeper into the intestines, which can cause sharp cramps. Even

when dead, the body is still burdened with the task of fl ushing them out.

This whole process can make the person feel sicker than he was before he

began the cleanse, but this is only temporary, and it is a sign that the

cleanse is working. It is known as a Herxheimer reaction when people

become sicker as a result of the toxins that are released by dying parasites.

While fatigue and grogginess are to be expected, normal life may be

continued, and diarrhea should not occur. Eat a good, wholesome diet

throughout the cleanse to ensure that your immune system is at its

strongest. After the cleanse, you should feel better, have more energy, and

experience sickness less often.

Deworming Pets

A cat or dog is best treated with diatomaceous earth and pumpkin seed oil.

Do not feed pets walnut hulls, wormwood, or any other supplement without

fi rst researching its effects upon animals. For instance, onion can kill dogs.

WHY You Should Eat Chia Seeds And HOW To Eat It

April 11, 2015
Chia seeds are edible 2-3mm oblong seeds that come from a
desert plant salvia hispanica. The seeds are black, dark brown
and white in color, tiny and have a mild nutty flavor. There are
also the red variety but the former is preferred.

Chia seeds are unprocessed and can easily be absorbed by the

body. They are becoming better known for their excellent
source of healthy omega-3 fatty acids and is a great source of
digestible protein compared to protein from animal meat. Chia
seeds are very versatile and you can put them in almost any

Chia seeds are very low in sodium and cholesterol and an
excellent source of calcium and phosphorus. They have very
high content of omega-3 fatty acids, fiber and antioxidants
which are beneficial for overall health. An important omega-3
fatty acid in chia is alpha-linoleic acid (ALA) that is anti-

In the micro-nutrients department, chia seeds are rich with the

B vitamins, C, D and E and having minerals such as calcium,
phosphorus, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, and

Anti-cancer: The high antioxidant content of Chia
neutralizes free radicals that can cause damage to molecules
in cells and contributes to ageing and diseases like cancer.

Bone health: Chia seeds are extremely high in calcium,

magnesium, manganese, phosphorus and protein that makes it
beneficial for strengthening bones, teeth and nails.
Brain health: The rich omega-3 fatty acids are helpful for
maintaining brain health. It helps reduce brain inflammation,
nourish and reconnect neurons, thus increasing brain
performance, preventing brain deterioration and brain fog.

Cellular health: Hemp seeds have a low content of saturated

and mono-unsaturated fats and high in omega-3 and omega-6
fatty acids which makes it beneficial for vigorous cellular
development with diverse health benefits.

Diabetes: Individuals with blood sugar issues may benefit

from including chia seeds in their diet for their rich fiber that
may also help lower blood sugar, risks of heart disease and

Fiber: One of the main reasons for eating chia seeds is for its
rich fiber. One serving of about 30 grams (approximately one
ounce) of chia seeds may meet a third of the RDA for an adult.
Eating fiber daily will gradually improve digestive health.

Heart health: These seeds can reduce the risk of a fatal

cardiac arrhythmia or heart attack because they contain
healthy fats such as omega-3 and omega-6 that are not
synthesized naturally by the body. Hemp seeds produce
phytosterols, which help decrease the amount of cholesterol in
the body and removes fat buildup in the arteries.

Inflammation: Hemp seeds can help reduce inflammation

and may be beneficial for those suffering with arthritis,
psoriasis, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and even
tuberculosis because it improves circulation.

Weight loss: All of the fiber in chia and hemp seeds can
absorb up to 10-12 times its weight in water, it becomes a gel-
like substance and expands in your stomach which can
enhance fullness, slow absorption of your food and help you
eat less calories. The rich protein content can also help reduce
appetite and food intake.
The recommended consumption of chia seeds is about 3-4
tablespoons a day. Start with a smaller amount a day as they
are fibrous and it may be different for different individuals, how
they are able to tolerate fiber. They can be eaten raw, soaked
in water or juice, added to baked goods, soups, puddings,
yogurts, vegetable dishes, or mixed into smoothies or shakes.

Chia seeds absorb both water and fat. When added to water,
they can expand up to 30x their own weight. It is
recommended to soak them for about 10-15 minute and have
them fully expand before consuming.

Eating them dry will have the chia seeds absorb moisture from
your intestines instead, and may cause dehydration or
constipation, and in some cases may even cause choking.

Store chia seeds in an airtight container in a cool and dark

place to prevent it turning rancid.

Look up 8 super ways you can add chia seeds into your diet to enjoy all
its health benefits.

There are no known intolerance or allergic reactions to
consuming chia seeds and they can be safely consumed by
pregnant and young children in small quantities.

This is what Happens to your

Brain after eating 2 tbs of
Coconut Oil Twice a Day For 60
Tom March 12, 2017Health No Comment
According to the Alzheimers Associations 2011 Alzheimers Disease Facts and Figures,
around 5.4 million Americans currently suffer from Alzheimers disease.

These figures are expected to rise to 16 million by 2050, and in the next two decades,
Alzheimers will affect one in four Americans, becoming as prevalent as diabetes and

The treatments of this condition often fail to deliver effects, so it is of high importance to
early diagnose and prevent it on time. However, it seems that you only need a tablespoon
of peanut butter and a ruler to confirm a diagnosis of this disease in its early stages.

Medical News Today reports:

Jennifer Stamps, a graduate student in the University of Florida (UF) McKnight Brain
Institute Center for Smell and Taste, and her colleagues reported the findings of a small
pilot study in the Journal of the Neurological Sciences.

Stamps came up with the idea of using peanut butter to test for smell sensitivity while
she was working with Dr. Kenneth Heilman, one of the worlds best-known behavioral
neurologists, from the UF College of Medicines department of neurology.

The ability to smell is associated with the first cranial nerve and is often one of the first
things to be affected in cognitive decline She thought of peanut butter because, she
said, it is a pure odorant that is only detected by the olfactory nerve and is easy to

The pilot study involved 24 patients diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment, who were
asked to close their mouth and eyes and hold one nostril closed while breathing normally
through the other.
The clinician used a ruler to measure the distance between the open nostril and the
peanut butter and marked the distance at which the patient could detect the distinct

The procedure was then repeated with the other nostril after half a minute. Researchers
found that there was a great difference between the ability to detect odor between the
nostrils in patients diagnosed with an early stage Alzheimers. Their report claimed:

The left nostril was impaired and did not detect the smell until it was an average of 10
cm closer to the nose than the right nostril had made the detection in patients with
Alzheimers disease.

This was not the case in patients with other kinds of dementia; instead, these patients
had either no differences in odor detection between nostrils or the right nostril was worse
at detecting odor than the left one.

Yet, there is a need for further research, but Stamps claims that this test effectively
confirms a diagnosis. The plan of the team is to study patients with mild cognitive
impairment next, in order to see if it might help predict a future diagnosis of Alzheimers.

Furthermore, a team of researchers from Florida is trying to check if coconut oil can
provide benefits against Alzheimers. Dr. Mary Newport had a theory three years ago
which indicated that ketone bodies,

which act as an alternative fuel for the brain that the body makes when digesting coconut
oil, can be of great help in the fight against Alzheimers disease.

Nowadays, this theory is used to launch one of the first clinical trials of its kind to confirm
these findings, which is conducted at the USF Health Byrd Alzheimers Institute.

The study of Dr. Newport involves 65 patients diagnosed with mild to moderate
Alzheimers, and it is expected that the results will be published in a year.

The husband of Dr. Newport has been battling this same disease for years, and CTV News
While there is currently no clinical data showing the benefits of coconut oil on the
prevention and treatment of dementia, Newport whose husband Steve was diagnosed
with Alzheimers at age 51 -said she began to see improvements after starting him on
four teaspoons of coconut oil per day.

Before the coconut oil, he could not tie his shoes. His weird slow gait That improved. He
walked normally and he was able to start running again.

He was able to start reading again, his conversation improved dramatically and then over
several months we saw improvements in his memory, Newport said. Prior to starting him
on coconut oil, Newport said none of the existing medications were working.

Coconut Oil as an Ideal Brain Food

Our body can turn two types of fuel into energy, fat, and carbs/sugar. When fat is
converted into energy, the body produces ketone bodies, whose primary source are the
medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) found in coconut oil. Actually, this oil contains about 66
percent MCTs.

Medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) are fats which are processed by the body in the same
way as long-chain triglycerides. The fat taken into your body should be combined with bile
released from your gallbladder before it can be broken down in the digestive system.

However, medium-chain triglycerides travel directly to the liver, which naturally turns the
oil into ketones, completely bypassing the bile. Then, the liver releases the ketones into
the bloodstream from where they are transported to the brain and be used as fuel.

Studies show that ketone bodies can help restore and renew neurons and nerve function
in the brain, even after an experienced damage.

Namely, the mechanism of their metabolism is that the body treats MCTs as a
carbohydrate and not a fat, so the ketone energy hits the bloodstream without the normal
insulin spike linked to carbohydrates entering the bloodstream.

This indicates that coconut oil is a fat which functions as a carbohydrate when it comes to
brain fuel.
The therapeutic levels of MCTs have been studied at 20 grams on a daily basis, and Dr.
Newports claims that only two tablespoons of coconut oil (around 35 ml) will provide the
equivalent of 20 grams of MCT, which has been shown to be a preventative measure
against degenerative neurological diseases, and an effective treatment for an already
existing disease.

There is a need for further research in the area as well, but we strongly suggest that you
incorporate coconut oil into your daily diet and enjoy its countless health benefits.

Yet, you should start slowly and gradually increase the doses, as people tolerate coconut
oil differently. It is best to start with a teaspoon in the morning, taken with food, and
gradually increase to 4 tablespoons, again, taken with food.

Low-Fat Craze might have caused a Dramatic Rise in Alzheimers

Numerous flawed nutritional guidelines have led to a few health issues, such as the low-
fat craze, which made the avoidance of fat a leading cause of heart and brain diseases.

The neurologist Dr. David Perlmutter claims that the fat avoidance and carbohydrate
overconsumption are at the heart of the Alzheimers epidemic.

His book, Grain Brain, provides a sound explanation why you should eliminate grains from
the diet and prevent brain issues. Yet, not many people would fund a research of
treatments using regular food items.

Amanda Smith, Medical Director at University of South Florida (USF) Health Byrd
Alzheimers Institute told the following for CTV News:

The pharmaceutical industry is in this of course to make money for their companies,
and of course they want to help people theoretically but at the end of the day it is
about dollars and cents, and so money gets invested in things that are new or patentable
rather than things that are sitting on the shelf already.

Intermittent Fasting can also boost the production of ketones

You can boost the production of ketone in two ways: by restricting carbohydrates, and
intermittent fasting. For best effects, you should replace the lost carbs with high-quality
fat, while intermittent fasting will aid the body to shift to burning fat as its primary fuel.

The body needs 6-8 hours to metabolize the glycogen stores, after which you can start
producing ketone bodies and shift to burning stored fat.

Intermittent fasting includes timing the meals to let the body enter the fat-burning
program. The fast should last at least 16 hours, for example, you should eat only between
the hours of 11am until 7pm, or noon until 8pm.

Also, you should not eat at least 3 hours before going to sleep, and then gradually extend
the time before the breakfast each day until you manage to skip breakfast and eat for at
lunch for the first time.

You need to repeat this procedure for 2 weeks to 2 months. This will significantly reduce
your desire to eat.

Support Healthy Brain Function and Prevent Alzheimers

Alzheimers is a disease which can be prevented, and it depends on your lifestyle choices.
Therefore, you should carefully choose the foods you add to your regular diet, and this
can help you prevent all chronic degenerative diseases.

Research has shown that individuals who experience very little decline in their cognitive
function up until the end of their lives are free of brain lesions, which indicates that the
damage can be successfully prevented. The best way to achieve this is to lead a healthy

The guidelines below will help you prevent brain damage:

Avoid gluten (primarily wheat) Studies have shown that the blood-brain barrier, which
protects the brain, is negatively influenced by gluten, which makes the gut more
permeable, and lets proteins enter the bloodstream.
This weakens the immune system and makes the person more susceptible to
inflammation and autoimmunity, which contribute to the development of Alzheimers.

Avoid sugar and refined fructose You should maintain the sugar levels low and the total
fructose below 25 grams daily, or 15 grams daily in the case of insulin resistance or any
related disorders.

Raise the consumption of all healthful fats, such as animal-based omega-3 The brain
benefits from the consumption of beneficial health-promoting fats, such as olives, coconut
oil, nuts like macadamia and pecans, avocado, organic butter from raw milk, clarified
butter called organic grass-fed raw butter, organic virgin olive oil, free-range eggs, and
wild Alaskan salmon.

You should consume fermented foods regularly, or take a high-potency and high-quality
probiotic supplement to optimize the gut flora.

Ketones are the perfect fuel for the brain and not glucose. They are produced by the body
when it converts fat (as opposed to glucose) into energy.

Coconut oil contains medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) which are a rich source of ketone
bodies, as coconut oil is about 66 percent MCTs. Ketones are the preferred source of brain
food in the case of diabetes or Alzheimers.

Also, consume sufficient amounts of animal based omega-3 fats, like krill oil.

The regular intake of the omega-3 fats EPA and DHA may prevent cell damage due to
Alzheimers disease, as it will decelerate its progression, and reduce your risk of
developing the disorder.

Your diet should be high in nutrients, especially in folate. You should consume plenty of
fresh raw vegetables on a daily basis, as they are the richest source of folate.The fasting
insulin levels should be maintained below 3, as it is linked to fructose, as it will cause an
insulin resistance. Yet, other sugars, grains, and physical inactivity are also of crucial
importance. The reduction of insulin levels will reduce the levels of leptin, which
contributes to Alzheimers.
Consume blueberries. Wild blueberries are rich in anthocyanin and antioxidants, which
prevent Alzheimers and other neurological diseases.

Avoid flu vaccinations as most of them have mercury, which is a well-known neurotoxic
and immunotoxic agent.

Avoid and eliminate mercury from the body. Namely, dental amalgam fillings are 50
percent mercury by weight and represent one of the leading causes of heavy metal
toxicity. Therefore, you should eliminate them, and also try a mercury detox protocol.

Raise the magnesium levels. Studies show that the raised levels of magnesium in the
brain reduce the Alzheimers symptoms. Try the new supplement, magnesium threonate,
as it provides the best effects.

Safe sun exposure to raise the vitamin D levels- researchers have found a strong relation
between the reduced vitamin D levels in Alzheimers patients and poor outcomes on
cognitive tests, so they believe that the optimal levels of this vitamin will increase the
number of important chemicals in the brain and protect brain cells. This will be done by
boosting the effectiveness of the glial cells in nursing damaged neurons back to health.
Vitamin D also has potent anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties, so it can
strengthen the immune system and thus help you fight inflammation related to

Avoid aluminum, like vaccine adjuvants, antiperspirants, non-stick cookware, etc.

You should lower the overall consumption of calories, as ketones are mobilized when
carbs are replaced with coconut oil and other healthy fat sources. You only need a day of
fasting to reset the body and help it burn fat instead of sugar.

Challenge your mind- The risk of Alzheimers is greatly reduced by mental stimulation,
such as learning something new, learning a new language, or how to play an instrument.
This mental stimulation develops the brain and makes it less prone to the lesions linked to
Alzheimers disease.

Avoid anticholinergics and statin drugs. The risk of dementia is significantly increased by
the use of drugs that block acetylcholine, which is a nervous system neurotransmitter.
These drugs include sleep aids, antidepressants, certain narcotic pain relievers, nighttime
pain relievers, antihistamines, and medications to control incontinence. Statin drugs
deplete the brain of coenzyme Q10 and neurotransmitter precursors, suppress the
synthesis of cholesterol, and prevent the proper delivery of essential fatty acids and fat-
soluble antioxidants to the brain, due to the fact that they prevent the production of the
indispensable carrier biomolecule, called low-density lipoprotein.

Exercise regularly. The regular exercise can effectively change the metabolism of the
amyloid precursor and decelerate the onset and progression of this disorder. Also, it raises
the levels of the protein PGC-1alpha, and it has been shown that Alzheimers patients
have less PGC-1alpha in their brains. Furthermore, it has been shown that cells which
contain more of the protein produce less of the toxic amyloid protein linked to

Other Natural Treatments

As we stated, the primary defense line against dementia and Alzheimers is to lead a
healthy and comprehensive lifestyle. However, the following natural dietary agents will
also help you prevent such disorders.

The 4 natural foods/supplements below effectively prevent age-related cognitive


Ginkgo biloba: Scientists have shown that Ginkgo biloba provides benefits in the case of
dementia. It is derived from a tree native to Asia, and its medicinal properties have been
long used in China and other countries.

According to a 1997 study from JAMA, Ginkgo effectively enhances cognitive performance
and social functioning in dementia patients.

Another 2006 study found that Ginkgo can be as effective as the dementia drug Aricept
(donepezil) for treating mild to moderate Alzheimers type dementia. Also, a meta-
analysis conducted in 2010 showed that it can provide positive effects in various
dementia types.
Vitamin B12: The journal Neurology published a small Finnish study which showed that
foods high in this vitamin lower the Alzheimers risk. Whats more, researchers found that
for each unit increase in the marker of vitamin B12, the risk of developing Alzheimers
was lowered by 2 percent.

Astaxanthin- This natural pigment has one of the most powerful antioxidant activities
known. It is also a fat-soluble nutrient, which crosses the blood-brain barrier, so t is a
powerful natural brain food and successfully prevents neurodegeneration linked to
oxidative stress.

Its molecules prevent free radical damage, and neutralize other oxidants without being
destroyed or becoming pro-oxidants.

The shape of their molecules allows them to fit into a cell membrane and span its entire
width, damaging molecules before they manage to damage the cells.

You can take it by consuming krill oil, or by adding a pure astaxanthin supplement to your
dietary regimen. To boost its absorption, take krill oil and/or astaxanthin with a fat-
containing meal because both are fat-soluble.

Alpha lipoic acid (ALA): it stabilizes cognitive functions in the case of Alzheimers patients,
and decelerates the progression of the disorder

Natural antibiotics that our ancestors used

instead of pills
0 0 35 Views
By: D. Samuelson
Date: March 15, 2016
in: Clean foods & organics, Good news, Green living / sustainable living, Healing arts, Health, Health freedom, herbal
medicine, Nutrition, Remedies, Superfoods & healing foods

Penicillin. Ciproflaxin. Augmentin. Levaquin. Amoxicillin. Moxiflacin. Lets hope there

isnt a half filled bottle collecting dust in your bathroom cabinet. You, or a family
member, have most likely been prescribed an antibiotic to fight an infection in the
duration of your life. And if one antibiotic didnt work, the doctor prescribed another. If
the bacteria in your body outsmarts your antibiotic, it becomes resistant. The
ramifications are deadly, says the Center for Disease Control (CDC):
Each year in the United States, at least 2 million people become infected with bacteria
that are resistant to antibiotics and at least 23,000 people die each year as a direct result
of these infections.

Thousands of years before Louis Pasteur, man was not placed in a chemical factory; it
was a garden. And it was and still is within this incredible ecosystem that powerful herbal
alternatives exist to fight fungus, infections and all manner of disease. Vital Alternatives
mention ten specific natural solutions that can replace antibiotic use. Here is a brief
summary of their top ten:
Oregano and the oil of Oregano An oil that is found in oregano, Carvacrol, has been
found to fight the bacteria that can lead to infections. The oil of oregano has been found
to treat digestive infections, and even one particular yeast infection.
Oil of oregano is called hyssop in the Bible. It is been called the most powerful anti
fungal on earth.
Raw Apple Cider Vinegar this helps to alkalize your system and lower your risk of
Honey Manuka honey is well known for its healing properties. Honey has an enzyme
that releases hydrogen peroxide and fights infection.
Tumeric a powerful anti inflammatory and antioxidant.
Garlic it can improve blood pressure, fight infection and more. 6966
Grapefruit Seed Extract effective against viruses and bacteria and can boost immunity.
Echinacea helps shorten the life of colds.
Cabbage known as a cancer fighter and an antibacterial.
Extra Virgin Conconut Oil good for skin, hair, an antibacterial and immunity
Fermented Food helps intestinal flora and fights infections.
Colloidal Silver destroys viruses and is a natural antibiotic.
I encourage you to read the full summary of these powerful remedies and begin in earnest
to strengthen your body, mind and soul. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports:
Antibiotic resistance is one of the biggest threats to global health today. It can affect
anyone, of any age, in any country.
Antibiotics have only been widely available since the mid 1940s. Seventy years is an
extremely short period of time for such a medical miracle to be on the verge of
collapse. While there exist a confluence of factors, I see two primary reasons. An
estimated 80% of all U.S. antibiotics are given to cows, pigs and chickens and its not
just because they are sick. Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) use antibiotics
to help animals gain weight. I find this appalling. And these weakened animals are eaten
by millions of unknowing consumers. Add to that the over 1.9 billion pounds of
glyphosate applied globally since the 1970s, decimating the soils beneficial
microorganisms. Remember, glyphosate was first patented as an antibiotic. And since our
bodies are made of the soil, when its overrun by bacteria, fungus and disease, guess what
happens to us?
She Grated Half a Lemon Every
Day and Froze the Rest! After 1
Month, Her Doctor Was Shocked
When He Saw the Results of the
We all know that lemons are extremely beneficial for the overall health.
However, did you know that you can freeze the lemons and enjoy their
amazing benefits? Frozen lemons is a popular method of maximizing the
medicinal properties of lemons.

Why is the Frozen Lemon Therapy so Beneficial?

The frozen lemon therapy is a popular remedy for people who suffer from
cancer. Hence, they use this therapy as a complement to the chemotherapy
sessions. Due to the antioxidant power, lemon can fight the malignant cells
and keep the immune system because the chemotherapy seriously attacks it.

Apart from being a complementary therapy for cancer, the frozen lemon
therapy can also prevent tumors. Moreover, this therapy provides numerous
other benefits, such as:

It is packed with vitamins because the lemon peel has about 10 times
more vitamins than its juice. So the lemon peel contains vitamin C,
pectin, and flavonoids.

Protects and strengthens the immunological system.

Promotes the weight loss process as it detoxes the body and fights the
presence of lipids in the blood that cause bad cholesterol.

How to Prepare Frozen Lemons?

This is a really simple method, which can be easily prepared.

2 lemons

a grater


Simply, put 2 lemons in a freezer. When they freeze, cut them in two parts
and grate them. You should consume 75 grams (2.65 ounces) of frozen
lemon each day.

Ways to Consume Frozen Lemons?

You can add 25 grams of the grated lemon peel in natural yogurt without
sugar. Moreover, you can use them in salads for lunch, where you can
include spinach, nuts, fresh cheese, a few pieces of salmon and a few cherry
tomatoes. Or, you can add them to any fruit salad.


Admin 2 days ago No Comments

According to research published in Life Science, artemisinin

derivative of Sweet wormwood plant (Artemisia annua L., a literal
translation from English the sweet wormwood) used in Chinese
medicine can kill 98% of breast cancer cells in less than 16 hours.

If the plant is used it causes 28 percent reduction in breast cancer

cells, or in combination with iron, Sweet wormwood can delete
cancer almost completely.

Moreover, it did not affect at all the normal cells in the breast in this
Artemisinin has been used in the past as a powerful antimalarial agent,
but now it has been proven to be effective against cancer.

When the subjects in the study were added iron, which often
accumulates in the breast tissue or cells infected especially in cancer,
artemisinin selectively attacked the bad cells, while good cells did
not touch.

Iron accumulates in cancer cells with specific receptors that help them
sharing cells (called transferrin receptors).

Normal cells are likely to have these receptors as well, but cancer cells
have them in large quantities, and thus can be targeted by a
combination of iron and artemisinin.

There have been lots of experiments that prove that artemisinin can
effectively remove the disease in the presence of iron.

This extract has been used for thousands of years in China against

Malaria parasite cannot live in the presence of Artemisinin because it is

full of iron.

Bioengineer Henry Lai and Narendra Singh of the University of

Washington, Seattle, is the scientist who first discovered this.

Their research demonstrates that the cancerous cells experiencing

apoptosis, or their own destruction.

So far this extract was difficult to obtain at lower prices, but with the
increased interest in this plant and the price could be more acceptable.
French drug manufacturer Sanofi expects to produce 50-60 tons of
Artemisinin each year, hoping to meet the demand of the world

This Is The Recipe, That Was Removed

From The Internet, Because This
Powerful Beverage Cleans The Liver
And Strengthens The Immune System

This drink is so powerful, that it can change the blood circulation, strengthen the immunity like
never before, to clear the liver and reduce the effects of free radicals.


4 cloves garlic
4 lemons
3-4 cm. (1-1.5 inch) of ginger root or 2 teaspoons of ginger powder
2 lt.(67 fl.oz.) of water


Wash and slice the lemon. Wash and clean the garlic and put it in a blender together with other
ingredients. Put the mixture in water and heat until it begins to boil. Then remove from heat
and allow to cool. The mixture is strained and poured into a glass bottle.
How to take?

Drink 200 ml. of this refreshing beverage at least once per day, on an empty stomach and be
sure two hours before lunch. The treatment lasts for a period of three weeks and then a break
for a week.

admin | August 6, 2016 | Health | No Comments
We all know that cancer is the fastest growing disease in the world and it kills millions of people every

Millions of dollars are spent every year on medical studies and researches, in an effort to find a cure
for this terrible disease. But, unfortunately, there is still no cure. Well, the real truth is that we all
know that there is a cure for cancer, but the big pharmaceutical companies decided to keep it secret.
They are making millions and millions of dollars, while million people are dying every year from this
terrible disease. The Big Pharma companies wont have any benefit if they find the cure so, its
better when its hidden from the public.

We are still going to share the results of the research, conducted by group of medical experts at the
University of Kentucky, which discovered some very promising results. The medical experts found
that grape seeds can kill almost 80% of the cancer cells. This study was published in the American
Association for Cancer Research magazine, and its available for all people. There are many different
studies and theyve all found that many natural ingredients can help in the fight against cancer, but
still, there is no 100% effective cure for cancer and millions of people are dying every day from this
terrible disease. We really hope you find this article helpful and dont forget to share it with your
friends and family. Thank You.

Signs of a Clogged
Lymphatic System and 10
Ways to Cleanse It
What little you may have heard about the lymphatic system is that it is
comparable to drains. When there is a clog in any of the pipes at home,
you may experience an odor from the sink basin.
This is where a buildup of particles such as hair and food become
a breeding ground for bacteria. You regularly maintain your pipes to
avoid a clog, but you should be paying far greater attention to your
lymphatic system in doing the same.

A congested lymphatic system can lead to serious illnesses

and chronic diseases which stem from a weakened immune
A clog in your lymphatic drains can lead to the accumulation of toxins
which the body initially tries to remove. Perhaps your symptoms of body
rigidity, headaches, bloating, skin concerns, and cold extremities are a
result of a sluggish lymphatic system that needs improving.

The lymphatic system consists of lymph nodes, glands, spleen, tonsils,

and thymus gland. It is part of the circulatory and immune system. The
functions of the lymph include:

Removing interstitial fluid from tissues

Absorbing and transporting fatty acids and fats from the digestive
Transporting white blood cells from the lymph nodes into the
Transporting antigen-presenting cells to the lymph nodes.
There are many reasons for the improper function of the lymphatic
system as nutrient deficiencies, high intake of processed foods, and lack
of activity. These are the symptoms which suggest that you need to
clean your lymphatic system:

Digestive disorders
Frequent headaches
Sinus infections
Excess weight
Chronic fatigue
Skin conditions
Unexplained injuries
In order to create flow, the lymphatic system needs the bodys breathing,
movement, muscle action, and intestinal activity, because it doesnt have
its own active pumping system. We present you ten ways which will help
you to create flow in the lymphatic system, needed for the removal of
body toxins.

1. Exercise
The first thing that the healthy lymphatic system requires is a regular
exercising. Start with some easier exercises, and every day try to
increase their level of intensity. Rebounding on a small trampoline is one
of the best exercises for the lymphatic system.

2. Alternative treatments
One of the easiest ways for detoxification of the lymphatic system is a
lymphatic drainage massage. It can boost the lymph circulation, and
drain away the fluids, fat, and toxins from the cells. Another treatment
which will help in the stimulation of the lymph flow and in the removal of
the body toxins is acupuncture.

3. Hot and cold showers

The blood vessels will be dilated by the hot water, while the cold water
will shrivel them. The fluids that were staying in the body for a longer
period of time will be forced out by this pump action. Pregnant women
and people suffering from the cardiovascular disease should not do this

4. Use dry brushing

Brush the dry skin, by making a circular movement with a brush, for 10
minutes. Then, you can take a shower. For better effects, combine the
dry brushing with hot and cold shower.

5. Drink clean water

It is recommended to consume water half of the body weight in ounces
on a daily basis (160lbs=80 ounces of water). Also, you need to
consume a few glasses of lemon water.

6. Avoid wearing tight clothes

Wearing tight clothes can be harmful for the proper circulation in the
lymphatic system as they cause blockages in the lymph system,
resulting in accumulation of toxins.

7. Breathe deeply
There are 3 times more lymph fluid in our body than blood and no organ
for pumping it. You can do a pumping action which requires deep
breathing. It will help the lymphatic system in the transportation of the
toxins into the blood before the liver detoxifies them.

8. Eat foods that promote lymph flow

You can contribute to the health of the lymphatic system by eating raw
foods and foods full of nutrients:

Low sugar fruits

Ground flaxseed
Leafy green vegetables
Brazil nuts
9. Avoid foods that cause blockages to the lymphatic system
Avoid these foods in order to improve the health of your lymphatic

Artificial sweeteners
Conventional dairy
Processed foods
Conventionally raised meat
Table salt
10. Take herbs that stimulate lymph flow
Prepare teas with these herbs in order to improve the health of lymph:

Wild indigo root
How to Grow Long and Thicken
Hair Naturally and Faster! Magical
Hair Growth Treatment 100%
Monica February 26, 2017 How to Grow Long and Thicken Hair Naturally and Faster! Magical Hair Growth Treatment
100% Works!2017-02-26T20:11:33+00:00 Beauty, Natural RemediesNo Comment

Having a lustrous and long hair is a dream for everyone. However, this is not
a case with most of the people. The hair health is affected by various issues,
such as brittle and dull hair, dandruff and scalp infections. Moreover, there
are also many people who suffer from hair loss, which can be a devastating

In order to grow the hair, prevent and treat hair loss, and improve its
condition, many people reach for expensive treatments and products. If you
are among those people, you should know that these products are packed
with chemicals and can cause some adverse effects. Hence, you should try
some natural alternative. There are numerous homemade and
natural remedies for hair growth. Therefore, we decided to present you one
of the most effective natural ingredients for the treatment of hair loss- onion.

Onion for Hair Loss

Onions are amazing vegetables that are extremely beneficial mainly due to
the sulfur-containing compounds. These compounds are responsible for the
pungent odor and health benefits. For instance, onions contain polyphenols,
allyl sulfides, and methylsulfonylmethane. These compounds stimulate the
production of keratin, which is responsible for hair growth.

The sulfur content in onions boosts the blood circulation and nourishes the
hair follicles. Moreover, due to the antibacterial effects, onions fight scalp
infections. Onions are also an amazing ingredient for thick eyebrows.

Onion Rinse for Hair Growth Recipe


4-5 onions

1l water


First, peel the onions and chop them into small pieces. Then, pour the water
in a pot and add the chopped onions. Boil them for about 10 minutes. Then,
leave it to cool and strain it. Use the water to rinse your hair after

Important Tips

If you are worried that your hair will smell unpleasant, feel free to add lemon
juice or rose water to the hair rinse. Moreover, you can also use essential
oils, such as rosemary, lavender and peppermint oil. You should also
increase the intake of onion as it will provide additional dietary support.



Have you heard about artichoke? This vegetable is similar to a

potato and has become a hit in recent years thanks to its
incredible medicinal properties. Artichoke, also known as
Helianthus tuberosus is a plant which has been used in traditional
medicine for a long time. Artichokes are low on calories (only 73
per 100 gr.), which makes the plant ideal for weight loss. It is safe
to use for people with disorders in the digestive flora thanks to
the rich fiber content which can improve your digestion.
Rich in essential vitamins and minerals

Jerusalem artichoke is rich in potassium, a mineral which can

regulate your blood pressure as well as the proper function of
your heart and muscles. Potassium also regulates the water
levels in the body and the transmission of nerve impulses. Half a
cup of Jerusalem artichoke contains 20% of the daily
recommended allowance of the mineral, but it also contains other
nutrients such as insulin, calcium, iron, magnesium, vitamins A,
B, C and D as well as essential amino acids. The vegetable can be
consumed raw, baked or boiled, but people prefer to use it raw in

However, in order to properly benefit from it, we suggest

preparing a homemade artichoke soup. Heres how:


4 artichoke tubers

2 carrots

1 parsley root with leaves

A tablespoon of gluten-free flour

3 tablespoons of olive oil

150 gr. of boiled potatoes

A pinch of salt


Chop the carrots and parsley, then fry them in some olive oil.
Once theyre brown, add some flour and a liter of salty water. In
the meantime, peel the artichokes and cut them into cubes, then
add the other vegetables to the mixture and cook the soup until
the potatoes and artichokes are soft.

Heres how to prepare artichoke salad:


0.5 kg. of artichokes

0.5 kg. of apples

Orange juice (from one orange)

Olive oil


Peel the apples and artichokes and grate them, then pour the
orange juice over them along a teaspoon of olive oil. Mix
everything well and serve the salad fresh.
Turmeric Golden Honey
How to Use This Strongest
Natural Antibiotic
Posted Thursday, July 9, 2015 at 02:20pm EDT
Keywords: benefits of turmeric, Golden Honey Remedy, turmeric and honey, turmeric for
Most of us have had experience using turmeric as a spice in cooking, while only few know
that turmeric and honey combination(we call it golden honey) becomes an invaluable
natural remedy.

Turmeric has strong anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic properties, destroys bacteria

that cause diseases and promotes the bodys natural defences.

And honey, All honey is antibacterial, because the bees add an enzyme that makes
hydrogen peroxide, said Peter Molan, director of the Honey Research Unit at the University
of Waikato in New Zealand.

How to Use the Golden Honey Remedy

When you get the first symptoms of colds, flu or any other disease, make the Golden Honey
mixture and consume it in this way.


3.5 oz. (100 grams) of raw organic honey.

1 tbsp. of turmeric powder.


Add 1 tbsp. of turmeric in 3.5 oz. (100 grams) of raw organic honey, mix well and place it in a
glass container.

Upon the first symptoms of colds and flu:

Day 1 Take tsp. every hour during the day.
Day 2 Take tsp. every two hours during the day.
Day 3 Take tsp. three times a day.

The Golden Honey mixture should stay in the mouth until its complete dissolution. Many
have prevented cold without taking any drugs and pills, thanks to this mix.

You can also use this Golden Honey mixture in the treatment of respiratory diseases: Take
three times a day during the week. You can add coconut milk or tea into the mix.

This mixture is an excellent choice in weight management as it aids in fat metabolism.

It is also a natural treatment for arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, this is because of its
anti-inflammatory properties.


In case you are under treatment or taking any medication, consult your doctor before using
this remedy.

You should not take turmeric if you suffer from gallbladder disease. It causes muscle
contractions of the gallbladder.


Apart from being a delicious and sweet drink, cane juice has nutrients
beneficial to health, as well as hydrate the body and provide energy.
Its nutrients include calcium, chromium, cobalt, copper, magnesium,
manganese, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, iron, vitamins A, C, and B-complex,
as well as phytonutrients, antioxidants, proteins and soluble fiber, all of them
nutrients Which are beneficial to health.
The health benefits of cane juice consumption are:


The high concentration of calcium, iron, potassium, manganese and

magnesium in sugarcane juice make it alkaline in nature, so it helps prevent
and fight cancer disease, especially against prostate and breast cancer.


Cane juice is a good digestive because it contains a high amount of

potassium, thus preventing stomach infections as well as is effective in the
treatment of constipation.


Sugarcane juice prevents heart disease as well as helps keep it healthy

because it helps lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels.


Although sugarcane juice even is extremely sweet, the natural sugars that
contain have a low glycemic index which can prevent the sharp rise in blood
glucose levels in people suffering from diabetes.

Note: If you have diabetes, talk to your doctor about the use of this drink.

There are many benefits of sugar cane juice so you can take it at any time,
but be sure to drink fresh juice as soon as possible after extraction to avoid


March 13, 2017 admin General, Health Leave a comment
The pH (potential hydrogen) scale runs from 0-14, with 7 being the neutral zone.
A substance with a pH <7 is acidic, while those >7 are alkaline. The tap water we
drink every day is full of antibiotics, chlorine, hormones and metals that will enter
your system directly after drinking it, and this kind of dirty water can weaken your
immune system as well.

When our bodies are acidic, it may result in fatigue, weight gain, digestive
problem and low energy levels. All these side-effects are easily avoidable by
drinking pure water and eating a healthy diet rich in alkaline fruit and vegetables.

Food determines our overall pH levels and this has been confirmed several times
in the past. Dr. Otto H. Warburg was the first scientist who discovered that cancer
cells thrive in an acidic environment and die in an alkaline surrounding. For this
discovery, he got the Nobel prize in 1931. According to Dr. Warburg, acidosis in
not only related to the development of cancer, but it is also associated with
diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis and other chronic diseases. This is why its
important to keep your system healthy and alkaline in order to avoid cancer, and
you can do that with the alkaline water recipe we have for you below. Heres how
to prepare it:


1 lemon

a cucumber

a cup of fresh mint leaves

of a cup of ginger root

Preparation and use

Peel and cut a small piece of ginger, then slice all the ingredients and mix them
in a bowl before pouring water over them. Drink the water every morning before
your breakfast for optimal results, and dont throw out the ingredients if you want
to get the most out of them once youve drank the liquid, just pour more water
over them.
The remedy works thanks to the alkaline properties of the ingredients. Lemons
can easily regulate your pH levels, and is also a powerful disinfectant and
antibacterial agent that can treat numerous diseases and conditions and even

5 Ways To Make Turmeric Drinks To Reduce Pain

And Infl ammation
May 31, 2016
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Turmeric makes food delicious, is highly nutritious, and when

added into your food it generally just improves pretty much
everything. Turmeric is not just used in cooking curry. Or well, it
isif youre new to the world of alternative health.

Having understood the immense health benefits of turmeric,

Ive been using turmeric in almost anythingeven in
my beverages. Ive gathered up all my favorite and most basic
recipes so that you can have a cheat sheet to getting all the
benefits you can get out of turmeric.


Before we get to the recipes, there are some pretty nifty health
benefits that you should know about turmeric.

First off, turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory. It is used

as a safe remedy for inflammatory arthritis and inflammatory
bowel diseases (IBD) such as Crohns and ulcerative colitis. It
has also been shown to limit damage in cystic fibrosis, a fatal

Turmerics anti-inflammatory effects have been shown to be

comparable to the potent drugs hydrocortisone and
phenylbutazone as well as over-the-counter anti-inflammatory agents
such as Motrin. Unlike the drugs, which are associated with
significant toxic effects (ulcer formation, decreased white blood
cell count, intestinal bleeding), turmeric produces no toxicity.

Turmeric is also a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants are

responsible for neutralizing free radicals. Free radicals are harmful
components your body makes naturally, but in large quantities
can be very harmful. It is believed free radicals create much of
the damage that causes Alzheimers, Parkinsons, and dementia. Free
radicals can damage cells, causing them to mutate into
cancerous cells.

Due to the high antioxidant levels in turmeric, individuals who

have significant amounts of turmeric in their diet are less likely
to develop cancerous tumors. Laboratory experiments have
shown that curcumin (a phytonutrient in turmeric) can prevent
tumors from forming.

A research conducted at the University of Texas suggests from

lab tests on mice, that even when breast cancer is already
present, curcumin can help slow the spread of breast cancer
cells to the lungs.


All right, youve been briefed on the really good bits about
turmeric, so here is my collection of recipes for things that are
not curry. Its important to note the fats and/or black pepper
can really bring out the benefits of turmeric, so its important
to include healthy fats when you eat your dose.

1. Golden Milk
2 cups of milk of choice (coconut milk, or any homemade
nut milk)
1 teaspoon dried turmeric powder (or -inch fresh
turmeric thinly sliced or diced)
1 teaspoon dried ginger powder (or -half inch fresh
ginger thinly sliced or diced)
A sprinkle of black pepper.
Honey to taste
Heat the milk gently on the stove. When it starts steaming add
the spices. Leave it to simmer (stirring occasionally) for a
minute or two. Let it sit for ten minutes (strain if you used fresh
ingredients) and then drink at your leisure.

2. Turmeric Smoothie
There are so many smoothie recipes out there, but this one is
probably my favorite.

1 cup frozen mango

-inch piece of fresh turmeric (or 1 tsp. of turmeric
1 tablespoon of coconut oil
1 teaspoon chia seeds
teaspoon cinnamon
Blend on high until smooth. Have for breakfast, or snack.

10 Symptoms You May Have Parasites in your

Body (and how to remove them)

According to the World Health Organization, 3.5 billion people suffer from

some type of parasitic infection. A parasite is any organism that lives and

feeds off of another organism. Parasites take and utilize your bodys
nutrients and in so doing, hurt the entire organism. Parasites take on a

number of different forms and can thrive throughout the body. They most

often live within the human intestines. Some eat your food, making you

hungry after every meal and unable to gain weight. Others consume your

red blood cells, causing anemia.

10 Symptoms You Have Parasites in

your Body (and how to remove them)
Fatigue, exhaustion, depression, or feeling of apathy frequently.

Diarrhea. Parasites generally attack the lining of the intestines which

leads to a variety of abdominal problems prevail in distressing


Skin problems: dry skin, eczema, rashes, hives, papular lesions and


Mood and anxiety problems such as mood swings, nervousness,

depression, forgetfulness, restlessness, and anxiety

Sleep problems such as insomnia, teeth grinding during sleep, bed

wetting and disturbed sleep.

Weight and appetite problems like weight gain, long standing obesity,

loss of appetite or uncontrollable hunger and inability to gain or lose

Muscle and joint problems, including muscle pain, joint pain, muscle

cramping, numbness of hands and/or feet, pain in navel, heart pain and

arthritic pain.

Diagnosis of iron-defi ciency anemia

Reproductive problems, PMS, urinary tract infections, cysts and

fi broids, menstrual problems, prostate problems and water retention.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Irritable bowel syndrome one of the more

common signs of parasites in the body. Intestinal parasites fi x

themselves to the walls of the intestines which leads to infl ammation

of the area.

The best way to test for a parasite is to get a stool test. It is best to consult

with a licensed medical practitioner and complete the testing necessary to

determine the type of parasitic infection.

Parasites love sugar and everything that turns into sugar. So you need to

starve the parasites through eliminating sugar and processed foods from

your diet.

Additionally, the key to removing parasites is to consume food and herbs

that facilitate a hostile environment for them rather than a hospitable

one.Parasites hate gentian root, ginger, blackberries, raw cabbage, aloe,

coconut oil, pineapple, pumpkin seeds, pomegranate seeds, and papaya.

Make sure to eat as much of these foods as possible. Consuming more fi ber

helps the body get rid of parasites especially worms.

This Simple Ingredient

Increases Vision by Up to
97% :

The eyes are an important, but often overlooked, part of overall health.
Despite the preventable nature of some vision impairments, many
people do not receive recommended screenings and exams. A visit to
an eye care professional for a comprehensive dilated eye exam can help
to detect common vision problems and eye diseases, including:

Diabetic retinopathy
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD)
In the center of our eyes, we have a macula that is imperative for our
visual field. With macular degeneration, the macula becomes damaged
resulting in blindness. In elderly, young and healthy individuals, the
vision field is mainly damaged.

In the beginning stages of macular degeneration, the field of vision isnt

affected. Instead, it slowly alters to a blurry/wavy vision to a hole in the
whole center of your field of vision. This ocular disease affects many
people than both glaucoma and cataracts.

Genetics play an imperative role in the presence of disease and

smoking will increase your risk of it.
Saffron is commonly used in Indian food and helps avoid vision issues
and at the same time, curing existing vision issues. Researchers have
tested people that were given 20mg of saffron a day for 3 months.

They were evaluated in the exact same way. People with macular
degeneration had signs of healing with their retina, after 3 months of
consuming 20mg of saffron a day. Saffron is beneficial in curing and
preventing ocular impairment, and some disorders in the nervous

It is an anti-oxidant, and well responsible in increasing our levels of

oxygen through our body in the same way as it prevents cell deaths.
Containing safranal, it is vital in the reduction of the process in
degeneration of cells that take in light, and aids in the optimal function of
our blood vessels to the eyes and retina.


It is suggested that you take 1 cup of saffron tea) per day in order to
delay blindness as it contains essential fatty acids that protect you from
vision impairment. If taken daily, it will ensure you more tolerance to
bright light

5 Warning Signs of
Magnesium Deficiency
Posted Monday, July 14, 2014 at 12:13pm EDT
Keywords: Magnesium Deficiency, Signs of Magnesium Deficiency
Many Americans do not understand the importance of magnesium in the same way they
understand calcium or iron, for instance. Nonetheless, adequate magnesium levels are
crucial for brain, cardiac and muscle function and it is needed, along with silica and Vitamins
D and K to promote bone health. Magnesium deficiency is more common than many people
suspect, and below are 5 warning signs that could indicate a deficiency in this important

1. Ringing in the Ears or Hearing Loss

Tinnitus, or a constant, high-pitched ringing in the ears is common symtom of magnesium
deficiency, as is hearing loss. There are have been a number of studies done on the
relationship between ear health and sufficient magnesium levels. In one Chinese study, it
was found that magnesium in sufficient quantities will prevent the formation of the free
radicals that can lead to hearing loss. In a study at the Mayo Clinic, it was found that treating
patients who had experienced hearing loss with magnesium supplementation often helped
restore that loss within three months.

2. Muscle Cramps or Tremors

Magnesium is crucial to optimim muscle function. Without it, the body would be in a state of
convulsion, because it is this mineral that allows the muscles to relax. That is why, for
instance, a magnesium oxide drip is used to ease women in labor and why magnesium is
found in so many sleep-inducing supplements. A lack of sufficient magnesium, therefore, can
lead to facial tics, muscle cramping and twitching or cramping of the feet while trying to

3. Depression
The link between low magnesium levels and depression was understood over a century ago,
when doctors would use it to treat this mental health disorder. Modern science has backed
this up, with a study at a psychiatric hospital in Croatia finding that many attempted suicide
patients had severely low levels of this important mineral. One advantage of magnesium
over traditional antidepressants is the lack of side effects sometimes associated with these

4. Abnormal Heart Function

As previously discussed, low magnesium levels can have an effect on muscles throughout
the body and this includes the heart muscles. Insufficient magnesium can induce a condition
known as a cardiac arrhythmia, in which the heart fails to beat regularly and this, in turn, can
cause a greater risk for complications like heart attacks and strokes. That is why, for
instance, doctors at the Henry Low Heart Center in Connecticut treat their arrhythmia
patients with a medication which contains magnesium.
5. Kidney Stones
Many people believe that kidney stones are caused by an excess of calcium, but in fact it is a
lack of magnesium that is the culprit. Magnesium prevents the formation of these stones by
inhibiting the binding of calcium with oxalate, the two compounds which make up these
stones. Kidney stones can be excruciatingly painful, so it is good to know that something as
simple as magnesium supplementation can prevent them!

If experiecing any of these symptoms, consulting with a healthcare practitioner is a good

idea. It is also wise to follow a diet which includes foods like okra, sunflower or pumpkin
seeds, almonds, soy or black beans, cashews and spinach as these are all natural
magnesium sources.

Prepare Your Own Diabetes

Medication with 2 Ingredients
hldice1 March 12, 2017-03-12T03:10:28+00:00 No Comment
This simple remedy for diabetes can be
prepared with only 2 ingredients.
Needed ingredients:

6 lemons

300 g. celery

Method of preparation:
Wash and grate the celery and then put it in a pot. Squeeze the
juice of the lemons in pot and put the pot in another pot filled with
water. Boil until the water reaches a boiling point. Then, reduce the
temperature and leave the remedy to cook for 2 more hours.
Leave the mix to cool down and store in the fridge in a glass jar. Take
the remedy half an hour before breakfast on an empty stomach. The
remedy will normalize your blood sugar levels.
7 Ways To Protect Yourself
From The Ruling Elites World
Depopulation Agenda
TOPICS:EugenicsGlobalist AgendaPaul Philips
MARCH 12, 2017
By Paul A. Philips

The dark side, the worlds ruling elite (and many associates) are lost
beings. They have lost their way from what is honest, decent and just: A
number of us know that in their quest for total domination there is a secret
world depopulation agenda in operation.

The overwhelming evidence for this: documented facts, whistleblower

testimony, bombshell quotes on record like those from Henry Kissinger,
Zbigniew Brzezinski and Bill Gates can only serve as a cue for you to take
certain necessary counter-measures.

Remember, the price of ignorance could be death.

In light of this, in these unpredictable or even tempestuous times to come,

here are 7 ways to protect you and your loved ones from the ruling elites
world depopulation agenda.

1. Stay vigilant
Watch the ruling elite and their associates like a hawk, especially certain
key people making the major decisions. Learn to discern their hidden
ulterior motives tied in to the planned depopulation agenda. For examples,
watch out for their false flag diseases, forced medications, fake wars for
profit Remember, the elite want significant world depopulation because:

A smaller world population would be easier to monitor, manipulate

and control
Be easier to overawe, keep dumbed down, docile and sick
Prevent overthrow from an overwhelming number of consciously
awakened individuals taking action against their control system
2. Prepare
When the ruling elite operate on the principle order out of chaos who
knows what could happen. There could be a fake alien invasion, severe
money shortages from a manufactured financial collapse, secret
weaponized weather modification attacks such as that from HAARP (High
Frequency Active Auroral Research Program), bio-warfare, or World War
3 Be prepared where you can to survive the worst-case scenarios.

For the survival of you and your loved ones, discernment, self-sufficiency
and unity are keys. Educate yourself on survival. Make sure to have long-
term availability of food, water, backup power sources, DIY tools, first aid,
a money supply or a stock of items that could be bartered such as precious
metals, build supporting communities. Hopefully, these things could
enable survival in the weeks before some state of normality returns.

3. Maintain a healthy immune system

The elite are overseeing their world depopulation agenda by the long-term
gradual weakening of our immune systems, leading to fatal diseases.
Theyre doing it through their poisonous and addictive medicine (some
have given rise to increased suicides), and poisoning our food, water, land
and air.

To not be affected by this onslaught, it is therefore vitally necessary to

maintain a healthy immune system. Drink good clean water, eat a healthy
diet of organic food, get regular sunlight, provide a natural and nourishing
environment, exercise frequently, avoid toxicity where you can, detoxify,
sleep well and try to maintain a state of well being.

This video clip featuring an impassioned and inspiring David Icke nicely

4. Choose to live naturally

Following on, evidence has shown us that the healthiest groups and
populations are those who live naturally. For example, there have been a
number of studies on isolated indigenous tribes throughout the world such
as the Hunzas tribe at the foothills of the Himalayas. Living naturally in a
toxin-free natural farm food environment, absent from the spoils of the
Western World, there had been no mental or physical disease. Another
example of excellent health through living naturally in an isolated culture is
the Amish people.

Some people believe that the future of food will exist in small organic
gardening and farming communities.
5. Refuse to cooperate
Peoples mass refusal to cooperate is the key to preventing the ruling elites
world depopulation agenda. For example, forced healthcare (sick care)
such as the toxic vaccination program would not work if there was an
overwhelming mass refusal.

Say no to joining the military: Dont be duped into becoming a death

statistic, through fighting in one of the elites fake wars. All the major wars
and their reasons for fighting were based on false pretenses, as they had
been secretly manufactured by the ruling elite for power, profit and
political gains.

6. Become an activist
If somehow there will come a time when the elites parasitic power
structures would have collapsed and we get to not only survive but thrive as
a race, then activism would indeed have played a vital part.

Manipulation will never beat true benevolence: Becoming part of

the successful team of peaceful activists involved in the co-creation of a
new planetary experience through an evolved humanity means having to
chose the service to others pathway as opposed to the service to self
pathway taken by the ruling elite and their associates.

Are you a peaceful activist? Are you: 1. spreading the word to others on
whats really happening in the world? 2. Doing your inner work and 3.
Doing 1 and 2 peacefully for the new paradigm experience to manifest?

7. Dont get overwhelmed

During challenging times, dont become the affect of the circumstances.
Instead of going into a drama, create an empowering way of being whereby
you control the circumstances. This may sound like something thats easier
said than done, but the answer is to simply choose it to maintain stability.

Final thoughts

Indirectly, depopulation also involves circumstances where having children

is no longer an option: For example, unlike earlier years, many modern-
day couples cannot afford to have children, as they are up to their necks in
debt through student loans and sky-high mortgages. Then there are the
rising cases of infertility, caused by for example, the potentially harmful
EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies) such as WI-Fi and their applications
However, just because the dark side has dark plans it doesnt necessarily
mean that they will manifest. Indeed, the human race has shown to be
quite remarkable during adversity. Adaptability and innovation have
been (and will continue to be) the keys

Will the onslaught of adversity serve as a massive wake-up call for the
people? As a consequence, will the people go on to take back their rightful
ownership of the world?

Believe it or not, use frozen lemons and

say goodbye to diabetes, tumors,
NATURAL REMEDIES March 10, 2017 No Comments
Lemon is yellow, oval citrus organic product that has tough skin, particular fragrant and
acidic juice. This natural product has extensive variety of employments, beginning from the
way that is included many dishes because of its unimaginable flavor, up to different
medical advantages it offers.

We can state that lemons are super nourishment.

Flavonoids contained in the lemon juice are high in cancer prevention agents, which makes
lemons greatly intense for treatment of numerous afflictions and restorative conditions.

Did you realize that by squeezing the lemons you dont get the most extreme of their
advantages? Our recommendation is to utilize solidified lemons. Proceed with perusing and
discover why this technique is so incredible for you.

Lemon peels contains many mixes which can support your safe framework, standardize
cholesterol levels and furthermore to forestall advancement of malignancy.

Notwithstanding that, the peels of this citrus natural product have unimaginably solid
against microbial properties, and can anticipate bacterial and contagious diseases. This is
of extraordinary significance in the evacuating procedure of inner parasites and worms.
It is intriguing to say that lemons are fundamental piece of any detox regimen, in type of
lemonade, lemon water or lemon tea.

Medical advantages

Late reviews have related the utilization of crisp foods grown from the ground with
considerably diminished danger of numerous way of life related illnesses.

A portion of the best powers of lemon include:

Insusceptibility support

Kidney and liver rinse

Counteractive action against asthma manifestations

Powerful against unsafe microscopic organisms

Lessened danger of stroke

Counteractive action and treatment of wretchedness and stress

Fantastic treatment of irritation

Aversion of growth

Lemons and Cancer

Most generally the lemons are used because of their high vitamin C content, which for the
most part is amassed in the juice. As yet, as indicated by the most recent research it was
demonstrated that lemon peels give incredible supplements, too.

To be specific, the review had demonstrated that lemon peels have huge potential in
annihilating and expelling lethal waste from the body. Specialists clarify this is the principle
motivation behind why lemons regularly are a piece of treatment of growth patients.

It is deductively demonstrated that there is extremely solid connection amongst lemons

and malignancy. The looks into had gone on for quite a long time and researchers were
thinking about and testing whether lemons are sufficiently capable to pulverize strange
tumor cells. The last outcomes have affirmed this plausibility.

Since 1970, more than 20 research facility tests were led and the concentrates had
uncovered that solidified lemons can pulverize the threatening cells in 12 sorts of growths,
including prostate, colon, bosom, lung and pancreas.

Notwithstanding that, specific research examines demonstrate that, contrasted with

chemotherapy, solidified lemons might be much more proficient in decimating disease.

Without a doubt, lemons are substantially more advantageous and more secure
arrangement than any compound solutions. Besides, the reviews have demonstrated that
lemon separate can devastate the tumor cells, while the sound cells were in place.

Maximize Your Lemons

Lemon peel contains even 5-10 a larger number of vitamins than its juice.

Smoothie is far superior than a juice, since you can expend the entire organic product
including the peel, and you wont discard a solitary supplement from the natural product

Dr. Glenville.

Larger part individuals dont care for the citrus organic products because of the astringent
taste of their skin. Underneath we will show you formula about how to haul out the most
extreme of the lemons, without the intense flavor.

Solidify your lemons

By utilizing natural apple juice vinegar or heating pop, altogether wash and purify the
lemons. From that point onward, flush the lemons well with a lot of water, and pat them
dry utilizing a towel. At last, solidify the lemons overnight.

At the point when the lemons are totally solidified, grind the entire lemon, including the
mash, peel and seeds.
Next stride is to exchange the ground lemons into ice 3D square plate, and place them in
the cooler. You can use your solidified lemons at whatever time you require an indication
of citrus natural product.

You can include the lemons in practically every dish. The lemon peels will give significantly
more grounded taste to your suppers. Our proposal is to add some ground lemon peels to
your soups, servings of mixed greens, pasta sauces yogurt or hand crafted frozen yogurt.

Likewise, you can add tablespoon of ground lemons to your most loved smoothie, juice or
tea. You can have a go at including a few lemons into your heated products, also.

Take A Spoonful Of This Before Bed To Flush

Intestinal And Liver Toxins While You Sleep
March 10, 2017
Garlic is cultivated and widely used in almost every culture in
the world for its myriad medicinal values.

The garlic bulb is composed of individual cloves enclosed in a

white parchment-like skin. A bulb of garlic generally measures
about two inches in height and two inches across in a teardrop

Garlic is commonly used in most Chinese cooking, not only to

enhance the flavor of foods, but also for its wonderful and
endless health benefits.

Garlic is an excellent source of vitamins A, B-complex and C. It
provides a good supply of minerals like manganese,
phosphorus, calcium, copper, potassium, iron and copper.

It also contains amino acids, essential oils, glycosides, and the

rare essential trace minerals like germanium, selenium and

The phytochemical in garlic includes anti-oxidant allium, which

is also present in onions, leeks, chives and shallots.

Garlic amazingly contains more than 12 types of anti-oxidants.

Is it any wonder that it has numerous healing virtues? This is
one of the few superfoods that doesnt lose its medicinal
properties with cooking. However, garlic in its raw state has its
other benefits too.

The health benefits of garlic revolve around its anti-microbial
effect that efficiently combats bacteria, fungi, intestinal
parasites, viruses, yeast, etc.

It has natural antibiotic and immune enhancer ability, and is a

potent anti-oxidant that helps neutralize the free radicals in the

Take two or three cloves daily to see its efficacy in a variety of


Anti-coagulant: The natural and effective blood-thinning

method, safer than taking aspirin which can cause stomach
bleeding. This means that it is protective against thrombosis
blockages of blood flow by clots.

Cancer prevention: Its anti-cancer properties help decrease

the risks of cancers, especially stomach and colon cancer.

Common cold: If you feel a cold coming on, take a clove or

two of garlic to prevent it. If you have got a cold, take garlic
too. It acts as a medication for the cold, helps relieve
congestion and aids in speedy recovery.

Cholesterol: Garlic juice significantly reduces the oxidation of

the blood cholesterol and the build-up of plaque in arteries,
decreasing the risks of heart diseases.

Diabetes: Take one clove of garlic daily to lower blood sugar


Encephalitis: Garlic taken in high doses (under doctors

observation) have been known to cure encephalitis, but please
read the cautionary note below.

Fungal infections: Raw garlic juice taken internally is

effective in treating fungal infections like athletes foot or ear
infections. Also apply the juice directly to the affected area to
soothe the itch.

Hypertension: The cleansing of the arterial deposits helps to

normalize blood pressure.

This Is The Fruit That Will Make

Your Liver 20+ Years Younger!
Liver is thebody organ that if it is nottreated properlyit could affect the
entire body and also lead to some serious illness.

With the help of vitamin K, the liver produces proteins,very important in blood
clotting. Liver is also one of the organs that break down the damaged or the
oldblood cells. The liver plays a significantrole in allthe metabolic processes in
the body. In fat metabolism the liver cells are breaking down the fats and
produce energy.

The liver is an organ that can regenerate on its own. Its a strong and also very
important organ for our body. Its not very hard to treat it correctly and to keep it
healthy.There are manyillnesses and diseases thatcould be diagnosed with if you
dont take care of the liver. Generally, being overweight, havinga bad diet,
excessive alcohol consumption, and even some medications are able to damage
the liver and could lead to even worse problems.

The tamarind fruit is amazing for eliminating the fat in the liver and is able to
treat almost every liver problem. This very beneficial fruit is going to detoxify
your body, improve your digestion, protect the liver,lower the cholesterol, cure
any bile problems, and improve your general health as well.

Here is how you can use tamarind in order to treat fatty liver disease
and hepatitis:

First, you need to put2 handfuls of peeled tamarind fruit and thenblend it with a
bit of water, then mix everything well, strain the mixture that you obtained and
drink the liquid in the course of the entire day.
For the preparation ofthe tamarind tea, put 25 thoroughly washed tamarind
leaves in a pot with one litter of water. Now, boil the mixture for around15-20
minutes and then leave it to cool down.

Add brown sugar and a bit of honey if you want to sweeten its taste, although we
recommend to drink the tea unsweetened.

Drinking it 2 times a day (in the morning and evening) is going to cure allyour
liver problems and improve your general health.

Our Grandmothers Know Best

Traditional Remedy for Asthma,
Bronchitis, Cough and Lung
<img width="560" height="292" src="http://www.realfarmacy.com/wp-
content/uploads/2015/11/onion-cough.jpg" class="img-responsive wp-post-image"
alt="onion cough" srcset="http://www.realfarmacy.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/onion-
cough.jpg 560w, http://www.realfarmacy.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/onion-cough-
300x156.jpg 300w" sizes="(max-width: 560px) 100vw, 560px" />
Many people are diagnosed with different lung diseases or disorders, and asthma,
bronchitis, and various types of coughs are some of the most common conditions.

Infections, allergies and smoking can cause a certain type of lung disease or disorder. In this
article we provide the recipe for a popular traditional remedy that will help you treat
any problem with your lungs, especially asthma, both bronchial and cardiac.

In the past, our grandmothers have prepared this natural remedy to treat health conditions
of this type, and those who have already tried it confirm that our grannies were right about
its great healing power.


1.1 lbs / kg red onions

2 cups of Pure Maple Syrup or 1.1 lbs / kg brown sugar

2 medium sized lemons

6 cups / 1.5 l water

7 tbsp raw honey


Place the pure maple syrup in a large skillet and preheat the pure maple syrup on a medium
heat (If you are using brown sugar take a large skillet and preheat the brown sugar on a
medium heat. Stir it constantly until it gets a nice golden color). Then, add the previously
sliced onions, cook for a couple of minutes, then add the water.

Boil the mixture on a medium heat until the water is reduced by a third. Let it cool. While its
cooling, squeeze the lemons, and set the juice aside. Add honey and lemon juice to the
mixture, and stir well. Let it sit overnight and in the morning squeeze out the liquid and keep
it in a glass bottle.

How to consume it:

Take a tablespoon before each meal. After you finish it, make another dosing. Repeat the
treatment until your lungs get better. Children should take a teaspoon of the remedy before
each meal.

100 Times More Effective Then

Chemotherapy: A Herb That Kills Cancer
Cells In 48 Hours


It was discovered that dandelion root effectively kills cells affected by cancer
without adversely affecting other cells in the body.

According to the survey, dandelion root affects cancer cells and destroys them in
just 48 hours, while leaving healthy cells unaffected.

Scientists have discovered that the root of this herb works better than
chemotherapy because it only kills cancer cells.

It was concluded that with continuous treatment using this herb, most cancer
cells can be destroyed and because of these excellent results, the research team
received additional support to continue studying this herb.
John DiCarlo, age 72, was a witness of the healing properties of DANDELION
ROOT, after having cancer treatments for three years he tried the alternative
remedy and start drinking dandelion. After four months, he went into complete

This Plant Is Called GODS GIFT As It

Is Said To Cure Over 100 Diseases!
March 13, 2017 admin Health, Natural Remedies Leave a comment
Recently, an old lady wrote to us praising the benefits of a certain plant which
she calls Gods Gift. The woman was fighting a cyst in her breast for years, and
she was left with no other option than to try natural remedies. Luckily, a herb
called Chaya made her cyst go away in just 3 months, and she was able to feel
the results only 3 days after starting the treatment.

Chaya, also known as tree spinach, is a fast-growing perennial shrub that

originates from Mexico. Although not well-known, the shrub possesses incredible
health benefits that can treat a variety of diseases and conditions. Here are the
top health benefits of Chaya:

Regulates your cholesterol levels;

Regulates the levels of uric acid in the body;
Improves the brain function and eyesight;
Raises the levels of calcium in the body;
Treats and prevents anemia;
Treats osteoporosis;
Regulates the blood sugar levels in the body;
Prevents infections, sore throat, hemorrhoids and headaches;
Cleans the liver;
Balances the metabolic system.

This is just a small portion of Chayas health benefits. The plant can treat almost
all diseases and conditions, and can be consumed in salads, soups or as a tea.
However, it should never be consumed raw.

Heres how to prepare Chaya tea:


-2 cups of water
-6 Chaya leaves


Just bring the water to boil in a pot, then add the leaves and simmer the mixture
for 10 minutes. Strain it in the end and let it cool down a bit, then enjoy your cup
of healthy Chaya tea! We recommend drinking 3 cups of the tea before meals to
treat and prevent numerouBullet proof immune system - how to not
get a cold ever
Monday, September 29, 2014 by: Michael Edwards
Tags: immune system, natural medicine, cold prevention

(NaturalNews) You don't have to catch the next flu. With the right combination of
supplements, in most cases, you can knock out, or radically lesson the severity
of an infection. If an illness is caught early enough, even people who eat a lousy
diet can treat it with the right supplements before they feel really sick.

Infection remedies include virus, bacteria, fungus, and most of the parasites that
make us sick. Believe it or not, candida (a type of fungus) can give us the same
symptoms as a bacterial or viral infection, and many times people have multiple
infections at once causing flu like symptoms. The only way to properly prepare
your immune system to be as strong as possible is to have a diet and
supplement regimen to address not just viruses, but all the other infectious
organisms as well. The good news is that there are many different herbs and
foods that none of these invaders and pathogens like.

The Foundation - Foods, Herbs and Diet for the Immune System
Infection wants an easy host. An easy host does not eat a healthy diet filled with
lots of raw, fresh, organic produce, full of enzymes and vitamins. To be healthy,
eat a salad every day with raw garlic. Don't eat processed foods, sugar, high
fructose corn syrup, trans fats, or GMO foods. Don't eat any food with artificial
colors, flavorings, or preservatives or MSG.
Take a really good whole food multivitamin with lots of easily assimilated vitamin

Drink plenty of fluids. Stevia sweetened cranberry lemonade with cayenne will
help detoxify and flush the system, while making the body extremely inhospitable
to infection (cayenne, cranberry, and lemonade are all very good at fighting off

If there is any sign of a cold or infection coming on, don't use cough drops, or
nasal spray, or any over the counter medications. Stay away from anything
sweet, even fruit (besides stevia, green apples, berries, and watermelon).

That's the foundation. With good sleep habits and a nearly perfect diet, there's no
getting sick.

Bulletproof your immune system with the most powerful herbs

A Good echinacea, the pure, clean, and potent kind that makes your tongue feel
as fuzzy as a shag carpet, will knock out a viral infection all by itself in most
cases. When you combine echinacea with vitamin C, flu and colds don't stand a
chance. Echinacea strengthens the entire immune system, but don't take it for
more than a week at a time, as it loses its effectiveness if you take it for more
than 7 days straight. Wait at least 5 days before taking it again.

Goldenseal is antiviral and anti-parasitic. It's also a powerful blood cleanser. It

can be a little hard on the liver. Black radish can help offset that by keeping the
gallbladder healthy and maintaining proper bile flow, and it's also antibacterial,
antiviral, and anti-parasitic. Coptis chinensis, also known as goldenthread, is a
very powerful aid to detoxification. It helps keep the lymph glands clean and
running smoothly, and it's antibacterial, antiviral, anti-parasitic, and antifungal.

For those who don't take care of themselves, getting sick is a very good way to
detoxify. For someone who doesn't eat as well as they should, and/or doesn't get
enough sleep, getting sick is a way of taking out the garbage. Parasites, viruses,
bacteria, and candida need weak cells to feed off of and to make a home. A poor
diet, lack of sleep, and habits like drinking or smoking cause malfunctioning cells
to develop. To use the methods that prevent infection, and to do so repeatedly,
without taking care of oneself, can lead to serious illness such as cancer, or
autoimmune disease.

Disease suppression is dangerous in the long run, even with all natural, perfectly
safe remedies. With that in mind, if you need to make it through a stressful
situation when the weather is changing and you know you won't get enough
sleep for a while, and the food situation won't be ideal for periods (this certainly
happens to me with business from time to time) without getting sick under any
circumstances, then this protocol is what you need. On the other hand, these
practices can also be used while detoxifying to strengthen the detox and to
lesson the side effects and reduce the likelihood of a weakened immune system
and getting sick. For more on foods and supplements covered, check out the
sources. For more on the immune system, and recipes for formulas to strengthen
it, check out Make Your Immune System Bulletproof with These Natural

This plant is available to everyone, but you

had no idea to treat tumors, diabetes and
high blood pressure

White mulberry is an herb. The powdered leaves are most

commonly used for medicine. The fruit can be used for food,
either raw or cooked.
White mulberry is native to China and is the food of silkworms. It
was introduced into the United States in colonial times, during an
attempt to establish a silk industry. The wood is very flexible and
durable and has been used to make tennis rackets, hockey sticks,
furniture, and boats.

White mulberry is often tried in order to help treat diabetes. It is

also tried for treating high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure,
the common cold and its symptoms, muscle and joint pain such
as from arthritis, constipation, dizziness, ringing in the ears, hair
loss, and premature graying.

How does it work?

There are some chemicals in white mulberry that work in a similar
way to some medicines used for type 2 diabetes. They slow the
breakdown of sugars in the gut so that they are absorbed more
slowly into the blood. This helps the body keep blood sugar levels
in the desirable range.

Foods that lower blood sugar naturally white mulberry fruit

White mulberry fruit can be eaten as a dried fruit or else taken as
a leaf powder capsule.

The biology behind white mulberry fruit.

White mulberry delivers many health benefits, however the

plants ability to lower blood sugar has attracted the most
There are multiple health problems that arise when our body
processes too much sugar (obesity, diabetes, inflammation). If a
natural remedy can eliminate the excess sugar in our
bloodstream, then that is certainly important news. Recent
studies have shown that eating an extract of white mulberry does
in fact help the body process sugar. In summary, there are
chemical compounds in the white mulberry plant that prevent big
spikes of sugar in our bloodstream after we eat a meal. One
compound in particular, DNJ (see below), has the ability to
eliminate excess sugar from our blood. This is good news for all
people concerned with blood-sugar levels and obesity, but it is
especially helpful for those suffering from diabetes.

Can Autoimmune Disease

Be Healed? This Story from
Dr. Hyman Will Astonish You

By Mark Hyman
When faced with a debilitating illness, the journey to health is typically through conventional
medicine. But consider the story of Isabel, who suffered from an autoimmune disease. Dr.
Mark Hymans functional medicine approach to her illness not only erased her symptoms, it
gave her a new chance at life. It provides a new hopeful perspective on how we can heal
autoimmune disease.

Isabel, a cute 10-year-old girl from Texas, loved riding horses. But a few years ago, she
was so sick from autoimmune disease that she couldnt do what she loved.

Two months after I first saw Isabel, she was symptom free. In less than a year, she was
completely healthy, her blood tests were normal, and she was off her myriad
medications. If you ask me how, Id tell you I discovered and treated the underlying
causes of her inflammation. Shed tell you she stopped eating gluten, dairy and sugar
and took some supplements.

Isabel walked into my office with one of the most severe cases of autoimmune disease I
had ever seen; her face was swollen, her skin was inflamed, her joints were swollen, her
immune system was attacking her entire bodyincluding her muscles, skin, joints,
blood vessels, liver, and her white and red blood cells.

Isabel couldnt squeeze her hand or make a fist. The tips of her fingers and toes were
always cold from Raynauds disease that inflamed her blood vessels. She was tired and
miserable and was losing her hair. Isabel was on regular large doses of intravenous
steroids just to keep her alive, and she was taking prednisone, aspirin, acid blockers and
methotrexate, a chemotherapy drug used to shut down the immune system daily.

But despite these megadoses of medication, she wasnt getting any better. Her doctors
wanted to add another powerful immune-suppressing drug to the regimen of
medication she was already taking. Unwilling to accept the newest drug (with its dizzying
side effects) as the only course of treatment, her family came to see me to see if I could
help heal her autoimmune disease.

Today, in conventional medicine, patients are told more often than not to take
medication to treat their symptoms, instead of undergoing a more holistic review of
their underlying causes. We are inhibiting, blocking or anti-ing everything. But we dont
necessarily ask one simple question: why is the body out of balance and how do we help
it regain balance?

Functional medicine, which is what finally helped Isabel cope with and heal her
autoimmune disease, is based on a different method of diagnosing and treating illness
one that focuses on causes, not symptoms, one that is based on an understanding of
the dynamic way our genes interact with environment, one that goes beyond simply
treating diseases based on their label. Understanding root causes is how functional
medicine approaches how to heal heal autoimmune disease.

From Conventional Illness to Functional Health

For Isabel, the only response physicians had to her life-threatening autoimmune disease
was to shut down her immune system, leaving her at risk for cancer, infection,
osteoporosis, muscle wasting and psychiatric illness.

I knew there was another way. I simply asked the question WHY. I didnt focus on WHAT
the name of her disease was (mixed connective tissue disease, an autoimmune disease
that affects the whole body), but WHY she was inflamed, WHERE this inflammation
originated from, and HOW we could locate the causes and restore balance to her
overactive immune system which was attacking her own body. I believed that we need
to look at the body holistically its functions are all interconnected.

During our first conversations, I learned she was being exposed to a toxic mold,
Stachybotrys, in her house. Her mother worked in limestone pits exposing her to
excessive amounts of fluoride while pregnant. Isabel had all her immunizations before
1999 when thimerosal was removed from vaccines. She also had a thimerosal-
containing flu shot every year. Thimerosal contains mercury, and mercury is a known
immune toxin. This problem was compounded by her diet, which included large
amounts of tuna and sushi, that she loved and ate regularly (and which exposed her to
even more mercury), and loads of dairy, gluten and sugar. In the year before she
developed an autoimmune disease, she had many courses of antibiotics.

The immune system usually responds to some insult such as an allergen, a microbe or a
toxin, and then runs out of control. So for Isabel, finding and removing that trigger was
essential. After learning more about Isabels background, we now had a lot of possible
causes for her inflammation. Mold, mercury, antibiotics, sugar, dairy, glutenthats a
long list of potential immune irritants.

Isabels lab tests at her first visit were frightening. Her muscle enzymes and liver
function tests showed severe damage. She had many autoimmune antibodies, a sign
that the levels at which the body was attacking itself were extremely elevated. Other
markers of inflammation were extremely high as well. Her white blood count and red
blood cell count were low. Her vitamin D was also low. She had elevated levels of
antibodies to gluten, which is a common cause of autoimmune disease and triggers
significant intestinal inflammation. And her mercury level was 11 times the norm.

Healing Through Diet and Supplements

Initially, Isabel started an anti-inflammatory elimination diet to remove possible triggers
of inflammation from food allergens. She stopped eating sugar, dairy and gluten (from
wheat). I gave her a multivitamin; vitamins D, B12, folate, fish oil, and evening primrose
oil, all of which are anti-inflammatory. I also gave her nystatin (a non-absorbed anti-
fungal) to treat suspected yeast because of her multiple courses of antibiotics. I also
gave her NAC (N-acetyl Cysteine) to support her liver, and told her to get off the acid
blocker, the calcium channel blocker and the intravenous steroids that she had been
taking. She started taking probiotics to support healthy digestive function and reduce
gut inflammation, and a chelating agent to help bind the mercury from her tissues and
cells and help her body get rid of it. To help her get off the prednisone, I gave her herbs
to support her adrenal gland function.

Amazingly and quickly, she began to heal! After only two months, her rash was
completely gone. She had no joint pain, and her hair was starting to grow back. Her
autoimmune markers had dramatically improved. Her muscle enzymes, liver function
and levels of inflammation were all normal. And a year after I first saw Isabel, her tests
were normal, and she was off all medication. Her mercury eventually went down from
33 to 11, and her gut inflammation was gone. She was feeling happy and normal. And
best of all, she was able to participate in activities that she loved, especially riding her

Isabels experience with autoimmune disease is not rare, and the outcome should be
more common. Through diet change and supplements, her health made a dramatic
turnaround we were able to start Isabel on the path to heal autoimmune disease.
Functional medicine doctors have the knowledge and the methods to improve our
health and heal not only autoimmune diseases but a variety of conditions. All we need is
the knowledge and courage to apply them.
Healing Garlic Soup, 100
Times More Powerful Than
Antibiotics 1K+

By Sandeep Godiyal
Posted Wednesday, December 31, 2014 at 07:19pm EDT
Keywords: Healing Garlic Soup, The Healing Properties GARLIC SOUP
With the holiday season unfortunately comes winter weather and the time of year when it is
easy to come down with a flu, cold or even bronchitis or pneumonia. Keeping your immune
system strong and knowing how to treat these illnesses naturally when they do come along
is very important at this time. Below is a delicious garlic-onion soup which takes advantage
of the healing properties of vegetables and herbs to get you back on your feet again in no

The Healing Properties of this Soup

Around the world, garlic has been used for thousands of years for its medicinal properties.
Modern science is backing this up. A recent study out of Washington University found that
garlic can be up to 100 times as effective as treating bacterial infections as most mainstream
antibiotics. However, garlic is more than just an antibacterial: it is loaded with antioxidants to
improve your overall health; like the onions and other members of the allium family, garlic
also has a high sulfur content, which can help detoxify your system and remove unwanted
toxins and other substances that could be making you more vulnerable to infection.

This soup is also good because, apart from the garlic and onion, its other ingredients are
also healthful. Olive oil, for instance, is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids which are great for overall
health and thyme has active compounds that, like garlic, have antibacterial properties.
Parsley, too, is an excellent detoxifier and purifier to help you through your illness.

5 bulbs garlic, peeled
2 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 large onions, diced
1 tablespoon fresh thyme, chopped
8.5 ounces chicken broth
1 bunch of parsley, chopped
3 cups bread, chopped
1 cup sour cream

Heat oven to 180 degrees. Cut off the tops of the garlic bulbs and olive oil. Wrap the bulbs in
tin foil and bake for an hour and a half. Let garlic cool for a few minutes after removing from

While garlic is baking, heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil and butter in a pot on medium heat.
Add onions and cook for 10 minutes. When the garlic is ready, mash it with a fork and add
this to the pot. Then add herbs and chicken broth.

Cook on low, then add bread and cook for 5 more minutes or until bread cubes soften. Pour
soup into a blender, process until smooth, then return to the pot. Add sour cream and salt
and pepper to taste, then serve and enjoy!

So if you feel like you are coming down with something, try a batch of this soup. It can be a
little time-consuming to prepare, but you can make a big batch and freeze leftovers for later,
to save time down the road. Also, the combined healing powers from the different ingredients
in this soup make the effort well worth it.

STOP doing this in your car IT MAY KILL

HEALTH INFO March 10, 2017 No Comments
Every one of us drive around with our autos, in light of the fact that nobody needs to walk
when he claims an auto. That is the principle motivation behind why these days individuals
scarcely walk. In any case, did you realize that you put yours and the wellbeing of the
individuals who are in the auto with you each time you begin the auto?

Quit Doing this in your CAR IT MAY KILL YOU!

You generally stop your auto in a charming shade, with the exception of when there is no
accessible parking garage in shade only ones where the sun is so serious. Which implies
that on the off chance that you leave your auto in shade , it can store up 400-800 mg of
benzene , however in the event that it is left in the sun with a temperature higher than 16
degrees Celsius , then the level of benzene ascends to 2000-4000 mg, which is 40 times
more than the permitted level.

And after that as a result of the hot climate the principal thing you do is you turn on the A/C
leaving your windows shut. By doing this you breath in all the that benzene not realizing
that you are harming your kidneys, liver and the bone tissue with this toxin impact. It is
prescribed in the autos manual to first open the autos windows before turning on the
A/C .But you wont read anyplace in it why it is suggested that path , there is said just a
single thing that is it valuable for the autos execution.

Restorative clarification:

The exploration accomplished for the delayed consequences, demonstrated that the A/C
before starts to cool the air, first the cooling framework dispatches all the warmed ventilate
and furthermore with them the benzene which can bring about various sicknesses.

So whenever you sit in the auto and reach for the A/C to turn it on , stop yourself and open
the windows for a couple of minutes and afterward you can appreciate the cool air . And
furthermore you could leave the windows open for two or three more minutes, before
beginning your auto.

So as to ensure your wellbeing and to other who likewise drive with you, transform this into
a propensity on the grounds that the results can be incredibly lamentable.

How to detox each organ to never be sick

or tired again
HEALTH INFO March 12, 2017 No Comments
Our bodies are home to a wide range of organs and frameworks that are essential for
keeping up our well being. Consequently alone, we should do our best to treat our bodies
well by giving it the TLC it needs.

Its a given that eating regimen and exercise are two methods for doing this.
Notwithstanding, what many individuals dont know is that particular organs in our bodies
should be detoxed appropriately to have the capacity to capacity to their full limit and hold
our well being under tight restraints.

Here is the means by which to detox body organs and lift your safe framework:

Liver purge

Use burdock root, dandelion root, drain thorn, beets, Jerusalem artichokes, garlic, turmeric
or curcumin, matured sustenances, and castor oil to take out poisons from the liver. The
liver scrub ought to dependably contain ornithine. The liver is additionally upheld by a few
sorts of tea, for example, tulsi and dandelion. Lugols iodine is in like manner strong of
digestion and liver detox.

Olive oil wash down for liver

You ought to drink carrot squeeze and devour tart green apples for seven days with a
specific end goal to relax your gallstones and to anticipate them get to be unstuck amid the
detox procedure. At that point, make a go of olive oil with lemon squeeze and do a castor
oil pack during the evening.

Kidney purge

Herbs that incorporate horsetail are likewise helpful, much the same as Flor-pith tea
alongside Uva Ursi containers, Ginger, Goldenrod tincture, Vitamin B-6, Black Cherry
Concentrate, and Vegetable Glycerin. These all help flush the kidneys. Tepid lemon water,
magnesium, natural cranberry juice, apple juice vinegar, and Epsom salt showers can be to
a great degree helpful. In addition, recall that you ought to avoid pesticides as they realize
kidney disappointment.

Colon wash down

You should have 2-3 BMs/day. Indian gooseberry or Triphala is an incredible colon wash
down. Espresso purifications are special and serve as a colon and liver wash down. You
ought to drink a lot of refined or fluoride free water, plant based eating regimen, aloe
water, coconut , ginger, garlic, fennel, bentonite earth to tie and kill poisons, magnesium,
and vitamin C.

Overwhelming Metals

Extraordinary chelators are Zeolite dirt and initiated charcoal. Other stunning common
chelators are: cilantro, chlorella, high sulfur sustenances like cabbage, onions, garlic and
brussels grows. You can get an expert IV chelation. You ought to dodge superfluous
antibodies that contain overwhelming metals.

In addition, mercury is not sheltered, in light of the fact that it is a neurotoxin and can bring
about immune system conditions, state of mind issue, and mental corruption. You need to
see a biologic dental specialist who works in expelling Mercury amalgams securely.


Fundamental fixings, for this situation are: wormwood, dark walnut body, cloves, and in
addition cinnamon, garlic, coconut oil, psyllium husks, bentonite earth and espresso
purifications, which are additionally priceless. Keep in mind to get natural espresso, refined
water, finish sterility, and lie on your correct side, holding for 10-20 minutes.

Lymphatic framework

This is the arrangement of the body, and it doesnt have a pump like the heart. Thusly, you
should be physically dynamic, walk, hone yoga for a legitimate lymphatic development.
Additionally, other fantastic techniques for a similar cause are profound breathing,
bouncing back, and dry brushing .Lymph back can expel poisons from the body through
back rub.


Slathering moisturizers, cosmetics, antiperspirants or scents contain parabens, BHT or

other endocrine disrupters can prompt to hormone dysregulation, PCOS, endometriosis,
and fibroids.
Then again, you ought to use infrared saunas, hot yoga, salt showers, and dry brush, with a
specific end goal to invigorate your lymph framework to wipe out chemicals and poisons,
Also, you have to exercise and sweat a ton. As indicated by an exploration it is
demonstrated that vitamin D averts bosom and prostate malignancy.

You have to deal with your own wellbeing and your body. You have to help organs work
legitimately with a specific end goal to reestablish its quality, and additionally its capacities.
In this way, recollect to deal with yourself.

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