II. Project Description 2.1 Problem Statement Major Statement

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Project Description

2.1 Problem Statement

Major Statement:

How will the proponents develop, design, and implement a LAN-

Based Automated Enrollment System that would make the enrolment in

Mother of the Eucharist and Grace Montessori School Inc. at least 50%

faster by the end of the 1st semester, school year 2013 2014?

Minor Statements:

How will the proponents create a module that would provide a

convenient way to know the total number of students in each grade

level and section them?

Based on the interview conducted by the proponents, the registrar

manually counts the total number of students by getting all the

enrolment forms, it consumes at least 1 minute per grade level. The

registrar needs that information to properly section the students in each

grade level. One section is composed of 15 20 students and the First-

come, first-serve policy is implemented as the basis in sectioning the

students in each grade level, therefore to section all the students in

each grade level, the registrar will write down all the name of the

students on her students ledger that consumes approximately 5

minutes per grade level. [See Appendix D for the Transcript of


MoESys: Mother of the Eucharist and Grace Montessori School Enrollment

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How will the proponents create a module that would provide

accurate calculation of payments in all grade level?

Based on the interview conducted by the proponents, the registrar

and the cashier use calculator to compute the payments in all grade

level which based on the proponents observation is very critical

since it has something to do with financial aspect. The registrar and

the cashier might press wrong inputs on the calculator that could

lead to problem like discrepancy of the students payment. The

proponents want to make sure that the payment calculation will be

as tidy as possible. [See Appendix D for the Transcript of

How will the proponents create a module that would secure the records

and information from unauthorized users?

Based on the interview, the registrar and the cashier keep all the

records and information inside the envelope and place them in their

respective locker. The tangibility of the records could be the reason

why there is a big possibility that unauthorized personnel can steal,

see, or even disrupt them. As a result, the confidentiality of the

school records will be lost. The records can also be lost or

misplaced by the unauthorized personnel. If the record was stolen

or disrupted by the unauthorized personnel, the recovery of it will

be impossible. [See Appendix D for the Transcript of Interview]

MoESys: Mother of the Eucharist and Grace Montessori School Enrollment

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How will the proponents create a module that would generate reports

such as payment records and student list upon request?

Based on the interview, the principal said that there are two usual

reports requested by the students and teachers, the payment records

and the list of students in a certain section and level.

The cashier is the responsible for issuing payment records. The

payment record contains details including the name of the student

requested it, date of payment, amount paid and remaining balance

which will come from the official receipts of the student. The

cashier is having a hard time releasing payment records because

she will look for all the official receipt of the student who

requested such record from the bulks of record then she will write

the details on the payment record card and this consumes up to 5

The registrar is the one who is responsible for generating the list of

student. This process takes up to 5 7 minutes since the registrar

needs to look for the enrolment forms of the students enrolled on a

certain grade level then she will encode the details using Microsoft

Word 2007 and print it in order to produce such report.

[See Appendix D for the Transcript of Interview]

How will the proponents create a module that would easily check the

students information as well as efficiently store, update, retrieve, and

archive it?
Based on the interview and observation conducted by the

proponents, the way they deal with the records is inconvenient

because they store the all the files and records in the cabinet which
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is very space-consuming and produces bulks of record. They also

produce untidy records when updating the files because of

unwanted erasures. The retrieval process of the records consumes a

lot of time that normally took 3 minutes and may vary depending

on the files needed. The principal, having said that, is having a

hard time checking the files as well as the retrieval of them. [See

Appendix D for the Transcript of Interview]

2.2 Proposed Research Project

2.2.1 General Objective

To develop, design, and implement a LAN-Based Automated

Enrollment System that would make the enrolment in Mother of the

Eucharist and Grace Montessori School Inc. at least 50% faster by the end

of the 1st semester, school year 2013 2014?

Specific Objectives

To create a module that would provide a convenient way to monitor

the total number of enrolees at each grade level and section them.

MoESys: Mother of the Eucharist and Grace Montessori School Enrollment

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To create a module that would provide accurate calculation of

payments in all grade level

To create a module that would provide an Information System for the

To create a module that would provide a security from unauthorized

To create a module that would generate reports such as payment

records and student list upon request.

To create a module that would easily check the students information

as well as efficiently store, update, retrieve, and archive it.

2.2.3 Scope and Limitation

Project Scope

MoESys is a LAN-Based Automated Enrolment System proposed for

Mother of Eucharist and Grace Montessori School. It will automate the enrolment

process of the school, thus making it more convenient and faster for the enrolees

to be enrolled. It will give an user-friendly interface for the end-users to prevent

confusion and problem with regard to automating the enrolment process. The

system has different users including the registrar and the cashier together with

their respective works in using the system, hence, MoESys is implemented on a

network environment using Local Area Netwok (LAN) framework called Client-

Server Model.

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MoESys Modules

Log in
This module is used to determine the user level of the user. It also prevents

unauthorized access of the system. There are different users that are

authorized to access the system, the registrar, cashier and the principal. It has

the following attributes that are stored in the database:

Username the registered name of the user.
Password A secret word that must be used to gain admission to the


This module is used to collect all the required information of the enrolee. It

contains important fields:

Student Name the name of the enrolee.
Grade Level the current grade level of the enrolee.
Address the current place where the enrolee resides.
Guardian Name the name of the Guardian of the enrolee.
Using this module will allow the user to easily update collected information

from the enrolee. It includes all the fields in the registration module.
The system allows the user to assign the students on a certain section. This

includes the following:

Grade Sections show the different section per grade level
Student List the list of students in a certain grade section
This module is responsible for assigning the teacher to a certain subject

together with the time covered. This includes the following attributes:
List of Teacher - names of the teachers to be assigned on the subjects
Subject - lessons in the school
Covered Time the allotted time for the subject.
MoESys: Mother of the Eucharist and Grace Montessori School Enrollment
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The system can assess and accurately calculate the payment of the students. It

contains the following attribute:

Payment Type It is either in full payment of instalment.
Tuition Fee allocated payment for the whole school year.
Miscellaneous Fee includes the payment for books and school ID.
Discount deductible in the payment of the scholar students.
Monthly Fee monthly breakdown of payments of the students.
Total Fee calculated payments of the student.
This module is used in payment transaction of the students. It includes the

following details:
Student Name the student that requests to pay the allocated

List of Student Payable the breakdown details of the total payment

of the student.
Student Status
This module is used to view all the students status. It shows the following

List of students that is considered clear from any requirements
List of students that still has requirement to be submitted or


This module can provide accurate reports including:
List of Currently enrolled in a particular section
Class Schedule
Payment Record
Students Information
List of top students
Student Grade

MoESys: Mother of the Eucharist and Grace Montessori School Enrollment

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The systems flexibility is determined by this module because it can cope with

the changes in the school.

Section Maintenace

This module will be designed to know the projected number of

students per grade level in a particular subject, section or room.

User Maintenance

This module will be designed to add and delete a user. This will

also be used in editing the username and password of the user.

Back up Maintenance

This module will be design in order to create back up file for


Tuition Fee Maintenance

This module will be designed to change the fee that is allocated for

the student payment.

School Year Maintenance

This module will be designed to get updated on the current school


MoESys: Mother of the Eucharist and Grace Montessori School Enrollment

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Scholarship Maintenace
This module will be responsible for the scholarship discount of the

Miscellaneous Maintenance
This module will be designed to change the miscellaneous fee.
This is provided to assist the user in using and navigating the system.


MoESys cannot handle human errors such as wrong information from the


MoESys can check the format of the information that is coming from the

user to determine if the information is valid or not. Therefore if the

information entered by the user has a proper format but considered as

wrong or irrelevant information, MoESys still accepts it. So the end-users

must be careful on entering information into the system.

MoESys does not produce official receipt for payment transactions.

MoESys only produces payment records for the payment transaction. The

MEGMS is already producing official receipts for payment transactions. If

MoESys will be the one to produce official receipt, it will require another

printer to be used by the school.

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MoESys does not have grade computation module to solve each periodical

MoESys cannot compute the periodical grade of a student because

MoESys does not have a module that accepts grades from quizzes, tests,

seatworks and assignments which are used to compute the periodical grade

of a student. It is not the main purpose of MoESys because computing

each periodical grade is part of a Grading System. MoESys only computes

the Final Grade of the student which is necessary in determining if the

student can advance to the next grade level.

MoESys does not have second-layer security.

MoESys has a log in module that serves as the first-layer security of the

system which also used to determine the user that wants to access the

system. If by any chance, like when the registrar forgot to log out her

account then unauthorized user used that instance to able to access the

system, MoESys has no way to know that problem.

MoESys does not have assessment examination module

MoESys is mainly created to use for automating the enrolment process.

Assessment examination is also part of the enrolment process but it is

done before the actual enrolment process to see if the new student or the

transferee fits to the standard level he/she inquires to enroll. This process

is not covered by MoESys because it will require the MEGMS to provide

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more computers to be used by the enrolee or examinee. And also some

enrolee might not have enough skills to take the assessment examination

using computer. Assessment examination also includes writing and

reading test which only the teacher can measure the capability of the


2.2.4 Methodology

Method can be defined as a systematic and orderly procedure or process

for attaining some objective.

Methodology doesn't describe specific methods; nevertheless it does

specify several processes that need to be followed. These processes constitute a

generic framework. They may be broken down in sub-processes, they may be

combined, or their sequence may change. However any task exercise must carry

out these processes in one form or another.

Methodology may refer to nothing more than a simple set of methods or

procedures, or it may refer to the rationale and the philosophical assumptions that

underlie a particular study relative to the scientific method. For example,

scholarly literature often includes a section on the methodology of the researchers.


Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is one of the methodologies

used for developing systems. It provides a consistent framework of tasks and

deliverables needed to develop systems. The SDLC methodology may be

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condensed to include only those activities appropriate for a particular project,

whether the system is automated or manual, whether it is a new system, or an

enhancement to existing systems. [VADH2010]

The proponents decided to use SDLC as the methodology in developing

the MoESys because SDLC is very much focused on achieving goals. SDLC

model gives a review at the end of each phase which allows maximum

management control so the proponents can track their progress and determine if

they are on target with their goals.

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Planning Phase

Analysis Phase

Design Phase

Implementation Phase

Maintenance Phase

Figure 2.1 Systems Development Life Cycle

SDLC Phases

Planning Phase

Planning phase is the process of defining clear, discrete activities, and the

work needed to complete each activity within a single project.

In this phase, the proponents will plan on how to build the system. It

started by defining all the possible problems and all the necessary information

needed for the system. After that, schedules were made on when to conduct

interviews to gather all the information that is needed.

Analysis Phase

Analysis phase refines project goals into defined functions and operation

of the intended application. It analyzes end-user information needs.

This phase is where the proponents will analyze and document the

business needs and the processing requirements of the new system.

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Design Phase

Design phase is the solution system based on the requirement designed

and decisions made during analysis phase.

In this phase, the proponents will create designs using Microsoft Visual

Studio 2010, after the requirements gathering has been done. Screen layouts and

modular program structure of the system will be made to determine the task

required in defining resources and other project related information for the control

of the project that help to solve the problems.

Implementation Phase

Implementation phase is where the final system is built, tested, and


The proponents will ensure that the users are all trained so that the

organization is ready to benefit as expected from using the system. The

proponents will use Microsoft Visual Studios 2010 for the development of the

system and MySQL for database.

Maintenance Phase

Maintenance phase keeps the system running productively during the

years following its installation. Upgrades or enhancements may be carried out to

expand the system capabilities.

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In this phase, the proponents will update and test the changes done in the

system. This is where changes or corrections of system might happen so that it

will be easier for the user to operate.

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