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Redhaired Mummies and Giants of The United States

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Redhaired Mummies and Giants of the United States

Niagara's Ancient Cemetery of Giants

I respected the spelling used in the text. Fredenburg is first used and later
it is spelled "Fredinburg." The site was about 40 miles west of Niagara
Falls, according to recent maps; Dunnville is at the mouth of the Grand
River which flows into Lake Erie. A "Six Nations First Nation Territory"
is along the Grand River today, but I cannot say if the site was in it, or out
of it. More information is needed to flesh out any veracity to this story,
which 21st Century readers may take with a grain of salt.
Headlines: "A REMARKABLE SIGHT-- Two hundred skeletons of
ANAKIN [sic] in Cayuga Township; A singular discovery by a
Torontonian and others -- A vast Golgotha opened to view -- Some
remains of the 'Giants that were in those days.' From our own
Cayuga, August 21-- "On Wednesday last, Rev. Nathaniel Wardell,
Messers. Orin Wardell(of Toronto), and Daniel Fredenburg, were digging
on the farm of the latter gentleman, which is on the banks of the Grand
River, in the township of Cayuga. When they got to five or six feet below
the surface, a strange sight met them. Piled in layers, one upon top of the
other, some two hundred skeletons of human beings nearly perfect --
around the neck of each one being a string of beads.
"There were also deposited in this pit a number of axes and skimmers
made of stone. In the jaws of several of the skeletons were large stone
pipes -- one of which Mr. O. Wardell took with him to Toronto a day or
two after this Golgotha was unearthed.
"These skeletons are those of men of gigantic stature, some of them
measuring nine feet, very few of them being less than seven feet. Some of
the thigh bones were found to be at least a foot longer than those at
present known, and one of the skulls {Skullcaps, or incomplete skulls
opened at the base, obviously} being examined completely covered the
head of an ordinary person. These skeletons are supposed to belong to
those of a race of people anterior to the Indians.
"Some three years ago, the bones of a mastodon were found embedded in
the earth about six miles from this spot. The pit and its ghastly occupants
are now open to the view of any who may wish to make a visit there."
Later: Dunnville, August 22, "There is not the slightest doubt that the
remains of a lost city are on this farm. At various times within the past
years, the remains of mud houses with their chimneys had been found:
and there are dozens of pits of a similar kind to that just unearthed,
though much smaller, in the place which has been discovered before,
though the fact has not been made public hitherto. The remains of a
blacksmith's [Metalworker's?]shop, containing two tons of charcoal and
various implements, were turned up a few
months ago.
"The farm, which consists of 150 acres, has been cultivated for nearly a
century, and was covered with a thick growth of pine, so that it must have
been ages ago since the remains were deposited there. The skulls of the
skeletons are of an enormous size and all manner of shapes, about half as
large again as are now to be seen. The teeth in most of them are still in
almost perfect state of preservation, though they soon fall out when
exposed to the air.
"It is supposed that there is gold or silver in large quantities to be found in
the premises, as mineral [dowsing] rods have invariably, when tested,
pointed to a certain spot and a few yards from where the last batch of
skeletons was found directly under the apple tree.
Some large shells, supposed to have been used for holding water, which
were also found in the pit, were almost petrified [This has got to be a
mistake. Shells are already "Petrified" as in "Mineralized"]. There is no
doubt that were a scheme of exploration carried on thoroughly the result
would be highly interesting. A good deal of excitement exists in the
neighborhood, and many visitors call at the farm daily.
"The skulls and bones of the giants are fast disappearing, being taken
away by curiosity hunters. It is the intention of Mr. Fredinburg to cover
the pit up very soon. The pit is ghastly in the extreme. The farm is skirted
on the north by the Grand River. The pit is close to the banks, but marks
are there to show where the gold or silver treasure is supposed to be
under. From the appearance of the skulls, it would seem that their
possessors died a violent death, as many of them were broken and dented.
"The axes are shaped like tomahawks, small, but keen, instruments. The
beads are all of stone and of all sizes and shapes. The pipes are not unlike
in shape the cutty pipe, and several of them are engraved with dogs'
heads. They have not lost their virtue for smoking. Some people profess
to believe that the locality of Fredinburg farm was formally an Indian
burial place, but the enormous stature of the skeletons and the fact that
pine trees of centuries growth covered the spot goes far to disprove this
Ancient American Volume 6, Issue 41, p. 9
Researched and submitted by Benoit Crevier
Originally published in The Daily Telegraph (Toronto, Ontario),
Wednesday, August 23, 1871, page 1
Reprinted with permission
OHIOReference: greatserpentmound.orgOur related science's present
understanding of the pre-Adena (Archaic) inhabitants of the greater Ohio
River valley is yet somewhat sketchy, what to say of the Adena
themselves. However, many pieces to the puzzle are now thought to be in
place. The timeline for the Adena begins around 1000 B.C.E. according
to the carbon dating of Dragoo and others. The Archaic populace is not
believed to have constructed mounds in the Ohio Valley region, although
this is not known for certain due to several factors, including widespread
destruction of the earthworks, without content cataloging, over the last
250 years. Most understanding is based upon the dating and trait-
grouping of materials found in the diminished number of mounds and
village sites yet existing after a formal discipline in archaeology and
anthropology finally took over excavation and detailed record keeping.
There are Archaic era mounded structures, often intricate and complex, in
the deep southern U.S., including Watson Brake, Poverty Point, Fig
Island, and Sapelo. For this reason, theories have been put forth that the
moundbuilding tradition came into the Ohio Valley around the time of the
Adena from the southern Mississippi, thereby tentatively associating the
Adena people with older cultures from the south. In one way of looking at
this idea, it supposes that moundbuilding was a phenomenon peculiar to
only one geographical source, necessarily having been passed on. Unlike
the Adena mounds however, the more ancient southern earthworks did
not poignantly suggest a very specialized "cult of the dead."
By their skeletal remains in the earlier studies, the pre-Adena people were
known to have had slender or thin bodies, and been "long-headed," with
"narrow" skulls (dolichocranic), i.e., having a breadth of skull small in
proportion to length from front to back. The Adena people weren't
physically akin to these Archaic people. Generally the Adena had more
massive bone structure, according to these same studies. The pre-eminent
theory of Adena origin at the time was that their ancestry had come from
Mexico or even further south. However, the Adena body bone structure
type was unusually difficult to trace with surety south of the Rio Grande
where another distinguishing Adena-resonant trait was found practiced
from earlier times. That practice was "cradleboard" head deformation.


Ref: Steve Quayle...

The internet site of radio talk show host Jeff Rense has unearthed a
mysterious, unexplained, but very provocative clipping from the August
5, 1947 edition of the San Diego Union. According to the clipping,
explorers had unearthed, near the Arizona-Nevada-California line, the
mummified remains of strangely costumed giants which the discoverers
dated to around 80 000 years ago (8000 is probably meant).

The Union reported that a Howard E. Hill of Los Angeles was recounting
the work of Dr. F. Bruce Russell, a retired Cincinnati physician who had
originally located the first of several tunnels near Death Valley in 1931,
but had not been able to return to the area until 1947. With the help of Dr.
Daniel S. Bovee, who with Hill's father had once helped open up New
Mexico's cliff dwellings, Russell had recovered the remains of several
men of 8 to 9 feet in height.
"These giants," said Hill, "are clothed in garments consisting of a medium
length jacket and trouser extending slightly below the knees. The texture
of the material is said to resemble gray dyed sheepskin, but obviously it
was taken from an animal unknown today."
Hill also said, according to the Union, that in another cavern was found
the ritual hall of the ancient people, together with devices and markings
similar to those now used by the Masonic order. In a long tunnel were
well-preserved remains of animals, including elephants and tigers. So far,
Hill added, no women have been found.
He said the explorers believe that what they found was the burial place of
the tribe's hierarchy. Hieroglyphics, he added, bear a resemblance to what
is known of those from the lost continent of Atlantis. They are chiseled,
he added, on carefully polished granite (this sounds like a hoax).

Ancient Chambers Span Across Beneath Northern Arizona

April 27, 1991

ARIZONA DAILY SUN, Flagstaff, Arizona

New Orleans (AP) -- Three young archaelogists came to Northern

Arizona and crept through sacred rooms, over rocky precipes and by
dangerous rattlesnakes to discover a huge complex of catacombs that
could rewrite theories about the Indians of the southwestern United
"It's absolutely mind-numbing. We would have never believed it could
have existed," John W. Hohman, one of the three archaeologists, said
Friday during the meeting of the 2,000 member Society of American
Archaeology. "It will change a lot of what we believed about Indians in
the Southwest. They may have been far more advanced than we
Hohman admitted to feeling a bit like Indiana Jones, the archaeologists-
adventurer from the movies. Armed with a flashlight and a pistol, it was
Hohman who rapelled down the steep fissures, frequently dotted with
rattlesnakes sunning themselves on rocky outcrops, into the catacombs.
The catacombs his expedition found are the first reported in the United
States, officials at the conference said. "It's very exciting to have it
announced at this conference. It's one of the few times we can say this is
a first. Anytime you have a first in our business, it's exciting," said
Dr.James Schoenwetter, professor of anthropology at Arizona State
University in Tempe, Ariz. "The idea of a very elaborate form of
ceremonial chamber being built underground hundreds of years ago is
Indians of the southwest United States were not believed to have built
underground, Hohman said. For many of the cultures the underground
held special connotations, both good and bad, he said. Burials were also
done much as they are done now, he said, in graves dug into the earth.
The catacombs, which Hohman and colleagues say are about 700 to 800
years old, were discovered at a known prehistoric Indian settlement about
two miles west of Springerville.The Mongollon Indians occupied the site
sometime between A.D. 1250 and 1400, Hohman said. "There had been
some suspicion that there was something underground there," Adams
said, "When we actually entered the catacombs though, it just blew us
Getting there wasn't easy. "Everytime I'd get halfway down one of the
others would find the entry way, Hohman said. The carefully hidden
entrances to the catacombs varied from the size of doorways to small
crawl spaces. Once inside, Hohman and his colleagues found three to four
acres of catacombs, ranging from small chambers to huge rooms 50 feet
high and 100 feet long. "It's obvious that they were to protect the
cattacombs," said White. ""The average person living at the site would
not have had access to the area. It was probably entered only by certain
Hohman, Diane E. White and Christopher D. Adams were investigating
the area for the town with an eye toward developing it as a recreation
area. Hohman expects the site to produce at least one more major find.
"We think there is something else underground there. We're working in an
area that we think will produce another major surprise," he said.
The area, but not the catacombs, is open to the public, and will be
developed into a recreational area, Hohman said. The park is expected to
be opened within two years, he said. Called Casa Malpais, the site
represents one of the largest and most complex ancient Mongollon
communities in the nation, Hohman said.

A Nevadan who died more than 10 000 years ago is at the center of a
battle over who will control the ancient history of North America.
In about a month, the Bureau of Land Management is expected to decide
if a partially mummified skeleton will be given to Indians for secret burial
or if scientists can retain the 10,630-year-old remains called Spirit Cave
Man for further scientific testing.The conflict already has fallout. Some of
the scientists closest to the issue refused to discuss the strained relations
with Indian tribes. State officials last year pressured one Worldwide Web
page creator to erase links pertaining to ancient human remains found in
Nevada. The state museum this year agreed not to display busts created
by a Reno artist that may show what two ancient Nevadans looked like.
In a two-day series, reporter Frank Mullen explores this controversial
issue whose outcome may very well change the history of this continent.

West VirginiaAncient European Skeleton Recovered In West Virginia


Cave Skeleton is European, 1 300 Years Old, Man Says

Sept. 29, 2002

MORGANTOWN - The man who first advanced the theory that

markings carved on in a Wyoming County cave are actually characters
from an ancient Irish alphabet has found human remains at the site, which
tests indicate are European in origin and date back to A.D. 710, he
Robert Pyle of Morgantown says that a DNA analysis of material from
the skeleton's teeth roots was conducted by Brigham Young University.
That analysis, he says, shows that the skeleton's DNA, when compared to
samples from Native American groups and an array of European sources,
most closely matches samples from the British Isles.
Pyle says the DNA test, plus a radiocarbon test that dates the skeleton to
710, suggest the presence of a European visitor to the North American
continent nearly 800 years before the arrival of Columbus, and nearly 300
years before Viking Leif Erickson.
[This is not too entirely unusual in that there are several sites with
purported "European" affiliations in various parts of Eastern North
America dating to supposedly about 800 AD, at the very beginning of the
Viking age, and the date is in a sort of a cultural vaccuum after the
Hopewell period otherwise-DD]

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