Fundamentals of Occlusion and Restorative Dentistry. Part II: Occlusal Contacts, Interferences and Occlusal Considerations in Implant Patients
Fundamentals of Occlusion and Restorative Dentistry. Part II: Occlusal Contacts, Interferences and Occlusal Considerations in Implant Patients
Fundamentals of Occlusion and Restorative Dentistry. Part II: Occlusal Contacts, Interferences and Occlusal Considerations in Implant Patients
Part II:
occlusal contacts, interferences and occlusal considerations in
implant patients
252 Journal of the Irish Dental Association | Oct/Nov 2015 : Vol 61 (5)
FIGURE 1: A single cusp tip in contact with a flat surface (A); a twin cusp FIGURE 2: Occlusal contacts on an FIGURE 3: Teeth are susceptible to
contact when both maxillary and mandibular supporting cusps make contact inclined plane surface: A, B and C tipping when A and C contacts are
with opposing fossae (B). occlusal contacts. present without B contact.
The contact between upper and lower teeth 1. Single cusp tip to fossa or marginal ridge contact
The area of occlusal contact between unworn opposing teeth is small. The level This is found when a cusp tip of a supporting cusp of a mandibular or
of friction is low as a consequence, and the space between the occlusal surfaces maxillary tooth occludes with a fossa or a marginal ridge of an opposing
provides an escape way for the sheared bolus. This enables full use of the tooth. It is important to mention that this arrangement, when analysed
overlaps and efficient mastication.7 Increasing wear causes the contacting mechanically, may favour tilting the cusp-contact tooth facially or lingually
surfaces to become larger and flattened, and the space for the escape way to because the relevant tooth is loaded outside its long axis (Figure 1A).
be reduced. The whole outer aspect of the supporting cusp may eventually 2. Twin cusp stability
occlude with the inner aspect of the non-supporting cusp.7,8 The occlusal This exists when cusp tips of both mandibular and maxillary supporting
contacts in the MIP and the position of the mandible in the MIP should be cusps occlude with the fossa or the marginal ridge of opposing teeth
stable so that occlusal force does not cause adverse effects. However, the (Figure 1B). Mechanically, this may be a more favourable type than the
number of occlusal contacts per tooth is low. A lower number of occlusal single cusp tip contact.
contacts was found when light occlusal pressure was applied than when a
heavier pressure was applied.9 This occlusal area of contact was found to B. Occlusal contacts on inclined planes
increase with increasing of the occlusal pressure.10 Occlusal contacts on inclined planes are found when the supporting cusp
makes contact with an opposing inclined surface. In unworn dentitions, a small
Types of occlusal contact in the MIP area of the outer aspect of the supporting cusp makes contact with a small area
In the MIP, the mandibular teeth make contact with their opposing maxillary of the inner aspects of the opposing non-supporting cusp. Hence, the
teeth and a maximum number of occlusal contacts was found in this position.11 supporting cusp tip will not make contact with the bottom of the fossa or
Preferably, the occlusal contacts should lead to stability of the involved teeth marginal ridge of the opposing tooth. The posterior tooth contacts on the
and direct the occlusal forces along the long axes of these teeth. The types of incline plane may be type A, B or C, or a combination of these types of contacts
occlusal contacts that are found in normal occlusion, or applied in occlusal (Figure 2).
reconstruction treatments, may be classified as follows:11
A-type occlusal contact indicates the contact between the outer incline of the
A. Supporting cusp against a flat surface lower supporting cusp and the inner incline of the upper guiding cusp
The supporting cusp tip contacts a flat surface of the opposing occlusal table (Figure 2).
such as the base of the fossa or the occlusal embrasure. This is the ideal B-type occlusal contact is when the occlusal contact exists between the inner
relationship as the occlusal forces are directed perpendicular to these incline of the mandibular and maxillary supporting cusps (Figure 2).
surfaces.11 This type of contact is a therapeutic objective recommended for C-type occlusal contact is the contact between the inner incline of the
restorative treatment. With this type of contact, there is little potential to mandibular guiding cusp and the outer incline of the maxillary
develop a horizontal component of force because of the absence of inclined supporting cusp (Figure 2).
plane effects. Also, the occlusal force is usually directed along and not outside
the long axis of the involved teeth (see below). However, this type of occlusal In the theoretical mechanical sense, the most favourable contacts on an
contact may suffer mechanical disadvantages, as will be seen later. The inclined plane are either: two contacts on opposing planes such as A-B and B-
supporting cusp tip occlusal contacts may be further subdivided into a single C; or, three-point contact such as A-B-C. For instance, A-B and B-C are more
cusp tip to fossa or a twin cusp contact (Figure 1). stable occlusal contacts than if only A and C are in contact without B (Figure
Journal of the Irish Dental Association | Oct/Nov 2015 : Vol 61 (5) 253
FIGURE 4: A clinical photo of A-B occlusal FIGURE 5: Only halo markings are an indication FIGURE 6: Impression materials and
contacts on the right upper second premolar. This of actual occlusal contacts (arrows). waxes can be used for marking occlusal
occlusal contact generated a wedging stress, contact. Perforations in the marking
which led to a mesio-distal crack formation. A media indicate the occlusal contacts.
crack can be seen running mesio-distally along
the occlusal table of the right upper second pre-
molar, which was diagnosed as cracked tooth
3). In this case, the lower tooth will tip in the lingual direction and the upper
tooth will tip in the buccal direction (Figures 3 and 4). This will result in
working and non-working interferences (see below).
Occlusal contacts are also described as a tripodal contact, when three contacts
(A, B and C) present together on the same pair of teeth, or when the
supporting cusp has three points of contact around its tip. This results in a
stable occlusion.
254 Journal of the Irish Dental Association | Oct/Nov 2015 : Vol 61 (5)
Occlusal interference
FIGURE 7: Armamentarium used in
clinical marking of occlusal contacts. Occlusal interferences are defined as undesirable occlusal contacts that prevent
smooth movements of the mandible.5,6,17 However, according to the Glossary of
Prosthodontic Terms,18 an occlusal interference is any tooth contact that
inhibits the remaining occluding surfaces from achieving stable and harmonious
contacts. The occlusal interferences may be considered as a potential damage
in some subjects; others may adapt to them. As previously mentioned, they
change the lever system of the mandible. It is important to mention that
contact on the non-working side may exist without correlation between this
type of occlusal contact and mandibular dysfunction.19 However, their
adjustment before any restorative work is important.20 Furthermore, distinction
between an occlusal interface and an occlusal contact that does not hinder
smooth movement of the mandible, should be made clear. As an example, a
non-working side occlusal contact may be present during lateral mandibular
guiding excursion, but it is not necessarily denoted as an interference. In this
case, its correction is not mandatory. However, occlusal examination is
important to identify occlusal interferences and their correction when
indicated. For instance, when a restoration such as a single crown or a fixed
prosthesis is planned, it is important to remove any occlusal interference if the
FIGURE 8: A schematic representation of the mandibular border movement tooth/teeth will be part of the prospective restoration. This correction should
and the centric occlusal interference. It shows contact between the mesial
be carried out even before any tooth preparation takes place. This allows the
inclined surface of an upper tooth and the distal inclined surface of a lower
tooth when the mandible closes in the centric relation. patient to get used to the new guided mandibular movement, and the required
occlusal clearance is maintained when the tooth is prepared to receive the
contacts (Figure 6). It is important to mention that the marking material may planed restoration. Therefore, the restoration and the tooth will be protected
stick to the tooth surface and tear, which gives wider occlusal contact than its from any damage that may occur due to the presence of such interference. It
actual size. Also, no occlusal marks are left on the surface, which requires the is also important to avoid incorporation of occlusal interference as a result of a
clinician to re-mark them, after which the marking medium is removed. This new restoration by a careful clinical and laboratory examination before and
method is more useful when used on study casts or in the laboratory. For these after cementation of the restoration. The occlusal interferences may be
reasons this method is used only when the use of articulating paper is not classified as follows:
satisfactory, as when moisture control is not achievable.
1. Centric interference
T-scans Centric interference indicates the first tooth contact (FTC) on the arc of
Computerising devices such as T-scans are used in detecting occlusal contacts, rotation on the envelope of mandibular movement when the MIP does not
but are less commonly used.12-15 T-scan systems enable the dentist to interpret coincide with the centric reaction (CR).21,22 It is also known as retruded contact.
the occlusal contact information quantitatively. These systems can record the It usually occurs between the mesial incline of an upper tooth and the distal
sequence and duration of the potential occlusal contacts. They also print and incline of a lower tooth (Figure 8). It may also occur between the inner and
store the information.14 However, it is not considered a reliable method due to outer inclines of opposing teeth, which leads to deviation of the mandible to
Journal of the Irish Dental Association | Oct/Nov 2015 : Vol 61 (5) 255
the right or left side.17 When it presents, the mandible usually avoids this the potential to damage the TMJ and dental structures as a result of the amount
contact by closing directly into the MIP. Clinically, this interference contact and direction of the generated forces. However, the evidence for this suggestion
may be identified when the patient is relaxed and the clinician guides the is poor. Normally, occlusal contacts trigger proprioceptors and nociceptors in the
mandible into the CR and then the patient is asked to close. The mandible will periodontal ligaments, which have inhibitory effects and, consequently, inhibit
slide into the MIP. As an example, this type of occlusal interference may be contractions of the masticatory muscles.
adjusted if the involved tooth is to be prepared and included in a restoration or
when a reorganised occlusal scheme is to be implemented. The centric 4. Protrusive interference
interference may be identified clinically and recorded using an inter-occlusal Protrusive interference occurs between the mesial inclines of the mandibular
record, which is used to relate the mandibular study cast to the maxillary one. posterior teeth and the distal inclines of the maxillary posterior teeth during
Then, the interference can be verified and corrected if indicated. mandibular protrusive movement (Figure 11). It causes separation (disclusion)
of the anterior teeth during this movement. It may also cause locking of the
2. Working-side interference mandible.
This occurs on the side towards which the mandible is moving. When such During protrusive movements, all forces of the elevator muscles are imposed on
contact occurs, it hinders smooth harmonised mandibular movements and the anterior teeth and TMJ. This results in a high horizontal component against
separates the other teeth of the working side (Figure 9).17 As an example, this the upper anterior teeth as the contact is along their palatal surface.23 To
type of occlusal interference may occur between the outer inclines of the protect the anterior teeth from being overloaded, a well-designed sensor
maxillary supporting cusps and the inner inclines of the mandibular guiding system can shut most of the elevator muscle activity at a precise moment of
cusps. complete posterior separation. However, this mechanism is negatively affected
when the protrusive interference is present, as this interference activates the
3. Non-working side interference elevator muscles and leads to their hyper-contraction.23
Non-working side interference is an undesirable contact of the opposing occlusal
surfaces on the non-working side.18 It usually occurs between the inner incline of Types of occlusal schemes used when restorative treatments are
the supporting cusps of opposing teeth (Figure 10) and discludes other teeth. carried out
The involved tooth/teeth act as pivot and shift the fulcrum from the The first step before any restorative treatment is carried out, is to decide on
temporomandibular joint (TMJ), lifting the working-side teeth out of contact.17,19 which occlusal scheme to use. In general, there are two approaches:
Mechanically, the non-working side interference has a negative effect on the conformative; and, reorganised.17,19,22,24
stability of the TMJs and on their loading. In the presence of such interference,
the lever system of the mandible changes and the non-working interference Conformative approach
becomes the fulcrum for the mandible under the effect of the masticatory This approach is indicated when original occlusion is not to be changed and the
muscles. The TMJ may distract and lose its stability as the mandible pivots around same patients MIP will be used. It is the most commonly used treatment option
the non-working interference/contact. Also, the relevant teeth are overloaded, when the MIP is satisfactory. It is recommended when a small restoration or
as occlusal forces are imposed on these teeth and outside their long axes. bridge will be constructed or when there is no need to restore the entire
Therefore, it has been suggested that this type of occlusal interference may have occlusion at once. It is also advised when unprepared teeth provide the MIP
256 Journal of the Irish Dental Association | Oct/Nov 2015 : Vol 61 (5)
and vertical stop. It is the favoured approach, because it is simple, predictable Functional assessment: examination of an occlusion
and safe, as little or no adaptation of the patients neuro-muscular system is The masticatory system and occlusion of each patient should be examined
needed. This is true even in the presence of a slight discrepancy between the before any treatment is carried out to avoid potential damages. Start by asking
MIP and CR. the patient if they experience any signs and symptoms of functional
impairment. The examination should include extra- and intra-oral
Reorganised approach examinations.16,17,19
This approach is indicated when construction of a new occlusal scheme is The functional assessment of occlusion, including extra- and intra-oral
needed. This scheme has to be tolerated by the patient to avoid any examinations, is summarised in Table 2.
unfavourable outcome. By this approach the patients occlusion is altered to a
new occlusal scheme using the CR as a starting point for the treatment Dental implants and occlusion
position. The reorganised approach aims to fulfill specific criteria such as Dental implants are considered to be an integral part of restorative treatment,
simultaneous occlusal contacts on both sides of the jaws when the mandible is as they are widely used.25 Implants react to occlusal loading in a different way
in the CR. The occlusion is also designed to achieve an MIP that coincides with to natural teeth. This is because of the intimate contact between the implants
the CR position.16,17,19,22 Also, it provides what is known as a mutual occlusion and bone, and the lack of periodontal ligaments. As a result of the presence of
in which the anterior teeth protect the posterior teeth during protrusive and periodontal ligaments and their viscoelastic properties, when teeth are loaded,
lateral excursion movements. The posterior teeth protect the anterior teeth they move within the socket with lateral movements that range from 56-
when the mandible is in the CR. It also creates a new and stable position in 108mm and apical movements that range from 25-100mm. On the other hand,
which the members of the masticatory system work in harmony with each when implants are loaded, they move laterally 10-50mm and apically 3-5mm,
other. mainly as a result of peri-implant bone deformation. Furthermore, when a tooth
It is considered in the following situations: is opposing another tooth, the occlusal thickness perception is about 20m,
when the MIP is not satisfactory; while when implants oppose teeth the thickness is approximately 48m. These
when an increase in vertical dimension is required; collectively indicate that implants are less sensitive to occlusal loading than
when full mouth rehabilitation is required to reconstruct a severely damaged natural teeth.24 This may lead to the conclusion that implant-supported
dentition; and, restorations are more liable to damage from occlusal loading than tooth-
when a large fixed prosthesis is needed to replace multiple missing teeth. supported restorations. Therefore, it is important to protect the implant-
supported restoration and the implant itself from negative effects that may be
Several factors should be considered for the maintenance and/or re- introduced by improper occlusion.
establishment of a good occlusal outcome of restorative treatment. Some of
these factors are summarised in Table 1. As an example, protection of the Implant-protected occlusion
restoration and an increase in its longevity are of paramount importance to Implant-protected occlusion was originally developed by Misch25 and aimed at
Journal of the Irish Dental Association | Oct/Nov 2015 : Vol 61 (5) 257
reducing the occlusal forces on implant prosthetics.24-27 It consists of the in order to achieve equal contact on both the implant-supported restoration
following: and the teeth. Hence, the occlusal forces are shared between the implant and
incisal guidance; the teeth.
bilateral stability and occlusal contacts in MIP;
freedom in centric (long centric); Conclusion
evenly distributed occlusal contacts and forces; and, One of the main requirements of restorative treatment is to achieve at the end
smooth lateral excursive movements without working and non-working side of the treatment dental occlusion that does not deleteriously affect the
interferences. stomato-gnathic system. Consequently, knowledge of the basic principles of
dental occlusion and the masticatory system is vital for every dental student
Basically, the outcome of this treatment is production of an ideal occlusion.24,28 and dentist. Therefore, functional assessment and examination of occlusion
Therefore, to optimise the occlusion with dental implants several factors should should be considered and carried out on a routine basis.
be considered and implemented whenever possible. For instance, a long centric In restorative dentistry, when a patient attends a dental clinic for treatment,
occlusion (in which the MIP and CR do not coincide but are in the same the required treatment may involve a small or major alteration in the occlusal
horizontal level) should be used. This requires elimination of any occlusal surfaces of the teeth. In the former case, the conformative approach can be
interferences between MIP and CR. To achieve this target, flat fossae and implemented, as little or no alteration in the occlusion will take place and the
grooves should be incorporated into the occlusion of the restoration. It is also original MIP is used as the treatment position. In the second case, as more
important to create shallow cusp inclination in order to avoid torque, because complex restorative treatment is required, the reorganised approach should be
with every 10-degree increase in cusp inclination, there is an approximately implemented.
30% increase in torque magnitude. Therefore, reduced cuspal inclination leads When a dental implant is considered, a basic knowledge of how the implants
to less non-axial loading. Furthermore, occlusal table width should be 30-40% are loaded is of paramount importance, as the way in which the implant is
smaller in a molar region, as a wider occlusal table than the implant diameter loaded differs from that of the teeth.
can cause cantilever effects and bending, but a smaller occlusal table than the
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258 Journal of the Irish Dental Association | Oct/Nov 2015 : Vol 61 (5)
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FIGURE 14: Reduction of restoration dimensions
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