David Recoverd All
David Recoverd All
David Recoverd All
David Recovered All
Bakht Singh
Golconda 'x' Roads
Hyderabad - 500 020
1. The Hope of Recovery 1
In the same chapter, however, we read that by
God's help and grace, they recovered all that they had
lost and much more beside. They recovered so much
that they were able to pay all the debts that they had
incurred during the previous years. Wherever they had
been during those years they had been unable to pay
for their food and lodging. Whether they stayed in a
place for a few days or months or for a longer time
they had been given shelter and food. We see in the
Scriptures that David had kept a record of the kindness
shown to him. There were many good men who had
given him dhal and fowl and mutton. He knew who
had given him fresh food and who had given him stale
food. Verses 27 to 31 give a list of the places where he
had stayed, and verse 31 shows that wherever he had
stayed, whether for a few days or for a longer time, he
now sent gifts to acknowledge kindness shown, and
to pay back his debts.
So it is with us spiritually! We have many spiritual
losses because of our faults and failures. There are
many in fact who have lost their joy. Some, because of
trouble and trial, may have lost their faith. Others may
have lost their consciousness of God's presence. Others
have not yet learned the secret of finding God's will.
Many have lost the old power they had when they
were first born again. Others have lost their first love.
How many hearts there are with some spiritual loss.
They are not enjoying their Bibles as before. They have
not got the same burden for prayer as once they had.
Some weep openly and some secretly, but they have
no faith to recover what they have lost. They want to
recover it but they do not know how to recover it, and
worse still they have lost the hope of recovery. They
are saying in their hearts, 'Maybe I will never get my
former joy and peace again'. They may be saying: 'I
can never do the Lord's service as before'. Whatever it
may be that you have lost spiritually we have a message
for you. Whatever the cause of your loss may be, there
is hope for you. Your loss can be recovered. Rather,
you can receive much more than you have lost.
Yet, in chapter 3 he was driven out as a thief and
he Word of God says it was God Himself who drove
lim out. In the beginning he could talk to God as man
o man, but now he was being driven out from the
presence of God. He was driven out from his home in
he Garden of Eden and had to surrender all his rights.
What a tremendous loss! No man can estimate the loss
incurred by the first man, Adam. But in Revelation 21
and 22, we see how the loss in Genesis 3 has been
recovered. There we find man ruling the new creation,
which will be far more glorious than the old.
With what sorrow they will say those words, admitting
that whatever they had possessed, or whatever they
had done in life, was only a waste!
Have you seen a good gardener working upon a
good field or a good garden? What preparation he puts
in before he starts working that ground. Once it may
have been very bad and hopeless, full of thorns and
thistles, but after a few months the very same field will
be yielding fruits in abundance and many colourful
flowers. Every inch of it is used. To produce these
results, the garden had to be worked upon day and
night. The ground needed much preparation. Every
stone had to be removed, then the seeds had to be sown
and watered every day, and for weeks and months
watched over day by day. It is hard to believe at last
that it is the same land or field that is now yielding all
these things.
That is why He came into this world to seek and
to save you.
for you. Pray to Him: 'Lord, do Thou help me to recover
all my losses.' Have you lost your peace? Have you lost
your joy or has your faith become somewhat weak? Is
your mind full of doubts? Have you lost your hunger
and appetite for God's Word?
what it was!' For if your clothes are lost or torn while
in their service they will make good your loss. Upon
receiving your complaint they will say, 'Please let us
know your measurements, and we will give you a new
garment.' Even though the coat you have lost may
have been an old one, they will give you a new one
Chapter 2
not serve their fathers becau'se they have studied only
to the third class, and cannot spell even one word of
English. Young people today think they know so much
more than their elders. Maybe their fathers cannot speak
fluently. Perhaps they stutter and mutter before they
can utter even one word. So the young people question
whv thev should go to such old men and women with
their personal problems. They think they are more
clever than their parents or relations, and for that
reason there are many young lives that have been
ruined through folly. These young men however had
understanding, and showed it by their request for Elisha
to go with them.
innocent, and say, 'I will pay you back immediately,
the very day I get my wages.' By the manner they speak,
the lender's heart is softened. He says in his heart, 'I
must help this poor man. He looks a good man, and
will surely keep his word.' So what the borrower asks
is given to him. But does he keep his word? Things
that were borrowed last year are not returned yet!
When you remind such people, at first they answer
nicely, but after a few days they become your enemies.
They know how to borrow, but they never learn how
to pay back.
inability and acknowledged his failure. He said, 'Alas,
my master, what I should do?1 Elisha said, 'Show me
the place where the axe fell.' So the young man pointed
it out, and Elisha cut down a branch of the tree and
dropped it into the water. Immediately the axe began
to float. Like a piece of straw, the iron came to the
surface and began to float on the water. That is how
the young man recovered his loss. It is a simple story,
but full of deep meaning, to teach us how every spiritual
loss can be recovered.
will help you. That stick cut by Elisha speaks of the
Cross of the Lord Jesus Christ. For our sins He hung
on a tree and died for us, and by the same Cross our
loss can be recovered. The iron began to swim, though
it is impossible for iron to swim. But in the hand of
Elisha such a feat was nothing. In the same manner, it
is by faith we apply the Cross in our lives, and through
it we will see every loss recovered.
Chapter 3
That is how we also argue in our hearts when our
suffering goes on for a long time. We say, 'How long
can I suffer? After all, I am a human being. I am not an
angel. I am not a supernatural being. Look at poor me,
for the last so many years I have been suffering so much.
I read my Bible and do everything I can to please God.
I am not doing anybody any harm, and yet God does
not look on my affliction.'
in caves without shelter and home and food. I am not
going to wait any longer.1 So he had decided to join
the army of the Philistines.
* * *
not finding Your wTill before I joined the Philistines. Lord,
forgive me. Now I have nobody to be my friend or to
sympathise with me.'
Now Saul and his sons had been killed in the battle.
There had been no need for David to fight against Saul.
Unknown to David, God was working on his behalf.
God had chosen David for a great and high service. He
was not only God's king but had been chosen by God as
a prophet. He was not only God's prophet, but one who
had also received from God His heavenly plan. That is
why he had to be refined in many refining fires. We as
believers have also been chosen by God for a very high
and lofty purpose and that is why we too have to go
through extreme suffering to be ready for that calling. It
is for us to find out God's will for our lives.
God's will?' they reply, 'How long could I wait? I have
waited for so many years. My hair is becoming grey,
and who will marry me if I wait too long? No! no! this
won't work! I have waited, and waited, and I can wait
no longer.1
Now you can prove for yourself, that not only will
God recover your losses, but your sorrows will be
changed to joy when you come back to the Lord. Do
not depend on the Philistines and your friends but learn
to put your trust in Christ alone. Learn to enquire of
God in every situation, seek to know His will, to hear
His voice and to obey Him, and though the situation
may be impossible, still obey Him.
Chapter 4
Years later, when David thought of bringing the ark
of God again to its place he first imitated the Philistines.
God had so clearly commanded in Numbers 4:15 and
7:9, that the ark of God was to be carried only by the
sons of Kohath, the sons of the Levites, upon their
shoulders. It was never to be carried in a cart. Yet now
David in his zeal, instead of consulting with the Levites,
consulted with the captain of thousands and hundreds,
as we read in 1 Chron. 13:1. "And all the congregation
said that they would do so, for the thing was right in
the eyes of all the people" (verse 4).
the heart of David after the ark had been brought to its
place. "O give thanks unto the-Lord, call upon His
Name, make known His deeds among the people, talk
ye of all His wondrous works" etc. (vs. 1-7; 14, 15).
worldly position or other resources. That is why there
is so much strife and contention and jealousy in some
congregations, because-those that were defeated in the
election of church committee members or elders begin
to fight with those who were elected, and this strife
has its effect on all the people in the congregation. The
result is barrenness and spiritual infancy, and people
come and go away hungry from the services.
doing a great service for God, but it was all entirely
according to their own wisdom, and not according
to the Word of God and the divine plan.
position, but they have never been called by God for
that service, and are therefore unable to govern church
affairs according to God's will.
service in the house of God. In these days there are
many people full of zeal, who have a great desire to
take the gospel to many parts of the country and even
to the world. With zeal they go from house to house,
street to street, and country to country, spending much
time, money and energy, yet they do not seem to
accomplish much, nor do they see much fruit.
and became tired, and wondered why there were no
results. So I began to pray: 'Lord, why is it that I don't
see results for my labour and ministry? I miss many
meals, I walk so many miles, I speak to so many people,
I make much sacrifice, yet I do not see any result for it
So, rather unwillingly, they agreed to come with
me. We had to walk. In those days we never went by
bus or tram from place to place for gospel work. After
having walked about three or four miles we saw an
open space before a shop, and we stood there, sang a
song and began to give a message. A Mohammedan
came out of the shop and said: 'Now look here, I am a
Mohammedan and this is my shop. I won't allow any
Christian to preach before my shop.' I said, 'Well, God's
message is never forced upon anybody; if we leave you,
you will have to give an account to God on the
judgement day. We have been sent by Him, and if you
don't want us, we will go away. Only you be prepared
to give an account to God for this!'
Nath, and said to me: 'Mister, the Lord has sent you
for my sake. I am a Hindu graduate from Punjab
University, and have been going about in search of
peace for four years, but nobody can help me. I have
b e e n to m a n y w e l l - k n o w n H i n d u places, b u t
somehow I have not found satisfaction.'
I simply knew there was somebody there, and that
we must go. We took a few books with us, and the
Lord told me to take an Urdu Bible also. So having
travelled nearly all day, by train and boat and then
walking, we came to the village called Burnool just
before sunset. I was standing on one corner of the
crossing and my friend on the other side, and as I was
standing there, a man came up to me. He said: 'I can
see vou are a Christian. I am a Mohammedan. This is
my village, and I won't allow any Christian to preach
in my village.1
number of Hindus and Mohammedans, and he himself
became my interpreter. After I had given the message,
many people showed interest and bought books, and
went home, and then we had some food.
apostles never had to beg for money. People themselves
w e r e c o n s t r a i n e d , and were t a u g h t how to give
joyfully. We have found in our own service for the Lord
in India all these years that we never had to give any
hint for money,
service we must always seek God's face and His plan.
We mtist never try to change the Word of God,
by saying that we are living in a new age, and in
different days.
Chapter 5
DAVID recovered all. Now let us, each one, put down
our own names in that fragment, claiming the truth of
those words by faith, and praying that the Holy Spirit
may engrave them upon our hearts. Even though you
may be extremely s t u p i d and cannot r e m e m b e r
anything else, try to remember those few words: David
recovered all.
fountain pens in our school days. Some have lost their
chappals, and others their keys; others again their
fountain pens and watches.-Can you imagine how
many things you have lost down the years? Try to
prepare a list and then imagine all those things being
brought back to you one day! What a great joy it would
They are like the ugly man who had never seen a
mirror. One day w7hile w a l k i n g on a footpath
somewhere, he found a mirror. He looked at it and for
the first time saw his black face: it was blacker than
coal with thick hanging lips and ears. When he saw
his ugly face in the mirror he got so angry that he took
a piece of stone and broke the glass. He said to the
mirror, 'What do you mean? You are insulting me. I
am not as black as that. You are a liar.' He broke the
mirror, but that did not change his face.
they did not know its cause and many thought that
they were possessed with demons, if they had that
disease. The patient was left in some corner to die,
sometime^ for many years. When, however, men found
the cause of the disease, they also discovered a cure.
W h e n I w e n t to D e n m a r k , there w e r e m a n y
sanitoriums all standing empty. In the early days when
they did not know the cause of the disease, there were
many patients; but when they found the cause and
the remedy, that disease has been eradicated from the
country. In the same way it is good to know, the real
condition of our hearts. Do not be angry when the
Lord, through His servants, and through His Word,
shows you your true heart condition. The Bible says the
heart of man is desperately wicked and who can know
it? (Jeremiah 17:9).
for many years. He hated evil and kept away from it.
But unknown to David there was a hidden evil nature
somewhere, and unless God fully changed him, he could
not be used in any great measure.
about the downfall of David, and while walking leisurely
on the roof of the palace, he was brought face to face
with temptation.
How good and kind the king was that day. He was
only a common soldier, but the king was making so
much of him! Uriah had hardly left the palace, when a
man took to him many dishes of rich food from the
king's table such as biryam and chicken, and other nice
things that he would never have seen in his life. How
kind king David was that day to Uriah! One sin leads
to a second sin and then to a third, and then to a fourth!
A great and wise king became a adulterer, then a
deceiver, and then a hypocrite, and then a liar, all to
cover one sin.
Uriah, however, did not go home but slept at the
door of the king's palace. Again David pressed him:
'Uriah, you are still very tired, you can take a few days'
leave.1 Now, generally, when a soldier applies for leave,
it takes six months before it is sanctioned. Even though
he may say, 'My wife is sick,' the authorities will say:
'You cannot go.' But here David is saying, 'Without
application your leave has been extended for so many
days.' Nobody understood why.
But still Uriah did not go his house. While the army
was on the battle field he would not seek his own
comfort. So David's trick did not work! Finally, he had
to cause the death of Uriah through Joab. How sad! A
wise king finally became a murderer. He never intended
to murder him. He had no thought of becoming an
adulterer. He never knew that hidden part of his nature.
It is only when temptation came that he knew how
evil his heart was.
deceived by the devil. It is good to know how the devil
can deceive us. All of us are born with sinful natures,
but that lesson was learned by David only after he had
sinned, as he says in Psalm 51, 'Behold, I was shapen
in iniquity.' We saw in 1 Samuel 16 how the people
were all saying what a fine young man David was —
a fine God-fearing man, a man of strong faith, loving
and good to all. None of these human qualifications
can last forever. No man can be always good, and no
education of anv kind can change our inward nature.
We are all born with a sinful nature and one day that
sinful nature will manifest itself and make us do shameful
things, perhaps after many years.
examine you. Call sin, sin! There are some people who
are blind, but if you say 'O blind man,' they get very
angry. But when vou say: 'Sur Das! how are you?', then
they are very happy. In Northern India'they never call
a blind man, a blind man; they call him Sur Das, after
a very famous blind Hindu poet. The Bible calls sin,
sin. Whoever you may be, whether a lawyer, a doctor,
a cultured man, a rich man, a poor man, or a wise
man, before God you are a sinner, a terrible ruined
sinner under condemnation, and a filthy man, a dried
leaf and a faded flower only, a worm and mere clay.
The Bible savs we are born that way. Praise God all
these things can be changed. A sinner can become a
saint. A filthy man can be cleansed. A sinful and defiled
man can be clothed with heavenly garments, and freed
from all his sins. Confess to God exactly what you are.
Do not try to make any changes in your condition. Say,
'Yes, Lord, I am a sinner,' but do not say: 'I am much
better than my neighbour.' Do not say: 'I am a graduate
sinner, or a cultured sinner.' If you say such things you
will remain as you are. Because God loves you, tell Him
your true condition and say before Him: 'Lord, wash
me. I am filthy and defiled. O God, create in me a clean
heart. Take away my old nature.'
Your sins will be gone forever. They will be blotted
out, because the Lord Jesus Christ died in your stead
and paid the full price of your debt of sin. Ask Him to
cleanse your heart, for without your request He can
do nothing. Will you say, 'O Lord, create in me a pure
and a clean heart. Wash me and purge me and cleanse
me thoroughly.' He will hear and answer provided you
are sincere and humble before Him.
Chapter 6
me?' I said, 'Yes, so many months ago you came to such
and such a place.' Then he told me, 'After you left me,
I became restless and even though I tried to forget your
words I could not.' He had been compelled by the Holy
Spirit to read the verses I had given him. Then he said:
'I discovered my position, how I was living in darkness,
and how the Lord Jesus Christ would forgive my sins
when I accepted Him as my personal Saviour.' Then
he began to weep and said: 'My life for sixty years has
been wasted. Now I want to be used of Him. I have
accepted the Lord Jesus Christ.' He kept saying again
and again, 'My life has been wasted and the best years
of my life are gone. Now, I want to spend the remaining
few days to please my Lord.'
When we were children we had many bad habits.
In our stubbornness we kept on grieving our parents,
doing many wrong things, and wasting our time, but
afterwards we learned our mistake. Then we said, Tf I
had worked harder, I would not have failed in the
exams.1 As we grew older, we became slaves to the
lusts of youth and by all those lustful desires we wasted
the best years of life. Many y o u n g people w h e n
corrected and instructed by their parents and teachers
will reply, 'What do you know? You do not know what
life is! You are too old to understand. You don't even
know how to use a cake of soap. You old Daddy, you
wipe your face on the cloth that you wear, but we are
university students. See this nice cake of scented soap,
and this nice towel to wipe the face with! How can
you teach me anything?'
But old age will come, and your children will leave
you one by one. Your teeth also will fall out. Your
money will go to doctors. Then you will weep and say:
'My life has been wasted for these forty years. My life
has been wasted and is gone. My years have been
eaten by p a l m e r w o r m s , locusts, .caterpillars and
cankerworms. 1
a barren void. The Bible calls the world a desert and a
horrible wilderness. One day all the old things will be
removed and burnt up.
food was being served and they began to eat, some
wise man discovered something wrong with the food.
So he cried, 'O man of God, there is death in the pot.'
Those who are not born again are like that. They do
not know how death enters their hearts and families,
and they think that they are enjoying life. They think
that they are living a life of pleasure. O you foolish
men! O you foolish women! You do not know that you
are carrying death with you wherever you go. Maybe
through your words or conversation or through your
habits, you are bringing death to others. Only by divine
light can you change your condition. God's Word says
The wages of sin is death.' Even one sin is enough to
cause spiritual death.
Christ said, 'I am the Bread of Life, and by eating Me
ye shall live forever.' This is the only Bread that can
take away the poison in your life caused by sin.
them, 'Are you satisfied?' they say 'no,' even though
they have spent so much money and have eaten so
well. They have been eating and drinking death, and
they will die without hope. But those who have eaten
the Bread of Life, are free from every poison, and are
satisfied with a small quantity and with whatever God
gives. Their hearts are full of worship and thanks
giving and praise to God. They have recovered the
loss caused by drinking poison.
Chapter 7
WE are returning again and again to the three words
of our title because we believe with all our hearts that
God has a message in this small fragment for us all.
There are many things which are not made clear to us
at first, but after many days, or months, or even years,
they b e c o m e clear. T h o u g h we may not fully
understand what has been said so far, one day we shall
be made to understand.
and the Bible. He thought he was very clever. When
he was about to die his relatives came to him one day
and said, 'Spencer, what is your last wish? And what
are the words which you would like to be engraved on
your tombstone?' He answered: Write these words,
"Most Unhappy." Today you will find those words on
his grave. All his cleverness and prosperity made no
difference, because he died without the forgiveness of
his sins. If you are living and dying without the Lord
Jesus Christ, whatever you are doing in life is a waste.
You can take nothing with you, and you will die
without peace, without joy, and without God.
and expectation she goes on making things and putting
them away, maybe for many years.
everything to be recovered that had been lost nationally
because of his failure and folly.
neighbours and friends whispering among themselves,
and looking very sad, saying, That man Abraham is
mad, can you suggest some good doctors to make him
well? Imagine they are going away, leaving their house,
land and everything, and are not coming back. Above
all they do not know where they are going!'
our Lord Christ; and you will be mocked by your
neighbours and friends and even by your relations.
They will say, Tn what way are you better than we?
These people call themselves believers and are living in
adultery.' No doubt there are such Jebusites who are
mocking the Lord Jesus Christ today in many places.
First of all we must know what we have lost and
how great the loss is. Then we must know how the
loss can be fully recovered, and something added
as well.
went there, two of us and our guide. We had to go
very early that morning to climb up to the top, which
we did with great difficulty. There we found gathered
more than two hundred people from all parts of the
world. Then the sun arose and the whole sky was
beautifully lit. One by one the people all went away
after seeing that sight, till only four of us were left
behind. I asked my friend, 'Can you tell me where the
peak of Everest is?' He pointed and said, 'It is there,
there.' So I looked and I saw a beautiful white point.
As I looked it began, to move and I said, 'How can that
be Mount Everest? It is moving. It must be a cloud.'
Chapter 8
everybody was searching throughout the compound.
I thought anxiously, 'How long shall we be detained
in Pakistan? Without our passports how can we leave
Pakistan? Perhaps we will have to apply for a fresh
passport and stay on here for another three weeks!'
work of God. The recovery of this bag helped us to
return to India to be in time for the holy convocations
at Hyderabad, otherwise they would still have been
praying in Hyderabad for our return from Pakistan!
W h a t a joy w e e x p e r i e n c e d w h e n w e recovered
something so valuable.
He also said: 'Your yea shall be yea, and your nay,
nay.' Sometimes when you visit a home they ask you:
'Would you like to have a cup of tea?' and suppose you
say: 'Yes please,' you see their faces change. The fact is,
they have no milk in the house, nor sugar. Only for
formality's sake they suggested tea! They hoped you
would say: No! but you said: Yes!
If he had not sinned, he could have been king of the
whole earth. When sin came, God's purpose was
hindered, but God's love will never change. As God
says in Jeremiah 31:3, 'I have loved thee with an
everlasting love.' We may change, but His love will
never change. God's purpose cannot change.
loss. Many believers are losing their "joy, their peace
and faith in the same way; but a day will come when,
by hearing God's Word and by coming into God's light,
they will see w h a t a great loss they have incurred
through their folly and negligence and failures.
me and told me to leave my kith and kin, my property
and other things and to go to a new land.1
get much more than I had with Abraham. See I can
have so much good fertile land.' He chose that land,
it w a s i n d e e d good l a n d , b u t very near S o d o m
and Gomorrah.
God appeared to Abraham again, but only after Lot
had separated from him. Please mark this fragment in
the Bible, 'After that Lot was separated from him'
(Genesis 13:14). W h e n Lot h a d s e p a r a t e d from
Abraham then God appeared to the latter and said to
him: 'AH the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it
and to thy seed forever. And I will make thy seed as
the dust of the earth: so that if a man can number the
dust of the earth, then shall thy seed also be numbered.
Arise, walk through the land in the length of it and in
the breadth of it; for I will give it unto thee.1 God was
now able to show Abraham what a great inheritance
He was offering to him and to his seed forever.
that Lot; and God will appear to you and will speak to
you and pour His power into you.
coffee. These people have no other business; they can
stay in Hebron for many hours. But we are very
important people; we are not simple folk, and for us it
is a waste of time to be so long in Hebron. We know
the message will not end until 2 o'clock and then they
will serve food at 3 o'clock. Really it is a waste of time
to be here.' If that is what you are saying, you do not
know what fellowship is. You are blind. Because of
some Lot in your life you are not able to enjoy true
fellowship with God. When Abraham separated himself
from Lot, God became real to him, he could talk to God
as man to man and that is why he could leave his land
and cattle and other precious things for God's sake.
God was real to him.
We have much more joy in talking with God than
in talking with any man. We know Him and He knows
us, a n d t h r o u g h this fellowship we can recover
many losses.
God's presence? Have you enjoyed having fellowship
with God's people, true fellowship in God's house? It
is through such true fellowship with God and His
people that you can recover many losses.
people. If Lot had gone to his wife and said, 'My dear
wife, hurry and prepare food for these guests,' what do
you think she would have replied? Perhaps she would
have said: 'You cook it yourself. I have not married
you to cook for you. You can cook for yourself.' It would
be the same with his daughters! If he went to his
daughters and said: 'Dear daughters, please help me to
prepare food for these guests,1 what do you think they
would reply? Perhaps they would have said: 'Our faces
are full of powder and our finger-nails are painted, so
we cannot come. You can cook yourself.' In the end Lot
had to prepare the meal himself. What a difference !
and they were very frightened. But in Joshua 14:11-13
we read of a man called Caleb. He came to Joshua and
said, 'You give me Hebron. Even though there are many
giants there I can conquer them. I have proved God
for many years. Even now I trust Him and I know that
by His help I can fight the giants. Please give me
Hebron.' So Joshua gave him Hebron, and because of
his faith, Caleb was able to drive out all the giants.
Chapter 9
David should have known that God had laid down an
order in which the ark should be carried, but he did not
observe that order. The ark should have been carried
only on the Levites' shoulders, but David carried the ark
upon a new cart as the Philistines had done, and the
wrath of God fell upon him. On the threshing-floor of
Chidon, David learned what a great mistake it is to
leave God's order and follow the methods of men.
loss! what a terrible loss! At last God stayed the hand
of the d e s t r o y i n g angel at the threshing-floor
of Araunah.
incurred great losses as a nation, terrible losses. Sin and
defilement were everywhere and they were being
constantly defeated by the Philistines, Jebusites and
other people. But now the story was changed. Now
they were God's people and God was with them in His
full glory. Now there was real recovery, and they could
truly be called God's people.
stones were already beautifully prepared in the quarry
according to the heavenly plan. This speaks of unity
and oneness and fellowship among God's people. There
was no quarrelling, no fighting and no friction. They
were governed by the Holy Spirit.
Bakht Singh recovered all! Benjamin recovered all! By
faith may these words be fulfilled in the lives of each
of us.
Chapter 10
NOW there are two kinds of losses which we as
human beings incur. The first kind of loss is caused
when we do not have the experience of salvation and
then no matter what we do everything is a failure and
loss. It was thus with that famous king, Alexander the
Great, who, having conquered so many lands and
having acquired much wealth, complained that there
were no more lands to conquer. He died at the age of
thirty years, leaving one request that both his hands
should be left outside the coffin. He also asked that, when
his funeral procession was taken around the city,
someone should precede the box saying: 'The great King
Alexander came into the world empty handed, and is
going out of the world empty handed.' When he died
they carried out his instructions proclaiming the fact that
so great a king was unable to carry away with him what
he had acquired.
have to come under the condemnation of sin and bear
your punishment for eternity. On the day of judgement
no m a n can save you from punishment, whether
relations or neighbours or friends. That is why men
are afraid of death.
How are you going to face death? One day you will
have to give an account to God for all you have done.
If you die in sin, then be prepared for God's judgement
and for everlasting punishment in the lake of fire. God
is a God of love, but at the same time He is a God of
justice. He is a holy God and cannot behold sin.
Those who receive Him have these three laws fulfilled
in them when they are born again.
not know how to use the Book, nor how to claim and
enjoy the promises in God's Word.
see God's unchanging love and His unchanging law,
which go on dealing with His people until every loss is
recovered. No m a n can change this divine law.
Whoever he may be, rich or poor, king or beggar, a
preacher or an ordinary man; divine laws cannot be
changed. If we try to change them through ignorance,
one day we are sure to suffer heavy loss.
did not give them up. He kept on dealing with them by
sending His prophets to prepare them to become co-
workers with Him. God may take many years, but He
will not change His divine laws.
see in John 2:23-27 that the Lord Jesus Christ did not
commit Himself to them. They were saying: 'Lord, we
believe in you,' but the Lord Jesus Christ was saying: 'I
don't believe in you.' He knew that their hearts were full
of sin and that they were not prepared to give up their
sinful life. They wanted only exciting things. Unless we
feel sorry for our sins and believe from our heart in Lord
Jesus Christ, His life cannot flow into us.
There are many who despise such fellowship with
God's people. Some people because of pride of wealth
say, 'How can I have fellowship with such and such
a person? He is a low-caste Christian and I am a high-
caste Christian,' while others say proudly, 'I am a B.A.
(perhaps failed!)' or 'I am earning so much money!'
God's fellowship and keep away from God's house
saying: 'How can we rich people mix with poor people.'
Because of this attitude many believers have become
spiritually poor and as beggars and paupers before God,
because they do not know the value and power of
fellowship. That is why you find so many Christians
are happier among worldly friends than among God's
people. They do not know how much spiritual loss they
are incurring. To enjoy true fellowship you must be
freed from every 'Lot' of every kind: worldly friendship
must be utterly given up.
tempted to do wrong, maybe through their friends or
evil neighbours or because of being in a lonely place,
or because of poverty, or difficulty. Or perhaps, because
of their folly they suffer much unhappiness and misery
through their unkind neighbours. Wherever they go
fingers are pointed at them, 'See that man or woman,
that is what he or she did.' Thus they suffer. Such people
find relief through Hebron. They are being mocked at
because they have fallen under temptation unwittingly,
but in Hebron, through love, kindness and prayer, they
can recover all things.
way. I felt convicted and began to pray, 'O God, give
me a real burden of prayer for those who have been
deceived by the devil. They must be rescued.' I went
on praying for three hours, then God showed me that
my prayer would be answered.
and stuff. Then when he repented and encouraged
himself in the Lord, he consulted God as to whether he
could pursue the Amalekites or not. The Lord said,
'Pursue 1 . He obeyed God and he recovered all.
like that.1 That is why many foolish husbands have
disobeyed God. They are hen-pecked husbands who
listened to their wives.
how to find God's will. You must learn to come to God
about everything: about the use of time, money, energy,
strength and everything else.
money matters! When we want You again, we will call
You.' Then for three hours they go on quarrelling: 'How
did you spend that 5 rupees, or 2 rupees or 1 rupee?
Kindly account for it. Show us the bill for that 3 rupees'
etc. When they have finished quarrelling, they say, 'Lord
Jesus, now please come inside. We are ready to go home.
Lord, bless us!' What mockery!
the face or beauty; but the thing that matters is tne
amount of dowry, whether, Rs. 5,000 or Rs. 10,000 and
so on. They want only money, they do not want God's
will. This is how many believers are ruined, and have
u n h a p p y ruined homes, because they have never
learned that lesson of how -to enquire from the Lord.
Even with David, it was only after many years of
suffering that he learned that lesson: 'Lord, shall I go?
Shall I go?'
Chapter 11
1. The Site
Zion was at that time occupied by the Jebusites
because, as we have seen, the Benjamites had failed to
drive them out from Jerusalem. According to Deut. 7,
the Israelites had to drive out all the seven nations who
were living in the land, and they were not to make any
convenant with them nor inter-marry with them. They
were also to pull down their altars and images, so that
there might be no sign even of their having lived there.
Because of their human wisdom however they failed
God; all the seven nations stayed there, and brought
great loss to the whole nation of Israel.
yet he did not know the great purpose for which he
had been brought there by God. God had brought him
there to show him the site of the temple, where God
could reveal His glory. That is the first divine principle
about Zion: it is the site of God's temple. God brings us
to Zion, so that we may see the place where God may
have this habitation. David only found that site after
being completely broken and humbled.
us liberty. In fact, we came very near Hyderabad, yet
God did not give us the liberty to go there. When the
right time came, however, we had strong peace and
said, 'Now this is God's time for Hyderabad.' In many
places to which we have moved after waiting upon
God, we have found that when we arrived there, it
was God's time to begin work in that place. God has
gone before us, we have seen, as it were, the walls of
Jericho fall down, and God working out His plans in
His own way.
will, and thus incur great loss. But there is a heavenly
plan for each one, for personal life, for family life, and
also for church life.
want a 'pakka' wall, you will require better material. It
is the same thing with God's plan for building His
house. If you have learnt this, then you will also know
what material He requires.
material for God's house. It is only when we go to
heaven and see the heavenly Jerusalem, that we shall
know what we have gathered and how much.
you want the work of God to be strong and steadfast
then you must have God's chosen vessels, who will fulfil
God's mind and plan and who will be faithful.
5. Skilful Workmen
(I Kings 5:1, 6,18)
Fifthly, even though Solomon had plenty of wealth
and material, and also had skilful workmen in his own
kingdom, he knew that they were not sufficient to build
the house of God. So, he wrote to Hiram, King of Tyre,
'Send me cedar trees out of Lebanon and Send the men
who can work on the timber and stones.'
country may be, or wealthy, they cannot alone build
God's house. We require 'timber' and 'stones' from every
part of the world. That is the fifth divine principle of
Zion. It is only when we begin to build the house of
God that we realize how much we need co-workers
from every part of the world. Only then can the work
go on smoothly.
God's glory came d o w n only when the work was
finished and it is only when the work of God is finished
that we too shall see His glory. Unfinished work cannot
be to the glory of God. When the tabernacle was
finished the glory of the Lord came down. Even so with
the temple. When the work was finished and the
heavenly plan was accomplished God's glory came
down and God began to speak and reveal Himself in
all His fullness.
Chapter 12
defeated. They spend much money in God's service,
but see no fruit. They suffer much for God's sake, but
have no joy in their lives. They pray for many hours,
but have no joy in their lives. They pray for many
hours, but receive no answer to their prayers. Why?
Because they are doing these things by their own
efforts, like Jacob. By human efforts, human plans and
human wisdom they try to receive heavenly joy. Such
people are living, as it were, in 'the dwellings of Jacob.'
'The city of God' (vs. 3). This is another name for the
place. 'Zion' and 'City of God' are interchangeable
The Lord shall count' (vs. 6). God makes a record of
everything about those who live in Zion. Whatever we
do by ourselves is only a waste-, but whatever we do
in God's house is being recorded to be remembered
for ever.
grateful and wanted to reward Abraham, so he offered
to him all the treasure they had taken. What a great
temptation it must have been to Abraham!
Sodom offered Abraham fowl or mutton or 'biriyani1,
Abraham would have said: 'No thank you. I don't want
your fowl or mutton or anything else from you.' The
King of Sodom would gladly have fed Abraham and
his men because Abraham had delivered them from
their enemies.
When people do not feel too well, they seize the smallest
excuse to keep away from the house of God. They say,
'We cannot go to Hebron. The meetings are very, very
long and we are not too well. We had a bad night
yesterday.' They think that by keeping away they will get
better. So they keep away and become worse!
There are others who when they feel sad and dejected
keep away from the house of God. Perhaps somebody
has said something to them which has hurt them and
they keep away, but by keeping away they become worse.
It is by coming into God's house that God's people receive
heavenly food and divine strength and joy and keep fresh,
strong and healthy before God, and like Abraham are
able to resist every temptation.
(3) Tithes
Abraham believed that every blessing came from
G o d a n d that is w h y he gave his tithe to God
(Genesis 14:20).
the w o o d of the b u r n t offering, a n d w e n t to
Mt. Moriah (Gen. 22:9). Without any question or
doubt, he placed his son upon the altar, stretched
forth his hand and took the knife to slay his son. Then
God called to him, 'Abraham, Abraham, lay not thy
hand upon the lad' (Gen. 22:11, 12); and when he
turned round he saw a ram caught in a thicket.
God to do anything and He will do it for you. Can
any man give us so much? Foolishly we depend upon
ourselves, our human wisdom and strength for victory
when it is only by coming to Zion that God can be
fully bound to us and by faith we can recover every
loss. A b r a h a m h a d m a d e many mistakes: he had
listened to Sarah his wife and married Hagar and that
was a terrible mistake; so much so that the Ishmaelites
were a source of constant trouble to God's people, yet
Abraham recovered all in Zion. We too may incur
many losses, yet by coming into God's house or Zion,
we will recover every loss.
acknowledge that God alone can bless you; this is the
first lesson. The second is to come into God's house with
strong but simple faith and then you will be wholly
and fully bound up in the purpose of God.
Bakht Singh (1903 - 2000) was a man,
tuned to God's will. Born in a Sikh
family, he accepted Christ as his
Saviour at a young age. Since then,
he never turned back. He was India's
foremost evangelist, preacher and
church planter. He also authored
several books and booklets.