Test SPP
Test SPP
Test SPP
This guideline discusses details for preparing a manuscript for submission
to the Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas (SPP) Physics Congress. The abstract
should have a maximum of 100 words and should briefly state the problem,
method and the summary of the major scientific contribution of the paper.
The abstract is typeset with 2 cm (1 in) left and right indentions.
c 2008
Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas
1. Introduction
This short article discusses how your document should look like when you submit a paper to the SPP
Congress. Kindly adhere to the specifications in this style guide for efficient review and subsequent publica-
tion. Preparation of your camera-ready manuscript is achieved by adhering to these guidelines. In that way,
we both conserve energy.
The type of paper to be used is US letter (8.5 in 11 in). There will be a 1-inch or 25.4 mm margin on
all sides. All fonts for text should be some version of Times New Roman. The Title is typeset with 16-point
Times New Roman, bold, and centered.
Full names of the authors and their affiliations are to be in 10-point fonts and centered. The author list
is typeset in bold while the affiliations are typeset in italics. See the example above. Multiple affiliations are
indicated by numeric superscripts and if all authors share one affiliation, superscript numbers are not needed.
The corresponding author will have an asterisk, , indicating footnote and the email of the corresponding
author is indicated at the bottom of the affiliations. Only one corresponding author is preferred. The
corresponding author represents the authors for any issues regarding the manuscript.
Sections headings are in 12-point bold Times New Roman with Arabic numbering. Further subsections
are discouraged. The recommended page length for SPP proceedings is 4 pages to allow for a fast and efficient
review process. Please limit the information to present only your most significant scientific contribution.
Manuscripts longer than 4 pages will entail a longer review process and will incur page charge of PhP
100/page in excess. The page charge will be collected during the congress registration and will be included
in the bill of the author presenting the paper. Please note that the presenting author may not be the
corresponding author.
The main text is in Times New Roman, 10 pt. Justify paragraphs. Paragraphs are indented 0.5 cm in
the first line. There are no spaces between paragraphs.
Note for LATEX users: Basically, use this template and simply fill in the blanks. You should not have to
do any reformatting.
References are placed at the end of the manuscript. SPP proceedings uses numerical notation in brackets
for bibliographic citations. At the point of citation within the main text designate the reference by typing
the number in after the last corresponding word [1]. Citation styles: (1) journal articles are to be cited as [1];
(2) proceedings as [2]; paper accepted for publication as [3]; and books as [4]. Two references [1,2] should
be included together separated by a comma while three or more consecutive references should be indicated
by the bounding numbers and a dash, e.g., [13].
3. Submission of Articles
SPP has been implementing online submission and review process. You may submit your manuscript via
the PaperViewservice at http://www.spp-online.org. Quality of English standards must be met for final
acceptance and publication. Accepted formats are in MS Word for Windows 2003 (and earlier versions,
*.doc), OpenOffice, and LATEX. The most preferrable format is via MS Word. However, manuscripts prepared
using the latest version of MS Word (*.docx) are not yet acceptable. Please save your document in the MS
Word 1997 2003 format. For LATEX users: You can submit your paper through a tar-gzipped file that
includes the LATEX code, EPS figures, and the PDF output.
Acknowledgments and reference headings are unnumbered and are in 12 pt, bold, and Times New Roman.
[1] F. Author, S. Coauthor, Title of paper,J. of This Paper 3(1), pp 123-345, 2000.
[2] F. Author, S. Coauthor, Title of paper,in Proc. of the 25th Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas, (Los
Banos, Philippines, 2007), pp 100-102.
[3] F. Author, Title of paper,Journal of this paper (to be published).
[4] F. Author, Book Title, Chapter 3, Publisher, City, Year.