A Mœso Gothic Glossary
A Mœso Gothic Glossary
A Mœso Gothic Glossary
Gl os saw
Qram m a :
J VS. -rH-
AnD A lIsT Of
"If you should ever feel disposed to investigate the origin and structure of the
"English language which you speak, you will find that Ulfila's version affords the
"best and most valuable materials for the inquiry."
Palftatt'i Bhterj of ikt 1o'8*oai London, 867J p. 139.
[te 2 6 JAN. 19 3j
" Any reader who discovers a mistake will greatly oblige me by informing
me of it.
t See p. 279282.
References and etymologies. V
the reader, if he does not find the word he wants in its right
place. During the revision of the proof-sheets, Schulze's new
smaller Glossary was published, and this has enabled me to
correct the list of words with tolerable certainty. It gives the
fullest list of words of any glossary yet published, including
even a few imaginary ones which I have not cared to retain.
The genders of the nouns are taken from Massmann, mis
prints being corrected by comparison with Schulze and (very
often) with Gabelentz and Lbe also. The principal parts of the
verbs are also from Massmann, compared with Gabelentz and Lbe.
The meanings of the words are either taken from these
glossaries, or, in nearly every instance, from actual inspection
of the passages in which they occur in Massmann's edition.
I have taken particular care, when suitable, to use the English
words which occur in our Authorized Version, and have some
times added the letters A. V. to denote this rendering.
The references are taken, some from Schulze, some from
Gabelentz and Lbe, corrected by actual reference in a very
large number of instances. By this process I discovered a few
misprints in Gabelentz and Lbe, but their edition is, on the
whole, surprisingly correct. I hope I have made no new mis
takes of my own. The corresponding words in German, Dutch,
and English (or Anglo-Saxon) given within square brackets
are mostly taken from Gabelentz and Lbe, where the etymo
logy of the words is treated very fully, with examples also
from Swedish, Danish, Old Norse, &c. Of the Dutch words,
however, I had to supply a large number myself (for which I
used the small 'Tauchnitz' Dictionary), since they have made
less use of the Dutch, than of German or English. Yet it is,
perhaps, the most important of all, as coming nearest, in many
cases, to the Gothic. The List of derived words, &c., is partly from
Gabelentz and Lbe, but with several additions and corrections,
though I have purposely inserted some words that seem to be
wrongly derived, that the reader may consider them for himself.
To Gabelentz find Lobe's Glossary I am therefore, as it
thus appears, very largely indebted, and it is a book which I
VI Mso- Gothic defined.
ke, kkw, kz, kh, kth, 1 which is easily followed, and clearly
imitated from the Greek. Against kth (it should have been
against V) is the entry Andriins apaustaulfajus , of Andrew
the apostle. But the most interesting entry is against a day in
the other month, viz.: Kg. ihize ana Gutthiudai managaize
marytre [martyre tj jah Frithareikeis ; i. e. 23. 'of the many
martyrs among the Gothic people, and of Frederick.' "Here is
exact evidence that they called themselves the Gutthiuda, i. e.
Gothic people, for thiuda is the A.-S. ped. Hence, too, the
Gothic name for a Goth was, in all probability, Guta, pro
nounced Goota,
In a sort of magazine entitled 'Germania; herausgegeben
von P. Pfeiffer zwlfter Jahrgang, zweites Heft Wien, 1867,'
there is (at p. 232) a paper by Gabelentz on a MS. of Ulfilas
found at Turin. The MS. is nearly illegible. All that can be made
out is that the characters are Gothic and the fragments ot
the words 'Amen Paul ... ia ... fa' are nearly all
that can be read. The words Amen and Paul . . . shew that the
MS. probably contained one of St. Paul's epistles, and I should
guess that fa is part of the word Aifaisium, i. e. that the MS.
contained the epistle to the Ephesians.
sinteinan, gif uns himma daga. Jah a/let urn, thatei skulans
daily, give us this day. And let-off us, in-that debtors
Extract fkom the 'Skeireins.' XVII
in aiwins. Amen.
unto aeons. Amen. Mat. VI. 9 13.
saei kwath: 1st magua ains her, saei habaith fimf hlaibam
who quoth: There-is lad one here, who hath five loaves
ufar thans fimf hlaibans jah twans fiskans; thanzei nimands jah
over the five loaves and two fishes; these taking and
samaleikoh than jah thize fiske, swa filu swe wildedun. Nth
equally then also of-the fishes, so much as they-willed. Not
[matjandam] ....
eating-ones. See Massmann's Ulfilas, p. 586.
A, the first letter of the Gothic Af (Ab-u, Jo. 18. 34), prep, with
alphabet. It is, apparently, dat. of, from, out of, by. Cf.
generally short in pronunciation; Afar, Fram. It enters into nu
and can be lengthened into e, as merous compounds, for which
lag, legum; or into o, as giba, see below. [A. S. af, of; G. ab;
gibos. It helps to form the D. af.]
diphthongs ai, au, which occur Af-agjan, to strike with awe,
especially before h and r, as in terrify, 1 Thess. 3. 3; Phil. 1.
taihun, bairan; nauh, baur. As 28. From agjan.
a numeral, 1. [It is convenient Af-aikan, to deny vehemently,
to pronounce a like a in father; imprecate curses on oneself,
ai like G. ei or E. i nearly, or Mat 26, 72; Mk. 14. 68; Jo. 18.
perhaps, more broadly, like 27; to deny, Mat 10. 33 ; 2 Tim.
ah-ee; and au like E. aw.] 2. 12; refl. to deny oneself,
Aba, sb. m. a man; or, rather, a Lu. 9. 23; 2 Tim. 2. 13. From
husband, Isa. 54. 1; Mk. 10. aikan.
12; Lu. 1. 34; 2. 36; gen. pi. Af-airzjan, to lead astray, to
Ab'ne, 1 Cor. 11. 3; dat. pi. deceive, 1 Cor. 15. 33; Mk.
Abnam, Eph. 5. 22, 24. Cf. 13. 22. pass, to go astray,
Manna, Wair, Guma. 1 Tim. 6. 10; to go away, Jo.
Abba (d), father, Gal. 4. 6. 7. 47. See Airzis.
Abraba, adv. strongly, excessively, Afar, prep, with dat. and acc.
very much, Nehem. 6. 16; Mat. after (both of place and time),
27. 54; Mk. 16. 4. See Abrs. according to, Mat. 26. 2; Lu. 1.
Abrjan*, used in the comp, bi- 59; &c. Afar thata, thereafter;
abrjan, q. v. afar thatei, after that; afar lei-
Abrs, adj. strong, mighty, exces til, after a little while; afaruh
sive, Lu. 15. 14. Der. abra than, but after, Mk. 16. 12;
ba, bi-abrjan. Cf. A. S. abal, Lu. 18. 4.
strength. Afar(a)? sb. us afar' Abijins, of
Ab-u: see af and uh. the course of Abiah, Lu. 1. 5.
W. W. skest, Mao-Qothio Glossary. 1
Afar-dags, str. sb. the next day, Af-giban, vb. to give away; af-
day after, Lu. 7. 11; Mat. 6. 30. gab sik, lit. gave himself away,
Afar-gaggan, vb. to go after, hence, departed, Philemon. 15.
follow, Mat. 8. 23, Mk. 5. 37; Af-grunditha , str. sb. fem. an
to follow after, Phil. 3. 12. abyss, Lu. 8. 31; Rom. 10. 7.
Afar-hugjan, vb. to think after, Af-gcdei, wk. sb. fem. godless-
think upon, trust in, Mk. 10. nese, iniquity, Isa. 59. 20;
24? [M. gives this verb, but S. Rom. 11. 26; ungodliness, 2 Tim.
and G. and L. ignore it.] 2. 16.
Afar-laistjan, vb. to follow af Af-guds, adj. godless, impious,
ter; with dat. ease, Mat. 8. 10; Skeir. 4. 26. Cf. gudalaus.
Mk. 10. 32; 1 Tim. 5. 10. Af-haban, vb. to keep oneself from,
Afar-sabbatus, sb. the week abstain from, 1 Thes. 5. 22.
following, Mk. 16. 2. Af-haims, adj. absent from home,
Af-dailjan, vb. to distribute, set absent from, 2 Cor. 5. 6, 9.
apart; afdailja taihundon dail, See ana-haims.
I give tithes; Lu. 18. 12. Af-hamon, vb. to strip oft
Af-daubnan, vb. to become ob (clothes), to unclothe oneself,
tuse, to grow dull, 2 Cor. 3. 14. 2 Cor. 5. 4.
Af-daujan, vb. to tire, vex, Af-hlathan, vb. to load, 2 Tim.
harass; Mat. 9. 36. See diwan. 3. 6. [The Ms. reading is
Af-dauthjan, vb. to kill, put to aflathana; M. proposes ufla-
death, Mat. 27. 1; Mk. 14. 55. thana.]
pass, to die, Mk. 7. 10; to be Af-holon, vb. to deprive of un
dead, Rom. 7. 4. See diwan. justly, defraud, Lu. 19. 8.
Af-dobnan, vb. to become dumb, Af-hrainjan, vb. to cleanse from,
to hold one's peace; Lu. 4. 35. Skeir. 1. 3.
See daubs. Af-hrisjan, vb. to shake off,
Af-domeins, str. sb. f. condemna Lu. 9. 5; 10. 11.
tion, Skeir. 8. 7. Af-hugjan, vb. to make senseless,
Af-domjan, vb. to condemn, Lu. 6. stupefy, bewitch, Gal. 3. 1.
37; to judge, Jo. 16. 11; to Af-hwapjan, vb. to quench, Eph.
curse, Mat 26, 74. 6. 16; 1 Thess. 5. 19; to choke,
Af-drausjan, vb. to cast down, Mk. 4. 7; Lu. 8 7.
precipitate, Lu. 4. 29. Af-hwapnan, vb. to be quenched,
Af-drug(g)kja, wk. sb. m. a Mk. 9. 44; to be choked, Mk. 5,
drunkard, 1 Cor. 5. 11. 13; Lu. 8. 14, 33.
Af-dumbnan, vb. to hold one's Af-iddja: see af-gaggan.
peace, Mk. 4. 39. See dumbs. Af-kwithan, vb. with dat. to re
Af-etja, wk. sb. m. a glutton, nounce, forsake, Lu. 14. 33.
Mat 11. 19; Lu. 7. 34. See Af-lageins, str. sb. fem. a laying
itan. aside, remission, Mk. 1. 4.
Af-filhan, vb. to hide, Lu. 10. Af-lagjan, vb. to lay down, Jo.
21. 10. 18; to put away, Eph. 4.
Af-gaggan (pt. t. af-iddja), vb. to 25; 1 Cor. 13. 11.
go away, depart, Lu. 2. 37; Af-leithan, vb. to go away, de
Mat. 11. 7; Jo. 6. 15. part, Mk. 3. 7; Lu. 20. 9;
5 Af-letan Aftra 6
to leave, Lu. 5. 11; (see af- Af-slahan, vb. to slay, Lu. 20.
letan. 14; Eph. 2. 16.
Af-letan, vb. to leave, Mat. 5. Af-slaupjan, vb. to strip off, re
24; to depart, Mat. 7. 23; to nounce, Col. 3. 9.
let one have, Mat. 5. 40; to Af-slauthjan, vb. to vex; pass.
put away (a wife), Mk. 10. 4; to be in despair, to be vexed
Mat. 5. 31, 32; to send away, to death, 2 Cor. 4. 8; to be in
Mk. 4. 36; to let off, forgive, great doubt or difficulty about,
Mat. 6. 12, 14, 15; afletan ah- Gal. 4. 20.
man, to expire, Mat. 27. 50. Af-slauthnan, vb. to be beside
Af-lets, str. sb. m. forgiveness, oneself, to be amazed, Lu. 4.
remission, Luc. 1. 77; Skeir. 36; Mk. 10. 24.
3. 19. Ap-standan, vb. to recede, revolt,
Af-lifnan, vb. to be left remain fall away, Lu. 8. 13; to keep
ing, to remain over and above, aloof from, 2 Cor. 4. 2; 2 Tim.
Lu. 9. 17; Jo. 6. 13; to sur 2. 19.
vive, be alive, 1 Th. 4. 17. See Af-stass, str. sb. fem, divorce
leiban. ment, Mat. 5. 31. Deut. 24. 1.
Af-linnan, vb. to depart, Lu. 9. 39. Af-swaggwjan, vb. to make one
Af-mainds, adj. (ixXvfitvo) faint, despair; af-swaggwidai weseima
growing faint, Gal. 6. 9. is another reading for skamaide-
Af-maitan, vb. to cut off, Mk. 9. deima uns in 2 Cor. 1. 8.
43; af-maitan haubith, to be Af-swairban, vb. to wipe away,
head, Mk. 6. 16, 27; Lu. 9. 9. blot out, Col. 2. 14.
Af-makzeins, sfr. sb. fem, deceit- Afta, adv. behind, backwards;
fulness, Mk. 4. 19; Eph. 4. 22. tho afta, that which lies behind,
Af-marzjan, vb. to offend, Jo. 16. the past, PhiL 3. 14. See af-
1; 2 Cor. 11. 29. tana, af-aftaro, aftuma, aftra,
Af-niman, vb. to take away, re afar, af.
move, Mat. 9. 15; Lu. 1. 25; Aftana, adv. behind, from behind,
Jo. 11. 39; Rom. 11. 27; to Mk. 5. 27. Cf. afta.
take away from, Mat. 9. 16; Aftaro, adv. from behind, Mat.
Mk. 2. 21; 4. 25. 9. 20; Lu. 8. 44; behind, Lu.
Af-sateins, str. sb. fem. divorce 7, 38.
ment, Mk. 10. 4. Af-taurnan, vb. to be torn away
Af-satjan, vb. to divorce, Mat. from, to make a rent, Lu. 5. 36.
5. 32; Mk. 10. 2; to dismiss, Af-thaursjan , vb. to be thirsty,
Lu. 16. 4. Mat. 25. 42, 44.
Af-skaidan, vb. to sever from Af-thliuhan, vb. to flee away,
society, treat as an outcast, Jo. 10. 13.
shun, Lu. 6. 22; refl. to depart Af-thwahan, vb. to wash off, to
from, Lu. 9. 33; to separate wash oneself, Jo. 9. 7, 15.
oneself, 2 Cor. 6. 17; Gal. Af-tiuhan, vb. to draw away,
2. 12. push off, Lu. 5. 3; to take,
Af-skiuban, vb. with dat. to put draw aside, Mk. 8. 32.
away, 1 Tim. 1. 19; to reject, Aftra, adv. back, backwards;
Rom. 11. 1. again, once more, Mk. 2. 1.
lation, Mk. 13. 24; Rom. 12. Cf. saiws, flodus, wato. [W.afon;
12; Jo. 16. 21; 2 Cor. 2. 4; A. S. .]
agio winnan, to be in distress, Aiaik, said; pt. tense of aikan,
1 Tim. 5. 10. vb. q. v.
Agluba , adv. hardly, with dif Aialth: see althan.
ficulty, Mk. 10. 23; Lu. Aiauk, increased; pt. tense of
18. 24. aukan, q. v.
Aglus (also agis?), adj. difficult, Aibr, str. sb. neut. a gift, an
hard; aglu ist, it is hard, Mk. offering (for the altar), Mat.
10. 24; agi' ist, it is hard, it 5. 23.
is a shame, 1 Cor. 11. 6. Aigan, aihan, 6. (of which are
Der. agluba, us-agljan, aglitha. found the principal forms aih,
Aha, wk. sb. m. understanding aig; aihum, aigum; aihta, ai-
(vovg), Phil. 4. 7; 1 Tim. 6. 5; gands), to have, own, possess,
2 Tim. 3. 8; Tit. 1. 15. Der. in- Lu. 15.4, 11; 17.7; 20.28; &c.;
ahs, inahei, ahjan, ahma. with a double ace, Lu. 3. 8.
Ahaks, str. sb. (fem. or m.t) a Der. fair-aihan, aigin, ga-aigi-
dove, Mk. 1. 10; Lu. 2. 24; non, aihts, aihtron, aihtrons.
3. 22. Cf. dubo. [A. S. agan; A. H. G. eigan;
Ahana, str. sb. fem. chaff. Lu. O. E. owe.]
3. 17. Aigin, str. sb. neut. possessions,
Ahjan, vb. to think, Mat. 10. 34. property, substance, Lu. 8. 43;
Cf. aha. 15. 12; 19. 8; from aigau.
Ahma, wk. sb. m. the spirit, the Aiginon*, in comp, ga-aiginon,
Holy Ghost, Mk. 1. 8, 10, q. v.
12; &c. Der. ahmeins, ahma- Aih, I have; from aigan.
teins. Cf. also hugs, muns, Aihan, to have, 2 Cor. 6. 10.
moths, anan. Cf. aqua. See aigan.
Ahmateins, str. sb. f inspiration, Aihta, vb. I had, he had. See ai
2 Tim. 3. 16. gan.
Ahmeins, adj. spiritual, Rom. 7. Aihtron, vb. to desire, beg for,
14; 1 Cor. 10. 3, 4; Gal. 6. 1; pray, Eph. 6. 18; Col. 1. 9;
Eph. 1. 3, &c.; from ahma. to beg, Mk. 10. 46; Jo. 9. 8.
Ahs (gen. ahsis), str. sb. neut. an Cf. aigan.
ear of corn, Mk. 2. 23; 4, 28. Aihtrons, str. sb. f. prayer, sup
Lu. 6. 1. [G. hre; E. ear; plication, Eph. 6. 18; 1 Tim.
D. aar.] 2. 1; Phil. 4. 6.
Ahs(a)? See amsa. Aihum, we have. See aigan.
Ahtao, eight, Lu. 2. 21; 9. 28. Aihun, they have. See aigan.
Ahtau-dogs, adj. on the eighth Aihuth, ye have. See aigan.
day, Phil. 3. 5. Aihwa-tundi (arog), str. sb. fem.
Ahtau-tehund, eighty, Lu. 2. 37; a bramble-bush , Lu. 6. 44 ; a
16. 7. bush (rog), Mk. 12. 26; Lu.
Ahtuda, the eighth, Lu. 1. 59. 20. 37.
Ahwa, str. sb. f. a river, Mk. 1. Aikan*, vb. (pt. tense aiaik) to
5; a flood, Mat. 7. 27; Ln. say. Der. af-aikan.
I 6. 48; a stream, Jo. 7. 38. Aikklesjo (ixxXyeia) , wk. sb. f.
11 Ara Aras- 12
a church, Rom. 16. 23; Col. 10. 37; ains anthar, one an
4. 16; the church, Eph. 3. 21; other; ni ains, no one; also
Eph. 5. 23; 1 Cor. 10. 32; used with pronouns, as: is ains,
1 Cor. 15. 9; 1 Tim. 3. 5. he by himself, Jo. 6. 15.
The pi. occurs in 1 Cor 7. 17; [E. one; G. ein.]
16. 1; &c. Ains-hun, adj. (hun being a suffix);
Ain, once; in the comp, thatain. only used with ni preceding; ni
See ains. ains-hun, not any one, none;
Ana, one. See ains. Lu. 1. 61.
Aina-baur, adj. only-born, Skeir. Ain-lif, eleven; dat. ain-libim,
5. 21. 1 Cor. 15. 5.
Ainaha (jiovoysvrg), adj. only, Lu. Aipiskaupei (tmaxontj) , str. sb.
7. 12; 9. 38; fem. ainoho, Lu. fem., a bishopric, 1 Tim. 3. 1.
8. 42. ( See ains. Aipiskaupus (iniexonog) , sb. a
Ainai (/yoi), pi. adj. See ains. bishop, 1 Tim. 3. 2; Tit. 1. 7.
Ainakls, adj. lonely, left alone, AlTIStaUle, aIPIStULE, sb. an
desolate, 1 Tim. 5. 5. See ains. epistle, a letter, Col. 4. 16;
Aina-munditha , str. sb. fem, un Neh. 6.^17, 19.
animity, unity, Eph. 4. 3, 13; Am (woooi), adv. early, Mk. 1.
from ains and months. 35. Cf. airis, airiza. [E. ere;
Ainanan: ga-ainanan. G. eher.]
Ain-falthei, str. sb. f. simplicitv, Airinon, vb. to be a messenger,
2 Cor. h 12; 11. 3; Col. to be an ambassador, 2 Cor. 5.
3. 22. 20; Eph. 6. 20. See airus.
ArNFalthaba, adv. singly, simply, Ahus, adv. earlier, long ago, Lu.
only, Skeir. 3. 18. 10. 13.
Ain-falths, adj. single, Mat. 6. Airiza (ro^retbs), adj. of old time,
22. [Lit. one-fold; ee falthan.] ancient, living formerly, Mat. 5.
Ain-hwarjizuh, adj. (elg txaerog; 21, 33. It is a compar. form,
xaarog; n), every single, from air.
every one, Lu. 4. 40; 16. 5; Airkn(i)s, adj. good, holy, sin
1 Cor. 12. 18. cere, 1 Tim. 3. 3. Cf. un-
Ain-hwatharuh, adj. each of two. airkns.
Ainnohun, ainohun; eee under Airknitha, str. sb. fem, goodness,
ainshun, ains. genuineness, sincerity, 2 Cor.
Ainoho, fem, form of ainaha, q. v. 8. 8.
Ains, adj. (fem, aina; neut. ain Airtha, str. sb. fem, earth, region,
or ainata?), one, single, only; land, Ps. 19. 5; 24, 1; Mat.
seina ainis = seina silba (av- 27. 51; Mk. 4. 5. Cf. muida,
rov); ainamma sintha, once; malma, stubjus. [A. S. eorSe;
for aina baurga, aina thiujo, G. erde; D. aarde.~\
aina anabusne, cf. baurgs, Airthakunds, adj. earthy, earthly,
thiuda, anabusns; ain wisan, born of the earth, Skeir. 4. 15.
to be one, see Jo. 10. 30; ains Airtheins, adj. earthly, 1 Cor.
jah sa sama, one and the same, 15. 49; 2 Cor. 4. 7; 5. 1;
1 Cor. 12. 11; ains jah ains, Phil. 3. 19.
the one and the other, Mk. Airus, str. sb. fem. a messenger,
13 AlRzEI Akri 14
Lu. 7. 24; 9. 52; also a mes Aiwaggelista, wk. sb. m. an
sage, Lu. 14. 32. Der. airinon. evangelist, Eph. 4, 11; 2 Tim.
Of- aggies- 4. 5.
AirZei, str. sb. fem. error, deceit, Aiwcharistia (evxaotariu), sb.
Eph. 4. 14; Skeir. 5. 5. thanksgiving, 2 Cor. 9. 11.
Cf. airzis. AiWeIns, adj. eternal, Mat. 25.
Airzitha , str. sb. fem. an error, 41, 46; Mk. 3. 29; &c. See
Mat. 27. 64; 1 Tim. 4. 1. aiws. [G. ewig; D. eeuwig.]
Cf. airzis. Aiwiski, str. sb. n. shame, 1 Cor.
Airz(e)is, adj. astray, going 15. 34; 2 Cor. 4. 2.
astray; airzeis wisan, wairthan, Aiwiskon, vb. to treat shame
to go astray, be deceived, Gal. fully, to behave unseemly, 1 Cor.
6. 7; to err, Mk. 12, 24. 13. 5. Der. ga-aiwiskon.
Der. airzei, airzitha, airzjan, Aiwjan*, in comp. us-aiwjan, q. v.
af-airzjan. Atwlaugia (evloyia), sb. 2 Cor.
Airzjan, vb. to lead astray, de 9. 5.
ceive, Mat. 27. 63. Atvt's, str. sb. m. time, a long
Ais, aiz, sb. brass, coin, money. time, an age, eternity, the
See aiz. [Lat. ces.] world, Lu. 1. 70; Mk. 10. 30;
Aistan, vb. to heed, regard, Lu. an age of the world, Gal. 1. 4;
18. 2, 4; 20. 13. Der. ga- life, Lu. 20. 35. Cf. mel, aids, wi-
aistan. toth, aijukduth. Du aiwa (dage),
Aithei, str. sb. fem. a mother, du aiwam, in aiwam, or in ai-
Mat. 10. 37; 27. 56; Mk. 3. wins, for ever, Gal. 1. 5; Mat.
32; &c. 6. 13; fram aiwa, or aiwam,
Aithis: see the following. Lu. from eternity. Der. aiweins, us-
1. 73. aiwjan, ajukduths; and cf. aiw,
Aiths, str. sb. m. an oath, Mat. halis-aiw, sunsaiw. [G. aloiv;
5. 33; 26. 72; Mk. 6. 26. Der. Lat. atvum.]
uf-aithis. [A. S. d; G. eid.] Aiz, ais, str. sb. n. brass, coin,
Atw, adv. ever, aye; ni aiw, money, Mk. 6. 8.
aiw ni, never; aiw hwanhuh, Aiza-smitha, wk. sb. . a copper
at any time; ni aiw hwanhuh, smith, 2 Tim. 4. 14.
not at any time; ni aiw ains- Ajukduths, str. sb. fern, an age,
hun, no one ever; ni thana- eternity; in phrase in ajukduth,
seiths aiw, never for ever. for ever and ever, Jo. 6. 58;
[E. aye; G. je.] Lu. 1. 33.
Aiththau, conj. or. (dXX, d, yo), conj. but; gen.
Aiwaggeli, str. sb. n. evangel, used after a negative, as: ni tha-
gospel, 1 Cor. 15.1; Gal. 1.7; tanei ak jah, not only but
2. 2; Eph. 1. 13. also; ne ak; ak niu (all' ovfT);
Aiwaggeljo, wk. sb. f. evangel, ak jah (dlX xat); ak ei (alX
gospel, Mk. 1. 1, 14; Rom. iva. [A. S. ac; O. E. oc]
10. 16. Akei ((.), but; used for d,
Aiwaggeljan, vb. to preach the once only, 1 Cor. 14. 20; akei
gospel, to preach, Gal. 4. 13. ni (diX ovd), but neither, Gai.
Cf. wailamerjan, thiuthkwithan. 2. 3.
Akeit, aket, str. ab. n. vinegar, Aldomo, wk. sb. n. old age, Lu.
Mat. 27. 48; Mk. 15. 36. [Lat. 1. 36. [The nom. may be al
acetum.] domo, aldoma or alduma.
Akran, str. sb. n. fruit, Mat. 7. E. eld; G. alter.]
20; Lu. 1. 42; Gal. 5. 22. Aldrs*, adj. old; in comp, fram-
matjan, to eat fruit, Mk. aldrs, q. v.
11. 14. Alds, str. sb. fem, an age, a gene
niman, to receive fruit, Mk. ration, Lu. 1. 50; Eph. 2, 2;
12. 2. life, 2 Tim. 2. 4; see alths.
giban, to bear fruit, Mk. 4. 7. Alduma, perhaps another form of
bairan, to bear fruit, Mk. 4. aldomo, q. v.
28; Jo. 15. 2; Col. 1. 10. A Leina, alleIna, str. sb. fem. a
waurkjan, to bring forth fruit, a cubit, Mat. 6. 27. [E. ell;
Lu. 3. 8. G. elle; D. el.]
gataujan, to bring forth fruit, Alew (tkcuov), str. sb. n. olive oil,
Mat. 7. 17. 18. Lu. 7. 46; 16. 6; Mk. 6. 13.
Akrana-laus, adj. unfruitful, Mk. Alewa-bagms, str. sb. m. an olive-
4. 19. tree, Rom. 11. 17, 24.
Aers, str. sb. m. a field, Mat. 27. Alew(e)is, adj. belonging to the
7, 8, 10; Mk. 15. 21; La. 15. olive-tree; fairguni alewi (QOg
25. [E. acre; G. acker.] iXaitv), the Mount of Olives,
Akwizl, str. sb. fem. an axe, Lu. Mk. 11. 1; Lu. 19. 29.
3. 9. [G. axt.) Alhs, str. sb. f. (dat. alhai and
Alabastraun (aldacsTQOv) , sb. alh) the temple, Mat. 27. 5;
an alabaster box, Lu. 7, 37. Mk. 12. 35; &c.
Ala-brunsts, str. sb. m. a holo Alids, fatted, Lu. 15. 23, 27, 30.
caust, whole burnt-ofifering, Ps. See aljan.
40. 7; Mk. 12. 33. Alis (akog, srsQOg), adj. other,
Alakjo, adv. together, collective another; ni waiht aljis (ovdiv
ly ; allai alakjo (nntg), all to alio), nothing else. Der. alja,
gether, Mk. 11. 32; Lu. 4. 22; aljakuns, aljaleikos, alja-leikon,
managei alakjo ( Xag rntg), alja-leikoths, aljar, aljath, al-
La. 19. 48; alakjo managei jathro. |X). E. eltis; E. else.]
(nav o n&o), Lu. 19. 37. Alja (si ftn, e fir), conj. than,
See alls. except, unless, Lu. 4. 27; 10.
Alamans, adj. individual, every; 22; prep, with dat. (nXtv), ex
in allaim allamannam, in every cept, Mk. 12. 32.
man, in all men without ex Aljakuns, adj. born in a strange
ception, Skeir. 8. 11. country, foreign; sa aljakunja,
Ala-mod, a proper name; occurs this stranger, Lu. 17. 18;
in Neap, and Arez. documents. aljakunjai, foreigners, Eph.
Alan, vb. to nourish; alans (iv- 2. 19.
rQeqiOfivog), nourished, 1 Tim. Aljaleikos (rQaig), adv. other
4. 6. See althan, aljan. [Lat. wise, 1 Tim. 5. 25.
alere.] laisjan (heQo - BidaexaXeiv),
Alatharbs, adj. very needy, very to teach otherwise, 1 Tim. 6. 3.
poor, Lu. 15. 14. Cf, thaurban. [Lit. else-like.]
XoQnyia), Phil. 1. 19. See the Anthar, adj. another (dilog, hs-
following. Qog); second ( devrtoog); the
And-staldan, vb. to produce, set rest, (loinoi), Jo. 15. 24;
forth, minister (A. V.), 1 Tim. Mk. 12. 21; Mat. 27. 49;
1. 4. anthar, the one, antharuh, the
And-standan, vb. to oppose, with other; anthar antharis, anthar
stand, resist, Mat. 5. 39; Jo. antharamma, anthar antharana,
19. 12. one another; anthar fruma
And-staukran, vb. to murmur ( dtvrtQ07rQrOg), Lu. 6. 1;
against, Mk. 14. 5. Cf. staurran. thata anthar (ro Xombv), the
And-thaggkjan , . refl. to con rest, Eph. 6. 10. Der. anthar-
sider, Lu. 16. 4; Skeir. 7. 5. leiko, antharleikei.
And-tilon, vb. to serve, cleave Anthars, prob, for anthar s (a),
to, Lu. 16. 13. Skeir. 4. 27.
And-wairthi, str. sb. n. presence; Antharleiko, adv. otherwise,lTim.
esp. the face, Lu. 9. 51, 53; I. 3.
a. withra a. face to face, Antharleikei, wk. sb. f. diver
1 Cor. 13. 12; in or faura and- sity, Skeir. 5. 15; 6. 14.
wairthja, in presence of, before, Apaustaulei, wk. sb. f. apostle-
Nehem. 5. 15; Mat. 5. 16; ship, 1 Cor. 9. 2; Gal. 2. 8.
Mk. 9. 2; in managamma and- Apaustaulus, apaustulus, str. sb.
wairthja, in presence of many, . an apostle, messenger, Lu.
2 Cor. 1. 11. See wairthan. 9. 10; 17. 5; Jo. 13. 16.
And-wairthi, sb. worth, price, Der. apaustaulei, galiuga-apau-
Mat. 27. 6, 9. [The MS. has staulus.
anda-wairthi in v. q.] Ar, or ara, wk. sb. . an eagle,
And-wairthis, prep, with dat. over Lu. 17. 37. [G. aar.]
against, Mat. 27. 61. Arbaidjan, vb. to work, toil,
And-wairths, adj. present, 1 Cor. Mat. 6. 28; Eph. 4. 28. Der. bi-,
7. 26. mith-, thairh-arbaidjan. Cf. ar-
And-wasjan, vb. to uncloth, take baiths. [G. arbeiten.]
oif clothes, Mk. 15. 20. Arbaiths, str. sb. f. work, toil,
And-waurdjan, vb. to answer, labour, 2 Cor. 6. 5; 11. 27;
reply to, Rom. 9. 20. [G. ant 1 Thess. 3. 5; pressure of busi
wortend] ness, 2 Cor. 11. 28; work (xa-
AnD-WeiGan, anD-WEIhAn, vb. v<r), 2 Cor. 10. 16; (in) arbaida
to strive against, oppose, Rom. winnan, to labour, 2 Th. 3. 8 ; in
7. 23.f arbaida briggan , to vex , 2 Cor.
Anno (o<p<aviov), wk. sb. f. char II. 20. \_M. gives only ar
ges, cost, 1 Cor. 9. 7. Cf. ansts. baiths, gen. arbaidais, acc. ar-
Ans (gen. anzis), str. sb. . a baith. But why not nom. ar-
beam, Lu. 6. 41, 42. baids? See 1 Cor. 15. 58.]
Ansteigs, adj. favourable, gra Arbi, str. sb. n. a heritage, in
cious, Eph. 1. 6. heritance, Eph. 1. 14; arbi ni-
Ansts, str. sb. f. favour, grace, man, to inherit, Gal. 4. 30.
Lu. 1. 28, 30; 2. 40; 1 Cor. 10. Cf. arbi-numja, arbja, ga-arbja,
30; &c. Der. ansteigs. [G gunst.] arbjo. [G. erbe; D. erf]
27 Arbi-numja -b 28
Bandwo, str. sb. f. a sign, token, Batan*, (pt. t. bot; pi. botum;
2 Thess. 3. 17; a signal, Mk. pp. batans), to be useful, to
14. 44. From bindan. boot. Cf. bats, ga-batnan,
BanJa, str. sb. f. bane, wound, bota, bot(j)an, ga-bot(j)an.
sore, Lu. 10. 30; 16. 21. Cf. [D. baten.]
wundufni. Batists, superl. adj. best, Lu. 1.
Bans, cc. of bai, both. 3. From bats, q. v.
Bansts, str. sb. m. (pl. bansteis), Batiza, compar. adj. better, Mat.
a barn, Mat. 6. 26; Lu. 3. 17. 10. 31; Lu. 5. 39. From bats,
From bindan. [Cf. G. bansen.] q. v.
Bar, bore, pt t. of bairan, q. v. Batnan , vb. in ga-batnan, q. v.
Barbakus (QaQOi;), one who is Cf. batan.
not a Greek, Col. 3. 11. Bats*, adj. good, useful; comp,
Baris*, str. sb. f. barley. Der. batiza; superl. batists. [E. boot;
barizeins. D. baat.]
Barizeins, adj. of barley, Jo. 6. 9. Batwins, a Gothic proper name
Barms, str. sb. m. (pi. barmeis), in the Gothic calendar.
the bosom, Lu. 6. 38; 16. 22; Bauaida (?), pt. t. of bauan, q. v.
Jo. 13. 23. [O. E. barm.] Bauains, str. sb. f. a dwelling,
Barn, str. sb. n. a child, Mat. 11. dwelling-place, Mk. 5. 3; 2 Cor.
19; Mk. 7. 27; barne barna, 5. 2; Phil. 3. 20. See bauan.
children's children, grand-chil Bauan, vb. (pt. t. bauaida or
dren, 1 Tim. 5. 4. Der. bar- baibo?), to build; hence, to in
nilo, barnisks, barniskei, bar- habit, dwell in, 1 Tim. 6. 16;
niski, unbarnahs, barnusjan (?). Rom. 7. 17; &c. Der. ga-
[E. bairn.] bauan, bauains. [G. bauen;
Barnahs*, adj. in un-barnahs, q. v. D. bouwen; A. S. buian.]
Barnilo, wk. sb. n. a little child, Baud, bade, pt. t. of biudan, q. v.
son, Mat. 9. 2; Lu. 1. 76; 15. Baud, baudana ; from bauths, q. v.
31; Jo. 13. 33. Cf. barn. Cf. daubs.
Barniskei, wk. sb. f. childishness, Baug, bent, pt. t. of biugan, q. v.
childish things, 1 Cor. 13. 11. Baugjan*, vb. in us-baugjan. Cf.
Cf. barn. bugjan.
Barniski, str. sb. n. childhood, Bauhta, bought, pt. t. of bugjan,
Mk. 9. 21; 2 Tim. 3. 15. Cf. q. v.
barn. Bauhts, bought, pp. of bugjan,
Barnisks, adj. childish, 1 Cor. 14. q. v.
20; Gal. 4. 3. Cf. barn. Bauhts*, str. sb. f. a buying, ap
Barnusjan, possibly the right form pears in the comp, anda-bauhts,
of the following. faura-bauhts, fra-bauhts.
Barusnjan, vb. to honour, as a Bauljan*, vb. in uf-bauljan, q. v.
child should do, to shew filial Baur (pi. baureis) , str. sb. m.
piety, 1 Tim. 5. 4. [Perhaps we (yevvrrOi;), a child (lit. a thing
should read barnusjan.] born), Mat. 11. 11; Lu. 7. 28.
Basi*, str. sb. n. a berry. Der. Baur*, appears in the comp, ga-
weina-bazi. [G. beere; D. 6, baur, ga-baurjaba, ga-baurjo-
bezie.] thus. Cf. bairan.
Baurans, ga-baurans, pp. of rb. Beitan, vb. (pt. t. bait; pi. bitum;
bairan, to bear, q. v. Der. un- pp. bitans), with ace, to bite,
baurans. Gal. 5. 15. Der. and -beitan,
Baurd*, str. sb. n. a board. Der. andabeit, baitrs, baitraba, bai-
fotu-baurd. [G. bord; D. boord.] rrei, beist, unbeistei, beist
Baurei, the same as baurthei, q. v. jan, ga- beistjan, un-beist
Baurgja, wk. sb. m. a burgher, joths. [E. bite; G. bissen;
citizen, Lu. 15. 15; 19. 14. D. bijten.]
From baurgs, bairgan. Berum, we bore. From bairan,
Baurgs, str. sb. f. a burgh, bo i q- v.
rough, town, city, Mat. 5. 35; Beruseis, biruseis, str. sb. m. a
8. 33; 9. 1; &c. From bair father; pi. berusjos, parents.
gan. Der. baurgs-waddjus, str. Lu. 2. 27; Jo 9. 23.
sb. m. a town -wall. 2 Cor. Bi, prep. (1) with acc. by, about,
11. 33. to, at, according to, concern
Baurthei, wk. sb. f. a burthen, ing, towards; it represents ntvi,
burden, Gal. 6. 5. From bairan. in), xur (with acc.), iv, di
[G. brde.] (with gen.), vm(t (with gen.);
Baurtiis*, ga-baurths, str. sb. f. (2) with dat. by, at, after,
birth. See ga-baurths. From through, on accouut of, accord
bairan. Der. ga-baurthi-waurd. ing to; representing nQg, xat
Bauth, bade: from biudan. (with gen. and acc.). It occurs
q. v. in very many comp. See below.
Bauths, adj. deaf, Mat. 11. 5; [E. by; G. bei; D. by.]
&c.; dumb, Mat. 9. 32; &c.; Bi-abrjan, vb. to be exceedingly
also insipid ; bauth wairthan, to astonished, Mat. 7, 28. From
lose its savour (said of salt), abrs.
Lu. 14. 34. Cf. daubs. Bi - arbeidjan , vb. to toil for,
Bedoi, we asked. From bidjan, strive, endeavour after, 1 Th.
q. v. 4. 11.
Beidan, vb. (pt. t. baid; pi. bi- Biari, an uncertain reading in
dum; pp. bidans). with gen. to Tit. 1. 12, a beast. The read
abide, await, look for. expect. ing may be un-biari.
Mat. 11. 3; Lu. 1. 21; 8. Bi-aukan, vb. to increase, add to,
40; &c. Der. ga-beidan, us-bei- Mk. 4. 24; Lu. 17. 5; 19. 11.
dan; and cf. us-beisns, us-beis- Bi-auknan, vb. to abound. Phil.
nei, baidjan, ga-baidjan. bid 1. 26; 1 Thess. 4. 10.
jan, bida. [E. bide.] Bi-baurgeins, str. sb. f. the
Beisns, str. sb. f appears in comp, boundary of the camp, Skeir.
us-beisns, q. v. 3. 15. Cf. bairgan.
Beist, str. sb. n. leaven, Mk. 8. Bi-bindan, vb. to bind round,
15; 1 Cor. 5. C>; Gal. 5. 0. bind about, Jo. 11. 44.
Der. un-beistei. Cf. beitan. i B, str. sb. f. a request, exhor
Beistjan*, vb. in ga-beistjan, q. v. tation, 2 Cor. 8. 17; prayer,
Der. un-beistjoths. Cf. beitan. 1 Tim. 4. 5; Lu. 1. 13; 2.
Beit*, appears in comp, anda-beit. 37; &c. Der. bidagwa. bidjan.
q. v. iis-bidjan.
41 BlU.MlWA Bl-NIMAn 42
Brusts , str. sb. f., in pi. bowels I BUgjan, vb. (pt. t. bauhta), to
(A. V.), heart, lit. breasts; buy, sell, Mat. 10. 29; Lu 19.
Philemon 20; Col. 3. 12; also 45; Jo. 6. 5. Der. us-bugjan,
the breast, Lu. 18. 13. fra-bugjan; bauhts in anda-
Bruth-faths, str. sb. . (1) bride bauhts, faur-bauths, fra-bauhts.
groom (//(/o>), Mat. 9. 15; BuGUM, we bent. From biugan.
Mk. 2. 19, 20; spelt bruth-fads, Bundans, bound. From bindan.
Lu. 5. 34, 35; (2) in phrase BunDI*, in ga-bundi, q. v.
sunjus bruth-fadis (o viol rov Bundnan"*, vb. in and-bundnan.
vvfKfrOi;), sons of the bride- q. v. Cf. bindan.
chamber. See re/, for (1). Bundum. we bound. From bin
Bruths, str. sb. f. a bride, Mat. dan.
10. 35 Der. bruth-faths or Busns*, in ana-busns, q. v.
bruth-fads. [G. braut; D. ! Byssus ((tvanoii), str. sb. m. fine
bruid.] linen, Lu. 16. 19.
CH, the 23rd letter of the Gothic Christus (gen. aus; dat. au;
alphabet; as a numeral: 600. c. u), Christ. Der. galiuga-
[Answers to the Greek x-] Christus-
D, the 4th letter; as a numeral: 4. I sabbato-dags, afar-dags, gistra-
Daban* (pt. t. dob); in comp, ga- dags, fidur-dogs, ahtau-dogs.
daban, q. v. Der. ga- daban, [E. day; G. tag; D. dag.]
ga-dobs, ga-dofs Daigs (cf vijnfia), str. sb. . dough,
Daddjan, vb. to give suck, suckle. a kneaded lump, Rom. 9 21;
Mk. 13. 17. 11. 16; 1 Cor. 5. 6; Gal. 5. 9.
Dagan*, vb. to shine; prob, root See deigan. [D. deeg; G teig.]
of dags. Daila, str. sb. f. dealing, partici
Dags, str. sb. . a day, time, Lu. pation, 2 Cor. 6 14; a portion,
4. 42; 6. 13; 9. 12; &c ; nah- a pound, Lu. 19. 13.
tam jah dagam, naht jah dag, I Dailjan, vb. to deal, deal out, ap-
night and day, Mk. 5 5; 4. 27; I portion, distribute, Rom. 12. 8;
dagis hwizuh, daily, Nehem 5. I liph. 4. 28; 1 Cor 12. 11. See
18; daga jah daga, day by day, I dails.
2 Cor. 4. 16; daga hwammeh. Dails, str. sb. f. a deal, dole,
daily, Mk 14. 49; Lu. 16. 19; part, portion, Lu. 15 12; 1 Cor.
bimma daga or bina daga, to 13. 10; Col. 1. 12; 2. 16. Der.
day, Mat. 6. 11; 11. 23. Der. daila. ga -daila, dailjan, ga-
51 Daimonareis Dauthus 52
Dis-wiss (vaXveig), str. tb. f. Dragan, vb. (pt. t. drog; pi. dro-
releasing, dismissal, 2 Tim. gum; pp. dragans), to drag,
4. 6; see preceding word. draw; hence dragan sis, draw
DlUPan* vb. (pt. t. daup; pi. du- towards themselves, choose out,
pum; pp. dupans), to dip, tobe 2 Tim. 4. 3. Der. ga-dragan.
deep. Der. diups, diupei, diu- [D. trekken; G. tragen.]
pitha, diupjiin, ga-dinpjan, daup- Draggk, dragk, str. sb. n. drink,
jan, daupeins, uf-daupjan. Jo. 6. 55; Rom. 14. 17; 1 Cor.
Diupitha (dii'pei, Eph. 3. 18), 10. 4; Col. 2. 16.
sb. f. depth, deep, Rom. 8. 39; Draggk, drank. From driggkan.
11. 33; 2 Cor. 11. 25; Lu. 5. 4 Draggkjan, vb. to give to drink.
[E. depth; D. diepte; G. tiefe.] Mat. 25. 42; Mk. 15. 36.
Diupjan*, vb. to deepen. See ga- Draib, drove. From dreiban.
dinpjan. Draibjan, vb. to drive, Lu. 8. 29;
Diups, adj. deep, Mk. 4. 5; 2 Cor. to trouble, vex, Lu. 8. 49; 7.
8. 2. [G. tief; D. diep.] 6; Mk. 5. 35. Cf. dreiban.
Dree, str. sb. n. a beast, Mk. 1. Drarma, wk. sb. m. a drachma,
13; 1 Cor. 15. 32. [E. deer; Lu. 15. 8.
G. thier.] Cf. biari. Drakmei; see drakma, Lu. 15. 9.
Diwan, vb. (pt. t. dau; pi. di- DlaUhSna, DraiSna, str. sb. f.
wum; pp. diwans), to die; that which falls, a crumh, frag
whence thata diwans, mortality, ment, Mk. 7. 28; Lu. 16. 21;
the mortal part, 1 Cor. 15. 53, Jo. 6. 12 See driusan.
54; 2 Cor. 5. 4. Der. diwans, Drauhti: see Appendix.
un-diwans, un-diwanei, daujxn, Drausjan*, vb. occurs in af-draus-
af-daujan, dauthe, dauthjan, jan , ga-drausjan. See driusan.
dauthnan, dantheins, dauthus, Dreiban, vb. (pt. t. draib; pi. dri-
dauthubls. [E. die; Dan. de.] bum; pp. dribans), to drive,
Dobnan*, in af-dobnan, q. v. drive away, expel, Jo. 16. 2.
Dobs*, dofs,/ ga-dofs, ga-dobs, q. v. Der. us-dreiban, draibjan. [E.
Dogs: see dags. drive; G. treiben; D. drijven.]
Domeins*, str. sb. f. doom; m af- Driggkan, drigkan (pt. t. draggk;
domeins and faur-domeins, q. v. pi. druggkum; pp. druggkans),
See doms. with acc. to drink, Mk. 10. 38;
Domjan, vb. with acc to deem, Lu. 1. 15; 17. 8; &c. ; drugg
judge, 1 Cor. 10. 15; to dis kans or drugkans, drunken,
cern, judge, 1 Cor. 11. 29; to 1 Cor. 11. 21. Der. ga-drigg-
deem right, justify, Lu. 7. 29; kan, ana-driggkan, draggk,
10. 29; 16. 15. [E doom, deem ] draggkjan, ga- draggkjan, af-
Doms, str. sb. m. what one deems, druggkja, wein-druggkja. [G.
judgment, opinion. Skeir. 2. trinken; D. drinken.]
16. Der. domjan, ga- domjan, Driugan, vb. (pt. t. drauh; pi.
af-domjan, bi-domjan, domeins. drugum; pp. drugans), serve
af-domeins, faur-domeins. as a soldier, to fight, 1 Tim.
Draban*. vb. (pt. t. drof; pi. dro- 1. 18. Der. drauhti-witoth,
bum; pp. drabans). to hew. ga-drauhts, drauhtinon, drauhti-
Der. ga-draban. nassus.
.07 Driunan Dumbs 58
Eisarna-bandi, str. sb. f. an iron Eizei, they that, they who, who,
bond, Lu. 8. 29. which; comp. of eis, they; and
Eisarneins, adj. iron, Mk. 5. 3. ei, that.
Eithan, therefore, comp. of ei and Eta*, in uz-eta, q. v.
than; Jo. 9. 41; 1 Cor. Etja*, in af-etja, q. v.
11. 27. Etum, we ate. From itan.
Fotu-bandi, str. sb. f. a fetter, Lu. 4. 2; 20. 23; &c. Der. us-
Lu. 8. 29. fraisan, fraistubni.
Fotu-baurd, str. sb. n. a foot Fraistubni, str. sb. f. temptation,
board, footstool, Mat. 5. 35; Lu. 4. 13; brig<ran in fraistubni,
Mk. 12. 36; Lu. 20. 43. to lead into temptation, Mat.
Fra , a prefix of verbs, equiv. to 6. 13.
Germ, ver-, Engl, for-, giving Fra-itan, vb., to eat up, devour,
the verbs an intensive and often Mk. 4. 4; Lu. 8. 5; 15. 30.
a destructive force. See below- Fraiw, str. sb. n. seed, Mk. 4. 3,
J'refixed also to nouns. 26, 27; Lu. 8. 5; &c. Cf. kuni.
Fra-at; fronr fra-itan, q. v. Fra-kunnan, vb. to despise, Mat.
Fka-atjan, vb. to give away in 6. 24; Lu. 16. 13; 18.
food, 1 Cor. 13. 3. From fra- 9; Ac.
itan. ! Fra-kwiman, vb. to expend, spend,
Fra-bairan, vb. to bear, endure, Mk. 5. 26; Lu. 8. 43; 9. 54.
Jo. 16. 12. Fra-kwisteins, str. sb. f. waste.
Fra-bugjan, vb- to sell, Mk. 14. Mk. 14. 4.
5; Jo. 12. 5; Ac. Fra-kwistjan, 6. to destroy,
Fra-dailjan, vb. to deal away, to Mat. 10. 39; Mk. 8. 35; Ac.
give away, Jo. 12. 5. i Fra-kwistnan, vb. to be destroy
Fragan(?), vb. to ask, examine, ed, to perish, Lu. 15. 17; Jo.
2 Cor. 13. 5; (fraisith, fragirh, j 10. 28; Ac.
are MS. readings; we should Fra-kwithan, vb. to declare
expect fraihnith, from fraih- against, despise, Lu. 7. 30; to
nan). curse, Lu. 6. 28; Jo. 7. 49.
Fra-giban, vb. to give, grant, Mk. I Fra-letan, vb. to let go, release,
10. 37; Jo. 10. 29; &c. Mat. 27. 15; Mk. 8. 9; 15.
Fra- gibts, fra-gifts, str. sb. f. pro 6; Ac.; to remit, forgive, Lu.
mise, gift, Skeir. 3. 19; espousal, 7. 47; to let down, Mk. 2. 4.
Lu. 1. 27; 2. 5. Fra- lets, str. sb. m. (1) remission,
Fra-gildan, vb. to restore, pay forgiveness, Mk. 3. 29; Lu. 3.
back, Lu. 19. 8; Rom. 11. 35; 3; 4. 19; (2) a freed man.
12. 19. 1 Cor. 7. 22.
Frah, asked. From fraihnan. Fra-liusan, vb. to loose, Lu. 15.
Fra-hinthan, vb. to take captive, 8; 19. 10; Jo. 6. 27. [G. ver
Rom. 7. 23; 2 Cor. 10. 5; 2 lieren ; D. verliezen.~\
Tim. 3. 6; hence pp. fra- Fra-lusnan, rb. to be lost, to
hunthans, a captive, Lu. 4. 19. perish, 1 Cor. 1. 18; 2 Cor.
Fraihans, pp. of fraihnan. 4. 3.
Fraihnan, vb. (pt. t. frah ; pi. fre- Fra-lusts, str. sb. m. destruction,
hum; pp. fraihans), with an acc. I Rom. 9. 22; 1 Thess. 5. 3;
to ask, Mk. 5. 9,- 8. 23; 12. 2 Thess. 1. 9; Jo. 17. 12. [G.
28; Ac. Der. ga- fraihnan. verlust.]
[G. fragen; D. vragen] Fram, prep, with dat. from (nn);
Fraisan, vb. with acc. (pt. t. fai- since, by (yno). The compound
frais; pi. faifraisum; pp. frai words are few, viz. fram-aldrs.
sans). to tempt, Mk. 12. 15; fram-gahts, fram-wairthis, fram
75 Fbam-aldrs Fba-wilwak ,
G, the third letter in the Gothic I bairan, $c. for further inform-
alphabet. As a numeral: 3; ation.]
pronounced hard. [For words, Ga , a prefix to verbs, substan-
as ga-bairan, beginning with tives, and adjectives, of very
g-, see under the simple forms , common occurrence; it is found
81 GA-A0OfEt(Ns) Ga-beidan
vb. to give to drink, Mat. 10. Mat. 8. 21; Lu. 16. 22; ga-
42; Mk. 9. 41. fllhan sik, to hide oneself, Jo.
Ga-draihts, str. sb. m. a soldier, 8. 59; 12. 36.
' Mat. 8. 9; Mk. 15. 16; Lu. 7. Ga-fraihnan, vb. to ask, seek,
8; Jo. 19. 2; 2 Tim. 2. 3. Rom. 10. 20; gafrehun, they
From driugan. found out by inquiry, they
Ga-drausjan, vb. to thrust down, heard, Mk. 2. 1.
Lu. 1. 52; 10. 15; 2 Cor. 4. Ga-frathjei, wk. sb. f. under
9. Cf. driusan. standing , sobriety , 1 Tim.
Ga-DrIGGKan, Ga-DrIGkan, vb. 2. 15.
to drink, Lu. 17. 8. Ga-fraujinon, to exercise lord
Ga-driusan, vb. to fall, Mat. 10. ship, vb. Mk. 10. 42.
29; Mk. 4. 4, 7, 8; Lu. 8. Ga-freideins , str. sb. f. posses
6; &c.; to be cast or thrust, sion, Eph. 1. 14; possession,
Mat. 5. 29. attainment of, 1 Thess. 5. 9.
Ga-drobnan, 6. to be troubled, Ga-frmons, str. sb. f. a kiss,
Lu. 1. 12; Jo. 12. 27. 1 Thess. 5. 26.
Gaf, gave. From giban. Ga-frisahtjan, vb. to make a
Ga-fah, sb. (n. ?) , a catch, tak resemblance or image; hence,
ing, catching, Lu. 5. 9. Cf. to engrave (A. V.), 2 Cor.
fahan. 3. 7.
Ga-fahan. vb. to catch. Lu. 20. Ga-frisahtnan, vb. to resem
20, 26; Jo. 7. 30; 12. 35. ble; hence to be formed (in re
Ga-fahrjan, vb. to prepare, Lu. semblance), Gal. 4. 19.
1. 17. Ga-frithon, vb. to reconcile,
Ga-faihon, vb. to make a gain 2 Cor. 5. 18, 19; Eph. 2. 16;
of; marg. gloss to ga-aiginondau, Col. 1. 20, 21.
2 Cor. 2. 11. Ga-fritiions, str. sb. f reconci
Ga-fairinon* 6. to accuse. Cf. liation, 2 Cor. 5. 18, 19.
fairan, fairinon. Der. un-ga- Ga-fulgins, hidden, Lu. 18. 34;
fairinonds. 19. 42; Col. 1. 26; 3. 3. Cf.
Ga-fastan, vb. to hold fast, keep, filhan.
Lu. 2. 19; 18. 21; Jo. 17. Ga-fcllaweisjan, vb. to make
6; &c. known fully, Lu. 1. 1. From
Ga-faurds, str. sb. m. chief coun weis.
cil, Sanhedrim, Mk. 14. 55; Ga-fulljan, vb. to fill, Lu. 1. 15;
15. 1. 5. 7; Mk. 15. 36; Jo. 6. 13.
Ga-falrs, adj. sober, well be Ga-fullnan, 6. to become full,
haved, 1 Tim. 3. 2, 11. be filled. Mk. 4. 37 ; Lu. 1. 41,
Ga-fehaba. adv. honestly, 1 Th. 67; 8. 23.
4. 12. Ga-gaggan, vb. (pt. t. ga-iddja), to
Ga-feteins. str. sb. f. adorn come together, resort, Mk. 6.
ment, apparel, 1 Tim. 2. 9. 30; Lu. 8. 4; Jo. 18. 2; refl.
Cf. fetjan. Mk. 3. 20; to come to pass,
Ga-filh. str. sb. n. burial, Jo. Mk. 11. 23; to conduce, Phil.
12. 7. 1. 19. Der. samath-gagaggan.
Ga-fiLhan, vb. to hide, bury, Ga-gahaftjan, vb. to fit together
87 -N SIK Ga-hamon 88
Hindar , prep, with dat. and acc. Hnvi, str. sb. n. form, show, ap
on that side of, beyond, behind, pearance, 2 Tim. 3. 5. [E. hue.]
Mk. 8. 33; Mat. 8. 18; Lu. 8. Hlahjan, vb. (perf. liloh, pi. hlo-
22; Jo. 3. 26. Der. hindar- hum, pp. hlahans), to laugh. Lu.
leithan, -weisei, -weis, un- 6. 25. Cf. blas. Der. bi-hlah-
hindar-weis. [G. hinter; E. behind.] jan, uf-hlohjan. [G. lachen; D.
Hindar-leIThan, vb. to pass away, lagchen; E. laugh.]
La. 16. 17; to go, Lu. 17. 7. Hlaifs, hlaibs, str. sb. m. a loaf,
HinDak-Weis, adj. deceitful, 2 Cor. bread, Mat. 6. 11; Mk. 2. 26.
11. 13. Der. ga-hlaiba. [G. laib; E. loaf.]
Hindar- weisei, wk. sb. f. guile, Hlains, str. sb. m. a hill, Lu. 3. 5.
2 Cor. 12. 16. Hlaiw, str. sb. n. a grave, tomb.
Hindumists, superl. adj. hindmost, Mat. 27. 60; Mk. 6. 20; 15.
uttermost, Mat. 8. 12. 46; lt. 2. [A. S. hlw; E.
Hinthan*, vb. (perf. hanth, pi. -low, -law.]
bunthum, pp. hunthans), to Hlaiwasna, wk. sb. f. only in pi.
catch with the hand. Der. fra- hlaiwasnos, graves, sepulchres,
hinthan, us-hinthan, fra-hun- Mat. 8. 28; 27. 52; Lu. 8. 27.
thans, mith-fra-hunthans, hunths. Hlamm, hxamma, sb. n. or f. a
[O. E. hent; E. hunt.] snare, 1 Tim. 3. 7; 6. 9. [O. E.
Hiri, interj. come here; Mk. 10. gleym.]
21; Lu. 18. 22; hiri ut, come Hlas. adj. laughing, joyful, glad,
out, come forth, Jo. 11. 43. 2 Cor. 9. 7; Phil. 2. 28. Cf.
Hirjats, interj. come here, you hlahjan. [E. glad.]
two! Mk. 1.17; dual form of hiri. Hlasei, wk. sb. f. joy, gladness,
Hirjitii, interj. come ye here! Mk. Rom. 12. 8. From hlas.
12. 7; a piural form of hiri. Hlatiian*, vb. (perf. hloth, pi.
His*, pron. of which the Jem. is hlothum, pp. hlathans), tu load.
hija*, neut. hita, this; und hita, Der. af-hlathan. [G. D. laden;
till this time, till now.Mk. 13. 19; E. load.]
Mat. 11. 12; und hita nu, till Hlai pan*, vb. (perf. hlaihlaup), to
now, Skcir. 4. 10. The dative is leap. Der. us-hlaupan. [G.
himma, acc. hina, whence himma laufen; D. loopen; E. leap.]
daga, to-day; see himma-daga; Hlauts, str. sb. m. a lot, Mk. 15.
hina dag, to-day; see hina-dag. 24; Col. 1. 12; hl, gasatiths
Der. hidre, hiri, hirjats, hirjith, wisan, to be called by lot,
her, hindar. [Cf. E. he, him, it.] Eph. 1. 11. See also Lu. 1. 9.
Hita, neut. of his, q. v. [G. loose; D. E. lot.]
Hil'fan, vb. (perf. bauf, pi. hufum, Hleibjan, vb. with dat. to help,
pp. hufans), to sing dirges, Lu. 1. 54.
mourn, lament, Mat. 11. 17; IIleiduma, adj. left, on the left
Lu. 7. 32. Cf. gaunon, hwop- hand, Mat. 6. 3; 2 Cor. 6. 7; hl,
jan. [A. S. heofian.] fera, the left side, Mat. 25, 41.
Hiuhma, hium, str. sb. m. a Hleithra, str. sb. f. a hut, a
crowd, number of people. Mat. tent, tabernacle, Lu. 9. 33; 16. 9;
8. 18; Lu. 5. 15; 6. 17. Cf. 2 Cor. 5. 1, 4. Der. hlethrasta-
iumjo, managei, hansa, harjis. keins, ufar-hleithrjan. See hlija.
127 Hlethra-stakkins Hrisjan 128
I, the tenth letter of the alphabet; ni iba), except, unless (ei ov,
as a numeral 10. It is generally ei fit, v fi);
short, like i in Engl. did. The nibai aufto, unless per
diphthong iu may be sounded as haps ;
yu, or as ew in Engl. new. nibai thatei, unless that,
Iba, another form of ibai. except that;
Ibai, iba, conj. perhaps, answers nibai thau thatei, except
in questions to Greek fii, Mat. however that. Cf. jabai. [E. if]
9. 15; Mk. 2. 19; perhaps, that Ibdali, sb. descent, Lu. 19. 37.
not, Greek , 2 Cor. 12; 21; [7f is uncertain whether we should
ibai aufto (fignore, , read ibdaljin or iddaljin.] From
Iva fiij, ha ore; ei fitrt, dal.
), lest, perhaps; lest Ibsa, even with, like, Lu. 20. 36.
perhaps, Jo. 7. 26; 2 Cor. 1. From ibns, q. v.
17; Mat. 27. 64; Ibna-leiks, adj. equal, Skeir. 5.
ibai aufto ni (fiijmog ovt), 26. From ibns and leiks.
lest, Rom. 11. 21; Ibna-skauns, adj. of like appear
ibai - ni (fii oi<) , Rom. ance with, Phil. 3. 21. From
10. 18; ibns and skauns.
ibai hwan (ort), lest, Ibnassus, str. sb. m. evenness,
Mat. 5. 25; equality, 2 Cor. 8. 14; Col. 4.
thatainei ibai (firov fir), 1. From ibns.
only not, Gal. 5. 13. Ibns, adj. even, flat, Lu. 6. 17;
ibai hwa (jiij zt), lest at even with, equal, Skeir. 1. 4;
5. 24. Der. ibna, ibna-leiks,
ibai thau Qir Q); ibna - skauns , ibnassus , ga-ibn-
aiththau ibai (r); jan. [G. eben; D. effen; E.
ibai ei (jirn), lest per even.]
chance ; Ibuks, adv. backwards, Lu. 17. 31;
nibai, niba (i. e. ni ibai, Jo. 6. 66; 18. 6.
137 Iddali In-JAN 138
In-'widan, vb. to deny, refuse, Iup, adv. up, upwards, aloft. Der.
Mat. 26. 75; Mk. 8. 34; 14. 72; hipa, iupana, iupathro. [G. auf;
to reject, frustrate, Mk. 7. 9. D. op; E. up.]
In-winditha, str. sb. /. injustice, Iupa, adv. above, on high, Gal.
Lu. 16. 8; 18. 6; Jo. 7. 18. 4. 26; Col. 3. 1; from on high,
From windan. Phil. 3. 14.
In-winds, adj. perverse, Lu. 9. 41; Iupana, adv. again, Gal. 4. 9.
unjust, Mat. 5. 45; Lu. 16. 11; From iup.
18. 11. From windan. Iupathro, adv. from above, Mat.
In-wisan, vb. to be present; hence, 27. 51; Mk. 15. 38; Jo. 3. 3.
to be present and gone again, From iup.
to be just past, Mk. 16. 1. lus*, adj. easy; see iusiza.
Is, pron. he (Jem. si, she; n. ita, Iusila, str. sb. f. an easement,
it); gen. is (/. izos); dat. imma lightening of a load, 2 Cor.
(/. izai); aco. ina, ija, ita; pi. 8. 13.
eis (n. ija) ; gen. ize (/. izo) ; dat. Iusiza, better ; in phr. iusiza wisan
im; acc. ins, ijos, ija; izei, (dtayeQeiv), to be better, to ex
he who, from is and ei ; sa cel, exceed, Gal. 4. 1 ; as though
izei, he who. from ius, light, easy.
Is, (thou) art; from wisan. Izai, to her; dat. fem. sing, of is.
1st, (he) is; from wisan. Ize, of them; from is.
Ita, it; from is. Izeei, of them that; from izei.
Itan, vb. (perf. at, pi. etum, pp. Izei, pron. rel. he who, he that;
itans), to eat, Lu. 15. 16; 16. pi. they who, they that, like
21; 17. 27, 28. Der. fra-; eizei.
fra-atjan, uzeta, afetja. [G. Izos, of her; gen. fern. sing, of is.
essen; D. eten; E. eat.'] Izwar, pos. pron. your; izwar
Ith, conj. but, and, for, now, also, misso, of yourselves, of one
if then; ith than, but; ith nu, another (of you), Greek U.^Xar,
therefore; cf. aththan. Gal. 6. 2. See thu.
Iudaiwisko, adv. in a Jewish Izwara, of you (vfi<Si>); pi. gen.
manner, Gal. 2. 14. from thu.
Iudatwiskon, vb. to Judaize, to Izwis, to you; you; dat. and
live like a Jew, Gal. 2. 14. acc. pi. of thu.
Iudaiwisks, adj. Jewish, Tit. 1. 14. Izwizei, you that, you who; from
Iumjo, wk. sb.f. a crowd, Mat. 8. 1. izwis and ei. See Gal. 3. 1.
J, the 15 th letter of the alphabet. 17. See jai. [G. & D. ja;
As a numeral, it means 60. E. yea.]
[Pronounced like Germ, j, or Jaba; see jabai; Jo. 11. 25.
Engl, y in yield.] Jabai, conj. if, even if, although;
Ja, yes; Mat 5. 37; 2 Cor. 1. jah jabai, or jnbai jab, oven
143 J . 144
, the eleventh letter of the alpha Karkara, str. sb. f. a prison, Mat.
bet. As a numeral, it means 20. 11. 2; 25. 39; Lu. 3. 20. [Lat.
[Pronounced as in English.] career.]
Kaballarja, the name of a piace Karon, vb. to be concerned about,
in the Arezzo document. 1 Cor. 7. 21. From kara.
Kaisar, str. sb. m. Caesar, Mk. Kars*, adj. in unkars, q. v.
12. 14; Lu. 2. 1. Kas, str. sb. n. a vessel, pot (for
Kaisara-gild, str. sb. n. tribute- holding liquids, &c.), Mk. 3. 27;
money, Mk. 12. 14; from 11. 16; Lu. 8. 16. Der. kasja.
gildan. > Kasja, wk. sb. m. a potter, Mat.
Kaisaria, Caesarea, Mk. 8. 27. 27. 7; Rom. 9. 21. From kas.
Kai-bo, wk. sb. f. a calf, heifer, Katils, str. sb. m. a kettle, ves
Skeir. 3. 14. [G. kalb; D. kalf; sel for water, Mk. 7. 4. [G.
E. calf] kessel; D. ketel; E. kettle.]
Kalds, adj. cold, Mat. 10. 42; Kaupatjan, vb. to strike with the
neut. kald, the cold, Jo. 18. 18. palm of the hand, cuff, Mat.
[G. kalt; D. koud; E. cold.] 26. 67; Mk. 14. 65. [E. cuff.]
Kalkinassus, str. sb. m. forni Kaupon, vb. to traffic, trade, buy
cation, adultery, Mat. 5. 32; and sell, Lu. 19. 13. [A. S.
Mk. 7. 21. From kalkjo. ceapian; G. kaufen; D. koopen;
Kalkjo, wk. sb. f. a harlot, whore, cf. E. chapman.]
Lu. 15. 30. Der. kalkinassus. Kaurei(ns), sb. f. a weight, 2 Cor.
Kann, I know, I can; from kun- 4. 1 7; from kaurs. Der. un-.
nan. Kauritha, str. sb. f. a weight,
Kannjan, vb. to make known, Jo. burden, Gal. 6. 2; from kaurs.
17. 26; 1 Cor. 15. 1; 2 Cor. . Kaurjan, vb. to lade, burden, Lu.
8. 1. Der. ga-, us-. j 9. 32; 2 Cor. 1. 8; 5. 4; from
Kan(n)t, thou knowest; from kaurs. Der. ana-, mith-.
kunnan. 1 Kaurn, str. sb. n. corn, Mk. 4.
Kapillon, vb. to shave, shear, 28; Lu. 3. 17; 16. 7. [G. korn;
crop, 1 Cor. 11. 6. From Lat. D. koren; E. corn.]
capillus. Kaurno, fr. sb. f. corn, a grain
Kara, str. sb. f. care; hence kar' of corn, Mk. 4. 31; Lu. 17. 6;
ist , with acc. of pers. and gen. Jo. 12. 24.
of thing, it concerns, Jo. 10. Kaurs, adj. heavy, burdensome,
13; 12. 6; and without ist, Mk. 2 Cor. 10. 10. Der. kauritha;
4. 38; hwa kara unsis, what is kaurjan , ana-, mith- , mith-kau-
that to us? Mat. 27. 4. [E. ritbs, kaureins, unkaureins.
care.] Kais. I chose; from i usan.
Karan*, in ga-karan, q. v. Kausjan, vb. to prove, test, Lu.
Karja*, another form of kare (?). 14. 19; 2 Cor. 13. 5; to taste,
Mk. 9. 1 ; Lu. 9. 27; Jo. 8. 52. Knussjan, vb. to kneel, Mk. 10.
From kiusan. 17; k. kniwam, to kneel, Mk.
Kawtsjo, wk. sb. f. put for Lat. 1. 40. From knius.
cautio in Neapol. document. Kons*, in aljakons; see aljakuns.
Rean*, vb. (perf. kai, pi. kijum, Kreks, str. sb. m. a Greek, Rom.
pp. kijans), to produce buds, 10. 12; 1 Cor. 1. 22.
germinate. Der. us-; keinan, Kriustan, vb. (perf. kraust, pi.
us-, mithus-. krustum, pp. krustans), to gnash
Keinan, vb. to spring up, grow with the teeth, grind the teeth,
(of plants), Mk. 4. 27. Der. us-, Mk. 9. 18. Der. krusts.
mithus-. [Cf. G. keimen.] Kroton*. vb. to crush; in ga-
Kelikn, str. sb. n. a tower, Mk. kroton, q. v. [E. crush.]
12. 1; Lu. 14. 28; an upper Krusts, str. sb. f. gnashing of
chamber, Mk. 14. 15. teeth, Mat. 8. 12.
KiLthei, wk. sb. f. the womh, Lu. Kubitus, str. sb. m. a company,
1. 31. Der. inkiltho. [Cf. E. a number of men reclining to
child.] gether, Lu. 9. 14. Cf. kumb-
Kindins, str. sb. m. a governor, jan. [Lat. cubitus.]
Mat. 27. 2; Lu. 20. 20; kindins Kukjan, vb. with dat. to kiss, Mk.
wisan, to rule, Lu. 2. 2. 14. 44; Lu. 7. 38; 15. 20. Der.
Kinnus, str. sb. f. the cheek, Mat. bikukjan. [G. kssen; D. ks
5. 39; Lu. 6. 29. [G. kinn; D. sen; E. kiss.]
kin; E. chin.] Kumbjan*, vb. to lie down, re
Kintus, str. sb. m. a farthing cline. Der. ana-, mithana. [Lat.
(Lat. quadrans), Mat. 5. 26. cumbere.]
Kiusan, vb. (perf. kaus, pi. kusum, Kunaw^da, str. sb. f. a bond,
pp. kusans), to choose; also, to chain, Eph. 6. 20. From widan.
prove, test, 2 Cor. 8. 8; Gal. Kunds*, in ga-kunds, q. v.
6. 4. Der. gakiusan, gakusans, Kund6*, adj. of a certain kind or
ungakusans , uskiusan , kausjan, nature. Der. airtha-, guma-,
gakausjan, gakusts, kustus. [G. gode-, himina-, inna-, kwina-.
kiesen; D. kiezen; O. E. chese; Kuni, str. sb. n. kin, race, gene
E. choose.] ration, tribe, Mat. 11. 16; Mk.
Klahei* in niuklahei, q. v. 8. 12; 9. 19; Lu. 1. 48; 3. 7.
Klahs*, in niuklas, q. v. Der. aljakuns, inkuns, sama-
Klismjan, vb. to make a clink kuns, kunds, innakunds, goda-
ing, or tinkling noise, 1 Cor. kunds, gumakunds, kwinakunds,
13. 1. airthakunds, himinakunda. [D.
Klismo, wk. sb. f. a clinking kunne; E. Ain, kind.]
instrument, a cymbal, 1 Cor. Kunnains*, sb. knowledge, in
13. 1. anakunnains, q. v.
Kniu, str. sb. n. (gen. kniwis), the Kunnan, vb. (first perf. as pres.
knee, Mk. 15. 19; Lu. 5. 8; kann; pi. kunnum; pt. t. kun-
Rom. 14. 11. Der. knusejan. tha; pp. kunths), to know, to
[G. D knie; E. knee.] make known, Mat 7. 23; Mk.
Knoda (or knodS?), str. sb. f. a 4. 11; Lu. 4. 34; &c. Der. ga-,
race, stock, Phil. 3. 5. ana-, at-, fra-, uf-; kannjan,
140 KuKHVM Kwi3TEINs 150
L, the twelfth letter of the Gothic Laggei, wk. sb. f. length, Eph. 3.
alphabet. As a numeral, it 18. From laggs.
signifies 30. Laggs, adj. long (only used with
Lag, I lay; from ligan. ref. to time), Lu. 8. 27; 18. 4;
Lageins, str. sb. f. a laying on wa lagga swe, so long as, Mk.
(of hands), 2 Tim. 1. 6. Der. 2. 19; hwan lagg mel, how long,
af-, ana-, faur-lageins. See Mk. 9. 21. Der. laggei, lagga-
ligan. modei. [G. D. lang; E. long.]
Lagga-modei, wk. sb. f. long-suf Lagjan, e6. to lay, set, place,
fering, Rom. 9. 22; 2 Cor. 6. Mk. 6. 56; 10. 16; 15. 19; Lu.
6. From laggs and moths. 9. 44, &c. ; lagjan ana, to lay
Leihts*, adj. light; see next word. ibna-, liuba-, missa-, sama-,
[G. leicht; D. ligt; E. light.] silda-, swa-; alja-leikos, ana-
Leihts, str. sb. m. (or perhaps leiko, anthar-leiko, latha-leiko,
leihtis is merely the gen. of sama-leiko, waira-leiko; ga-lei
the above), lightness, levity of kon, gaga-leikon, thairga-leikon,
purpose, 2 Cor. 1. 17. inga-leikon, mithga-leikon; an-
Leihwan, vb. (pt. t. laihw), to thar-leikei, ga-leiki, man-leika,
lend, Lu. 6. 34, 35; leihwan silda-leikjan, alja-leikoths. [G.
sis, to borrow, Mat. 5.42. [G. gleich; D. lijk; E. Kite.]
leihen ; A. S. lihan , whence O. E. Lein, str. sb. n. linen, Mk. 14. 51,
lene; E. lend.] 52; 15. 6. [G. lein; D. lijn;
Leik, str. sb. n. the body, Mat. E. linen; Gk. Xivov.]
5. 29; 6. 22; 10. 28; a dead Leisan, vb. (pt. t. lais, pi. lisum,
body, carcase, Mat. 27. 52; Mk. pp. lisans), to learn; whence
15. 43; Lu. 17. 37; flesh. Mk. pt. t. lais, I have learnt, i. .
10. 8; 13. 20. Der. ga-leika, I know, Phil. 4. 12. Der. lais-
leikeins. Cf. leiks. [G. lche; jan, ga-, us-, unus-laisiths ; lubja-
D. lijk; E. itch in lich-gate, leisei, laiseigs, laiseins, laisareis,
Lich-field.] witoda-laisareis, lists, listeigs.
Leikains , str. sb. f. liking, good [G. lehren, lernen; D. leeren;
pleasure, purpose, Eph. 1. 5; E. learn.]
2 Tb. 1. 11; 2 Tim. 1. 9. From Leisei*; see lubja-leisei.
leikan. Leitan; letan.
Leikan, vb. to please, Jo. 8. 29; Leitiian*, vb. (pt. t. laith, pp.
1 Cor. 10. 33. Der. ga-, faura- lithans), to go. Der. af-, bi-,
ga-, ga-leikaith, leikains. [D. ga-, innga-, mithinnga-, hindar-,
lijken; E. like.] thairh-, us-, ufar-. [A. S. liffan;
Leikei*, in comp, anthar- leikei, cf. G. begleiten; D. leiden; E.
q. v. From leiks. lead.]
Leikeins, adj. bodily, fleshly, Leithus; str. sb. m. strong drink,
ITim. 4. 8; Rom. 7. 14; 2 Cor. Lu. 1. 15.
1. 12; 10. 4; 2 Cor. 3. 3. From Leitils, adj. (comp, minniza,
leik. superi. minnists), little, Mat. 25.
Leikeis, str. sb. m. (also spelt lekeis, 45; Mk. 9. 42; 14. 70; leitil
q. v.) a leech, physician, Lu. 4. galaubjands, of little faith, Mat.
23; 5. 31; Col. 4. 14. Der. 6. 30; 8. 26. [E. little; D. luttel.]
leikinon, ga-leikinon, leikinassus. Leiwjan, vb. to betray, Jo. 6. 64;
[E. leech.] another form of lewjan, q. v.
Leikinassus, str. sb. m. healing. Lekeis, str. sb. m. (also leikeis, q.
Lu. 9. 11. From leikeis. v.) a leech, physician, Mk. 2.
Leikinon, vb. to heal, Lu. 5. 15; 17; 5. 25; Lu. 8. 43.
6. 7; 9. 6. See lekinon. Lekinon, vb. to heal (another
Leikjan* see silda-leikjan. spelling of leikinon, q. v.), Lu.
Leikon*, 6. to liken; in comp, 10. 9.
ga-leikon, q. v. [E. liken; cf. Letan, vb. (also spelt leitan, Mat.
G. vergleichen.] 9. 6; Mk. 15. 9, &c.; pt. t. lai-
Leiks*, adj. like. Der. ga-, hwi-, lot, pp. letans), to let, permit,
159 Lutoan LiL'GAM IGO
suffer, allow, Mat. 8. 22; 27. Lisan, vb. to lease, gather, collect,
49; Mk. 5. 19, Ac. Der. af-, Mat. 6. 26; 7. 16; Lu. 6. 44.
fra-, us-; and-letnan, af-let, fra- Der. ga- lisan, lists. [G. D.
let, fra -lets. [G. lassen; D. lesen; E lease, to glean.]
laten; E. let] Listeigs, adj. crafty, wily, 2 Cor.
Lktnan* in and-letnan, q. v. 12. 16; Eph. 4. 14. From lists.
Lets*, adj. in fra-lets, q. v. Lists, str. sb. f. craftiness, wili-
Lew, str. sb. (n. ?) occasion, op ness, a wile, Eph. 6. 11. [G.
portunity, Rom. 7. 8, 11; 2 Cor. D. list; A. S. 1.]
5. 12; Gal. 5. 13. Der. lewjan, Lita , str. sb. f. pretence , dissi
ga-lewjan, fra-lewjan. Cf. A. S. mulation, Gal. 2. 13. Cf. liutei,
latwa, a traitor.] lists. Der. mit-litjan.
Lewjan, vb. (also lewjan, Jo. 6. Liteins, str. sb. f. an intercession,
64), to betray, Mk. 14. 42, 44; prayer (Gk. XmJ), 1 Tim. 2. 1.
Jo. 18. 5. Der. ga-, fra-. Lithus, str. sb. m. a limb, mem
Libains, str. sb.f. life, Mat. 7. 14; ber, Mat. 5. 29; Rom. 7. 5; 12.
Mk. 9. 43; Lu. 10. 25, &c. 4. Der. us-litha. Cf. leithan.
From liban. [G. glied; D. lied; O. E. lith.]
Liban, vb. to live, Mat. 9. 18; LitJan*, vb. in mith-litjan, q. v.
Mk. 5. 23; Lu. 2. 36, 4c. ; liban Liuba-leiks, adj. lovely, Phil. 4.
taujan, to make to live, to 8. [G. lieblich; E. lovely.]
quicken, Jo. 6. 63; liban gatau- From liubs and leiks.
jan, to make alive, Jo. 5. 21; Liuban*, vb. to be dear. Der.
samana liban, to live together, liubs, un-liubs, liuba-leiks; laub-
2 Cor. 7. 3. Der. mith-; libains. jan; ga-, us-; ga-laubeins, un-
Cf. leiban. [G. leben; D. leven; ga-laubeins; laubs, unga-, filu-
E. live.] ga-; ga-lubs, gudi-lubs; brothra-
Lif*, in ain-lif, eleven, and twa- lubo, lubains. Cf. liubs.
lif, twelve. [Either from leiban, Liubs, adj. dear, beloved, Mk. 1.
or, according to Bopp, lif= Lat. 11; 9. 7; 12. 6; Lu. 3. 22. [Cf.
decern = ten.] liuban. [G. lieb; D. E. lief; cf.
Ligan, vb. (pt. t. lag, pi. legum, E. love.]
pp. ligans), to lie, Lu. 2. 16; Liudan , vb. to grow, spring up,
5. 25; Mk. 1. 30; 2. 4. Der. Mk. 4. 29. Der. lauths, jugga-
at-, uf-, ligrs, ga-ligri; lagjan, lauths, swa-lauths, hwe-lauths,
ana-, af-, at-, ga-, us-, ufar-, sama-lauths.
faur-lagjan; lageins, ana-, af-, Liuga, str. sb. f. marriage, wed
bi-, faur-lageins. [G. liegen; lock, 1 Tim. 4. 3; liugom hafts,
D. liggen; E. lie.] Cf. lagjan. wedded, married, 1 Cor. 7. 10.
Liginon(?); see ga-liginon. From liugan (2).
Lian* in ga-ligri, q. v. Liugaiths*; see un-liugaiths.
Ligrs, str. sb. m. a couch, bed, Liugan (1) vb. (pt. t. laug or lauh,
Mat. 9. 2; Mk. 4. 21; 7. 30; pi. lugum, pp. lugans), to lie,
chambering, adultery, Rom. 13. tell falsehoods, Rom. 9. 1;
13. From ligan. Der. ga-ligri. 2 Cor. 1. 31; Gal. 1. 20. Der.
Linnan* vb. to cease. Der. af- un-liugands, ga-liugs, gn-liuga-
linnan. [O. E. lin, blin.] apaustaulus, ga-liuga-praufetue,
161 Liuo.ui Laitn
21; Lu. 8. 16; Jo. 5. 35. Der. Mk. 4. 19; Jo. 8. 44; Rom. 7.
lukarna-statha. 7, &c. ; us lustum, without de
Lukakna- statua, wk. sb. m. a sire, freely, willingly, Philem.
candlestick, Mat. 5. 15; Mk. 4. 14. Der. un-lustus. lustu-sams,
21; Lu. 8. IG. From lukam and luston, us-luston.
staths. Lustu-sams, adj. longed for, much
Lukns*, in uS-IuknS, q. v. desired, Phil. 4. 1. From lustus.
Li ston, vb. to desire, Mat. 5. 28; jton, vb. to betray; pres. pt.
from lustus. lutonds, as sb. a betrayer, de
Lusts*, in fra-lusts, q. v. ceiver, Tit. 1. 10. Der. us-
Lustus, str. sb. m. lust, desire, luton. See liutan.
Nitiian, vb. to help, Phil. 4. 3. ! Niunda, ord. adj. ninth, Mat. 27.
[A. S. nit, useful.] 45; Mk. 15. 33.
Nitidis, str. sb. m. a kinsman. NiUn-hUnDa, nine hundred, Ezra
Lu. 14. 12; Jo. 18. 26; Rom. 2. 16.
16. 21. Der. ganithjis. nith- NiintKiiux4>, ninety, Ezra 2. 16;
jo. |G. neffe; D. neef; E. Lu. 15. 4, 7.
nephew.] Niutan, vb. to receive joy from,
Nithjo, wk. ab. f. a cousin, Lu. Philem. 20; to obtain, Lu. 20.
1. 36. [E. niece.] 35. Der. ga-niutan, nuta, un-
Nith-tuan; see nih-than. nutis. [G. ntzen, gemessen; D.
Nil', conj. not (gen. in asking a geneiten; A. S. netan, to use.
question). Mat. 6. 2(i; 7. 22; enjoy.]
27. 13; niu aiw, never, Mk. 2. NOta, wk. sb. m. stern, hinder
25; niu hwan, if perchance, part of a ship. Mk. 4. 38.
2 Tim. 2. 25; niu aufto, whether Ni', adv. now, Mat. 26. 65, &e. ;
or not, Lu. 3. 15. From ni fram himnia nu, from hence
and uh. forth, Lu. 5. 10; fram thamma
Niuisetns, str. sb. f. visitation. nu, from henceforth, 2 Cor. 5.
Lu. 19. 44. 16; tho nu hweila, the present
Niriisjan*, vb. to visit. Der. bi- ; time, 2 Cor. 8. 14; tho nu aid,
niubsjan, niuhseins. [A. S. this present world, 2 Tim. 4.
nesian.] 10; ath-than nu, wherefore. Rom.
Niujan*, ob. to renew, in ana- 7. 12; ith in thizei nu, but be
niujan. q. v. cause therefore, Skeir. 1. 26;
Niuis, adj. new, Mat. 9. 17; 27. nu sai or sai nu, see now, now
60; Mk. 1. 27. Der. ana-niu- therefore, Eph. 2. 10. [G. nun;
jan. aua-niujitha, in-niujitha, D. nu; E. noto.]
niujitha, niu-klahs. [G. neu; D. Nu'h, nuu. then (in questions). Mk.
to.] 12. 9; Jo. 18. 37. From nu
Niljitha, str. sb. f. newness. and uh.
Rom. 7. 6. Nlmja*, wk. sb. m. a taker, in
Nii -kLiiei , wk. sb. f. weakness arbi-numja, q. v.
of failli, faint- heartedness. Ni'xirs* str. sb. f. in anda-n umts,
Skeir. 7. 7. From niujis and q. v.
klahs. Nunu, adv. therefore. Mat. 10.
NiL-kLiis. adj. new-born, young, 26, 31.
infantine, Ln. 10. 21; 1 Cor. Nuta. wk. sb. m. a fisher, catcher
13. 11; Gal. 4. 1. of fishes, Mk. 1. 17; a catcher
Nu n, num. nine, Lu. 15. 4; 17. of men. Lu. 5. 10. From niutan.
17. [G. neun; D. negen.] Nutis*, adj. useful; see un-nutis.
183 O Praufeteis 184
O, the 25th and last letter of the Mat. 9. 8; 10. 28; Mk. 5. 15;
Gothic alphabet. As a numeral. refl. to fear, be afraid of, Mat.
it means 800. Answers generally 10. 26; Mk! 4. 41. Der. ogjan.
Greek , seldom to o or ov. It From agan.
is to be regarded as essentially Ogjan, vb. to terrify, frighten,
long; and to be sounded pro Nehem. 6. 19.
bably Hke o in gold. Ohteigo; see uhteigo.
O. interj. O! Oh! Mk. 9. 19; Gal. On*, breathed out; pt. t. o/anan;
3. 1; ho! ah! Mk. 15. 29. in comp, uz-on, q. v. Cf. anan.
Ogan . vb. (pres. og. pt. t. ohta, Osanna, Hosannah, Mk. 11. 9;
pi. ohtedum), to fear, with acc. Jo. 12. 23.
R, the 18th letter of the Gothic i Raiinjan, vb. to reckon, count up,
alphabet. As a numeral, it Lu. 14. 28; to number, Mk. 15.
means 100. I 28; Rom. 8. 36; to compute,
Rabbaunei (Qaovvi) , Rabboni, think, Phil. 2. 6; wairthana
Mk. 10. 51. rabnjan , to consider worthy,
Rabbei (Qtti), Rabbi, Mk. 9. 5; Lu. 7. 7; to impute, 2 Cor. 5.
11. 21 ; Jo. 6. 25. 19. Der. ga-, faura-. [G. rech
Ragin, str. sb. n. a rule; hence, nen; D. rekenen.]
opinion, judgment, 1 Cor. 7. Rahton, vb. to relate to, 2 Cor.
25; advice, 2 Cor. 8. 10; ordi 9. 1. Cf. rikan.
nance, decree, Col. 2. 14; dis Raideins*; see ga-raideins.
pensation, Col. 1. 25. Der. Raidjan, vb. to appoint, Skeir.
raginon, ga-raginon, ragineis, 3. 14; raihtaba raidjan, to di
fidur-ragineis. vide rightly, 2 Tim. 2. 15. Der.
Ragineis, str. sb. m. a counsellor, ga-raidjan. From raids.
Rom. 11. 34; Mk. 15. 43; a Raids*, adj. set, appointed, ready.
governor, guardian, Gal. 4. 2. I Der. ga-raids, raidjan, ga-raid
Raginon, vb. to rule, govern, Lu. jan, ga-raideins. [E. ready.]
2. 2; 3. 1. 1Cf. Lat. regere; Raihtaba, adv. rightly, Lu. 7.
G. regieren.] 43; 10. 28; 20. 21; straight
187 Raihts Retro ISS
S, the 19th letter of the Gothic I Saian, salan, vb. (pt. t. saiso,
alphabet. As a numeral, it pp. saians), to sow, Mat. 6.
means 200. 26; Mk. 4. 3; 4. 14. Der. in-
Sa, dem. pron. this (/. so, n. thaui) ; I saian. [G. sen; D. zaaijen.]
also (2) as def. art. the; (3) Saihs, num. six, Mk. 9. 2; Lu.
pers. pron. he, pi. thai, they 4. 25. Der. saihs-tigjus, saihsta.
(f. thos). Der. sa'h, sa-ei. See also Saihs-tigjis, sixty, 1 Tim. 5. 9.
under thata. [A. S. jSe, segythat.] Saihsta, adj. the sixth, Mat. 27.
Saban, sb. n. fine linen, Mat. 27. 45; Mk. 15. 33.
59. [A. S. saban.] Saihwan, vb. (pt. t. sahw, pi.
Sabbato, sb. m. indecl. the Sab sehwum, pp. saihwans), to see,
bath, Mk. 2. 27, 28; sabbato- Mat. 8. 4; Mk. 5. 6; Lu. 2.
dags, the Sabbath-day, Mk. 1. 21. 15, &c. ; s. faura, to beware of,
Sabbatus, str. sb . (gen. pi. sab- Mk. 12, 38. Der. and-, at-, bi-,
bate, -o; dat. -um, -im), the Sab ga-, us-, duga-, usga-, in-,
bath, Mk. 2. 24; 3. 4; 16. 1. thairh-; unsaihwands, ungasaih-
Der. sabbato, afar-sabbatus. wans. [G. sehen; D. sien.]
Sads; see saths. I Saijan; see saian.
Sa-ei, rel. pron. that, who (J. so-ei Sail*, str. sb. n. a cord, rope.
or eei, 7i. thatei). From sa and ei. Der. in-sailjan. [A. S. sl; G.
Sagukwjan, vb. to make to sink, seil; D. zeel.]
1 Tim. 6. 9. From siggkwan. Sainjan, vb. to delay, wait, tarry,
Saggkws, str. sb. m. a sinking, the 1 Tim. 3. 15. [Cf. A. S. same,
quarter of sun-set, the west, slow.]
Mat. 8. 11. From siggkwan. Sair, str. sb. n. sorrow, 1 Tim.
Saggws, str. sb. m. song, singing, Lu. 6. 10; travail, 1 Th. 5. 3.
15. 25; Eph. 5. 19; saggws [E. sore, sorrow; A. S, sdr.]
boko, reading, 1 Tim. 4. 13. Saislep, slept; from slepun.
Sa'h, contr. from sa and uh, dem. Saiso, sowed; from saian.
pron. (/. soh, n. thatuh), and Saiwala , str. sb. f. (V'aT?) the
this, and that; this, that. soul, the life, Mat. 6. 25; 10.
Sahts*, str. sb. f. a seeking, 39; Mk. 3. 4, &c. Der. sama-
searching? Der. ga-, in-, tri-, saiwals. [G. seele; D. ziel.]
gafrisahtjan, gafrisahtnan. From Saiws, str. sb. m. the sea, a lake.
sakan. Lu. 5. 1, 2. Der. mari-saiws.
Sahw, I saw; from saihwan. [G. see; D. zee.]
Sai, adv. see! lo! behold! Mat. Saizlep, slept; from slepan. See
8. 2; 9. 10; 10. 28; sai nu, also saislep.
see now, now, therefore, Eph. Sakan, vb (pt. t. sok, pp. sakans),
2. 19; nu sai, now, Rom. 7. 6; to rebuke, Mk. 10. 13; Lu. 19.
sai jau, see whether, Jo. 7. 48. 39; to strive, dispute, Jo. 6.
Cf. saihwan. 52; 2 Tim. 2. 24. Der. and-,
anain-, ga-, in-, us-; unandsa- Sama, sa sama, adj. the same,
kans, sakjis, sakjo; sahts, ga- Mat. 5. 46; 27. 44; Mk. 10.
sahts, in-sahts, fri-sahts, ga-fri- 10, &c.; (2) in comp, together.
sabtjan, ga-frisahtnan , un-sah- Der. sama-frathjis, -kuns, -kwiss,
taba; sokjan, ga-sokjan, mith- -lauds, -leiks, -saiwals; lustu-
sokjan, us-sokjan, sokns, unand- sams, samana, samath. \Cf.
soks, sokeins, sokareis. See sok O. E. sam, together; G. samt,
jan. [A. S. sacan; . sake in zusammen.]
forsake.] Sama-frathjis, adj. like-minded,
Sakjis, str. sb. m. a brawler, Phil. 2. 2. From sama and
striker, 1 Tim. 3. 3. From frathjan.
sakan. Sama-kuns, adj. kindred, of the
Sakjo, wk. sb. /. strife, 2 Tim. same kin, Rom. 9. 3. From
2.23. From sakan. [A.S.iaeu.] sama and kuni.
Sakkus, str. sb. m. a sack, sack Sama-kwiss, str. sb. f. concord,
cloth, Mat. 11. 21; Lu. 10. 13. agreement, 2 Cor. 6. 15, 16.
[G. sack; D. zak.] From sama and kwithan.
Salbon, vb. to salve, anoint, Mat. Sama-lauds, adj. as much, an
6. 17; Lu. 7. 46; Jo. 11. 2. equal share, Lu. 6. 34.
Der. ga-salbon, salbons. [G. Sama-letko, adv. equally, likewise,
salben; D. zalven.] Mk. 12. 21; 15. 31; Lu. 6. 26.
Salbons, str. sb. f. ointment, Sama-leiks, adj. alike, agreeing
salve, Jo. 12. 3. together, Mk. 14. 56, 59. From
Saldr, sb. /. jesting, Epb. 5. 4. sama and leiks.
Salithwa, str. sb. f. (only in pi. Samana, adv. together, in the
salithwos), a mansion, Jo. 14. same place, Lu. 17. 35; 1 Cor.
2, 23; guest-chamber, Mk. 14. 14. 23. From sama.
14; a lodging, Philem. 22. Sama-satwals, adj. of one accord,
Saljan, vb. (1) to dwell, abide, Phil. 2. 2.
remain, Mk. 6. 10; Lu. 9. 4; Samath, adv. to the same place,
Jo. 10. 40. Der. us -saljan, together, 1 Cor. 7. 5; s. ga-
salithwos. [A. S. sal; G. saal; gaggan, to come together, 1 Cor.
D. zaal, a hall.] 5.4; s.rinnan, to run together.
Saljan, vb. (2) to bring an offer From sama.
ing, to sacrifice, Mk. 14. 12; Samjan, vb. to please, Col. 3. 22 ;
1 Cor. 10. 20; to 'burn in refl. to please oneself, to 'make
cense' (A. V.), Lu. 1. 9; thatei a fair show' (A. V.), Gal. 6.
galiugam saljada, that which is 12. [A. S. teman; whence E.
offered to idols, 1 Cor. 10. 19; seem, seemly.]
hunsla saljan, to offer a sa Sandjan, vb. to send, Lu. 20. 11;
crifice, do service, Jo. 16. 2. Jo. 5. 37; 6. 38. Der. ga-,
Der. ga-saljan. [A. S. syllan; fauraga-, in-, mithin-, mith-,
whence E. sell.] us-. From sinthan. [G. senden;
Salt, fr. sb. n. salt, Mk. 9. 49 ; Lu. D. zenden.]
14. 34; Col. 4. 6. Der. saltan, SnKWA,sb.n.pl. arms, armour, Rom.
un-saltans. [G. salz; D. zout.] 13. 12; panoply, whole armour,
Saltan, vb. to salt, Mk. 9. 49. Eph. 6. 11, 13. [A. S. searo.]
W. W. k.t, Moso-Gothic Glogsirj. 7
SAtana, satans, sb. Satau, Mk. 20. Der. eaurgau. [G. sorge;
1. 13; 3. 23; 8. 33, &c. D. zorg.]
Sateins, str. sb. f. natural dis Saurgan, 6. to sorrow, to be
position, nature, Eph. 2. 3 grieved, to be anxious about,
(a gloss for wistai.). Der. f-, Mat. 6. 28; Jo. 16. 20; 2 Cor.
ga-, us-. From sitan. 6. 10.
Sathan* 6. (pt. t. soth, pp. sa- Saurini-fynikiska, sb. f. Syro-
thans), to be full. Der. saths. Phnician, Mk. 7. 26.
Saths, sads, adj. (gen. sadis), full, Sautiia, str. sb. f. subject of dis
Lu. 6. 25; 1 Cor. 4. 8; s. wair- course, theme, 1 Cor. 15. 2.
than, to be filled, to be full, Sauths, sauds, str. sb. m. a sacri
Mk. 7. 27; 8. 8; sath itan, to j fice, Rom. 12. 1; Eph. 5. 2; a
eat enough, be filled, Lu. 16. holocaust, burnt- offering, Mk.
21; to fill one's belly, Lu. 15. 12. 33.
16. Der. soth, ga-sothjan. [G. Seds*, sb. seed? Der. manaseths.
satt; A. S. seed; E. sated.) Cf. saian. [A word of doubt
Satjan, vb. to set, place, put, Mk. ful existence.]
4. 21; Lu. 8. 16; to set or Seirwum. We saw; from saih-
plant (trees), Lu. 17. 28; 1 Cor. wan.
9. 7; satiths wisan, to be set, Sei, contr. from so-ei. she who.
made, ordained, 1 Tim. 1. 9; See sa-ei.
niuja satiths, one newly planted, Seina, gen. sing, and pi. of third
a novice, 1 Tim. 3. 6. Der. pers. pron. his, their, Jo. 16. 32;
and-, at-, af-, bi-, ga-, mithga-, seina misso, one another,
fauraga-, mith-, us-; sateins, Lu. 7.32; seinai gairnai, lovers
af-, ga-, us-sateins. From sitan. ' of themselve, a gloss to sik fri-
[G. setzen; D. zetten; E. set.] jondans, 2 Tim. 3. 2. Cf.
Sauds: sauths. sik, sis.
Sauhts, str. sb. f. sickness, dis Seins, poss. pron. his, theirs,
ease, Mat. 8. 17; 9. 35; Mk. their, Mat. 5. 22; 6. 2. &c.
1. 34. From siukan. [G. sein; D. zijn.]
Sauil, str. sb. n. the sun, Mk. 1. Seiteins, another form of sinteins,
32; 13.24. Cf. sunna. [Lat.eo/.] 2 Cor. 11. 28; see sinteins.
Sauljan*, vb. to soil, sully. Der. Seithu, adv. late, Mat. 27. 57;
bi-sauljan, bi-saulnan, bi-sauleins. Jo. 6. 16. Der. thana-seiths.
Sauls, str. sb. f. (pi. sauleis), a [A. S. sid; O. E. eA.]
pillar, Gal. 2. 9; 1 Tim. 3. Selei, wk. sb. f. goodness, Rom.
15. [G. sule; D. tuil; A. S. 11. 22; 2 Cor. 6. 6; Eph. 5. 9.
syl; E. sill.] Der. un-selei. From sels.
Sun, str. sb. n. (?) a ransom, Sels, adj. good, kind, Lu. 8. 15;
Mk. 10. 45. Der. us-sauneins. Eph. 4.32; sels wisan, to be
[G. shne.] kind, 1 Cor. 13. 4. Der. un-
Saur, Sb. m. a Syrian, Lu. 2. 2; sels, selei, un-selei. [A. S. sl;
4. 27. whence E. silly!]
Saura, sb. f. Syria, Gal. 1. 21. Seneigs, another form of sineigs,
Saurga, str. sb. f. sorrow, grief, q. v., 1 Tim. 5. 1, 2.
Mk. 4. 19; Lu. 8. 14; Jo. 16. Seths*; see seds.
Si, />m. /. she. From is. SlJUm, sium, we are; see wisan.
[. she; G. .]' Sijvth, Sit'th, ye are; see wisan.
Sibis* <(/. related, akin, friendly. Sik, acc. ofpers.pron. him. [G. sich.]
Der. un-sbis, sibja, un-sibja, Sikls, str.sb. in. a shekel, Neh.5. 15.
frasti-sibja, ga-sibjon. [0. E. sib.] Silan*, vb.; see ana-silan. [Lat.
Sibja, str. sb. f. relationship; silere.]
suniwe sibja, the adoption of Silba, pron. seh"; is silba, he
sons, adoption as sons, Gal. 4. himself, Lu. 5. 1 ; thata silbo,
5. Der. frasti-sibja, un-sibja. this very thing, Rom. 13. 6;
Sibon, num. seven, Mk. 8. 5; 12. sein silbins, his own, Lu. 14.
20; 16. 9. [G. sieben; D. zeven.] 26. Der. silba -siuneis, silba-
Sibtm-tehunD, num. seventy, Lu. wileis, silba-wiljands. [G. sel
10. 1, 17. ber; D. zelf.]
SlDOn, vb. to meditate on, 1 Tim. Silba-siineis, sb. m. an eye-wit
4. 15. From sidus. ness, Lu. 1. 2. From silba
Sidus, str. sb. m. a custom, man and siuns.
ner, 1 Cor. 15. 33; 2 Tim. 3. Silba-wileis, adj. willing of one
10. [G. sitte.] self, 2 Cor. 8. 3. From silba
Sifan, vb. to rejoice, be glad, Jo. and wiljan.
8. 56; Rom. 15. 10; Gal. 4. Silba-wiljands, willing of one's
27. [A. S. sifian.] own accord, 2 Cor. 8. 17. Cf.
SlGGkWan, SIGKWan, vb. (ft. t. preceding word.
saggkw, pp. suggkwans), to sink, Sild*, adv. seldom. Der. silda-
Lu. 5.7; to set (of the sun), Lu. 4. leiks, silda-leikjan. [Cf. G.
40. Der. dis-, ga-, saggkwjan, uf- selten.]
saggkwjan, saggkws. [G. sinken; Silda-leikjan, vb. to wonder,
D. zinken.] Mat. 8. 10; 9. 8; Mk. 5. 20; to
Siggwan, vb. (pt. t. saggw, pi. wonder at, Lu. 7. 9.
suggwum, pp. suggwans), to Sh.da-LeiKs, adj. wonderful, Ml:.
sing, Eph. 5. 19; to read aloud, 12. 11; Jo. 9. 30; 2 Cor. 11. U./}'"
Lu. 4. 16; 2 Cor. 3. 15; to Sihtbk, str. sb. n. silver, silver
read, Eph. 3. 4. Der. us-, money, Mat. 27. 5; Lu. 19. 15,
saggws. [G. singen; D. zingen.] 23. Der. silubreins. [G. tilber:
Sigis, str. sb. n. victory, 1 Cor. D. zilver.]
15. 54. Der. sigis-laun. fA. S. SiLUbkeins. adj. of silver. Mat.
sige; G. sieg; D. zege.] 27. 3, 9; 2 Tim. 2. 20.
Sigis-LaUn, str. sb. n. the reward or Simi.E, adv. once, at one time,
crown of victory, prize, 1 Cor. Rom. 7. 9; Gal. 1. 23; 2. 6.
9. 24; Phil. 3. 14. From sigis [A. S. symle (?); Lat. semel.]
and laun. Sinaps, sb. m. mustard, Mk. 4.
Sigkwan: see Siggkwan. 31; Lu. 17. 6. . . senepe;
Sigljan, vb. to seal, 2 Cor. 1. Gk. aram.]
22. Der. ga-, faur-, siglo. Sind, they are; see wisan.
Siglo, . sb. n. a seal, 1 Cor. Sindo* adv. in comp, ns-sindo.
9. 2; 2 Tim. 2. 19. [G. sieget; q. v.
D. zegel; A. S. sigel.] Sineigs, SEneIGS, adj. old, Lu. 1. 18;
Sijau, I may be; from wisan. elder, 1 Tim. 5. 1. From sine.
199 SraisTA Se* 200
SiniSta, sup. adj. the eldest, Mat. 27. Siukei , wk. sb. f. sickness, disease,
1, 3; Mk. 7. 3; 8. 31. From sins. Jo. 11. 4; 2 Cor. 11. 30; 12. 9.
Sins* adj. old; whence superl. Sir Ks. adj. sick, ill, diseased,
sinista. [Cf. Lat. senex.] Mat. 25. 39; Lu. 10. 9; Jo. 6.
Sinteino, adv. ever, always, con 2; siuks wisan, to fall sick, be
tinually, Mk. 14. 7; Lu. 15. 31. sick, Jo. 11. 3. [G. siech; D.
Sinteins, adj. (spelt seiteins in ziek.]
2 Cor. 11. 28), daily, Mat. 6. 11; Siuns, str. sb. f. the sight, Lu.
Skeir. 3. 10. Der. sinteino. 4. 19; 7. 21; sight, seeing,
Sinth, str. sb. (n.1) a journey; 2 Cor. 5. 7; a sight, a vision,
hence a time ; in the phrases ain- Lu. 1. 22; an appearance, out
amma sintha, once; twaim sin- ward shape, form, Lu. 3. 22;
tham, twice, &c.; also anthar- 9. 29. Der. ana-, unana-siu-
amma sintha, a second time; naba, silba-siuneis. [A. S. sien.]
see Mk. 14. 72; 2 Cor. 11. 25. Sii'th, ye are; see sijuth. From
Sinthan* vb. (pt. f.santh, pi. sunth- wisan.
um, pp. sunthans), to go, wander. Skaban, vb. to shave, 1 Cor. 11.
Der. sinth, ga-sintha, mithga-sin- 6. Der. bi-skaban. [G. scha
tha, us-sindo, sandjan, ga-sandjan, ben; D. Schaven.]
fauraga-sandjan,in-sandjan, mith- Skadus, str. sb. m. a shade,
in-sandjan, mith-sandjan, us-sand- shadow, Mk. 4. 32; Lu. 1. 79;
jan. See sandjan. [A. S. sidian.] Col. 2. 17. Der. ga-skadweins,
SlPOnJCIS, str. sb. m. a pupil, dis ufar-skadwjan. [G. schatten; D.
ciple, Mat. 8. 18; 9. 10, 11, &c. schaduw.]
Der. siponjan. Skaftjan, vb. to shape; hence,
Siponjan, vb. to learn, to be a sk. sik, to shape one's course,
disciple, Mat. 27. 57. to be about to do, Jo. 12. 4.
Sis, dat. of pron. pers. to him. From skapjan.
Sitan, vb. (pt. t. sat, pi. setum, Skafts*, str. sb. f. a shaping,
pp. sitans), to sit, Mat. 9. 9; making. Der. ga-, ufar-.
16. 26; 27. 19, &c. Der. and-, Skaidan, vb. (pt. t. skaiskaid), to
bi-, ga-, dis-, us-; sitie, anda divide, sever, separate, put
sets; satjan, ga-, fauraga-, mith- asunder, Mk. 10. 9; to set at
ga-, af-, at-, and-, bi-, mith-, variance, Mat. 10. 35 ; refl. and
us-satjan; sateins, ga-, af-, us- neut. to depart, 1 Cor. 7. 10, 15.
sateins. [G. sitzen; D. zitten.] Der. ga-, af-, dis-; ga-skaidnan,
Sitls, str. sb. m. a settle, seat, ga-skaidei. [G. & D scheiden;
Mk. 11. 15; a throne, Col. 1. O. E. shed.]
16; a nest, Mat. 8. 20; Lu. 9. Skaidei*, wk. sb.f. separation; tn
58. From sitan. [E. settle.] comp, ga-skaidei, q. v.
SiUJan, vb. to sew, Mk. 2. 21. Skaidnan*; see ga-skaidnan.
[Lat. suere; E. setv.] Skain, shone; from skeinan.
Siukan, vb. (pt. t. sauk, pi. su- Skaiskaid. divided; from skaidan.
kum, pp. sukans), to be sick, Ska .. shall; from skulan.
to be ill, to be diseased, Lu. Skalja, str. sb. f. a scale; hence,
7. 2; 2 Cor. 11. 29; 12. 10. a tile, Lu. 5. 19. [G. schale;
Der. siuks, siukei, sauhts. D. Kchaal; E. shell. scale.]
201 Skalkinassus Star 202
stone, Lu. 20. 6; Jo. 11. 8. Staua-stols, str. sb. m. the judg
Der. waihsta- stains, stainahs, ment-seat, Mat. 27. 19; Rom.
staineins, stainjan. [G stein; 14. 10; 2 Cor. 5. 10.
D. steen.] Staurkjan*, vb. to dry up,
Stairno, wk. sb. f. a star, Mk. wither (transitive). Der. ga-
13. 25. [G. stern; D. ster.] staurknan, q. v. [G. stark; D.
Stairo, wk. sb. f. a barren woman, sterk; E. stark, starch.]
Lu. 1. 7, 36; Gal. 4. 27. [Gk. Staurran*, vb. to murmur Der.
ereifoj] and-staurran.
Staks, str. sb. m. a mark, stigma, Stautan, vb. (pt. t. staistaut, pp.
Gal. 6. 17. From stikan. stautans), to strike, smite, Mat.
8taldan*, vb. to own, possess. 5. 39; Lu. 6. 29. [G. stossen;
Der. ga-, and-; and -staid, D. stooten; cf. E. stoke.]
aglaitga-stalds. Steigan, vb. to mount, go up,
Stamms, adj. stammering, with an ascend, Jo. 7. 14; 10. 1. Der.
impediment in the speech, Mk. at-, ga-, ufar-, us-; staiga. [G.
7. 32. [G. Hammeln; D. sta- steigen; D. stijgen; O. E. sty;
melen.] cf. E. stairs, stirrup.]
Standan, vb. (pt. t. stoth, pp. sto- Stibna, str. sb. f. a voice, Mat.
thans?), to stand, stand firm, 27. 46; Mk. 1. 3; 5. 7. [G.
Mk. 6. 5; 26. 73; 27. 11, &c. stimme; D. stem; O. E. steven.]
Der. and-, af-, at-, bi-, ga-, in-, Stiggan*. vb. to sting, stick, pierce,
mith-, us-, twis-, faura-; afga- thrust. Der. us-. Cf. stikan.
stothms, unga-stothans, ga-sto- Stiggkwan, vb. to strike, smite,
thanan; af-stass, us-stass, twis- thrust; st. withra, to make war
stass, faur-stasseis ; ana-stodjan, against, Lu. 14. 31. Der. bi-,
du-stodjan, ana-stodeins, aftra- ga-, ga-staggkwjan, bi-stuggkws.
ana-stodeins. Cf. staths. [G. Cf. stautan, stiggan.
stehen; D. staan.] Stikan *, vb. to stick, prick. Der.
Staths, str. sb. m. (spelt stads, stike, staks, hlethra- stakeins.
Lu. 14. 22 ; pi. stadeis), a stead, [G. stechen ; D. steken.]
a place, Mk. 1. 35; 16. 6; Stiki.S, str. sb. m. a cup, Mat. 10.
room, Lu. 14. 22; an inn, Lu. 42; Mk. 7. 4; 9.41. [O.N.eftM.]
2. 7 ; land, shore, Mk. 4. 1 ; Lu. Stiks. str. sb. m. a point, a mo
5. 3; jainis Stadia, the other ment (of time), Lu. 4. 5. From
side (of the lake), Mk. 4. 35. stikan.
Der. hunsla-staths, mota-staths, Stilan, vb to steal, Mat. 6. 20;
lukarna-statha, anda-stathjis, Jo. 10. 10. [G. stehlen; D.
Cf. standan. [G. statt; D. stelen.]
stad.] Stiur, str. sb. m. a steer, calf,
Staua, str. sb. f. judgment, Mat. Lu. 15. 23, 27, 30. [G. D.
5. 21; 11. 22; Mk. 6. 11; a stier.]
law-suit, matter for trial, 1 Cor. Stiurjan, vb. to steer, govern ;
6. 1. Der. staua, anda-staua, hence, to establish, Rom. 10.
staua-stols, stojan, ga-stojan. 3; to affirm, 1 Tim. 1. 7. [G.
Staua, wk. sb. m. a judge, Mat steuern; D. sturen.]
5. 25; Lu. 18. 2, 6. Stiurs *, adj. rightly steered, well-
ordered. Der. us-stiuriba. ua- Sundro, adv. asunder, alone, pri
stiurei, stiurjan. vately, Mk. 4. 10; 7. 33; Lu.
Stiwiti, str. sb. n. enduring, en 9. 10. [G. sonder; D. zonder.]
durance, patience. 2 Cor. 1. 6; Sunis*, adj. sooth, true.' Der.
6. 4; 2 Th. 1. 4. sunja, sunjaba, sunjai-frithas.
Stodeins* stodjan*; standen. sunjeins. sunjon, ga-sunjon, aun-
Stojan, vb. (pt. t. stauida), to jons. [E. sooth?]
judge. Lu. 6. 37; 7. 43; 19. Sunja, adv. soothly, verily, truly,
22. From staua. Lu. 9. 27; Jo. 17. 3.
Stols, str. sb. m. a stool, seat, Sunja , str. sb. f. the sooth , the
throne, Mat. 5. 34; Lu. 1. 32. truth, Mk. 5. 33; 12. 14, 32;
Der. staua-stnls. [G. stuhl; D. bi sunjai, truly, verily. Mat.
stoel.] 26. 73.
Stoma, wk. sb. . substantial Sunjaba, adv. truly, verily. 1 Tb.
grounds, sound cause, 'confi 2. 13.
dence' (A. V.). 2 Cor. 9. 4; Sunjai- fritiiaS, sb. a proper
11. 17. name in the Neap, document.
Stoth, stood; from standan. Sunjeins, adj. true, Mk. 12. 14;
Straujan, vb. to strew, straw, Jo. 7. 18; 8. 13.
Mk. 11. 8; to prepare, Mk. 14. Sunjon, vb. to verify, put in the
15. Der. uf-. [G. streuen; D. right; refl. to put oneself in the
strooijen.] right, to excuse oneself, 2 Cor.
Striks, str. sb. m. a stroke, flour 12. 19.
ish of the pen, a tittle, Mat. 5. Sunjons, str. sb. f. a setting one
18. [G. strich; D. streek.] self right, an apology, defence,
Stubjus, str. sb. m. dust, Lu. 10. answer, 2 Cor. 7. 11; Phil. 1.
11. [G. staub; D. stof] 17; 2 Tim. 4. 16.
Stuggkws* sb. a hit. Der. bi- Sunna, wk. sb. . the sun, Mk. 4.
etuggkws. From stiggkwan. 6; 16. 2. Cf. sauil. [G. sonne;
Sukwns, str. sb. m. the stomach. D. zon.]
1 Tim. 5. 23. Sunno, wk. sb. f. the sun, Mat.
Sukwon*, vb. to season; see ga- 5. 45; Lu. 4. 40. See sunna.
sukwon. Cf. supon. Suns, adv. soon, at once, imme
Sulja, str. sb. f. a sole of a diately. Mat. 8. 3; 26. 74; 27.
shoe, a sandal, Mk. 6. 9. Der. 48. Der. suns-aiw, sansei, bi-
ga-suljan. [G. sohle; D. zool.] sunjane.
Suman, adv. once, on a time, Suns-aiw, adv. soon, immediately,
Rom. 11. 30; Gal. 1. 23; Eph. straightway, Mk. 3. 6; 5. 29;
2. 3; partly, in part, 1 Cor. 13. 6. 25.
9. From sums. I Suns-ei, adv. as soon as, when,
Sums, adj. (J. suma, n. sumata), ,Lu. 1. 44; 19. 41.
some one, some. Mat. 9. 3; 27. I Sunus, str. sb. m. .a son, Mat. 5.
47; one, Mk. 14.43; bi sumata, !' 45; 8. 12; 9. .15, &c. [G.
in part, Rom. 11. 25; sums shn; D. zoon.]
sumsuh , the one the other, Supon, vb. to season, Mk. 9. 50.
Mk. 12. 5; Rom. 9. 21. Der. Der. ga-supon. Cf. sukwon.
.suman. I Suthjon, eUtHJan, vb. to sootfie;
hence, to long to be soothed, Mat. 27. 48; Mk. 15. 36. [G.
to itch, 2 Tim. 4. 3. schwamm; D. zwam; . S.
Sctis, adj. sweet; hence, patient, swamm.]
1 Tim. 3.3; peaceable, 1 Tim. Swaran, vb. to swear, Mat. 5. 34;
2. 2; compar. sutiza, more toler Mk. 6. 23; Lu. 1.73. Der. bi-,
able, Mat. 11. 24; Mk. 6. 11; ufar-, ufar-swara. [G. schwren;
Lu. 10. 12. Der. unsuti. [G. D. zweren.]
sss; D. zoet.] Sware, swarei, adv. without a
Swa, conj. so, just so, also, cause, in vain, Mat. 5. 22; Mk.
Mat. 5. 16; Jo. 13. 15; swa 7. 7; Gai. 2. 21.
jah or jah swa, so also, 1 Cor. Swartizi, , str. sb. n. that which is
12. 12; swa samaleiko, in like black, ink, 2 Cor. 3. 3.
manner, 1 Cor. 11. 25. Der. Swarts, adj. black, Mat. 5. 36.
swah, swa-u, swaei, swa-lauds, [G. schwarz; D. zwart; E. swart.
swa-leiks, swe, swc-kunths, swarthy.]
swi-kunths, swaswe. [G. so; Swaswe, conj. as, just as, as it
D. zo.] were, in like manner as; from
Swaei, conj. so that, that, Mk. 1. swa and swe.
27; as, Lu. 3. 23. From swa Swa-u, adv. so? thus? (in asking
and ei. a question), Jo. 18. 22. From
Swaggwjan*, vb. to swing about. swa and uh.
Der. af-swaggwjan. Swe. conj. as, just as. Cf. swa,
Swah, conj. so, also, so too, Lu. ewa-ewe.
14. 33. From swa -and uh. Swegnitha, str. sb. f. (spelt swig-
Swaihra, wk. sb. m. father-in-law, nitha, Lu. 1. 44), joy, Lu. 1.
Jo. 18. 13. [G. schttrieger; A. S. 14, 44.
sweor.] Swegsjan, vb. (spelt ewignjan, Jo.
Swaihro, wk. sb. f. mother-in-law, 5. 35), to rejoice, triumph, Lu.
Mat. 8, 14; 10. 35; Mk. 1. 30; 1. 47; 10. 21; Col. 3. 15. [Cf.
Lu. 4. 38. Cf. swaihra. A. S. swegan, swegian.]
Swairban*, 6. to wipe. Der. Sweiban, vb. to cease, Lu. 7. 45.
af-, bi-. Cf. sweipan. Der. unsweibands.
Swa-lauds, adj. so much, such, Swein, str. sb. n. a swine, pig,
Mat. 8. 10; Jo. 14. 9; swalaud Mat. 8. 30; Mk. 5. 11; Lu. 8.
melis swe, as long as, Gal. 4. 1. 32. [G. schwein; D. zwijn.]
Cf. hwe-lauds. SweiPainS*; see midja-sweipains.
Swa-leiks, adj. such, Mat. 9. 8; Sweipan*, vb. to sweep. Der.
Mk. 4. 33; 6. 2; swaleiks swe, midja-sweipains.
such as, 2 Cor. 12. 20. Swe-kunths; see swi-kunths.
Swalleins*, str. sb. f. a swell Swerains, str.sb.f honour, 2 Tim.
ing. Der. uf-swalleins. From 2. 20. From swers. [M. reads
swillan. swerein.] Cf. unswerains.
Swalljan *, to cause to swell. Der. Sweran, vb. to honour, esteem,
uf-swalleins. See swillan. glorify. Mk. 7. 6; Lu. 18. 20;
Swalt, died; from swilt$n. Jo. 12. 23. Der. (ga-, un-;
Swamm, swam; from swjmman. . swerains. un-swerains. From
Swamms, Swams, str.sb.m.^. sponge, swers.
215 SWEREI: Syria 216
TH, the ninth letter in the Gothic whither, Mk. 6. 55; 14. 14; Jo.
alphabet. As a number, it 6.62; thiswaduh thadei, whither
means 9. [This letter answers soever, Mat. 8. 19; Mk. 6. 56.
to the A. S. thorn-letter (p), Thagkjan, tiiaggkjan, vb. (pt. t.
which is used by some editors to thahta, pp. thahts), to think,
represent it.] consider, reason, Mk. 2. 6; Lu.
Thadei, adv. where, wheresoever, 3. 15; to consult, Lu. 14. 31;
$T > 22?
Than-ei, him who, whom; acc. 9. 18; tharuh sai, and behold,
s. m. of sa-ei. Lu. 7. 12; tharuh than, but,
Thanei, eonj. since; jah thanei, Lu. 8. 23.
inasmuch as, Mat. 25. 40. Thata (neut. of sa), the, that, this;
Thanjan *, vb. to stretch ; in comp. whence thatainei, thatei, thatuh.
uf-thanjan. From thinan. [E. thai; G. das; D. dat.]
Thankjan, thanks; see thagkjan, Thatain, that one, that only, one
thagks. thing only, Jo. 9. 25; Rom. 9. 10;
Thannu, conj. therefore, then, so Gal. 3. 2. From thata and ains.
that, for, Rom. 10. 17; Mat. 7. Thatainei, thataine, adv. only,
20; Mk. 14. 6; thannu nu, Mat. 5. 47; 8. 8; Mk. 5. 36.
thannu nu jai, therefore, Rom. Thatei, rel. pron. neut. that which,
9. 16, 18; thannu than, so which, what; also conj. that,
then, Rom. 7. 3. From than because, if; bi thatei, because,
and nu. Lu. 19. 11; afar thatei, after
Thans, the; acc. m. pi. of sa. that, Mk. 1. 14; und thatei,
Thanuh, conj. and adv. (spelt until, Rom. 11. 25. From thata
thanuth before th following), and ei.
then, Mat. 8. 26; but, Mat. 9. Thathro, thathroh, adv. thence,
25; and, Mk. 10. 13; therefore, Lu. 4. 9; after that, thence
Mk. 12. 6; thanuh than or forth, Lu. 16. 16.
thanuth than, then therefore, Thathro-ei, adv. from whence,
then also,*To. 11. 14; thanuh Phil. 3. 20.
than swethaub, nevertheless, Jo. Thatist (for thata ist), that is to
12. 42. say, Mk. 7. 2; this is, Jo. 6. 29.
Thanuh, pron. this, acc. m. s. o/sa'h. Thatuh, neut. of sa'h, q. v.
Thanzei, rel. pron. whom, acc.pi. Thau, thauh, conj. though, than,
m. of sa-ei. however, Mat. 9. 5, &c.; ei
Thanzuh, pron. these, and these, thau, or else, Lu. 14. 32. Cf.
acc. pi. m. of sa'h. ewethauh.
Thar, adv. there, Mat. 6. 20 ; Lu. 9. 4. Thauhjabai, thauhjaba, even if,
Tharba, wk. sb. m. a beggar, Mk. Jo. 11. 25; 1 Cor. 7. 21.
10. 21; Jo. 12. 5, 6. Der. ala- Thaurban, vb. (pt. t. as pres.
tharba. From thaurban. tharf, pi. thaurbum, pt. t.
Tharba, str. sb. f. want, need, thaurfta), to need, want, lack,
lack, 2 Cor. 8. 14; 11. 9; Phil. Mat. 6. 8; 9. 12; Mk. 2.
4. 11, 12. From thaurban. 17. Der. ga-thaurbs, thaurfts,
Tharban*, vb.; see ga-tharban. naudi-thaurfts, tharbs, tharba,
Tharbjan*, vb.; see ga-tharbjan. ala-tharba, ga-tharban, ga-tharb
Tharbs, adj. needy, in want, Lu. jan. [G. bedrfen; D. derven;
9. 11; necessary, Phil. 2. 25. A. S. pearfani]
Tharei, adv. where, Mat. 6. 19; Thaurfts, adj. needy, necessary,
Mk. 2. 4; Lu. 4. 16. 1 Cor. 12. 22; profitable, 2 Tim.
Tharihis (dyrdcpov), gen. case of 3. 16. Der. naudi-thaurfts.
adj. new(?), Mat 9. 16. Thaurfts, str. sb. f. need, Lu. 19.
Tharuh, adv. there, Mat. 6. 21; 34; Phil. 2. 25; profit, Lu. 9.25.
but, Mk. 10. 20; behold, Mat. Cf. Eph. 5. 4. From thaurban.
225 Tharneixs Thiudisko 226
T (continued).
[For other words beginning with Timan*, vb. to tame. Der. ga-
T, see above, according to the timan, ga-tamjan, ga-temiba.
alphabetical order.] [G. ziemen, zhmen; D. temmen.]
Timbrjan; see timrjan.
Tious, num. ten; whence pi. nom. Timreins, str. sb. f. a building,
tigjus, gen. tigiwe, Lu. 3. 23; Rom. 14. 19; 1 Cor. 14. 26;
dat. tigum, 1 Tim. 5. 9; acc. 2 Cor. 10. 8. Der. ga-timreins.
tiguns, Lu. 7. 41. Der. twai-, Ttmrja, wk. sb. m. a builder, Mk.
threie-, fidwor-, fimf-, saihs-. 12. 10; Lu. 20. 17.
[E. -ty; G. -zig.] Timrjan, vb. (spelt timbrjan in Lu.
Tilaba*; see ga-tilaba. 14. 28), to build, Lu. 6, 48; 14.
Tilan* vb. to suit, fit. Der. tils, 30; 17. 28. Der. ana-, ga-,
ga-tils, ga-tilaba, untila-malsks, mithga-, timrja, timreins, ga-
and-tilon, un-tals, talzjan, tal- timreins, ga-timrjo. [G. zim
zeins. [Cf. A. S. til, suitable; mern; D. timmeren; A. S. #*-
tilian, to prepare, till; E. till.] brian; cf. E. timber.]
Tilon*, vb.; see and-tilon, ga- Tindan*, 6. to burn. Der. tand-
tilon, gaga -tilon. From tilan. jan, ga-tandjan, in-tandjan, tund-
Tils, adj. suitable, fit; til du nan, in-tundnan. [Cf. E. tinder;
wrohjan, fit for accusing, an G. znden.]
accusation, Lu. 6. 7. Der. ga- Tiuhan, vb. (pt. t. tauh, pi. tau-
tils, ga-tilaba. From tilan. [A. hum, pp. tauhans), to tow, tug,
S. til.] pull; hence to lead, Lu. 4. 1;
18. 40; Jo. 18. 28; to guide, Triweins, adj. made of a tree,
Lu. 6. 39; to lead away, Mk. wooden, 2 Tim. 2. 20.
14. 44. Der. at-, inn-at, af-, Trudan, vb. to tread, tread upon,
bi-, ga-, mithga-, us-, us-tauhts, Lu. 10. 19; to tread as in a
ue-tauhei. [O. ziehen; A. S. winepress, Lu. 6. 44. Der.
teon.] ga-trudon. [G. treten; D.
Tiwan*, vb. to be ready. Der. treden.]
tanjan, ga-taujan, missa- tau- Trusgjan*, vb. to graft. Der. in-
jands, taui, ubil-tojis, fuUa-tojis, trusgjan. Cf. trisgan.
lew a, tewi, ga-tewjan, unga- Trusnjan*, vb. to sprinkle. Der.
tewiths. [Cf. A. S. tawian.] ufar-trusnjan.
Tojis, gen. case of taui, q. . Cf. Tuggl, str. sb. n. a star? as gloss
ubil-tojis, fulla-tojis. to stabim, elements, Gal. 4. 3.
Trauains, str. sb. f. trust, confi [A. S. tungel.]
dence, 2 Cor. 1. 15; 3. 4; Tuggo, wk. sb. f. a tongue, Mk.
boldness, 2 Cor. 7. 4; Phil. 7. 33; Lu. 1. 64. [G. zunge;
1. 20. D. tong.]
Trauan, vb. to trow, be per Tuloitha, str. sb. f. safety, 1 Th.
suaded, 2 Tim. 1. 5; to trust 5. 3; a stronghold, 2 Cor. 10.
(followed by du or in), Mat. 27. 4; a stay, sure foundation,
43; Lu. 18. 9; 2 Cor. 1. 9. 1 Tim. 3. 15. From tulgus.
Der. ga-trauan, trauains, trausti. Tulgjan, vb. to confirm, establish,
Cf. triggws. [E. trow, true, trust; 2 Cor. 2. 8; 1 Th. 3. 13. Der.
G. treu, trauen; D. trouw.] g"-
Trausti, str. sb. n. a covenant, Tulgus, adj. steadfast, sure, 1 Cor.
Eph. 2. 12. [E. trust.] 15. 58; 2 Tim. 2. 19. Der. tulg
Triggwa, fr. sb. f. a covenant, jan, ga-tulgjan, tulgitha.
Lu. 1. 72; Rom. 9. 4; 11. 27. Tundnan, vb. to burn, 2 Cor. 11.
Cf. trausti. ..< .' .> - 29. Der. in-. From tindan.
Triggwaba, adv. truly, assuredly, Tunthus, str. sb. m. a tooth, Mat.
confidently, Lu. 20. 6; Phil. 5. 38; 8. 12; Mk. 9. 18. [G.
1. 25. zahn; D. tand.]
Triggws, adj. true, faithful, Lu. Tuz-werjan, vb. to doubt, Mk. 11.
16. 10; 19. 17; 1 Cor. 4. 2. 23 From tus (a derivative of
Der. un-, triggwa, triggwaba. twai?) and werjan.
Cf. trauan. Twaddje, gen. of twai, two.
Trigo, wk. sb. f. grief, sorrow, Twa-hunda, num. two hundred,
2 Cor. 9. 7. Jo. 6. 7.
Trimpan*, vb. to tramp, tread. Twai, num. (fem, twos, neut. twa,
Der. ana -trimpan. [G. tram gen. twaddje, dat. twaim, acc.
peln; D. trappen.] twans, twos, twa), two, Mat. 6.
Triscan*, vb. to graft. Der. in-, 24; 27. 51; Mk. 5. 13. Der.
trusgjan, in-trusgjan. tweihnai, twa-lif, twai-tigjus,
Triu, str. sb. n. (gen. triwis), a twa-hunda, twis, tus? [G. zwei;
tree; hence a piece of wood, a D. twee.]
staff, Mk. 14. 43, 48. Der. tri- Twai-tigjus, num. twenty, Lu.
weins, weina-triu. 14. 31.
Twaub-wintbus UfAB-CIL'TAN
U, the sixteenth letter of the Uf, prep, with dat. and acc. under,
Gothic alphabet. As a numeral, beneath, in the time of. Occurs as
it means 70. It is probably a prefix in numerous compounds.
equivalent to oo in cool; or, it' [Gk. V7Z; Lat. sub.]
unaccented, to oo in foot. Uf-aithis, adj. under an oath,
U, an enclitic used in asking a Neh. 6. 18.
question, as in skuld-u ist, is it Ufar, prep, with dat. and acc.
lawful, Mk. 3. 4; sometimes found over, above, beyond. Occurs as
in the middle of a word; thus a prefix in numerous compounds.
ga-u-laubjats is put for ga-laub- [G. ber; D. & E. over.]
jats-u, do ye believe, Mat. 9. Ufarassjan, vb. to abound, over
28. Cf. uh. flow, redound, 2 Cor. 4. 15; 9.
Ubilaba, adv. evilly, ill, Mk. 2. 8, 12; 1 Tim. 1. 14.
17; Jo. 18. 23. Ufarassus, str. sb. m. overflow,
Ubils, adj. evil, ill, bad, useless. abundance, superfluity, 2 Cor.
Mat. 5. 37; 6. 13; Mk. 7. 23; 8.14; 10. 15; ufarassau haban,
ubil haban, to be ill, Mat. 8. to have in abundance, Lu. 15.
16; ubil kwithan, to speak 17; Phil. 2. 12.
evil against, to curse, Mk. 7. 10; Ufar-fullei , wk. sb. f. overfull-
ubil waurdjan, to speak evil of, ness, abundance, Lu. 6. 45.
Mk. 9. 39. Der. ubilaba, ubil- Ufar-fulljan, vb. to fill to over
tojis, ubil-waurds. [G. bel.] flowing, 2 Cor. 7.4; to abound,
Ubil-tojis, adj. as sb. a male 1 Cor. 15. 58.
factor, evildoer, Jo. 18. 30; Ufar-fulls, adj. full to overflow
2 Tim. 2. 9. ing, Lu. 6. 38.
Ubil-waurds, adj. evilspeaking. Ufar -Gaggan, vb. to go over,
railing, 1 Cor. 5. 11. transgress, Lu. 15. 29; to go
Ubizwa, str. sb. f. a porch, Jo. beyond, overreach, 1 Th. 4. 6.
i 10. 23. [A. S. efese; E. eaves.] Ufar-giutan, vb. to pour over,
Ub-Uh;pw/oruf-uh, from ufanduh. make to run over, Lu. 6. 38.
Ufar-gudja, wk. sb. .m. a chief- Ufar-skadwjan, vb. to oversha
priest, Mk. 10. 33. dow, Mk. 9. 7; Lu. 1. 35; 9. 34.
Ufar-hafjan, vb. to heave or lift Ufar-skafts, str. sb. f. the first
over, to exalt, 2 Th. 2. 4. fruit,Rom. 11. 16. From skapjan.
Ufar-hafnan, vb. to be heaved or Ufar-steigan , vb. to mount up,
lifted over, to be exalted, 2 Cor. grow up, Mk. 4. 7.
12. 7. Ufak-swara, wk. sb. m. an over-
Ufar-hamon, 6. to put on clothes swearer, a perjured man, 1 Tim.
over, to be clothed upon (A. V.), 1. 10.
2 Cor. 5. 2. Ufar-swaran, . to overswear,
Ufar-hauhjan, vb. to exalt over, forswear, Mat. 5. 33.
to lift up, 1 Tim. 3. 6. Ufar-theihan, vb, to surpass,
Ufar-hauseins, str. sb. f. a hear supersede, Skeir. 3. 21.
ing over, disregarding, dis Ufar-tkusnjan, vb. to besprinkle,
obedience, 2 Cor. 10. 6. Skeir. 3. 16.
Ufar-himinakunds (novadno), Ufak-wahsjan , vb. to over-wax,
adj. heavenly, 1 Cor. 15. 48. grow exceedingly, 2 Th. 1. 3.
Ufar-hleithrjan, vb. to dwell Ufar-wisan, vb. to be over, exceed,
upon, rest upon, 2 Cor. 12. 9. surpass, 2 Cor. 3. 9; Phil. 4. 7;
Ufar-hugjan, vb. to think over to be set over, to be higher,
highly, to be exalted above Rom. 13. 1.
measure, 2 Cor. 12. 7. Uf-bal'ljan, vb. to puff up; pass.
Ufar-jaina, adv. in places beyond, to be highminded, 2 Tim. 3. 4.
beyond, 2 Cor. 10. 16. Uf-blesan, vb. to blow up, puff
Ufar-lagjan , vb. to lay upon ; up ; pass, to be puffed up, 1 Cor.
pass, to lie upon, Jo. 11. 38. 4. 6; 13. 4; Col. 2. 18.
Ufar-leithan , vb. to pass over, Uf-brikan, vb. to reject, Mk. 6.
Mat. 9. 1. 26; to despise, Lu. 10. 16;
Ufar-meleins , str. sb. f. super 1 Th. 4. 8; see 1 Tim. 1. 13.
scription, Mk. 12. 16. Uf-brinnan, vb. neut. to be burnt
Ufar-meli, str. sb. n. superscrip up, be scorched, Mk. 4. 6.
tion, Mk. 15. 26; Lu. 20. 24. Uf-daupjan, vb. to dip into, dip
Ufar-meljan, 6. to write over, in, Jo. 13. 26; to baptize, Lu.
Mk. 15. 26. 3. 21; 7. 29.
Ufar -mIton, vb. to cause to be Uf-gairdan, vb. to undergird, gird
forgotten, to put away from re about, Eph. 6. 14.
membrance (?), Skeir. 3. 17. Uf-graban, vb. to dig under, dig
Ufar-munnon, vb. to forget, Mk. through, Mat. 6. 19, 26.
8. 14; Phil. 3. 14; to disre Uf-haban, vb. to bear up, sustain,
gard, Phil. 2. 30. Lu. 4. 11.
Ufaro, adv. above, thereon, Jo. Uf-hauseins, str. sb- f. a hearing
11. 38; prep, with gen. upon, uuder, regard, obedience, 2 Cor.
Lu. 10. 19; with dat. over, 7. 15; 10. 5; subjection, 1 Tim.
above, Lu. 19. 19; Jo. 3. 31. 2. 11. Cf. ufar-hauseins.
Ufar - Hanneins , str. sb. f. an Uf-hausjan , vb. to hear under, to
over - sprinkling , besprinkling, obey, submit to, Mat. 8. 27; Mk. 1.
Skeir. 3. 10. 27; Lu. 2. 51. Cf. ufar-hauseins.
239 -HLOHJAJt Ulbasds 240
Mk. 1. 6; 10. 25; Lu. 18. 25. Un-bruks, adj. unprofitable, Lu.
[A. S. olfend; E. elephant.] 17. 10; Skeir. 1. 2.
Un-, a negative prefix, like English Und, prep, with dat. in return for,
un-, [G. un-; D. on-.] for, Mat. 5. 38; Rom. 12. 17;
Un-agands, pres. pt. (as from un- more often with ace. unto, until,
agan), fearless, without fear, as far as, up to, Lu. 2. 15;
1 Cor. 16. 10; Phil. 1. 14. Mk. 6. 23 ; und hwan filu, how
Un-agei, wk.tb.f. fearlessness; dat. much, Mat. 10. 25. Also in
un-agein, without fear, Lu. 1. 74. compounds, where it perhaps once
Un-airkns, adj. unholy, 1 Tim. takes the form untha; see untha-
1. 9; 2 Tim. 3. 2. thliuhan. [E. unto?]
Un-aiwisks, adj. that needeth not Undar, prep, with acc. under, Mk.
to be ashamed, 2 Tim. 2. 15. 4. 21. Der. undaro, lindaraists,
Un - anasiunaba , adv. invisibly, undarleija. [G. unter; D. onder.]
Skeir. 8. 2. Undaraists, superi. adj. under
Un-andhuliths,pp. (as/romunand- most, lowest, Eph. 4. 9.
buljan), not uncovered, 2 Cor. 3.14. Undarleija, superl. adj. lowest,
Un-andsakans , pp. (as from un- least, Eph. 3. 8; but for undar-
andsakan), irrefragable, irrefu leijin M. reads undaraistin. Cf.
table, Skeir. 6. 14. undaraists.
Un-andsoks, adj. that cannot be Undaro, prep, with dat. Mk. 6.
spoken against, irrefutable, 11; 7. 28.
Skeir. 6. 12. Undaurni-mats, str. sb. m. undern-
Un-atgahts, adj. inaccessible, un- meat, morning meal, Lu. 14.
approchable, 1 Tim. 6. 16. 12. [A. S. & O. E. undern.]
Un-bairandei, fern. adj. barren, Und-greipan, vb. to grip, lay hold of,
that beareth not, Gal. 4. 27. Mk.1.31; 12.8; 15.21; Jo.18.12.
Un-bairands, adj. not bearing, Un-diwanei, wk. sb. f. deathless-
Lu. 3. 9; Jo. 15. 2. ness, immortality, 1 Cor. 15.
Un-barnahs, adj. without children, 53; 1 Tim. 6. 16.
childless, Lu. 20. 28, 29, 30. Un-diwans, adj. undying, immor
Un-baurans, pp. (as from un and tal, 1 Tim. 1. 17.
baurans), pp. of bairan, unborn, Und-redan, vb. to provide, Sk. 6. 1 3.
not born, Skeir. 5. 20. Und-rinnan, vb. to fall to one's
Un-beistei, wk. sb.f. want of leaven, share, Lu. 15. 12.
unleavened bread, 1 Cor. 5. 8. Un-fagrs, adj. unthankful, Lu. 6. 35.
Un-beistoths, adj. unleavened, Un - fairinodaba , adv. unblame-
1 Cor. 5. 7. ably, 1 Th. 2. 20.
Un-bilaistiths, pp. (as from un Un-fahuns, adj. blameless, un-
and bilaistjan), not to be blameable, 1 Th. 3. 13; 5. 23;
traced, not to be found out, Col. 1. 22. See us-fairins.
Rom. 11. 33. Un-fairlaistiths, pp. (as from un
Un-ar, str. sb. n. uncircum- and fairlaistjan), unsearchable,
cision, Col. 2. 13. Eph. 3. 8. Cf. unbilaistiths.
Un-bimaitans, pp. (asfrom un and Un-faurs, adj. not sober, not staid
bimaitan), uncircmncised , Eph. in behaviour, a tattler, 1 Tim.
2. 11. 5. 13. Cf. ga-faurs.
243 Un-faurwris Uk-karja 244
Mat. 11. 5; Mk. 8. 25; to look Us-stiggan, vb. to pluck out, put
on, Mk. 3. 5. out, Mat. 5. 29.
Us-sakan, vb. to communicate to, Us-stiurei, wk. sb. f. excess, riot,
make to participate in, Gal. 2. 2. Eph. 5. 18; Tit 1. 6.
Us-saljan, vb. to stay as a guest, Us-STIURIba, adv. riotously, Lu.
Lu. 19. 7. 15. 13.
Us-sandjan, vb. to send out, send Us-taikneins , wk. sb. f. a proof,
forth, Mat. 9. 38; Mk. 1. 43. token, 2 Cor. 8. 24; Phil. 1.
From sintban. 28; a shewing, Lu. 1. 80.
Us-sateins, str. sb. f. nature, Eph. Us-TaiKnJan, vb. to give a token
2. 3. [A gloss to wistai.] From of, shew, Rom. 9. 22; to ap
sitan. point, Lu. 10. 1; 1 Cor. 4. 9;.
Us-satjan, vb. to set on, place hrotheigana us-taiknjan, to cause
upon, Lu. 19. 35; to set, plant, to triumph, 2 Cor. 2. 14.
Mk. 12. 1; Lu. 17. 6; to send Us-tauhei, wk. sb. /. a making
out, Lu. 10. 2. perfect, perfecting, Eph. 4. 12.
Us- sauneins, str. sb. f. recon [But read us-tauhtai.]
ciliation, Skeir. 1. 6. [But Us-tauhts, str. sb. f. a completion,
we should read us-lunein, re performance, Lu. 1. 45; per
demption.] fection, Col. 3. 14; end, Rom.
Us-siggwan, vb. to read, Mk. 2. 10. 4. From tiuhan.
25; Lu. 6. 3; 10. 26. Us-thrtotan, vb. to threaten, use
Us-sinDO,ad. especially,Philem.l6. despitefully, Mat 5. 44; to
Us -sitan, vb. to sit up, Lu. trouble, Mk. 14. 6; Lu. 18. 5.
7. 15. Us-thkotheins, str. sb. /. exercise,
Us-skawjan, vb. pass, or refl. to 1 Tim. 4. 8.
awake, re-awake, 1 Cor. 15. Us-throthjan, vb. to exercise;
34; 2 Tim. 2. 26. pass, to be accustomed, to be
s-sKawS, adj.wakeful ; us-skaws well instructed, Phil. 4. 12.
wisan, to awake, 1 Tb. 5. 8. Us-thulains , str. sb. f. patience,
Us-sokjan, vb. to seek out, search, Col. 1. 11; patient waiting for,
Jo. 7. 52 ; to judge , 1 Cor. 4. 2 Th. 3. 5.
3; 9. 3; 14. 24. Us-thulan,Us-thuljan, vb. to have
Us-spillon, vb. to tell out, to patience, put up with, Rom.
publish, Lu. 8. 39; to relate, 12. 12; 2 Cor. 11. 1; to forbear,
Lu. 9. 10. 1 Th. 3. 1; 2 Tim. 2. 24.
Us-standan, vb. to stand up, rise Us-thwahan, vb. to wash, Lu. 5.
up, Mat. 9. 9; Mk. 1. 35; Lu. 2; Jo. 13. 12, 14.
I. 39; to go out, Mk. 6. 1; to Us-Tiuhan, vb. to lead out, Mk.
rise again, Mk. 8. 31. 1. 12; 8. 23; to finish, Mat 10.
Us-stass, str. sb. f. a rising up, 23; Lu. 4. 2; to pay (tribute),
resurrection, Mk. 12. 18; Jo. Rom. 13. 6.
II. 24; a rising again, Lu. 2. Us-wagjan, vb. to stir up, excite,
34. 2 Cor. 9. 2; to toss about, Eph.
Us-steioan, vb. to mount up, go 4. 14. From wigan.
up, Mk. 3. 13; Lu. 5. 19; Jo. Ue-Wahsans, pp. from us-wahsjan,
6. 62; see also Jo. 6. 17. grown up, of full age, Jo. 9. 21.
257 Us-WAHSJAKUz-u 258
W (Y).
naught, nothing, not at all, Mat. Wairpan, vb. (pt. t. warp, pi.
10. 26; 27. 12. [E. whit, aught; waurpum, pp. waurpans, with
ef. naught, not.] acc. and dat.; also with preps.
Waii.a, adv. well, Mk. 1. 11; 7. 6; af, ana, in), to cast, Mat. 5. 29 ;
12.28; waila frathjan, to think Mk. 1. 16; 4. 26; to throw, let
soberly, Rom. 12. 3; waila down (a net), Lu. 5. 5; to cast
hugjan, to agree, Mat. 5. 25; stones, stone, Jo. 10. 31; cf. Mk.
waila kwithan, to speak well of, 12. 4. Der. at-, af-, ga-, inn-,
praise, Lu. 6. 26; waUa mer- fra-, us-, us-waurpa. [E. warp;
jan, to proclaim, to preach the G. werfen; D. werpen.]
gospel, Mat. 11. 5; 2 Cor. 1. Wairs, adv. worse, Mk. 5. 26;
19 ; waila wisan, to fare well, also wairsiza, worser, worse,
be merry, Lu. 15. 23. See aho Mat. 9. 16; 27. 64.
waila- kwiss, waila -mereins, Wairthaba, adv. worthily, Eph.
waila-wizns. [G. wohl; D. wel.] 4. 1; Phil. 1. 27; Col. 1. 10.
Waila-deds, str. sb. f. a benefit, Watrthan, vb. (pt. t. wartli. pi.
1 Tim. 6. 2. waurthum, pp. waurthans), to
Waila -kWISs, str. sb. f. a well- become , to happen , come to
saying, blessing, 2 Cor. 9. 5. pass, Mat. 5. 18; Lu. 1. 14;
From kwithan. to be, Mat. 5. 22; Jo. 10. 16; also
Waila-mereins, str. sb.f. good re as auxiliary verb, Mat. 8. 24, &c.
port, 2 Cor. 6. 8; preaching the Der. fra-wairthan, ga-wairtbi, ga-
gospel, 1 Cor. 1.21. .FVommerjan. wairtheigs, gaga-wairthjan, gaga-
Waila-merjan ; see Waila. wairthnan. Cf. wairths. [G. wer
Waila-mers, adj. of good report, den; D. worden; . E. worth].
Phil. 4. 8. Wairthida, str. sb. f. worth,
Waila-wizns, str. sb. f. food, worthiness, sufficiency, 2 Cor.
Skeir. 7. 13. See wizon. 3. 5; Skeir. 5. 23.
Wainaos, wainahs, adj. unhappy, Wairthon, vb. to reckon the
miserable, wretched, Rom. 7. worth of, value, Mat. 27. 9.
24. Perhaps from wai. Wairths, -wards. Der. ana-, and-,
Waihei, adv. if only, would that, jaind-, withra-, fram-wairthis.
lCor.4.8; 2Cor.ll.l; Gali5.12. Wairths, adj. worth, worthy, Mat.
Waipjan *, vb. to bind. Der. faur- 8. 8; Mk. 1. 7; Lu. 3. 16; wair-
waipjan. Cf. weipan. thana briggan, to make worthy,
Waips, str. sb. . a crown, Jo. 2 Cor. 3. 6. See next word.
19. 5; 1 Cor. 9. 25; Phil. 4. 1. Wairths, str. sb. . worth, a
From weipan. [E. wisp.] price, high sum of money,
Wair, str. sb. m. a man, Mat. 7. 1 Cor. 7. 23. Der. wairths,
24; Mk. 6. 20; Lu. 7. 20. [A. S. wairthaba, un-wairthaba, wair
wer; Lat. vir; cf. E. werwolf.] thida, and-wairthi, wairthon.
Waira-leiko, adv. in a manly [E. worth; G. werth; D. waarde.]
manner, 1 Cor. 16. 13. Wait,Iknow,heknows:/romweitan.
Wairdus, str. sb. m. a host, Rom. Waitei, adv. whether, perhaps,
16. 23. [G. wirth; D. waard.] Jo. 18. 85; 1 Cor, 16. 6.
Wahulo, wk. sb. f. a lip, Mk. 7. Waja-merei, wk. sb. f. blasphemy,
6; 1 Cor. 14. 21. [A. S. weler.] Jo. 10. 33. See next word.
263 Waja-merk .s Waros 264
Lu. 7. 32. Der. at-, uf-. [. Wruggo, wk. sb. f. that which
whoop, weep.] compresses or encloses, a net,
Woths, Wothis, adj. good, sweet, snare, 2 Tim. 2. 26. From
pleasant; daims wothi, a wriggan.
sweet savour, 2 Cor. 2. 15; Wulan, vb. to well up, boil;
Eph. 5. 2. hence to be fervent, Rom. 12.
Wraikws, adj. wry, crooked, Lu. 11; to fester, 2 Tim. 2. 17.
3. 5. [A. S. weallan; E. well; cf.
Wrak, persecuted; from wrikan. boil.]
Wraka, str. sb. f. a wreaking Wulfila, sb. Ulphilas, Ulfilas.
(vengeance) , persecution , Mk. Wulfs, str. sb. m. a wolf, Mat.
10.30; 2 Tim. 3. 11. 7. 15; Lu. 10. 3; Jo. 10.
Wrakja, str. sb. f. the same at 12. [Lat. wipes; G. & D.
wraka, Mk. 4. 17; Rom. 8. 35; wolf]
2 Th. 1.4; wrakja winnan, to ' Wulla, str. sb. f. wool, Skeir.
suffer persecution, Gal. 6. 12. 3. 16.
Wrakjan, vb. to persecute, Phil. Wullareis, str. tb. m. one who
3. 6. From wrikan. whitens wool, a fuller, Mk. 9.
Wraks, str. sb. m. a persecutor, 3. From wulla.
1 Tim. 1. 13. From wrikan. Wulthags, adj. gorgeous, Lu. 7.
Wratodus, str. sb. m. a journey 35; honourable, 1 Cor. 4. 10;
ing, voyaging, 2 Cor. 11. 26. glorious, 2 Cor. 3; 7; Eph. 5.
Wraton, vb. to go, journey, Lu. 27; wonderful, strange, Lu. 5.
2. 41; 8. 1; 1 Cor. 16. 6. 26. From wulthus.
Wrekei, wk. sb. /. persecution, Wulthris, adv. compar. of more
2 Cor. 12. 10. From wrikan. consequence; ni mais mis wul
Wriggan*, vb. to wring, press thris ist, is of no more conse
closely. Der. wruggo. quence to me, Gal. 2. 6.
Wrikan, vb. to wreak (anger on), Wulthrs, str. sb. f consequence;
to persecute, Mat. 5. 44; Jo. ni mais mis whl irais ist, Gal.
15. 20; Rom. 12. 14. Der. ga-, 2.6. (Another reading; see pre
fr-; wraks, wraka, wrakja, ceding word.)
wrakjan, wrekei. [G. rchen; Wulthrs, adj. (compar. wulthriza)
D. wreken; E. wreak.] of worth, of consequence; wul
Wriskwan*, vb. to produce fruit, thriza wisan, to be of more
in comp, ga-wriskwan, q. v. worth, Mat. 6. 26.
Writhus, str. sb. f. a herd, Lu. Wulthus, str. sb. m. glory, Mat.
8. 33. [A. S. wrd, a wreath, 6. 13; Mk. 8. 38; 10. 37, &c.
hand, flock.] Der. wulthags, wulthris, wulthrs.
Writs, str. sb. m, a stroke of a [A. S. umldor.]
pen, Lu. 16. 17. [Cf. E. write.] Wulwa, str. sb. f. robbery, Phil.
Wrohjan, 6. to accuse, Mat. 27. 2. 6. From wilwan.
12; Mk. 3. 2; Lu. 6. 7; Jo. Wunan *, vb. to be glad. Der. un-
5. 45. Der. fra-, wrohs. [E. wunands. [Cf. G. wonne; A. S.
bewray; G. rgen.] wyn.]
Wrohs, str. sb. f. accusation, Jo. Wundon*, e6. to wound; see ga-
18. 29; 1 Tim. 5. 19. wundon. From wunds.
277 Wunds Z 273
Faehu-gawaurki, str. sb. m. gain, witness, Mk. 10. 19; Lu. 18. 20;
1 Tim. 6. 5. 1 Cor. 15. 15.
Faehu-geigan (not faihu-geironjan), Ga-taurths, str. sb. f. destruction,
e6. to covet, Rom. 13. 9. 2 Cor. 10. 4; 13. 10. From
Faihu-geigo, e6. /. covetousness, tairan.
Col. 3. 5; 1 Tim. 6. 10. [The Ga-wondon, vb. for ga-wundon, q.v.
form faihu-geiro is wrong.] GlLStra-mELeinS , str. sb. f. (lit.
Faihu-skula, wk. sb. m. a debtor, a tax -writing), an enrolment
Lu. 16. 5. Cf. dulgis skula, Lu. for taxation, Lu. 2. 2.
7. 41. Guth-blostreis, str. sb. m. a wor
Faihu-thraihns, str. sb. m. riches, shipper of God, Jo. 9. 31.
wealth, Mammon, Lu. 16. 9, 11, Hrops; read hrops, not hropi,
13. From threihan. Eph. 4. 31.
Fairrathro, adv. from far, Mk. Kuna-wida; read kuna-widom, not
5. 6; 8. 3; 11. 13. kuna-wedom, Eph. 6. 20.
Faur-domeins, str. e6./, prejudice, Kwairrus; read kwairrus, not
partiality, 1 Tim. 5. 21. airknis, 1 Tim. 3. 3.
Fimfta-taihunda, adj. fifteenth, Kwithano; a better reading for
Lu. 3. 1. kwithlo.
Flauhts, adj. arrogant; read Lun; a better reading for saun.
flauhtai, not flautandans, Gal. Missa-deds, str. e6./, a misdeed,
5. 26. sin, Mat. 6. 14; Mk. 11. 25;
Fra-lewjan, vb. to betray, 2 Tim. Rom. 11. 11.
3. 4. Missa-kwiss, str. sb. f. a mis-say
Fram-aldroza, compar. of fram- ing; hence, a dissension, Jo. 7.
aldrs, q. v. 43; 9. 16; 10. 19.
Gabigjan, vb. to enrich, 2 Cor. Missa-leiks, adj. various, divers,
6. 10. Mk. 1. 34; Lu. 4. 40; 2 Tim. 3. 6.
Gabignan, 6. to be rich, Lu. 1. Missa-taujands , pt. pres., a mis-
53; 2 Cor. 9. 11. doer, transgressor, Gal. 2. 18.
Galiuga-guth, e6.; pi. galiuga- Sakuls ; a better reading for sakjis.
guda, false gods, idols, 1 Cor. Ufar-maudein; ee Maudeins.
8. 10; Eph. 5. 5; Col. 3. 5. Us-flaugjan, 6.; read us-flau-
Galiuga-weitwods, sb. . a false gidai, not us-walujidai.
1 H n 50
2 Q j (y) 60
g 3 n u 70
& d 4 P 80
5 100
u kw (kv, q) 6 s 8 200
z z 7 T t 300
h h 8 Y w (v), y 400
th ) 9 f 500
i i 10 X ch (x) 600
k 20 hw (hv, w, wh) 700
1 30 s 800
m 40
There are two declensions, one called the strong or vowel declen
sion, the other the weak or consonantal declension. The latter is distin
guished by the insertion of an n in many cases, as though this were
required to strengthen it. The first of these is further subdivided into
the A-declension, I-declension, and U-declension, the datives plural of
which end in am (om), im, and um respectively.
Thus are declined m. fisks (a fish); /. giba (a gift); n. waurd
(a word).
Sing. Flu. Sing.
N. fisks fiskos N. giba gib os
G. fiskis fiske G. gib os gibo
D. fiska fiskam D. gib ai gibom
A. fisk 6sk an A. giba gib os
V. fisk fiskos V. gib a gibos
Sing. .
N. waurd waurda
G. waurdis waurd e
D. waurda waurdam
A. waurd waurda
V. waurd waurda
Thus are declined m. balgs (a bag) ; /. ansts (grace).
Sing. Plu. Sing. Phi.
N. balg balgeis N. anst 8 ansteis
G. balgis balge G. anstais anste
D. balga balgim D. anstai anst im
A. balg balgins A. anst anstins
V. balg balgeis V. anst ansteis
Thus are declined m. sunus (a son); /. handus (hand); n. faihu
(fee, property).
Sing. . Sing. Plu.
N. sun us sunjus N. handus handjus
G. sunaus suniwe G. handaus hand iwe
D. sunau sun D. handau handurn
A. sun u sununs A. hand handuns
V. sunau () sxmjus V. hand au () handjus
Sing. Plu.
N. faihu (wanting),
. faihaus
D. faihau
V. faih
A. faih u
It will be observed that sunus and handus are declined exactly
aKke; and faihu follows them closely.
2. Some variations are found from the above forms ; thus sunaus
is nom. sing. in Lu. 4. 3; dauthus is gen. sing. in Lu. 1. 79; wegim
(not wegam) is the dat. plu. of wegs in Mat. 8. 24.
3. Neuters in t, such as hunt (kin), are declined like waurd,
with a change of the t into in the gen. and dat. sing., and in the
plural. Thus: kuni, kunj-is, kunj-a, kuni, kuni; pl. kunj-a, -e, -am,
-a, -a. Similarly, in masculines in -ius and neuters in -iu, as thius (a
servant), kniu (a knee), the becomes a to in the same cases.
4. In like manner the feminine nouns band* (a band), sunja (truth),
are to be compared with giba, and are declined: bandi, bandj-os,
-ai, bandi, bandi; pi. band-jos, -o, -om, -os, -os; also sunj-a, -os, -ai, rc.
5. Brothar, fadar, dauhtar, swistar (brother, father, daughter,
sister) resemble in some cases the declination of sunus. They are
thus declined:
Sing. Plu.
N. brothar brothr;jus
O. brothrs brothre
D. brothr brothr um
A. brothar brothr uns
V. brothar brothrjus
6. The present participles of verbs, when used as substantives,
partly follow the declension of fisks; such as gibands (a giver), daup-
jands (the Baptist). But the dat. sing. is giband, not gibanda, and the
plural is giband-s, -e, -am, -s, -s. And see p. 294.
A. Masculine Nonns.
N. hana Pl. han ans
G. hanins han ane
D. hanm han am
A. hanan hanans
V. hana han ans
B. F< ie Nouns.
N. tuggo Pl. tuggons managei Pi. manag eins
O. tugg on tuggono manageins manageino
D. tuggon tuggom managein manag eim
A. tuggon tugg ons managein manageine
V. tugg o tuggons manag ei manageins
C. Neuter Nouns.
N. hairt o Pi. ona wato Pl. na
G. hairtins ane watins ne
D. hairtin am watin nam
A. hairt o ona wato na
V. hairt ona wato na
Blinds (blind) ; ro. blinds, /. blinda, n. blind or blindata, is thus
Sing. N. blinds a (-ata)
a. blindis aizos is
D. blindamma ai amma
A. blind ana a (-ata)
PL N. blind OS a
0. blindaize aizo aize
D. blind aim aim aim
A. blindans Os a
Words in -m, as midis, sutis are declined in a similar manner.
Hardus (hard).
The personal pronouns are ik, I; thu, thou; of which the dual
forms are found wit, we two ; jut (1), ye two.
N. V. ik Z>uaZ. wit PI. weis
G. meina ugkara unsara
D. mis ugkis unsis, uns.
A. mik ugkis, ugk unsis, uns.
N. V. thu ' Dual, (jut) Pl. jus
G. theina igkwara izwara
D. thus igkwis, iggkwis izwis
A. thuk igkvvis, iggkwis izwis
The instrumental case, the, occurs in the words du- the or duth-
the, bi-the, the-haldis; compare hwe from hwas, and the A. S. thi
or thy.
Sa is often followed by uh, and is then contracted into sa'A.
His (this) is only found in dat. mase, himma, and cc. masc. and
neut. hia, hita, in the singular number.
Jains (yon, that) is declined like a strong adjective.
Sama (the same) , and silba (self) , are declined like weak ad
jectives; swaleiks (such) and swalauds (such) like strong adjectives.
Relative Pronouns. The relative is formed by help of the particle
ei that, as, thuei (thou that); and especially by ei following sa, such
forms as thata-ei, thamma-ei being contracted into thatei, thammei. In
the feminine, both soei and sei are found.
Interrogative Pronouns. Hwas, fem. hwo, neut. hwa or hwata
(who, what).
jV. hwas hwo hwa Fl hwai hwos hwo
Q. hwis hwizos hwis hwize hwizo hwize
D. hwamma hwizai hwamma hwaim hwaim hwaim
A. hwana hwo hwa hwans hwos hwo
I. hwe hwe hwe
The plural forms given are merely conjectural, and do not
appear. The instrumental case, hwe, occurs in du-hwe, hwe-lauds,
hwe-leiks; also hweh is found for hwe-uh.
Hwathar (whether, which of two) only appears in the nom. sing.
We also find hwatharuh, ainhwatharuh.
Hwarjis (which, of more than two) is declined like a strong ad
jective, gen. hwarjis, dat. hwarjamma, acc. hwarjana; pi. nom. hwarjai,
acc. hwarjans. With -uh added, it becomes hwarjiz-uh; we also find
Hwe-leiks (what sort of), and hwe-lauds (what sort of), are declined
as strong adjectives; compare swa-leiks (such) and swa-lauds (such).
Other pronominal forms. Sums (some) is like a strong adjective;
ains-hun (any one) makes fem. aino-hun, neut. ain-hun; gen. m. $ n.
ainis-hun; dat. m. . ainumme-hun; /. ainai-hun; acc. ainno-hun,
aino-hun, ain-hun.
Hwas-hun (any one) follows the declination of hwas; so also does
hwaz-uh (every one).
Hwathar-uh, ain-hwathar-uh (each of two), are declined like hwa
thar; and hwarjiz-uh, ain-hwarjizuh (each, every) like hwarjis.
The numbers are thiee, singular, dual and plural. Dual forms
are scarce.
Besides the infinitive, the moods are three, viz. indicative, con
junctive, and imperative.
The tenses are but two, present and past; the future being ex
pressed by the present, as in Anglo-Saxon.
Verbs are of three forms, active, passive, and middle; the passive
is partly formed by help of the past participle with wisan or wairthan;
of the middle form but a few traces remain. - -
The conjugations are of two forms, strong and weak. Strong verbs
change the vowel in the past tense, as giban, to give, past tense gf,
I gave; or else employ reduplication like Greek verbs, so that from
haldan, to hold, is formed the past tense haihald, I held. Weak verbs
have in the past tense the ending -da.
The following is a general scheme of endings for all verbs in the
active voice.
Present Past (strong) Past (weak)
Sing. 1. a, -da
2. s t des
3. th da
Dual. 1. OS u dedu
2. ts ute deduts
Plu. 1. m um dedum
2. th uth deduth
3. nd un dedun
Sing. 1. au, jau dedjau
2. s eis dedeis
3. ai, dedi
Dual. 1. wa
2. ts dedeits
P/u. 1. ma eima dedeima
2. th eith dedeith
3. na eina dedeina
Dual. 2. ts Pl. 1. m '2. th.
an (strong); jen, an, on (weak).
ands (strong); j ands, ands, onds (weak).
Plu. 1. am runn um
2. ith runn uth
3. and runn un
Present Past
Sing. 1. rinn au runn jau
2. ais eis
3. ai I
Dual.1. aiwa eiwa
2. aits eits
Sing. 2. rinn. Dual. 2. rinn ats. Plu. 1. rinn am. 2. rinn ith.
The first persons sing, and plu. of the past tense 'and the passive
participle thus furnish the principal forms requisite for conjugating
the verb, and hence are in general given in the glossary, as rinnan
(pt. rann, pi. rnnnum, pp. runnans). Other verbs of the first class
are brinnan, to burn, bindan, to bind, finthan, to find, siggwan, to
sing, drigkan,' to drink, &c.
Second class. Ex. niman, to take; pt. t. nam, nemum; pp. num-
ans. Other verbs are kwiman, to come, stilan, to steal, bairan, to
bear -(pt. t. bar, pi. berum, pp. baurans), and brikan, to break.
Third class. Ex. ligan, to lie; pt. t. lag, legum; pp. ligans. So
also giban, to give, kwithan, to say, sitan, to sit, Usan, to gather, sai-
hwan, to see (pt. t. sahw, pi. sehwum, pp. saihwans), &c.
Fourth class. Ex. steigan, to mount, climb; pt. t. staig, pi. stigum,
pp. stigans. So also beidan, to bide, beitan, to bite, leisan, to teach,
leithan, to go, dreiban, to drive, &c.
Fifth class. Ex. driusan, to fall; pt. t. draus, pi. drusum,
pp. drusans. So also Musan, to choose, biugan, to bend, liugan, to
lie, tiuhan, to tug, sliupan, to slip, &c.
Sixth class. Ex. slahan. to strike; pt. t. sloh, pi. slohum. pp. sla-
hans. So also swaran, to swear, faran, to fare, dragan, to draw,
wakan. to watch, graban, to grave, dig, &c.
Remvrks. 1. Even with these numerous subdivisions, some ex
ceptional forms occur. Thus standan (to stand) belongs to class 6,
but the past tense is stoth, not stond, and the past part, stothans.
2. Classes 2 and 3 only differ in the form of the past parti
ciple. Class 4 only differs from class 3 in having the long diphthongs
i and at (as in steigern. staig), in place of the vowels t and a (as in
ligan, lag); and in putting t for e in the past tense dual and plural.
There are three classes of verbs, (1) those in which the pt. U
ends in -ida, and the pp. in -iths; (2) those in which these end in
-aida, -aiths; (3) those with the endings -oda, -oths.
First class. To this class belong all verbs of which the infinitive
ends in -jan, as lagjan, to lay.
Present Past
lagja lagida
jis ides
jith ida
Dual. jos idedu
jats ideduts
Plu. jam idedum
jith ideduth
jand idedum
Present Past
Sing. lagJau lagidedjau
jais idedeis
jai idedi
Dual. jaiwa idedeiwa
jaits idedeits
Plu. jaima idedeima
jaith idedeith
jaina idedeina
ing. 2. lag ei. Dual. 2. lagjats. JPlu. 1. lag-jam
2. jith.
PassIVe PasT PaRTICIPle.
Present Past
Sing, haba habaida
ais aides
aith aida
Dual. 0s aidedu
aths aideduts
Plu. am aidedum
aith aideduth
and aidedun
Present Past
Sing, hab au habaidedjau
ais aidedeis
ai aidedi
Dual. aiwa aidedeiwa
aits aidedeits
Plu. aima aidedeima
aith aidedeith
aina aidedeina
habat; at; am, atfA.
Some of the principal verbs like haban are : skaman, hahan, tha-
han, slawan, waldan, blandan, arman, fastan, fijan, hlifan, thulan,
manan, sweran, blotan, aistan, bauan, trauan, hweilan, weihan, leikan,
liugan, jiukan.
Third class. The infinitive ends in -on, as spillon, to tell, pro
Indicative present: spill-o, -os, -oth; -os, -ota; -om, -oth, -ond.
Conjunctive present: spill-o, -os, -o, &c.
Indicative past: spill-oda, -odes, -oda, &c.
Compare the general scheme on p. 297.
There is a general form only for the present tense, the past
tense being formed by help of the past participle.
General scheme.
Sing. da dau
za zau
da dau
W. W. sket, Mcoso-Gotbic Glossary. 11
Plu. nda ndau
nda ndau
nda ndau
These endings are to be added to the infinitive, after removing n.
Thus from haitan, waurkjan, kroton, we get haita-da, waurkja-da,
kroto-da, and so on. In the conjunctive mood, verbs in -an, -jan
make -aidau, -jaidau, and verbs in -on make -odau.
Of this there are but a few traces, following the form of passive
verbs. Thus we find lausjadau, let him deliver (Qvaa&m, Mat. 27. 43);
atsteigadau, let him come down (xararw, Mat. 27. 42); Uugandau,
let them marry (yufirario<sav, 1 Cor. 7. 9). To these Oabelentz and
Lobe add a few more instances, which Massmann denies. The proof
that there ever was a middle voice is indeed small.
Present Past
Sing, ira was
is wast
ist was
Dual. siju wesu
sijuts wesuts
Pi. sijum wesum
sijuth wesuth
sind wesun
Present Past
Sing, sijau wesjau
sijais weseis
sijai wesi
Dual. sijaiwa weseiwa
sijaits weseits
Pi. sijaima weseima
sijaith weseith
sijaina weseina
The common adverbial ending of adverbs formed from adjectives
is -aba, -iba, or -uba; as, baitrs, bitter, baitraba, bitterly; arneis*,
sure, amiba, surely; hardus, hard, harduba, hardly, also spelt hardaba.
Another common ending is -o, as uhteigs, seasonable, uhteigo,
The more common adverbs are these.
1) Of time. Sunsaiw, immediately, air, early, anahs, at once, than,
thanuh, then, when, ju, juthan, already, nauh, nauhthan, still, , now,
bithe, then, when, simle, once, ufta, oft, seithu, late, sinteino, ever,
suman, once, suns, soon, aftra, again, hwan, when.
2) 0/ piace. Her, here, tharuh, there, tharei, where, hwar, hwarei,
where, jainar, yonder, aljar, elsewhere, ufaro, above, undaro, beneath,
aftana, aftaro, behind, uta, without, inna, within, fairra, far, nehwa,
near, faura, before, tup, up, dalath, down, &c. ; also hwadre, whither,
jaindre, thither, hidre, hither, &c.; also innathro, from within, utathro,
from without, iupathro, from above, fairrathro, from afar, allathro, from
all sides, aljathro, elsewhere.
3) Of quality, 4rc. Swa, so, hwe, how, hweh, only, ne, no, ja,
jai, yes, aufto, perhaps, sunja, truly, allis, altogether, frumist, first,
aiw, ever, &c. Also waila, well; ubilaba, ill; wairs, worse; filu, much;
mais, more; maist, most; leitil, little; mine, less.
With the dative: alja, except, af, off, from, from, from, /aura,
before, mith, with, us, out; also du, to (which also takes the accusative
only once).
With the accusative: and, along, at, four, for, before, inuh, with
out, thairh, through, undar, under, withra, against
With both accusative and dative: ana, on, at, at, afar, after, bi,
by, du, to, hindar, behind, und, unto, u/, under, ufar, over.
With genitive, dative, and accusative : in, in, on account of. Four
is also found with the genitive in the words faurthis, faurthizei, be
fore, first.
Bi and du are also found with the instrumental case, as in -
the, du-the.
The conjunctions are (1) copulative, as jah, and, -uh, and, nih,
and not; (2) disjunctive, as aiththau, or, andizuh aiththau, either or,
jaththe jaththe, whether or; (3) denoting opposition, as ith, than,
aththan, ak, akei, but, however; (4) causal, as allis, auk, unte, raihtis,
for; (5) expressing a conclusion, as thanuh, tharuh, eithan, nu, thannu,
therefore, now; (6) conditional, asjabai, if, niba, if not, except; (7) ex-
ressing concession, as thau, thauhjabai, though, even if, swethauh,
owever; (8) final, as ei, thatei, theei, that, swaei, swaswe, so that, so
as that; (9) of comparison, as hwaiwa, how, me, as, so, swaswe, so
as, as; (10) of time, as swe, just as, than, thande, when, then, as long
as, bithe, miththanei, whilst, sunsei, as soon as, faurthizei, before that.
These are, 0, oh! wai, woe! at, see! Am, come thou hither!
hirjaths, come here, you two! hirjith, come ye hither!
A good short syntax will be found in Stamm's Ulfilas. The
constructions present little difficulty. The most remarkable one is the
use of the dative absolute, corresponding to that of the ablative absolute
in Latin.
[A few Anglo-Saxon and Old English (or provincial English) words are included
in this list. The Anglo-Saxon words are marked with an asterisk, Me old or
provincial words with an obelus. Maso-Gothic words marked with an asterisk
are root-words which are not actually found. Words included in square brackets,
not being Saxon-English, may perhaps be considered as out ofplace here; they are
merely added by way of illustration. More remote analogies are not noticed. Some,
even, that are inserted, are very doubtful.]
Printed by A. W. Schad.