Feeling Ill
Feeling Ill
Feeling Ill
23 Feeling ill
tr Basie voeahulary g Senious eonditions
the words in colour into your language: Match the condition on the left with the part of the
1. I've got a cold. body that it particularly affects on the right:
2.My neck aches.
.1"I think I've got flu. 1. appendicitis a. your stomach
4.I've got a pain in rny knee. 2. tonsillitis b. your lungs
5. I've got a sore back. 3. hepatitis c. your head
5. My arm hurts.
"/.Have you got a ternperature? 4. asthma d. your appendix
B.'Vflhat are the syrnptoms? 5. an ulcer e. your joints and bones
2 6' arthritis f' vour blood
saying you don't fee! very well
Match the beginnings of each sentence on the left '
7 migraine g' your tonsils
with the pairs of endings on the right: Match the diseases with their possible causes:
1 . I'm a. terrible / awful i dreadful.
. o
h. stress
a tlrt Llnder tne weather"
2".I've got b. ill. 9. typhoid i" the sun
not very well. 10. heart disease j. smoking
3. I don't feel c. a cold. 11. skin cancer k. a mosquito bite
the flu.
4. I feel d. very well. L2.malaria l. dirty water
too good. 13.lung cancer m. unprotected sex
Heolth English Vocobulory Orgoniser