PDCoupling Units DS en V01

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Coupling Units

Partial Discharge Detection Systems

Coupling Units
Partial Discharge Detection Systems

Three types available: power separation

filters, bushing tap couplers, and bridge
coupling circuits
Standard voltage ratings from 10 kV to
1000 kV

DESCRIPTION a value from 50 to 2000 pF) to create a Power Separation

A detection coupling unit is an essential component of Filter suitable for use with the Series 37000 Partial
every partial discharge detection system. Its function is to Discharge Detector.
couple the sample under test to the input of the partial
Bridge Coupling Circuit
discharge detector. The three types of detection coupling
units are the Power Separation Filter, Bushing Tap Coupler A Bridge Coupling Circuit converts the Series 37000 Partial
and Bridge Coupling Circuit. Coupling units are available Discharge Detector to a bridge circuit to meet testing
for test voltages up to 1000 kV and sample charging applications demanding the highest sensitivity, such as
currents up to 50 amperes. testing sample capacitances of 0.03 F or higher.

Power Separation Filter

A Power Separation Filter is basically a capacitive voltage
The Power Separation Filter serves four important system
divider with a pulse detection network. It is connected in
parallel with the sample under test and is independent of
sample charging current requirements. This arrangement It senses any partial discharge pulse signal appearing at
permits the filter to function properly with either grounded the terminals of the sample and separates these high-
or ungrounded test samples. No adjustments or circuitry frequency, low-level signals from the test voltage.
changes are needed for test sample capacitance variations.
It works in conjunction with the partial discharge
Bushing Tap Coupler detector to integrate the partial discharge currents, thus
The Bushing Tap Coupler includes the circuitry which is providing a signal which is proportional to the apparent
found in the base of all Biddle Power Separation Filters. charge.
This includes a voltage divider circuit and a pulse It contains a capacitive voltage divider that supplies a
detection network. The Bushing Tap Coupler permits use sync signal to the detector and the drive signal to the
of the high-voltage capacitor (C1) built into some power system kilovoltmeter (when furnished).
apparatus bushings to form a Power Separation Filter
equivalent. Since the bushing C1 value varies with each It provides the circuitry used with the direct/indirect
rating bushing, adjustments are provided to accommodate system calibration procedure.
a wide range of bushing C1 values (50 to 2000 pF). The For complete working systems including Power Separation
Bushing Tap Coupler also can be used to interface with an Filters, refer to catalog entries for Partial Discharge
existing freestanding high-voltage coupling capacitor (with Detection Systems Without (or With) Test Voltage Source.
Coupling Units
Partial Discharge Detection Systems

The principal application for the Bushing Tap Coupler is OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES
to create a substitute Power Separation Filter by using the Seven-Position Detector Input Selector Panel
high-voltage coupling capacitor (C1) built into many When testing multiphase apparatus, one Bushing Tap
power apparatus bushings. This provides a convenient, Coupler is used for each phase. An optional detector input
economic way to test power apparatus in which bushings selector panel (seven position) is available for this
with capacitive taps are installed. A secondary application purpose; it permits the Series 37000 Partial Discharge
is to interface an existing high-voltage coupling capacitor Detector to monitor up to seven input channels without
in the 50- to 2000 pF range to create a Power Separation terminating the test to reconnect the detection system.
Filter, suitable to interface with the Series 37000 Partial
Discharge Detector. Decade Step Attenuator
The Bridge Coupling Circuit converts the Series 37000 When very high signal levels are expected, an optional
Partial Discharge Detector into a bridge detection circuit decade step attenuator permits measurement of signal
for maximum detection sensitivity when testing large levels higher than 10,000 pC, which may otherwise
capacitive samples (0.03 to 100 F). The larger the sample overload the detection system. It provides attenuation
capacitance, the greater the sensitivity improvement. A ratios of 100/10/1:1 in switch-controlled steps.
decade, or more, improvement insensitivity is possible, In-line Preamplifier
depending on the specifics of the application. Use of the When using nonstandard (longer) signal cable lengths to
Bridge Coupling Circuit requires that the test samples be connect the Power Separation Filter to the detector, an
ungrounded and doubles the kVA output required from optional in-line preamplifier is required to maintain
the test voltage source. minimum system sensitivity levels. The preamplifier is
standard with the Bushing Tap Coupler and Power
FEATURES AND BENEFITS Separation Filters rated 250 kV and higher.
Three types of coupling units are available (Power
The Power Separation Filter sensitivity data presented in
Separation Filter, Bushing Tap Coupler and Bridge Figure 1 was taken while maintaining a 2:1 signal-to-noise
Coupling Circuit) to satisfy a wide range of applications. ratio and using standard length signal cables. (Refer to
Wide range of voltage ratings Specifications.)
The Power Separation Filter high-voltage coupling
capacitor value associated with each curve is indicated on
the graph.
The shorter bars shown on the graph represent the
sensitivity possible for each range of the three Bridge
Coupling Circuits when testing pairs of samples with equal


Minimum Detection Level (picocoulombs)




7 17280-3 17280-4
1000 pF

2 4000 pF 17280-4
1 500 pF

150 pF 17280-2

1500 pF
.05 3000 pF

.0001 .0002 .0005 .001 .002 .005 .01 .02 .05 .1 .2 .5 1 2 5 10 20 50 100

Sample Capacitance (microfarads)

Figure 1: Detection system sensitivity as a function of varying test sample capacitance

Coupling Units
Partial Discharge Detection Systems

Voltage Cable Dimensions
Rating Capacitance Length H x W x D, in. H x W x D, cm CAT. NO.
Power Separation Filters
10 kV 1000 pF 10 ft (3 m) 15 x 10 x 8 38 x 25 x 20 29040
20 kV 1000 pF 10 ft (3 m) 15 x 10 x 8 38 x 25 x 20 29041
40 kV 1000 pF 10 ft (3 m) 15 x 10 x 8 38 x 25 x 20 29042
60 kV 500 pF 20 ft (6 m) 40 x 10 x 8 102 x 25 x 20 29043
75 kV 3000 pF 20 ft (6 m) 32 x 10 x 8 82 x 25 x 20 29044
125 kV 2000 pF 30 ft (9 m) 38 x 10 x 8 97 x 25 x 20 29045
175 kV 4000 pF 30 ft (9 m) 38 x 36 x 34 97 x 92 x 61 29552
200 kV 4000 pF 30 ft (9 m) 38 x 36 x 34 97 x 92 x 61 29046
250 kV* 1000 pF 30 ft (9 m) 80 x 36 x 24 203 x 92 x 61 29047
350 kV* 2000 pF 50 ft (15 m) 90 x 36 x 24 229 x 92 x 61 22209
400 kV* 2000 pF 75 ft (23 m) 123 x 36 x 24 313 x 92 x 61 29048
500 kV* 1330 pF 75 ft (23 m) 106 x 80 x 80 270 x 203 x 203 28404
600 kV* 1330 pF 75 ft (23 m) 126 x 80 x 80 320 x 203 x 203 29050
700 kV* 1000 pF 75 ft (23 m) 150 x 80 x 80 381 x 203 x 203 22211
800 kV* 1000 pF 75 ft (23 m) 162 x 80 x 80 412 x 203 x 203 29051
1000 kV* 800 pF 75 ft (23 m) 220 x 80 x 80 559 x 203 x 203 29052
Bridge Coupling Circuit
5A 0.03 to 1 F N/A 5.5 x 8 x 8 14 x 20 x 20 17280-2
15 A 0.3 to 10 F N/A 5.5 x 8 x 8 14 x 20 x 20 17280-3
50 A 3.0 to 100 F N/A 5.5 x 8 x 8 14 x 20 x 20 17280-4
Bushing Tap Coupler
N/A** 50 to 2000 pF 50 ft (15 m) 5 x 8 x 11 13 x 20 x 28 19480

Item (Qty) Cat. No.
For Detection Coupling Unit ordering information, refer to Specifications table
Included Accessories
Instruction manual for Bushing Tap Coupler AVTM66JS201
Instruction manual for Bridge Coupling Circuit AVTM66JS106
Optional Accessories
Detector input selector panel, seven-position 19465
Decade step attenuator 17270
In-line preamplifier 17245
Coupling Units
Partial Discharge Detection Systems


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