Exercising For 180 Days
Exercising For 180 Days
Exercising For 180 Days
180 Days.
Rajkarki.com Waytolive.co
About Me
My name is Raj Karki, I am from Nepal. I am a
great enthusiast about Personal Development and
Getting Better in Life. I think a lot and I am trying to
find the meaning of life, for me life is a journey of
self discovery.
I have been trying to improve my life since my
early teen years, this desire to improving the life got
further boosted by my first Mobile Nokia X3 which I
got at the age of 15, I used that mobile to search for
various personal development articles all over the
internet. In this process, I wrote my First Book Teen-
age Guidance at the age of 16 during three months
holiday of class 10, with the aim of helping and guid-
ing other teenagers like me esp. of my country.
Since last half decades, my life has been like a
Guinea Pig, I have been trying various methods and
tricks to improve my life, I have failed a lot, injured
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myself a lot during the process of personal improve-
ment but in last 6 months I have hit the Jack Pot, I
have made a tremendous progress and I want to share
I still remember when I used to be 15 years old, I
used to search all over the Google for various tips,
tricks and habits to improve my life. I tried various
tips and methods, but they werent stable, I failed a
lot. So, I also want to help all those 15 years old who
are searching for the way to improve their life. I want
to share what I have learnt in my life.
Moreover, I want to share whatever I have learnt at
a free of cost. Right now I dont have any plan to
monetize my site. But if you can, then you can Donate
Me, I mean I still need money to live my life by doing
this. But even if I dont make money, I will keep on
doing this as long as I can.
Rajkarki.com Waytolive.co
This book is One of Three Part Book, this book is ac-
tually Part 2nd.
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but I wasnt regular. And about 1 year ago, I was busy
constructing my house, it was really hard and during
that time I stopped exercising and doing push up. So,
since I wasnt using my muscle in the arms, it started
getting weaker and weaker. Hence, I ended up being
able to do only 10-15 Push Ups.
So, guys it doesnt matter if this is your first attempt,
you can do anything you want, anything you put your
mind and body into.
Rajkarki.com Waytolive.co
Benefits of Exercising:
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So, what did I do in last 6 months?
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principals and phi-
losophical quotes,
which gives me
right kind of mind-
set. Most impor-
tantly it gives me
momentum, you
see its not that
hard to just read 3-
4 pages of quotes
and ideas and
when I finish read-
ing it, I feel like
exercising because
I have habituated
myself to do so. I
have repeated that
same patterns so many times that my brain gets in
automatic mode. Its because of this same reason
that some people head for Brushing their teeth just
after eating dinner or head to watch TV or newspa-
per after coming home without even thinking. You
can read the example of Autosuggestion Here:
Rajkarki.com Waytolive.co
2. Had a Goal: The main
purpose of my exercising
was to form a good habit and
to be healthy. But I also
wanted to gain some weight,
I guess which worked.
(This picture was taken in
January 10, 2017 for my an-
swer in Quora.)
Rajkarki.com Waytolive.co
During those last 180 days I have learnt
pretty much. I want to share some extra
ideas here:
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adding chair dips, then heel raise etc. I don't know
the exact order but it was slow and small change.
So, if you want to do Push Up then focus only on
doing push up, if you want to go for jogging then
focus only in jogging. I guess I made my point
clear i.e. One Thing at a Time, just One Thing.
Rajkarki.com Waytolive.co
Nowadays I do it automatically, well I still feel re-
sistance but its has become so easy that its like
brushing a teeth (well its not that easier but I guess
you understood what I am trying to say.)
Rajkarki.com Waytolive.co
4. Have a goal: Find the reason to exercise. Tony
Robins said, We move either due to inspiration
and desperation. Find out your why? Is it because
you want to avoid your current health problems or
is it you want to have a wonderful body. Having a
goal gives you motivation but dont expect too big
result, dont expect to get buffed up like a wrestler
in just 5-6 months or dont expect to loose all those
weights you gathered up in just months. First of all
just try to form the habits, focus on action rather
than results.
Rajkarki.com Waytolive.co
My Exercising Ritual:
Here I share my exercise ritual with some photo, for
more photos and other information you can visit my
So, after waking up, I autosuggest and I start exer-
cising. Moreover I dont have any specific time to
exercise, I do it whenever I wake up. Sometime I
exercise at 3:30 AM, sometimes at 6:30 AM and
some time even at 10:30 AM. And sometime, if I
miss doing it in the morning, then I will do it even
in the evening. By the way I dont think there is
anything wrong with doing exercise in the evening.
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Weighing Iron, yeah I know its not the right gear
but this is what is available to me right now.
Then I do a Baba Ram
Devs Yoga for waist pain.
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Rajkarki.com Waytolive.co
This book is One of Three Part Book, this book is ac-
tually Part 2nd.