Hydrocarbon Refrigerants Comparision

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Performance of
Hydrocarbon Refrigerants1

I. L. Maclaine-crossE. Leonardi
School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
The University of New South Wales
Sydney NSW, Australia 2052
Internet: ian@ilm.mech.unsw.edu.au e.leonardi@unsw.edu.au
Fax: (02) 663 1222


Measurements on R600a refrigerators have shown

electricity savings over R134a and R12 up to 20%. We
propose new parameters which are functions of well known
refrigerant properties. These parameters show that R600a
has half the leakage, pressure loss and condenser pressure
and double the heat transfer coefficient of R12 and R134a
explaining the measurements. Use of R600a in small heat
pumps and air conditioners is attractive but also requires
design changes.

1 Refrigerant History

Early refrigerants were toxic or flammable or both. Early

refrigerators leaked refrigerant rapidly, mainly through the seals
on the compressor drive shaft, creating a fire and health risk. A
hermetic motor is sealed inside the refrigerant circuit so there is
no shaft seal to leak. Except for car air-conditioning all small and
most large compressors now have hermetic motors minimizing
refrigerant risks.

1 I.I.F. - I.I.R. - Commissions E2, E1, B1, B2 - Melbourne

(Australia) - 1996 - 11th to 14th February

Thomas Midgley Jr proposed the use of chlorofluorocarbons
(CFCs) as refrigerants in 1930. CFCs have two important
advantages as refrigerants, 2 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS

high molecular mass and nonflammability. Centrifugal

compressors are simple, highly efficient and easy to drive with
hermetic motors but they require refrigerants with high
molecular mass to give useful temperature differentials.
Centrifugal chillers for air-conditioning large buildings gave CFCs
an initial market which could afford their high development cost.
Enthusiastic marketing of nonflammability allowed rapid
expansion of CFC sales in applications where non-toxic but
flammable refrigerants were already in use. Everyone was told
that flammable refrigerants caused horrific fires and explosions.
Ammonia, methyl chloride and hydrocarbons disappeared from
domestic systems. In the 1950s, many US states banned
flammable refrigerants in car air-conditioners. After the Midgley
patents expired, between 1961 and 1971 world CFC production
grew by 8.7% per year to over a million tonnes a year.

2 Environmental Impacts

Molina and Rowlands (1974) theory is that: CFCs are principally

destroyed by ultraviolet radiation in the stratosphere; the
chlorine released in the high stratosphere catalyzes the
decomposition of ozone to oxygen; and ultraviolet radiation
penetrates to lower altitudes. Credible calculations of the
magnitude of this effect (Hoffman 1987) predict 3% global ozone
depletion for constant CFC emissions of 700 thousand
tonnes/year after a hundred years.
Stratospheric chlorine from CFCs is believed at least partly
responsible for peak ozone concentrations occurring lower in the
stratosphere and an ozone deficit at the poles (WMO 1991).
Manufacture or import of CFCs has now ceased in advanced
countries. If these minor effects disappear in fifty years, CFCs
were responsible but if they worsen or remain CFCs were not the
only causes.

Carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere has been

steadily rising for over one hundred years and perhaps longer.
Early this century the radiation properties of carbon dioxide were
known to increase the earths temperature. The radiation
properties of CFCs and their long atmospheric lifetimes make
them thousands of times worse than carbon dioxide (Table 1).
The consequences of rising global temperatures include
inundation of entire cities and countries. Reducing global
warming was an overwhelming argument for elimination of
The magnitudes of ozone depletion and global warming
effects are known only within a factor of ten but the relative
effects of different chemicals emitted to the atmosphere are
known more accurately. The ozone depletion 3

1: Environmental impacts of refrigerants (100 year basis,

WMO 1991, IPCC 1994).

Refrigerant R12 R22 R134a R600a R29

Atmospheric lifetime 130 15 16 <1 <1
Ozone depletion 1.0 0.07 0 0 0
Global warming potential 8500 1700 1300 8 8
potential (ODP) for a specified time is the ratio of ozone
destroyed by 1 kg of substance emitted instantaneously to the
atmosphere to that destroyed by 1 kg dichlorodifluoromethane
(R12). The global warming potential (GWP) for a specified time is
the ratio of the additional radiant heat at the earths surface due
to 1 kg of substance emitted instantaneously to the atmosphere
to that from 1 kg of carbon dioxide. ODPs and GWPs are used in
international agreements on controls. Table 1 gives some values.
In 1988, Du Pont agreed to phase out CFCs and began
promoting hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) as a replacement. An

alliance was formed with other chemical companies. Table 1

shows HFCs are better. Unfortunately the radiation properties of
HFCs like R134a make them powerful global warming agents.

3 Refrigerant requirements

Acceptable performance and life for refrigerants in domestic and

light commercial use requires they be non-corrosive, chemically
stable, boil below ambient temperatures and have a critical
temperature above ambient. Table 2 shows naturally occurring
hydrocarbons and mixtures which satisfy these criteria.
Domestic and light commercial equipment has refrigerant
charges less than 5 L of liquid. Most are hermetically sealed
giving extremely low leakage and minimal atmospheric impact.
Car air-conditioners have a charge about 1 L. Loss of 0.5
L/year through the seals of the pulley-driven compressors is
common. A common practice in the service industry, regassing,
was to discharge the residual refrigerant to the atmosphere
before weighing in a completely fresh charge. Regassing was

2: HC refrigerants used for domestic and light commercial


Code Chemical name Triple Boil Critica

(C) (C) (C)
R290 propane -189 - 96.70
R600a -145 - 134.7
isobutane 11.76 0
R600 normal butane -138 -0.54 152.0
commercial propane 1
commercial butane values vary
mixtures of the

equivalent to a leakage rate of 1 L/year. In 1992, Australian CFC

refrigerant consumption was estimated as 3204 tonnes with
1530 tonnes going into car air-conditioners (ANZECC 1994) and
then into the atmosphere. ODP and GWP of refrigerants in car
air-conditioners cannot be ignored. Table 1 shows that only HC
refrigerants are acceptable.
R22 is used in many refrigeration and air conditioning
applications from small to large and in 1991/92 2252 tonnes
were sold (ANZECC 1994). Table 1 shows the ODP and GWP of
this HCFC are significantly worse than R134a. R290 however is
an excellent drop-in replacement for R22 (Dohlinger 1991,
Frehn 1993).
Toxicity and flammability are important considerations in
refrigerant applications. The principle safety precaution is to
limit the charge depending on the risk. For the controversial car
air-conditioner application BS 4434-1995 permits a maximum
charge of 1 kg but Australian HC suppliers recommend a charge
less than 300 g. Experiment (Section 4) and theory (Section 5)
both suggest small HC charges give excellent performance.

Isobutane is used as a refrigerant.[6] The use in refrigerators

started in 1993 when Greenpeace presented the Greenfreeze
project with the German company Foron.[7] In this regard,
blends of pure, dry "isobutane" (R-600a) (that is, isobutane
mixtures) have negligible ozone depletion potential and very low
global warming potential (having a value of 3.3 times the GWP
of carbon dioxide) and can serve as a functional replacement for
R-12, R-22, R-134a, and other chlorofluorocarbon or
hydrofluorocarbon refrigerants in conventional stationary
refrigeration and air conditioning systems.

4 Performance of HC refrigerants

Foron, Bosch-Siemens, AEG and Liebherr now use HC refrigerant

in all models (Strong 1994). Table 3 compares test results on UK
R12 and German R600a refrigerators by EA Technology, UK
(Strong 1994). The typical HC charge of a small German
refrigerator is only 25 g (Dohlinger 1993).

In February 1995, Email released the first of its R600a

refrigerators with a 16% energy saving over the previous R134a
models. They are the West4 PERFORMANCE OF HC

3: Energy consumption of domestic refrigerators to ISO

7371 with internal temperature 5C and ambient 25C.

Make Model Refrigeran Capacity Consumpti

t on
(L) (kWhr/24
UK A R12 129 0.75
UK B R12 160 0.71
Liebherr KT1580 R600a 155 0.38
Siemen KT15RSO R600a 144 0.52
inghouse Enviro RA142M and Kelvinator Daintree M142C, both
140 L bar refrigerators. The energy savings obtained by a
conversion to hydrocarbons vary considerably with design
(Lohbeck 1995).
German refrigeration mechanics had used commercial
propane surreptitiously to replace R22 in heat pumps for many
years. The Foron furore encouraged heat pump testing.
Rheinisch/Westfahlische Elektrizitatwerke Essen (RWE) field
tested several heat pumps with R22 replaced by R290 for two
heating seasons. In 1993, RWE emphatically recommended
replacing R12, R22 and R502 with R290 in all domestic and
small commercial heat pumps for its power savings (Dohlinger
1993). RWE is Germanys largest electricity supplier.
RWE also tested (Frehn 1993) commercial 20 kW water to
water and 15 kW brine to water heat pumps in the laboratory
with R22 replaced by R290. Table 4 shows R290 reduced heating
capacity but increased COP reducing energy consumption. R22
does not benefit from heat exchange between liquid from the
condenser and vapour to the compressor but R290 does
significantly at the test conditions. The transport and
thermodynamic data (ASHRAE 1993, Gallagher et al. 1993)

predict that R290 models with the same capacity as R22 will still
have a COP advantage.
Abboud (1994) and Parmar (1995) measured the performance
of natural HC refrigerants relative to R12 on ten typical
Australian cars. The cars were stationary with engines idling and
in a shaded and sheltered outdoor position. The superheats
measured were smaller for HC as low as 1 K and for some
grades the condenser pressure was 8% higher. The relative
cooling capacity of the HC mixture to R12 was calculated from
the return and supply air states in the passenger compartment
and from the compressor speed, pressures and temperatures in
the refrigerant circuit. The two measures of 4: Capacity and
coefficient of performance increase on substituting R290 for R22
in typical German heat pumps (Frehn 1993).

Type R22 Performance R290 % Increment

Heat kW COP Heating COP
WI 24 10C to 35C 22.5 4.2 -10.6 +9.
WI 24 10C to 55C 20.5 3.1 -16.0 +3.
SI 17 0C to 35C 15.5 3.4 -9.0 +5.
SI 17 0C to 55C 13.95 2.49 -15.1 +1.
With liquid-suction heat exchange for
SI 17 0C to 35C 15.5 3.4 -5.8 +16.
SI 17 0C to 55C 13.95 2.49 -10.3 +11.
the ratio of HC to R12 capacity disagreed sometimes by 20%.
The average ratio of HC to R12 cooling capacity was 1.00 with
the average energy consumption for HC cooling 13% less than
R12. The scatter from differences in charge, ambient and
instrumentation was considerable for these results. If air-
conditioning adds 10% directly to fuel consumption, Abboud and
Parmars results suggest a 1.2% saving in fuel from converting

from R12 to HC. Reduced vehicle mass due to reduced

refrigerant mass gives about an 0.1% further saving in fuel.
Dieckmann et al. (1991) predicted up to 4% reduction in fuel
consumption from HC refrigerants but such large savings are
likely only in hot humid climates.

5 Comparison of refrigerant performance

The measured performance improvements for heat pumps (Table

4, Frehn 1993) and car air-conditioners (Abboud 1994) are
consistent with the transport and thermodynamic property
advantages of HC refrigerants (ASHRAE 1993, Gallagher 1993).
The large COP improvements in small refrigerators using R600a
(Table 3) are also consistent with properties. We explain this in
the following in case you suspect it due to German engineering
and manufacturing skills applied preferentially to R600a.
Table 5 compares refrigerant properties (Gallagher et al.
1993) and parameters affecting COP for domestic refrigerators.
Saturated vapour at -15C is assumed to enter an ideal
compressor and saturated liquid at 30C to enter the expansion
valve except for calculating COP with 20 K suction
5: Comparison of refrigerant properties and parameters
affecting the measured energy consumption of domestic
refrigerators for an idealized reversed Rankine cycle operating
between -15C and 30C saturation temperatures. Leading
numbers identify comments in the text.

Refrigerant R12 R134a R600a RC27

Chemical classification CFC HFC HC HC
x Molar mass (g/mol) 120.9 102.0 58.1 42.1
x Refrigerating effect (J/g) 116.9 150.7 262.3 359.1
x 30C sat. liquid volume (L/kg) 0.773 0.844 1.835 1.636
x 30C sat. vapour volume (L/kg) 23.59 27.11 95.26 62.41

x 30C sat. vapour viscosity (Pas) 12.95 12.48 7.81 9.07

x Condenser pressure (kPa) 743.2 770.7 403.6 827.0
1 Evaporator pressure (kPa) 181.9 163.6 89.2 206.0
2. x7 Condenser gauge x6 101.3 641.9 669.4 302.3 725.7
3. (kPa) 4.69 4.62 4.69 4.88
COP 0 K suction superheat
4 COP 20 K suction superheat 4.71 4.71 4.82 4.79
5 Compressor discharge temp. (C) 39.3 36.6 30.0 52.7
6 Effective displacement (L/kJ) 0.79 0.81 1.52 0.65
7 Cond. loss par. Pas) 1.45 1.31 0.64 1.00
8 15C sat. liquid k/ (kJ/kgK) 0.278 0.293 0.496 0.792
9 Liquid molar volume x1x3 93.5 86.1 106.7 68.8
. (mL/mol)
10. Leakage speed x3x7/(x4x5) (1/ns) 1.62 1.67 0.75 2.10
superheat. ASHRAE (1993), Table 7 on page 16.7 also uses
these assumptions. Table 5 includes the three refrigerants
currently in mass-produced domestic refrigerators and
cyclopropane, RC270, which was not in ASHRAE (1993)s Table
Table 5 shows R600a has one irrelevant disadvantage and
many significant advantages for domestic refrigerators
discussed in the following:

1. When R12 was introduced, open-drive compressors were

common and R600as below atmospheric evaporator
would cause ingress of air through the shaft seals
reducing reliability. Domestic refrigerators no longer use
open-drive compressors.

2. When the refrigerator is in storage, the evaporator must

withstand pressures which normally occur only in the
condenser. The condenser gauge pressures for R600a are

less than half those for the other refrigerants so many

metal thicknesses can be half. This reduces capital cost
and environmental impacts and increases COP through
reduced heat transfer resistance.

3. The COP calculated for a simple reversed Rankine cycle

with zero subcooling of liquid and superheat of suction
vapour and ideal heat transfer and compression is 1%
higher for R600a than R134a. All the refrigerants are
close to the reversible COP of 5.74 which is the maximum
thermodynamically possible.

4. Domestic refrigerators use a capillary tube in close

thermal contact with the compressor suction line instead
of an expansion valve. The liquid-suction heat exchange
increases COP for some refrigerants and reduces it for
others. With 20 K superheat R600a has an idealized COP
only 2% higher than R134a. The measured difference of
10% to 20% must contain other effects.

5. The low compressor discharge temperature for R600a

allows a cheaper and more efficient design of electric

6. The large effective displacement of R600a implies a larger

compressor but because condenser gauge pressures are
half compressor wall thickness can be half. An overall
reduction in compressor mass and hence capital cost is
possible. The compressor will still be much smaller than
the driving electric motor. The surface finish of the piston
and valves will be the same for R600a and R134a.
Because the R600a compressor is bigger the relative
roughness will be smaller allowing an R600a compressor
to be more efficient.

7. Small refrigerators usually have a serpentine condenser

with laminar flow at the beginning of condensation. For
condensers of the same length and tube mass but
differing diameter and wall thickness, the condenser loss
parameter includes all refrigerant properties which

contribute to COP loss caused by pressure drop. R600a

has about half the COP loss due to pressure drop of the
other refrigerants.

8. Heat transfer by forced convection in the condenser and

evaporator tubes of small units occurs mainly by
conduction through the thin liquid film on the wall. The
usual correlations for this heat transfer (ASHRAE 1993)
depend mainly on the ratio of the thermal conductivity of
the liquid to its dynamic viscosity, k/. Hence heat

conductance is greater for R600a than for R12 and

R134a. A high heat transfer conductance means a smaller
COP loss due to heat transfer resistance.

9. For hermetic compressors diffusion through the sealing

compounds is a major source of refrigerant loss. Liquid
molar volume is related to the size of the molecule. A
large molecule means a lower loss rate and a longer
period of operation with high COP. In the absence of
measurements, R600as larger molecule suggests it will
have lower diffusion loss.

10.Significant refrigerant leaks occur typically by laminar

isothermal flow through pinholes or cracks. The leakage
speed is approximately inversely proportional to the time
a complete charge of a given refrigerant takes to leak
out. R600a systems with large leaks will function with
high COP much longer.

These advantages make R600a desirable in other

applications where equipment mass and leakage is important
and evaporator or condenser temperatures are high e.g.,
transport air conditioning and domestic water heat pumps.
RC270 is a better replacement for R12 and R134a but if the
equipment must be redesigned to minimize GWP, R600a will
give a better result. Ammonia R717 has higher heat transfer

than all these but its vapour pressure, corrosion and toxicity
are higher. The toxicity is especially a disadvantage in
domestic applications.
HC refrigerants are completely soluble in and compatible
with hydrocarbon lubricants. HC liquid absorbs only trace
amounts of water, like R12, so HC refrigerants are completely
compatible with R12 driers. HC refrigerants with appropriate
vapour pressures are drop-in replacements for CFCs on
equipment using thermostatic expansion valves. Other
expansion devices may require adjustment or replacement.

6 Conclusion

Hydrocarbon refrigerants have environmental advantages and

are safe in small quantities. R290 can replace R22 and HC
mixtures replace R12 and R134a in applications using positive
displacement compressors.
The performance differences between ideal cycles using
R600a and popular refrigerants are small but the flow and heat
transfer resistance parameters are typically a factor of two
better for R600a due to lower molecular mass

and vapour pressure. This explains the sometimes over 20%

energy savings reported for small refrigerators using R600a.
These improvements can be realized in other small applications
with equipment redesign.

7 Acknowledgement

Alan Tayler of the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Laboratory

at The University of New South Wales assisted with refrigerant
handling and instrumentation design and construction for the
measurements by Abboud (1994) and Parmar (1995).

8 References

Abboud, B., 1994, Field Trials of Propane/Butane in Automotive Air-

Conditioning, B.E. thesis, School of Mechanical and Manufacturing
Engineering, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, 300 p.
ANZECC 1994, Revised Strategy for Ozone Protection in
Australia, Australian and New Zealand Environment and
Conservation Council Report No. 30, Commonwealth of
Australia, Canberra, April, 72 p.
ASHRAE 1993, 1993 ASHRAE Handbook Fundamentals, American
Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning
Engineers, Inc., Atlanta.
BS 44341995, Safety and environmental aspects in the design,
construction and installation of refrigerating appliances and
systems, British Standards Institution, London, 64 p.
Dieckmann, J., Bentley, J. and Varone, A., 1991, Non-Inert
Refrigerant Study for Automotive Applications Final Report,
Arthur D. Little, Contract DTRS-57-89-D00007 US Department
of Energy, November, 76 p.
Dohlinger, M., 1991, Pro Propan R290 als R22 Drop-in, Die Kalte
und Klimatechnik, No. 11, pp. 860866.
Dohlinger, M., 1993, Comparative Energy Efficiencies of
Hydrocarbon Refrigerants, Ozone Safe Cooling Conference,
1819th October, Washington DC.
Frehn, B., 1993, Propan als Arbeitsmittel fur Warmepumpen die
beste Alternative zu R22, Ki Klima Kalte Heizung 10, pp. 402
Gallagher, J., Huber, M., Morrison, G., and McLinden, M., 1993, NIST
Thermodynamic Properties of Refrigerants and Refrigerant

Database (REFPROP), Version 4.0 Users Guide, NIST

Standard Reference Database 23, U.S. Department of
Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology,
Gaithersburg MD.
Hoffman, J. S., 1987, Assessing the Risks of Trace Gases that can
Modify the Stratosphere, Office of Air and Radiation, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, Washington DC.
IPCC, 1994, Radiative Forcing of Climate Change, The 1994
report of the scientific assessment working group of IPCC,
Summary for policy makers, Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change, 28 p.
Lohbeck, W., 1995, editor Hydrocarbons and other progressive
answers to refrigeration, Proceedings of the International CFC
and Halon Alternatives Conference, 2325th October,
Washington DC, published by Greenpeace, Hamburg.
Molina, M. J. and Rowland, F. S., 1974, Stratospheric sink for
chlorofluoromethanes: chlorine atom catalysed destruction of
ozone, Nature, Vol. 249, June 28, pp. 808812.
Parmar, A. S., 1995, Performance of Hydrocarbon Refrigerants in
Motor Car Air-Conditioning, B.E. thesis, School of Mechanical
and Manufacturing Engineering, The University of New South
Wales, Sydney.
Strong, D., 1994, Natural refrigerants: the next revolution?,
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, August, pp. 2627.
World Meteorological Organization 1991, Scientific Assessment
of Ozone Depletion:1991, Global Ozone Research and
Monitoring Project Report No. 25, Geneva.


RESUME: Les consommations delectricite mesurees sur des r

efrigerateurs functionnant au R600a sont 20 % plus faibles
quavec le R12 ou le R134a. On propose de nouveaux
param`etres expliquant pourquoi le R600a a moitie moins de
fuite, de perte de charge et de pression au condenseur, et
double le coefficient de transfert de chaleur par rapport au R12
ou au R134a.

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