Time Series
Time Series
Time Series
Decomposition procedures are used in time series to describe the trend and seasonal factors in
a time series. More extensive decompositions might also include long-run cycles, holiday
effects, day of week effects and so on. Here, well only consider trend and seasonal
One of the main objectives for a decomposition is to estimate seasonal effects that can be
used to create and present seasonally adjusted values. A seasonally adjusted value removes
the seasonal effect from a value so that trends can be seen more clearly. For instance, in
many regions of the U.S. unemployment tends to decrease in the summer due to increased
employment in agricultural areas. Thus a drop in the unemployment rate in June compared to
May doesnt necessarily indicate that theres a trend toward lower unemployment in the
country. To see whether there is a real trend, we should adjust for the fact that unemployment
is always lower in June than in May.
Basic Structures
The following two structures are considered for basic decomposition models:
The additive model is useful when the seasonal variation is relatively constant over
The multiplicative model is useful when the seasonal variation increases over time.
Example 1: In Lesson 1.1, we looked at quarterly beer production in Australia. The seasonal
variation looked to be about the same magnitude across time, so an additive decomposition
might be good. Heres the time series plot:
Example 2: Weve seen at least one example so far in the course where a multiplicative
decomposition would be good the quarterly earnings data for the Johnson and Johnson
Corporations. The seasonal variation increases as we move across time. A multiplicative
decomposition could be useful. Heres the plot of the data:
1. The first step is to estimate the trend. Two different approaches could be used for this
(with many variations of each).
One approach is to estimate the trend with a smoothing procedure such as moving
averages. (See Lesson 5.2 for more on that.) With this approach no equation is used to
describe trend.
3. Next, seasonal factors are estimated using the de-trended series. For monthly data, this
entails estimating an effect for each month of the year. For quarterly data, this entails
estimating an effect for each quarter. The simplest method for estimating these effects is to
average the de-trended values for a specific season. For instance, to get a seasonal effect for
January, we average the de-trended values for all Januarys in the series, and so on. (Minitab
uses medians rather than means, by the way.)
The seasonal effects are usually adjusted so that they average to 0 for an additive
decomposition or they average to 1 for a multiplicative decomposition.
The random component could be analyzed for such things as mean absolute size, or mean
squared size (variance), or possibly even for whether the component is actually random or
might be modeled with an ARIMA model.
A few programs iterate through the steps 1 to 3. For example, after step 3 we could use the
seasonal factors to de-seasonalize the series and then return to step 1 to estimate the trend
based on the de-seasonalized series. Minitab does this (and estimates the trend with a straight
line in the iteration.
Decomposition in R
Important first step: As a preliminary you have to use a ts command to define the seasonal
span for a series.
You can plot the elements of the decomposition by putting the decompose command as an
argument of a plot command.
To see all elements of a stored object, simply type its name. For instance, entering
decompearn will show all elements of the decomposition in the example above.
When the decomposition is stored in an object, you also have access to the various elements
of the decomposition. For instance, in the example just given, decompearn$figure
contains the seasonal effects values for four quarters.
You could print the seasonal figures simply by entering decompearn$figure. You
could plot them using plot(decompearn$figure).
The following commands produced the graph and numerical output that follows for the beer
Australian beer production series.
beerprod = scan("beerprod.dat")
beerprod = ts(beerprod, freq = 4)
decompbeer = decompose (beerprod, type="additive")
plot (decompbeer)
The plot shows the observed series, the smoothed trend line, the seasonal pattern and the
random part of the series. Note that the seasonal pattern is a regularly repeating pattern.
Heres the numerical output:
Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4
1 7.896324 -40.678676 -24.650735 57.433088
2 7.896324 -40.678676 -24.650735 57.433088
3 7.896324 -40.678676 -24.650735 57.433088
4 7.896324 -40.678676 -24.650735 57.433088
5 7.896324 -40.678676 -24.650735 57.433088
same rows down to 18
Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4
1 NA NA 255.3250 254.4125
2 257.4500 260.1000 262.8375 264.6875
3 265.4125 264.6500 262.4625 260.4000
4 261.2625 262.9875 266.1875 269.2375
5 270.5125 271.4625 272.1750 274.0125
6 274.3750 277.4500 278.9750 279.1750
7 282.9000 285.2875 287.9375 290.3875
and so on to the 18th row
Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4
1 NA NA -3.77426471 -3.44558824
2 -3.34632353 8.47867647 -2.08676471 -1.72058824
3 -1.40882353 8.82867647 -0.81176471 -4.43308824
4 7.75882353 4.49117647 8.36323529 -12.37058824
5 7.69117647 -4.28382353 12.87573529 -20.04558824
6 12.42867647 -4.17132353 2.87573529 2.59191176
7 -11.69632353 5.19117647 6.51323529 -2.12058824
and so on to the 18th row
[1] 7.896324 -40.678676 -24.650735 57.433088
The elements of $figure are the effects for the four quarters. Note that the seasonal effect
values are repeated each year (row) in the $seasonal object at the top of this page.
The seasonal values are used to seasonally adjust future values. Suppose for example that the
next quarter 4 seasonal value past the end of the series has the value 535. The quarter 4
seasonal effect is 57.433088, or about 57.43. Thus for this future value, the de-seasonalized
or seasonally adjusted value = 535 57.43 = 477.57.
More generally, the centered moving average smoother for time t (with 4 quarters) is
Following are the first 8 values in the observed series. The smoothed trend value for time 3
in the series (Qtr 3 of year 1) is 255.325 and the smoothed trend value for time 4 is
254.4125. Use the data below to verify these values (and your understanding of the
For monthly data the centered moving average smoother for time t will be
The following two commands will do a multiplicative decomposition of the beer production
series and print the seasonal effects.
To seasonally adjust a value, divide the observed value of the series by the seasonal factors.
For example if a future quarter 4 value is 535, the seasonally adjusted value = 535/1.1775147
= 454.34677.
The periodic parameter essentially causes the seasonal effects to be estimated in the usual
way, as averages of de-trended values. The alternative to this is a s.window = some odd
number of lags, which uses lowess smoothing procedures to estimate the seasonal effects
based on a number of years = the specified s.window value. When you do this, the
seasonal effects will change as you move through the series.
These arent much different than what we got from the additive decompose. Those seasonal
values were