Set, Match, Merge Don't You Love SAS®
Set, Match, Merge Don't You Love SAS®
Set, Match, Merge Don't You Love SAS®
One table has accounts, another has new transactions. One table has patient data, another has treatments. No
matter what your business or application it is rare that a single data set or table has everything you need to answer
the questions you are expected to answer. SAS has a simple and powerful mechanism to bring your tables together:
the DATA Step Merge. But this simple operation can easily run awry. In this paper we will explain the basics of the
DATA step merge and the issues and problems you will encounter if you do not understand its workings. This paper is
geared towards beginning SAS programmers, but it can be a useful refresher for anyone.
The SAS DATA Step provides a wealth of opportunity to bring together or combine data from multiple input datasets;
datasets can be concatenated, interleaved or merged. Although the mechanics of these operations is relatively
straightforward, there are many gotchas that can creep in when the unwary programmer does not pay attention to
the messages in the log. This paper will outline some of the basic DATA Step methods for combining datasets and
highlight some of the common problems that can occur; although the paper will address combining and interleaving
datasets, its main focus will be on merging datasets. After looking at the DATA Step merge, the paper will also
address some of the alternatives to using the DATA Step merge.
SAS DATA Step programmers are used to certain terms when discussing data. In this paper I will be using some
DATA Step and some SQL terminology interchangeably. The table below shows the common DATA Step terms and
the SQL equivalent.
Appendix A has the layout and contents of the datasets used in the paper. These are small datasets designed to
make it easy to see good and bad results. The purpose of the paper is to show techniques so the small datasets will
facilitate that.
Concatenating datasets essentially means stacking one dataset on top of the other; that is, given two datasets, all of
the records from the second dataset will be added to the end of the first as depicted in the following diagram:
When processing this data step essentially the following steps are taken by SAS:
SAS opens dataset JAN and adds its columns to the program data vector (PDV)
SAS opens the dataset FEB, any columns not in JAN are added to the PDV
SAS opens the dataset MAR, any columns not in JAN or FEB are added to the PDV
All of the records from the JAN dataset are read and output
All of the records from the FEB dataset are read and output
All of the records from the MAR dataset are read and output
The resulting dataset, YTD, has all of the records and all of the columns from JAN, FEB and MAR with the JAN
records first, followed by the FEB, then the MAR records; that is, the records are added in the order of the dataset list.
Moreover, if a column exists in one or more of the datasets but not in another, that column is included in all of the
output records but with a missing value for all of the records in the table(s) that did not have that column, For
example, suppose that in the MAR table a new column called DISCOUNT was added. Since DISCOUNT did not exist
in the JAN and FEB tables all of the records in YTD that came from these tables would have a missing value for
DISCOUNT. The log below shows the results of this DATA Step code.
NOTE: There were 10 observations read from the data set WORK.JAN.
NOTE: There were 10 observations read from the data set WORK.FEB.
NOTE: There were 10 observations read from the data set WORK.MAR.
NOTE: The data set WORK.YTD has 30 observations and 5 variables.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 0.00 seconds
cpu time 0.00 seconds
In the example code, notice there is only one SET statement, with the list of datasets to be concatenated . What
would happen if the following code was submitted? That is, three set statements instead of one.
set JAN;
set FEB
set MAR;
SAS would read the first record from the JAN dataset (set JAN;), then read the first record from the FEB dataset (set
FEB;). If we assume the datasets have the same fields, that is SALEDATE, REP, PRODUCT and QUANTITY, then
the first time through after the set JAN command is executed, these fields would have the values from the JAN data.
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After the set FEB command is executed the values in these fields would be overwritten with the values from the FEB
data. Similarly, when the set MAR command is executed, these fields would be over written with the values from the
MAR data. At the end of the DATA Step, a record is written to YTD; this record would have the values of the first MAR
record. In this case, three records were read from three different tables, but only the last record was written out. This
behaviour would continue until one of the datasets ran out of records; at the end of that DATA Step cycle the DATA
Step would stop executing and the YTD table would be complete. The log below shows the results of this DATA Step
NOTE: There were 10 observations read from the data set WORK.JAN.
NOTE: There were 10 observations read from the data set WORK.FEB.
NOTE: There were 10 observations read from the data set WORK.MAR.
NOTE: The data set WORK.YTD has 10 observations and 5 variables.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 0.01 seconds
cpu time 0.01 seconds
Notice there are no errors generated since the code is syntactically correct. However, the final dataset has only 10
records, not the 30 records we would have if we concatenated the datasets. The moral here is to carefully check your
log to be sure the numbers add up.
If you goal is just to concatenate the tables and no other processing is to be done in the DATA Step, then you should
consider using PROC APPEND, or PROC DATASETS with append; these alternatives are slightly more efficient.
When we concatenated datasets, records were added to the output in the order in which they were found the JAN
records followed by the FEB records etc...What if we wanted to do something similar, stack the tables, but the tables
we want to combine are ordered by saledate and we want the results ordered by saledate? For example, each table
represents the data from a different store, each store sends the data ordered by saledate, and we want to combine
them by saledate. That is, we want the output in saledate order, not in the order of the datasets in the SET statement
that we had when we concatenated the tables. Once again, all of the tables will have the same structure.
First, we could concatenate them, and then sort the result. When working with
small datasets this might be a viable alternative. However, when working with
large datasets we can incur a significant processing cost with the final sort. The
better alternative is to interleave them. Interleaving requires we have the input
tables sorted by a common key column. The code to interleave looks something
DATA YTDstores;
set store1 store1 store3;
by saledate;
Once again, as can be seen from the log below we have 30 records in our output dataset.
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281 data ytdStores;
282 set store1 store2 store3;
283 by saledate;
284 run;
NOTE: There were 10 observations read from the data set WORK.STORE1.
NOTE: There were 10 observations read from the data set WORK.STORE2.
NOTE: There were 10 observations read from the data set WORK.STORE3.
NOTE: The data set WORK.YTDSTORES has 30 observations and 6 variables.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 0.00 seconds
cpu time 0.00 seconds
We saw that concatenating and Interleaving datasets allowed us to combine multiple input datasets and create an
output dataset that was the sum of the input records, and that the input datasets had the same basic structure.
Another way of combing datasets is to merge them; in this case the input datasets will have different structures, that
is different columns, and the output will contain all of the columns from input datasets. The following figure
demonstrates this.
Here we see the two input tables have different structures, and the output
table has the columns from each of the tables. In simplified terms,
concatenating and interleaving resulted in output that was the same
width as the input but was much taller, merge results in output that is
much wider than the input, but is no taller. Lets look at some of the
variety we have when it comes to merging tables.
data merged;
merge class
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ods rtf body='c:\temp\Merge.rtf';
title1 "Results of Merge ";
title2 "Not Sorted BY values";
proc print data= Merged;
ods rtf close;
SAS will match the first record in class with the first record in reward and write out a record. This process is repeated
until one of the datasets runs out of records. The results from the PROC PRINT looks like:
Results of Interleave
Not Sorted BY values
Obs id student reward
1 a Andrew Agate
2 b Bob Bauble
3 c Charlie Coaster
4 d Doug Duster
5 e Edward Eagle
6 f Fred Firetruck
Normally, when doing a One to One matching the input datasets will have the same order, as the example showed.
But problems arise when the order in the two datasets gets misaligned as shown in the following example:
data Merge_oops;
merge class
In this case our reward table has two records that had their order switched; records for ids c and d are switched.
The SAS log gives us no error since the program is correct. However, as we can see from the output of PROC
PRINT, the output is not correct. Note that Charlie has a value of d (not c) for his id and that Doug has a value of c
(not d) for his id.
Results of Merge
Not Sorted BY values and Records Misaligned
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Obs id student Reward
1 a Andrew Agate
2 b Bob Bauble
3 d Charlie Duster
4 c Doug Coaster
5 e Edward Eagle
6 f Fred Firetruck
data Merge_sort;
merge class
by id;
The following table shows the result of PROC PRINT. Notice that it looks just like our original merge, but now we can
be assured that the student and reward for each id is properly aligned.
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Results of Merge
Sorted BY values
Obs id student reward
1 a Andrew Agate
2 b Bob Bauble
3 c Charlie Coaster
4 d Doug Duster
5 e Edward Eagle
6 f Fred Firetruck
So far we have had data where we have a match for the common key. Lets examine what happens when we have
values for our key field in one of the tables but not on the other. The following example shows merging tables where
we have some common by values in both table and some in one table and not the other.
data merge_miss;
merge class_miss
by id;
Results of Merge
With Different BY values
Obs id student reward
1 a Andrew Agate
2 b Bauble
3 c Charlie Coaster
4 d Doug
5 e Edward Eagle
6 f Firetruck
Page 7 of 19
In this case the results are not unsurprising. For those records that had a matching id value (eg the first observation),
we get the appropriate value for student and reward. In the case where the record came from one of the tables but
not the other then we get a missing value for the field from the table that did not have a matching id. For example the
id value b (see observation 2) was in the reward table but not the class table; the value of the student column is
missing since there was no matching id in the class table. Similarly for observation 4, there is a value for the student
column but the reward column has a missing value because there was an id in the class table but no matching id in
the reward table.
We have seen some simple examples of the DATA Step merge highlighting its ease and some of the possible
problems that can arise with its use. The next section will introduce some alternatives to the DATA Step merge. It will
be left as an exercise for you to track down more information on these alternatives.
proc sql;
create table merge_sql as
from class as c inner join reward as r
on =
order by
Results of Merge
Using SQL
Obs id student reward
1 a Andrew Agate
2 b Bob Bauble
3 c Charlie Coaster
4 d Doug Duster
5 e Edward Eagle
6 f Fred Firetruck
Page 8 of 19
This program uses an inner-join that is a join where only records that are in both tables are kept. PROC SQL has a
variety of other types of joins; refer to the SAS documentation for more information on using PROC SQL;
Another common approach to joining tables is to not join them at all! In many cases the purpose of the join is to do a
look-up. For example an employee record would have a department code and we would merge with the department
table to get the department name. A simple alternative to this type of merge is to use a SAS format. SAS formats can
be easily built from existing tables; using the format, and the SAS put() function, the lookup value can be easily and
efficiently computed. There are numerous papers available on using formats as lookups.
This paper was an introduction to combining tables in SAS. It showed that the mechanics of combining tables is very
straightforward, but that possible errors can occur in the results, even if there were no errors in the program. It also
showed that there are some alternatives to the DATA Step merge that can offer some efficiencies at the expense of
learning new techniques. As with almost all projects in SAS, there can be multiple solutions to a data combine
Your comments and questions are valued and encouraged. Contact the authors at:
Peter Eberhardt
Fernwood Consulting Group Inc
Toronto, ON
Ying Liu
HSBC Financial
Toronto, ON
SAS and all other SAS Institute Inc. product or service names are registered trademarks or trademarks of SAS
Institute Inc. in the USA and other countries. indicates USA registration.
Other brand and product names are trademarks of their respective companies.
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keep saledate rep product quantity;
saledate = '05jan2007'd;
do i = 1 to 10;
saledate = saledate + 1;
r = int(ranuni(0)*100);
if r < 20 then rep = '20';
else if r < 40 then rep = '40';
else if r < 70 then rep = '50';
else rep = '60';
p = int(ranuni(0)*1000);
if p < 200 then product = 'PROD5';
else if p < 400 then product = 'PROD4';
else if p < 700 then product = 'PROD3';
else product = 'PROD2';
quantity = int(ranuni(0)*10) + 1;
data feb;
attrib saledate format=yymmdd10.
label='Date of Sale'
attrib rep length=$2
label='Sales Rep'
attrib product length=$5.
attrib quantity format=4.
label="Quantity Sold"
keep saledate rep product quantity;
saledate = '02feb2007'd;
do i = 1 to 10;
saledate = saledate + 1;
r = int(ranuni(0)*100);
if r < 20 then rep = '20';
else if r < 40 then rep = '40';
else if r < 70 then rep = '50';
else rep = '60';
p = int(ranuni(0)*1000);
if p < 200 then product = 'PROD5';
else if p < 400 then product = 'PROD4';
else if p < 700 then product = 'PROD3';
Page 10 of 19
else product = 'PROD2';
quantity = int(ranuni(0)*10) + 1;
data mar;
attrib saledate format=yymmdd10.
label='Date of Sale'
attrib rep length=$2
label='Sales Rep'
attrib product length=$5.
attrib quantity format=4.
label="Quantity Sold"
keep saledate rep product quantity discount;
retain discount 0.1;
saledate = '02mar2007'd;
do i = 1 to 10;
r = int(ranuni(0)*100);
if r < 20 then rep = '20';
else if r < 40 then rep = '40';
else if r < 70 then rep = '50';
else rep = '60';
p = int(ranuni(0)*1000);
if p < 200 then product = 'PROD5';
else if p < 400 then product = 'PROD4';
else if p < 700 then product = 'PROD3';
else product = 'PROD2';
quantity = int(ranuni(0)*10) + 1;
data YTD;
data YTD;
set JAN;
Page 11 of 19
set FEB;
set MAR;
data store1;
attrib store length=$3.
attrib saledate format=yymmdd10.
label='Date of Sale'
attrib rep length=$2
label='Sales Rep'
attrib product length=$5.
attrib quantity format=4.
label="Quantity Sold"
keep store saledate rep product quantity discount ;
store = "001";
retain discount 0.1;
basedate = '01Jan2007'd;
seed = 100;
do i = 1 to 10;
call ranuni(seed, r);
if i > 7
r = ranuni(-1);;
r = int(r * 90);
saledate = basedate + r;
r = int(ranuni(0)*100);
if r < 20 then rep = '20';
else if r < 40 then rep = '40';
else if r < 70 then rep = '50';
else rep = '60';
p = int(ranuni(0)*1000);
if p < 200 then product = 'PROD5';
else if p < 400 then product = 'PROD4';
else if p < 700 then product = 'PROD3';
else product = 'PROD2';
Page 12 of 19
quantity = int(ranuni(0)*10) + 1;
data store2;
attrib store length=$3.
attrib saledate format=yymmdd10.
label='Date of Sale'
attrib rep length=$2
label='Sales Rep'
attrib product length=$5.
attrib quantity format=4.
label="Quantity Sold"
keep store saledate rep product quantity discount ;
store = "002";
retain discount 0.1;
basedate = '01Jan2007'd;
seed = 100;
do i = 1 to 10;
call ranuni(seed, r);
if i > 7
r = ranuni(-1);;
r = int(r * 90);
saledate = basedate + r;
r = int(ranuni(0)*100);
if r < 20 then rep = '20';
else if r < 40 then rep = '40';
else if r < 70 then rep = '50';
else rep = '60';
p = int(ranuni(0)*1000);
if p < 200 then product = 'PROD5';
else if p < 400 then product = 'PROD4';
else if p < 700 then product = 'PROD3';
else product = 'PROD2';
Page 13 of 19
quantity = int(ranuni(0)*10) + 1;
data store3;
attrib store length=$3.
attrib saledate format=yymmdd10.
label='Date of Sale'
attrib rep length=$2
label='Sales Rep'
attrib product length=$5.
attrib quantity format=4.
label="Quantity Sold"
keep store saledate rep product quantity discount ;
store = "001";
retain discount 0.1;
basedate = '01Jan2007'd;
seed = 100;
do i = 1 to 10;
call ranuni(seed, r);
if i > 7
r = ranuni(-1);;
r = int(r * 90);
saledate = basedate + r;
r = int(ranuni(0)*100);
if r < 20 then rep = '20';
else if r < 40 then rep = '40';
else if r < 70 then rep = '50';
else rep = '60';
p = int(ranuni(0)*1000);
if p < 200 then product = 'PROD5';
else if p < 400 then product = 'PROD4';
else if p < 700 then product = 'PROD3';
else product = 'PROD2';
Page 14 of 19
quantity = int(ranuni(0)*10) + 1;
proc sort data=store1;
by saledate;
proc sort data=store2;
by saledate;
proc sort data=store3;
by saledate;
DATA YTDstores;
set store1 store1 store3;
by saledate;
data class;
length id $1.
student $12.
input id $ student;
a Andrew
b Bob
c Charlie
d Doug
e Edward
f Fred
data reward;
length id $1.
reward $12.
input id $ reward $;
a Agate
b Bauble
c Coaster
d Duster
e Eagle
f Firetruck
Page 15 of 19
data merged;
merge class
ods rtf body='c:\temp\merge.rtf';
title1 "Results of Merge";
title2 "Not Sorted BY values";
proc print data=merged;
ods rtf close;
data reward_oops;
length id $1.
reward $12.
input id $ reward $;
a Agate
b Bauble
d Duster
c Coaster
e Eagle
f Firetruck
data merge_oops;
merge class
ods rtf body='c:\temp\merge_oops.rtf';
title1 "Results of Merge";
title2 "Not Sorted BY values and Records Misaligned";
proc print data=merge_oops;
ods rtf close;
Page 16 of 19
by id;
ods rtf body='c:\temp\merge_sort.rtf';
title1 "Results of Merge";
title2 "Sorted BY values";
proc print data=merge_sort;
ods rtf close;
* ----------------------------------------------;
* duplicate BY;
* ----------------------------------------------;
data class_dup;
length id $1.
student $12.
input id $ student;
a Andrew
a Axel
b Bob
c Charlie
d Doug
e Edward
proc sort data=class_dup;
by id;
data reward_dup;
length id $1.
reward $12.
input id $ reward $;
a Agate
b Bauble
c Coaster
c Celery
d Duster
e Eagle
f Firetruck
Page 17 of 19
proc sort data=reward_dup;
by id;
data merge_dup;
merge class_dup
by id;
data class_miss;
length id $1.
student $12.
input id $ student;
a Andrew
c Charlie
d Doug
e Edward
proc sort data=class_miss;
by id;
data reward_miss;
length id $1.
reward $12.
input id $ reward $;
a Agate
b Bauble
c Coaster
e Eagle
f Firetruck
Page 18 of 19
proc sort data=reward_miss;
by id;
data merge_miss;
merge class_miss
by id;
proc sql;
create table merge_sql as
from class as c inner join reward as r
on =
order by
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