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A Mœso Gothic Glossary

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AnD A lIsT Of



The ReV. W. W. SKEAT, M. A.

partenat', ETC.

"If you should ever feel disposed to investigate the origin and structure of the
"English language which you speak, you will find that Ulfila's version affords the
"best and most valuable materials for the inquiry."
Palftatt'i Bhterj of ikt 1o'8*oai London, 867J p. 139.

[te 2 6 JAN. 19 3j

The present book was undertaken with the view of pro

viding English students with a useful handbook to the Mocso-
Gothic language, free from the disadvantages which accompany
most existing Glossaries of it. These are, for practical
purposes, either too small or too large; either they give no
references at all, or the page is crowded with references to
every passage in which the word occurs. The former of these
is a grave defect; the latter arrangement is, philologically, of
great value, but makes a book all the more expensive to buy.
Besides, the explanations are given in German, and, how
ever 'improving' this may be to the reader, it gives him
additional trouble and often leaves him in some uncertainty
after all. It is high time, moreover, that Englishmen should
have useful philological books written in their own language,
to a much greater extent, that is, than is now the case.
The publication of Massmann's, Gaugengigl's and Stamm's
editions o Ulphilas, and, in England, of Dr. Bosworth's cheap
edition of the 'Gothic, Anglo-Saxon, Wycliffe, and Tyndale's
Gospels' renders a good Mceso-Gothic text easily accessible,
and this seems to make a small and convenient glossary, in
English, the more necessary. The glossary is the only unsatis
factory part of Massmann's excellent book, a fuller notice of
which will be given below.
IV Sources whence this glossary is compiled.

The general plan of this volume is simply, then, to give

English explanations of Mso-Gothic words, and at the same
time to give, in general, some three or four references to the
passages in which the words occur. When only one or two
references are given, it is because the word occurs only once
or twice. It is precisely to these rarer words that the assign
ment of the passage in which they occur is most necessary;
whilst, on the other hand, additional references can often be
obtained (if required), in the case of more common words,
simply by the use of any English concordance. Thus, under
slEPan, to sleep, I give the references Mat. 8. 24; 9. 24;
Mk. 4. 27. A concordance, s. v. sleep, gives also, for the New
Testament, the references Mat. 26. 45: Mk. 14. 41; Lu. 22. 46;
Jo. 11. 12; 1 Cor. 11. 30; 15. 21, &c; and some more under
sleepest, sleepeth, and slept. Of these, the passages in Matthew,
Mark, and Luke are lost, but slepith occurs in John 11. 12,
and GaZaislEP in the verse preceding. Cceteris paribus, my
references are chiefly to the Gospels.
Those who want, however, to know all about a word that
is known, will of course consult Schulze, or Gabelentz and
Lobe, or Diefenbach.
The present glossary being a mere compilation from the
labours of others, I desire here to indicate my sources of in
formation, that the student may know precisely what he is
dealing with, and may more easily be enabled to detect any
mistakes, which I may not, I fear, have always avoided, though
I have done my best to do so.*
The list of words is copied from Massmann's Glossary,
in which the words are all arranged in alphabetical order,
as well as under root-words. I did not at first detect that his
list is incomplete, and hence, unfortunately, I have had to add
a short Appendix of words missed, to which I beg to refer f

" Any reader who discovers a mistake will greatly oblige me by informing
me of it.
t See p. 279282.
References and etymologies. V

the reader, if he does not find the word he wants in its right
place. During the revision of the proof-sheets, Schulze's new
smaller Glossary was published, and this has enabled me to
correct the list of words with tolerable certainty. It gives the
fullest list of words of any glossary yet published, including
even a few imaginary ones which I have not cared to retain.
The genders of the nouns are taken from Massmann, mis
prints being corrected by comparison with Schulze and (very
often) with Gabelentz and Lbe also. The principal parts of the
verbs are also from Massmann, compared with Gabelentz and Lbe.
The meanings of the words are either taken from these
glossaries, or, in nearly every instance, from actual inspection
of the passages in which they occur in Massmann's edition.
I have taken particular care, when suitable, to use the English
words which occur in our Authorized Version, and have some
times added the letters A. V. to denote this rendering.
The references are taken, some from Schulze, some from
Gabelentz and Lbe, corrected by actual reference in a very
large number of instances. By this process I discovered a few
misprints in Gabelentz and Lbe, but their edition is, on the
whole, surprisingly correct. I hope I have made no new mis
takes of my own. The corresponding words in German, Dutch,
and English (or Anglo-Saxon) given within square brackets
are mostly taken from Gabelentz and Lbe, where the etymo
logy of the words is treated very fully, with examples also
from Swedish, Danish, Old Norse, &c. Of the Dutch words,
however, I had to supply a large number myself (for which I
used the small 'Tauchnitz' Dictionary), since they have made
less use of the Dutch, than of German or English. Yet it is,
perhaps, the most important of all, as coming nearest, in many
cases, to the Gothic. The List of derived words, &c., is partly from
Gabelentz and Lbe, but with several additions and corrections,
though I have purposely inserted some words that seem to be
wrongly derived, that the reader may consider them for himself.
To Gabelentz find Lobe's Glossary I am therefore, as it
thus appears, very largely indebted, and it is a book which I
VI Mso- Gothic defined.

should advise all who can to consult, and which is not to be

superseded. But to the beginner it must always be rather a
distressing book, owing to the highly philosophical, but practi
cally most unwise, arrangement of the words. Not only are
they arranged under their roots, so that a student must know
the etymology of the language in order to look out a word,
but the folly (as I consider it) is adopted of arranging them
according to the order (not of the Roman, but) of the Mso-
Gothic alphabet, so that in looking out lagga-modei, for instance,
one must first of all remember to look under mod . . . , and must
further bear in mind that mo comes after m. The derivations
given in the present volume will be found often to serve a
double purpose. When sokins, for example, is described as
being 'from sakan', the reader who consults Gabelentz and Lbe
will save time by looking under sakan at once. In fact, he will
not otherwise find sokeins there at all; the nearest approach to
it will be 'sokjan; v. sakan'.
A few practical remarks as to how the reader may make
the best use of the volume now before him will be found at
the end of this preface.
I now proceed to give an answer to the question what
is Mceso-Gothic ?
A carefully -written answer to this will be found in Bos-
worth's Anglo-Saxon Dictionary, ed. 1838; pref. pp. cxn cxx.
It would appear that Mceso-Gothic is a term rather conven
tional than correct, and must be taken to mean the language
of the Visigoths who at one time dwelt in Msia; and it must
not at all be taken as signifying that this dialect was formed
in Msia. The Visigoths are the West-Goths, as distinguished
from the Ostrogoths, or East-Goths. We also meet with the
term Suio-Gothic, which is applied to mean the language of
the Goths of Gothland in Sweden, and which may be looked
upon as Old Swedish. Of the Mso-Gothic dialect all that
has come down to us are certain fragments of a translation of
the bible by Ulphilas (of whom more presently), a fragment
of a commentary on St. John by the same author, a fragment
Mso- Gothic a low -German language. VII

of a Gothic calendar, and two very brief documents known as

the Neapolitan and Arezzo documents. Of the language itself,
the best account is in Professor Max Mller's Lectures on
the Science of Language, 1862; p. 187. He says: "The
"language of Ulfilas, the Gothic, belongs, through its phonetic
"structure, to the Low-German class, but in its grammar it is,
"with few exceptions, far more primitive than the Anglo-Saxon
"of Beowulf, or the Old High-German of Charlemagne. These
"few exceptions, however, are very important, for they show
"that it would be grammatically, and therefore historically, im
possible to derive either Anglo-Saxon, or High-German, or
"both, from Gothic It is because Gothic is the only
"one of these parallel dialects that can be traced back to the
"fourth century, whereas the others disappear from our sight
"in the seventh, that it has been mistaken by some for the
"original source of all Teutonic speech." This is well said;
at the same time, it must not be lost sight of that Anglo-Saxon
and Moeeo-Gothic being both of a .Low-German type, it would be
a far less error to look upon Mso-Gothic as an older form of
Anglo-Saxon than of High- German; and we may certainly go as
far as to say this that to study Mso-Gothic is, practically, more
the business of Englishmen than of any one else excepting per
haps the Dutch and further, that though Mso-Gothic is not
strictly an older form of Anglo-Saxon, it comes sufficiently near
to it to render a study of it peculiarly interesting and instructive
to us, and a thing by no means to be neglected. The resemblance
to English is, indeed, often very striking, as in the instances
adduced by Dr. Bosworth, such as: Ik im thata daur, I am
that (the) door; nauh leitila hiceila, now a little while; hardu ist
thata waurd, hard is that word; wheitos sice snaiws, white as
snow. For the first and last of these phrases we find, in a
Dutch bible: Ik ben de deur, wit ah sneeuic, but in a German
bible: Ich bin die Thr, weiss wie der Schnee; from which we
at once see that the Low-German forms daur, dear, door,
wheitos, wit, white, must suffer transliteration before they can
agree with the High-German forms Thr and weiss. And what
VIII Wulfila, Ulphilas, or Ulfilas.

is true in these special instances will be found to hold generally,

with not many exceptions; eo that an Englishman can often
catch at the meaning of a Mceso-Gothic word at once as it
stands, without need of changing any of the letters to adapt it
to our own peculiar spelling. One exception to this is especially
deserving of remark. There are some Gothic words which re
quire the change of into r before we perceive their meaning.
Change the words auso, hausfan, baei, leisan, into auro, haur-
jan, ban, leiran, and the meanings ear, hear, berry, learn, be
come more obvious. Yet this is not a general rule, for we
find kiusan, to choose, lausjan, to loosen. A thorough investi
gation of words of this kind would probably be found to be
not without profit.
Ulphilas is the usual Graecized spelling of a name which
is also found in the forms Ulfilas, Urfilas, Urfilus, Gulfilas,
Hulfilas, and several others.* The true spelling is almost cer
tainly Wulla, i. e. a little wolf, formed from wulfe, a wolf,
like magula, a little boy, from magus, a boy. Wulfila was a
bishop of the Moeso-Goths, of Cappadocian parente, born, as
generally stated, in A. D. 318, and who died in A. D. 388;
but there are reasons for altering these dates to 311 and 381
respectively. The chief of these is that, according to Philo-
storgius, he was consecrated as bishop at the age of forty in
the year 341 by Eusebius of Nicomedia, who died in that same
year. Wulfila's death took place at Constantinople, when he
was seventy years of age. He is said by ancient authors to
have translated the New Testament into Mceso-Gothic, and also
the whole of the Old Testament except the book of kings. It
would also appear that he is the author of a 'Skeireins aiwag-
geljons thairh Iohannen', or 'Explanation of the Gospel by John',
a fragment of which has come down to us. He was an Arianf,
and it is because he is mentioned both by Arian and Athanasian

* See Gaugengigl's Gothische Studien; 5te Ausg.: Mnchen, 1864; p. 1.

t This statement is doubtful, and has often been warmly controverted.
MieSo- Gothic MSS.

writers that the accounts concerning him are contradictory. For

further information I must refer the reader to the article 'Ulfilas'
in the English Cyclopaedia; to Max Mller's Lectures on the
Science of Language, 1st Ser. 2nd ed. pp. 179 184; to Bos-
worth's larger Anglo-Saxon Dictionary, p. cxvi; to G. Waitz,
ber das Leben und die Lehre des Ulfila, Hannover, 1840; and
to Bessel, ber das Leben des Ulfila, Gttingen, 1860.
The New Testament he translated from a Greek text, not
wholly agreeing with the one we now have; of this, all that
we possess are fragments of the Four Gospels, and of some ot
the Epistles of St. Paul. The Old Testament he translated from
the Septuagint, but only the slightest fragments of it are ex
tant, viz. pieces from Genesis, Ezra and Nehemiah. The fragments
of verses of other books of the Old Testament which appear in
some editions are merely made up from quotations of those
verses which occur in the New Testament.
The MSS. (or sets of MSS.) now extant are all frag
mentary, and may be classed in five classes. These are:
I. The Codex Argenteus, written on mulberry-tinted vellum
in letters of gold and silver, formed with such regularity that
Ihre (wrongly however) imagined that they must have been stamped
on to the vellum. (See Bosworth's Gothic and Anglo-Saxon
Gospels, pref. pp. v vu.) It contains portions of the Gospels,
including (not without many lacunar) Mat. V. 15 XI. 25, XXV.
38XXVII. 66; Mk. I. 1XVI. 12; Lu. I. 1-. 30; XIV.
9XX. 46; Jo. V. 45XIX. 13. An excellent facsimile of
this beautiful MS. will be found in Bosworth's Gothic Gospels,
and there is one also in Uppstrm's edition. It is now pre
served in the Royal Library, at Uppsala (Upsal). It first came
into notice at the end of the sixteenth century.
II. The Codex Carolinus, discovered by Knittel in a
palimpsest MS. at Wolfenbttel, in the middle of the eighteenth
century. It is a mere fragment, containing parts of the 11th,
12th, 13th, 14th, and 15th chapters of the Epistle to the
Romans. It was named after Charles, duke of Brunswick.
X M<E8o- Gothic MSS.

III. The Milan MS. (or, rather fragments of MSS., with

the classmarks G. 147 and I. 61). "In 1818", says Max Mller,
"Cardinal Mai and Count Castiglione discovered some more
"fragments in the Monastery at Bobbio, where they had pro
bably been preserved ever since the Gothic empire of Theodoric
"the Great in Italy had been destroyed." They are palimpsest
MSS., and contain Ezra II. 842, and parts of Nehem. VVII;
parts of Mat. XXV, XXVI, and XXVII, and fragments from
the Epistles to the Romans, 1st and 2nd Corinthians, Galatians,
Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1st and 2nd Thessalonians,
Titus, Philemon, and 1st and 2nd Timothy. Also here was
found the 'Skeireine' above mentioned, and a fragment of a
Gothic calendar. They are sometimes called the Ambrosian
MSS., as belonging to the Ambrosian library.
It may be observed that of Romans XII. 17 XIII. 5 there
are two copies, viz. in MSS. II and III.
There are also two copies of parts of the 2nd of Corinthians,
Galatians, Ephesians, and other of the epistles, both at Milan.
At Milan were also found fragments of the 25th, 26th, and 27th
chapters of S. Matthew, so that there are two copies of Mat.
XXVI. 70-XXVII. 2, viz. at Milan and Upsal.
IV. The Salzburg MS., now (I believe) at Vienna. This
preserves mere fragments, but they satisfactorily shew that
Ulphilas actually did translate much of the Old Testament, for
here we find a portion of the 5th chapter of Genesis; portions
of Ezra and Nehemiah existing, as already mentioned, at Milan.
Among the fragments is also a scrap of the first chapter of
St. Luke.
V. The Vatican MS. (marked No. 5750). This contains
part of the 'Skeireins'.
A complete list of the contents of the several MSS. will
be found in Massmann's Ulfilas, pp. lvii lxii.
It remains to say something about the various editions of
In Gaugengigl's 'Gothische Studien', 5te Ausg., Mnchen,
1864, a list of 45 authors is given, who have written upon
List ok Editions of Ulphilas. XI

Moeso-Gothic , including a careful and critical notice of the

various editions. He justly praises Gabelentz and Lbe, and
Massmann, but he casts rather too severe strictures upon the
patient labours of Uppstrm.
Dr. Bosworth's preface to the Gothic Gospels describes
11 editions; see p. vuix. It is hardly necessary to transcribe
his words; I therefore merely enumerate the editions as briefly
as I can, with notes of my own.
1. Junius and Marshall; 4to. Dordrecht, 1665; Amsterdam,
1684. The 4 gospels; Mso-Gothic and Anglo-Saxon texts in
M.-G. and A.-S. letters; notes by Marshall; a glossary by
2. Stiernhelm; 4to. Stockholm, 1671. The four Gospels,
in 4 languages in parallel columns: 1. Gothic (Roman type);
2. Islandic; 3. Suethic (Suio-Gothic) ; 4. Latin. At the end, a
'Glossarium Ulphila-Gothicum', not always found with it.
3. Benzelius, published by Lye; 4to. Oxford, 1750. The
4 Gospels; Gothic (in Gothic characters) and Latin; notes and
a grammar by Lye.
4. Ihre. A book with the title 'I. ab Ihre scripta, ver-
sionem Ulphilanam et linguam Moeso-Gothicam illustrantia, edita
ab A. F. Bsching, Berolini, 4to. 1773', contains some valuable
criticisms on the 4 Gospels, grammatical notes, and specimens
of a Glossary, from A Atdriusandei. [A book entitled 'Specimen
Gloeearii Ulphilani primum. J. Heising. Upsaliae, 1753' con
tains words from A to Afthwoh; a second specimen, by O.
Norrstrm, has the words from Afthwoh Anameljan; a third,
by O. Granlund, words from Anananthjands Atdriusandei.
These were prepared under Ihre's direction, and he doubtless
revised and corrected them for his own use. I may mention
here a 'Dissertatio academica de lingua codicie argentei,' by N.
Thenstedt; Upsaliae, 1754; also 'Ulphilas Illustratus,' by E.
Sotberg; Holmiae, 1762 (containing Matthew and Mark), and
an older volume, Upsaliae, 1755, by the same (containing Luke
and John).]

5. Knittel. The title is 'Ulphilae versionem Gothicam non-

nullorum capitum epstolas Pauli ad Romanos eruit, com-
mentatus est, datque foras F. A. Knittel', &c. ; no place or date.
(It seems to have been published at Wolfenbttel in 1762.) It
contains all the fragments of the Codex Carolinus, with notes,
and a glossary of the words occurring in these fragments.
6. Fulda, Reinwald, and Zahn. 'Ulfilas, . . . ausgearbeitet
von F. . Fulda, das Glossar umgearbeitet von W. F. H. Rein
wald, . . ., herausgegeben von J. C. Zahn; Weissenfeis, 1805.'
It has the 4 Gospels with an interlinear Latin translation, and
the fragment of Romans from Knittel's edition; also a grammar
and a glossary, which seem better than most of the previous
ones. It is generally known as Zahn a Edition.
7. HenshaWs St. Matthew, London, 1807. 8vo.
8. Schmeller's St. Matthew (Zahn's text) ; Stuttgart, 1827. 8vo.
9. Angelo Mai, 'Ulphilae partium ineditarum', &c. ; Medio-
lani, 4to. 1819. See Bosworth's A.-S. Diet. p. cxix. It con
tains extracts from the Milan MSS.
10. Caetiglione, 'Ulphilae Gothica versio, &c.; edidit . O.
Castillionaeus' ; Mediolani, 4to. 1 829 ; also ' Gothicae versionis . . .
quae supersunt, &c. ; edidit C. A. Castillionasus'; Mediolani, 4to.
1834. See Bosworth, as above.
11. Massmanns 'Skeireins'; 4to. Mnchen, 1834. This is
a facsimile edition of the ' Skeireins', in Gothic types, the lines
arranged as in the MS. It contains much other information,
and is a thoroughly satisfactory book.
12. Gabelentz and Lobe. 'Ulfilas'; 2 vols. 4to. Lipsiae,
1836 1843. A very valuable and complete work, containing
all the Gothic texts, and a complete and careful glossary and
grammar. Of this book I have made large use. Taken alto
gether, it is the best edition of all.
13. Diefenbach. Diefenbach has issued no edition of
Ulphilas, but only a Gothic Glossary, published at Frankfort-
on-the-Main, 1846 1849. It discusses etymologies very fully,
and is a most elaborate and valuable work, but somewhat con
fusing; nor is it free from unreasonable guesses.
Editions of Ulphilas. XIII

13. Gaugengigl. ' Ulfilas, Urschrift, Grammatik und Wrter

buch', by I. Gaugengigl; Passau, 1849. 8vo. The text follows
that of Gabelentz and Lbe. A second edition (Passau, 1849)
contains 65 emendations. A third edition (Passau, 1853) con
tains several more; and a fourth edition appeared at Passau
in 1856.
14. Schulze. This is a glossary only, a very good one,
published at Magdeburg, without date. A smaller edition , with
out the references, was published at Zllichau in 1867, at a
low price. I have frequently consulted both editions.
15. Uppstrm's Codex Argenteus, Upsaliae, 1854 1857.
4to. This, of course, contains the four gospels only. It is in
tended to represent the MS. exactly, being printed line for
line, with the words divided just as they often are in the MS.
It is a most important work, the result of much patience, and
does not seem to deserve the severe strictures of Gaugengigl
(Gothische Studien, 5te Ausg. p. 19). Pages 87 100, includ
ing Mk. I VIII, were afterwards cancelled, and a more correct
edition of them substituted. It appears that ten leaves of the
Codex, including Mk. 1. 1337, II. 15 -III. 7, and V. 42VII. 32,
were some time ago stolen, and were missing for many years;
they were afterwards restored to Professor Uppstrm (who tells
the story in his second preface), and replaced by him in the
Codex. These folios were numbered 58, 59, 62, 63, and 2126
inclusive. But Uppstrm's improved edition contains scarcely
any differences of reading: the only variation, for instance, in
foil. 58 and 59 is the substitution of leitilata for leitil in Mk. I.
19. Yet the MS. has not leitilata, but leita; and though he
supposes this to have been written for leitilata, it is quite as
probable that it meant leitil, as that is the usual form. Indeed,
my own opinion is that it may even have meant leita, i. e.
exactly what it says, and that the wisest course is, in general,
to accept the MS. as it stands; for it is to be expected that
such a writing would contain variations of spelling, and even
occasional false concords and colloquialisms, whilst, on the other
hand, it is not to be expected that a modern editor can tell,
XIV Editions of Ulphilas.

with certainty, whether a given word was or was not used by

the Goths in the year A. D. 360. In a case like this,
emendations should be made with the greatest caution. I would
illustrate this by remarking that, in Old English, the form lyte
is quite as usual as the form lytel; and one wonders what
would be thought of an editor who assumed that only the
latter form can be right. Uppstrm's real reason for cancelling
the old pages is clearly because, in them, the words are often
divided quite wrongly, which rendered the printed copy no longer
a facsimile of the MS. He adopted the wise course of using
Roman types.
16. Massmanns Ulfilas, Stuttgart, 1857. 8vo. Dr. Bosworth
says, justly, that "it is a most useful and comprehensive book,
"containing in one moderate 8vo-volume the whole of the Gothic
"translation of the Old and New Testaments hitherto discovered,
"and all that is known on the subject". It contains, an intro
duction, texts in Gothic, Greek, and Latin in parallel columns,
glossary, grammar, and notes. The grammar is very good, but
the glossary is not quite useful enough, from its want of
references. This and the next are the the. texts I have con
stantly used and referred to.
17. Stamm's Ulfilas, Paderborn, 1858. 8vo. This is founded
on Gabelentz and Lbe. As it omits the Greek and Latin texts,
it is a still cheaper and more compact book for general use
than Massmann's, and its form is very compact and portable.
The type is clear, and the text complete ; a good grammar and
brief glossary are added. It reached a third edition in 1865.
18. Uppstrm. 'Fragmenta Gothica selecta, ad fidem codi-
cum Ambrosianorum, Carolini, Vaticani, edidit Andreas Uppstrm.
Upsaliae, 1861.' The preface contains a defence of his former
work (No. 15).
The documents at Naples and Arezzo are title-deeds. Their
chief use is, that they prove the language and writing of the
Codex Argenteus to be genuine Gothic. The Arezzo document
is now either lost or mislaid. Here is a copy of the whole of
the Gothic part of it, the rest being in Latin and to the effect
Documents at Naples and Arezxo. XV

that Gudilaib, a deacon, sells to Alamoda a farm with some

Ik Gudilaib 'dkn' tho frabauhta ; boka fram mis gawaurhta
thus, 'dkn' Alamoda; fidwor unkjana hugsis Kaballarja jah
[sjkilligans 'RLG' andnam, jah ufmelida.
"I, Gudilaib, deacon, sold these things; an account (of
them) from me I have made over to thee, deacon Alamoda;
four unciae* of the farm Kaballarja and 133 shillings I have
received, and have subscribed my name."
The punctuation of this is uncertain. Massmann seems to
make ' frabauhta-boka' all one word (if I rightly understand him)
with the signification, a deed of sale.
The document at Naples contains five similar subscriptions,
all nearly in the same words. One of these may suffice as a
specimen. For the rest, gee Massmann's Ulfilas, p. 810.**
Ik Sunjaifrithae diakon handau meinai ufmelida, jah and-
n[-emum] skilliggans .J. jah fau[r]this thairh kawtsjon, mith dia-
kona [Ala]moda unsaramma jah mith gahlaibaim unsaraim, and-
nemum sk[il]liggans .RK. wairth thize saiwe.
"I, Sunjaifrithae, deacon, with my hand have subscribed,
and we have received 60 shillings; and, before this, as a caution,
with our deacon Alamoda and with our companions, we have
received 120 shillings the worth of these seas (i. e. lakes)."
The name of the deacon Alamoda occurs in all the sub
scriptions, and it is probably to him that we owe them in
the first instance.
The fragment of a Gothic calendar was found among the
Milan MSS. It merely gives the numbers of the days of the
month for the whole of November, and for the 23rd to the
30th days (inclusive) of some other month, with a few entries
against some of them. The method of counting the days
throughout the month is by these letters: a, b, g, d, e, kw,
z, h, th, i, ia, ib, ig, id, ie, ikw, iz, ih, ith, k, ka, kb, kg, kd,

* Uncia sometimes means the twelfth part of an acre.

** Or see Gabelentz and Lobe's Ulfilas; vol. 1. p. ,
XVI The Lord's Prayer in Mceso- Gothic.

ke, kkw, kz, kh, kth, 1 which is easily followed, and clearly
imitated from the Greek. Against kth (it should have been
against V) is the entry Andriins apaustaulfajus , of Andrew
the apostle. But the most interesting entry is against a day in
the other month, viz.: Kg. ihize ana Gutthiudai managaize
marytre [martyre tj jah Frithareikeis ; i. e. 23. 'of the many
martyrs among the Gothic people, and of Frederick.' "Here is
exact evidence that they called themselves the Gutthiuda, i. e.
Gothic people, for thiuda is the A.-S. ped. Hence, too, the
Gothic name for a Goth was, in all probability, Guta, pro
nounced Goota,
In a sort of magazine entitled 'Germania; herausgegeben
von P. Pfeiffer zwlfter Jahrgang, zweites Heft Wien, 1867,'
there is (at p. 232) a paper by Gabelentz on a MS. of Ulfilas
found at Turin. The MS. is nearly illegible. All that can be made
out is that the characters are Gothic and the fragments ot
the words 'Amen Paul ... ia ... fa' are nearly all
that can be read. The words Amen and Paul . . . shew that the
MS. probably contained one of St. Paul's epistles, and I should
guess that fa is part of the word Aifaisium, i. e. that the MS.
contained the epistle to the Ephesians.

As specimens of the language, I here transcribe the 'Lord's

prayer', and one of the fragments of the 'Skeireins', with the
closest possible translation:

Swa nu bidjaith jus: Atta unsar, thu in himinam, Weihnai

So now bid (=pray) ye: Father our, thou in heaven, Be sanctified

namo thein. Kwimai thiudinassus theins. Wairthai ivilja theim,

name thine. Let-come kingdom thine. Be-done will thine,

swe in himinam, jah ana airthai. Hlaif unsarana, thana

so in heaven, and on earth. Loaf our, the

sinteinan, gif uns himma daga. Jah a/let urn, thatei skulans
daily, give us this day. And let-off us, in-that debtors
Extract fkom the 'Skeireins.' XVII

sijaima, swaswe jah weis afletam thaim skulam umaraim.

(we) are, so-as also we let-off the debtors our.

Jah ni briggais uns in fraistubnjai , ak lamei una of thamma

And not bring us into temptation, but loose us off the

ubilin; unte theina ist thiudangardi, jah mahts, jah wulthus,

evil: because thine is kingdom, and might, and glory,

in aiwins. Amen.
unto aeons. Amen. Mat. VI. 9 13.

Old English would supply us with worth for wairthai,

ac for ak; and frayning for fraistubnjai. A.-S. would help us
to peden, a king, as the root of thiudinassus and thiudangardi;
also to wuldor as an equivalent to wulthus. Weihnai is con
nected with the German weihen, and the A.-S. wig, holy.

The seventh fragment of the 'Skeireins' or 'Explanation'

runs thus:

. . . hun kunnandins fraujins maht jah andthaggkjandans

of-one-knowing the-Lord's might and bethinking

sik is waldufneis; nih Stains, ak jah Andraias,

himself of his power; nor (was it) Stone [Peter], but even Andrew,

saei kwath: 1st magua ains her, saei habaith fimf hlaibam
who quoth: There-is lad one here, who hath five loaves

barizeinans, jah twans fiskans; analeiko sice Filippus gasakada,

of-barley, and two fishes; likewise so Philip reproved (him),

waiht mikilis hugjands, nih wairthidos laisareis

no whit of-mickle considering, nor the-dignity of-the-Teacher

andthaggkjands ; thairh thoei usbar kwithands, Akei

thinking-on; through which he-answered, saying, But

XVIII Extract from the 'Skeireins.'

thata hwa ist du swa managaimf Itli frauja

that, what is-it to so many? But the- Lord

andtilonds ize niuklahein hwath: Waurkeiih

serving (helping) their weakness-of-faith, quoth: Work (cause)

thane mans anakumbjan; ith eis, at hauja managamma

the men to-recline; but they, since hay (grass) much

wisanditi in thamma stada tho filusna anakumbjan gatawidedun,

being in the stead, the multitude to-recline made,

fimf thusundjos waire inuh kwinons jah barna, swe at mikilamma

five thousands of-men, without women and bairns, as at a-mickle

nahtamahta anakumbjandans , at ni wisandfejin aljai waihtai

night-meat reclining, at not being other whit

ufar thans fimf hlaibans jah twans fiskans; thanzei nimands jah
over the five loaves and two fishes; these taking and

awiliudonds gathiuthada, jah swa managai ganohjands

giving -thanks he -blessed, and (with) so much satisfying

ins icailawiznai l ni thatainei ganauhan thaurftais im

them (with)-food , not only a-sufficing of-need to-them

fragaf, ak filaus maizo; afar thata matjan so managei,

afforded, but of-much more: after that to-eat the multitude,

bigitan was thize hlaibe twalif tainjons fullos, thatei aflifnoda,

acquired was of-the loaves twelve baskets full, that remained,

samaleikoh than jah thize fiske, swa filu swe wildedun. Nth
equally then also of-the fishes, so much as they-willed. Not

than ana thaim hlaibam ainaim seinaizos mahtais filuzna

then on the loaves only of-his might the-magnitude

ustaiknida, ak jah in thaim fiskam; swa filu auk sice ganauthida

he-tokened, but also in the fishes; so much also as needed

ize wairthan, swaei ainhwarjamme swa filu sica wilda,

of-them to-become, even for-each-one as much as he-willed,

andniman is gataicida, jah ni in waihtai waninassu thizai

to-receive he caused, and not in any-whit a-waning from-this

filumai wairthan, gataivida; akei nauh us thamma filu

quantity to-become, he-caused; but yet out-of that, much

siponjuns fullafahida jah antharans gamaudida gaumjan,

more his disciples he-satisfied and the-others he-reminded to-perceive,

thatei is was su sama, saei in authidai .m. jere attans

that he was the same, who in the-wilderness 40 years the-fathers

ize fodida. Thanuh, bithe sadai waurthun, kwath

of-them fed. Then, whilst satisfied they- became, quoth-he

siponjam seinaim, galisith thos aflifnandeins drausnos, ei

to -disciples his, collect the remaining fragments, that

waihtai ni frakwistnai. Thanuh galesun jah

in-any-whit it -may -not -perish. Then-however they -collected and

gafullidedun .ib. tainjons gabruko us thaim .e. hlaibam

filled 12 baskets with-fragments out-of the 5 loaves

barizeinam jah .b. fiskam, thatei aflifnoda at thaim

of-barley and 2 fishes, that remained to the

[matjandam] ....
eating-ones. See Massmann's Ulfilas, p. 586.

I trust the reader will forgive the baldness of this trans

lation, the object being to shew the force of each word as
closely as possible.
XX On the Grammar and List of Words.

It may be remarked that there is no authority for the use

of accents in Mceso-Gothic. The accents adopted in some
editions are purely imaginary.
I have purposely omitted all proper names, with a view to
making the glossary more compact. Every one must know how
to translate them; whilst, on the other hand, any one wishing
to see how any name is spelt in Gothic, can find the place
where it occurs by help of a Concordance to the English Bible.
A list of them all will be found in Massmann, pp. 763 769;
or in Schulze (see pp. 225 229 of the smaller edition). In
Gabelentz and Lobe they are mixed up with the other words.
They enable us to compare the Gothic orthography with the
On the Grammar. This is a mere outline intended as a
general guide for practical use. There are many words of which
the gender and declension are uncertain. These are set down
in the dictionary as of that gender which seems most probable.
Exceptional forms the student must do the best he can with.
Long lists of exceptions are not of much practical value in
a case like the present, where we have but fragments of a
language to deal with.
On the 'List of Words', &c. Many of these English words
connected with Gothic are to be found in Gabelentz and Lobe.
Some are given in Diefenbach. Many are discussed by Mr.
Cockayne in his book entitled 'Spoon and Sparrow'. I have col
lected all that seemed most suitable (omitting remoter analogies),
and have added a few more to the list. This 'List' may also
serve in some measure as an English -Gothic dictionary, as
it gives the Gothic for nearly all the words of most interest
and importance.
to the Glossary. XXI


The words are arranged in alphabetical order, and in pre

cisely the same order as in Massmann's glossary. Thus words
beginning with the letter ih will be found between te and ti.
Massmann's v has been changed into w; his Au into hwy
and his ko into kw; but this does not affect the order of
the words.
The q used by some editors is represented by kw; see the
Remarks on the Alphabet at the beginning of the Grammar.
In general three quotations are given except when the word
occurs only twice or once.
Words marked with a star (*) are supposed root-tvords. Often,
we feel sure they must have existed. Thus, the occurrence of
af-agjan, in-agjan, us-agjan shew that there was a simple verb
At the end of all the principal root- words, a list of deri
vatives is subjoined, with the heading Der. Thus under Balths*
is given lDer. balthaba, balthei, thrasa-balthei, us-balthei, balthjan'.
Conversely, to find the words with the same root as us-
balthei, look under baltheis, where again a reference is given
to balths, only the second word below, where the list (contain
ing the five words just mentioned) is found. Thfs arrangement
will be found in practice to be nearly as convenient as Mass
mann's, who explains every word twice over, once under its
root, and once in its proper place.
When the derivation is obvious, it is not given. Thus,
faura-gameljan is of course from gameljan, where again g is
the common prefix, and the root-word is meljan.
The knowledge of the root-word is necessary for any one
one consulting Gabelentz and Lobe. Thus, against bandja I
have written iFrom bindan'; and only under Bindan will it be
found in that work.
XXII Abbreviations, &c.

The words within square brackets are words connected

etymologically with the one in question. Thus, bagrm is con
nected with the Dutch boom, German baum, English beam.
Abbreviations. A.-S. Anglo-Saxon; D. Dutch; G. German;
O.E. Old English; Sc. Scottish; M. Massmann; G. & L. Gabe-
lentz and Lobe; S. Schulze; A. V. Authorized Version of the
English Bible.
Also, sfr. sb. f. strong substantive feminine; wk. sb. weak
substantive; pt. t. past tense; pp. past (or passive) participle;
pi. plural; &c.
Also, Skeir. ' Skeireins' ; Neap. Neapolitan ; Arezz. Arezzo.
Such abbreviations as Mk. for Mark need no explanation.
The references to the 'Skeireins' are to Massmann's com
plete edition of Ulfilas. Thus 'Skeir. 1. 3' means 'Skeireins;
fragment 1, line 3'. In any other edition, fragment 1 must be
read through to find the word. But the fragments are all of
them very short.
A few words, accidentally omitted in their right places,
will be found in an Appendix, after the letter Z.

Cambridge, April 1868.


Preface. Sources whence the present volume is compiled. Some account

of Moeso- Gothic. Wulfila, Ulphilas or Ulfilas. Mceso- Gothic MSS.
Editions of Ulphilas. The Neapolitan and Arezzo documents. The
fragment of a Gothic calendar. The Lord's prayer. Fragment of the
'Skeireins', or Explanation of St. John's Gospei. On the Grammar and
List of Words pp. I XX
Explanation of the Glossary p. XXI
Glossary coi. 1
Outline of Grammar p. 287
List of English Words, &c coi. 311
Errata p. 341

A, the first letter of the Gothic Af (Ab-u, Jo. 18. 34), prep, with
alphabet. It is, apparently, dat. of, from, out of, by. Cf.
generally short in pronunciation; Afar, Fram. It enters into nu
and can be lengthened into e, as merous compounds, for which
lag, legum; or into o, as giba, see below. [A. S. af, of; G. ab;
gibos. It helps to form the D. af.]
diphthongs ai, au, which occur Af-agjan, to strike with awe,
especially before h and r, as in terrify, 1 Thess. 3. 3; Phil. 1.
taihun, bairan; nauh, baur. As 28. From agjan.
a numeral, 1. [It is convenient Af-aikan, to deny vehemently,
to pronounce a like a in father; imprecate curses on oneself,
ai like G. ei or E. i nearly, or Mat 26, 72; Mk. 14. 68; Jo. 18.
perhaps, more broadly, like 27; to deny, Mat 10. 33 ; 2 Tim.
ah-ee; and au like E. aw.] 2. 12; refl. to deny oneself,
Aba, sb. m. a man; or, rather, a Lu. 9. 23; 2 Tim. 2. 13. From
husband, Isa. 54. 1; Mk. 10. aikan.
12; Lu. 1. 34; 2. 36; gen. pi. Af-airzjan, to lead astray, to
Ab'ne, 1 Cor. 11. 3; dat. pi. deceive, 1 Cor. 15. 33; Mk.
Abnam, Eph. 5. 22, 24. Cf. 13. 22. pass, to go astray,
Manna, Wair, Guma. 1 Tim. 6. 10; to go away, Jo.
Abba (d), father, Gal. 4. 6. 7. 47. See Airzis.
Abraba, adv. strongly, excessively, Afar, prep, with dat. and acc.
very much, Nehem. 6. 16; Mat. after (both of place and time),
27. 54; Mk. 16. 4. See Abrs. according to, Mat. 26. 2; Lu. 1.
Abrjan*, used in the comp, bi- 59; &c. Afar thata, thereafter;
abrjan, q. v. afar thatei, after that; afar lei-
Abrs, adj. strong, mighty, exces til, after a little while; afaruh
sive, Lu. 15. 14. Der. abra than, but after, Mk. 16. 12;
ba, bi-abrjan. Cf. A. S. abal, Lu. 18. 4.
strength. Afar(a)? sb. us afar' Abijins, of
Ab-u: see af and uh. the course of Abiah, Lu. 1. 5.
W. W. skest, Mao-Qothio Glossary. 1

Afar-dags, str. sb. the next day, Af-giban, vb. to give away; af-
day after, Lu. 7. 11; Mat. 6. 30. gab sik, lit. gave himself away,
Afar-gaggan, vb. to go after, hence, departed, Philemon. 15.
follow, Mat. 8. 23, Mk. 5. 37; Af-grunditha , str. sb. fem. an
to follow after, Phil. 3. 12. abyss, Lu. 8. 31; Rom. 10. 7.
Afar-hugjan, vb. to think after, Af-gcdei, wk. sb. fem. godless-
think upon, trust in, Mk. 10. nese, iniquity, Isa. 59. 20;
24? [M. gives this verb, but S. Rom. 11. 26; ungodliness, 2 Tim.
and G. and L. ignore it.] 2. 16.
Afar-laistjan, vb. to follow af Af-guds, adj. godless, impious,
ter; with dat. ease, Mat. 8. 10; Skeir. 4. 26. Cf. gudalaus.
Mk. 10. 32; 1 Tim. 5. 10. Af-haban, vb. to keep oneself from,
Afar-sabbatus, sb. the week abstain from, 1 Thes. 5. 22.
following, Mk. 16. 2. Af-haims, adj. absent from home,
Af-dailjan, vb. to distribute, set absent from, 2 Cor. 5. 6, 9.
apart; afdailja taihundon dail, See ana-haims.
I give tithes; Lu. 18. 12. Af-hamon, vb. to strip oft
Af-daubnan, vb. to become ob (clothes), to unclothe oneself,
tuse, to grow dull, 2 Cor. 3. 14. 2 Cor. 5. 4.
Af-daujan, vb. to tire, vex, Af-hlathan, vb. to load, 2 Tim.
harass; Mat. 9. 36. See diwan. 3. 6. [The Ms. reading is
Af-dauthjan, vb. to kill, put to aflathana; M. proposes ufla-
death, Mat. 27. 1; Mk. 14. 55. thana.]
pass, to die, Mk. 7. 10; to be Af-holon, vb. to deprive of un
dead, Rom. 7. 4. See diwan. justly, defraud, Lu. 19. 8.
Af-dobnan, vb. to become dumb, Af-hrainjan, vb. to cleanse from,
to hold one's peace; Lu. 4. 35. Skeir. 1. 3.
See daubs. Af-hrisjan, vb. to shake off,
Af-domeins, str. sb. f. condemna Lu. 9. 5; 10. 11.
tion, Skeir. 8. 7. Af-hugjan, vb. to make senseless,
Af-domjan, vb. to condemn, Lu. 6. stupefy, bewitch, Gal. 3. 1.
37; to judge, Jo. 16. 11; to Af-hwapjan, vb. to quench, Eph.
curse, Mat 26, 74. 6. 16; 1 Thess. 5. 19; to choke,
Af-drausjan, vb. to cast down, Mk. 4. 7; Lu. 8 7.
precipitate, Lu. 4. 29. Af-hwapnan, vb. to be quenched,
Af-drug(g)kja, wk. sb. m. a Mk. 9. 44; to be choked, Mk. 5,
drunkard, 1 Cor. 5. 11. 13; Lu. 8. 14, 33.
Af-dumbnan, vb. to hold one's Af-iddja: see af-gaggan.
peace, Mk. 4. 39. See dumbs. Af-kwithan, vb. with dat. to re
Af-etja, wk. sb. m. a glutton, nounce, forsake, Lu. 14. 33.
Mat 11. 19; Lu. 7. 34. See Af-lageins, str. sb. fem. a laying
itan. aside, remission, Mk. 1. 4.
Af-filhan, vb. to hide, Lu. 10. Af-lagjan, vb. to lay down, Jo.
21. 10. 18; to put away, Eph. 4.
Af-gaggan (pt. t. af-iddja), vb. to 25; 1 Cor. 13. 11.
go away, depart, Lu. 2. 37; Af-leithan, vb. to go away, de
Mat. 11. 7; Jo. 6. 15. part, Mk. 3. 7; Lu. 20. 9;
5 Af-letan Aftra 6

to leave, Lu. 5. 11; (see af- Af-slahan, vb. to slay, Lu. 20.
letan. 14; Eph. 2. 16.
Af-letan, vb. to leave, Mat. 5. Af-slaupjan, vb. to strip off, re
24; to depart, Mat. 7. 23; to nounce, Col. 3. 9.
let one have, Mat. 5. 40; to Af-slauthjan, vb. to vex; pass.
put away (a wife), Mk. 10. 4; to be in despair, to be vexed
Mat. 5. 31, 32; to send away, to death, 2 Cor. 4. 8; to be in
Mk. 4. 36; to let off, forgive, great doubt or difficulty about,
Mat. 6. 12, 14, 15; afletan ah- Gal. 4. 20.
man, to expire, Mat. 27. 50. Af-slauthnan, vb. to be beside
Af-lets, str. sb. m. forgiveness, oneself, to be amazed, Lu. 4.
remission, Luc. 1. 77; Skeir. 36; Mk. 10. 24.
3. 19. Ap-standan, vb. to recede, revolt,
Af-lifnan, vb. to be left remain fall away, Lu. 8. 13; to keep
ing, to remain over and above, aloof from, 2 Cor. 4. 2; 2 Tim.
Lu. 9. 17; Jo. 6. 13; to sur 2. 19.
vive, be alive, 1 Th. 4. 17. See Af-stass, str. sb. fem, divorce
leiban. ment, Mat. 5. 31. Deut. 24. 1.
Af-linnan, vb. to depart, Lu. 9. 39. Af-swaggwjan, vb. to make one
Af-mainds, adj. (ixXvfitvo) faint, despair; af-swaggwidai weseima
growing faint, Gal. 6. 9. is another reading for skamaide-
Af-maitan, vb. to cut off, Mk. 9. deima uns in 2 Cor. 1. 8.
43; af-maitan haubith, to be Af-swairban, vb. to wipe away,
head, Mk. 6. 16, 27; Lu. 9. 9. blot out, Col. 2. 14.
Af-makzeins, sfr. sb. fem, deceit- Afta, adv. behind, backwards;
fulness, Mk. 4. 19; Eph. 4. 22. tho afta, that which lies behind,
Af-marzjan, vb. to offend, Jo. 16. the past, PhiL 3. 14. See af-
1; 2 Cor. 11. 29. tana, af-aftaro, aftuma, aftra,
Af-niman, vb. to take away, re afar, af.
move, Mat. 9. 15; Lu. 1. 25; Aftana, adv. behind, from behind,
Jo. 11. 39; Rom. 11. 27; to Mk. 5. 27. Cf. afta.
take away from, Mat. 9. 16; Aftaro, adv. from behind, Mat.
Mk. 2. 21; 4. 25. 9. 20; Lu. 8. 44; behind, Lu.
Af-sateins, str. sb. fem. divorce 7, 38.
ment, Mk. 10. 4. Af-taurnan, vb. to be torn away
Af-satjan, vb. to divorce, Mat. from, to make a rent, Lu. 5. 36.
5. 32; Mk. 10. 2; to dismiss, Af-thaursjan , vb. to be thirsty,
Lu. 16. 4. Mat. 25. 42, 44.
Af-skaidan, vb. to sever from Af-thliuhan, vb. to flee away,
society, treat as an outcast, Jo. 10. 13.
shun, Lu. 6. 22; refl. to depart Af-thwahan, vb. to wash off, to
from, Lu. 9. 33; to separate wash oneself, Jo. 9. 7, 15.
oneself, 2 Cor. 6. 17; Gal. Af-tiuhan, vb. to draw away,
2. 12. push off, Lu. 5. 3; to take,
Af-skiuban, vb. with dat. to put draw aside, Mk. 8. 32.
away, 1 Tim. 1. 19; to reject, Aftra, adv. back, backwards;
Rom. 11. 1. again, once more, Mk. 2. 1.

Aftea leitil, again a little un-ageins, agis, agjan, af-ag-

while, Jo. 16. 16. jan, in-agjan, us-agjan, ogan,
anastodeins, str. sb. fern, a re ogjan.
newing, Skeir. 1. 22. Ageins*, in comp, un-ageins, q. v.
atwandjan, vb. refl, to return, Agga*, wk. sb. m. in comp, hals-
Lu. 19. 15. agga, q. v.
gabotan, vb. to restore, Mk. 9. 12. Aggelus: see the following.
gagawairthjan , vb. to be re Aggilus (also aggelus, aggillus,
conciled, 1. Cor. 7. 11. pi. aggiljus and aggileis), an
galathon, vb. to invite again, angel, Mk. 1. 13; 8, 38; Ac;
Skeir. 1. 25. a messenger, Mat. 11. 10; Mk.
galeithan, vb. to re-enter, Jo. 1. 2. Der. ark-aggilus.
3. 4. Aggwitha, str. sb. fem, anguish,
gasatjan, vb. to restore, heal, distress, Rom. 8. 35; 2 Cor.
Mk. 8. 25. 6. 4. From aggwus.
gawandjan, vb. refl. to return Aggwjan*, vb., in compound: ga-
Lu. 2. 43. aggwjan, q. v.
haitan, vb. to invite in return, Aggwus, adj. narrow, strait, Mat.
Lu. 14. 12. 7. 13, 14. [Lat. angustus; G.
timrjan, vb. to rebuild, Gal. eng; D. eng.]
2. 18. Agis, str. sb. neut. fright, fear,
usfulljan, vb. to fill up, con terror, awe, Mk. 4. 41; Lu. 1.
summate, gather together (. 12, 65; 2. 9; 5. 26; &c.
V.), Eph. 1. 10. Agjan*, vb. in af-agjan, in-agjan,
Aftuma, adj. the hindmost, the and us-agjan. See agan.
last, Mk. 10. 31. Agl: see aglus.
Aftumists, adj. the last, Mk. 9. Aglaitei, str. sb. fem, lascivious-
35; aftumist haban, to lie at ness, Mk. 7. 22; 2 Cor. 12. 21 ;
the point of death, Mk. 5. 23. Gal. 5. 19; Eph. 4. 19. From
Afungastothanaim: see ungasto- aglus.
thans. Aglaitgastalds , adj. covetous,
Af-wagjan, vb. to move away, greedy of filthy lucre (A. V.),
Col. 1, 23. basely greedy, 1 Tim. 3. 8;
Af-wairpan, vb. to cast (stones) Titus 1. 7.
at, Lu. 20. 6; Jo. IL 8. Cf. Aglaiti, str. sb. neut. wanton
wairpan, Jo. 10. 31; to cast ness, unchastity, Rom. 13. 13.
away, put away, Eph. 4. 31. From aglus. See aglaitei.
Af-walwjan, vb. to roll away, Aglaitiwaurdei, str. sb. fem, un
Mk. 16. 3, 4. clean talk, filthy speaking, Col.
Af-wandjan, vb. to turn away, 3. 8. From aglus.
turn aside, lsa. 59. 20; Gal. 1, Aglitha, str. sb. fem, agony, an
6; Rom. 11. 26; 2 Tim. 1. 15; guish, tribulation; aglitha win-
Tit. 1. 14. nan, to suffer tribulation, 1 Th.
Agan*, vb. (from this root, mean 3. 4. Cf. agio.
ing to fear, comes the Present Agljan*, vb. in comp, us-agljan,
ik og, and the verbs ogan and with dat. q. v.
ogjan, q. v.). Der. un-agands, Aglo, wk. sb. fern, anguish, tribu-

lation, Mk. 13. 24; Rom. 12. Cf. saiws, flodus, wato. [W.afon;
12; Jo. 16. 21; 2 Cor. 2. 4; A. S. .]
agio winnan, to be in distress, Aiaik, said; pt. tense of aikan,
1 Tim. 5. 10. vb. q. v.
Agluba , adv. hardly, with dif Aialth: see althan.
ficulty, Mk. 10. 23; Lu. Aiauk, increased; pt. tense of
18. 24. aukan, q. v.
Aglus (also agis?), adj. difficult, Aibr, str. sb. neut. a gift, an
hard; aglu ist, it is hard, Mk. offering (for the altar), Mat.
10. 24; agi' ist, it is hard, it 5. 23.
is a shame, 1 Cor. 11. 6. Aigan, aihan, 6. (of which are
Der. agluba, us-agljan, aglitha. found the principal forms aih,
Aha, wk. sb. m. understanding aig; aihum, aigum; aihta, ai-
(vovg), Phil. 4. 7; 1 Tim. 6. 5; gands), to have, own, possess,
2 Tim. 3. 8; Tit. 1. 15. Der. in- Lu. 15.4, 11; 17.7; 20.28; &c.;
ahs, inahei, ahjan, ahma. with a double ace, Lu. 3. 8.
Ahaks, str. sb. (fem. or m.t) a Der. fair-aihan, aigin, ga-aigi-
dove, Mk. 1. 10; Lu. 2. 24; non, aihts, aihtron, aihtrons.
3. 22. Cf. dubo. [A. S. agan; A. H. G. eigan;
Ahana, str. sb. fem. chaff. Lu. O. E. owe.]
3. 17. Aigin, str. sb. neut. possessions,
Ahjan, vb. to think, Mat. 10. 34. property, substance, Lu. 8. 43;
Cf. aha. 15. 12; 19. 8; from aigau.
Ahma, wk. sb. m. the spirit, the Aiginon*, in comp, ga-aiginon,
Holy Ghost, Mk. 1. 8, 10, q. v.
12; &c. Der. ahmeins, ahma- Aih, I have; from aigan.
teins. Cf. also hugs, muns, Aihan, to have, 2 Cor. 6. 10.
moths, anan. Cf. aqua. See aigan.
Ahmateins, str. sb. f inspiration, Aihta, vb. I had, he had. See ai
2 Tim. 3. 16. gan.
Ahmeins, adj. spiritual, Rom. 7. Aihtron, vb. to desire, beg for,
14; 1 Cor. 10. 3, 4; Gal. 6. 1; pray, Eph. 6. 18; Col. 1. 9;
Eph. 1. 3, &c.; from ahma. to beg, Mk. 10. 46; Jo. 9. 8.
Ahs (gen. ahsis), str. sb. neut. an Cf. aigan.
ear of corn, Mk. 2. 23; 4, 28. Aihtrons, str. sb. f. prayer, sup
Lu. 6. 1. [G. hre; E. ear; plication, Eph. 6. 18; 1 Tim.
D. aar.] 2. 1; Phil. 4. 6.
Ahs(a)? See amsa. Aihum, we have. See aigan.
Ahtao, eight, Lu. 2. 21; 9. 28. Aihun, they have. See aigan.
Ahtau-dogs, adj. on the eighth Aihuth, ye have. See aigan.
day, Phil. 3. 5. Aihwa-tundi (arog), str. sb. fem.
Ahtau-tehund, eighty, Lu. 2. 37; a bramble-bush , Lu. 6. 44 ; a
16. 7. bush (rog), Mk. 12. 26; Lu.
Ahtuda, the eighth, Lu. 1. 59. 20. 37.
Ahwa, str. sb. f. a river, Mk. 1. Aikan*, vb. (pt. tense aiaik) to
5; a flood, Mat. 7. 27; Ln. say. Der. af-aikan.
I 6. 48; a stream, Jo. 7. 38. Aikklesjo (ixxXyeia) , wk. sb. f.
11 Ara Aras- 12

a church, Rom. 16. 23; Col. 10. 37; ains anthar, one an
4. 16; the church, Eph. 3. 21; other; ni ains, no one; also
Eph. 5. 23; 1 Cor. 10. 32; used with pronouns, as: is ains,
1 Cor. 15. 9; 1 Tim. 3. 5. he by himself, Jo. 6. 15.
The pi. occurs in 1 Cor 7. 17; [E. one; G. ein.]
16. 1; &c. Ains-hun, adj. (hun being a suffix);
Ain, once; in the comp, thatain. only used with ni preceding; ni
See ains. ains-hun, not any one, none;
Ana, one. See ains. Lu. 1. 61.
Aina-baur, adj. only-born, Skeir. Ain-lif, eleven; dat. ain-libim,
5. 21. 1 Cor. 15. 5.
Ainaha (jiovoysvrg), adj. only, Lu. Aipiskaupei (tmaxontj) , str. sb.
7. 12; 9. 38; fem. ainoho, Lu. fem., a bishopric, 1 Tim. 3. 1.
8. 42. ( See ains. Aipiskaupus (iniexonog) , sb. a
Ainai (/yoi), pi. adj. See ains. bishop, 1 Tim. 3. 2; Tit. 1. 7.
Ainakls, adj. lonely, left alone, AlTIStaUle, aIPIStULE, sb. an
desolate, 1 Tim. 5. 5. See ains. epistle, a letter, Col. 4. 16;
Aina-munditha , str. sb. fem, un Neh. 6.^17, 19.
animity, unity, Eph. 4. 3, 13; Am (woooi), adv. early, Mk. 1.
from ains and months. 35. Cf. airis, airiza. [E. ere;
Ainanan: ga-ainanan. G. eher.]
Ain-falthei, str. sb. f. simplicitv, Airinon, vb. to be a messenger,
2 Cor. h 12; 11. 3; Col. to be an ambassador, 2 Cor. 5.
3. 22. 20; Eph. 6. 20. See airus.
ArNFalthaba, adv. singly, simply, Ahus, adv. earlier, long ago, Lu.
only, Skeir. 3. 18. 10. 13.
Ain-falths, adj. single, Mat. 6. Airiza (ro^retbs), adj. of old time,
22. [Lit. one-fold; ee falthan.] ancient, living formerly, Mat. 5.
Ain-hwarjizuh, adj. (elg txaerog; 21, 33. It is a compar. form,
xaarog; n), every single, from air.
every one, Lu. 4. 40; 16. 5; Airkn(i)s, adj. good, holy, sin
1 Cor. 12. 18. cere, 1 Tim. 3. 3. Cf. un-
Ain-hwatharuh, adj. each of two. airkns.
Ainnohun, ainohun; eee under Airknitha, str. sb. fem, goodness,
ainshun, ains. genuineness, sincerity, 2 Cor.
Ainoho, fem, form of ainaha, q. v. 8. 8.
Ains, adj. (fem, aina; neut. ain Airtha, str. sb. fem, earth, region,
or ainata?), one, single, only; land, Ps. 19. 5; 24, 1; Mat.
seina ainis = seina silba (av- 27. 51; Mk. 4. 5. Cf. muida,
rov); ainamma sintha, once; malma, stubjus. [A. S. eorSe;
for aina baurga, aina thiujo, G. erde; D. aarde.~\
aina anabusne, cf. baurgs, Airthakunds, adj. earthy, earthly,
thiuda, anabusns; ain wisan, born of the earth, Skeir. 4. 15.
to be one, see Jo. 10. 30; ains Airtheins, adj. earthly, 1 Cor.
jah sa sama, one and the same, 15. 49; 2 Cor. 4. 7; 5. 1;
1 Cor. 12. 11; ains jah ains, Phil. 3. 19.
the one and the other, Mk. Airus, str. sb. fem. a messenger,
13 AlRzEI Akri 14
Lu. 7. 24; 9. 52; also a mes Aiwaggelista, wk. sb. m. an
sage, Lu. 14. 32. Der. airinon. evangelist, Eph. 4, 11; 2 Tim.
Of- aggies- 4. 5.
AirZei, str. sb. fem. error, deceit, Aiwcharistia (evxaotariu), sb.
Eph. 4. 14; Skeir. 5. 5. thanksgiving, 2 Cor. 9. 11.
Cf. airzis. AiWeIns, adj. eternal, Mat. 25.
Airzitha , str. sb. fem. an error, 41, 46; Mk. 3. 29; &c. See
Mat. 27. 64; 1 Tim. 4. 1. aiws. [G. ewig; D. eeuwig.]
Cf. airzis. Aiwiski, str. sb. n. shame, 1 Cor.
Airz(e)is, adj. astray, going 15. 34; 2 Cor. 4. 2.
astray; airzeis wisan, wairthan, Aiwiskon, vb. to treat shame
to go astray, be deceived, Gal. fully, to behave unseemly, 1 Cor.
6. 7; to err, Mk. 12, 24. 13. 5. Der. ga-aiwiskon.
Der. airzei, airzitha, airzjan, Aiwjan*, in comp. us-aiwjan, q. v.
af-airzjan. Atwlaugia (evloyia), sb. 2 Cor.
Airzjan, vb. to lead astray, de 9. 5.
ceive, Mat. 27. 63. Atvt's, str. sb. m. time, a long
Ais, aiz, sb. brass, coin, money. time, an age, eternity, the
See aiz. [Lat. ces.] world, Lu. 1. 70; Mk. 10. 30;
Aistan, vb. to heed, regard, Lu. an age of the world, Gal. 1. 4;
18. 2, 4; 20. 13. Der. ga- life, Lu. 20. 35. Cf. mel, aids, wi-
aistan. toth, aijukduth. Du aiwa (dage),
Aithei, str. sb. fem. a mother, du aiwam, in aiwam, or in ai-
Mat. 10. 37; 27. 56; Mk. 3. wins, for ever, Gal. 1. 5; Mat.
32; &c. 6. 13; fram aiwa, or aiwam,
Aithis: see the following. Lu. from eternity. Der. aiweins, us-
1. 73. aiwjan, ajukduths; and cf. aiw,
Aiths, str. sb. m. an oath, Mat. halis-aiw, sunsaiw. [G. aloiv;
5. 33; 26. 72; Mk. 6. 26. Der. Lat. atvum.]
uf-aithis. [A. S. d; G. eid.] Aiz, ais, str. sb. n. brass, coin,
Atw, adv. ever, aye; ni aiw, money, Mk. 6. 8.
aiw ni, never; aiw hwanhuh, Aiza-smitha, wk. sb. . a copper
at any time; ni aiw hwanhuh, smith, 2 Tim. 4. 14.
not at any time; ni aiw ains- Ajukduths, str. sb. fern, an age,
hun, no one ever; ni thana- eternity; in phrase in ajukduth,
seiths aiw, never for ever. for ever and ever, Jo. 6. 58;
[E. aye; G. je.] Lu. 1. 33.
Aiththau, conj. or. (dXX, d, yo), conj. but; gen.
Aiwaggeli, str. sb. n. evangel, used after a negative, as: ni tha-
gospel, 1 Cor. 15.1; Gal. 1.7; tanei ak jah, not only but
2. 2; Eph. 1. 13. also; ne ak; ak niu (all' ovfT);
Aiwaggeljo, wk. sb. f. evangel, ak jah (dlX xat); ak ei (alX
gospel, Mk. 1. 1, 14; Rom. iva. [A. S. ac; O. E. oc]
10. 16. Akei ((.), but; used for d,
Aiwaggeljan, vb. to preach the once only, 1 Cor. 14. 20; akei
gospel, to preach, Gal. 4. 13. ni (diX ovd), but neither, Gai.
Cf. wailamerjan, thiuthkwithan. 2. 3.

Akeit, aket, str. ab. n. vinegar, Aldomo, wk. sb. n. old age, Lu.
Mat. 27. 48; Mk. 15. 36. [Lat. 1. 36. [The nom. may be al
acetum.] domo, aldoma or alduma.
Akran, str. sb. n. fruit, Mat. 7. E. eld; G. alter.]
20; Lu. 1. 42; Gal. 5. 22. Aldrs*, adj. old; in comp, fram-
matjan, to eat fruit, Mk. aldrs, q. v.
11. 14. Alds, str. sb. fem, an age, a gene
niman, to receive fruit, Mk. ration, Lu. 1. 50; Eph. 2, 2;
12. 2. life, 2 Tim. 2. 4; see alths.
giban, to bear fruit, Mk. 4. 7. Alduma, perhaps another form of
bairan, to bear fruit, Mk. 4. aldomo, q. v.
28; Jo. 15. 2; Col. 1. 10. A Leina, alleIna, str. sb. fem. a
waurkjan, to bring forth fruit, a cubit, Mat. 6. 27. [E. ell;
Lu. 3. 8. G. elle; D. el.]
gataujan, to bring forth fruit, Alew (tkcuov), str. sb. n. olive oil,
Mat. 7. 17. 18. Lu. 7. 46; 16. 6; Mk. 6. 13.
Akrana-laus, adj. unfruitful, Mk. Alewa-bagms, str. sb. m. an olive-
4. 19. tree, Rom. 11. 17, 24.
Aers, str. sb. m. a field, Mat. 27. Alew(e)is, adj. belonging to the
7, 8, 10; Mk. 15. 21; La. 15. olive-tree; fairguni alewi (QOg
25. [E. acre; G. acker.] iXaitv), the Mount of Olives,
Akwizl, str. sb. fem. an axe, Lu. Mk. 11. 1; Lu. 19. 29.
3. 9. [G. axt.) Alhs, str. sb. f. (dat. alhai and
Alabastraun (aldacsTQOv) , sb. alh) the temple, Mat. 27. 5;
an alabaster box, Lu. 7, 37. Mk. 12. 35; &c.
Ala-brunsts, str. sb. m. a holo Alids, fatted, Lu. 15. 23, 27, 30.
caust, whole burnt-ofifering, Ps. See aljan.
40. 7; Mk. 12. 33. Alis (akog, srsQOg), adj. other,
Alakjo, adv. together, collective another; ni waiht aljis (ovdiv
ly ; allai alakjo (nntg), all to alio), nothing else. Der. alja,
gether, Mk. 11. 32; Lu. 4. 22; aljakuns, aljaleikos, alja-leikon,
managei alakjo ( Xag rntg), alja-leikoths, aljar, aljath, al-
La. 19. 48; alakjo managei jathro. |X). E. eltis; E. else.]
(nav o n&o), Lu. 19. 37. Alja (si ftn, e fir), conj. than,
See alls. except, unless, Lu. 4. 27; 10.
Alamans, adj. individual, every; 22; prep, with dat. (nXtv), ex
in allaim allamannam, in every cept, Mk. 12. 32.
man, in all men without ex Aljakuns, adj. born in a strange
ception, Skeir. 8. 11. country, foreign; sa aljakunja,
Ala-mod, a proper name; occurs this stranger, Lu. 17. 18;
in Neap, and Arez. documents. aljakunjai, foreigners, Eph.
Alan, vb. to nourish; alans (iv- 2. 19.
rQeqiOfivog), nourished, 1 Tim. Aljaleikos (rQaig), adv. other
4. 6. See althan, aljan. [Lat. wise, 1 Tim. 5. 25.
alere.] laisjan (heQo - BidaexaXeiv),
Alatharbs, adj. very needy, very to teach otherwise, 1 Tim. 6. 3.
poor, Lu. 15. 14. Cf, thaurban. [Lit. else-like.]

Aljaleikon*, vb. to set forth an All-swerei (nXrns), str. sb. f.

allegory (?). See next word. simplicity; or lit. without re
Aljaleikoths , adj. allegorical, specting of persons, Rom. 12. 8.
Gal. 4, 24. Cf. sweran.
Aljan*, vb. to fatten, whence All-waldands , adj. all-ruling,
alids, q. v. almighty, 2 Cor. 6. 18.
Aljan, str. sb. n. jealousy, Rom. Althan*, vb. (pt. t. aialth), to
11. 11 ; zeal, 2 Cor. 7. 11. grow old; in comp. us-althan.
Aljanon, vb. to have zeal for, to Cf. aljan, alan, aids, altheis,
zealously affect (A. V.), Gal. 4, aldomo, aldrs. Der. us-althan.
17, 18. Der. in-aljanon. [G. altern.}
Aljar, adv. elsewhere; aljar Wi Altheis, adj. old, Jo. 3. 4; sa
gands (dnv), absent, 2 Cor. althiza, the elder, Lu. 15. 25.
10. 1, 11. Alths, alds, str. sb. f. an age,
Aljath, adv. other-whither, in an Eph. 2. 7; 3. 5, 21; Col. 1.
other direction; hence afleithan 26; life, world, 2 Tim. 2. 4.
aljath, to go away, Mk. 12. 1. Cf. althan.
Aljathro, adv. by another way, Amen, amen, verily, Mat 5.
Jo. 10. 1; when absent, 2 Cor. 18; &c.
13. 2; Phil. 1. 27. Amsa, wk. sb. m. a shoulder, Lu.
All-andjo, adv. altogether, 1 Th. 15. 5. [Perhaps it should be
5. 23. ahsa. Cf. G. achsei.]
Allathro (nosv, navayp- An, adv. used in asking questions,
w), adv. from on all sides, like an n Lat. an hwas (lis
Mk. 1. 45. xi); an hwa (t ovv); an nuh
Alla-waurstwa, wk. sb. m. all- (oi)x ovv), Lu. 3. 10; 10. 29;
worker; hence, one who does 18. 56. [bat. an.]
all one's duty, one who is per Ana, (1) prep, with dat. and acc.
fect, Col. 4. 12. to, upon, on, in, over, towards.
Alleina. See aleina. Cf. in; (2) adv. as in atlag-
Alls, adj. all (na, anus); whole jan ana, to lay on, Mk. 8. 23;
(n, na, Xog); much (no- galagjan ana, to lay on, Mk.
Us), in Mk. 12. 37; and all, 11. 7; ana dag (rijs >fiQa.s),
everywhere (nama%ov) ; ufar in the day, a-day, Lu. 17. 4;
all, above all, Eph. 3. 20. Der. ana andaugi, face to face,
allis, allathro, all-andjo, all- 2 Cor. 10. 1. The comp.
swerei, all-waldands, alla- are very numerous. See below.
waurstwa, ala-brunsts, ala- [G. an; E. on; D. oan.]
mans, ala-tharbs, ala- mod, Ana-aotan, vb. to add, Mat. 6,
alakjo. 27; to go on (to do), Lu. 20.
Allis, adv. wholly (SX<as); for 11, 12.
(yQ); for, as in allis than, Ana-biudan, 6. to command,
for when (orav yQ), Mk. 12. Nehem. 5. 14; Ps. 91. 11; to
25; allis (jv) answered by ith give commands to, instruct,
(Si); ni ... . allis (fi> .... Sias); Mat. 11. 1; 1 Tim. 6. 13.
nih allis, for neither, for not Ana-busns, str. sb. f. a com
(ov yQ, ovrt yQ). mand, commandment, Isa. 29.
19 Ana-driggkan Ana-nanthjan 20
13; Mat. 5. 19; Lu. 15. 29; Ana-kunnan, vb. to read, 2 Cor.
1 Tim. 6. 14. See biudan. 1. 13; 3. 2.
Ana-driggkan , vb. refl. to get Ana-kwal, str. sb. n. rest, quiet
drank, be drunk, Epb. 5. 18. ness, 1 Thess. 4. 11.
[G. antrinken.} Ana-kwiman, vb. to come to, ap
Ana-filh, str. sb. n. a tradition, proach, Luc. 2. 9.
Mk. 7. 3, 5; 2 Thess. 3. 6; Ana-kwiss, str. sb. f. blasphemy,
commendation, 2 Cor. 3. 1; a Col. 3. 8; 1 Tim. 6. 4.
thing committed to one, 2 Tim. Ana-kwithan, vb. to blaspheme;
1. 12. hence pass, to be evil spoken
Ana-filhan, vb. to hand down of, 1 Cor. 10. 30.
as tradition, Mk. 7. 13; to de Ana-kwiujan, vb. to rekindle, ex
liver up, Mat. 27. 2; to com cite, stir up (A. V.), 2 Tim.
mend, 2 Cor. 10. 12. 1. 6.
Ana-fulhano, sb. a tradition, Ana-lageins, str. sb. f. a laying
Mk. 7. 9. on (as of hands), 1 Tim. 4. 14.
Ana-gaggan, vb. to come after, Ana-lagjan, vb. to lay upon, Lu.
be future, Eph. 2. 7. [G. an 4. 40; 10. 30.
gehen.] Ana-latjan, vb. to let, to hinder,
Ana-haban, vb. to possess, take 1 Thess. 2. 18.
hold upon ; in pass, to be taken Ana-laugnei, str. sb. f. secret
(by fever), Lu. 4. 38; to be ness, Jo. 7. 4. Cf. liugan.
possessed, Lu. 6. 18. [G. an Ana-laugniba, adv. secretly, Jo.
haben.] 7. 10. Cf. liugan.
Ana-haims, adj. at home, present Ana-leiko, in like manner, Skeir.
with, 2 Cor. 5. 8. 9. 7. 4.
Ana-haitan, vb. with dat. and Ana-mahtjan, vb. to use one's
acc. to call on, to call upon, might against any one, to be
2 Cor. 1. 23; 2 Tim. 2. 22. violent against, Mat. 11. 12; to
Ana-hamon, vb. to put on defraud, Mk. 10. 19; to maltreat,
(clothes), 2 Cor. 5. 4. Lu. 6. 28; 18. 32; to do wrong,
Ana-hnaiwjan, vb. to lay, rest 2 Cor. 7. 12; pass, to suffer
upon, Mat. 8. 20 ; to stoop down, wrong, 2 Cor. 7. 12; suffer vio
Mk. 1. 7. lence, Mat. 11. 12.
Ana-hweilan, vb. to give rest to, Ana-mahts, str. sb. f. injury, ill-
to refresh, 2 Cor. 7. 13. treatment, 2 Cor. 12. 10.
Ana-insakan, vb. to add to, Gal. Ana-meljan, vb. to be enrolled
2. 6. for taxation, to be taxed, Lu.
Ana-kaurjan, vb. to overload, 2. 5.
bear hard upon , 2 Cor. A na-minds, str. sb. f. a suppo
2. 5. sition, surmising, 1 Tim. 6. 4.
Anaks, adv. suddenly, Lu. 2. 13; Anan*, vb. to breathe out ; in comp,
9. 39; Mk. 9. 8. us-an an, q. v.
Ana-kumbjan, vb. to lie down, Ana - nanthJan , vb. to have
recline, sit at meat, Mk. 2. 15; courage, to dare, to be bold,
to sit down, recline, Mk. 8. 6. Mk. 15. 43; 2 Cor. 11. 21;
Der. mith-anakumbjan. Skeir. 4. 27.
21 Ana-hAthjax And-auoiba 22

Ana-nauthjan, vb. to constrain, comp. Cf. also und, andis, andiz-

compel, Mat. 5. 41. uh, andeis, all-andjo.
Ana-niujan, vb. to renew, 2 Cor. Anda-bauhts , str. sb. f. a price,
4. 16; Col. 3. 10. price of redemption, 1 Tim.
Ana-niujitha, str. sb. f. a re 2. 6. See bugjan.
newal, renewing, Rom. 12. 2. Anda-beit, str. sb. n. reproach,
Ana-praggan, vb. to harass, reproof, 2 Cor. 2. 6.
worry, 2 Cor. 7. 5. Anda-hafts, str. sb. f. an answer,
Ana-silan, vb. to be silent, grow 1 Cor. 9. 3.
still, Mk. 4. 39. Anda-hait, str. sb. n. confession,
Ana-siun(i)s, adj. evident, visible, acknowledgement, profession,
Skeir. 2. 22. Der. un-anasiu- 2 Cor. 9. 13; 1 Tim. 6. 12.
naba. Anda-launi, str. sb. n. a recom-
Ana-slawan, vb. to become pence, 2 Cor. 6. 13; Col. 3. 24.
silent, Lu. 8. 24. Anda-nahti, str. sb. n. twilight,
Ana-slepan, vb. to sleep, fall gloaming, evening, Mat. 8. 16;
asleep, Lu. 8. 23. [G. ent Mk. 1. 32.
schlafen.] Anda-neiths, adj. contrary, 1 Th.
Ana-stodeins , str. sb. f. beginn 2. 15; Col. 2. 14.
ing, Mk. 1. 1; 10. 6; first Anda-nem, sb. n. a receiving,
fruits, 1 Cor. 15. 23. Phil. 4. 15. See niman. [G. an
Ana-stodjan, vb. to begin, Gal. nohme.]
3. 3. Anda-nemeigs, adj. holding fast,
Anathaima, anathema, Rom. 9. 3; Tit. 1. 9. [G. annehmlich.]
1 Cor. 16. 22. Anda-nems, adj. pleasant, accep
Ana-thtwan, vb. to keep in sub table, Lu. 4. 19, 24; 2 Cor. 6.
jection, 1 Cor. 9. 27. 2; 1 Tim. 2. 3. [G. angenehm;
Ana-tiiraftsjan, vb. to refresh, D. aangenaam.]
2 Tim. 1. 16; Philem. 20. Anda-numts, str. sb. f. a receiv
Ana-timrjan, vb. to build upon, ing up, Lu. 9. 51; acceptation,
Eph. 2. 20. 1 Tim. 1. 15. [G. annohme.]
Ana-trimpan, vb. to press, throng Anda-sets, adj. abominable, Tit.
round, Lu. 5. 1. 1. 16. See sitan. [G. entsetz
Ana-wairths, adj. about to come, lich.]
future, Lu. 3. 7; Jo. 16. 13; Anda-stathjis, str. sb. m. an ad
Col. 2. 17. versary, Lu. 18. 3; Phil. 1. 28.
Ana-wammjan, vb. to blame, 2 Cor. Anda-staua, str. sb. m. an ad
6. 3. versary, Mat. 5. 25.
Ana-wiljei (/or) , str. sb. f. Anda-thahts, adj. thoughtful,
discretion, gravity (A. V. ), prudent, vigilant (A. V.), 1 Tim.
1 Tim. 3. 4. 3. 2; 2 Tim. 4. 5; Tit. 1. 8;
And (iff), (1) prep, with acc. to, reasonable, Rom. 12. 1. See
towards; (2) to, according to, thaggkjan.
upon, at, (stg, r, tm) ; and all And-augi, str. sb. n. the face,
(navra%ov), every-where. For the 1 Thess. 2. 17.
numerous compounds see below. And-augiba, adv. openly, plainly,
It also takes the form anda in Jo. 7. 26; 16. 29.
23 AsDAUOJO -And-stald 24

Andaugjo, adv. openly, Mk. 1. And-hausjan, vb. to listen, to

45; Jo. 7. 10; 18. 20. hear (a prayer), Lu. 1. 13; Jo.
Anda-waibthi: see and-wairthi. 11. 41; to hear, 1 Cor. 14. 21.
Anda-waubd, str. sb. n. an And-hruskan, vb. to ask questions,
answer, Lu. 20. 26; unless we 1 Cor. 10. 25. Cf. 1 Cor. 10. 27.
read anda- waurdeis, from the And-huleins, fr. sb. f. uncover
next word. ing, illumination, Lu. 2. 32;
Anda-waurdi; the same. Lu. 20. revelation, 2 Cor. 12. 1; Eph.
26; Jo. 19. 9. [G. antwort; 1. 17; 3. 3.
D. antwoordi] And-huljan, vb. to unco-er, Mk.
Anda-wizn, str. sb. n. need, want, 2. 4; to reveal, Lu. 2. 35; 10.
necessity, Rom. 12. 13; Phil. 22; Eph. 3. 5; Phil. 3. 15;
4. 16. See wizan. Mat. 10. 26. [G. enthllen;
Anda-wleizns, str. sb. m. the A. S. unhlen.]
countenance, face, Mat. 26. 67; Andi-laus, adj. endless, 1 Tim.
Lu. 17. 16; 2 Cor. 11. 20. 1. 4. Prom andeis.
[G. antlitz.] Andis, Andiz-uh, adv. otherwise,
And-bahti, str. sb. n. service, Lu. 16. 13.
ministry, 1 Cor. 16. 15; 2 Cor. Andjo*, in all-andjo, q. v.
8. 4. And-kwithan, vb. to bid farewell
And-bahtjan, vb. to serve, mi to, Lu. 9. 61; to approach; Lu.
nister, Mat. 8. 15; 25, 44; Mk. 8. 19.
1. 13, 31. ' And-letnan, vb. to get oneself
And-bahts, str. sb. m. a servant, free, to depart, Phil. 1. 23.
minister, Rom. 13. 6; Mk. 14. And-niman, vb. to receive, take,
54; an officer, Mat. 5. 25. Nehem. 5. 17; Mat. 10. 40, 41 ;
And-beitan, vb. to reprove, re Mk. 6. 11. [G. entnehmen.]
buke, threaten, Mk. 1. 25; to And-rtnnan, vb. to compete in
perplex, to harass, 2 Cor. 4. 8. running; hence, to strive, dis
And-bindan, vb. to unbind, loosen, pute, Mk. 9. 34.
Mk. 1. 7; to explain, Mk. 4. 34. Ands ?, another form of andeis ?,
And-bundnan, vb. to be unbound, q. v.
to be loosened, Mk. 7. 35; 7. 6. And-saihwan, 6. to regard, Lu.
AndEis (and ands ?) , str. sb. m. 20. 21. [G. ansehen; D. aan-
an end, Mk. 3. 26; 13. 27; zien.~]
Rom. 10. 18; 1 Cor. 15. 24; &c. And-sakan, vb. to speak against,
Der. andi-laus, all-andjo. Lu. 2. 34. Der. un-andsakuns.
[G. ende; D. einde.] And-satjan, vb. to attribute,
And-hafjan, vb. to reply, Mat. 8. Skeir. 5. 21.
8; 11. 4. And-sitan, vb. to regard, Gal. 2.
And-haitan, vb. to profess, con 6; to inquire into, 1 Cor. 10.
fess, Mat. 7. 23; 10. 32; to 27. Cf. and-hruskan.
profess, witness (A. V.), 1 Tim. And-soks*; in un-andsoks, q. v.
6. 12. And-speiwan, vb. to reject, Gal.
And-hamon, vb. to take off 4. 14.
(clothes), to spoil, Col. 2. 15. And-stald, str. sb. n. a supply,
Cf. af-hamon. Eph. 4. 16; ministration (sat-

XoQnyia), Phil. 1. 19. See the Anthar, adj. another (dilog, hs-
following. Qog); second ( devrtoog); the
And-staldan, vb. to produce, set rest, (loinoi), Jo. 15. 24;
forth, minister (A. V.), 1 Tim. Mk. 12. 21; Mat. 27. 49;
1. 4. anthar, the one, antharuh, the
And-standan, vb. to oppose, with other; anthar antharis, anthar
stand, resist, Mat. 5. 39; Jo. antharamma, anthar antharana,
19. 12. one another; anthar fruma
And-staukran, vb. to murmur ( dtvrtQ07rQrOg), Lu. 6. 1;
against, Mk. 14. 5. Cf. staurran. thata anthar (ro Xombv), the
And-thaggkjan , . refl. to con rest, Eph. 6. 10. Der. anthar-
sider, Lu. 16. 4; Skeir. 7. 5. leiko, antharleikei.
And-tilon, vb. to serve, cleave Anthars, prob, for anthar s (a),
to, Lu. 16. 13. Skeir. 4. 27.
And-wairthi, str. sb. n. presence; Antharleiko, adv. otherwise,lTim.
esp. the face, Lu. 9. 51, 53; I. 3.
a. withra a. face to face, Antharleikei, wk. sb. f. diver
1 Cor. 13. 12; in or faura and- sity, Skeir. 5. 15; 6. 14.
wairthja, in presence of, before, Apaustaulei, wk. sb. f. apostle-
Nehem. 5. 15; Mat. 5. 16; ship, 1 Cor. 9. 2; Gal. 2. 8.
Mk. 9. 2; in managamma and- Apaustaulus, apaustulus, str. sb.
wairthja, in presence of many, . an apostle, messenger, Lu.
2 Cor. 1. 11. See wairthan. 9. 10; 17. 5; Jo. 13. 16.
And-wairthi, sb. worth, price, Der. apaustaulei, galiuga-apau-
Mat. 27. 6, 9. [The MS. has staulus.
anda-wairthi in v. q.] Ar, or ara, wk. sb. . an eagle,
And-wairthis, prep, with dat. over Lu. 17. 37. [G. aar.]
against, Mat. 27. 61. Arbaidjan, vb. to work, toil,
And-wairths, adj. present, 1 Cor. Mat. 6. 28; Eph. 4. 28. Der. bi-,
7. 26. mith-, thairh-arbaidjan. Cf. ar-
And-wasjan, vb. to uncloth, take baiths. [G. arbeiten.]
oif clothes, Mk. 15. 20. Arbaiths, str. sb. f. work, toil,
And-waurdjan, vb. to answer, labour, 2 Cor. 6. 5; 11. 27;
reply to, Rom. 9. 20. [G. ant 1 Thess. 3. 5; pressure of busi
wortend] ness, 2 Cor. 11. 28; work (xa-
AnD-WeiGan, anD-WEIhAn, vb. v<r), 2 Cor. 10. 16; (in) arbaida
to strive against, oppose, Rom. winnan, to labour, 2 Th. 3. 8 ; in
7. 23.f arbaida briggan , to vex , 2 Cor.
Anno (o<p<aviov), wk. sb. f. char II. 20. \_M. gives only ar
ges, cost, 1 Cor. 9. 7. Cf. ansts. baiths, gen. arbaidais, acc. ar-
Ans (gen. anzis), str. sb. . a baith. But why not nom. ar-
beam, Lu. 6. 41, 42. baids? See 1 Cor. 15. 58.]
Ansteigs, adj. favourable, gra Arbi, str. sb. n. a heritage, in
cious, Eph. 1. 6. heritance, Eph. 1. 14; arbi ni-
Ansts, str. sb. f. favour, grace, man, to inherit, Gal. 4. 30.
Lu. 1. 28, 30; 2. 40; 1 Cor. 10. Cf. arbi-numja, arbja, ga-arbja,
30; &c. Der. ansteigs. [G gunst.] arbjo. [G. erbe; D. erf]
27 Arbi-numja -b 28

Akbi-numja, wk. sb. m. an in Arneis*, Arnis*, adj. certain,

heritor, heir, Mk. 12. 7; Lu. 20. sure. See amiba.
14; Gal. 4. 1. [G. erbnehmer.] Arniba,' adv. surely, safely, Mk.
Akbja, wk. sb. m. an heir; arbja 14. 44. From arneis (?).
wairthan, to inherit, Mk. 10. 17; Aromata (aQoifiaza), sweet spices,
Gal. 4. 21. Der. ga- arbja. Mk. 16. 1.
Arbjo, wk. sb.f. an heiress; arbjo Arwjo, adv. without a cause, Jo.
wairthan, to inherit, 1 Dor. 15. 15. 25; freely, gratis, 2 Cor.
50. [G. erbinn.] 11. 7.
Arhwazna, str. sb. f. an arrow, Asans, str. sb. f. harvest, harvest
dart, Eph. 6. 16. time, Mk. 4. 29; Lu. 10. 2;
Arjan, vb. to plough, Lu. 17. 7. summer, Mk. 13. 28. Cf. asneis.
[A. S. erian; Lat. arare; O. E. Asilukwairnus, str. sb. m. a mill
ear.] stone, Mk. 9, 42. Cf. asilus.
Akka , str. sb. f. an ark , i. . a [G. esel, an ass; E. quern.]
box; hence a money-bag, Jo. Asilus, str. sb. m. an ass, an
13. 29. ass's foal, Jo. 12. 14, 15. Der.
Akk-aggilus, str. sb. m. an arch asilu-kwairnus. [G. esel; D.
angel, 1 Thess. 4. 16. From ezel.]
aggilns. Cf. ark-ippus, taitr- Asneis, str. sb. m. a servant,
arkes, areist-arkus. hired servant (A. V.), Mk. 1.
Armahaiutei, wk. sb. f. pity, 20; a hireling, Jo. 10. 12, 13.
mercy, Lu. 1. 78; Rom. 15. 9. Assarjus (deeaowv), sb. a coin,
From arms and hairto. called in A. V. a farthing, Mat.
Armahaiktitha , wk. sb. f. the 10. 29.
same, Mat. 9. 13; alms -giving, Astaths, str. sb. truth, certainty,
Mat. 6. 4. Lu. 1. 4.
Armahairts, adj. pitiful, merciful, Asts, str. sb. m. a bough, a twig,
tenderhearted, Eph. 4. 32. a branch, Mk. 11. 8; 13. 28.
Armaio, wk. sb. f. mercy, 2 Tim. [G. ast.]
1. 2; alms, Mat. 6. 2, 3. Cf. At, prep, with dat. at, by (nQo<j,
armahairtei. n, am, with acc); to (noo,
Arman, vb. with acc. to pity, have with acc.); from (naQ, with
mercy on, Mat. 9. 27; Mk. 10. gen., and no); at (of time),
47; to shew mercy, Rom. 12. (, with gen.), and Greek gen.
8. Cf. bleithjan, infeinan. Der. abs. Also with acc. Gal. 6. 9;
ga-arman. Lu. 2. 41, Mat. 27. 1; at ist,
Arms, adj. poor, miserable, is near. Cf. du, bi. For com
wretched; sup. armosts, most pounds see below.
miserable, 1 Cor. 15. 19. Cf. At-athni, str. sb. n. a year, Jo.
halks, unleds, us-haista. [G. and 18. 14. See athns.
D. arm.] At-augjan, vb. to bring before
Arms, str. sb. m. the arm, Lu. 1. the eyes, shew, Mat. 8. 4; Mk.
51; ana armins niman, to take 1. 44; refl. to appear; pass, to
up in the arms, Mk. 9. 36; appear, Mk. 9. 4.
ana armins andniman, the At-bairan, vb. to bring, offer,
same, Lu. 2. 28. Mat. 8. 4; to bring, Mat. 8. 16;

9. 32. Der. inn - athairan , us- lay before, Mk. 8. 6; to cast,

athairan. Mat. 7. 19.
At-bairhtjan, vb. to make mani At-lathon, vb. to call (lit. invite),
fest, display, Tit. 1. 3. Eph. 4. 4.
At-driusan, vb. to fall, fall into, At -ligan, vb. to lie close to, be
1 Tim. 3. 6, 7; 6. 9. present with, Rom. 7. 18.
At-farjan, vb. to fare, journey, At-nehwjan, vb.' refl. to draw
sail towards a place, Lu. 8. 26. near, be at hand, Mk. 1. 15;
At-gaggs, str. sb. m. access, Eph. Lu. 10. 9, 11; to be nigh to,
2. 18. Cf. gaggs. Phil. 2. 30.
At-gaggan (p. t. at-iddja), vb. to At-niman, vb. to take to, adopt,
go to, come; hence to descend, Col. 1. 13. '
come down, Mat. 8. 1; Mk. 1. At-rinnan, vb. to run to, come
10; to enter, Mat. 9. 25. Der. to, Lu. 16. 21. Der. du-atrinnan.
du-atgaggan, inn-atgaggan, un- At-saihwan, vb. with gen. and
atgahts, at-gaggs. acc. to take heed, Mat. 7.
At-gahts*, in comp, un-atgahts, 15; Lu. 20. 46; give heed to,
q. v. 1. Tim. 1. 4.
At-garaihtjan , vb. to set right At-satjan, vb. to present (in the
again, direct, Tit. 1. 5. From temple), Lu. 2. 22; to present
raibts. (to God), Col. 1. 22.
At -guian, vb. to give over, At-snarpjan, vb. to taste, Col.
deliver up, Mat. 5. 25; 26. 2; 2. 21.
to give, Mk. 4. 11; 2 Cor. 8. 5. At-sniwan*, vb., in du-atsniwan,
At-iiaban, vb. to have at; hence, q. v.
refl. to come towards, Mk. At-standan, vb. to stand near,
10. 35. Mk. 14. 47, 70; to come near,
At-hafjan, vb. to take down, Lu. 20. 1.
Mk. 15. 36. At-steigan, vb. to descend, come
At-hahan, vb. to let down, Lu. down, Mat. 27. 42; Mk. 15.
5. 4; 2 Cor. 11. 33. 32; to enter, Mat. 9. 1; dalath
At-haitan, vb. to call to one, at-steigan, to come down, Lu.
Mat. 10. 1; Mk. 3. 13; 6. 7; 17. 31; 19. 5.
Lu. 19. 13; &c. Atta, wk. sb. m. father, Ex. 20.
Athns, str. sb. m. a year, Gal. 12; 21. 16; Mat. 5. 16, 45, '
4. 10. [Athns = atnus = Lat. 48; &c; forefather, Jo. 6. 49;
annus. Cf. Greek hogJ] Der. at- Lu. 1. 72; &c.
athni. At-tekan, vb. to touch, Mat. 8.
Aththan, conj. but, Mat. 5. 28; 3. 15; Mk. 1. 41; Lu. 5. 13;
6. 16; 8. 11; &c. 8. 47; &c.
Atjan*, in fra-atjan, q. v. At-thinsan, vb. to draw towards
At-kunnan, vb. to afford, render, one, Jo. 6. 44; 12. 32.
give, Col. 4. 1. At-tiuhan, vb. to pull towards,
At-lagjan, vb. to lay, lay on, to bring, Mk. 11. 2; 15. 22;
Mat. 9. 18; to put on (clothes), Lu. 9. 41; Jo. 18. 16; dalath
Mk. 15. 17; to lay out (money), at-tiuhan, to bring down, Rom.
Lu. 19. 23; at-lagjan faur, to 10. 6. Der. inn-attiuhan.
31 At-wairpan Adrtja 32

At-wairpan, vb. to cast, cast Auhjon, vb. to cry aloud, make

down, Mat. 27. 5; Mk. 9. 22; a noise, Mat. 9. 23; Mk. 5. 39.
app. with pass, sense, to be Auhmisto, auhmists: see auhuma.
cast, Mk. 9. 47. Auhns, str. sb. . an oven. Mat.
At-walwjan, vb. to roll to, Mk. 6. 30. [G. ofen; D. oven.]
15. 46. Cf. wilwan. Auhsa, wk. sb. ; or
At-wandjan, vb. only in phr. ; at- Auhsus, str. sb. . an ox; 1 Tim.
wandjan sik aftra, to return, 5. 18; 1 Cor. 9. 9; Lu. 14. 19.
Lu. 19. 15. [G. ochse; D. os.]
At-wisan, vb. to be present, be Auhuma, adv. high; hence auhu-
at hand, Mk. 4. 29. mists, auh'miste; superl. adj.
At-witains, efr- SOi m obser the highest; as in auhumists
vation, Lu. 17. 20. gudja, a chief priest, Mat. 27.
At-wopjan, vb. to call, Mk. 9. 35; 62; hence also auhumisto, 6.
Jo. 9. 24. the highest point, Lu. 4. 29.
Aud*, sb. good, possession, trea Auk, conj. (commonly after the
sure; whence the following. first, or first closely - connected,
Audaugei, wk. sb. f. happiness, words of the sentence; as, batizo
blessedness, Gal. 4. 15. ist auk, ni waiht auk; and
Audagjan, vb. to consider, or call very rarely at the beginning),
blessed, Lu. 1. 48. for (yQ); also; auk ith, or
Audags, adj. happy, blessed, Mat. auk than, answer to Greek
5. 8; 11. 6; Lu. 6. 20; &c. fv d; jah auk, for also;
Audahafts, adj happy, blessed, auk jah, but also; than auk,
Lu. 1. 28. but; auk raihtis, for, Mk.
Aufto, adv. perhaps, probably, 6. 17.
Lu. 4. 23; altogether, 1 Cor. 16. Aukan, vb. (p. t. aiauk), to in
12; ei aufto, if haply, Mk. 11. crease, used as a neuter verb,
13; niu aufto, if perhaps, Skeir. 4. 11. Der. ga- aukan,
whether or no, Lu. 3. 15; ibai ana-aukan, bi-aukan, bi-auknan,
and nibai aufto, if so (Mk. 2. auknan. Cf. theihan. [A. S.
22), except (2 Cor. 13. 5). kan; E. eke.]
Auga-dauro, wk. sb. f. a window, Auknan, vb. to be supplied,
2 Cor. 11. 33. [Lit. an eye- nourished, increased, Col. 2. 19.
door.'] Cf. aukan.
Augjan, vb. to bring before the Aurah-i(-jo?), str. sb. f. a grave,
eyes, shew, Jo. 14. 8, 9. Der. tomh, Mk. 5. 2.
at-augjan. Aurali, str. sb. n. a napkin, Jo.
Augjo*, in and-augjo, q. v. 11. 44.
Augo, wk. sb. n. the eye, Mat. 5. Aurkeis, str. sb. . a cup, Mk. 7.
38; 9. 30; Mk. 7. 22; &c.; in 8. Cf. balgs.
augam skalkinon, to serve with AUrtI-GarDS, str. Sb. . 8
eye-service, Col. 3. 22. [G. auge; orchard, garden, Jo. 18. 1, 26.
D. oog; A. S. edge.] [E. orchard; contr. from ort-
Auhjodus, str. sb. . tumult, in yard, or wort-yard.]
surrection, Mk. 15. 7; 5. 38. Aurtja, wk. sb- . a gardener,
See the following. husbandman, Lu. 20. 10, 14.

Aurts*, str. sb. f. a plant, wort. giving of thanks, Eph. 5. 4.

See waurts. Der. aurtigards, See liuth. Der. awiliudon.
aurtja. Awiliudon, e6. to thank, to give
Auso, wk. sb. n. the ear, Nehem. thanks, Mk. 8. 6; Lu. 17. 16;
6. 16; Mat. 10. 27; Mk. 4. Jo. 6. 11.
9; 14. 47; &c. See hliuma Awistr , str. sb. n. a sheepfold,
and hausjan. [G. ohr; D. Jo. 10. 16. From awi.
oor.] Awo, wk. sb. f. a grand-mother,
Authida, str. sb. f. a desert, Mk. 2 Tim. 1. 5. [Lat. avia.]
1. 3, 4, 12; 8. 4; Lu. 15. Azetaba, adv. easily, willingly,
4; &c. "gladly" (A. V.), 2 Cor.
Auth(i)s, adj. desert, waste, Mk. 11. 19.
1. 35; Lu. 4. 42; 9. 10, 12. Azeti, sb. n. pleasure, 1 Tim.
[G. de.] 5. 6.
AwEthi, str. sb. n. a flock of Azets, adj. light, easy; only in
sheep, Jo. 10. 16. 1 Cor. 9. 7. compar. azetizo, easier, Mk. 2.
See awi. [D. ooi; E. ewe.] 9; spelt azitizo, Mk. 10. 25.
Awi* (ig). str. sb. f. a sheep. Azgo, wk. sb. f. an ash, cinder,
Lat. ovis. Der. awistr, Lu. 10. 13; Mat. 11. 21.
awethi. Azymus, 6. m. unleavened
AWILIUD, aWILIUtII, str. Sb. . bread; azyme = rov vficav,
thank, 2 Cor. 8. 16; 9. 15; Mk. 14. 12.


B, the second letter. As a nume I bairn; acc. bans, Lu. 1. 6, 7.

ral, 2. [Pronounce it as in Cf. twai. [A. S. bd.]
English.] Baid, pt. t. of beidan, vb. q. v.
Ba: see Bai. Baidjan, vb. to constrain, compel,
B, str. sb. n. a bed, Mk. 2. 9, Gal. 2. 3, 14. Cf. beidan.
11; Lu. 5. 24; ana badjam 1 Baim, dat. of bai, both. See bai.
bairan, to carry about on beds. Baira -bagms, fr. e6. m. a syca-
Mk. 6. 55. [E. D. bed; G. I mine tree, Lu. 17. 6. [Spelt
bett.] baina-bagms in some editions.]
Bagms, str. sb. m. a tree. Mat. 7. Bairan, vb. (pt. t. bar, pi. berum,
17, 18; Mk. 8. 24; Lu. 3. 9; 6. pp. baurans), with cc. (1), to
44. Cf. triu. Der. alewa-, bear, carry, bring, Mat. 5. 23;
baira-, peika-, smakka- bagms. Lu. 7. 14; Jo. 12. 6; Gal. 6.
[D. boom; G. baum; E. beam.] 5; &c.; (2) to bear (children),
Bht*, a root (derived from ba 1 Tim. 5. 14; Gal. 4. 24;
jan, bakan, or bahan?), whence (3) akran bairan, to bear fruit.
and-bahts, &c. See and-bahts. See akran. Der. un-bairands,
and-bahti, and-bahtjan. un-bairandei, ga-bairan, at-bai-
Bai, adj. m. (n. ba), both; dat. ran, inn-athairan, us-atbairan,
W. W. Skeat, Moeso-Gotbic Glossary. 2
35 Baibgahki Bandwjan 36
fra-bairan, thairh-bairan, us- Bajoths, both, Lu. 5. 38. Cf. bai.
bairan, ut-bairan; also barn, Balgs, str. sb. m. (pl. balgeis), a
beruseis, bans, baur, aina-baur, wine-skin, Mat. 9. 17; Mk. 2.
fruma-baur; also ga-baurs, ga- 22; Lu. 5. 37. Cf. aurkeis.
baurjaba, ga-baurijothus, ga- Der. mati-balgs. [E. bag; G.
baur, baurei, baurthei, ga- balg.]
baurths, ga-baurthiwaurd. [E. Balsagga: see halsagga.
bear; D. baren; G. gebren.] Balsan (fivQov), balsam, balm,
Bairgahei, wk. sb. f. hill- country, ointment, Mk. 14. 5; Lu. 7. 37;
Lu. 1. 39, 65. From bairgan. Jo. 12. 5.
Bairgan, t'6. (pt. t. barg, pl. baur- Balthaba, adv. boldly, Jo. 7.
gum, pp. baurgans), with dat. 13; openly, Col. 2. 15. See
to hide, preserve, keep, Jo. 12. balths.
25; 17. 15. Der. ga-bairgan, Balthei, wk. sb. f. boldness,
bairgs (?), and see under bairgs. 2 Cor. 3. 12; Eph. 3. 12; 6.
[G. D. bergen; A. S. beorgan.] 19; 1 Tim. 3. 13. See balths.
Bairgs*, str. sb. m. a mountain. Balthjan, vb. to dare, Skeir. 2. 1.
Der. bairgahei, baurgs, baurgs- Balths*, adj. bold. Der. bal
waddjus, baurgja, ga-baurgja, thaba, balthei, thrasa-balthei,
bi- baurgeins. [G. D. berg; us-balthei, balthjan.
A. S. beorg.] Balwa-wesei , wk. sb. f. wicked
Bairhtaba, adv. brightly, clearly, ness, malice, 1 Cor. 5. 8. See
Mk. 8. 25; Lu. 16. 19; openly, balws.
Col. 2. 15. Balweins, fr. sb. f. torment,
Bairhtei, wk. sb. f. brightness, Mat. 25. 46; Lu. 16. 23. See
light, manifestation, 2 Cor. 4. balws.
2; hence, in bairhtein, openly, Balwjan, vb. to torment, plague,
Mat. 6. 4, 6. Mat. 8. 6, 29; Mk. 5. 7; Lu.
Bairhtjan, vb. to brighten: hence, 8. 28. See balws.
to manifest, shew, Jo. 7. 4. Balws *, adj. evil. Der. balwa-wesei,
Bairhts, adj. bright; hence bairhts balwjan, balweins. [E. bale.]
wairthan, to become manifest, Band, bound, pt. t. of bindan,
Jo. 9. 3; to appear, Col. 3. 4; q. v.
bairht thatei (dtjXov ort), it is Bandi, str. sb. f. a band, Mk. 7,
evident that. Der. bairhtaba, 35; a bond, Col. 4. 19; Lu.
bairhtei, bairhtjan, ga-bairhtjan, 8. 29; Phil. 1. 14. From bindan.
ga-bairhteins, at-bairhtjan. [A. Bandja, wk. sb. m. a prisoner,
S. beorht; O. N. biartr.] Mat. 27. 15, 16; Mk. 15. 6;
Bait, bit (pt. t. from beitan), q. v. Eph. 3. 1; 4. 1. From bindan.
Baith, baid, expected (pt. t. from Bandwa, str. sb. f. a sign, a sure
beidan), q. v. bond, a token, 1 Cor. 14. 22.
Baitraba, adv. bitterly, Mat. 26. From bindan.
75. See baitrs. Bandwjan, vb. to show a sign,
Baiteei, wk. sb. f. bitterness, betoken, Lu. 20. 37; to make
Eph. 4. 31. See baitrs. signs, beckon, Lu. 1. 22; to
Baitrs, adj. bitter, Col. 3. 19. Der. point out, 1 Cor. 10. 28. From
baitraba, baitrei. [E. D. G. bitter.] bindan.
37 Bandwo Baui 38

Bandwo, str. sb. f. a sign, token, Batan*, (pt. t. bot; pi. botum;
2 Thess. 3. 17; a signal, Mk. pp. batans), to be useful, to
14. 44. From bindan. boot. Cf. bats, ga-batnan,
BanJa, str. sb. f. bane, wound, bota, bot(j)an, ga-bot(j)an.
sore, Lu. 10. 30; 16. 21. Cf. [D. baten.]
wundufni. Batists, superl. adj. best, Lu. 1.
Bans, cc. of bai, both. 3. From bats, q. v.
Bansts, str. sb. m. (pl. bansteis), Batiza, compar. adj. better, Mat.
a barn, Mat. 6. 26; Lu. 3. 17. 10. 31; Lu. 5. 39. From bats,
From bindan. [Cf. G. bansen.] q. v.
Bar, bore, pt t. of bairan, q. v. Batnan , vb. in ga-batnan, q. v.
Barbakus (QaQOi;), one who is Cf. batan.
not a Greek, Col. 3. 11. Bats*, adj. good, useful; comp,
Baris*, str. sb. f. barley. Der. batiza; superl. batists. [E. boot;
barizeins. D. baat.]
Barizeins, adj. of barley, Jo. 6. 9. Batwins, a Gothic proper name
Barms, str. sb. m. (pi. barmeis), in the Gothic calendar.
the bosom, Lu. 6. 38; 16. 22; Bauaida (?), pt. t. of bauan, q. v.
Jo. 13. 23. [O. E. barm.] Bauains, str. sb. f. a dwelling,
Barn, str. sb. n. a child, Mat. 11. dwelling-place, Mk. 5. 3; 2 Cor.
19; Mk. 7. 27; barne barna, 5. 2; Phil. 3. 20. See bauan.
children's children, grand-chil Bauan, vb. (pt. t. bauaida or
dren, 1 Tim. 5. 4. Der. bar- baibo?), to build; hence, to in
nilo, barnisks, barniskei, bar- habit, dwell in, 1 Tim. 6. 16;
niski, unbarnahs, barnusjan (?). Rom. 7. 17; &c. Der. ga-
[E. bairn.] bauan, bauains. [G. bauen;
Barnahs*, adj. in un-barnahs, q. v. D. bouwen; A. S. buian.]
Barnilo, wk. sb. n. a little child, Baud, bade, pt. t. of biudan, q. v.
son, Mat. 9. 2; Lu. 1. 76; 15. Baud, baudana ; from bauths, q. v.
31; Jo. 13. 33. Cf. barn. Cf. daubs.
Barniskei, wk. sb. f. childishness, Baug, bent, pt. t. of biugan, q. v.
childish things, 1 Cor. 13. 11. Baugjan*, vb. in us-baugjan. Cf.
Cf. barn. bugjan.
Barniski, str. sb. n. childhood, Bauhta, bought, pt. t. of bugjan,
Mk. 9. 21; 2 Tim. 3. 15. Cf. q. v.
barn. Bauhts, bought, pp. of bugjan,
Barnisks, adj. childish, 1 Cor. 14. q. v.
20; Gal. 4. 3. Cf. barn. Bauhts*, str. sb. f. a buying, ap
Barnusjan, possibly the right form pears in the comp, anda-bauhts,
of the following. faura-bauhts, fra-bauhts.
Barusnjan, vb. to honour, as a Bauljan*, vb. in uf-bauljan, q. v.
child should do, to shew filial Baur (pi. baureis) , str. sb. m.
piety, 1 Tim. 5. 4. [Perhaps we (yevvrrOi;), a child (lit. a thing
should read barnusjan.] born), Mat. 11. 11; Lu. 7. 28.
Basi*, str. sb. n. a berry. Der. Baur*, appears in the comp, ga-
weina-bazi. [G. beere; D. 6, baur, ga-baurjaba, ga-baurjo-
bezie.] thus. Cf. bairan.

Baurans, ga-baurans, pp. of rb. Beitan, vb. (pt. t. bait; pi. bitum;
bairan, to bear, q. v. Der. un- pp. bitans), with ace, to bite,
baurans. Gal. 5. 15. Der. and -beitan,
Baurd*, str. sb. n. a board. Der. andabeit, baitrs, baitraba, bai-
fotu-baurd. [G. bord; D. boord.] rrei, beist, unbeistei, beist
Baurei, the same as baurthei, q. v. jan, ga- beistjan, un-beist
Baurgja, wk. sb. m. a burgher, joths. [E. bite; G. bissen;
citizen, Lu. 15. 15; 19. 14. D. bijten.]
From baurgs, bairgan. Berum, we bore. From bairan,
Baurgs, str. sb. f. a burgh, bo i q- v.
rough, town, city, Mat. 5. 35; Beruseis, biruseis, str. sb. m. a
8. 33; 9. 1; &c. From bair father; pi. berusjos, parents.
gan. Der. baurgs-waddjus, str. Lu. 2. 27; Jo 9. 23.
sb. m. a town -wall. 2 Cor. Bi, prep. (1) with acc. by, about,
11. 33. to, at, according to, concern
Baurthei, wk. sb. f. a burthen, ing, towards; it represents ntvi,
burden, Gal. 6. 5. From bairan. in), xur (with acc.), iv, di
[G. brde.] (with gen.), vm(t (with gen.);
Baurtiis*, ga-baurths, str. sb. f. (2) with dat. by, at, after,
birth. See ga-baurths. From through, on accouut of, accord
bairan. Der. ga-baurthi-waurd. ing to; representing nQg, xat
Bauth, bade: from biudan. (with gen. and acc.). It occurs
q. v. in very many comp. See below.
Bauths, adj. deaf, Mat. 11. 5; [E. by; G. bei; D. by.]
&c.; dumb, Mat. 9. 32; &c.; Bi-abrjan, vb. to be exceedingly
also insipid ; bauth wairthan, to astonished, Mat. 7, 28. From
lose its savour (said of salt), abrs.
Lu. 14. 34. Cf. daubs. Bi - arbeidjan , vb. to toil for,
Bedoi, we asked. From bidjan, strive, endeavour after, 1 Th.
q. v. 4. 11.
Beidan, vb. (pt. t. baid; pi. bi- Biari, an uncertain reading in
dum; pp. bidans). with gen. to Tit. 1. 12, a beast. The read
abide, await, look for. expect. ing may be un-biari.
Mat. 11. 3; Lu. 1. 21; 8. Bi-aukan, vb. to increase, add to,
40; &c. Der. ga-beidan, us-bei- Mk. 4. 24; Lu. 17. 5; 19. 11.
dan; and cf. us-beisns, us-beis- Bi-auknan, vb. to abound. Phil.
nei, baidjan, ga-baidjan. bid 1. 26; 1 Thess. 4. 10.
jan, bida. [E. bide.] Bi-baurgeins, str. sb. f. the
Beisns, str. sb. f appears in comp, boundary of the camp, Skeir.
us-beisns, q. v. 3. 15. Cf. bairgan.
Beist, str. sb. n. leaven, Mk. 8. Bi-bindan, vb. to bind round,
15; 1 Cor. 5. C>; Gal. 5. 0. bind about, Jo. 11. 44.
Der. un-beistei. Cf. beitan. i B, str. sb. f. a request, exhor
Beistjan*, vb. in ga-beistjan, q. v. tation, 2 Cor. 8. 17; prayer,
Der. un-beistjoths. Cf. beitan. 1 Tim. 4. 5; Lu. 1. 13; 2.
Beit*, appears in comp, anda-beit. 37; &c. Der. bidagwa. bidjan.
q. v. iis-bidjan.
41 BlU.MlWA Bl-NIMAn 42

BiDaGWa, wk. sb. m. a beggar, Bi-KWiman, vb. to come upon one,

Jo. 9. 8. 1 Thess. 5. 3.
BidJan, vb. (pt. t. bath; pi. be- Bi-laibjan, vb. to survive, be left
dum; pp. bidans). to pray, ask, alive or remaining, 1 Thess. 4.
Mat. 5. 44; 6. 5, 6, 7; 8. 5; 15. See leiban.
Mk. 6. 22; Jo. 16. 24; 17. Bilaif, a word occurring in the
15; &c; often followed by du, fragment of a Gothic calendar.
faur, fram, or bi. Cf. aihtron. Bi-laigon, vb. to lick, Lu. 16. 21.
Der. us-bidjan. [0. E. bid; Bi-laiKan, vb. to mock, Mk. 10.
D. bidden; G. bitten.] 34; 15. 20; Gal. 6. 7; Lu. 14,
Bi-domjan, vb. to judge. Col. 29. [. E. bi-lakke.]
2. 16. Bi-laisTJan *, vb.; occurs in un-bi-
Bidum, we abode, waited. From I laistiths, q. v.
beidan, q. v. Bi-leithan, vb. (pt. t. bi-laith:
Bi-faiu*, str. sb. n. fraud? pp. bi-lithans), to leave, for
faihan. [S. gives a reference to sake, Mat. 27. 46; Mk. 10. 7;
2 Cor. 12. 20.] 12. 19; &c.
Bi-faibon, vb. to make a gain Bi-mait, str. sb. n. circumcision.
by, defraud so as to get gain, Gal. 5. 6; 6. 15; Jo. 7. 22, 23.
1 Th. 4. 6; 2 Cor. 12. 17. 1 Der. un-bimait.
See faihan. Bi-maitan, vb. to circumcize, Jo.
Bi-faihons, str. sb. f. covetous- 7. 22; Lu. 1. 59; 2. 21; also
ness, 2 Cor. 9. 5. See to be circumcized, Gal. 5. 2.
faihan. Der. un-bimaitans.
Bi-gaggan, vb.; occurs in faur-bi- Bi-mampjan, 6. (or bi- mam jan),
gaggan, q. v. to deride, mock at. Lu. 16. 14.
Bi-gairdan, vb. to begird, gird Bi nah, an impers, verb, as from
onself up, Lu. 17. 8. bi-nahan; (teori), is lawful,
Bi-uiTan, vb. to find, Mat. 7. 14; 1 Cor. 10. 23; also (8ti), it be
8. 10; Lu. 2. 16; with double hoves, 2 Cor. 12. 1.
acc. Lu. 7. 10; &c. Bi-nahan, vb. to be fit or lawful,
Bl-Graban, vb. to dig a ditch or whence binah and binauht ist.
trench round, Lu. 19. 43. q v. See nahan.
Bi-hait, str. sb. n. strife, conten Bi-nauht ist, is permitted, answers
tion, 2 Cor. 12. 20. to preceding binah in 1 Cor. 10.
Bi-haitja, str. sb. m. a boastful, 23. See nahan, bi-nahan.
contentious man. 2 Tim. 3. 2; Bindan, vb. with acc. (pt t. band;
Tit. 1. 7. pi. bundum; pp. bundans), to
Bi-hlahjan, vb. to laugh at, laugh bind, to fasten, bind with fet
to scorn, Mat. 9. 24; Mk. 5. 40. ters, Lu. 8. 29. Der. ga- bin-
Bi-hwairban, vb. to throng round, dan, and-bindan, bi-bindan, ga-
press on one from all sides, binda, ga-bindi, bandi, bandja,
Lu. 8. 45. ga-bundi. bandwa, band wo,
Bijandzuth-than, a MS. read bandwjan. ga-bandwjan , and-
ing in Philem. 22: the true read bundnan. [E. bind; G. D. binden.]
ing is quite uncertain. Bi-nIman, vb. to take away, steal,
Bi-kukjan, vb. to kiss, Lu. 7. 45. Mat. 27. 64.
43 Bl-NIUHSJaN 44

Bi-niUhSJan, vb. to spy out, Gal. Bi-sniwan*, occurs in ccmp. faur-

2. 4. bisniwan, q. v.
Bi-raubon, vb. to roh, strip, de Bi-speiwan, vb. to spit upon, Lu.
spoil, Lu. 10. 30; 2 Cor. 11. 8. 18. 32; Mk. 15. 19.
Bi-reikei, wk. sb. f. danger, peril, Bl - StanDan , vb. to stand round,
2 Cor. 11. 26. Perhaps from surround, beseige, Lu. 19. 43;
rikan. to stand round, Jo. 11. 42.
Bi-reiks, bi-KekS, endangered; bi- [Cf. E. bystander.]
reik wisan, or wairthan, to be Bi - StiGgkWan , vb. to beat upon,
in danger, Lu. 8. 23;. 1 Cor. Mat. 7. 25, 27; Lu. 6. 48; to
15. 30. Cf. rikan. stumble at, Rom. 9. 32.
Bi-rinnan, vb. to run about, Mk. Bi-stuggkws, or bistuggkwo, a
6. 55; to come round, sur stumbling, Rom. 9. 32; a cause
round, Jo. 10. 24. of offence, 2 Cor. 6. 3.
Bi-rodeins, str. sb. f. murmuring, Bi- sunjane, adv. near, round
Jo. 7. 12; evil-speaking, 2 Cor. about, Mk. 3. 34; 6. 6; Lu. 9.
12. 20. 12; Nehem. 5. 17; 6. 16.
Bi-rodjan, vb. to murmur, Lu. 15. Bi-swairban, vb. to wipe, Lu. 7.
2; 19. 7; to murmur against, 38, 44; Jo. 11. 2; 12. 3.
Lu. 5. 30; Jo. 6. 41; 7. 32. Bi-swaran, vb. to conjure, adjure,
Bi-runains , str. sb. f. evil coun Mk. 5. 7; 1 Thess. 5. 27.
sel, Skeir. 3. 4. Bi-tiiaggkjan, vb. to think of,
Biruseis: see beruseis. meditate, Lu. 5. 22.
Bi-SahiWan, vb. to look round on, Bi-the, adv. whilst, Mat. 9. 10;
Mk. 3. 34; 10. 23; to provide, bithe'h-than, after that. Cf. the.
have regard for, Rom. 12. 17. i Bi-thragjan, vb. to run before,
Bi-satjan, vb. to beset, set round Lu. 19. 4.
any thing, Mk. 12. 1. Bi-thwaiian, vb. to wash oneself,
Bi-sauleins, str. sb. f. that Jo. 9. 11.
which sullies, defilement, 2 Cor. Bi-tiuhan, vb. to go about, visit,
7. 1. Mat. 9. 35; Mk. 6. 6; to lead
Bi-sauljan, vb. to sully, render about, 1 Cor. 9. 5.
impure, Tit. 1. 15. Bitum, we bit. From beitan.
Bi-saulnan, vb. to be soiled or Biudan*, vb. (pt. t. bauth, baud;
sullied, to be denied, Jo. pi. budum; pp. budans), to
18. 28. command, bid. Der. ana- biu
Bi-sitan, vb. only used in pres. dan, ana-busns, faur-biu-
pt. bi-sitands, a neighbour, Lu. dan. [E. bid; D. bieden; G.
1. 58; one who dwells near, bieten.]
Lu. 1. 65; neighbourhood. Lu. Buds, str. sb. m. a holy table,
7. 17; Mk. 1. 28. altar; hence anv table, Mk. 7.
Bi-skaban, vb. to shave off the 28; Lu. 16. 21; 1 Cor. 10. 21.
hair, 1 Cor. 11. 5. From biudan.
Bi-skeinan, vb. to shine on, shine Biugan, vb. (pt. t. baug; pi. bu-
round about, Lu. 2. 9. gum; pp. bugans), to bow,
Bi-smeitan, vb. to besmear, an bend, Eph. 3. 14; neut. to bow,
oint, Jo. 9. 11. Ii bend itself, Rom. 14. 11. Der.

ga-biugan. [A. S. bugan; D. blind; in ga-blindjan, q. v.

buigen; G. biegen.] See blinds. [A. S. blendan.]
Biuiiti, str. sb. n. a custom, Blindnan*, vb. to become blind;
Lu. 1. 9; 2. 27; 4. 16; Jo. in ga- blindnan, q. v. See
18. 39; see next word. blinds.
Biuhts, adj. accustomed, wont; Blinds, adj. blind, Mat. 9. 27;
biuhts wisan, to be wont, Mat. 11. 5; Mk. 8. 23; Lu. 6. 39.
27. 15; Mk. 10. 1 (where was Der. ga-blindjan, ga-blindnan.
is omitted). Der. biuhti. [E. G. D. blind.]
Bi-waibjan, vb. to weave round, Bi.oma, str. sb. m. a flower, a lily.
wind about, Mk. 14. 51; to Mat. 6. 28. [E. bloom; D.
clothe, Mk. 16. 5; to hem in, bloem ; G. blume.]
Lu. 19. 43. See weiban. Blostreis*, in comp, guth-blo-
Bi-wandjan, vb. to turn away, streis, q. v.
reject, avoid, 1 Tim. 4. 7; 5. Bi.otan, vb. (pt. t. baiblot?), with
11; 2 Cor. 8. 20; from windan. acc. to reverence, worship, Mk.
Bi-Windau, vb. to wind round, 7. 7; Lu. 2. 37; 1 Tim. 2. 10.
enwrap, swathe, Mat. 27. 59; Der. us-blotheins, blotinassus,
Mk. 15. 46; Lu. 2. 7. guth-blostrcis.
Bi- wisan, vb. to be merry, Lu. Bloteins*, in comp, us-bloteins,
15. 29. q. v.
Blandan (pt. t. baibland?), vb. to Blotii, str. sb. n. blood, Mat. 27.
blend; refl. blandan sik, to 4, 6, 8; Mk. 5. 25; Lu. 8. 43.
communicate with, 1 Cor. 5. 11; [G. blut; D. bloed.]
2 Thess. 3. 14. Blotha-mnnandei, /. adj. a wo
Blauthjan, vb. to abrogate, make man with an issue of blood.
void, Mk. 7. 13. Der. ga- lit. blood-running, Mat. 9. 20,
blauthjan. Blotinassus, str. sb. m. worship,
Bleithei, wk. sb. f. mercy, Rom. service, Rom. 12. 1; Col. 2. 18;
12. 1; 2. Cor. 1. 3; Gal. 5. 22. 2 Thess. 2. 4.
Bleithjan, vb. to have mercy. Bnauan, vb. (pt. t. baibno?), to
Lu. 6. 36. ruh, Lu. 6. 1.
Bleiths, adj. merciful, kind, Lu. Boka, err. sb. f. a letter, Rom. 7.
6. 36; Tit. 1. 8. Cf. arma- 6; 2 Cor. 3. 6; pi. bokos, the
hairts. Der. bleithei, bleithjan, writings, the scriptures, Mk. 14,
ga-bleithjan, ga-bleitheins. [E. 49; letters, knowledge, Jo. 7.
blithe; c/. A. S. blipe.] 15; bokos af-sateinais, a bill
Blesan*, vb. (pt. t. baiblos?), to of divorcement, Mk. 10. 4;
blow. Der. uf-blesan. [G. bla bokos af-stassais, a writing of
sen; D. blazen; cf. E. blare.] divorcement, Mat. 5. 31; ana-
Bliggwan, 6. (pt. t. blaggw; filhis bokos, letters of commen
pi. bluggwum; pp. bluggwans), dation, 2 Cor. 3. 1. Der.
to beat, Mk. 10. 34; Lu. 20. waddja- bokos, bokareis. [G.
11; to kill, murder, 1 Tim. buch; D. boek; E. book.]
1. 9. Cf. slahan. Der. us- Bokareis, str. sb. m. a book
bliggwan. man, a scribe, Mat. 7. 29; 8.
Bundjan*, vb. to make blind, to 19; &c.
47 Bota Brunnum 48

Bota, str. b. f. boot, advantage, uf-brikands. un-ufbrikands, us-

good, 1 Cor. 13. 3; 15. 32; bruknan, ga-bruka, brakja.
Gal. 5. 2. See batan. [A. S. [D. breken; G brechen.]
bt; D. baat.] Brinnan, vb. (pt. t. brann; pi.
Botjan, vb. to boot, advantage, brunnum ; pp. brunnans), to
profit, Mk. 8. 36; Jo. 6. 63; burn, Jo. 5. 35. Cf. tindan.
12. 19. See batan. Der. uf-brinnan, brinno, brann-
Brahta, brought. From briggan. jan, ga-brannjan, in-brannjan.
Brahw, str. sb. n. (or perhaps ala-brunsts. [A. S brinnan;
brahws, str. sb. m.), a sudden G brennen; D. branden.]
movement, a twinkling; in Brinno, wk. sb. f. a fever, Mk. 1.
brahwa (or brahwai) angins, 30; Lu 4 38. 39. See brin
in the twinkling of an eye, nan.
1 Cor. 15. 52. [O. E. braid.] Brothar, str. sb. m. (dat. brothr;
Braidei, wk. sb. f. breadth, Eph. pi. brothr-jus, -e, -um. -uns), a
3. 18. See braids. [G. 6rate] brother, Mat. 5 22, 23, 24;
Brahman*, vb. to broaden, occurs Mk. 3. 35; &c. Der. galiuga-
in comp, us-braidjan, q. v. See brothar, brothrahans, brothra-
braids. [G. breiten.] lubo. [G. brader; D. breeder.]
Braids, adj. broad, wide, Mat. 7. j Brothrahans, sb. m. pi. brethren.
13. Der. braidei, braidjan, us- Mk. 12. 20.
braidjan. [D. breed; G. breit] 1 Brothra-lubo, brothru-lubo, wk.
Brak, brake. From brikan. sb. f. brotherly love. Rom. 12.
Brakja, sb. m. strife, contention, 10; 1 Thess. 4. 9.
struggle, wrestling, Eph. 6. 12. ! Bruhta, used. From brukjan
From brikan. Bruka*. in ga-bruka, q. v.
Brann, burnt. From brinnan. Brukans, broken. From brikan.
Brannjan*, vb. in ga-brannjan Brukjan, vb. (pt. t. bruhta) with
and in-brannjan. See brinnan. gen. and dat. to make use of,
Brekum, we brake. From brikan. 2 Cor. 1. 17; 1 Cor. 7. 21;
Briggan, vb. (pt. t. brahta) with 1 Tim 1. 8; hence to partake
acc. to bring, Mk. 6. 27; Lu. of, 1 Cor. 10. 30. Cf. brnks,
15. 23; Jo. 10. 16; to lead, un-bruks. [A. S brcan; G.
Mat. 7. 13; to guide, Jo. 16. brauchen.]
13; to make to be, Jo. 8. 32; Biit kS, adj. useful, 2 Tim. 2. 21 ;
in aljana briggan, to bring into 4. 11; profitable, Philemon 11.
emulation ; in thwairhein brig Cf. brukjan. [D. bruik-baar;
gan, to bring into anger, make G. brauch-bar.]
angry; for both which see Rom. , Brukum, we broke. From brikan,
10. 19. [G. bringen; D. Wen Brunjo, wk. sb. f. a breast-plate.
gen.] Eph. 6. 14; 1 Thess. 5. 8.
Brikan, vb. (pt. t. brak; pi. bre Brunna, wk. sb- m- a spring, well;
kum; pp. brnkans) with acc. to hence the issue, Mk. 5. 29.
break, 1 Cor. 10. 16; to de [G. brunn.]
stroy, Gal. 1 23; to contend, Brunnans, burnt. From brinnan.
struggle (cf. brakja), 2 Tim. Brunnum, we burnt. From
2. 5. Der. ga-brikan, uf-brjkan, brinnan.
4H Brosts Dails 50

Brusts , str. sb. f., in pi. bowels I BUgjan, vb. (pt. t. bauhta), to
(A. V.), heart, lit. breasts; buy, sell, Mat. 10. 29; Lu 19.
Philemon 20; Col. 3. 12; also 45; Jo. 6. 5. Der. us-bugjan,
the breast, Lu. 18. 13. fra-bugjan; bauhts in anda-
Bruth-faths, str. sb. . (1) bride bauhts, faur-bauths, fra-bauhts.
groom (//(/o>), Mat. 9. 15; BuGUM, we bent. From biugan.
Mk. 2. 19, 20; spelt bruth-fads, Bundans, bound. From bindan.
Lu. 5. 34, 35; (2) in phrase BunDI*, in ga-bundi, q. v.
sunjus bruth-fadis (o viol rov Bundnan"*, vb. in and-bundnan.
vvfKfrOi;), sons of the bride- q. v. Cf. bindan.
chamber. See re/, for (1). Bundum. we bound. From bin
Bruths, str. sb. f. a bride, Mat. dan.
10. 35 Der. bruth-faths or Busns*, in ana-busns, q. v.
bruth-fads. [G. braut; D. ! Byssus ((tvanoii), str. sb. m. fine
bruid.] linen, Lu. 16. 19.

CH, the 23rd letter of the Gothic Christus (gen. aus; dat. au;
alphabet; as a numeral: 600. c. u), Christ. Der. galiuga-
[Answers to the Greek x-] Christus-

D, the 4th letter; as a numeral: 4. I sabbato-dags, afar-dags, gistra-
Daban* (pt. t. dob); in comp, ga- dags, fidur-dogs, ahtau-dogs.
daban, q. v. Der. ga- daban, [E. day; G. tag; D. dag.]
ga-dobs, ga-dofs Daigs (cf vijnfia), str. sb. . dough,
Daddjan, vb. to give suck, suckle. a kneaded lump, Rom. 9 21;
Mk. 13. 17. 11. 16; 1 Cor. 5. 6; Gal. 5. 9.
Dagan*, vb. to shine; prob, root See deigan. [D. deeg; G teig.]
of dags. Daila, str. sb. f. dealing, partici
Dags, str. sb. . a day, time, Lu. pation, 2 Cor. 6 14; a portion,
4. 42; 6. 13; 9. 12; &c ; nah- a pound, Lu. 19. 13.
tam jah dagam, naht jah dag, I Dailjan, vb. to deal, deal out, ap-
night and day, Mk. 5 5; 4. 27; I portion, distribute, Rom. 12. 8;
dagis hwizuh, daily, Nehem 5. I liph. 4. 28; 1 Cor 12. 11. See
18; daga jah daga, day by day, I dails.
2 Cor. 4. 16; daga hwammeh. Dails, str. sb. f. a deal, dole,
daily, Mk 14. 49; Lu. 16. 19; part, portion, Lu. 15 12; 1 Cor.
bimma daga or bina daga, to 13. 10; Col. 1. 12; 2. 16. Der.
day, Mat. 6. 11; 11. 23. Der. daila. ga -daila, dailjan, ga-
51 Daimonareis Dauthus 52

dailjan. af-dailjan, dis-dailjan. Dauhtar (pi. acc. dauhtruns), str.

[E. deal; D. deel; G theil.] sb.f. a daughter, Mat. 9. 18;
Daimonareis, str. sb. m. a de Mk. 5. 23; Lu. 2. 36.
moniac, possessed with a devil, Dauhts (oxr), str. sb. f. a feast,
Mat. 8. 16, 28, 33; 9. 32; Lu. Lu. 5. 29; 14. 13.
8. 36. Daujan*, in af-daujan, q. v.
Dal, sb. n. (or dais, m ?), a dale, Dauka*, in ga-dauka, q. v.
a valley, Lu. 3. 5; a ditch, Lu. Dauns, str. sb. f. scent, odour,
6. 39. Der. id-daljo, dalath, John 12. 3; dauns wothi, sweet
dalatha, dalathro. [. dale; savour, 2 Cor. 2. 15; Eph. 5
D. dal; G. thai] 2; the sense of smell, 1 Cor.
Dalath, adv. down, Mat. 7. 25; 12. 17. [G. dunst.]
und dalath, to the bottom, Mk. Daupeins, str. sb. f. a dipping,
15. 38; on the ground, Jo. baptism, Mk. 1. 4; 11. 30; Lu.
9. 6. 20. 4. See diupan.
Dalatha, adv. below, Mk. 14. 66. Daupjan, vb. to dip, to baptize,
Dalathro, adv. from beneath, Mk. 1. 9; 10. 38; to wash one
Jo. 8. 23. self, Mk. 7. 4; to be baptized.
Daman* (the root of doms?), vb. 1 Cor. 15. 29. See diupan.
to deem? Daupjands, the Baptist, Mk. 6. 24;
Damasks, adj. of Damascus, Lu. 7. 20, 28. From daupjan.
2 Cor. 11. 32. Daur, str. sb. n. a door, Mat. 7.
Dammjan*, vb., in comp, faur- 13; Mk. 1. 33; 2. 2; Lu. 16.
dammjan, q. v. 20; Jo. 10. 1. Der. dauro,
Dars, I dared. See daursan. auga-dauro, faura-dauri. [E.
Daubei, wk. sb.f. deafness; hence door; D. deur; G. thr.]
dullness, obtuseness, blindness, Dauro, wk. sb. f. (only in pi. dau-
Rom. 11. 25. See daubs. rons), a door, Mat. 27. 60; Mk.
Daubitha, str. sb. f. deafness; 16. 3; Jo. 18. 16.
hence dulness, hardness of heart Daursan*, vb. (pt. t. dars; pi.
(ntoiaeig), Mk. 3. 5; Eph. 4. daursum), to dare, used in
18. See daubs. comp, ga-daursan, q. v. Cf.
Daubjan*. vb. in ga-daubjan and nanthjan. Der. ga-daursan.
af-daubnan. q. v. Dautheins (vexQcoatg), str. sb. f.
Daubnan*, vb. in af-daubnan, the dying, 2 Cor. 4. 10; death,
q. v. peril of death, 2 Cor. 11. 23.
Daubs, adj. deaf; hence hardened, See diwan.
dull (ntnQfitvo), Mk. 8. 17. DAfthJan, vb. to kill, mortify,
Der. daubei, daubitha, ga-daub Col. 3. 5. Der. af-dauthjan,
jan, af-daubnan. af-dobnan, af- ga-dauthjan. See diwan.
dumbnan. [E. deaf; D. doof; Dauthnan, vb. to die, Jo. 11. 25.
G. taub.] See diwan, ga-dauthnan.
Daudei*, in us-daudei, q. v. Dauths, dead, Mat 11. 5; Mk. 9.
Daudjan*, in us-daudjan, q. v. 26; 12. 27; &c. See diwan.
Daudo*, in us-daudo, q. v. Dauthubi.(e)is, adj. destined to
Dauds* in us-dauds, q. v. die, devoted to death, 1 Cor. 4. 9.
Daug, is fit. From dugan. Dauthus, str, sb. m. death, Mat.

26. 66; Mk. 9. 1; Lu. 9. Dis-driusan, vb. to befall, fall

27; &c. See diwan. [E. death; upon, Lu. 1. 12.
D. dood; G. tod.] Dis-haban, vb. to seize upon, Lu.
Dedja*, wk. sb. m. a doer; in 5. 9; to constrain, 2 Cor. 5.
wai-dedja, q. v. 14; Phil. 1. 23.
Deds *, str. sb. f. a deed. Cf. Dis-hniupan, vb. to tear to pieces,
missa-deds, waila-deds, ga-deds, burst asunder, Lu. 8. 29.
wai-dedja. [E. deed; D. daad; Dis-hnui'nan, vb. to become torn
G. that.] into pieces, to be broken asun
Deigan, also spelt digan, Rom. 9. der, Lu. 5. 6.
20, (pt. t. daig; pi. digum; pp. Dis-huljan, vb. to cover wholly,
digans), to knead, form out of Lu. 8. 16.
plastic material, Rom. 9. 20; Dis-niman, vb. to partake in a
digans, made of earth, 2 Tim. high degree, to possess, 2 Cor.
2. 20. Der. daigs, digrs, di- 6. 10.
grei, ga-dik(is). Dis-siggkwan , vb. to sink alto
Deikan *, vb. to form (?), another gether, descend, Eph. 4. 26.
form of deigan (?). See Dis-sitan, vb. to settle upon, to
ga-dik(is). seize upon, Mk. 16. 8 (where
Deina* or deino*, in wiga-deino, the verb is separated); Lu. 5.
q. v. 26; 7. 16.
Deis*, adj. wise. Der. filu-deis- Dis-skaidan, vb. to dissever,
ei(ns), q. v. set aside, Skeir. 8. 2.
Diabula, str. sb. f. a female slan Dis - Skreitan , vb. to tear (to
derer, 1 Tim. 3. 11. shreds), rend, Mk. 14. 63.
DlabaULUS, DIabULUs, str. sb. . Dis-skritnan, vb. to become torn
a devil; Lu. 4. 3; 8. 12; Jo. to shreds, to be rent apart,
6. 70; &c. Mk. 27. 51; Mk. 15. 38.
DiakaunUs, str. sb. m. a deacon, Dis-taiijan, vb. to scatter, Lu. 1.
1 Tim. 3. 8, 12. 51; Jo. 10. 12; 16. 32; to
Diakun, diakon, a deacon , Neap. waste, Lu. 15. 13; 16. 1.
and Arezzo documents. Dis-taiieins, str. sb. f. dispersion,
Digan, perhaps another spelling of Jo. 7. 35.
deigan, q. v.; digandin occurs Dis-tairan, vb. to tear asunder,
in Rom. 9. 20. burst, Mk. 2. 22; Lu. 5. 37; to
Digrei, wk. sb. f. abundance, leaven (lit. to corrupt). Gal.
2 Cor. 8. 20; more lit. thick 5. 9.
ness, as of a thing closely Dis-taurnan, vb. to become torn
kneaded. Cf. deigan. asunder, to burst asunder, Mat.
Dik(is): in ga-dik(is), q. v. 9. 17.
Dis , an intensive prefix to verbs, Dis-wilwan, vb. to plunder com
meaning in twain, to pieces; &c. pletely, Mk. 3. 27.
See the verbs given below. Cf. DlS-WInthJan, Vb. tO grind to
Lat. dis-, G k. dta. powder, Lu. 20. 18.
Dis-Dailjan, vb. to divide. Mk. Dis-withan*, vb. ae root of the
15. 24; Lu. 15. 12; 1 Cor. following. [S. gives the root
1. 13. widan*, to bind.]
55 Dis-wiss Driooan 56

Dis-wiss (vaXveig), str. tb. f. Dragan, vb. (pt. t. drog; pi. dro-
releasing, dismissal, 2 Tim. gum; pp. dragans), to drag,
4. 6; see preceding word. draw; hence dragan sis, draw
DlUPan* vb. (pt. t. daup; pi. du- towards themselves, choose out,
pum; pp. dupans), to dip, tobe 2 Tim. 4. 3. Der. ga-dragan.
deep. Der. diups, diupei, diu- [D. trekken; G. tragen.]
pitha, diupjiin, ga-dinpjan, daup- Draggk, dragk, str. sb. n. drink,
jan, daupeins, uf-daupjan. Jo. 6. 55; Rom. 14. 17; 1 Cor.
Diupitha (dii'pei, Eph. 3. 18), 10. 4; Col. 2. 16.
sb. f. depth, deep, Rom. 8. 39; Draggk, drank. From driggkan.
11. 33; 2 Cor. 11. 25; Lu. 5. 4 Draggkjan, vb. to give to drink.
[E. depth; D. diepte; G. tiefe.] Mat. 25. 42; Mk. 15. 36.
Diupjan*, vb. to deepen. See ga- Draib, drove. From dreiban.
dinpjan. Draibjan, vb. to drive, Lu. 8. 29;
Diups, adj. deep, Mk. 4. 5; 2 Cor. to trouble, vex, Lu. 8. 49; 7.
8. 2. [G. tief; D. diep.] 6; Mk. 5. 35. Cf. dreiban.
Dree, str. sb. n. a beast, Mk. 1. Drarma, wk. sb. m. a drachma,
13; 1 Cor. 15. 32. [E. deer; Lu. 15. 8.
G. thier.] Cf. biari. Drakmei; see drakma, Lu. 15. 9.
Diwan, vb. (pt. t. dau; pi. di- DlaUhSna, DraiSna, str. sb. f.
wum; pp. diwans), to die; that which falls, a crumh, frag
whence thata diwans, mortality, ment, Mk. 7. 28; Lu. 16. 21;
the mortal part, 1 Cor. 15. 53, Jo. 6. 12 See driusan.
54; 2 Cor. 5. 4. Der. diwans, Drauhti: see Appendix.
un-diwans, un-diwanei, daujxn, Drausjan*, vb. occurs in af-draus-
af-daujan, dauthe, dauthjan, jan , ga-drausjan. See driusan.
dauthnan, dantheins, dauthus, Dreiban, vb. (pt. t. draib; pi. dri-
dauthubls. [E. die; Dan. de.] bum; pp. dribans), to drive,
Dobnan*, in af-dobnan, q. v. drive away, expel, Jo. 16. 2.
Dobs*, dofs,/ ga-dofs, ga-dobs, q. v. Der. us-dreiban, draibjan. [E.
Dogs: see dags. drive; G. treiben; D. drijven.]
Domeins*, str. sb. f. doom; m af- Driggkan, drigkan (pt. t. draggk;
domeins and faur-domeins, q. v. pi. druggkum; pp. druggkans),
See doms. with acc. to drink, Mk. 10. 38;
Domjan, vb. with acc to deem, Lu. 1. 15; 17. 8; &c. ; drugg
judge, 1 Cor. 10. 15; to dis kans or drugkans, drunken,
cern, judge, 1 Cor. 11. 29; to 1 Cor. 11. 21. Der. ga-drigg-
deem right, justify, Lu. 7. 29; kan, ana-driggkan, draggk,
10. 29; 16. 15. [E doom, deem ] draggkjan, ga- draggkjan, af-
Doms, str. sb. m. what one deems, druggkja, wein-druggkja. [G.
judgment, opinion. Skeir. 2. trinken; D. drinken.]
16. Der. domjan, ga- domjan, Driugan, vb. (pt. t. drauh; pi.
af-domjan, bi-domjan, domeins. drugum; pp. drugans), serve
af-domeins, faur-domeins. as a soldier, to fight, 1 Tim.
Draban*. vb. (pt. t. drof; pi. dro- 1. 18. Der. drauhti-witoth,
bum; pp. drabans). to hew. ga-drauhts, drauhtinon, drauhti-
Der. ga-draban. nassus.
.07 Driunan Dumbs 58

Driunan, vb. to drone? edrunjus. duhwe, wherefore. It is pre

Driusan, vb. (pt. t. draus; pi. fixed to several verbs. See be
druum; pp. drusans), to fall, low. [B. to; . toe; G. zu.]
folluwed sometimes by ana or Du-atgagoan, vb. to go to (pt. t.
du; Mk. 5. 33; 7. 25; 9. 20 ; &c. du-atiddja), Mat. 8. 5; 9. 28;
Der. ga-driusan, at-driusan, dis- 26. 69; &c.
driusan, us-driusan, drausjan, Du-atrinnan, vb. to run to, run
ga-drausjan, af-drausjan, driuso, towards, Mk. 10. 17.
drus, us-drusts. Du-atsniwan, vb. to hasten
Driuso, wk. sb. /., place where towards, run on (shore), Mk.
the ground falls, a steep slope, 6. 53.
Mat. 8. 32; Mk. 5. 13; Lu. 8. Dubo*, wk. sb.f. a dove, in comp,
33. From driusan. hraiwa-dubo. Cf. ahaks. IE.
Drobjan, vb. to cause trouble, dove; D. duif; G. taube. J
excite to uproar, Mk. 15. 7; Du-gan, began. From du-ginnan.
to trouble, vex, Gal. 1. 7; 5. Dugan, vb. (pt. t. as pres. daug;
10, 12. Der. drobnan, ga-drob- pi. dugum; pt. t. duhta), to
nan, in-drobnan, drobna. [G. avail, to suit; ni all taug, not
trben; I), droef; E. dro<p? J everything is expedient, 1 Cor.
Drobna, drobnan: see Appendix. 10 23. Cf. 2 Tim. 2. 14.
Druggkanei , wk. sb. f. drunken Du-gaSaIhWan, vb. to behold;
ness, Rom. 13. 13; Gal. 5. 2L occurs in Mk. 10. 14, if the du
From driggkan. at end of verse 13 be considered
Druggkans, drunken (pp. of to belong to it.
driggkan), 1 Cor. 11. 21; 1 Th. Du-gawindan, vb. refl. to entangle
5. 7. From driggkan. oneself in, 2 Tim. 2. 4.
Druggkja*, wk. sb. m. a drinker, in Du-ginnan, vb. to begin, under
comp, af-drugkja, wein-drugkja. take, Lu. 1. 1; 6. 25; 15.
Drunjus, str. sb. m., lit. a dron 14; &c.
ing; hence: a sound, voice, Dulga-haitja, wk. sb. m. a cre
Rom. 10. 18. [E. drone; G. ditor, Lu. 7. 41. See dulgs.
gedrhne.] Dulgs, str. sb. m. (or dulg, n. ?),
Drus, str. sb. m. a fall. Mat. 7. a debt; in phr. dulgis skula,
27; Lu. 2. 34. an ower of a debt, debtor, Lu.
Drusum, we fell. From driusan. 7. 41. Cf. skulds, faihu-skula.
Du, prep, tcith dat. (and acc. Col. DuLiiUan, vb. to keep a feast,
4. 10, 13?), to, towards (nQo^, 1 Cor. 5. 8. See dulths.
V, im); also with inf. mood of Dulths, str. sb. f. (dat. dulthai
verbs, to; du seina (wpff I and dulth). a feast, Lu. 2. 41;
r tita), to his own, Jo. 16. ! Jo. 7. 2; 12. 12. Der. dulth-
32; at-gaggan du, Lu. 8. 44; jan.
bairan du, Mk. 10. 13; lagjan Dumbnan*. vb. in af-dumbnan,
du, Mat. 9. 16; duthe, duhthe, J q. v.
duththe (lit. thereto), therefore, Dumbs, adj. dumb, Lu. 1. 22;
Mk. 1. 38; 12. 24; wherefore, j Mat. 9. 33. Der. af-dumbnan,
Mat. 27. 8; duthei ei, in order , Cf. daubs and bauds. [G. dumm;
that, Mk. 4. 21; Eph. 6. 22; j D. dorn.]
59 Du-BiNNAN Eisarn t

Du-rinnan, vb. to run to, Mat. 8. I foolishness, simplicity, 1 Cor. 1.

2; Mk. 9. 15. I 18, 21, 23, 25.
Du-stoDJan, vb. to begin. Lu. 14. I Dwalmon, vb. to be foolish, to
30; 2 Cor. 8. 6. be mad, Jo. 10. 20; 1 Cor.
Du-wakan, 6. to watch, Eph. 6. 14. 23.
18 (various reading). Dwals, adj. foolish, Mat. 7. 26;
Dwala-waurdei, wk. sb. f. an 5. 22; 1 Cor. 1. 20; 4. 10;
idle word, foolish talk, Eph. 2 Tim. 2. 16, 23. Der. dwala-
5. 4. waurdei, dwalitha, dwalmon.
Dwalitha, str. sb. f. folly, [Z>. dwaas; cf. dwalen, to err.]


E, the 5lh letter of the Gothic i (2) forming relatives; as saei,

alphabet. As a numeral, it he that, he who, who (in fern.
means 5. [It is convenient to soei, sei; in neat, thatei);
pronounce it like a in day; and izei, who, which; izeei, who;
to pronounce ei like Germ, ei ikei, I who; thuei, thou who
or Engl. t.] (dat. thuzei; acc. thukei);
Ei (1), conj. (on, Iva), that, with juzei, ye who; izwizei (os),
indie, and conj.; you to whom, Gal. 3. 1;
ei ni, that not; theei or th'ei, that;
ei hwaiwa, if haply, Phil. thadei (onov, onov iv, ov),
3. 11; where;
ei hwan ni, lest, Lu. 4. 11; thatainei, only;
ei thau (ei di firyt), but if not; tharei, where; thathroei
ei than, therefore, Jo. 9. 41; on), whence; thanei, that; also
than ei, whereas, in order thizei, of whom; in thizei,
that, Mat. 25. 40, 45; Lu. wherefore; faur thizei, before;
5. 24; thizeei, thaimei, thanei (com
duthe ei, for, because, Lu. 1. pounded of thize, thaim, than
13, 20; and ei), used as relatives; also
swethauh ei, even though. miththanei, whilst that; swaei,
2 Cor. 12. 15; as; sunsei, as soon as. It is
ibai ei (firr), Jo. 7, 31 ; also used to begin dependent
in thamma ei, because; clauses, in the sense of if,
akei, but; whether, as in Mk. 11. 13; 15.
und thana dag ei, till the 44; Rom. 11. 14; 1 Cor. 1. 16;
day that, Lu. 1. 20; 7. 16; Phil. 3. 12.
thamma daga ei, on the day Eis, they. See is.
that, Lu. 17. 30; Col. 1. 9; Eisarn, str. sb. n. iron; ei.ana
thamma haidau ei, in the fotum (nt'dr), a fetter, Mk. 5.
same manner as, 2 Tim. 3. 8; 4. Der. eisarna-bandi, eisar-
Nehem. 5. 14 neins. [D. ijzer; G. eisen.]

Eisarna-bandi, str. sb. f. an iron Eizei, they that, they who, who,
bond, Lu. 8. 29. which; comp. of eis, they; and
Eisarneins, adj. iron, Mk. 5. 3. ei, that.
Eithan, therefore, comp. of ei and Eta*, in uz-eta, q. v.
than; Jo. 9. 41; 1 Cor. Etja*, in af-etja, q. v.
11. 27. Etum, we ate. From itan.


F, the 22nd letter in the Gothic I Der. gafaban, gafah(s). [G.

alphabet. As a numeral, it | fahen; A. S. f&n.]
means 500. [Pronounce it as Faheths, faheds, str. sb. f. joy,
in English.] Lu. 1. 14; 15. 7; Jo. 15. 11;
Fadar, str. sb. m. (gen. fadrs: 16. 24; &c. Cf. faginon.
dat. fadr) a father, Gal. 4. 6. Fahjan*, vb. in fulla-fahjan, q. v.
Der. fadreins, fadreina, fa- Fahrjan*, in ga-fahrjan, q. v.
drein. Faian, vb. to treat as an enemy,
Fadrein, str. sb. n. a family, Eph. to find fault with; hwa nauh
3. 15; pi. fadreina, parents, faianda, why then are we
2 Cor. 12. 14; Col. 3. 20. blamed? Rom. 9. 19. See
Fadrein, pi. sb. parents, Lu. 8. fijan.
56; 18. 29; Jo. 9. 2, 3; &c. Faifah, took. From faban.
[Strictly, it is the neut. sing, of Fatfalth, folded. From falthan.
fadreins.] Faiflokum, we mourned. From
Fadreins, adj. fatherly; the neut. flekan.
fadrein ts used as a sb. See Faih*, in bi-faih, q. v.
fadrein. Faihan*, vb. (pt. t. fah; pi.
Fadreins, sb. f. a family, Lu. fehum; pp. faihans?), to suit(?).
2. 4. Der. bi-faih, bi-faihon, bi-fai-
Faginon, vb. (with dat. or fol bons, ga-faihon; and perhaps
lowed by fram, ana, in), to re fagrs, faheths, faginon. [G.
joice; [tn imp. fagino (jfae), fgen.]
rejoice thou, hail! Lu. 1. 28;] Faihon*, faihons*; in bi-faihon, bi-
Lu. 1. 14; 10. 20; 15. 5; &c. faihons, ga-faihon, q. v.
Der. mith-faginon, faheths. Cf. Faihu, str. sb. n. cattle, property;
faihan. [E. to be fain.] hence possessions, Mk. 10. 22,
Fagrs, adj. fair, suitable, Lu. 14. 23, 24; Lu. 18, 24; a fee,
35. Der. un-fagrs, ga-fahrjan. 1 money, Mk. 14, 11. Der. faihu-
See fahjan and faihan. gawaurki, faihu-thraibns, faihu-
Fah*, in ga-fah, q. v. friks, faihu-gairns, faihu-geiron-
Fahan, vb. (pt. t. faifah; pi. fai- jan, faihu- skula. [E. fee; G.
fahum; pp. fahans), with acc. to vieh ; D. /00.]
catch, take, apprehend as a Faihu: see Appendix.
criminal, Jo. 8. 20; 7. 44. | Faihus*, adj.; in filu-faihus, q. v.
63 Fair Fastan 64

Fair , a verbal prefix, answering pertain to, befit, Eph. 5. 4; to

to the German ver-, ent-; cf. reach towards, attain, 2 Cor.
fairra and fairnis. See below. 10. 13, 14.
Fair-an, vb. with gen. to par Fair-waurkjan, vb. to work out
take of, 1 Cor. 10. 21. for oneself, to obtain, acquire.
Fairan*, vb. (pt. t. far; pi. ferum; 1 Tim. 3. 13.
pp. faurans), to accuse. Cf. Fair- Weitjan, vb. to be inqui
fairine, fairina. sitive or over-curious, 1 Tim.
Fair-greipan , vb. to grip, catch 5.13; 2 Thess. 3. 11; to look
hold of, Mk. 5. 41; 8. 23; Lu. upon intently. Lu. 4. 20.
8. 54; 9. 47. I Fair-weitl, str. sb. n. a spectacle,
Fairguni, str. sb. n. a mountain, a show, 1 Cor. 4. 9. See
Lu. 4. 29; Mat. 8. 1; Jo. 6. 3. weitan.
Cf. bairgahei. Fairzna, str. sb. f. the heel. Jo.
Fair-haitan, vb. refi. to give 13. 18. [G. ferse.]
thanks to, to thank; fairhaitis Falh, pt. t. of filhan, q. v.
thu(s) thaggk, dost thou give Falthaba*, in ain-falthaba, q. v.
thanks to, Lu. 17. 9; where the Cf. falthan.
2"' person is used for the - j Falthan, vb. (pt. t. faifalth; pi.
Fairhwjan*, in wai-fairhwjan, q. v. faifalthum; pp. falthans), to
Fairhwus , str. sb. . the world. fold, fold or roll up, Lu. 4.
Mk. 8. 36; Jo. 8. 23; 9. 5. 20. Der. ain- faiths, ain-fal
[A. S. feorh.] thaba, ain-falthei, fidur- faiths,
Fairina, str. sb. f. charge, accu manag -faiths, taihun- taihund-
sation, Mat. 5. 32; Mk. 15. 26; falths. [G. falten; E. fold.]
Jo. 19. 6; a complaint, charge, Col. Falths*, in ain-falths; &c. See
3. 13. Cf. fairins. Der. fairinon. falthan.
Fairinon, vb. to blame, accuse Fana, wk. sb. . a bit of cloth,
falsely, 2 Cor. 8. 20; Gal. 5. a napkin, Lu. 19. 20; a patch,
15; 2 Tim. 3. 3. Der. un- Mk. 2. 21. Cf. plat-fana, a
gafairinonds , un -gafairinoths, patch, Mat. 9. 16.
unfairinodaba. Fani, str. sb. n. clay, mud, Jo. 9.
Fairins*, adj. blameable; only 6,11,14. [O.E. fen.]
in comp, un -fairins, us-fairins. Fanth, found. From fintban.
Fair-laistjan*, vb., occurs in un- Faran, vb. (p. t. for; pi forum;
fairlaistiths, q. v. pp. farans), to fare, go, Lu. 10.
Fairnitha, str. sb. f. oldness, anti 7. Der. farjan, at-farjan, us-
quity, Rom. 7. 6. fartho.
Fairnis, adj. old. Mat. 9. 16; Mk. Fareisaius, str. sb. . a Pharisee,
2. 21; Lu. 5. 36; &c. Der. Lu. 18. 10; &c.
fairnitha. [A. S. fyrn.] Farjan, vb. to travel by ship, to
Fairra, adv. far; fairra wisan, fol sail, to row, Lu. 8. 23; Jo. 6. 19.
lowed by dat. to be far from, Fartho*, in us-fartho, q. v.
Lu. 14. 32; Mat. 8. 30; also as I Faskja, str. sb. m. a bandage, Jo.
a prep, far from, from, Lu. 2. 11. 44. [Lat. fascia.]
37. Der. fairrathro. Fastan, vb. with acc. to hold fast,
Fair-rinnan. vb. to belong to, observe, keep, Mk. 7. 9; Jo.
65 Fastan Faura-kwiman 66

8. 51 ; to keep, reserve, Jo. Col. 3. 11; 1 Cor. 7. 18.

12. 7; to keep, preserve, Phil. See fill.
4. 7. Der. ga-fastan, witoda- Faura-frawaurkjan, 6. to sin
fasteis, fastubni. formerly, 2 Cor. 12. 21; 13. 2.
Fastan, vb. to fast, Mat. 6. 16; Faura-gagga, wk. sb. m. a stew
Mk. 2. 18; Lu. 5. 33. ard (lit. a fore-goer), Gal. 4. 2.
FaStL'BM, sb. ., Or faStUbnJa, /. See faura-gaggja.
(fOiXoOjjyexn'a) , sb. f. obser Faura -gagoan, vb. to go before,
vance, "will-worship" (A. V.), Mk. 11. 9; Lu. 1. 76; 18. 39;
Col. 2. 2.3; observance, right to rule over, 1 Tim. 3. 5.
keeping, 1 Cor. 7. 19; (2) fast- 1 Faura-gaggi, str. sb. n. steward
ing. Mat 9. 29; Lu. 2. 37. ship, Lu. 16. 2, 3, 4; dispen
Fatua, str. sb. f. a hedge, Mk. sation, Eph. 1. 10; 3. 9.
12. 1 ; Lu. 14. 23; Eph. 2. 14. Faura-gaggja, wk. sb. m. a stew
Paths*, str. sb. m. (gen. fad is; ard, Lu. 16. 2; 8. 3; Rom.
pl. fadeis), a leader, chief. See 16. 23; Tit. 1. 7.
the derived words. Der. hunda- Faura-gahaitan, vb. to announce
faths, thusundi-faths, bruth- beforehand, promise before,
faths, synagoga-faths. 2 Cor. 9. 5.
Fauho , wk. sb. f. a fox , Mat. 8. Faura-gahugjan, vb. to think be
20; Lu. 9. 58. forehand, fore -determine, pur
Fauk, prep, with acc. for, before, pose, 2 Cor. 9. 7.
to, along (naQtt, with ace); Faura -GaLeikan, vb. to please
(o, vnfQ, with gen.); also as beforehand, Eph. 1. 9. [The
an adv. forward, forth, Mk. 8. reading of the MS. See M.'s
6; Lu. 19. 4; faurthis, faurthi- note.]
zei, before, before that, first. Pre Faura-gamanwjan, vb. to pre
fixed to many verbs, as seen below. : pare beforehand, Rom. 9. 23;
Faura, prep, with dat. (tfin-Qoedtv, Eph. 2. 10; 2 Cor. 9. 5.
tvmniov, sravri'ov), before, for, Faura-gameljan, vb. to write be
because of; (r with ace), forehand, Rom. 15. 4; Eph. 3. 3.
(naQa, nb, di with ace), Mat. Faura-garedan, vb. to predestine,
6. 2; Col. 1. 17; Mk. 2. 4; Eph. 1. 5, 11.
also as an adv. (tpnQoedev, Faura- gasan DJan, vb. to send be
nitzfQov), before, Phil. 3. 14; forehand, 2 Cor. 9. 3.
Lu. 14. 24. Prefixed to many I Faura -gaSatJan, vb. to present.
subs, and verbs, as seen below. 2 Cor. 4. 14.
Faura-dauri, str. sb. n. the part Faura -gatEraan, vb. to inform
of a street before the town- beforehand, Mk. 13. 23; 2 Cor.
gate, Lu. 10. 10. 13. 2.
Faura-dustodjan, vb. to begin be Faura-hah, str. sb. n. that which
forehand, 2 Cor. 8. 6. hangs before, a curtain, veil.
Faura-faursniwan, vb. to go be Mk. 15. 38. Cf. faur-hah.
fore, to be current beforehand, Faura-haitans, p. pt. invited. Lu.
1 Tim. 1. 18. 14. 24.
Faura -fiLLi, str. sb. n. uncir- Faura-kwiman, vb. to come or go
cumcision, Gal. 5. 6; 6. 15; before, Lu. 1. 17.
W. W. Skeat, Mso-Gothlc Glossnry. 3
G7 Faura-kwithas Faur-this 68

Faura-kwithan, vb. to prophesy, with a dam, to stop up, 2 Cor.

Mat. 11. 13; to tell beforehand, 11. 10.
Rom. 9. 29; 2 Cor. 13. 2; Faurds*, in ga-faurds, q. v.
1 Thess. 3. 4; 4. 6. Faur-gaggan, vb. to go by, pass
Faura- manWJan, vb. act. to pre by, Mk. 11. 20; 15. 29; Lu.
pare beforehand, Skeir. 4. 8. 18. 36.
Faura-mathleis, str. sb. m. a chief Faur-hah, str. sb. n., the same as
speaker ; hence a ruler, prince, faura- hah, q. v. Mat. 27.
Mat. 9. 34; Lu. 8. 41, 49; 51.
19. 2. Fauhrtei, wk. sb. f. fright, fear,
Faura-mathli, str. sb. n. chief astonishment, Mk. 5. 42; 2 Tim.
office; hlaif faura mathli, the 1. 7.
allowance of food proper to the Fauhrtjan, vb. to be frightened,
office of a governor, Nehem. 5. to fear, Mk. 5. 36; Lu. 8. 50;
14, 18. 9. 34; Jo. 14. 27.
Faura- mELJan, vb. to write be Faurhts, adj. fearful, Mk. 4. 40;
forehand, describe, Gal. 3. 1. faurhts wairthan, to be afraid,
Faura-rahnjan, vb. to prefer, set Mk. 10. 32, Der. guda-fauhrts,
another before oneself, Rom. fauhrtei, faurhtjan.
12. 10. Faur-kwithan, vb. to gainsay,
Faura-standan, vb. to stand be frustrate, Gal. 2. 21; to make
fore ; hence, to rule, govern, Rom. excuse, Lu. 14. 18.
12. 8; to stand near, Mk. 14. Faur-lageins, str. sb. f. a setting
69; Lu. 19. 24. or laying forth; hence hlaibos
Faura -ta, str. sb. n. a sign, faur-lageins, shew-bread, Mk. 2.
wonder, Mk. 13. 22; Jo. 6. 26; 26; Lu. 6. 4.
2 Cor. 12. 12. Faur-lagjan, vb. to lay or set
Faura-wenjan, vb. to put one's before, Lu. 9. 16; 10. 8; 1 Cor.
hope in beforehand, Eph. 10. 27.
1. 12. Faur-muljan, vb. to bind up one's
Faura-wisan, vb. to be forward, mouth, muzzle, 1 Cor. 9. 9.
ready, 2 Cor. 8. 11. bee mul.
Faur-bauhts, str. sb. f. redemp Faur-rinnan, vb. to run before;
tion, Eph. 1. 7, 14; Col. 1. 14. faurrinnand, a fore-runner,
From bugjan. Skeir. 3. 11.
Faur-bigaggan, vb. to go before, Faurs*, in ga-faurs and un-faurs,
precede, Mk. 10. 32; 16. 7. q. v.
Faur-bisniwan , vb. to hasten on Faur-sigljan , vb. to set a seal
before, go before, 1 Tim. upon, to seal, Mat. 27. 66.
5. 24. Faur-sniwan, vb. to hasten be
Faur-bithragjan, vb. to run on fore, anticipate, 1 Cor. 11. 21;
before, Lu. 19. 4. Mk. 14. 8; with prep, faura, to
Faur-biui>an, vb. to command, Lu. go before, 1 Tim 1. 18.
8. 25; to forbid, command not Faur-stasseis , str. sb. m. one
to do, Mk. 6. 8; 8. 30; Lu. 5. that stands before, a ruler,
14; 8. 56; 9. 21. 1 Thess. 5. 12.
Faur-dammjan, vb. to shut off as Faur-this, adv. first of all, be
G9 Faur-thizbi Fill 70

forehand, before, Mk. 3. 27; tetrarch, Lu. 3. 1. From fidur

9. 11. and ragineis.
Faur-thizei, faurthize, adv. before Fimvor (dat. fidworim), four, Mk.
that, before, Mat. 6. 8; Mk. 2. 3, 13. 27; Lu. 2. 37; Jo. 11.
14. 72. 17; in comp, fidur-dogs, fidur-
Faur-waipjan, vb. to bind up; falths, fidur-ragineis; fidwor-
faur-waipjan munth, to muzzle, tigjus, fidwor-taihun.
1 Tim.. 5. 18. Fidwor-taihun, fourteen, Gal.
Faur-walwjan, vb. to roll before, 2. 1.
Mat. 27. 60. Fidwor-tigjus, forty, Mk. 1. 13;
Faur-weis*, in un-faurweis, q. v. Lu. 4. 2; 2 Cor. 11. 24.
Faus, faws, adj. few (gen. with Fif, five, 1 Cor. 15. 6. Another
pi. nouns), Mat. 7. 14; 9. 37; spelling of fimf, q. v.
Mk. 6. 5; 8. 7; du fawamma, Figgra-gulth, str. sb. n. a finger-
a little, 1 Tim. 4. 8; comp, fa- ring, Lu. 15. 22. From figgrs
wiza; in phrase fawizo (haban), and gulth.
(iXarovreiv), to have lack, to Figgrs, fr. 6. m. a finger, Mk.
lack, come short in, 2 Cor. 7. 33.
8. 15. Fijan, vb. (also fian, Jo. 12. 25);
Fehaba*, in ga-fehaba, q. v. with acc. to hate, Mat. 6. 24;
Feus*, in ga-fehs, q. v. Lu. 14. 26; 16. 13; &c. Der.
Feian*, vb. (pt. t. fai; pi. fijum; fijands, fijathwa.
pp. fijans?) to hate? Cf. faian, Fijands, fiands, sb. m. (pres. p. t.
fijan, and feinan. of fijan) , an enemy, Mat. 5.
Peinan*, vb. in in-feinan, q. v. 43; 6. 24; &c. [G. feind;
Fera, fr. sb. f. a country, region, E. fiend.]
coast, Mk. 8. 10; Mat. 25. 41; Fijathwa, fiathwa, *fr. sb. f.
Gal. 1. 21 ; Eph. 4. 16. hatred, Eph. 2. 15, 16; Gal.
Ferja, wk. sb. m. a spy, Lu. 20. 5. 20.
20. Cf. fairinon. Filau, fiLaUs, adv. much. See filu.
Feteins*, str. sb. f. in ga-feteins, Filegri. See filigri.
q. v. Filh*, fr. sb. n., in ga-filh, ana-
Fetjan, vb. to adorn, deck ; fetjan filh, us-filh.
sik, to adorn oneself, 1 Tim. 2. Filhan, vb. (pt. t. falh; pi. ful-
9. Der. ga-feteins. Cf. fitan. hum; pp. fulhans), with acc. to
Fian, vb. , another form of fijan, hide, conceal, 1 Tim. 5. 25;
vb. to hate, Jo. 12. 25. See to bury, Mat. 8. 22. Der. ga-
fijan. filhan, af-filhan, ana-filhan, us-
Fiands, the same as fijands, q. v. filhan; ana-filh, ga-filh, us-filh;
Fiathwa, the same as fijathwa, filigri, ga-fulgins, fulhsni.
q. v. Filigri, fr. 6. n. (also filegri),
Fidur-dogs, adj. on the fourth a hidden place, a cave, den,
day; hence four days dead. Jo. Mk. 11. 17; Lu. 19. 46. From
11. 39. filhan.
Fidur-falths , adj. four-fold, Lu. Fill*, *fr. sb. n. a skin, a hide.
19. 8. [O. E. fell; G.fell.] Der. thruts-
Fidur-ragineis, fr. 6. m. a fill, thruts-filla, faura-filli, filleins.
71 FilLeins Ftus 72

FiLleinS, adj. made of skin, thans), to find out, know, Mk. 5.

leathern, Mk. 1. 6. 43; 15. 45; Lu. 9. 11; Jo. 12. 9.
Film(s)*, sb. fear? [0. N. felmr?] Fiskon,6. to fish, Lu. 5. 4 ;from fisks.
Der. us-filma, us-filmei. Fiskja, wk. sb. m. a fisher, Mk. 1.
FiLu(s), adj. much; also filu, adv. 16; Lu. 5. 2. From fisks.
much ; in phrases afar ni filu, Fisks, str. sb. m. a fish, Mk. 8. 7;
not long after; and ufar filu, Lu. 5. 6; 9.13. Der. fiskja, fiskon.
overmuch, 2 Cor. 1. 5; 12. 11. Fitan, vb. (pt. t. fat; pi. fetum;
It is generally used in the neu pp. titans), to travail in birtb
ter filu, and often followed by with, Gal. 4. 19; intr. to tra
gen. case of sb. See Lu. 9. 37; vail, Gal. 4. 27.
Jo. 6. 2, where the vb. is in Flahta, or fLahtO, sb.f. a plait
sing.; and Mk. 3. 7; 5. 21; ing of the hair. 1 Tim. 2. 9.
where the vb. is in pl. Mais [G. flechte.]
filu, or filu mais, much more, Flaihtan* vb. (pt. t. flaht; pi.
Lu. 18. 39; 2 Cor. 3. 9. Der. flauhtum; pp. flauhtans), to
filu-deisei, filu- waurdei, filu- weave. Der. flahta. [Gk. nXt-
waurdjan, filu-faihus, filu-ga- xuv; Lat. flectere; G. flechten;
lauhs, filusna, filaus. Engl, piait ]
Filu-deisei, wk. sb. f. subtlety, Flautan, vb. (pt. t. fai-flaut?),
2 Cor. 11. 3; Eph. 4. 14. to boast; hence pres. pt. flau-
Filu-faihus. adj. manifold, Eph. tands, vain -glorious, boasting
3. 10. arrogantly, desirous of vain
Filu-galaubs, adj. very precious, glory, Gal. 5. 26. Der. flautjan.
Jo. 12. 3. From liubs. Flautjan, vb. to vaunt oneself.
Filusna, str. sb. f. excess, magni 1 Cor. 13. 4. Cf. flautan.
tude, 2 Cor 12. 7; du filusnai, ^ [Engl. flout(f)]
to excess, still further, 2 Tim. Flekan, vb. with acc. (pt. t. fai-
3. 9; multitude, Neh. 5. 18. flok; pi. faiflokum; pp. fle-
Filu-waurdei, wk. sb. f. much kans), to lament, Lu. 8. 52.
speaking, Mat. 6. 7. Flodus, str. sb. f. a flood, river,
Filu-waurdjan , vb. to use many stream, Lu 6. 49. Cf. ahwa,
words, Mat. 6. 7. garunjo, midjasweipains.
Fim (for fimf), five. Lu. 16. 6. Fodeins, str. sb. f. food, Mat. 6.
See fimf. 25; luxurious feeding, Lu. 7. 25.
Fimf, five (we find fim in Lu. 16. Fodjan, vb. with acc. to feed.
6; and fif in 1 Cor. 15. 6), Mat. 6. 26; Lu. 4. 16; 1 Tim.
Mk. 8. 19; Lu. 1. 24; 9. 5. 10. Der. fodeins, us-fodeins.
13; &c. Der. fimf-tigjus, fimf- Fodr, str. sb. n. a sheath, Jo. 18.
hunda, fiml'-taihun. 11. [G. flutter.]
Fimf-hunda, five hundred, 1 Cor. Fon, str. sb. n. (gen. funins; dat.
15. 6. funin), fire, Mk. 9. 22; Lu. 3.
Fimf-taihin, fifteen, Jo. 11. 18. 9; 9. 54; &c. Der. funisks.
Fimf-tigjus, fifty, Lu. 7. 41; 9. For, fared (pt. t. of faran), q. v.
14; Jo. 8. 57. Ftus, str. sb. m. the foot, Mat.
Finthan, vb. with acc. (pt. t. 5. 35; Mk. 5. 4; &c. Der.
fanth; pi. funthum; pp. fun- fotu-bandi, fotu-baurd.

Fotu-bandi, str. sb. f. a fetter, Lu. 4. 2; 20. 23; &c. Der. us-
Lu. 8. 29. fraisan, fraistubni.
Fotu-baurd, str. sb. n. a foot Fraistubni, str. sb. f. temptation,
board, footstool, Mat. 5. 35; Lu. 4. 13; brig<ran in fraistubni,
Mk. 12. 36; Lu. 20. 43. to lead into temptation, Mat.
Fra , a prefix of verbs, equiv. to 6. 13.
Germ, ver-, Engl, for-, giving Fra-itan, vb., to eat up, devour,
the verbs an intensive and often Mk. 4. 4; Lu. 8. 5; 15. 30.
a destructive force. See below- Fraiw, str. sb. n. seed, Mk. 4. 3,
J'refixed also to nouns. 26, 27; Lu. 8. 5; &c. Cf. kuni.
Fra-at; fronr fra-itan, q. v. Fra-kunnan, vb. to despise, Mat.
Fka-atjan, vb. to give away in 6. 24; Lu. 16. 13; 18.
food, 1 Cor. 13. 3. From fra- 9; Ac.
itan. ! Fra-kwiman, vb. to expend, spend,
Fra-bairan, vb. to bear, endure, Mk. 5. 26; Lu. 8. 43; 9. 54.
Jo. 16. 12. Fra-kwisteins, str. sb. f. waste.
Fra-bugjan, vb- to sell, Mk. 14. Mk. 14. 4.
5; Jo. 12. 5; Ac. Fra-kwistjan, 6. to destroy,
Fra-dailjan, vb. to deal away, to Mat. 10. 39; Mk. 8. 35; Ac.
give away, Jo. 12. 5. i Fra-kwistnan, vb. to be destroy
Fragan(?), vb. to ask, examine, ed, to perish, Lu. 15. 17; Jo.
2 Cor. 13. 5; (fraisith, fragirh, j 10. 28; Ac.
are MS. readings; we should Fra-kwithan, vb. to declare
expect fraihnith, from fraih- against, despise, Lu. 7. 30; to
nan). curse, Lu. 6. 28; Jo. 7. 49.
Fra-giban, vb. to give, grant, Mk. I Fra-letan, vb. to let go, release,
10. 37; Jo. 10. 29; &c. Mat. 27. 15; Mk. 8. 9; 15.
Fra- gibts, fra-gifts, str. sb. f. pro 6; Ac.; to remit, forgive, Lu.
mise, gift, Skeir. 3. 19; espousal, 7. 47; to let down, Mk. 2. 4.
Lu. 1. 27; 2. 5. Fra- lets, str. sb. m. (1) remission,
Fra-gildan, vb. to restore, pay forgiveness, Mk. 3. 29; Lu. 3.
back, Lu. 19. 8; Rom. 11. 35; 3; 4. 19; (2) a freed man.
12. 19. 1 Cor. 7. 22.
Frah, asked. From fraihnan. Fra-liusan, vb. to loose, Lu. 15.
Fra-hinthan, vb. to take captive, 8; 19. 10; Jo. 6. 27. [G. ver
Rom. 7. 23; 2 Cor. 10. 5; 2 lieren ; D. verliezen.~\
Tim. 3. 6; hence pp. fra- Fra-lusnan, rb. to be lost, to
hunthans, a captive, Lu. 4. 19. perish, 1 Cor. 1. 18; 2 Cor.
Fraihans, pp. of fraihnan. 4. 3.
Fraihnan, vb. (pt. t. frah ; pi. fre- Fra-lusts, str. sb. m. destruction,
hum; pp. fraihans), with an acc. I Rom. 9. 22; 1 Thess. 5. 3;
to ask, Mk. 5. 9,- 8. 23; 12. 2 Thess. 1. 9; Jo. 17. 12. [G.
28; Ac. Der. ga- fraihnan. verlust.]
[G. fragen; D. vragen] Fram, prep, with dat. from (nn);
Fraisan, vb. with acc. (pt. t. fai- since, by (yno). The compound
frais; pi. faifraisum; pp. frai words are few, viz. fram-aldrs.
sans). to tempt, Mk. 12. 15; fram-gahts, fram-wairthis, fram
75 Fbam-aldrs Fba-wilwak ,

wigis. Der. framis, framath(e)is, un - frathjands , fulla- frathjan,

framathjan. frathi, frathja-marzeins, frath-
Fram-aldrs, adj. very old, Lu. 1. (j)is, grinda-frathjis, sama-frath-
8, 18; 2. 36. jis, ga-frathjei, froths, un-froths,
Fkamatheis, adj. foreign, strange, frodaba, frodei, un-frodei.
Jo. 10. 5; alien, Eph. 4. 18; Frath(j)is*, adj. thinking; only
not one's own, Lu. 16. 12; Rom. in comp, grinda-frathis, sama-
14. 4; 2 Cor. 10. 15; 1 Tim. frathis.
5. 22. [G. fremde; D. vreemd.] Frat(h)wjan*, vb. in comp, us-
Framathjan , vb. to alienate, fratwjan, q. v.
estrange, Col. 1. 21. Frauja, wk. sb. m. lord, master,
Fram-gahts, str. sb. f. progress, ad Lu. 1. 25; 14. 23; 16. 3; &c.
vancement, furtherance, Ph. 1. 25. Der. heiwa-frauja, leika- frauja,
Framis, adv. further, onward, Mk. fraujinon, ga-fraujinon, frauji-
1. 19; Rom. 13. 12. nassus. [A. S. fre.]
Fram - Wairthis , adv. further on; Fraujinassus, str. sb. m. lordship,
only in phrase thu fr. wisais, Col. 1. 16; Eph. 1. 21.
continue thou, 2 Tim. 3. 14. Fraujinon, vb. to rule over, Rom.
Fram-wigis, adv. continually, ever 7. 1; 14. 9.
more, Jo. 6. 34; 1 Thess. 4. 17. Fra-wairpan, vb. to cast away, Mat.
Fra-niman, vb. to take, receive, 9. 36; Mk. 9. 42. [G. verwerfen.]
Lu. 19. 12; Jo. 14. 3. Fra-wairthan, vb. to destroy,
Fra- rinnan, vb. to run among, corrupt, 2 Tim. 3. 8.
fall among, Lu. 10. 30. Fra-wardeins, str. sb. f. destruc
Fra-slindan, vb. to swallow up, tion, 1 Tim. 6. 9.
2 Cor. 5. 4. [G. verschlingen.] Fra -WakDJan. vb. tO Corrupt,
Frasti-sibja (yio&ecia), str. sb. f. 2 Cor. 4. 16; 1. Tim. 6. 5; to
adoption as sons, Rom. 9. 4. disfigure, Mat. 6. 16.
From frasts and sibis. Fra-waurhts, str. sb. m. or adj.
Frasts (pi. frasteis), str. sb. m. a a sinner, sinful man, Mat. 9.
child, 2 Cor. 6. 13. Der. frasti- 10; Mk. 2. 17; 14. 41; &c.
sibja. Cf. barn. Fra-waurhts, str. sb. f. evil work
Frat, ate. From fra-itan, q. v. ing, evil-doing, sin, Mk. 3. 28;
Frathi, wk. sb. n. understanding, 4. 12; Lu. 5. 20, 23; &c.
mind, Mk. 12, 33; Rom. 11. 34; Fra-waurkjan, vb. to work ill, to
12. 2; &c. Cf. frathjan. sin, Lu. 15. 21; 17. 4; refl. to
FrathJa - m.VrZErns , str. sb. f. a sin, Mat. 27. 4; Lu. 15. 18; &c.
deceiving, a deceit, Gal. 6. 3. Fra-weit, str. sb. n. revenge, ven
Frathjan, 6. (pt. t. froth; pi. geance, 2 Cor. 7. 11; 2 Thess.
frothum; pp. frathans), to per 1. 8, 9; Rom. 12. 19.
ceive, know, think, understand, Fra-weitan, vb. to avenge, Lu.
Mk. 7. 18; 12. 12; Lu. 2. 50; 18. 3, 5; Rom. 13. 4; 2 Cor.
8. 10; &c.; 10. 6; 1 Thess. 4. 6.
mais frathjan (vneQqiQOvtv), Fra-wilwan, vb. to seize, catch.
to think more highly, Rom. 12. 3 ; Lu. 8. 29; Jo. 10. 12; to
waila frathjan, to think well snatch away, Jo. 10. 28, 29;
or soberly, Rom. 12. 3. Der. to catch, snatch, 2 Cor. 12. 2, 4.
77 Fra-wisan Frij.ua-baur 78

Fra-wisan, vb. with dot. to spend, Lu. 7. 6; &c. [G. freund; D.

consume, Lu. 15. 14. vriend.]
Fra-wrikan, vb. to persecute, Frijons, str. sb. f. a token ot
1 Thess. 2. 15. love, a kiss, 1 Cor. 16. 20;
Fra-wrohjan, vb. to accuse, Lu. 2 Cor. 13. 12.
16. 1. Frikei*, in faihu-frikei, q. v.
Frehum, we asked. From fraih- Friks*, adj. greedy, only in faihu-
nan. friks. [G. frech; D. vrek.]
Freideins*, str. sb. f., only in Fri-sahtjan*, vb. in comp, ga-fri-
comp, ga-freideins, un-freideins, sahtjan, q. v.
q. v. Fri-sahts, str. sb. f. a likeness,
Freidjan, vb. to spare, Rom. 11. image, 1 Cor. 15. 49; 2 Cor.
21; 1 Cor. 7. 28; 2 Cor. 1. 23; 3. 18; an example, Jo. 13. 15;
12. 6; 13. 2. Der. ga-freideins, 1 Tim. 1. 16; in frisahtai, enig
un-freideins. matically, 1 Cor. 13. 12.
Freihals, freijhals, str. sb. m., Fritha-reiks (Frederick), a proper
freedom (lit. a free neck), Gal. name in the Gothic calendar.
2. 4; 5. 1, 13; Eph. 3. 12. Frithon*, vb. in comp, ga-frithon,
From freis and hals. q. v.
Fres, adj. (fem. freija; neut. frei- Frithons*, str. sb. f., in ga-fri-
jata), sometimes followed by a thons, q. v.
jfen., free, Jo. 8. 32; Gal. 4. Frithus(?)*, str. sb. m. peace.
22; 5. 1; &c. ; freijana brig- Der. sunjai-frithas, fritha-reiks,
gan, to set free, make free, ga-frithon, ga- frithons. [Cf. G.
Jo. 8. 32. Der. frei(j)hals, frijei, friede.]
frijn. [G. frei; E. free; D. cry.] Frius, str. sb. n. frost, cold, 2
Fretum, we ate. From fra-itan, q. v. Cor. 11. 27.
Fri , a prefix. Cf. fra-. It oc Frodaba, adv. wisely, Mk. 12. 34;
curs m fri-sahts, gafri-sahtjan, Lu. 16. 8. From, frods.
gafri-sahtnan. Frodei, wk. sb.f. wisdom, under
Friathwa: see frijathwa. standing, Lu. 1. 17; 2. 52;
Friathwa - miLDS , adj. kindly af- 1 Cor. 1. 19; <&c.
fectioned, Rom. 12. 10. From Frodoza, comp, of froths; adj.
frijn. wiser, Lu. 16. 8.
Frijathwa, str. sb.f love, Jo. 13. Frods, froths, adj. wise, Mat. 7.
35; 15. 9; 17. 26. 24; Lu. 10. 21; 16. 8; &c.
Frijei, wk. sb. f. freedom, 1 Cor. Fruma, adj. the first, first (fem.
10. 29. From freis. frumei), Mk. 15. 42; Lu. 6. 1;
Frijn, vb. with acc. to love, Jo. 15. 18; anthar fruma (dtv-
Mat. 6. 24; 10. 37; Mk. 12. Ko'ff>roj), Lu. 6. 1; fruma
30; &c. Der. frijonds, fri- sabbato, first day of the week,
jondi, frijons, ga-frijons, fri Mk. 16.9; fruma giban, to give
jathwa, friathwa-milds. first to one, Rom. 11. 35. Der.
Frijondi, str. sb. f. a female frumists, frumist, frumisto, fru-
friend, Lu. 15. 9. misti, frumadei, frums.
Frijonds, str. sb. m. a friend (pi. Fruma-baur, str. sb. m. a first
frijonds), Mat. 5. 47; 11. 19; born, Lu. 2. 7; Col. 1. 15.
Frumadei Ga- 80

Frumadei, wk. sb.f. pre-eminence, Fulleins*; str. sb. f. fulness, in

Col. 1. 18. us-fulleins, q. v.
Frumist, adv. first, Mat. 8. 21; Fulleiths, sb. f. fulness, Mk. 4. 28.
Mk. 4. 28; 16. 9; &c. Fullith(?), sb. n.; only in gen.
Fkumisti, str. sb. n. beginning, i pi. fullithe (rovfirria), Col. 2.
Jo. 6. 24; 8. 44; 1 Cor. 15. 3. j 16; where fullith = full moon
Frumisto, wk. sb. n. beginning, rather than new moon.
Ln. 1. 2. Fulljan, vb. to fill, Mat. 27. 48;
Frumists, superl. of fruma, adj. Rom. 15. 18; 2 Thess. 1. 11.
first, Mk. 9. 35; 10. 44; 12. 28. See fulls.
Frums, str. sb. m. beginning, Jo. Fuli.nan, vb. to be full. Lu. 2.
15. 27; 16. 4. 40; Eph. 3. 19; 5. 18; Col. 1. 9.
Fugls, str. sb. m. a fowl, a bird, Fullo. wk. sb. f. fulness, Mat. 9.
Mat. 6. 26; 8. 20; Mk. 4. 4, 16; Mk. 2. 21; Rom. 11.
32; Lu. 8. 5 ;.9. 58. [G. vogel.] 12, 25.
Fula, wk. sb. m. a foal, Mk. 11. Fulls, adj. full ; often followed by
2; Lu. 19. 30; Jo. 12. 15. gen. Lu. 4. 28; 5. 26; perfect.
Fui.gins*, in ga-fulgins, q. v. Eph. 4. 13. Der. ufar- fulls,
Fulhans, bidden;^jp. o/filhan, q.v. ufar-fullei, fullo, fulleiths, ful
Fulhsni, str. sb. n. that which is lith, fulla-tojis, fulla-weis,
hidden, secrecy, Mat. 6. 4, 6, 18. fulla- weisjan, fulla-wits, fulla-
Fulla-fahjan, 6. to satisfy, Mk. fahjan, fulla- frathjan, fulljan.
15. 15; to serve, Lu. 4. 8. ga-fulljan, us-fulljan, ufar-full-
Fulla-frathjan, vb. to be sober. jan, fullnan, ga-fullnan, us-full-
2 Cor. 5. 13. nan. us-fulleins. [Germ, voll;
Fulla-tojis, adj. perfect. Mat. 5. D. vol; E. full.]
48. From taujan. Fuls, adj. foul; fuis ist, he stink-
Fulla-weis, adj. arrived at the eth, Jo. 11. 39. [G. faul; D.
full wisdom of manhood. 1 Cor. vuil; E. foul.]
14. 20. FUa, fUnInS, fUnIn. See foil.
Fulla- Weisjan, vb. to inform Funisks, adj. fiery, Eph. 6. 16.
fully, to persuade, 2 Cor. 5. 11. Funthans, found; pp. of fin-
Fulla-wits, adj. perfect, Phil. 3. than.
15; Col. 1. 28; 4. 12. Funthum, we found; see finthan.
Fullei*, wk. sb. f. fulness; in Fynikiska (qioivteaa), adj. Phoe
ufar-fullei, q. v. nician, Mk. 7. 26.


G, the third letter in the Gothic I bairan, $c. for further inform-
alphabet. As a numeral: 3; ation.]
pronounced hard. [For words, Ga , a prefix to verbs, substan-
as ga-bairan, beginning with tives, and adjectives, of very
g-, see under the simple forms , common occurrence; it is found
81 GA-A0OfEt(Ns) Ga-beidan

doubled, as in ga-ga-wairth- Ga-bairhtei, wk. sb. f. a making

jan, d-c. , and sometimes sepa bright, a manifestation, 2 Tim.
rated from the word to which I. 10.
it belongs by a particle, in Ga-bairhtjan, vb. to make bright
ga-u-hwasehwi. [Cf. A. S. and or clear, to manifest, Mk. 4.
G. ge-; Lat. con-.] 22; to give light to, Lu. 1. 79;
Ga-aggwei(ns), sb. f. constraint, pass, to be made manifest.
restraint, Skeir. 1. 18, 27. 1 Tim. 3. 16; Gal. 4. 19; 2 Cor.
From aggwus. II. 6.
Ga-aggwjan, vb. to constrain, Ga-bandwjan, vb. to make signs,
distress greatly, 2 Cor. 4. 8. Lu. 1. 62; to point out. signify.
From aggwus. shew, ,Skeir. 6. 16.
Ga-aggwo, adv. assuredly (?), Ga-batnan, vb. to profit, boot.
1 Thess. 5. 2. [So in MS., but benefit, Mk. 7. 11.
the reading glaggwo has been Ga-bafan, vb. to make or to
proposed.] build nests, to dwell, Mk.
Ga-aiginon, vb. to make a gain 4. 32.
of, get an advantage over, Ga-bur, str. sb. n. tribute, Rom.
-2 Cor. 2. 11. 13. 7; collection of money,
Ga-ainanan, vb. to leave alone, 1 Cor. 16. 1. 2. From
desert, 1 Thess. 2. 17. [Per bai ran.
haps ga-ainanadai should be ga- Ga-baurgja, wk. sb. m. a fellow-
ainadai, and the verb ga-ainan. citizen, Eph. 2. 19.
Ga-aistan, vb. to reverence, res Ga-baurjaba, adv. with pleasure,
pect, Mk. 12. 6. willingly, gladly, Mk. 6. 20;
Ga-aiwiskon, vb. to make 12. 37; 2 Cor. 12. 9, 15;
ashamed, to shame, 1 Cor. 11. heartily, gladly, Mk. 14. 65;
22; 2 Cor. 7. 14: 9. 4; to mal not expressed in the Greek.
treat, Mk. 12. 4. Ga-bairjothus, str. sb. . plea
Ga-andida: see ga-nanthjan. sure, Lu. 8. 14.
Ga-arbja, wk. sb. m. a fellow- Ga-baurs (xoJ/O;), str. sb. m.
heir, Eph. 3. 6. feasting. Gal. 5. 21; Rom.
Ga- arman, vb. with acc. to have 13. 13.
pity on, pity. Mk. 5. 19; Rom. Ga-bai'rthi-waurd, str. sb. n. a
11. 30: 1 Cor. 7. 25; 2 Cor. genealogy, 1 Tim. 1. 4.
4. 1. Ga-bai rths. str. sb. f. birth, Mk.
Ga-ackan, vb. to increase, abound, 7. 26; Lu. 1. 14; Jo. 9. 1;
1 Thess. 4. 1. mel ga-baurthais, birthday, Mk.
Ga-baidjan, vb. to compel, 2 Cor. 6. 21; native country, Mk. 6.
12. 11. 4; Lu. 4. 23; generation, Mk.
Ga-bairan, vb. to bear (children). 8. 38; nature, Rom. 11. 21.
Lu. 1. 31. 57; pass, to be born. Gabei, wk. sb. f. riches, Mk. 4.
Jo. 9. 2; Lu. 2. 11; to en 19; Lu. 8. 14; gain, reconci
gender, 2 Tim. 2. 23; to com liation, Rom. 11. 15. From
pare, Mk. 4. 30. giban.
Ga-bairgan, vb. to keep, pre Ga-beidan, vb. to abide, endure.
serve, Mat. 9. 17. 1 Cor. 13. 7,
S3 Gabeig Ga-draggkja-n 84

Gabeigs, adj. rich, Mat. 27. 57; Eph. 3. 6; a partner, Lu. 5.

Mk. 10. 25; Lu. 16. 1, 19. 10. From dails.
From giban. Ga-dailjan, vb. to deal, distri
Ga-beistjan, vb. to embitter; bute, Rom. 12. 3; to impart,
hence: to leaven, 1 Cor. 5. 6. 1 Cor. 7. 17; to give, Lu.
Gabigaba, adv. richly, Col. 3. 16. 18. 22; 19. 8: to divide. Mk.
Gabigs, same as gabeigs, q. v. 3. 26.
Ga-binda, str. sb.f. a band, bond, Ga-dai'bjan, vb. to deafen; hence
Col. 2. 19. to harden, Jo. 12. 40; 16. 6.
Ga-bindan, vb. to bind, Mk. 3. 27; Ga-daika, sb. household, 1 Cor.
5. 3; 11. 4; 15. 7. 1. 16. [M. proposes to read
Ga-bindi, str. sb. f. a band, Col. ga-daurans.]
3. 14. Cf. ga-binda. Ga-daursan, 6. to dare, Mk. 12.
Ga-bkgan, vb. to bow, bend; 34; Lu. 20. 40: to speak boldly.
eisarnam gabuganaim, with bent Eph. 6. 20.
irons, Mk. 5. 4. Ga-daithjan, vb. to do to death.
Ga-blauthjan, vb. to nullify, to kill, Rom. 8. 36.
make of none effect, triumph Ga-dai'thnan, vb. to die, Mat. 8.
over, Col. 2. 15. Cf. Mk. 32; Mk. 9. 48; 12. 19; Lu. 8.
7. 13. 49; 20. 29. Der. mith-gadauth-
Ga-bleithei(ns), sb. f. pity. Phil. nan.
2. 1. Ga-deds, str. sb. f. a doing;
Ga-bleithjan, vb. to pity, Mk. 9. suniwe ga-deds, adoption of
22; Rom. 9. 15. sons, Eph. 1. 5.
Ga-blindjan, vb. to blind, make Ga-dik(is), str. sb. n. a thing
blind, Jo. 12. 40; 2 Cor. formed , a creature , thing
4. 4N made, Rom. 9. 20. From
Ga-blindnan, vb. to become blind; deigan.*
ga-blindnodedum, marg. gloss on Gadiliggs, str. sb. m. a sister's
afdaubnodedum, 2 Cor. 3. 14. son, nephew, Col. 4. 10.
Ga- botjan, vb. to make useful; Ga-diupjan, vb. to deepen, dig
aftra ga-botjan, to restore, Mk. deeply. Lu. 6. 48.
9. 12. From batan. Ga-dobs, ga-dofs, adj. fitting;
Ga-brannjan, vb. to burn. 1 Cor. hence ga-dobs wisan, to be fit,
13. 3; Skeir. 3. 14. Eph. 5. 3; 1 Tim. 2. 10; Tit.
Ga-brikan, vb. to break, Mk. 5. 2. 1. [Cf. E. dab.]
4; 8. 6, Lu. 9. 16, 39. Ga-domjan, vb. to doom, judge,
Ga-bruka, str. sb. f. a broken condemn, Mk. 14. 64; to deem,
bit, a fragment, Mk. 8. 8; Lu. Phil. 3. 12; 1 Tim. 3. 16; to
9. 17; Jo. 6. 13. justify, Mat. 11. 19; to judge of,
Ga-bindi, str. sb. f. a bond, Eph. 2 Cor. 10. 12.
4. 3. Cf. gabindi. Ga-draban. vb. to hew out, Mk.
Ga-daban, vb. to happen, befall, 15. 46.
Mk. 10. 32; to be fit, Skeir. Ga- dragan, vb. to drag, draw;
3. 16. A. V. heap, 2 Tim. 4. 3. [An
Ga-daila, wk. sb. m. a partaker, I other reading is dragand.]
1 Cor. 10. 20; 2 Cor. 1. 7; Ga-draggk.ian, or ga-dragkjan,
.45 Ga-drauhts Ga-qahaftjas

vb. to give to drink, Mat. 10. Mat. 8. 21; Lu. 16. 22; ga-
42; Mk. 9. 41. fllhan sik, to hide oneself, Jo.
Ga-draihts, str. sb. m. a soldier, 8. 59; 12. 36.
' Mat. 8. 9; Mk. 15. 16; Lu. 7. Ga-fraihnan, vb. to ask, seek,
8; Jo. 19. 2; 2 Tim. 2. 3. Rom. 10. 20; gafrehun, they
From driugan. found out by inquiry, they
Ga-drausjan, vb. to thrust down, heard, Mk. 2. 1.
Lu. 1. 52; 10. 15; 2 Cor. 4. Ga-frathjei, wk. sb. f. under
9. Cf. driusan. standing , sobriety , 1 Tim.
Ga-DrIGGKan, Ga-DrIGkan, vb. 2. 15.
to drink, Lu. 17. 8. Ga-fraujinon, to exercise lord
Ga-driusan, vb. to fall, Mat. 10. ship, vb. Mk. 10. 42.
29; Mk. 4. 4, 7, 8; Lu. 8. Ga-freideins , str. sb. f. posses
6; &c.; to be cast or thrust, sion, Eph. 1. 14; possession,
Mat. 5. 29. attainment of, 1 Thess. 5. 9.
Ga-drobnan, 6. to be troubled, Ga-frmons, str. sb. f. a kiss,
Lu. 1. 12; Jo. 12. 27. 1 Thess. 5. 26.
Gaf, gave. From giban. Ga-frisahtjan, vb. to make a
Ga-fah, sb. (n. ?) , a catch, tak resemblance or image; hence,
ing, catching, Lu. 5. 9. Cf. to engrave (A. V.), 2 Cor.
fahan. 3. 7.
Ga-fahan. vb. to catch. Lu. 20. Ga-frisahtnan, vb. to resem
20, 26; Jo. 7. 30; 12. 35. ble; hence to be formed (in re
Ga-fahrjan, vb. to prepare, Lu. semblance), Gal. 4. 19.
1. 17. Ga-frithon, vb. to reconcile,
Ga-faihon, vb. to make a gain 2 Cor. 5. 18, 19; Eph. 2. 16;
of; marg. gloss to ga-aiginondau, Col. 1. 20, 21.
2 Cor. 2. 11. Ga-fritiions, str. sb. f reconci
Ga-fairinon* 6. to accuse. Cf. liation, 2 Cor. 5. 18, 19.
fairan, fairinon. Der. un-ga- Ga-fulgins, hidden, Lu. 18. 34;
fairinonds. 19. 42; Col. 1. 26; 3. 3. Cf.
Ga-fastan, vb. to hold fast, keep, filhan.
Lu. 2. 19; 18. 21; Jo. 17. Ga-fcllaweisjan, vb. to make
6; &c. known fully, Lu. 1. 1. From
Ga-faurds, str. sb. m. chief coun weis.
cil, Sanhedrim, Mk. 14. 55; Ga-fulljan, vb. to fill, Lu. 1. 15;
15. 1. 5. 7; Mk. 15. 36; Jo. 6. 13.
Ga-falrs, adj. sober, well be Ga-fullnan, 6. to become full,
haved, 1 Tim. 3. 2, 11. be filled. Mk. 4. 37 ; Lu. 1. 41,
Ga-fehaba. adv. honestly, 1 Th. 67; 8. 23.
4. 12. Ga-gaggan, vb. (pt. t. ga-iddja), to
Ga-feteins. str. sb. f. adorn come together, resort, Mk. 6.
ment, apparel, 1 Tim. 2. 9. 30; Lu. 8. 4; Jo. 18. 2; refl.
Cf. fetjan. Mk. 3. 20; to come to pass,
Ga-filh. str. sb. n. burial, Jo. Mk. 11. 23; to conduce, Phil.
12. 7. 1. 19. Der. samath-gagaggan.
Ga-fiLhan, vb. to hide, bury, Ga-gahaftjan, vb. to fit together
87 -N SIK Ga-hamon 88

closely, to compact, Eph. 4. 16. Gaggja*, see faura-gaggja,

From haban. Gaggs, str. sb. m. a way, a street,
Ga-galeikon sik, vb. refl. to liken Mk. 6. 56; 11. 4. Der. at-
oneself, make oneself resemble, gaggs. [Germ, gang ]
2 Cor. 11. 13, 14. Ga-grefts, str. sb. f. a decree,
Ga-gamainjan, vb. to make com Lu. 2. 1; in ga-greiftai ist
mon, defile, Mk. 7. 23. Cf. ga- (nQoxtuai), is set forth, is
mains. present, 2 Cor. 8. 12.
Ga-gatilon, vb. to join together Ga-gi'daba, ado. godly, piously,
closely and well, Eph. 2. 21; 2 Tim. 3. 12. From guth.
4. 16. Ga-gudei, wk. sb. f. godliness,
Ga - GaWaIrthJan , vb. to recon piety, holiness, 1 Tim. 3. 16;
cile; but in 1 Cor. 7. 11 t 4. 8; 6. 6, 11. From guth.
rather means to reconcile one Ga-guds, adj. godly, pious, Mk.
self. See next word. 15. 43. From guth.
Ga-gawairthnan, vb. to be re Ga-haban, vb. to have, hold, pos
conciled, 2 Cor. 5. 20. sess, Mk. 10. 23 ; hold fast, re
Ga-geigan, vb. to win, gain, Mk. tain, detain, Lu. 4. 42; 8. 15;
8. 36; Lu. 9. 25; 1 Cor. 9. to lay hold on, Mk. 3. 21; 6.
1922. 17. Der. un-gababands.
Gagga*, in comp, faura-gagga, Ga-haftjan sik, vb. refl. to
q. v. cleave to, join oneself to, Lu.
Gaggan, vb. (pt. U iddja, and once 15. 15. Cf. gaga-baftjan.
gaggida, Lu. 19. 12; pi. iddje- Ga-haftnan, vb. neut. to cleave
dum; pt. p. gaggans), to gang, to, adhere, Lu. 10. 11.
go, go one's way, Mk. 3. 6; 7. Ga-hahjo, adv. in order, con
29; 10. 21; 16. 7; &c.; used to nectedly, Lu. 1. 3. From
translate very many different hahan.
words, as: vnytiv, azoi^iiv, Ga-hailjan, vb. to heal. Mk. 1.
nnotvtaOai, . r. . ; gaggan 34; 3. 10; 6. 13; &c.
afar, to go after, to follow, Mk. Ga-hailnan, vb. to become whole,
2. 14; 5. 24; 14. 13. Der. ga- to be healed, Mat. 8. 8; Mk. 5.
gaggan, af-gaggan, afar-gaggan, 29; Lu. 7. 7; 8. 47.
mith - afargaggan , ana-gaggan, Ga-hails (XxXiQOi), adj. whole,
at-gaggan, du-at-gaggan, inn-at- 1 Thess. 5. 23.
gaggan, faur-gaggan, faur-bi- Ga-hait, str. sb. n. a promise,
gaggan, faura-gaggan, inn-gag- Rom. 9. 8; Eph. 1. 13; 3. 6;
gan, mith -gaggan, thairh -gag Gal. 3. 29; Ac.
gan, ufar-gaggan, us-gaggan, Ga haitan, vb. to call together,
ut- gaggan, withra- gaggan, Mk. 15. 16; Lu. 9. 1; 15. 9;
gagga, faura-gagga, faura- to promise, Mk. 14. 11; Tit. 1.
gaggi, gaggs, at-gaggs, fram- 2; to profess, 1 Tim. 2. 10.
gahts, inn-at-gahts, un-at-gahts. Der faura-gahaitan.
Cf. leithan, sniwan. [G. gehen; Ga-hamon, vb. to clothe oneself
D. gaan; Scot, gang.] , with, put on, Rom. 13. 14;
Gaggi* m comp, faura-gaggi, 1 Cor. 15. 53; Eph. 4. 24:
q. v. Col. 3. 10, &c.
Ga-hardjas Gairuni

Ga-hardjan, vb. to harden, Rom. Ga-hweilan, vb. to remain a

9. 18. while, to rest, Lu. 10. 6; to
Ga-haunjan, 6. to humble, cease, 1 Cor. 13. 8.
2 Cor. 12. 21; Phil. 2. 8. Ga-hweitjan, vb. to whiten, Mk.
[Cf. G. hhnen.] 9. 3.
Ga-hauseins, str. sb. f. hearing, Ga-hwotjan, vb. to rebuke, Mk.
Rom. 10. 17; Gal. 3. 2. 1. 43; 9. 25; Lu. 4. 35; 9. 21,
Ga-hausjan, vb. to hear, Mk. 5. 32. Cf. hwatan.
27; 7. 25; Lu. 7. 3; &c. Gaiainna, 6. Gehenna, Mat. 5.
Ga-hilpan, vb. to help, 2 Cor. 22; &c.; Mk. 9. 43, 45, 47.
6. 2. Ga-ibnjan, vb. to make even, Lu.
Ga-hlaiba, wk. sb. m. a partaker 19. 44.
of one's loaf, messmate; hence Ga-idreigon, vb. to repent, Lu.
a fellow-disciple, Jo. 11. 16; a 10. 13.
fellow-soldier, Phil. 2. 25. Gaidw, str. sb. n. that which is
Ga-hnaiwjan, vb. to humble, lacking, want, defect, 2 Cor. 9.
Lu. 1. 52; 3. 5; 14. 11; 18. 14. 12; Phil. 2. 30; Col. 1. 24.
Ga-hobains, str. sb. f. temperance, Gai-grot, wept. From gretan.
self-restraint, Gal. 5. 23. From Gailjan, vb. with acc. to make
haban. Der. un-gahobains. glad, 2 Cor. 2. 2.
Ga-horinon, vb. to whore, com Gairda, str. sb. f. a girdle, Mk.
mit whoredom, Mat. 5. 28. 1. 6; 6. 8.
Ga-hraineins, str. sb.f. cleansing, Gairdan*, vb. (perf. gard; pi.
Mk. 1. 44; Lu. 5. 14. gaurdum: pp. gaurdans), to
Ga-hrainjan, vb. to cleanse, Mat. gird. Der. bi-gairdan, uf-gair-
8. 2; Mk. 1. 40; 7. 19, &c. dan, gairda, gards, garda-wald-
Der. faura-gahrainjan. ands, aurti-gards, weina-gards,
Gahts*, sb. a going; front gag- midjun- gards, in-gardeis, in-
gan. See inna- gahts, unat- gardja, thiudan -gardi, garda,
gahts, fram-gahts. mith-garda-waddjus. [G. grten;
Ga-hugjan, vb. to think, deem, E. gird; D. gorden.]
consider, 1 Tim. 1. 12. Der. Gairnei, wk. sb. f. yearning, long
faura-gahugjan. ing, desire, 2 Cor. 7. 7, 11; 8.
Ga-hugds, str. sb. f. a thought, 19; 9. 2. From geiran. Der.
Lu. 1. 51; the thought, L e. the faihu-gairnei. [E. yearning ]
mind, Mk. 12. 30; Lu. 10. 27; Gairnjan, vb. with gen. to yearn
conscience, 1 Tim. 3. 9. Cf. for, long for, desire, wish, Mk.
hugs. 11. 3; Lu. 15. 16; 17. 22; &c.
Ga-huljan, vb. to conceal, hide, See geiran. [E. yearn.]
Mat. 8. 24; 10. 26; Lu. 9. Gairns*, adj. yearning for. From
45; &c. geiran. Der. faihu-gairns, faihu-
Ga-hwairbs, adj. pliant; hence gairnei, seinai-gairns.
obedient, Skeir. 6. 25. Der. un- Gairu, str. sb. n. a thorn; at
galiwairbs; see hwairban. gloss to hnuto, 2 Cor. 12. 7.
Ga-hweilains , str. sb. f. respite Gairuni, str. sb- n. an (evil) yearn
for a while, rest, 2 Cor. 2. 13; ing, lust, 1 Thess. 4. 5. From
7. 5. geiran.

Gaisjan*, vb. in un-gaisjan, q. v. subject oneself, Gal. 2. 5;

Cf. geisan. 1 Cor. 15. 28; ga-kunnands,
Gaitein, str. sb. n. a little goat, by permission, 1 Cor. 7. 6.
a kid, La. 15. 29. Ga-kunths, str. sb. f. only in
Gaiteins, adj. belonging to a phrase: uf ga-kunthai, in be
goat, the neuter of which is used coming known, in appearance (?)
to mean a kid. See gaitein. (nxonhoi), Lu. 3. 23.
Gaitsa, str. sb. f. a goat, Nehem. Ga-kusts, str. sb. f. proof, trial,
5. 18. Der. gaitein, gaiteins. test, 2 Cor. 9. 13. From kiusan.
[G. geiss; E. goat; D. geit.] Ga-kwiman, vb. to come together,
Ga-jiukan, vb. to overcome, con Mat. 27. 17; Mk. 2. 2; 7. 1;
quer, Jo. 16. 33; Rom. 12. 21; followed by in with dat., to ar
to beguile, Col. 2. 18. rive at, attain to , Phil. 3. 1 1 ;
Ga-juk, str. sb. n. (lit. a yoke), a gakwimith (Lat. convenit), it is
pair, Lu. 2. 24. fit, Col. 3. 18.
Ga-juka, wk. sb. m. one who is Ga-kwiss, str. sb. f. consent,
yoked with one, a. yoke-fellow, 1 Cor. 7. 5. From kwithan.
comrade, 2 Cor. 6. 14; Phil. 4. Ga-kwiss, adj. (used with wisan),
3; 2 Tim. 2. 1. consenting; ga-kwiss im, I con
Ga-juko, wk. sb. f. that which sent, admit, Rom. 7. 16. From
yoked or paired; hence a com kwithan.
parison, parable, Mk. 3. 23; 4. Ga-kwithan, vb. refl. to agree
2; 12. 1; &c. among themselves, Jo. 9. 22.
Ga-juko, wk. sb. n. a yoke-fellow; Cf. ga-kwiss.
put for ga-juka in Phil. 4. 3. Ga-kwiujan, vb. to quicken, make
Ga-kannjan, vb. to make known, alive, 2 Cor. 3. 6; 1 Tim. 6.
Lu. 2. 17; Jo. 15. 15; Col. 1. 13. Der. mith-gakwiujan.
8; to praise; but used as equal Ga-kwifnan, vb. to be quickened,
to be praised, 2 Cor. 12. 11. be made alive again, Lu. 15.
Ga-karan, vb. to take care of, 24, 32; Rom. 7. 9; 1 Cor. 15.
1 Tim. 3. 5. 22. From kwius.
Ga-kausjan, vb. to prove, try, Ga-kwumths, str. sb. f. the coun
test, prove by testing, 2 Cor. cil, sanhedrim, assembly, Mat.
8. 22. From kiusan. 5. 22; 6. 2; 9. 35; us ga-
Ga-khtsan, vb. to prove by test kwumths dreiban, to put out
ing, try, approve, Rom. 12. 2; of the synagogue, Jo. 16. 2;
2 Cor. 13. 7; Eph. 5. 10; From kwiman. Der. mith-ga-
1 Tim. 3. 10. Der. nn-gaku- kwumths.
sans. Ga-lagjan, vb. to lay, lay down,
Ga-kroton, vb. to maim, to set, place, make (with double
break (the limbs of any one). ace), Mk. 12. 36; Lu. 20. 43.
Lu. 20. 18. See also Lu. 2. 7 ; 5. 18; Mk.
Ga-kunds, str. sb. f. persuasion, j 11. 7; &c.; to lay up, 1 Tim.
Gal. 5. 8. From kunnan. 4. 8. From ligan.
Ga-klnnan, vb. to know, Lu. Ga-laisjan, vb. to teach, 1 Tim.
8. 17; 19. 15; to consider, Mat. 2. 12; to instruct, Lu. 1.
6. 28; to read, Mk. 12. 26; to 4; refl. to learn, 1 Tim. 2.

11; 2 Tim. 3. 14. From Ga-leiki, ttr. sb. n. likeness. Rom.

leisen. 8. 3; Phil. 2. 7. From leiks.
Ga-laista, wk. sb. . a follower, Ga-leikinon, vb. to heal, Lu. 8.
ga-laista wairthan, to follow, 43 ; (with gen. of the disease),
Mk. 1. 36; ga-laista wisan, to Lu. 8. 2.
follow, Gal. 6. 16. Cf. laists. Ga-leiko, adv. like, on an
Ga-laistjan, vb. with acc. to fol equality with; in phrase wisan
low, Rom. 12 13; 1 Tim. 4. galeiko gutha, to be equal to
/. 6. From laists. God; but M. reads: wisan, sik
Ga-latjan, vb. to let, hinder, galeiko(n) gutha, which seems
Gal. 5. 7. [So S.; but M. has better, Phil. 2. 6.
latida; from latjan.] Ga-leikon . vb. to liken , Mat. 7.
Ga-lathon, vb. to invite, Lu. 15. 24; Mk. 4. 30; Lu. 7. 31; with
6; to take to one's home, take or without sik, to be like, re
in, Mat. 25. 38; to call, 1 Cor. sembled, be conformed to, Rom.
1. 24; 7. 21. 12. 2; Mat. 6. 8; to imitate,
Ga-laubeins, str. sb. f. belief, Skeir. 1. 25. From leikan See
faith, Mat. 9. 22; Mk. 5. 34; ga-leiko. Der. in-galeikon,
10. 52; Lu. 7. 50; &c. From mith-galeikon, thairh-galeikon.
Hubs. Der. un-galaubeins. [G. Ga-leiks, adj. like. Mk. 7.8; 14.
glaube; cf. E. be-lief.] 70; Lu. 6. 47; &c. See leiks.
Ga-laubeins, adj. believing, Tit. 1 . 6. [G. gleich.]
Ga-laubjan, 6 to believe, Mat. Ga-leithan, vb. to go, come
27. 42; Mk. 11. 31; &c. From (answering to many Oreek verbs),
Hubs. Der. un-galaubjands. Mk. 5. 38; 11. 11; 12. 12; 14.
[G. glauben ] 10; &c., &c. Der. inn-galeithan,
Ga- LaubS, adj. valuable, costly, mith-inn-galeithan.
precious, 1 Cor. 7. 23; Rom. 9. Ga-lewjan (naQfjeip) , vb. to
21. From Hubs. Der. un-ga- present, Lu. 6. 29; to betray,
laubs, filu-galaubs. Mk. 14. 10; Jo. 18. 36; 19.
Ga-lai'gnjan, 6. to lie hid, be 11; &c.
hid, Mk. 7. 24; Lu. 8. 47; refl. Galga, wk. sb. m. a cross. Mk.
to hide oneself, Lu. 1. 24. 8. 34; 10. 38; 15. 21. Cf.
From Hugan. hramjan. [G. galgen; E. gal
Ga-lai sjan, vb. to loose, loosen, lows ]
Mk. 5. 4; to deliver, set free, Ga-liginon, vb. to make a gain
Lu. 1. 74; to get again, receive of, take advantage of, a MS.
again, Lu. 19. 23; to guard, reading in 2 Cor. 2. 11: gali-
2 Thess. 3. 3. From liusan. ginondau, for which ga-aigi-
Ga-leika, wk. sb. m. one of the nondau is proposed. See ga-
same body with, Eph. 3. 6. aiginon.
Ga-leikan, vb. to please, Mk. 6. Ga-ligri, str. sb. n., consumma
22; Rom. 8. 8; galeikaith mis, tion of marriage, Rom. 9. 10.
it seems good to me, Lu. 1. 3; From ligan.
1 Cor. 1. 21; to take pleasure Ga-lisan, vb. to collect, gather
in, Mk. 1. 11; Lu. 3. 22. Der. together, Mk. 4. 1; 13. 27; Lu.
faura-galeikan. 17. 37; Jo. 6. 13.
95 Ga-liuoa Ga-macdjan

Ga-lIUGa 0 ga-l1UG, str. sb. . j defile, Mk. 7. 15; 18. 20; to

a lie; ga-Iing taujan, to falsify, communicate, Gal. 6. 6; Phil.
2 Cor. 4. 2; ga-liug weitwod- 4. 15; to distribute, Rom. 12.
jan, to bear false witness. Mk. 13; to partake of, 1 Cor.
14. 56; an idol, 1 Cor. 5. 10; ! 10. 18.
8. 10; 10. 19. Ga-mains, adj. common, Tit. 1.4;
Ga-liUga-apai/staui.us, str. sb. m. unclean, Mk. 7. 2; Rom. 14. 14;
a false apostle, 2 Cor. 11. 13. I partaking of, Rom. 11. 17; ga-
Ga-i.iuga-brothar , str. sb. m. a mains bringan, the same as ga-
false brother, Gal. 2. 4; 2 Cor. mainjan, Phil. 4. 14. [G. ge
11. 26. mein; A. S. gemcene.]
Ga-I.11'Ga- ChRIstUs, str. sb. m. Ga-mainths, str. sb. f. assembly,
a false Christ, Mk. 13. 22. multitude, Nehem. 5. 13. [6.
Ga-lIUGa-PraUFeTUs, str. 6. m. gemeinde.]
a false prophet, Mk. 13. 22; Ga-maitano (.o/1), sb. f.
La. 6. 26. concision, Phil. 3. 2.
Ga- mugan, vb. to marry, Mk. Ga-malteins, str. sb. f. release,
6. 17. departure, 2 Tim. 4. 6. [A gloss
Ga-i.iugs, adj. lying, false. See to diswissais is gamalteinais.]
2 Cor. 4. 2, where it is doubt Ga-malwjan, vb. to grind like
ful, whether galing is a sb. or wheat, bruise, crush ; gamalwi-
an adj. dans hairtin. brokenhearted.
Ga-lilhtjan, vb. to enlighten, Lu. 4. 18.
bring to light, 1 Cor. 4. 5; Ga-man, str. sb. n. a fellow-man,
2 Tim. 1. 10. comrade, companion, Lu. 5. 7 ;
Ga-lubs, adj. costly, 1 Tim. 2. 2 Cor. 8. 23; 13. 13.
9. From liubs. Cf. ga-laubs. Ga-manwjan, vb. to prepare, make
Ga-lukan , vb. to lock ; hence to ready, Mat. 11. 10; Mk. 1. 2;
shut, close, Mat. 6. 6; 27. 66; Lu. 6. 40; 7. 27. Der. faura-
to shut up, Lu. 3. 20; to en- I gamanwjan.
close, Rom. 11. 32; Lu. 5. 6. Ga-marko, sb. f. a neighbour to,
Ga-luknan, vb. to be locked or on the confines of (fit on the
closed, Lu. 4. 25. same marches with); hence
Ga-magan, vb. to have might or neighbouring to, answering to.
force, to avail, Gal. 5. 6. Gal. 4. 25.
Ga-maids, adj. bruised, Lu. 4. 19; Ga-marzeins, str. sb. f. a
maimed, Lu. 14. 13, 21. stumbling block, Rom. 9. 33;
Ga-maindi'ths, str. sb. f. com 14. 13; 1 Cor. 1. 23.
munion, fellowship, 1 Cor. 10. Ga-marzjan, vb. to offend; pass.
16; 2 Cor. 6. 14; 9. 13; Phil. to be offended, Mat. 11. 6; Lu.
2. 1; 3. 10. 7. 23; Jo. 6. 61.
Ga-mainei, wk. sb. f. communion, Ga-matjan, vb. to eat, Mk. 8. 8;
Gal. 2. 9; fellowship, partici Lu. 17. 8.
pation in, 2 Cor. 8. 4. Ga-maldeins, str. sb. f. remem
Ga-mainja, wk. sb. m. a partaker, brance, 2 Tim. 1. 5.
1 Tim. 5. 22. Ga-maudjan, vb. to cause to
Ga-mainjan. vb. to make common, remember, to remind. Jo. 14.

26; 2 Tim. 1. 6; 2. 14; Skeir. dared; see nanthjan), evidently

7. 21. by error for a word meaning
Ga-maurgjan, vb. to curtail, cut ended, perhaps ga-andida.
short, Mk. 13. 20; Rom. 9. 28. Ga-nasjan, vb. to save, Mk. 8.
Ga-meleins, str. sb. f. a writing; 35; 10. 52; to heal, Lu. 4.
esp. the scripture, Jo. 7. 38, 18; 6. 19. From nisan. [Cf.
42; 2 Cor. 3. 7; 1 Tim. 5. 18. G. genesen.]
Ga-meljan, vb. to write, Mk. 1. Ga-natjan, vb. to make wet, to
2; 7. 6; 12. 10; &c. Der. wet, Lu. 7. 44. [G. benetzen.]
faura-gameljan, inna-gameljan. Ga-naUha, wk. sb. f. sufficiency,
Ga-mikiljan, vb. to make much contentment, 2 Cor. 9. 8; 1 Tim.
(or mickle) of, to' magnify, en 6. 6. From nahan.
large, Lu. 1. 58. Ga-nawistron, vb. to bury, 1 Cor.
Ga-minthi, str. sb. n. a minding, 15. 4. From naus. Der. mith-
remembrance, 2 Tim. 1. 3; ganawistron.
1 Th. 3. 6. From minan. Ga-niman, . to take, take with
Ga-mitan, vb. to mete, measure one, Mk. 5. 40; 9. 2; Lu. 9.
out, 2 Cor. 10. 13. [G. messen; 28; to receive, possess, 1 Cor.
E mete.] 15. 50; to conceive, Lu. 1. 31;
Ga-mitons, str. sb. f. an intention, 2. 21 ; to learn, Mat. 9. 13; Jo.
Eph. 2. 3. From mitan. (S.) 6. 45.
Ga-motan, vb. to have room, find Ga-nipnan, vb. to mourn, be sor
room, have place, Mk. 2. 2; rowful, Mk. 10. 22.
Jo. 8. 37; 2 Cor. 7. 2. Ga-nisan, 6. to become whole,
Ga-motjan, uo. to meet, Mk. 5. 2; Mat. 9. 21 ; Mk. 5. 28; to be
14. 13; Lu. 14. 31; 17. 12. saved, Jo. 10. 9; Rom. 9. 27.
Der. withra-gamotjan. [Cf. G. genesen.]
Ga-munan, vb. to mind, to remem Ga-nists, str. sb. m. health, sal
ber, Mk. 8. 18; Lu. 17. 32; Jo. vation, Rom. 10. 10; 11. 11;
15. 20; &c. From minan. Phil. 1. 19, 28.
Ga-munds, str. sb. f. remembrance, Ga-nithjis, str. sb. m. a kinsman,
Mk. 14. 9; 1 Cor. 11. 24; Eph. Lu. 1. 58; 2. 44; Mk. 6. 4.
1. 16. From minan. Ga-niutan, . to net, catch with
Ga-nagljan, vb. to nail, Col. 2. nets, Lu. 5. 9 ; to catch, Mk.
14. [G. nageln; E. nail.] 12. 13.
Ga-nah, impers vb. 'tis enough, Gann, began; from ginnan.
it suffices, Mat. 10. 25; Jo. 14. Ga-nohjan, vb. to be contented
8; 2 Cor. 2. 6; 12. 9. From (gloss to waldaith), Lu. 3. 14;
ga-nahan. Phil. 4. 1 1 ; ufarassau g. , to
Ga-nahan, vb. to be enough, to abound, Eph. 1. 8. From nahan.
suffice. See ga-nah. [G. gengen.]
Ga-naitjan, vb. to maltreat, Ga-nohnan, vb. to be very well
handle shamefully, Mk. 12. 4. provided with, to abound, 1 Th.
Ga-namjan, vb. to name, Skeir. 3. 12.
2. 24. Ga-nohs, adj. sufficient, numerous,
Ga-nanthjan, vb- In Lu. 5. 4 Lu. 7. 11; 20. 9; Jo. 6. 7;
the MS. has ga-nanthida (i. e. 1 Cor. 11. 30. [G. genug.] .
W. W. 8ket, Mao-Qothlc Qlonarj. 4
99 Gansjan Ga-saihwan 100

Gansjan, 6. to trouble, molest. Garda-waldands, str. sb. m. the

Gal. 6. 17. master of a bouse, a house
Ga-paidon, 6. to clothe oneself holder, Mat. 10. 25; Lu. 14.
with, pat od, Eph. 6. 14. 21. From gairdan and waldan.
Ga-raginon, vb. to counsel, give Gard(e)is*; in comp. in-gard(e)is,
counsel to, Jo. 18. 14. q. v.
Ga-rahnjan, vb. to value, esti Gardi*; in comp, thiudan-gardi,
mate the price of, Mat. 27. 9. q. v.
Ga-raideins, str. sb. f. an ordi Gards, str- sb. m. a house, Lu.
nance, rule, authority, Rom. 13. 8. 39; 14. 23; 19. 46; &c. [E.
2; 9. 4; 2 Cor. 10. 13; Gal. yard.]
6. 16. Ga-redaba, 'adv. honestly, in a
Ga-raidjan, vb. to enjoin, com well conducted manner, Rom.
mand, 1 Cor. 16. 1; Tit. 1. 5. 13. 13.
Ga- raids, adj. enjoined, com Ga-redan, vb. to provide for one
manded, Lu. 3. 13. [Cf. G. self, provide, 2 Cor. 8. 21. Der.
bereit.] faura-garedan.
Ga-raihtaba, adv. righteously, Ga-rehsns, str. sb. f. a set time,
rightly, 1 Cor. 15. 34; 1 Th. Gal. 4. 2; counsel, instruction,
2. 10. From raihts. Skeir. 1. 7, 19; 2. 20; 3. 3.
Ga-raihtei, wk. sb. f. righteous Ga-rinnan, vb. to run together,
ness, Mat. 5. 20; Lu. 1. 6; come together, Mk. 1. 33; 14.
Rom. 8. 4; 10. 6; &c. Der. 53; Lu. 5. 15; to go, Jo. 12.
un-garaihtei. 11; to meet together, Eph.
Ga-raihteins, str. sb. f. the same 4. 13.
as ga-raihtei. Ga-riudi, str. sb. n. honesty, de
Ga-raihtitha, str. sb. f. righteous cent behaviour, 1 Tim. 2. 2.
ness, Jo. 16. 8, 10; Rom. Ga-riudjo, wk. sb. /. bashfulness,
10. 10. shamefastness, 1 Tim. 2. 9.
Ga-raihtjan, vb. to make right, Ga-riuds, adj. modest, honest,
prepare, direct, Lu. 1. 79; 1 Th. well behaved, 1 Tim. 3. 2, 8,
3. 11; 2 Th. 3. 5; to justify, 11; Phil. 4. 8.
1 Cor. 4. 4. Der. at-garaihtjan. Ga-runi, str sb. n. counsel, Mat.
[G. richten.] 27. 1, 7; Mk. 3. 6; 15. 1.
Ga-raihts, adj. right, just, Ga-runjo , wk. sb. f. a flood, in
righteous, Lu. 1. 17; 2. 25; undation, Lu. 6. 48. From
7. 29; &c. [G. gerecht; E. rinnan. Cf. flodus. [E. run.]
right.] Ga-runs, str. sb. f. the place
Ga-rathjan, 6. to reckon, num where people run together or
ber, Mat. 10. 30. congregate, market-place, Lu.
Ga-razna, wk. sb. m. a neighbour, 7. 32; a street, Mat. 6. 2.
Lu. 14. 12; 15. 6; Jo. 9. 8. From rinnan.
From razn. Ga-sahts, str. sb.f. reproof, 2 Tim.
Ga-razno, wk. sb. f. a female 3. 16; Skeir. 8. 7. From sakan.
neighbour, Lu. 15. 9. Ga-saihwan, vb. to see, behold,
Garda, wk. sb. m. a yard, fold, Mat. 11. 4; Mk. 3. 11; 5. 15;
Jo. 10. 1. Lu. 5. 27 ; &c. Der. du-gasaih
101 Ga-sakan Ga-sniwan 1 02

wan, un-gasaihw>ns, us-gasaih- 17. 24; Rom. 8. 39. From

wan. skapan.
Ga-sakan, vb. to reprove, rebuke. Ga-skaidan, vb. to part, separate,
Mat. 8. 26 ; Mk. 4. 39 ; lu. 4. 2 Th. 3. 6. [G. scheiden.]
39; <Sbc. Ga-skaidei(ns), sb. f. parting,
Ga-salbon, vb. to salve, anoint, separation, difference, Rom.
Mk. 6. 13; 16. 1; Lu. 4. 18; 10. 12.
7. 38; Jo. 12. 3. [G. salben; Ga-skaidnan, vb. to become part
E. salve.] ed, separated, or divorced, 1 Cor.
Ga-saljan, vb. to sacrifice, offer 7. 11.
up as sacrifice, 1 Cor. 8. 10; Ga-skalki, str. sb.n. fellow-servant,
10. 28; Skeir. 1. 5. Col. 1. 7; 4. 7. [G. schalt]
Ga-sandjan, vb. to unite in send Ga-skaman sik, vb. refl. to be
ing; hence, to accompany, 1 Cor. ashamed, 2 Th. 3. 14.
16. 6; 2 Cor. 1. 16. From sin- Ga-kkapjan, vb. to shape, create,
than. Der. faura-gasandjan. make, Mk. 13. 19; Col. 3. 10;
Ga-sateins, str. sb. f. foundation, 1 Tim. 4. 3 ; pass, to be made,
Eph. 1. 4. From sitan. Mk. 2. 27.
Ga-satjan, vb. to set, place, Lu. Ga-skathjan, vb. to scathe, in
7. 8; 8. 16; to lay, found, Lu. jure, Lu. 4. 35; 10. 19; 2 Cor.
6. 48; 14. 29; to let down, Lu. 7. 2; Gal. 4. 12.
5. 19. From sitan. Der. faura- Ga-skeirjan, vb. to make sheer
gasatjan, mith-gasatjan. [G. or clear, to interpret, Mk. 5.
setzen; E. set.] 41; 15. 22; Jo. 9. 7.
Ga-sibjon, vb. to reconcile one Ga-skohi, str. sb. n. a pair of
self to, be reconciled to, Mat. 5. shoes, sandals, Lu. 10. 4; 15.
24. Cf. sibis, sibja. 22. [S. has the form gaskoh.]
Ga-siggkwan, vb. to sink, Mk. 1. Ga-skohs, adj. shod, Mk. 6. 9;
32; to sink under, be swallowed Eph. 6. 15.
up by, 2 Cor. 2. 7. Ga-slawan, vb. to be silent, Mk.
Ga-sigljan, vb. to seal, confirm 4. 39.
by sealing, Jo. 6. 27; Eph. 1. Ga-sleithjan, vb. to slight, injure;
13; 4. 30. with sik, to be injured in, suf
Ga-sinth(j)a, wk. sb. m. one fer the loss of, Mk. 8. 36; Lu.
who is sent with another, tra 9. 25; pass, to receive damage,
velling companion, Lu. 2. 44; 2 Cor. 7. 9; Phil. 3. 8.
2 Cor. 8. 19. From sinthan. Ga-slepan, vb. to sleep, to fall
Der. mith-gasintha. asleep, Jo. 11. 11; 1 Cor. 11.
Ga-sitan, vb. to set oneself down, 30; 15. 6, 18, 20.
to sit down, sit, Mk. 4. 1; 11. Ga-smeitan, vb. to besmut, be
7; Lu. 4. 20; Jo. 12. 14. smear, anoint, Jo. 9. 6.
Ga-skadweins, str. sb. f. that Ga-smithon, vb. (to do smith's
which shades, clothing, 1 Tim. work), to work , 2 Cor.
6. 8. From skadus. 7. 10.
Ga-skafts, str. sb. f. shaping, Ga-sniumjan, vb. to reach (Greek
formation, creation, things (p&vew), 2 Cor. 10. 14.
created, Mk. 10. 6; Jo. Ga-sniwan, vb. to reach, attain
103 Ga-sokjai - 104

to (Greek y&vetv), Rom. 9. 31 ; Der. gasti-gods, gasti-godei. [G.

PhU. 3. 16. D. gast; E. guest.]
Ga-sokjan, 6. to seek, Rom. 10. Ga-sukwon, vb. to season (as with
20; Phil. 4. 17. Cf. sakan. seit), Col. 4. 6. Cf. ga-
Ga-sothjan, vb. to fill, satisfy, supon.
Mk. 8. 4; Lu. 1. 53. From Ga-suljan, vb. to found, lay a
saths. foundetion for, Mat. 7. 25; Lu.
Ga-speiwan, vb. (lit. to spew) to 6. 48; Eph. 3. 18.
spit, Jo. 9. 6. Ga-sunjon, vb. to justify, Lu.
Ga-spillon, vb. to preach, Lu. 7. 35.
9. 60. Ga-supon, vb. to season (as with
Ga-staggkwan, vb. to strike (one's salt), Lu. 14. 34. Cf. ga-su
foot against), Lu. 4. 11. See kwon.
ga-stiggkwan. From stiggkwan. Ga-sweran, vb. to glorify, Jo. 12.
Ga-staldan, vb. to win, gain, pos 16; 13. 31. From swers.
sess, Lu. 18. 12; 1 Cor. 7. 28; Ga-swikunthjan, vb. to manifest,
9. 20; 1 Th. 4. 4. make known, Mk. 3. 12; 2 Cor.
Ga-stalds*, adj. in comp, aglait- 10. 18; Col. 1. 26; pass, to ap
gastalds, q. v. pear, Lu. 19. 11.
Ga-standan, vb. to stand still, Mk. Ga-swiltan, vb. to die, Mat.
10. 49; Lu. 6. 8; 7. 14; 8. 44. 9. 24; Mk. 5. 35; 9. 26; 12.
Der. aftra gestanden. 20; &c. Der. mith-gaswiltan.
Ga-staurknan, vb. to dry up, pine Ga-swinthjan, vb. to strengthen,
away, Mk. 9. 18. Col. 1. 11.
Ga-steigan, vb. to ascend, em Ga-swinthnan, vb. to become
bark, Jo. 6. 24; to descend, strong, Eph. 3. 16.
Rom. 10. 7. Ga-swogjan, vb. to sigh, Mk.
Ga-stiggkwan, vb. to stumble, Jo. 7. 34.
11. 9, 10. Gat, gat; from gitan.
Gasti GOdei, wk.sb.f. hospitality, Ga-taiknjan, vb. to give a token.
Rom. 12. 13. warn, Lu. 3. 7.
Gasti-gods, adj. hospitable (lit. Ga-tairan, vb. (lit. to tear), to
good to guests), 1 Tim. 3. 2; break, destroy, Mat. 5. 17, 19;
Tit. 1. 8. Mk. 14. 58; 15. 29; Jo. 7. 23;
Ga-stojan, 6. to judge, 1 Cor. 10. 35.
5. 3; 2 Cor. 2. 1; also Ga-talzjan, vb. to teach, instruct,
G. & L. upon 2 Th. 3. 2. From 1 Tim. 1. 20. From tilan.
staua. Ga-tamjan, vb. to tame, Mk. 5.
Ga-stothanan (ga-stothan?), vb. 4. From timan.
to make to stand, Rom. 14. 4. Ga-tandjan, vb. to cauterize, sear.
From standen. Der. unga-sto- 1 Tim. 4. 2. From tindan.
thans, af-gastothens. Ga-tarhiths, adj. (pp. of ga-
Ga-straujan, vb. to strew, strew, tarbjen), worthy of blame, Gal.
furnish, Mk. 14. 15. 2. 11; notable, Mat. 27. 16;
Gasts, pi. gesteis, str. sb. m. a manifest, 2 Tim. 3. 9.
stranger, Mat. 25. 38, 43; 27. 7; Ga-tahrjan, vb. to make a shew
Eph. 2. 12, 19; 1 Tim. 5. 10. I of, Col. 2. 15; to mark, 2 Th.
105 Ga-taknjan Ga-tilaba 106

3. 14; to mark with blame, Ga-theihan, vb. to thrive, in

Skeir. 4. 25. crease, flourish, Phil. 4. 10;
Ga- tarnjan, vb. to conceal; at Skeir. 4. 10. [G. gedeihen.]
thaimei ga-tarnith ist dunja, Ga-thiuthjan , vb. to bless, Mk.
they are destitute of the truth. 8. 7; Lu. 9. 16; Eph. 1. 3;
1 Tim. 6. 5. Skeir. 7. 12.
Ga-taSS*, in un-gatass, q. v. Ga-thiwan, vb. to enslave, put in
Ga-taujan, vb. to do, make, Mk. bondage, 1 Cor. 7. 15; 2 Cor.
2. 25; 5. 19; 6^ 20; 9. 13; &c. 11. 20; Gal. 2. 4; to pierce
Gk noieiv, norreiv, xaieoy- through, 1 Tim. 6. 10; man-
#. From tiwaii. nans g., to steal men, kidnap,
Ga-taura, wk. sb. f. a tear, rent, 1 Tim. 1. 10.
Mat. 9. 16; Mk. 2. 21. From Ga-thlahsnan, vb. to be astonish
tairan. ed, to be troubled in mind, Lu.
Ga-taurnan, vb. to become torn ; 1. 29.
hence, to come to naught, be Ga-thlaihan, vb. to take in the
done away, 1 Cor. 13. 8; 2 Cor. arms, caress, Mk. 10. 16; to
3. 7, 11, 13. From tairan. comfort, console, 2 Cor. 2. 7;
Ga-teihan, vb. to teach, tell, an to exhort, 2 Cor. 5. 20; 1 Tim
nounce to, make known to, 5. 1 ; to provide for, 1 Tim.
Mat. 8. 33; 11. 4; Mk. 6. 30; 5. 8.
16. 10; to bring good tidings, Ga-thlaihts , str. sb. /. comfort,
1 Th. 3. 6 Der. faura-gateihan. consolation, Lu. 6. 24.
Ga-temiba, adv. fitly, Skeir. 2. Ga-thliuhan, vb. to flee, Mat. 8.
23. From timan. 33; Mk. 5. 14; 14. 50; 16. 8;
Ga-tewjan, vb. to appoint, 2 Cor. La. 8. 34.
8. 19. From tiwan. Der. un- Ga-thrafsteins, str. sb. f. com
gatewiths. fort, Rom. 15. 4; 2 Cor. 1. 5;
Ga-thagki, str. sb. n. thought; 7. 13; t should have the same
hence, us gathagkja, sparingly, sense in Lu. 4. 19.
2 Cor. 9. 6. Ga-thrafstjan, vb. to comfort,
Ga-thahan, vb. to be silent, Mk. Jo. 11. 19; 2 Cor. 1. 4; 7. 6;
10. 48; Lu. 20. 26. to refresh, 1 Cor. 16. 18.
Ga-thairsan, vb. to wither, Mk. Ga-thrask, str. sb. . a threshing-
3. 1, 3. floor, Lu. 3. 17. From thriskan.
Ga-tharban, vb. to abstain from, Ga-threihan, vb. to throng; hence,
1 Tim. 4. 3. From thaurban. to oppress, 2 Th. 1. 6, 7.
Ga-tharbjan sik, vb. . with Ga-thulan, vb. to suffer, endure,
gen. to be abstemious or tempe Mk. 5. 26; Lu. 17. 25; 2 Tim.
rate with regard to, 1 Cor. 2. 10, 12; 1 Cor. 13. 7. [O. E.
9. 25. thole.]
Ga-thaurbs, adj. temperate, Tit. Ga-thwastjan, vb. to stablish,
1. 8. From thaurban. confirm, 2 Cor. 1. 21; Col. 1.
Ga-thaursnan, vb. to become dry, 23; pp. established, strong,
to wither away, Mk. 4. 6; 5 1 Cor. 16. 13.
29; 11. 21; Lu. 8. 6; Jo. 15. Ga-tilaba, adv. conveniently, Mk.
6. From thairsan. 14. 11. From tilan.
107 Ga-ttlon Ga-wamms 108

Ga-tilon, vb. to obtain, 2 Tim. refl. to become poor, 2 Cor. 8.

2. 10. 9. From leds.
Ga-tils, adj. convenient, Mk. 6. Gaunon, vb. to mourn, lament.
21; fit, Lu. 9. 62. From tilan. Lu. 6. 25; 7. 32; Jo. 16. 20.
Ga-timan, vb. to suit, agree with, [Cf. A. S. geong, sighs.]
Lu. 5. 36. Gaunoths, or GaUnOtha, sb. only
Ga-timreins, str. sb. f. a build in acc. gaunotha, mourning, sor
ing up, edifying, 2 Cor. 12. 19; row, 2 Cor. 7. 7.
13. 10. Gaurei, wk. sb. f. mourning, sor
Ga-timrjan, vb. to build, Mat. 7. row, Phil. 2. 27. From gaurs.
24; Mk. 12. 1; 14. 58; 15. 29; Gauritha, str. sb. f. grief, sor
Lu. 4. 29. Der. mith-gatimrjan. row, Jo. 16. 6. From gaurs.
[A. S. timbrian; cf. E. timber.] Gaurjan, vb. to grieve, make to
Ga-timrjo, wk. sb. f. a building. grieve, Rom. 14. 15; 2 Cor. 2.
2 Cor. 5. 1; Eph. 2. 21. 2; 7. 8; Eph. 4. 30.
Ga-tiuhan, vb. to lead, bring (lit. Gaurs, adj. sorrowful, sad, griev
to tow), Mat. 27. 2; Mk. 14. ed, Mk. 6. 26; 10. 22; Lu. 18.
53; 15. 16; Lu. 4. 9. Der. 23 ; of a sad countenance, Mat.
mith-gatiuhan. 6. 16. Der. gaurei, gauritha,
Ga-trauan, 6. to trust, 2 Cor. gaurjan.
2. 3; 10. 7; Gal. 5. 10; to be Gaut, poured; from giutan.
confident, 2 Cor. 5. 6, 8. [G. Ga-wadjon, vb. to pledge, be
trauen; E. trow.] troth, 2 Cor. 11. 2. From
Ga-trudan, vb. to tread down, widan.
Lu. 8. 5. Ga-wagjan, vb. to make to wag,
Ga-tui-<;jan , vb. to set, confirm. stir, shake, Mk. 13. 25; Lu. 6.
Lu. 9. 51; 'Rom. 15. 8; with 48; to stir to emulation, 2 Cor.
sik, to abide, Rom. 11. 23; 9. 2. Der. un-gawagiths.
pp. steadfast, 2 Cor. 1. 6; Col. Ga-wairpan, vb. to cast, cast
1. 23. down, throw down; Mk. 9. 45;
Gatwo, wk. sb. f. a street, Lu. Lu. 4. 35; to dash, Mk. 9. 18.
14. 21. [O. E. & Sc. gate.] Ga-wairtiieigs, adj. at peace,
Ga-u-hwa-sehwi, whether he saw peaceably disposed. Mk. 9. 50.
ought, Mk. 8. 23; comp, of ga, Ga-wairthi, str. sb. n. peace, Mat.
u, and saihwan. 10. 34; Mk. 5. 34; Lu. 1. 79;
Ga-u-laubjats, do ye believe. 2. 14; &c.
Mat. 9. 28 ; comp, of ga, u, and Ga-waknan, vb. to be awake, Lu.
laubjan. 9. 32.
Gauja, wk. sb. m. the surround Ga-waldan, vb. to rule, bear rule,
ing country, Lu. 3. 3; 8. 37. Mk. 10. 42.
From gawi. Ga-waleins, str. sb. f. choice,
Gaumjan, vb. with dat. to see, Rom. 9. 11; 11. 28.
perceive, behold, observe, Mat. Ga-walis, adj. elect, Col. 3. 12.
9. 11; Mk. 4. 12; to attend to, Ga-waliths, adj. chosen, elect,
1 Tim. 4. 13; pass, to be seen, Mk. 13. 20; Lu. 18.7; 1 Tim. 5.
Mat. 6. 5. Cf. saihwan. - 21. [G. whlen; O. E. & Sc. wale.]
Ga-unledjan, vb- to make poor; Ga-wamms, adj. spotted, tainted;
109 Ga-wandeins Giba
hence, unclean, Rom. 14. 14. Ga-widan, vb. to join together,
[A. S. wem, a spot.] Mk. 10. 9. [G. wetten; D. wed-
Ga- Wandeins, str. th. f. a turn den; E. wed.]
ing, Skeir. 1. 27. Ga-wigan, vb. to make wag
Ga-Wandjan, vb. to turn, Lu. 1. about, to shake up, Lu. 6. 38.
17; to return, Lu. 8. 55; refl. [G. D. bewegen; E. wag.]
to turn oneself, Lu. 7. 44; to GawiLeis, gawilja, adj. willing,
be converted, Mk. 4. 12; &c. 1 Cor. 7. 12, 13; unanimous,
[G. wenden; E. wend.] Rom. 15. 6.
Ga-wargeinS, str. sb. f. con Ga-wtndan*, in du-gawindan, q. v.
demnation, 2 Cor. 7. 3. Ga-winnan, vb. to suffer, Gal.
Ga-wargjan, vb. to condemn, Mk. 3. 4.
10. 33; Rom. 8. 3. Ga-wisan, vb. to remain, stay,
Ga-waseins, str. sb. f. clothing, abide, Lu. 8. 27. Der. mith-
Lu. 9. 29. gawisan.
Ga-wasjan, vb. to clothe, Mat. 11. Ga-wiss, str. sb. f. a joint, Eph.
8; Mk. 1. 6; 5. 15; Lu. 8. 4. 16; Col. 2. 9. From widan.
35; &c. Ga-wizneigs, adj. joyful, glad,
Ga-waurdi, str. sb. n. a word, Rom. 7. 22. From wizon.
conversation, communication, Ga-wrikan, vb. to wreak, avenge,
1 Cor. 15. 33. Lu. 18. 7, 8; Rom. 12. 19.
Ga-waurki, str. sb. n. work, busi Ga-wriskwan, vb. to bear fruit
ness, 2 Tim. 2. 4; gain, Phil. well, bring fruit to perfection,
1. 21; 3. 7; 1 Tim. 6. 6. Lu. 8. 14.
Ga-waurkjan, vb. to work, make, Ga-wundon, vb. to wound, Lu.
Mk. 9. 5; Lu. 1. 68; to do, Lu. 20. 12.
3. 19; to appoint, Mk. 3. Gazaufylakiaun (Greek yaotpv-
14. Xxiov), the treasury, Jo. 8. 20.
Ga-waurstwa, wk. sb. m. a fellow- Gazds, str. sb. m. a goad, prick,
worker, 2 Cor. 1. 24; 8. 23; sting, 1 Cor. 15. 55, 56.
Phil. 2. 25; 4. 3. Geigan*, geiggan*, vb. with acc.
Ga-waurts, adj. rooted, Eph. to make use of (?). Der. ga-
3. 18. geigan, ga-geiggan. [Cf. O. E.
Ga-weihan, vb. to consecrate, gain, to profit.]
sanctify, make holy, Jo. 10. 36; Geiran*, vb. (perf. gair, pi. gai-
1 Cor.' 7. 14; Eph. 5. 26. [G. rum, pp. gairans), to yearn for,
weihen.] desire. Der. faihu-geiro, faihu-
Ga-weison, 6. to visit, Mat. 25. geironjan, gairuni, gairns, faihu-
43; Lu. 1. 68; 7. 16; to seek gairnei, seina-gairns, gairnjan.
out, Nehem. 7. 1. [G. begehren; D. begeeren; cf.
Ga-wenjan, vb. to ween, suppose, E. yearn.]
Lu. 7. 43. From wens. Geisan*, vb. (perf. gais, pi. gisum,
Gawi, str. sb. n. a province, pp. gisans), to make aghast,
country, region, Mat. 8. 28; terrify. Der. us-geisnan, us-
Mk. 6.' 55; Lu. 4. 14; 8. 26; gaisjan. [Cf. E aghast.]
15. 14. Der. gauja. [G. Getum, we gat; from gitan.
.] Gra, str. sb. f. a gift, Mat. 5. 24.
Ill Giban Gras 112

Rom. 11. 29; 1 Cor. 7. 7; , Glaggwuba, adv. as glaggwaba,

2 Cor. 1. 11. accurately, Lu. 1. 3.
Giban, vb. (perf. gaf. pi. gebom, Glaggwus*. adj. diligent. Der.
pp. gibans), to give, Mat. 5. glaggwaba. [G. glau; A. S.
81; 6. 11; 9. 8; 25. 42; &c.; gledw.]
gibands, the giver, 2 Cor. 9. 7. Glitmunjan, vb. to shine, glitter,
Der. af- giban, at -giban, fra- glister, Mk. 9. 3. [G. gleissen;
giban, us-giban, giba, fra-gifts, D. glinsteren; E. glitter.]
gabei, gabigs, gabigaba, gabig- Goda-kunds, adj. of good kin,
jan, gabignan. [G. geben; D. of noble birth. Lu. 19. 12.
geven; E. give.] From goths and kuni.
Gibla, sb. m. a gable, pinnacle. Godei, wk. sb. f. goodness, virtue,
Lu. 4. 9. [G. giebel; D. gevei] Phil. 4. 8.
Gibts*, in fra-gibts, Lu. 1. 27. Gods, see goths.
Gif, give thou; from giban. Goleins. str. sb. f. greeting, Lu.
Gifts*, in fra-gifts, q. v. 1. 29, 41, 44; 1 Cor. 16. 21;
Gild, str. sb. n. pay, tribute- Col. 4. 18; 2 Th. 3. 17.
money, tribute, Lu. 20. 22. Goljan, vb. with acc. to salute,
Gildan*, vb. to yield, pay. Der. greet, Mat. 5. 47; Lu. 1. 40;
fra-gildan, us-gildan, gild, kai- 10. 4; &c. Der. goleins.
sara-gild, gilstr. gilstra-meleins. Goths, gods. adj. good, Mat. 5.
[G. gelten; D. geden; E. yield] 45; 7. 17; Lu. 8. 8; &c. Der.
Gilstr, str. sb. n. tribute, Rom. gasti-gods, gasti-godei, godei,
13. 6. From gildan. goda-kunds. [G. gut; D. goed;
Giltha, str. sb. f. a sickle, Mk. E. good.]
4. 29. [C/. E. geld, vb.] Graba, str. sb. f. a ditch (lit. a
Ginnan*, vb. (perf. gann. pi. gun- gra e), Lu. 19. 43.
num, pp. gunnans), to begin. Graban, vb. (perf, grof, pi. gro-
Der. du-ginnan. C/. ana-stod- bum, pp. grabans), to grave,
jan. [O. E. gin.] dig, Lu. 6. 48; 16. 3. Der. bi-
Gistra-dagis, sb. yesterday; MS. graban, uf- graban, us -graban,
reading in Mat. 6. 30; by error graba, groba. [G. graben; D.
for afar-daga, the morrow (Gk. graven; E. grave.]
avQiov); see Lu. 7. 11. Graif, gripped; from greipan.
Gitan *, vb. (perf. gat, pi. getum. Gramjan, vb. with acc. to make
pp. gitans), to get. Der. bi-gi- angry, provoke to wrath, Col.
tan. [E. get.] 3. 21. Der. in-gramjan. [C/.
Giutan, vb. (perf. gaut, pi. gutum, G. gram, grief. D. gram, angry.
pp. gutans), with acc. to pour, O. E. grame, anger.]
Mat. 9. 17; Mk. 2. 22; Lu. 5. Gramsts, str. sb. m. a mote, Lu.
37, 38. Der. ufar-giutan, us- 6. 41; lit. any thing that irri
gutnan. [G. giessen; D.gieten; tates. From gramjan. C/.
cf. E. gush.] gairu.
GlaGgWaba,ade.diligently, Lu. 1 5.8. Gras, str. sb. n. grass, a blade of
Glaggwo, adv. assuredly; a con grass, a herb, Mk. 4. 28, 32;
jectural word in 1 Th. 5. 2. [The Rom. 14. 2. [G. D. gras; E.
MS. has gaaggwo.] grass.]

Gredags, adj. greedy, hungry; Guda-faurhts. adj. God-fearing,

gr. wisan, to hunger, Mat. 25. devout, Lu. 2. 25.
42; Mk. 2. 25; 11. 12. From Guda-i.aus, adj. godless, with
gredus. out God, Eph. 2. 12.
Gredon, vb. to be greedy, to hun Gui>-h(js, fr. sb. n. the house of
ger, Rom. 12. 20. God, the temple, Jo. 18. 20.
Gredus, str. sb. m. greed, hunger, Gudi-lub, a proper name in
2 Cor. 11. 27. Der. gredags, Arezzo document. [G. Gottlieb.]
gredon. [E. greed; cf. D. gretig, Gudisks, adj. godly, spiritual,
greedy.] divine, 2 Tim. 3. 16.
Grefts*, in ga-grefts, q. v. Gudja, wk. sb. m. a priest, Mat.
Greipan, 6. (perf. graip, pi. gri- 8. 4; Mk. 1. 44; Lu. 1. 5; &c.;
pum, pp. gripans), to gripe, auhumists g., muets g., reikists
grip, seize, lay hold of, take g., a chief priest, high priest.
(prisoner), Mk. 14. 44, 48, 49, 51. Gudjinassus, str. sb. m. the priestly
Der. fair-greipan, und-greipan. office, ministry, Lu. 1.9; 2 Cor.
[G.^r/en; D.grijpen; E. gripe.] 9. 12.
Gretan, greitan, vb. (perf. gai- Gudjinon, vb. to execute a priest's
grot, pp. gretans), to weep, office, Lu. 1. 8.
lament, Mat. 26. 75; Mk. 5. 38; Gulth, str. sb. n. gold, 1 Tim. 2.
14. 72. Der. grets. [O. E. 9. Der. gultheins, figgra-gulth.
greet; Sc. greit.] Gultheins, adj. golden, 2 Tim.
Grets, str. sb. m. weeping. Mat. 2. 20. [G. & E. golden; D.
8. 12. gouden.]
Grids, str. sb. f. a grade, degree, Guma, wk. sb. m. a man, Lu. 19.
1 Tim. 3. 13. [So in MS. M. 2; Nehem. 5. 17. Der. guma-
suggests trid or trud; but why*] kunds, gumeins. [A S. guma;
Grind*, adj. ground small, little; E. bride-g(r)oom]
whence Guma-kunds, adj. of manly kind,
Grinda-fratiijis, feebleminded, male, Lu. 2. 23; Gal. 3. 28.
1 Th. 5. 14. From frathjan. Gumeins, adj. manlike, male, Mk.
Grob, dug; from graban. 10. 6.
Grba, str. sb.f. a hole, fox-hole, Gund, str. sb. n. a cancer, a
Mat. 8. 20; Lu. 9. 58. From canker, 2 Tim. 2. 17. [
graban. [G. grbe.] MS. has gun-, for which S.
Grpds*, adj. tired, sluggish (?). proposes gunds, and G. & L.
Der. us-gruds. [Cf E. grudge(?).] gund ; cf. A. S. gund.]
Grundus*, str. sb. m. the ground. Guta*, wk. sb. m. a Goth. Der.
Der. grundu-waddjus, af-grun- gut-thiuda.
ditha. [G. grund; D. grond; Gutans, poured out; from
E. ground.] giutan.
Grundi'-waddjus, str. sb. m. a Guth, str. sb. m. God, Mat. 5. 8;
ground-wall, foundation. Lu. 6. 8. 29; 27. 46; &c. Der. guth-
48, 49; 14. 29; Eph. 2. 20; blostreis, gutha, galiuga-guth,
2 Tim. 2. 19. gutha-skaunei , guda-faurhts,
Guda, str. sb. pi. gods, Jo. 10. guda-laus, gud-hus, Gudi-lub,
34. See gutha and guth. gudisks, ga-guds, ga-gudaba,
115 Gotha aah 116

ga-gudei, af-guds, af-gadei, I Gut-thiuda, str. sb. f. the Gothic

gudja, ufar-gudja, gudjinon, people, in Gothic calendar.
gudjinassus. From guta.
Gutha, str. sb. pi. gods, Gal. 4. I Gutum, we poured out. From
8. See guda. giutan.
Gutha -skaunei, wk. sb. f. the Gutnan* vb. to gush, only in comp.
form of God, Phil. 2. 6. | ue-gatn&n. From giutan. [E.gush.]


H, the eighth letter of the Gothic Haftnan*, vb. in comp. ga-haft

alphabet. As a numeral, it nan, q. v.
means 8. [Aspirate it as in Hafts, adj. joined; inphr. liugom
English.] hafts, joined in matrimony,
'h, a short form of uh, q. v. married, 1 Cor. 7. 10. See
Haban, vb. (perf, habaida), to haftjan.
have, Mat. 5. 23; 6. 1; 7. Hafts*, str. sb. f. in comp, anda-
29; &c.; (fimf tiguns jere h., to bafts, q. v.
be fifty years old, Jo. 8. 57; Hah*, in faura-hah and faur-hah,
ubil h., to be ill, Mat. 8. 16); q. v.
to take hold of, Mat. 9. 25; to Hahan, vb. (perf, haihah, pi. hai-
hold, esteem, Mk. 11. 32; to be hahum, pp. haihans), with acc.
able to do, Mk. 14. 8; to be to let hang, leave in suspense,
about to, Mk. 10. 32. Der. un- Jo. 10. 24 ; (2) vb. neut. (perf.
habands, ga-haban, af-haban, hahaida), to hang, be in sus
ana-haban, at-haban, dis-haban, pense, be very anxious about,
af-haban, hafts, auda-hafts, kwi- Lu. 19. 48. Der. at-hahan, us-
thu-bafts, haftjan, ga-haftjan, hahan, faura-hah, ga-hahjo.
ga-haftnan, ga-gahaftjan, hoban, Haibraius, str. sb. m. a Hebrew,
ga-hobains, un-gahobains. [G. 2 Cor. 11. 12; Phil. 3. 5, 11.
haben; D. haven; E. have.] Haidus, str. sb. m. manner, way,
Hafjan, vb. (perf, hot', pi. hofum, Phil. 1. 18; 2 Th. 2. 3; 2 Tim.
pp. hafans), to heave, heave up, 3. 8. [G. -heit; E. -hood.]
carry, bear, Mk. 2. 3. Der. and- Haifstjan, vb. to strive, struggle,
hafjan, anda-hafts, at-hafjan, us- contend, 1 Cor. 9. 25;. 1 Tim.
hafjan, ufar -hafjan, ufar-haf- 6. 12; 2 Tim. 2. 5; 4. 7. From
nan. [G. heben; D. heffen; E. haifsts.
heave.] Haifsts, str. sb. f. strife, contest,
Haftjan, vb. to cleave to, apply Rom. 13. 13; Gal. 5. 20;
oneself to continually. Rom. 12. Phil. 1. 15, 16; 2. 3; whis
9, 12; 1 Tim. 3. 8; (refl.) Coi. pering, slander, 2 Cor. 12. 20.
4. 2. From haban. Der. ga-, Der. haifstjan.
gaga-; ga-baftnan. [G. heften.] Haihah. hung; /rom hahan.
117 Haiti 113

Haihait, promised; from haitan. Hairthba, sb. n. pi. bowels,

Haihald, held; from haldan. 2 Cor. 6. 12.
Haihs, adj. half-blind , with one Hairtitiia*, in arma-hairtitha.
eye, Mk. 9. 47. [Cf. Lat. ccus.] Cf. hairto.
Haili, str. sb. n. haleness; in Hairto, wk. sb. n. the heart, Mat.
comp, un-haili, q. v. 5. 28; 6. 21; 9. 4; Lu. 1. 17;
Hailjan, vb. to heal, Mat. 9. 35; 2. 19; 3. 15; &c. Der. arrna-
Mk. 3. 2, 15; Lu. 4. 23; (refl.) hairts, arma-hairtei, arma-hair
to be healed, Lu. 6. 17. titha, hauh-hairts, bauh-hairtei,
Hailnan*, vb. to become whole. hrainja-hairts, hardu-hairtei.
in comp, ga-hailnan, q. v. [G. herz; D. hart; E. heart.]
Hails, adj. hale, whole, Mk. 5. Hairts*, in arma-hairts, &c. Cf.
34; Jo. 7. 23; Lu. 5. 31; Mat. hairto.
9. 12; hails wisan, to be Hairus, str. sb. m. a sword, Mat.
sound, Tit. 1. 13; hails wair- 10. 34; Mk. 14. 43; Jo. 18. 10:
than, to fare well, Jo. 11. 12; Lu. 2. 35. [A. S. heor.]
cf. Mk. 15. 18. Der. un-hails, Hais, str. sb. n. a torch, Jo. 18. 3.
ga-hails, haili, un-haili. hailjan, Haists*, in us-haists, q. v.
ga-hailjan, ga-hailnan. Cf. ga- Hait*, in anda-hait, bi-hait, ga-
nisan. [G. & D. heil.] hait. From haitan.
Haimis*, or haImS *, adj. in comp, Haitan, vb. (perf. haihait, pi. hai
ana-haims (or ana-haimis), and hait um, pp. haitans), to name,
af-haims (or af- haimis). Cf. call, Mat. 5. 19; 10. 25; 27. 8;
haims. Mk. 11. 17; Lu. 1. 13, 31;
Haimothi.i, str. sb. n. a home pass, to be hight, be called,
stead, landed possession, Mk. Jo. 11. 16; Rom. 7. 3; also to
10. 29, 30. From haims. call to one, bid to come, Mk.
Haims, str. sb. f. (pl. haimos), a 1. 20; Lu. 7. 39; to command,
village, country place. Mat. 9. Mat. 8. 18. Der. ga- haitan,
35; Mk. 6. 56; Lu. 5. 17; faura-gahaitan, ana-baitan, and-
h. jah baurgs (x<u^>U^,-), Mk. haitan, at -haitan, fair -haitan,
1. 38. Der. ana-haims, af-haims, us-haitan, bait, ga-hait, anda-
haimothli. [G. heim; E. home, hait, bi-hait, haiti, haitja, bi-
-ham.] haitja, dulga-haitja, us-haista.
Hairaisis. str. sb. f. (pi. hairai- [G. heissen.]
seis). a heresy. Gal. 5. 20. Haithi, str. sb. f. heath, unculti
Haikha, str. sb. f. a herd , flock, vated field. Mat. 6. 28; Lu. 15.
Mat. 8. 30; Mk. 5. 1 1 ; Lu. 2. 15; 17. 7. Der. haithi-wisks.
8; 8. 32. Der. hairdeis. Cf. [G. beide; E. heath; D. heyde.]
writhus, awethi. [G. heerde; E. Haithi-wisks, adj. of or belong
herd.] ing to a heath; wild, Mk. 1. 6.
Hairdeis, str. sb.f. a herd, shep Huthno, wk. sb. f. a heathen
herd. Mat. 9. 36; Lu. 2. 8; Jo. woman, a Gentile woman, Mk.
10. 9. From hairda. [G. hirte; i 7. 26. G. heidinn; E. heathen.]
D. herder; E. herd.] Haiti, str. sb. f. a hest, com
Hairtei*, in arma-hairtei, hauh- mand. 1 Th. 4. 16; 1 Cor. 7.
hairtei, hardu-hairtei. Cf hairto. i 6. From haitan.]
119 H AITJA HaRJIs 120

Hatja*, in bi-haitja, dulga-haitja. af-hamon, ana-bamon, and-

q. v. hamon, ufar-hamon.
Hakpl, 6. n. a cloak, 2 Tim. Hamfs ,- see hanfs.
4. 13. Cf. snaga. [A. S. Hamon*, 6. to clothe, in ana-
hacele.] hamon, and-, af-, ga-, ufar-
Halba, str. sb. f. the half, a part, hamon. See hama.
2 Cor. 3. 10; 9. 3; only in phr. Hana, wk. sb. m. a cock. Mat
in thizai balbai. [G. hlfte; 26. 74; Mk. 14. G8; Jo. 13.
E. half.] 38; 18. 27. [G. AoAn; E. hen;
Halbs, adj. half, Mk. 6. 23; Lu. D. haen.]
19. 8. Der. halba. [G. halb; Handugei, wk. sb. f. handinees,
D. & E. half] cleverness, wisdom, Mat. 11. 19;
Haldan, 6. (perf, haihald, pi. Mk. 6. 2; Lu. 2. 40; Ac.
haihaldum, pp. haldans), to Handugs, adj. bandy, clever, wise,
hold, keep; hence, to feed, keep 1 Cor. 1. 20; comp, handugoza,
sheep, Mat. 8. 30; Mk. 5. 11; wiser, 1 Cor. 1. 25. [O. N.
Lu. 8. 32; 17. 7. [G. halten; hndugr; E. handy; cf. . E.
D. houden; E. hold.] hende.]
H aldis, adv. in compar. degree, Handus, str. sb. f. the hand, Mat.
rather, more, Skeir. 4. 22. From 5. 30; 8. 3; Mk. 1. 31; Lu. 1.
hilthan. 66; &c. Der. bandu-waurhts,
Halis-aiw, adj. scarcely, Lu. 9. un-handuwaurhts, laus-handus,
39. From aiws. bandugei, handugs. [G. D. E.
Halja, str. sb. f. hell, Hades, Mat. hand.]
11. 23; Ln. 10. 15; 1 Cor. Handu-waurhts, adj. wrought
15. 55. [G. Mlle; E. hell; by hand, Mk. 14. 58; Eph.
D. helle.] 2. 11.
H.M.Ks, adj. needy, poor, 1 Cor. Hanfs, hamfs, adj. one-handed,
15. 10; Gal. 4. 9. Cf. arms. maimed, Mk. 9. 43.
Hallus, str. sb. m. a rock, stone, Hansa, str. sb. f. a company, a
Rom. 9. 33. band of men, Lu. 6. 17; Mk.
Halp, helped ; from hilpan. 15. 16; Jo. 18. 3. [O.E. hans.]
Hals, str. sb. m. a neck, Lu. 15. Hanth, caught; from binthan.
20. Der. sla-hals, frei -hals, Hardaba, harduba, adv. hard,
hals-agga. [G. & D. hals; grievously, severely, Mat. 8. 6;
A. S. hals.] 2 Cor. 13. 10.
Hals-agga (?), wk. sb. m. the neck, Hardu-hairtei, wk. sb. f. hard-
a proposed reading in Mk. 9. heartedness, hardness of heart,
42. Cf. hals. [The MS. has Mk. 10. 5.
bals-agga.] Hardus, adj. hard, severe, austere,
Halthei*, in wilja-halthei, q. v. Lu. 19. 21; Jo. 6. 60; comp.
Halts, adj. halt, lame, Mat. 11. bardiza. harder, Skeir. 6. 21.
5; Mk. 9. 45; Lu. 7. 22; 14. Der. harduba, hardu-hairtei,
13, 21. [E. halt] ga-hardjan. [G. hart; D. E.
Hama*, ham*, 6. skin of the body hard.]
(whence A.S. lic-hama); this seems Harjis, str. sb. m. an army,
to be the root o/bamon, ga-hamon, legion, Lu. 2. 13; 8. 30. Cf.
121 at Haurds 122

bansa, hiuhma, iumjo, mana Hauhitha , str. sb. f. the height,

ge!. [G. D. heer; A. S. here.] that which is lofty or above,
Hatan, hatjan, vb. to hate, with Lu. 1. 78; Eph. 4. 8; see Rom.
acc. Mat. 5. 44; Lu. 1. 71; 12. 16; loftiness, Rom. 8. 39;
Rom. 7. 15; hatands, one who 2 Cor. 10. 5; exaltation, honour,
hates, an enemy, Lu. 6. 27. Lu. 14. 10; Jo. 7. 18. [G.
Der. hatis, hatizon. [G. hassen; hhe; D. hoogte.]
D. haten; E. hate.] Hauhiza, adj. com. higher. See
Hatis, str. sb. n. hate, wrath, hauhs.
anger, Lu. 3. 7; Eph. 2. 3; Hauhjan, vb. to exalt, lift on
Col. 3. 6; Gal. 5. 20. From high, Lu. 14. 11; 18. 14; Jo.
hatan. [G. hass; D. haat; E. 12. 32; to glorify, magnify,
hate.] Mat. 5. 16; 6. 2; Lu. 17.
Hatizon, vb. to feel hate, be 15; &c. From bauhs.
angry, Jo. 7. 23. From hatan. Hauhnan*, vb. to be lifted on
Hatjan; see hatan. high, exalted, in us- hauhnan,
Haubith (gen. haubidis), str. sb. n. q. v.
the head, Mat. 5. 36; 6. 17; Hauhs, adj. (comp. hauhiza, sup.
Mk. 6. 24; Lu. 7. 38; Jo. 19. hauhista), high, Mk. 9. 2; Lu.
2. ; &c.; h. afmaitan, to behead, 4. 5; 16. 15; superl. Mk. 5. 7;
Mk. 6. 27; Lu. 9. 9; h. waih- Lu. 1. 32, 35, 76. Der. hau
stins, corner-stone, Mk. 12. 10; his, hauhisti, hauhaba, hauh-
Lu. 20. 17. [G. haupt; D. hairts, hauh-hairtei, hauh-thuhts,
hoofd; A. S. heafod.] hauhei, hauhitha, hauhjan, us-
Hauf, lamented; from hiufan. hauhjan, us-hauhnan, ufar-hauh-
Hauhaba, adv. high; in phr. h. jan, hauheins. [G. hoch; D.
hugjan, to think highly, Rom. hoog; E. high.]
11. 20. Hauh-thuhts, adj. having high
Hauhei, wk. sb. f. height, Eph. thoughts, puffed up, 1 Tim.
3. 18. [G. hhe; D. hoogte; E. 6. 4.
height] Hauitha; a disputed reading in
Hauheins, str. sb. f. a raising on 1 Tim. 2. 11.
high; hence, glory, Jo. 8. 50, 54. Hauneins, str. sb. f. humility,
Hauh-hairtei, wk. sb. f. high- Phil. 3. 21; Eph. 4. 2; Col. 2.
heartedness, pride, Mk. 7. 22. 18; 3. 12; h. gahugdais, low
From hauhs and hairto. liness of mind, Phil. 2. 3. From
Hauh-hairts, adj. high-hearted, hauns.
proud, Tit. 1. 7; 2 Tim. 3. 2. Haunjan, vb. to humiliate, 2 Cor.
From hauhs and hairto. 11.7; Phil. 4. 12. From hauns.
Hauhis, adv. higher, Lu. 14. 10. [A. S. hynan.]
From hauhs. Hauns, adj. humble, base, con
Hauhista, adj. superi. the highest, temptible, 2 Cor. 10. 1. Der.
Mk. 5. 7; Lu. 1. 32. From hauneins, haunjan, ga-haunjan.
hauhs. Cf. hnaiws. [Cf. G. hhn; D.
Hauhisti, str. sb. m. that which boon, a scoff, taunt; . Fr. hon
is highest, Mk. 11. 10; Lu. 2. nir, to disgrace.]
14; 19. 38. From hauhs. Haurds, str. sb. f. a door, Mat.

6. 6; 1 Cor. 16. 9; 2 Cor. 2. 1 Heiwa-frauja, wk. sb. m. a

12; Col. 4. 3; Nehem. 7. 1. master of a house, Mk. 14. 14.
Cf. daur. [E. hurd-le.] Cf. garda-waldands.
Hauri, str. sb. ., only in pi. Her, adv. here, hither, Mat. 8.
haurja, coals, burning coals, 29; Mk. 6. 3; Lu. 4. 23; Jo.
Rom. 12. 20; a fire of coals, 6. 9. [G. her, hier; D. hier;
Jo. 18. 18. [E. hear-th.] E. here.]
Haurn, str. sb. n. a horn, Lu. 1. Hethjo, wk. sb. f. a chamber, lit.
69; a husk, Lu. 15. 16. Der. a place of shelter, Mat. 0. 6.
thut-haurn, haumja, hanrnjan, [G. htte; D. E. hut]
thut-haurnjan. [G. E. horn; D. Hidre, adv. hither, Mk. 11. 3;
horen.] Lu. 9. 41; 14. 21. [. E. Aider.]
Haurnja, wk. sb. m. a horn- Hija*, fem. of his, q. v.
blower, trumpeter, Mat. 9. 23. Hilms, str. sb. m. helmet, Eph. 6.
Haurnjan, vb. to blow a horn, 17; 1 Th. 5. 8. [G. D. E. helm.]
Mat. 6. 2; 9. 23. From Hilpan, vb. with gen. (perf. halp,
haurn. pi. hulpum, pp. hulpans), to
Hauseins, str. sb. f. the hearing, help, Mk. 9. 22; Lu. 5. 7;
2 Tim. 4. 3 ; a report, preach 2 Cor. 1. 11. Der. ga-hilpan.
ing, Jo. 12. 38; Rom. 10. 16; [G. helfen; D. helpen; E. help.]
I Th. 2. 13. Der. ga-, uf-, Hilthan*, vb. (perf. haltli, pi.
ufar-. From hausjan. hulthum, pp. hulthans), to be
Hausjan, hausjon, vb. with acc. gracious to, to favour. Der.
to hear, Mat. 7. 24; Mk. 4. 16; haldis, wilja-halthei, hulths. un-
with dat. to listen to, Mk. 6. hultha, un-hultho. [Cf. G. hold;
I I ; 7. 14; 9. 7; even with gen. to D. hulde; . E. hold.]
listen to. Lu. 2. 47; Jo. 6. 60; with Himina-kunds, adv. heavenly, Lu.
prep, fram, at, or bi, Jo. 7. 51; 2. 13; 1 Cor. 15. 49; Eph. 1.
15. 15; Lu. 9. 9. Der. ga-, 3; 2. 6. From himins and
and-, uf-; hauseins, ga-, uf-, kunds.
ufar-. [G. hren; D. hooren; Himins, str. sb. m. heaven, Mat.
E. hear.] 5. 16; 6. 1; 8. 11; 11. 11; &c.
Hawi, sb. m. grass, Mat. 6. 30; Der. himina-kunds, ufar-himina-
Jo. 6. 10; Skeir. 7. 8. [G. heu; kunds. [G. himmel; D. hemel.]
D. hooi; . hay.] Himma-daga, adv. this day, to
Hazeins, str. sb. f. praise, Lu. day, Mat. 6. 11; Lu. 2. II; 4.
18. 43; Rom. 13. 3; a song of 21. From himma and dags.
praise, hymn, Eph. 5. 19; Col. See under his.
3. 16. Hina-dao, adv. same as himma-
Hazjan, vb. to praise, Lu. 2. 13; daga, to-day; only hina-dag is
19. 37; 16. 8. [A. S. heran; the acc. , used after prep, und,
O. E. hery.] Mat. 11. 23; 27. 8.
Heito, wk. sb. f. a heat, a fever, Hinda*, hind*, prep, or adv. be
Mat. 8. 14. Cf. brinno. [G. hind; whence, hindana, hindar,
hitze; D. hitte; E. heat] hindumists.
Heiw*, sb. a household, in heiwa- Hindana, prep, with gen. behind,
frauja, q. v. [E. hive.] on that side of, beyond, Mk 3. 8.

Hindar , prep, with dat. and acc. Hnvi, str. sb. n. form, show, ap
on that side of, beyond, behind, pearance, 2 Tim. 3. 5. [E. hue.]
Mk. 8. 33; Mat. 8. 18; Lu. 8. Hlahjan, vb. (perf. liloh, pi. hlo-
22; Jo. 3. 26. Der. hindar- hum, pp. hlahans), to laugh. Lu.
leithan, -weisei, -weis, un- 6. 25. Cf. blas. Der. bi-hlah-
hindar-weis. [G. hinter; E. behind.] jan, uf-hlohjan. [G. lachen; D.
Hindar-leIThan, vb. to pass away, lagchen; E. laugh.]
La. 16. 17; to go, Lu. 17. 7. Hlaifs, hlaibs, str. sb. m. a loaf,
HinDak-Weis, adj. deceitful, 2 Cor. bread, Mat. 6. 11; Mk. 2. 26.
11. 13. Der. ga-hlaiba. [G. laib; E. loaf.]
Hindar- weisei, wk. sb. f. guile, Hlains, str. sb. m. a hill, Lu. 3. 5.
2 Cor. 12. 16. Hlaiw, str. sb. n. a grave, tomb.
Hindumists, superl. adj. hindmost, Mat. 27. 60; Mk. 6. 20; 15.
uttermost, Mat. 8. 12. 46; lt. 2. [A. S. hlw; E.
Hinthan*, vb. (perf. hanth, pi. -low, -law.]
bunthum, pp. hunthans), to Hlaiwasna, wk. sb. f. only in pi.
catch with the hand. Der. fra- hlaiwasnos, graves, sepulchres,
hinthan, us-hinthan, fra-hun- Mat. 8. 28; 27. 52; Lu. 8. 27.
thans, mith-fra-hunthans, hunths. Hlamm, hxamma, sb. n. or f. a
[O. E. hent; E. hunt.] snare, 1 Tim. 3. 7; 6. 9. [O. E.
Hiri, interj. come here; Mk. 10. gleym.]
21; Lu. 18. 22; hiri ut, come Hlas. adj. laughing, joyful, glad,
out, come forth, Jo. 11. 43. 2 Cor. 9. 7; Phil. 2. 28. Cf.
Hirjats, interj. come here, you hlahjan. [E. glad.]
two! Mk. 1.17; dual form of hiri. Hlasei, wk. sb. f. joy, gladness,
Hirjitii, interj. come ye here! Mk. Rom. 12. 8. From hlas.
12. 7; a piural form of hiri. Hlatiian*, vb. (perf. hloth, pi.
His*, pron. of which the Jem. is hlothum, pp. hlathans), tu load.
hija*, neut. hita, this; und hita, Der. af-hlathan. [G. D. laden;
till this time, till now.Mk. 13. 19; E. load.]
Mat. 11. 12; und hita nu, till Hlai pan*, vb. (perf. hlaihlaup), to
now, Skcir. 4. 10. The dative is leap. Der. us-hlaupan. [G.
himma, acc. hina, whence himma laufen; D. loopen; E. leap.]
daga, to-day; see himma-daga; Hlauts, str. sb. m. a lot, Mk. 15.
hina dag, to-day; see hina-dag. 24; Col. 1. 12; hl, gasatiths
Der. hidre, hiri, hirjats, hirjith, wisan, to be called by lot,
her, hindar. [Cf. E. he, him, it.] Eph. 1. 11. See also Lu. 1. 9.
Hita, neut. of his, q. v. [G. loose; D. E. lot.]
Hil'fan, vb. (perf. bauf, pi. hufum, Hleibjan, vb. with dat. to help,
pp. hufans), to sing dirges, Lu. 1. 54.
mourn, lament, Mat. 11. 17; IIleiduma, adj. left, on the left
Lu. 7. 32. Cf. gaunon, hwop- hand, Mat. 6. 3; 2 Cor. 6. 7; hl,
jan. [A. S. heofian.] fera, the left side, Mat. 25, 41.
Hiuhma, hium, str. sb. m. a Hleithra, str. sb. f. a hut, a
crowd, number of people. Mat. tent, tabernacle, Lu. 9. 33; 16. 9;
8. 18; Lu. 5. 15; 6. 17. Cf. 2 Cor. 5. 1, 4. Der. hlethrasta-
iumjo, managei, hansa, harjis. keins, ufar-hleithrjan. See hlija.
127 Hlethra-stakkins Hrisjan 128

Hlethra-stakeins, str. sb.f. feast hnupnan. [G. & D. knappen;

of tabernacles, Jo. 7. 2. From E. knap.]
bleithra and stikan. Hnutho, hnuto, wk. sb. f. a
Hlifan, vb. to steal, Mat. 6. 19; thorn, prick, sting, 2 Cor. 12. 7.
Mk. 10. 19; Lu. 18. 20. Der. Hobains*, in ga-hobains, q. v
hliftus. [Lat. clepere.] oha, wk. sb. m. a plough, Lu.
Hi.iftUS, str. sb. m. a thief, Jo. 9. 62. [G. haue; E. hoe.]
10. 1. Holon, vb. with cc. to treat with
Hlija, wk. sb. m. a tent, taber violence, Lu. 3. 14. Der. af-.
nacle, Mk. 9. 5. Cf. hleithra. Horinassl's, str. sb. m. whoredom,
Hliuma, str. sb. m. hearing, Mk. adultery, Mk. 9. 21; Jo. 8. 41;
7. 35; Lu. 7. 1; 1 Cor. 12. 16. 2 Cor. 12. 21.
Hliuth, sb. n. quietness, silence, Horinon, vb. to commit adultery,
a conjectural reading in 1 Tim. Mat. 5. 27; Mk. 10. 11; Lu.
2. 11. [C/. O. N. hlioth.] 16. 18. Der. ga-.
Hlohjan*, vb. to rejoice; in uf- Morinondei, pt. pres. fm. from
hlohjan, q. v. See hlahjan. vb. horinon, an adulteress, Mk.
Hlutrei, wk. sb. f. purity, sin 8. 38; Rom. 7. 3.
cerity, 2 Cor. 1. 12. From Hors, str. sb. m. a whoremonger,
hlutrs. Lu. 18. 11; ICor. 5. 9; Eph. 5. 5.
Hlutritha, str. sb. f. (the same Der. horinon, horinondei, ga-
as hlutrei), purity, sincerity, horinon, horinassus. [G. hure;
2 Cor. 2. 17. D. hoer; E. whore.]
Hlutrs, adj. pure, 2 Cor. 7. 11. Hrainei, wk. sb. f. purification,
Der. hlutrei, hlutritha. [G. lau purity, Skeir. 3. 9. From hrains.
ter; A. S. hlutor.] Hraineins, str. sb f. purification, Lu.
Hnaiweins, str. sb. f. lowliness, I 2.22,Skcir.3.8,22. From brains.
humility, Lu. 1. 48. From I Hrainitha*, in un-hrainitha, q. v.
hneiwan. Der. uf-hnaiweins. Hrainja-hairts, adj. pure in
Hnaiws, adj. lowly, humble, Rom. heart, pure-hearted, Mat. 5. 8.
12. 16. From hneiwan. Hrainjan, vb. to cleanse, purify,
Hnaiwjan, vb. to abase; pp. hnai- 2 Cor. 7. 1. From hrains.
withs, cast down, 2 Cor, 7. 6. Hrains, or hrainis, adj. pure,
See hneiwan. clean, Mat. 27. 59; Mk. 1. 41;
Hnaskwus, adj. soft, tender, deli Lu. 5. 13. Der. un -hrains,
cate, Mat. 11. 8; Lu. 7. 25. hrainja-hairts, hrainei, un-hrai-
[O. E. nesh.] nei, un-hrainitha; hrainjan, af-,
Hneiwan, vb. (perf. hnaiw, pi. hni- ga-, us-; hraineins, ga-. [G. rein;
wum, pp. hniwans), to bend U. rein; cf. E. rinse.]
downwards, decline, Lu. 9. Hraiw*, sb. n. a carcase (?), in
12. Der. ana-hneiwan; hnaiws, hraiwa-dubo. [A. S. hraw.]
hnaiwjan, ga- hnaiwjan, ana- Hraiwa-dubo, wk. sb. f. a turtle
hnaiwjan, uf- hnaiwjan, hnai dove, Lu. 2. 24.
weins. [G. neigen; A.S.hnigan.] Hramjan, vb. to crucify, Jo. 19. 6.
Hniupan*, vb. (perf. hnaup, pi. Der. us-, mith-us. Cf, galga.
hnupum, pp. hnupans), to knap, Hrisjan*, vb. to shake. Der.
break. Der. dis-hniupan, dis- af-, us-. [A. S. hrysian.]
129 HbOpei Human 130

Hkopf.i, hropi, wk. sb. /. a crying Huhjan, 6.; see huzdjan.

out, clamour, Eph. 4. 31. [O. Huhrus, str. sb. m. hunger, Lu.
E. roupe.] 4. 25; 15. 14; Rom. 8. 35.
Hropjan, 6. to call out, cry out, From huggrjan.
Mat. 8. 29; 9. 27; Mk. 1. 26; Hulistr, str. sb. n. a veil, 2 Cor.
3. 11. Der. uf-. [G. rufen; 3. 13, 14. From huljan.
D. roepen.] Huljan, 6. with acc. to hide,
Hrot, str. sb. n. a roof, Mat. 8. 8. cover, Mk. 14. 65; 1 Cor. 11.
Mk. 2. 4 ; Lu. 7. 6. [D. roef; 6. Der. ga-, and-, dis-, un-; and-
E. roo/.] buliths, and-huleins, hulistr.
Hroths , or hrOth (?) sb. praise, [G. hllen; D. hullen; O. E.
victory, triumph. Der. hrotheigs. hele, hull.]
[O. E. roose.] Hulon*, vb. to make hollow.
Hrotheigs, adj. victorious, trium From huls. Der. us-.
phant, 2 Cor. 2. 14. See hroths. Hulpum, we helped; from hilpan.
Hrugga, str. sb. f. a staff, Mk. Huls*, adj. hollow; in hulon, us-
6. 8. [E. rung; Cf. G. runge; hulon, hulundi. [G. hohl; D.
D. rong.] hol; E. hollow.]
Hrukjan, vb. to crow (as a cock), Hulths, adj. gracious, merciful,
Mat. 26. 74; Mk. 14. 72; Jo. Lu. 18. 13. From hilthan. [G.
13. 38. [Cf. E. rook, a hoarse- hold; O. E. holde.]
voiced bird. Lat. raucus.] Hulundi, str. sb. f. a hollow,
Hruks , 6. (m. ?) the crowing of cleft, cave, Jo. 11. 38. From
a cock, Mat. 26. 75. Der. hruk huls.
jan. Hun, a suffix rendering a word
Hruskan*, vb. in and-hruskan, indefinite, as in ainshun, any
q. v. one; hwashun, any one; hwan-
Huggrjan, vb. to hunger, 1 Cor. hun, at any time; hweilohun,
4. 1 1 ; used impers, in phr. hug- any while; manna-hun, any
greith mik, I am hungry, Jo. 6. man; also in thishun.
35. Der. huhrus. [G. hungern ; Hund, sb. n. (pi. hunda), a hun
D. hongeren ; E. hunger.] dred, only used in pi. preceded
Hugjan, vb. to think, imagine, be by twa, &c.; twa h., 200;
lieve, Mat. 5. 17; Lu. 2. 44; thrija h., 300; fimf hunda,
hugjan hauhaba, to think 500; niun hunda, 900. Der.
highly, be proud, Rom. 11. 20; hunda-faths. Cf. taihuntehund.
waila h., to think well to [G. hundert; D. honderd; E.
wards, agree with, Mat. 5. 25. hundred.]
Der. ga-, faura-ga-, af-, afar-, Hunda-faths, str. sb. m. a cen
and-, ufar-, gahugds. [A. S. turion, Mat. 8. 5; Lu. 7. 2;
hogian.] See hugs. Mk. 15. 39.
Hugs, str. sb. m. intelligence, Hunds, str. sb. m. a dog, hound,
thought, understanding, Eph. Mk. 7. 27; Lu. 16. 21; Phil.
4. 17. 3. 2. [G. hund; D. hond; E.
Hugs, sb. n. (?), gen. hugsis, a field, hound.]
estate; occurs in the Arezzo Hunjan, vb. to strive for(?). In
document. Mk. 10. 24 the MS. has hun-
W. W. Skttt, Uoao-Qotklc Glossary. 5
131 Hunsl Hwar 132

jandam, for which Uppstrm Mk. 1. 6. Eph. 6. 14. [G.

proposed huzjandam or buzdjan- hfte; D. heup ; E. hip.]
dam; M. suggests hugjan dam. Hus*, fr. 6. . a house. Der. " 1
Hunsl, str. sb. n. a sacrifice, gud-hus. Cf. garda, razn. [G.
Mat. 9. 13; Mk. 9. 49; Lu. 2. haus; D. huis; E. house.]
24; service, Jo. 16.2. Der. hunsla- Huzd, str. sb. n. a treasure, Mat.
staths, un-hunslags, hunsljan. 6. 19; Mk. 10. 21; Lu. 6.
[A. S. husel; O. E. housel.] 45 ; 2 Cor. 4. 7. Der. huzdjan.
Hunsla-staths, str. sb. m. an altar, Huzdjan, vb. to heap up treasure,
Mat. 5. 23; Lu. 1. 11 ; 1 Cor. 10. 18. Mat. 6. 19; 2 Cor. 12. 14. From
Hunsljan, 6. to offer, 2 Tim. 4. 6. huzd. See also 1 Cor. 16. 2.
Huntbs, sb. captivity, Eph. 4. 8. Hyssopo, wk. sb. f. hyssop, Skeir.
Hups, str. sb. m. the hip, loins, 3. 16.


HW (HV in M. and S., W in O., Hwairneins, adj. of a skull, Mk.

WH in B.) , the 24 th letter of the 15. 22. [Unless we suppose
alphabet, denoted by 0. As a it a sb.]
numeral, it means 700. It an Hwaiteis, str. sb. . (or hwaiti,
swers to the AS. HW, and is e. n.) wheat, Jo. 12. 24. [G.
pronounced like WH in why, waizen; D. weit; E. wheat.]
when (as sounded by the Scotch). Hwaiwa, adv. how; h. manags,
Hwa, what; from hwas. how many, as many as, 2 Cor.
Hwad (also hwath), adv. whither; I. 20; ei h., if anyhow, Rom.
this-hwaduh thadei (or thei), II. 14; that by all means,
whithersoever, Mat. 8. 19; Mk. 1 Cor. 9. 22.
6. 10, 56. Hwan, conj. when, Mat. 25. 38;
Hwadre, adv. whither, Jo. 7. 35. Lu. 17. 20; Qreek nort, Phil.
[E. whither.] 4. 10; see also Mat. 7. 14; Mk.
Hwaduh, adv. whither; see this- 9. 21; Mat. 6. 23; Rom. 11. 12;
hwaduh. From hwad and ub. ibaihwan, nibai hwan, ei hwan
Hwa'h, contr. from hwa uh, every ni, lest at any time, Mat. 5. 25;
thing; see hwazuh. Mk. 4. 12; Lu. 4. 11. [G.
HwAirban , vb. (perf. hwarh, pi. wann; E. when.]
hwaurbum, pp. hwaurbans), lit. Hwanhun, adv. at any time,
to throw, throw oneself about; (always with ni); ni h., never,
hence, to walk, 2 Th. 3. 6, 11. Mat. 7. 23; Lu. 15. 29; Jo. 5.
Der. -; hwairbs in hweila-, ga-, 37; 6. 35.
unga-; hwarbon. [G. werfen; Hwapjan*, vb. to quench. 'Der.
D. werpen; E. warp.] af-, af-hwapnan, un-hwapnands.
Hwairnei, sb. n. a skull, Mk. 15. Hwapnan*, vb. in af-hwapnan,
22; but see hwairneins. [G. hirn; q. v.
Cf. D. hersen; Sc. harns.] Hwar, adv. where; this-hwaruh
133 HwAIn HWE-LEIKS 134

thei, wheresoever, Mk. 9. 18; I Hwatho, str. sb. f. foam, Lu. 9.

14. 9. Der. liwarjis. [D. waar; 39. From hwathjan.
E. where.] Hwathro, adv. from whence,
Hwarb, threw; from hwairban. whence, Mk. 6. 2; 8. 4. See
Hwarbon, vb. to go about, walk, also Lu. 7. 42.
Mat. 9. 27; Mk. 11. 27; Jo. 7. Hwaurbans, thrown; from hwair
1 ; 8. 59. From hwairban. ban.
Hwarjis, pron. who? which ? (out Hwazuh (fem. hwo'h, neut. hwa'h),
of many), Mk. 9. 34; 12. 23; each, every; (from hwas and uh),
hwarjizuh, every, each, all I Mk. 9. 49; Lu. 2. 23; 6. 30.
(Gk. txaarog and nag), Mat. 27. Hwe, adv. how, somewhat, instr.
14; ain- hwarjizuh, every case of hwas, 2 Cor. 11. 21.
one, every, Lu. 4. 40. From hwar [G. wie; cf. E. why, how.]
and is. Hweh, adv. only, Gal. 6. 12;
HwarUh, adv. where; from hwar hweh thatanei, only, Phil. 1. 27;
and uh. See hwar. from hwe and uh.
Hwas (1), pron. inter. (f. hwo, Hweihts, adj. light, slight, 2 Cor.
n. hwa), who? what? which? 4. 17. Cf. leihts.
what sort of? (2) any one, any Hweila, str. sb. f. a while, a time,
thing. Cf. hwarjis and hwathar. a season, Mat. 8. 13; 9. 22;
Der. hwashun, hwazuh, hwe, 27. 45. Der. hweilohun, hweila,
hwaiwa, hwath, hwadre, hwan, hwairbs; hweilan, ga-, ana-;
hwanhun, hwar, hwaruh, hwar ga-hweilains; hweils, unhweils.
jis, hwarjizuh. [G. wer; E.who; [G. weile; D. wijl; E. while.]
A. S. Atoa.] Hweila -hwairbs, adj. enduring
Hwashun, any one; ni hwashun, no only for a while, Mk. 4. 17;
one, Mat. 9. 16; Mk. 10. 18, 29. 2 Cor. 4. 17. From hweila and
Hwass*, adj. sharp; from hwatan. hwairban.
Der. hwassaba, hwassei. Hweilains*; ga-hweilains.
Hwassaba, adv. sharply, Tit. 1. 13. Hweilan, vb. to pause a while,
Hwassei, wk. sb. f. sharpness, to cease, Col. 1. 9. From hweila.
severity, Rom. 11. 22. Der. ga-, ana-, ga-hweilains.
Hwatan *, vb. to whet. Der. hwass, Hweilohun, adv. for a while, Gal.
hwassaba, hwassei, hwota, hwot- 2. 5. From hweila and hun.
jan, gahwotjan. [Cf. G. wetzen; Hweils*, adj. resting,' pausing; in
D. wetten; E. whet!] un-hweils.
Hwath, hWaD, adv. whither, Jo. Hweitjan*, vb. to whiten; only in
8. 14; 12. 35; 13. 36. comp, ga-hweitjan, q. v.
Hwathar, adj. whether (of two), Hweits, adj. white, Mat. 5. 36;
which (of two); Mat. 9. 5; Mk. 9. 3; Lu. 9. 29. Der. ga-
Mk. 2. 9; Lu. 5. 23; hwa- hweitjan, hwaiteis(?). [G. weiss;
tharuh, each (of two), Skeir. 5. D. wit; E. white.]
22; ain hwatharuh, each one Hwe-lauds, what, what sort of,
(of two), Skeir. 3. 5. [E. 2 Cor. 7. 11.
whether.] Hwe-leiks (Lu. 1. 29), hwileiks,
Hwathjan, vb. to foam, Mk. 9. what sort of, Mk. 4. 30; Jo. 12.
18, 20. See hwatho. 33. [G. welcher; A. S. hwylc.]
135 HWI-LEIKS Ibuks 13G

Hwi-leiks, what sort of a. See Hwopan, vb. (perf. hwaihwop), to

hwe-leiks. boast, Rom. 11. 18; 1 Cor. 4.
Hwilftri, str. sb. f. a bier, L. 7; 13. 3; 2 Cor. 5. 12. Der.
7. 14. hwoftuli. [E. whoop; cf. D.
Hwis, gen. m. and n. of hwas. hop.]
Hwo, fern, of hwas, who, any one. Hwota, str. sb. f. a threat, threa
Hwoftuli, str. sb. f. boasting, tening, Eph. 6. 9; Skeir. 2. 3.
1 Cor. 5. 7; 2 Cor. 1. 14; 5. Der. hwotjan, ga-hwotjan.
12. From hwopan. Hwotjan, vb. to threaten, rebuke,
Hwoh, fem, of hwazuh, each, charge, Mk. 10. 48; Lu. 4. 35.
every. Der. ga-hwotjan. From hwota.

I, the tenth letter of the alphabet; ni iba), except, unless (ei ov,
as a numeral 10. It is generally ei fit, v fi);
short, like i in Engl. did. The nibai aufto, unless per
diphthong iu may be sounded as haps ;
yu, or as ew in Engl. new. nibai thatei, unless that,
Iba, another form of ibai. except that;
Ibai, iba, conj. perhaps, answers nibai thau thatei, except
in questions to Greek fii, Mat. however that. Cf. jabai. [E. if]
9. 15; Mk. 2. 19; perhaps, that Ibdali, sb. descent, Lu. 19. 37.
not, Greek , 2 Cor. 12; 21; [7f is uncertain whether we should
ibai aufto (fignore, , read ibdaljin or iddaljin.] From
Iva fiij, ha ore; ei fitrt, dal.
), lest, perhaps; lest Ibsa, even with, like, Lu. 20. 36.
perhaps, Jo. 7. 26; 2 Cor. 1. From ibns, q. v.
17; Mat. 27. 64; Ibna-leiks, adj. equal, Skeir. 5.
ibai aufto ni (fiijmog ovt), 26. From ibns and leiks.
lest, Rom. 11. 21; Ibna-skauns, adj. of like appear
ibai - ni (fii oi<) , Rom. ance with, Phil. 3. 21. From
10. 18; ibns and skauns.
ibai hwan (ort), lest, Ibnassus, str. sb. m. evenness,
Mat. 5. 25; equality, 2 Cor. 8. 14; Col. 4.
thatainei ibai (firov fir), 1. From ibns.
only not, Gal. 5. 13. Ibns, adj. even, flat, Lu. 6. 17;
ibai hwa (jiij zt), lest at even with, equal, Skeir. 1. 4;
5. 24. Der. ibna, ibna-leiks,
ibai thau Qir Q); ibna - skauns , ibnassus , ga-ibn-
aiththau ibai (r); jan. [G. eben; D. effen; E.
ibai ei (jirn), lest per even.]
chance ; Ibuks, adv. backwards, Lu. 17. 31;
nibai, niba (i. e. ni ibai, Jo. 6. 66; 18. 6.
137 Iddali In-JAN 138

Iddali; see ibdali. In -agJan, vb. (lit. to strike awe

Iddja, I went. From gaggan. into), to threaten, rebuke, Mat.
Iddjedum, we went. From gag 9. 30. See agis.
gan. In-ahei, wk. sb. f. soberness, quiet
Idreiga, str. sb. f. repentance, Mk. ness, sobriety, 1 Tim. 2. 9;
I. 4; Lu. 3. 3; 5. 32; inu 2 Tim. 1. 7. From aha.
idreiga (fitrafi.roi) , Rom. In-ahs, adj. wise, sober, prudent,
II. 29. Der. idreigon, ga- Rom. 12. 16. From aha.
idreigon. In-aljanon, vb. to provoke to
Idreigon, vb. (with and without jealousy, make angry, 1 Cor.
sik), to repent, Mat. 11. 20; 10. 22. From aljan.
Mk. 1. 15; 6. 12; Lu. 17. 3. In-brannjan, vb. to burn, Jo. 15.
Der. ga-idreigon. 6. From brinnan.
Idaveit, str. sb. n. shame, reproach, In-drobnan, vb. to be troubled,
Lu. 1. 25; 1 Tim. 3. 7. From Jo. 13. 21; 14. 1, 27. From
weitan. Der. idweitjan. drobjan.
Idweitjan, vb. to reproach, Mat. In-feinan, vb. to pity, Mat. 9. 26;
11. 20; 27. 44; Mk. 15. 32; Lu. 6. Mk. 1. 41; 8. 2; Lu. 7. 13;
22. From weitan. [E. twit.] and see Lu. 1. 78.
Iftuma, adj. the one after, the In-galeikon, vb. to metamorphose,
following; iftumin daga, on the to change into the likeness of,
morrow, Mat. 27. 62; Mk. 11. 2 Cor. 3. 18. From leiks.
12; Jo. 6. 22. See aftuma. In-gardis, ingardja, sb. or adj.
Iggkwar; dual poss. pron. belong one of the same household,
ing to you two, Mat. 9. 29. 1 Cor. 16. 19; Col. 4. 15. From
Iggkwara, gen. dual of iggkwis, gards.
1 Cor. 12. 21. In-gramjan, vb. to anger, make
Iggkwis, igkwis, dat. and acc. dual, angry, 1 Cor. 13. 5.
you two, Mat. 9. 29; Mk. 1. 17. Inilo, wk. sb. f. an excuse, Jo.
Cf. izwis. [A. S. inciti] 15. 22; opportunity of excuse,
Ija, she (nom. and ac); from is. 2 Cor. 11. 12.
Ik, I; jah ik (m), I also; ikei, In-kiltho, wk. sb. f. a pregnant
I who; ik im saei, I am he, woman, Lu. 2. 5; 1. 36; see
who. Lu. 1. 24. From kilthei.
Im, (I) am; also to them, from is. In-kuns, adj. one of the same
Imma, to him; from is. country, 1 Th. 2. 14. From
In, prep, (with dat. and acc.), in, uni.
towards, to, for; (with gen.) on Inkwis; see iggkwis.
account of, about, through, by In-liuhtjan, vb. to enlighten,
(ct); in this (or in-uh-this), Eph. 1. 18; 3. 9. From liuhan.
on this account; in thizei, In-maideins, str. sb. f. a change,
because, for the reason that. exchange, Mk. 8. 37; Skeir. 5.
It is a common prefix. See be 15. From maids.
low. It also helps to form inilo, In-maidjan, vb. to change, ex
inn, inna, innana, innathro, in- change, transfigure, Mk. 9. 2;
numa. [G. D. E. in.] 1 Cor. 15. 51; Phii. 3. 21; Gal.
Ina, him; acc. of is. 4. 20. From maids.
139 1 In-weitan 140

Inn, into; used as a prefix to In-sahts, str. sb. f. an account,

verbs; see below; sometimes fol argument, explanation, decla
lowed by at. ration, Lu. 1. 1; Skeir. 5. 13,
Inna, adv. into, within; wed as a 20. From sakan.
prefix; see below. In-saian, vb. to sow in, Mk. 4. 15.
Inna(t)-gabts, str. sb. f. a going In-saihwan, vb. to look upon, re
into, a coming in, appearance, gard, behold, Mat. 6. 26; Mk.
Lu. 1. 29. From gaggan. 10. 21; to look round, Mk.
Inna- gameljan , vb. to write in, ' 9. 8. -
inscribe, 2 Cor. 3. 3. From In-sailjan, vb. to let down or
mel. lower with cords, Mk. 2. 4.
Inna-kunds, adj. of the same From sail. [Cf. A. S. sal.]
household. Mat. 10. 25, 36. In -sakan, vb. to suggest, put in
From kuni. mind of, point out, 1 Tim. 4.
Innana, adv. within, 2 Cor. 7. 5; 6; Skeir. 4. 14, 24.
prep, with gen. within, inside, In-sandjan, vb. to send, Mat. 11.
Mk. 15. 16. 2; Mk. 5. 12; to send back,
Inn-at-bairan , vb. to bear or Philem. 11. Der. mith-.
bring in, Lu. 5. 18, 19. From In-standan. vb. to be instant or
bairan. urgent, 2 Tim. 4. 2.
Inn-at-gaggan, .vb. to enter, enter In-swintiijan, vb. to strengthen,
into, go into. Mat. 8. 5; 27. Eph. 6. 10; Phil. 4. 13; 1 Tim.
53; Mk. 5. 39. From gaggan. I. 12. From swinihs.
Innatiiro, adv. within, Mk. 1. 21, In-tandjan, vb. to kindle, burn
23; inwardly, Mat. 7. 15. up, Lu. 3. 17. From tindan.
Inn-at - tiuhan , vb. to bring in, In -this, conj. on this account,
Lu. 2. 27. From tiuhan. therefore, Eph. 3. 14.
Inn-gaggan, vb. to go in, enter, In-thtzei, conj. therefore. Rom.
Mat. 7. 13; 8. 8; Lu. 7. G; 8. i 15. 7; 2 Cor. 4. 13.
51; i. framis, to go on, Mk. I In-trisgan, vb. to engraft, Rom.
1. 19. I 11. 24. See the next.
Inn-galeithan , vb. to go in, to In-tiusgjan, tb. to engraft, Rom.
enter, Mat. 7. 13; Lu. 6. 4; II. 17. 19, 23.
18. 24; 19. 1. Der. mith-. In-tundnan, vb. to catch fire, be
In-niujitha, str. sb. f. the feast of kindled, burn, 1 Cor. 7. 9.
the dedication, Jo. 10. 22. From From tindan.
niujis. Inu, inuh, prep, in; followed by
Inn-if-sliupan, vb. to slip in, to the enclitic u or uh.
creep in, Gal. 2. 4. In-Uh-this, therefore, 1 Th. 4. 8.
Innuma, adj. comp, the inner, the In-wag.ian, vb. to stir up, Mk. 15.
inward, Rom. 7. 22; 2 Cor. 4. 11; refl. to be troubled, Jo. 11.
16; Eph. 3. 16. See inna. 33. From wigan.
Inn-wairpan, vb. to cast in, to In-wandjan, vb. to turn, change,
cast, Jo. .12. 6. pervert. Gal. 1. 7. From windan.
In-rauhtjan, vb. to groan. Jo. 11. In-weitan, vb. to worship, reve
33, 38. rence, Mat. 8. 2; Mk. 5. 6; Lu.
Ins, them; pi. acc. m. of is. 4. 7; to salute, Mk. 9. 15.
141 In-widan Jabai 142

In-'widan, vb. to deny, refuse, Iup, adv. up, upwards, aloft. Der.
Mat. 26. 75; Mk. 8. 34; 14. 72; hipa, iupana, iupathro. [G. auf;
to reject, frustrate, Mk. 7. 9. D. op; E. up.]
In-winditha, str. sb. /. injustice, Iupa, adv. above, on high, Gal.
Lu. 16. 8; 18. 6; Jo. 7. 18. 4. 26; Col. 3. 1; from on high,
From windan. Phil. 3. 14.
In-winds, adj. perverse, Lu. 9. 41; Iupana, adv. again, Gal. 4. 9.
unjust, Mat. 5. 45; Lu. 16. 11; From iup.
18. 11. From windan. Iupathro, adv. from above, Mat.
In-wisan, vb. to be present; hence, 27. 51; Mk. 15. 38; Jo. 3. 3.
to be present and gone again, From iup.
to be just past, Mk. 16. 1. lus*, adj. easy; see iusiza.
Is, pron. he (Jem. si, she; n. ita, Iusila, str. sb. f. an easement,
it); gen. is (/. izos); dat. imma lightening of a load, 2 Cor.
(/. izai); aco. ina, ija, ita; pi. 8. 13.
eis (n. ija) ; gen. ize (/. izo) ; dat. Iusiza, better ; in phr. iusiza wisan
im; acc. ins, ijos, ija; izei, (dtayeQeiv), to be better, to ex
he who, from is and ei ; sa cel, exceed, Gal. 4. 1 ; as though
izei, he who. from ius, light, easy.
Is, (thou) art; from wisan. Izai, to her; dat. fem. sing, of is.
1st, (he) is; from wisan. Ize, of them; from is.
Ita, it; from is. Izeei, of them that; from izei.
Itan, vb. (perf. at, pi. etum, pp. Izei, pron. rel. he who, he that;
itans), to eat, Lu. 15. 16; 16. pi. they who, they that, like
21; 17. 27, 28. Der. fra-; eizei.
fra-atjan, uzeta, afetja. [G. Izos, of her; gen. fern. sing, of is.
essen; D. eten; E. eat.'] Izwar, pos. pron. your; izwar
Ith, conj. but, and, for, now, also, misso, of yourselves, of one
if then; ith than, but; ith nu, another (of you), Greek U.^Xar,
therefore; cf. aththan. Gal. 6. 2. See thu.
Iudaiwisko, adv. in a Jewish Izwara, of you (vfi<Si>); pi. gen.
manner, Gal. 2. 14. from thu.
Iudatwiskon, vb. to Judaize, to Izwis, to you; you; dat. and
live like a Jew, Gal. 2. 14. acc. pi. of thu.
Iudaiwisks, adj. Jewish, Tit. 1. 14. Izwizei, you that, you who; from
Iumjo, wk. sb.f. a crowd, Mat. 8. 1. izwis and ei. See Gal. 3. 1.

J, the 15 th letter of the alphabet. 17. See jai. [G. & D. ja;
As a numeral, it means 60. E. yea.]
[Pronounced like Germ, j, or Jaba; see jabai; Jo. 11. 25.
Engl, y in yield.] Jabai, conj. if, even if, although;
Ja, yes; Mat 5. 37; 2 Cor. 1. jah jabai, or jnbai jab, oven
143 J . 144

if, 2 Cor. 7. 8; Lu. 18. 4; 20. 9; 2 Tim. 3. 1. [G. jahr;

jabai.. aiththau, either., or; D. jaar; E. year.]
jabai swethaub, if only, even Jiuka, str. sb. f. strife, anger, Gal.
though ; thauh jabai, even if, 5. 20; 2 Cor. 12. 20. From
Jo. 11. 25; 1 Cor. 7. 21. Cf. jiukan.
ibai. Jiukan, vb. to contend, to fight,
Jab, conj. End. also, for, if, but 1 Cor. 9. 26 ; to conquer, Rom.
(xai, yQ, Si); changed in com 8. 37. Der. ga-, jiuka, waurda-
position to jab-, jad-, jag-, jal-, jiuka, juk, gajuk, gajuko, jukuzi.
jam-, jan-, jar-, jas-, jath-; Jiuleis, str. sb. m. July, in Goth.
according to the letter following; calendar.
jab jah, both and. Jota, sb. an iota, jot, Mat. 5. 18.
Jai, adv. yes, verily, Mat. 9. 28; Ju, adv. now, already, Mat. 5.
thannu nu jai (fieroiivyt, Qa 28; Mk. 8. 2; Lu. 3. 9; ju ni
olv), Rom. 9. 20; 9. 18; ith thanamais, now no more, no
nu jai (et! Se, ), 1 Tim. 6. 11 longer, Lu. 16. 2. [G. je;
(where jai seems to be an inter A. S. geo.'\
jection). See jah. Jugga-lauths, str. sb. m. a young
Jaina, fern, of jains, q. v. lad, a young man, Mk. 14. 51 ;
Jainar, adv. there; Mat. 5. 23; 16. 5; Lu. 7. 14. From juggs
8. 12. See jains. and liudan.
Jainata, neut. of jains. Juggs, adj. young, Mat 9. 17;
Jaind, adv. there, Jo. 11. 8. [E. Mk. 2. 22; Lu. 5. 39; 15.
yond.] 12. Der. jugga-lauths, junda.
Jaindre, adv. there, Lu. 11. 37. [G. jung; D. jong; E. young.]
[E. yonder.] Juhiza* (supposed comp. of juggs),
Jatndwairths, adv. yonderwards, younger.
thither, Jo. 18. 3. Juk, str. sb. n. a yoke, a pair,
Jains, pron. dem. that; (Jem. jaina; Lu. 14. 19. Cf. jiukan. [G.
neut. jainata), Mat. 7. 25; 8. 13. joch; D. juk; E. yoke.]
Der. ufar-jaina, jainar, jaind, Jukuzi, str. sb. f. a yoke,
jaindwairths, jaindre, jainthro. Gal. 5. 1 ; 1 Tim. 6. 1. From juk.
[G. jener; D. gene; E. yon.] Junda (or junds), str. sb. f. youth,
Jainthro, adv. thence, Mat. 5. Mk. 10. 20; Lu. 18. 21; 1 Tim.
23; 9. 9. From jains. 4. 12. From juggs.
Janni, conj. and not; from jah Jus, ye; pi. of thu, thou; gen.
and ni. izwara; dat. and acc. izwis.
Jaththe JaThThe, whether Der. izwar.
or, 1 Cor. 10. 31, &c. Juthan, adv. already, Mk. 4. 37;
Jau, conj. whether, if, Lu. 6. 7; 11.11; 13. 28. From ju and than.
Jo. 7. 48. Juzei, ye who, ye that, Lu. 16.
Jer, str. sb. n. a year, Mk. 5- 25 ; 15; 2 Cor. 8. 10; Gal. 5. 4.
Lu. 2. 36; a time, season, Lu. From jus and ei.
145 Kausjan 146

, the eleventh letter of the alpha Karkara, str. sb. f. a prison, Mat.
bet. As a numeral, it means 20. 11. 2; 25. 39; Lu. 3. 20. [Lat.
[Pronounced as in English.] career.]
Kaballarja, the name of a piace Karon, vb. to be concerned about,
in the Arezzo document. 1 Cor. 7. 21. From kara.
Kaisar, str. sb. m. Caesar, Mk. Kars*, adj. in unkars, q. v.
12. 14; Lu. 2. 1. Kas, str. sb. n. a vessel, pot (for
Kaisara-gild, str. sb. n. tribute- holding liquids, &c.), Mk. 3. 27;
money, Mk. 12. 14; from 11. 16; Lu. 8. 16. Der. kasja.
gildan. > Kasja, wk. sb. m. a potter, Mat.
Kaisaria, Caesarea, Mk. 8. 27. 27. 7; Rom. 9. 21. From kas.
Kai-bo, wk. sb. f. a calf, heifer, Katils, str. sb. m. a kettle, ves
Skeir. 3. 14. [G. kalb; D. kalf; sel for water, Mk. 7. 4. [G.
E. calf] kessel; D. ketel; E. kettle.]
Kalds, adj. cold, Mat. 10. 42; Kaupatjan, vb. to strike with the
neut. kald, the cold, Jo. 18. 18. palm of the hand, cuff, Mat.
[G. kalt; D. koud; E. cold.] 26. 67; Mk. 14. 65. [E. cuff.]
Kalkinassus, str. sb. m. forni Kaupon, vb. to traffic, trade, buy
cation, adultery, Mat. 5. 32; and sell, Lu. 19. 13. [A. S.
Mk. 7. 21. From kalkjo. ceapian; G. kaufen; D. koopen;
Kalkjo, wk. sb. f. a harlot, whore, cf. E. chapman.]
Lu. 15. 30. Der. kalkinassus. Kaurei(ns), sb. f. a weight, 2 Cor.
Kann, I know, I can; from kun- 4. 1 7; from kaurs. Der. un-.
nan. Kauritha, str. sb. f. a weight,
Kannjan, vb. to make known, Jo. burden, Gal. 6. 2; from kaurs.
17. 26; 1 Cor. 15. 1; 2 Cor. . Kaurjan, vb. to lade, burden, Lu.
8. 1. Der. ga-, us-. j 9. 32; 2 Cor. 1. 8; 5. 4; from
Kan(n)t, thou knowest; from kaurs. Der. ana-, mith-.
kunnan. 1 Kaurn, str. sb. n. corn, Mk. 4.
Kapillon, vb. to shave, shear, 28; Lu. 3. 17; 16. 7. [G. korn;
crop, 1 Cor. 11. 6. From Lat. D. koren; E. corn.]
capillus. Kaurno, fr. sb. f. corn, a grain
Kara, str. sb. f. care; hence kar' of corn, Mk. 4. 31; Lu. 17. 6;
ist , with acc. of pers. and gen. Jo. 12. 24.
of thing, it concerns, Jo. 10. Kaurs, adj. heavy, burdensome,
13; 12. 6; and without ist, Mk. 2 Cor. 10. 10. Der. kauritha;
4. 38; hwa kara unsis, what is kaurjan , ana-, mith- , mith-kau-
that to us? Mat. 27. 4. [E. ritbs, kaureins, unkaureins.
care.] Kais. I chose; from i usan.
Karan*, in ga-karan, q. v. Kausjan, vb. to prove, test, Lu.
Karja*, another form of kare (?). 14. 19; 2 Cor. 13. 5; to taste,

Mk. 9. 1 ; Lu. 9. 27; Jo. 8. 52. Knussjan, vb. to kneel, Mk. 10.
From kiusan. 17; k. kniwam, to kneel, Mk.
Kawtsjo, wk. sb. f. put for Lat. 1. 40. From knius.
cautio in Neapol. document. Kons*, in aljakons; see aljakuns.
Rean*, vb. (perf. kai, pi. kijum, Kreks, str. sb. m. a Greek, Rom.
pp. kijans), to produce buds, 10. 12; 1 Cor. 1. 22.
germinate. Der. us-; keinan, Kriustan, vb. (perf. kraust, pi.
us-, mithus-. krustum, pp. krustans), to gnash
Keinan, vb. to spring up, grow with the teeth, grind the teeth,
(of plants), Mk. 4. 27. Der. us-, Mk. 9. 18. Der. krusts.
mithus-. [Cf. G. keimen.] Kroton*. vb. to crush; in ga-
Kelikn, str. sb. n. a tower, Mk. kroton, q. v. [E. crush.]
12. 1; Lu. 14. 28; an upper Krusts, str. sb. f. gnashing of
chamber, Mk. 14. 15. teeth, Mat. 8. 12.
KiLthei, wk. sb. f. the womh, Lu. Kubitus, str. sb. m. a company,
1. 31. Der. inkiltho. [Cf. E. a number of men reclining to
child.] gether, Lu. 9. 14. Cf. kumb-
Kindins, str. sb. m. a governor, jan. [Lat. cubitus.]
Mat. 27. 2; Lu. 20. 20; kindins Kukjan, vb. with dat. to kiss, Mk.
wisan, to rule, Lu. 2. 2. 14. 44; Lu. 7. 38; 15. 20. Der.
Kinnus, str. sb. f. the cheek, Mat. bikukjan. [G. kssen; D. ks
5. 39; Lu. 6. 29. [G. kinn; D. sen; E. kiss.]
kin; E. chin.] Kumbjan*, vb. to lie down, re
Kintus, str. sb. m. a farthing cline. Der. ana-, mithana. [Lat.
(Lat. quadrans), Mat. 5. 26. cumbere.]
Kiusan, vb. (perf. kaus, pi. kusum, Kunaw^da, str. sb. f. a bond,
pp. kusans), to choose; also, to chain, Eph. 6. 20. From widan.
prove, test, 2 Cor. 8. 8; Gal. Kunds*, in ga-kunds, q. v.
6. 4. Der. gakiusan, gakusans, Kund6*, adj. of a certain kind or
ungakusans , uskiusan , kausjan, nature. Der. airtha-, guma-,
gakausjan, gakusts, kustus. [G. gode-, himina-, inna-, kwina-.
kiesen; D. kiezen; O. E. chese; Kuni, str. sb. n. kin, race, gene
E. choose.] ration, tribe, Mat. 11. 16; Mk.
Klahei* in niuklahei, q. v. 8. 12; 9. 19; Lu. 1. 48; 3. 7.
Klahs*, in niuklas, q. v. Der. aljakuns, inkuns, sama-
Klismjan, vb. to make a clink kuns, kunds, innakunds, goda-
ing, or tinkling noise, 1 Cor. kunds, gumakunds, kwinakunds,
13. 1. airthakunds, himinakunda. [D.
Klismo, wk. sb. f. a clinking kunne; E. Ain, kind.]
instrument, a cymbal, 1 Cor. Kunnains*, sb. knowledge, in
13. 1. anakunnains, q. v.
Kniu, str. sb. n. (gen. kniwis), the Kunnan, vb. (first perf. as pres.
knee, Mk. 15. 19; Lu. 5. 8; kann; pi. kunnum; pt. t. kun-
Rom. 14. 11. Der. knusejan. tha; pp. kunths), to know, to
[G. D knie; E. knee.] make known, Mat 7. 23; Mk.
Knoda (or knodS?), str. sb. f. a 4. 11; Lu. 4. 34; &c. Der. ga-,
race, stock, Phil. 3. 5. ana-, at-, fra-, uf-; kannjan,
140 KuKHVM Kwi3TEINs 150

ga-, -; kunths, un-, us-, fra-, KuntHjan*, in ga-swikuntbjan,

swi-, unswi-; kunthi, un-; swi- q. v.
kunthaba, gaswikunthjan. [G. Kunths, known, Lu. 2. 44; Jo.
& D. kennen; E. ken, can.] 18. 15; k. wisan, to be made
Kunnum, we know ; from kunnan. known, Eph. 3. 5; pp. of kun
Kuns*, adj. of kin. Der. alja-, nan. Der. un-, us-, swi-, unswi-.
in-, sama-. Kusts*, sb. proof, in ga-kusts,
Kuntha, I knew; from kunnan. q. v. From kiusan.
Kunthi, str. sb. n. knowledge, Lu. 1. Kustus, str. sb. m. a proof, test,
77; Rom. 10. 2; 1 Cor. 8. 10; 13. I 2 Cor. 2. 9; 8. 2; 13. 3. From
2. From kunnan. Der. un-, uf-. kiusan.


KW (KV in M., Q in S. and G.), I wife, 1 Cor. 7. 28. Der. un-

the sixth letter of the Gothic kweniths, kwino, kwinakunds,
alphabet; as a numeral, it kwineins. [Gk. fvv>; E. quean,
means 6. Pronounced probably queen.]
like qu in Engl. Kwethum, we spoke; from kwi-
Kwainon, vb. to weep, mourn, than.
lament. Mat. 9. 15; 11. 17; Kwiman, vb. (pt. t. kwam, pi.
Mk. 16. 10; 2 Cor. 12. 21. kwemum, pp. kwumans) to
[G. weinen; D. kwijnen; E. come, arrive, Mat 5. 17; 6. 10;
whine.] 7. 15, &c. Often followed by
Kwairnus*, str. sb. a millstone, in, ana, at, or bindar with dat.
only in comp, asilu-kwairnus, Der. ga- kwiman, ana -kwiman,
q. v. [E. quern.] bi-, faura-, fra-, mith-, us-kwi-
Kwairrei, wk. sb. f. gentleness, man; kwums, gakwumths, mith-
meekness, 2 Cor. 10. 1 ; Gal. 5. gakwumths. [G. kommen; D.
23 ; 6. 1. From kwairrus. komen; E. come.]
Kwairri.s, adj. gentle, 2 Tim. 2. I Kwinakunds, adj. female, Gal. 3.
24. Der. kwairrei. 28. From kwens and kuni.
Kwal*, sb. quietness, only in Kwineins, adj. female, Mk. 10.
comp, ana-kwal, q. v. [Cf. E. 6; hence neut. kwinein, a
quell.] womanly thing, a silly woman,
Kwam, I came ; from kwiman. 2 Tim. 3. 6.
Kwemum, we came; from kwiman. Kwino, wk. sb. f. a woman, Mat.
Kweniths; see un-kweniths. 5. 28; 11. 11; 27. 55, &c.
Kwenjan*, vb. to espouse, to Another form of kwens, q. v.
marry a wife; from kwens. Kwiss*, str. sb. f. speech; from
Der. unkweniths. i kwithan; only in comp. ana-, ga-,
Kwens, kweins, str. sb.f. a woman, thiuthi-, missa-, sama-, waila-,
a wife, Mat. 5. 31; Mk. 6. 17; 10. I us-kwiss.
2, &c. ; kwen niman, to take a ! KwisTeins , str. sb. f. destruction,
151 KwiSTJAN Laojan 152

1 Cor. 5. 5. Der. fra-kwisteins ; Kwithu-hafta, sb. f. a woman

see kwistjan. with child, Mk. 13. 17; 1 Th.
Kwistjan, vb. with dat. to de 5. 3. From kwithus and
stroy, Lu. 9. 56. Der. fra-, us-, haban.
fra-kwistnan, kwisteins, fra- Kwithus, str. sb. m. the womh,
kwisteins. [Cf. E. quash.] Lu. 1. 41, 42; 2. 23; the sto
Kwistnan*, vb. to come to de mach, 1 Tim. 5. 23. Cf. kil-
struction, in comp, fra-kwistnan, thei. Der. kwithu-hafta, laus-
q. v. kwithrs, laus-kwithrei.
Kwithan, vb. (pt. t. kwath, pi. Kwhman*, vb. to quicken, in
kwethum, pp. kwithans), to say, comp, ana-, ga-, mithga-. From
speak, name, call, Mat. 5. 21 ; 7. kwius.
22; 8. 4, &c. ; garaihtana sik Kwiunan*, vb. to be quickened,
kwithan, to justify oneself, Gal. become alive, in comp, ga-kwiu-
5. 4 ; ubil kwithan, to speak nan. From kwius.
evil of one, Mk. 7..10; waila Kwius, adj. quick, living, alive,
kwithan, to speak well of, to Mk. 12. 27; Lu. 20. 38; Rom.
praise, Lu. 6. 26. Der. ana-, 12. 1; 14. 9. Der. ana-kwiu-
and-, af-, faura-, faur-, fra-, jan , ga-kwiujan , mithga-kwiu-
ga-, mith-, us-kwithan; kwithlo; jan, ga-kwiunan. [D. kwik; E.
kwiss, ga-, ana-, thiuthi-, missa-, quick.]
sama, us-, waila-kwiss; un-kwe- Kwrammithra, str. sb. f. moisture,
this. [D. kouten; E. quoth, Lu. 8. 6.
queath, bequeath. Cf. G. kosen.] Kwums, str. sb. m. coming, ar
Kwithlo, sb. n. a word, a saying, rival, 1 Cor. 15. 23; 16. 17;
Skeir. 5. 23. 2 Cor. 7. 6; 10. 10. From
Kwithrs, kwithrei; see laus- kwiman.
kwithrs, laus -kwithrei. From Kwimths* sb. in compound ga-
kwithus. kwumths, q. v.

L, the twelfth letter of the Gothic Laggei, wk. sb. f. length, Eph. 3.
alphabet. As a numeral, it 18. From laggs.
signifies 30. Laggs, adj. long (only used with
Lag, I lay; from ligan. ref. to time), Lu. 8. 27; 18. 4;
Lageins, str. sb. f. a laying on wa lagga swe, so long as, Mk.
(of hands), 2 Tim. 1. 6. Der. 2. 19; hwan lagg mel, how long,
af-, ana-, faur-lageins. See Mk. 9. 21. Der. laggei, lagga-
ligan. modei. [G. D. lang; E. long.]
Lagga-modei, wk. sb. f. long-suf Lagjan, e6. to lay, set, place,
fering, Rom. 9. 22; 2 Cor. 6. Mk. 6. 56; 10. 16; 15. 19; Lu.
6. From laggs and moths. 9. 44, &c. ; lagjan ana, to lay

upon, Mat. 27. 48; Mk. 5. 23. to teach a different doctrine,

Der. ana-, af-, at-, ga-, faur-, 1 Tim. 1. 3; 6. 3; pp. laisiths,
ufar-, us-lagjan; lageins. Cf. li taught, Jo. 6. 45. Der. ga-,
gan. [G. legen; D. leggen; E. lay.] us-laisjans, unus -laisiths, lai
Laian, vb. with dat. (pt. t. lailo, seigs, laiseins, laisareis. From lei
pp. laians), to revile, Jo. 9. san, q. v. [G. lehren; D. leeren.]
28. [A. S. ledn, lehan.] Laistjan, vb. to follow, (with acc.)
Laiba, str. sb. f. a thing left, a Mat. 8. 19; Mk. 8. 34; 9. 38;
leaving, remnant, Mk. 8. 8; also med with prep, afar, Mat.
Rom. 9. 27; see next word. 8. 1; 9. 9; and with prep, mith,
Laibjan*, vb. to leave, in comp, ' Lu. 9. 49; (2) to follow after,
bi-laibjan, q. v. Lu. 17. 23; Rom. 9. 30. Der.
Laigaion, sb. a legion (from Gk. afar-, ga-, unbi-laistiths, unfair-
Xtytv), Mk. 5. 9, 15. laistiths, ga-laista. Cf. laists
Laigon*, vb. to lick, in comp, bi- and leithan.
laigon, q. v. [G. lecken; D. Laists, str. sb. m. a track, foot
likken; E. lick.] step, step, way, 2 Cor. 12. 18;
Laikan, vb. (pt. t. lailaik, pp. Skeir. 2. 23; 5. 7. Cf. laistjan
laikans), to skip or leap for joy, and leithan. [A. S. Mst.]
Lu. 1. 41, 44; 6. 23. Der. bilai- Laith, I went; from leithan.
kan, laiks. [O. E. laik, to play.] Lamb, str. sb. n. a lamh, a sheep,
Laiks, str. sb. m. (pi. laikos), a Mat. 7. 15; 9. 36; Lu. 10. 3;
sport, a dance, a dancing, Lu. 15. 4. [G. lamm; D. lam; E.
15. 25. [Cf. E. 'a lark?, i. . lamb.]
a sport, frolic.] Land, str. sb. n. land, country,
Laiktjo, wk. sb. f. a lesson, read field, Mk. 1. 5; 6. 1; Lu. 14.
ing ; written in the margin oppo 18; 2 Cor. 11. 10. [G. D. E.
site 1 Cor. 15. 58; 2 Cor. 3. ! land.]
4; &c. [Lat. lectio.] Las, I gathered; from lisan.
Lailaik, I leapt; from laikan. Lasiwosts, superl. adj. most
Latloun, they reviled ; see laian. feeble, weakest, 1 Cor. 12. 22;
Lailot, I let; from letan, q. v. from laisiws.
Lais, lit. I have learnt; hence, I Laisiws, adj. weak, 2 Cor. 10.
know; from leisan. 10. [Cf. A. S. leas; E. loose.]
Laisareis, str. sb. m. a teacher, Latei, wk. sb. f. a grievous thing,
master, Mat. 8. 19; 9. 11; 10. a delay, trouble, Phil. 3. 1.
24; &c. Der. witoda-laisareis. From lats.
From leisan. Latha-leiko, adv. very willingly,
Laiseigs, adj. apt to teach, 1 Tim. 2 Cor. 12. 15. From lathon and
3. 2; 2 Tim. 2. 24. leiks.
Laiseins, str. sb. f. a teaching, Lathon, vb. to call, invite, Mat.
doctrine, Mat. 7. 28; Mk. 1. 22; 9. 13; Mk. 2. 17; Lu. 5. 32.
4. 2. From leisan. Der. at-, ga-, lathons, latha-
Laisjan, vb. to teach, Mat. 5. 19; leiko. [G. laden; A. S. laffian.]
7. 29; 9. 35 ; laisjan sik, to Lathons, str. sb. f. a calling, in
teach oneself, learn, 2 Tim. 3. vitation, Rom. 11. 29; 1 Cor.
7; antharleiko or aljaleikos 1., 7. 20; Eph. 1. 18; consolation,
Latjo Lkiban 156
Lu. 2. 25; redemption, Lu. 2. 9. 3; laus wisan, to become
38. From lathon. vain or of none effect, Gal. 5.
Latjan, vb. to be late, to tarry, Lu. 4; witodis laus, without law,
1.21. Der. ga-, ana-. From lats. 1 Cor. 9. 21. It is used at the
Lats, adj. slothful, Lu. 19. 22; end of words like E. -less, as in
Rom. 12. 11; Tit. 1. 12. Der. akrana-laus, fruitless; also in
latei, latjan, ana-, ga- latjan. andi-, guda-, witoda-; and at
[G. lass; D. laat; E. tee.] the beginning of laus-kwithrs,
Laubjan, vb. to believe, Rom. 9. 33 ; laus-handja, lausa-waurds. Cf.
from liuban. Der. ga-, us-; ga- liusan, lausjan. [G. -los; 1).
laubeins, unga-laubeins, galaubs. -loos; E. -less.]
[G. glauben; D. gelooven; O. E. Lausa-waurdei, wk. sb. f. empty
leve; E. believe.} talk, 1 Tim. 1. 6.
Laubos, pi of laufs, a leaf, q. v. Lausa-waurdi, str. sb. n. empty
Laudja, str. sb. f. form, (Gfreek talk, 2 Tim. 2. 16.
fi>r) ** margin of Gal. 4. 19; Lausa-waurds, adj. talking vainly,
6it if should perhaps be ludjai. speaking loose and random
Cf. ludja. words, Tit. 1. 10. From liusan
Lauds*, lauths*; see liudan. and waurd.
Laufs (or laubs), str. sb. m. a Lauseins*, str. sb. f. a loosing,
leaf; pi. laubos, Mk. 11. 13; in us-lauseins, q. v.
13. 28. [G. laub; D. loof; E. Laus-handja, adj. empty-handed,
leaf.] Mk. 12. 3. From liusan and
Laugnei *, in comp, ana-laugnei, q. v. bandos.
Laugniba*, in ana-laugniba, q. v. Lausjan, vb. to make of none ef
Laugnjan, vb. to lie, deny, Mat. fect, 1 Cor. 1. 17; to loosen,
26. 70; Mk. 14. 70; Lu. 8. 45. redeem, deliver, Mat. 6. 13; 27.
Der. ga-, liugnja, ana-laugns, 43; to exact, Lu. 3. 13; to
ana-laugniba, ana-laugnei. See ask for back again, Lu. 6. 30.
liugan. Der. ga-, us-, us-lauseins. Cf.
Lauhatjan, vb. to lighten, shine liusan and laus. [G. lsen; D.
as lightning, Lu. 17. 24. From lozen; E. loosen.]
liuban. Laus-kwithrei, wk. sb. f. fasting,
LaI'hmOnI 0 LaUhmUnI, str. sb. f. 2 Cor. 6. 5; 11. 27. See next
lightning, Lu. 10. 18; 17. 24; word.
2 Th. 1. 8. From liuhan. Laus-kwithrs, adj. with empty
Laun, str. sb. n. pay, reward, stomach, fasting, Mk. 8. 3.
thank, Mat. 6. 1; Lu. 6. 32, 33, From laus and kwithus.
34; wages, Rom. 6. 23. Der. Lauths*, str. sb. m. a lad, in
sigis-laun, launa-wargs, anda- comp, jugga-lauths, q. v. From
launi. [G.lohn; D.loon; E. loan.] liudan.
Launa-wargs, adj. thankless, un Leds*, adj. (?); see unleds.
thankful, 2 Tim. 3. 2. From Legum, we lay; from ligan.
laun and wargs. Leiban*, vb. to leave. Der. laiba,
Laus, adj. empty, Lu. 1. 53; 20. bi-laibjan, bi-laifs, af-lifnan. Cf.
10; 1 Cor. 15. 14; laus wair- liban. [E. leave; cf. G. bleiben;
than, to be made rain, 2 Cor. D. blijven.]
157 158

Leihts*, adj. light; see next word. ibna-, liuba-, missa-, sama-,
[G. leicht; D. ligt; E. light.] silda-, swa-; alja-leikos, ana-
Leihts, str. sb. m. (or perhaps leiko, anthar-leiko, latha-leiko,
leihtis is merely the gen. of sama-leiko, waira-leiko; ga-lei
the above), lightness, levity of kon, gaga-leikon, thairga-leikon,
purpose, 2 Cor. 1. 17. inga-leikon, mithga-leikon; an-
Leihwan, vb. (pt. t. laihw), to thar-leikei, ga-leiki, man-leika,
lend, Lu. 6. 34, 35; leihwan silda-leikjan, alja-leikoths. [G.
sis, to borrow, Mat. 5.42. [G. gleich; D. lijk; E. Kite.]
leihen ; A. S. lihan , whence O. E. Lein, str. sb. n. linen, Mk. 14. 51,
lene; E. lend.] 52; 15. 6. [G. lein; D. lijn;
Leik, str. sb. n. the body, Mat. E. linen; Gk. Xivov.]
5. 29; 6. 22; 10. 28; a dead Leisan, vb. (pt. t. lais, pi. lisum,
body, carcase, Mat. 27. 52; Mk. pp. lisans), to learn; whence
15. 43; Lu. 17. 37; flesh. Mk. pt. t. lais, I have learnt, i. .
10. 8; 13. 20. Der. ga-leika, I know, Phil. 4. 12. Der. lais-
leikeins. Cf. leiks. [G. lche; jan, ga-, us-, unus-laisiths ; lubja-
D. lijk; E. itch in lich-gate, leisei, laiseigs, laiseins, laisareis,
Lich-field.] witoda-laisareis, lists, listeigs.
Leikains , str. sb. f. liking, good [G. lehren, lernen; D. leeren;
pleasure, purpose, Eph. 1. 5; E. learn.]
2 Tb. 1. 11; 2 Tim. 1. 9. From Leisei*; see lubja-leisei.
leikan. Leitan; letan.
Leikan, vb. to please, Jo. 8. 29; Leitiian*, vb. (pt. t. laith, pp.
1 Cor. 10. 33. Der. ga-, faura- lithans), to go. Der. af-, bi-,
ga-, ga-leikaith, leikains. [D. ga-, innga-, mithinnga-, hindar-,
lijken; E. like.] thairh-, us-, ufar-. [A. S. liffan;
Leikei*, in comp, anthar- leikei, cf. G. begleiten; D. leiden; E.
q. v. From leiks. lead.]
Leikeins, adj. bodily, fleshly, Leithus; str. sb. m. strong drink,
ITim. 4. 8; Rom. 7. 14; 2 Cor. Lu. 1. 15.
1. 12; 10. 4; 2 Cor. 3. 3. From Leitils, adj. (comp, minniza,
leik. superi. minnists), little, Mat. 25.
Leikeis, str. sb. m. (also spelt lekeis, 45; Mk. 9. 42; 14. 70; leitil
q. v.) a leech, physician, Lu. 4. galaubjands, of little faith, Mat.
23; 5. 31; Col. 4. 14. Der. 6. 30; 8. 26. [E. little; D. luttel.]
leikinon, ga-leikinon, leikinassus. Leiwjan, vb. to betray, Jo. 6. 64;
[E. leech.] another form of lewjan, q. v.
Leikinassus, str. sb. m. healing. Lekeis, str. sb. m. (also leikeis, q.
Lu. 9. 11. From leikeis. v.) a leech, physician, Mk. 2.
Leikinon, vb. to heal, Lu. 5. 15; 17; 5. 25; Lu. 8. 43.
6. 7; 9. 6. See lekinon. Lekinon, vb. to heal (another
Leikjan* see silda-leikjan. spelling of leikinon, q. v.), Lu.
Leikon*, 6. to liken; in comp, 10. 9.
ga-leikon, q. v. [E. liken; cf. Letan, vb. (also spelt leitan, Mat.
G. vergleichen.] 9. 6; Mk. 15. 9, &c.; pt. t. lai-
Leiks*, adj. like. Der. ga-, hwi-, lot, pp. letans), to let, permit,
159 Lutoan LiL'GAM IGO

suffer, allow, Mat. 8. 22; 27. Lisan, vb. to lease, gather, collect,
49; Mk. 5. 19, Ac. Der. af-, Mat. 6. 26; 7. 16; Lu. 6. 44.
fra-, us-; and-letnan, af-let, fra- Der. ga- lisan, lists. [G. D.
let, fra -lets. [G. lassen; D. lesen; E lease, to glean.]
laten; E. let] Listeigs, adj. crafty, wily, 2 Cor.
Lktnan* in and-letnan, q. v. 12. 16; Eph. 4. 14. From lists.
Lets*, adj. in fra-lets, q. v. Lists, str. sb. f. craftiness, wili-
Lew, str. sb. (n. ?) occasion, op ness, a wile, Eph. 6. 11. [G.
portunity, Rom. 7. 8, 11; 2 Cor. D. list; A. S. 1.]
5. 12; Gal. 5. 13. Der. lewjan, Lita , str. sb. f. pretence , dissi
ga-lewjan, fra-lewjan. Cf. A. S. mulation, Gal. 2. 13. Cf. liutei,
latwa, a traitor.] lists. Der. mit-litjan.
Lewjan, vb. (also lewjan, Jo. 6. Liteins, str. sb. f. an intercession,
64), to betray, Mk. 14. 42, 44; prayer (Gk. XmJ), 1 Tim. 2. 1.
Jo. 18. 5. Der. ga-, fra-. Lithus, str. sb. m. a limb, mem
Libains, str. sb.f. life, Mat. 7. 14; ber, Mat. 5. 29; Rom. 7. 5; 12.
Mk. 9. 43; Lu. 10. 25, &c. 4. Der. us-litha. Cf. leithan.
From liban. [G. glied; D. lied; O. E. lith.]
Liban, vb. to live, Mat. 9. 18; LitJan*, vb. in mith-litjan, q. v.
Mk. 5. 23; Lu. 2. 36, 4c. ; liban Liuba-leiks, adj. lovely, Phil. 4.
taujan, to make to live, to 8. [G. lieblich; E. lovely.]
quicken, Jo. 6. 63; liban gatau- From liubs and leiks.
jan, to make alive, Jo. 5. 21; Liuban*, vb. to be dear. Der.
samana liban, to live together, liubs, un-liubs, liuba-leiks; laub-
2 Cor. 7. 3. Der. mith-; libains. jan; ga-, us-; ga-laubeins, un-
Cf. leiban. [G. leben; D. leven; ga-laubeins; laubs, unga-, filu-
E. live.] ga-; ga-lubs, gudi-lubs; brothra-
Lif*, in ain-lif, eleven, and twa- lubo, lubains. Cf. liubs.
lif, twelve. [Either from leiban, Liubs, adj. dear, beloved, Mk. 1.
or, according to Bopp, lif= Lat. 11; 9. 7; 12. 6; Lu. 3. 22. [Cf.
decern = ten.] liuban. [G. lieb; D. E. lief; cf.
Ligan, vb. (pt. t. lag, pi. legum, E. love.]
pp. ligans), to lie, Lu. 2. 16; Liudan , vb. to grow, spring up,
5. 25; Mk. 1. 30; 2. 4. Der. Mk. 4. 29. Der. lauths, jugga-
at-, uf-, ligrs, ga-ligri; lagjan, lauths, swa-lauths, hwe-lauths,
ana-, af-, at-, ga-, us-, ufar-, sama-lauths.
faur-lagjan; lageins, ana-, af-, Liuga, str. sb. f. marriage, wed
bi-, faur-lageins. [G. liegen; lock, 1 Tim. 4. 3; liugom hafts,
D. liggen; E. lie.] Cf. lagjan. wedded, married, 1 Cor. 7. 10.
Liginon(?); see ga-liginon. From liugan (2).
Lian* in ga-ligri, q. v. Liugaiths*; see un-liugaiths.
Ligrs, str. sb. m. a couch, bed, Liugan (1) vb. (pt. t. laug or lauh,
Mat. 9. 2; Mk. 4. 21; 7. 30; pi. lugum, pp. lugans), to lie,
chambering, adultery, Rom. 13. tell falsehoods, Rom. 9. 1;
13. From ligan. Der. ga-ligri. 2 Cor. 1. 31; Gal. 1. 20. Der.
Linnan* vb. to cease. Der. af- un-liugands, ga-liugs, gn-liuga-
linnan. [O. E. lin, blin.] apaustaulus, ga-liuga-praufetue,
161 Liuo.ui Laitn

ga-liuga-Christus, liugn, liugna- Lu. 6. 42. From liutan, and

waurds, liugnja, laugnjan, ga- cf. lita.
laugnjan, ana-laugns, ana-laug- Liutan* vb. to dissemble. Der.
niba, ana-laugnei. [G. lgen; liuta, liuts, un-liuts, liutei, luton,
D. liegen; E. lie.] Cf. laugnjan. us-lnton. [Cf. A. S. lytig.]
Liikan (2), rb. (pt. t. liugaid.'i), Liutei, wk. sb. f. deceit, pretence,
to marry, to take a wife. Mat. hypocrisy, Mk. 7. 22; 12. 15;
5 32; Mk. 10. 11; 12. 25; pass. 1 Tim. 4. 2; us liutein taikn-
to be married, take a husband, jan sik, to feign oneself, Lu. 20.
Mk. 10. 12; 1 Cor. 7. 9, 28. 20. From liutan.
Der. ga-liugan, un-liugaiths, Liuthareis, str. sb. m. a singer,
liuga. Ezra 2. 41; Nehem. 7. 1. From
Liugn, str. sb. n. a lie, Jo. 8. 44; litithon.
Eph. 4. 25. From liugan (1). Liuthon, vb. to sing, Rom. 15. 9.
LlUGna-PraUfEtUs, sb. fit. a false Der. liuthareis. [G. D. lied;
prophet, Mat. 5. 15. E. lay (a song).]
Lihgna-WaUHDR, adj. speaking Luits, adj. deceitful, 2 Tim. 3.
lies, ITim. 4.2. From liugan (1) 13.
and waurds. Lofa, wk. sb. m. the flat or palm
Liugnja, wk. sb. m. a liar, Jo. 8. of the hand; slahs lofin, a buf
44, 55; 1 Tim 1. 10; Tit. 1. fet, Jo. 18. 22; 19. 3; lofam
12. From liugan (1). slahan, to strike with the palms
Liuhadei, sb. f. light, illumination, of the hands, Mat. 26. 27 ; Mk.
2 Cor. 4. 4, 6. From liuhan. 14. 65. [O. E. and Sc. loof.]
Liuhadeins, adj. full of light, Los, sb. f. rest (?) [a proposed
bright, Mat. 6. 22. From liuhan. reading in 1 Tim. 2. 2 ; there
Liuhan*, vb. to enlighten. Der. seems nothing to support it].
liuhadei, liuhadeins, liuhath, Lubains, str. sb.f. hope, Rom. 15.
liuhtjan, ga-liuhtjan, in-liuhtjan, 13. From liuban.
lauhatjan. lauhmuni. Cf. liuht Li ban*, to hope (?); see lubains.
jan. [G. leuchten; D. lichten.] Li'bi*, str. sb. n. sorcery (?). Der.
Liuhath, str. sb. n. (gen. liuhadis), luhja-leisei. [A. S. lib.]
light. Mat. 5. 16; 6. 23; 10. Lubja-i.eisei. wk. sb. f. witchcraft,
27, &c. From liuhan. [G. D. Gal. 5. 20.
licht; E. light; cf. O. E. lowe.] Lubo*, wk. sb. f. love; in brothra-
Liuhtjan, vb. (also spelt liutjan, lubo, q. v.
Mat. 5. 15), to be bright, shine, Lunja, str. sb. f. the face, Mat. 6.
Mat. 5. 15, 16; Jo. 5. 35; 17. [A. S. wlitel]
2 Cor. 4. 4, 6. From Mohan. Luftus, str. sb. m the air, 1 Cor.
Liusan* vb. to lose. Der. fra- 9. 26; Eph. 2. 2; 1 Th. 4. 17.
liusan, fra-lusnan, fra-Iusts. laus [G. luff, D. lucht; O. E. lift.]
(q. v.), lausjan, ga-lausjan, us- Lukan*, vb. to lock. Der. ga-,
lausjan , us-lauseins. [G. ver us-; ga-luknan, us-luknan; us-
lieren; D. verliezen; E. lose; O. luk, us-lukns. [D. luiken; E.
E. lese.] lock.]
Liuta, wk. sb. m. a dissembler, Lukarn, str. sb. n. a light (Lat.
hypocrite, Mat. 6. 2; Mk. 7. 6; lucerna), Mat. 6. 22; Mk. 4.
W. W. S eat, Mso-Qothic Glossary. 6

21; Lu. 8. 16; Jo. 5. 35. Der. Mk. 4. 19; Jo. 8. 44; Rom. 7.
lukarna-statha. 7, &c. ; us lustum, without de
Lukakna- statua, wk. sb. m. a sire, freely, willingly, Philem.
candlestick, Mat. 5. 15; Mk. 4. 14. Der. un-lustus. lustu-sams,
21; Lu. 8. IG. From lukam and luston, us-luston.
staths. Lustu-sams, adj. longed for, much
Lukns*, in uS-IuknS, q. v. desired, Phil. 4. 1. From lustus.
Li ston, vb. to desire, Mat. 5. 28; jton, vb. to betray; pres. pt.
from lustus. lutonds, as sb. a betrayer, de
Lusts*, in fra-lusts, q. v. ceiver, Tit. 1. 10. Der. us-
Lustus, str. sb. m. lust, desire, luton. See liutan.


M. the thirteenth letter of the 10. 27. Der. unmahteigs. From

Gothic alphabet. [As a numeral, magan. [G. mchtig; D. magtig.]
it means 40.] Mahtjan*, vb. in ana-mahtjan, q. v.
Magan, vb. (old pt. t. as pres. Mahts. adj. possible, Mk. 14. 5;
mag, pt. t. mahta, pp. mahts), Jo. 3. 4 (where we find maht
to be able, Mat. 5. 36; 6. 24; wesi, it might have been, and
7. 18, &c. ; mag wairthan. it is mahts ist, it is possible); mahta
possible, it may be, Rom. 12. was, was able, could, Lu. 8.
18. Der. ga-magan, mahts, un- 43. Frotn magan.
mahts, ana-mahts, ana-mahtjan, Mahts, str. sb. f. might, power,
mahteigs, un-mahteigs. [G. strength. Mat. 6. 13; Mk. 5. 30;
mgen, D. vermgen; E. may, Lu. 1. 17; a wonder, miracle.
might.] Mat. 7. 22; 11. 20. Der. ana-,
Magathei, wk. sb. f. virginity, un-. From magan. [G. macht;
maidenhood, Lu. 2. 36. From D. magt.]
magus. Maii>kins*; see in-maideins.
Magaths, str. sb. f. a virgin, maid, Maidjan, vb. to change about, to
Lu. 1. 27. From magus. Der. I change deceitfully, to corrupt,
magathei. [G. magd; D. maagd; 2 Cor. 2. 17. From maids.
E. maid.] Der. inmaidjan, inmaideins.
Magula , wk. sb. m. a little boy, Maids*, adj. changeable (?), the
Jo. 6. 9. From magus. supposed root of ga-maids, maid-
Magus, str. sb. m. a boy, child, jan, in-maidjan, in-maidcins.
Lu. 2. 43; 9. 42; 15. 26. Cf. [Cf. G. meiden, to shun.]
magaths, mawi. Mahistus, str. sb. m. a mixen,
Maiiei, sb. f. modesty, 1 Tim. 2. dunghill i lit. dung), Lu. 14. 35.
9. [But it should perhajis be [A. S. meox; G. mist.]
inahei, q. v.] Mail, sb. n. (?) a spot, blemish,
Mahteigs. adj. mighty, great. Lu. Eph. 5. 27. [Lat. macula; E.
1.49, 52; possible, Mk. 9. 23; mole: G. maal.]
165 Maimait Masaos 166

Maimait, he cut; from maitan. i mehvjan. [G. zermalmen; cf. E.

Maimbkana (ntuQvn) str. sb. m. meal.]
a membrane, parchment. 2 Tim. Malma, wife. sb. m. sand, Mat. 7.
4. 13. 26 ; Horn. 9. 27. [A. 8. mealm.]
Mainds*, adj. ; see af-mainds. Malo, wk. sb. f. a moth, Mat. <>.
Mains51, adj. mean, common. Der. I 19, 20.
ga-mains, ga-mainja, ga-main- Malsks*; see untila-malsks.
jan, gaga-mainjan, ga-mainei. Malteins * ; see ga-malteins.
ga-maindnths, ga-mainths. [. Maltjan*, vb. to melt, dissolve;
mean; Germ, ge-mein; D. ge- see ga-malteins.
meen.] Malwjan, vb. to grind down (cf.
Mais (/o), adv. more, rather. malan); hence, pp. gamal-
Mat. G. 26; Mk. 5. 26; Jo. 12. withs, contrite, Lu. 4. 18. See
43 ; mais thamma, so much the malan.
more, Mk.7. 36; mais frathjan MamJan*, mampjan, mamnjan, or
(vnefjqiQOvtv), to think more high mamInJan, vb. to deride, as root
ly, Rom. 12. 3; filaus mais, o/bi-mampjan, q. v. [Cf. G. mum
or filu mais, much more; thana men; D. mommen; E. mummer.]
mais, more still, longer, Mk. 5. 35 ; Mammo, wk. sb. f. flesh, Col. 1. 22.
nithanamais, no more; ju Mammona, wk. sb. m. Mammon,
thanamais, any longer, Lu. 16. Mat. 6. 24; Lu. 16. 13.
2. [Lat. niagis; G. mehr; D. Man, I mean, I think; see minan.
meer.] Man *, a man ; see manna. Der.
Maist, adv. at most, 1 Cor. ga-man, man-leika.
14. 27. Managduths, str. sb.f. abundance,
Maists, superl. adj. the greatest, 2 Cor. 8. 2. See manags.
Mk. 4. 32; 9. 34; Lu. 9. 46; Managei, wk. sb. f. a crowd,
as a sb. a chief man , man of multitude, the people, Mk. 3. 7;
rank, Mk. 6. 21 ; maists gudja, Lu. 2. 13; Jo. 6. 1. See ma-
the high priest, Jo. 18. 24. Cf. nags. [G. menge.]
mais and maiza. [E. most; G. Manag-fai.ths, adj. manifold, Lu.
meist; D. meest.] 18. 30; Eph. .3. 10.
Maitan, vb. (pt. t. maimait, pp. Managjan, vb. to multiply, 2 Cor.
maitans), to cut, cut off, cut 9. 10; to make to increase,
down, Mk. 11. 8. Der. af-, bi-, 1 Th. 3. 12.
us-, bimait, unbimait, ga-mai- Managnan, vb. to abound, 2 Cor.
tano, unbimaitans. [Cf. G. mes- 4. 15; Eph. 3. 10; 2 Th. 1. 3.
ser; Lat. metere.] Der. us-managnan.
Maitiims. str. sb. m. a gift, Cor- Manags, adj. much, many, Mat.
ban, Mk. 7. 11. [A. S. maffm.] 7. 13; 8. 1; Mk. 1. 34; compar.
Maiza, comp, adj. (f. maizei, managiza, more, Mat. 5. 37; Jo.
n. maizo), greater, Mat. 11. 11; 10; sup. managists; hence, swa-
Mk. 12. 31; maizo, ax adv. manags swe, as many as; hwai-
more, Lu. 9. 13. See mais, wa manags, however many;
maists. hwan manags, how many. Der.
Mai.an, vb. to grind in a mill, managei, manag-dnths, manag-
Lu. 17. 35. Dei: malo, malma, , jan, managnan, us-managnan.
167 Mana-mauhthja Mati-balqs 168

Mana-maurthja, wk. sb. m. a wuba, un-manwus, manwi, man-

homicide, murderer, Jo. 8. 44. witha, manwjan, ga-manwjan,
From manna and maurthr. fauraga-manwjan, faura-manw-
Mana-riggws ; see un-mana-riggws. jan.
Mana-seths, mana-seds , str. sb. f. Marei, wk. sb. f. the sea, Mat. 8.
a multitude, Lu. 9. 13; the 18; Mk. 1. 16; Lu. 17. 6; fam
world, Mk. 14. 9; Lu. 9. 25; ilirem, near the sea, Lu. 6. 17;
Jo. 1. 29, &c. From manna hindar marein, across the sea,
and seths. Mk. 5. 1. [E. mere; G. & D.
Mana Uli, str. sb. n. the shape or meer.]
fashion of a man, Phil. 2. 8. Maiu-saiws, str. sb. m. the sea,
Manleika, wk. sb. m. the image Lu. 8. 22. From marei and
or likeness (of a man), Mk. 12. saiws.
16; Lu. 20. 24; 1 Cor. 15. 49. Makka, str. sb. f. border-country,
From manna and leiks. coast, Mat. 8. 34; Mk. 5. 17;
Manna, wk. sb. m. a man, Mat. 5. 7. 31. Der. ga-marko. [E.
1; Mk. 1. 17; Lu. 1. 25, &c.; marches, mark, margin; G. mark;
ni manna or manna ni, nobody, D. merk; Lat. margo.]
Mut. 6. 24. Der. manna-hun, Makkreitus, str. sb. m. a pearl,
ala-mans, mannisks, mannisko- 1 Tim. 2. 9. [A. S. mere-
dus, ga-man, manauli, man grot; Gk. ftaQyaQnri]
leika, mana-seths, mana-maurth Martyr, sb. {wrongly (?) spelt
ja, un-mana-riggws. [G. D. rtr), a martyr, in the Gothic
mensch, man.\ calender.
Manna, sb. manna, Jo. 6. 31, Marzeins, str. sb. f. stumbling
49, 58. block, offence, Gal. 5. 11. Der.
Manna-hun, adj. any one; ni ., af-, ga-, frathja-marzeins.
no one, Mat. 1. 44; 8. 26; 9. 9. Marzjan, vb. to offend, hinder,
Manniskodus, str. sb. m. humanity, cause to stumble, Mat. 5. 29;
Skeir. 6. 12. Mk. 9. 43. Der. af-, ga-; mar-
Mannisks, adj. human, 1 Cor. 4. zeins, af-, ga-, frathja-marzeins.
3; Jo. 12. 43; Skeir. 6. 10. [E. mar.]
From manna. Mat, I measured: from mitan.
Mans, nom. pl. of manna (gen. Matha, wk. sb. m. a worm, Mk.
manne, dat. mannam), men. 9. 44, 46, 48. [G. & D. made;
Manwi, sb. n. the cost, price (of A. S. maffu.]
a thing), Lu. 14. 28. Cf. man- Matul, str. sb. n. a market, mar
witha and manwus. ket-place, Mk. 7. 4. Der. faura-
Manwitiia, str. sb. f. preparation, mathli, faura-mathleis, mathl-
Eph. 6. 15. From manwus. jan, mathleins. [A. S. meffel,
Manwjan, vb. to prepare, Mat. talk; O. E. mele, to talk.]
25. 41; Mk. 1. 3; Lu. 1. 17. Mathleins, str. sb. f. discourse,
Der. ga-manwjan. rom manwus. speech, Jo. 8. 43. From mathl.
Manwuba, adv. in readiness, 2 Mathljan, vb. to speak, talk, Jo.
Cor. 10. 6. 14. 30. From mathl. [O. E.
Manwus, adj. ready, Mk. 14. 15; medie, mele, to talk.]
Lu. 14. 17; Jo. 7. 6. Der. man Mati-balos, str. sb. m. a meat
169 Matjan Mes 170

bag, wallet, scrip. Mk. 6. 8; Eph. 6. 17. [Gk. ttixaiQa;

La. 9. 3; 10. 4. A. S. mece.]
Matjan. vb. to eat, Mat. 25. 42; Mel, str. sb. n. (1) time, Mk. 9.
Mk. 2. 26; Lu. 4. 2, Ac. Der. 21; Lu. 1. 57; Jo. 12. 35;
ga-, mith-matjan. From mats. (2) pi. writings, scriptures, Mk.
Mats. str. sb. m. (pi. mateis), 12. 24; Lu. 4. 21; Jo. 5. 47.
meat, food, Mk. 7. 19; Lu. 3. Der. meljan, ana-, ga-, fauraga-,
11; 9. 13. Der. matjan, ga-, uf-, ufar-, faura-meljan; ga-
mith-matjan. nahta-mats, un- meleins, gilstra-meleins, ufar-
daurni-mats, mati-balgs. meleine, ufar-meli. [A. S. mal.]
Mapdeins, str. sb. f. remembrance, Mela, wk. sb. m. a measure, a
Skeir. 6. 4 (where M. has ufar- bushel, Mk. 4. 21.
maudeinai). Der. ga-maudeins. Meleins*, str. sb. f. writing. Der.
From maudjan. ga-, gilstra-, ufar-meleins.
Maudjan, vb. to remind, Skeir. Meli*; see ufar-meli.
6. 5. Der. ga-maudjan, mau- Mel.ian, vb. to write, Mk. 10. 4;
deins, ga-maudeins. Cf. munan. Lu. 1.3; 16. 7. Der. ana-, ga-,
Maujos. gen. of mawi, q. v. fauraga-, faura-, uf-, ufar-mel-
Mai'rgins, str. sb. m. morn, morn jan. See meleins.
ing, Mk. 11. 20; 15. 1; Jo. 18. Mena, wk. sb. m. the moon, Mk.
28; du maurgina. to-morrow, 13. 24. Der. menoths. [G.
1 Cor. 15. 32. [G. D. morgen.] mond; D. maan.]
Maurgjan*, in ga-maurgjan, q. v. Menoths, str. sb. m. a month, Lu.
Maprnan, vb. to mourn ; hence, to 1. 24; 4. 25; Gal, 4. 10. [G.
be anxious or troubled about, monat; D. maand.]
Mat. 6. 25; Phil. 4. 6 Merei*, in waja-merei. q. v.
Maurtitr, str. sb. n. murder, Mk. Mereins. str. sb. f. a preaching,
7, 21; 15. 7; Gal. 5. 21. Der. 1 Cor. 15. 14; Tit. 1. 3. From
maurthrjan, mana-maurthja. [G. merjan.
mord; D. moord.\ Meritha, str. sb. f. fame, report,
Maurthrja*, wk. sb. m. a mur Mat. 9. 26; Mk. 1. 28; Lu. 4.
derer, in comp, mana-maurthrja. 14. 37. From merjan.
Maurthbjan. vb. to murder, kill, Merjan, vb. to proclaim, an
Mat. 5. 21; Lu. 18. 20. From nounce, noise abroad. Mat. 9.
maurthr. 35; Mk. 1. 4; Lu. 1. 65; to
Mawi, str. sb. f. (gen. maujos), a preach the gospel, 1 Cor. 15.
maid, maiden, damsel, Mat. 9. 1; Gal. 1. 23. Der. us-, waila-,
24; Mk. 5. 42; 6. 22 [O. E. may.] waja-; us-mernan, waila-mers,
Mawilo, wk. sb. f. a young waja-merei, mereins, waila-
maiden, damsel, Mk. 5. 41. mereins, waja-mereins. meritha.
Megs, str. sb. m. son-in-law. [Cf. G. mhre; D. maar; A. S.
Nehem. 6. 18. [A. S. mago.~\ msrsian.]
Meina, of me (gen. of ik). Mat. Merjands, pres. pt. of merjan;
10. 37; Mk. 8. 35. hence, a herald , a preacher,
Meins. possess, pron. mine. Mat. 7. 1 Tim 2. 7; 2 Tim. 1. 11.
21; Mk. 1. 11. Mes, str. sb. n. a table, Mk. 11.
Mekeis, or Meki, sb. a sword, 15; a dish, 'charger', Mk. 6.
171 MiTATue 172

25; dal uf mesa, a ditch or re Militii, str. sb. n. honey, Mk. 1.

ceptacle for a winc-vat, Mk. 6. [Lat. me/.]
12. 1. [A. S. myse; E. mee?] Militon. vb. to be a soldier, serve
Met *, in -met, q. v. as soldier, Lu. 3. 14. [Lat.
Mid, prep, with, Lu. 7. 11; an militare.]
other form of mith, q. v. i MiLi KS , sb. f milk. 1 Cor. 9. 7.
Midja, adj. middle, in the midst. Mimz, sb. n. flesh, meat, 1 Cor. 8. 13.
Mk. 9. 36; Lu. 2. 46; Jo. 7. Minan*, cb. (pt. t. man, pp.
14. Der. midja-sweipains, mid- munans), to mean, mind, think.
jun-gard, miduma, midumonds, Der. ga-minthi, ana-minds, mu
[G. mittel; D. middel.] an, ga-munan. minis, gu-munds,
Midja-sweipains, str. sb. f. the uf-munnan. ufar-munnon. [G.
flood, deluge, Lu. 17. 27. From meinen; D. meenen.]
midja and sweipau. Minds*, in ana-minds, q. v.
Muxiun-gards, str. sb. m. the in Minnl/.a, compar. adj. move minute,
habited earth, the earth, the smaller, less, Mat. 11. 11: Mk.
world, Lu. 2. 1; 4. 5. Rom. 15. 40; Lu. 7. 28; minnizo ga-
10. 18. [A. S. middan-geard.] taujan. to be behind, 2 Cor. 11.
Miduma, str. sb. f. the midst, Mk. 5. From mins.
3. 3; Lu. 8. 7; 10. 3. Minnists, superl. adj. most minute,
Midumonds, pt. pres. as sb. a me smallest, least, Mat. 5. 19; Mk.
diator. 1 Tim. 2. 5. 4. 31; Lu. 9. 48. From mins.
Mux, me; acc. of ik. Mins, minz, adv. less, 2 Cor. 12.
Mikilaba, adv. greatly, very much, 15; 1 Tim. 5. 9. Der. miuniza.
Phil. 4. 10. minnists, minznan. [G. D. min-
Mikilduths, str. sb. f. greatness, der. Cf. E. mince.]
Skeir. 4. 12, 14. Minznan, cb. to grow less, de
Mikilei, wk. sb. f. greatness, Lu. crease, Jo. 3. 30.
1. 49; 9. 43; Eph. 1. 19. Mis, to me, dat. of ik.
Mlklljan, vb. to magnify, extol, Missa-, a prefix, like Engl. mis-.
glorify, praise, Lu. 1. 46; 2. 20; Der. missadeds, missa -kwiss,
4. 15. Der. ga-mikiljan. missa-leiks, missa-taujands. .See
MiKiLnan, vb. to be enlarged or Appendix.
magnified, 2 Cor. 10. 15. Misso (/), adv. reciprocally.
Mikii.s. adj. mickle, great, much. gen. after a pers. pron. one an
Mat. 5. 19; 7. 27, &c. Der. other, Mk. 1. 27; 4. 41.
mikilaba. mikilduths, mikilei. Mitadjo. wk. sb. f. measure, Lu.
mikiljan, mikilnan, mikil-thuhts. 6. 38.
[A. S. mycel.] Mitan, vb. (pt. U mat. pi. metum,
Mikil-tuuhts, adj. high-thoughted, meitum, pp. mitans), to mete,
proud, Lu. 1. 51. measure, Mk. 4. 24; L". 6. 38.
MlLDItha, str. sb. f. mildness, Der. ga-, us-; mitn, ufar-miton,
mercy, pity, Phil. 2. 1. mitons, ga-mitons; us-met, mi
Milds*, adj. mild. Der. un-milds, tadjo. mitaths. [G. messen;
friathwa-milds, milditha. D. meten.]
Miliima, wk. sb. m. a cloud , Mk. Mitaths, Mitads, str. sb. f. a
9. 7; 13. 26; Lu. 9, 34. measure, a bushel, Mk. 4.
17.4 MITH MlTH-THAN-Bl 174

24; Lu. 6. 38; 16. 7. From Mith-gatimrjan, e6. to build to

mitan. gether, Eph. 2. 22.
Mini, prep, (spelt mid in Lu. 7. Mitii-gatiuhan, e6. to draw away
11), with dat. with, amongst, with one, carry away with, Gal.
together with, through, by. near, 2. 13. From tiuhan.
in reply to. Very common as a Mitii-gawisan, e6. to be amongst,
prefix verbal meaning together remain with, Rom. 12. lb'.
with; Gk. evv. [G. mit; D. met.] From wisan.
Mith-anakimbjan, e6. to lie down Mlth-InnGaLEltIIan , e6. to go in
together with, to recline at with, Jo. 18. 15.
meat with. Mat. 9. 10; Mk. 2. Mith-insani>jan, e6. to send with,
15; Ln. 7. 4!). 2 Cor. 8. 22; 12. 18.
Mitu-akbaidjan, vb. to labour to Mith -kaukJan, e6. (lit. to load
gether with. Phil. 4. 3; to suffer with), in phrase mith-kauriths
evils together with, 2 Tim. 1. 8. dauthau is, being made con
Mith-faginon. vb. to rejoice with, formable unto his death, Phil.
Lu. 1. 58; 15. 6, !). 3. 10. See kaurs.
Mlth-frailUntIIans, pt. pi. OS from Mith-kwiman, e6. to come with,
vb. mith-frahinthan, a fellow- go with, Jo. C. 22; 11. 33.
prisoner, Col. 4. 10; Philem. 23. Mith-kwmian, e6. to contradict,
Mith-fiaDai'thnan, vb. to die with, be contrary, strive together,
2 Tim. 2. 11. Skeir. 5. 6.
Mitii-gaggan, vb. (pt. t. mithiddja Mith-i.iban, e6. to live with,
and mididdja), to go with, Mk. 2 Tim. 2. 11.
15. 41; Lu. 7. 11. Mitii-litjan, e6. to dissemble with.
Mith-GakWifJan, vb. to quicken Gal. 2. 13. From lita.
together with, Eph. 2. 5; Col. Mith-matjan, e6. to eat with, Lu.
2. 13. From kwins. 15. 2; 1 Cor. 5. 11.
Mith-gakwumths, str. sb. f. a Mith-niman, e6. to receive,Mat. 11.4.
gathering together, a proposed Mitii-rodjan , e6. to speak with,
reading in 2 Th. 2. 1. Lu. 9. 30.
Mith-galeikon, vb. to imitate, Mith-sandjan, e6. to send with,
Phil. 3. 17. 2 Cor. 8. 18.
Mlth-GanaWIStrOn , e6. to bury Mitii-satjan, e6. to remove, 1 Cor.
with, Col. 2. 12. From naus. 13. 2. From sitan.
Mlth-ti.VrDa-WaDDji'S, str. e6. /. Mith-skalkinon, e6. to serve with,
a partition wall, Eph. 2. 14. Phil. 2. 22. From skalks.
From gards and waddjus. Mith-sokjan, e6. to dispute, Mk.
Mith-gasatjan, e6. to set to 8. 11.
gether, make to sit together, Mith-standan, e6. to stand near,
Eph. 2. 6. From sitan. be with, Lu. 9. 32.
Mith-gasintiia, wk. sb. m. one Mith-tiian, conj. whilst, Skeir. 2.
who is sent together with a 4; then, Skeir. 2. 9; still, Skeir.
companion, 2 Cor. 8. 19. From 2. 17.
sinthan. I Mitii-than-ei (spelt mith-thane,
Mith-gaswiltan, e6. to die with, Lu. 2. 43), conj. when, whilst,
2 Cor. 7. 3. From swiltan. Mat. 9. 18; Lu. 4. 40.

MiTh-ThiuDanOn, vb. to reign with, Mosta, I must, 1 could; from

1 Cor. 4. 8; 2 Tim. 2. 12. motan.
Mith-urraisjan , vb. to raise up Mota, str. sb.f. toll, custom. Mat.
together, Eph. 2. 6. From 9. 9; Mk. 2. 14; Rom. 13. 7.
reisan. Der. motareis, motastaths. [G.
Mith-ukreisan , vb. to rise up mauth.]
with, Col. 2. 12; 3. 1. Motan*, vb. (pt. t. mosta), to be
Mith-ushramjan , vb. to crucify able to, be obliged to. Der. ga-
with, Mat. 27. 44; Mk. 15. 32; motan. [A. S. motan; . E. mot;
Gal. 2. 20. From hramjau. E. must ; G. mssen; D. moeten.]
Mith-uskeinan, vb. to spring up Motabeis, str. sb. m. a receiver
with, grow up with, Lu. 8. 7. of custom, toll-taker, publican,
From keian. Mat. 5. 47; 9. 10, 11; &c.
Mith - weitwodjan , vb. to bear From mota.
witness with, Rom. 9. 1. From Mota -staths, str. sb. m. a toll-
weitan and wods. place, place for receipt of
Mith -wisan, vb. to be with, to be custom. Lu. 5. 27. From mota
beside, stand by, 2 Tim. 4. 16. and staths.
Mith-wissei, wk. sb.f. conscience, Motjan9, vb. to meet. Der. ga-
Rom. 9. 1; 1 Cor. 8. 10; 10. motjan, withra-gamotjan. [E.
25. From weitan. meet; D. ont-moeten.]
Mith-witan, vb. to be conscious Muka-modei, wk. sb. f. meekness
of, 1 Cor. 4. 4. From weitan. of mood, meekness, 2 Cor. 10.
Miton, vb. to measure; hence, to 1. See mods.
weigh a matter, consider, reason Muks*, adj. meek. Der. muka-
upon, think over, think, Mat. 9. modei.
4; Mk. 2. 8; to look to, mind, I Mix*, str. sb. n. the muzzle,
Rom. 8. 5; Phil. 2. 4; to in- ! mouth. Der. fain-muljan. [G.
tend, 2 Cor. 1. 17. Der. ufar- 1 maid; D. muH.]
miton. See mitan. Mulda, str. sb.f. dust, Mk. 6. 11;
Mitons, str. sb.f. a measuring; Lu. 9. 5. Der. muldeins. [E.
hence, a reasoning, consider mould; D. mul.]
ation, thought; Mat. 9. 4; Lu. Muldeins, adj. earthy, 1 Cor. 15. 47.
5. 22; 6. 8. Der. ga- mitons. Muljan*, to muzzle; see faur-
Front mitan. muljan.
/, wk. sb. f. meed, reward, Munan, vb. (pt. t. munaida), to be
Mat. 5. 46; 6. 2; Mk. 9. 41. minded, consider, Jo. 12. 10;
[Cf. Gk. fiiad; E. meed.] to intend, Lu. 10. 1; 19. 4.
Modags. adj. moody, wroth, an Munditha*, in aina-munditha, q. v.
gry, Mat, 5. 22; Lu. 15. 28. From munths.
Modei*. wk. sb. f. mood. Der. Mundon, vb. to mind, mark, ob
lagga-modi, muka-modei. serve, Phil. 3. 17. Der. mun-
Muds, str. sb. m. moodiness, an drei. Cf. minan. [A. S. m-
ger, wrath, Mk. 3. 5; Lu. 4. dian; E. mind.]
28. Der. modags, lagga-modei, Mundrei, wk. sb. f. a mark, a
muka-modei. [G. muth ; D. goal, Phil. 3. 14.
moed; E. mood.] Munnan*, vb. in uf-munnan, q v.

MunnOn*, i>. in ufar-mannon, i Cf. minan. [E mind, meaning;

q. v. G. meinung.]
Ml'ns, str. sb. m. (pi. minieis), Muntiis, str. sb. m. (also munth, n.
mind, meaning, intention, device, 2 Cor. 6. 11), the mouth, Lu.
2 Cor. 2. 11; mind, purpose, 1. 64; 4. 22; 6. 45, &c.; munth
will, Rom. 9. 11; Eph. 3. 11; fair-waipjan, to bind the mouth,
readiness, 2 Cor. 8. 11, pro- , muzzle, 1 Tim. 5. 18. Der.
vision, Rom. 13. 14. Der. ga- aina-muuditha. [Ii. mouth; G.
mnnds, uf-munnan, ufar-munnon. mund; D. mond.]


N, the fourteenth letter of the Nakwaths, adj. (gen. nakwadie),

Gothic alphabet. As a numeral, naked, Mat. 25. 38; Mk. 14.
it means 50. 51; nakwaths wisan, to be
Nadrs, str. sb. (m.'i) an adder, naked, 1 Cor. 4. 1 1 ; nakwaths
viper, Lu. 3. 7. [A. S. nddre; wairthan, to suffer shipwreck,
O. E. nadder; G. natter; D. 1 Tim. 1. 19. [G. nackt; D.
adder.] naeckt.]
Nagljan*, vb. to nail; see ga- Nam, 1 took; from niman.
nagljan. Namnjan, vb. to name, call, Lu.
Nagi.s*, str. sb. m. a nail. r. 6. 13, 14; 9. 10; Eph. 2. 11.
ga-nagljan. [G. D. nagel.] Der. ga-namnjan. From namo.
Naiian*, vb. (pres. t. nah. pt. t. Namo, wk. sb. n. (pi. namna, gen.
nauhta, pp. nauhts). to suffice, namne, dat. namnan). Mat. 6.
be enough. Der. bi-, ga-. ga- 9; 7. 22; 10. 41, &c. Der.
nauha, ga-nohs, ge-nohjan, ga- namnjan, ga-namnjan. [G. name;
nohnan. [G. gengen; cf. D. D. naam.]
genoeg; D. enough.] Nantiuan *, vb. to dare. Der. ana-,
Nahta-mats, str. sb. m. (lit. night- ga-nanthjan. [A. S. n'an.]
meat), an evening meal, supper, Nardl's, str. sb. m. nard, spike
Mk. 6. 21; Lu. 14. 12, Jo. nard, Jo. 12. 3. [G. vfldot;.]
12. 2. Naseins, nasseins, str. sb. f. sal
Nahts, str. sb. f. night. Mk. 4. vation, Lu. 1. 69; 2. 30; 19. 9.
27; Lu. 5. 5; 6. 12, &c. Der. Nasjan, vb. to save, Mat. 8. 25;
nahta-mats, anda-nahti. [G. D. 27. 49 ; Mk. 3. 4. &c. Der. ga-
nacht.] nasjan. From nisan.
Naiteins, str. sb. f. blasphemy, Na.sjands, pres. p. as sb. the Sa
Mk. 2. 7; 3. 28; Lu. 5. 21. viour, Lu. 1. 47; 2. 11; Eph. 5. 23.
Naitjan*, vb. to revile, blaspheme. Nati, str. sb. n. a net. Mk. 1. 16,
Der. ga-naitjan, naiteins. [Cf. 18; Lu. 5. 2. [G. netz; D. net.]
A. S. nting, a chiding.] Natjan, vb. to wet, make wet,
Nakwadei, wk. sb. f. nakedness, water, wash, Lu. 7. 38. Der. ga-
Rom. 8. 35; 2 Cor. 11. 27. I natjan. [G. nass, netten) D. nat.]
1711 N.VUMBAIMBAIK Nisi 180

Naimbaimbair, s/i. November, in Neith, str. sb. n. envy, Mat. 27.

Gothic calendar. 18; Mk. 15. 10; Gal. 5. 21; in
Nai'di-b.vndi, str. sb. f. a tetter, neitha wisan, to envy, Gal. 5.
Mk. 5. 3. 4; 2 Tim. 1. 16. 26. Der. anda-neiths. [G. neid;
From nauths and bindan. D. nijd; A. S. nid".]
Nacdi-TIIaURFTS , adj. necessary. Nemeks*, adj. in anda-nemeigs,
2 Cor. ). 5 ; Skeir. 2. 20. From q. v.
nauths and thaurban. Nems . in anda-nems, q. v.
N u n, adv. still, yet, Mat. 27. G3; Nethi.a, str. sb. f. a needle, Mk.
Lu. 14. 22; ni nauh or nanh 10. 25; Lu. 18. 25. [G. nadel;
ni, not yet, not as yet, Mk. 4. D. naald.]
40. [G. noch.] Ni, conj. nor, not; Mat. 5. 17,
NaI'II-TiiAX, naUh - Tiiani'ii, adv. 42, &c. ; nist, is not; ni waiht,
slid, yet; ni nauh-than, not no whit, nothing; ni manna, no
yet, Jo. 6. 17; 11. 30. man; ui aiw, never; ni ju, no
Nai in'Tii-Than, ' adv. besides, as more; ei ni, that not; niba, if
well, moreover. Lu. 14. 26. not; nib, not, nor. [A. S. &
Nai s, sb. m. (pi. naweis), a dead O. E. ne.]
man. Lu. 7. 15, 22; !>. 60. Niba, nibAi, conj. if not, except,
N u timan, vb. to force, to compel, Mat. 5. 20; Mk. 3. 27; 7. 3;
Lu. 14. 23; 16. 16. Der. ana-. 8. 14. From ni and iba or ibai.
Nai'ths, str. sb. f. (. naudis), Nidwa, str. sb. f. rust, Mat. 6.
need, necessity, 2 Cor. (. 4; 9. 19, 20.
7; 12. 10. [G. noth; D. nood.] Nih, conj. nor (sometimes nith
Nawis, adj. dead, Rom. 7. 8. before th following, and nis
Der. ga- nawistron. mith-gana- before s following). Mat. 10.
wistron (as if from nawistr*, sb. 34; Lu. 20. 16, 40; nih - nib,
a grave). neither nor, Mat. 5. 35, 36.
Ne. adv. nay. no. Mat. 5. 37; Lu. Nih-tHan, conj. neither, nor (also
1. 60; Jo. 7. 12; not, Jo. 18. spelt nith-than), Mat. 9. 17; Lu.
40. [E. nay; G. nein.] 6. 43. From nih and than.
Nehw, adv. near. Lu. 15. 25. Niman, vb. to take, take away,
Der. nehwa, nehwis, nehwjan, receive, Mat. 5. 40; Mk. 7. 27;
at-nehwjan, nehwundja. [A. S. 8. 6, &c. Der. and-, at-, af-,
neah; G. nahe; D. na.] bi-, dis-, ga-, mith-, us-, fra-;
Nehwa, adv. near. Mk. 13. 28; anda-nems, anda-nemeigs, anda-
Jo. t. 4; 7. 2. numts, arbi-numja. [G. nehmen;
Nehwis. compar. ade. nearer. D. nemen; O. E. nim.]
Rom. 13. 11. Nipjan*, vb. or neipan? to vex?
Nehwjan, vb. to draw near. Lu. Der. ga-nipnan.
15. 1. Der. at-nehwjan. From NiPnan*, vb. see ga-nipnan.
nehw. Nisan*, vb. to heal. Der. ga-
Nehwundja , wk. sb. m. a neigh nisan, ga-nists, nasjan, ga-nas-
bour. Mat. 5. 43; Mk. 12. 31; jan, naseins. [G. genesen'. D.
Lu. 10. 27; another. Rom. 13. 8. genezen; A. S. genesan.]
Nei, adv. not, 2 Cor. 3. 8. Cf. ne. I Nist, is not, Mat 10. 24; from
Neipan*, vb.; see nipjan. I ni and ist
181 NlTllAN NlTl.4

Nitiian, vb. to help, Phil. 4. 3. ! Niunda, ord. adj. ninth, Mat. 27.
[A. S. nit, useful.] 45; Mk. 15. 33.
Nitidis, str. sb. m. a kinsman. NiUn-hUnDa, nine hundred, Ezra
Lu. 14. 12; Jo. 18. 26; Rom. 2. 16.
16. 21. Der. ganithjis. nith- NiintKiiux4>, ninety, Ezra 2. 16;
jo. |G. neffe; D. neef; E. Lu. 15. 4, 7.
nephew.] Niutan, vb. to receive joy from,
Nithjo, wk. ab. f. a cousin, Lu. Philem. 20; to obtain, Lu. 20.
1. 36. [E. niece.] 35. Der. ga-niutan, nuta, un-
Nith-tuan; see nih-than. nutis. [G. ntzen, gemessen; D.
Nil', conj. not (gen. in asking a geneiten; A. S. netan, to use.
question). Mat. 6. 2(i; 7. 22; enjoy.]
27. 13; niu aiw, never, Mk. 2. NOta, wk. sb. m. stern, hinder
25; niu hwan, if perchance, part of a ship. Mk. 4. 38.
2 Tim. 2. 25; niu aufto, whether Ni', adv. now, Mat. 26. 65, &e. ;
or not, Lu. 3. 15. From ni fram himnia nu, from hence
and uh. forth, Lu. 5. 10; fram thamma
Niuisetns, str. sb. f. visitation. nu, from henceforth, 2 Cor. 5.
Lu. 19. 44. 16; tho nu hweila, the present
Niriisjan*, vb. to visit. Der. bi- ; time, 2 Cor. 8. 14; tho nu aid,
niubsjan, niuhseins. [A. S. this present world, 2 Tim. 4.
nesian.] 10; ath-than nu, wherefore. Rom.
Niujan*, ob. to renew, in ana- 7. 12; ith in thizei nu, but be
niujan. q. v. cause therefore, Skeir. 1. 26;
Niuis, adj. new, Mat. 9. 17; 27. nu sai or sai nu, see now, now
60; Mk. 1. 27. Der. ana-niu- therefore, Eph. 2. 10. [G. nun;
jan. aua-niujitha, in-niujitha, D. nu; E. noto.]
niujitha, niu-klahs. [G. neu; D. Nu'h, nuu. then (in questions). Mk.
to.] 12. 9; Jo. 18. 37. From nu
Niljitha, str. sb. f. newness. and uh.
Rom. 7. 6. Nlmja*, wk. sb. m. a taker, in
Nii -kLiiei , wk. sb. f. weakness arbi-numja, q. v.
of failli, faint- heartedness. Ni'xirs* str. sb. f. in anda-n umts,
Skeir. 7. 7. From niujis and q. v.
klahs. Nunu, adv. therefore. Mat. 10.
NiL-kLiis. adj. new-born, young, 26, 31.
infantine, Ln. 10. 21; 1 Cor. Nuta. wk. sb. m. a fisher, catcher
13. 11; Gal. 4. 1. of fishes, Mk. 1. 17; a catcher
Nu n, num. nine, Lu. 15. 4; 17. of men. Lu. 5. 10. From niutan.
17. [G. neun; D. negen.] Nutis*, adj. useful; see un-nutis.
183 O Praufeteis 184

O, the 25th and last letter of the Mat. 9. 8; 10. 28; Mk. 5. 15;
Gothic alphabet. As a numeral. refl. to fear, be afraid of, Mat.
it means 800. Answers generally 10. 26; Mk! 4. 41. Der. ogjan.
Greek , seldom to o or ov. It From agan.
is to be regarded as essentially Ogjan, vb. to terrify, frighten,
long; and to be sounded pro Nehem. 6. 19.
bably Hke o in gold. Ohteigo; see uhteigo.
O. interj. O! Oh! Mk. 9. 19; Gal. On*, breathed out; pt. t. o/anan;
3. 1; ho! ah! Mk. 15. 29. in comp, uz-on, q. v. Cf. anan.
Ogan . vb. (pres. og. pt. t. ohta, Osanna, Hosannah, Mk. 11. 9;
pi. ohtedum), to fear, with acc. Jo. 12. 23.

P, the 17th letter of the Gothic pitch-tree, a pine-tree), a palm-

alphabet. As a numeral, it tree, Jo. 12. 13.
means 80. [Nearly all words Pistikeins (mmx), adj. genuine,
beginning with P are Greek ] pure, Jo. 12. 3.
Paida (xizuv), str. sb. /. a coat, Plapja, str. sb. f. a street, Mat.
outer body-garment, Mat. 5. 40; 6. 5. [M. proposes to read platja.]
Mk. 6. 9; Lu. 3. 11. Der. ga- Plats, str. sb. m. a patch, new-
paidon. [A. S. pad.] piece put in, Mat. 9. 16; Mk.
Paintekuste (tvor), Pente 2. 21; Lu. 5. 36.
cost, 1 Cor. 1. 8. Plinsjan, vb. to dance, Mat. 11.
Papa. sb. a bishop, in Gothic 17; Mk. 6. 22; Lu. 7, 32.
calendar. Praggan *, vb. to press. Der. ana-
Parakletus, sb. the Paraclete, praggan. [D. prangen.]
comforter, Jo. 14. 16; 15. 26; Praitoria, vraitauria, 6. Pre-
16. 7. torium, Jo. 18. 28; 19. 9.
Paraskaiwe (nanuexivi'i), sb. the Praitoriaun. i. the same, Mk. 15.
day of the preparation, Mat. 16; Jo. 18. 28.
27. 62; Mk. 15. 42. Praizbytairei, wk. sb. /. (spelt
Paukpura (spelt paurpaura, Lu. praizbyterei, 1 Tim. 5. 19), the
16. 19), sb. purple, Mk. 15. 17, presbytery, the elders, 1 Tim.
20. Der. paurpuron. 5. 19; Tit. 1. 5.
Paurpuron, vb. to clothe in pur- Praizbytaireis, str. sb. m. a pres-
plc; pt. pass. paurpuroths, ' byter. a priest, 1 Tim. 4. 14.
clothed in purple, Jo. 19. 2. 5. Praufeteis (nQoqujrig), sb. f. a
Peika-bagms, str. sb. m. (lit. a prophetess, Lu. 2. 36.
185 Pkaufkti Raihtaba 186

Praufeti, sb. n. a prophecy, 7. 12, &c. Der. galiuga-prau-

1 Cor. 13. 8. fetoe, liugna-praufetus, prau-
Praufetja, wk. sb. m. a prophecy, feteis, praufetja, praufetjan,
1 Cor. 13. 2; 14. 22; 1 Tb. praufeti.
5. 20. 1 Psalma, PSai.mO, 6./. a psalm,
Praufetjan, vb. to prophesy, Lu. 20. 42; 1 Cor. 14. 26;
Mat. 7. 22; Mk. 7. C; Lu. Eph. 4. 8.
1. 67. Puggs (aHrnov), sb. m. a
PraUFEtUS, sb. (PraUfEtES in purse, Lu. 10. 4.
Mat. 10. 41; Mk. 6. 15; 11. Pund, str. sb. n. a pound, Jo. 12.
32), a prophet, Mat. 5. 17; 3. . [G. pfund; D. pond.]

Q, the sixth letter of the Gothic and in Massmann by. KV, is de

alphabet, denoted in Bosworth, noted in this volume by KW.
Schulze, and Gabelentz by Q, See KW.

R, the 18th letter of the Gothic i Raiinjan, vb. to reckon, count up,
alphabet. As a numeral, it Lu. 14. 28; to number, Mk. 15.
means 100. I 28; Rom. 8. 36; to compute,
Rabbaunei (Qaovvi) , Rabboni, think, Phil. 2. 6; wairthana
Mk. 10. 51. rabnjan , to consider worthy,
Rabbei (Qtti), Rabbi, Mk. 9. 5; Lu. 7. 7; to impute, 2 Cor. 5.
11. 21 ; Jo. 6. 25. 19. Der. ga-, faura-. [G. rech
Ragin, str. sb. n. a rule; hence, nen; D. rekenen.]
opinion, judgment, 1 Cor. 7. Rahton, vb. to relate to, 2 Cor.
25; advice, 2 Cor. 8. 10; ordi 9. 1. Cf. rikan.
nance, decree, Col. 2. 14; dis Raideins*; see ga-raideins.
pensation, Col. 1. 25. Der. Raidjan, vb. to appoint, Skeir.
raginon, ga-raginon, ragineis, 3. 14; raihtaba raidjan, to di
fidur-ragineis. vide rightly, 2 Tim. 2. 15. Der.
Ragineis, str. sb. m. a counsellor, ga-raidjan. From raids.
Rom. 11. 34; Mk. 15. 43; a Raids*, adj. set, appointed, ready.
governor, guardian, Gal. 4. 2. I Der. ga-raids, raidjan, ga-raid
Raginon, vb. to rule, govern, Lu. jan, ga-raideins. [E. ready.]
2. 2; 3. 1. 1Cf. Lat. regere; Raihtaba, adv. rightly, Lu. 7.
G. regieren.] 43; 10. 28; 20. 21; straight
187 Raihts Retro ISS

way, Mk. 7. 35; r. gaggan, to RarrtTJan*, vb. to be angry. Der.

walk uprightly. Gal. 2. 14. in-rauhtjan.
From raihts. Rai pjan, vb. to reap; hence, to
Raihtis, conj. (always used in the pluck, Mk. 2. 23; Lu. 6. 1.
position of an enclitic), lor, Mat. [G. raufen, rupfen; D. rapen;
9. 5; 11. 18; but however, Rom. E. reap.]
10. 18; however, indeed, Mk. Raus. str. sb. . a reed. Mat. 1 1 .
4. 4; swe raihtis. just as, 2 Cor. 7; 27. 48; Mk. 15. 1!); Lu. 7.
8. 7. From raihts. 24. [G. rohr.]
Raihts, adj. right, straight, Mk. Ra/.da, str. sb. f. a speech, a
1. 3; Lu. 3. 4, 5; righteous, tongue, language, Mat. 26. 73;
2 Tim. , 4. 8. Der. raihtaba, Mk. 14. 70; Rom. 14. 11. [A. S.
ga-raihts, ga-raihtaba, ga-raih- reord.]
tei, un-ga-raihtei, ga-raihtitha, ga- Ra/.n, str. sb. n. a house, Mat. 5.
raihtjan, at-ga-raihtjan, ga-raiht- 15; 7. 24; Lu. 6. 48. Der. ga-
eins, raihtis. [G. recht; D. regt.] razna, ga-razno. ( f. bus, gards.
Raip* sb. a rope, string; see [A. S. rsen.]
skauda-raip. [G. reif; D. reep.] Redan*, vb. to counsel, provide,
Raisjan, vb. to raise, Rom. 9. 17. think of. Der. ga-redan, faura-
Der. ur-. mithur-. From reisan. garedan, und-rcdan , ur-redan,
Raka (x), Mat. 5. 22. ga-redaba. Cf. rathjan, rodjan.
Rakjan* vb. to reach, to stretch. Reikei*. sb. danger; see bi-
Der. uf-rakjan. From rikan. reikei.
Rann, I ran; from rinnan. Reiki, str. sb. . power, authority,
Ranneins*, sb. a running; see Lu. 20. 20; Rom. 8. 38; 1 Cor.
ufar-ranneins. 15. 24. From reiks. [E. -rie
Rannjan*, vb. to cause to run. in bishopric.]
Der. ur-rannjan , ufar-ranneins. Reikinon, y vb. to rule, govern,
From rinnan. Mk. 10. 42; Jo. 14. 30; Rom.
Rasta, str. sb. f. rest; hence, a 15. 12.
stage of a journey, a mile, Mat. Reikista, superl. adj. most power
5. 41. ful; hence, as sb. a prince, Mk.
Rathjan*, vb. to speak, teli. Der. 3. 22; - reikista gudja, the high-
rathjo, ga-rathjan. Cf. rodjan. priest, Jo. 18. 22. See reiks.
Rathjo, wk. sb. f. a number, Jo. Reiks, adj. mighty, chief, having
6. 10; Rom. 9. 27; account, Lu. authority, honourable, Nehem.
16. 2; Rom. 14. 2. [Lat. ratio.] 6. 17; hence, as sb. a chief,
Raths, adj. ready, easy; compar. ruler, Mat. 9. 18; Lu. 18. 18;
rathiza, easier, Lu. 18. 25. Cf. Jo. 7. 26. Der. reikista, reiki,
raids. reikinon, fritha-reiks. [G. reich,
Ratjan, vb. to appoint, 1 Th. 3. a kingdom; D. rijk; A. S.
3. [M. reads satidai. from satjan.] rte]
Raubon*, vb. to reave, rob. Der. Reirn, vb. to tremble. Mat. 27. 51 ;
bi-raubon. [G. rauben; Lat. Mk. 5. 43; Lu. 8. 17. Der. reiro.
rapere.] [Cf. G. rhren.]
Raids, adj. red, Skeir. 3. 16. Reiro. wk. sb. f. a trembling, Mk.
[G. roth; D. rood.] 16. 8; an earthquake, Mat. 27. 54.
189 Reisan Runs 190

Reisan*, e6. to rise. Der. ur-, Rhjds*. adj. honourable, worthy.

mithur-; ur-rists; raisjan, ur-, Der. ga-riuds, ga-riudi, ga-.
mithur-raisjan. riudjo.
Reks*, adj. in danger; see bi- Rikrei, wk. sb. /. corruption,
reks. 1 Cor. 15. 50; Gal. C. 8; Col.
Riggws*, adj. in comp, unmana- 2. 22. Der. un-riurei. From
riggws, q. v. riurs.
Rifin, str. sb. n. rain, Mat. 7. 25, Riuiuan, vb. to corrupt, 1 Cor.
27. Der. rignjan. [G. & B. 15. 33.
regen.] Riurs, adj. mortal, 2 Cor. 4. 1 1 ;
Rignjan, ch. to rain, Mat. 5. 45; temporal. 2 Cor. 4- 18; cor
Lu. 17. 29. ruptible, 1 Cor. 9. 25; corrupt,
RiKan, vb. (pt. t. rak, pi. rekum, Eph. 4. 22; - riurs wairthan, to
pp. rikans) to reach; hence, to be corrupted, 2 Cor. 1 1 . 3. Der.
collect, heap up, Rom. 12. 20. riurei, un-riurei. un-rinrs, riar-
Der. uf-rakjan, bi-reks, bi-reiki. jan. [Cf. A. S. hreosan. to
[G. reichen; D. reiken; E. rush, fall.]
reach.] Rodjan, vb. to speak. Mat. 9. 18;
Rikwis, kikwiz, str. sb. n. dark Mk. 1. 34; 2. 2, &c. Der. un-
ness, Mat. 6. 23; 8. 12; 27. rodjands, bi-rodjan, mith-rod-
45. &c. Der. rikwizeins, ri- jan, bi-rodeins. [G. reden; D.
kwizjan. [Cf. G. rauch ; E. reek; raden; A. S. riedan; O. E.
O. , role, a mist.] rede.]
Rikwizeins, adj. roky, misty, Roiisns, str. sb. f. a hall. Mat.
dark, Mat. 6. 23; darkened, 26. 69; Mk. 14. 66; Jo. 18. 15.
Eph. 4. 18. Rl <;ks*. adj.; see ur-rugks.
Rikwizjan, vb. to become lli'ma, wk. sb. f. Rome, 2 Tim.
dark, to be darkened, Mk. 1. 17.
13. 24. Rumoneis, pi- sb. Romans.
Rimis, str. sb. n. rest, quietness, Rums, str. sb. m. room, space,
2 Th. 3. 12. place, Lu. 2. 7. Der. rums,
Rinnan, vb. (pt. t. rann, pi. run- ur-rumnan. [G. roum; D.
num, pp. runnans), to run, Mk. ruim.]
5. 6 ; to go out, Lu. 8. 33 ; to Ri ms, adj. roomy, large, broad,
come out. Mat. 8. 28; to flow, Mat. 7. 13.
Jo. 7. 38; samath rinnan, to Runa, str. sb. f. a rune, a
run together, Mk. 9. 25. Der. mystery. Mk. 4. 1 1 ; Lu. 8. 10;
and-, at-, bi-, duat-, ga-, du-, | Rom. 11. 25; counsel. Mat.
fair-, faur-, fra-, und-, ur-; 27. 1; Lu.- 7. 30. Der. ga-
blotha-rinnandei, rinno, runs, runi, bi-runains.
ga-runs, ur-runs, ga-runjo, ur- Runs, str. sb. m. a running, an
rannjan, ufar-rinneins. [G. D. issue, Mk. 5. 25; Lu. 8. 43;
rennen.] a course, 2 Tim. 4. 7; run
Rinno, wk. sb. f. that which flows, ga-waurkjan sis, to run down
a brook, Jo. 18. 1. violently. Mat. 8. 32. Der.
Rists*. str. sb. f. a rising; see ga-ruus. ur-runs. From rin
ur-rists. nan.
191 S Sakan 102

S, the 19th letter of the Gothic I Saian, salan, vb. (pt. t. saiso,
alphabet. As a numeral, it pp. saians), to sow, Mat. 6.
means 200. 26; Mk. 4. 3; 4. 14. Der. in-
Sa, dem. pron. this (/. so, n. thaui) ; I saian. [G. sen; D. zaaijen.]
also (2) as def. art. the; (3) Saihs, num. six, Mk. 9. 2; Lu.
pers. pron. he, pi. thai, they 4. 25. Der. saihs-tigjus, saihsta.
(f. thos). Der. sa'h, sa-ei. See also Saihs-tigjis, sixty, 1 Tim. 5. 9.
under thata. [A. S. jSe, segythat.] Saihsta, adj. the sixth, Mat. 27.
Saban, sb. n. fine linen, Mat. 27. 45; Mk. 15. 33.
59. [A. S. saban.] Saihwan, vb. (pt. t. sahw, pi.
Sabbato, sb. m. indecl. the Sab sehwum, pp. saihwans), to see,
bath, Mk. 2. 27, 28; sabbato- Mat. 8. 4; Mk. 5. 6; Lu. 2.
dags, the Sabbath-day, Mk. 1. 21. 15, &c. ; s. faura, to beware of,
Sabbatus, str. sb . (gen. pi. sab- Mk. 12, 38. Der. and-, at-, bi-,
bate, -o; dat. -um, -im), the Sab ga-, us-, duga-, usga-, in-,
bath, Mk. 2. 24; 3. 4; 16. 1. thairh-; unsaihwands, ungasaih-
Der. sabbato, afar-sabbatus. wans. [G. sehen; D. sien.]
Sads; see saths. I Saijan; see saian.
Sa-ei, rel. pron. that, who (J. so-ei Sail*, str. sb. n. a cord, rope.
or eei, 7i. thatei). From sa and ei. Der. in-sailjan. [A. S. sl; G.
Sagukwjan, vb. to make to sink, seil; D. zeel.]
1 Tim. 6. 9. From siggkwan. Sainjan, vb. to delay, wait, tarry,
Saggkws, str. sb. m. a sinking, the 1 Tim. 3. 15. [Cf. A. S. same,
quarter of sun-set, the west, slow.]
Mat. 8. 11. From siggkwan. Sair, str. sb. n. sorrow, 1 Tim.
Saggws, str. sb. m. song, singing, Lu. 6. 10; travail, 1 Th. 5. 3.
15. 25; Eph. 5. 19; saggws [E. sore, sorrow; A. S, sdr.]
boko, reading, 1 Tim. 4. 13. Saislep, slept; from slepun.
Sa'h, contr. from sa and uh, dem. Saiso, sowed; from saian.
pron. (/. soh, n. thatuh), and Saiwala , str. sb. f. (V'aT?) the
this, and that; this, that. soul, the life, Mat. 6. 25; 10.
Sahts*, str. sb. f. a seeking, 39; Mk. 3. 4, &c. Der. sama-
searching? Der. ga-, in-, tri-, saiwals. [G. seele; D. ziel.]
gafrisahtjan, gafrisahtnan. From Saiws, str. sb. m. the sea, a lake.
sakan. Lu. 5. 1, 2. Der. mari-saiws.
Sahw, I saw; from saihwan. [G. see; D. zee.]
Sai, adv. see! lo! behold! Mat. Saizlep, slept; from slepan. See
8. 2; 9. 10; 10. 28; sai nu, also saislep.
see now, now, therefore, Eph. Sakan, vb (pt. t. sok, pp. sakans),
2. 19; nu sai, now, Rom. 7. 6; to rebuke, Mk. 10. 13; Lu. 19.
sai jau, see whether, Jo. 7. 48. 39; to strive, dispute, Jo. 6.
Cf. saihwan. 52; 2 Tim. 2. 24. Der. and-,

anain-, ga-, in-, us-; unandsa- Sama, sa sama, adj. the same,
kans, sakjis, sakjo; sahts, ga- Mat. 5. 46; 27. 44; Mk. 10.
sahts, in-sahts, fri-sahts, ga-fri- 10, &c.; (2) in comp, together.
sabtjan, ga-frisahtnan , un-sah- Der. sama-frathjis, -kuns, -kwiss,
taba; sokjan, ga-sokjan, mith- -lauds, -leiks, -saiwals; lustu-
sokjan, us-sokjan, sokns, unand- sams, samana, samath. \Cf.
soks, sokeins, sokareis. See sok O. E. sam, together; G. samt,
jan. [A. S. sacan; . sake in zusammen.]
forsake.] Sama-frathjis, adj. like-minded,
Sakjis, str. sb. m. a brawler, Phil. 2. 2. From sama and
striker, 1 Tim. 3. 3. From frathjan.
sakan. Sama-kuns, adj. kindred, of the
Sakjo, wk. sb. /. strife, 2 Tim. same kin, Rom. 9. 3. From
2.23. From sakan. [A.S.iaeu.] sama and kuni.
Sakkus, str. sb. m. a sack, sack Sama-kwiss, str. sb. f. concord,
cloth, Mat. 11. 21; Lu. 10. 13. agreement, 2 Cor. 6. 15, 16.
[G. sack; D. zak.] From sama and kwithan.
Salbon, vb. to salve, anoint, Mat. Sama-lauds, adj. as much, an
6. 17; Lu. 7. 46; Jo. 11. 2. equal share, Lu. 6. 34.
Der. ga-salbon, salbons. [G. Sama-letko, adv. equally, likewise,
salben; D. zalven.] Mk. 12. 21; 15. 31; Lu. 6. 26.
Salbons, str. sb. f. ointment, Sama-leiks, adj. alike, agreeing
salve, Jo. 12. 3. together, Mk. 14. 56, 59. From
Saldr, sb. /. jesting, Epb. 5. 4. sama and leiks.
Salithwa, str. sb. f. (only in pi. Samana, adv. together, in the
salithwos), a mansion, Jo. 14. same place, Lu. 17. 35; 1 Cor.
2, 23; guest-chamber, Mk. 14. 14. 23. From sama.
14; a lodging, Philem. 22. Sama-satwals, adj. of one accord,
Saljan, vb. (1) to dwell, abide, Phil. 2. 2.
remain, Mk. 6. 10; Lu. 9. 4; Samath, adv. to the same place,
Jo. 10. 40. Der. us -saljan, together, 1 Cor. 7. 5; s. ga-
salithwos. [A. S. sal; G. saal; gaggan, to come together, 1 Cor.
D. zaal, a hall.] 5.4; s.rinnan, to run together.
Saljan, vb. (2) to bring an offer From sama.
ing, to sacrifice, Mk. 14. 12; Samjan, vb. to please, Col. 3. 22 ;
1 Cor. 10. 20; to 'burn in refl. to please oneself, to 'make
cense' (A. V.), Lu. 1. 9; thatei a fair show' (A. V.), Gal. 6.
galiugam saljada, that which is 12. [A. S. teman; whence E.
offered to idols, 1 Cor. 10. 19; seem, seemly.]
hunsla saljan, to offer a sa Sandjan, vb. to send, Lu. 20. 11;
crifice, do service, Jo. 16. 2. Jo. 5. 37; 6. 38. Der. ga-,
Der. ga-saljan. [A. S. syllan; fauraga-, in-, mithin-, mith-,
whence E. sell.] us-. From sinthan. [G. senden;
Salt, fr. sb. n. salt, Mk. 9. 49 ; Lu. D. zenden.]
14. 34; Col. 4. 6. Der. saltan, SnKWA,sb.n.pl. arms, armour, Rom.
un-saltans. [G. salz; D. zout.] 13. 12; panoply, whole armour,
Saltan, vb. to salt, Mk. 9. 49. Eph. 6. 11, 13. [A. S. searo.]
W. W. k.t, Moso-Gothic Glogsirj. 7
SAtana, satans, sb. Satau, Mk. 20. Der. eaurgau. [G. sorge;
1. 13; 3. 23; 8. 33, &c. D. zorg.]
Sateins, str. sb. f. natural dis Saurgan, 6. to sorrow, to be
position, nature, Eph. 2. 3 grieved, to be anxious about,
(a gloss for wistai.). Der. f-, Mat. 6. 28; Jo. 16. 20; 2 Cor.
ga-, us-. From sitan. 6. 10.
Sathan* 6. (pt. t. soth, pp. sa- Saurini-fynikiska, sb. f. Syro-
thans), to be full. Der. saths. Phnician, Mk. 7. 26.
Saths, sads, adj. (gen. sadis), full, Sautiia, str. sb. f. subject of dis
Lu. 6. 25; 1 Cor. 4. 8; s. wair- course, theme, 1 Cor. 15. 2.
than, to be filled, to be full, Sauths, sauds, str. sb. m. a sacri
Mk. 7. 27; 8. 8; sath itan, to j fice, Rom. 12. 1; Eph. 5. 2; a
eat enough, be filled, Lu. 16. holocaust, burnt- offering, Mk.
21; to fill one's belly, Lu. 15. 12. 33.
16. Der. soth, ga-sothjan. [G. Seds*, sb. seed? Der. manaseths.
satt; A. S. seed; E. sated.) Cf. saian. [A word of doubt
Satjan, vb. to set, place, put, Mk. ful existence.]
4. 21; Lu. 8. 16; to set or Seirwum. We saw; from saih-
plant (trees), Lu. 17. 28; 1 Cor. wan.
9. 7; satiths wisan, to be set, Sei, contr. from so-ei. she who.
made, ordained, 1 Tim. 1. 9; See sa-ei.
niuja satiths, one newly planted, Seina, gen. sing, and pi. of third
a novice, 1 Tim. 3. 6. Der. pers. pron. his, their, Jo. 16. 32;
and-, at-, af-, bi-, ga-, mithga-, seina misso, one another,
fauraga-, mith-, us-; sateins, Lu. 7.32; seinai gairnai, lovers
af-, ga-, us-sateins. From sitan. ' of themselve, a gloss to sik fri-
[G. setzen; D. zetten; E. set.] jondans, 2 Tim. 3. 2. Cf.
Sauds: sauths. sik, sis.
Sauhts, str. sb. f. sickness, dis Seins, poss. pron. his, theirs,
ease, Mat. 8. 17; 9. 35; Mk. their, Mat. 5. 22; 6. 2. &c.
1. 34. From siukan. [G. sein; D. zijn.]
Sauil, str. sb. n. the sun, Mk. 1. Seiteins, another form of sinteins,
32; 13.24. Cf. sunna. [Lat.eo/.] 2 Cor. 11. 28; see sinteins.
Sauljan*, vb. to soil, sully. Der. Seithu, adv. late, Mat. 27. 57;
bi-sauljan, bi-saulnan, bi-sauleins. Jo. 6. 16. Der. thana-seiths.
Sauls, str. sb. f. (pi. sauleis), a [A. S. sid; O. E. eA.]
pillar, Gal. 2. 9; 1 Tim. 3. Selei, wk. sb. f. goodness, Rom.
15. [G. sule; D. tuil; A. S. 11. 22; 2 Cor. 6. 6; Eph. 5. 9.
syl; E. sill.] Der. un-selei. From sels.
Sun, str. sb. n. (?) a ransom, Sels, adj. good, kind, Lu. 8. 15;
Mk. 10. 45. Der. us-sauneins. Eph. 4.32; sels wisan, to be
[G. shne.] kind, 1 Cor. 13. 4. Der. un-
Saur, Sb. m. a Syrian, Lu. 2. 2; sels, selei, un-selei. [A. S. sl;
4. 27. whence E. silly!]
Saura, sb. f. Syria, Gal. 1. 21. Seneigs, another form of sineigs,
Saurga, str. sb. f. sorrow, grief, q. v., 1 Tim. 5. 1, 2.
Mk. 4. 19; Lu. 8. 14; Jo. 16. Seths*; see seds.

Si, />m. /. she. From is. SlJUm, sium, we are; see wisan.
[. she; G. .]' Sijvth, Sit'th, ye are; see wisan.
Sibis* <(/. related, akin, friendly. Sik, acc. ofpers.pron. him. [G. sich.]
Der. un-sbis, sibja, un-sibja, Sikls, str.sb. in. a shekel, Neh.5. 15.
frasti-sibja, ga-sibjon. [0. E. sib.] Silan*, vb.; see ana-silan. [Lat.
Sibja, str. sb. f. relationship; silere.]
suniwe sibja, the adoption of Silba, pron. seh"; is silba, he
sons, adoption as sons, Gal. 4. himself, Lu. 5. 1 ; thata silbo,
5. Der. frasti-sibja, un-sibja. this very thing, Rom. 13. 6;
Sibon, num. seven, Mk. 8. 5; 12. sein silbins, his own, Lu. 14.
20; 16. 9. [G. sieben; D. zeven.] 26. Der. silba -siuneis, silba-
Sibtm-tehunD, num. seventy, Lu. wileis, silba-wiljands. [G. sel
10. 1, 17. ber; D. zelf.]
SlDOn, vb. to meditate on, 1 Tim. Silba-siineis, sb. m. an eye-wit
4. 15. From sidus. ness, Lu. 1. 2. From silba
Sidus, str. sb. m. a custom, man and siuns.
ner, 1 Cor. 15. 33; 2 Tim. 3. Silba-wileis, adj. willing of one
10. [G. sitte.] self, 2 Cor. 8. 3. From silba
Sifan, vb. to rejoice, be glad, Jo. and wiljan.
8. 56; Rom. 15. 10; Gal. 4. Silba-wiljands, willing of one's
27. [A. S. sifian.] own accord, 2 Cor. 8. 17. Cf.
SlGGkWan, SIGKWan, vb. (ft. t. preceding word.
saggkw, pp. suggkwans), to sink, Sild*, adv. seldom. Der. silda-
Lu. 5.7; to set (of the sun), Lu. 4. leiks, silda-leikjan. [Cf. G.
40. Der. dis-, ga-, saggkwjan, uf- selten.]
saggkwjan, saggkws. [G. sinken; Silda-leikjan, vb. to wonder,
D. zinken.] Mat. 8. 10; 9. 8; Mk. 5. 20; to
Siggwan, vb. (pt. t. saggw, pi. wonder at, Lu. 7. 9.
suggwum, pp. suggwans), to Sh.da-LeiKs, adj. wonderful, Ml:.
sing, Eph. 5. 19; to read aloud, 12. 11; Jo. 9. 30; 2 Cor. 11. U./}'"
Lu. 4. 16; 2 Cor. 3. 15; to Sihtbk, str. sb. n. silver, silver
read, Eph. 3. 4. Der. us-, money, Mat. 27. 5; Lu. 19. 15,
saggws. [G. singen; D. zingen.] 23. Der. silubreins. [G. tilber:
Sigis, str. sb. n. victory, 1 Cor. D. zilver.]
15. 54. Der. sigis-laun. fA. S. SiLUbkeins. adj. of silver. Mat.
sige; G. sieg; D. zege.] 27. 3, 9; 2 Tim. 2. 20.
Sigis-LaUn, str. sb. n. the reward or Simi.E, adv. once, at one time,
crown of victory, prize, 1 Cor. Rom. 7. 9; Gal. 1. 23; 2. 6.
9. 24; Phil. 3. 14. From sigis [A. S. symle (?); Lat. semel.]
and laun. Sinaps, sb. m. mustard, Mk. 4.
Sigkwan: see Siggkwan. 31; Lu. 17. 6. . . senepe;
Sigljan, vb. to seal, 2 Cor. 1. Gk. aram.]
22. Der. ga-, faur-, siglo. Sind, they are; see wisan.
Siglo, . sb. n. a seal, 1 Cor. Sindo* adv. in comp, ns-sindo.
9. 2; 2 Tim. 2. 19. [G. sieget; q. v.
D. zegel; A. S. sigel.] Sineigs, SEneIGS, adj. old, Lu. 1. 18;
Sijau, I may be; from wisan. elder, 1 Tim. 5. 1. From sine.
199 SraisTA Se* 200

SiniSta, sup. adj. the eldest, Mat. 27. Siukei , wk. sb. f. sickness, disease,
1, 3; Mk. 7. 3; 8. 31. From sins. Jo. 11. 4; 2 Cor. 11. 30; 12. 9.
Sins* adj. old; whence superl. Sir Ks. adj. sick, ill, diseased,
sinista. [Cf. Lat. senex.] Mat. 25. 39; Lu. 10. 9; Jo. 6.
Sinteino, adv. ever, always, con 2; siuks wisan, to fall sick, be
tinually, Mk. 14. 7; Lu. 15. 31. sick, Jo. 11. 3. [G. siech; D.
Sinteins, adj. (spelt seiteins in ziek.]
2 Cor. 11. 28), daily, Mat. 6. 11; Siuns, str. sb. f. the sight, Lu.
Skeir. 3. 10. Der. sinteino. 4. 19; 7. 21; sight, seeing,
Sinth, str. sb. (n.1) a journey; 2 Cor. 5. 7; a sight, a vision,
hence a time ; in the phrases ain- Lu. 1. 22; an appearance, out
amma sintha, once; twaim sin- ward shape, form, Lu. 3. 22;
tham, twice, &c.; also anthar- 9. 29. Der. ana-, unana-siu-
amma sintha, a second time; naba, silba-siuneis. [A. S. sien.]
see Mk. 14. 72; 2 Cor. 11. 25. Sii'th, ye are; see sijuth. From
Sinthan* vb. (pt. f.santh, pi. sunth- wisan.
um, pp. sunthans), to go, wander. Skaban, vb. to shave, 1 Cor. 11.
Der. sinth, ga-sintha, mithga-sin- 6. Der. bi-skaban. [G. scha
tha, us-sindo, sandjan, ga-sandjan, ben; D. Schaven.]
fauraga-sandjan,in-sandjan, mith- Skadus, str. sb. m. a shade,
in-sandjan, mith-sandjan, us-sand- shadow, Mk. 4. 32; Lu. 1. 79;
jan. See sandjan. [A. S. sidian.] Col. 2. 17. Der. ga-skadweins,
SlPOnJCIS, str. sb. m. a pupil, dis ufar-skadwjan. [G. schatten; D.
ciple, Mat. 8. 18; 9. 10, 11, &c. schaduw.]
Der. siponjan. Skaftjan, vb. to shape; hence,
Siponjan, vb. to learn, to be a sk. sik, to shape one's course,
disciple, Mat. 27. 57. to be about to do, Jo. 12. 4.
Sis, dat. of pron. pers. to him. From skapjan.
Sitan, vb. (pt. t. sat, pi. setum, Skafts*, str. sb. f. a shaping,
pp. sitans), to sit, Mat. 9. 9; making. Der. ga-, ufar-.
16. 26; 27. 19, &c. Der. and-, Skaidan, vb. (pt. t. skaiskaid), to
bi-, ga-, dis-, us-; sitie, anda divide, sever, separate, put
sets; satjan, ga-, fauraga-, mith- asunder, Mk. 10. 9; to set at
ga-, af-, at-, and-, bi-, mith-, variance, Mat. 10. 35 ; refl. and
us-satjan; sateins, ga-, af-, us- neut. to depart, 1 Cor. 7. 10, 15.
sateins. [G. sitzen; D. zitten.] Der. ga-, af-, dis-; ga-skaidnan,
Sitls, str. sb. m. a settle, seat, ga-skaidei. [G. & D scheiden;
Mk. 11. 15; a throne, Col. 1. O. E. shed.]
16; a nest, Mat. 8. 20; Lu. 9. Skaidei*, wk. sb.f. separation; tn
58. From sitan. [E. settle.] comp, ga-skaidei, q. v.
SiUJan, vb. to sew, Mk. 2. 21. Skaidnan*; see ga-skaidnan.
[Lat. suere; E. setv.] Skain, shone; from skeinan.
Siukan, vb. (pt. t. sauk, pi. su- Skaiskaid. divided; from skaidan.
kum, pp. sukans), to be sick, Ska .. shall; from skulan.
to be ill, to be diseased, Lu. Skalja, str. sb. f. a scale; hence,
7. 2; 2 Cor. 11. 29; 12. 10. a tile, Lu. 5. 19. [G. schale;
Der. siuks, siukei, sauhts. D. Kchaal; E. shell. scale.]
201 Skalkinassus Star 202

Skalkinassus, str. sb. m. service, Skauds*, sb. (of uncertain mean

Rom. 9. 4; bondage, Gal. 5. 1; ing) ashoe(?) Der. skauda-raip.
s. galiugagude, idolatry, Oal. 5. See skohs.
20; Eph. 5 5; Col. 3. 5. From Skaunei*; see gutha-skaunei.
skalks. Skauns, adj. formed, well form
Skalkinon, 6. to serve, Mat. 6. ed; hence, beautiful, Rom. 10.
24; Lu. 15. 29; 16. 13; to be 15. Der. ibna-skauns, gutha-
in bondage, Gal. 4. 3. Der. ekaunei. [G. schn; D. schoon;
mith-. A. S. sciene, sceone; cf. E.
Skalks, str. sb. m. a servant, Mat. sheen.]
8. 9; 10. 24; Mk. 10. 44. &c. Skauro*; see winthi-skauro.
Der. ga-skalki. skalkinon, mith- i Skaurpjo, sb. f. a scorpion, Lu. 10.
skalkinon, skalkinassus. [G & 19. [Gk. exoQniog.]
D schalk; A. S. scealc.] Skauts, str. sb. m. the hem of a
Skaman, vb. refl. with gen. to be garment, Mat. 9. 20; Mk. 6.
ashamed of, be ashamed, Mk. 56,- Lu. 8. 44. [A. S. sceata.]
8. 38; Lu 9. 26; 16. 3. Der. Skawjan*, vb. to look at, see.
ga-skaman. [G. schmen; D. Der. us-skawjan, un-skaws, us-
schmen] skaws. [G. schauen; D. schou-
Skanda, str. sb. f. shame, Phil. 3. wen; A S. sceawian; E. shew.]
19. Cf. skaman. [G. & D. Skeima, wk. sb. m. a light, a torch,
schnde; O. E. shend. to put to a lantern, Jo. 18. 3. [Cf. E.
shame.] shimmer.]
Skapjan* vb. to shape, make. Der. Skeinan, ob. to shine. Lu. 9. 29;
ga - skapjan . ga - skafts , ufar- 17. 24; 2 Cor. 4. 6. Der. bi-
skafts, skaftjan. [G. & D. skeinan. [G. scheinen; D.
schaffen.] schijnen.]
Skathis, str. sb. n. scathe, wrong Skeireins, skereins, str. sb. f. a
doing, wrong, 2 Cor. 12 13. making sheer or clear, an ex
Skathjan, vb. (pt. t. skoth, pp. planation, interpretation, 1 Cor.
skathans), with dat. to do scathe j 12. 10; 14. 26.
to, do wrong to, Col. 3. 25. Skeirjan* vb. to interpret, make
Der. ga-skathjan , skathis, ska- clear. Der. ga-.
thuls. [G. & D. schaden.] Skeirs, adj. clear, evident, easily
Skathuls, adj. hurtful, harmful, understood, Skeir. 4. 12; 5. 7.
^ 1 Tim. 6. 9; Col. 3. 25. [G. schier; E. sheer.]
Skattja, wk. sb. m. a money Skereins; see skeireins.
changer, Mk. 11. 15; Lu. 19. Skewjan, vb. to go along, Mk.
23. 2. 23.
Skatts, str. sb. m. money, Mat. Skildus, str. sb. m. a shield, Eph.
27. 6; Lu. 9. 3; 20. 24; a 6. 16. [G. D. schild.]
pound (Gk fiv), Lu. 19. 16. Skilja, wk. sb. m. a butcher; at
[G. -schtz; D. schat; A. S. skiljam, from the butchers, . e.
sceat] in the shambles, 1 Cor. 10. 25.
Skauda-raip, sb. a shoe-latchet Skilliggs, str. sb. m. a shilling,
(Sf. a shoe -rope?), Mk. 1. 7; in Neap, document.
Lu. 3. 16. Sktp, str. sb. n. a ship, boat, Mat.
203 SlUUBAH Slauthjam 204

8. 23; Mk. 1. 19; Lu. 5. 2; skulds, skuldo, skula, faihu-

us-farthon gataujan us skipa, to skula. [G. sollen; D. zullen;
suffer shipwreck, 2 Cor. 11. 25. E. shall, should.]
[G. schiff; D. schip.] Skuldo, sb. n. a debt, a due.
Skiuban", vb. (pt. t. skauf, pi. Rom. 13. 7.
ekubum, pp. skubans), to push, Skuldrs*, sb. in comp, spai-
shove. Der. af- skiuban. [G. skuldrs, q. v.
schieben; D. schuiven.] Skulds, adj. owing; hence, skulds
Skiukan*, vb. to scour. Der. wisan, to be owing, to owe, to
winthi-skauro, skura. [G. be obliged to do, to be per
scheuer; D. schren.] mitted to do, to be about to
Skof, shaved; from skabau. do, Mat. 27. 6; Lu. 15. 32;
Skohs, str. sb. m. a shoe, sandal. 19. 11.
Mat. 3. 11; Mk. 1. 7; Lu. 3. 16. j Skulum, we ought, we should:
Der. ga- skohs, ga-skoh. [G. from skulan.
schuh; D. schoen.] Skura, str.sb.f. a shower; skura
Skohsl. str. sb. n. an evil spirit, windis, a storm of wind, Mk.
demon. Mat. 8. 31; Lu. 8. 27; 4. 37; Lu. 8. 23. Cf. skiuran.
1 Cor. 10. 20. [A. S. scucca.] Skythus, sb. m. a Scythian, Col.
Skoth, did harm, did wrong; 3.11.
from skathjan. Slaiials, str. sb. m. a striker,
Skreitan*, 6. (pt. t. skrait, pi. 1 Tim. 3. 3; Tit. 1. 7. From
skritum, pp. skritans), to shred, slahan.
to tear. Der. dis-skreitan, dis- Slahan, vb. (pt. t. sloh, pp. sla-
skritnan. [G. schroten.] hans), to strike, beat, hit, Mat.
Skufts, str. sb. m. (or skuft, n.) 26. 68; Mk. 15. 19; Lu. 18.
the hair of the head , Lu. 7. 1 3 ; lofam slahan, to strike with
38, 44; Jo. 11. 2; 12. 3. [G. the palms of the hands, to buf-
schopf] ; fet, Mat. 26. 67; Mk. 14. 65.
Skuggwa. wlc. sb. m. a mirror, Der. af-slahan, slahs, slahals,
1 Cor. 13. 12. slauhts. [G. schlagen; E. slay;
Skula, wk. sb. m. a debtor, Mat. D. schlaan.]
6. 12; Gal. 5. 3; liable to, in j Slahs, str. sb. m. (pl. slaheis), a
danger of. Mat. 5. 22; Mk. 3. I stroke, stripe, 2 Cor. 6. 5; 11.
29 ; skula wisan, to be a debtor, 23; a plague, Mk. 5. 29; Lu.
to owe. Rom. 13. 8; Philem. 7.21; slahs lofin, a buffet, Jo.
18. 19; thatei skulans sijaima, 18. 22; 19. 3. From slahan.
that for which we owe, our Slaihts, adj. slight; hence, smooth,
debts, Mat. 6. 12; dulgis skula, Lu. 3. 5. [G. schlecht, schlicht;
a debtor, Lu. 7. 41. Der. fai- D. siecht; E. slight.]
hu-skula. From skulan. Slauhts, str. sb. f. slaughter,
Skulan, vb. (pres. skal, pt. t. Rom. 8. 36. [G. schlachten.]
skulda, pp. skulds), to owe, Lu. Slaupjan*, vb. see af-slaupjan;
7. 41; 16. 5; to be obliged to from sliupan.
do, Lu. 17. 10;.Jo. 1.3. 14; to Slauthjan*, vb. to cause to slide.
be about to be (like E. shall), tn comp, af- slauthjan . q. v.
-Mat 11. 14; JU. 1. 6. Der. j From sliuthan.
20.5 Slaothn^ji Sjroret 20fi

Slautpna*; tee af-slauthnaji. Smarna, str. sb. f. dung, Phil. 3.

Slawan, vb. to be silent, be still, 8. Cf. smairthr, maihstus.
Mk. 9. 34; Lu. 19. 40; pres. Smeitan*, vb. to smear, smudge.
pt. slawande, quiet, 1 Tim. 2. Der. bi-, ga-. [G. schmiessen;
2. Der. ana-, ga-. [A. S. sla- D. smetten; . S. besmitan.]
wian, to be inert, /.] Smitha* wk. sb. m. a smith. Der.
Sleitha, str. sb. f. loss, Phil. 3. aiza-smitha, ga-smithon. [G.
7, 8. Der. sleithei, ga-sleithjan. schmied; D. amid.]
Sleithei, wk. sb. f. danger, peril, Smyrn, str. sb. n. myrrh; mitb
Rom. 8. 3^. Smyrna, mingled with myrrh,
Sleithis. adj. (pi. sleidjai). dan Mk. 15. 23. [Gk. Ofiv^Qov.]
gerous, perilous, 2 Tim. 3. 1; Snaga , wk. sb. m. a garment.
dangerous, fierce. Mat. 8. 28. Mat. 9. 16; Lu. 5. 36.
From sleitha. Snaiws, str. sb. m. snow, Mk. 9.
Slepan, vb. (pt. t. saislep or saiz- 3. [G. schnee; D. sneeuw.]
lep, pi. saislepum, pp. slupans), Snarpjan*, vb. to bite, nip. Der.
to sleep , fall asleep, Mat. 8. 24 ; at-snarpjan.
9. 24; Mk. 4. 27. Der. ana-, Snau, went; from sniwan.
ga-, sleps. [G. schlafen; D. Sneithan, vb. to cut, to reap,
slapen.] Mat. 6. 26; Lu. 19. 21; 2 Cor.
Sleps, str. sb. m. sleep, Lu. 9. 9. 6. Der. uf- sneithan. [G.
32; Jo. 11. 13; Rom. 13. 11. schneiden; D. snyden; A. S.
Slindan*, vb. (pt. t. sland, pp. sniffan.]
slundans), to devour, gulp Snewum, we went; from sniwan.
down. Der. fra- slindan. [G. Sniumjan, vb. to hasten, make
schlingen; D. slinden.] haste, Lu. 2. 16; 19. 5; 1 Th.
Sliupan, vb. (pt. t. slaup, pi. slu- 2. 17. Der. ga-, sniumundo.
pum, pp. slupans), followed by Cf. sniwan.
in, to slip into, to creep into, Sniumundo, adv. with haste,
2 Tim. 3. 6. Der. uf-, innuf-. quickly. Mk. 6. 25; Lu. 1. 39;
af-slaupjan. fG. schlpfen; D. compar. sniumundos, with more
slippen.] haste (more carefully, A. V.),
Sliuthan*. vb. to slide, glide. Phil. 2. 28. Cf. sniwan. [A.
Der. af-slauthjan , af-slauthnao. S. sneome.]
[G. schleudern.] Sniwan, vb. (pt. t. snau, pi. sne
Sloh, struck; from slahan. wum and sniwum, pp. sniwans),
Smairthr, str. sb. n. fatness, Rom. to go, proceed, Jo. 15. 16;
11. 17. [Cf. E. smear.] 1 Cor. 9. 25 ; to come, come hasti
Smakka, wk. sb. m. a fig, Mat. 7. ly, 1 Th. 2.16. Der. duat-, faurbi-,
16; Mk. 11. 13; Lu. . 44. ga-, faur-. [A. S. snewan.]
Smakka -bagm.s, str. sb. m. a fig- Snorjo , wk. sb. f. a woven bas
tree, Mk. 11. 13; Lu. 19. 4. ket, a basket, 2 Cor. 11. 33.
Smalista, superl. adj. smallest, [Cf. G. schnr; E. snare.]
least, 1 Cor. 15. 9. Snutrei, wk. sb. f. wisdom. 1 Cor.
Smals, adj. small, little; superl. 1. 17, 19.
smalista, q. v. [G- schmal; D. Snutrs, adj. wise, Lu. 10. 21;
tmal.] 1 Cor. 1. 19. [A. S. tnoter.]
207 So Staibs 20

So, ftm. of sa, she, this. Spilda, str. sb. f. a wriring-

Soei, fem. of saei, she that. taolet, tablet, Lu. 1. 63; 2 Cor.
Sok, rebuked; from sakan. 3. 3. Cf. spillon.
Sokareis, str. sb. m. a disputer, Spill, str. sb. . a fable, tale,
1 Cor. 1. 20; Me sakan. myth, 1 Tim. 1. 4; 4. 7;
Sokeins, str. sb. /. a question, Jo. 2 Tim. 4. 4. Der. spilla, spil
3. 25; Skeir. 3. 13. From lon , ga-spillon , thiuth-spillon,
sakan. 1 us-spillon, unus-spilloths. [E.
Sokjan, vb. to seek, desire, long spell, go-spel.]
for, Mk. 1. 37; 3. 32; 8. 11; Spilla, wk. sb. m. a teller forth,
to question with, dispute, Mk. proclaimer of the good- spell
1. 27; 9. 10; samana sokjan, or Gospel, a preacher, Skeir.
to talk together, discuss, Mk. 1. 26.
12. 28. Der. ga-, mith-, us-; Spillon, vb. to tell a tale, nar
sokns, sokeins, sokareis. [O. rate, Mk. 5. 16; 9. 9; to tell
suchen; D. zoeken; E. seek.] or bring tidings, Lu. 2. 10; to
See sakan. preach the good-spell or Gospel,
Sokns, str. sb. f. a seeking out, Rom. 10. 15. Cf. spill, spilla.
a question, 1 Tim. 1. 4; 6. 4; Spinnan, vb. (pt. t. spann, pi.
2 Tim. 2. 23. spunnum, pp. spunnans), to
Soth, str. sb. n. or soras, str. i spin. Mat 6. 28. [G. D. spin
gb. m. a satisfying, Col. 2. 23. nen.]
From sathan. Sprauds; see spaurds.
Spaikulatur, sb. a spy, 'execu Sprauto, adv. quickly, soon, Mat.
tioner' (A. V.), Mk. 6. 27. [Lat. 5. 25; Mk. 9. 39; Jo. 11.
speculator.] 29, &c.
Spaiskuldrs, sb. spittle, Jo. 9. 6. Spyreida, wk. sb. m. a large bas
From speiwan. ket, Mk. 8. 8, 20. [Gk. envois.]
Spatw, spat; from speiwan. Stabs, str. sb. m. a letter; hence,
Spann, spun; from spinnan. an element, rudiment, Gal. 4.
Sparwa, wk. sb. m. a sparrow, 3, 9; Col. 2. 20. [G. stab;
Mat. 10. 29, 31. A. S. stf; E. staff.]
SpaUrds, sb. f. a stadium, a fur Stads; see staths.
long, Jo. 6. 19; 11. 18; 1 Cor. Staig, mounted, went up; from
9. 24 (where it is spelt sprauds). steigan.
[G. spur; A. S. spyrd.]0.tl.Sf*r, Staiga, str. sb. f. a path, way,
Speds, rpeids, spids, adj. late; high-way, Mk. 1. 3; Lu. 3. 4;
campar, spediza, the latter, Mat. 14. 21. From steigan.
27. 64; superl. spedists, spedu- Stainahs, adj. stony, Mk. 4. 5,
mists, the last, Mk. 12. 6; Jo. 16. From stains.
6. 40. [G. spt; D. spade.] Staineins, adj. stony, 2 Cor. 3. 3.
Speiwan, ob. (pt t. spaiw, pi. Stainjan , vb. to stone, Jo. 10.
spiwum, pp. spiwans), to spit, 32, 33; 2 Cor. 11. 25.
Mat. 26. 27; Mk. 7. 33; 10. 34. Stains, str. sb. m. a stone, rock.
Der. and-, bi-, ga-, spaiskuldrs. Mat 27. 60; Mk. 5.5; 12. 10;
[G. speien; D. spuyen; E. stainam wairpan, to stone, Mk.
spew.] 12.4; stainam af-wairpan, to
209 Staiano Sticrs 210

stone, Lu. 20. 6; Jo. 11. 8. Staua-stols, str. sb. m. the judg
Der. waihsta- stains, stainahs, ment-seat, Mat. 27. 19; Rom.
staineins, stainjan. [G stein; 14. 10; 2 Cor. 5. 10.
D. steen.] Staurkjan*, vb. to dry up,
Stairno, wk. sb. f. a star, Mk. wither (transitive). Der. ga-
13. 25. [G. stern; D. ster.] staurknan, q. v. [G. stark; D.
Stairo, wk. sb. f. a barren woman, sterk; E. stark, starch.]
Lu. 1. 7, 36; Gal. 4. 27. [Gk. Staurran*, vb. to murmur Der.
ereifoj] and-staurran.
Staks, str. sb. m. a mark, stigma, Stautan, vb. (pt. t. staistaut, pp.
Gal. 6. 17. From stikan. stautans), to strike, smite, Mat.
8taldan*, vb. to own, possess. 5. 39; Lu. 6. 29. [G. stossen;
Der. ga-, and-; and -staid, D. stooten; cf. E. stoke.]
aglaitga-stalds. Steigan, vb. to mount, go up,
Stamms, adj. stammering, with an ascend, Jo. 7. 14; 10. 1. Der.
impediment in the speech, Mk. at-, ga-, ufar-, us-; staiga. [G.
7. 32. [G. Hammeln; D. sta- steigen; D. stijgen; O. E. sty;
melen.] cf. E. stairs, stirrup.]
Standan, vb. (pt. t. stoth, pp. sto- Stibna, str. sb. f. a voice, Mat.
thans?), to stand, stand firm, 27. 46; Mk. 1. 3; 5. 7. [G.
Mk. 6. 5; 26. 73; 27. 11, &c. stimme; D. stem; O. E. steven.]
Der. and-, af-, at-, bi-, ga-, in-, Stiggan*. vb. to sting, stick, pierce,
mith-, us-, twis-, faura-; afga- thrust. Der. us-. Cf. stikan.
stothms, unga-stothans, ga-sto- Stiggkwan, vb. to strike, smite,
thanan; af-stass, us-stass, twis- thrust; st. withra, to make war
stass, faur-stasseis ; ana-stodjan, against, Lu. 14. 31. Der. bi-,
du-stodjan, ana-stodeins, aftra- ga-, ga-staggkwjan, bi-stuggkws.
ana-stodeins. Cf. staths. [G. Cf. stautan, stiggan.
stehen; D. staan.] Stikan *, vb. to stick, prick. Der.
Staths, str. sb. m. (spelt stads, stike, staks, hlethra- stakeins.
Lu. 14. 22 ; pi. stadeis), a stead, [G. stechen ; D. steken.]
a place, Mk. 1. 35; 16. 6; Stiki.S, str. sb. m. a cup, Mat. 10.
room, Lu. 14. 22; an inn, Lu. 42; Mk. 7. 4; 9.41. [O.N.eftM.]
2. 7 ; land, shore, Mk. 4. 1 ; Lu. Stiks. str. sb. m. a point, a mo
5. 3; jainis Stadia, the other ment (of time), Lu. 4. 5. From
side (of the lake), Mk. 4. 35. stikan.
Der. hunsla-staths, mota-staths, Stilan, vb to steal, Mat. 6. 20;
lukarna-statha, anda-stathjis, Jo. 10. 10. [G. stehlen; D.
Cf. standan. [G. statt; D. stelen.]
stad.] Stiur, str. sb. m. a steer, calf,
Staua, str. sb. f. judgment, Mat. Lu. 15. 23, 27, 30. [G. D.
5. 21; 11. 22; Mk. 6. 11; a stier.]
law-suit, matter for trial, 1 Cor. Stiurjan, vb. to steer, govern ;
6. 1. Der. staua, anda-staua, hence, to establish, Rom. 10.
staua-stols, stojan, ga-stojan. 3; to affirm, 1 Tim. 1. 7. [G.
Staua, wk. sb. m. a judge, Mat steuern; D. sturen.]
5. 25; Lu. 18. 2, 6. Stiurs *, adj. rightly steered, well-
ordered. Der. us-stiuriba. ua- Sundro, adv. asunder, alone, pri
stiurei, stiurjan. vately, Mk. 4. 10; 7. 33; Lu.
Stiwiti, str. sb. n. enduring, en 9. 10. [G. sonder; D. zonder.]
durance, patience. 2 Cor. 1. 6; Sunis*, adj. sooth, true.' Der.
6. 4; 2 Th. 1. 4. sunja, sunjaba, sunjai-frithas.
Stodeins* stodjan*; standen. sunjeins. sunjon, ga-sunjon, aun-
Stojan, vb. (pt. t. stauida), to jons. [E. sooth?]
judge. Lu. 6. 37; 7. 43; 19. Sunja, adv. soothly, verily, truly,
22. From staua. Lu. 9. 27; Jo. 17. 3.
Stols, str. sb. m. a stool, seat, Sunja , str. sb. f. the sooth , the
throne, Mat. 5. 34; Lu. 1. 32. truth, Mk. 5. 33; 12. 14, 32;
Der. staua-stnls. [G. stuhl; D. bi sunjai, truly, verily. Mat.
stoel.] 26. 73.
Stoma, wk. sb. . substantial Sunjaba, adv. truly, verily. 1 Tb.
grounds, sound cause, 'confi 2. 13.
dence' (A. V.). 2 Cor. 9. 4; Sunjai- fritiiaS, sb. a proper
11. 17. name in the Neap, document.
Stoth, stood; from standan. Sunjeins, adj. true, Mk. 12. 14;
Straujan, vb. to strew, straw, Jo. 7. 18; 8. 13.
Mk. 11. 8; to prepare, Mk. 14. Sunjon, vb. to verify, put in the
15. Der. uf-. [G. streuen; D. right; refl. to put oneself in the
strooijen.] right, to excuse oneself, 2 Cor.
Striks, str. sb. m. a stroke, flour 12. 19.
ish of the pen, a tittle, Mat. 5. Sunjons, str. sb. f. a setting one
18. [G. strich; D. streek.] self right, an apology, defence,
Stubjus, str. sb. m. dust, Lu. 10. answer, 2 Cor. 7. 11; Phil. 1.
11. [G. staub; D. stof] 17; 2 Tim. 4. 16.
Stuggkws* sb. a hit. Der. bi- Sunna, wk. sb. . the sun, Mk. 4.
etuggkws. From stiggkwan. 6; 16. 2. Cf. sauil. [G. sonne;
Sukwns, str. sb. m. the stomach. D. zon.]
1 Tim. 5. 23. Sunno, wk. sb. f. the sun, Mat.
Sukwon*, vb. to season; see ga- 5. 45; Lu. 4. 40. See sunna.
sukwon. Cf. supon. Suns, adv. soon, at once, imme
Sulja, str. sb. f. a sole of a diately. Mat. 8. 3; 26. 74; 27.
shoe, a sandal, Mk. 6. 9. Der. 48. Der. suns-aiw, sansei, bi-
ga-suljan. [G. sohle; D. zool.] sunjane.
Suman, adv. once, on a time, Suns-aiw, adv. soon, immediately,
Rom. 11. 30; Gal. 1. 23; Eph. straightway, Mk. 3. 6; 5. 29;
2. 3; partly, in part, 1 Cor. 13. 6. 25.
9. From sums. I Suns-ei, adv. as soon as, when,
Sums, adj. (J. suma, n. sumata), ,Lu. 1. 44; 19. 41.
some one, some. Mat. 9. 3; 27. I Sunus, str. sb. m. .a son, Mat. 5.
47; one, Mk. 14.43; bi sumata, !' 45; 8. 12; 9. .15, &c. [G.
in part, Rom. 11. 25; sums shn; D. zoon.]
sumsuh , the one the other, Supon, vb. to season, Mk. 9. 50.
Mk. 12. 5; Rom. 9. 21. Der. Der. ga-supon. Cf. sukwon.
.suman. I Suthjon, eUtHJan, vb. to sootfie;

hence, to long to be soothed, Mat. 27. 48; Mk. 15. 36. [G.
to itch, 2 Tim. 4. 3. schwamm; D. zwam; . S.
Sctis, adj. sweet; hence, patient, swamm.]
1 Tim. 3.3; peaceable, 1 Tim. Swaran, vb. to swear, Mat. 5. 34;
2. 2; compar. sutiza, more toler Mk. 6. 23; Lu. 1.73. Der. bi-,
able, Mat. 11. 24; Mk. 6. 11; ufar-, ufar-swara. [G. schwren;
Lu. 10. 12. Der. unsuti. [G. D. zweren.]
sss; D. zoet.] Sware, swarei, adv. without a
Swa, conj. so, just so, also, cause, in vain, Mat. 5. 22; Mk.
Mat. 5. 16; Jo. 13. 15; swa 7. 7; Gai. 2. 21.
jah or jah swa, so also, 1 Cor. Swartizi, , str. sb. n. that which is
12. 12; swa samaleiko, in like black, ink, 2 Cor. 3. 3.
manner, 1 Cor. 11. 25. Der. Swarts, adj. black, Mat. 5. 36.
swah, swa-u, swaei, swa-lauds, [G. schwarz; D. zwart; E. swart.
swa-leiks, swe, swc-kunths, swarthy.]
swi-kunths, swaswe. [G. so; Swaswe, conj. as, just as, as it
D. zo.] were, in like manner as; from
Swaei, conj. so that, that, Mk. 1. swa and swe.
27; as, Lu. 3. 23. From swa Swa-u, adv. so? thus? (in asking
and ei. a question), Jo. 18. 22. From
Swaggwjan*, vb. to swing about. swa and uh.
Der. af-swaggwjan. Swe. conj. as, just as. Cf. swa,
Swah, conj. so, also, so too, Lu. ewa-ewe.
14. 33. From swa -and uh. Swegnitha, str. sb. f. (spelt swig-
Swaihra, wk. sb. m. father-in-law, nitha, Lu. 1. 44), joy, Lu. 1.
Jo. 18. 13. [G. schttrieger; A. S. 14, 44.
sweor.] Swegsjan, vb. (spelt ewignjan, Jo.
Swaihro, wk. sb. f. mother-in-law, 5. 35), to rejoice, triumph, Lu.
Mat. 8, 14; 10. 35; Mk. 1. 30; 1. 47; 10. 21; Col. 3. 15. [Cf.
Lu. 4. 38. Cf. swaihra. A. S. swegan, swegian.]
Swairban*, 6. to wipe. Der. Sweiban, vb. to cease, Lu. 7. 45.
af-, bi-. Cf. sweipan. Der. unsweibands.
Swa-lauds, adj. so much, such, Swein, str. sb. n. a swine, pig,
Mat. 8. 10; Jo. 14. 9; swalaud Mat. 8. 30; Mk. 5. 11; Lu. 8.
melis swe, as long as, Gal. 4. 1. 32. [G. schwein; D. zwijn.]
Cf. hwe-lauds. SweiPainS*; see midja-sweipains.
Swa-leiks, adj. such, Mat. 9. 8; Sweipan*, vb. to sweep. Der.
Mk. 4. 33; 6. 2; swaleiks swe, midja-sweipains.
such as, 2 Cor. 12. 20. Swe-kunths; see swi-kunths.
Swalleins*, str. sb. f. a swell Swerains, str.sb.f honour, 2 Tim.
ing. Der. uf-swalleins. From 2. 20. From swers. [M. reads
swillan. swerein.] Cf. unswerains.
Swalljan *, to cause to swell. Der. Sweran, vb. to honour, esteem,
uf-swalleins. See swillan. glorify. Mk. 7. 6; Lu. 18. 20;
Swalt, died; from swilt$n. Jo. 12. 23. Der. (ga-, un-;
Swamm, swam; from swjmman. . swerains. un-swerains. From
Swamms, Swams, str.sb.m.^. sponge, swers.
215 SWEREI: Syria 216

Swerei*, wk. sb.f. honour. Der. Swi-kunths, adj. (spelt swe-

all-, un-. kunths, Lu. 8. 17), manifest,
Sweritha, str. sb. /. honour, Col. evident, Mk. 6. 14; Lu. 8. 17;
2. 23; 1 Th. 4. 4; 1 Tim. 1. 17. Rom. 10. 20. Der. un-; swi
Der. un-. From swers. kunthaba, ga-swikunthjan. From
Swers, adj. heavy, weighty; hence, kunnan.
grave, honoured, Phil. 2. 29; Swillan*, 6. (pt. t. ewall, pp.
honoured, dear, Lu. 7.2. Der. un-, swullans), to swell. Der. swall-
sweritha, un-sweritha, all-swerei, jau, uf-swalleins. [G. schwellen;
un-swerei, sweran, ga-sweran, un- D. zwellen]
sweran, swerains, un-swerains. Swiltan, vb. to die, Lu. 8. 42.
[G. schwer; D.zwaar; A. S. swcer.] Der. ga-, mithga-; swulta-
Swes, adj one's own, Mk. 15.20; wairthja. [A. S. sweltan.]
Lu. 6. 44; Jo. 10. 3. Swimman*, vb. to swim. Der.
Swes, sb. n. one's own property, swumsl. [G. schwimmen.]
one's substance, Lu. 15. 13, 30. Swinthei, wk. sb./. strength, Lu.
See the preceding. [A. S. .] 1. 51; Eph. 1. 19; 6. 10.
Swethauh, conj. however, but, Swinthjan, vb. to use force (?),
although; swethauh ni, not Nehem. 5. 16. Der. ga-, in-,
as if, Rom. 9. 6. Swinthnan , vb. to grow strong, be
Swibls, str. sb. m. brimstone, Lu. come strong, Lu. 1. 80; 2. 40.
17. 29. [G. schwefel; D. zwa- SwinThs, adj. strong, powerful,
vl. A. S. swefei.] healthful, whole, Mat. 3. 11;
Swiggwan*, vb. to swing. Der. Mk. 1. 7; Lu. 3. 16; compar.
af-swaggwjan. [G. schwingen.] swinthoza. Der. swinthei, swinth
Swiglja, wk. sb. m. a piper, flute- jan, ga-swinthjan, in-swinthjan,
player, Mat. 9. 23. swinthnan. ga-swinthnan. [A. 8.
Swigljon, vb. to pipe, play the swi.]
flute, Mat 11. 17; Lu. 7. 32. Swistar, sb. /. a sister, Mk.
Der. swiglja. [A. S. swg.] 3. 32; Lu. 14. 26; Jo. 11. 1.
Swignitha; see swegnitha. [G. schwester; D. zuster.]
Swignjan; see swegnjan. Swogatjan, vb. to sigh, groan,
Swiknaba, adv. sincerely, Phil. 1.16. 2 Cor. 5. 2, 4.
Swiknei, wk. sb. f. meekness, Swogjan*, vb. to sigh. Der. ga-
.simplicity, purity, Gal. 5. 23; swogjan, swogatjan, uf-swogjan.
1 Tim. 5. 2; 2 Cor. 11. 3. Swulta-wairthja, adj. about to
Swikneins, str. sb. f. purification, die, lying at the point of death,
Jo. 3. 25. Lu. 7. 2. From swiltan and
Swiknitha, str.sb.f. purity, 2 Cor. wairthan.
6. 6; 1 Tim. 4. 12. SWUMSl, sWUMfSl, str. sb. n. a
Swikns, adj. pure, innocent, Mat. swimming-bath, pool, Jo. 9. 7, 11.
27. 4; 2 Cor. 11. 2; 1 Tim. 2. Synagoga-faths, str. sb. m. the
8; 5.23. Der. swiknaba, swik ruler of a synagogue, Mk. 5. 22.
nei, swikneins, swiknitha. Synagoge, 6. /. a synagogue, Mk.
Swtkunthaba, adv. openly, mani 1. 21; 6. 2; Lu. 4. 16. Der.
festly, Mk. 8. 32; Jo. 11. 14; synagoga-faths.
1 Tim. 4. 1. From swikunths. I, Syria, 6. Syria, Lu. 2. 2.
817 TTatoja* 218


T, the twentieth letter of the Taiknjan, vb. to betoken, point

Gothic alphabet. As a numeral, out, shew, Mk. 14. 15; 1 Tim.
it means 300. 6. 15; refl. to shew oneself as,
Tagl, str. sb. n. hair, Mat. 5. 36; feign to be, Lu. 20. 20. From
10. 30; Mk. 1. 6. [A. S. taikns.
tcegel; E. tail.] Taikns, str. sb. f. a token, sign,
Tagh, str. sb. n. a tear, Mk. 9. wonder, miracle, Mk. 8. 1 1 ; Lu.
24; Lu. 7. 38; 2 Cor. 2. 4. 2. 12; Jo. 6. 2. Der. taiknjan,
Der. tagrjan. [G. zhre; D. ga- taiknjan, us -taiknjan, ue-
traan; Gk. ScucQv.] taikneins. [G. zeichen; D.
Tagrjan, vb. to weep, Jo. 11. 35. teeken.]
Taheins*; in comp, dis-taheins, Tainjo, wk. sb. f. a basket of
q. v. twigs, a light basket, Mk. 8. 19;
Tahjan, vb. to tear, rend, Mk. 1. Lu. 9. 17; Jo. 6. 13. From
26; 9. 20; Lu. 9. 39; to dis tains. Cf. spyreida.
perse, 2 Cor. 9. 9. Der. dis- Tains, str. sb. m. a twig, sprig,
tahjan, dis-taheins. Cf. tiu- branch, Jo. 15. 2. Der. weina-
han. tains, tainjo. [G. zain; D. teen;
Taihsws, adj. the right, on the A. S. tan.]
right hand, Mat. 5. 29; Mk. 14. Tairan*, vb. to tear. Der. ga-,
47; Lu. 6. 6; fem. taihswo, the dis-; ga-taura, ga-taurths, af-
right hand, Mat. 6. 3; Mk. 10. taurnan, ga-taurnan, dis-taur-
37. [Gk. e|f.] nan. [G. zehren.]
Taihswa, wk. sb. f. the right Taitrarkes, sb. a tetrarch, Lu. 3.
hand, Mk. 16. 5; Col. 3. 1. 19; 9. 7.
Cf. taihswo, fem, of taihsws. Tals*, adj. teachable. Der. un
Taihun, num. ten, Mk. 10. 41; tais. From tilan.
Lu. 14. 31; 15. 8. Der. fidwor-, Talzeins, str. sb. f. doctrine,
fimf-; taihunda, fimfta-taihunda, 2 Tim. 3. 16. From tilan.
taihun - taihund , taihuntaihund- Talzjan, vb. to teach, instruct,
faiths. [G. zehn; D. tien.] 2 Cor. 6. 9; 2 Tim. 2. 25; to
Taihunda, ord. adj. the tenth, Lu. warn. Col. 1. 28. Pres. pt. as
18. 12. sb. a teacher, master, instructor,
Taihun-taihund, taihun-tehund, Lu. 5. 5; 8. 24; 9. 33. Der.
num. a hundred, Lu. 15. 4; ga-, talzeins. From tilan.
16. 6, 7. Ta mJan*, vb. to tame; in comp,
Taihuntaihund -falths, adj. a ga-tamjan, q. v. From timan.
hundred-fold, Mk. 10. 30; Lu. Tandjan, vb. to kindle, light. Lu.
8. 8. From falthan. 8. 16; 15. 8. Der. ga-, in-;
Taikneins*, in comp, us-taikneins. tundnan. in-tundnan. From
q. v. tindan.

Tani *, 6. . token '/ Der. faura- Taura*, tai'rths*; see ga-taura.

tani. Cf. taikns. ga-taurths.
Tarhjan*, vb.; see ga-tarhjan. Taurnan*, vb. to become torn.
Tarmjan, 6. to break forth, Gal. Der. af-, dis-, ga-. From
4. 27. tairan.
Tarnjan*, vb. to bide. Der. ga- TaWei, do thou; imp. of taujan.
tarnjan. [Cf. A. S. dearn.~\ Tawida, did; pt. t. of taujan.
Tass*, adj. well-ordered. Der. Tehund, num. answers to E. -ty,
ungatass, ungatassaba. [Cf. Gk. G. -zig; as in sibun- tehund,
jaativ.] seventy, ahtau- tehund, eighty,
Tauh, pt. t. of tiuhan, q. v. niun-tehund, ninety, taihun-
Tauhei*, in com. us-lauhei, q. v. tebund, a hundred. See taihun.
From tiuhan. Teihan*, vb. (pt. t. taih, pp. tai-
Tauhts*, sb. a drawing forth, in hans), to teach, shew, an
comp, us -tauhts. q. v. From nounce, declare. Der. ga- tei
tiuhan. han, faura-gateihan. Cf. taikns.
TaUI, fr. 6. n. (gen. tojis) a work, [E. teach.]
deed, thing made or created, Jo. Teikan , another form of tekan,
8. 41; Rom. 12. 4; Col. 3. 9; q. v.
working, Eph. 3. 7. Cf. ti- Tekan, vb. (pt. t. taitok, pp. te-
wan, tanjan. [G. that; D. kans), to touch, Mk. 5. 30; Lu.
daad.] 7. 39; 8. 45. Der. at-tekan.
Taujan, 6. (pt. t. tawida), to do, [E. touch; Lat. tangere.]
make, Mat. 5. 46; 8. 9; 9. Tewa, str. sb. f. arrangement,
28, &c.; to finish, Jo. 5. 36. order, 1 Cor. 15. 23. From
Common in various phrases, tiwan.
where it means to do, cause, Tewi, str. sb. n. an order, rank,
make. Der. ga-taujan, missa- company, 1 Cor. 15. 6. [The
taujands, taui, ubil-tojis, fulla- reading is very uncertain.']
tojis; tewa, tewi, ga-tewjan, Tewjan , vb. to put in order,
un-ga-tewiths. [G. Am; D. place, arrange. Der. ga-tew-
doen.] jan, tewa, tewi From tiwan.
[For the rest of the words beginning with T see further on, according
to the alphabetical order.]


TH, the ninth letter in the Gothic whither, Mk. 6. 55; 14. 14; Jo.
alphabet. As a number, it 6.62; thiswaduh thadei, whither
means 9. [This letter answers soever, Mat. 8. 19; Mk. 6. 56.
to the A. S. thorn-letter (p), Thagkjan, tiiaggkjan, vb. (pt. t.
which is used by some editors to thahta, pp. thahts), to think,
represent it.] consider, reason, Mk. 2. 6; Lu.
Thadei, adv. where, wheresoever, 3. 15; to consult, Lu. 14. 31;
$T > 22?

to doubt, debate, Jo. 13. 22. Thairko, wk. sb. n. a hole

Der. and-thagkjan, bi-thag'kjan, through any thing, the eye of
anda-thahts, ga-thagki , thagks. a needle, Mk. 10. 25; Lu. 18.
[G. & D. denken.] 25. From thairh.
Thagks, str. sb. m. thank, thanks, THairsan*, vb. (/><. t. thars, pi.
Lu. 17. 9. [Spelt thank in the thaursum, pp. thaursaus), to dry
MS.] up, thirst, be parched. Der.
ThaHains, str. sb. f. silence, 1 Tim. ga-thairsan, thaursus, ga-thaurs-
2. 12. nan, thaursjan, af- thaursjan,
Thahan, vb. to be silent, be stil, thaurstei. [G. drren, drsten;
Mk. 3. 4; 14. 61; Lu. 1. 20. D. dorsten; E. thirst.]
Der. ga-thahan, thabains. | Lat. Thamma, to the, dat. s. m. If n.
tacere.] of the art. sa, so, thata.
Thaho, wk. sb. f. clay, Rom. 9. i Thammei, to whom, to that which,
21. [G. thon; A. S. /jo.] i dat. sing. m. d. n. of sa-ei.
Thai, the; pi. nom. mase, of ar Than, adv. (1) then, thereupon,
ticle s, so, that a. Mat. 7. 23; 9. 15, &c.; (2) when,
Thaim, to the; pi. dat. of ar whenever, as long as, Mat. 6.
ticle. 2; 9. 15; conj. (3) but, and,
Thairh, prep, through, by, by however, therefore, for, for also,
means of, Mk. 6. 2; Lu. 1. although; jah than, for also,
78, &c. For verbs with thairh, however, although; ei-than,
as prefix, see below. \G. durch; therefore; mith-than, mean
D. door.] while, now; mith-thanei,whilst;
Thairh-arbaidjan, vb. to toil nauh-than, still however; ni
throughout, Lu. 5. 5. nauh-than, not any longer, never;
Thairh -bairan, vb. to carry ju-than, now, already; juthan
through, Mk. 11. 16. ni, no more, no longer; ath-
Thairh-gaggan, vb. to go through, than, but; thanuh, then, but,
come through, Mk. 2. 23; Lu. and, therefore, then; thanuh-
2. 15; 9. 6; to go round, than, then however, then also;
1 Tim. 5. 13. than-ei, when, since ; thande
Thairh-galeikon, vb. to transfr or thandei, if, but if, since, so
in a figure, 1 Cor. 4. 6. long as; than-nu, for, there
Thairh-leithan, vb. to go through, fore. [G. dann, denn; D. dan;
go along, Mat. 9. 9; Lu. 4. E. then.]
30; 18. 25. Thana, the; acc. . m. of sa.
Thairh -saihwan, 6. to see Thana-mais, adv. more, still,
through, behold as in a glass, further, Mk. 5. 35; 14. 63; ni
2 Cor. 3. 18. thana-mais, no more, no longer,
Thair-wakan, vb. to keep watch Lu. 16. 2.
throughout, keep watch, Lu. 2. Thana-seiths, adv. more, longer;
8; 6. 12. ni thana-seiths, no longer, Mk.
Thairh- wisan, vb. to remain 9. 8; 10. 8; 11. 14.
throughout, stay, continue, Thande, thandei, conj. if, since,
Jo. 9. 41; Rom. 11. 22; Col. because, Mat. 6. 30; Lu. 2. 30;
1. 23. whilst, Jo. 12. 35.
223 - 224

Than-ei, him who, whom; acc. 9. 18; tharuh sai, and behold,
s. m. of sa-ei. Lu. 7. 12; tharuh than, but,
Thanei, eonj. since; jah thanei, Lu. 8. 23.
inasmuch as, Mat. 25. 40. Thata (neut. of sa), the, that, this;
Thanjan *, vb. to stretch ; in comp. whence thatainei, thatei, thatuh.
uf-thanjan. From thinan. [E. thai; G. das; D. dat.]
Thankjan, thanks; see thagkjan, Thatain, that one, that only, one
thagks. thing only, Jo. 9. 25; Rom. 9. 10;
Thannu, conj. therefore, then, so Gal. 3. 2. From thata and ains.
that, for, Rom. 10. 17; Mat. 7. Thatainei, thataine, adv. only,
20; Mk. 14. 6; thannu nu, Mat. 5. 47; 8. 8; Mk. 5. 36.
thannu nu jai, therefore, Rom. Thatei, rel. pron. neut. that which,
9. 16, 18; thannu than, so which, what; also conj. that,
then, Rom. 7. 3. From than because, if; bi thatei, because,
and nu. Lu. 19. 11; afar thatei, after
Thans, the; acc. m. pi. of sa. that, Mk. 1. 14; und thatei,
Thanuh, conj. and adv. (spelt until, Rom. 11. 25. From thata
thanuth before th following), and ei.
then, Mat. 8. 26; but, Mat. 9. Thathro, thathroh, adv. thence,
25; and, Mk. 10. 13; therefore, Lu. 4. 9; after that, thence
Mk. 12. 6; thanuh than or forth, Lu. 16. 16.
thanuth than, then therefore, Thathro-ei, adv. from whence,
then also,*To. 11. 14; thanuh Phil. 3. 20.
than swethaub, nevertheless, Jo. Thatist (for thata ist), that is to
12. 42. say, Mk. 7. 2; this is, Jo. 6. 29.
Thanuh, pron. this, acc. m. s. o/sa'h. Thatuh, neut. of sa'h, q. v.
Thanzei, rel. pron. whom, acc.pi. Thau, thauh, conj. though, than,
m. of sa-ei. however, Mat. 9. 5, &c.; ei
Thanzuh, pron. these, and these, thau, or else, Lu. 14. 32. Cf.
acc. pi. m. of sa'h. ewethauh.
Thar, adv. there, Mat. 6. 20 ; Lu. 9. 4. Thauhjabai, thauhjaba, even if,
Tharba, wk. sb. m. a beggar, Mk. Jo. 11. 25; 1 Cor. 7. 21.
10. 21; Jo. 12. 5, 6. Der. ala- Thaurban, vb. (pt. t. as pres.
tharba. From thaurban. tharf, pi. thaurbum, pt. t.
Tharba, str. sb. f. want, need, thaurfta), to need, want, lack,
lack, 2 Cor. 8. 14; 11. 9; Phil. Mat. 6. 8; 9. 12; Mk. 2.
4. 11, 12. From thaurban. 17. Der. ga-thaurbs, thaurfts,
Tharban*, vb.; see ga-tharban. naudi-thaurfts, tharbs, tharba,
Tharbjan*, vb.; see ga-tharbjan. ala-tharba, ga-tharban, ga-tharb
Tharbs, adj. needy, in want, Lu. jan. [G. bedrfen; D. derven;
9. 11; necessary, Phil. 2. 25. A. S. pearfani]
Tharei, adv. where, Mat. 6. 19; Thaurfts, adj. needy, necessary,
Mk. 2. 4; Lu. 4. 16. 1 Cor. 12. 22; profitable, 2 Tim.
Tharihis (dyrdcpov), gen. case of 3. 16. Der. naudi-thaurfts.
adj. new(?), Mat 9. 16. Thaurfts, str. sb. f. need, Lu. 19.
Tharuh, adv. there, Mat. 6. 21; 34; Phil. 2. 25; profit, Lu. 9.25.
but, Mk. 10. 20; behold, Mat. Cf. Eph. 5. 4. From thaurban.
225 Tharneixs Thiudisko 226

Thaitrneins, adj. thorny, made of [G. dehnen; A. S. penian; cf. E.

thorns, Mk. 15. 17; Jo. 19. 5. thin; G. dnn; D. dun.]
Thai uni s, str. sb. m. a thorn, Mat. Thinsan*, vb. to draw. Der. at-
7. 16; Mk. 4. 7; Lu. 6. 44. thinsan. C/. thinan.
Der. tbaurneins. [G. dorn; D. This, of the; m. and n. gen. sing.
doom.] of sa, so, thata.
Thaurp, str. sb. n. a field, Neh. This-h, adv. chiefly, especially,
5. 16. [G. dorf; D. dorp; E. Gal. 6. 10; 1 Tim. 4. 10; 5. 8.
thorpe.] This-hwaduh, adv. wheresoever,
Thai 'us jan, vb. to thirst; only Mat. 18. 19; Mk. 6. 56; Lu. 9. 57.
impers, as thaurseith mik, 1 This-hwaruh, ed. wheresoever,
thirst, Jo. 6. 35; 7. 37; tbaur- Mk. 9. 18; 14. 9.
siths wisan, to be thirsty, 1 Cor. This-hwazuh, pron. whoever;
4.11. Z)er. af-thaursjan,ga-thaurs- this-hwazuh ei, whoever, Mk. 1 1.
nan, thaurstei. From thairsan. 23; this-hwazuh thei, or this-
Thaukstei, wk. sb. f. thirst, 2 Cor. hwazuh saei, whosoever, Mat.
11. 27. . [G. durst; D. dorst.] 10. 33; Jo. 15. 16.
Thaursus, adj. dry, withered, Thiibi, str. sb. n. a theft, Mk. 7.
parched up, Mk. 11. 20; Lu. 6. 22. From thiubs.
6. From thairsan. [G. drr; , adv. like a thief,
D. dor.] secretly, Jo. 11. 28; 18. 20.
The, instrumental case of sa, so, Thiubs, str. sb. m. a thief, Mat.
thata. Der. bi-the, du-the, jath- 6. 19; Lu. 19. 46; Jo. 10. 8.
the, the-ei. [A. S. pi, Py.] [G. dieb; U. dief.]
The-ei, con;', that; ni the-ei or Thiuda , str. sb. f. a people , a
nih the-ei, not that, that not, nation ; in pi. the Gentiles, Mat.
Jo. 6. 38; 12. 6. 6. 32; Mk. 10. 42; 11. 17. Der.
Thei, conj. that, Mat. 6. 26, &c. Gut-thiuda, thiudisko, thiudane,
Theiqains, 6. silence, a reading thiudan-gardi, thiudanon, mith-
for thahains, 1 Tim. 2. 12. thiudanon, thiudinassus. [A. S.
[Almost illegible in the MS.] ped.]
Theihan, vb. to thrive, increase, Thiudan-qardi, str. sb. f. a king
advance, Lu. 2. 52; Col. 2. 19; dom, Mat. 5. 19; 6. 13; 7. 21;
1 Tim. 4. 15. Der. ga-, ufar-, a king's house, king's court.
[G. gedeihen; D. gedijen; O. . the.] Lu. 7. 25. From thiuda and gards.
Theirs, str. sb. . time, season, Thiudanon, vb. to rule, reign,
Rom. 13. 11; 1 Th. 5. 1. Lu. 1. 33; 19. 14, 27. Der.
Theihwo, wk. sb. /. thunder, Mk. mith-. From thiuda.
3. 17; Jo. 12. 29. Thiudans, str. sb. m. a king, Mat. 5.
Theina, ( 1) of thee, (2) thine (/em.). 35; 11.8; 25.40. From thiuda.
Theinata, tbine (neuter). Thiudinassus, str. sb. m. a king
Theins, pass. pron. thine. dom, Mat. 6. 10; Mk. 9. 1 ; a
Thewis, str. sb. n. a slave, ser kingship, reign, Lu. 3. 1. From
vant, Col. 3. 22; 4. 1. From thiuda.
thiwan. [A. S. pew.] Thiudisko, adv. after the manner
Thinan*, vb. to stretch, extend, of Gentiles, Gal. 2. 14. From
make thin. Der. of-thanjan. thiuda.
W. W. 8ket, -Qothie GloiMry. 8
227 - Thragjav 228

Tmu-MaGUs, str. 6. m. a servant, that, of whom, of which, g. pi.

Mat. 8. 6; Lu. 1. 54; 7. 7. f. of sa-ei.
From thins and magus. Trazos, of her, of that; g. t. f.
Thius, str. sb. m. a servant, Lu. of sa.
16. 13; pi. thiwos, Nehem. 5. Thizozei, of her who, of that
16. From thiwan. Cf. thewis. which, of whom, of which, g. s.
Thiuth, str. sb. n good, Lu. 1. 53 ; f. of sa-ei.
6. 45; Rom. 7. 18; thiuth tau- Thlahsjan, vb. to terrify, 2 Cor.
jan, to do good, Mk. 3. A ; Lu. 10. 9. Der. ga-thlahsnan. Cf.
6. 9. Der. thiutheigs, thiuth- thliuhan.
eins , thiuthjan , thiuth - spillon, Thlathan*, vb. to cherish, fondle.
un-thiuth, thiuthi-kwiss. Der. ga-thlaihan, ga-thlaihts.
Thiutheigs, adj. good, Mat. 7. [Cf. Gk. t*.]
18; Mk. 10. 17; Lu. 6. 45; ThlaKwUS, adj. flaccid, tender,
blessed, Mk. 14. 61 ; Ln. 1. 68. Mk. 13. 28. [Cf. G. flau; Lat.
Thiutheins, str. sb. f. goodness, flaccus.]
2 Thess. 1. 11; a blessing, Thlauhs, str. sb. m. flight, Mk. 13.
Eph. 1. 3. 18. From thliuhan.
Thiuthi-kwiss, str. sb. f. a bless Tiileihsl, str. sb. n.; see threihsl.
ing, 1 Cor. 10. 16. Thliuhan, vb. to flee, fly, Mat. 10.
Thiuthjan, vb. with dat. and acc. 23; Lu. 3. 7; Jo. 10. 5. Der.
to bless, Mk. 10. 16; 11. 9; af-, ga-, untha-, thlauhs. [G.
Lu. 1. 28. Der. ga-, un-. fliehen; D. vliegen.]
Thiuth- spillon, vb. to tell or Tho, her, it, this, the, that, c.
bring glad tidings, Lu. 3. 18; f. s. and c. n. pl. of sa.
cf. 8. 1. From thiuth and spill. Thoei, her who, that which, whom,
Thiwadw, str. sb. n. service, which, acc. f. s. and acc. n. pi.
slavery, Gal. 4. 24. of sa-ei.
Thiwan *, vb. to be a slave, serve. Thos, them, the; acc. f. pi.
Der. ana-, ga-, thiwadw, thius, of sa.
thiu-magus, thiwi, thewis. [A. Thozei, them that, those which,
S. pewian.] which, acc. f. pi. of sa-ei.
h, str. sb. f. a maid-servant, Thrafsteins, str. sb. f. conso
handmaid, Lu. I. 38; Mk. 14. lation, comfort, Rom. 15. 5.
66; Jo. 18. 17. Thraftsjan, vb. to console, com
Thizai, to this, to her; dat. f. . fort, Jo. 11. 31; to exhort, Lu.
of sa. 3. 18; to terrify, Neh. 6. 14
Thizai-ei, to her whom, to that (which must be wrong); refl. to
which, to whom, to which. take courage, be of good cheer,
Thize, of the, of them; g. pi. m. Mat. 9. 2; Mk. 10. 49. Der.
and n. of sa. ana-, ga-, thrafsteins, ga-thraf-
Thize-ei, of them who, of those steins. [G. trsten; D. troosten;
that, of whom, of which, m. and Cf. E. trust.]
n. g. pi. of sa-ei. Thragjan, vb. to run, Mat. 27.
Thizo, of them, of those, g. pi. f. 48; Mk. 15. 36; Lu. 15. 20.
of sa. Der. -. [A. S. prgian; cf.
Thizo-ei, of them who, of those A. S. prah; O. E. throw.]
229 - Thusundi 230

Thraihns*, str. sb. m. a throng, Throtheins*, sb. use, exercise;

heap. Der. faihu-thraihns. From in comp, us-throtheins, q. v.
threihan. Throthjan, vb. to exercise, 1 Tim.
Thramstei, vok. sb. f. a locust, 4. 7. Der. us-, us-throtheins.
Mk. 1. 6. Thruts-fo-l, str. sb. n. leprosy,
Thras*, adj. quick, rash. Der. Mat. 8. 3; Mk. 1. 42; Lu. 5.
thrasa-balthei. 12; thr. habands, a leper,
Thrasa-balthei, wk. sb. f. auda Mat. 8. 2; Mk. 1. 40. From
city, presumption, Skeir. 5. 11. thriutan and fill.
Thrask, thrashed; from thriskan. Thruts- fills, adj. leprous, a
Thrask*, 6. in comp, ga-thrask, q. v. leper, Mat. 11. 5; Lu. 4. 27;
Threihan, vb. to throng, crowd 7. 22. From thriutan and fill.
round, press upon, Mat. 7. 14; Thu, pers. pron. thou; gen. theina,
Mk. 3. 9; 5. 24; pp. thraihans, dat. thus, acc. thuk. [G. du.]
troubled, 2 Cor. 4. 8. Der. ga-, Thuei, thou who; from thu
threihsl, faihu-thraihns. [G. and eL
drngen; D. dringen; O. E. ThUGKJan, ThUGG.KJan, vb. to
thring.] think, suppose, intend, seem,
Threihsl, str. sb. n. distress, Mk. 10. 42; Lu. 8. 18; Jo. 16.
2 Cor. 12. 10. From threihan. 2; impers, thugkeithmis, me
[Another reading for threihslam thinks, it seems to me, I sup
is thleihslam.] pose, Mat. 26. 65; Lu. 19. 11.
Threis, num. (neut. thrija, gen. Der. hauh-thuhts, mikil-thuhts,
thrije, dat. thrim, acc. thrins), thuhtus. [G. dnken; G. & D.
three, Mat. 27. 63; Mk. 8. 2; denken.]
Lu. 1. 56. Der. threis -tigjus, Thuhtus, str. sb. m. thought, wis
thrija- hunda, thridja, thridjo. dom, Col. 2. 23; conscience,
[G. drei; D. drie.] 1 Cor. 10. 28. From thugkjan.
Threis-tigjus, num. (gen. thrije- Thuk, thee; acc. of thu.
tigiwe, acc. thrins-tiguns), thirty, Thukei, thee who; acc. of thuei.
Mat. 27. 3; Lu. 3. 23. Thulains, str. sb. f. sufferance,
Thridja, adj. the third, Mat. 27. patience, Lu. 8, 15; Rom. 15.
64; Mk. 9. 31; 12. 21. 4; suffering, 2 Cor. 1. 5. Der.
Thridjo, adv. for the third time, us-. From thulan.
2 Cor. 12. 14; 13. 1. Thulan, vb. to tolerate, suffer,
Thrija-hunda, neut. pi. three hun put up with, endure, Mk. 9. 19;
dred, Mk. 14. 5. Lu. 9. 41; 1 Cor. 13. 7. Der.
Thrim, thrins; see threis. ga-, us-; thulains, us-thulains.
Thriskan, vb. (pt. t. thrask, pi. [G. & D. dulden; O. E. thole;
thruskum, pp. thruskans), to cf. E. tolerate.]
thresh, thrash, 1 Cor. 9. 9; Thus, to thee; dat. of thu.
1 Tim. 5. 18. Der. ga-thrask. Thusundi, num. a thousand, Mk.
[G. dreschen; D. dorschen.] 5. 13; 8. 9; Lu. 9. 14; fimf
Thriutan*, vb. to urge, trouble, thusundjos, five thousand, Lu.
threaten. Der. us-, thruts-fill. 9. 14 ; twa thusundja, two thou
[G. verdriessen; A. S. preatian ; sand, Eira 2. 15. Der. thusundi-
E. threaten.] faths. [G. tausend; D. duizend.]
231 TffCsmrtH-FATHS

Thusundi-faths, str. 6. m. a Thwahl, rr. sb. n. a washing, ^

leader of a thousand men, Mk. Eph. 5. 26; Skeir. 2. 8. /*^ 4 tetf,
6. 21; Jo. 18. 12. Thwairhei, wk. sb. f. anger,
Thut-haurn, str. sb. n. a horn, wrath, Rom. 9. 22; 12. 19;
trumpet, 1 Cor. 15. 52; 1 Th. strife, 2 Cor. 12. 20.
4. 16. [A. S. petan; G. Thwairhs, adj. angry, Lu- 14.
tuten; cf. D. toethoren; E. 21; Eph. 4. 26; Tit. 1. 7. Der.
toot.] thwairhei. [A. S. pweorh; cf.
Thut-haurnjan , vb. to blow the E. thwart.]
trumpet, 1 Cor. 15. 52. Thwastitha, str. sb. f. safety,
Thuzei, to thee to whom; see Phil. 3. 1.
thus. From thu and ei. Thwastjan*, vb. to secure; in
Thwahan, vb. (pt. t. thwoh, pp. comp, ga-thwastjan.
thwahans), to wash, Mat 6. 17; Thwasts , adj. secure, safe. Der.
Jo. 13. 14; to wash oneself, Jo. thwastitha, ga-lhwastjan.
9. 7. Der. af-, bi-, us-; un- Thymiama (Vvfitaiia), sb. incense,
thwahans, thwahl. [A. S. offering of incense, Lu. 1.
pwedn.] 10, 11.

T (continued).

[For other words beginning with Timan*, vb. to tame. Der. ga-
T, see above, according to the timan, ga-tamjan, ga-temiba.
alphabetical order.] [G. ziemen, zhmen; D. temmen.]
Timbrjan; see timrjan.
Tious, num. ten; whence pi. nom. Timreins, str. sb. f. a building,
tigjus, gen. tigiwe, Lu. 3. 23; Rom. 14. 19; 1 Cor. 14. 26;
dat. tigum, 1 Tim. 5. 9; acc. 2 Cor. 10. 8. Der. ga-timreins.
tiguns, Lu. 7. 41. Der. twai-, Ttmrja, wk. sb. m. a builder, Mk.
threie-, fidwor-, fimf-, saihs-. 12. 10; Lu. 20. 17.
[E. -ty; G. -zig.] Timrjan, vb. (spelt timbrjan in Lu.
Tilaba*; see ga-tilaba. 14. 28), to build, Lu. 6, 48; 14.
Tilan* vb. to suit, fit. Der. tils, 30; 17. 28. Der. ana-, ga-,
ga-tils, ga-tilaba, untila-malsks, mithga-, timrja, timreins, ga-
and-tilon, un-tals, talzjan, tal- timreins, ga-timrjo. [G. zim
zeins. [Cf. A. S. til, suitable; mern; D. timmeren; A. S. #*-
tilian, to prepare, till; E. till.] brian; cf. E. timber.]
Tilon*, vb.; see and-tilon, ga- Tindan*, 6. to burn. Der. tand-
tilon, gaga -tilon. From tilan. jan, ga-tandjan, in-tandjan, tund-
Tils, adj. suitable, fit; til du nan, in-tundnan. [Cf. E. tinder;
wrohjan, fit for accusing, an G. znden.]
accusation, Lu. 6. 7. Der. ga- Tiuhan, vb. (pt. t. tauh, pi. tau-
tils, ga-tilaba. From tilan. [A. hum, pp. tauhans), to tow, tug,
S. til.] pull; hence to lead, Lu. 4. 1;

18. 40; Jo. 18. 28; to guide, Triweins, adj. made of a tree,
Lu. 6. 39; to lead away, Mk. wooden, 2 Tim. 2. 20.
14. 44. Der. at-, inn-at, af-, Trudan, vb. to tread, tread upon,
bi-, ga-, mithga-, us-, us-tauhts, Lu. 10. 19; to tread as in a
ue-tauhei. [O. ziehen; A. S. winepress, Lu. 6. 44. Der.
teon.] ga-trudon. [G. treten; D.
Tiwan*, vb. to be ready. Der. treden.]
tanjan, ga-taujan, missa- tau- Trusgjan*, vb. to graft. Der. in-
jands, taui, ubil-tojis, fuUa-tojis, trusgjan. Cf. trisgan.
lew a, tewi, ga-tewjan, unga- Trusnjan*, vb. to sprinkle. Der.
tewiths. [Cf. A. S. tawian.] ufar-trusnjan.
Tojis, gen. case of taui, q. . Cf. Tuggl, str. sb. n. a star? as gloss
ubil-tojis, fulla-tojis. to stabim, elements, Gal. 4. 3.
Trauains, str. sb. f. trust, confi [A. S. tungel.]
dence, 2 Cor. 1. 15; 3. 4; Tuggo, wk. sb. f. a tongue, Mk.
boldness, 2 Cor. 7. 4; Phil. 7. 33; Lu. 1. 64. [G. zunge;
1. 20. D. tong.]
Trauan, vb. to trow, be per Tuloitha, str. sb. f. safety, 1 Th.
suaded, 2 Tim. 1. 5; to trust 5. 3; a stronghold, 2 Cor. 10.
(followed by du or in), Mat. 27. 4; a stay, sure foundation,
43; Lu. 18. 9; 2 Cor. 1. 9. 1 Tim. 3. 15. From tulgus.
Der. ga-trauan, trauains, trausti. Tulgjan, vb. to confirm, establish,
Cf. triggws. [E. trow, true, trust; 2 Cor. 2. 8; 1 Th. 3. 13. Der.
G. treu, trauen; D. trouw.] g"-
Trausti, str. sb. n. a covenant, Tulgus, adj. steadfast, sure, 1 Cor.
Eph. 2. 12. [E. trust.] 15. 58; 2 Tim. 2. 19. Der. tulg
Triggwa, fr. sb. f. a covenant, jan, ga-tulgjan, tulgitha.
Lu. 1. 72; Rom. 9. 4; 11. 27. Tundnan, vb. to burn, 2 Cor. 11.
Cf. trausti. ..< .' .> - 29. Der. in-. From tindan.
Triggwaba, adv. truly, assuredly, Tunthus, str. sb. m. a tooth, Mat.
confidently, Lu. 20. 6; Phil. 5. 38; 8. 12; Mk. 9. 18. [G.
1. 25. zahn; D. tand.]
Triggws, adj. true, faithful, Lu. Tuz-werjan, vb. to doubt, Mk. 11.
16. 10; 19. 17; 1 Cor. 4. 2. 23 From tus (a derivative of
Der. un-, triggwa, triggwaba. twai?) and werjan.
Cf. trauan. Twaddje, gen. of twai, two.
Trigo, wk. sb. f. grief, sorrow, Twa-hunda, num. two hundred,
2 Cor. 9. 7. Jo. 6. 7.
Trimpan*, vb. to tramp, tread. Twai, num. (fem, twos, neut. twa,
Der. ana -trimpan. [G. tram gen. twaddje, dat. twaim, acc.
peln; D. trappen.] twans, twos, twa), two, Mat. 6.
Triscan*, vb. to graft. Der. in-, 24; 27. 51; Mk. 5. 13. Der.
trusgjan, in-trusgjan. tweihnai, twa-lif, twai-tigjus,
Triu, str. sb. n. (gen. triwis), a twa-hunda, twis, tus? [G. zwei;
tree; hence a piece of wood, a D. twee.]
staff, Mk. 14. 43, 48. Der. tri- Twai-tigjus, num. twenty, Lu.
weins, weina-triu. 14. 31.
Twaub-wintbus UfAB-CIL'TAN

Twalib-wintrus, adj. twelve years' Tweihnai, pi. adj. two apiece,

old, Lu. 2. 42. Lu. 9. 3. From twai.
Twa-Lir, num. twelve (spelt twa- Twis-standan, vb. to depart from
lib, Lu. 2. 42; 8. 1), Mat. 10. 1; one, bid farewell to, 2 Cor. 2.
11. l,&c. [G. zwlf; D. twaalf] 13. From twai and standan.
Tweifleins, str. sb. f. doubting, Twis-stass, str. sb. f. a standing
1 Tim. 2. 8; disputation, Rom. aloof from, sedition, Gal. 5. 20.
14. 1. From twai and standan.
Tweifljan, vb. to make doubtful, Tyra, sb. f. Tyre, Mk. 3. 8; Lu.
Skeir. 6. 10. 10. 14.
Tweifls, str. sb. m. doubt, Skeir. Tyrus, adj. a Tyrian, Mat. 11. 22;
2. 13. [G. zweifei; D. twijfel.] I Mk. 7. 24, 31.

U, the sixteenth letter of the Uf, prep, with dat. and acc. under,
Gothic alphabet. As a numeral, beneath, in the time of. Occurs as
it means 70. It is probably a prefix in numerous compounds.
equivalent to oo in cool; or, it' [Gk. V7Z; Lat. sub.]
unaccented, to oo in foot. Uf-aithis, adj. under an oath,
U, an enclitic used in asking a Neh. 6. 18.
question, as in skuld-u ist, is it Ufar, prep, with dat. and acc.
lawful, Mk. 3. 4; sometimes found over, above, beyond. Occurs as
in the middle of a word; thus a prefix in numerous compounds.
ga-u-laubjats is put for ga-laub- [G. ber; D. & E. over.]
jats-u, do ye believe, Mat. 9. Ufarassjan, vb. to abound, over
28. Cf. uh. flow, redound, 2 Cor. 4. 15; 9.
Ubilaba, adv. evilly, ill, Mk. 2. 8, 12; 1 Tim. 1. 14.
17; Jo. 18. 23. Ufarassus, str. sb. m. overflow,
Ubils, adj. evil, ill, bad, useless. abundance, superfluity, 2 Cor.
Mat. 5. 37; 6. 13; Mk. 7. 23; 8.14; 10. 15; ufarassau haban,
ubil haban, to be ill, Mat. 8. to have in abundance, Lu. 15.
16; ubil kwithan, to speak 17; Phil. 2. 12.
evil against, to curse, Mk. 7. 10; Ufar-fullei , wk. sb. f. overfull-
ubil waurdjan, to speak evil of, ness, abundance, Lu. 6. 45.
Mk. 9. 39. Der. ubilaba, ubil- Ufar-fulljan, vb. to fill to over
tojis, ubil-waurds. [G. bel.] flowing, 2 Cor. 7.4; to abound,
Ubil-tojis, adj. as sb. a male 1 Cor. 15. 58.
factor, evildoer, Jo. 18. 30; Ufar-fulls, adj. full to overflow
2 Tim. 2. 9. ing, Lu. 6. 38.
Ubil-waurds, adj. evilspeaking. Ufar -Gaggan, vb. to go over,
railing, 1 Cor. 5. 11. transgress, Lu. 15. 29; to go
Ubizwa, str. sb. f. a porch, Jo. beyond, overreach, 1 Th. 4. 6.
i 10. 23. [A. S. efese; E. eaves.] Ufar-giutan, vb. to pour over,
Ub-Uh;pw/oruf-uh, from ufanduh. make to run over, Lu. 6. 38.
Ufar-gudja, wk. sb. .m. a chief- Ufar-skadwjan, vb. to oversha
priest, Mk. 10. 33. dow, Mk. 9. 7; Lu. 1. 35; 9. 34.
Ufar-hafjan, vb. to heave or lift Ufar-skafts, str. sb. f. the first
over, to exalt, 2 Th. 2. 4. fruit,Rom. 11. 16. From skapjan.
Ufar-hafnan, vb. to be heaved or Ufar-steigan , vb. to mount up,
lifted over, to be exalted, 2 Cor. grow up, Mk. 4. 7.
12. 7. Ufak-swara, wk. sb. m. an over-
Ufar-hamon, 6. to put on clothes swearer, a perjured man, 1 Tim.
over, to be clothed upon (A. V.), 1. 10.
2 Cor. 5. 2. Ufar-swaran, . to overswear,
Ufar-hauhjan, vb. to exalt over, forswear, Mat. 5. 33.
to lift up, 1 Tim. 3. 6. Ufar-theihan, vb, to surpass,
Ufar-hauseins, str. sb. f. a hear supersede, Skeir. 3. 21.
ing over, disregarding, dis Ufar-tkusnjan, vb. to besprinkle,
obedience, 2 Cor. 10. 6. Skeir. 3. 16.
Ufar-himinakunds (novadno), Ufak-wahsjan , vb. to over-wax,
adj. heavenly, 1 Cor. 15. 48. grow exceedingly, 2 Th. 1. 3.
Ufar-hleithrjan, vb. to dwell Ufar-wisan, vb. to be over, exceed,
upon, rest upon, 2 Cor. 12. 9. surpass, 2 Cor. 3. 9; Phil. 4. 7;
Ufar-hugjan, vb. to think over to be set over, to be higher,
highly, to be exalted above Rom. 13. 1.
measure, 2 Cor. 12. 7. Uf-bal'ljan, vb. to puff up; pass.
Ufar-jaina, adv. in places beyond, to be highminded, 2 Tim. 3. 4.
beyond, 2 Cor. 10. 16. Uf-blesan, vb. to blow up, puff
Ufar-lagjan , vb. to lay upon ; up ; pass, to be puffed up, 1 Cor.
pass, to lie upon, Jo. 11. 38. 4. 6; 13. 4; Col. 2. 18.
Ufar-leithan , vb. to pass over, Uf-brikan, vb. to reject, Mk. 6.
Mat. 9. 1. 26; to despise, Lu. 10. 16;
Ufar-meleins , str. sb. f. super 1 Th. 4. 8; see 1 Tim. 1. 13.
scription, Mk. 12. 16. Uf-brinnan, vb. neut. to be burnt
Ufar-meli, str. sb. n. superscrip up, be scorched, Mk. 4. 6.
tion, Mk. 15. 26; Lu. 20. 24. Uf-daupjan, vb. to dip into, dip
Ufar-meljan, 6. to write over, in, Jo. 13. 26; to baptize, Lu.
Mk. 15. 26. 3. 21; 7. 29.
Ufar -mIton, vb. to cause to be Uf-gairdan, vb. to undergird, gird
forgotten, to put away from re about, Eph. 6. 14.
membrance (?), Skeir. 3. 17. Uf-graban, vb. to dig under, dig
Ufar-munnon, vb. to forget, Mk. through, Mat. 6. 19, 26.
8. 14; Phil. 3. 14; to disre Uf-haban, vb. to bear up, sustain,
gard, Phil. 2. 30. Lu. 4. 11.
Ufaro, adv. above, thereon, Jo. Uf-hauseins, str. sb- f. a hearing
11. 38; prep, with gen. upon, uuder, regard, obedience, 2 Cor.
Lu. 10. 19; with dat. over, 7. 15; 10. 5; subjection, 1 Tim.
above, Lu. 19. 19; Jo. 3. 31. 2. 11. Cf. ufar-hauseins.
Ufar - Hanneins , str. sb. f. an Uf-hausjan , vb. to hear under, to
over - sprinkling , besprinkling, obey, submit to, Mat. 8. 27; Mk. 1.
Skeir. 3. 10. 27; Lu. 2. 51. Cf. ufar-hauseins.
239 -HLOHJAJt Ulbasds 240

Uf-hlohjan, vb. to make rejoice; ufta sauhte, frequent infirmities,

pass, to rejoice, laugh, Lu. 6. 1 Tim. 5. 23.
21. From hlahjan. Uftahari, a name; Neap, document.
Uf-hnaiweins, str- sb. f. a bend Uf-thanjan, vb. refl, to stretch out,
ing under, subjection, Gal. 2 Cor. 10. 14; to stretch after,
2. 5. Phil. 3. 14. From thinan.
Uf-hnaiwjan, vb. to make to bend Ufto, adv. perhaps, Mat. 27. 64;
under, to put under, make sub Lu. 20. 13. [Probably an error
ject, 1 Cor. 15. 27; Eph. 1. 22; for aufto, q. v.]
Phil. 3. 21. Uf-wopjan, vb. to cry out, speak
Uf-hropjan, vb. to cry out, Mk. aloud, Lu. 1. 42; 8. 8; 18. 38.
1. 23; 9. 24; Lu. 4. 33. Uggk, ugk, dual acc. us two, both
Ufjo, wk. sb. f. a superfluous of us, Eph. 6. 22.
thing, 2 Cor. 9. 1. Cf. ufar. Uggkis, ugkis, dual dat. for us
Uf-kunnan, vb. (pt. t. uf-kuntha), two, Mk. 10. 35; Jo. 17. 21;
to know, recognise, Mk. 5. 29 ; also acc. Mat. 9. 27; Lu. 7. 20.
Lu. 7. 39; Jo. 6. 69. Uh, conj. but, and; an enclitic
Uf-kunthi, str. sb. n. knowledge, particle Klee the Latin que; if
Eph. 1. 17; 4. 13; Col. 1. 10. takes the form uth before th, ul
Uf-ligan, vb. to lie under; hence before 1 (2 Cor. 7. 8), uk be
to faint, Mk. 8. 3; to fail, Lu. fore k (1 Cor. 7. 16); also a
16. 9. dmonstrative particle, like Latin
Uf-meljan, vb. to suhscribe, Neap. ce, as in sah, put for sa-uh;
and Arezzo documents. also, an indefinite particle, as in
Uf-munnan, vb. to remember (?), hwazuh, put for hwas uh.
Phil. 2. 28. Bead uf-kunnands. Hence the forms tharuh, thanuh,
Uf-rakjan, vb. to stretch out, Mat. hwatharuh, sumanuh, &c.; also
8. 3; Mk. 1. 41; 3. 5; pass, to swah, hwah, &c. , for swa uh,
become uncircumcised , 1 Cor. hwa uh, &c.
7. 18. Uht* sb.? early time, right sea
Uf-saggkwjan, vb. to swallow up, son? Der. uhteigs, uhteigo, un-
1 Cor. 15. 54. uhteigo, uhtiugs, uhtwo. [A. S.
Uf-sliupan, vb. to slip under, to uhta, early morn.]
withdraw privily, Gal. 2. 12. Uhtedun, put for ohtedun, they
Uf-sneithan, vb. to kill, Lu. 15. feared, Mk. 11. 32; from ogan.
23; Jo. 10. 10; 1 Cor. 5. 7. Uhteigo, ohteigo, adv. in sea
From sneithan, to cut. son, at a fit time, 2 Tim. 4. 2.
Uf - straujan , vb. to spread or Der. un-uhteigo.
strew under, to spread, Lu. Uhteigs, adj. at leisure for, hav
19. 36. ing opportunity for, 1 Cor. 7.
Uf-swalleins, str. sb. f. a swell 5. From uht?
ing up, swelling. 2 Cor. 12. 20. Uhtiugs, adj. at leisure, having
From swillan. a fit opportunity for, 1 Cor. 15.
Uf-swogjan, vb. to sigh deeply, 12. Cf. uhteigs.
Mk. 8. 12. Uhtwo, wk. sb. f. early morn,
Ufta, adv. oft, often, Mk. 5. 4; Mk. 1. 35. [A. S. uhta.]
Jo. 18. 2; 2 Cor. 8. 22; thizo I Ulbandus, str. sb. m. a camel,
241 H H-rAORS 242

Mk. 1. 6; 10. 25; Lu. 18. 25. Un-bruks, adj. unprofitable, Lu.
[A. S. olfend; E. elephant.] 17. 10; Skeir. 1. 2.
Un-, a negative prefix, like English Und, prep, with dat. in return for,
un-, [G. un-; D. on-.] for, Mat. 5. 38; Rom. 12. 17;
Un-agands, pres. pt. (as from un- more often with ace. unto, until,
agan), fearless, without fear, as far as, up to, Lu. 2. 15;
1 Cor. 16. 10; Phil. 1. 14. Mk. 6. 23 ; und hwan filu, how
Un-agei, wk.tb.f. fearlessness; dat. much, Mat. 10. 25. Also in
un-agein, without fear, Lu. 1. 74. compounds, where it perhaps once
Un-airkns, adj. unholy, 1 Tim. takes the form untha; see untha-
1. 9; 2 Tim. 3. 2. thliuhan. [E. unto?]
Un-aiwisks, adj. that needeth not Undar, prep, with acc. under, Mk.
to be ashamed, 2 Tim. 2. 15. 4. 21. Der. undaro, lindaraists,
Un - anasiunaba , adv. invisibly, undarleija. [G. unter; D. onder.]
Skeir. 8. 2. Undaraists, superi. adj. under
Un-andhuliths,pp. (as/romunand- most, lowest, Eph. 4. 9.
buljan), not uncovered, 2 Cor. 3.14. Undarleija, superl. adj. lowest,
Un-andsakans , pp. (as from un- least, Eph. 3. 8; but for undar-
andsakan), irrefragable, irrefu leijin M. reads undaraistin. Cf.
table, Skeir. 6. 14. undaraists.
Un-andsoks, adj. that cannot be Undaro, prep, with dat. Mk. 6.
spoken against, irrefutable, 11; 7. 28.
Skeir. 6. 12. Undaurni-mats, str. sb. m. undern-
Un-atgahts, adj. inaccessible, un- meat, morning meal, Lu. 14.
approchable, 1 Tim. 6. 16. 12. [A. S. & O. E. undern.]
Un-bairandei, fern. adj. barren, Und-greipan, vb. to grip, lay hold of,
that beareth not, Gal. 4. 27. Mk.1.31; 12.8; 15.21; Jo.18.12.
Un-bairands, adj. not bearing, Un-diwanei, wk. sb. f. deathless-
Lu. 3. 9; Jo. 15. 2. ness, immortality, 1 Cor. 15.
Un-barnahs, adj. without children, 53; 1 Tim. 6. 16.
childless, Lu. 20. 28, 29, 30. Un-diwans, adj. undying, immor
Un-baurans, pp. (as from un and tal, 1 Tim. 1. 17.
baurans), pp. of bairan, unborn, Und-redan, vb. to provide, Sk. 6. 1 3.
not born, Skeir. 5. 20. Und-rinnan, vb. to fall to one's
Un-beistei, wk. sb.f. want of leaven, share, Lu. 15. 12.
unleavened bread, 1 Cor. 5. 8. Un-fagrs, adj. unthankful, Lu. 6. 35.
Un-beistoths, adj. unleavened, Un - fairinodaba , adv. unblame-
1 Cor. 5. 7. ably, 1 Th. 2. 20.
Un-bilaistiths, pp. (as from un Un-fahuns, adj. blameless, un-
and bilaistjan), not to be blameable, 1 Th. 3. 13; 5. 23;
traced, not to be found out, Col. 1. 22. See us-fairins.
Rom. 11. 33. Un-fairlaistiths, pp. (as from un
Un-ar, str. sb. n. uncircum- and fairlaistjan), unsearchable,
cision, Col. 2. 13. Eph. 3. 8. Cf. unbilaistiths.
Un-bimaitans, pp. (asfrom un and Un-faurs, adj. not sober, not staid
bimaitan), uncircmncised , Eph. in behaviour, a tattler, 1 Tim.
2. 11. 5. 13. Cf. ga-faurs.
243 Un-faurwris Uk-karja 244

Un - faurweis , adj. un - premedi Un-gatassaba, adv. not according

tated, Skeir. 3. 14. From weis. to rule, disorderly, 2 Thess. 3.
Un-frathjands, adj. without un 6, 11.
derstanding, foolish, Rom. 10. 19. Un-gatewiths, pp. (as from un and
Un-freideins, str. sb. f. not tak gatewj an) disorderly, 2 Thess.
ing care of, neglect, Col. 2. 23. 3. 8.
Cf. ga-freideins. Un-gawagiths, pp. (asfrom un and
Un-froths, adj. without under gawagjan) immoveable, 1 Cor.
standing, foolish, 2 Cor. 11. 15. 58. From wigan.
16; Eph. 5. 17; Gal. 3. 1. Un-habands, pres. pt. (as from un
Un-gafairinonds, pres. pt. (asfrom and haban) not having, that
un and gafairinon) blameless, hath not, Lu. 3. 11; 19. 26;
1 Tim. 3. 2; Tit. 1. 6. 1 Cor. 11. 22.
Un-gafairinoths, pp. (as from un Un-haili, str. sb. n, want' of
and gafairinon) blameless, 1 Tim. health, sickness, Mat. 9. 12,
3. 10; 5. 7; Tit. 1. 7. 35.
Un-gahabands (with sik), pres. pt. Un-hails, adj. not hale, sick,
(as from un and ganaban) not re weak, Lu. 5. 31; 9. 2; 1 Cor.
straining, incontinent, 2 Tim. 3. 3. 11. 30.
Un-gahobains , str. sb. f. inconti- Un-handuwaurhts, adj. not hand-
nency, 1 Cor. 7. 5. wrought, not made with hands,
Un-gahwairbs, adj. unruly, Tit. Mk. 14. 58. From waurkjan.
1. 6, 10; disobedient, 2 Tim. Un-hindarweis, adj. unfeigned,
3. 2. 2 Cor. 6. 6; 1 Tim. 1. 5.
Un-gakusans, pp. (as from un and Un-hrainei, wk. sb. f. unclean-
gakiusan) unchosen, not elect, ness, Col. 3. 5.
reprobate, 2 Cor. 13. 5; Tit. Un-hrainitha, str. sb. f. unclean-
I. 16. From kiusan. ness, 2 Cor. 12. 21; Gal. 5.
Un-GalaUbeins, str. sb. f. unbe 19; Eph. 4. 19.
lief, Mk. 6. 6; 9. 24; Rom. Un-hrains, adj. unclean, Mk. 1.
II. 20. From liuban. 23; 6. 7; Lu. 4. 33; unpolished,
Un-galaubjands, pres. pt. (as from rude, 2 Cor. 11. 6.
un and galaubjan) unbelieving, Un-hultha, wk. sb. m. an evil
Mk. 9. 19; Lu. 9. 41; Rom. spirit, unclean spirit, devil, Lu.
10. 21. 4. 35; 8. 29; Mat. 25. 41.
Un-galaubs, adj. not dear, worth Un-hultho, wk. sb. f. the same as
less, Rom. 9. 21. un-hultha, Mat. 7. 22; 9. 33;
Un-garaihtei , wk. sb. f. un Mk. 1. 34. From hilthan.
righteousness, 2 Cor. 6. 14. Un-hunslags, adj. truce-breaking,
Un-GasaIhWans, pp. (as from un- 2 Tim. 3. 3. From hunsl.
and gasaihwan) not seen, in Un-hwapnands, pres. pt. (as from
visible, 2 Cor. 4. 4; Col. 1. 15; un and hwapnan) unquenchable,
1 Tim. 1. 17. Mk. 9. 43; Lu. 3. 17.
Un-gastothans, pp. , or Un-ga- Un-hweils, adj. without rest,
stoths, adj. without fixed abode, ceaseless, continual, Rom. 9. 2.
unsettled, 1 Cor. 4. 11. Un-karja, adj. careless, neglect
Un-gatass, adj. unruly, 1 Th. 5. 14. ful, Mk. 4. 15; 1 Tim. 4. 14.
245 L'.N-KAl HEINS Ul

Un-kaureins, str. sb. /. a refrain Un-milds, adj. not mild, without

ing from being a burden; in natural affection, 2 Tim. 3. 3.
allaim un - kaureinom, in all Un-nutis, adj. useless, unprofi
things that are without charge; table, foolish, 1 Tim. 6. 9.
2 Cor. 11. 9. From niutan.
Unkja, wk. sb. m.0) an ounce, Un-riurei, wk. sb. f. incorruption,
Arezzo document. [Lat. uncial] 1 Cor. 15. 50; Eph. 6. 24;
Un-kunnands, pret. pt. (as from 2 Tim. 1. 10.
un and kunnan) ignorant, Rom. Un-riurs, adj. incorruptible, im
10. 3; Skeir. 2. 12; 4. 5. perishable, 1 Cor. 9. 25; 15. 52.
Un-kunthi, str. sb. n. ignorance, Un-rodjands, pres. pt. (as from
1 Cor. 15. 34. un and rodjan) not speaking,
Un-kunths, pp. (as from un and speechless, dumb, Mk. 7. 37;
kunnan) unknown, 2 Cor. 6. 9; 9. 17, 25.
Gal. 1. 22. Uns, pron. us. From ik. [G. uns.]
Un-kweniths, pp. (as from un and Un-sahtaba, adv. without contro
kwenjau) unmarried, 1 Cor. 7. versy, 1 Tim. 3. 16. From
8. From kwens. sakan.
Un-kwethis, adj. unspeakable, Un-saihwands, pres. pt. (as from
2 Cor. 12. 14. un and saihwan) not seeing,
Un-ledi, str. sb. n. poverty, 2 Cor. blind, Jo. 9. 39.
8. 2, 9. Un-saltans, pp. (as from un and
Un-leds, adj. poor, Mat. 11. 5; saltan) unsalted, Mk. 9. 50.
Mk. 14. 5; Lu. 4. 18. Unsar, pron. poss. our. [G. unser.]
Un-liubs, adj. not beloved, Rom. Un-selei, wk. sb. f. wickedness,
9. 25. evil, injustice, unrighteousness,
Un-liugaiths, pp. (as from un and Mk. 7. 22; Lu. 20. 23; Eph.
liugan) unmarried, 1 Cor. 7. 11. 6. 12.
Un-litjgands, as pres. pt. not Un -sels, adj. wicked, unholy,
lying, truthful, Tit. 1. 2. Mat. 5. 39; 6. 23; Mk. 7. 22.
n-LIutS, adj. without dissimu Un-sibis, adj. lawless, impious, a
lation, unfeigned, Rom. 12. 9; transgressor, Mk. 15. 28; 1 Tim.
2 Tim. 1. 5. 1. 9.
Un-luStus, str. sb. m. displeasure; Un-sibja, sb. iniquity, Mat. 7. 23.
in unlustau wairthan, to be dis Unsis, pron. to us, us ; from ik.
couraged, Col. 3. 21. Un-suti, str. sb. n. lack of peace,
Un-mahteigs, adj. unmighty, weak, a tumult, 2 Cor. 6. 5.
Rom. 14. 1; 1 Cor. 4. 10; im Un-sweibands, pres. pt. (as from
possible, Mk. 10. 27; Lu. 18. un and sweiban) not ceasing,
27. From magan. Eph. 1. 16; 1 Thess. 2. 13; 5. 17.
Un-mahts, str. sb. f. unmight, Un-swerains, sb. f. dishonour,
weakness, Mat. 8. 17; 2 Cor. 2 Tim. 2. 20. See un-swerei.
12. 5; Gal. 4. 13. From magan. Un-sweran, vb. to treat shame
Un-mana-riggws, adj. inhuman, fully, maltreat, dishonour, Lu.
fierce, 2 Tim. 3. 3. 20. 11; Jo. 8. 49.
Un-manwus, adj. unprepared, Un-swerei, wk. sb. f. shame, dis
2 Cor. 9. 4. honour, 2 Cor. 6. 8.

Un-sweritha, str. sb. f. shame, Un-wajimei, wk. sb. f. the being

2 Cor. 11. 21. without blemish, purity, sin
Un-swers, adj. without honour, cerity, 1 Cor. 5. 8.
Mk. 6. 4; 1 Cor. 4. 10. Un-wamms, adj. without spot,
Un-swikuntiis, adj. unknown, un- 1 Tim. 6. 14; without reproach,
evident, Skeir. 6 1. i'romkunnan. Eph. 1. 4; 5. 27.
Un-tals, adj. unlearned, 2 Tim. Un-waurstwo, trie. sb. f. an un-
2. 23; indocile, disobedient, Lu. working woman, an idle woman,
1. 17; 1 Tim. 1. 9. From tilan. 1 Tim. 5. 13. From waurkjan.
Unte, conj. until, as long as, Un-weis, adj. unlearned, 1 Cor.
whilst, Mat. 5. 18; Jo. 9. 4; for, 14. 23; ignorant, 2 Cor. 1. 8;
because, Mat. 6. 14; since, be 1 Th. 4. 13.
cause that, Mk. . 34. Cf. und. Un-weniggo, adv. unexpectedly,
Untha-thliuhan, vb. to flee out, on a sudden, 1 Th. 5. 3. From
escape, 2 Cor. 11. 33; 1 Th. wens.
5. 3. From und (?) and thliuhan ; Un-wereins, str. sb. f. unendur-
but cf. D. ontvliegen. ance; hence indignation, 2 Cor.
Un-thiuda, Bom. 10. 19; see thiuda. 7. 11. From werjan.
Un-thiuth, str. sb. n. evil, Rom. Un-werjan, vb. to be unable to
9. 1 1 ; 12. 21 ; unthiuth taujan, endure, to be displeased, Mk.
to do evil, Mk. 3. 4; Lu. 6. 9. 10. 14, 41.
Un-thiuthjan, vb. to devote to Un-wis, adj. uncertain, 1 Cor. 9.
evil, to curse, Rom. 12. 14. 26. [Cf. G. gewiss; O. . i-une.]
Un-twahans, pp. (as from un and Un-wjcands, pres. pt. unknowing,
thwahan) unwashen, Mk. 7. 2. igeorant, 2 Cor. 2. 11; 1 Tim.
Un-tilamalsks , adj. rash, head 1. 13.
strong, foolish, 2 Tim. t. 4. Un-win, str. sb. n. ignorance,
From tilan and malsks. [Cf. Eph. 4. 18; foolishness, Mk. 7.
A. S. malscra.] 22; 2 Tim. 3. 9.
. Un -triggws, adj. untrue, unjust, Un-wits, adj. without understand
Lu. 16. 10. ing, foolish, Mk. 7. 18; 2 Cor.
Un-ufbrikands, pres. pt. without 11. 19; 12. 6; ignorant, 1 Cor.
giving offence, 1 Cor. 10. 32. 10. 1. From weitan.
From brikan. Un-wunands, pres. pt. joyless,
Un-uhteigo, adv. at an unfit very sad, Phil. 2. 26. [Cf. G.
time, out of season, 2 Tim. 4- 2. wonne.]
Un-uslaisiths, pp. (as from un Ur-, the form which us assumes
and uslaisjan) uninstructed, that before t following; see us.
hath never learnt, Jo. 7. 15. Ur-raisjan, vb. (spelt us-raisjan,
From leisan. Lu. 8. 24), to raise up, Mk. 1.
Un - ussPiLLOthS , pp. (as from 31; Lu. 1. 69; Jo. 5. 21; to rouse
un and usspillon) unspeakable, up, wake, Mat. 8. 25; pass, to
2 Cor. 9. 15; unsearchable, arise, Jo. 6. 18. Der. mithur-
Rom. 11. 33. reisjan. From reisan.
Un-wahs, adj. blameless, Lu. 1. 6. Ur-rannjan, vb. to make to run
Un-wairthaba , adv. unworthily, out, make to rise (of the sun),
1 Cor. 11. 27, 29. Mat. 5. 45. From rinnan.
249 R-REDAN Us-DAUDO 250

Ur-redan, vb. to make ordinances, out, 1 Tim. 6. 7; to bear, Mat

Col. 2. 20. 8. 17; to bring forth, Lu. 6.
Ur-reisan, vb. t arise, Mat. 8. 45; to answer, Mk. 11. 14.
15; 9. 5; Mk. 4. 39. From us Us-balthei, wk. sb. f. impudent
and reisan. speech , perverse disputing,
Ur-rinnan, vb. to go out, come 1 Tim. 6. 5.
out, come forth, Mk. 4. 3; 8. Us-baugjan, vb. to sweep out,
11; Jo. 15. 26; to rise (of the sweep, Lu. 15. 8. [Cf. G. fegen.]
sun), Mk. 4. 6; to spring up, Us-beidan, vb. to expect, abide
M . 4. 5 ; to fall (as a lot), Lu. 1 . 9. for, 1 Cor. 16. 11; Phil. 3. 20;
Ur-rists, str. sb. f arising, re Lu. 2. 38; to abide, bear long
surrection, Mat. 27. 53. From with, Lu. 18. 7; Rom. 9. 22.
us and reisan. ys-beisnei, wk. sb. f. long abid
Ur-rugks, adj. reprobate? [A mar ing or enduring of, long-suffer
ginal gloss to barna hatizis (chil ing, Gal. 5. 22; Col. 3. 12;
dren of wrath), is ur-rugkai; 1 Tim. 1. 16.
Eph. 2. 3.] Us - beIsneIgs , adj. long-abiding,
Ur-rumnan, vb. (also us-rumnan, long-suffering, 1 Cor. 13. 4;
2 Cor. 6. 11), to spread out, 1 Th. 5. 14.
be enlarged, 2 Cor. 6. 11, 13. Us-beisns, str. sb. f. abiding, ex
From us and rums. pectation, Phil. 1. 20; long-abid
Ur-runs, str. sb. m. a running out, ing, long-suffering, Eph. 4. 2;
departure, decease, Lu. 9. 31; Col. 1. 11. From beidan.
day-spring, Lu. 1. 78; east, Mat. Us-bidjan, or Us-bidan, vb. to pray
8. 11; the draught, Mk. 7. 19. for, wish exceedingly, Rom. 9. 3.
Us, prep, with dat. out, out of, Us-bliggwan, vb. to beat exceed
from, forth from, Mk. 1. 11; ingly, scourge, Lu 18. 33; Jo.
7. 15; Lu. 17. 34. It changes 19. 1; to beat (with rods), 2Cor.
into ur before r; and into uz in 11. 25.
uz-u and uz-uh, Gal. 3. 2; Mk. Us-bloteins, str. sb. f. an en
11. 30. [A. S. t; E. out; G. treaty, 2 Cor. 8. 4. From blo-
aus; D. uif.] tan.
Us-agjan, vb. to frighten utterly; Us-braidjan, vb. to broaden out,
pp. usagiths, sore afraid, Mk. stretch forth, Rom. 10. 21.
9. 6. From agan. Us-bruknan, vb. to be broken
Us-agljan, vb. to trouble exceed out or off, Rom. 11. 17, 19, 20.
ingly, to weary out, Lu. 18. 5. Us-bugjan, vb. to buy out, buy,
Us-aiwjan, vb. to last out, con Mat. 27. 7; Mk. 15. 46; 16. 1.
tinue, endure, 1 Cor. 15. 10. Us-daudei, wk. sb. f. diligence,
[Not in the Greek.] Rom. 12. 8; 2 Cor. 7. 11; per
Us-althan, vb. to grow old; pp. severance, Eph. 6. 18.
usalthans, old, antiquated, 1 Tim. Us-daudjan, vb. to be diligent,
4. 7. Gal. 2. 10; Eph. 4. 3; to strive,
Us-anan, vb. (pt. t. uzOn), to fight, Jo. 18. 36; Col. 1. 29.
breathe out, expire, Mk. 15. Us-daudo, adv. diligently, urgently,
37, 39. Lu. 7. 4; 1 Tim. 4. 16; 2 Tim.
Ui-bairan, vb. to bear out, carry 1. 17.
251 Us-DAUDS S-HOT.ON 252
Us-daUDS, adj. diligent, 2 Cor. 8. Us-gasaihwan, vb. (pt. t. us-ga-
17, 22. sahw) to perceive, Gal. 2. 14.
Us-dreiban, vb. to drive out, send From saihwan.
away, Mat. 9. 25; Mk. 5. 10; Us-geisnan, vb. to be aghast, be
6. 13. amazed, Mk. 2. 12; 5. 42; 10.
Us-diuusan, vb. to fall out, fall 26.
away, Gal. 5. 4 ; to fail, Rom. 9. 6. Us-giban, vb. to give away, give,
Us-drusts, err. tb. f. a falling restore, pay, Mat. 5. 26; Mk.
away, a hollow way, rough way, 12. 17; Lu. 4. 20.
Lu. 3. 5. Us-giLdan, vb. to pay back, render,
Us-fairins, adj. blameless, Phil. 3. 6. 1 Th. 5. 15; Lu. 14. 12, 14.
Us-fartho, wk. sb. f. a faring Us-graban, vb. to dig out, Mk.
out, a journey out, egress; hence 12. 1; to break through, Mk.
usfarthon gataujan us skipa, to 2. 4; to pluck out, Gal. 4. 15.
suffer shipwreck, 2 Cor. 11. 25. Us-grudja, wk. adj. only in phr.
Us-filh, str. sb. n. a hiding alto us-grudja wairthan, to faint, Lu.
gether, a burial, Mat. 27. 7; Mk. 18. 1; 2 Cor. 4. 1; Gal. 6. 9.
14. 8. [Cf. E. grudge.]
Us-filhan, vb. to hide completely, Us-gutnan, vb. to be poured out,
bury, Lu. 9. 59, 60. to gush out, Mat. 9. 17; Mk.
Us-fiLmEi, wk. sb. f. amaze, Mk. 2. 22; Lu. 5. 37. [Cf. E.
16. 8; Lu. 5. 26. gush.]
Us-films, adj. amazed, Mk. 1. 22; Us-HafJan, 6. to heave up, lift,
Lu. 9. 43. take up, Mk. 2. 12; Lu. 5. 24;
Us-flaugjan: see Appendix. 6. 20.
Us-fodeins, str. sb. f. food, Us-hahan, vb. refl. to hang one
nourishment, 1 Tim. 6. 8. self, Mat. 27. 5.
Us-fraISan, vb. to tempt greatly, Us-haists, adj. very poor, in great
tempt, 1 Th. 3. 5. want, 2 Cor. 11. 8 (9).
Us-fratwjan, vb. to make wise, Us-haitan, vb. to call forth; hence
2 Tim. 3. 15. [For us-frath- to provoke, Gal. 5. 26.
wjan?] From frathjan. Us-hauhjan, vb. to exalt, Mat. 11.
Us-fULLEIns, str. sb. f. fulness, 23; Lu. 1. 52; 10. 15.
Rom. 13. 10; Gal. 4. 4; Eph. Us-hauhnan, vb. to be exalted,
1. 10. be glorified, 2 Th. 1. 12.
Ue-EULljan, vb. to fill completely, Us-hinthan, vb. to take captive,
fill up, fill, fulfil, Mat. 5. 17; lead captive, Eph. 4. 8.
Lu. 1. 23; Jo. 7. 8. Us-hlaupan, vb. to leap up, rise
Us-fullnan, vb. to become full, quickly, Mk. 10. 50.
to be filled, to be fulfilled, Mat. Us-hrainjan, vb. to cleanse out,
8. 17; Mk. 1. 15; Lu. 1. 23. purge out, 1 Cor. 5. 7.
Us-gaggan, vb. to go out, come Us-hrahjan, vb. to crucify, Mat.
out, go forth, go up, Mat. 5. 26. 2; Mk. 15. 13; Jo. 19. 6.
26; Mk. 1. 26; Jo. 6. 15, &c. Us-hrisjan, vb. to shake out,
Us-gaisjan, vb. to make aghast; shake off, Mk. 6. 11.
hence pass, to be beside oneself, Us-hulon, vb. to hollow out, Mat.
Mk. 3. 21- From geisan. 27. 60.

US-KannJan, vb. to make known, Us-litha, wh. sb. m. one with

Rom. 9. 22 ; to commend, 2 Cor. useless limbs, a paralytic per
5. 12. From kunnan. son, Mat. 8. 6; 9. 2; Mk. 2.
Us-keian (Us-kijan ?), vb. to pro 3; Lu. 5. 18.
duce ; pass, to spring up, Lu. 8. 6. Us-lukan, vb. to unlock, open,
Us-keinan, vb. to spring up, grow Jo. 9. 14; 10. 3; Lu. 2. 23;
up, Lu. 8. 8; to produce, put to unsheathe (a sword), Mk. 14.
forth, Mk. 13. 28. 47; Jo. 18. 10.
Us-kIUSan, vb. to choose out; to Ue-luKnan, vb. to become un
reject, Mk. 8. 31; Lu. 9. 22; locked, to be opened, to open,
to thrust out, Lu. 4. 29; to test, Mat. 9. 30; Lu. 1. 64; Jo. 9. 10.
1 Th. 5. 21. Us-lukns, adj. unlocked, opened,
Us-kunths, pp. (as from us-kun- Mk. 1. 10.
nan) made known , evident, Us-LUkS or Us-luk, sb. an open
manifest, Mat. 9. 33; La. 6. ing, Eph. 6. 19.
44; Jo. 7. 4. Us-lunein; see Us-sauneins.
Us-kwiman, vb. to kill, destroy, Us-luston, vb. to deprive of one's
Mk. 6. 19; 8. 31; Lu. 19. 27. desire, to deceive, Eph. 5. 6.
Cf. us-kwistjan. [Unless we read us-luto.]
Us-Kwiss, str. sb. f. an out-speak Us-luton,6. to deceive, lTim.2.14;
ing; hence an accusation, charge, Rom7. 1 1 ; 2 Cor. 11.3. From liutan.
Tit. 1. 6. Us-maitan, vb. to cut away, cut off,
Us-kwistjan, vb. to destroy, kill, Mat. 7. 19 ; Lu. 3. 9 ; Rom. 11.22.
Mk. 3. 4; 9. 22; 12. 9. Cf. Us-managnan, vb. to abound ex
us-kwiman. ceedingly, 2 Cor. 8. 2.
Us-kwitiian, vb. to proclaim, Mk. Us-merjan, vb. to speak out, pro
1. 45. claim, Mat. 9. 31.
Us-lagjan, vb. to lay on, to lay Us-meknan, vb. to be proclaimed,
upon, Mk. 14. 46; Lu. 9. 62; get noised abroad, Lu. 5. 15.
15. 5;. Jo. 7. 30. From ligan. Us-t, str. sb. n. manner of life,
Us - laisiths, pp. instructed, Eph. 'conversation', Eph. 4. 22; 1 Tim.
4. 21; 1 Th. 4. 9. 4. 12; 2 Tim. 3. 10; common
Us-laubjan, vb. to permit, suffer, wealth, Eph. 2. 1 2. From mitan.
Mat. 8. 21; Mk. 5. 13; Lu. 8. Us-mitan, vb. to live as citizens,
32; to command, Mat. 27. 58. to behave, 2 Cor. 1. 12; Eph.
Us-lauseins, str. sb. f. an out- 2. 3; Phil. 1. 27; uswiss us-
loosing, deliverance, redemption, mitan, to live dissolutely, to err,
Lu. 1. 68; Eph. 4. 30. From liusan. 2 Tim. 2. 18.
Us-LaUsJan, vb. to loosen out, Us-niman. cli. to take away, Mk.
pluck up, Lu. 17. 6; to deliver, 4. 15; 6. 29; to take, Mat. 8.
2 Th. 3. 2; refl. to make one 17; 27. 9; Lu. 17. 34.
self mean, Phil. 2. 7. Us-raisjan, vb. to" awake, Lu. 8.
Us-leithan, 6. to come out, go 24. See ur-raisjan.
out, Mat. 8. 28; Mk. 5. 21; Us-bumnan, vb. to be enlarged,
Jo. 7. 3 ; to pass away, Mat. 5. 18. 2 Cor. 6. 11. See ur-rumnan.
Us-letan, vb. to leave out, shut Us-saihwan, vb. to look up, Mk.
out, exclude, Gal. 4. 17. 7. 34; to regain one's sight
255 s-8AKAN Cs-WAHsAHa

Mat. 11. 5; Mk. 8. 25; to look Us-stiggan, vb. to pluck out, put
on, Mk. 3. 5. out, Mat. 5. 29.
Us-sakan, vb. to communicate to, Us-stiurei, wk. sb. f. excess, riot,
make to participate in, Gal. 2. 2. Eph. 5. 18; Tit 1. 6.
Us-saljan, vb. to stay as a guest, Us-STIURIba, adv. riotously, Lu.
Lu. 19. 7. 15. 13.
Us-sandjan, vb. to send out, send Us-taikneins , wk. sb. f. a proof,
forth, Mat. 9. 38; Mk. 1. 43. token, 2 Cor. 8. 24; Phil. 1.
From sintban. 28; a shewing, Lu. 1. 80.
Us-sateins, str. sb. f. nature, Eph. Us-TaiKnJan, vb. to give a token
2. 3. [A gloss to wistai.] From of, shew, Rom. 9. 22; to ap
sitan. point, Lu. 10. 1; 1 Cor. 4. 9;.
Us-satjan, vb. to set on, place hrotheigana us-taiknjan, to cause
upon, Lu. 19. 35; to set, plant, to triumph, 2 Cor. 2. 14.
Mk. 12. 1; Lu. 17. 6; to send Us-tauhei, wk. sb. /. a making
out, Lu. 10. 2. perfect, perfecting, Eph. 4. 12.
Us- sauneins, str. sb. f. recon [But read us-tauhtai.]
ciliation, Skeir. 1. 6. [But Us-tauhts, str. sb. f. a completion,
we should read us-lunein, re performance, Lu. 1. 45; per
demption.] fection, Col. 3. 14; end, Rom.
Us-siggwan, vb. to read, Mk. 2. 10. 4. From tiuhan.
25; Lu. 6. 3; 10. 26. Us-thrtotan, vb. to threaten, use
Us-sinDO,ad. especially,Philem.l6. despitefully, Mat 5. 44; to
Us -sitan, vb. to sit up, Lu. trouble, Mk. 14. 6; Lu. 18. 5.
7. 15. Us-thkotheins, str. sb. /. exercise,
Us-skawjan, vb. pass, or refl. to 1 Tim. 4. 8.
awake, re-awake, 1 Cor. 15. Us-throthjan, vb. to exercise;
34; 2 Tim. 2. 26. pass, to be accustomed, to be
s-sKawS, adj.wakeful ; us-skaws well instructed, Phil. 4. 12.
wisan, to awake, 1 Tb. 5. 8. Us-thulains , str. sb. f. patience,
Us-sokjan, vb. to seek out, search, Col. 1. 11; patient waiting for,
Jo. 7. 52 ; to judge , 1 Cor. 4. 2 Th. 3. 5.
3; 9. 3; 14. 24. Us-thulan,Us-thuljan, vb. to have
Us-spillon, vb. to tell out, to patience, put up with, Rom.
publish, Lu. 8. 39; to relate, 12. 12; 2 Cor. 11. 1; to forbear,
Lu. 9. 10. 1 Th. 3. 1; 2 Tim. 2. 24.
Us-standan, vb. to stand up, rise Us-thwahan, vb. to wash, Lu. 5.
up, Mat. 9. 9; Mk. 1. 35; Lu. 2; Jo. 13. 12, 14.
I. 39; to go out, Mk. 6. 1; to Us-Tiuhan, vb. to lead out, Mk.
rise again, Mk. 8. 31. 1. 12; 8. 23; to finish, Mat 10.
Us-stass, str. sb. f. a rising up, 23; Lu. 4. 2; to pay (tribute),
resurrection, Mk. 12. 18; Jo. Rom. 13. 6.
II. 24; a rising again, Lu. 2. Us-wagjan, vb. to stir up, excite,
34. 2 Cor. 9. 2; to toss about, Eph.
Us-steioan, vb. to mount up, go 4. 14. From wigan.
up, Mk. 3. 13; Lu. 5. 19; Jo. Ue-Wahsans, pp. from us-wahsjan,
6. 62; see also Jo. 6. 17. grown up, of full age, Jo. 9. 21.
257 Us-WAHSJAKUz-u 258

Us-wahsjan, vb. to wax to one's outcast, 'one born out of due

full size ; in pp. us - wahsans, time', 1 Cor. 15. 8.
Us-wahsts, str. sb. f. a waxing Us-weihs, adj. unholy, profane,
out, increase, Eph. 4. 16. 1 Tim. 1. 9; 4. 7; 2 Tim. 2.
Us-wairpan, vb. to cast out, Mat. 16.
7. 22; 8. 12; Mk. 5. 40; to Us-wena, adj. without hope, Eph.
reject, Mk. 12. 10; to cast off, 4. 19; ni waihtais uswenans
Rom. 13. 12; to cast upon, Lu. (lit. not" expecting nothing), ex
19. 35. pecting nothing, Lu. 6. 35.
Us-wakjan, vb. to~ wake up, [See S. ; G. & L. wrongly omit
awake from sleep, Jo. 11. 11. the negative force of us.]
From wakan. Us-windan, vb. to wind in and
Us-walteins, str. sb. f. a sub out, to plait, Mk. 15. 17; Jo.
verting, 2 Tim. 2. 14; ruin, Lu. 19. 2.
6. 49. From waltjan. Us-wiss, adj. loose, dissolute, 2 Tim.
Us-waltjan, vb. to overturn, over 2. 18; see us-mitan. From
throw, Mk. 11. 15; 2 Tim. 2. widan.
18; to subvert, Tit. 1. 11. Us-wissi, str. sb. n. looseness, dis
Us-walugjan, vb. to carry bout, soluteness, vanity, Eph. 4. 17.
turn about, Eph. 4. 14. [See From widan.
us-flaugjan in the Appendix.] Ut, adv. out, Mat. 9. 32; Mk. 11.
Us-wandi, str. sb. n. a turning 19; Jo. 18. 29.
aside, Eph. 4. 14. From win- i Uta, adv. out, without, Mat. 26.
dan. [But we should read us- | 69; Mk. 1. 45; 3. 31.
wandeinai, as if from us-wan- : Utana, adv. and prep, with gen.
deins.] out, out of, Mk. 8. 23; Jo. 9.
Us-Wandjan, vb. to turn aside, 22; sa utana unsar manna,
1 Tim. 1. 6; to turn oneself our outer man, 2 Cor. 4. 16.
away, Mat. 5. 42. From win- Utathro, adv. from without, Mk.
dan. 7. 15, 18.
Us-waurhts, str. sb. f. justice, i Ut-bairan, 6. to bear out, carry
righteousness, 2 Cor. 9. 9, 10. out, Lu. 7. 12.
Us-waurhts, adj. just, righteous, Ut-gaggan, vb. to go out, come
Mat. 9. 13; Mk. 2. 17; Lu. 14. out, Mk. 7. 15; Jo. 10. 9.
14; us-waurthana domjan, Uz-eta, wk. sb. m. a manger (lit.
to justify, Mat. 11. 19; Lu. a thing to eat out of), Lu. 2.
10. 29. 7, 12, 16. From us and
Us-WaURKJan, vb. to work mightily, itan.
to work, Eph. 6. 13; Col. 1. Uz-on, pt. t. of us-anan, q. v.
29. Uz-u, uz-uh, (comp. of us and
Us-waurpa, str. sb. f. a casting the enclitic u or uh), whether
away, Rom. 11. 15; a thing from, Mk. 11. 30; uz-uh allis,
cast away, 1 Tim. 4. 4; an for out, Lu. 6. 45.

W. W. e at, Itoeao-Gothic Glossary. 9

259 WWaihts 260

W (Y).

W, the 21" letter of the Gothic wahsts, us- wahsans, wabstus.

alphabet. As a numeral, 400. [G. wachsen; D. wassen.]
It is both a consonant and a Wahstus, str. sb. m. a waxing,
vowel. As a consonant, it owth, increase, stature, Lu.
seems altogether equivalent to 2. 52; 19. 3; Mat. 6. 27; Eph.
the English w; as a vowel, it 4. 13. From wabsjan.
resembles the Welsh w, or oo Wahtwo, wk. sb. f. watch, Lu.
in moon; thus triggws would be 2. 8. From wakan.
pronounced tring-oos. [German Wai, interj. woe! Mk. 13. 17; Lu.
editors represent this letter by v, 6. 24; 10. 13. Der. wai-dedja,
and in some Greek words, where wai-fairhwjan , waja-merjan,
it has a vowel sound, write y, waja-merei, waja-mereins. [Gk.
as in byssus, which might well ovai; Lat. vat.]
be written bwssus.] Waian, vb. (pt. t. waiwo, pp. wai-
Waddjus*, str. sb. m. a wall; in ans), to blow (as the wind
comp, baurgs-, grundu-, mith- does), Mat. 7. 25; Jo. 6. 18.
garda-. [A.S.wh; cf. E. wattle.] [G. wehen.]
Wadi, str. sb. n. a pledge, earnest, Waibjan*, vb. to weave, wind.
2 Cor. 1. 22; 5. 5; Eph. 1. 14. Der. bi-waibjan. From weiban.
Der. wadja-bokos, ga-wadjon. Wai-dedja, wk. sb. m. a woe-
From widan. [O. E. wed.] doer, evil-doer, malefactor,
Wadja-bokos, sb. pi. (lit. pledge- robber, Mat. 27. 44; Mk. 11.
books), a bond, handwriting, 17; Lu. 10. 30. From wai and
Col. 2. 14. deds.
Waggari, str. sb. n. a pillow, Mk. Wai-fairhwjan, vb. to lament
4. 38. [Cf. O. E. wang, the loudly, wail greatly, Mk. 5.
cheek ; A. S. wangere, a pillow.] 38. From wai and fairhwus.
Waggs, str. sb. m. a field; hence Pa Waihjo, wk. sb. f. a fighting, con
radise, 2 Cor. 12.4. [A. S. wang.] tention, 2 Cor. 7. 5. From wei-
Wagjan, vb. to wag, shake, Mat. gan.
11. 7; Lu. 7. 24; 2 Th. 2. 2. Waihsta, wk. sb. m. a corner,
Der. af-, ga-, in-, us-, unga- Mat. 6. 5; Mk. 12. 10; Lu. 20.
wagiths. From wigan. [G. D. 17. Der. waihsta-stains.
bewegen.] Waihsta- stains, str. sb. m. a
Wahs*, adj. weak (?). Der. un- corner-stone, Eph. 2. 20.
wahs, q. v. [6. schwach (?); Waihts, str. sb. f. (also waiht,
E. weak(?).] neuf.), a whit, a thing, Lu. 1.
Wahsjan, vb. (pt. t. wohs, pp. 1; a whit, slight appearance,
wahsans), to wax, grow, in 1 Th. 5. 22; in thizozei waih-
crease, Mat. 6. 28; Mk. 4. 8; tais, for this cause, Eph. 3. 1 ;
Lu. 1. 80. Der. ufar-, us- ni waiht or waiht ni, no whit,
261 Waila Waja-merei 262

naught, nothing, not at all, Mat. Wairpan, vb. (pt. t. warp, pi.
10. 26; 27. 12. [E. whit, aught; waurpum, pp. waurpans, with
ef. naught, not.] acc. and dat.; also with preps.
Waii.a, adv. well, Mk. 1. 11; 7. 6; af, ana, in), to cast, Mat. 5. 29 ;
12.28; waila frathjan, to think Mk. 1. 16; 4. 26; to throw, let
soberly, Rom. 12. 3; waila down (a net), Lu. 5. 5; to cast
hugjan, to agree, Mat. 5. 25; stones, stone, Jo. 10. 31; cf. Mk.
waila kwithan, to speak well of, 12. 4. Der. at-, af-, ga-, inn-,
praise, Lu. 6. 26; waUa mer- fra-, us-, us-waurpa. [E. warp;
jan, to proclaim, to preach the G. werfen; D. werpen.]
gospel, Mat. 11. 5; 2 Cor. 1. Wairs, adv. worse, Mk. 5. 26;
19 ; waila wisan, to fare well, also wairsiza, worser, worse,
be merry, Lu. 15. 23. See aho Mat. 9. 16; 27. 64.
waila- kwiss, waila -mereins, Wairthaba, adv. worthily, Eph.
waila-wizns. [G. wohl; D. wel.] 4. 1; Phil. 1. 27; Col. 1. 10.
Waila-deds, str. sb. f. a benefit, Watrthan, vb. (pt. t. wartli. pi.
1 Tim. 6. 2. waurthum, pp. waurthans), to
Waila -kWISs, str. sb. f. a well- become , to happen , come to
saying, blessing, 2 Cor. 9. 5. pass, Mat. 5. 18; Lu. 1. 14;
From kwithan. to be, Mat. 5. 22; Jo. 10. 16; also
Waila-mereins, str. sb.f. good re as auxiliary verb, Mat. 8. 24, &c.
port, 2 Cor. 6. 8; preaching the Der. fra-wairthan, ga-wairtbi, ga-
gospel, 1 Cor. 1.21. .FVommerjan. wairtheigs, gaga-wairthjan, gaga-
Waila-merjan ; see Waila. wairthnan. Cf. wairths. [G. wer
Waila-mers, adj. of good report, den; D. worden; . E. worth].
Phil. 4. 8. Wairthida, str. sb. f. worth,
Waila-wizns, str. sb. f. food, worthiness, sufficiency, 2 Cor.
Skeir. 7. 13. See wizon. 3. 5; Skeir. 5. 23.
Wainaos, wainahs, adj. unhappy, Wairthon, vb. to reckon the
miserable, wretched, Rom. 7. worth of, value, Mat. 27. 9.
24. Perhaps from wai. Wairths, -wards. Der. ana-, and-,
Waihei, adv. if only, would that, jaind-, withra-, fram-wairthis.
lCor.4.8; 2Cor.ll.l; Gali5.12. Wairths, adj. worth, worthy, Mat.
Waipjan *, vb. to bind. Der. faur- 8. 8; Mk. 1. 7; Lu. 3. 16; wair-
waipjan. Cf. weipan. thana briggan, to make worthy,
Waips, str. sb. . a crown, Jo. 2 Cor. 3. 6. See next word.
19. 5; 1 Cor. 9. 25; Phil. 4. 1. Wairths, str. sb. . worth, a
From weipan. [E. wisp.] price, high sum of money,
Wair, str. sb. m. a man, Mat. 7. 1 Cor. 7. 23. Der. wairths,
24; Mk. 6. 20; Lu. 7. 20. [A. S. wairthaba, un-wairthaba, wair
wer; Lat. vir; cf. E. werwolf.] thida, and-wairthi, wairthon.
Waira-leiko, adv. in a manly [E. worth; G. werth; D. waarde.]
manner, 1 Cor. 16. 13. Wait,Iknow,heknows:/romweitan.
Wairdus, str. sb. m. a host, Rom. Waitei, adv. whether, perhaps,
16. 23. [G. wirth; D. waard.] Jo. 18. 85; 1 Cor, 16. 6.
Wahulo, wk. sb. f. a lip, Mk. 7. Waja-merei, wk. sb. f. blasphemy,
6; 1 Cor. 14. 21. [A. S. weler.] Jo. 10. 33. See next word.
263 Waja-merk .s Waros 264

Waja-mereins, str. sb. f. evil re Wamba, ttr. sb. f. the belly,

port, 2 Cor. 6. 8; blasphemy, womb, Mk. 7. 19; Lu. 1. 15;
Mat. 26. 65; Mk. 7. 22; 14. 64. 2. 21; Tit. 1. 12. [G. wamme.]
Waja-merjan, vb. to blaspheme, Wamm, str. sb. (n. ?) a spot, Eph.
Mat. 9. 3; Mk. 3. 28; 15. 29. 5. 27. Der. ga - warnms , un-
Wakan, vb. (jsf. t. wok, pp. wok- wamms, un-wammei, ana-
ans), to wake, watch, 1 Cor. wammjan. From wimman.
16. 13; Col. 4. 2; 1 Th. 5. 6. [O. E. wem.]
Der. du-, thairh-; us-wakjan, Wamms*, adj. spotted; in comp,
gawaknan, wahtwo, wokains. ga-, un-.
[G. wachen; D. waken.] Wanains, str. sb. f. a waning,
Waldan, vb. to wield, govern; diminishing, Rom. 11. 12.
garda waldan, to guide a house, Wandeins*, sb. a wending, turn
1 Tim. 5. 14; garda waldands, ing,- in comp, ga-wandeins.
householder, Mat. 10. 25; Lu. Wandjan, vb. to wend, turn,
14. 21; (2) to make proper use Mat. 5. 39; refl. to turn one-
of, be thrifty with, be content oneself about, Lu. 7. 9. Der.
with, Lu. 3. 14. Der. ga-, all- af-, at-, bi-, ga-, in-, us-; ga-
waldands, waldufni. [E. wield; wandeins, us-wandi. From
G. walten.] windan.
Waldufni, str. sb. n. power, Wandus, sb. m. a wand, rod,
might, authority, Mat. 7. 29; 8. 2 Cor. 11. 25.
9; Mk. 1. 22. From waldan. Waninassus, str. sb. m. a waning,
Waleins*, sb. ; see ga-waleins. defect, that which is lacking,
Walis, adj. chosen, true, Phil. 4. 1 Cor. 16. 17; 1 Th. 3. 10.
3; 1 Tim. 1. 2; Tit. 1. 4; be Wans, adj. waning, lacking, want
loved, Col. 3. 12; 2 Tim. 2. 1. ing, Tit. 1. 5; wan wisan, to
Der. ga-walis. From waljan. lack, Mk. 10. 21; Lu. 18. 22;
Waljan, vb. to choose, Phil. 1. fidwortigjus, ainamma wanai,
22; 2 Cor. 5. 8. Der. ga-wal- forty save one, 2 Cor. 11. 24.
jan, ga-waleins, walis, ga-walis. Der. waninassus, wanains. [E
[G. whlen; O. E. & Sc. wale.] want, wane; G. wahn; cf. E.
Waltjan, vb. to beat upon, dash vain; Lat. vanus.]
against, Mk. 4. 37. Der. us- Wardja, wk. sb. m. a guard, Mat.
waltjan, us-walteins. [A. S. 27. 65.
wealtian; cf. A. S. wealcan; Wardjan*, vb. to ward (?). Der.
E. walk; G. when.] fra-wardjan. See wards.
Walugjan*, vb. to reel about; in Wards*, sb. a warder, warden,
comp, us-walugjan. [Cf. A. S. guardian. Der. daura-wards,
wealtian.] daura-warda, daura-wardo,
Walus, str. sb. m. a staff, Lu. wardja, fra-wardjan. [G. warten.]
9. 3. Warei, wk. sb. f. wariness, crafti
Walwison, vb. to wallow, Mk. 9. 20. ness, 2 Cor. 4. 2.
Walwjan *, vb. to roll. Der. at-, Wargitha, str. sb. f. condemna
af-, faur-, walwison. [Lat. tion, Rom. 8. 1; 13. 2; 2 Cor.
volvere; A. S. wealwian; E. 3. 9. See wargs.
wallow.] Wargs*, str. sb. m. an accursed
265 Warjan Waubstwja 26fi

man, an evildoer. Der. launa- Waurdi*, str. sb. . speech. Der.

wargs, wargitha, ga-wargjan, ga-, anda-, lausa-.
ga-wargein$. [A. S. werig ; Waurdjan, vb. to speak, talk;
0. E. wane, to curse.] waurdjan ubil, to speak evil,
Warjan, vb. to bid to beware, Mk. 9. 39.
to forbid, Mk. 9. 38; 10. 14; Waurds*, adj. speaking. Der.
Lu. 6. 29. From wars. lausa-, liugna-, ubil-.
Warmjan, vb. to warm, cherish, Waurhta, wrought. From waurk-
Eph. 5. 29; refl. to warm jan.
oneself, Mk. 14. 54; Jo. 18. 18. Waurhts; see waurkjan.
Warms*, adj. warm. Der. warm Waurki*, str. sb. n. work. See
jan. [G. D. warm.] ga-waurki, faihu-ga-waurki.
Wars, adj. wary, 1 Th. 5. 6. Waurkjan, vb. (pf. f. waurhta,
Der. warei, warjan. pi. waurhtedum, pp. waurhts),
Warth, became, was; from wair- to work, do, make, Mk. 1. 3;
than. Lu. 3. 4; Jo. 6. 10, &c. ; neut.
Was, was; from wisan. to work, become operative, Mk.
Wasjan, vb. to vest, clothe, Mat. 6. 14. Der. ga-, fair-, fra-,
6. 31; 25. 38; pp. wasids, us-; ga-waurki, faihu-ga-waur
clothed, Mat. 11. 8. Der. and-, ki , handu- waurhts , unhandu-
ga-, ga-waseins, wasti. [Lat. waurhts, fra-waurhts, us-waurhts,
vestire.] waurstw, waurstwa, alla-waurst-
Wast, wast; from wisan. wa, ga-waurstwa, un-waurstwo,
Wasti, str. sb. f. vesture, cloth waurstwei, waurstweigs, waurst-
ing, Mat. 5. 40; 9. 20; Mk. 5. wja. [G. wirken; D. werken.]
27. Cf. wasjan. Waurms, str. sb. m. a serpent,
Wato, wk. sb. n. (pl. watna), | Lu. 10. 19; 2 Cor. 11. 3.
water, Mat. 8. 32; 10. 42; Mk. [O. E. worm; G. wurm; D.
1 . 8. [G. wasser; E. & D. water.] worm.]
Waurd, str. sb. n. a word, Mat. Waiirpans; pp. of wairpan.
5. 37; 7. 24; 8. 16. Der. anda-, Waurstw, str. sb. n. a work, deed,
gabaurthi-, waurda-jiuka, lausa- Mat. 5. 16; Mk. 14. 6; Jo. 5.
waurds, liugna- waurds , ubil- 36, &c. ; working, energy, Eph.
waurds, anda-waurdi, ga-waurdi, 1. 19; 4. 16. From waurkjan.
lausa- waurdi, aglaiti-waurdei, Waurstwa, wk. sb. m. a worker,
dwala- waurdei, lausa -waurdei, workman, labourer, 1 Tim. 5.
filu- waurdei, wnurdahs, waurd 18. Der. ga-, alla-, un-
jan, and- waurdjan, filu- waurd waurstwo.
jan, fra- waurdjan. [G. wort; Waurstwei, wk. sb. f. a working,
D. woord.] doing, Eph. 4. 19.
Waurdahs, adj. verbal, literal, Waurstweigs, adj. full of work,
Skeir. 4. 18. effectual, 1 Cor. 6. 19; 2 Cor.
Waurda-jiukei, str. sb. f. a strife 1. 6; Gal. 2. 8; 5. 6. From
about words, 1 Tim. 6. 4. waurkjan.
Waurdei*, wk. sb. f. speech, Waurstwja, wk. sb. m. a work
speaking. Der. aglaiti-, dwala-, man, labourer, Mat. 9. 37;
filu-, lausa-. See waurd. Mk. 12. 1; Lu. 10. 2; airthos
267 Wadrthans Weitan 268

waurstwja, husbandman, 2 Tim. Jo. 17. 19. Der. weihaba,

2. 6. Cf. waurstwa. weiha, weihan, ga-weihan, weih
Waurthans, pp. of wairthan. nan, weihitha, us-weihs. [A. S.
Waurts, str.sb.f. a wort, a root, wig.]
Mk. 4. 6; Lu. 3. 9; 8. 13; Weihs, str. sb. n. a wick,
uslausjan us waurtim, to pull a town, village, Mk. 6. 6; 8.
up by the roots, Lu. 17. 6. 23; Jo. 7. 42; the country, Lu.
[Gr. wurzel; D. wortel.] 8. 34. [A. S. wie; Lat. vicusi]
Wegs, str. sb. m. a wagging, vio Wein, str. sb. n. wine, Mat. 9.
lent movement; hence a tempest 17; Mk. 2. 22; Lu. I. 15. Der.
(aafi) , Mat. 8. 24; raging, weina-basi, weina-gards, weina-
violent movement, Lu. 8. 24; tains, weina- triu, wein-drugkja,
pi. wegos (dat. pi wegim), wein-nas. [G. wein; D. wijn.]
waves, Mat. 8. 24; Mk. 4. 37. Weina-basi, str. sb. n. a wine-
Cf. wigan, wagjan. [G. woge; berry, grape, Mat. 7. 16; Lu.
E. wave.] 6. 44.
Wehs; see weihs. Weina-gards, str. sb. m. a vine
Weiban*, vb. (pt. t. waif, pi. we- yard, Mk. 12. 1; Lu. 20. 9.
bum, pp. wibans), to weave. Weina- tains, str. sb. m. a vine-
Der. bi-waibjan. [G. weben; branch, Jo. 15. 4.
D. weven.] Weina-triu, str. sb. n. a vine-tree,
Weigan. weihan, vb. (pt. t. waih, vine, Jo. 15. 1 ; pi. a vineyard,
pi. wigum, pp. wigans), to fight, 1 Cor. 9. 7.
strive, contend, 1 Cor. 15, 32; Wein-drugkja, wk. sb. m. a wine-
2 Tim. 2. 14. Der. and-, waihjo, drinker, wine-bibber, Lu. 7. 34.
and-waihjan, wigans. [E. vie; From drigkan.
A. S. wig.] Wein-nas, str. sb. m. a drunkard,
Weiha, toit. sb. m. a priest; au- 1 Tim. 3. 3; Tit. 1. 7. [But
humists weiha, chief priest, Jo. Uppstrm reads weinuls.]
18. 13. From weihs. Weipan, vb. (pt. t. waip, pp. wi-
Weihaba, adv. holily, 1 Th. 2. pans), to crown, 2 Tim. 2. 5.
10. From weihs. Der. waips, wipja, faur-waipjan.
Weihan, vb. to consecrate, sanctify, [Cf. E. wipe(?).]
make holy, Jo. 17. 17, 19; Weis, .we; from ik; cf. wit. See
1 Cor. 7. 14. Der. ga-weiban, Mat. G. 12; 9. 14, &c. [G. wir;
weihnan. From weihs. D. wij; E. we.]
Weihan, vb. to strive, contend; Weis*, adj. wise, prudent. Der.
see weigan. hindar-, unhindar-, un-, unfaur-,
Weihitha, str. sb. f. holiness, fulla-, hindar-weisei, ga-weison,
sanctification, 2 Cor. 7. 1 ; 1 Th. fulla- weisjan, ga- fulla- weisjan.
3. 13; 4. 3; Eph. 4. 24; 1 Tim. Cf. weiten, witan. [G. weise;
2. 15. D. toys.]
- Weihnan, vb. to become holy, Weitan*, vb. (pt. t. wait, pi. wi-
to be hallowed, Mat. 6. 9. From tum, pp. witans), to see, whence
weihan. witan, vb. (pr"es. wait) to know;
Weihs, adj. holy, Mat. 3. 11; 27. cf. Gk. oda from idtv. Der.
52; Mk. 1. 8, &c. ; sanctified, in-, fra-; id- weit, fra-weit;

id-weitjan, fair-waitjan, fair-weitl, Widan*, vb. (pt. t. wath, pi. we-

weit-wods; and see witan. [Lat. dum, pp. widens), to bind. Der.
videre; cf. E. eye-wit-ness.] ga-, in-; ga-wiss, dis-wiss, us-
Weit-wodei, wk. sb. f. witness, wiss, us-wissi, wadi, wadja-
2 Cor. 1. 12; 2Th. 1. 10; Tit. bokos, ga-wadjon, kuna-weda.
1. 13. See next word. [E. wed, withy; G. wiede.]
Weit-wodeins, str. sb. f. witness, Widuwairns, adj. orphaned, com
Skeir. 6. 19. fortless, Jo. 14. 18.
Weit-wodi, str. sb- n. witness, Widuwo, wmowo, wk. sb. f. a
testimony, 2 Tim. 2. 2. widow, Lu. 2. 37; 4. 25; 7. 12.
Weit-woditha, str. sb. f. (spelt [G. wittwe; D. weduwe.]
weit-wodida, Jo. 3. 32), witness, WlGa-Deina (or WIGa-DeInO), sb. f.
testimony, Mat. 27. 13; Mk. 1.44; a thistle, Mat. 7. 16.
6. 11; weitwoditha habands, Wigan*, vb. (pt. t. wag, pi. we-
having a witness, being well re gum, pp. wig ins), to make to
ported of, 1 Tim. 5. 10. wag, to move, shake. Der.
Weit-wodjan, 6. to witness, to ga-, wagjan, ga- wagjan, un-
testify, Lu. 4. 22; Jo. 3. 26; gawagiths, af-wagjan, in-wag-
5. 36; galiug weit-wodjan, to jan, us-wagjan, wegs. [G. be
bear false witness, Mk. 14. 56. wegen.]
Der. mith-weitwodjan. Wigans, sb. m. war, Lu. 14. 31.
Weitwods, str.sb.m. awitness, Mat. From weigan.
26. 65; Mk. 14. 63; 2 Cor. 1. 23. Wigs, str. sb. m. a way, Mat. 5.
Wenjan, vb. to ween, hope, ex 25; 7. 13; 8. 28, &c. Der.
pect, Lu. 6. 34; Jo. 5. 45; fram-wigis, wiga-deina (?). [G.
Rom. 15. 12. Der. ga-, faura-; & D. weg.]
see wens. [G. whnen; D. wanen; Wiko, wk. sb. f. a week, Lu. 1.
E. ween.] 8. [Such seems to be the mean
Wens, str. sb. f. a weening, ex ing, and not a turn; see S. and
pectation, hope, Rom. 12. 12; note in G. & L.]
15. 4; 2 Cor. 1. 6. Der. wen Wilda, would; from wiljan.
jan, ga- wenjan, faura -wenjan, Wilja, wk sb. m. the will, Mat.
us-wena,un-weniggo. C/.wenjan. 6. 10; 7. 21; Mk. 3. 35; wish,
Wepna, str. sb. n. pi. weapons, desire, Rom. 10. 1; and see Lu.
Jo. 18. 3; 2 Cor. 6. 7; 10. 4. 2. 14. From wiljan.
[G. waffen, wappen; D. wapen.] Wilja-halthei, wk. sb. f. a res
Wereka, wk. sb. m. a proper pecting of persons, Eph. 6. 9;
name in the Gothic calendar. Col. 3. 25; 1 Tim. 5. 21. From
Wereins*, str. sb- f- forbearance. wilja and hilthan.
Der. un-wereins. See werjan. Wiljan, vb. irregular (pres. wiljau,
Werjan*, vb. to wear, endure, pt. t. wilda, pi. wildedum), to
forbear. Der. un -werjan, tuz- will, wish, Mat. 5. 40; 8. 2;
werjan, un-wereins. [G. wh Mk. 1. 40; silba wiljands, of
ren; E. wear.] his own accord, 2 Cor. 8. 17.
Wesei*, wk. sb.f. existence, state. Der. wilja, wilja-halthei, ga-
Der. balwa-wesei. wileis, silba-wileis, ana-wiljei.
Wesum, we were. From wisan. [G. wollen; D. willen.]
271 WlIJA- WlTAM 272

Wilja-rith, 6. m. a proper name Winthjan*, vb. to winnow. Der.

in the Neap, document. winthi-skauro, dis-winthjan. Cf.
Wileis*, adj. willing. Der. ga-, winds. [A. S. windwian.]
silba-. Wintrus, str. sb. m. a winter,
Wiltheis, adj. wild, uncultivated, Mk. 13. 18; Jo. 10. 22; a year
Mk. 1. 6; Rom. 11. 17, 24. (in reckoning), Mat. 9. 20; Lu.
[G. D. & E. wild.] 2. 42; 8. 42. [G. D. E. winter.]
Wilwan, vb. (pt. t. walw, pp. Wipja, wippja, str. sb.f. a crown,
wulwans), to take by force, Mk. Mk. 15. 17; Jo.. 19. 2. Cf.
3. 27; Jo. 6. 15; wilwands, waips. From weipan.
ravening, Mat. 7. 15. Der. dis-, Wis*, adj. certain. Der. un- wis,
fra-; wilws, wulwa; and cf. q. v. [G. gewiss; . E. Iwis.]
wulfs. Wis, str. sb. n. a calm, Mat. 8.
Wilws, adj. extortionate, Lu. 18. 26; Mk. 4. 39; Lu. 8. 24. Cf.
11; 1 Cor. 5. 10, 11. wisan, wizon.
Wimman*, vb. to blemish. Der. Wisan, vb. (pres. im, is, ist, sijum,
Wimm, ga-wamms, un-wamms, sijuth, sind; pt. t. was, wast,
un-wammei, ana-wammjan. See was, wesum, wesuth, wesun;
wamm. pres. cond. sijau, pt. cond. wes-
Windan*, vb. (pt. t. wand, pi. jau) to be, Mat. 6. 30; Mk. 8.
wundum, pp. wundans), to wind. 1; Lu. 20. 27, &c.; to dwell,
Der. bi-, duga-, us-; in-winds, remain, continue, Lu. 10. 7; 19.
in-winditha; wandjan, af-, at-, 5; Jo. 5. 38, &c. ; waila wi
bi-, ga-, in-, us- wandjan; ga- san, to be merry, Lu. 15. 23;
wandeins, us-wandi. [G. & D. 16. 19. Der. ga-, mithga-, at-,
winden] bi-, faura-, in-, mith-, thairh-,
Winds, str. sb. m. the wind, Mat. ufar-; wists; cf. also wis, wizon.
7. 25; 8. 26; Mk. 4. 37. [G. [Cf. G. war; D. E. was.]
D. & E. wind.] Wiss*, str. sb. f. a binding, join
Winja, str. sb. f. pasture, Jo. ing. Der. ga-, dis-, us -wiss.
10. 9. From widan.
Winna, str. sb. f. (or Winno, Wissei*, wk, sb. f. knowledge,
wk. sb. /.) passion, inordinate science. Der. mith-wissei. From
affection, Col. 3. 5; pi. pas witan.
sions, Rom. 7. 5; Gal. 5. 24. Wists, str. sb.f. being, existence;
Cf. wunns. From winnan. hence nature, Rom. 11. 24; Gal.
Winnan, vb. (pt. t. wann, pp. 4. 8; Eph. 2. 3. From wisan.
wunnans), to suffer, Mk. 8. 31; Wit, we two; cf. ik and weis.
9. 12; Lu. 9. 22; aglons win [A. S. wit]
nan, to suffer afflictions, 1 Tim. Witains*, str. sb. f. a watching;
5. 10. Der. ga-, win na, winno, in comp. at-witains. From witan,
wunns. [A. S. winnan; whence to watch.
E. win.] Witan (1), vb. (pres. wait, pt. t.
Winthi-skauro, wk. sb. f. a wissa), to know, Mat. 6. 8; 9.
winnowing fan, Lu. 3. 17. 4; Mk. 2. 10, &c.; to learn,
From winthjan and skiuran; cf. Gai. 3. 2. Der. mith-witan, un-
skura. witands, waitei, un-wits, fulla
273 Wit- Wopjam 274

wits, un-witi, witubni, witoth, Witoth, err. sb. n. law, Mat. 5.

drauhti- witoth, witoda-fasteis, 17; 7. 12; Lu. 2. 22, &c. Der.
witoda-laisareis, witoda-laus, drauhti-witoth, witoda-laisareis,
witodeigo, mith-wissei. Cf wei witoda-laus, witoda-fasteis, wito
ten. [G. wissen; D. weten ; E. deigo. From witan.
wit, weet, wot, wist.} Wits , adj. witty, knowing. Der.
'Witan (2), vb. (j>t. t. witaida), to un-wits, fulla-wits. From witan.
watch, observe, Mat. 27. 54; Mk. Witubni, str. sb. n. knowledge,
3. 2; Jo. 9. 16; to keep watch, Rom. 11. 33; 1 Cor. 8. 11.
Lu. 2. 8; 2 Cor. 11. 32. Der. Witum, we know; from witan.
at-witains. Cf. weitan. Wizon, vb. to live, 1 Tim. 5. 6.
Withon, vb. to shake, wag, Mk. Cf. wisan. Der. anda-wizn,
15. 29. [G. wedeln.] waila-wizns, ga-wizneigs.
Withra, prep, with acc. over Wlaiton, vb. to look round about,
against, against, in return for, Mk. 5. 32.
in reply to, for; to, towards, Wleitan*, vb. (pt. t. wlait, pi.
near, Mk. 4. 1 ; Lu. 8. 12; 1 Cor. wlitum, pp. wlitans), to look.
13. 12. Der. withra -gaggan, Der. anda-wleizns, wlaiton, wlits,
withra-gamotjan, withra-wairths. wlizjan. [A. S. wlitan.]
[G. wider; D. weder; A. S. wiff; Wlits, str. sb. m. the face, Mk.
E. with in withstand.] 14. 65; Jo. 11. 44; 2 Cor. 3.
Withra-gaggan, vb. to go to meet, 7; likeness, form, Phil. 2. 7.
Jo. 11. 20. [A. S. wUU.]
Withra-gamotjan, vb. to go to Wlizjan , vb. to smite in the face ;
meet, Jo. 12. 13. hence (like Gk. vntomaXtiv) to
Withra-wairths, adj. opposite, bring into subjection, 1 Cor.
that which is over against, Mk. 9. 27.
11. 2; Lu. 8. 26; 19. 30; thata Wods*, adj. the root of weitwods
withra- wairtho, contrariwise, (meaning uncertain).
Gal. 2. 7. From wairthan. Wods, adj. mad, possessed, Mk.
Withrus, str. sb. m. a wether, a 5. 15, 16, 18. [G. wuth; D.
lamb, Jo. 1. 29. [G. widder.] woede; O. E. wood.]
Witi*, str. sb. n. wit, knowledge. Wohs, wox, waxed, grew, Lu. 1.
Der. un-witi. [E. wit.] 80. From wahsjan..
Witoda-FaSteie, adj. a guardian WokainS, str. sb. f. watching,
of the law, lawyer, Lu. 7. 30; 2 Cor. 6. 5; 11. 27. From
10. 25. From witoth and wakan.
fastan. Works, str. sb. m. increase, usury,
WitODa- laisareis, str. sb. . a Lu. 19. 23. Cf. wahsjan. [G.
teacher of the law, Lu. 5. 17; wucher; D. woeker; A. S. wocer;
1 Tim. 1. 7. O. E. okyre.]
Witoda-laus, adj. lawless, with Wondon*, vb. to wound; in comp,
out law, 1 Cor. 9. 21 ; 1 Tim. ga-wondon, another spelling of
1. 9. From witoth and Hasan. ga-wundon.
Witodeigo, adv. lawfully, 1 Tim. Wopjan, vb. to cry aloud, cry out,
1. 8; 2 Tim. 2. 5. From call, Mk. 1. 3; Lu. 3. 4; Jo.
witoth. 11. 28; to call to, address aloud,
275 Woths Wundon 276

Lu. 7. 32. Der. at-, uf-. [. Wruggo, wk. sb. f. that which
whoop, weep.] compresses or encloses, a net,
Woths, Wothis, adj. good, sweet, snare, 2 Tim. 2. 26. From
pleasant; daims wothi, a wriggan.
sweet savour, 2 Cor. 2. 15; Wulan, vb. to well up, boil;
Eph. 5. 2. hence to be fervent, Rom. 12.
Wraikws, adj. wry, crooked, Lu. 11; to fester, 2 Tim. 2. 17.
3. 5. [A. S. weallan; E. well; cf.
Wrak, persecuted; from wrikan. boil.]
Wraka, str. sb. f. a wreaking Wulfila, sb. Ulphilas, Ulfilas.
(vengeance) , persecution , Mk. Wulfs, str. sb. m. a wolf, Mat.
10.30; 2 Tim. 3. 11. 7. 15; Lu. 10. 3; Jo. 10.
Wrakja, str. sb. f. the same at 12. [Lat. wipes; G. & D.
wraka, Mk. 4. 17; Rom. 8. 35; wolf]
2 Th. 1.4; wrakja winnan, to ' Wulla, str. sb. f. wool, Skeir.
suffer persecution, Gal. 6. 12. 3. 16.
Wrakjan, vb. to persecute, Phil. Wullareis, str. tb. m. one who
3. 6. From wrikan. whitens wool, a fuller, Mk. 9.
Wraks, str. sb. m. a persecutor, 3. From wulla.
1 Tim. 1. 13. From wrikan. Wulthags, adj. gorgeous, Lu. 7.
Wratodus, str. sb. m. a journey 35; honourable, 1 Cor. 4. 10;
ing, voyaging, 2 Cor. 11. 26. glorious, 2 Cor. 3; 7; Eph. 5.
Wraton, vb. to go, journey, Lu. 27; wonderful, strange, Lu. 5.
2. 41; 8. 1; 1 Cor. 16. 6. 26. From wulthus.
Wrekei, wk. sb. /. persecution, Wulthris, adv. compar. of more
2 Cor. 12. 10. From wrikan. consequence; ni mais mis wul
Wriggan*, vb. to wring, press thris ist, is of no more conse
closely. Der. wruggo. quence to me, Gal. 2. 6.
Wrikan, vb. to wreak (anger on), Wulthrs, str. sb. f consequence;
to persecute, Mat. 5. 44; Jo. ni mais mis whl irais ist, Gal.
15. 20; Rom. 12. 14. Der. ga-, 2.6. (Another reading; see pre
fr-; wraks, wraka, wrakja, ceding word.)
wrakjan, wrekei. [G. rchen; Wulthrs, adj. (compar. wulthriza)
D. wreken; E. wreak.] of worth, of consequence; wul
Wriskwan*, vb. to produce fruit, thriza wisan, to be of more
in comp, ga-wriskwan, q. v. worth, Mat. 6. 26.
Writhus, str. sb. f. a herd, Lu. Wulthus, str. sb. m. glory, Mat.
8. 33. [A. S. wrd, a wreath, 6. 13; Mk. 8. 38; 10. 37, &c.
hand, flock.] Der. wulthags, wulthris, wulthrs.
Writs, str. sb. m, a stroke of a [A. S. umldor.]
pen, Lu. 16. 17. [Cf. E. write.] Wulwa, str. sb. f. robbery, Phil.
Wrohjan, 6. to accuse, Mat. 27. 2. 6. From wilwan.
12; Mk. 3. 2; Lu. 6. 7; Jo. Wunan *, vb. to be glad. Der. un-
5. 45. Der. fra-, wrohs. [E. wunands. [Cf. G. wonne; A. S.
bewray; G. rgen.] wyn.]
Wrohs, str. sb. f. accusation, Jo. Wundon*, e6. to wound; see ga-
18. 29; 1 Tim. 5. 19. wundon. From wunds.
277 Wunds Z 273

Wunds, adj. wounded; haubith Wundufni, str. sb. /. a wound, a

wundan briggan, to wound in plague, Mk. 3. 10.
the head, Mk. 12. 4. Der. Wunns, str. sb. f. affliction, suf
wundufni, ga-wundon, ga- fering, 2 Tim. 3. 11. From
wondon. winnan.


Y is sometimes used to denote the It is chiefly used in Greek proper

vowel sound of W, the Gothic names. The sound is that of oo
character being the same for both. in moon or in wool.


Z, the seventh letter of the Gothic alphabet As a numeral, 7.


[The following words were accidentally omitted in their proper places.]

Af-gastothans (pp. as from af- Daura-wardo, wk. sb.f. the same;

gastandan), unsettled, unreason Jo. 18. 17.
able, 2 Th. 3. 2. [M. reads af Daura-wards, str. sb. m. a door
ungastothanaim.] keeper, porter, Jo. 10. 3; Ezra
Af-leitan, vb. to forgive, Mat. 9. 2. 42; Nehem. 7. 1.
6; Lu. 5. 20; to put away Drauhtinassus , str. sb. m. war
(a wife), Lu. 16. 18; see af- fare, 2 Cor. 10. 4.
letan. Drauhtinon, vb. to war, go to
Af-mauiths, pp. wearied out, Gal. war, 1 Cor. 9. 7; 2 Cor. 10. 3;
6. 9. [Bead af-mauidai, not af- 2 Tim. 2. 4. From driugan.
maindai.] Drauhti-witoth, str. sb. n. fight,
Aihts, str. sb. f. possessions, goods, warfare, 1 Tim. 1. 18. From
wealth, 1 Cor. 13. 3; 2 Cor. driugan and witoth.
12. 14. [Only in the piural.] Drobna, str. sb. m. a tumult,
All-brunsts; see Ala-brunsts. 2 Cor. 12. 20.
Ana-hneiwan, vb. to bend down, Drobnan, vb. to be shaken, 2 Th.
Mk. 1. 7. 2. 2. [But the reading is un
Ana-kunnains, str. sb. f. reading, certain.]
2 Cor. 3. 14. Duhwe, Duhthe, Duthe, Duthei,
Ana-laugns, adj. secret, Mk. 4. Duth-the; see under du.
22; Lu. 8. 17; 1 Cor. 4. 5. From Faiho (Mk. 10. 23); see faihu.
liugan (1). Faihu-frikei, wk. sb. f. covetous-
Anda- set, str. sb. n. an abomi ness, Mk. 7. 22; Eph. 4. 19; 5. 3.
nation, Lu. 16. 15. [Or it is the Faihu-friks, adj. covetous, Lu. 16.
neuter of anda-sets, q. v.] 14; 1 Cor. 5. 10; Eph. 5. 5.
Annuh; see an. - Faihu-gairnei, sb.f. 'filthy lucre's
Atisks or Atisk, sb. m. or n. a sake' (A. V.), covetousness, Tit.
cornfield, Mk. 2. 23; Lu. 6. 1. 1. 11.
Daura-warda, str.sb.f. a female Faihu-gairns, adj. covetous, 2 Tim.
doorkeeper, Jo. 18. 16. 3. 2.
281 Faih-qawaurki Us-flaugjan 282

Faehu-gawaurki, str. sb. m. gain, witness, Mk. 10. 19; Lu. 18. 20;
1 Tim. 6. 5. 1 Cor. 15. 15.
Faehu-geigan (not faihu-geironjan), Ga-taurths, str. sb. f. destruction,
e6. to covet, Rom. 13. 9. 2 Cor. 10. 4; 13. 10. From
Faihu-geigo, e6. /. covetousness, tairan.
Col. 3. 5; 1 Tim. 6. 10. [The Ga-wondon, vb. for ga-wundon, q.v.
form faihu-geiro is wrong.] GlLStra-mELeinS , str. sb. f. (lit.
Faihu-skula, wk. sb. m. a debtor, a tax -writing), an enrolment
Lu. 16. 5. Cf. dulgis skula, Lu. for taxation, Lu. 2. 2.
7. 41. Guth-blostreis, str. sb. m. a wor
Faihu-thraihns, str. sb. m. riches, shipper of God, Jo. 9. 31.
wealth, Mammon, Lu. 16. 9, 11, Hrops; read hrops, not hropi,
13. From threihan. Eph. 4. 31.
Fairrathro, adv. from far, Mk. Kuna-wida; read kuna-widom, not
5. 6; 8. 3; 11. 13. kuna-wedom, Eph. 6. 20.
Faur-domeins, str. e6./, prejudice, Kwairrus; read kwairrus, not
partiality, 1 Tim. 5. 21. airknis, 1 Tim. 3. 3.
Fimfta-taihunda, adj. fifteenth, Kwithano; a better reading for
Lu. 3. 1. kwithlo.
Flauhts, adj. arrogant; read Lun; a better reading for saun.
flauhtai, not flautandans, Gal. Missa-deds, str. e6./, a misdeed,
5. 26. sin, Mat. 6. 14; Mk. 11. 25;
Fra-lewjan, vb. to betray, 2 Tim. Rom. 11. 11.
3. 4. Missa-kwiss, str. sb. f. a mis-say
Fram-aldroza, compar. of fram- ing; hence, a dissension, Jo. 7.
aldrs, q. v. 43; 9. 16; 10. 19.
Gabigjan, vb. to enrich, 2 Cor. Missa-leiks, adj. various, divers,
6. 10. Mk. 1. 34; Lu. 4. 40; 2 Tim. 3. 6.
Gabignan, 6. to be rich, Lu. 1. Missa-taujands , pt. pres., a mis-
53; 2 Cor. 9. 11. doer, transgressor, Gal. 2. 18.
Galiuga-guth, e6.; pi. galiuga- Sakuls ; a better reading for sakjis.
guda, false gods, idols, 1 Cor. Ufar-maudein; ee Maudeins.
8. 10; Eph. 5. 5; Col. 3. 5. Us-flaugjan, 6.; read us-flau-
Galiuga-weitwods, sb. . a false gidai, not us-walujidai.

NOTE. The above corrections are chiefly from Uppstrm. He

denies the existence of the following words: af-mainds; airknis (read
kwairrus); all-brunsts; ana-kwal (read ana-silan); at-bairhtjan (read
at-augida); biari; faihu-geiro; faihu-geironjan; flaut rinds: ga-bindi
(read ga-binda); ga-dikis (read ga-digis); gairuni (read gairnein);
ga-sukwon (read ga-supon); hropi; kuna-weda; los; nawis (eee naus);
kwithlo; sakjis; saun; uf-munnands; un-gastothans; us-sauneins;
us-tauhei; us-walugjan; us-wandi; weinnas.





1 H n 50
2 Q j (y) 60
g 3 n u 70

& d 4 P 80
5 100
u kw (kv, q) 6 s 8 200
z z 7 T t 300
h h 8 Y w (v), y 400

th ) 9 f 500
i i 10 X ch (x) 600
k 20 hw (hv, w, wh) 700
1 30 s 800
m 40

Remarks. For kw Massmann writes A*, and Schulze, Uppstrm,

Gabelentz and Lobe, Stamm, and Dr. Bosworth write q.
For th many editors use the thorn-letter (p).
For jt Dr. Bosworth and Mr. Cockayne write y.
W. W. Skett, M<Bo-Gothlc Qloiurj. 10

For to, German editors write v.

Ch is the Greek %, and is sometimes denoted by x.
For hw Massmann and Stamm write hv, Gabelentz and Lobe
write to, and Dr. Bosworth writes toA.
The Roman letters which I have used to replace the Gothic ones
will be found very convenient to all who use Massmann's texr, as the
only change I have made in it is to write w for v, and consequently
kw, hw for kv, hv. This one change was well worth making, because
to, kw, hw represent the probable sounds of the Gothic letters, which
V, kv, hv certainly do not.
Additional Signs. For the number 90, Ulfilas used a modifi
cation of the Greek koppa, like the sign for kw with the second stroke
lengthened; and for 900 he used a sign (), resembling a barbed
arrow-head, which took the place of the Greek sampi.
Sounds of the Letters. Most of the consonants have the same
sounds as in English, g being always hard, like the g in give. Ch is
also hard and guttural. Also, gg, gk, are sounded like ng, nk, as in
Greek; hence aggilus is an angel, drigkan is to drink, /has the German
sound, like j in the German word ja, or the English y in yea; indeed,
y would have been used to represent it, but for the fact that this
introduces yet another change from Massmann's edition, and y is more
over used by German editors to represent the vowel-sound of to in
some Greek words. This vowel-sound (the Greek v) I believe to have
been like oo in moon, or, if unaccented, like oo in foot, with which
compare the Welsh sound of to. Dr. Bosworth gives it the sound
of oy, I do not know why. For the vowel-sounds, it seems most con
venient to give a the sound of a in father; e (which is almost always
long) has the sound of a in fate; i (generally short) is like t' in pin;
o has the long sound of o in note; u is like u in mule or bull. To au
we may give the sound of aw in Zato; to at that of long t, as in j>ride,
but somewhat broader; to et the sound of i in pride, whilst Ht may
resemble ew in new.

There are two declensions, one called the strong or vowel declen
sion, the other the weak or consonantal declension. The latter is distin
guished by the insertion of an n in many cases, as though this were
required to strengthen it. The first of these is further subdivided into
the A-declension, I-declension, and U-declension, the datives plural of
which end in am (om), im, and um respectively.

Thus are declined m. fisks (a fish); /. giba (a gift); n. waurd
(a word).
Sing. Flu. Sing.
N. fisks fiskos N. giba gib os
G. fiskis fiske G. gib os gibo
D. fiska fiskam D. gib ai gibom
A. fisk 6sk an A. giba gib os
V. fisk fiskos V. gib a gibos
Sing. .
N. waurd waurda
G. waurdis waurd e
D. waurda waurdam
A. waurd waurda
V. waurd waurda

Thus are declined m. balgs (a bag) ; /. ansts (grace).
Sing. Plu. Sing. Phi.
N. balg balgeis N. anst 8 ansteis
G. balgis balge G. anstais anste
D. balga balgim D. anstai anst im
A. balg balgins A. anst anstins
V. balg balgeis V. anst ansteis

Thus are declined m. sunus (a son); /. handus (hand); n. faihu
(fee, property).
Sing. . Sing. Plu.
N. sun us sunjus N. handus handjus
G. sunaus suniwe G. handaus hand iwe
D. sunau sun D. handau handurn
A. sun u sununs A. hand handuns
V. sunau () sxmjus V. hand au () handjus

Sing. Plu.
N. faihu (wanting),
. faihaus
D. faihau
V. faih
A. faih u
It will be observed that sunus and handus are declined exactly
aKke; and faihu follows them closely.

Notes. 1. To the A-form belong some masculine words in -jis

and -eis, in which aj is introduced in the stem in some cases. They are
declined thus, taking as examples harjis, a host; hairdeis, a shepherd.
Sing. Plu. Sing. Plu.
N. harjis harjos N. hairdeis hairdjos
G. harjis harje . haird eis hairdje
D. harja harjam D. hairdja hairdj am
A. hari harjans A. haird hairdjans
V. hari harj os V. haird hairdjos

2. Some variations are found from the above forms ; thus sunaus
is nom. sing. in Lu. 4. 3; dauthus is gen. sing. in Lu. 1. 79; wegim
(not wegam) is the dat. plu. of wegs in Mat. 8. 24.
3. Neuters in t, such as hunt (kin), are declined like waurd,
with a change of the t into in the gen. and dat. sing., and in the
plural. Thus: kuni, kunj-is, kunj-a, kuni, kuni; pl. kunj-a, -e, -am,
-a, -a. Similarly, in masculines in -ius and neuters in -iu, as thius (a
servant), kniu (a knee), the becomes a to in the same cases.
4. In like manner the feminine nouns band* (a band), sunja (truth),
are to be compared with giba, and are declined: bandi, bandj-os,
-ai, bandi, bandi; pi. band-jos, -o, -om, -os, -os; also sunj-a, -os, -ai, rc.
5. Brothar, fadar, dauhtar, swistar (brother, father, daughter,
sister) resemble in some cases the declination of sunus. They are
thus declined:
Sing. Plu.
N. brothar brothr;jus
O. brothrs brothre
D. brothr brothr um
A. brothar brothr uns
V. brothar brothrjus
6. The present participles of verbs, when used as substantives,
partly follow the declension of fisks; such as gibands (a giver), daup-
jands (the Baptist). But the dat. sing. is giband, not gibanda, and the
plural is giband-s, -e, -am, -s, -s. And see p. 294.

7. Menothe (a month) somewhat resembles gibands; we find sing,

nom. menothe, gen. menothe, dat. menoth, pi. dat. menothum, acc.
8. The feminine nouns baurgs (a town), alhs (temple), brste
(breast), mitaths (measure), dulths (feast), miluks (milk), nahts (night),
spaurds (stadium), waihts (a whit, thing), are anomalous, being but
slightly inflected ; as sing. nom. and gen. baurgs, dkt., acc., voc. baurg;
pi. nom. acc. voc. baurgs, gen. baurge, dat. baurgim. Dulths and waihts
are also found declined as ansts, and the dat. pi. nahtam occurs in
Mk. 5. 5.
9. Other slight exceptions are best observed by practice.


The typical forms are those of m. hana (a cock); /. tuggo, ma-
nagei (tongue, multitude); n. hairto (a heart); wato (water).

A. Masculine Nonns.
N. hana Pl. han ans
G. hanins han ane
D. hanm han am
A. hanan hanans
V. hana han ans

B. F< ie Nouns.
N. tuggo Pl. tuggons managei Pi. manag eins
O. tugg on tuggono manageins manageino
D. tuggon tuggom managein manag eim
A. tuggon tugg ons managein manageine
V. tugg o tuggons manag ei manageins

C. Neuter Nouns.
N. hairt o Pi. ona wato Pl. na
G. hairtins ane watins ne
D. hairtin am watin nam
A. hairt o ona wato na
V. hairt ona wato na

The pl. dat. watnam is to be considered irregular ; it should rather

be watam.

Remarks. The chief exceptions are manna (a man), fon (fire);

-which are thus declined. Manna, mans, mann, mannan, manna; pi.
nom. and acc. both manns and mannans, gen. manne, dat. mannam.
Nom. fon, gen. funins, dat. funin, acc. fon; no piural.
A few extra examples are he're added by way of illustration.
I. Strong declension. A-form. Masc. nouns, dags (day), hlaifs
(a loaf), hunds (a hound), laufs (a leaf), stains (a stone), fugls (a fowl,
bird); all like fisks. Fem. nouns, airtha (earth), hairda (a herd), halba
(a half), saiwala (soul), staua (judgment), aglitha (trouble), all like
giba. Neut. nouns, agis (awe), ahs (ear of corn), akran (fruit), bam
(child), Moth (blood), daur (door), like waurd; also badi (bed),
ga-waurdi (speech), wadi (pledge), &c., like kuni; for which see
note 3.
I-form. Masc. arms (arm), barms (bosom), gards (house), bmth-
faths (bridegroom), frosts (child). Fem. alths (old age), dails (a part),
mahts (might), magaths (maiden), faheths (joy).
U-form. Masc. aims (messenger), auhsus (ox), skadus (shadow),
wintrus (winter), fotos (foot). Fem. asilus (ass), kinnus (chin), writhus
(flock). Neut. gaim (thorn). Like bandi are akwizi (axe), haithi (field),
Haiti (command), fraistubni (temptation) ; see note 4. Like sunja are
wrakja (persecution), brakja (strife), halja (hell), sibja (relationship).
II. Weak declension. Masc. ahma (spirit),, atta (father), bloma
(flower), guma (man), staua (a judge), aurtja (gardener), baurgja
(citizen). Fem. gatwo (street), dauro (door), sunno (sun), fauho (fox),
all like tuggo; and aithei (mother), bairhtei (brightness), balthei (bold
ness), hauhei (height), like managei. Neut. augo (eye), auso (ear), bar-
nilo (child), sigljo (seal), like hairto; and namo (name) like wato.


There are two declensions: (1) the strong or vowel declension,

used without the article, and to which belong possessive pronouns and
the words fulls, halbs, alls, ganohs, swaleiks, jains, anthar, sums, <5rc.; and
(2) the weak or consonantal declension, used with the article (or without
it, but chiefly when the meaning is definite or demonstrative), and to which
belong comparatives, ordinals (except anthar), and present participles.

Blinds (blind) ; ro. blinds, /. blinda, n. blind or blindata, is thus
Sing. N. blinds a (-ata)
a. blindis aizos is
D. blindamma ai amma
A. blind ana a (-ata)
PL N. blind OS a
0. blindaize aizo aize
D. blind aim aim aim
A. blindans Os a
Words in -m, as midis, sutis are declined in a similar manner.

N. midis midja midi (midjata)

G. midj is midjaizos midjis, &c.


Hardus (hard).

Sing. N. hard us us (-jata)

G. hardj is aizos is
D. hardjamma ai amma
A. hardj ana a ata (hardu)

PI. N. hardj ai os a, &c.

This resembles blinds except in introducing the j.


Sa blinda (the blind).

Sing. N. V. blinda
G. blindins ons ins
D. blindin on in
A. blind an on o

PI. N. V. blind ans ons -ona

G. blindane ono am
D. blindam om am
A. blind ans ons ona

Remarks. 1. Some exceptions will be found; thus, the feminine

of ainaha takes the irregular form ainoho.
2. The weak declension of adjectives is exactly like that of weak
nouns; compare hana, tuggo, and hairto.
3. The declension here called weak answers to what in A. S.
grammars is often called the definite one.
Degrees of comparison. The comparative degree is formed by add
ing -oza oriza (Eng. -er) to the stem; thus blind-s (blind) gives blind-
-oza (blind-er), and hard-us (hard) gives hard-iza. Blindoza follows the
weak declension. Both comparative adjectives and present participles
active (which are also of the weak declension except in the nominative
masculine) follow managei, not tuggo, in the feminine. The superlative
follows both declensions, and is known by the insertion of -ist-
(Eng. -est). Thus, from smals (small), is formed smalists, sa smaUsta
(smallest, the smallest).
The following are irregular:
Gods, batiza, batists; Eng. good, better, best.
Ubils, wairsiza, wairsists; evilf worse, worst.
Mikils, maiza, maists; mickle, more, most,
Leitils, minniza, minnists; little, (less, least),
Altheis, aldiza, einista; old, older, (oldest).
Juggs, juhiza, juhists (?); young, younger, youngest.
Numerals. Ains (one), is declined like a strong adjective;
in the plural, it signifies sole, only. Twai (two), is declined thus:
nom. twai, twos, twa; gen. twaddje; dat. twaim; acc. twans, twos,
twa. Threis (three) makes nom. threis, threis, thrija; gen. thrije;
dat. thrim; acc. thrins, thrins, thrija. Of fidwor (four) is found also
the dat. fldworim. The numbers following are fimf, saihs, sibun,
ahtau, niun (gen. niune), taihun, ainlif, twalif (dat. ainlibim, twalibim),
threis-taihun, fidwor-taihun , &c. The Eng. -ty is denoted by -tigus,
declined like handus, and therefore forming a plural -Hgjus. Hence
we get, twai-tigjus, threis-tigj us, &c., for 20, 30, &c. ; but only up to 60.
70, 80, 90, 100 are sibun-tehund, ahtau-tehund, niun-tehund, taihun-
tehund. 200, 300, &c., are twa hunda, thrija hunda, fidwor hunda, &c.
1000 is thusundi, pi. thusundjos and thusundja, dat. thusundjom.
Ordinals. Fruma, fem. frumei (the first), admits of the degrees
of comparison frumoza, frumists; compare Eng. fore, former, foremost.
Anthar, anthara, anthar (the second). Bai, neut. ba, dat. baim, acc. bans,
neut. ba (both). The next are thridja, fidwortha (?), fimfta, saihsta,
sibunda (?), ahtuda, niunda, taihunda.


The personal pronouns are ik, I; thu, thou; of which the dual
forms are found wit, we two ; jut (1), ye two.
N. V. ik Z>uaZ. wit PI. weis
G. meina ugkara unsara
D. mis ugkis unsis, uns.
A. mik ugkis, ugk unsis, uns.
N. V. thu ' Dual, (jut) Pl. jus
G. theina igkwara izwara
D. thus igkwis, iggkwis izwis
A. thuk igkvvis, iggkwis izwis

Also a reflexive form of the third personal pronoun is found in

oblique cases. Gen. sein a, dat. sis, acc. sik.
Again we find the third personal pronoun in all three genders,
as is, si, ita (he, she, it).
N. is si ita PI. eis 1JOS
G. is izos is ize ize
D. imma izai imma im im
A. ina ija ita ina 1JOs ija

Possessive Pronouns. Meins (mine), theins (thine), seins (his) are

declined like strong adjectives; as also are unsar (our), izwar (your).
seins (their); and a dual form is found in the second person, dat. sing,
fem. in Mat. 9. 29. 'Bi galaubeinai iggkwarai wairthai iggkwis', accord
ing to the faith of you two be it done unto you two.
Demonstrative Pronouns. Sa, so, thata (this, that) is also used as
a definite article.
N. sa so thata Pl.N. thai thos tho
G. this thizos this G. thize thizo thize
D. thamma thizai thamma D. thaim thaim thaim
A. thana tho thata A. thans thos tho
/. the the the

The instrumental case, the, occurs in the words du- the or duth-
the, bi-the, the-haldis; compare hwe from hwas, and the A. S. thi
or thy.
Sa is often followed by uh, and is then contracted into sa'A.

If. sah soh thatuh PI. thaih thozuh thoh

G. thizuh thizozuh thizah thizeb thizoh, thizeh
D. thammuh thizaih thammuh thaimuh thaimuh thaimuh
A. thanuh thoh thatuh thanzuh thozuh thoh

His (this) is only found in dat. mase, himma, and cc. masc. and
neut. hia, hita, in the singular number.
Jains (yon, that) is declined like a strong adjective.
Sama (the same) , and silba (self) , are declined like weak ad
jectives; swaleiks (such) and swalauds (such) like strong adjectives.
Relative Pronouns. The relative is formed by help of the particle
ei that, as, thuei (thou that); and especially by ei following sa, such
forms as thata-ei, thamma-ei being contracted into thatei, thammei. In
the feminine, both soei and sei are found.
Interrogative Pronouns. Hwas, fem. hwo, neut. hwa or hwata
(who, what).
jV. hwas hwo hwa Fl hwai hwos hwo
Q. hwis hwizos hwis hwize hwizo hwize
D. hwamma hwizai hwamma hwaim hwaim hwaim
A. hwana hwo hwa hwans hwos hwo
I. hwe hwe hwe
The plural forms given are merely conjectural, and do not
appear. The instrumental case, hwe, occurs in du-hwe, hwe-lauds,
hwe-leiks; also hweh is found for hwe-uh.
Hwathar (whether, which of two) only appears in the nom. sing.
We also find hwatharuh, ainhwatharuh.
Hwarjis (which, of more than two) is declined like a strong ad
jective, gen. hwarjis, dat. hwarjamma, acc. hwarjana; pi. nom. hwarjai,
acc. hwarjans. With -uh added, it becomes hwarjiz-uh; we also find
Hwe-leiks (what sort of), and hwe-lauds (what sort of), are declined
as strong adjectives; compare swa-leiks (such) and swa-lauds (such).
Other pronominal forms. Sums (some) is like a strong adjective;
ains-hun (any one) makes fem. aino-hun, neut. ain-hun; gen. m. $ n.
ainis-hun; dat. m. . ainumme-hun; /. ainai-hun; acc. ainno-hun,
aino-hun, ain-hun.
Hwas-hun (any one) follows the declination of hwas; so also does
hwaz-uh (every one).
Hwathar-uh, ain-hwathar-uh (each of two), are declined like hwa
thar; and hwarjiz-uh, ain-hwarjizuh (each, every) like hwarjis.

The numbers are thiee, singular, dual and plural. Dual forms
are scarce.
Besides the infinitive, the moods are three, viz. indicative, con
junctive, and imperative.
The tenses are but two, present and past; the future being ex
pressed by the present, as in Anglo-Saxon.
Verbs are of three forms, active, passive, and middle; the passive
is partly formed by help of the past participle with wisan or wairthan;
of the middle form but a few traces remain. - -
The conjugations are of two forms, strong and weak. Strong verbs
change the vowel in the past tense, as giban, to give, past tense gf,
I gave; or else employ reduplication like Greek verbs, so that from
haldan, to hold, is formed the past tense haihald, I held. Weak verbs
have in the past tense the ending -da.
The following is a general scheme of endings for all verbs in the
active voice.
Present Past (strong) Past (weak)
Sing. 1. a, -da
2. s t des
3. th da

Dual. 1. OS u dedu
2. ts ute deduts

Plu. 1. m um dedum
2. th uth deduth
3. nd un dedun

Sing. 1. au, jau dedjau
2. s eis dedeis
3. ai, dedi
Dual. 1. wa
2. ts dedeits
P/u. 1. ma eima dedeima
2. th eith dedeith
3. na eina dedeina
Dual. 2. ts Pl. 1. m '2. th.

an (strong); jen, an, on (weak).

ands (strong); j ands, ands, onds (weak).


ans (strong); iths, aiths, oths (weak).


Strong verbs, without reduplication.
a good example, take the verb rinnan, to run.
Present Past
Sing. 1. rinn a rann
2. is rann t
3. ith rann
Dual. 1. Os runn u
2. ats runn tti

Plu. 1. am runn um
2. ith runn uth
3. and runn un
Present Past
Sing. 1. rinn au runn jau
2. ais eis
3. ai I
Dual.1. aiwa eiwa
2. aits eits

Plu. 1. aima eima

2. aith eith
3. aina eima

Sing. 2. rinn. Dual. 2. rinn ats. Plu. 1. rinn am. 2. rinn ith.


rinn ands.


runn ans.

It will here be observed, that the stem-form, which in the present

is rinn-, becomes rann- in the past tense singular, and runn- in the
past tense dual and plural, and in the passive participle. Hence the
first conjugation has been subdivided by Gabelentz and Lobe into six,
and by Massmann into five divisions. Adopting the classification of
the former, we have the following scheme for the vowels of the
InfIn. PasT sInG. Past PlU. Pass. PaRT.
1. i a u
2. i a e u
3. i a e i
4. ei ai i . i
5. in an Il u
6. a 0

The first persons sing, and plu. of the past tense 'and the passive
participle thus furnish the principal forms requisite for conjugating
the verb, and hence are in general given in the glossary, as rinnan
(pt. rann, pi. rnnnum, pp. runnans). Other verbs of the first class
are brinnan, to burn, bindan, to bind, finthan, to find, siggwan, to
sing, drigkan,' to drink, &c.
Second class. Ex. niman, to take; pt. t. nam, nemum; pp. num-
ans. Other verbs are kwiman, to come, stilan, to steal, bairan, to
bear -(pt. t. bar, pi. berum, pp. baurans), and brikan, to break.
Third class. Ex. ligan, to lie; pt. t. lag, legum; pp. ligans. So
also giban, to give, kwithan, to say, sitan, to sit, Usan, to gather, sai-
hwan, to see (pt. t. sahw, pi. sehwum, pp. saihwans), &c.
Fourth class. Ex. steigan, to mount, climb; pt. t. staig, pi. stigum,
pp. stigans. So also beidan, to bide, beitan, to bite, leisan, to teach,
leithan, to go, dreiban, to drive, &c.
Fifth class. Ex. driusan, to fall; pt. t. draus, pi. drusum,
pp. drusans. So also Musan, to choose, biugan, to bend, liugan, to
lie, tiuhan, to tug, sliupan, to slip, &c.

Sixth class. Ex. slahan. to strike; pt. t. sloh, pi. slohum. pp. sla-
hans. So also swaran, to swear, faran, to fare, dragan, to draw,
wakan. to watch, graban, to grave, dig, &c.
Remvrks. 1. Even with these numerous subdivisions, some ex
ceptional forms occur. Thus standan (to stand) belongs to class 6,
but the past tense is stoth, not stond, and the past part, stothans.
2. Classes 2 and 3 only differ in the form of the past parti
ciple. Class 4 only differs from class 3 in having the long diphthongs
i and at (as in steigern. staig), in place of the vowels t and a (as in
ligan, lag); and in putting t for e in the past tense dual and plural.


Strong verbs, taking the reduplication.
The reduplication is formed by repeating the initial consonants
of the words before the diphthong ai; thus from haldan, fraisan, skai-
dan are formed hai-hald, fai-frais, skai-skaid.
There are two principal classes of verbs in this conjugation:
(1) those which merely use the reduplication, and (2) those
which not only use the reduplication, but change the vowel in the
First class. Ex. hahan, to hang; pt. t. haihah, pi. haihaihum,
pp. hahans. So also fahan, to take, haldan, to hold, fraisan, to tempt,
skaidan, to part, haitan, to bid, slepan, to sleep.
Second class. Ex. tekan, to touch; pt. t. taitok, pi. taitokum,
pp. tekans. So also gretan, to weep, teten, to let, blesan, to blow,
saian, to sow, &c.
Note. In all verbs of this conjugation the pp. merely adds s to
the infinitive.


There are three classes of verbs, (1) those in which the pt. U
ends in -ida, and the pp. in -iths; (2) those in which these end in
-aida, -aiths; (3) those with the endings -oda, -oths.
First class. To this class belong all verbs of which the infinitive
ends in -jan, as lagjan, to lay.

Present Past
lagja lagida
jis ides
jith ida
Dual. jos idedu
jats ideduts
Plu. jam idedum
jith ideduth
jand idedum

Present Past
Sing. lagJau lagidedjau
jais idedeis
jai idedi
Dual. jaiwa idedeiwa
jaits idedeits
Plu. jaima idedeima
jaith idedeith
jaina idedeina

ing. 2. lag ei. Dual. 2. lagjats. JPlu. 1. lag-jam
2. jith.
PassIVe PasT PaRTICIPle.

One peculiar exception must be particularly noticed. Some verbs

in -jan, as sokjan (to seek), depart from the above form in the second
and third pers. sing, and second pers. pl. of the indicative present,
and in the second pers. sing, and pl. of the imperative; instead of j
they use e in these persons. Thus the present indicative of sokjan is
sok-ja, -eis, -eith; -jos, -jats; -jam, -eith, -jand. The imperative is
sok-ei; -jats; -jam, -eith.

Like lagjan ace conjugated all verbs with a short stem-syllable,

or in which the stem-syllable terminates in a vowel or diphthong, such
as wal-jan, to choose, hram-jan, to crucify, satjan, to set, nas-jan, to
save, wrak-jan, to persecute; also sto-jan, to judge, straujan, to strew,
tau-jan, to do, the preterites of which are stauida, strawida, Cawida,
and a few others less common, as afdau-jan, ana-niujan, gakwiu-jan,
Like sokjan are conjugated verbs with long vowels in the stem-
syllable, or short vowels made long by position; as, mel-jan, to write,
mer-jan, to proclaim, dom-jan, to deem, fod-jan, to feed, draib-jan,
to drive, haus-jan, to hear, gaskeir-jan, to explain, snium-jan, to hasten;
also balth-jan, to dare, sand-jan, to send, full-jan, to fill, airz-jan, to
err, andwaurd-jan , to answer; to which must be added mikil-jan, ri-
kwiz-jan, audag-jan, manag-jan, iauhat-jan, swogat-jan, framath-jan, ga-
big-jan, glitmun-jan, us-walug-jan, some of which might have been ex
pected to follow lagjan.
Second class. Ex. haban, to have.

Present Past
Sing, haba habaida
ais aides
aith aida
Dual. 0s aidedu
aths aideduts
Plu. am aidedum
aith aideduth
and aidedun

Present Past
Sing, hab au habaidedjau
ais aidedeis
ai aidedi
Dual. aiwa aidedeiwa
aits aidedeits
Plu. aima aidedeima
aith aidedeith
aina aidedeina

habat; at; am, atfA.



Some of the principal verbs like haban are : skaman, hahan, tha-
han, slawan, waldan, blandan, arman, fastan, fijan, hlifan, thulan,
manan, sweran, blotan, aistan, bauan, trauan, hweilan, weihan, leikan,
liugan, jiukan.
Third class. The infinitive ends in -on, as spillon, to tell, pro
Indicative present: spill-o, -os, -oth; -os, -ota; -om, -oth, -ond.
Conjunctive present: spill-o, -os, -o, &c.
Indicative past: spill-oda, -odes, -oda, &c.
Compare the general scheme on p. 297.


Verbs ending in -nan have a passive or neuter signification, as
fullnan, to become full, and-bundnan, to become unbound, aflifnan, to
be left remaining, gahailnan, to become whole, gawaknan, to become
awake, to wake, &c. They are weak verbs, declined like lagjan (writing
n for j) in the present indicative and conjunctive, and like spillon in
the past tense. Thus the past tense of fullnan is fullnoda. The second
person singular imperative is fulln.

There is a general form only for the present tense, the past
tense being formed by help of the past participle.
General scheme.
Sing. da dau
za zau
da dau
W. W. sket, Mcoso-Gotbic Glossary. 11

Plu. nda ndau
nda ndau
nda ndau
These endings are to be added to the infinitive, after removing n.
Thus from haitan, waurkjan, kroton, we get haita-da, waurkja-da,
kroto-da, and so on. In the conjunctive mood, verbs in -an, -jan
make -aidau, -jaidau, and verbs in -on make -odau.

Of this there are but a few traces, following the form of passive
verbs. Thus we find lausjadau, let him deliver (Qvaa&m, Mat. 27. 43);
atsteigadau, let him come down (xararw, Mat. 27. 42); Uugandau,
let them marry (yufirario<sav, 1 Cor. 7. 9). To these Oabelentz and
Lobe add a few more instances, which Massmann denies. The proof
that there ever was a middle voice is indeed small.


The following verbs are, some of them, of frequent occurrence
and considerable importance.
The following twelve verbs use as a present an old preterite form,
from which again a second weak preterite is formed. Compare the
use of the Greek ola in a present sense. Daursan only occurs in the
compound gadaursan, and nahan only in binahan, ganahan.
1. Magan, to be able. Pres. sing, mag, pl. magum; pt. t. mahta,
pp. mahts. (Eng. may, might.)
2. Kunnan, to know. Pres. sing, kann, pl. kunnum; pt. t. kuntha,
pp. kunths. (Eng. ken, can, could.)
3. Thaurban, to need. Pres. sing, tharf, pi. thaurbum; pt. t.
thaurfta, pp. thaurfts. (A. S. pearfan. O. E. tharf.)
4. Daursan, to dare. Pres. sing, dars, pl. daursum; pt. t daursta,
pp. daursts. (Eng. dare, durst.)
5. Munan, to think, intend. Pres. sing, man, pl. munum; pt. t
munda, pp. munds. (A. S. mynan. O. E. min. Eng. mean, mind.)
6. Skulan, to owe, be obliged to do. Pres. sing, skal, pl. sku-
lum; pt. t. skulda, pp. skulds. (Eng. shall, should.)
7. Nahan, to suffice. Pres. sing, nah (impersonal) ; pt. t. nauhta,
pp. nauhts. (Cf. Eng. enough.)
8. Witan, to see, know. Pres. sing, wait, pl. witum; pt. t. wissa,
pp. wits 0). (Eng. lint, wot, ictf.)
9. Aigan, to own, have. Pres. sing, aih, pl. aigum; pt. t aiAto,
pp. aiAis. (Eng. own. O. E. owe.)

10. Dugan, to profit, avail. Pres. sing, daug (impersonal);

pt. t. dauhta, pp. dauhts. (A. S. dugan. O. . dowthe. Sc. dow,
cf. doughty.}
11. A conjectural verh, Motan, to be able. Pres. sing, mot, pl.
motum; pt. t. mosta, pp. mosts. (O. E. mot. Engl, mf.)
12. Ogan, to be in awe. Pres. sing. og, pl. ogum; pt. t. ofa,
pp. oAto.
The present tenses of these verbs follow the inflections of rann,
the pt. t. of rinnan, of the first conjugation of strong verbs. The past
tenses are like the past tenses of weak verbs. It may be remarked
that not all of the above forms are really found.
To these may be added the verb wiljan, to wish, only found in
the past tense wilda (Eng. would), and in the conjunctive (or optative)
mood, viz. wil-jau, -eis, -i; -eiwa, -eits; -eima, -eith, -eina.
Gaggan, to go, makes the past tense iddja, of the weak form;
once the past tense gaggida occurs, in Lu. 19. 12.
Wisan, to be, has in the dual and plural of the present tense the
inflections of a past tense.

Present Past
Sing, ira was
is wast
ist was
Dual. siju wesu
sijuts wesuts
Pi. sijum wesum
sijuth wesuth
sind wesun

Present Past
Sing, sijau wesjau
sijais weseis
sijai wesi
Dual. sijaiwa weseiwa
sijaits weseits
Pi. sijaima weseima
sijaith weseith
sijaina weseina

Whan, in the sense to remain, is also found conjugated regularly,

like ligan, Conj. I., class 3.
Used with past participles, wisan forms the past tenses of passive
verbs; as, gasuliths was ana staina, was founded upon a rock,
Mat. 7. 25.
Wairthan, to become. Pt. t. warth, pl. waurthum, pp. waurthans,
is a regular verb, like rinnan. It is also used, like wisan, to form the
past tenses of passive verbs, as, thanuh than usdribana warth so ma
naget, when therefore the multitude was driven out, Mat. 9. 25.
Briggan, to bring, makes the past tense brahta, brought, conju
gated as a weak verb.
Haban, to have, has been conjugated above: see weak verbs,
second class, p. 302.

The common adverbial ending of adverbs formed from adjectives
is -aba, -iba, or -uba; as, baitrs, bitter, baitraba, bitterly; arneis*,
sure, amiba, surely; hardus, hard, harduba, hardly, also spelt hardaba.
Another common ending is -o, as uhteigs, seasonable, uhteigo,
The more common adverbs are these.
1) Of time. Sunsaiw, immediately, air, early, anahs, at once, than,
thanuh, then, when, ju, juthan, already, nauh, nauhthan, still, , now,
bithe, then, when, simle, once, ufta, oft, seithu, late, sinteino, ever,
suman, once, suns, soon, aftra, again, hwan, when.
2) 0/ piace. Her, here, tharuh, there, tharei, where, hwar, hwarei,
where, jainar, yonder, aljar, elsewhere, ufaro, above, undaro, beneath,
aftana, aftaro, behind, uta, without, inna, within, fairra, far, nehwa,
near, faura, before, tup, up, dalath, down, &c. ; also hwadre, whither,
jaindre, thither, hidre, hither, &c.; also innathro, from within, utathro,
from without, iupathro, from above, fairrathro, from afar, allathro, from
all sides, aljathro, elsewhere.
3) Of quality, 4rc. Swa, so, hwe, how, hweh, only, ne, no, ja,
jai, yes, aufto, perhaps, sunja, truly, allis, altogether, frumist, first,
aiw, ever, &c. Also waila, well; ubilaba, ill; wairs, worse; filu, much;
mais, more; maist, most; leitil, little; mine, less.

With the dative: alja, except, af, off, from, from, from, /aura,
before, mith, with, us, out; also du, to (which also takes the accusative
only once).
With the accusative: and, along, at, four, for, before, inuh, with
out, thairh, through, undar, under, withra, against
With both accusative and dative: ana, on, at, at, afar, after, bi,
by, du, to, hindar, behind, und, unto, u/, under, ufar, over.
With genitive, dative, and accusative : in, in, on account of. Four
is also found with the genitive in the words faurthis, faurthizei, be
fore, first.
Bi and du are also found with the instrumental case, as in -
the, du-the.

The conjunctions are (1) copulative, as jah, and, -uh, and, nih,
and not; (2) disjunctive, as aiththau, or, andizuh aiththau, either or,
jaththe jaththe, whether or; (3) denoting opposition, as ith, than,
aththan, ak, akei, but, however; (4) causal, as allis, auk, unte, raihtis,
for; (5) expressing a conclusion, as thanuh, tharuh, eithan, nu, thannu,
therefore, now; (6) conditional, asjabai, if, niba, if not, except; (7) ex-
ressing concession, as thau, thauhjabai, though, even if, swethauh,
owever; (8) final, as ei, thatei, theei, that, swaei, swaswe, so that, so
as that; (9) of comparison, as hwaiwa, how, me, as, so, swaswe, so
as, as; (10) of time, as swe, just as, than, thande, when, then, as long
as, bithe, miththanei, whilst, sunsei, as soon as, faurthizei, before that.

These are, 0, oh! wai, woe! at, see! Am, come thou hither!
hirjaths, come here, you two! hirjith, come ye hither!

A good short syntax will be found in Stamm's Ulfilas. The
constructions present little difficulty. The most remarkable one is the
use of the dative absolute, corresponding to that of the ablative absolute
in Latin.





[A few Anglo-Saxon and Old English (or provincial English) words are included
in this list. The Anglo-Saxon words are marked with an asterisk, Me old or
provincial words with an obelus. Maso-Gothic words marked with an asterisk
are root-words which are not actually found. Words included in square brackets,
not being Saxon-English, may perhaps be considered as out ofplace here; they are
merely added by way of illustration. More remote analogies are not noticed. Some,
even, that are inserted, are very doubtful.]

A, An, ains. Answer; cf. and and swaran.

Abal* (strength), cf. abrs. [Anxious, aggwus.]
Abide; see Bid. [Anxiety, aggwitha.]
Acf (but), ak. Ark, arka.
[Acid, cf. akeit.] Arm, arms.
Acorn, akranf ArrfEthf (difficult); cf. arbaiths.
Acre, akrs. Arrow, arhwazna.
Adder; see Nedder. Ash (cinder), azgo.
Atraed, faurhts. Ashamed, to be, gaskaman sik,
Aft; cf. aftuma, afta. skaman sik.
After, afar, aftra, afta, aftar. Ass, asilus.
[Age; cf. aiws.] [Assemble; cf. samana, samath.]
Aghast; cf. usgaisjan. Asunder, sundro.
Agte, Ahte (goods), aihts. At, at.
Ailing, agis. Athwart; cf. thwairhs.
All, alls. Aught, aiw and waihts.
Am, im. Awake; see Wake.
AmmbOhhtf (servant), andbahts. Awe, agis.
Andf (breath); cf. anan. Awe, vb., agjan.
And-* (prefix), and-. Awn, ahana.
AnfaldI (onefold), ainfalths. Awry; see Wry.
Ange* (anxious), aggwus. Aye, aiw.
Ange* (sorrow), aggwitha. Aynd+ (breath), cf. anan.
Anger; see Ange. Axe, akwizi.
313 Bao Broaden 314

Bag, bolge. Bind, bindan, gabindan.

Bairn, barn. Birth, gabaurths.
Bale, sb., cf. balws(1). Bite, beitan.
Band, bandi. Bitter, baitrs.
Bane, banja. Blast; cf. blesan.
Bar-ley, baris. Blaze abroad, blesan.
Barmf (bosom), barm. Bleed, blotanQ).
[Baron; cf. wair.] Blend, blandan.
Babrow (mound); cf. bairgan. BLinf (cease), af-linnan.
Bay (of the sea); cf. biugan. Blind, vb., gablindjan.
Be-, -. Blind, blinds.
Beam, bagms. Blithe, bleiths.
Bear, vb., bairan. Blood, bloth.
Bear (children), gabairan. Bloom, bluma.
BEaKf (barley), baris. Blotan* (to sacrifice), Motan.
Become; cf. bikwiman. Blow (a hit) ; cf. bliggwan.
Bed, badi. Blow, vb. ; cf. blesan.
BEdef (prayer), bida. Bludgeon; cf. bliggwan(1J.
BEdef (to pray), bidjan. Board, bawd.
Bedesman; see Bede. [Boil; cf. wulan.]
Begetf (acquire), bigitan. Boil (sb.), Bolled (swollen); cf.uf-
Begin, duginnan. bauljan.
Begird, bigairdan. Bold, balths.
Behest; see Hest. Bond, gabindi, bandwa.
Behind, hindar. Book, boka.
Belief, galaubeim. Boom; see Beam.
Believe, laubjan, galaubjan. Boor; cf. bauan.
Bellows, cf. balge. Boot, vb., botjan, gabatnan.
Belly, cf. balgs. Boot, sb., bola.
Beorg* (mountain), bairgs. Borough; see Burgh.
Bereave, biraubon. Both, bai, bajoths.
Berry, basi. Bourn, brunna.
Beset, bisatjan. Bow, vb., biugan, gabiugan.
Bespit, bispeiwan. Braid f (a twinkling); cf. brahw.
Best, batists. Brand; see Bren.
BEtEf (to amend), botjan; see Boot. Breadth, braidei.
Bethink, bithaggkjan. Break, brikan.
Betoken, taiknjan, ga-taiknjan. Breast, brusts.
Better, batiza. Brenf (burn), brinnan.
Beware, cf. warjan. Brethren, brothrahans.
Bewray, cf. wrohjan, frawrohjan. Bride, bruths.
Bid (to order), biudan. Bridegroom, bruths and guma.
Bid (to pray), bidjan. Bright, bairhts.
Bidder f (beggar), bidagwa. Brighten, gabairhljan.
Bidding-pkayer; cf. bida. Bring, briggan.
Bide, beidan, gabeidan. Broad, braids.
Bight; cf. biugan. Broaden, braidjan.
315 Brook Dbonk 316

Brook, vb., brukjan. Dapper; cf. gadobs(1).

Brother, brothar. Dare, daursan, gadaursan.
Brucan* (to use), brukjan. Daughter, dauhtar.
Buan* (to build), bauan. Day, dags.
Bulge; cf. balge. Dead, dauths.
Burden, baurthei. Deaf, daubs.
Burgh, baurgs. Deafen, gadaubjan.
Burgher, baurgja. Deafness; cf. daubei, daubitha.
Burn, vb. act., gabrannjan. Deal, vb., dailjan, gadailjan.
Burn, vb. neut.; see Bren. Deal, sb., dails, daila.
Burn, sb.; see Bourn. Death, dauthus.
Bury, bairgan. Deed, gadeds; cf. taui.
Buxom; cf. biugan. Deem, domjan.
Buy, bugjan. Deep, diups.
By, . Deepen, gadiupjan.
Byrne* (breastplate), brunjo. Deer, dius.
Deft; cf. gadaban, gadofs.
Calf, kalbo. [Degree; cf. grids.]
Can; see Ken. Depth, diupei, diupitha.
Care, vb., gakaran. Derne f (secret); cf. gatarnjan.
Care, sb., kara. [Dexterous; cf. taihsws.]
Chapman; cf. kaupon. Die, diwan.
Cheapen, kaupon. [Diminish; cf. mine.]
Child; cf. kithei(1). Dip, daupjan, diupan.
Chin, kinnus. Dipping, daupeins.
Choose, kiusan. Do; cf. taujan.
Chop (to barter), kaupon. Dole, dails, daila.
Clink; cf. klmjan. Doom, doms, afdomeins.
[Cogitate; cf. Hogian.] Doom, vb., gadomjan.
Cold, kalds. Door, daur, dauro.
Com-, Con-, g-. [Doubt; cf. tweis, tweifleins.]
Come, kwiman. [Dubitable; cf. tweifljan.]
Common, ga-mains. Dough, daigs.
[Communion; cf. gamainei.] Doughty; cf. dugan.
Con, kunnan. Dove, hraiwa-dubo.
Corn, kaum, kaurns. Dowf (to avail), dugan.
Could, kuntha. Dowwnennf (to smell); cf. dauns.
Croak, hrukjan. Drag, dragan, gadragan.
Crow, vb.; see Croak. Draw; see Drag.
Crush, gakroton. DrEEf (endure); driuganfl).
Cuff, vb.; cf. kaupatjan. Drench, dragkjan.
Cunning; cf. kunnan. Dreogan*; see Dree.
Cwitf* (womb), kwithus. Drill; cf. thairko.
Cwysan* (to quash), kwistjanQ). Drink, sb., draggk.-
Drink, vb. driggkan.
Dale, dal. Drive, dreiban, draibjan.
Dam, vb. faurdamnyan. j Drone (a sound), drunjus.
317 Dross Flood 318

Dross; cf. driusan. Evenly, cf. ibnaleiks.

Drunken, druggkans. Ever, aiw.
Drunkenness, druggkanei. Evtl, ubils.
Dry, thaursus. Ewe, am.
Dull, dwals. Eye, augo.
Dumb, dumbs. Eynd+ (breath); see Aynd.
Durst, daursta.
Dwelan* (to err); cf. dwaU.
Fadef; see Fadian*.
Fadian* (to dispose); cf. faths.
Ea* (stream), ahwa. Fain; cf. faginon.
Eadig* (happy), dags. Fair, fagrs.
Earf (to plough), arjan. Fana* (a flag), fana.
Ear, sb., anno. Fang; cf. fahan.
Ear (of corn), ahsa. Far, fairra.
Earfo* (labour), arbaiths. Fare, faran.
Early; cf. air. Fast, 6., fastan.
Earm* (poor), arms. ! Fasten, fastan, gathwastjan.
Earn; cf. asansQ). ' Father, fadar.
Earnest, sb., cf. asneis((). j Fathom; cf. fatha.
Earth, airtha. I Fawn on; cf. faginon.
Easy, azets. i Fealf (to hide), fiUian.
Eat, itan. ! Fee, faihu.
Eaves, ubitwaQ). Feed, fodjan.
EpDishf (aftermath), atisks. Fele f (many), filus.
Eight, ahtau. FELLf (hide), fill.
Either, conj., aiththau. Fellmonger; see Fell.
Eke, conj., auk. Fen, fani. [In O. E. fen means
Eke, vb. aukan, gaaukan. j mud.]
ELDf (old age), aids. Feorh* (life); cf. fairhwus.
Eleven; cf. ainlif. Feud, fiathwa.
ELL, alvina. Few, faus, faws.
Ellen* (vigour); cf. aljon. Fiend, fiands, fijands
Else, alls, alja. Fifteen , fimftaihun.
End, andis. Fight; cf. waihjo(1).
Endless, andilaus. Fill, fulljan.
Enlighten, inliuhtjan. Find, finthan.
Enough, ganohs. Finger, figgrs.
Ere, air. Fish, fisks.
Erff (inheritance), arbi. Fish, vb. , fiskon.
Ern+ (eagle), ara. Fisher, fiskja.
Errand; cf. airinon. Fit, cf. fetjan.
[Erring; cf. airzis.]t Five, fif, fimf.
[Error; cf. airzei.] [Flaccid; cf. thlakwus.]
Esne* (servant), asneis. Flee, thliuhan.
Est* (favour), ansts. Fleke* (hurdle); cf. flahta.
Even, ibns. Flood, flodus.
819 Floot Guoom 320

Flout, flautan Q). Gait; see Gate.

Foal, fula. Gallows, galga.
-fold, -faiths. Gang, vb., gaggan.
Fold, vb., falthan. Garden, Garth; see Yard.
Food, fodeins. Gate, gatwo. [O. E. gate means
Foot, fotus. a way.]
For, four. Gaumf (to consider), gaumjan.
For-, four-. Gedafenian* (to suit), gadaban.
Forbid, faurbhidan. Genesan* (to become well), ga-
Fore, adj., frums. nisan.
Fore-, faura-. Geotan* (to pour), giutan.
Foremost; cf. frumists. Get, gitan, bigitan.
Fore-run, faurrinnan. Ghastly; cf. geisan. '
Forgive, fragiban. Gift, giba.
Forlorn; cf. fralusnan. Ginf (begin), ginnan.
Former; cf. fruma. Gird, gairdan, bigairdan.
Forswear; cf. ufar-swaran. Girdle, gairda.
Forworht* (malefactor), fra- Give, giban.
waurhts. Glad, Mas 0).
Forwyrcan* (to sin), fravoaurk- Gleam; see Leme.
jan. Gleawf (skilful), glaggwus.
Foul, fuis. Glitter; cf. glitmunjan.
Four, fidwor. Go, gaggan.
Fourteen, fidwortaihun. Goad, gazds.
Fowl, fugle. Goatj gaitsa.
Fox, fauho. God, guth.
Fraistt (to test), frattan. Godfearing, gudafaurhts.
Fraynet (to ask), fraihnan. Godless, gudalaus.
Frea* (lord), frauja. Gold, gulth.
Freak; cf. friks. Golden, gultheins.
Free, freis. GomEf (man), guma.
FremedI (strange), framatheis. Gonfanon; cf. fana.
Fret; fra-itani). Good, gods, goths.
Friend, frijonds. - Gospel, gods and spillon.
Fright, faurhtei. Gossip; see Sra.
Frod* (wise), froths. [Grade, grids.]
From, from. Grmet (anger); cf. gramjan.
Frost, Freeze; cf. frius. Grass, gras.
Fruma* (beginning), frums. Grave, vb., graban.
Full, fulls. Grave, eb., groba, graba.
Greed, gredus.
Greedy, gredags.
Gable, gibla(?). Greet f (weep), gretan.
GaDELinof (a vagabond), gadi- Grefftet (herald); cf. gagrefts.
liggs. [Grief; cf. gaurithaft).]
Gadfly; see Goad. Grip, Gripe, greipan.
Gain; cf. ga-geigan. Groom, guma; see Gome.
32 1 Ground Hunoes 322

Ground, grundus. Hell, halja.

Groundsil; ee Sill. Helm, Helmet, hilms.
Guest, gasts. Help, hilpan, gahitpan.
Guild; cf. gild. Hen, hana.
Guilt; cf. us-gildan. Hendef (urbane); cf. handugs, wise.
Gund* (canker), gund. Hendenf, HEntenf (to Seize), US-
Gush; cf. us-gutnan. hinthan, fra-hinthan.
Heofian* (to mourn), hiufan.
Heor* (sword), hairus.
Hagele* (cloak), halcul. Herd (shepherd), hairdeis.
Haft, Heft; cf. haftjan. Herd (flock), hairda.
Hail ! hails. Here, her.
Hairnsf (brains), hwairnei. HErf.f (an army), harjis.
Hale, ga-hails, hails. Heryf (to praise), hazjan.
Half, adj., halb. Heryingf (praise), hazeins.
Half, sh., halba. Hest; see Hete.
HaLsf (neck), hals. HEtEf (behest), haiti.
Halt (lame), halts. HeVEdef (head), haubith.
-ham, haims. High, hauhs.
Hama* (covering, skin); cf. hama. Hightf (to be called); cf. haitan.
Hamlet; cf. haims. Hindmost, hindumists.
Hand, handus. Hir, hups.
Handiwork; cf. handu-waurhts. Hither, hidre.
Hand-wrought, handu-waurhts. Hive; cf. heiwa-frauja.
Hang, hahan. . Hlutor* (clear), hlutrs.
Hansf (a quantity); cf. hansa. Hnigan* (to bow), hneiwan.
Harbour; cf. harjis and bairgan. Hoard, sb., huzd.
Hard, hardus. Hoard, vb., huzdjan.
Harden, hardjan, gahardjan. Hoe, hoha.
Hardheartedness , harduhairtei. Hogian* (to think), hugjan.
Hate, sb., hatis. Hold, haldan.
Hate, vb. , hatan. HoLDf (faithful), hulths.
Have, haban. Hole, Hollow; cf. hulundi.
Hay, hawi. Hollow out, us-hulon.
Head, haubith. Home, haims.
Heal, vb. act., hailjan, gahailjan. -hood, haidus.
Heal, vb. neut. hailnan. Horn, haurn.
Hear, hausjan, gahausjan. Hound, hunds.
Heart, hairto. House; cf. gud-hus.
Hearth, cf. hauri (?). HouseLf (to administer the com
Heat, heito. munion); cf. hunsljan, hunsl.
Heath, haithi. How, hwaiwa.
Heathen (woman), haithno. Hue, .
Heave, hafjan. Hugian* (to think), gahugjan.
Heaven, himins. Hundred, hund.
Height, hauhei. Hunger, sb., huhrus.
Helef (to hide), huljan, gahuljaru Hunger, vb., huggrjan.
323 IIUKDLP. Linn 324

Hurdle; cf. haurds. Layke f (to play), laikan.

Hut, hethjoQ). [But hethjo may Lazy, lats.
answer better to A. S. heddern, Lead, vb., cf. galeithan.
a barn.] Leaf, laufe.
Hweorfan* (to turn), hwairban. Lean* (to reprove), .
Hyge* (thought), gahugds. Leap; cf. us-hlaupan.
Hynan* (to humble), haunjan. Learn (to teach), laisjan, galaisjan.
Lease + (to glean), lisan, galisan.
Leasing (lie); cf. lausawaurds.
I, ik. Leave; cf. bilaibjan-
If, ibai. iba, jabai. Lee; cf. Mya.
In, in. Leech (doctor), leikeis.
Inc* (you two), iggkwis. Left-hand; cf. hleiduma(1).
Incer (of you two), iggkwar. LEmf-f (gleam), lauhmuni.
Ingot; cf. in and giutan. Lend; see Lene.
Inner, innuma. Lenef (to lend), leihwan.
[Invest; cf. gawasjan, andwasjan.] Lere (to teach); see Learn.
Iron, eisarn. -less, -laus.
It, hita. Let (permit), letan.
Iwis f (certainly) ; cf. unwis. Let off (pardon), qfletan.
Let (hinder), galatjan.
Ken (to know), kunnan. Liar, liugnja.
Kenne t (to make known), ga- Lichf (body), leik.
kannjan. LichamEf (body); cf. leik and
Kettle, katils. hama*.
Kin, kuni. Lick, bilaigon.
Kiss, kukjan, gakukjan. Lid; cf. hleithraQ).
Knap, dis-hniupan (?). Lie, ligan.
Knee, kniu. Lie (falsehood), liugn.
Lie (to speak false), liugan.
Lief, Hubs.
Lad, jugga-lauths (1). Life, libains.
LiWian (to betray), lewjan, go- Liftf (air), luftus.
lewjan. Ld?t; cf. hlifan(1).
Lamb, lamb. Light, (not heavy), leihts.
Land, land. Light (bright), liuhadeins.
Lark (in vulgar phrase to lark Light, sb.. liuhath, liuhadei.
about), ; see Layke. Lighten (illumine), liuhtjan, ga-
Last (shoemaker's); cf. laists. liuhfjan.
Late, late. Lighten (shine as lightning), lau-
LacTian* (to invite), lathon. hatjan.
Laugh, hlahjan. Lightning, lauhmuni.
Lave+ (remainder), laiba. Like, adj., galeiks.
Lay, lagjan, galagjan. Like, vb., leikan, galeikan.
Lay (song); cf. liuthon. Liken, galeikon.
Laying, sb., lageins. Linen, ian.
Laying-on, sb., analageins. Linsf (to cease), af-linnan.
325 List Moth

Listf (cunning), lists. Meal (flour); cf. malan, gamalw-

Litiif (limb), lithus. jan.
LiXut* (to travel), galeithan. Mealm* (sand), malma.
Little, leitils. Mean (common), gamains.
Live, 6., liban. Mean, vb., munan.
Load; cf. afhlathan. Meat, mats.
Loaf, hlaifs. Meat-bag, matibalgs.
Loafer; cf. Leap. Mece* (sword), meki.
Loan, laun. Meed; see Meord.
Lock, galukan. Meek; cf. mukamodei.
Long, laggs. Meet, gamotjan.
LooFf (palm of hand), lofa. MElef (to speak); cf. mathljan.
Loose, laus ; cf. lasiws (i). [Melody; cf. milith.]
Loosen, galausjan. Melt; cf. maltjan*(1).
Lose, fraliusan. Meord* (reward), mizdo.
Lot, Mauts. Mere, sb., marei.
Love, brotherly, brothra-lubo. Mete, mitan, gamitan.
Lovely, liubaleiks. Mickle, nitidis.
Lowf (tumulus), hlaiw. Mm f (with), mith.
Lust, vb., luston. Middle, miaja.
Lust, sb., lustus. Midst; cf. miduma.
-Ly, -leiks. Might, sb., mahts.
Lytian* (to deceive); cf. usluton. Might, vb., mahta.
Mighty, mahteigs.
Mild; cf. unmilds.
Msl* (a time), mel. Mildness; cf. milditha.
Maggot; see Mau. Milk, miluks.
Maid, magaths. Mill; cf. malan.
Man, manna. [Mince; cf. mins.]
Many, manags. Mind, muns, gaminthi.
Many+ (a company), managei. i Mind, vb.; cf. munan, gamunan.
Mar, marzjan, gamarzjan (?). j Mine, meins.
Marches (borders), marka; cf.ga- I [Minim, Minute, Minnow; cf. mins.]
marko. Mis-, missa-.
[Margin], Margrave, [Marquis]; Misdeed, missadeds.
cf. marka. Misdoer, missataujands.
Marring, sb., marzeins, gamar- Mixen; cf. maihstus.
zeins (?). Mole (spot), mail.
Mar-siial; cf. skaVcus. Month, menoths.
MaTelian* (to speak), mathljan. Mood; cf. mods.
MacTm* (a gift), maithms. Moody, modags.
MacJU* (maggot), matha. Moon, mena.
May, vb., magan. Moot; cf. gamoijan.
Mayf (maid), maim ; cf. magus; More, mais, maiza.
see Maid. Morn, maurgins.
Me, mis, mik. Most, maist, maists.
Meal (repast); cf. mel. Moth; cf. matha.
327 Mould Ransack

Mould, Moulder; cf. muida.

Mould -warp (mole); cf. muida
and wairpan. Oath, aithis.
Mourn, maurnan. Of, Off, af.
Mouth, munths. Oft, ufta.
Much; see Mickle. Oil, alew.
Murder, vb., maurthrjan. Okyref (usury), wokrs.
Murder, Mrther, sb. , maurthr. Old, altheis.
Myse* (table), mes. Olfend* (camel), ulbandus.
[Olive, alewa-bagmsi]
On, ana.
Njeting* (a chiding), naiteins. Ondef; see Aynd.
Nail, vb., ganagljan. One, ains.
Naked, nakwaths. Onefold, ainfalths.
Nakedness; cf. nakwadei. Onwards; cf. anawairths.
Name, sb., namo. Or, aiththau.
Name, vb. , namnjan, ganamnjan. Orchard, aurtigards.
Natterjack; see Nedder. Other, anthar.
Nay, ni, aiw; cf. ne. Our, unsar.
NEf (not, nor), , 'A. Out, us, ut, uta.
Nedderf (adder), nadrs. Oven, auhns.
Need, sb., nauths. Over, ufar.
Need, 6., cf. nauthjan. Overshadow, ufarskadwjan.
Needle, nethla. OwEf (to own), aigan, aihan.
Neighbour; cf. nehw and bauan. Ox, auhsa.
Neotan* (to enjoy), niutan.
Nephew, Niece; cf. nithjis, niihjo.
NEshf (soft), hnaskwus. Pad* (undergarment), paida.
Net, nati. Plait, e6., fiahta.
Nean* (to dare); cf. anananth- Pound, pund.
New, niujis.
Ntece; cf. nithjo. Quash; cf. kwistjanO).
Nigh, nehw, nehwa. Queen, kwens.
Night, nahts. Quell; cf. ana-kwal(1).
Nraf (to take), niman, ganiman. Quern; cf. asilu-kwairnus.
Nimble; cf. niman. Quick (alive), kurius.
Nine, niun. Quicken, gakwiujan.
Ninth, niunda. t Quoth; cf. kwithan.
Niotan* (to enjoy), niutan.
Niff* (envy), neith.
No, ni, ne. R^:sn* (roof), razn.
Not, Nought; ni and waihts. Rain, sb., rign.
Now, nu. Rain, vb., rignjan.
Numb; cf. niman. Raise, raisjan.
Raise up, ur-raisjan.
Ransack, razn and sokjan.
W. W. Skeat, Mso-Gotbic Gloasirj. 12
32!) Ramo Shield 330

[Ratio; cf. rathjo.] Scale, skalja.

Reach, rikan. Scath, skathis.
Read; cf. garedan, fauragaredan, Scathe, skathjan, gaskathjan.
rodjan. Scealc* (servant), skalks, gaskalki.
Ready, ra (As, garaids. Sceat* (treasure), skatts.
Ready (to make), raidjan, ga- Schalk t (servant), skalks.
raidjan. Scot-free; cf. Sceat.
Reap, raupjan. Scucca* (devil), skohel.
Reckon, rahnjan, garahnjan. Sea, saiws.
[Recumbent,- cf. anakumbjan.] Seal, 6., sigljo.
Red, rauds. Seal, vb., sigljan, gasigljan.
Redef (advise), cf. redan* Searo* (weapon), sarwa.
Remind; see Mind. See, saihwan, gasaihwan.
Reord* (speech), razda. Seed; cf. manasethsQ).
Rest; cf. rosta. Seek, sokjan, gasokjan.
[Revolve; cf. walwjan.] Seem; see Seman.
-, reiki. Seethe; cf. souths.
Rich, reiks. Sel* (a hall); cf. saljan, salithwos.
Right, adj., raihts, garaihts. Sel* (good), sels.
Right, 6., garaihtei. Self, silba.
Righting, sb., garaihteins. Sell; cf. saljan, gasaljan; see
Rise; cf. urreisan. Syllan.
Rob; cf. biraubon. Seman* (to appease, seem), sam-
Room, rums. jan.
Roomy, rums. Send, sandjan, gasandjan.
Rope, raip in skaudaraip. Seneschal; sineigs (superl. sinista)
RouPef (outcry); cf. hropjan. and skalks.
Run, rinnan. [Senior; cf. stodgs.]
Run, Runnel (stream), runs, ga- Set, satjan, gasatjan.
runjo. Settle, sb., sitls.
Rune, runa. Seven, sibun.
Rung, hrugga. Seventy, sibuntehund.
Rush, Reed, raus. Sew, sinjan.
Shadow, skadus.
Sacan* (to strive), sakan. Shadowing, sb., gaskadweins.
Sack, sakkus. Shall, Should, ekal, skulda.
Sacu* (strife), sakjo, sokeins. Shame, vb., skaman.
Sed* ("sated), notlis. Shape, vb., gaskapjan.
S-ene* (sluggish); cf. sainjan. Shave, skaban, gaskaban.
Sal* (rope); cf. insailjan. She, si.
Salt, sb. <J" vb., salt, saltan. SheDf(to part), skaidan,gaskaidan.
Salve, 6., salbons. Sheen, adj., skauns.
Salve, vb., salbon, gasalbon. Sheer, skeirs.
Samf (together), samath, sa mana. Sheet; cf. skauts.
Same, sama. Shell, skalja.
Sate [Satisfy, Saturate] : cf. ga- ShenDt (to disgrace); cf. skanda.
sothjan, saths. Shield, skildus.
331 Shimmer Stony 332

Shimmer; cf. skeima. Snare; cf. snorjo.

Shine, skeinan, biskeinan. SnitfAn* (to cut), sneithan.
Ship, skip. SnOterf (wise), snutrs.
Shoe, skohs, gaskohi. Snow, snaiws.
Shove off, abskiubjan. So, swa.
Show; cf. skawjan. Sodden; cf. souths.
Shower; cf. skura. Soil, vb., bisauljan.
Shred, disskreitan. Soiling, sb., bisauleins.
Smf (akin); cf. unsibis. [Solar; cf. sauil.]
Sick, siuks. Sole (of a boot), sulja.
Sicken, siukan. Some, sums.
Sickness, siukei, sauhts. Son, summ.
Sidu* (a custom), sidus. Song, saggws.
Sien* (a vision), siuns. Soon, suns.
Sifian* (to rejoice), sifan. Sooth (true); cf. sunjeins, sunja.
Sige* (victory), sigis. Soothe, suthjon.
Sigh, Sough, vb., gaswogjan. Sore, sb., sair.
[Silent; cf. anasilan.] Sorrow, sb., saurga.
Sill; cf. sauls. Sorrow, vb., saurgan.
Silver, silubr. Sotef (sweet), sutis.
Silvery, silubreins. Soul, saiwala.
Sin* (bis), seins. Sow, vb., saian.
Sing, siggwan. Sparrow, sparwa.
Sink, vb. act., saggkwjan. Spell, sb., spill.
Sink, vb. neut. , siggkwan, gasiggkwan. Spell, vb.; cf. gaspillon.
Sister, swislar. Spew, Spit, speiwan, gaspeiwan.
Sit, sitan,- gasitan. Spin, spinnan.
Sithf (since); cf. seithu. Spyrd (a stadium), spaurds.
SithEf (a time), sinth. Staff; cf. stabs.
Six, saihs. Stammer; cf. stamms.
Sixth, saihsta. Stand, standan, gastandan.
Slaughter, slauhts. Star, stairno.
Slawian* (to be slow), slawan. Stark, Starch; cf. ga-staurknan.
Slay, slahan. Stead, staths, stads.
Sledge-hammer; cf. slahan. Steal, stilan.
Sleep, sb., sleps. StEf.f (a ladder), staiga.
Sleep, vb., slepan, gaslepan. Steer, 6. stiur.
Slide; cf. afslauthjan. Steer, vb.; cf. stiurjan.
Slight; cf. slaihts. [Sterile; cf. stairo.\
Slip, sliupan. Steven f (voice), stibna.
Slow; see Slawian. Stick (to pierce); cf. stiks.
Small, mals. [Stigma; cf. staks.]
Smear; cf. smairthr. Sting; cf. stigkwan, usstiggan.
Smith, smitha in aiza-smitha; cf. Stodge (to push), stautan.
gasmithon. Stone, stains.
Smut, Smutch, bismeitan, gasmei- Stone, vb., stainjan.
tan. Stony, staineins.
sss Stool Toot 334
Stool, stole. Thearfan* (to need), thaurban.
Strew, Straw, straujan. Thef (to thrive), theihan, gatheihan.
Strike f (a stroke), strike. Thee, thus, thuk.
Stroke, striks. Then, than.
Sty+ (to mount), gasteigan. Theod* (people), thiuda.
Such; see Swylk. Theow* (a serf), tIiius, thewis,
Sully; see Soil. thiwi.
Sun, sunna, sunno. There, thar.
Sunder; see Asunder. They, Them, thai, thaim.
Sundry; cf. sundro. Thick, digrs*; cf. digrei.
Swab; cf. swairban* Thief, thiubs.
Swr* (heavy); cf. swers. Thin; cf. ufthanjan.
Swamm* (toadstool); cf. swamms. Thine, theins.
Swart, Swarthy, smarts. Think, thagkjan, thugkjan.
Swear, sweran. Third, thridja.
Sweep; cf. sweipan*, swairban*. Thirl f (to pierce); cf. thairko.
Sweet, sutis. Thirst, sb. thaurstei.
Swefel* (brimstone), swibls. Thirst, vb., gathairsan, thaursjan.
Sweg* (musical sound); cf. swiglon. Tho* (clay), thaho.
Sweger* (mother-in-law), swaihro. Thole+ (to suffer), thulan.
Swelling-up, uf-swalleins. Thorn, thaurnus.
SwELtf (to die), swiltan, gaswiltan. Thorpe, thaurp.
Swim; cf. surimman*, swumsl. Thou, thu.
Swine, swein. Though, thau, thauh.
Swing; cf. afswaggwjan. Thought, thuhtus.
Swief* (strong), swinths. Thousand, thusundi.
Swylk f (such), swaleiks. Threaten, us-thriutan.
Syllan* (to offer, sell); cf. saljan. Thresh, Tiirash, thriskan.
Three, threis.
Thrill ; see Thirl.
[Tacit; cf. tJiahan.] Thringf (to throng), threihan.
Tail; cf. tagl. Thrist* (bold); cf. thrasa-baithei.
Tame, gatamjan. Throng, vb., threihan.
Tan* (twig, basket), tains, tainjo. Through, thairh.
Tawnenf (to shew), taiknjan. Thrust; cf. trudan.
Teach, gateihan. Thwart; cf. thwairhs.
Tear, sb., tagr. Thweal* (bath), thwahi.
Tear (a rent), gataura. Thwean* (to wash), tineah an.
Tear, vb., gatairan. Till, vb., tilan*; cf. tils.
Teat; cf. daddjan. Timber; see next word.
TEinEf (rod, ingot), tains. Timbrenf (to build), timrjan, ga-
Tell, talzjan. timrjan.
Ten, taihun. Tinder; cf. tandjan.
Tenth, taihunda. To, du.
Thanne t (when), than. Token, taikns.
TharFf (need), tharba. Tongue, tuggo.
That, thata, thateL Toot, Tootle; cf. thut-haurn.
335 Tooth Wed 336
Tooth, tunthus.
Touch, tekan, teikan.
Tow, Tug, tahjan, tiuhan. Waft (O. E. waff) ; cf. waian 0).
Towel; cf. thwahan. Wag, wagjan, gawagjan.
Town; cf. tains (rod, hedge). Wage, Wages, Wager; cf. wadi.
Trample on, anatrimpan. Wail; cf. wax.
Tread, trudan, gatrudon. Wake, vb. neut, wakan.
Tree, triu. Wale (in gunwale); cf. walus.
Treenf (adj. from tree), triweins.Wale, Wheal; cf. walus.
Trow, trauan. Walef (to choose), waljan, ga-
[Truce; cf. triggwa.'] waljan.
True; cf. triggws, trauan. Wallow, walwison; cf. walwjan.
Trust; cf. trauan, gatrauan. Walk, Wan; cf. wans.
Tug, Tow, tahjan, tiuhan. Waltz; cf. waltjan.
Tungel* (star), tuggl. Wand, wandus.
Twelve, twalif. Wane; cf. wans.
Twenty, twaitigjus. Wang* (field), waggs.
Twin; cf. tweihnai. Wangere* (pillow), waggari.
Twit, idweitjan. Waning, sb., wanains.
Two, twai. Wanting, wans.
-TT, -tigus, -tigjus. Warden, wardja.
-wards, -wairths.
Warief (to curse), gawargjan.
Uhte* (early morn), uhtwo. Wariness, warei.
Un-, -un. [Prefixed to nouns, ad Warm, vb., warmjan.
verbs, and present participles, Warp, hwairban (1); but see next
and to the verbs unsweran, un- word.
thiuthjan, and unwerjani] Warp+ (to cast), wairpan, ga-
Uncouth, unkunths. wairpan.
Under, undar, undaro. Wary, wars.
Undermost, undaraists. Was, was; from wisan.
Undernf; cf. undaurni-maU. Watch, sb., wahtwo, wokains.
Unseen, ungasaihwans. Water, wato.
Unto; cf. und, unte. Watershed; cf. skaidan.
Unwitting, unwitands. Wattle; cf. waddjus*
Up, iup. Wave, wegs.
Wax, vb., wahsjan.
Wax+ (growth), wahstus.
Vane, faina. Way, wigs.
[Vest, Vesture, wasti.] WaymentI (to lament); cf. wai.
Vie, weigan (fj. We, weis.
Vine, weina-triu. Weak ; cf. unwahs (?).
Vineyard, weinagards. Wealtian* (to reel), waltjan.
[Vogue; cf. wagjan.] Weapons, wepna.
Wear; cf. unwerjan.
Weave, biwaibjan, weiban.*
Wed, vb., gawadjon.
387 Wed Wht 338

Wed+ (pledge), wadi. Wind, vb., biwindan.

Week, wiko (?). Wine, wein.
Ween, wenjan, gawenjan. Winnan* (to toil), winnan.
Weep; see Whoop. Winnow, diswinthjan.
Weird; cf. wairthan. Winter, wintrus.
Weler* (lip), wairilo. Wipe; cf. swairban.*
Well, adv., waila. Wise, weis* ; cf. unweis.
Well , vb., wulan. Wisp, waips, wipja.
Wem* (spot), wamm. Wist (pt. t. of to wit), wissa.
Wend, wandjan, gawandjan. Wit, vb., witan.
Wer* (man), wair. Wit* (we two), wit.
Weregtld, Werwolf; see preceding Witenagemote*; cf. gamotjan.
word. With- (in withstand), withra.
Were, wesum; from wisan. Withy; cf. gawidan.
Wether, withrus. Witty; cf. unwits.
Wharf; cf. wairpan. Wlite* (face), wlits.
Wheat, hwaiteis. Wlitan* (to see), wlailon.
When, hwan. Wocer* (usury), wokrs.
Where, hwar. Woe! wail
Whether, hwathar. Wolf, wulfs.
Which; see While. Womb, wamba.
WmD f (quick movement); cf. withon. Wooof (mad), wods.
While, sb., hweila. Wool, wulla.
WnilKf (which), hwi-leiks. Word, waurd, gawaurdi.
Whine, kwainon. Word, 6., waurdjan.
Whit, waihts. Work, 6., waursttv, gawaurki.
White, hweits. Work, vb., waurkjan, gawaurkjan.
Whiten, gahweitjan. Worker, waurstwa, waurstwja.
Who, hwas. Worm, waurms.
Whole, hails, gahails. Worse, Worser, wairs, wairsiza.
Whoop, Weep, wopjan. Wort, aurts, waurts.
Whore, sb., hors. Worth, Worthy, wairths.
Whore, vb., horinon, gahorinon. Worth, sb., wairthida.
Why, du-hwe. Worth f (to become), wairthan.
Wick (town), weihs. Wot (from vb. to wit), wait
Widow, widuwo. Wound, sb., wundufni.
Widowed, widuwairns. Wound, vb., gawundon.
Wield, waldan, gawaldan. Wred* (wreath, flock), writhtu.
Wig* (war), wigans. WraKf (vengeance), wraka, wrekeL
Wig* (holy), weihs. -WRay, Bewray, wrohjan.
Wild, wiltheis. Wreak, wrikan, wrakjan.
Will, sb., wilja. Wreath; cf. writhus; see WrX>.
Wtll, vb., wiljan. Wring; cf. wruggo.
Willing, gawileis. Write; cf. writs.
Win; cf. winnan. Wry, wraikws.
Winf (joy); cf. unwunands. Wuldor* (glory), wulthus.
Wind, sb., winds. Wyrt* (root), waurts.
Yard Yrfe 340

Yeoman, gawi and manna.

Yard, gards, garda. Yesterday; cf. gistradagis.
Yard (of a ship), gazds. Ydsld, fragildan, mgildan.
Ye, You, jus, izwis. Yoke, juk, gajuk.
Yea, ja, jai. Yon, jains.
Year, jer. Yond, Yonder, jaind, jaindre.
Yearn, gairnjan. Young, juggs.
Yearning, gairnei. Your; cf. izwar.
YEdef (went), iddja. Youth, junda.
YEMEf (to regard), gaumjan. Yrfe* (inheritance), arbi.

-lif is oat of place; look for it after Ains-hun.

Aith-thao should precede Atw.
For Alabastraun read Alabalstbaun.
The second reference under Ana-hnaiwjah belongs to Ana-hketwan, for which
see Appendix.
Under And-wairthi, for v. q. read v. 9.
For Audauoei read Audaoei.
In coi. 35, line 5, read gabaurjothus, not gabaurtjothus.
Under Basi, for weina-bazi read weina-basi.
For Bi-arbeidjan, read Bi-abbaidjan.
To the derivatives of Daub add "daura-warda, daura-wardo, daura-wards" for ex
planations of which see the Appendix.
Fra-liusan (coi. 74) means to Use, not to loose.
For Ga-namjan read Ga-namnjan.
For Ga-tahrjan read Ga-tarhjan.
Jaindrb (coi. 143) occurs in Lu. 17. 37, not in Lu. 11. 37.
Under h (coL 173), for prefix verbal read verbal prefix.
For Naumbaimbair (coi. 179) read Nauuaimbair.

Printed by A. W. Schad.

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