Running Head: Needs Analysis Literature Review 1
Running Head: Needs Analysis Literature Review 1
Running Head: Needs Analysis Literature Review 1
The following literature review was written prior to conducting a needs analysis that was
completed to fulfill E634 English for Specific Purposes course requirements. This literature
review researches some of the approaches to conducting needs analyses as they pertain to
English language learners (ELLs). This research has directly influenced the approaches my
colleagues and I chose to employ to conduct our needs analysis, and consequently, it has also
influenced how we developed our supplemental pedagogical materials that were designed to
address the specific needs identified in our analysis. This research has helped me understand the
importance of conducting needs analyses to ensure effective language teaching before, during,
and after course instruction. This research has also helped me to understand some of the
challenges involved in collecting reliable, bias-free data. I plan to reference this research when I
Literature Review
Needs analyses are not only beneficial to creating effective ESP courses, they are a
necessity, as discussed by Johns and Price-Machado (2000). Needs analyses are viewed as an
integral part of the development of ESP courses, as well as a valuable tool to be utilized as an
ongoing process to assess student progress. Over time, needs analyses have grown in complexity.
While target language use was the primary focus in earlier needs analyses, they have evolved to
include other analyses such as discourse analysis and learner factor analysis (Basturkmen, 2010).
The target situation, present situation, learner factor, and discourse factor analysis were all
analyses that the analysts described in detail in the needs analysis report of NRRT 320.
Nation (2010) describes needs analyses as revolving around two major components: target
needs and learning needs. While target needs focus on what the student needs to be able to
achieve in the target situation, learning needs refer to what the student must do to be able to
learn. These needs can be further subdivided into needs, lacks, and wants. What does the student
need to know in order to be successful in the course? What knowledge or information are
students lacking when they enter the course? What do students want to get out of the course?
These are all questions that should be asked to address these three components. In order to
answer these questions, various types of information must be gathered and analyzed. Conducting
observations, interviews, corpus analysis, and formal and informal assessments are just a few
While the goal of a needs analysis is ultimately intended to address the needs of the target
population, it is important to note that needs analyses are not always completely objective in
their goals. Benesch (2001) explains that they are often used by institutions to get students to
follow well-known communicative practices, which is why there has been criticism that needs
analyses encourage the notion that needs analyses value language training over language
Nation (2010) discusses the importance of evaluating whether or not a needs analysis is
reliable and practical. In order for a needs analysis to be reliable, data must be collected from
several different sources. Moreover, methods of collecting data must be systematic. That is, they
should, for example, during one-on-one interviews with current students, analysts should use
checklists and be sure to ask the same questions to every student in order to ensure consistency.
With regard to practicality, Nation (2010) considers how it may be worth creating a method for
ranking the types of data being gathered in order to guarantee that the most important
information has the time and resources required to be collected. Nation warns against falling into
the trap of collecting data simply because it is convenient. Every piece of data gathered during
utilizing multiple sources and methods of data collection in a needs analysis, as well as
student needs. Triangulation, a more current and encompassing approach to needs analysis, is a
process involving systematic comparison between multiple sources that can aid in eliminating
institutional or other outsider bias from the analysis (Jasso-Aguilar, 2005). Similarly, Maxwell
and setting, using a variety of methods (p. 93). Triangulation was used by Jasso-Aguilar in his
study of Waikiki hotel maids where he cross-analyzed data between three distinct sources:
workers, guests, and administrators. In another study, Holly Sue Hudspath-Niemi (2008)
examined the effectiveness of English as a second language (ESL) staff development programs
triangulation. In order for Hudspath-Niemi to enhance the reliability of her needs analysis, she
used triangulation to cross-analyze her three major data collection sources, which included
teacher focus groups, administrator interviews, and document analysis (Hudspath-Niemi, 2008).
This approach to conducting a needs analysis is appealing, in part, because it allows for a
broader view and multiple perspectives of the issue (Hudspath-Niemi, 2008, p. 60).
Benesch, S. (2001). Critical English for Academic Purposes: Theory, Politics and Practice. New
Hudspath-Niemi, H. (2008). Historical case analysis of ESL staff development for mainstream
content area teachers in a pennsylvania school district (Order No. 3315393). Available from
Education Database; ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global: Social Sciences. (304405034).
perspective in a case study of Waikiki hotel maids. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Johns, A., & Price-Machado, D. (2001). English for specific purposes: Tailoring courses to
Maxwell, J.A. (1996). Qualitative research design: An interactive approach. Thousand Oaks,
CA: Sage.
Nation, I. S., & Macalister, J. (2010). Language curriculum design. New York, NY: Routledge.
Widdowson, H.G. (1983). Learning purpose and language use. Oxford: Oxford University Press.