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Form I
M/S Benzo Chem Industries Pvt.

BenzoChemIndustriesPvt.Ltd. 2015
(See paragraph - 6)


(1) Basic Information

Sr. No. Item Details

M/s Benzo Chem Industries Pvt.
1. Name of the Project/s
2. Sr. No. in the Schedule 5(f)
Proposed capacity / area / length / tonnage to be
3. handled / command area / lease area/number of
681 MT/A
wells to be drilled
Expansion with new products
4. New / Expansion / Modernization API Intermediate Manufacturing
5. Existing Capacity / Area etc. 299.2 MT/A
6. Category of Project i.e. A or B B
No, general condition is not applicable;
7. Does it attract the general condition? If yes, the industry is located in Jalgaon
please specify MIDC, notified area.

No, specific condition is not applicable;

8. Does it attract the specific condition? If yes, the industry is located in Jalgaon
please specify MIDC, notified area.

Plot No. E-13, E-14,E-15, MIDC

Industrial Area, Jalgaon,
Tal & Dist: Jalgaon.
9. Plot / Survey / Khasra No. Plot No. E-13, E-14 & E-15
Village Jalgaon
Tehsil Jalgaon
District Jalgaon-425003
State Maharashtra
Jalgaon Railway station is 4 Km away
from the project site. Aurangabad
10. Nearest railway station / airport along with Airport is 160 Km away from the
distance in kms. project site.

BenzoChemIndustriesPvt.Ltd. 2015
Nearest town is Jalgoan. It is 4 Km
11. Nearest Town, City, District Headquarters away from project site.
along with distance in kms.

Maharashtra Industrial Development

Village Panchayat, Zilla Parishad, Municipal Corporation, MIDC Area Jalgaon,
12. Corporation, Local Body (complete postal Maharashtra.
address with telephone nos. to be given) Pin Code: 425003
Phone No- 0257- 2210866
13. Mr. Gaurav Mohatta.
Name of the Applicant
14. Madhu Kunj, Shankar Ghanekar Marg,
Registered Address
Prabhadevi Mumbai-400025
15. Madhu Kunj, Shankar Ghanekar Marg,
Address for correspondence:
Prabhadevi Mumbai-400025
Mr. Gaurav Mohatta.
Designation (Owner / Partner / CEO)
Madhu Kunj, Shankar Ghanekar Marg,
Prabhadevi Mumbai.
Pin Code 400025
Telephone No. 022 24320921, 022 43555818
022 24320924
Fax No.
Not investigated, as existing
Details of Alternative Sites examined, if any.
infrastructure will be used for the
16. Location of these sites should be shown on a
proposed project.
topo sheet
17. Interlinked Projects NA
Whether separate application of interlinked
18. NA
project has been submitted?
19. If yes, date of submission NA
20. If no, reason NA
Whether the proposal involves
approval/clearance under: if yes, details of the
same and their status to be given.
21. Project is located in MIDC, notified
(a) The Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980?
Area of Jalgaon.
(b) The Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972?
(c) The C.R.Z. Notification, 1991?
Whether there is any Government
22. No
Order / Policy relevant/relating to the site?

BenzoChemIndustriesPvt.Ltd. 2015
Forest land involved (hectares)
23. No

Whether there is any litigation pending

Against the project and/ or land in which the
project is propose to be set up?
24. (a) Name of the Court No
(b) Case No.
(c) Orders/directions of the Court, if any and
its relevance with the proposed project.

(II) Activity
1. Construction, operation or decommissioning of the Project involving Actions,
which will cause physical changes in the locality (topography, Land use,
changes in water bodies, etc.

Details thereof (with approximate

Yes/ quantities/rates, wherever possible)
Information/Checklist confirmation
Sr.No. No with source of information data
Permanent or temporary change in
land use, land cover or topography
Existing land will be used for the
1.1 including increase in intensity of land No
expansion of the project.
use (with respect to local land use
Clearance of existing land, vegetation
1.2 No Not applicable
and buildings?
1.3 Creation of new land uses? No Not applicable
Pre-construction investigations e.g.
1.4 No Not applicable
bore houses, soil testing
Existing infrastructure will be used for
1.5 Construction works? No the proposed project

Existing infrastructure will be used for

1.6 Demolition works? No the proposed project

Temporary sites used for construction

1.7 works or No Not applicable
Housing of construction workers?
Above ground buildings, structures,
1.8 No Not applicable
cut and Fill or excavations
Underground works including mining
1.9 No Not applicable
or tunneling
Not applicable
1.10 Reclamation works? No
1.11 Dredging No Not applicable

BenzoChemIndustriesPvt.Ltd. 2015

1.12 Offshore structures No Not applicable

List of the Proposed Products &
Flow diagrams of Manufacturing
1.13 Production and manufacturing process Yes Processes in explained in EIA report
chapter 2 page no: 2-5 to 2-30

Safe demarcated area is available for

Facilities for storage of goods or
1.14 Yes storage of goods or materials
Solid Waste
Empty drums & Paper bags get disposed
by returning them to the supplier or Sale
to the Authorized party.

Hazardous solids
Stored separately in demarcated area
Facilities for treatment or disposal of
1.15 Yes and is disposed to CHWTDS.
solid waste or liquid effluents?
Liquid effluent
Effluent will be treated in upgraded
Effluent treatment plant, Stripper
Column & MEE. Treated effluent will
be reused.

Facilities for long term housing of

1.16 No Not applicable
operational workers?
New road, rail or sea traffic during
1.17 No Not applicable
construction or operation?
New road, rail, air waterborne or other
transport infrastructure including new Jalgaon MIDC infrastructure facility is
1.18 No
or altered routes and stations, ports, well developed for transportation.
airports etc.
Closure or diversion of existing
No need of any alteration in
transport routes or infrastructure
1.19 No transportation route. Project is in
leading to changes in traffic
Jalgaon MIDC area.
New or diverted transmition lines or Not applicable. Project is located in
1.20 No
pipelines? Jalgaon MIDC area.
Impoundment, damming, culverting,
realignment or other changes to the Not applicable. Project is located in
1.21 No
hydrology of watercourses or Jalgaon MIDC area.
Not applicable.
1.22 Stream crossings? No

BenzoChemIndustriesPvt.Ltd. 2015
Water supply facilities are provided by
Abstraction or transfers of water form
1.23 No Jalgaon MIDC.
ground or surface waters?
Not Applicable. Closed drainage system
Changes in water bodies or the land
1.24 No is provided by Jalgaon MIDC.
surface affecting drainage or run-off?
Transport of personnel or materials for
By existing roads provided by the
1.25 construction, operation or Yes
Jalgaon MIDC.
Long-term dismantling or
1.26 decommissioning or restoration No Not Applicable
Ongoing activity during
1.27 decommissioning which could have an No Not Applicable
impact on the environment?
Influx of people to an area in either
1.28 No Not Applicable
temporarily or permanently?
Project is located in Jalgaon MIDC.
1.29 Introduction of alien species? No
Loss of native species or genetic
1.30 No Project is located in Jalgaon MIDC.
Project is located in Jalgaon MIDC.
1.31 Any other actions? No

2. Use of Natural resources for construction or operation of the Project (such as

Land, water, materials or energy, especially any resources which are non-
Renewable or in short supply):

Details thereof (with approximate quantities/rates,

Sr. Information/checklist Yes wherever possible) with source of information
No. confirmation /No data
Project is located in notified industrial Estate & land
Land especially undeveloped
2.1 No is developed by Jalgaon MIDC
or agricultural land (ha)
Water supply Source: Jalgaon MIDC.
Water (expected source & Quantity of water for Existing project : 22 KLD
2.2 Yes
competing users) unit: KLD Quantity of water for Proposed project:40 KLD

2.3 Minerals (MT) No Not Applicable

Construction material stone, Existing infrastructure will be used. No major

2.4 aggregates, and / soil (expected No construction activity will be carried out.
source MT)

BenzoChemIndustriesPvt.Ltd. 2015
Forests and timber (source
2.5 No Not Applicable
Electricity Supplied by: MSEDCL

Connected load: 464 KVA

They applied for additional load of 189 KVA.

Existing demand: 400 KVA

Proposed demand: 50 KVA
Existing + Proposed demand: 450 KVA
Energy including electricity Boilers: 02 Nos.
and fuels (source, competing 1. Steam Boiler:
2.6 Yes
users ) Unit: fuel (MT), energy Capacity 3 T/Hr
(MW) Fuel used: Coal/Biomass.
Consumption Qty of Coal/Biomass: 2.5MTD
Source: Local Vendor
2. Thermic fluid Boiler : Capacity: 8 Lacs
Fuel used: Coal/Biomass.
Consumption Quantity of Coal/Biomass: 2.5MTD
Source: Local Vendor
Existing + Proposed quantity of Coal consumption
5.0 MT/day + 5.0 MT/day

Any other natural resources

2.7 (use appropriate standard No Not Applicable

3. Use, storage, transport, handling or production of substances or Materials,

which could be harmful to human health or the Environment or raise concerns
about actual or perceived risks to Human health.

Details thereof (with approximate

Sr.No. Information/Checklist confirmation quantities/rates, wherever possible) with
source of information data
Use of substances or materials, which Chemicals (raw material) will be stored
are hazardous (as per MSIHC rules) in closed containers & close feeding
3.1 Yes
to human health or the environment system will be provided for most of
(flora, fauna, and water supplies chemical handling.

BenzoChemIndustriesPvt.Ltd. 2015

Changes in occurrence of disease or

3.2 affect disease vectors (e.g. insect or No Not applicable.
water borne diseases)
Additional employment is generated
Affect the welfare of people e.g. by
3.3 Yes which directly improves the living
changing living conditions?
standard of the local people.
Vulnerable groups of people who
could be affected by the project e.g. Not applicable.
3.4 No
hospital patients, children, the elderly Project is located in Jalgaon MIDC Area.
3.5 Any other causes No Not applicable

4. Production of solid wastes during construction or operation or

Decommissioning (MT / month)
Details thereof (with approximate
Sr.No. Information/Checklist Yes/No quantities/rates, wherever possible)
confirmation with source of information data
4.1 Spoil, overburden or mine wastes No Not Applicable
Municipal waste (domestic and or Septic tank is provided for sewage &
4.2 Yes
commercial wastes further it gets treated in ETP.
Stored separately in demarcated area
Hazardous wastes (as per Hazardous and disposed to CHWTDS as per
4.3 Yes
Waste Management Rules) Hazardous Waste Rule 2008.

4.4 Other industrial process wastes Yes Disposed to CHWTSDF

Products are manufactured as per
4.5 Surplus product No
standard operating methods.
ETP sludge disposed through
Sewage sludge or other sludge from Yes
effluent treatment
As existing infrastructure will be used
and no major construction waste will be
4.7 Construction or demolition wastes No
generated. Minor construction waste
will be used for leveling the land.
4.8 Redundant machinery or equipment No Not applicable
4.9 Contaminated soils or other materials No Not applicable
4.10 Agricultural wastes No Not Applicable
1) Solid waste is sold to the authorized
party (empty drums, wooden pallets,
4.11 Other solid wastes Yes
plastic bags).
2) Septic Tank Sludge-Disposed

BenzoChemIndustriesPvt.Ltd. 2015
through local Municipal Disposal

5. Release of pollutants or any hazardous, toxic or noxious substances to Air

Details thereof (with approximate
Information/Checklist Yes/No quantities/rates, wherever possible) with
Sr.No. confirmation source of information data

Stationary source: No. of Boilers: 04

(2 Boilers are in use)
Emissions from combustion
Fuel : Coal/Biomass
5.1 of fossil fuels from stationary Yes
Consumption Quantity: 5 MTD
or mobile sources
The emission of SO2 is 0.5% from Coal and
0.4% from Biomass.
Acid mist & VOC are the air emissions from
production process.
Control of air emissions
Emissions from production
5.2 Yes -Wet scrubber to control acid mist -Stripped
Column to collect VOC
These units already exist in the industry which is
sufficient to control the air emissions.
Material will be stored in close tank & close
Emissions from materials
feeding system will be adopted for most of
5.3 handling including storage or Yes
Emissions from construction No major Construction activity involved except
5.4 activities including plant and No some equipment foundations
Dust or odours from
Necessary precaution is taken like sprinklers are
handling of materials
5.5 Yes used for dust control.
including construction
materials, sewage and waste
Emissions from incineration
5.6 No Not applicable
of waste
Emissions from burning of
waste in open air (e.g.slash
5.7 No Not Applicable
materials, construction
Emissions from any other Not Applicable
5.8 No

BenzoChemIndustriesPvt.Ltd. 2015
6. Generation of Noise and Vibration, and Emissions of Light and Heat:

Details thereof (with approximate

Information/Checklist quantities/rates, wherever possible) with source
Sr.No. Yes/No
confirmation of information data
1. Plant Operation:

To control vibration: shock absorbers and

vibration absorbing pads are provided.
To control Noise: Acoustic Enclosures are
From operation of the equipment
provided to necessary equipments.
6.1 e.g. engines, ventilation plant , Yes
2. Existing D.G Set Operation (Only during
power failure)

Existing D.G set will be operated only during

power cuts from the main grid.
To control Noise: Acoustic Enclosures are
provided to necessary equipments.
6.2 From industrial or similar process Yes
For Vibration: Vibration absorbing pads & shock
absorber are provided to the equipments
6.3 From construction or demolition No Miner construction work will take place
6.4 From blasting or pilling No Not Applicable
From construction or operational It is SSI unit. Necessary precautions will be taken
6.5 Yes
traffic to control noise generation from operational traffic.
6.6 From lighting or cooling system No Not Applicable
6.7 From any other sources No Not Applicable

7. Risks of contamination of land or water from releases of pollutants into the

Ground or into sewers, surface waters, groundwater, coastal waters or the

Details thereof (with

approximate quantities/rates,
Information/Checklist wherever possible) with source
Sr.No. Yes/No
confirmation of information data

From handling, storage, use or Dyke is provided and closed

7.1 No
spillage of hazardous materials feeding system is adopted

BenzoChemIndustriesPvt.Ltd. 2015
Over flow of septic tank is
connected to ETP
Upgraded ETP will be provided;
From discharge of sewage or other
stripper column & Triple Effect
7.2 effluents to water or the land No
Evaporator are already provided
(expected mode of discharge)
for the treatment of effluent to
meet zero discharge.
Treated water will be reused.
Scrubbing system with sufficient
By deposition of pollutants emitted stack height is already provided.
7.3 No
to air into the land or into water

Not Applicable
7.4 From any other sources No

No risks of long term build up of

pollutants because the necessary
Is there a risk of long term build up
controlled equipments already
7.5 of pollutants in the environment No
from these sources

8. Risks of accidents during construction or operation of the Project, which

could affect human health or the environment

Details thereof (with

approximate quantities/rates,
Sr.No. Yes/No wherever possible) with
source of information data
Fire hydrant system is provided
From explosions, spillages, fires etc and Fire Extinguisher, Safety
8.1 from storage, handling, use or Yes wears and first aid available
production of hazardous substances wherever necessary.

Not Applicable
8.2 From any other causes No
The project comes under an
Earthquake zone of India-Is
Could the project be affected by
natural disasters causing
8.3 environmental damage (e.g. floods, Yes
The proposed project site
earthquakes, landslides, cloudburst
comes under Zone III in
earthquake hazard zone.
So it can be affected slightly by

BenzoChemIndustriesPvt.Ltd. 2015
the earthquakes.

9. Factors which should be considered (such as consequential development)

Which could lead to environmental effects or the potential for cumulative?
Impacts with other existing or planned activities in locality

Details thereof (with

Information/Checklist approximate quantities/rates,
Sr.No. confirmation Yes/No wherever possible) with source
of information data
Lead to development of supporting.
Lities, ancillary development or
development stimulated by the
project which could have impact on
the environment e.g.: Supporting Infrastructure is
Supporting infrastructure (roads, provided by Jalgaon MIDC.
power supply,
Upgraded ETP will be provided;
9.1 Waste or waste water treatment, etc.) No
Stripper Column and Triple
Housing development Effect Evaporator are already
provided to meet Zero
Extractive industries discharge.
Supply industries


Lead to after- use of the site, which

9.2 could have an impact on the No Not Applicable
Set a precedent for later
9.3 No Not Applicable
Have cumulative effects due to
9.4 proximity to other existing or No Not Applicable
projects with similar effects

BenzoChemIndustriesPvt.Ltd. 2015
(III) Environmental Sensitivity

Aerial distance (with 15 km.)

Name/ Proposed project location
Sr.No. Areas
Identity boundary
Areas protected under international
conventions, national or legislation for Project location is in Jalgaon
1 ----
their ecological, Landscape, cultural or MIDC, notified area.
other related value
Areas which are important or sensitive
Girna River is approximate 7
for ecological reasons- Wetlands,
km away from proposed site.
2 watercourses or other water bodies, Water body
Mehrin Lake is 2 km away
coastal zone, biospheres, mountains,
proposed site.
Areas used by protected, important or
sensitive species of flora or fauna for Project location is in Jalgaon
3 ----
breeding, nesting, foraging, resting, MIDC, notified area.
over wintering, migration
Inland, coastal, marine, or
4 ---- Not applicable.
underground waters
5 State, National boundaries --- Not applicable.
Routes or facilities used by the public
Project location is in Jalgaon
6 for access to recreation or tourist, ----
MIDC, notified area.
pilgrim areas
7 Defence installations --- Not applicable
8 Densely populated or built-up area --- Not applicable
Areas occupied by sensitive man-made
Project location is in Jalgaon
9 land uses (hospitals, schools, places of ----
MIDC, notified area.
worship, community facilities)
Areas containing important, high
quality or scarce resources
Project location is in Jalgaon
10 (ground water resources, surface ---
MIDC, notified area.
resources, forestry, agriculture,
fisheries, tourism, minerals)
Areas already subjected to pollution or
environmental damage. (those where Project location is in Jalgaon
11 ---
existing legal environmental standards MIDC, notified area.
are exceeded)
Areas susceptible to natural hazard
The proposed project site
which could cause the project to
comes under Zone III in
present environmental problems earthquake
12 earthquake hazard zone.
(earthquakes, subsidence, landslides, hazard zone
(Earthquake zone of India-IS
erosion, flooding Or extreme or
adverse climatic conditions)

BenzoChemIndustriesPvt. Limited. Jalgaon 2015

Consolidated Statement
M/s Benzo Chem Industries Pvt.

BenzoChemIndustriesPvt. Limited. Jalgaon 2015

Consolidated Statement on various Environmental Aspects for Industrial Projects

Important Note before filling the form:

1. Fill the form in the same format (i.e. Font: Times New Roman and font size: 12)
2. Do not edit / delete the columns if its not applicable
3. Send soft copy to the and in the
word format (doc file)
no Particulars Commitment On
M/s Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited
1 Name of the Project
Name: Mr. Gaurav Mohatta.
Name, address, e-mail & Address: Madhu Kunj, Shankar Ghanekar Marg, Prabhadevi Mumbai-
2 contact number of 400025.
Proponent Telephone number: 022 24320921, 022 43555818
Name: Mr. Prabhakar Sadekar.
Sadekar Enviro Engineers Pvt. Ltd.
(Recognized by MoEF , Govt. of India, S.O. 21 (E), valid upto
Name , address, e-mail & NABL certificate No : T-2190 valid upto 29/06/2016
3 contact number of & NABET Accreditated Consultancy QCI- NABET SAAC Meeting :-
Consultant 93/2014, 26th Sept.2014
403, Paradise Tower, Opp. Alok Hotel,
Gokhale Road, Naupada, Thane.
Tel No.022- 25438838
E-mail :,
Accreditation of
NABET Accreditated. QCI- NABET SAAC Meeting :- 93/2014, 26th
4 consultant
(NABET Accreditation)
New Project / Expansion
in existing project/
5 Expansion in existing project
tion in existing project
If expansion/
Diversification, whether
environmental clearance
6 has been obtained for
existing project (If yes,
enclose a copy with
compliance table)
Activity schedule in the
7 Schedule 5 (f) ,Project Category B1
EIA Notification
BenzoChemIndustriesPvt. Limited. Jalgaon 2015
Total Plot Area: 12150 sq. m
Built Up Area (Existing + Proposed): 2283 sq. m.
Area Details
8 Green Belt Area: 4045 sq. m
Open Area: 5822 sq. m.

Name of the Notified

9 Industrial area / MIDC Jalgaon MIDC (Notified Industrial Area)
TOR given by The application was submitted to SEAC-1 on 05-03-2013. On 20th June
10 SEAC? (If yeas then of 2014 the 81st SEAC meeting was conducted in which TOR was
specify the meeting) granted.

Parameters Existing Proposed Total

Land 0.3359 Cr ---- 0.3359 Cr
Factory building 1.0409 Cr ----- 1.0409 Cr
Plant and Machinery 3.3509 Cr ----- 3.3509 Cr

Furniture & Fixtures 0.0793 Cr ----- 0.0793 Cr

Estimated capital cost of Computers 0.1599 Cr ----- 0.1599 Cr
the Project (including cost Office Equipment 0.1813 Cr ----- 0.1813 Cr
for land, building, plant Vehicles 0.5762 Cr ------ 0.5762 Cr
and machinery separately) Proposed Capital -------------- 2.00 Cr 2.00 Cr
Cost of project
Total Rs: 5.7244 Cr 2.00 Cr. 7.7244 Cr.
Note: The existing capital investment of the
project is 5.7244 Cr and proposed project capital
investment cost is 2 cr.
Existing project cost + Proposed project cost=
total project cost
5.7244 Cr + 2.00 Cr = 7.7244 Cr
Latitude:- 20 58 51 N
Location details of Longitude:- 75 35 08 E
the project : Location: - Plot No.E-13, E14 & E15, MIDC Jalgaon
Elevation above Mean Sea Level (meters):- 213 m
Distance from Protected
13 Areas / Critically Polluted Project is in notified MIDC area, Jalgoan.
areas / Eco-sensitive areas
/ inter-State boundaries
BenzoChemIndustriesPvt. Limited. Jalgaon 2015

Quantity Means of
Physical and Source
List of raw (tones/ transportation
chemical of
materials to years ) full (source to
Raw materials (including nature of raw materia
Be used production storage site) with
process chemicals, material l
14 capacity justification
catalysts, & additives).

List of raw material (existing + proposed)

attached in EIA report submitted chapter Local By Road
No 2 page no: 2-5 to 2-30

Name of
products, by Production
(new/modern Total Production
products and Existing
ization/expan (T/year)
intermediate (MT/year)
Para choro meta cresol 60 Para chloro 60 120
(PCMC) meta cresol
Sodium salt of para 1.20 Na salt of para 1 2.2
chloro meta cresol chloro meta
15 Production details cresol
4-Chloro thymol 1.20 4-Chloro 1 2.2
1-Chloro napthalene 6 1-Chloro 2 8
2:4 Di chloro benzyl 1.20 2:4-Dichloro 16 17.2
alcohol benzyl alcohol
Para choro benzyl 24 0*
1-Chloro 2.40 1-Chloro 150 152.4
methylnapthalene methylnapthal
Para chloro meta xylenol 1.20 1.2
Para chloro meta 1.20 1.2
Ortho chloro phenyl 1.20 1.2
acetic acid
BenzoChemIndustriesPvt. Limited. Jalgaon 2015

Dichloro meta xylenol 6 6.0

Benzyl Cyanide (BCN) 36 0*
Ortho Chloro 24 0*
Benzaldehyde (OCB)
Ortho Chloro Benzoic 3 0*
Acid (OCBA)
Ortho Chloro Benzo Tri 3 0*
Chloride (OCBTC)
2:4 Di Chloro Benzyl 12 0*
Chloride (2:4 DCBC)
2:4 Di Chloro Benzyl 6 0*
Cyanide (2:4 DCCN)
2:4 Di Chloro 1.2 0*
Para Chloro Phenyl 1.2 0*
Acetic acid
Benzaldehyde Ortho 36 0*
Sulphonic acid sodium
Meta Chloro Benzyl 6 0*
Meta Chloro Benzo 1.2 0*
Ortho Chloro Benzyl 1.2 0*
Ortho Chloro Benzyl 1.2 0*
Ortho Chloro Benzyl 1.2 0*
Para Chloro 1.2 0*
2:4 Di Chloro Phenyl 1.2 0*
Acetic Acid
Meta Chloro Benzyl 6 0*
Chloride (MCBC) 3-
Chloro Benzyl Chloride
Meta Chloro 6 0*
Benzaldehyde (MCB) or
3- Chloro Benzaldehyde
Para Anisaldehyde or 6 0*
Para Methoxy
Benzaldehyde or Para
Anisic Aldehyde
Para Chloro Benzo - 0*
BenzoChemIndustriesPvt. Limited. Jalgaon 2015

Para Fluro Benzyl - 0*
Para Fluro - 0*
X Chloro Methyl Phenyl - 0*
Acetic Acid
3-ISO Chromanone - 0*
1- 4 4
2-Amino-2- 20 20
phenyl butyric
5-Chloro-2- 4 4
2- 6 6
4-Methoxy 100 100
phenyl acetone

Alpha bromo- 150 150

phenyl acetic
acid methyl
2,4-Di chloro 10 10
meta xylenol
Meta hydroxy 1 1
phenyl acetic
2-Phenyl 3 3
butyric acid
N-Methyln-1- 10 10
hyl amine
Ortho 2 2
2-Chloro-4,6- 5 5
BenzoChemIndustriesPvt. Limited. Jalgaon 2015

1- 10 10
Para Hydroxy 2 2
phenyl acetic
4-Methyl 5 5

By-products By-products
Hydrochloric acid (HCl) 40 Hydrochloric 77 117
acid (HCl)
Chlorinated cressol / 0.04 Chlorinated 12 12.04
Cresylic acid cressol /
Cresylic acid
Sodium 30 30
TOTAL 299.2 TOTAL 681 802.64
MT/ /A
Note 0* indicates the production of these products has been stopped

Existing Bi-products MT/A Proposed Bi-products MT/A Total

Hydrochloric acid (HCl) 40 Hydrochloric acid (HCl) 77 117
Chlorinated cressol / 0.04 Chlorinated cressol / 12 12.04
16 By Products Cresylic acid Cresylic acid
Sodium bisulfite 30 30
Total 40.04 119 159.04

Process details Detail of process are explained in EIA report submitted Chapter No 2
/manufacturing details Page No 2-5 to 2-30
Level of the Ground water table 30-40 mtr.
Rain Water Size and no of RWH tank(s) and Quantity 25 m3
18 Harvesting(RWH) Location of the RWH tank(s) :-
Size, nos of recharge pits and Quantity. Nil

Total water requirement: 62 CMD

19 Total Water Requirement Source: Jalgaon MIDC.
BenzoChemIndustriesPvt. Limited. Jalgaon 2015
Quantity of water required for Existing unit: 22 CMD
Domestic : 2 CMD
Process : 2.5 CMD
Boiler : 9.5 CMD
Industrial Cooling : 3 CMD
Garden : 5 CMD

Quantity of water required for Proposed Activity: 40 CMD

Domestic : 3 CMD
Process : 4.5 CMD
Boiler :20 CMD
Industrial Cooling : 7.5 CMD
Garden : 5 CMD

Natural water drainage pattern :Yes

20 Storm water drainage
Size of SWD: 400 mm x 600 mm
Sewage generation and Amount of sewage generation 04 CMD
21 treatment Proposed treatment for the sewage: septic tank followed by ETP
Outlet Effluent As per
(pH, Inlet effluent
Sr. effluent for Inland use
BOD,COD, characteristic
no characteristic standard
heavy Mg/L
metal. etc
1 pH 6.08 7.0 5.5 to 9.0
2 BOD 13784 63 100
3 COD 28000 190 250
4 TDS 64644 292 2100
22 Effluent characteristic 5 TSS 3868 56 100
Oil and
6 16 3.8 10
7 Cyanide <0.001 N.D 0.2
Note:- 1)All the parameters are express in mg/L except pH.
2) Trade effluent containing cyanide stream is separately treated
with Sodium Hypochlorite or sodium bisulphate to precipitate as
there respective salt and solid this remove The effluent free from
cyanide is check and conformed and mix with remaining effluent
and treated further.
Total Quantity of effluent : 12.7 CMD
Existing effluent quantity : 3.5 CMD
ETP details
23 Proposed effluent quantity : 9.2 CMD
Capacity of the ETP (CMD): 15 CMD

Oil and Grease trap, neutralization tank, stripper column, settling tank,
24 Note on ETP technology Triple Effect Evaporator followed by oxidation tank and PSF and ACF
to be used for Zero discharge.
BenzoChemIndustriesPvt. Limited. Jalgaon 2015

Disposal of the ETP ETP sludge disposed by CHWTSDF at Ranjangaon, Pune.

sludge (If applicable)
Existing Proposed
Sr. no Source (sludge/Dry/
Qty(TPM ) Qty(TPM )
slurry etc.)
Empty Drums (Non
1. 50 No./M 100 No./M Dry
Paper Bags
2. (Non Hazardous) - 100 No./M Dry

If waste(s) contain any hazardous/toxic substance/radioactive

materials or heavy metals then provide quantity, disposal data and
proposed precautionary measures.

Hazardous Waste Generation:

26 Solid waste Management Sr. Existing Proposed Compositi
Source Dry
no Qty(TPM ) Qty(TPM ) on
Process 0.04
1 Residue 0.01 MT/M MT/M=0.41 Solid Organic
and waste MT/M
1.2 MT/M = Chemical
2 Sludge 0.8 MT/M Sludge
2 MT/M mass
Distillatio 1.0 MT/M = Organic
3 0.5 MT/M Sludge
n residues 1.5 MT/M mass

What are the possibilities of recovery and recycling of wastes? : Nil

Possible users of solid waste: The non hazardous solid waste sold to
authorize dealer or sent to recycler.
Method of disposal of solid waste: Hazardous waste sent to CHWTSDF
at Ranjangaon Pune.

Source of Total gas Concentration

Atmospheric Emissions Sr. No Pollutant
emission Quantity in flue gas
27 (SPM, SO2, NOx, CO, etc.)
1 SPM 8236 Nm3/h 124 mg/Nm3
BenzoChemIndustriesPvt. Limited. Jalgaon 2015

8236 Nm3/h 33 kg/d

2 SO2 Boiler

3 NOX 8236 Nm3/h 53 mg/Nm3

4 CO ----- ------- ----

5 Chlorine ----- ------ -----
6. Scrubber - 13.7 mg/Nm3
Plant Height from Internal
Stack emission Details: Stack
section & ground level diameter Temp. of exhaust
(All the stacks attached to no
units (M) (top)(m)
process units, Boilers, Boiler (2 1
30 M 0.8 130 o C
nos. )
Captive power plant, D.G. Existing 1 3 M (Above the
0.300 m 145-155 o C
Sets, Incinerator both for D.G. Set roof)
Scrubber 1 7M 0.275 m 35-40 o C
existing and proposed
activity). Please indicate

28 the specific section to

which the stack is attached.
e.g.: Process section, D.G.
Set, Boiler, Power Plant,
incinerator etc. Emission
rate (kg/hr.) for each
pollutant (SPM, SO2, NOx
etc. should be specified

Emission standard Existing limit
limit (as per C.T.O) (mg/Nm3)
29 Emission Standard ect
SPM 150 mg/Nm3 124
SO2 108 Kg/day 33
Pollutant Permissible standard concentration Remarks
(in g/m3)
Ambient Air Quality Data
PM 2.5 60 g/m3 28.40
30 As per
PM 10 100 g/m3 70.20 NAAQM
SO2 80 g/m3 23.40 limit
NOX 80 g/m3 38.00
BenzoChemIndustriesPvt. Limited. Jalgaon 2015

Daily Consumption Calorific

Sr. (TPD/KLD) value % %
no ( k cal / ash Sulphur
Existing Proposed kg)
Details of Fuel to be used: 200 200 L/ 10,800 0.05-
31 1 Diesel 0.02 %
L/Day Day Kcal/Kg 0.25%
Coal/ 4487
2. 5 TPD 5 TPD 3.2 % 0.5%
Biomass Kcal/Kg

Source of Coal /Diesel : local vendor

Mode of transportation of fuel to site: By Road
Power supply: MSEDCL
Connected Load: 464 KVA
Proponent has applied for extra power load of 189 KVA

Existing power demand: 400 KVA

Proposed power demand: 50 KVA
32 Energy
Total (Existing + Proposed) demand will be around 450 KVA
Existing DG sets
Number: 01
capacity: 320 KVA
Details of the non-conventional renewable energy
proposed to be used : Nil
Green belt area (Sq. m.): 4045 Sq m
The species of plants to be planted are as follows:
Cassia fistula (Bahava), Derris indica (Karanj), Neolarckia cadamba
(Kadamba), Bombax ceiba (Sawar), Sterospermum acerifolium
33 Green Belt Development (Muchkund), Azadirachta india (Neem), Cordia dicotoma (Bhokar),
Mangifera indica (Amba), Schleichera oleosa (Kusum), Holoptelea
integrifolia (Waval), Terminalia arjuna (Arjun), Carissa carandas
(Karwanda) .
Trees to be transplanted : Nil
Sr. Existing pollution control Proposed to be
no system installed
Scrubbers, One HBR scrubber
1 Air
condenser and dust collectors is proposed.
Oxidation tank and
Details of Pollution
34 PSF, ACF as tertiary
Control Systems 2 Water ETP & MEE
treatment is
Acoustic Enclosure
3 Noise Ear muffs and ear plugs for DG sets.
BenzoChemIndustriesPvt. Limited. Jalgaon 2015

Solid Disposal to Authorized Existing Facilities

waste common facility will be used.

Total cost of the proposed project: 2 Cr.

Capital cost of pollution control (With break up) : 20,00000/-
O&M cost of pollution control (With break up) : 4,00,000/-
Sr. Recurring
Cost/A in
no Cost/A in Rs.
1,00,000/- 6,00,000/-
1 Air Pollution Control
2,00,000/- 11,00,000/-
2 Water Pollution Control
30,000/- 1,00,000/-
Environmental 3 Noise Pollution Control
Management plan Environment monitoring 30,000/- 1,00,000/-
35 4
Budgetary Allocation and Management
Reclamation borrow/mined ---- -----
area (if applicable )
20,000/- 20,000/-
6 Occupational health
10,000/- 50,000/-
7 Green Belt
10,000/- 30,000/-
8 Solid waste management
Others (Pl.Specify) --- ---
Total Cost 4,00,000/- 20,00,000/-

EIA Submitted (If yes then EIA submitted on 7/1/2015 to SEAC-1

submit the salient features)
Date of the public hearing: Not Applicable
Public hearing report (If Name of the news paper in which the advertisement appeared
public hearing conducted
(Please attach the copy): NA
37 then submit the salient
features) Location of the public hearing: NA
Number of people attended the hearing: NA
Objection(s) / Suggestion(s) if any: NA
Air pollution, water
38 pollution issues in the No
project area, If any
BenzoChemIndustriesPvt. Limited. Jalgaon 2015
39. Storage of chemicals (inflammable /explosive/hazardous/toxic substances)
Physical and Consumption Means of
Sr. Number of Capacity Quantity of Source of
Name Chemical (in TPD) transport-
no storages storage at any supply
composition ation
point of time
12 Liquid Local
1 Methanol 200 lit 0.10 2 KL By Road
Barrels 99% Purchase
By Road
9 Liquid Local
2 Hexane 200 Lit 0.50 2 KL
Barrels 99% Purchase

By Road
Under- Liquid Local
3 Toluene 15 KL 0.20 15 KL
ground 99% Purchase
By Road
Sodium 6 Solid Local
4 50 Kg 0.10 3.0 MT
Cyanide Drums 98% Purchase
Under- By Road
Sulphuric Local
5. ground MS 20 KL Liquid 0.4 5 KL
acid Purchase

By Road
6. Chlorine Tonner 0.9 MT Gas 0.2 2.7 MT

Date : 18.2.2015

The Member Secretary
SEIAA, Maharashtra
Environment Department,
2nd Floor, Mantralaya,
Mumbai - 400 032.

Subject : Clarification of conditions suggested by SEAC & Payment of Scrutiny Fees

Reference : 1. MOM of 94th SEAC Meeting held on 16th and 17th January 2015
2. Government Resolution dated 2nd May, 2014 & Office order dated 12th
June, 2014.

Respected Sir,
The following conditions were suggested by SEAC-1
Sr.No. Points Suggested by SEAC-1 Clarification
1. Charging the raw materials in mechanized It is already complied.
closed feed system should be adopted.
2. All reactors should be provided with the It is already complied.
condensers and scrubbers
3. Boiler should be provided with the stack It is already complied.
height of 30 mt.
4. Multi cyclone dust collector must be It is already complied.
5. The project should be zero discharged At present the existing project is a zero
category discharge unit, the proponent will
continue the same trend for expansion
6. Considering the hazardous and flammable Training records of employee conducted
nature of materials handled it is necessary in the plant premises is attached as
to impart adequate training to the annexure I
employees handling such materials.
7. Dispersion of chlorine needs to be studied The precautionary steps for handling
and precautionary steps should be taken. chlorine are in place. The precautionary
steps are displayed within the factory
premises in vernacular language. The
evidence of same attached herewith. The
Dispersion studies for Chlorine is also
studied and attached as annexure II
8. Handling of sodium cyanide a highly toxic Standard Operating Procedure followed
substance should be carried out with all in plant for handling sodium cyanide &
care and caution. Permission of Storage of sodium
cyanide is attached as annexure III

As per the GR the details of scrutiny fees submission area as mentioned below:

Name of the project: M/s Benzochem Industries Pvt. Limited

Name of Project Proponent: Mr. Gaurav Mohatta.

Name of the consultant: M/s Sadekar Enviro Engineers Pvt. Ltd.

SEAC - I meeting number: 94th

Item number in the Agenda of SEAC meeting: 16th

Item number in the Agenda of SEIAA: 1tem no -6 of 82nd SEIAA meeting.

Scrutiny fee details

a) Amount deposited: 1,00,000.00
b) Date of deposition:
c) Payment details:
d) Total cost of the project:
e) Date of fee deposited:

Thanking You,

Mr. Gaurav Mohatta.

M/s Benzochem Industries Pvt. Limited
Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited. IND/BIPL/001/

Information about ALOHA

What Is Aloha?

ALOHA (Arial Locations of Hazards Atmosphere) is an atmospheric dispersion model used

for evaluating releases of hazardous chemical vapors. ALOHA is a part of software called
CAMEO (Computer Aided Management of Emergency Operation). CAMEO is one of the
tools developed by EPAs Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention Office
(CEPPO) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Office of Response
and Restoration (NOAA), to assist front-line chemical emergency planners and responders.
CAMEO consists of three parts viz. CAMEO (which is basically a data base), ALOHA and
MARPLOT (Mapping Applications for Response, Planning, and Local Operational Tasks).
ALOHA allows the user to estimate the downwind dispersion of a chemical cloud based on the
toxicological/physical characteristics of the released chemical, atmospheric conditions, and
specific circumstances of the release. Graphical outputs include a "cloud footprint" that can be
plotted on maps with MARPLOT to display the location of other facilities storing hazardous
materials and vulnerable locations, such as hospitals and schools. Specific information about
these locations can be extracted from CAMEO information modules to help make decisions
about the degree of hazard posed.
What are AEGL values
AEGLs estimate the concentrations at which most peopleincluding sensitive individuals
such as old, sick, or very young peoplewill begin to experience health effects if they are
exposed to a hazardous chemical for a specific length of time (duration). For a given exposure
duration, a chemical may have up to three AEGL values, each of which corresponds to a
specific tier of health effects.
The three AEGL tiers are defined as follows:
AEGL-3 is the airborne concentration, expressed as parts per million (ppm) or
milligrams per cubic meter (mg/m3), of a substance above which it is predicted
that the general population, including susceptible individuals, could experience
life- threatening health effects or death.
AEGL-2 is the airborne concentration (expressed as ppm or mg/m3) of a substance above
which it is predicted that the general population, including susceptible
individuals, could experience irreversible or other serious, long-lasting adverse
health effects or an impaired ability to escape.
AEGL-1 is the airborne concentration (expressed as ppm or mg/m3) of a substance above
which it is predicted that the general population, including susceptible
individuals, could experience notable discomfort, irritation, or certain

SadekarEnviroEngineersPvt.Ltd Chapter6151

Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited. IND/BIPL/001/

asymptomatic nonsensory effects. However, the effects are not disabling and are
transient and reversible upon cessation of exposure.

The basic data used for running ALOHA

Chlorine Tonner
Diameter - 0.7 Mtr
Height - 2.0 Mtr
Volume - 0.77m3
No. of Tonner - 01
Capacity of Tonner- 900 Kg

Chemical Name: CHLORINE Molecular Weight: 70.91 g/mol
AEGL-1 (60 min): 0.5 ppm AEGL-2 (60 min): 2 ppm
AEGL-3 (60 min): 20 ppm IDLH: 10 ppm
Ambient Boiling Point: -34.7 C
Vapor Pressure at Ambient Temperature: greater than 1 atm
Ambient Saturation Concentration: 1,000,000 ppm or 100.0%

The Assumptions made while running ALOHA

Building Air Exchanges Per Hour: 0.53 (unsheltered single storied)
Time: February 24, 2015 1551 hours ST (user specified)


Wind: 2.6 meters/second from N at 10 meters
Ground Roughness: open country Cloud Cover: 3 tenths
Air Temperature: 28 C Stability Class: C
No Inversion Height Relative Humidity: 50%

The ALOHA Footprints

Scenario No. Chlorine/ 01 (Direct)

Direct Source: 0.9 tons/hr Source Height: 0
Release Duration: 60 minutes

SadekarEnviroEngineersPvt.Ltd Chapter6152

Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited. IND/BIPL/001/

Release Rate: 13.6 kilograms/min

Total Amount Released: 816 kilograms
Note: This chemical may flash boil and/or result in two phase flow.

Model Run: Gaussian
Red : 263 meters --- (20 ppm = AEGL-3 (60 min))
Orange: 866 meters --- (2 ppm = AEGL-2 (60 min))
Yellow: 1.8 kilometers --- (0.5 ppm = AEGL-1 (60 min))





1 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5


greater than 20 ppm (AEGL-3 [60 min])

greater than 2 ppm (AEGL-2 [60 min])
greater than 0.5 ppm (AEGL-1 [60 min])
wind direction confidence lines

Scenario No. Chlorine/ 02 (Tank)

Leak from hole in horizontal cylindrical tank
Non-flammable chemical is escaping from tank

SadekarEnviroEngineersPvt.Ltd Chapter6153

Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited. IND/BIPL/001/

Tank Diameter: 0.7 meters Tank Length: 2 meters

Tank Volume: 0.77 cubic meters
Tank contains liquid Internal Temperature: 28 C
Chemical Mass in Tank: 648 kilograms
Tank is 60% full
Circular Opening Diameter: 0.5 inches
Opening is 0.24 meters from tank bottom
Release Duration: 18 minutes
Max Average Sustained Release Rate: 202 kilograms/min
(averaged over a minute or more)
Total Amount Released: 393 kilograms
Note: The chemical escaped as a mixture of gas and aerosol.
Model Run: Gaussian
Red : 944 meters --- (20 ppm = AEGL-3 (60 min))
Orange: 2.2 kilometers --- (2 ppm = AEGL-2 (60 min))
Yellow: 3.6 kilometers --- (0.5 ppm = AEGL-1 (60 min))



2 0 1 2 3 4 5

greater than 20 ppm (AEGL-3 [60 min])

greater than 2 ppm (AEGL-2 [60 min])
greater than 0.5 ppm (AEGL-1 [60 min])
wind direction confidence lines

SadekarEnviroEngineersPvt.Ltd Chapter6154

Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited. IND/BIPL/001/

Summary of ALOHA footprints

Substance Failure Scenario Effects LOC Distance,

No. considered m
Chlorine Direct escape Chlorine/ AEGL-3 20 ppm 263
into the air as 01
AEGL-2 2 ppm 866
AEGL-1 0.5 ppm 1.8 Km

Leaking Tank Chlorine/ AEGL-3 20 ppm 944

AEGL-2 2 ppm 2.2 Km
AEGL-1 0.5 ppm 3.6 Km

The probability of failure of the entire tank etc, which is considered in the above scenario is very
less. However to further reduce the same, following precautions would be taken by Benzo Chem
Industries Pvt. Limited.

1. Indoor chlorine and use areas must be properly ventilated.

2. Keep vapors away from work areas by fully or partially enclosing any process.

3. Ventilation must be sufficient.

4. An exhaust located in an outside wall may be sufficient to ventilate an area where chlorine is
near the floor.

5. Chlorine cylinders and containers should be stored in cool, dry, relatively isolated areas
protected from weather and extreme temperature changes.

6. Store cylinder upright and secure them so that they do not fall down.

SadekarEnviroEngineersPvt.Ltd Chapter6155

Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited. IND/BIPL/001/

7. Store containers on their sides in dry places.

8. Keep enough room between two containers so that all are accessible in case of emergency.

9. Do not store full and empty containers together and keep inventories as small as possible.

10. Use chlorine containers, in first in first-out basis.

11. Mark the containers, storage tanks.

SadekarEnviroEngineersPvt.Ltd Chapter6156

EMS ISO-14001:2004/18001:2007 DATE

TITLE:- Inspection of Hazardous Material Sod. Cyanide Received from Supplier.

SCOPE:- To ensure that all received material is safely transported by the supplier.


Rush to security office after intimation.
Check term card & other regulatory document.
Instruct to remove top cover from the lorry & inspect visually intact
ness of drums.
Allow to take lorry in to the premises of the factory & instruct to driver
about location of unloading.
Stores Assistant.
Check & ensure sufficient & appropriate suitable place is available for
the unloading.
Instruct to trained unloading team to wear protective gear for unloading
the material like safety apron, PVC hand gloves & nose mask.
Send intimation to Q.C. Dept for their information.
Unload safely all received material as per SOP.


EMS ISO-14001:2004/18001:2007 DATE

TITLE:- Unloading & Storage of Sodium Cyanide in Raw Material Godown.

To ensure that all received material is safely unloaded & stored at work


Check & ensure sufficient & appropriate suitable place is available for
the unloading.
Check & ensure all received drums are having appropriate label &
closed properly with seal.
Instruct to put wooden/plastic palates in the storage area.
Put ON all electric illumination system.
Check & ensure Storage area should be very well ventilated, and can
best be constructed for the best air ventilation
Storage area should be separate from heavily frequented work areas
Stores In Charge
All Containers should be shielded from overhead water sources, such as Stores Assistant.
fire sprinkler systems or plumbing.
Cyanides should not be stored near liquid acids, acid anhydrides, dry
8 acid salts, sulfur dioxide, chlorine or compressed acid gases as CO2. Do
not store near chemicals labeled "oxidant."
Storage room should be labeled and locked as a cyanide storage area,
with warnings. Information as to company supervisor to notify, and
how to reach the company physician should be available at first aid
Do not keep any unlabelled container in the vicinity.
Do not keep any partially filled, open container along with intact drums.


EMS ISO-14001:2004/18001:2007 DATE

TITLE:- Issue & Transport of Sodium Cyanide From R.M. Stores to Plant storage.
To ensure required quantity of Hazardous material to be issued from
stores & safely shifted to Plant storage room.


Fill up required quantity of Sodium Cyanide for the day in issue slip
book & take sign on the issue slip book.
Submit issue slip in the stores & dispense out issued quantity of Sodium
cyanide with the help of stores Assistant by using all required PPE.
Weigh carefully gross weight of issued drums & check all issued drums
lid seal is in intact position.
Load 2 drums on the drum lifting trolley very carefully with help of 2
Helper who wearied all PPE for the shifting of Sodium Cyanide.
Carefully move the drum trolley in the plant area & shifted out all
5 Shift In Charge/
issued drum in to the plant.
Jr. Shift executive
Unload the drums in plant near the hoist cage arrester platform safely.
Load the 3 drums in the cage of hoist & lifted out each lot of 3 drums on
7 the 2nd floor, near the NaCN store room in plant with the help of trained
Open the lock of NaCN storage room & keep all issued drums on the
Lock out storage room & deposit key of NaCN storage room to the Shift
in Charge.


EMS ISO-14001:2004/18001:2007 DATE

TITLE:- Handling & Use of Sodium Cyanide for the reaction in the work place.
SCOPE:- To ensure safe handling & use of NaCN for the reaction purpose.


Issue the key of Cyanide storage room in plant from the shift in charge.
Open the room along with senior competent person & one co operator.
Wear the cyanide charging suit & ensure that sufficient air is on in the
hood of the charging suit.
Ensure sufficient caustic solution is available in the scrubbing system &
start circulation pump.
Check & ensure caustic circulation is ON & sufficient negative air
pressure is available in the reactor.
Open the manhole lid of the reactor & ensure reactor is empty & bottom
valve is properly closed.
Pull out batch quantity Cyanide from the storage room & broke down
seal of the drum.
Remove the lid of drum with the plier & tilt up inside plastic liner. Shift In Charge/
Jr. Shift executive/
Get down sufficient superficial cut to the upper side of the cyanide Production Operator
containing bag.
Open the mouth of bag & lift up drum with the help of other competent
10 assistant & charge batch quantity Sod. Cyanide in the reactor through
man hole & ensure that no pills/tablet/powder remain in the liner.
Take batch quantity water in the reactor for making the slurry/solution.
Close the man hole lid & tighten out with nut & bolt.
Release the negative pressure slowly.
Keep aside equipment used for opening of cyanide container & empty
14 plastic liner & drum for decontamination with Potassium permanganate
/Sodium .hypochlorite solution.
Start the stirrer of the reactor to make solution.
Remove the cyanide charging suit & leave the vicinity.


EMS ISO-14001:2004/18001:2007 DATE

De contamination & Disposal of empty container/liner of Sodium Cyanide

used for the reaction in the work place.
To ensure total decontamination & proper disposal of empty Sod. Cyanide
container/Liner used for the reaction purpose.


Take out empty plastic liner from the storage area very carefully after
wearing PPE.
Ensure that decontamination tank/container contain 10% KMnO4
solution OR 15 % Sodium hypochlorite solution
Insert that liner & ensure all liner gets dip in the container so as solution
of KMnO4 /Sod. Hypo chlorite gets inserted inside of the liner.
Keep the liner in the container for 24 Hrs.
After 24 Hrs remove them & washed with water & send to ETP for
disposal (burning in the closed container)
Take out empty M.S.drums from the storage area very carefully after Shift In Charge/
8 Jr. Shift executive/
wearing PPE.
Production Operator
Ensure that decontamination tank/container contain 10% KMnO4
solution OR 15 % Sodium hypochlorite solution
Insert that drums & ensure all drums gets dip in the tank/container so as
solution of KMnO4 /Sod. Hypo chlorite gets inserted inside of the drum.
Keep the drums in the tank/container for 24 Hrs.& get it rotated
clockwise after every 4 hrs so as all area of drum gets decontaminated
After 24 Hrs remove them & washed with water & send to scrap yard
for scrap disposal to the authorized recycler.
Take out used equipment for the opening of cyanide drums from the
storage area very carefully after wearing PPE.
Rinse them with 10% KMnO4/Sodium Hypochlorite/Bleaching powder
solution thoroughly.
Wash out with water & dry with cloth & keep them safe custody for the


EMS ISO-14001:2004/18001:2007 DATE

TITLE:- Standing instructions before handling Sodium Cyanide for the reaction.
To ensure & cultivate total awareness related to handling hazardous


Keep always Sodium Cyanide container in Lock & Key & all drums
is in sealed position.
Check all PPE like Cyanide charging suit, Sufficient air supply in the
charging suit, PVC hand gloves & shoes is intact condition.
Check yourself that no any damage/wound/injury & other exposure of
internal tissues on the body.
Do not allow to charge cyanide if person who have any damage on skin.
Do not allow to eat/chew/drink any thing in the premises of cyanide
charging area.
Do not allow to keep any eatable substances in the work place.
Check & ensure Antidote kit is available in work place & having all
necessary antidotes in it.
Ensure all the necessary safety measures should be follow during & Shift In Charge/
8 Jr. Shift executive/
after charging as described in SOP.
Keep ready 10% KMnO4 / Sodium Hypo Chlorite solution is ready if Production Operator
any spillage is occurred during charging for the area decontamination.
Ensure your co operator is much competent & having knowledge of
hazardous chemical.
Shift-In-Charge should be available during the charging of Cyanide near
the charging location.
Ensure shower & eye washer should be available & functioning well in
the nearest location of work place.
Do not keep any loose part of Sodium Cyanide in the storage room &
13 under some unavoidable circumstances any part remains send returned to
NaCN stores immediately.
Do not entertain other people in the work location.
Check the emergency services are readily available in the location.
Follow Safety & Save life should be the agenda of the organization.



Plot No. E-13, E-14,E-15, MIDC Industrial Area,
Tal &Dist: Jalgaon.

Under Cat: B1

QCI- NABET Accredited EIA Consultancy

Lab. Recognized by MoEF, Govt. of India, Valid up to 2.01.2019
NABL Accredited Environmental Laboratory, Valid up to 29.06.2016
Certified by ISO 9001:2008 & BS OHSAS 18001:2007

403, Paradise Tower, OppAlokHotel,Gokhale Road, Naupada, Thane-400602

Email /
Telephone : 022 -25338243 / 25435481

Jan 2015


CHAPTER -1 1-9


1.1 Purpose of the Report 1-1

1.2 Identification of Project & Project Proponent 1-1
1.3 Brief description of Nature, Size, Location of the project 1-2
1.4 A to the Country
Importance G A A AS A SC A O 1-4
1.5 Scope of the Study 1-4
1.6 Environmental Component Wise Activities for the Study 1-6

CHAPTER -2 2-33


2.1 Type of Project 2-1

2.2 Need for the Project 2-1
2.3 Location of the Proposed Project 2-1
2.4 Project site history 2-1
2.5 Size and Magnitude of the Operation 2.5
2.6 Proposed expansion schedule for Approval and Implementation 2-5
2.7 Technology and Process Description 2-5
2.8 Plant Layout 2-30
2.9 Importance of EIA 2-31
2.10 Description of Mitigation Measures adopted by the Project 2-32
CHAPTER - 3 3-60
3.1 Meteorology data for Jalgoan District 3-1
3.2 Baseline Data for the Study Area 3-8
3.2.1 Air Environment 3-9
3.2.2 Noise Environment 3-13
3.2.3 Water Environment 3-16
3.2.4 Soil Environment 3-25
3.2.5 Land Use Pattern of the Project Site 3-31
3.2.6 Eco Biodiversity Study for the Proposed Project 3-34

3.2.7 Socio Economy Study 3-53

CHAPTER - 4 4-24
4.1 Introduction 4-1
4.2 Air Environment 4-1
4.3 4-10
Noise Environment
4.4 4-13
Water Environment
4.5 SHW Environment 4-19
4.6 Land Environment 4-21
4.7 Soil Environment 4-21
4.8 Biological Environment 4-21
4.9 Socio Economic Environment 4-21
4.10 Odour Environment 4-22
4.11 Occupational Health Environment 4-23


CHAPTER 6 6-149
Risk Assessment
6.1 Risk Assessment 6-1
6.2 Hazop Study 6-8
6.3 Disaster Management Plan 6-76


CHAPTER 8 8-16
8.1 Introduction 8-1
8.2 Description of Administrative Aspect 8-2
8.3 Environmental Mitigation Measures for the Project 8-3
8.4 Plantation Programme 8-5
8.5 CSR Activity 8-14
8.6 Rain Water Harvesting 8-16
8.7 Quality Policy 8-16


CHAPTER 10 10-4
Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited. IND/BIPL/001/


1. Introduction of the Proponent

Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited. Company is owned by Mohatta Group & is established in
1986 at Jalgaon. The industry is producing intermediate of API .Industry has the strong Research
and Development team with the ultra-modern quality control laboratory equipped with
sophisticated analytical instruments. Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited. certified by ISO
9001:2008, ISO 14001-2004 and OHSAS 18001-2007 recognition from Institute of Quality
Certifications Services (IQCS), India. The company has established a good export market; they
export the products to UK, Belgium, Japan, Korea and Taiwan etc. M/s. Benzo Chem Industries
Pvt. Limited. is privately held company, which has an existing production capacity of 299.24
MT/A of API intermediates. The company is going for expansion with production of new API
intermediates and increasing the capacity of some old products.
2. About the Project
M/s. Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited. is located at Plot No E-13, E-14, E-15, MIDC,
Jalgaon, District Jalgaon 425 003, Maharashtra State. It is noted that the proposal involves
manufacturing of intermediates for API products with production capacity of 802.64 MT/A. As
per the provision of EIA Notification No. S. O. 1533 (E) dated 14.09.2006 subsequent
amendments the proposed project of M/s. Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited. Industries is
located in notified industrial estate therefore the expansion project comes under schedule 5 (f)
Category B1. Salient features of the Project is given in the below Table no. 1.
Table No.1

Sr. No. Components Description

1 Name M/s. BenzoChem Industries Pvt. Limited.
Plot No. E-13, E-14, E-15,MIDC Jalgaon,
2 Address
Taluka & District Jalgaon, Maharashtra
Lat: 205851 N Long: 753508E
Co-ordinates of the location
3 Elevation above Mean Sea Level (meters): 250
4 Location Accessibility Jalgaon Railway 4 Km

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Aurangabad Airport is 160 Km

Nearest Road- MH SH 186 0.48 km
Highway highway No 6 (2.30 Km) from site.
5 Type of Industry Small Scale Manufacturing Unit
6 Product Type Intermediate for APIs
Components Existing Proposed Total
7 Area Plot area: 12150 sq.m Plot area: Same as Plot area: 12150 sq.m
Existing built up area : Proposed built up area Total built up area :
2195 sq.m : 88 sq.m 2283sq.m
Green belt : 4045 sq.m Green belt : Same as Green belt : 4045
existing sq.m
Open space : 5910 Open space : 5822 Open space : 5822
sq.m sq.m sq.m
8 Products 299.24 MT/A 681 MT/A 802.64 MT/A
9 Water 22 m3/day 40 m3/day 62 m3/day
10 Power Connected load : 464 Applied load : 189 Connected load : 653
Requirement KVA KVA KVA
Power Demand : 400 Power Demand : 50 Power Demand : 450
11 Boiler Steam boiler : 3 T/hr Existing Boilers will Steam boiler : 3 T/hr
capacity Thermic Fluid heater : be used, only the fuel Thermic Fluid heater :
8 lakh Kcal/Hr requirement will be 8 lac Kcal/Hr
increased to meet the
steam demand for new
expansion activity.
12 Effluent 3.5 CMD 9.2 CMD 12.7 CMD
13 ETP capacity 15 CMD Up gradation :- 15 CMD
Physico chemical
treatment followed by
oxidation with the
help of H2O2 dosing
& tertiary (PSF, ACF)
14 Hazardous Distillation residue : Distillation residue : Distillation residue :
waste 0.5 MT/M 1.0 MT/M 1.5 MT/M
Generation ETP sludge: 0.8 MT/M ETP sludge: 0.8 ETP sludge: 1.6
Process Residue & Process Residue & Process Residue &
waste: 0.01 MT/M waste: 0.04 MT/M waste: 0.05 MT/M

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15 Non Discarded Container : Empty Drums : 100 Discarded Container :

hazardous 50 Nos. /M Nos. M 50 Nos. /M
waste Paper Bags : 100 Empty Drums : 100
generation Nos./M Nos. M
Paper Bags : 100
16 Stack height 30 mtr for boiler 30 mtr for boiler 30 mtr for boiler
3 mtr for D.G set 3 mtr for D.G set 3 mtr for D.G set
above the roof above the roof above the roof
17 Man power 28 nos. 14 nos. 42 nos.
18 Fuel Coal /Biomass : 5 TPD Coal /Biomass : 5 Coal /Biomass : 10
requirement TPD TPD
Diesel : 200 L/D Diesel : 200 L/D Diesel : 400 L/D

19 Utilities 1 No. of D.G set of Existing D.G. set will 1 No. of D.G set of
320 KVA be used 320 KVA
20 EMP budget 77 lakh 20 Lakh 97 Lakh
21 Project cost 5.72 Crore 2.0 crore 7.72 crore
22 Hazardous Waste Management Membership of Maharashtra Enviro Power
Limited (Ranjangaon)
22 Sensitive Zone Not Present in 10 Km radius of the Proposed
23 Reserved Forest Not Present in 10 Km radius of the Proposed
24 Archaeological Monument Not Present in 10 Km radius of the Proposed

3. Justification of Project
M/s. Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited. has proposed expansion of intermediate for API at
MIDC Jalgaon, it will help in gaining valuable foreign exchange by exporting the product in
international market.
4. Baseline Environmental Status:
The study area is 10 km radial distance from centre of existing plant site. All the monitoring has
been completed in various locations within the study area during the period of March 2014
May 2014. The findings of the baseline environmental status on land (topography, soil quality,
land use pattern), meteorology (Temperature, Humidity, rainfall, wind speed), air (ambient air

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quality- PM10, PM2.5, SO2, NOX), noise level, ecological environment (flora and fauna), socio
economic conditions, are presented in the report and interpreted with reference to environment
4.1 Ambient Air Quality: The maximum value of PM10 was 70.20 g/m3, PM2.5 was 28.40
g/m3 whereas for NOx and SO2 was 38.0 and 23.40 g/m3 respectively. It was observed that
the recorded values of air pollutants are well within the allowable limit of Maharashtra pollution
control board limit (MPCB) & CPCB.
4.2 Ambient Noise level: The ambient noise levels monitored at five different locations indicate
that they were within the limits. The Leq were recorded at project site was the maximum i.e. 67.9
dB(A) during day and 51.2 dB(A) during night time.
4.3 Water Quality: Water monitoring was carried out at five different locations i.e 3 samples for
surface water and 2 sample for GW, it was observed that all the parameters of surface & ground
water were well within the permissible limits except bacteriological parameter in SW of Manyar
Khede Talav observed to be 30 org/100ml, Mehrun Lake was 26.5 Org/100ml & Geerana River
was found to be 33 Org/100ml. The total coliform of all the surface water samples were on the
higher side of the prescribed limit. The predicted reason for the presence of total coliform in the
SW may be due to the anthropogenic activity around the surface water. The analysis indicates
that the ground water is not severely affected by pollution as all the parameters were under the
limit as per IS (10500) 2012.
4.4 Soil Quality: Soil samples were collected from two different locations. It has been observed
that the pH of the soil in the study area ranged from 7.38 -7.59 which indicate the soil is slight
alkaline in nature. The soil type is mostly in the form of sandy loam. The Phosphorus values
range between 9-12.75 kg/ha, indicating that the Phosphorus content in the study area is falling
under less category. The potassium value ranges to 180 kg/ha to 222 kg/ha falls under medium
category. The nitrogen values ranges between 105 to 142.5 Kg/ha which falls under medium
category. On the basis of chemical analysis of soils, the soils can be classified as per standard
soil classification and is found to be medium low fertile soil according to Hand Book of
Agriculture, ICAR, New Delhi.

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4.5 Ecology: There are no ecologically sensitive receptors or endangered species within the 10
kms of the study area. The area is developed by M.I.D.C for industrial use, no clustered green
belt is found in the vicinity, hence there will not be any kind of deforestation. No rare or
endangered species of flora and fauna are present in the immediate vicinity as well as the study
area. Thus, there will not be any adverse negative impact on flora and fauna.

4.6 Socio-economic: The project will provide positive impact on the economic development of
the region in terms of employment opportunities.
5. Prediction of Impacts and its Mitigation:
Due to project activity two types of impact is envisaged, temporary impact during
construction phase and permanent impact during operational phase. Based on the impact
analysis, it is predicted that there will be minimal impact on environment during construction
phase as it is a minor construction activity. The permanent impact will be mitigated by providing
appropriate pollution control devices. The sources and mitigation for construction and
operational phase is explained in the below table:
A) Minor Construction Phase

Sr.No Environmental Impact Attributes Existing Proposed Mitigation

Parameters Mitigation Measures
1. Air Quality Dust due to the - Water Spraying, Traffic
minor construction management for
activity, material loading and unloading
handling etc. of the materials,
2. Noise Quality Noise generated Green Belt is Using Acoustic
from machinery provided at the enclosure for the
used for minor periphery of the machinery used. PPEs
construction work company will be provided for the
3. Water Quality Water used for Existing facilities Proper Water
construction activity will be used. Management
and domestic use of
the temporary
4. Solid Waste No demolition work - It will be sold to

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Management is envisaged hence authorized dealer.

debris will not be
generated. Only
waste like plastic
bags, empty drums
is envisaged

B) Operational Phase

Sr.No Environmental Impact Existing Proposed

Parameters Attributes Mitigation Mitigation
1. Air Quality Un-reacted Gases One Alkali One HBR scrubber
from Scrubber to deal is proposed.
Manufacturing with process
process & emission &
Emission from Cyclone Dust
Utilities collector for
2. Noise Quality D.G sets, Boilers Presence of Green Belt
& reactors Green Belt Development,
Acoustic Total Green belt
enclosure area 4045 sq.m
3. Water Quality Process water 15 CMD of ETP Up gradation :-
is provided Physico chemical
treatment followed
by oxidation with
the help of H2O2
dosing & tertiary
4. Solid Waste Hazardous waste Disposal to Disposal to
Management from ETP, CHWTSDF at CHWTSDF at
Process Residue Ranjangaon Ranjangaon
and waste &

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6. Risk assessment plan

Risks likely to pose harm to man, environment or property associated with various activities are
addressed in this report. Such activities include transport, storage; handling and usage of raw
materials & fuels.
According to that DOW is performed for calculating the fire and explosive index related to the
storage of the solvents in drums. The solvents which are stored in tanks ALOHA 5.2.2 is
performed for calculating the risk involved. Toxicity index is also calculated for storage of toxic
chemicals in the industry. Hazop study is done for quantifying the process related risk.
As a mitigation measure suitable fire protection system comprising hydrants and spray systems
are provided for fire protection.
7. Disaster management plan
Onsite and Offsite emergency plan has been prepared for the industry. During operational phase
surrounding population shall be made aware of safety precautions to be taken in case of any
mishap in plant. On-site disaster management and off-site emergency plans, commands
communication and controls will be established and maintained. Adequate provisions like
emergency response, response organization, response plan, material safety data sheet, command
and control, capabilities, transportation, medical facilities, mitigation measures, training,
education, public awareness emergency plan review etc. to control any disaster situation will be
made available.
8. CSR Activities
The project proponent would employee local peoples as permanent employees of the company.
As a part of CSR activity the appropriate support will be given to the near by school, the medical
camps shall be organized for the local peoples and free medical help will be given to the local
needy persons.
9. Conclusion
The Expansion of project is within the notified MIDC area. All the infrastructure has been
provided by the MIDC. The mitigation measures proposed are adequate and would meet the
requirement of MPCB to minimize the adverse environmental impacts. The proposed

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manufacturing activity will not create any major air, water & noise pollution problems. The
hazardous waste generated from ETP would be send to CHWTSDF at Ranjangaon. Overall it can
be said that the proposed expansion project will not cause any adverse environmental impact if at
all it will have positive socio-economic impacts around the project area by generating
employment for the local people.

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1.1. Purpose of the Report

As per the provision of EIA Notification No. S. O. 1533 (E) dated 14.09.2006 amended on
January 19, 2009 the proposed expansion project of M/s. Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited.
come under schedule 5 (f) Category B1. As per the EIA notification, 2006 the proposed
developments cannot be undertaken unless it is accorded environmental clearance by the
authority in accordance with the procedure specified in this notification. The procedure requires
preparing the environmental impact assessment (EIA) report along with environmental
management plan for the proposed project.
M/s. Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited., Plot No. E-13, E-14, E-15,MIDC Jalgaon, Taluka &
District Jalgaon has Appointed Sadekar Enviro Engineers Pvt. Limited. to conduct
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) study based on one season environmental quality data.
1.1.1: The objectives of EIA study area
Assessment of the present status of air, noise, water, land, biological and socio- economic
components of environment including parameters of human interest in the study area of 10 km
radial distance around project site.
Identification of potential impacts on various environmental components due to activities
envisaged during construction and operation phases of the project development.
Preparation of environment impact statement based on the identification, prediction and
evaluation of impacts.
Delineation of environmental management plan (EMP) outlining prevention and control
strategies for minimizing adverse impacts of the project.
Formulation of environmental quality monitoring program for construction and operational
phases to be pursued by the project proponent.

1.2. Identification of Project & Project Proponent

Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited. manufactures intermediates for APIs. The capacity of the
expansion project is 681 MT/Annum. Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited. will commission a

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modern & versatile plant, with glass lined & stainless steel reactors, pressure reactors etc.
capable of carrying out various different kinds of reactions under different conditions.
1.3. Brief description of Nature, Size, Location of the project

Table 1.1: Salient features of the expansion of proposed project

Sr. No. Components Description

1 Name M/s. BenzoChem Industries Pvt. Limited.
Plot No. E-13, E-14, E-15,MIDC Jalgaon,
2 Address
Taluka & District Jalgaon, Maharashtra
Lat: 205851 N Long: 753508E
Co-ordinates of the location
3 Elevation above Mean Sea Level (meters): 250
Location Accessibility Jalgaon Railway 4 Km
4 Aurangabad Airport is 160 Km
Nearest Road- MH SH 186 0.48 km
Highway highway No 6 (2.30 Km) from site.
5 Type of Industry Small Scale Manufacturing Unit
6 Product Type Intermediate for APIs
Components Existing Proposed Total
7 Area Plot area: 12150 sq.m Plot area: Same as Plot area: 12150 sq.m
Existing built up area : Proposed built up area Total built up area :
2195 sq.m : 88 sq.m 2283sq.m
Green belt : 4045 sq.m Green belt : Same as Green belt : 4045
existing sq.m
Open space : 5910 Open space : 5822 Open space : 5822
sq.m sq.m sq.m
8 Products 299.24MT/A 681 MT/A 802.64MT/A
9 Water 22 m3/day 40 m3/day 62 m3/day
10 Power Connected load : 464 Applied load : 189 Connected load : 653
Requirement KVA KVA KVA
Power Demand : 400 Power Demand : 50 Power Demand : 450
11 Boiler Steam boiler : 3 T/hr Existing Boilers will Steam boiler : 3 T/hr

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capacity Thermic Fluid heater : be used, only the fuel Thermic Fluid heater :
8 lakh Kcal/Hr requirement will be 8 lac Kcal/Hr
increased to meet the
steam demand for new
expansion activity.
12 Effluent 3.5 CMD 9.2 CMD 12.7 CMD
13 ETP capacity 15 CMD Up gradation :- 15 CMD
Physico chemical
treatment followed by
oxidation with the
help of H2O2 dosing
& tertiary (PSF, ACF)
14 Hazardous Distillation residue : Distillation residue : Distillation residue :
waste 0.5 MT/M 1.0 MT/M 1.5 MT/M
Generation ETP sludge: 0.8 MT/M ETP sludge: 0.8 ETP sludge: 1.6
Process Residue & Process Residue & Process Residue &
waste: 0.01 MT/M waste: 0.04 MT/M waste: 0.05 MT/M
15 Non Discarded Container : Empty Drums : 100 Discarded Container :
hazardous 50 Nos. /M Nos. M 50 Nos. /M
waste Paper Bags : 100 Empty Drums : 100
generation Nos./M Nos. M
Paper Bags : 100
16 Stack height 30 mtr for boiler 30 mtr for boiler 30 mtr for boiler
3 mtr for D.G set 3 mtr for D.G set 3 mtr for D.G set
above the roof above the roof above the roof
17 Man power 28 nos. 14 nos. 42 nos.
18 Fuel Coal /Biomass : 5 TPD Coal /Biomass : 5 Coal /Biomass : 10
requirement TPD TPD
Diesel : 200 L/D Diesel : 200 L/D Diesel : 400 L/D

19 Utilities 1 No. of D.G set of Existing D.G. set will 1 No. of D.G set of
320 KVA be used 320 KVA
20 EMP budget 77 lakh 20 Lakh 97 Lakh
21 Project cost 5.72 Crore 2.0 crore 7.72 crore
22 Hazardous Waste Management Membership of Maharashtra Enviro Power
Limited (Ranjangaon)
22 Sensitive Zone Not Present in 10 Km radius of the Proposed

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23 Reserved Forest Not Present in 10 Km radius of the Proposed
24 Archaeological Monument Not Present in 10 Km radius of the Proposed

1.4. Importance to the Country

The aim of the project is to manufacture Intermediate for API which will be subsequently
serving the local & international market. Major Indian populations stand in rural areas. The
project proponent is justifying his aim to serve the country in terms of helping to reduce the cost
of medicine and also gain valuable foreign exchange by exporting the product in international
market. Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited. offers excellent opportunities for tapping the
export market for these products.

1.5. Scope of the Study

The application has been submitted to SEAC, dt. 05-03-2013 along with all necessary
documents. The baseline data collection was carried out in the period of March 2014 to May
2014 according to the provision of EIA Notification, 14th sept.2006. i.e if the TOR are not
finalized and conveyed to the applicant within sixty days of the receipt of Form-I, the TOR
suggested by the applicant shall be deemed as the final terms of reference approved for the EIA
studies. Therefore the proponent has decided to go along with the model TOR . On 20th June of
2014 the 81st meeting of SEAC was conducted in which the Additional TOR for the preparation
of EIA was given. Hence the EIA preparation has been performed based on Model TOR and
Additional TOR given by SEAC below

TOR condition are complied in the below given table.

Sr.No TOR I Compliance

1 Details of treatability studies and the quantity of Details are provided in
waste water generation. Chapter No 4 of the EIA

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Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited. IND/BIPL/001/

2 Details of Multiple effect evaporation (MEE) Details are provided in

followed by centrifuge / dryer Chapter No 4 of the EIA

Reconnaissance survey was undertaken within the study area to collect information regarding
topography of the study area, meteorological features of the area and other features relevant to
the air environment. Reconnaissance survey enables the selection of sampling sites and design of
air quality monitoring network. The criteria pollutants like PM2.5, PM10, SO2 and NOx were
identified to assess the existing air quality in the impact zone. The study was conducted for
summer season.
The location of the Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited. is spread over an area of 12150,
at Jalgaon MIDC, Jalgaon. The study area was 10 km radial distance from the plant site. The
identified impact zone is covered by wasteland, market places, and other rurally inhabited
localities. Within the study area there are some other big and small industries. Five ambient air
quality- monitoring sites were selected based on the ambient air quality monitoring network
design. A reconnaissance was undertaken to identify sampling locations to establish baseline
status of ground water and surface water quality in the study area during March 2014-May 2014.
Two sampling locations were selected to establish the baseline status of soil quality in the study
area. Noise levels were measured using precision integrated sound level meter. Background
noise levels measured in number of villages at different times and locations.
Ecology & Biodiversity survey includes: Collection of information on flora and fauna in the
study area and identification of endangered species. Identification of ecologically sensitive areas
such as biosphere reserves, wildlife sanctuary, national park etc. near project site.Assessment of
impact on endemic /endangered flora & fauna due to proposed project.Design of greenbelt and
identification of suitable native plant species.

Socio-Economic survey includes: Collection of baseline data on the socio-economic profile of

the study area. Collections of information on cultural and aesthetic attributes in the study are

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Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited. IND/BIPL/001/

including places of historical / archaeological importance. Projection of anticipated changes due

to the proposed expansion and delineation of measures to minimize the impacts.

Risk Assessment and Hazop study will be carried out depending on the raw materials used and
products to be manufactured. Also the risk is estimated of some events which if occurred during
plant operational stage can cause severe environmental and physical damage. The severity of the
event is calculated so that its occurrence can be reduced by applying appropriate safety

Disaster management plan will also be made to provide an action plan for the workers during
mishap in the plant during operational phase. Quantitative Risk Assessment also estimated using
Aloha, DOW Index and Monds Index

1.6: Environmental Component Wise Activities for the Study

Air Environment

Ambient Air Quality monitoring to measure the levels of PM2.5, PM 10, SO2 and NOx

Collection of surface meteorological data, viz wind speed, wind direction, relative
humidity and temperature.

Identification and quantification of potential emission sources from industrial source.

Identifyingthe proposed pollution control measures to meet air quality emission


Recommendation of air pollution mitigation measures.

Noise Environment

Measurement of noise levels in residential, commercial and industrial zones in the study

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Prediction of impacts due to increase in noise levels arising out of the proposed project

Identification of noise pollution control measures

Recommendations on noise mitigation measures.

Water Environment

Study of ground water (dug wells / tube wells) and surface water resources with respect
to study area.

Estimation of water requirement for the proposed project.

Identification of waste water treatment plant technology and suggest any modifications
or additional recommendations, if any

Prediction of impacts on quality of receiving environmental system due to disposal of

treated waste water.

Land Environment

Studies on soil characteristics in the study area

Characterization of solid/hazardous wastes to be generated due to the project activity.

Delineation of environmentally compatible management options for handling, storage

and disposal of solid/hazardous wastes.

Biological Environment

Collection of information on flora and fauna in the study area and identification of
endangered species.

Identification of ecologically sensitive areas such as biosphere reserves, wildlife

sanctuary, national park etc. near project site.

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Assessment of impact on endemic and sore/endangered plant species due to proposed


Design of greenbelt and identification of suitable native plant species.

Socio-economic and Health Environment

Collection of baseline data on the socio-economic profile of the study area.

Collections of information on cultural and aesthetic attributes in the study are including
places of historical / archaeological importance.

Projection of anticipated changes due to the proposed project and delineation of measures
to minimize the impacts.

Assessment of economic benefits to community and environment arising out of the

proposed project.

Prediction of impacts

Identification and quantification of impacts due to the proposed developments through

investigation studies carried out at the proposed project site.

Prediction of impacts due to increase in pollutant load if any.

Assessment of benefits of human interest due to the proposed activity.

Environmental Management Plan

Environmental Management Plan (EMP) will be drawn after identifying and predicting
the significant impacts on each component of the environment.

EMP will be delineated incorporating control technologies, safe guards etc for mitigation
of adverse negative impacts.

The post project monitoring should be undertaken as part of compliance to the

environmental clearance.

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2.1. Type of Project

M/s. Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited. is a proposed expansion project in Jalgaon MIDC. The
proposed expansion project falls under the B1 category project of 5 (f) according to the provision of
EIA Notification No. S.O 1533(E) dated 14.09.2006 amended on January 19, 2009. The proposed
expansion project is for additional production capacity of 681 MT/Annum.
2.2 Need for the Project
The aim of the project is to manufacture products which will be subsequently serving the local &
international market. Major Indian populations stand in rural areas. The project proponent is justifying
his aim to serving the country in terms of ensuring availability of these products, helping to reduce the
cost of medicine and also gain valuable foreign exchange by exporting the products in international
market. Benzo Chem Industries offers excellent opportunities for tapping the export market for these
2.3 Location of the proposed expansion project
The proposed expansion project is located plot No E-13, E-14, E-15 Jalgaon MIDC. The coordinates
of the project site is Lat: 20 5851 N Long: 75 3508E.The mean sea level (MSL) 201 m. Jalgaon
Railway station is 4 Km away from the project site. Aurangabad Airport is 160 Km away from the
project site.
2.4 Project Site History
Sr.No Directions. Industries/Important locations.
1. East Direction. M.I.D.C.Road,
2. West Direction. Universal Engg works(E-31),
Deep Tiles (E-30)
National Pulse Mills (E-29)
3. North Direction. Tapi Paper Industries Pvt.Ltd. (E-12)
4. South Direction. Plot E-16 with closed Industries.

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Manufacturing Area Loading-Unloading point

Green Belt Storage facilities

Fig No . 2.1: Existing plant photographs of M/s. Benzo Chem Industries Pvt.

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Fig No. 2.2: Google earth image for the proposed expansion project site

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Toposheet No: 46 P9
Scale : 1: 50000

Fig No. 2.3 Toposheet marking the location of project site

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2.5 Size and Magnitude of the Operation

The estimated cost of the project is going to be 2.0 Cr., including the capital cost for environmental
budget that is 20 Lacs.
The proposed expansion project capacity is around 802.64 T/ Annum. The quantity of the raw material
used will be around 1138.58 T/Annum.
The total area covered by the proposed expansion project is 12150sq.m.
Energy requirement of the proposed expansion project will be 50 KVA and the Applied connected load
will be 189 KVA. Alternative power supply is provided by 1 D.G sets of 320 KVA.
Additional water requirement of the proposed expansion project is 40 m3/d provided by Jalgaon MIDC.
2.6 Proposed expansion schedule for Approval and Implementation
Sr. No Description Time Period Cost in %
1. Obtaining all statutory permission 6 months 20%
with respect to factory

2. Design and Engineering plan 9 months 10%

3. Factory set-up 8 months 60%
4. Testing and commissioning 2 months 5%
5. Actual Starting 3 months 5%

2.7 Technology and Process Description

To explain the technology and process used by the proposed expansion project the list of products to
be manufactured, list of raw materials to be used, list of equipments to be installed in the plant and
manufacturing process flow sheet is given below,
2.7.1- The list of raw materials to be used in this project is given in table below:

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Table No. 2.1: List of Raw Materials

Sr. Quantity of Raw Material required for
Name of the Raw Material
No. Production MT/A
1 Meta cresol 56.50
2 Sulphuryl chloride 73.50
3 Chlorine 4.5
4 Soda ash 3.00
5 Sulphuric acid 51.00
6 Sodium hydroxide 98.50
7 Anhydrous aluminium chloride 2.70
8 Sodium cyanide 6.50
9 Meta chloro benzyl cyanide 1.05
10 Para xylene 3.95
11 Poly ethyl glycol 0.90
12 Naphthalene 130.00
13 Ethylene dichloride 1.05
14 Pottasium carbonate 1.00
15 Thymol 0.90
16 Sodium methoxide 35.00
17 Para formaldehyde 29.50
18 Sodium bi sulphite 0.50
19 Thionyl chloride 14.50
20 Hydro chloric acid 100.00
21 Catalyst x/ Microfine azdn/AIBN 0.15
22 Toluene 16.00
23 Zinc chloride 3.25
24 Acetic acid 9.70
25 Methyl 2- chloro propionate 79.50
26 Para anisaldehyde 87.50
27 Tetra ethyl ammonium bromide 0.70
28 Ethyl acetate 0.50
29 2,4 Dichloro benzyl chloride 18.50
30 Tetra butyl ammonium hydrogen sulphate 0.20

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31 Hexamine 3.90
32 Methanol 11.00
33 Para toluene sulphonic acid 0.03
34 Cyclohexane 1.00
35 Propiophenone 20.00
36 Ammonium bicarbonate 12.50
37 Benzyl cyanide 2.25
38 Ethyl bromide 2.10
39 Tri ethyl benzyl ammonium chloride 0.10
40 Mono methyl amine 40 % 4.05
41 Tri ethyl amine 00.10
42 Para chloro phenol 2.40
43 Ortho di chloro benzene 3.00
44 Di methyl sulphate 2.50
45 Formic acid 1.30
46 Formaldehyde solution 37% 1.95
47 Synhydride 3.75
48 Tetra chloro ortho xylene 3.80
49 Per chloro ethylene 10.00
50 3,5 xylenol 07.00
51 Copper sulphate 0.10
52 Benzoyl chloride 2.50
53 Ortho chloro phenyl acetic acid 102.00
54 Bromine 46.00
55 Sodium thio sulphate 5.00
56 Acetyl chloride 5.60
57 Tetra butyl ammonium bromide solution 0.60
58 Cyanuric chloride 5.70
59 Sodium bicarbonate 5.30
60 N-bromo succinimide 15.10
61 Chloro benzene (MCB) 20.20
62 Sodium hydrosulphide 0.10
63 Sodium thio sulphate 0.10
Total 1138.58

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Table No. 2.2: List of Proposed Quantities of Products after expansion

Para choro meta cresol (PCMC) 60 Para chloro meta cresol (PCMC) 60 120
Sodium salt of para chloro meta cresol 1.20 Na salt of para chloro meta cresol 1 2.2
4-Chloro thymol 1.20 4-Chloro thymol 1 2.2
1-Chloro napthalene 6 1-Chloro naphthalene 2 8
2:4 Di chloro benzyl alcohol 1.20 2:4-Dichloro benzyl alcohol 16 17.2
Para choro benzyl cyanide(PCCN) 24 0*
1-Chloro methylnapthalene 2.40 1-Chloro methylnapthalene 150 152.4
Para chloro meta xylenol 1.20 1.2
Para chloro meta cresol/liquid/protector-l 1.20 1.2
Ortho chloro phenyl acetic acid 1.20 1.2
Dichloro meta xylenol (DCMX) 6 6.0
Benzyl Cyanide (BCN) 36 0*
Ortho Chloro Benzaldehyde (OCB) 24 0*
Ortho Chloro Benzoic Acid (OCBA) 3 0*
Ortho Chloro Benzo Tri Chloride 3 0*
2:4 Di Chloro Benzyl Chloride (2:4 12 0*
2:4 Di Chloro Benzyl Cyanide (2:4 6 0*
2:4 Di Chloro Benzaldehyde 1.2 0*
Para Chloro Phenyl Acetic acid 1.2 0*

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Benzaldehyde Ortho Sulphonic acid 36 0*

sodium salt
Meta Chloro Benzyl Cyanide 6 0*
Meta Chloro Benzo Nitrile 1.2 0*
Ortho Chloro Benzyl Chloride 1.2 0*
Ortho Chloro Benzyl Nitrile 1.2 0*
Ortho Chloro Benzyl Cyanide 1.2 0*
Para Chloro Benzaldehyde 1.2 0*
2:4 Di Chloro Phenyl Acetic Acid 1.2 0*
Meta Chloro Benzyl Chloride (MCBC) 3- 6 0*
Chloro Benzyl Chloride
Meta Chloro Benzaldehyde (MCB) or 3- 6 0*
Chloro Benzaldehyde
Para Anisaldehyde or Para Methoxy 6 0*
Benzaldehyde or Para Anisic Aldehyde
Para Chloro Benzo Nitrile - 0*
Para Fluro Benzyl Chloride - 0*
Para Fluro Benzaldehyde - 0*
X Chloro Methyl Phenyl Acetic Acid - 0*
3-ISO Chromanone - 0*
1-Napthaldehyde 4 4
2-Amino-2-phenyl butyric acid 20 20
5-Chloro-2- hydroxy benzophenone 4 4
2-Dimethylamino-2-phenyl-1-butanol 6 6
4-Methoxy phenyl acetone 100 100
Alpha bromo-2-chloro phenyl acetic 150 150

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acid methyl ester

2,4-Di chloro meta xylenol 10 10
Meta hydroxy phenyl acetic acid 1 1
2-Phenyl butyric acid 3 3
N-Methyln-1-napthalenemethyl amine 10 10
hydrochloride (N MAN: HCl)
Ortho phthaladehyde(OPA) 2 2
2-Chloro-4,6-dimethoxy-1,3,5-triazine 5 5
1-Acetylnapthalene 10 10
Para Hydroxy phenyl acetic acid 2 2
4-Methyl benzyl chloride 5 5

By-products By-products
Hydrochloric acid (HCl) 40 Hydrochloric acid (HCl) 77 117
Chlorinated cressol / Cresylic acid 0.04 Chlorinated cressol / Cresylic acid 12 12.04
Sodium bisulfite (NaHSO3) 30 30
TOTAL 299.24 TOTAL 681 802.64

Note 0* indicates the production of these products has been stopped.

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2.7.2- The list of equipments stalled or being installed in this project is given in table below:
Table No 2.3: List of Equipments

After Name Of the Equipment Capacity Existing
WITH COLUMN & 2000 LTR 2 2
5000 LTR -- 1
RECIEVER. 2 Nos 3000 LTR 3 4


& CONDENSER 5000 LTR -- 1
1 Nos
1 Nos
6 1200 LTR 1 2
7 REACTOR 1000 LTR 1 1

750 LTR 1 1
8 1500 LTR 1 1
2000 LTR 1 1
36 2 3
120 KGS 1 1

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12 1 1
14 STEAM BOILER 3.0 T/Hr 1 1
15 1 1
16 SCRUBBERS 270 KG/Hr 1 2
17 COOLING TOWERS 80-200 TR 2 3
18 20,40 TR 1 2
& 40 TR)
19 STEAM JET EJECTORS 730 mmHg 4 6
Totals 42 56

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2.7.3- Manufacturing Process Flow Sheet with Mass Balance

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2.8- Plant Layout of the proposed expansion project is shown below:

Fig No. 2.4: Plant Layout of the project

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2.9: Importance of EIA- Schematic representation of the feasibility drawing which give information
about importance of EIA is shown below:







Fig No.2.5: Schematic Representation of the Feasibility Drawing of EIA

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2.10 Description of Mitigation Measures Incorporated into the proposed expansion Project
Mitigation measures will be adopted to meet the environmental standards prescribed by the

A) Minor Construction Phase

Sr.No Environmental Impact Attributes Existing Proposed Mitigation

Parameters Mitigation Measures
1. Air Quality Dust due to the - Water Spraying, Traffic
minor construction management for
activity, material loading and unloading
handling etc. of the materials,
2. Noise Quality Noise generated Green Belt is Using Acoustic
from machinery provided at the enclosure for the
used for minor periphery of the machinery used. PPEs
construction work company will be provided for the
3. Water Quality Water used for Existing facilities Proper Water
construction activity will be used. Management
and domestic use of
the temporary
4. Solid Waste No demolition work - It will be sold to
Management is envisaged hence authorized dealer.
debris will not be
generated. Only
waste like plastic
bags, empty drums
is envisaged

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B) Operational Phase

Sr.No Environmental Impact Existing Proposed

Parameters Attributes Mitigation Mitigation
1. Air Quality Un-reacted Gases One Alkali One HBR scrubber
from Scrubber to deal is proposed.
Manufacturing with process
process & emission &
Emission from Cyclone Dust
Utilities collector for
2. Noise Quality D.G sets, Boilers Presence of Green Belt
& reactors Green Belt Development,
Acoustic Total Green belt
enclosure area 4045 sq.m
3. Water Quality Process water 15 CMD of ETP Up gradation :-
is provided Physico chemical
treatment followed
by oxidation with
the help of H2O2
dosing & tertiary
4. Solid Waste Hazardous waste Disposal to Disposal to
Management from ETP, CHWTSDF at CHWTSDF at
Process Residue Ranjangaon Ranjangaon
and waste &

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The location of the plant is spread over an area of12150 sq. mts., at Jalgaon MIDC, Jalgaon .The
study area was10 km radial distance from the proposed plant site. Period survey: The study was
conducted for summer season (March 2014 May 2014).
3.1 Meteorology data for Jalgaon District
3.1.1 -Introduction
The basic information presented in this section is from secondary data provided by IMD Mumbai and
meteorology data collected from primary survey. The Meteorology station was fixed at the air
monitoring site for collection of meteorology data. The Data was crossed verified by the data from
Jalgaon District Gazetteer.
3.1.2- Meteorology of Jalgaon district
In collection of the meteorological data, historical data play important role in identification of general
meteorological condition of particular region. The climate is generally dry except in monsoon season.
In India, the year has been divided into four seasons.
1. Winter Season : December to February
2. Summer Season : March to May
3. Monsoon Season : June to September
4. Post Monsoon Season : October to November
3.1.3 -Geographical Location
Jalgaon district is located between 20 and 21 North latitudes and 74 55' to 76 28' East longitudes, in
the northern part of the state. The District has geographical area of 11,765 sq km (Jalgaon City: 68.78 and an altitude of 213 m. Jalgaon district is bound by North Satpuda Hills, South Aurangabad
and Nashik, East State Madhya Pradesh and District Buldhana and WestDhule.The landscape of Jalgaon
district is distributed triangularly in northen Maharashtra at the foothills of the Satpuda Mountains.
Jalgaon district forms a part of the tropical monsoon land and therefore shows a significant seasonal
variation in temperature as well as rainfall conditions. Climate of this region is extreme hot and cold.

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3.1.4- Rainfall
Owing to the geographical conditions within the district, the rainfall is unevenly distributed. Jalgaon
receives about 700 mm rainfall during monsoons, which is followed by pleasant temperature in winter.
Most of this rain is brought by the southwest monsoon winds during the summer and about 80% of
rainfalls during the monsoon months. The monsoon arrives in the month of June, with the maximum
intensity of rainfall during the month of July, August, September & October.
Table No 3.1: Mean Rainfall of Jalgaon District (in mm)
Month Rainfall (in mm)
1 January 8.9
2 February 3.1
3 March 4.1
4 April 0.0
5 May 10.7
6 June 128.8
7 July 249.7
8 August 164.1
9 September 148.6
10 October 37.3
11 November 22.1
12 December 7.4
Total 784.8
** Source: IMD Mumbai

Fig No 3.1: Monthly Rainfall variation for Jalgaon district

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3.1.5- Temperature Conditions:

Jalgaon is the only meteorological observatory in the district. The data for this station may be taken to
be fairly representative of conditions prevailing in the district. December is the coldest month with the
mean daily minimum temperature at 11.9 deg C. and the mean daily maximum at 29.8 deg C. Cold
waves which pass over northern India sometimes affect the district and minimum temperatures may drop
to within two degrees of the freezing point of water, and slight frosts may occur. Temperatures begin to
rise steadily from about the beginning of March and by May, the hottest month of the year the mean
daily maximum temperature reaches 42.5 deg C. The highest maximum temperature recorded at Jalgaon
was 47.8deg C. Temperatures drop appreciably with the onset or the monsoon after the first week of
June. The monsoon period is generally pleasant. With the withdrawal of the monsoon by the end of
September day temperatures rise a little in October and both day and night temperatures begin to drop
rapidly by November.
Table No. 3.2: Mean Temperature Variation (0 C)
Mean Daily Mean Daily
Month Maximum Minimum
Temperature Temperature
DegC Deg C
January 30.4 12.6
February 32.7 14.3
March 37.5 18.6
April 40.9 24.1
May 42.5 27.2
June 37.8 26.1
July 31.4 23.9
August 31.4 23.5
September 31.6 22.8
October 34.1 19.2
November 31.8 14.5
December 29.8 11.9
Annual 34.3 19.9
**Source: IMD Mumbai

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Fig No.3.2: Monthly Variation in Temperature in Jalgaon District

3.1.6 Humidity
Humidity is low during the summer months due to increased evaporation losses from the atmosphere.
The diurnal variations in humidity during this period are high, water vapor gets condensed due to falling
nighttime temperatures and the daytime temperatures are high. Average variation in relative humidity of
Jalgaon district is discussed in Table 3.3 and figure 3.3 below.
Table No. 3.3: Humidity Variation (%)

Relative Humidity
0830 hrs 1730 hrs
% %
January 60 30
February 49 23
March 41 18
April 43 18
May 56 22
June 72 44
July 86 68
August 86 68
September 86 65
October 69 42
November 64 33
December 65 34
Annual 65 38

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**Source: IMD Mumbai

Fig No. 3.3: Monthly variation in Relative Humidity for Jalgaon District

3.1.7- Wind Speed & Direction:

Winds are generally strong except in winter and post monsoon when they are moderate. During the
southwest monsoon season, the wind speed is maximum wind direction during end of summer to
monsoon months are mainly from southwest to west. While in afternoon wind direction is between north
to northeast in winter and from west and northwest in the summer season. The annual avg. wind velocity
varies from 3 to 16 km/hr on an average. Monthly variation in wind speed of Jalgaon district is
discussed in Table 3.4 and Figure 3.4 below. Figure 3.5 shows the wind rose pattern of the Jalgaon
Table No.3.4: Wind Speed in Jalgaon District
Sr. No. Month Wind Speed km/hr
Min (avg.) Max (avg.)
1 January 2 12
2 February 2 14
3 March 3 12
4 April 5 17
5 May 0 20
6 June 9 23

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7 July 9 17
8 August 5 19
9 September 3 14
10 October 2 16
11 November 1 14
12 December 0 10
Average 3 16
**Source: IMD Mumbai

Fig No.3.4: Monthly variation in wind speed for Jalgaon district

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Fig No.3.5: Wind Rose Diagram for Jalgaon District

3.2 Site Specific Meteorological Data
Meteorological study becomes a crucial part in Environmental Impact Assessment Study. To determine
the prevailing micro-meteorological conditions during the study period, an automatic weather
monitoring station was installed at the project site. The station was installed at a height of 10 m above
the ground level keeping in view the free exposure of sensors to atmosphere and minimum interference
from the nearby structures. Micro meteorological parameters like wind speed, wind direction,
temperature and relative humidity were monitored continuously on an hourly basis. The meteorological
data was monitored for a period of 3 months from March 2014 to May 2014.
Temperature during the study period was found to vary from 180C to 420C during the study period.
Relative Humidity
Relative humidity during the study period was found to vary from 18% to 56%.
Wind Speed and Wind Direction
The wind rose diagram representing the summer season is shown in Fig 3.5. A review of wind rose
diagram shows that predominant winds are mostly from North to South direction. The wind speed
ranges between 3-20 Km/hr

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3.3 --Baseline Data for the Study Area

Baseline data were collected (Pre-Project) in the summer season, during period for March 2014 - May
2014. Air, Water, Soil, Landuse, Biodiversity and Socio-economy study were conducted to get the
background scenario of the above mentioned components.
EIA Co-Ordinator Visit to the Company & Field

EC Site Visit to M/s Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited

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3.3.1 -Air Environment

Location of Map-Showing Ambient Air Monitoring Locations

Fig No. 3.6 Ambient Air Monitoring Locations

(Google Earth Image)

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Table No. 3.5 Details of Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations

Code Location Name Distance
Latitude Longitude Direction
No. Km
Project location
A1 Benzochem Ind. Pvt. 2058'51.59"N 7535'11.15"E centre 0.2
A2 Shiroligaon 2055'10.31"N 7531'32.48"E SW 9.21
A3 Near Sagar Nagar 21 0'54.83"N 7535'21.08"E N 3.83
A4 Near Pimpale Village 2055'5.99"N 7536'14.43"E SE 7.19
A5 Beli 2057'55.76"N 7540'24.17"E EES 9.27

Table No. 3.6 Ambient Air Quality Status (Summer Season)

AAQ Monitoring PM 10 PM 2.5 SO2 NOx
3 3 3
Stations g/m g/m g/m g/m3
A1 Station 70.20 28.40 23.40 38.00
A2 Station 53.50 23.20 13.20 20.50
A3 Station 54.10 21.90 12.70 21.20
A4 Station 53.40 22.60 13.50 23.60
A5 Station 51.30 21.50 12.00 22.20
MIN 51.30 21.50 12.00 20.50
MAX 70.20 28.40 23.40 38.00
AVERAGE 60.75 24.95 17.70 29.60
CPCB Standard 100 60 80 80
*Monitoring & Analysis performed by Sadekar Enviro Engineers Pvt. Ltd, Laboratory.
Data Interpretation
The Maximum value of all the pollutants were found to be on the higher side in the company premises
when compared with the other monitoring stations. The maximum value for PM10 is 70.20 g/m3

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PM2.5 is 28.40 g/m3 SO2 is 23.4 g/m3 & NOx is 38 g/m3. All the pollutants level measured was
found to be below the NAAQ Limits. Monitoring
A) Boiler Stack Monitoring

Client Name M/s. Benzo Chem Industries Pvt.

Plot No. E-13, E-14, E-15,MIDC
Jalgaon, Taluka & District Jalgaon,
Sample collected by Sadekar Enviro Engineers Pvt. Ltd

Stack Details
Stack No. 1
Steam Boiler (3 T/Hr) &
Thermic fluid Boiler (8
Stack Attached to. Lakh Kcal/Hr)
Height 30
Diameter 0.8
Shape Round
Type of fuel Coal/Agro Waste
Quantity of fuel t/d 5.0
Duration of
sampling 11 to 12 h
Parameter Unit Results Limit Method Reference
Flue gas
Temperature C 130 IS 11255 (part 3): 2008
Flue gas velocity m/s 6.54 IS 11255 (part 3): 2008
Total gas Quantity Nm3/h 8236 IS 11255 (part 3): 2008
IS 11255 (part 1): 1985
PM mg/Nm3 124 150 RA 2003
IS 11255 (part 2): 1985
SO2 mg/Nm3 33 - RA 2003
NOx mg/Nm3 53 - IS 11255(part 7): 2005

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B) Scrubber Vent Monitoring

Client Name M/s. Benzo Chem Industries Pvt.
Plot No. E-13, E-14, E-15,MIDC
Jalgaon, Taluka & District Jalgaon,
Sample collected by Sadekar Enviro Engineers Pvt. Ltd

Stack Details
Stack No. 1
Stack attached to Scrubber No. 1
Duration Of
Sampling 15.00 to 15.30 h
Parameter Unit Results Limit Method Reference
APHA Method 201, Page No.
HCL mg/Nm3 13.7 35 379

Fig. No.3.7: Ambient Air Monitoring Photographs

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Data Interpretation:
Monitoring of the existing utilities in the industry was performed. The monitoring results convey
that the control equipment system adopted in the industry is effective. The efficiency of PCE is
satisfactory i.e cyclone dust collector is efficiently working. Hence the pollutants emitted from the
source is below the limits provided by the MPCB in their Consent to Operate.
3.3.2 Noise Environment
Location of Map Showing Noise Monitoring Locations

Fig No. 3.8 Noise Monitoring Locations

(Google Earth Image)

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Table No. 3.7 Details of Noise Quality Monitoring Stations

Location Name Distance
No. Latitude Longitude Direction

Project location
N1 Benzochem Ind. 2058'51.98"N 7535'10.03"E Centre 0.1
Pvt. Limited.
N2 Shiroligaon 2055'9.90"N 7531'34.64"E SW 9.1
N3 Near Sagar Nagar 21 0'54.81"N 7535'20.65"E N 3.82
Near Pimpale
N4 2055'5.80"N 7536'13.70"E SE 7.17
N5 Beli 2057'55.45"N 7540'23.10"E EES 9.34

Table No. 3.8 Noise Quality Status (Summer Season)

Noise in dB
Noise in dB
Code Monitoring Station (A) Night
(A) Daytime
Project location
N1 Benzochem Ind. Pvt. 67.9 51.2
N2 Shiroligaon 54.1 43.2
N3 Near Sagar Nagar 53.6 48.5
N4 Near Pimpale Village 50.5 39.9
N5 Beli 51.7 47.5
MIN 50.5 39.9
MAX 67.9 51.2
*Monitoring & Analysis performed by Sadekar Enviro Engineers Pvt. Ltd, Laboratory.

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Limit during Day time < 75. (Day time shall mean from 6.00 am to 10.00 pm.)

Limit during Night time < 70. (Night time shall mean from 10.00 pm to 6.00 am.)
Data Interpretation:
The maximum noise level was found to be in the company premises. Maximum noise during day time is
67.9 dB (A) where as minimum noise estimated is 50.5 dB (A). Maximum noise estimated during night
time is 51.2 dB (A) and minimum it was about 39.9dB (A).

Fig. No. 3.9 Noise Monitoring Photographs

Table No. 3.9: In-Plant Noise Monitoring

No Location Sound Level 'L' equivalent dB (A)
1 Near Main Gate 47.4
2 Near Office 55.2
3 Near ETP 69.2
4 Boiler House 72.6
5 Production Room 71.3
6 Laboratory 61.5
*Monitoring & Analysis performed by Sadekar Enviro Engineers Pvt. Ltd, Laboratory.
Data Interpretation: In plant noise monitoring from different locations of the company exhibit that the
noise control measures adopted by the company is appropriate. Like use of acoustic enclosure for noise
generating equipments, development of green belt around the company premises etc.

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3.3.3 Water Environment

Location of Map Showing Water Monitoring Locations

Fig No.3.10 Water Monitoring Locations

(Google Earth Image)

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Table No. 3.10 Details of Water Quality Monitoring Stations

Sr. Locations Source Sampling Lat Long Dire Distance

Location 2058'44.7 7530'50.7
1. Water - Mehrun Lake W 2.37 Km
SW1 9"N 9"
Lake Dam
Location ManyarKhede 2059'4.97 7536'56.7
2. Water - E 1.48 Km
SW2 Talav "N 6"E
Location 2058'46.2 7530'50.7
3. Water - Geerana River E 7.02 Km
SW3 8"N 9"E

Location 21 7535'46.4
4. Water Patil Nagar N 3.35 Km
GW1 0'12.96"N 2"E
(Open well)

Ground Near
Location 7535'31"
5. Water Dhanwad 2057'0"N S 2.95 m
(Bore well) Village

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Table No. 3.11 Details of Water Quality Status

Chemical Parameters
IS desirable
Sr. Limit (As
Parameter Result Unit Method
No. per IS
GW-1 GW-2 SW-1 SW-2 SW-3
APHA 4500
1 pH 6.745 7.21 6.68 6.72 6.595 - 6.5 - 8.5
H+ - B
APHA 2130
2 Turbidity 1.39 1.125 1.835 1.705 2.18 NTU 1
APHA 2160
3 Taste Agreeable Agreeable Agreeable Agreeable Agreeable - Agreeable
Hazen APHA 2120
4 Color <1.00 <1.00 <1.00 <1.00 <1.00 5
units -B
APHA 2150
5 Odour Agreeable Agreeable Agreeable Agreeable Agreeable - Agreeable
6 Total 56 45 41 48 42 mg/lit 200 APHA-

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Alkalinity 2320-B
APHA 2540
7 Dissolved 308 265 150 166.5 136 mg/lit 500
Chlorides as APHA 4500
8 -
62.56 54.05 11.51 10.51 13.51 mg/lit 250
Cl Cl- - B
Sulphate as APHA 4500
9 3.16 5.38 6.165 7.82 6.89 mg/lit 200
SO4- SO42 - E
10 Sulfides <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 mg/lit 0.05
11 Hardness as 151 100 58 57 47 mg/lit 200
2340 - C
12 Ammonia <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 mg/lit 0.5
13 Nitrate as NO3 2.445 1.30 1.93 1.805 2.165 mg/lit 45
14 Fluoride as F- <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 mg/lit 1
4500-F- - D

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Phenolic APHA-5530
15 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 mg/lit 0.001
compound -C
APHA 4500
16 Cyanide <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 mg/lit 0.05
CN- - D
Anionic APHA-5540
17 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 <0.10 mg/lit 0.2
Detergents -C
Metal Analysis
Aluminium as APHA-
18 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 mg/lit 0.03
Al 3111-D
19 Arsenic as As <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 mg/lit 0.01
20 Barium as Ba <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 <0.03 mg/lit 0.7
21 Boron as B <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 mg/lit 0.5
22 Calcium as Ca 30.055 24.04 7.21 9.21 8.015 mg/lit 75
Cadmium as APHA-
23 <0.003 <0.003 <0.003 <0.003 <0.003 mg/lit 0.003
Cd 3111-B

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24 Iron as Fe <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 mg/lit 0.3
25 Lead as Pb <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 mg/lit 0.01
Magnesium as APHA-
26 18.51 12.425 9.755 8.29 6.58 mg/lit 30
Mg 3111-B
Manganese as APHA-
27 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 mg/lit 0.1
Mn 3111-B
28 Mercury as Hg <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 mg/lit 0.001
Molybdenum APHA-
29 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 mg/lit 0.07
as Mo 3111-B
30 Nickel as Ni <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 mg/lit 0.02
31 Silver as Ag <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 mg/lit 0.1
Selenium as APHA-
32 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 mg/lit 0.01
Se 3111-B
33 Zinc as Zn 2.045 1.685 1.565 1.56 1.51 mg/lit 5 APHA-

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Microbiological Parameters
coliforms at Org/100m APHA-
34 Absent Absent 26.5 30 33 Absent
370C for 48 l 9221-B
E.coli at
Org/100m APHA-
35 44.50C for Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent
l 9221-F
*Monitoring & Analysis performed by Sadekar Enviro Engineers Pvt. Ltd, Laboratory.

Data Interpretation:
Water monitoring was carried out at five different locations i.e 3 samples for surface water and 2 sample for GW, it was observed that
all the parameters of surface & ground water were well within the permissible limits except bacteriological parameter in SW of
Manyar Khede Talav observed to be 30 org/100ml, Mehrun Lake was 26.5 Org/100ml & Geerana River is found to be 33 Org/100ml.
The total coliform of all the surface water samples were on the higher side of the prescribed limit. The predicted reason for the
presence of total coliform in the SW may be due to the anthropogenic activity around the surface water. The analysis indicates that the
ground water is not severely affected by pollution as all the parameters were under the limit as per IS (10500) 2012.

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Fig. No. 3.10 Water & Wastewater Monitoring Photographs

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2014-15/00 Waste Water Analysis

Client Name M/s. Benzo Chem Industries Pvt.
Plot No. E-13, E-14, E-15,MIDC
Jalgaon, Taluka & District Jalgaon,
Sample collected by Sadekar Enviro Engineers Pvt. Ltd

Chemical Parameters
No Parameters Raw After After MEE Units Method
. effluent striper Treatment
1. pH 6.08 8.42 7.44 7.54 - APHA-4500 H+
2. COD 28000.0 25200.00 7600.0 240-300 mg/lit APHA-5220-B
3. BOD (270C 3 day) 13784.8 9122.10 3162.3 80-110 mg/lit APHA-5210-B
4. SS 3868.00 2539.00 579.00 65.00 mg/lit APHA-2540-D
5. TDS 64644.0 10138.00 994.00 340.00 mg/lit APHA-2540-C
6. O&G 16.00 13.20 10.00 6.60 mg/lit APHA-5520-B
7. Chlorides as Cl - 13514.8 12263.47 10511. 20.02 mg/lit APHA 4500 Cl- -
8. Sulphate as SO4- 1439.79 837.87 650.76 172.23 mg/lit APHA 4500 SO4
9. Electrical 98.9 14.7 1.53 0.52 mS/c APHA-2510-B
10. Phenolic 741.50 530.92 81.93 39.86 mg/lit APHA-5530-C
11. Ammonical 24.08 29.96 26.60 11.48 mg/lit APHA-4500-
12. Sulfide as S2- 26.00 68.20 13.20 Nil mg/lit APHA-4500-S2--
13. Arsenic as As 27.64 26.68 14.20 <0.01 mg/lit APHA-3114-B
14. Cadmium as Cd <0.003 <0.003 <0.003 <0.003 mg/lit APHA-3111-B
15. Mercury as Hg <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 mg/lit APHA-3112-B

*Monitoring & Analysis performed by Sadekar Enviro Engineers Pvt. Ltd, Laboratory.
Data Interpretation
The Outlet of MEE further treated by physicochemical treatment followed by Oxidation with the help of
H2O2 addition and followed by tertiary scheme comprises of PCF & ACF so as to achieve the desirable
quality for reusing the water to maintain the zero discharge.

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The treatability study of MEE effluent has been carried out and the above scheme is in implementation
stage. The scheme adopted by the proponent after MEE treatment seems to be adequate on basis of the
treatability studies to maintain the zero discharge in the unit.
3.3.4 Soil Environment
Location of Map Showing Soil Monitoring Locations

Fig No.3.11 Soil Monitoring Locations

(Google Earth Image)

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Table No.3.13 Details of Soil Quality Monitoring Stations

Monitoring Locations Lat Long Distance Direction

1 KusumbeKh 2057'33.45"N 7536'14.82"E 2.8 Km SE

2 Savarkhede Bk. 2058'34.80"N 7532'2.07"E 5.0 Km W

Table No. 3.14 Details of Soil Quality Status

Sr. Result
No Parameters Units Method
. S1 S2

1. pH 7.38 7.59 - IS:2720 (PART 26)-1987

2. Moisture Content 33.00 38.00 % Procedure for Soil Analysis by Food

and Agriculture Organization of
3. Organic matter 4.05 3.85 %
United nations /International soil
reference & information center
4. Exchangeable 376.75 400.80 mg/kg compiled under Edited by LP
Calcium as Ca
Vanreeuwijk 6 Edition 2002
5. Color Gray Gray - SW 846

Sandy Sandy Hand book of methods in envt studies

6. Soil texture mg/kg
loom loom vol-II by S K Maiti

7. Electrical 0.25 0.20 mS/cm IS :14767 : 2000


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8. Water holding 38.00 42.00 % Hand book of methods in envt studies

Capacity vol-II by S K Maiti
9. Chloride as Cl- 80.08 100.10 mg/kg

10. 290.00 316.00 mg/kg Analysis by Food and Agriculture

Sulphate as SO4
Organization of United nations
11. Phosphorus as P 8.50 6.00 mg/kg

12. Nitrate as NO3- 15.34 11.54 mg/kg Analytical Techniques Manual CPCB

13. Nitrite as NO2- 4.78 3.08 mg/kg Analytical Techniques Manual CPCB

14. Grain Size %

Distribution Procedure for Soil Analysis by Food

Gravel 22 20 % and Agriculture Organization of

United nations /International soil
Sand 41 48 %
reference & information center

Silt 17 14 % compiled under Edited by LP

Vanreeuwijk 6 Edition 2002
Clay 20 18 %

15. Arsenic as As <1.00 <1.00 mg/kg EPA Method- 3050 B

16. Cadmium as Cd <1.00 <1.00 mg/kg EPA Method- 3050 B

17. Chromium as Cr 14.00 10.00 mg/kg EPA Method- 3050 B

18. Cobalt as Co 8.00 6.00 mg/kg EPA Method- 3050 B

19. Copper as Cu 8.00 10.00 mg/kg EPA Method- 3050 B

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20. Lead as Pb <1.00 <1.00 mg/kg EPA Method- 3050 B

21. Manganese as Mn 6.00 10.00 mg/kg EPA Method- 3050 B

22. Magnesium as 940.00 870.00 mg/kg EPA Method- 3050 B

23. Mercury as Hg <1.00 <1.00 mg/kg EPA Method- 3050 B

24. Nickel as Ni 8.00 6.00 mg/kg EPA Method- 3050 B

25. Iron as Fe 60.00 68.00 mg/kg EPA Method- 3050 B

26. Potassium as K 120.00 148.00 mg/kg EPA Method- 3050 B

27. Sodium as Na <1.00 <1.00 mg/kg EPA Method- 3050 B

28. Zinc as Zn 16.00 12.00 mg/kg EPA Method- 3050 B

29. Total Nitrogen as

70 95 mg/kg EPA Method- 3050 B

*Monitoring & Analysis performed by Sadekar Enviro Engineers Pvt. Ltd, Laboratory.

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Fig. No. 3.12 Soil Monitoring Photographs

Data Interpretation:

It has been observed that the pH of the soil in the study area ranged from 7.38 -7.59 which indicate the
soil is slight alkaline in nature. The soil type is mostly in the form of sandy loam. The Phosphorus
values range between 9-12.75 kg/ha, indicating that the Phosphorus content in the study area is falling
under less category. The potassium value ranges to 180 kg/ha to 222 kg/ha falls under medium category.
The nitrogen values ranges between 105 to 142.5 Kg/ha which falls under medium category.

On the basis of chemical analysis of soils, the soils can be classified as per standard soil classification
and is found to be medium low fertile soil according to Hand Book of Agriculture, ICAR, New Delhi.

Sr. No. Soil Test Classification

1 pH <4.5 Extremely acidic
4.51- 5.50 Very strongly acidic
5.51-6.00 moderately acidic
6.01-6.50 slightly acidic
6.51-7.30 Neutral
7.31-7.80 slightly alkaline
7.81-8.50 moderately alkaline
8.51-9.0 strongly alkaline
9.01 very strongly alkaline
2 Salinity Electrical Upto 1.00 Average

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Conductivity 1.01-2.00 harmful to germination

(mmhos/cm) 2.01-3.00 harmful to crops
(1ppm = 640 mmho/cm) (sensitive to salts)
3 Organic Carbon (%) Upto 0.2: very less
0.21-0.4: less
0.41-0.5 medium,
0.51-0.8: on an average sufficient
0.81-1.00: sufficient
>1.0 more than sufficient
4 Nitrogen (Kg/ha) Upto 50 very less
51-100 less
101-150 good
151-300 Better
>300 sufficient
5 Phosphorus (Kg/ha) Upto 15 very less
16-30 less
31-50 medium
51-65 on an average sufficient
66-80 sufficient
>80 more than sufficient
6 Potash (Kg/ha) 0 -120 very less
120-180 less
181-240 medium
241-300 average
301-360 better
>360 more than sufficient
Source: Hand Book of Agriculture, ICAR, New Delhi

Soil Fertility Organic Available Available Available

Level Carbon (%) N kg/ha P2O5 kg/ha K2O kg/ha

Very high > 1.00 > 700 > 80.0 > 360
High 0.81- 1.00 561 700 64 80 301 360
Medium 0.61-0.80 421 560 48 64 241 300
Medium Low 0.41-0.60 281 420 32 48 181 240
Low 0.21-0.40 141 280 16 32 121 180
Very Low < 0.20 < 140 < 16.0 < 120
Source : Tondon H.L.S.( 2005 )

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3.3.5 -Land Use Pattern of the Project Site

Land Use Pattern:

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Drainage Pattern:

Airpiort 0.8924
Barren Rocky Surface 396.2698
Built Up 578.0644
Crop Land 622.6226
Crop Land in hilly area 0.2928
Fallow Land 802.7784

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Industry 189.3809
Land with Scrub 534.4252
Land without Scrub 274.1900
Low Dense Forest 6.7557
Medium Dense Forest 61.6802
Mining Area 704.3448
Plantation 310.8007
River 2.6430
Tank 499.7771
Development/Construction 0.1646
Up Land 218.3784
Up Land/Rocky
Surface/Sheet Rock 5.3159

Fig No.3.13 Land Use Distribution

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3.3.6- Ecology & Biodiversity Study for the Proposed Project

The main objective of ecological survey is to collect the baseline terrestrial biodiversity status regarding
flora and fauna in the Project Influenced Area.

Jalgaon situated between 20.997984N & 75.566711E is a city in western India, to the north of
Maharshtra state in Jalgaon District, which itself is located on the northern Deccan plateau.

Jalgaon District is located in the north-west region of Maharashtra. It is bounded by Satpuda mountain
ranges in the north, Ajanta mountain ranges in the south, Jalgaon is rich in volcanic soil which is well
suited for cotton production.

Located within the productive, irrigated agricultural region of Khandesh, Jalgaon has a diverse climate.
It is exceptionally hot and dry during summer with temperatures reaching as high as 47 degrees Celsius
within period of May end to June mid. Jalgaon receives about 700 mm rainfall during monsoons, which
is followed by pleasant temperature in winter.

The main crops of the region are Banana (Musa sp.), Wheat (Triticum sp.), Groundnut (Arachis
hypogea), Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) & Sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum)

The terrestrial ecosystem of the study area is dominated mostly by scrubs/grass land/secondary
woodlands, plains & farms lands. Three surface water bodies are present around the project site viz.
Mehroon lake, Manyarkheda Lake & Zipru Anna Maharaj Lake at an approximate distance of 2 km, 3
km & 5 km respectively towards East & West direction from the project site. The details of assessment
techniques are given below:

The main objective of ecological survey is to collect the baseline terrestrial biodiversity status regarding
flora and fauna in the Project Influence Area.

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To protect and conserve this rich bio-diversity it is necessary to enlist the bio-diversity of various
habitats. Present study is an attempt to document the macrophyte of the said study area so as to know the
present ecological status.

Existing green belt:

The Benzochem Pvt. Limited has already developed the green belt in and around the factory premises,
the details of vegetation in the green belt are as follows:

Sr.No. Botanical Name Family Common Name

1 Azadirachta indica Meliaceae Neem
2 Polyalthia longifolia Annonaceae Ashok
3 Polyalthia longifolia cv. pendula Annonaceae Ashok
4 Bougainvillea spectabilis Nyctaginaceae -
5 Plumeria sp. Apocynaceae Chapha
6 Cynodon dactylon Poaceae Durva
7 Cocos nucifera Arecaceae Naral
8 Eucalyptus globulus Myrtaceae Nilgiri
9 Cycas sp. Cycadaceae -
10 Mangifera indica Anacardiaceae Amba
11 Syzygium cumini Myrtaceae Jambul
12 Thevetia peruviana Apocynaceae Karantop
13 Vernonia elengifolia Asteraceae -
14 Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Malvaceae Jaswand

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Fig. No. 3.14: Existing Green Belt

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Table No. 4.14 The floral diversity in and around the core & buffer zone of the project area is
as follows:
Sr. Botanical Name Habit Family Local Names IUCN status

1 Abelmoschus esculentus H Malvaceae Bhendi Not Assessed

2 Abelmoschus moschatus H Malvaceae Ranbhendi Not Assessed

3 Abrus precatorius S Fabaceae Gunja Not Assessed

4 Abutilon indicum S Malvaceae Madam Not Assessed

5 Acacia auriculiformis T Mimosaceae Kadambo Least Concern ver


6 Acacia catechu T Mimosaceae Khair Not Assessed

7 Acacia nilotica T Mimosaceae Babool Not Assessed

8 Acmella paniculata H Asteraceae Panicled spot Least Concern ver


9 Achrus sapota T sapotaceae Chiku Not Assessed

10 Justicia adathoda S Acanthaceae Adulsa Not Assessed

11 Aegle marmelos T Rutaceae Bel Not Assessed

12 Ageratum houstonianum H Compositae Osadi Not Assessed

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13 Albizia lebbek T Mimosaceae Siris Not Assessed

14 Amaranthus spinosus H Amaranthaceae Kathe math Not Assessed

15 Annona reticulata T Annonaceae Ramphal Not Assessed

16 Annona squamosa T Annonaceae Sitaphal Not Assessed

17 Areca catechu T Arecaceae Supari Not Assessed

18 Argemone mexicana S Papaveraceae Dhotra Not Assessed

19 Artocarpus altilis T Moraceae Vilayati Not Assessed


20 Artocarpus heterophyllus T Moraceae Phanas Not Assessed

21 Azadirachta indica T Meliaceae Neem Not Assessed

22 Azanza lampas S Malvaceae - Not Assessed

23 Bacopa monnieri H Scrophularaiceae Brahmi Least Concern ver


24 Barrintonia acutangula T Leythidaceae Datriphal Not Assessed

25 Bauhinia purpurea T Fabaceae Least Concern ver


26 Bauhinia racemosa T Fabaceae Apta Not Assessed

27 Boerhavia diffusa H Nyctaginaceae - Not Assessed

28 Bougainvillea spectabilis C Nyctaginaceae Bogainvel Not Assessed

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29 Cajanus cajan H Fabaceae - Not Assessed

30 Calliandra haematocephala S Mimosaceaee - Not Assessed

31 Calotropis gigantea S Asclepiadaceae Ruhi Not Assessed

32 Canna indica S Cannaceae Kardal Not Assessed

33 Capparis deciduas S Capparaceae Not Assessed

34 Carica papaya T Caricaceae Papaya Not Assessed

35 Caryota urens T Arecaceae Bherli maad Least Concern ver


36 Cassia fistula T Fabaceae Bahava Not Assessed

37 Casuarina equisetifolia T Casuarinaceae Suru Not Assessed

38 Celosia argentea H Amaranthaceae Kombda Not Assessed

39 Chromolaena odorata H Compositae - Not Assessed

40 Cleom viscosa H Cleomaceae - Not Assessed

41 Clerodendrum inerme S Verbenaceae - Not Assessed

42 Clerodendrum thomsoniae C Verbenaceae - Not Assessed

43 Cocos nucifera P Arecaceae Naral Not Assessed

44 Colocasia esculenta H Araceae Taro, Arvi Least Concern ver


45 Crotalaria filipes H Fabaceae - Not Assessed

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46 Cuscuta epithymum C Convolvulaceae Sana Not Assessed

47 Cynodon dactylon H Poaceae Haryali Not Assessed

48 Cyperus alternifolius H Cyperaceae - Least Concern ver


49 Cyperus eragrostis H Cyperaceae - Not Assessed

50 Datura metel S Solanaceae Dhatura Not Assessed

51 Datura stramonium H Solanaceae Dhatura Not Assessed

52 Delonix regia T Fabaceae Gulmohar Least Concern ver


53 Dendrocalamus gigantenus H Poaceae Bamboo Not Assessed

54 Dolichos biflorus H Fabaceae - Not Assessed

55 Eclipta prostrata H Asteraceae Data Deficient ver


56 Eleusine coracana H Paoceae Nachni Not Assessed

57 Erythrina variegata T Fabaceae Pangara Least Concern ver


58 Eucalyptus globulus T Myrtaceae Nilgiri Not Assessed

59 Euphorbia antiquorum T Euphorbiaceae Tridhara Not Assessed

60 Euphorbia heterophylla H Euphorbiaceae - Not Assessed

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61 Euphorbia hirta H Euphorbiaceae Dudhi Not Assessed

62 Ficus bengalensis T Moraceae Vad Not Assessed

63 Ficus elastica T Moraceae Rubrocho vad Not Assessed

64 Ficus hispida T Moraceae Katgularia Not Assessed

65 Ficus recemosa T Moraceae Umber Not Assessed

66 Ficus religiosa T Moraceae Pimple Not Assessed

67 Haplanthodes verticillatus H Acanthaceae Not Assessed

68 Helicteres isora T Sterculiaceae Murud shseng Not Assessed

69 Hibiscus rosa-sinnesis S Malvaceae Jaswand Not Assessed

70 Holarrhena pubesens T Apocynaceae Kuda Least Concern ver


71 Ipomea aquatica H Convolvulaceae Not Assessed

72 Ipomea carnea S Convolvulaceae Besharam Not Assessed

73 Ipomea hederiflia C Convolvulaceae Not Assessed

74 Ipomea obscura C Convolvulaceae Not Assessed

75 Ipomea pes-caprae C Convolvulaceae Not Assessed

76 Ixora coccinea S Rubiaceae Rukmini Not Assessed

77 Jasminum sambac S Oleaceae Mogra Not Assessed

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78 Lagerstoemia speciosa T Lythraceae Jarul Not Assessed

79 Lantana camara H Verbenaceae Gnaheri Not Assessed

80 Lawsonie inermis S Lythraceae Henna Not Assessed

81 Leea macrophylla S Leaceae Hathikana Not Assessed

82 Leucaena leucocephala T Fabaceae Subabul Not Assessed

83 Mangifera indica T Arecaceae Amnba Not Assessed

84 Manilkara zapota T Sapotaceae Chikoo Not Assessed

85 Melia azaridach T Meliacea Bakan neem Not Assessed

86 Michelia champaca T Magnoliaceae Son-Champa Not Assessed

87 Mimosa pudica H Mimosaceae Lazalu Least Concern ver


88 Morinda pubescens T Rubiaceae Bartondi Not Assessed

89 Moringa oleifera T Moringaceae Shevga Not Assessed

90 Mucuna pruiens C Fabaceae Khaj Khuiri Not Assessed

91 Musa paradisiaca H Musaceae Keli Not Assessed

92 Neolamarckia cadamba T Rubiaceae Kadamba Not Assessed

93 Nerium oleander T Apocynaceae Kaner Least Concern ver


94 Ocimum basilicum H Lamiaceae Ram Tulsi Not Assessed

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95 Ocimum tenuiflorum H Lamiaceae Holly Basil Not Assessed

96 Oryza sativa H Poaceae Bhaat Not Assessed

97 Panicum miliaceum H Poaceae - Not Assessed

98 Panicum montanum H Poaceae - Not Assessed

99 Parkia biglandulosa T Mimosaceae Chendupha Not Assessed

100 Parkinsonia aculeata T Fabaceae Vilaiti-kikkar Not Assessed

101 Parthenium hysterophorus S Astaraceae - Not Assessed

102 Peltophorum pterocarpum T Fabaceae Tambadsheng Not Assessed

103 Persicaria glabra H Polygonaceae Shiral Least Concern ver


104 Phaseolus radiates H Fabaceae - Not Assessed

105 Phoenix sylvestris P Arecaceae Khajur Not Assessed

106 Physalis minima H Solanaceae Ran-popti Not Assessed

107 Pithecellobium dulce T Mimosaceae Veelayati Not Assessed


108 Plumeria alba T Apocynaceae Lal Chafa Not Assessed

109 Plumeria rubra T Apocynaceae Chafa Not Assessed

110 Polyalthia longifolia T Annonaceae Aasuphal Not Assessed

111 Polyalthia longifolia var. T Annonaceae - -

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112 Pongamia pinnata T Fabaceae Karanj Least Concern ver


113 Portulaca oleracea H Portulacaceae Ghol Not Assessed

114 Prosopis cineraria T Fabaceae Shami Not Assessed

115 Psidium guajava T Myrtaceae Peru Not Assessed

116 Pterospermum acerifolium T Sterculiaceae Muchkund Not Assessed

117 Ricinus communis T Euphorbiaceae Erandel Not Assessed

118 Roystonea regia T Arecaceae - Not Assessed

119 Samanea saman T Fabaceae - Not Assessed

120 Scoparia dulcis H Scrophulariaceae Not Assessed

121 Sida acuta S Malvaceae Kawla Not Assessed

122 Spathodea campanulata T Bignoniaceae Pichkari Not Assessed

123 Syzygium cumini T Myrtaceae Jamun Not Assessed

124 Tamarindus indica T Fabaceae Ambli Not Assessed

125 Terminalia catapa T Combretaceae Deshi Badam Not Assessed

126 Tectona grandis T Verbenaceae Sagwan Not Assessed

127 Terminalia arjuna T Combretaceae Arjun Not Assessed

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128 Thespesia lampas T Malvaceae Ban Kapas Not Assessed

129 Thespesia populnea T Malvaceae Gajadanda Not Assessed

130 Thevetia peruviana T Apocynaceae Pila Kaner Not Assessed

131 Tridax procumbens H Compositae - Not Assessed

132 Typha angustata H Typhaceae - Not Assessed

133 Urena lobata S Malvaceae Van bhendi Not Assessed

134 Vitex negundo S Verbenaceae Nirgundi Not Assessed

135 Xanthium strumarium H Asteraceae Chota Dhatura Not Assessed

136 Ziziphus mauritiana T Rhamnaceae Ber Not Assessed

Avian Diversity

The avifaunal diversity in and around the core & buffer zone of the project area is as follows:

Species Family Common name IUCN Status

1 Phalacrocoracidae Little Cormorant Concern ver
2 Egretta garzetta Ardeidae Little Egret Concern ver
3 Ardeola grayii Ardeidae Indian pond heron Least

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Concern ver
4 Bubulcus ibis Ardeidae Cattle Egret Concern ver
5 Accipiter badius Accipitridae Shikra Concern ver
6 Milvus migrans Accipitridae Black Kite Concern ver
7 Vanellus indicus Charadriidae Red-wattled Lapwing Concern ver
8 Columba livia Columbidae Blue Rock Pigeon Concern ver
9 Psittacidae Rose-ringed Parakeet Concern ver
10 Cuculus canorus Cuculidae Common Cukoo Concern ver
11 Cuculidae Greater Coucal Concern ver
12 Cypsiurus Apodidae Asian Palm Swift Least

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balasiensis Concern ver

13 Alcedo atthis Alcedinidae Small Blue Kingfisher Concern ver
Halcyon White-breasted
14 Halcyonidae Concern ver
smyrnensis Kingfisher
15 Meropidae Small Bee-eater Concern ver
16 Coraciidae Indian Roller Concern ver
17 Upupa epops Upupidae Common Hoopoe Concern ver
18 Megalaimidae Coppersmith Barbet Concern ver
19 Hirundo rustica Hirundinidae Common Swallow Concern ver
20 Pycnonotus cafer Pycnonotidae Red vented Bulbul Concern ver
21 Copsychus Muscicapidae Oriental Magpie Robin Least

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saularis Concern ver

22 Rhipiduridae White-throted Fantail-Flycatcher Concern ver
23 Passeridae House Sparrow Concern ver
24 Sturnidae Common Myna Concern ver
25 Dicruridae Black Drongo Concern ver
26 Corvus splendens Corvidae House Crow Concern ver
27 Corvidae Jungle Crow Concern ver

Butterfly (Order- Lepidoptera)

The Lepidopterian diversity in and around the core & buffer zone of the
project area is as follows:

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Sr.No Scientific Name Common Name IUCN Status

1 Danaus genutia Striped Tiger Not Assessed

2 Parantica aglea Glassy Tiger Not Assessed

3 Pareronia valeria Common wanderer Not Assessed

The diversity of spiders in and around the core & buffer zone of the project area is as

Phylum - Arthropoda

Sr. No. Class - Arachnida

Species Common name Family IUCN Status

1 Cyrtophora moluccensis Tent spider Araneidae Not Assessed

2 Argiope anasuja Signature Spider Araneidae Not Assessed

3 Oxyopes birmanicus Lynx Spiders Oxyopidae, Not Assessed

4 Hasarius adansoni Jumping spider Salticidae Least Concern ver 3.1

The Mammals observed in and around the core & buffer zone of the project area is
as follows:

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Sr.No Scientific Name Common Name Iucn Status

1 Canis sp. Stray dog -

2 Bubalus sp. Buffalo -

3 Bos sp. Cow -


The Reptilian diversity in and around the core & buffer zone of the project area is
as follows:

Sr. Local Name Common Name Scientific Name IUCN Status

Striped Not Assessed

1 Naneti Amphiesma stolata

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Ceiba Pentatndra (Samali) Thevetia peruviana

Solanum virgianum (Kateringni) Parkinsonia aculeata (Vilayati kikkar)

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Parantica aglea (Glassy tiger) Upupa epops (Hoopoe)

Fig No. 3.15: Biodiversity Survey


The observations of ecology & biodiversity study reveal that out of 136 floral, 27 avifaunal, 3
lepidopterian, 3mammalian, 1 reptilian & 4 arthropoda species none belong to the vulnerable,
threatened, endangered & critically endangered categories as defined by the International Union for
Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

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3.3.7 Socio Economic Study

Social Impact Assessment (SIA) is an integral part of project planning and policy evaluation and part of
EIA report due the importance that social considerations must be included in the decision process. Social
Impact Assessment (SIA) is understood as a process of assessing and managing the impacts of a project,
plan, program or policy on people. Social impacts include all social and cultural consequences to human
populations of any public or private actions that alter the ways in which people live, work, play, relate to
one another, organize to meet their needs, and generally cope as members of society. Cultural impacts
involve changes to the norms, values, and beliefs of individuals that guide and rationalize their cognition
of themselves and their society.
In general, the SIA process includes:
1. Understanding, managing, and controlling change.
2. Predicting probable impacts from change strategies or development projects that are to be
3. Identifying, developing, and implementing mitigation strategies in order to minimize potential
social impacts (that is, identified social impacts that would occur if no mitigation strategies were
to be implemented).
4. Developing and implementing monitoring programs to identify unanticipated social impacts that
may develop as a result of the social change.
5. Developing and implementing mitigation mechanisms to deal with unexpected impacts as they
6. Evaluating social impacts caused by earlier developments, projects, technological change,
specific technology, and government policy.

Aim of the study:

The present endeavour is to understand the socio-economic situation in the vicinity of the proposed plant
and assess the impact on the socio-economic factors of the proposed plant.
Secondary data were collected through various sources namely:-

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1. Census of India, 2011

2. Economic Survey of Maharashtra 2011-12
3. District Social and Economic Survey of Jalgaon District, 2011

Jalgaon Tahsil, Jalgaon District, population figures for 2011

Rural Urban TOTAL
Male 111,916 241,228 353144
Female 102,212 219,240 321452
TOTAL 214,128 460,468 674,596
Source: Census of India, 2011
Total population of Jalgaon Tehsil is 674596. Female population is lower than the male population for
both rural and urban areas

Jalgaon Tehsil, Jalgaon District, child population in the age group 0 to 6 figures for 2011
Rural Urban TOTAL
Boys . 14,732 . 28,548 43280
Girls 11,655 22,996 34651
TOTAL 26,387 51,544 77,931
Source: Census of India, 2011
Total child population(In age group of 0 to 6) of Jalgaon Tehsil is 77931. Population of girl child is
lower than the population of boys for both rural and urban areas.

Sex ratio of Population and Child Population in the age-group 0-6 Jalgaon Tahsil, 2011

Sex ratio of Child

Sex ratio of Total
population in the age-
Tehsil Population
group 0-6
Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban

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910 913 909 801 791 806

Jalgaon Tahsil
Source: Census of India, 2011
Total sex ratio of population for Jalgaon tahsil is 910 but the same for child population is less that is
Literacy rates by residence and sex - 2011
Literacy rate
Tehsil Total Rural Urban
Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

85.78 91.42 79.68 78.84 87.31 69.76 88.96 93.30 84.26
Source: Census of India, 2011
Literacy rate is more in urban areas than in rural areas and male population is more literate than female
population both in urban as well as in rural areas.
Information regarding Primary schools
Tehsil Total Schools
No of Students
Particulars Distribution No of No of No of No of Schools having
Schools Teachers Boys girls sanitary
Jalgaon Primary Total 248 1480 34775 30165 244
Schools For Girls 22 150 0 4311 22
Secondary Total 82 948 20760 15733 82
School For Girls 4 75 0 2587 4
Higher Total 21 562 13095 13030 21
Secondary For Girls 2 89 0 3640 2
Source: District Social and Economic Survey of Jalgaon District, 2011

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There are 248 schools providing primary education while 82 and 21 schools providing secondary and
higher secondary education respectively. Total number of students learning in higher secondary school
is considerably lower than the no of students in primary schools indicating many people leave their
education after primary or secondary schooling.
Gross/Net District Domestic Product and Per Capita Net District Income Jalgaon district

At Current Prices (Rs in Crore) At Constant (2004-05) Prices (Rs Per Capita Net
in Crore) District Domestic

GDDP NDDP GDDP NDDP at current prices

2011-12 2012-13 2011- 2012-13 2011- 2012- 2011- 2012- 2011-12 2012-13
12 12 13 12 13
32,574 35,149 29,575 31,728 20,338 21,045 18,296 18,825 70,113 74,394
Source: Economic Survey of Maharashtra 2013-14
Per Capita Net District Domestic Income of Jalgaon district has increased in the successive years from
2011-12 to 2012-13.

Taluka government scenario and geographical connectivity

Tehs No. No. of No. of No. No. of No. of No. of No. of
il of grampanchayat municipal of villages villages villages villages
villag corporation villag having having without availing
es es avalibil avalibil road prime
Gro Indepen Cla Cla Cla with ity of ity of connecti minister
up dent ss ss B ss driki roads roads vity gramsa
A C ng for 8 dak

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wate months yojna

Jalga 86 14 56 0 0 0 67 74 12 0 3
Source: District Social and Economic Survey of Jalgaon District, 2011

In Jalgaon Tehsil there are 86 villages with 14 group grampanchayat and 56 independent
grampanchayat. In Jalgaon Taluka there are 67 villages with drinking water supply facility, 74 villages
with availability of roads and none of the villages are without connectivity of roads, there are 3 villages
availing prime minister gramsadak yojna.

Basic Amenities
Tehsi No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of
l villages villag villages village village villages droug villag villages
with es with s with s with with ht es with
electrificati with commer prima health anganwa prone with primary
on S.T ce bank ry related di village post agricultur
bus office school faciliti s office al supply
facilit es institutes

Jalgao 86 86 10 82 86 86 19 40 61
Source: District Social and Economic Survey of Jalgaon District, 2011

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In Jalgaon Tehsil all villages (86) has electricity and all villages (86) are provided with state transport
services. There are 10 villages with commerce bank office and 82 villages are having primary school.
All 86 villages are provided with health related facilities. Anganwadi are there in all villages. Out of 86
villages 19 villages are prone to draught. Near about 40 villages have post offices. 61 villages have
primary agricultural supply facility.
Public food supply
Tehsil No. of ration shops No of ration card holders

Working Terminated BPL APL

Jalgaon 207 1 13121 22775 91397
Source: District Social and Economic Survey of Jalgaon District, 2011

Public food supply

Tehsil No. of warehouse (ration shop) Capacity of warehouse (m/ton)

Govt. Taken on Given Govt. Taken Given

rent on rent on rent on rent
Jalgaon 3 0 0 1340 0 0
Source: District Social and Economic Survey of Jalgaon District, 2011

In Jalgaon Taluka there are 207 working ration shops. There are 22775 ration card holders who are
below poverty line and 91397 ration card holders who are above poverty line. In Jalgaon there are 3
government warehouse with total capacity of 1340 metric tons.
Revenue generated through various governmental sources (in thousands)
Tehsil Land Land Total Wavers Terminated Amount Actual No. of
revenue revenue demand pending to be obtained farmer
total pending amount obtained amount who are

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ongoing members
Jalgaon 277184 0.00 277184 0.00 0.00 277184 240686.5 27913.00

Source: District Social and Economic Survey of Jalgaon District, 2011

Revenue generated through various governmental sources in Jalgaon Taluka from Land revenue total
ongoing demand is 277184 Thousand. There are no pending land revenues.
Newspapers and Maganizes published in Jalgaon Tehsil
Newspaper and Magazines

Daily weekly Half- Monthly Quarterly Annually

Jalgaon 11 19 0 0 0 0
Source: District Social and Economic Survey of Jalgaon District, 2011
There are 11 daily newspapers and 19 weekly magazines published in Jalgaon Taluka.

Saving groups (Bachatgat)

Tehsil Established saving groups Saving groups connected to
(bachatgat) banks for main business

Jalgaon 60 0 60 65 0 65
Source: District Social and Economic Survey of Jalgaon District, 2011
There are total of 60 established saving groups and 65 saving groupsare connected to banks for people
with below poverty line but none for people those are above poverty line.
Attitude towards Proposed Project
Jalgaon taluka is in a very close proximity to Jalgaon city, only 4 km away from the Jalgaon railway
station. People in this area already know the Benzo Chem industries Pvt. Limited as this is an existing
plant. Further, people also believe that the proposed expansion of project will not have any negative

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impact on their health, transport and on any kind of intrusion on their society as a whole; they do not
look this industrial development as objectionable. Instead they believe that there will be an increased job
opportunity for skilled and non skilled people.
Social Commitments
The project proponent would employee majority of local peoples to fulfill the need of increased man
power. The proponent contributes on CSR activity. The company gives appropriate support to the
nearby schools, and organizes medical camps for the local peoples and free medical help to the local
needy persons.

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4.1 Introduction

Prediction of probable sources of pollution from the expansion activity is the most important
component in environmental impact assessment process. The quantitative prediction of sources is
also essential to delineate pragmatic environmental management plan (pollution control
measures) for implementation during construction and operation stages of proposed activities for
minimizing the adverse impacts on environmental quality. The predictions are estimated which
are superimposed on the baseline value for achieving the resultant value.

4.2 Air Environment

a. Operational Phase

1. Identification of Source

Operational phase will lead to permanent air pollution having negative impact on the air quality.
The three pollutant of main concern are particulate matter, SO2 and NOx. The sources identified
which will be responsible for above mentioned pollutant are Boiler and D.G set. As the emission
is excepted from the fixed locations hence, it is considered under point source.

2. Prediction of Impact

Table No.4.1Details of existing point source is given in the below table

Components Existing
Fuel Coal/Biomass: 5TPD
Boiler Boiler Capacity Ht. Fuel
Steam Boiler 3 T/Hr 30 Mtr Coal/Biomass
ThermicFluid 8 Lakh 30 Mtr Coal /Biomass
Heater Kcal/Hr

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The Steam Boiler & thermic fluid Boiler is connected to the same stack which is considered for
air modeling. The stack attached to D.G set is not considered, as the D.G set will be operated
during power failure only.

Parameters which are used in the modeling are,

Sr. No Parameters Values

1. Stack Height (m) 30 m

2. Stack exist velocity of gas (m/s) 6.54 m/s

3. Exit Temp OC 130

4. Stack inside diameter (m) 0.8 m

5. Gas quantity Nm3/hr 8236 Nm3/hr

Aermod 8.2.0 has been used for predicting the maximum incremental concentration of
pollutants dispersion from the point source.

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1. Model for Sulphur Dioxide (SO2)

Fig No. 4.3: Modeling result for SO2

Pollutant Concentration ug/m3 Distance (m)

SO2 0.30 500 m
0.10 1000 m
0.07 1500 m
0.05 2000 m

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2. Model for NOx

Fig No. 4.2: Modeling result for NOx

Pollutant Concentration ug/m3 Distance (m)

NOx 0.50 500 m
0.30 1000 m
0.10 1500 m
0.09 2000 m

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3. Model for PM10

Fig No. 4.3: Modeling result for PM10

Pollutant Concentration ug/m3 Distance (m)

PM10 1.24 500 m
1.0 1000 m
0.80 1500 m
0.50 2000 m

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Pollutant Baseline Value Maximum Resultant value Distance (m)

(ug/m3) Incremental (ug/m3)
Value (ug/m3)
SO2 23.40 0.30 23.7 500 m
PM 10 70.20 1.24 71.44 500 m
NOx 38.00 0.50 38.5 500 m

Proposed Mitigation

In the proposed expansion project, PM 10, NOx and SO2 will be the major air pollutants from fuel
burning units. Therefore for the mitigation measures for PM cyclone dust collector is installed to
the boiler. For proper dispersion of pollutant appropriate stack height is provided. The
calculation for stack height is shown below,

Stack Height Calculation


The stack height is calculated by using the formula:

H=14(Q) 0.3
H= Stack height
Q= Emission rate for SO2 (Kg/hr)
Coal consumption = 5 T/D + 5 T/D for Proposed activity
= 10000 Kg/D
= 416 kg/hr
The Sulphur content of Coal is 0.5%
Hence 416 kg Coal will contain 2.08 kg Sulphur

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Now stoichiometric conversioin of Sulphur to SO2= 2.08 X 2 = 4.16

H= 14X(4.16)0.3
= 14X 1.53
= 21.42 mtrs.
(Reference CPCB Guidelines)
D.G Set
The stack height is calculated by using the formula
H= h+0.2 X Sq. Root of KVA
H= Height of stack from ground in meter
h= distance of adjacent building in meter
H= 4.5+0.2X Sq.Root of KVA
= 4.5 +0.2X Root of 320
= 4.5 + 0.2 x 17
= 7.9 meter from ground level
(Reference CPCB Guidelines)
The Stack height provided is 30 mtrs for Boilers and 3.5 mtrs for D.G sets above the roof which
is more than the above calculated values, hence the stack height for boiler and D.G set is
From the above, it can be concluded that even after the operation of the proposed project and
implementation of mitigation measures in a proper manner, the Ambient Air Quality does not
exceed NAAQ Standards.

Fugitive Emission

Probable Source: The usage of below given solvents and acid are the probable sources
for fugitive emission.

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Table No: 4.2 Storage Details

l and consumpti Means
Capacit Quantity of Source
Sr. Number of Chemic on of
Name y storage at of
no storages al (in TPD) transpor
any point supply
compos t-ation
of time
12 Liquid By
1 Methanol 200 lit 0.10 2 KL Purchas
Barrels 99% Road
Local By
9 Liquid
2 Hexane 200 Lit 0.50 2 KL Purchas Road
Barrels 99%
Local By
Under- Liquid
3 Toluene 15 KL 0.20 15 KL Purchas Road
ground 99%
Local By
Sodium 6 Solid
4 50 Kg 0.10 3.0 MT Purchas Road
Cyanide Drums 98%
Local By
Sulphuric Under-
5. 20 KL Liquid 0.4 5 KL Purchas Road
acid ground MS
Local By
6. Chlorine Tonner 0.9 MT Gas 0.2 2.7 MT Purchas Road
Predicted Impact

The amount of quantity stored for toluene in the site is around 15 KL , from which VOC can be
generated. Acid vapours can be generated from the use of sulphuric and hydrochloric acid stored
in barrels. It can lead to unhealthy and unsafe condition in the working area of the industry.

Proposed Mitigation

For the process closed feed system is provided for the raw materials to reduce the fugitive
emission. Loading of the solvent is done in the closed pipes. Also the reactors are connected to

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o Chem
m Indusstries Pvt.
P Limmited. IND/BIPLL/001/

process scrubber
s for reducing thee fugitive em
mission. There are storagge tanks in thhe project sitte for
acids andd solvents. Due
D care is taken
t in desiigning of stoorage facilitiies at each stage
s to miniimize
the fugittive emission
ns. Existingg Storage tanks is provided with proper
p dykess for safety.. The
storage capacity off individual Solvent orr Acid tankks is higheer than the usage capaacity.
Accordinngly the fugitive emissioon from stoorage tanks is
i expected to be minim
mal includinng the
resultant impacts on air environm
ment. Truckk movements in proposeed project arre not signifficant
and thereefore the emiissions from
m truck moveements are noot considereed.

F No. 4.4: Scrubber Diagram

Fig D

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4.3 Noise Environment

a. Operational phase

Probable Sources

The plant noise sources include turbo-generators, air compressors, feed pumps, condensate
pumps, reflux pumps, recycle pumps, air blowers, I.D. Fans, cooling towers etc.

Impact Prediction

Noise level monitoring has been carried out at 6 different locations in immediate vicinity of plant
site and measured noise levels are listed below in Table 4.3.

Table No.4.3: Results of Noise level noise level monitoring at site

No Location Sound Level dB (A)
1 Near Main Gate 47.4
2 Near Office 55.2
3 Near ETP 69.2
4 Boiler House 72.6
5 Production Room 71.3
6 Laboratory 61.5
*Monitoring & Analysis performed by Sadekar Enviro Engineers Pvt. Ltd, Laboratory.

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SPLT = 10Log 10 SPLi

= 10 x log ( 10 (47.4/10) + 10 (55.2/10) + 10 (69.2/10) + 10 (72.6/10) + 10 (71.3/10)) + 10 (61.5/10))

10 x log (10 4.74 + 10 5.5 + 10 6.92+ 10 7.26 + 10 7.13 + 10 6.15 )

= 10 x 7.62 dB

= 76.2 dB

To calculate the drop in combined sound level generated during the operational phase the
following equation has been used,

Drop in sound level = 20 x log (X/10)

Where X is the distance from the center of the proposed site (m)

Table No.4.5: Resultant Noise Level at particular distance from the source

Combined Noise Level Drop in 20 m Resultant Noise level at 20m

76.2 dB 6 dB 70.2 dB
Drop in 40 m Resultant Noise level at 40m
76.2 dB 12 dB 64.2 dB
Drop in 60 m Resultant Noise level at 60m
76.2 dB 15 dB 61.2 dB

Drop in 80 m Resultant Noise level at 80m

76.2 dB 18 dB 58.2 dB

It is predicted that noise levels inside the plant will not be exceeding 75 dBA by the major noise
sources listed in these plant units. However, exposure to noise to individual workers will be
below 90 dBA (for 8 hours shift). The workers will be exposed to these levels for a short
duration also the prediction is for worst case scenario as no barriers or sound absorbers are
considered during the calculation of noise level prediction.

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Proposed Mitigation

The usage of the D.G set will be only during the power failures. The noise generated due to the
traffic is mitigated by plantation around the area of the site and transportation or traffic
management. The transportation will be done only by the PUC certified vehicles. Even the D.G
set will be covered with proper instrument like acoustic enclosure so that large amount of noise
cannot be generated during the working period of the D.G sets. The green belt area is present
around the four boundaries of the company. The thick green belt or shelter belt will act as the
barrier for cutting the noise generated in the factory premises.

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4.4 Water Environment

a. Operational Phase

Probable Source

During the operational phase of the project (existing+proposed), the quantity of water consumed
for industrial and domestic purpose will be around 62 m3/d. The source of water supply will be
Jalgaon MIDC.The sources of waste water generation during operational phase are from
manufacturing process including water from the reaction vessel, cleaning of the reactors, floor
washing, during purifying the final product, utilities and domestic uses. The waste water
generated will be around 12.7CMD which will be treated in 15 m3/d capacity of ETP followed
MEE for Zero Discharge. The water table is given below, for proper segregation of water
consumption and wastewater generated in the operational phase.

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Existing Water Budget Drift & Evaporation loss 0.5

Domestic2CMD Domesticeffluent1.5CMD
Jalgaon MIDC
Evaporationloss 0.7 CMD

Process 2.5CMD


Raw Water Boiler 9.5CMD Condensate6.3CMD 1.8+0.2+1.5=
22 CMD
Condensate Reuse 6.3 CMD




Garden 5CMD

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Proposed Water Budget Drift & Evaporation loss 0.5 CMD

Domestic3CMD Domesticeffluent2.5CMD
Jalgaon MIDC
Evaporationloss 0.8 CMD

Process 4.5CMD


Raw Water Boiler 20CMD Condensate14CMD 2.5+3.7+3=9.2
40 CMD
Condensate Reuse 14 CMD

1.5 CMD Evaporationloss3CMD

C.T7.5CMD 4.5CMDRemaininC.T REUSE 6.5CMD


Garden 5CMD

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Predicted Impact

Untreated wastewater discharge will affect the surface water in the nearby area. Due to the
discharge also the ground water and soil can be affected when it will percolate through the soil

Proposed Mitigation

The waste water generated from industrial and domestic activities are treated in ETP followed by
MEE for Zero discharge. Maximum water is recycled and reused to decrease the water
consumption by the proposed expansion. The design and ETP layout is given below,

Table No. 4.8: Dimension of the Different Units of wastewater Treatment Plant

Sr. Unit Size Number of

No. Unit
1. Oil and Grease 1.8 meter x 2.4 meter x 1.8 meter 01
Tank (depth)
2. Neutralization 3.65 meter x 1.85 meter x 2.1 meter 02
Tank (depth)
3. Stripper 300 mm (Diameter) x 8.25 meter ( 01
4. Triple Effect 500 mm (Diameter) x 4 meter 01
Evaporator (height)
5. Storage/Collection 3 meter x 4.5 meter x 0.65 meter 02
Tank (height)
6. Settling Tank 3 meter x 4.5 meter x 0.65 meter 01
7. Oxidation Tank 3 meter x 4.5 meter x 0.65 meter 01
8. PSF & ACF - -

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Fig No. 4.5: ETP Layout Plan for the Proposed Project

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Chemical Parameters of Treatability Study

Paramete After MEE After After
No Raw After Units Method
rs neutralizati Outlet Flocculatio PSF &
. effluent striper
on effluent n and ACF
1. pH 6.08 8.42 7.44 7.54 7.2 7.0 - APHA-4500 H+ - B
2. COD 28000.00 25200.00 7600.00 250-300 210 190 mg/lit APHA-5220-B
3. BOD 13784.80 9122.10 3162.36 80-110 70 63 mg/lit APHA-5210-B
4. SS 3868.00 2539.00 579.00 65.00 62 56 mg/lit APHA-2540-D
5. TDS 64644.00 10138.00 994.00 340.00 310 292 mg/lit APHA-2540-C
6. O&G 16.00 13.20 10.00 6.60 4.0 3.8 mg/lit APHA-5520-B
7. Chlorides 13514.85 12263.47 10511.55 20.02 19.4 18.1 mg/lit APHA 4500 Cl- - B
8. Sulphate 1439.79 837.87 650.76 172.23 167.12 164.37 mg/lit APHA 4500 SO4 E
9. SO
Electrical 98.9 14.7 1.53 0.52 0.50 0.41 mS/cm APHA-2510-B
10. Phenolic 741.50 530.92 81.93 39.86 37.24 35.8 mg/lit APHA-5530-C
11. Ammonic 24.08 29.96 26.60 11.48 10.90 10.14 mg/lit APHA-4500-NH3-C
12. Sulfide as 26.00 68.20 13.20 Nil Nil Nil mg/lit APHA-4500-S2--F
13. Arsenic as 27.64 26.68 14.20 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 mg/lit APHA-3114-B
14. Cadmium <0.003 <0.003 <0.003 <0.003 <0.003 <0.003 mg/lit APHA-3111-B
15. Mercury <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 mg/lit APHA-3112-B

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The total amount of water consumed at first is around 62 m3/d, The total water recycle is around
12.7 CMD. Hence after the plant is achieved zero discharge the plant water consumption is
reduced to 49.3 CMD.

The Outlet of MEE further treated by physicochemical treatment followed by Oxidation with the
help of H2O2 addition and followed by tertiary scheme comprises of PCF & ACF so as to
achieve the desirable quality for reusing the water to maintain the zero discharge. The treatability
study shown above of effluent after MEE treatment clearly indicates that the parameters are
reduced to the permissible limit. Hence the scheme adopted by the proponent after MEE
treatment seems to be adequate to maintain the zero discharge in the unit. Hence, no negative
impacts are expected during operation phase of the project.
4.5 Solid & Hazardous waste

a. Operational Phase

Table No. 4.10: Hazardous waste generation and management

Total Form
Sr. Existing Proposed Compositi
Source Dry
no Qty(TPM ) Qty(TPM ) on
Process Residue 0.05
1 0.01 MT/M 0.04 MT/M MT/M Solid Organic
and waste
ETP 1.6
2 Sludge 0.8 MT/M 0.8 MT/M MT/M Sludge
Distillation 1.5 Organic
3 0.5 MT/M 1.0 MT/M Sludge
residues MT/M mass

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Table No.4.11: Non Hazardous Waste Generation and Disposal Aspects

Existing Proposed
Sr. no Source (sludge/Dry/slu
Qty(TPM ) Qty(TPM )
rry etc.)
Empty Drums (Non
1. 50 No./M 100 No./M Dry
Paper Bags
2. (Non Hazardous) - 100 No./M Dry

If the hazardous waste is not handled and stored properly at site, it can result into deterioration of
environmental conditions by contaminating the Soil, Water and Air. It should be disposed off, at
the earliest from the date of generation and collection. The practice of record maintaining shall
be continued for the disposal of hazardous waste in Form no. 13 and annual return in Form 4 and
Half Yearly return in Form 6 (for Battery Waste).
The waste shall not be stored more than 90 days as per HW Rules 2008 in condition. During
monsoon, the waste shall be protected from the rain water and shall be kept at designated place.
The solid waste identified and addressed in above table shall be handled and disposed off on
timely manner.
The industry is following the Hazardous Waste Management practices as per the Hazardous
Waste Rules, 2008 and amendment Rules. It has provided the separate area for the storage of
different types of waste with proper identification. During the rainy season as the mechanical
sludge dryer will be used like centrifuge handling of solid waste will not be a problem. The
chemical sludge generated from the ETP is handled properly and disposed off through
CHWTSDF, Ranjangaon.
The regular training is also provided by the SHE Dept. to increase the awareness among the
employee and contractors regarding generation and management of Solid Waste.

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4.6 Land Environment:

The effluent generated from process will be treated in the ETP and the treated water will be
reused in the plant operations itself to maintain the zero discharge. The hazardous waste
generated due to the ETP process will be disposed to CHWTSDF.

The entire liquid waste as well as solid waste would be taken care of scientifically therefore there
is no contamination of land due to liquid effluent as well solid hazardous.

4.7 Soil Environment

There will be no discharge of waste water onto land as it is zero discharge unit. The solid wastes
shall be segregated according to their properties, packed, transported and stored in a separate
impervious storage area demarcated for them. They will then be disposed off according to the
requirements of statutory authorities to CHWTSDF at Ranjangaon. Also since the expansion
project is located within the notified industrial area, it will not have any major affect on the soil

4.8 Biological Environment

There is no reserved forest or any sensitive zone around the 10 Km area of the project. No
adverse impact is predicted due to air pollutants from the proposed expansion project.
No endangered species listed on the IUCN Red data list is found or spotted in the proposed study
area of 10 Km.
The liquid wastes will be generated during expansion will be treated efficiently in the existing
plant. As the project is in the notified MIDC area no major ecological impact is predicted due to
its activity.

4.9 Socio Economic Environment

The issues such as land acquisition, compensation and rehabilitation are not involved as the
proposed expansion project would be taken in the Industrial zone only. Critically analyzing the
baseline status of the socio-economic profile and visualizing the scenario with the proposed
project, the impacts of the project would be of varied nature. There will be certain critical

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impacts on socio-economic environment due to immigration of population from nearby areas for
Table No. 4.12: Prediction of Qualitative Impacts on Socio-Economic Environment.

Parameter Local Regional Direct Indirect Reversible Irreversible

Employment + + + + * +
Income + + + + * +
Transport + * + * * +
Medical facilities + * + * * +
Communication + + + * * +
Housing + * + * * +
Health * * * * * *
Recreation + + * + * +
Agriculture * * * * * *
Cost of living * * * + * +
Business + + + * * *
Per capita Income + + + * * *
Pollution * * * * * *

+ : Positive Impact
: Negative Impact
* : Insignificant

4.10 Odour Environment

Probable Sources
During construction phase the component which will contribute to the odour generation of some
domestic waste, which will be managed by proper solid waste management procedure. The

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operational phase sources which will lead to the generation of odour are leakage of
solvent/chemical from the storage tank/pipeline/reactors, evaporation of acid as acid fumes,
domestic waste, handling of raw materials, also handling of sludge and reaction process etc.
Predicted Impacts
Unhealthy working condition will be generated in the plant premises. Workers will be exposed to
harmful diseases. It will affect the plant working and efficiency, indirectly affecting the product
Proposed Mitigation
Volatile Organic Carbon and acid mist are the fugitive emission generated during the process of
the plant operation. VOC will be controlled by providing proper ventilation in the storage area .
Emissions from process will be directed towards scrubbers for treatment. Solvent will be
recovered by distillation and stored separately.
4.11 Occupational Health Environment
For the safety of workers at site, engaged at the strategic location/dust generation points like,
Processing, loading and unloading points etc. dusk mask is provided. Dust mask would prevent
the inhalation of suspended thereby reducing the risk of lung disease and other respiratory
disorders. Along with that safety goggles, safety shoes and helmet is provided to the workers.
To protect the workers from high sound level during operational phase of the proposed
expansion project like Machine Activity, Reactors, D.G set the following measures is adopted.
Provision of protective device like ear muffs/ear plugs to the worker who cannot be
isolated from the source of high intensity noise.
Confining the noise by isolating the source of noise.
Reducing the exposure time of workers to higher noise levels by rotation system.
Staff training ensures that employees receive appropriate environmental awareness training. This
is achieved through a variety of methods including induction training, formal presentations, and
meetings. It involves awareness/procedure as mentioned below :

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Specifically, requires that employees, contractors and visitors are aware of:
Their roles and responsibilities (including environmental incident reporting);
The environmental impacts, potential or actual, of their activities on site;
Natural hazards such as poisonous and venomous animals;
The potential consequences of poor environmental performance; and
Site emergency procedures.

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5.1 Introduction
Environmental monitoring Program is an essential tool for sustainable development an environmental
monitoring Program provides a delivery mechanism to address the adverse environmental impacts of
a project during its execution, to enhance project benefits, and to introduce standards of good practice
to be adopted for all project works. An environmental monitoring program is important as it provides
useful information and helps to:

Assist in detecting the development of any unwanted environmental situation, and thus,
provides opportunities for adopting appropriate control measures.

Monitoring & tracking the effectiveness of Environment Management Plan &

implementation of mitigation measures planned.

Define the responsibilities of the project proponents, contractors and environmental monitors
and provides means of effectively communicating environmental issues among them.

Define monitoring mechanism and identify monitoring parameters.

Evaluate the performance and effectiveness of mitigation measures proposed in the

Environment Management Plan (EMP) and suggest improvements in management plan, if

Identify training requirement at various levels.

Identification of any significant adverse transformation in environmental condition to

Plan additional mitigation measures

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5.2 Monitoring points /locations and components

Environmental monitoring plan shall be decided considered the environmental impact likely to
occur due to operation of the project as the main scope of monitoring program is to track
timely and regularly change in the environmental condition and to take timely action to protect
the environment

Sr. Components Environmental Monitoring Points/Location

1 Ambient Air Ambient air quality at minimum 5
Location, including the plant premises

2 Water & Waste water Intake Raw Water Quality

Wastewater from all Source
Wastewater at different stages of
Effluent Treatment Process
4 Noise At all source and outside the Plant
At least 5 points near/around the
5 Greenbelt/Vegetation Cover Greenbelt Area at Boundary
6 Solid Waste Process Dust generated & Collected
from All Dust Collection Systems as
Solid wastes
Other solid waste
7 Soil At least two Locations from Area near the

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5.3 Monitoring Parameters & Frequency:

Activity / Area Pollutant Pollutant Characteristics Frequency Frequency of

1. Vehicular Air emissions and Vehicle exhaust emissions Continuous / Periodic Periodic monitoring
movement noise of vehicles for valid
2. Diesel power Air emissions SO2, NOX, PM10, PM2.5, Acid Intermittent / Periodic Quarterly
Generators, Boiler, mist, fugitive emission
3. Machinery Noise Noise due to running of Intermittent / periodic Quarterly
4. Effluent treatment All parameters Treated effluent. Continuous Daily
5. H.W. ETP Sludge H.W. characteristics Disposal within 90 days As per H.W. Rule.

6. VOCs Air pollutants, Vapors generate during process

Heavy metals Continuous Six Monthly

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6.1 Introduction

As indicated in the earlier chapter the expansion facility to manufacture intermediate for
Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) poses various types of hazards due to storage,
handling and manipulation of different chemicals, which are indicated in Chapter no. 2
(Section No.2.6.4).

In order to study the risks envisaged by the activities, the following methodology was

6.1.1 Detailed study of all manufacturing activities

6.1.2 The factory would be manufacturing about 26 different products. It was indicated by
the factory officials that out of these 26 products, the main products which would be
manufactured on a larger / regular scale would be 6. Other products will have low
volume and would be manufactured on campaign basis. A study of the
manufacturing processes for these six products indicated that almost all the
hazardous chemicals which would be used by the factory would be covered under
these processes.

Rapid Hazop Study was done by a team comprising of members from Sadekar
Enviro engineers and Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited. Mr. S. Navale , Sr. GM
Technical agreed that the recommendations of the Hazop. Team will be implemented
during installation, commissioning and running of the plant. The Hazop Study is
given in Section 6.2 below .

6.1.3 A detailed scrutiny of various chemicals which would be stored on the site was done.

The details about the storage tanks are given in Table No. 6.1 below-

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Table No. 6.1 : Toluene Storage Tank Details

Diameter of the tank 1.94 meter

Height of the tank 5.39 meter

Capacity of the tank 15 KL

Dyke enclosure 3.0 meter length x 6.0 meter breadth x 4.0

meter ht.

Dyke surface area 18 sq. meter

The transfer pump capacity for all the above tanks is 4.5 liter/sec.

6.1.4 A Quantitative Risk Assessment based on the software ALOHA Area Locations of
Hazardous Atmospheres was carried out. Details of ALOHA and various terms used
in the calculations are given in Section 6.3 below. Three failures are considered for
Toulene of the flammable solvent storage tanks failure of the tank and the entire
contents of the tank getting accumulated in the dyke enclosure and leakage of the
solvent from 20% of the area during pumping from storage tanks to day tanks ( i.e. at
the rate of 20% of 4.5 lps = 0.9 lps)

The basic data used for calculations is given in Section 6.4 below.

The assumptions made while running the software are given in Section 6.5 below.

Details of the ALOHA footprints are given in Section 6.6 below.

Summary of ALOHA footprints is given in Table 6.2 below

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Table 6.2: Summary of ALOHA footprints


Substance Failure Scenario Effects LOC Distance,

No. considered m
Toluene Leaking tank, Toluene/ Toxic area of AEGL-3 4500 ppm < 10
chemical is not 01 vapor cloud
burning &
forms an
AEGL-2 1200 ppm <10
AEGL-1 200 ppm <10

Toluene/ Flammable area 6600 ppm <10

02 of vapor cloud = 60%
1100 ppm <10
= 10%

Toluene/ Blast area of -- --

03 vapour cloud

Leaking tank, Toluene / Thermal radiation 10 <10

chemical is 04 from pool fire KW/m2
burning and
forms a pool
5 KW/m2 <10
2 KW/m2 <10

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BLEVE tank, Toluene/ Thermal radiation 10 251.46

explodes & 05 from pool fire KW/m2
burns in a
5 KW/m2 355.7016
2 KW/m2 555.0408


Substance Failure Scenario Effects LOC Distance,

No. considered

Toluene Evaporating Toluene/ Toxic area of AEGL-3 4500 ppm < 10

puddle 06 vapor cloud

AEGL-2 1200 ppm < 10

AEGL-1 200 ppm 15.5448

Toluene/ Flammable area 6600 ppm <10

07 of vapor cloud = 60%

1100 ppm <10

= 10%

Toluene/ Blast area of -- --

08 vapour cloud

Burning Toluene / Thermal radiation 10 13.716

Puddle 09 from pool fire KW/m2

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5 KW/m2 19.2024

2 KW/m2 27.432


Substance Failure Scenario Effects LOC Distance,

No. considered

Toluene Toluene/ Toxic area of AEGL-3 4500 ppm 32.9184

10 vapor cloud

AEGL-2 1200 ppm 71.3232

AEGL-1 200 ppm 182.88

Toluene/ Flammable area 6600 ppm 25.6032

11 of vapor cloud = 60%

1100 ppm 74.9808

= 10%

Toluene/ Blast area of -- --

12 vapour cloud

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Based on the unsafe distances identified by the software output and the failure frequency data
given in Table 6C below , the MCLS (maximum credible loss scenario) for the factory works
out to about 74 meter (Scenario No. Toluene 11).
The probability of failure of the entire tank etc, which is considered in the above scenario is
very less. However to further reduce the same, following precautions would be taken by
Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited.

The tanks will be fabricated taking into account the corrosion resistance properties of the
material of construction.

The tank will be provided with water sprinkler arrangement so as to cool the same in summer

The tanks will be provided with breather valves and will have nitrogen blanketing
arrangement wherever required

Dyke wall of adequate volume (110%) capacity of the tank will be constructed around the

The dyke enclosure will be lined with impervious coating

Regular inspection of the tank, transfer pipelines and dyke will be done visually and records

Wherever required, the tanks would be covered under a license under Petroleum Rules from

The gas cylinders would be stored under a shed, not exposing these directly to sunrays.

It would be ensured that the cylinders, when not in use would have valve protection caps.

Chlorine / ammonia kit would be provided near the cylinder storage area.

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Table compiled from Appendix 9 (Failure and Event Data)

Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, by Frank P. Lees


(No. per 106 years)


Process/pressure vessel 1.0

Atmospheric Pressure Storage Vessel 0.1

Full Bore vessel connection

(diameter in mm)

25 30.0

40 10.0

50 7.5

100 4.0

150 3.0

Full Bore process pipeline (diameter in mm )

less than 50 0.30*

>50, <150 0.09*

more than 150 0.03*

(*Failure frequency expressed in No. per met length per 106 years)

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6.2 The Hazop Study

6.2.1. PREFACE:
The Hazop study was carried out in two stages at M/S BENZO CHEM INDUSTRIES
PVT.LIMITED E-13,14,15, M.I.D.C.,
Area, Jalgaon Tal- Dist-Jalgaon
Part study was conducted at the plant site in consultation with the technical personnel of
production and maintenance,
Suggestions and comments from the and experience in Fabrication work from them formed an
important part of the
entire exercise.

An internal exercise at the office of BENZOCHEM IND.PVT.LIMITED. Was carried out after
scrutinizing the piping and instrumentation diagrams in details.


The basic objectives of study is To improve the level of safety in the existing set-up at the
Benzo Chem Industries Private Limited, M.I.D.C., Jalgaon plant comprising of
manufacturing unit and solvent storage area. To fulfill the statutory requirement like
Factories Act 1948 ; Maharashtra factories (Control of Major Industrial Accident Hazards)
rules, 2003.& Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules, 1989
The objective is in relation to the types of hazards affecting the following:-
1. To people working in the Factory
2. To Plant and equipment
3. To the general public

The scope of the hazop study is to analyze all possible deviations from the design intent and based
upon the type of effect, remedial measures have been worked out. In the present exercise equipments
in the Unit and SOLVENT storage Tank and REACTION VESSEL have been thoroughly evaluated
in order to find out the effects of failures/non performance and faults. After getting to know the
consequences of deviation, practicable remedies have been suggested to counter any possible
damaging efforts. The important places where the HAZOP study would dig out some dangerous
possibilities have been presented in the report. Hazop worksheet have also been included for the
same in order to improve presentation .The important process unit which has been presented
herewith is

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1. Chlorination with Chlorine gas

2. Chlorination of PMBAlc
3. Bromination of CrOCPM with NBS.
4. Chloromethylation of Naphthalene
5. Distillation
6. Cyanation
7. Hydrolysis
8. Centrifugation
9. Drying & Packing
10. Blending

Since it is practically difficult to present all the Hazop work sheet in the report, the findings only of
other process units which have been evaluated are also presented. Recommendations have also been
given for the said findings.



Primarily, safety in the design of a plant relies on the application of various codes of
practice or design codes which are based on the wide experience and knowledge of professional
experts and specialists in the industry. Such application is backed up by the experience of local plant
managers and engineers who have been involved in similar plants and who have had direct
experience in their operation.
All new projects embody some element of change but in the case of storage of hazardous
materials the degree of change from one plant to the next is often considerable. It is important to
recognize that the body of established experience expressed in codes, etc. is limited by the extent of
existing knowledge and can only be relevant to the extent to which it is possible to apply it to new
products, new plants and new methods of operation involved in the new design. It has become
increasingly clear in recent years that although codes of practice are extremely valuable, it is
particularly important to supplement them with an imaginative anticipation of hazards when new
projects involve new technology.
The need to check designs for errors and omissions has been recognized for a long
time, but this has traditionally been done on an individual basis. Experts have usually applied their
special skills or experience to check particular aspects of design. For example the instrument

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engineer would check the control systems and having satisfied him self that the systems were
satisfactory would put his mark of approval on the design and pass it to the next expert.
This kind of individual, provided it is carried out conscientiously, will obviously improve the
design but clearly it has little chance of detecting hazards concern with the interaction of a no. of
functions or specialists. These hazards are likely to result from the unexpected interaction of
seemingly safe components of methods of operations under exceptional conditions. If it is wished to
study such interactions in new designs, the combined skills of a group of experts are required. Their
total knowledge and informed imaginations can be used to anticipate whether the plant will operate
as intended under all possible circumstances.
This report provides a method of working for such a group so that they can carry out
their task systematically and thoroughly.

Because the Hazop Study is the fundamental part of a Hazard and operability study, it is highlighted
and described separately in this chapter.

6.2.4 The Basic Concept

Invariably after an accident and sometimes when measure operational difficulties are
encountered, there is some form of investigation to establish cause or causes. Often once these have
been found, the fault in design or in operating methods appears obvious .This happens despite the
care with which the plants are designed and the care with which those designs are checked. We learn
partly from experience and while this is valuable, it can be expensive in terms of human suffering
and financial loss.
We need some form of synthetic experience which makes it almost easy to spot problems in
retrospect. Hazards and operability studies are a method of providing a form of such synthetic
experience. The work by using the imagination of members of the team to visualize the way in
which a plant can be malfunction or be mal operated.
However, imagination alone is not enough. Engineers use plenty when designing the plant.
Therefore the imagination of team members must be guided and stimulated in a systematic manner.
This is achieved in what is called the examination.
Essentially the Hazop Study procedures take a full description of the process. Systematically
questions every part of it to discover how deviations from the intension of the design can occur and
decides whether these deviations can give rise to hazards. The questioning is focused in turn to every
part of the design. Each part is subjected to a no. of questions formulated around A number of guide
words which are derived from method study techniques. In effect, the guide words are used to insure
that The questions which are posed to test the integrity of which That design could deviate from the
design intention. This usually produces a number of theoretical deviations and each deviation is then

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considered to decide how it could caused and what would be the consequences. Some of the causes
may be unrealistic and so the derived consequences will be rejected as not meaningful. Some of the
consequences may be trivial and would be considered no further. However, there may be some
deviations with both causes that are conceivable and consequences that are potentially hazardous.
These potential hazards are then noted for remedial action.
Having examined one part of the design and recorded any potential hazards associated
with, the study progresses to focus on the next part of the design .The examination is repeated until
the whole plant has been studied.

The purpose of the Hazop Study is to identify all possible deviations from the way the
design is expected to work and all hazards associated with these deviations .In addition, some of the
hazards can be resolved. If the solution is obvious and is not likely to cause adverse effects on other
part of the design, a decision can be taken and the design will be modified on the spot. This is not
always possible ------for example, it may be necessary to obtain further information. Thus the output
from Hazop Study normally consist of a mixture of decisions and questions for answering at
subsequent meetings.
Although the approach as described may appear to generate many hypothetical deviations
in a mechanistic way, the success or failure depends on four aspects.
1) The accuracy of drawings and other data used as a basis for study.
2) The technical skills and insights of the team.
3) The ability of the team to use the approach as an aid to their imagination in
visualizing deviations, causes and consequences.
4) The ability of the team to maintain a sense of proportion, particularly when
assessing the seriousness of the hazards which are identified.
Because the examination is so systematic and highly structured, it is necessary that those
participating use certain terms in a precise and disciplined way. The most important of these terms
Intention: - The intension defines how the part is expected to operate. This can take a number of
forms and can be either descriptive or diagrammatic. In many cases it will be a flow sheet or line
Deviations: - These are departures from the intension which are discovered by systematically
applying the guide words.
Causes: - These are the reasons why deviations might occur. Once a deviation has been shown to
have a conceivable or realistic cause, if can be treated as meaningful.
Consequences: - These are the results of the deviations should they occur.
Hazards: - These are consequences which can cause damage, injury or loss.

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Guide words:- These are simple words which are used to qualify the intention in order to guide
and stimulate the creative thinking process and so discover deviations.
Table list of Guide words:-
Guide words are applied to the design intension.
The design intension tells us what the equipment is expected to do

Sr.No Guide Word Meaning Example

1. No Flow when production is
No/Not/None None of the design intent is achieved
2. Higher temperature than
More ( More of/Higher) Quantitative increase in Parameter
3. Lower pressure/ temp than
Less (Less of Lower ) Quantitative decrease in Parameter
4. Other valves closed at the
As Well As (More
An additional activity occurs same time
(Logic Fault/Human Error )
5. Only part of the system is shut
Part of Some of the design intent is achieved
6. Logical opposite of the design intent Back Flow when the system
is occurs. shuts down
7. Complete substitution (Another
Other Than ( Other ) Liquids in the gas piping
activity takes place)


The principles described earlier are put into practice in a procedure which consists of the following
1) Define objectives and scope.
2) Select the team
3) Prepare for the study
4) Carry out the examination
5) Follow- up
6) Record the results
Each of these is discussed in more details.
6.2.6 Definition of objectives.
The objectives and scope of a study should be made explicit
as soon as possible. Some examples of reasons for a study are

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i) To check a design.
ii) To decide whether and where to build.
iii) To decide whether to buy piece of equipment.
iv) To obtain a list of questions to put to a supplier.
v) To check running instructions.
vi) To improve the safety of existing facilities
It is also necessary to decide the types of hazard to be considered, for example
i) To people working in the plant
ii) To plant and equipment
iii) To or from product quality
iv) To the general public
v) To the environment
The physical limits of the plant to be studied must be decided and whether interactions with
neighboring units or buildings should be included. Any time or financial constraints must be
specified. It will also be necessary to state whether any aspect such as the civil engineering or the
chemistry can be taken for granted and deliberately excluded. The general objects for a study are
normally set by the person responsible for the project or for the plant:
for example the Project Manager ,Project Engineer or the Plant Manager .He is usually assigned in
the definition by a study leader .The study will be carried out by a team and the degree of authority
given to that team must be decided.
The definition is made easier if the Manager has an appreciation of the approach.
6.2.7 Team Composition
Hazard and operability studies are normally carried out by Multidisciplinary teams. There are two
types of team member Namely those who will make a technical contribution and those who play
supporting and structuring role.

Technical Team Members

The examination requires the team to have a detailed Knowledge of the way the plant is intended to
work .This means a blend of those concerned with its operation. The technique of using guide words
generates a very large no. of questions. For most purposes it is essential that the team contains
enough people with sufficient knowledge and experience to answer the majority of those questions
without recourse of further expertise .
Supporting Team Members
Because examination sessions are highly structured and very systematic, it is necessary to have
someone to control the discussion. We will call this person the study leader.

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The study leader has a role to play throughout a study . He should help whoever has commissioned
the study to define its scope. He may help with the selection and training of the team. He will advice
on the assembly of the necessary data and may help convert this into a suitable form. However his
most obvious role emerges during the examination sessions where he guides the systematic
questioning and he must be thoroughly trained for this job. It is not desirable the he should be
responsible for making a major technical contribution. If possible, he should not have been closely
associated with the subject of the study as there is danger of developing blind spots failing to use the
technical objectively. But he should have sufficient technical knowledge to be able to understand ad
control the team discussions.
In addition to the study leader it is sometimes desirable to have a further supporting member of the
team to make the note of the hazards as they are detected .This person is known as the study
secretary or scribe. It may appear extravagant to employ two people in a supporting role
.However experience indicates that this arrangement greatly increase the rate of working of the team
as a whole. It is better to employ seven people for two days rather than six people for four days on a
given study.

6.2.8 Preparative work

The amount of preparative work required depends upon
The size and complexity of the plant. In the simplest case, a group of people can work together for a
couple of hours on a simple flow sheet and complete a study . In general rather more preparation is
required . The preparative work consist of four stages .
i) Obtain the data
ii) Convert the data into a suitable form.
iii) Plan for sequence for the study
iv) Arrange the necessary meetings.

Sr. First Last Title Company Expert Email ID
No Name Name
Sr.GM.- nawal
1. Sunil Nawal Head Office Plant, Engg
AnilKu Fact. Plant Plant, Legal &
2. V.S.
mar Manager In charge Quality System
Maint. Plant Maint & dhakepp@rediffmail.c
3. Praful Dhake Plant
Engg. Engg. om

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Bhamar Safety Prashantfire05@gmail.

4. Prashant Plant EHS
e Officer com
Co Plant, EHS &
5. Suresh Nehete Plant
Ordinator Quality System .in

Hazop Study Sequence

1) Begin study
2) Select a node
3) Define the design intension
4) Select a parameter
5) Specify the parameter intension
6) Select a Guide Word
7) Develop deviation
8) Identify credible causes
9) Note significant consequences
10) Note significant consequences for each cause
11) Signify recommendations
12) Assign responsibility for recommendations
13) Any other deviations? if yes- back to 7
14) Any other guide words? If yes-back to 6
15) Any other nodes ?if yes back to 2
16) Study completed,

1. Begin Study:-
The follow-up to the examination sessions is generally straightforward. If decisions have been taken
concerning changes in design or operating methods ,these must be communicated to those
responsible. Any outstanding problems must be resolved by obtaining more information followed by
action and there must be some form of progress chasing.
Sometimes the output from examination session consist largely or exclusively of questions to be
answered later. A list of these may be complied by the study leader ( or secretary) and circulated to
the team members. After an interval the team the reconvenes in what are called Evaluations and
action sessions At these each question is reviewed ,progress is reviewed and where possible ,
decisions taken . One evaluation and action session can usually deal with the output of two or three
examination sessions .
Once a hazard has been discovered ,the kind of action needed to provide a safe system will usually
be agreed quite quickly because in many cases there is an obvious to hand. However in some cases it

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will become apparent that there are a no. of possible actions and team may have some difficulty in
agreeing which is the most effective course to take. Actions to take hazards are generally of four
i) A change in the process (recipe, materials, etc.)
ii) A change in process conditions ( Pressure ,Temperature, Etc.)
iii) An alteration to the physical design .
iv) A change of operating method.
It is important to consider a wide range of possible actions and not to accept that every hazard can be
contained merely by the alteration to the physical design. When choosing between the no. of
possible actions it may be useful to put them into two categories.
i) Those actions which remove the cause of the hazard.
ii) Those actions which reduce the consequences.
In general it is better and more and more effect to remove the hazard and provided the study is
carried out at the design stage this will be done without undue expenditure. If there will be no
reasonable prospect of removing the hazard the team will have to consider what can be done to
protect people and plant if the accident takes place.
To illustrate the kind of reasoning which may be applied, consider a reaction vessel where in an
examination session it was discovered that if an impurity was to be introduced with one of the raw
materials there might be a sudden evolution of and pressure will develop in the vessel.
Let us assume that the hazard might be contained by taking one or three actions.
i) Eliminating the possibility of gas evolution by changing the raw material
ii) Eliminating the possibility of gas evolution by altering one of the process conditions.
iii) Fitting an appropriate pressure relief and vent system to protect the plant.
Solution i) will be 100 % effective and should be the first choice.
Solution ii) has to be considered with care, because its adequacy will depend on the reliability of the
control system which governs the process conditions.
Solution iii) is only adequate if the vent system can be designed to cope with gas evolution and a
reliability of such a system is acceptable.
When it has been decided to alter a design, operating methods etc. it is often necessary to subject the
new design intension to a second round of examination to make sure that the change has not
introduced a new and unsuspected hazard.
Finally it must be emphasized that follow up work is not complete until all the acknowledged
hazards have been dealt with by implementation of all the agreed actions.

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2. Nodes:-
Nodes Type Design Condition/ Parameters Equipment ID
1. H2SO4 Storage Tank MS 15 KL Storage tank. H2SO4 ST- 01
Tank is received from tanker &
stored for use.
2. Toluene Storage Tank Underground 15 KL storage ST- 02
tank tank, properly earthed &
vented. Toluene is received
from tanker load &stored for
3. HDPE Chemical Tank 5 KL vertical shape storage ST- 03
Grade Tanks 1&2 tank having proper earthen &
Storage Tank vent with fencing around.
4. Chlorination Reactors Four glass lined reactors having GLK-1
Reactors Heat Exchangers capacity of 3.0 & 5.0 KL each GLK-2
Connect to HCL connected through vertical GLK-3
Scrubbing System mounted heat exchangers for GLK-4
internal reflux. All Heat GLK-5
exchangers further vented to GLK-6
HCL/SO2 Scrubbing system GLK-7

5. HCl Scrubbing Scrubbing System Three stage scrubbing system HCL Scrubbing
System. with Pumps & having capacity 700 Kgs/hr System
Heat Exchangers
6. GL Distillation Reactors Four glass lined reactors having GDT-1
kettle Heat Exchanger capacity of 3.0 & 5.0 KL each GDT-2
connected through horizontally GDT-3
Connect to High
mounted heat exchangers on the GDT-4
Vacuum System
other side of long heighted GDT-5
column which are having GDT-6
structural packing for internal GDT-7
reflux & distillation. All GDT-8
distillation reactors are

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connected with Hot Oil

connection to separate the
reaction mixtures
7. High Vacuum Vacuum System Having three stage jets (Water Vacuum Ejector
Ejector System with Pumps & & Jet) with the high pressure System
Steam & Water Jet steam connection having
capacity 730 mm/hg
8. Sodium Cyanide Reactor SS reactor having capacity of Cyanide Solution
solution Preparation 0.5 KL connected through Tank
vessel vertical mounted heat
exchanger for internal reflux.
Heat exchanger further vented
to Cyanide Scrubbing system
9. Sodium Cyanide Reactor SS reactor having capacity of CND -01
Reaction Vessel. Heat Exchanger 1.5 & 1.7 KL connected CND-02
through vertical mounted heat
Connected to
exchanger for internal reflux.
Cyanide Scrubbing
Heat exchanger further vented
to Cyanide Scrubbing system

10 Separation Vessels Conical bottom 1.0 & 1.7 KL SS Reactor SST-01.

reactor having utility connection like SST-02.
Steam & cooling
11. Sodium Cyanide Scrubbing System Totally closed scrubbing system Cyanide
scrubbing System with Pumps & having heat exchangers & Scrubbing
Heat Exchangers column with packing to scrub System
evolved gas & having capacity
200 Kgs/ Hr.
12. SS.Reaction Kettles Reactors Six SS reactors having capacity SRK-1,
of 1.5 KL & 5.0 KL connected SRK-2,
Heat Exchangers through vertical mounted heat SRK-3,
exchangers for internal reflux. SRK-4,
All Heat exchangers further SRK-5,
vented to Ammonia Scrubbing SRK-6,

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13 M.S. Autoclave Reactors MS Autoclave having the MAC-01

capacity 1.0 KL Capacity
14. SS Separation Tank Reactor SS-316 having capacity 1.0 To SST-01
1.7 KL SST-02
15. SCR-01
3 Nos of crystallizer having
SS Crystallizer Crystallizer SCR-02
capacity 750 to 2000 Ltr
Centrifuge Basket Type 4 Nos of basket type SS SCF-1
centrifuges with all needed SCF-2
accessories SCF-3
SCF -4
17. Fluidized Bed Dryer 2 Nos. of FBD Having Capacity FBD- 1
Dryer 100 &120Kg FBD having
utility connections like FBD - 2
compressed air & Low pressure
steam supply.
18. Turbo Shifter High Speed shifter Full SS body turbo shifter STS - 01
10-15 Kg/hr having Multiple size sieves for
perfect size powder granules.

3. Deviations:-
Node No:- 01 HCl Storage Tank
Type: - Tank
Design Condition/Parameter: - HMHDPE Tank having Capacity 5.0 KL
Equipment ID:- ST-03

Sr.No Deviation Guide Word Parameter

1. More More Level
2. As well as Leakage/Spillage

Node No:- 02 Toluene Storage Tank

Type: - Tank
Design Condition/Parameter:- Underground Storage tank 15.0 KL
Equipment ID:- ST-02

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Sr.No Deviation Guide Word Parameter

1. More More Level
2. As well as Leakage/Spillage

Node No:- 03 Sulfuric Acid Storage Tank

Type: - Tank
Design Condition/Parameter:- SS Tank having Capacity 20.0 KL
Equipment ID:- ST-01
Sr. Deviation Guide Word Parameter
1. More More Level
2. As well as Leakage/Spillage

Node No:- 04 Chlorination Reactor

Type: - Reactor; Heat Exchanger; Connected to HCL Scrubbing System
Design Condition/Parameter: - Glass lined reactors having capacity of 3.0 to 5.0 KL & each
connected through vertical mounted heat exchangers for internal reflux. All Heat exchangers further
vented to HCL Scrubbing system
Equipment ID:-GLK -1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9.

Sr. Deviation Guide Word Parameter

1. Low Temperature Less Temperature
2. High Temperature More Temperature
3. High Pressure More Pressure
4. Less Material Charged Less Material Quantity
5. More Material More Material Quantity
6. Leakage As well as Flow
Node No: - 05 HCl Scrubbing System
Type: - Scrubbing System with Pumps (Spares) & Heat Exchangers
Design Condition/Parameter: - Three stage scrubbing system having capacity 400 Kgs/Hr
Equipment ID: - HCl Scrubbing System

Sr. Deviation Guide Word Parameter


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1. High Temperature High Temperature

2. As Well as

Node No:- 06 Glass Lined Distillation Kettle.

Type: - Reactor; Heat Exchanger; Connected to High Vacuum System
Design Condition/Parameter: - Glass lined reactors having capacity of 3.0 & 5.0 KL each
connected through horizontally mounted heat exchangers on the other side of long heighted column
which are having structural packing for internal reflux & distillation. All distillation reactors are
connected with Hot Oil connection to separate the reaction mixtures
Equipment ID:-GDT- 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7.

Sr.No Deviation Guide Word Parameter

1. Low Temperature Less Temperature
2. High Temperature More Temperature
3. High Pressure More Pressure
4. Leakage As well as Flow

Node No:- 07 High Vacuum Ejector System

Type: - Scrubbing System with Pumps (Spares) & Steam & Water Jet
Design Condition/Parameter: - Having two jets (Water &Jet) with the high pressure steam
connection Having Capacity 5 Tor.
Equipment ID: - Vacuum Ejector System

Sr.No Deviation Guide Word Parameter

1. High Temperature High Temperature
2. Low Pressure Less Pressure
3. As Well as

Node No:- 08 Sodium Cyanide Solution Preparation vessel

Type: - Reactor
Design Condition/Parameter: - SS reactor having capacity of 0.5 KL connected through vertical
mounted heat exchanger for internal reflux. Heat exchanger further vented to Cyanide Scrubbing
Equipment ID: - Cyanide Solution Tank
Sr.No Deviation Guide Word Parameter
1. Exposure High TLV

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2. High Temperature High Temperature

3. Leakage As well as Flow

Node No:- 09 Sodium Cyanide Reaction vessel

Type: - Reactor
Design Condition/Parameter: - SS reactor having capacity of 1.5 KL connected through vertical
mounted heat exchanger for internal reflux. Heat exchanger further vented to Cyanide Scrubbing
Equipment ID: - CND-01 & CND-02
Sr. Deviation Guide Word Parameter
1. Exposure High TLV
2. High Temperature High Temperature
3. Low Temperature Low Temperature
4. Leakage As well as Flow

Node No: - 10
Separation vessel
Type: - Conical Bottom Reactor
Design Condition/Parameter: - 1.0 & 1.7 KL SS Reactor having utility connection like Steam &
Equipment ID: - SST-01; SST-02

Sr.No Deviation Guide Word Parameter

1. High Temperature High Temperature
2. Low Temperature Low Temperature
3. Leakage As well as Flow

Node No:- 11 Sodium Cyanide Scrubbing System

Type: - Scrubbing System with Pumps (Spares) & Heat Exchangers
Design Condition/Parameter: - Totally closed scrubbing system having heat exchangers & column
with packing to scrub evolved gas having Capacity 200 Kgs/Hr.
Equipment ID:- Cyanide Scrubbing System

Sr.No Deviation Guide Word Parameter

1. High Temperature High Temperature

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2. As Well as

Node No:- 12 M.S. Auto Clave

Type: - Reactor; Heat Exchanger; Connected to High Vacuum System
Design Condition/Parameter: - M.S. Autoclave having capacity of 1.0 KL each connected through
horizontally mounted heat exchangers on the other side of long heighted column which are having
structural packing for internal reflux & distillation.
Equipment ID:- MAC-01.
Sr.No Deviation Guide Word Parameter
1. Low Temperature Less Temperature
2. High Temperature More Temperature
3. High Pressure More Pressure
4. Leakage As well as Flow

Node No:- 13 SS Reaction Kettle.

Type: - Reactor; Heat Exchanger;
Design Condition/Parameter: - SS reactors having capacity of 1.5 KL & 5.0 KL connected through
vertical mounted heat exchangers for internal reflux. All Heat exchangers further vented to HCl
Scrubbing system.
Equipment ID:-SRK -1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6.

Sr.No Deviation Guide Word Parameter

1. Low Temperature Less Temperature
2. High Temperature More Temperature
3. High Pressure More Pressure
4. Leakage As well as Flow

Node No: - 14 F. O. Storage Tank

Type: - Tank
Design Condition/Parameter: - Tank having Capacity 5.0 KL
Equipment ID:- ST-04; ST-05.

Sr.No Deviation Guide Word Parameter

1. More More Level
2. As well as Leakage/Spillage
Node No: - 15 SS Separation Tank

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Type: - Tank
Design Condition / Parameter: - SS-316 Tank having Capacity 1.0 & 1.7 KL
Equipment ID:- SST-01; SST-02.
Sr.No Deviation Guide Word Parameter
1. More More Level
2. As well as Leakage/Spillage

Node No: - 16 Centrifuge

Type: - Basket type,
Design Condition/Parameter: -Basket Type top discharge 36 & 48SS Centrifuge
Equipment ID: - SCF1; SCF2; SCF3; SCF-4.
Sr.No Deviation Guide Word Parameter
1. High Speed More Temperature
2. More Feeding More Temperature
3. Less Feeding Less Material
4. As Well as
Node No: - 17 Fluidized Bed Dryer
Type: - Dryer,
Design Condition/Parameter: -100 Kgs & 120 Kgs vertical pneumatic dryer
Equipment ID: - FBD -1: FBD-2
Sr.No Deviation Guide Word Parameter
1. High Temperature More Temperature
2. Low Temperature Less Temperature
3. High Pressure More Pressure
4. Low Pressure Less Pressure
5. As well as
Node No: - 18 Turbo Shifter
Type: - Turbo Shifter
Design Condition/Parameter: - High Speed multi blade cylindrical Shifter
Equipment ID: - STS-01
Sr.No Deviation Guide Word Parameter
1. High Speed High Speed
2. As Well as

Node No: -19 SS Crystallizer

Type: - Crystallizer

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Design Condition/Parameter: - 750 to 2000 Ltr horizontally mounted SS Crystallizer.

Equipment ID: - SCR-01; SCR-02; SCR-03
Sr.No Deviation Guide Word Parameter
1. High Speed High Speed
2. As Well as

The Risk Matrix (S, L, RR):

The entries S, L, and RR above may appear cryptic. The risk matrix posits the following: each risk
or consequence should be assigned two ratings. One, the severity (S), is how damaging, hurtful,
costly, or deadly the result is. The second, likelihood (L), is how likely the risk is to actually occur.
The actual danger of the risk the risk ranking (RR) is a combination of the severity and the
likelihood. You should assign S, L, and RR for each consequence you have determined.
Severity and likelihood ratings are almost always assigned with consideration of the safeguards you
have in place. You can credit the existing safeguards to reduce S or L.
Why does the risk ranking use a combination of severity and likelihood? It is a very common theme
in risk management: that a rational assessment of threats is not blinded by horrible scenarios, but
considers how often or how likely something will happen too.
It is roughly analogous to using probability theory to make rational assessments about the
seriousness of threats.

Severity (S):-
1 Unlikely to be any harm to personnel requiring a first aid or lost time incident. No
lasting damage to environment. No impact on public

2 Harm to personnel requiring a first aid, or a lost time incident, but no serious harm.
Release to environment that may have localized long term impacts. Impact on public
is nuisance.

3 Serious harm to personnel or possible disability/fatality. Serious, long-lasting, or

widespread harm to environment. Impacts public or public perception in a serious,
negative way.

Likelihood (L):-
1 Not likely to occur in plant lifetime

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2 Could occur once every few years

3 Occurs regularly: annually or more often

Risk Ranking (RR):-

1 Low/no risk

2 Acceptable with controls or procedures in place

3 Risk is high; consider recommendations and additional safeguards

4 Risk is unacceptable. Recommendations or process changes required

4. Work Sheet:-
Node No:- 01 HCl Storage Tank
Type: - Tank
Design Condition/Parameter: - HMHDPE Tank having Capacity 5.0 KL
Equipment ID:- ST-03
Deviation:- 1. More

Sr Causes Consequenc Risk Safeguard Recommendati Responsib Status

N es Matrix ons le
1 Level More S L RR Ensure before Regular Maint. Comp
Indicator Material 2 2 3 unloading sufficient calibration & Departme leted
Failed gets over space should be verification of nt
flows & loss available in the tank the level
could occur indicator

Node No: - 02 Toluene Storage Tank

Type: - Tank
Design Condition/Parameter: - Underground Storage tank having Capacity 15.0 KL
Equipment ID: - ST-02
Deviation: - 1. More
Sr Causes Consequenc Risk Safeguard Recommendati Responsib Status

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N es Matrix ons le
1 Level More S L RR Ensure before Regular Maint. Comp
Indicator Material 2 2 3 unloading sufficient calibration & Departme leted
Failed gets over space should be verification of nt
flows & loss available in the tank the level
could occur indicator

Node No:- 02 Toluene Storage Tank

Type: - Tank
Design Condition/Parameter :-Underground Storage tank having Capacity 15.0 KL Equipment
ID: - ST-02
Deviation:- 2. As Well as
Sr Causes Consequenc Risk Safeguard Recommendati Responsib Status
N es Matrix ons le
1 As well as Spillage S L RR Preventive check up Regular Maint. Comp
occurred 3 1 3 of the tank Preventive Departme leted
Check up by nt
Contact 3 1 3 Spill Kit & other Operator Stores Comp
with required PPE Training Departme leted
Hazardous should be available nt
Chemicals during the operation

Node No:- 03 Sulfuric Acid Storage Tank

Type: - Tank
Design Condition/Parameter:- MS Tank having Capacity 15.0 KL
Equipment ID:- ST-01
Deviation:- 1. More
Sr Causes Consequenc Risk Safeguard Recommendati Responsib Status
N es Matrix ons le
1 Level More S L RR Ensure before Regular Maint. Comp

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Indicator Material 2 2 3 unloading sufficient calibration & Departme leted

Failed gets over space should be verification of nt
flows & loss available in the tank the level
could occur indicator
Node No:- 03 Sulfuric Acid Storage Tank
Type: - Tank
Design Condition/Parameter:- MS Tank having Capacity 15.0 KL
Equipment ID:- ST-01
Deviation:- 2. As Well as
Sr Causes Consequenc Risk Safeguard Recommendati Responsib Status
N es Matrix ons le
1 As well as Spillage S L RR Preventive check up Regular Maint. Comp
occurred 3 1 3 of the tank Preventive Departme leted
Check up by nt
Contact 3 1 3 Spill Kit & other Operator Stores Comp
with required PPE Training Departme leted
Hazardous should be available nt
Chemicals during the operation
Node No:- 04 Chlorination Reactor
Type: - Reactor; Heat Exchanger; Connected to HCl Scrubbing System
Design Condition/Parameter: - Glass lined reactors having capacity of 3.0 KL to 5.0 KL each
connected through vertical mounted heat exchangers for internal reflux. All Heat exchangers further
vented to HCl/SO2 Scrubbing system
Equipment ID:-GLK- 1; 2; 3; 4 ;5; 6; 7; 8; 9.
Deviation: - 1. Low Temperature
Sr Causes Consequenc Risk Safeguard Recommendatio Responsib Status
No es Matrix ns le

1 In Reaction S L RR Operator training On job training Productio Comp

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Sufficie would slow 2 2 4 to ensure that to the operator to n leted

nt steam down adequate handle the Departme
supply temperature is reaction & nt
reached before parameter as
starting reaction prescribed in the

Node No:- 04 Chlorination Reactor

Type: - Reactor; Heat Exchanger; Connected to HCl Scrubbing System
Design Condition/Parameter: - Glass lined reactors having capacity of 3.0 KL to 5.0 KL each
connected through vertical mounted heat exchangers for internal reflux. All Heat exchangers further
vented to HCl/SO2 Scrubbing system
Equipment ID:- GLK-1; 2; 3; 4 ;5; 6; 7; 8; 9.
Deviation: - 2 High Temperature

Sr Causes Consequenc Risk Safeguard Recommendati Responsib Status

N es Matrix ons le
1 More Faster S L RR Scrubbing system Design Maint. Comp
opening of evolution of 2 2 4 design should be appropriate /Prod. leted
steam un reacted adequate scrubbing Departme
valve dry HCl gas system as per nt
the requirement
2. Reaction High 3 1 4 Cooling/Chilling Operator Productio Comp
Run away pressure utility connection Training n leted
will develop should be available Departme
in the to the reactor nt

Node No:- 04 Chlorination Reactor

Type: - Reactor; Heat Exchanger; Connected to HCl Scrubbing System
Design Condition/Parameter: - Glass lined reactors having capacity of 3.0 KL to 5.0 KL each
connected through vertical mounted heat exchangers for internal reflux. All Heat exchangers further
vented to HCl/SO2 Scrubbing system

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Equipment ID:- GLK-1; 2; 3; 4 ;5; 6; 7; 8; 9.

Deviation: - 3. High Pressure
Sr Causes Consequenc Risk Safeguard Recommendati Responsib Status
N es Matrix ons le
1 More Faster S L RR 1.Scrubbing system 1.Design Maint. Comp
opening of evolution of 2 2 4 design should be appropriate /Prod. leted
steam un reacted adequate scrubbing Departme
valve/Cl2 dry HCl gas 2. On line Flow system as nt
/SOCl2 & Chlorine meter/ Rota meter required
addition gas should be available 2.Appropriate
valve 3.For controlled flow should be
addition of SOCl2 measured on
use double valve to line
the addition line
2. Reaction High 3 1 4 Cooling/Chilling Operator Productio Comp
Run away pressure utility connection Training n leted
will develop should be available Departme
in the to the reactor nt

Node No:- 04 Chlorination Reactor

Type: - Reactor; Heat Exchanger; Connected to HCl Scrubbing System
Design Condition/Parameter: - Glass lined reactors having capacity of 3.0 KL to 5.0 KL each
connected through vertical mounted heat exchangers for internal reflux. All Heat exchangers further
vented to HCl Scrubbing system
Equipment ID:- GLK-1; 2; 3; 4 ;5; 6; 7; 8; 9.
Deviation: - 4. Less material Charged
Sr Causes Consequenc Risk Safeguard Recommendati Responsib Status
N es Matrix ons le
1 Human Less S L RR Cross check On Job training Productio Comp
error material 2 1 2 sufficient material for the operator n leted
should be should be charged Departme
available for in the reactor before nt
reaction starting reaction

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Node No:- 04 Chlorination Reactor

Type: - Reactor; Heat Exchanger; Connected to HCl Scrubbing System
Design Condition/Parameter: - Glass lined reactors having capacity of 3.0 &5.0 KL each
connected through vertical mounted heat exchangers for internal reflux. All Heat exchangers further
vented to HCl/SO2 Scrubbing system
Equipment ID:- GLK-1; 2; 3; 4 ;5; 6; 7; 8; 9.
Deviation: - 5. More material Charged
Sr Causes Consequenc Risk Safeguard Recommendati Responsib Status
N es Matrix ons le
1 Human Reaction S L RR Cross check On Job training Productio Comp
error will not 2 1 2 sufficient material for the operator n leted
proceed as should be charged Departme
required in the reactor before nt
starting reaction

Node No:- 04 Chlorination Reactor

Type: - Reactor; Heat Exchanger; Connected to HCl Scrubbing System
Design Condition/Parameter: - Glass lined reactors having capacity of 3.0 KL to 5.0 KL each
connected through vertical mounted heat exchangers for internal reflux. All Heat exchangers further
vented to HCl/SO2 Scrubbing system
Equipment ID:- GLK-1; 2; 3; 4 ;5; 6; 7; 8; 9.
Deviation: - 6. Leakages

Sr Causes Consequenc Risk Safeguard Recommendati Responsib Status

N es Matrix ons le
1 Ball of Corrosive S L RR Cross check On Job training Production Comp
Valve may material will 3 1 3 compatibility of for the operator Departmen leted
not splashed bottom valve before t
operated starting reaction
2 Gasket Material/ S L RR Cross check On Job training Production Comp

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damaged Vapor 1 2 1 compatibility of for the operator Departmen leted

accumulate bottom valve before t
in the starting reaction
3 Brittle Moisture S L RR Appropriate design Appropriate Production Comp
fracture in will enter in 2 2 2 of glass column & design of glass Departmen leted
glass the reaction condenser so as to column & t
condenser mixture avoid breakage. condenser
4 Rapture in Toxic vapor S L RR 1.Spill & hazards On Job training Production Comp
the Cl2/ may 3 2 3 associated with the for the operator Departmen leted
SOCl2 accumulate spill & proper t/Maintena
addition in 2. Less material preventive nce
line surrounding would present for maintenance. of department
the reaction critical lines &

Node No:- 05 HCL Scrubbing System

Type: - Scrubbing System with Pumps (Spares) & Heat Exchangers
Design Condition/Parameter: - Three stage scrubbing system having capacity 400 Kgs/Hr.
Equipment ID:- HCl Scrubbing System
Deviation: -1. High Temperature
Sr Causes Consequenc Risk Safeguard Recommendati Responsib Status
N es Matrix ons le
1 Cooling HCl S L RR Appropriate design Heat Maintenan Comp
tower Absorption 2 1 2 of heat exchanger t exchangers to ce/Product leted
water kinetics will ensure that proper be of ion
circulation be affected cooling takes place appropriate Departme
failure to match absorption design to nt
kinetic handle proper
heat load
Node No:- 05 HCl Scrubbing System
Type: - Scrubbing System with Pumps (Spares) & Heat Exchangers
Design Condition/Parameter: - Three stage scrubbing system having capacity 700 Kgs/Hr.
Equipment ID:- HCl Scrubbing System
Deviation: -2. As Well as

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Sr Causes Consequenc Risk Safeguard Recommendati Responsib Status

N es Matrix ons le
1 Solution HCl & SO2 S L RR Operator should Procedure to Productio Comp
of the Absorption 3 1 3 ensure that proper handling n leted
system kinetics will scrubbing solution of System & Departme
will not be affected should not exceed regular check nt
replaced & no more optimum & replace of
after absorption concentration & solution based
optimum will takes should be check and on
conc. place transfer when it is concentration
within limit.

Node No:- 06 Glass Lined Distillation Reactor

Type: - Reactor; Heat Exchanger; Connected to High Vacuum System
Design Condition/Parameter: - Glass lined reactors having capacity of 3.0 KL& 5.0 each
connected through horizontally mounted heat exchangers on the other side of long heighted column
which are having structural packing for internal reflux & distillation. All distillation reactors are
connected with Hot Oil connection to separate the reaction mixtures
Equipment ID:- GLK-1; 2; 3; 4 ;5; 6; 7; 8; 9.
Deviation: - 1. Low Temperature
Sr Causes Consequenc Risk Safeguard Recommendati Responsib Status
N es Matrix ons le
1 In Reaction S L RR Operator training to On job training Productio Comp
sufficient mixture will 2 2 4 ensure that adequate to the operator n leted
Hytherm not fractionation of the to handle the Departme
Temperatu fractionatin reaction mixture so process of nt
re g in vertical as to separate out distillation &
column desired product parameter as
2. Loss of Batch Time 2 2 4 prescribed in
control Cycle would the SOP.
over increased

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Node No:- 06 Glass Lined Distillation Reactor

Type: - Reactor; Heat Exchanger; Connected to High Vacuum System
Design Condition/Parameter: - Glass lined reactors having capacity of 3.0 & 5.0 KL each
connected through horizontally mounted heat exchangers on the other side of long heighted column
which are having structural packing for internal reflux & distillation. All distillation reactors are
connected with Hot Oil connection to separate the reaction mixtures
Equipment ID:- GLK-1; 2; 3; 4 ;5; 6; 7; 8; 9.
Deviation: - 2. High Temperature

Sr. Causes Consequenc Risk Safeguard Recommendati Responsib Status

No. es Matrix ons le

1 Hot oil Reaction S L RR Operator to ensure On job training Productio Comp

connecti mixture will 2 2 3 that appropriate to the operator n leted
on valve splash out in temperature profile to handle the Departme
open fractionatin is reached for the process of nt
more g in vertical distillation process distillation &
than column as the Standard parameter as
required Operating prescribed in
. Sudden 2 2 3 Procedure the SOP.
shock to
column &

Node No:- 06 Glass Lined Distillation Reactor

Type: - Reactor; Heat Exchanger; Connected to High Vacuum System
Design Condition/Parameter: - Glass lined reactors having capacity of 3.0 KL & 5.0 KL each
connected through horizontally mounted heat exchangers on the other side of long heighted column
which are having structural packing for internal reflux & distillation. All distillation reactors are
connected with Hot Oil connection to separate the reaction mixtures
Equipment ID:- GLK-1; 2; 3; 4 ;5; 6; 7; 8; 9.
Deviation: - 3. High Pressure
Sr Causes Consequenc Risk Safeguard Recommendati Responsib Status

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Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited. IND/BIPL/001/

N es Matrix ons le
1 Hot oil Reaction S L RR 1.Operator to On job training Productio Comp
connection mixture will 2 2 3 ensure that to the operator n leted
valve open splash out in appropriate to handle the Departme
more than fractionatin temperature profile process of nt
required g in vertical is reached for the distillation &
column & distillation process parameter as
may be as the Standard prescribed in
overflows Operating the SOP.
.2 Polymeriza Sudden 2 2 3 2. Before starting Productio Comp
. tion of the thermal new product batch Operator n leted
reaction shock to in the reactor Training Departme
due to glass ensure that existing nt
other column & distillation vessel
contaminati condenser is thoroughly clean
on resulting in as per cleaning
breakage SOP

Node No:- 06 Glass Lined Distillation Reactor

Type: - Reactor; Heat Exchanger; Connected to High Vacuum System
Design Condition/Parameter: - Glass lined reactors having capacity of 3.0 KL& 5.0 KL each
connected through horizontally mounted heat exchangers on the other side of long heighted column
which are having structural packing for internal reflux & distillation. All distillation reactors are
connected with Hot Oil connection to separate the reaction mixtures
Equipment IDv: - GLK-1; 2; 3; 4 ;5; 6; 7; 8; 9.
Deviation: - 4. Leakages
Sr Causes Consequenc Risk Safeguard Recommendati Responsib Status
N es Matrix ons le
1 Leakages Toxic , S L RR Ensure that joints 1. On job Productio Comp
of reaction hazardous & 3 1 3 are properly training to the n leted
mixtures flammable tightened to ensure operator to Departme
from vapors may that there is no handle the nt

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reactor & be released leakage of reaction process of

column mixture vapors in distillation.
Joint the surrounding
.2 Vacuum Distillation S L RR 2. Before starting Operator Productio Comp
. Leakage time cycle 2 2 3 new product batch Training to n leted
would in the reactor identify Departme
increases ensure that existing vacuum & nt
distillation vessel vapor leak in
is thoroughly clean the reactor as
as per cleaning well as
SOP distillation
Node No:- 07 High Vacuum Ejector System
Type: - Scrubbing System with Pumps (Spares) & Steam & Water Jet
Design Condition/Parameter: - Having two jets (Water &Jet) with the high pressure steam
connection & having Capacity Max. 5 Tor.
Equipment ID:- Vacuum Ejector System
Deviation: - 1. High Temperature

Sr Causes Consequenc Risk Safeguard Recommendati Responsib Status

N es Matrix ons le
1 Water Sump S L RR Operator to ensure On job training Productio Comp
circulation Temperatur 2 2 3 that High vacuum to the operator n leted
pump of e will ejector system to handle the Departme
water jet increase & characteristics & high vacuum nt
may not toxic vapor have closed watch Ejector system
working may be on the vacuum
release range
.2 Vacuum of 2 2 3 Provision to add Connection of Maintenan Comp
. the system cool water in the cool water line ce leted
will sump to control the with valve in to Departme
decrease temperature of the Ejector nt
will leads to Ejector sump sump is to be
deteriorate provide

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the product
& increase
in the time
cycle of

Node No:- 07 High Vacuum Ejector System

Type: - Scrubbing System with Pumps (Spares) & Steam & Water Jet
Design Condition/Parameter: - Having two jets (Water &Jet) with the high pressure steam
connection & having Capacity Max. 5 Tor.
Equipment ID:- Vacuum Ejector System
Deviation: - 2. As well as

Sr Causes Consequenc Risk Safeguard Recommendati Responsib Status

N es Matrix ons le
1 Water 1. Vacuum S L RR Operator to ensure On job training Productio Comp
level & will drop 2 2 3 that High vacuum to the operator n leted
PH of &.Sump ejector system to handle the Departme
Sump Temperatur characteristics & high vacuum nt
decreases e will have closed watch Ejector system
increase & on the vacuum
toxic vapor range as & Water
may be level .PH of Sump
release should be always on
alkaline side ( 10-

Node No:- 08 Sodium Cyanide Solution Preparation vessel

Type: - Reactor
Design Condition/Parameter: - SS reactor having capacity of 1.5 KL & 1.7 KL connected through
vertical mounted heat exchanger for internal reflux. Heat exchanger further vented to Cyanide
Scrubbing system
Equipment ID: - Cyanide Solution Tank
Deviation: - 1. Exposure
Sr Causes Consequenc Risk Safeguard Recommendati Responsib Status

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N es Matrix ons le
1 Leakage Direct Skin S L RR Ensure before On job training Productio Comp
in Contact will 3 2 3 wearing the suit to the operator n leted
Charging occur of there should not be to handle the Departme
Suit/Hand such a toxic a minor leakage toxic material nt
gloves raw material during handling
Sodium Cyanide
2. Spillage Exposure to 3 2 3 For charging of SOP to be Productio Comp
during toxic & Sodium Cyanide made & n leted
charging hazardous always use trained displayed near Departme
material personnel & the location in nt
displayed Sodium local language
Cyanide handling
SOP in Local

Node No: - 08 Sodium Cyanide Solution Preparation vessel

Type: - Reactor
Design Condition/Parameter: - SS reactor having capacity of 1.5 KL & 1.7 KL connected through
vertical mounted heat exchanger for internal reflux. Heat exchanger further vented to Cyanide
Scrubbing system
Equipment ID: - Cyanide Solution Tank
Deviation: - 2. High Temperature
Sr Causes Consequenc Risk Safeguard Recommendati Responsib Status
N es Matrix ons le
1 Leakage In hot S L RR 1.Use appropriate & On job training Productio Comp
of Steam condition 3 1 3 best quality valves to the operator n leted
Valve/ More toxic for the critical to handle the Departme
Failure of vapor may equipment toxic material nt
steam release in 2. Provide
valve the additional control
atmosphere valve

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2. Human Exposure to 3 2 3 For charging of SOP to be Productio Comp

error toxic & Sodium Cyanide made & n leted
Un trained hazardous always use trained displayed near Departme
personnel material personnel & the location in nt
displayed Sodium local language
Cyanide handling
SOP in Local

Node No: - 08 Sodium Cyanide Solution Preparation vessel

Type: - Reactor
Design Condition/Parameter: - SS reactor having capacity of 1.5 KL & 1.7 KL connected through
vertical mounted heat exchanger for internal reflux. Heat exchanger further vented to Cyanide
Scrubbing system
Equipment ID: - Cyanide Solution Tank Deviation: - 3. Leakage
Sr Causes Consequenc Risk Safeguard Recommendati Responsib Status
N es Matrix ons le
1 Failure of More toxic S L RR 1.Use appropriate & On job training Productio Comp
Bottom & 3 1 3 best quality bottom to the operator n leted
Valve Hazardous valves for the to handle the Departme
vapor may critical equipment toxic material nt/Mainte
release in 2. Provide nance
the additional control Departme
atmosphere valve nt
2. Human Exposure to 3 2 3 For handling of SOP to be Productio Comp
error toxic & Sodium Cyanide made & n leted
Un trained hazardous always use trained displayed near Departme
personnel material personnel & the location in nt
displayed Sodium local language
Cyanide handling
SOP in Local
Node No:- 09 Sodium Cyanide Reaction vessel

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Type: - Reactor
Design Condition/Parameter: - SS reactor having capacity of 1.5 KL & 1.7 KL connected through
vertical mounted heat exchanger for internal reflux. Heat exchanger further vented to Cyanide
Scrubbing system
Equipment ID: - Cyanide Solution Tank Deviation: - 1. Exposure
Sr Causes Consequenc Risk Safeguard Recommendati Responsib Status
N es Matrix ons le
1 Failure of 1.Toxic S L RR 1.Ensure before 1. Preventive Productio Comp
Scrubbing vapors 3 1 3 starting sodium maintenance of n leted
system release in cyanide reaction critical Departme
during atmosphere scrubber system is equipments nt/Mainte
reaction 2. Health well condition& 2.In case of gas nance
hazards on displacement of poisoning what departmen
the positive air is within to do SOP to t
associated required condition. be made &
people 2. Sodium Cyanide displayed near
antidote should be the location in
available local language
2. Spillage Exposure to 3 2 3 1. For such critical 1.SOP to be Productio Comp
toxic & reactions always made & n leted
hazardous use trained displayed near Departme
material personnel & the location in nt
displayed Sodium local language
Cyanide handling 2. Location of
SOP in Local Spill Control
language Kit & how to
2. Spill Control kit use of kit
should be available should

Node No:- 09 Sodium Cyanide Reaction vessel

Type: - Reactor
Design Condition/Parameter: - SS reactor having capacity of 1.5 KL & 1.7 KL connected through
vertical mounted heat exchanger for internal reflux. Heat exchanger further vented to Cyanide
Scrubbing system

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Equipment ID: - CND Deviation: - 2. High Temperature

Sr Causes Consequenc Risk Safeguard Recommendati Responsib Status
N es Matrix ons le
1 More Faster S L RR Scrubber design Appropriate Maintenan Comp
opening of evolution of 3 2 3 should be design of ce leted
steam Cyanide appropriate scrubber system departmen
valve vapor t
2. Failure of HCN 3 1 3 1. Regular 1.SOP to be Productio Comp
Cooling Scrubbing Preventive made & n leted
Tower absorption maintenance of displayed near Departme
kinetics critical & important the location in nt/Mainte
would be equipment local language nance
affected & 2. Heat exchangers Departme
evolution of design should be nt
Toxic vapor appropriate to
will handle the heat load
generated in of scrubbing system
Node No:- 09 Sodium Cyanide Reaction vessel
Type: - Reactor
Design Condition/Parameter: - SS reactor having capacity of 1.5 KL & 1.7 KL connected through
vertical mounted heat exchanger for internal reflux. Heat exchanger further vented to Cyanide
Scrubbing system
Equipment ID: - CND Deviation: - 3. Low Temperature

Sr Causes Consequenc Risk Safeguard Recommendati Responsib Status

N es Matrix ons le
1 In Reaction S L RR Operator training to On job training Productio Comp
Sufficient will slow 2 2 4 ensure that adequate for the operator n leted
steam down & temperature should departmen
supply time cycle be maintain t
of batch will throughout the
increased reaction

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Node No:- 09 Sodium Cyanide Reaction vessel

Type: - Reactor
Design Condition/Parameter: - SS reactor having capacity of 1.5 KL & 1.7 KL connected through
vertical mounted heat exchanger for internal reflux. Heat exchanger further vented to Cyanide
Scrubbing system
Equipment ID: - CND Deviation: - 4. Leakages
Sr Causes Consequenc Risk Safeguard Recommendati Responsib Status
N es Matrix ons le
1 Failure of More toxic S L RR 1.Use appropriate & On job training Productio Comp
Bottom & 3 1 3 best quality bottom to the operator n leted
Valve Hazardous valves for the to handle the Departme
vapor may critical equipment toxic material nt/Mainte
release in 2. Provide nance
the additional control Departme
atmosphere valve nt
2. Human Exposure to 3 2 3 For handling of SOP to be Productio Comp
error toxic & Sodium Cyanide made & n leted
Un trained hazardous always use trained displayed near Departme
personnel material personnel & the location in nt
displayed Sodium local language
Cyanide handling
SOP in Local
Node No: - 10 Separation vessel
Type: - Conical Bottom Reactor
Design Condition/Parameter: - 1.0 &1.7 KL SS Reactor having utility connection like Steam &
Equipment ID: - SST-01; SST-02.
Deviation: - 1. High Temperature..
Sr Causes Consequenc Risk Safeguard Recommendati Responsib Status
N es Matrix ons le
1 More Faster Scrubber design Appropriate Maintenan Comp

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opening of evolution of 3 2 3 should be design of ce leted

steam Cyanide appropriate scrubber system departmen
valve vapor t
2. Failure of HCN 3 1 3 1. Regular 1. SOP to be Productio Comp
Cooling Scrubbing Preventive made & n leted
Tower absorption maintenance of displayed near Departme
kinetics critical & important the location in nt/Mainte
would be equipment local language nance
affected & 2. Heat exchangers Departme
evolution of design should be nt
Toxic vapor appropriate to
will handle the heat load
generated in of scrubbing system

Node No: - 10 Separation vessel

Type: - Conical Bottom Reactor
Design Condition/Parameter: - 1.0 &1.7 SS Reactor having utility connection like Steam &
Equipment ID: - SST-01; SST-02. Deviation: - 2. Low Temperature

Sr Causes Consequenc Risk Safeguard Recommendati Responsib Status

N es Matrix ons le
1 In Separation S L RR Operator training to On job training Productio Comp
Sufficient will not 2 2 4 ensure that adequate for the operator n leted
steam proper & temperature should departmen
supply time cycle be maintain t
of batch will throughout the
increased reaction
Node No: - 10 Separation vessel
Type: - Conical Bottom Reactor
Design Condition/Parameter: - 1.0 & 1.7 KL SS Reactor having utility connection like Steam

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Equipment ID: - SST-01; SST-02.

Deviation: - 3. Leakages
Sr Causes Consequenc Risk Safeguard Recommendati Responsib Status
N es Matrix ons le
1 Failure of More toxic S L RR 1.Use appropriate & On job training Productio Comp
Bottom & 3 1 3 best quality bottom to the operator n leted
Valve Hazardous valves for the to handle the Departme
vapor may critical equipment toxic material nt/Mainte
release in 2. Provide nance
the additional control Departme
atmosphere valve nt
2. Human Exposure to 3 2 3 For handling of SOP to be Productio Comp
error toxic & Sodium Cyanide made & n leted
Un trained hazardous always use trained displayed near Departme
personnel material personnel & the location in nt
displayed Sodium local language
Cyanide handling
SOP in Local

Node No:- 11 Sodium Cyanide Scrubbing System

Type: - Scrubbing System with Pumps (Spares) & Heat Exchangers
Design Condition/Parameter: - Totally closed scrubbing system having heat exchangers & column
with packing to scrub evolved gas having capacity 200 Kgs/Hr.
Equipment ID:- Cyanide Scrubbing System
Deviation: - 1. High Temperature

Sr Causes Consequenc Risk Safeguard Recommendati Responsib Status

N es Matrix ons le
1 Cooling Cyanide S L RR Appropriate design Heat Maintenan Comp
tower Vapor 2 1 2 of heat exchanger t exchangers to ce/Product leted
water Absorption ensure that proper be of ion
circulation kinetics will cooling takes place appropriate Departme
failure be affected to match absorption design to nt

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Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited. IND/BIPL/001/

kinetic handle proper

heat load

Node No:- 11 Sodium Cyanide Scrubbing System

Type: - Scrubbing System with Pumps (Spares) & Heat Exchangers
Design Condition/Parameter: - Totally closed scrubbing system having heat exchangers & column
with packing to scrub evolved gas having capacity 200 Kgs/Hr.
Equipment ID:- Cyanide Scrubbing System
Deviation: - 2. As Well as
Sr Causes Consequenc Risk Safeguard Recommendati Responsib Status
N es Matrix ons le
1 Caustic Cyanide S L RR Operator should Procedure to Productio Comp
Solution Vapor 3 1 3 ensure that proper handling n leted
of the Absorption scrubbing solution of System & Departme
system kinetics will should not exceed regular check nt
will not be affected optimum & replace of
replaced & no more concentration & solution based
after absorption should be check and on
optimum will takes transfer when it is concentration
conc. place within limit.
Node No:- 12 SS Distillation Reactor
Type: - Reactor; Heat Exchanger; Connected to High Vacuum System
Design Condition/Parameter: - Stainless Steel reactors having capacity of 1.5 & 5.0 KL each
connected through horizontally mounted heat exchangers on the other side of long heighted column
which are having structural packing for internal reflux & distillation. All distillation reactors are
connected with Hot Oil connection to separate the reaction mixtures
Equipment ID:-SDR-1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6.
Deviation: - 1. High Temperature
Sr Causes Consequenc Risk Safeguard Recommendati Responsib Status
N es Matrix ons le
1 More Faster S L R Heat Exchanger Appropriate Maintenan Comp

SadekarEnviroEngineersPvt.Ltd Chapter645

Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited. IND/BIPL/001/

opening of evolution of 3 2 3 design should be design of Heat ce leted

hot oil Liquid appropriate exchangers departmen
valve vapor t
2. Failure of Vapor 3 1 3 1. Regular 1. SOP to be Productio Comp
Cooling Distillation Preventive made & n leted
Tower kinetics maintenance of displayed near Departme
would be critical & important the location in nt/Mainte
affected & equipment local language nance
evolution of 2. Heat exchangers Departme
Toxic vapor design should be nt
will appropriate to
generated in handle the heat load
atmosphere of scrubbing system

Node No:- 12 SS Distillation Reactor

Type: - Reactor; Heat Exchanger; Connected to High Vacuum System
Design Condition/Parameter: - Stainless Steel reactors having capacity of 1.5 & 5.0 each
connected through horizontally mounted heat exchangers on the other side of long heighted column
which are having structural packing for internal reflux & distillation. All distillation reactors are
connected with Hot Oil connection to separate the reaction mixtures
Equipment ID:- SDR-1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6.
Deviation: - 2. Low Temperature

Sr Causes Consequenc Risk Safeguard Recommendati Responsib Status

N es Matrix ons le
1 In Reaction S L RR Operator training to On job training Productio Comp
sufficient mixture will 2 2 3 ensure that adequate to the operator n leted
Hytherm not fractionation of the to handle the Departme
Temperatu fractionatin reaction mixture so process of nt
re g in vertical as to separate out distillation &
column desired product parameter as
prescribed in
the SOP.
Node No:- 12 SS Distillation Reactor
Type: - Reactor; Heat Exchanger; Connected to High Vacuum System

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Design Condition/Parameter: - Stainless Steel reactors having capacity of 1.5 & 5.0 KL each
connected through horizontally mounted heat exchangers on the other side of long heighted column
which are having structural packing for internal reflux & distillation. All distillation reactors are
connected with Hot Oil connection to separate the reaction mixtures
Equipment ID:- SDR-1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6.
Deviation: - 3. High Pressure
Sr Causes Consequenc Risk Safeguard Recommendati Responsib Status
N es Matrix ons le
1 Hot oil Reaction S L RR 1.Operator to On job training Productio Comp
connection mixture will 2 2 3 ensure that to the operator n leted
valve open splash out in appropriate to handle the Departme
more than fractionatin temperature profile process of nt
required g in vertical is reached for the distillation &
column & distillation process parameter as
may be as the Standard prescribed in
overflows Operating the SOP.
.2 Polymeriza Sudden 2 2 3 2. Before starting Productio Comp
. tion of the thermal new product batch Operator n leted
reaction shock to in the reactor Training Departme
due to glass ensure that existing nt
other column & distillation vessel
contaminati condenser is thoroughly clean
on resulting in as per cleaning
breakage SOP

Node No:- 12 SS Distillation Reactor

Type: - Reactor; Heat Exchanger; Connected to High Vacuum System
Design Condition/Parameter: - Stainless Steel reactors having capacity of 1.0 & 5.0 KL each
connected through horizontally mounted heat exchangers on the other side of long heighted column
which are having structural packing for internal reflux & distillation. All distillation reactors are
connected with Hot Oil connection to separate the reaction mixtures
Equipment ID:- SDR-1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6.
Deviation: - 4. Leakages
Sr Causes Consequenc Risk Safeguard Recommendati Responsib Status

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Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited. IND/BIPL/001/

N es Matrix ons le
1 Leakages Toxic , S L RR Ensure that joints 1. On job Productio Comp
of reaction hazardous & 3 1 3 are properly training to the n leted
mixtures flammable tightened to ensure operator to Departme
from vapors may that there is no handle the nt
reactor & be released leakage of reaction process of
column mixture vapors in distillation.
Joint the surrounding

.2 Vacuum Distillation S L RR 2. Before starting Operator Productio Comp

. Leakage time cycle 2 2 3 new product batch Training to n leted
would in the reactor identify Departme
increases ensure that existing vacuum & nt
distillation vessel vapor leak in
is thoroughly clean the reactor as
as per cleaning well as
SOP distillation

Node No: - 13 Centrifuge

Type: - Basket type,
Design Condition/Parameter: -Basket Type top discharge 36 & 48SS Centrifuge
Equipment ID: - SCF-1; SCF2; SCF3; SCF4

Deviation: - 1. High Speed

Sr Causes Consequenc Risk Safeguard Recommendati Responsib Status

N es Matrix ons le
1 Failure of 1.Speed of S L RR . Preventive Ensure before Maintenan Comp

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ON/OFF the basket 2 2 3 maintenance of each use while ce leted

Push goes out of critical electrical operating Departme
button control & switches which centrifuge & nt/Product
inside plays important provide MCB ion
material role by means of near by to Departme
may safety control room nt

2. Failure of Heavy 2 2 3 Preventive Training Maintenan Comp

Pulley vibration maintenance of provided to the ce leted
break may critical equipments fitter. Departme
occurred periodically nt
leads to in
balancing of

Node No: - 13 Centrifuge

Type: - Basket type,
Design Condition/Parameter: -Basket Type top discharge 36 & 48SS Centrifuge
Equipment ID: - SCF-1; SCF2; SCF3; SCF4
Deviation: - 2. More Feeding

Sr Causes Consequenc Risk Safeguard Recommendati Responsib Status

N es Matrix ons le
1 Failure of inside S L RR 1.Use appropriate On job training Productio Comp
Bottom material 2 2 3 & best quality to the operator n leted
feeding may bottom valves for to handle the Departme
valve splashed to the critical Machine nt/Mainte
the equipment nance
surrounding 2. Provide Departme
additional control nt
2. Human Heavy 2 2 3 For use of SOP to be Productio Comp
Error vibration Centrifuge always made & n leted
may use trained training to be Departme

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occurred personnel given to nt

leads to in operator
balancing of
Node No: - 13 Centrifuge
Type: - Basket type,
Design Condition/Parameter: -Basket Type top discharge 36 & 48SS Centrifuge
Equipment ID: - SCF-1; SCF2; SCF3; SCF4
Deviation: - 3. Less Feeding
Sr Causes Consequenc Risk Safeguard Recommendati Responsib Status
N es Matrix ons le
1 Chocking inside S L RR 1.Use appropriate On job training Productio Comp
of Bottom material 2 2 3 & best quality to the operator n lted
feeding may bottom valves for to handle the Departme
valve accumulate the critical machine nt/Mainte
in to the equipment nance
hose pipe & 2. Provide Departme
extra load of additional control nt
material valve
may leads 3. Always use
to lose the good quality hose
pipe from clamp during
bottom centrifuging
valve nozzle 4. Use appropriate
quality hose pipe
for different
2. Human Heavy 2 2 3 For use of SOP to be Productio Comp
Error vibration Centrifuge always made & n leted
may use trained training to be Departme
occurred personnel given to nt
leads to in operator
balancing of
Node No: - 13 Centrifuge

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Type: - Basket type,

Design Condition/Parameter: -Basket Type top discharge 36 & 48SS Centrifuge
Equipment ID: - SCF-1; SCF2; SCF3; SCF4
Deviation: - 4. As Well as
Sr Causes Consequenc Risk Safeguard Recommendati Responsib Status
N es Matrix ons le
1 Alignment Heavy S L RR Check & ensure On job training Productio Comp
of vibration 3 2 3 alignment as well to the operator n leted
centrifuge occurred & as other critical to handle Departme
basket may leads parameter during machines nt/Mainte
disturb installation nance

Node No: - 14 Fluidized Bed Dryer

Type: - Dryer,
Design Condition/Parameter: -100 Kgs & 120 Kgs vertical pneumatic dryer
Equipment ID: - FBD -1: FBD-2:
Deviation: - 1. High Temperature
Sr Causes Consequenc Risk Safeguard Recommendati Responsib Status
N es Matrix ons le
1 More Material S L RR Product On job training Productio Comp
opening of will 1 2 2 specification for for the operator n leted
Steam decorated drying should be departmen
valve displayed t

Node No: - 14 Fluidized Bed Dryer

Type: - Dryer,
Design Condition/Parameter: -100 Kgs & 120 Kgs vertical pneumatic dryer
Equipment ID: - FBD -1: FBD-2:
Deviation: - 2. Low Temperature

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Sr Causes Consequenc Risk Safeguard Recommendati Responsib Status

N es Matrix ons le
1 Less Material S L RR Product On job training Productio Comp
opening of will not 1 2 2 specification with for the operator n leted
Steam dried & drying schedule for departmen
valve time cycle drying should be t
of drying displayed

Node No: - 14 Fluidized Bed Dryer

Type: - Dryer,
Design Condition/Parameter: -100 Kgs & 120 Kgs vertical pneumatic dryer
Equipment ID: - FBD -1: FBD-2:
Deviation: - 3. High Pressure
Sr Causes Consequenc Risk Safeguard Recommendati Responsib Status
N es Matrix ons le
1 Failure of High S L RR Calibration of such Calibration date Maintenan Comp
Air pressure 3 1 3 critical devices & due date tag ce leted
Control will develop should be should be departmen
switch in the completed with in displayed near t
system may speculated time by the
leads to period instrument

Node No: - 14 Fluidized Bed Dryer

Type: - Dryer,
Design Condition/Parameter: -100 Kgs & 120 Kgs vertical pneumatic dryer
Equipment ID: - FBD -1: FBD-2:
Deviation: - 4. Low Pressure.

Sr Causes Consequenc Risk Safeguard Recommendati Responsib Status

N es Matrix ons le

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1 Failure of Sufficient S L RR Calibration of such Calibration date Maintenan Comp
Air pressure 3 1 3 critical devices & due date tag ce leted
Control will not should be should be departmen
switch develop in completed with in displayed near t
the system speculated time by the
period instrument

Node No: - 14 Fluidized Bed Dryer

Type: - Dryer,
Design Condition/Parameter: -100 Kgs & 120 Kgs vertical pneumatic dryer
Equipment ID: - FBD -1: FBD-2:
Deviation: - 5. As Well as
Sr Causes Consequenc Risk Safeguard Recommendati Responsib Status
N es Matrix ons le
1 Fins of Sufficient S L RR Cleaning schedule Training Productio Comp
Air Filter air will not 1 2 2 of the fins should be provided to the n leted
Chocked develop in prepared ,displayed FBD operator departmen
the system & followed to follow the t
to dry the schedule

Node No: - 15 Turbo Shifter

Type: - Turbo Shifter
Design Condition/Parameter: - High Speed multi blade cylindrical Shifter
Equipment ID: - STS-01
Deviation: - 1. High Speed

Sr Causes Consequenc Risk Safeguard Recommendati Responsib Status

N es Matrix ons le
1 Failure of Boosting of S L RR Preventive On job Training Productio Comp

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Speed Rotation 2 1 2 maintenance of provided to the n leted

Control may leads to such a critical operator to departmen
Switch loosing of electrical switches operate the t
blade machine

Node No: - 15 Turbo Shifter

Type: - Turbo Shifter
Design Condition/Parameter: - High Speed multi blade cylindrical Shifter
Equipment ID: - STS-01
Deviation: - 2. As Well as

Sr Causes Consequenc Risk Safeguard Recommendati Responsib Status

N es Matrix ons le
1 Chocking Product S L RR Feeding quantity & On job Training Productio Comp
of specificatio 1 2 2 time period of provided to the n leted
material n may not cleaning of sieve operator to departmen
shifting meet the decided as par operate the t
chamber standard convinces machine

List of Recommendations:-

Sr.No Recommendations Place(s) Used Responsibility Status

Preventive Maintenance 5.6.4,10.1.1,17.1.2,19.1.1, Maint/Prod.Dept Completed
1. of critical equipment 20.1.1.
and lines
Operator Training (On 1.2.2,2.2.2,3.2.2,4.2.2,5.1.1 Maint/Prod.Dept Completed
Job) 5.3.2,5.4.1,5.6.1,7.2.2,14.4.2
Regular Calibration of 1.1.1,2.1.1,3.1.1,4.1.1,5.5.1 Maint/Prod.Dept Completed
Level Indicator
Operator Training ( 5.2.2,7.2.3,7.2.4,8.2.1,10.3.2 Maint/Prod.Dept Completed
Machine Handling) 10.4.2,13.3.1,13.4.2
5. Appropriate design of 5.2.1,5.3.1,10.2.1,11.1.1,14.2.1, Maint/Prod.Dept Completed

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scrubber system 16.2.2.

Appropriate design of 12.1.1,13.1.1,15.1.1 Maint/Prod.Dept Completed
6. Heat exchanger to
handle heat load
Procedure to check & 12.2.1,15.2.2 Maint/Prod.Dept Completed
7. replace solution in
scrubbing system
Appropriate on line 5.3.2 Maint/Prod.Dept Completed
8. flow meter for flow
Appropriate on line flow 14.3.1,16.3.2 Maint/Prod.Dept Completed
view glass installation
Appropriate design of 5.6.3,6.1.1 Maint/Prod.Dept Completed
10. glass column &
Critical Electrical 17.1.1 Maint/Prod.Dept Completed
11. accessories provided
nearby control room
6.2.2,7.2.1,8.1.1,9.1.2,9.2.2, Maint/Prod.Dept Completed
SOPs for Critical
12. 9.3.2,10.1.2,10.2.2,11.1.1,
Follow Calibration 18.4.1,18.5.1,21.2.1 Maint/Prod.Dept Completed
13. schedule & display
calibration Tag
14. Provide vacuum gauges 21.1.1 Maint/Prod.Dept Completed
Provision of Spill 10.1.2 Maint/Prod.Dept Completed
Control Kit
Regular Preventive 1.2.1,2.2.1,3.2.1,4.2.1,17.2.1 Maint/Prod.Dept Completed
16. Check up by competent
On job training to the 9.1.1,9.2.1,9.3.1,11.3.2 Maint/Prod.Dept Completed
17. operator to handle the
toxic material
Over view:-
Number of Study item

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1. Nodes :- 16
2. Deviations :- 67
3. Causes :- 101
4. Consequences :- 103
5. Safe guard :- 113
6. Recommendation :- 106

Breakdown by Node:-
Number of Study Item
SN Node
Deviations Causes Consequences Safeguards
1. HCL Storage Tank 2 2 3 3
2. Toluene Storage tank 2 3 3 3
3. Sulfuric Acid Storage Tank 2 3 3 3
4. Chlorination Reactors 6 11 11 13
5. HCl Scrubbing System 2 2 2 2
6. GL Distillation Reactors 4 7 7 6
7. High Vacuum Ejector System 3 4 4 5
8. Sodium Cyanide solution 3 6 6 6
preparation vessel
9. Sodium cyanide reaction Vessel 4 7 9 9
10. Separation Vessel 3 5 5 5
11. Sodium Cyanide scrubbing 2 2 2 2
12. SS Distillation Reactor 4 7 7 8
13. SS Reaction Kettle 4 7 7 8
14. Centrifuge 4 7 7 11
15. Fluidized Bed Dryer 5 5 5 5
16. Turbo Shifter 2 2 2 2

Breakdown by Deviation:-
Number of Study Items
S.No Node Deviation Causes Consequence Safeguar
s ds
1. HCl Storage Tank More 1 1 1
As well as 1 2 2
2. Toluene Storage tank More 1 1 1
As well as 1 2 2
3. Sulfuric Acid Storage More 1 1 1

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As well as 1 2 2
4. Chlorination Reactors Low Temperature 1 1 1
High Temperature 2 2 3
High Pressure 2 2 3
Less Material 1 1 1
More material 1 1 1
Leakage 4 4 4
5. HCl Scrubbing System High Temperature 1 1 1
Low Temperature 1 1 1
6. Glass Lined Reactor Low Temperature 2 1 1
High Temperature 1 2 1
High Pressure 2 2 2
Leakage 2 2 2
7. High Vacuum ejector High Temperature 1 2 2
Low Pressure 1 1 1
As well as 2 2 2
8. Sodium cyanide Exposure 2 2 2
preparation vessel
High Temperature 2 2 2
Leakage 2 2 2
9. Sodium cyanide reaction Exposure 2 4 4
High Temperature 2 2 2
Low Temperature 1 1 1
Leakage 2 2 2
10. Separation Vessel High Temperature 2 2 2
Low Temperature 1 1 1
Leakage 2 2 2

Number of Study Items

Node Deviation Causes Consequence Safeguar
s ds

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11. Sodium Cyanide High Temperature 1 1 1

Scrubbing System
As well as 1 1 1
12. S.S. Distillation Reactor Low Temperature 1 1 1
High Temperature 2 2 3
High Pressure 2 2 2
Leakage 2 2 2
13. Hydrolysis Reactor Low Temperature 1 1 1
High Temperature 2 2 2
High Pressure 2 2 3
Leakage 2 2 2
14. Centrifuge High Speed 2 2 2
More Feeding 2 2 3
Less Feeding 2 2 5
As Well as 1 1 1
15. Fluidized Bed Dryer High Temperature 1 1 1
Low Temperature 1 1 1
High Pressure 1 1 1
Low Pressure 1 1 1
As well as 1 1 1
16. Turbo shifter High speed 1 1 1
As well as 1 1 1

6.3 Information about ALOHA

6.3.1 What Is Aloha?

ALOHA (Arial Locations of Hazards Atmosphere) is an atmospheric dispersion model
used for evaluating releases of hazardous chemical vapors. ALOHA is a part of software
called CAMEO (Computer Aided Management of Emergency Operation). CAMEO is
one of the tools developed by EPAs Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention
Office (CEPPO) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Office of
Response and Restoration (NOAA), to assist front-line chemical emergency planners and

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CAMEO consists of three parts viz. CAMEO (which is basically a data base), ALOHA and
MARPLOT (Mapping Applications for Response, Planning, and Local Operational
ALOHA allows the user to estimate the downwind dispersion of a chemical cloud based on
the toxicological/physical characteristics of the released chemical, atmospheric conditions,
and specific circumstances of the release. Graphical outputs include a "cloud footprint" that
can be plotted on maps with MARPLOT to display the location of other facilities storing
hazardous materials and vulnerable locations, such as hospitals and schools. Specific
information about these locations can be extracted from CAMEO information modules to
help make decisions about the degree of hazard posed.

6.3.2 What are AEGL values

AEGLs estimate the concentrations at which most peopleincluding sensitive individuals
such as old, sick, or
very young peoplewill begin to experience health effects if they are exposed to a
hazardous chemical for a
specific length of time (duration). For a given exposure duration, a chemical may have up to
three AEGL
values, each of which corresponds to a specific tier of health effects.
The three AEGL tiers are defined as follows:
AEGL-3 is the airborne concentration, expressed as parts per million (ppm) or milligrams
per cubic meter (mg/m ), of a substance above which it is predicted that the general
population, including susceptible individuals, could experience life- threatening health
effects or death.
AEGL-2 is the airborne concentration (expressed as ppm or mg/m3) of a substance above
which it is predicted that the general population, including susceptible individuals, could
experience irreversible or other serious, long-lasting adverse health effects or an
impaired ability to escape.
AEGL-1 is the airborne concentration (expressed as ppm or mg/m3) of a substance above
which it is predicted that the general population, including susceptible individuals, could
experience notable discomfort, irritation, or certain asymptomatic nonsensory effects.
However, the effects are not disabling and are transient and reversible upon cessation of

6.3.3 What are radiation effect

A Thermal Radiation Level of Concern (LOC) is a threshold level of thermal radiation,

usually the level above which a hazard may exist.

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10 kW/(sq m) -- potentially lethal within 60 sec;

5 kW/(sq m) -- second-degree burns within 60 sec; and
2 kW/(sq m) -- pain within 60 sec.

The thermal radiation effects that people experience depend upon the length of time they are
exposed to a specific
thermal radiation level. Longer exposure durations, even at a lower thermal radiation level,
can produce serious
physiological effects. Below are some effects at specific thermal radiation levels and
durations (on bare skin):
2 kW/(sq m) -- people will feel pain after 45 seconds and receive second-degree burns after 3
5 kW/(sq m) -- people will feel pain after 13 seconds and receive second-degree burns after
40 seconds; and
10 kW/(sq m) -- people will feel pain after 5 seconds and receive second-degree burns after
14 seconds.

6.3.4 What are radiation effects

Overpressure. A major hazard associated with any explosion is overpressure.

Overpressure, also called a blast wave, refers to the sudden onset of a pressure wave
after an explosion. This pressure wave is caused by the energy released in the initial
explosionthe bigger the initial explosion, the more damaging the pressure wave. Pressure
waves are nearly instantaneous, traveling at the speed of sound. Although a pressure wave
may sound less dangerous than a fire or hazardous fragments, it can be just as damaging
and just as deadly. The pressure wave radiates outward like a giant burst of air, crashing into
anything in its path (generating hazardous fragments). If the pressure wave has enough power
behind it, it can lift people off the ground and throw them up against nearby buildings or trees.
Additionally, blast waves can damage buildings or even knock them flatoften
injuring or killing the people inside them. The sudden change in pressure can also affect
pressure-sensitive organs like the ears and lungs. The damaging effects of the overpressure
will be greatest near the source of the explosion and lessen as you move farther from the
source.Overpressure Levels of Concern. An Overpressure Level of Concern (LOC) is a
threshold level of pressure from a blast wave, usually the pressure above which a hazard
may exist. When you run a vapour cloud explosion scenario, ALOHA will suggest three
default LOC values. ALOHA uses three threshold values to create the default threat

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zones: Red: 8.0 psi (destruction of buildings); Orange: 3.5 psi (serious injury likely);
and Yellow: 1.0 psi (shatters glass).

6.4 The basic data used for running ALOHA

6.4.3 Toluene storage tank Details

Diameter - 1.94 met

Height - 5.39 met
Dyke dimensions - 3.0 x 6.0 x 4.0 met height
Dyke surface area - 18 sq. met.
Transfer pump capacity 4.5 lit /sec Chemical data for Toluene

Chemical Name: TOLUENE Molecular Weight: 92.14 g/mol

AEGL-1 (60 min): 200 ppm AEGL-2 (60 min): 1200 ppm AEGL-3 (60 min): 4500
IDLH: 500 ppm LEL: 11000 ppm UEL: 71000 ppm
Ambient Boiling Point: 229.3 F
Vapor Pressure at Ambient Temperature: 0.048 atm
Ambient Saturation Concentration: 49,768 ppm or 4.98%

6.5 The Assumptions made while running ALOHA

6.5.1 Site Data:


Building Air Exchanges Per Hour: 0.64 (unsheltered single storied)
Time: August 20, 2014 1136 hours ST (user specified)

6.5.2 Atmospheric Data: (Manual Input Of Data)

Wind: 3.2 meters/second from SE at 10 meters
Ground Roughness: open country Cloud Cover: 5 tenths
Air Temperature: 30 C Stability Class: C

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No Inversion Height Relative Humidity: 50%

6.6 The ALOHA Footprints

Scenario No. Toluene/ 01

Leak from hole in vertical cylindrical tank
Flammable chemical escaping from tank (not burning)
Tank Diameter: 1.94 meters Tank Length: 5.07 meters
Tank Volume: 15 cubic meters
Tank contains liquid Internal Temperature: 30 C
Chemical Mass in Tank: 8670 kilograms
Tank is 67% full
Circular Opening Diameter: 0.04 inches
Opening is 0 meters from tank bottom
Ground Type: Concrete
Ground Temperature: equal to ambient
Max Puddle Area: 18 square meters
Release Duration: ALOHA limited the duration to 1 hour
Max Average Sustained Release Rate: 0.0573 pounds/min
(averaged over a minute or more)
Total Amount Released: 2.20 pounds
Note: The chemical escaped as a liquid and formed an evaporating puddle.
The puddle spread to a diameter of 0.7 yards.


Model Run: Gaussian

Red : less than 10 meters(10.9 yards) --- (4500 ppm = AEGL-3 (60 min))
Note: Threat zone was not drawn because effects of near-field patchiness
make dispersion predictions less reliable for short distances.
Orange: less than 10 meters(10.9 yards) --- (1200 ppm = AEGL-2 (60 min))
Note: Threat zone was not drawn because effects of near-field patchiness
make dispersion predictions less reliable for short distances.
Yellow: less than 10 meters(10.9 yards) --- (200 ppm = AEGL-1 (60 min))
Note: Threat zone was not drawn because effects of near-field patchiness
make dispersion predictions less reliable for short distances.

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Scenario No. toluene/ 02

Leak from hole in vertical cylindrical tank
Flammable chemical escaping from tank (not burning)
Tank Diameter: 1.94 meters Tank Length: 5.07 meters
Tank Volume: 15 cubic meters
Tank contains liquid Internal Temperature: 30 C
Chemical Mass in Tank: 8670 kilograms
Tank is 67% full
Circular Opening Diameter: 0.04 inches
Opening is 0 meters from tank bottom
Ground Type: Concrete
Ground Temperature: equal to ambient
Max Puddle Area: 18 square meters
Release Duration: ALOHA limited the duration to 1 hour
Max Average Sustained Release Rate: 0.0573 pounds/min
(averaged over a minute or more)
Total Amount Released: 2.20 pounds
Note: The chemical escaped as a liquid and formed an evaporating puddle.
The puddle spread to a diameter of 0.7 yards.


Threat Modeled: Flammable Area of Vapor Cloud

Model Run: Gaussian
Red : less than 10 meters(10.9 yards) --- (6600 ppm = 60% LEL = Flame Pockets)
Note: Threat zone was not drawn because effects of near-field patchiness
make dispersion predictions less reliable for short distances.
Yellow: less than 10 meters(10.9 yards) --- (1100 ppm = 10% LEL)
Note: Threat zone was not drawn because effects of near-field patchiness
make dispersion predictions less reliable for short distances.

Scenario No. toluene/ 03

Leak from hole in vertical cylindrical tank
Flammable chemical escaping from tank (not burning)
Tank Diameter: 1.94 meters Tank Length: 5.07 meters

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Tank Volume: 15 cubic meters

Tank contains liquid Internal Temperature: 30 C
Chemical Mass in Tank: 8670 kilograms
Tank is 67% full
Circular Opening Diameter: 0.04 inches
Opening is 0 meters from tank bottom
Ground Type: Concrete
Ground Temperature: equal to ambient
Max Puddle Area: 18 square meters
Release Duration: ALOHA limited the duration to 1 hour
Max Average Sustained Release Rate: 0.0573 pounds/min
(averaged over a minute or more)
Total Amount Released: 2.20 pounds
Note: The chemical escaped as a liquid and formed an evaporating puddle.
The puddle spread to a diameter of 0.7 yards.


Threat Modeled: Overpressure (blast force) from vapor cloud explosion

Type of Ignition: ignited by spark or flame
Level of Congestion: uncongested
Model Run: Gaussian
No explosion: no part of the cloud is above the LEL at any time

Scenario No. toluene/ 04

Leak from hole in vertical cylindrical tank
Flammable chemical is burning as it escapes from tank
Tank Diameter: 1.94 meters Tank Length: 5.07 meters
Tank Volume: 15 cubic meters
Tank contains liquid Internal Temperature: 30 C
Chemical Mass in Tank: 8670 kilograms
Tank is 67% full
Circular Opening Diameter: 0.04 inches
Opening is 0 meters from tank bottom
Max Puddle Area: 18 square meters
Max Flame Length: 1 yard
Burn Duration: ALOHA limited the duration to 1 hour
Max Burn Rate: 0.0863 pounds/min

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Total Amount Burned: 5.12 pounds

Note: The chemical escaped as a liquid and formed a burning puddle.


Threat Modeled: Thermal radiation from pool fire

Red : less than 10 meters(10.9 yards) --- (10.0 kW/(sq m) = potentially lethal within 60 sec)
Orange: less than 10 meters(10.9 yards) --- (5.0 kW/(sq m) = 2nd degree burns within 60 sec)
Yellow: less than 10 meters(10.9 yards) --- (2.0 kW/(sq m) = pain within 60 sec)

Scenario No. toluene/ 05

BLEVE of flammable liquid in vertical cylindrical tank
Tank Diameter: 1.94 meters Tank Length: 5.07 meters
Tank Volume: 15 cubic meters
Tank contains liquid
Internal Storage Temperature: 30 C
Chemical Mass in Tank: 8670 kilograms
Tank is 67% full
Percentage of Tank Mass in Fireball: 100%
Fireball Diameter: 130 yards Burn Duration: 9 seconds

Threat Modeled: Thermal radiation from fireball
Red : 275 yards --- (10.0 kW/(sq m) = potentially lethal within 60 sec)
Orange: 389 yards --- (5.0 kW/(sq m) = 2nd degree burns within 60 sec)
Yellow: 607 yards --- (2.0 kW/(sq m) = pain within 60 sec)

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750 1000 500 0 500 1000


greater than 10.0 kW/(sq m) (potentially lethal within 60 sec)

greater than 5.0 kW/(sq m) (2nd degree burns within 60 sec)
greater than 2.0 kW/(sq m) (pain within 60 sec)

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Scenario No. toluene/ 06

Evaporating Puddle (Note: chemical is flammable)
Puddle Area: 18 square meters Puddle Mass: 8670 kilograms
Ground Type: Concrete Ground Temperature: 30 C
Initial Puddle Temperature: 30 C
Release Duration: ALOHA limited the duration to 1 hour
Max Average Sustained Release Rate: 2.64 pounds/min
(averaged over a minute or more)
Total Amount Released: 155 pounds

Model Run: Gaussian
Red : less than 10 meters(10.9 yards) --- (4500 ppm = AEGL-3 (60 min))
Note: Threat zone was not drawn because effects of near-field patchiness
make dispersion predictions less reliable for short distances.
Orange: less than 10 meters(10.9 yards) --- (1200 ppm = AEGL-2 (60 min))
Note: Threat zone was not drawn because effects of near-field patchiness
make dispersion predictions less reliable for short distances.
Yellow: 17 yards --- (200 ppm = AEGL-1 (60 min))
Note: Threat zone was not drawn because effects of near-field patchiness
make dispersion predictions less reliable for short distances.

Scenario No. toluene/ 07

Evaporating Puddle (Note: chemical is flammable)
Puddle Area: 18 square meters Puddle Mass: 8670 kilograms
Ground Type: Concrete Ground Temperature: 30 C
Initial Puddle Temperature: 30 C
Release Duration: ALOHA limited the duration to 1 hour
Max Average Sustained Release Rate: 2.64 pounds/min
(averaged over a minute or more)
Total Amount Released: 155 pounds

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Threat Modeled: Flammable Area of Vapor Cloud

Model Run: Gaussian
Red : less than 10 meters(10.9 yards) --- (6600 ppm = 60% LEL = Flame Pockets)
Note: Threat zone was not drawn because effects of near-field patchiness
make dispersion predictions less reliable for short distances.
Yellow: less than 10 meters(10.9 yards) --- (1100 ppm = 10% LEL)
Note: Threat zone was not drawn because effects of near-field patchiness make dispersion
predictions less reliable for short distances.

Scenario No. toluene/ 08


Evaporating Puddle (Note: chemical is flammable)

Puddle Area: 18 square meters Puddle Mass: 8670 kilograms
Ground Type: Concrete Ground Temperature: 30 C
Initial Puddle Temperature: 30 C
Release Duration: ALOHA limited the duration to 1 hour
Max Average Sustained Release Rate: 2.64 pounds/min(averaged over a minute or more)
Total Amount Released: 155 pounds


Threat Modeled: Overpressure (blast force) from vapor cloud explosion

Type of Ignition: ignited by spark or flame
Level of Congestion: uncongested
Model Run: Gaussian
No explosion: no part of the cloud is above the LEL at any time

Scenario No. toluene/ 09

Burning Puddle / Pool Fire

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Puddle Area: 18 square meters Puddle Mass: 8670 kilograms

Initial Puddle Temperature: 30 C
Flame Length: 12 yards
Burn Duration: ALOHA limited the duration to 1 hour
Burn Rate: 194 pounds/min
Total Amount Burned: 11,620 pounds


Threat Modeled: Thermal radiation from pool fire

Red : 15 yards --- (10.0 kW/(sq m) = potentially lethal within 60 sec)
Orange: 21 yards --- (5.0 kW/(sq m) = 2nd degree burns within 60 sec)
Yellow: 30 yads --- (2.0 kW/(sq m) = pain within 60 sec)




30 20 0 20 40 60

greater than 10.0 kW/(sq m) (potentially lethal within 60 sec)

greater than 5.0 kW/(sq m) (2nd degree burns within 60 sec)
greater than 2.0 kW/(sq m) (pain within 60 sec)

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Scenario No. toluene/ 10

Direct Source: 0.9 liters/sec Source Height: 0
Source State: Liquid
Source Temperature: equal to ambient
Release Duration: 60 minutes
Release Rate: 102 pounds/min
Total Amount Released: 6,138 pounds


Model Run: Heavy Gas

Red : 36 yards --- (4500 ppm = AEGL-3 [60 min])
Note: Threat zone was not drawn because effects of near-field patchiness make dispersion
predictions less reliable for
short distances.
Orange: 78 yards --- (1200 ppm = AEGL-2 [60 min])
Yellow: 233 yards --- (200 ppm = AEGL-1 [60 min])


Concentration Estimates at the point:

Downwind: 261 yards Off Centerline: 110 yards
Max Concentration:
Outdoor: 0.222 ppm
Indoor: 0.103 ppm

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100 50 0 50 100 150 200 250


greater than 4500 ppm (AEGL-3 [60 min]) (not drawn)

greater than 1200 ppm (AEGL-2 [60 min])
greater than 200 ppm (AEGL-1 [60 min])
wind direction confidence lines

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Scenario No. toluene/ 11

Direct Source: 0.9 liters/sec Source Height: 0
Source State: Liquid
Source Temperature: equal to ambient
Release Duration: 60 minutes
Release Rate: 102 pounds/min
Total Amount Released: 6,138 pounds


Threat Modeled: Flammable Area of Vapor Cloud

Model Run: Heavy Gas
Red : 28 yards --- (6600 ppm = 60% LEL = Flame Pockets)
Note: Threat zone was not drawn because effects of near-field patchiness
make dispersion predictions less reliable for short distances.
Yellow: 82 yards --- (1100 ppm = 10% LEL)

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40 20 0 20 40 60 80 100

greater than 6600 ppm (60% LEL = Flame Pockets) (not drawn)
greater than 1100 ppm (10% LEL)
wind direction confidence lines

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Scenario No. toluene/ 12

Direct Source: 0.9 liters/sec Source Height: 0
Source State: Liquid
Source Temperature: equal to ambient
Release Duration: 60 minutes
Release Rate: 102 pounds/min
Total Amount Released: 6,138 pounds

Threat Modeled: Overpressure (blast force) from vapor cloud explosion
Type of Ignition: ignited by spark or flame
Level of Congestion: uncongested
Model Run: Heavy Gas
Red : LOC was never exceeded --- (8.0 psi = destruction of buildings)
Orange: LOC was never exceeded --- (3.5 psi = serious injury likely)
Yellow: LOC was never exceeded --- (1.0 psi = shatters glass)

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Adequate Water Balance Calculation

A) The amount of water required for firefighting purpose can be estimated by the below formula:

Water required in liters per minutes = (A + B +C + D)/20

A) The total area in of all Floors including galleries in all building of the Factory

B) The total area in of all Floors and galleries including open spaces in which combustible

C) The total area in of all Floors over 15 mtr above ground level

D) The total area in of all floors of buildings other than those of fire resisting construction of
various floors is so certified by any fire association or fire insurance company

Water required in liters per minutes = (6262.68 +6782.68 + 1014+ 0)/20

= 702.96 lit/min

The quantity of firefighting tank is 50000 liter. Therefore the capacity is justified. As the back-up
water supply will last for 71.12 min

Time (min) = [Total water in fire fighting tank (ltrs)]/water required ltr/min

= 50000/702.96

= 71.12 min

The pump capacity in the plant is 750 ltrs/min, therefore according to the discharge capacity of the
pump installed. The back-up time by which the tank will be empty is calculated below,

Time (min) = [Total water in fire fighting tank (ltrs)]/discharge capacity (ltr/min)

= 50000/750 = 66.66 min

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6.3 Disaster Management Plan

Disaster Management Plan (DMP) will consider all the factors responsible for management of any
small or big disaster. Emergency prevention through good design, operation, maintenance and
inspection are essential to reduce the probability of occurrence. However, certain operation and
practices may lead to unwarranted situation wherein disaster scenario can emerge. The DMP,
therefore, addresses to mitigate the effects of such situation with a view to bring restoration of
normality at the earliest.

Onsite Emergency Plan

1.0] Acknowledgement

The main objectives in preparation of the emergency plan are-

a) To control and contain the incident/ accident and if possible, eliminate it and

b) To minimize the effects of the incident on person, property and environment.

The report is prepared based on available information gathered at the site during the survey.

This document has been checked and prepared by


1. FACILITY NAME & : Benzo Chem Industries Private Limited

ADDRESS E-13,14,15 MIDC Area Jalgaon,

Tal: Dist: Jalgaon

Maharashtra - Pin - 425001.

Phone No: 0257-2210241; 221207

Fax No: 0257-22210441

Email:, web

2. CORPORATE OFFICE: MADHU KUNJ Ground Floor, Shankar Ghanekar


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Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited. IND/BIPL/001/

ADRESS Prabhadevi, Mumbai 400025. Maharashtra

Phone No: 022-24320921/22/23

Fax No : 022-24320924

Email :

Web Site:

3. STUDY OBJECTIVE : Emergency Planning & Preparedness is comprehensive

response plan to react a number of foreseeable emergencies anticipated in the works and to
contain the loss of human life, property and provided speedy and effective remedial measures
important perquisite for emergency planning is to foreseen an accident scenario which leads
to a major fire ,explosion, toxic release their spread or extent and their damage potential.
These information are used in conjunction with lay out of the unit in the work, and adjacent
communities in the preparation of contingency plan.

4. AIM : The main aim of the emergency plan is,

A. To Control the incident/Accident If possible to eliminate it

B. To minimize the effect of incidence on the human being,

Property & Environment

5. TYPE OF ACTIVITY : The activity at site is Manufacturing of Bulk Drugs &

Pesticides Intermediate Chemicals having use of class A Petroleum chemicals having Flash
Point < 23C. These potential uncountable parameter give the plant operator as a indication
of consequences in advance of actual occurrence. The important element of emergency
planning can be broadly classified as below.

A. Identifying the disaster potential scenario and advance planning to combat and minimize
the damage

B. Disaster Phase i.e. Warning & protective action like evacuation of the personnel from the

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C. Containment of Disaster by isolating, Fire fighting etc.

D. Rescue, Relief assistance to the people affected in the work/community effectively &
efficiently based on the actual needs & on the information collected locally both in the
advance of disaster & as soon as possible after the disaster occurred.

E. Finally when the situation is contained, efforts are to be return back to normal condition.


Emergency planning is the integral & essential part of loss prevention strategy. The type of
emergency is
preliminary considered here is the major emergency which may be defined as one which
has the potential
to cause serious danger to person and or to the property which tends to cause disruption
inside and or
outside of site & may be required outside resources.

7. STATUTORY PROVISION: Preparing On site emergency plan is a statutory

requirement Under the

1. The Factories Act 1948: Section 41-b ( 4 )

2. Maharashtra Factories (Control of Industrial Major accident Hazards) rule 2003 Schedule-6 [
Rule 12 ( 1 ) ]

3. Manufacturing, Storage & Imports of Hazardous chemicals rule 1989 rule 13 (1),Schedule Xi

4. The Environment (Protection) Act , 1986

3.0] Name & Address of the person Furnishing the Information

Mr. Anil Kumar [Factory Manager] ,

Neharu Nagar, Tal- Dist-Jalgaon




i. Site controller / Chief controlling Authority-CCA

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ii. Main Controller

iii. Incident controller

iv. Advisory committee

v. Technical team

vi. Evacuation team

Vii. Emergency SquadFire fighters & First Aiders



- He is a person who observes the emergency at the first.

- He will try to handle the situation using facilities, available to him. If situation is beyond his
control, he will press nearby hooter button and inform immediately to his shift production officer

- If SPO is not available in the vicinity, he can directly phone to Security on Emergency Phone
Number giving information

- His NAME, LOCATION of emergency and; TYPE of emergency.

- He will give information about the happenings to Incidence Controller.

- Further he will act as per the instructions of Incidence Controller.


- GENERAL SHIFT - Officer on duty under whose charge the area of incidence comes will act as
incidence controller.

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- SILENT HOURS - Some of the sections of various departments work only during General shift
and close their working at after 18.00 hrs.

- In case of such areas the responsibility of incidence controller, if any emergency arises in that the
Shift In charge will take up area during silent hours.

- SHIFT INCHARGE: Security Officer on Duty displays Names of the SPO on duty at Gate. Factory
premise must be divided into zones to fix the area of responsibility for these Shift In-charges, in case
of emergency.


- After receiving the information of the emergency he will reach to the spot of incidence.

- Assess the emergency situation and instruct the workforce to bring the plant operations in
shutdown mode, if required.

- Stopping the vessel entry / hot work jobs in the plant.

- Direct Emergency squad, first aiders and technical team.

- Seek help from the respective key person.

- Give continuous feedback to the main controller and receive his instructions.

- Once the emergency is brought under control, inform the main controller.


- On hearing siren, he is to reach near the site and take over the charge of the situation.

- Communicate with the Incident controller and assess the situation.

- Instruct the Incident controller, Communication team, and Evacuation team.

- Take advice from the advisory team, if required.

- Ask for and to get Mutual Aid from other industries, if required.

- Give feed back to the site controller during or after the emergency is brought under control.

- Instruct communication team to declare all clear by sounding ALL CLEAR siren once the
emergency is brought under control.

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- Organize investigation after bringing emergency under control.

- Incorporate corrective measures to avoid further accident /incident.


- To assemble around Main controller for consultation & providing essential information and render
all help required.

- Act under the instruction of Main Controller to mitigate the emergency situation.


- On hearing siren, take position in Security office. Telephone board should be continuously

- Give ALERT siren & do announcement on Public Address System or Megaphone.

- On the instructions from the main controller, communicate concern personnel as well as outside
agencies and authorities (fire brigade, ambulance, hospitals, other industries, and site controller),
Government officials.

- Restrict the vehicles from coming inside the factory except the vehicles of the emergency
organization members. Also to remove the vehicles, if required from inside.

- Keep the entrance road clear for emergency vehicles.

- On the instruction from the Main Controller open the additional exits.

- Arrange for the Ambulance van or vehicles.

- Send one security guard to the emergency site with Main controllers helmet & other PPE sets.

- As per the instructions of main controller, they will inform about status of emergency to all people
present in the premises.

- They will sound ALL CLEAR siren once they get signal from the main controller.


- After hearing the siren & information about the emergency, they will give charge of their jobs to
the SPO or other employees as per the SPO's instructions.

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- Reach at the spot of emergency with proper PPEs.


- After reaching the spot, to act as per the instructions of the Incident Controller.

The following jobs are assigned to Firefighters during emergency

a. Fire fighting

b. Area cordoning

c. Rescue operation

d. Traffic control

e. Guiding the ambulance

f. Stopping work permit activity.

g. Containment of spillage etc.

After handling the emergency, to be engaged in salvage operation if required, otherwise in normal
case to go back to the plant and resume the work.


- After receiving the information, the doctor and medical assistant to remain in Occupational Health
Centre only.

- First Aiders to go to the site. If required provide first aid treatment, Remove the casualties from the
place, shift them to OHC for required treatment

- Provide assistance to Doctor / Medical Assistant.


- Identify the Wind direction. Evacuate people from emergency location.

- Guide them towards the assembly points. Carry out head count operation.

- Give feed back to main controller.

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- In case of Off-site implications, Government officials, Police, and other officials shall be informed


- Utility Operator to provide assistance for use of extinguishers, and other fire fighting facilities.

- Maintenance Engineer shall go to the emergency spot & give necessary support as per the Incident
controller's instructions.

- Electrical Engineer / Electrician: if required, cut off electrical supply of that area on the instructions
of Incident / Main Controller and provide portable lights / extension lights.

- Instrumentation Engineer / Technician: act as per instructions by incident /main controller.

- Boiler attendant: not to leave boiler-house till he receives further instructions from Incident / Main
controller and act accordingly.


- Should lead emergency squad & control the emergency in co-ordination with Incident Controller.

- Co-ordinate the activities & help from technical team members as per the requirement.

- Ask for mutual aid through respective key persons.

- After controlling emergency, safety officer should carry out salvage operations under the guidance
of Manager (Safety).


Sr.No. Name of The Personnel Responsibility Assigned

1. Mr. Anilkumar V.S. Chief Controlling Authority (CCA)

2. Mr. P. M. Rane Incident Controller

3. Mr. P.P. Dhake Team Leader Hazards Risk Assessment


5. Mr. Prashant Bhamare Safety Officer

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6. Mr. H.P.Mahale Security Supervisor

7. Mr. Paresh Jhwar External emergency communication




- Release of flammable liquid / vapor which is stored in tank farm / catches fire when it comes in
contact with source of ignition (e.g. Small spark from tanker exhaust, spark due to static charge etc.).

- Spillage of flammable liquids such as , Methanol, and Toluene in large quantity inside the plants
/while loading by tankers and catches fire either by spark, reacting with oxidizing materials etc.

- Release of flammable gases from storage / process, or release of flammable liquid above its boiling
point from process to atmosphere, forming vapor cloud.


- Leakage & dispersion of toxic gases like Chlorine and Ammonia & Cyanide from process vessels.


- Human-error

- Run away reactions leading to rupture of reaction vessel or tank.

- Equipment / Instrument Failures.

- Rupture of flange joint gasket.

- Puncture of reaction vessel or tank due to corrosion.


- Release of toxic or / and flammable / explosive gas affecting the people on site.

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- Release of toxic / flammable gas & if Ignition source is available then lead to fire / explosion
leading to property damage.


- Rupture discs & safety release valves are provided on such vessels. Various systems interlocks
provided. Rapture Disk & Safety Release Valves vents taken to disaster vessel for holding the toxic /
explosive gases resulting due to rupture & popping up of Rapture Disk & Safety Release Valves

- Correct material of construction is provided, for both, the gasket & the vessels.

- Automatic process control with emergency handling arrangements, high safety margins and
inherently safe designs to autoclaves shall be provided soon.

- Safe designs & maintenance practices, periodic inspections of systems are done. Safety work
permit system, work area monitoring, accident reporting systems, Hazop analysis, safety audits,

- Induction and refresher training to employees adequate number of employees is trained in

handling emergency as per the Onsite emergency plan.

Special design criteria:

- Adequate factor of safety; design for extreme conditions, follows standard codes.

Controls and alarms:

- Various controls and alarms interlocked with the operating system are provided to make the system
intrinsically safe. Also various sensors must be provided to detect the presence of toxic and / or
flammable gases.

Special relief systems:

- Rupture disks and safety release valves are provided in the system

Quick acting valves:

- Excess flow check valves are provided on critical systems.

Collecting tanks / dump tank:

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- Disaster vessels (Collecting tank / dump tank) are provided to collect the toxic / flammable gases
from Rupture discs & safety release valves vents.

Fire fighting:

- Fire fighting devices like fire extinguishers, water & foam are also made available. Hydrant system
shall be made available shortly.


Hazard Identification & risk assessment of each activity, Internal and external audits, Hazop studies,
fire & Explosion indices (DOW Index) etc. are carried out to assess and identify the hazard.
Committee meetings must be held to identify the probable causes of hazards. Safety inspection is
carried out by safety function to identify the hazards.

Compliance of the applicable statutory requirements

- Equipments are selected based on process requirements with sufficient safety margins. In built
safety features are insisted at the time of purchase.

- Drawings have been approved by statutory authorities such as MIDC, etc.

- Licensed premises are as per approvals from respective authorities.

- Precise Preventive and Predictive Maintenance Inspection schedules.

- Scrubbing & neutralizing facilities are provided for likely failure.

- Detail on Site Emergency plan is prepared & revised time to time when there is any change in
process/ product/ operating conditions.

- Effluent treatment facilities provided in the factory.

- M.S.D.S. (Material safety data sheets) of all chemicals used in BENZOCHEM Premises available
for ready reference. Abstracts of the MSDS are displayed in plants in local language.

- Cautionary boards are displayed at relevant places.

- Mock drills are to be conducted periodically to practice the plan and to refresh the emergency
handling procedures.

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------ -----------

What is fire?

Fire is a major hazard in any industry but is also a very necessary servant in the industry for
imparting heat energy for the various process streams. As helpful as fire is, when properly
controlled, it can destroy both men and material when uncontrolled. Fire is a chemical reaction
between oxygen and carbon in which heat and light energies are released. Three things are required
before a fire can occur. These are fuel, oxygen and source of ignition. This is referred to as the fire

If all the three of these necessary elements are present in proper proportions, fire will occur. If any
one of the three is removed, fire is impossible. It is, however, more advisable to remove at least two
sides, only the fuel and oxygen sides of fire triangle can be easily removed. Fuel may consist carbon
or hydrocarbon. The fuel side of the fire triangle is removed by removing the combustible materials,
or by preventing hydrocarbon from leaking or spilling into an atmosphere of air. This will prevent
open fire.

The oxygen side of the fire triangle is removed by preventing air from getting into system containing
combustible materials, carbon or hydrocarbon. The ignition side of the fire triangle is controlled to
some extent by proper guarding and a number of other mean, but there are so many sources of
ignition that it must be assumed that this side of the triangle is always present.

Types of Fire: Fire has been classified into fire categories A, B, C, D, E & K

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The Fire Triangle


A Fire involving ordinary combustible materials like wood, paper,

textiles, etc., where one cooling effect of water is essential for the
extinction of fires.

B Fires in inflammable liquids like Oils, Solvents, Paints, etc, where a

blanketing effect is essential

C Fires involving gaseous substances under pressure, where it is

necessary to dilute the entering gas at a very fast rate within.

D Fires involving metals like magnesium, aluminum, zinc, potassium

etc., where the burning metal is reactive to water and which require
special extinguishing media or technique.

E Electrical fires are fires involving potentially energised electrical

equipment. This sort of fire may be caused by, for example, short-
circuiting machinery or overloaded electrical cables.

K Fires that involve cooking oils or fats are designated "Class K"


Fire fighting first aids comprise of water or sand buckets, portable fire extinguishers and hose reels.
These from the first line of defenses and are useful only in the initial stages of a fire. Water and sand
should be used judiciously so as not to further harm the machinery / equipment. Portable fire
extinguishers are mainly of 6 types.

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Sr.No Type Old Code Color Code Fire Class

1. Water Signal Red A

Red with a Cream

panel above the
2. Foam Cream A B

Red with a Blue

Dry French panel above the
3. A B C E
powder Blue operating

Red with a Black

panel above the
4. dioxide Black A B C E

Red with a Canary

Wet Not Yellow panel above
5. A B F
chemical Applicable the operating

Red with a Blue

Class D French panel above the
6. D
powder Blue operating



All the dangerous substances are stored in the underground tank / go down as per the approval from
the respective licensing authorities.


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All key personnel i.e. Site Controller, Main Controller, Key persons, Advisory Team members are
available at site.


Following material is readily available in side of the Factory Premises to be used in Emergency:

- Telephone set for quick communication with telephone directory.

- Intercom-phone to warn population in the vicinity about imminent danger, if any.

- Process flow charts.

- Factory Layout.

- Torch and Emergency Lamps.

- Wiring material

- Medicines for first-aid at different locations

- Self-Contained breathing apparatus sets

- Spare Cylinder for SCBA.

- Safety Helmets/Gloves/Goggles

- Copy of the on-site emergency management plan.

- M. S. D. S. of Chemicals at different location.

- Onsite emergency plan hard copy

- Copy of Emergency Evacuation plan

- Display board of evacuation way on each floor of plant

- Emergency Telephone numbers display board at the entrance of the gate

- Assembly points board at different locations

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Address with telephone numbers and key personnel, and essential employees, Government agencies,
neighboring industries and sources of help, outside experts, chemical fact sheets.

Emergency Control Centre is located at the Security Gate which is at safe distance from process
plants. In case of Emergency all activities can be controlled from ECC.



Raw materials

Sr. Quantity of Raw Material required for

Name of the Raw Material
No. Production MT/A
1 Meta cresol 56.50
2 Sulphuryl chloride 73.50
3 Chlorine 4.5
4 Soda ash 3.00
5 Sulphuric acid 51.00
6 Sodium hydroxide 98.50
7 Anhydrous aluminium chloride 2.70
8 Sodium cyanide 6.50
9 Meta chloro benzyl cyanide 1.05
10 Para xylene 3.95
11 Poly ethyl glycol 0.90
12 Naphthalene 130.00
13 Ethylene dichloride 1.05
14 Pottasium carbonate 1.00
15 Thymol 0.90
16 Sodium methoxide 35.00
17 Para formaldehyde 29.50
18 Sodium bi sulphite 0.50
19 Thionyl chloride 14.50
20 Hydro chloric acid 100.00
21 Catalyst x/ Microfine azdn/AIBN 0.15

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22 Toluene 16.00
23 Zinc chloride 3.25
24 Acetic acid 9.70
25 Methyl 2- chloro propionate 79.50
26 Para anisaldehyde 87.50
27 Tetra ethyl ammonium bromide 0.70
28 Ethyl acetate 0.50
29 2,4 Dichloro benzyl chloride 18.50
30 Tetra butyl ammonium hydrogen sulphate 0.20
31 Hexamine 3.90
32 Methanol 11.00
33 Para toluene sulphonic acid 0.03
34 Cyclohexane 1.00
35 Propiophenone 20.00
36 Ammonium bicarbonate 12.50
37 Benzyl cyanide 2.25
38 Ethyl bromide 2.10
39 Tri ethyl benzyl ammonium chloride 0.10
40 Mono methyl amine 40 % 4.05
41 Tri ethyl amine 00.10
42 Para chloro phenol 2.40
43 Ortho di chloro benzene 3.00
44 Di methyl sulphate 2.50
45 Formic acid 1.30
46 Formaldehyde solution 37% 1.95
47 Synhydride 3.75
48 Tetra chloro ortho xylene 3.80
49 Per chloro ethylene 10.00
50 3,5 xylenol 07.00
51 Copper sulphate 0.10
52 Benzoyl chloride 2.50
53 Ortho chloro phenyl acetic acid 102.00
54 Bromine 46.00

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55 Sodium thio sulphate 5.00

56 Acetyl chloride 5.60
57 Tetra butyl ammonium bromide solution 0.60
58 Cyanuric chloride 5.70
59 Sodium bicarbonate 5.30
60 N-bromo succinimide 15.10
61 Chloro benzene (MCB) 20.20
62 Sodium hydrosulphide 0.10
63 Sodium thio sulphate 0.10
Total 1138.58

* For Toxicological Data, Transformation if any which could occur of the chemicals, please
refer material safety data sheet attached as annexure


Likely causes of fire and/or explosion are as follows:

Release of flammable liquid / vapour which is stored in Explosive /Petroleum Tank Farm and
catches fire when it comes in contact with source of ignition. Leakage is possible from ;

- Leakage from body of the tank, Drain/ sampling point kept in open position

- Leakage from carrier pipeline, Spillage of hold up from unloading hoses

- Overflow from the tanks.

Source of ignition could be:

- Spark due to accumulation of static charge,

- Spark from exhaust of the tanker,

- Lightning,

- Smoking,

- Hammering, chiseling, welding, cutting etc.

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Spillage of flammable liquids such as O-Xylene, & Toluene inside the plants and catches fire either
by spark, reacting with oxidizing materials etc.

Release of flammable gases from storage/ process, or release of flammable liquid above its boiling
point from process to atmosphere, forming vapor cloud.

Combustible material comes in contact with hot surfaces, which rises temperature of the material at
ignition point and catches fire. (e.g. hot oil pipeline comes in contact with cotton, wood etc.).

Likely causes of Toxic gas release:

During Hydrolysis operation, Ammonia gas is evolved, the gas is scrubbed to form anhydrous
ammonia. Failure of Ammonia scrubber could result in accumulation of gas in the column and
thereby by escaping to the atmosphere.



The Stress/Strain effects of normal operation results in weakening of the metallic components, apart
from the normal wear & tear. The pressurization & depressurization can aggravate the stress &
corrosion can make the final blow to rupture the metallic components in the process plant area &
handling area .The thermal stresses due to cyclic heating ,cooling are expected to cause stresses in
the system

These may affect the life of the gaskets, nut, bolts & lead to the oozing followed by leakages. The
process cooling is expected to cause thermal process due to sudden cooling.

A : Component failure:

Causes of failure may be -

- Inappropriate design against internal pressure, external forces, corrosive media & temperature.

- Mechanical failure of vessels & pipe-work due to corrosion or external impact.

- Failure of components such as pumps, compressors, blowers and agitators.

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- Failure of control systems (pressure & temperature sensors, level controllers, flow meters, control
units, process computers).

- Failure of safety systems (safety valves, bursting discs, pressure relief systems,).

- Failure of welds and flanges.

B : Deviation from normal operating conditions:

Following failures can occur, leading to deviations from normal operating conditions:-

- Failure in the monitoring of crucial process parameters (pressure, temperature, flow, quantity,
mixing ratios and in the processing of these parameters.

- Failure in the utilities, such as : Cooling Water/Electricity etc

- Insufficient coolant for exothermic reactions

- Insufficient steam or heating medium/Excess steam flow

- No electricity

- No nitrogen

- No instrument air

- Failures in the shut down or start up procedures, which could lead to an explosive atmosphere
within the plant.

- Formation of side products/residues/impurities which can cause side reactions.

C : Other reasons

- Human and organizational errors

- Operator error (wrong button, wrong valve)

- Disconnected safety systems because of frequent false alarms

- Mix up of hazardous substances (material identification check).

- Communication errors

- Incorrect repair or maintenance work, Work without permit.

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D : Natural forces:

a) Wind b) Earthquakes c) Lightning d) Heavy rains e) Cyclone

E: Measures Taken To Avoid Stress & Strain:

- All the Autoclaves are designed for 20 kg/cm & 240 c. where as operating pressure &
temperature is maximum 15-16 kg/cm & 200c respectively.

- Reactors are stress relieved at all the stages of fabrication.

- While erecting the equipments, lifting lugs are strictly used

ii) Effects of Fire & Explosion inside the plant & Effect, if any, of Fire, Explosion outside

a] Details of bulk chemical storage

Sr. No Name of the Chemical No Of Tank Capacity

1. Toluene 01 15 KL

2. Sulfuric Acid 01 15 KL

3. HCl (Commercial) 01 5 KL

4. HCl (White) 01 5 KL

b] Effects/ Consequences:

Most of the chemicals have tendency to catch fire whenever ignition source will available to them,
Fire on small quantity of spillage and at preliminary stage can be easily extinguished by portable fire
extinguishers but if fire spreads and gets more fuel from surrounding, it will rapidly accelerate and
lead to disaster. Fires can take several different forms, including jet fires, pool fires, flash fires.
Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapour Explosions (BLEVEs) are unlikely, because no flammable
pressurized gases used at site.

A jet fire would appear as a long narrow flame produced, for example, from an ignited gas pipeline
leak. A pool fire would be produced, e.g. if a release of flammable liquid from a storage tank into a

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dyke ignited. A flash fire could occur if an escape of gas reached a source of ignition and rapidly
burns back to the source of release.

The BLEVE, sometimes referred to as a fire ball is generally far more serious than the other fires. It
is a combination of fire & explosion with an intense radiant heat emission within relatively short
time interval. It occurs within a vessel or tank in which a liquefied gas is kept above its atmospheric
boiling point. Such a scenario is unlikely to occur.

If a pressure vessel fails as a result of a weakening of its structure, the contents are instantaneously
released from the vessel as a turbulent mixture of liquid & gas, expanding rapidly and dispersing in
air as a cloud. When this cloud is ignited, a fireball occurs causing enormous heat radiation intensity
within a few seconds.

Health effects arising from exposure to the fumes generated as a result of fire are also to be
considered during fire fighting. Also effects of fire on people take the form of skin burns due to
exposure to thermal radiation.

c] Preventive Measures:

- Security guard ensures that, the Spark arrestors (mufflers) are attached to the smoke exhaust pipes
of the vehicles.

- Earthing is always connected to a tanker while unloading to take care of static electricity.

- Lightning arrestors is provided to cover entire tank farm area as well as whole factory area.

- Dike walls are constructed around the tank to contain material in case of puncture/leak.

- No activities like hammering, chiseling, cutting, welding by which spark can occur will be carried
out without safety permits.

- Adequate fire extinguishers & foam monitor are provided in the vicinity.

- Flame arrestors are provided in vent line of Flammable solvent tank.

- Trained personnel are employed in the tank farm for the loading & unloading operation.

- The transferring is generally carried out by pump instead of compressed air so that equipment is

Required to be pressurized and subsequent leakage through equipment can be avoided. Both
equipments are equalized during transferring so that overflow in to atmosphere can be prevented.

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- Vent of all tanks and reactors extended 2 meters above the terrace so that flammable vapours can
be dispersed easily and accumulation of vapours inside the plant avoided.

- Pipelines/ gaskets are periodically replaced to reduce probability of failure.

- Mechanical seal pumps are provided to eliminate leakage problem.

- Loose handling of flammables (in buckets, drums) are as far as possible avoided.

d] Actions to Be Taken In Case Of Emergency

(In Addition To Normal Emergency Procedures Explained In the Plan).

- Immediately stop the leakage from source by closing isolation valve or applying vacuum.

- Spray absorbent like KCC (Kerala China Clay) or Sand. If quantity of spill is large, recover
from drains and pits, do not allow it to outside the plant because most of the flammable in the plants
are lighter than water and can be easily spread through drain and flash back if source is available
anywhere even very far away from the plant.

- Use DCP/ foam extinguishers when fire is at preliminary stage. If fire is big it is better to use
hydrant system and same time cool the surrounding area.

- Stop all unloading/loading operations in the tank farm.

- Connect foam monitor with hydrant hose and apply over pool of spillage.

e] Effect if any of the Fire & Explosion outside the plan

The effects are not expected to reach off-site after implementation of above mentioned
recommendations like preventive measures and normal emergency procedures are followed.

Since factory is situated far away from main road & isolated off site area is quite safe .



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Emergency sirens:

Sirens are provided in the premises to cover the complete site,

1. During Shift Change Over Single blow of Siren

2. In Case of Leakage of Toxic Gas Three Siren Blow

3. In Case of Fire Five Siren Blow

4. In Case of emergency Evacuation Continuous Blow of Siren for 1 Minute

5. All Clear after Emergency Two Siren Blow

Safety systems:

- Self-contained breathing air sets

Breathing Air Sets are provided at various locations for emergency use. They are generally of 207
bar air pressure (1200 litre air). It can be used in all type of toxic gas leakage even at higher

- Wind Socks

For showing the direction of wind. To evacuate people, it will guide to which direction one should

- Employees' blood group list

It is very necessary to have the blood group of individuals in case of emergency. For this list of
blood group of all employees is available with Occupational Health Centre.

- Emergency addresses

List of present address of employee and address of the persons to who should inform in case of
emergency shall be made available with personnel and safety depts. It also mentions of other family


These are systems, which, on the basis of sensors, allow the plant people to determine the causes of a
malfunction as soon as it has occurred. Such alarm systems must be made available for:

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- Monitoring process parameters (pressure, temperature, flow rate, quantity, level, mixing ratio etc.).

- Leakage of toxic & flammable gases like Chlorine, Ammonia, Hydrogen chloride, etc.

- Detection of failures of safety related component like pumps, compressors, stirrers, blowers etc.).

- Detection of Smoke & heat

- Bursting of Rupture disc or popping up of safety valves.

- Besides giving alarm, if the necessary steps are not taken, secondary control systems will initiates
actions automatically to bring the operation in safe mode & to control the hazards. Even though, if
the process could not come under control then operation goes to safe shut down mode.

Emergency handling procedure in night time ( 5.30 p.m. To 8.30 a.m.):

- On hearing alert siren and announcement, all key personnel present in the premises, EMT
members, and other team members will rush to their nominated location and take position for further

- The Incident controller (Shift In charge) of the Plant/area will remain at the spot of emergency. He
will act as Main Controller also if EMT members/Main controller is not available.

- If they are available then, EMT member (senior), will act as a Main controller till the Main
controller arrives at site. He will take his position near the site but not on the spot of emergency
because he is assigned for overall functions. He has to monitor emergency and take further step

- The security guard will rush with Main controller's helmet and walkie-talkie sets and hand over to
EMT members and incident controller.

- The security officer will act as a communication team leader, he will inform to all key persons in
the factory. He will send vehicle to bring the key persons from residences.

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- All first aiders, fire fighters and technical team members will delegate their jobs to their co-
workers, which they were doing. They will rush to the spot of emergency and report to the Incident

- All other employees of the plant will stop their activities, bring the all operations in shut down
mode. They are not required to vacate the plant unless the incident controller /Main controller
instructs or conditions have become unbearable.

- The EMT member (senior) will continuously assess the situation by taking feed back from the
incident controller. Accordingly he will instruct communication team members. He will contact
advisory team members to get essential information but if required. In case, he does not require help
from advisory team, he can assign any other jobs to advisory team. The option is completely left to
the main controller.

- Once the emergency is brought under control, EMT member (senior) will inform to communication
team to sound `ALL CLEAR (siren and announce on PAS about completion of emergency.

- In the mean time if main controller and other team members arrived, they will replace the present
members and take charge of the emergency.

Evacuation Procedure :

Once the main controller realizes that the emergency is not controllable easily, he will instruct
communication team to sound siren (waning and waxing) and subsequently announcement for
evacuation on Public Address System or Megaphone. On hearing evacuation message on Public
Address System, Evacuation Team will guide personnel towards assembly point, which will be
declared, by communication team. After guiding the personnel to assembly point Team will
physically confirm evacuation then only they will leave for assembly point. At the assembly point
they will carry out HEAD COUNT (attendance) to ensure complete evacuation. It is essential that
they should know number of persons present in that area prior to the emergency.

Assembly Points

In the premises three assembly points are identified and declared as follows,

ASSEMBLY POINT 1 Garden Area in front of Security Cabin

ASSEMBLY POINT 2 Near the Maintenances Department .

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Selection of assembly point in particular case of emergency will be entirely dependent on the nature
and gravity of the emergency as well as wind direction. Communication team will announce safe
assembly point after consulting the main controller.

Procedure in case of emergency tends to cause off site implications:

As per the site plan and wind direction at the time of emergency, the likely affected area will be
identified and population within will be estimated.

- The police at Jalgaon MIDC police station will be informed so that incoming traffic can be
controlled from both the ends.

- The police force will be helpful in evacuation of personnel from surrounding factories or other
public place in the vicinity.

- The Fire Brigade will be informed and ambulances will be called and kept ready to meet any

- Eventualities

- The communication team members and evacuation team members will quickly move around the
likely affected area and will send message of evacuation through megaphone available in ECC. (All
Members Should keep PPE with them to avoid toxic gas exposure to them).

- The District Collector and Govt. authorities (DISH) will be informed.



- Process variables like temperature, pressure, flow rate, mixing ratio of certain components, the rate
of temperature or an increase or decrease in pressure etc. are monitored & controlled by using
sophisticated instruments.

- Temperature/pressure/flow sensors: in the process initiates alarms & actions such as emergency
cooling, stopping the input of a reaction, starting the scrubbing system etc.

- System preventing overflow: Level controls prevent vessels from being overfilled; they cut off the
flow of material or divert it.

- Emergency shut down system: shut down the process (i.e. cut off pumps, close or open quick
acting valves, apply emergency cooling).

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- Utilities: Safety related utility supplies, such as electricity supply to control systems, compressed
air for instruments or nitrogen supply as an inert gas have second source like generator supply, UPS,
buffer storage tank.)

- Pressure-relief systems: Rupture discs & safety valves are provided on the vessels operating or may
exceed the atmospheric pressure. Their outlets are connected to efficient scrubbing systems.

- To ensure continuous working of the instruments & control units, maintenance schedules are
prepared & documented, specifying the different maintenance intervals and the type of work to be
performed. Calibration of the instruments is carried out as per the set frequency. Skilled &
experienced technicians under competent supervision carry out servicing.



- Plant buildings are of RCC construction and stability certificates are renewed periodically. Well-
known approved Architects are engaged in the design.

- Equipment layouts are done as per internal standards of GCL taking into account
National/International standards.

- Fabrications are done as per standard norms.

- Drawings have been approved by statutory authorities such as MIDC, DISH etc.

- Licensed premises are as per approvals from respective authorities.

- Boilers constructions, erection and piping are done as per IBR.

- Equipments are selected based on process requirements with sufficient safety margins. In built
safety features are insisted at the time of purchase.


- The operations are continuously monitored by skilled workmen and supervised by qualified

- Process change/modifications are authorised by senior officers before implementing in the plant.
Detail Hazop study is carried out & suggestions came through it are implemented.

- Records of all the process steps are maintained in log sheets.

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- Operations are under supervision even during the scheduled tea, lunch break & shift change.

Operators are trained in more than one operation for this purpose.

- In coming, in process & final product sampling plans are prepared & strictly followed to monitor
the process.

- All the equipments, raw materials, intermediates, utilities are adequately identified.

- Standard operating procedures, Dos & Donts, start up & shut down procedures are prepared &
made known to all operating people.

- Material transfer operations are continuously monitored & confirmed by checking the quantity at
both the sides.



- Safety department is having control over the inspection, maintenance & repair work of safety
equipments/ systems & ensures that maintenance of safety equipments/systems is carried out as per
the schedule to ensure that those are in working condition all the time.

- Detail documented procedures for maintenance & repair work is jointly prepared & made available
in separate manual.

-All safety equipments namely SCBA sets, safety showers, fire extinguishers, fire hydrant points,
Emergency communication/warning facilities namely hooter, sirens, walkie-talkie sets, telephones,
are inspected periodically & records maintained. Nonconformities observed are corrected
immediately through engineering/maintenance department.

- Safety interlocks of critical process equipments in production plant are checked periodically as per
the checklists of respective plants & records maintained.

- Competent person inspects equipment, which is required to be checked statutorily.

- Process control instruments, pressure relief valves, sensors etc are inspected/calibrated periodically
for their effective working.

- Daily, weekly, fortnightly, monthly, quarterly, six monthly & yearly inspection schedules to
inspect and maintain the various process equipments/safety equipments /systems all over factory
premises are prepared & documented.

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- Records in the form of checklists are maintained.

- Safety work permit systems are strictly followed while carrying out maintenance & repair work.

- Required spares are maintained in sufficient stock.

- History cards for critical equipments are maintained.

- Reference standards; national & international, manufacturers instruction manuals are also referred
while carrying out maintenance & repair work. Recent copies of such standards are made available
in the library.


List of facilities available:

Emergency siren with codes

Intercom system


Sr. No Type of Extinguishers Capacity Available Qty

1. Dry Chemical Powder (DCP) 10.0 Kgs 19

9.0 Lit 25
2. Mechanical Foam
50.0 Lit 02

3. Carbon Di Oxide 9.0 Kgs 06



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A well-equipped occupational health centre with highly trained personnel shall be operating all 24
hours. In addition to monitoring the health and wellbeing of the employees, the centre is always in
readiness to take care of any emergency arising out of our manufacturing activities. People shall be
trained on first aid, taking care of toxic effects, minor and major accidents, arranging experts help,
imparting training to employees etc.

The Centre is ideally located near the Quality Control Lab, close to the entrance.

Oxygen cylinder - are available in the OHU

M.S.D.S. - Of chemicals are available

Medical record - of each employee are available

Name of the Hospital & Address Telephone

Sr. No Specialization

Dr. Arun Bagadia

Dr. Arun Bagadia Clinic Near Aginta (O) (0257)
1. Specialization: General
Chufuli 2211275

Dr. Arun Bagadia (R) (0257)

2. Dr. Arun Bagadia Residences
Specialization: General 2225511

3. Civil Hospital Jalgaon General Practitioner


Skin contact:

- Remove the victim from the affected area immediately.

- Take him to the nearest shower as early as possible.

- Remove contaminated clothes.

- Wash skin with large amounts of normal water using mild soap.

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- Dust the affected area with Antiseptic Powder; wash the affected area again with normal running

- Dry the skin very gently using a clean and soft towel.

- Do not apply oil or oily ointment without doctors advice. Incase of burns (inflammation, blisters)

- Apply a dry sterile dressing

- Keep the victim warm using a blanket.

- Immediately take him to the nearest hospital

Eye contact:

- Immediately remove the victim from the affected area.

- Take him to the nearest eye wash or shower.

- Flush eye immediately with normal water for at least 15 minutes or longer, keeping eye lids open.

- - If the pain remains, repeat washing the eye for 15 minutes or longer.

- Do not try to neutralize with chemicals.

- Do not use any oil or oily ointment with out doctors advice.

Note: The medical service will refer the victim to an ophthalmologist and inform him about the
nature of the accident


If the victim is conscious and inhalation is mild:

- Remove the victim from the affected area and take him to well ventilated area.

- Loosen the clothes and remove shoes.

- Keep him warm using a blanket.

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- Place the patient on his back with head and beak elevated.

- Rest is a must.

- If the victim coughs a great deal, make his inhale a gauze pad soaked with a little Ethyl Alcohol or
a few drops of Ether.

- - Milk, buttermilk, lime juice, fresh water may be given.

If the victim is unconscious but breathing has not ceased:

- Place the patient in a comfortable position with and trunk elevated to 45 position.

- Remove dentures or partial plates.

- Keep the patient warm using a blanket.

- Administer medical oxygen under low pressure using a pulmotor or similar type of vital equipment.

- Do not give him anything to drink.

If breathing has ceased:

- Immediately remove him from the affected area immediately.

- Loosen his cloths.

- Lay him down on his stomach.

- Begin artificial respiration

- Immediately administer medical oxygen under low pressure using a pulmotor or similar type of
vital equipment.

- Call a physician immediately.

- As the victim begins to breathe unladed or to move, lay him down with his body raised and
continue to administer medical oxygen.

- The physician will keep the victim under medical supervision for at least 48 hrs as acute pulmonary
edema or microbial infection may be caused.

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If the victim is conscious:

- Immediately remove him from the affected area immediately to a well ventilated area.

- Loosen his clothes.

- Ask the patient to drink copious amount of lime water or milk of magnesia or calcined magnesia in
water or table oil or fresh eggs.

- Lay him down with his legs raised.

- Keep him warm using a blanket.

- Rest is a must.

- If the victims face has become blue, lay him down on his back with head turned to one side.

- Administer medical oxygen under low pressure using a pulmotor or similar type of vital equipment.
Do not administer mixture of oxygen and carbon dioxide (Carbogen).

- No attempt should be made to include vomiting.

If the victim is unconscious but breathing:

- Lay him down on his back.

- Loosen his cloths.

- Keep him warm using a blanket.

- Remove dentures or partial plates.

- Administer medical oxygen under low pressure using a pulmotor or similar type of vital equipment.
Do not administer carbogen.

- Do not give him anything to drink.

If breathing has ceased:

- Immediately lay him down and begin artificial respiration or mouth to mouth resuscitation.

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- Loosen his cloths.

- Keep him warm using a blanket.

- Continue to administer medical oxygen under low pressure using a pulmotor or similar type of vital
equipment till the victim begins to breathe unladed.

Therapy for specific physiological disturbances For the guidance and attention of medical



- Administer 60 to 100% oxygen at 6 lit / min.

- Intermittent positive pressure breathing apparatus set to deliver positive pressures of 5-15 cm of
water in the respiratory cycle is valuable in reducing the formation of edema.

- Steroid therapy, given early is effective in preventing or alleviating pulmonary edema.

- The use of diuretics and antibiotics should be considered to reduce edema and protection against
secondary pulmonary infection.


- The exposure is associated with acute symptomatology requiring supportive therapy. Early
treatment is the most effective.

- Broncho-dilators nebulized into the intermittent positive pressure gas steam are often beneficial.

- Two effective drugs are:

- Isoproterenol hydrochloride

- Cydopentemine hydrochloride and aludrine.

- The commonly employed single treatment dosage for each drug is 0.3 cc. This may be altered
according to clinical needs.

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- Positive pressure treatment tends to suppress the secretion of mucous.

- Nebulized detergents assist in the thinning of mucous.


Important telephone numbers and addresses:

1. Government Officials:-

Sr. No Name Address Telephone numbers

Deputy Director Industrial Safety

1. District, Jalgaon (0257)-229689
& Health Jalgaon

(0257)-2222261 to
2. Jalgaon Municipal Corporation District, Jalgaon

MIDC near the RL

3. Fire Brigade MIDC Jalgon 101 & (0257)-2224444

Civil hospital Jalgon

4. Civil Hospital Jalgaon near the Pande dairy

5. MIDC Police Station MIDC Near SBI Branch (0257) 2210500

4. Important telephone nos. of Benzochem officials:-

Sr. No Name Of The Official Designation Contact No.

1. Dr. U. R. Shetkar CEO 022-28383247, 09833214264

2. Mr.Sunil Nawal Sr.GM.-Tech 022-43555888 , 9892203750

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3. Mr. Anilkumar V.S. Factory Manager 0257 2210241 , 9370005152

Co ordinator
4. Mr. S. G. Nehete 09890467183

5. P. M. Rane 09420791019

6. Mr. P. V.Bhamre Safety Officer 09764631300

7. Mr. P. P. Dhake Maint. Engg. 09028830840

8. Mr. Paresh Jhawar HR Manager 09420084844

9. Mr. G. R. Zope 09403387957

10. Mr. H.P.Mahale Security Supervisor 08805201191

1. Important intercom telephone nos. Inside the Factory:-

Sr. No Contact Person Department Intercom No.

1. Mr. Anilkumar V.S. Factory Manager 154

Co Ordinator
2. Mr. S. G. Nehete 135

3. Plant Supervisor Plant 134

4. Mr. Paresh Jhawar HR Manager 141

5. Security Supervisor Main Gate 129

Director of the
6. Director Cabin 151

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7. Mr. D. O. Chaudhari Q.C. Lab 133

8. Mr. P. P. Dhake Maint. Department 132

9. Mr. A. S. Akul Store 136


CAS No. 94-99-5 Molecular C7-H5-Cl3

RTECS No Not available

UN. No Molecular Weight 195.48 g/mole

EC. No.



May be combustible at high Keep Away from DRY chemical
temperature. the combustible powder. LARGE
Slightly flammable to & flammable FIRE: Use water
flammable in presence of heat products spray, fog or foam.
Do not use water jet.

Risks of explosion of the

Explosion product in presence of Static
discharge and mechanical

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impact: Not available

Avoid the immediately flush

Contact with Skin skin with plenty of
& body parts and water for at least 15
Exposure Irritation occurred always use minutes
Personal while removing
Protective contaminated
Equipments clothing and shoes.

Remove to fresh air.

May produce severe irritation If not breathing,
of respiratory tract, Always use give artificial
Inhalation characterized by coughing, appropriate gas respiration. If
choking, or shortness of mask breathing is
breath. difficult, give

Wash with a
disinfectant soap
Use appropriate
Hazardous in case of skin and cover the
Skin PPEs Like Hand
contact (irritant), contaminated skin
with an anti-
bacterial cream

Check for and

remove any contact
Use appropriate lenses. In case of
Hazardous in case of eyes
Eyes PPEs Like Safety contact, immediately
contact (irritant),
Goggles flush eyes with
plenty of water for
at least 15 minutes

In all Cases Do NOT induce

Ingestion consult the doctor vomiting
. Never give

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anything by mouth
to an unconscious
Person Loosen tight
clothing such as a
collar tie, belt or

Spillage Disposal Packing & Labeling

Corrosive liquid. Stop leak if without risk. Corrosive & Irritant, Hazardous
Absorb with DRY earth, sand or other non- material, Marine pollutant, Seal tight
combustible material. Do not get water inside closed container with proper hazardous
container. Do not touch spilled material. Use label
water spray curtain to divert vapor drift.
Prevent entry into sewers, basements or
confined areas; dike if needed. Eliminate all
ignition sources. Call for assistance on
disposal. Finish cleaning by Spreading water
on the contaminated surface and allow to
evacuate through the sanitary system .Waste
must be disposed of in accordance with
federal, state and local environmental control

Emergency Response Safe Storage

See & Follow Transport Emergency Card Moisture sensitive. Light sensitive. Store
available with Driver in light-resistant containers. Keep
container tightly closed. Keep container
in a cool,Well-ventilated area.


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The substance can be absorbed into the
Non volatile colorless liquid with body by inhalation of its vapour and by
characteristic odor. ingestion.


The vapour is heavier than air and may travel A harmful contamination of the air can be
along the ground; distant ignition possible reached rather quickly on evaporation of
this substance


Reacts with strong oxidants causing fire and
explosion hazard. The substance irritates the skin.
Swallowing the liquid may cause
aspiration into the lungs with the risk of
chemical pneumonitis. Exposure at high
levels could cause lowering of


Not Available
Repeated or prolonged contact with spray
mist may produce chronic eye

Irritation and severe skin irritation.

Repeated or prolonged exposure to spray
mist may produce respiratory tract

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1 .Physical state and appearance: Liquid. 1. Ecotoxicity: Not available.

(Viscous liquid.)
2. BOD5 and COD: Not available.
2. Odor: Not available.
3. Products of Biodegradation:
3. Taste: Not available.
4. Possibly hazardous short term
4. Molecular Weight: 195.48 g/mole degradation products are not likely.
However, long term degradation products
5. Color: Yellow. (Light.) may arise.
6. pH (1% soln/water): Not available. 5. Toxicity of the Products of
7. Boiling Point: 248C (478.4F) Biodegradation: The products of
degradation are as toxic as the product
8. Melting Point: -2.7C (27.1F) itself.

9. Critical Temperature: Not available. 6. Special Remarks on the Products of

Biodegradation: Not available.
10. Specific Gravity: Not available.

11. Vapor Pressure: Not available.

12. Vapor Density: 0.74 (Air = 1)

13. Volatility: Not available.

14. Odor Threshold: Not available.

15. Water/Oil Dist. Coeff.: Not available.

16. Ionicity (in Water): Not available.

17. Dispersion Properties: Not available.

18. Solubility: Not available.

Caustic Soda (Flakes/ Lye ) ICSC

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Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited. IND/BIPL/001/

CAS No. 1310-73-2 Molecular NaOH


UN. No Molecular Weight 40.00 g/mole

EC. No.


Do not Use water

Keep Away from
spray, Use dry
the combustible
Fire Negligible Fire Hazards chemical, carbon
& flammable
dioxide, or
appropriate foam.

Risks of explosion of the

product in presence of Static
discharge and mechanical
impact: Not available

immediately flush
Avoid the skin with plenty of
Contact with Skin water for at least 15
& body parts and minutes
May cause eye, skin, and
Exposure always use
respiratory tract irritation. while removing
and shoes.

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Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited. IND/BIPL/001/

Remove to fresh air.

If not breathing,
May cause respiratory tract Always use give artificial
Inhalation irritation. Repeated exposure appropriate Dust respiration. If
may cause lung damage. mask breathing is
difficult, give

Wash with a
disinfectant soap
Use appropriate
Hazardous in case of skin and cover the
Skin PPEs Like Hand
contact (irritant), contaminated skin
with an anti-
bacterial cream

Check for and

remove any contact
lenses. In case of
Use appropriate contact, immediately
Hazardous in case of eyes
Eyes PPEs Like Safety flush eyes with
contact (irritant),
Goggles plenty of water for
at least 15


Do NOT induce
The substance is toxic to
. Never give
lungs. Repeated or
anything by mouth
prolonged exposure to the In all Cases to an unconscious
Ingestion Substance can produce target consult the doctor
immediately Person Loosen tight
organs damage. Repeated or
clothing such as a
prolonged contact with spray
mist may produce chronic eye
tie, belt or

SadekarEnviroEngineersPvt.Ltd Chapter6119

Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited. IND/BIPL/001/

Spillage Disposal Packing & Labeling

Avoid generating dusty conditions. Remove all Corrosive & Irritant, Hazardous
sources of ignition. Provide ventilation. DO material, Marine pollutant, Seal tight
NOT CLEAN-UP OR DISPOSE OF, EXCEPT closed container with proper hazardous
Use only non-sparking tools and equipment..

Emergency Response Safe Storage

See & Follow Transport Emergency Card Keep away from heat, sparks, and flame.
available with Driver Keep away from sources of ignition.
Store in a tightly closed container. Store
in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area away
from incompatible substances.



The substance can be absorbed into the
White Flakes/ Hazy Liquid body by inhalation of its vapor and by


The dust is Corrosive & Irritant A harmful contamination of the air can be
reached rather quickly on dusting of this


Hygroscopic. Much heat is evolved when
solid material is dissolved in water. Therefore The substance irritates the skin.
cold water and caution must be used for this Swallowing the liquid may cause
aspiration into the lungs with the risk of

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Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited. IND/BIPL/001/

process. chemical pneumonitis. Exposure at high

levels could cause lowering of


Not Available
May cause gastrointestinal irritation with
nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. May cause
liver and kidney damage


1 .Physical State: Flake/ Liquid 1. Ecotoxicity :- Toxicity to fish: This

2. Appearance: white /Colorless material has exhibited moderate to
3. Odor: odorless high toxicity to fish and other
4. pH: Highly Alkaline.
5. Vapor Pressure: 105 mmhg @20C. 2. Aquatic organisms due to likely rise in
6. Vapor Density: Not available. water pH and /or heat generation.
7. Evaporation Rate: Not available.
8. Viscosity: 78.0 cP @ 20C.
9. Boiling Point: 145C for 50 % Lye.
10. Freezing Point: 12C
11. Decomposition Temperature: Not
12. Solubility: soluble in water
13. Specific Gravity/Density:1.53 g/cm3 @
14.Molecular Formula: NaOH
15.Molecular Weight: 40.01

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Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited. IND/BIPL/001/

Chlorine (Cl2 ) ICSC 0126

CAS No. 7782-50-5 Molecular Cl2

RTECS No FO2100000

UN. No 1017 Molecular Weight 70.90 g/mole

EC. No. 017-001-00-7



NO contact with In case of fire in the

Not combustible but enhances combustibles, surroundings: use
combustion of other acetylene, appropriate
substances. Many reactions ethylene, extinguishing media.
may cause fire or explosion hydrogen,
ammonia and
finely divided

Risk of fire and explosion on In case of fire: keep

contact with combustible cylinder cool by
Explosion substances, ammonia and ---- spraying with water
finely divided metals but NO direct
contact with water.



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Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited. IND/BIPL/001/


Corrosive. Burning sensation. Breathing Fresh air, rest. Half-

Shortness of breath. Cough. protection. upright position.
Headache. Nausea. Dizziness. Closed system Artificial respiration
Laboured breathing. Sore and ventilation. may be needed.
throat. Symptoms may be Refer for medical
delayed (see Notes). attention.

ON CONTACT WITH Cold-insulating First rinse with

LIQUID: FROSTBITE. gloves. Protective plenty of water, then
Corrosive. Skin burns. Pain. clothing. remove
Skin contaminated
clothes and rinse
again. Refer for
medical attention.

Corrosive. Pain. Blurred Safety goggles or First rinse with

vision. Severe deep burns. eye protection in plenty of water for
combination with several minutes
Eyes breathing (remove contact
protection. lenses if easily
possible), then take
to a doctor.


Spillage Disposal Packing & Labeling

Evacuate danger area! Consult an expert! T Symbol

Ventilation. NEVER direct water jet on liquid.
Remove gas with fine water spray. Personal N Symbol
protection: complete protective clothing R: 23-36/37/38-50
including self-contained breathing apparatus.

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Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited. IND/BIPL/001/

Do NOT let this chemical enter the S: (1/2-)9-45-61 UN Hazard Class: 2.3
UN Subsidiary Risks: 8

Emergency Response Safe Storage

Transport Emergency Card: TEC (R)-20S1017 Separated from strong bases,

combustible and reducing substances.
NFPA Code: H 4; F 0; R 0; OX Cool. Dry. Keep in a well-ventilated room



The substance can be absorbed into the
GREENISH-YELLOW GAS, WITH body by inhalation of its vapor and by
PUNGENT ODOUR. ingestion.


The Gas is heavier than Air A harmful contamination of the air can be
reached rather quickly on dusting of this


The solution in water is a strong acid, it
reacts violently with bases and is corrosive. Tear drawing. The substance is corrosive
Reacts violently with many organic to the eyes, the skin and the respiratory
compounds, ammonia, hydrogen and finely tract. Inhalation of gas may cause
divided metals causing fire and explosion pneumonitis and lung oedema, resulting
hazard. Attacks many metals in presence of in reactive airways dysfunction syndrome
water. Attacks plastic, rubber and coatings. (RADS) (see Notes). Rapid evaporation of
the liquid may cause frostbite. Exposure
far above the OEL may result in death.

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Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited. IND/BIPL/001/

The effects may be delayed. Medical

observation is indicated.


TLV: 0.5 ppm as TWA; 1 ppm as STEL; A4
(not classifiable as a human carcinogen); The substance may have effects on the
(ACGIH 2004). MAK: 0.5 ppm, 1.5 mg/m; lungs, resulting in chronic bronchitis. The
Peak limitation category: I(1); Pregnancy risk substance may have effects on the teeth,
group: C; (DFG 2004). resulting in erosion.


1 .Physical State: Flake/ Liquid 1. Ecotoxicity :- Toxicity to fish: This

2. Appearance: white /Colorless material has exhibited moderate to
3. Odor: odorless high toxicity to fish and other
4. pH: Highly Alkaline.
5. Vapor Pressure: 105 mmhg @20C. 2. Aquatic organisms due to likely rise in
6. Vapor Density: Not available. water pH and /or heat generation.
7. Evaporation Rate: Not available.
8. Viscosity: 78.0 cP @ 20C.
9. Boiling Point: 145C for 50 % Lye.
10. Freezing Point: 12C
11. Decomposition Temperature: Not
12. Solubility: soluble in water

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Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited. IND/BIPL/001/

13. Specific Gravity/Density:1.53 g/cm3 @

14.Molecular Formula: NaOH
15.Molecular Weight: 40.01

Material Safety Data Sheet

4-Chlorobenzyl cyanide MSDS

Section 1: Chemical Product and Company Identification

Product Name: 4-Chlorobenzyl cyanide

Catalog Codes: SLC1801

CAS#: 140-53-4

RTECS: AL8250000

TSCA: TSCA 8(b) inventory: 4-Chlorobenzyl cyanide

CI#: Not available.

Synonym: 4-Chlorophenylacetonitrile; pChlorobenzyl cyanide; p-Chlorophenylacetonitrile; (4-


Chemical Name: 4-Chlorobenzyl cyanide

Chemical Formula: C8H6ClN

Contact Information:, Inc.

14025 Smith Rd.

SadekarEnviroEngineersPvt.Ltd Chapter6126

Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited. IND/BIPL/001/

Houston, Texas 77396

US Sales: 1-800-901-7247

International Sales: 1-281-441-4400

Order Online:

CHEMTREC (24HR Emergency Telephone), call:


International CHEMTREC, call: 1-703-527-3887

For non-emergency assistance, call: 1-281-441-4400

Section 2: Composition and Information on Ingredients


Name CAS # % by Weight

{4-}Chlorobenzyl cyanide 140-53-4 100

Toxicological Data on Ingredients: 4-Chlorobenzyl cyanide: ORAL (LD50): Acute: 50 mg/kg [Rat].

Section 3: Hazards Identification

Potential Acute Health Effects:

Very hazardous in case of ingestion. Hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant, permeator), of eye
contact (irritant), of

inhalation. Severe over-exposure can result in death.

Potential Chronic Health Effects:



DEVELOPMENTAL TOXICITY: Not available. The substance may be toxic to lungs, skin, central
nervous system (CNS).

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Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited. IND/BIPL/001/

Repeated or prolonged exposure to the substance can produce target organs damage. Repeated
exposure to a highly toxic

material may produce general deterioration of health by an accumulation in one or many human

Section 4: First Aid Measuresp. 2

Eye Contact:

Check for and remove any contact lenses. In case of contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of
water for at least 15

minutes. Get medical attention.

Skin Contact:

In case of contact, immediately flush skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes while
removing contaminated clothing

and shoes. Cover the irritated skin with an emollient. Wash clothing before reuse. Thoroughly clean
shoes before reuse. Get

medical attention immediately.

Serious Skin Contact:

Wash with a disinfectant soap and cover the contaminated skin with an anti-bacterial cream. Seek
immediate medical



If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult,
give oxygen. Get medical

attention immediately.

Serious Inhalation:

Evacuate the victim to a safe area as soon as possible. Loosen tight clothing such as a collar, tie, belt
or waistband. If

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Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited. IND/BIPL/001/

breathing is difficult, administer oxygen. If the victim is not breathing, perform mouth-to-mouth
resuscitation. WARNING: It may

be hazardous to the person providing aid to give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation when the inhaled
material is toxic, infectious or

corrosive. Seek immediate medical attention.


If swallowed, do not induce vomiting unless directed to do so by medical personnel. Never give
anything by mouth to an

unconscious person. Loosen tight clothing such as a collar, tie, belt or waistband. Get medical
attention immediately.

Serious Ingestion: Not available.

Section 5: Fire and Explosion Data

Flammability of the Product: May be combustible at high temperature.

Auto-Ignition Temperature: Not available.

Flash Points: CLOSED CUP: 133C (271.4F).

Flammable Limits: Not available.

Products of Combustion: These products are carbon oxides (CO, CO2), halogenated compounds.

Fire Hazards in Presence of Various Substances: Slightly flammable to flammable in presence of

open flames and sparks,

of heat.

Explosion Hazards in Presence of Various Substances:

Risks of explosion of the product in presence of mechanical impact: Not available. Risks of
explosion of the product in

presence of static discharge: Not available.

Fire Fighting Media and Instructions:

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Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited. IND/BIPL/001/

SMALL FIRE: Use DRY chemical powder. LARGE FIRE: Use water spray, fog or foam. Do not
use water jet.

Special Remarks on Fire Hazards: Not available.

Special Remarks on Explosion Hazards: Not available.

Section 6: Accidental Release Measures

Small Spill: Use appropriate tools to put the spilled solid in a convenient waste disposal container.

Large Spill:

Poisonous solid. Stop leak if without risk. If the product is in its solid form: Use a shovel to put the
material into a convenient

waste disposal container. If the product is in its liquid form: Do not get water inside container.
Absorb with an inert materialp. 3

and put the spilled material in an appropriate waste disposal. Do not touch spilled material. Use
water spray to reduce vapors.

Prevent entry into sewers, basements or confined areas; dike if needed. Eliminate all ignition
sources. Call for assistance on

disposal. Be careful that the product is not present at a concentration level above TLV. Check TLV
on the MSDS and with local


Section 7: Handling and Storage


Keep locked up.. Keep away from heat. Keep away from sources of ignition. Empty containers pose
a fire risk, evaporate

the residue under a fume hood. Ground all equipment containing material. Do not ingest. Do not
breathe dust. Wear suitable

protective clothing. In case of insufficient ventilation, wear suitable respiratory equipment. If

ingested, seek medical advice

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Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited. IND/BIPL/001/

immediately and show the container or the label. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Keep away from
incompatibles such as

oxidizing agents, reducing agents, acids, alkalis.

Storage: Keep container tightly closed. Keep container in a cool, well-ventilated area. Do not store
above 23C (73.4F).

Section 8: Exposure Controls/Personal Protection

Engineering Controls:

Use process enclosures, local exhaust ventilation, or other engineering controls to keep airborne
levels below recommended

exposure limits. If user operations generate dust, fume or mist, use ventilation to keep exposure to
airborne contaminants

below the exposure limit.

Personal Protection:

Splash goggles. Lab coat. Dust respirator. Be sure to use an approved/certified respirator or
equivalent. Gloves.

Personal Protection in Case of a Large Spill:

Splash goggles. Full suit. Dust respirator. Boots. Gloves. A self contained breathing apparatus
should be used to avoid

inhalation of the product. Suggested protective clothing might not be sufficient; consult a specialist
BEFORE handling this


Exposure Limits:

TWA: 5 (mg/m3) from OSHA listed under Cyanide Anion) (PEL) [United States] Consult local
authorities for acceptable

exposure limits.

Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties

SadekarEnviroEngineersPvt.Ltd Chapter6131

Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited. IND/BIPL/001/

Physical state and appearance: Solid. (Solidcrystalline powder.)

Odor: Odorless.

Taste: Not available.

Molecular Weight: 151.6 g/mole

Color: Colorless to light yellow.

pH (1% soln/water): Not applicable.

Boiling Point: 266C (510.8F)

Melting Point: 29.5C (85.1F)

Critical Temperature: Not available.

Specific Gravity: Not available.

Vapor Pressure: Not applicable.

Vapor Density: Not available.p. 4

Volatility: Not available.

Odor Threshold: Not available.

Water/Oil Dist. Coeff.: Not available.

Ionicity (in Water): Not available.

Dispersion Properties: Not available.

Solubility: Insoluble in cold water, hot water.

Section 10: Stability and Reactivity Data

Stability: The product is stable.

Instability Temperature: Not available.

Conditions of Instability: Excess heat (temp. above 40 C., excess dust generation, incompatible

SadekarEnviroEngineersPvt.Ltd Chapter6132

Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited. IND/BIPL/001/

Incompatibility with various substances: Reactive with oxidizing agents, reducing agents, acids,

Corrosivity: Non-corrosive in presence of glass.

Special Remarks on Reactivity: Not available.

Special Remarks on Corrosivity: Not available.

Polymerization: Will not occur.

Section 11: Toxicological Information

Routes of Entry: Inhalation. Ingestion.

Toxicity to Animals: Acute oral toxicity (LD50): 50 mg/kg [Rat].

Chronic Effects on Humans: May cause damage to the following organs: lungs, skin, central nervous
system (CNS).

Other Toxic Effects on Humans:

Very hazardous in case of ingestion. Hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant, permeator), of

Special Remarks on Toxicity to Animals: Not available.

Special Remarks on Chronic Effects on Humans: Not available.

Special Remarks on other Toxic Effects on Humans:

Acute Potential Health Effects: Skin: May caue skin irritation. May be harmful if absorbed through
skin. May affect behavior

and respiration. May be metabolized to cyanide which inhibits cytochrome oxidase impairing
cellular respiration. Most nitrile

compounds are well absorbed through intact skin and may cause delayed onset of symptoms
following exposure by this route.

Eyes: May cause eye irritation. Inhalation: Dust may cause respiratory tract irritation. May be
harmful if inhaled. Inhalation

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Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited. IND/BIPL/001/

may result in symptoms similar to cyanide poisoning which include abnormally rapid or deep
breathing, and difficult breathing

followed rapidly by respiratory depression. Pulmonary edema may occur. Ingestion: Poison by
ingestion. Harmful if swallowed.

May be fatal. May cause digestive tract irritation. Metabolsim may release cyanide, which may
affect metabolism, respiration

(dyspnea), behavior and central nervous system (headache, dizziness, weakness, collapse,
unconsciousness and possible

death), nervous system (peripheral nerve and sensation). Chronic Potential Health Effects: May be
metabolized to cyanide

which inhibits cytochrome oxidase impairing cellular respiration. Exposure to samll amounts of
cyanide compounds over long

periods of time is reported to loss of appetite, headache, weakness, dizziness, nausea, and irritation
of respiratory tract and


Section 12: Ecological Information

Ecotoxicity: Not available.p. 5

BOD5 and COD: Not available.

Products of Biodegradation:

Possibly hazardous short term degradation products are not likely. However, long term degradation
products may arise.

Toxicity of the Products of Biodegradation: The products of degradation are as toxic as the product

Special Remarks on the Products of Biodegradation: Not available.

Section 13: Disposal Considerations

Waste Disposal:

SadekarEnviroEngineersPvt.Ltd Chapter6134

Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited. IND/BIPL/001/

Waste must be disposed of in accordance with federal, state and local environmental control

Section 14: Transport Information

DOT Classification: CLASS 6.1: Poisonous material.

Identification: : Nitriles, toxic, n.o.s. (4-Chlorobenzyl Cyanide) UNNA: 3276 PG: II

Special Provisions for Transport: Not available.

Section 15: Other Regulatory Information

Federal and State Regulations: TSCA 8(b) inventory: 4-Chlorobenzyl cyanide

Other Regulations:

OSHA: Hazardous by definition of Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200). EINECS:
This product is on the

European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances.

Other Classifications:

WHMIS (Canada): CLASS D-1A: Material causing immediate and serious toxic effects (VERY


R23/24/25- Toxic by inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed. S28- After contact with skin,
wash immediately with

plenty of water. S36/37/39- Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves and eye/face protection. S45-
In case of accident or if you

feel unwell, seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible).

HMIS (U.S.A.):

Health Hazard: 2

Fire Hazard: 1

SadekarEnviroEngineersPvt.Ltd Chapter6135

Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited. IND/BIPL/001/

Reactivity: 0

Personal Protection: E

National Fire Protection Association (U.S.A.):

Health: 3

Flammability: 1

Reactivity: 0

Specific hazard:

Protective Equipment:

Gloves. Lab coat. Dust respirator. Be sure to use an approved/certified respirator or equivalent. Wear
appropriate respirator

when ventilation is inadequate. Splash goggles.p. 6

Section 16: Other Information

References: Not available.

Other Special Considerations: Not available.

Created: 10/09/2005 04:52 PM

Last Updated: 06/09/2012 12:00 PM

The information above is believed to be accurate and represents the best information currently
available to us. However, we

Note : This on site emergency plan has been prepared on the basis of information made available by
client, available resources and experience of maker. As the facilities available, manufacturing
process/product, or any other criteria changes so will change the onsite emergency plan. So it is
strongly recommended to review this plant periodically so as to make it perfect. Further
effectiveness of this plan is beyond control of maker of this plan for oblivious reasons.


SadekarEnviroEngineersPvt.Ltd Chapter6136

Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited. IND/BIPL/001/

Raw Material Tank / Flash Point Calorific drum No of Quantity

Drum (O C ) Value Capacity drum/Bag/ Box at any
Capacity (kJ/kg) time
Ltr (Kg)
Sulphuryl chloride 60 ltr - - 60 84 Drum 5000
Chlorine 900 kg - - 900 4 Toner 3600
Sodium hydroxide 50 - - 50 100 Bag 5000
Sodium cyanide 50 - - 50 20 Drum 1000
Naphthalene 50 kg 78.8889 38844.2 50 200 Bag 10000
Ethylene di chloride 200 ltr 13.3333 10699.6 200 3 Drum 600
Thionyl chloride 200 ltr 200 5 Drum 1000
Acetic acid 200 ltr 39.4444 13025.6 200 3 Drum 600
Ethyl acetate 200 ltr -4.44444 23492.6 200 3 Drum 500
Methanol 200 ltr 11.1111 20003.6 200 8 Drum 1500
Cyclohexane 200 ltr -20 43496.2 200 3 Drum 600
Ethyl bromide 200 ltr 13025.6 200 5 Drum 1000
Mono methyl amine 40 200 ltr 200 3 Drum 600
Tri ethyl amine 200 ltr -8.88889 41402.8 200 2 Drum 400
Para chloro phenol 200 ltr 63.8889 21399.2 200 3 Drum 600
Di methyl sulphate 200 ltr 200 8 Drum 1500
Formic acid 50 ltr 50 6978 50 30 Carboy 1500
Formaldehyde solution 200 ltr 60 200 10 Drum 2000
Synhydride 200 ltr 200 15 Drum 3000
Tetra chloro ortho 50 kg 50 10 Drum 500
xylene drum
Per chloro ethylene 200 ltr 200 15 Drum 3000
Copper sulphate 50 kg 50 4 Bag 200
Benzoyl chloride 50 ltr 72.2222 29307.6 50 12 Carboy 600
Bromine 1 ltrx6 6 500 Box 3000

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Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited. IND/BIPL/001/

Acetyl chloride 200 ltr 4.44444 5815 200 3 Drum 500

Cyanuric chloride 50 kg 50 40 Bag 2000
Chloro benzene (mcb) 200 ltr 28.8889 25353.4 200 25 Drum 5000

From the above storages a list of flammable substances stored was prepared which is given in above
Table . It is seen that about 139 barrels (each of 200 Liter ) would be stored in the factory at any
given time.

An estimation of Dow Fire and Explosion Index was done assuming that all barrels contain the
maximum flammable material (from flash point of view) i. e. Cyclohexane

Tank No. -- Equipment Name Cyclohexane storage Drum ( 200 liter

capacity, 3 drum)
Basic Material for Material factor MS Drums Density, kg/l 0.779
Properties of material
Nh 1 Nf 3 Nr 0 M.F. 16
Boil. pt. 177.3 0F 80.7 0C Flash pt. -4 0F -20 0C
HC = Heat of Comb. 18700 BTU / lb
Quantity of the material l 27800 kg 61288.509 Lb
Storage conditions Temp 30 0C Pressure 1.0 bar
Penalty factor Penalty factor used
1.General Process Base Factor 1.00 1.00
Exothermic Chemical Reaction 0.30 to 1.25 0.00
Endothermic Processes 0.20 to 0.40 0.00
Material handling and transfer 0.25 to 1.05 0.85
Enclosed or Indoor Process Units 0.25 to 0.90 0.30
Access 0.20 to 0.35 0.20
Drainage and Spill Control 0.25 to 0.50 0.50
General Process Hazard Factor ( F1 ) 2.85

2.Special Process Base Factor 1.00 1.00

Toxic material(s) 0.20 to 0.80 0.20
Sub atmospheric pressure (< 500 mm 0.50 0.00
Operation in or near flammable range 0.00 to 0.80
inerted noninerted
1. Tank farm storage flammable 0.50 0.00
2. Process upset or purge failure 0.30 0.00
3. Always in flammable range 0.80 0.00

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Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited. IND/BIPL/001/

Dust Explosion 0.25 to 2.00 0.00

Pressure Operating pressure psig 0.00
Low temperature 0.20 to 0.30 0.00
Quantity of flammable / unstable
1. Liquids or gases in process 0.00
2. Liquids or gases in storage 0.7
3. Combustible Solids in Storage, Dust 0.00
in Process
Corrosion & Erosion 0.10 to 0.75 0.00
Leakage - Joints & Packing 0.10 to 1.50 0.00
Use of Fired Equipment 0.00
Hot oil heat exchange system 0.15 to 1.15 0.00
Rotating Equipment 0.50 0.00
Special Process Hazard Factor ( F2 ) 1.9

Process Unit Hazard Factor ( F3 = F1 x F2) 5.41

Fire & Explosion Index (F.& E.I.= F3 x M.F. ) 86.56
Degree of Hazard Moderate

The calculations for Dow Fire and Explosion Index is given and from the calculations it is seen that
the storage will have a Dow Index of 86.56 indicating Moderate hazard potential



Preventive & Protective Fire & Explosion Index Number Index for the present case
0- 20-40 40- 60-75 75- >90 86.56
20 60 90
Suggest Recom Feature
ed mended required
1) Fireproofing 1 2 2 3 4 4

SadekarEnviroEngineersPvt.Ltd Chapter6139

Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited. IND/BIPL/001/

2) Water spray

a) directional 1 2 3 3 4 4
b) area 1 2 3 3 4 4
c) curtain 1 1 2 2 2 4

3) Special

a) temperature 1 2 3 3 4 4
b) pressure 1 2 3 3 3 4
c) flow control 1 2 3 4 4 4

4) Dust, blowdown, spill 1 1 2 3 3 4


5) Internal examination 1 2 3 3 4 4

6) Combustible gas

a) signal alarm 1 1 2 3 2 4
b) actuate equipment 1 1 2 2 2 4

7) Remote operation 1 1 2 3 2 4

8) Diking, (Not 1 4 4 4 4 4
Applicable as barrel

9) Blast & barrier walls 1 1 2 3 4 4

1) Feature optional 2) Feature suggested 3) Feature recommended 4) Feature required

In order to reduce the probability of fire occurring in the storage the following precautions would be
taken. Mr. S. Navale, G. M. Technical agreed that the these precautions will be taken during
installation, commissioning and running of the solvent storage facility.

Recommendations to reduce the probability of fire in the solvent storage area

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While designing the shed consideration would be given to the sitting facilities like control
room, amenity buildings and access routes, to reduced the number of people who may be
present in the potentially hazardous area.

Installation will be designed with adequate mean of escape for personal and with facilities
for containing and fighting fires (such as built in fires extinguisher equipment )

Wherever required, the storage would be covered under license from PESO under Petroleum
Rules, maintaining safe distances, as required under the rules.

The storage area would not be sited immediately uphill of a process area or other area in
which sources of ignition will be present

The site will be supplied with drainage facilities adequate for all emergency water usage and
provided with interceptor chamber, designed to exclude the flammable liquid from storm
water storage drainage or main sewer system.

Fire hydrants will be provided in at least two locations on or near the site and so located that
they will be usable under all foreseeable conditions of fire and wind directions.

NOC would be taken from MIDC officials for the storage from fire point of view.

Regular inspection of premises will be done.

Adequate free space (ullage ) should be left above the liquid to allow the thermal expansion

In all circumstances drums would be stored in an orderly manner which allows access to all
parts of store and store area. stack of filled drums will be limited in height to four drums and
the stack would be on pallets

The barrels would be marked to shown the exact contents of the same.



The principle and general approach used in the DOW method of hazard evaluation have been further
developed by ICI Mond Division, Their revised Mond fire, explosive and toxicity index is a series of
papers by lewis (1979). The main development made to the DOW Index in the Mond Index are:

1. It covers a wider range of process and storage installation

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2. It covers the processing of chemicals with explosive properties

3. A calculation procedure is included to allow for the off-setting effects of good design and
control and safety instrumentation

4. The procedure has been extended to cover plant layout

5. Separate indices are calculated to acess the hazards of fire, internal explosion and aerial

Table No. 1: List of Hazardous Raw Materials

Raw Material Tank / Drum Quantity Area Dimension Health Threshold

Capacity Ltr at any occupied (mm) Dia Hazard Limit
time by tank/ x Height N(h) Value
drum (Sq. (ppm)
(MT) meter)

SULPHURYL 340x304x5 3 -
60 Ltr 5.0 MT 0.10

900 Kg 762x202 4 1
CHLORINE 3.6 MT 1.54
(Toner) 6L

SODIUM 609x914x1 3 -
50 Kg.bag 5.0 MT 0.55

SODIUM CYANIDE 50 Kg.Drum 1.0 MT 0.145 381x558 3 -

406x609x1 2 10
NAPHTHALENE 50 kg Bag 10.0 MT 0.247

200 Ltr 0.6 MT 0.36 600x900

200 Ltr 1.0 MT 0.36 600x900

ACETIC ACID 200 Ltr 0.6 MT 0.36 600x900 3 10

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ETHYL ACETATE 200 Ltr 0.5 MT 0.36 600x900 2 400

CYCLOHEXANE 200 Ltr 0.6 MT 0.36 600x900 1 300

ETHYL BROMIDE 200 Ltr 1.0 MT 0.36 600x900 2 200

200 Ltr 0.6 MT 0.36 600x900
AMINE 40 %

TRI ETHYL AMINE 200 Ltr 0.4 MT 0.36 600x900 3 10

200 Ltr 0.6 MT 0.36 600x900

200 Ltr 1.5 MT 0.36 600x900

355x228.6 3 5
FORMIC ACID 50 Ltr carboy 1.5 MT 0.081

200 Ltr 2.0 MT 0.36 600x900

200 Ltr 3.0 MT 0.36 600x900

500x800x1 2
COPPER SULPHATE 50 kg bag 0.2 MT 0.40

BENZOYL 355x228.6 2 1
50 Ltr carboy 0.6 MT 0.081

305x432x2 3 0.1
1 Ltrx6 0.131
Bottle box (1 box)
(1 box)

ACETYL CHLORIDE 200 Ltr 0.5 MT 0.36 600x900 3

CYANURIC 50 Kg 2.0 MT 0.13 355.6x45 3

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200 Ltr 5.0 MT 0.36 600x900

According to the Health Hazard Index from the MSDS it was found to be that chlorine and
dimethyl sulphate has the highest health hazard rating and lowest threshold limit values out of
the total hazardous raw materials used in the factory premises.

Hence the Monds Index will be performed for Chlorine and Dimethyl sulphate.

A) Monds Index Calculation for Chlorine

Toxicity Index : Th + Ts (1+GPH+SPH)


Where, MF = Material Factor

SPH = Special Process Hazard

GPH = General Process Hazard

Th = Toxicity factor based on the NFPA hazard index (0 4)

Ts = Correction factor (additional penalty) for toxicity based on Maximum

Allowable Concentration (MAC) value in ppm

Th (Toxicity Factor): For Chlorine will be 325 from the table no. 2 as the Nh factor for chlorine is 4

Ts (Correction Factor): For Chlorine will be 125 from the table no. 3 as the MAC is 1 ppm

Table No. 2: Toxicity factor Index

Toxicity Factor
NFPA Index Number

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0 0

1 50

2 125

3 250

4 325

Table No. 3: Correction factor for Toxicity

MAC (in ppm) Ts

5 and below 125

Between 5 and 50 75

50 and more 50

Table No. 4: General & Special Process Hazard

1.General Process Base Factor 1.00 1.00

Exothermic Chemical Reaction 0.30 to 1.25 0.00
Endothermic Processes 0.20 to 0.40 0.00
Material handling and transfer 0.25 to 1.05 0.00
Enclosed or Indoor Process Units 0.25 to 0.90 0.00
Access 0.20 to 0.35 0.20

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Drainage and Spill Control 0.25 to 0.50 0.50

General Process Hazard Factor ( F1 ) 1.70

2.Special Process Base Factor 1.00 1.00

Toxic material(s) 0.20 to 0.80 0.80
Sub atmospheric pressure (< 500 mm 0.50 0.00
Operation in or near flammable range 0.00 to 0.80

_____inerted ______noninerted
1. Tank farm storage flammable 0.50 0.00
2. Process upset or purge failure 0.30 0.00
3. Combustible solids in storage. Dust 0.80 0.00
iDust Explosion 0.25 to 2.00 0.00
Pressure Operating pressure psig 0.00
Low temperature 0.20 to 0.30 0.00
Quantity of flammable / unstable
1. Liquids or gases in process 0.00
7.8 x10 ^9 2. Liquids or gases in storage 0.0
3. Combustible Solids in Storage, Dust 0.00
in Process
Corrosion & Erosion 0.10 to 0.75 0.10
Leakage - Joints & Packing 0.10 to 1.50 0.10
Use of Fired Equipment 0.00
Hot oil heat exchange system 0.15 to 1.15 0.00
Rotating Equipment 0.50 0.00
Special Process Hazard Factor ( F2 ) 2.0

Therefore from the above table the GPH and SPH is coming to be around 1.70 and 2.0 respectively.

Calculation of Toxicity Index:

Toxicity Index : Th + Ts (1+GPH+SPH)


Toxicity Index : [325 + 125 (1 + 1.70 + 2.0)]/100

Toxicity Index : 9.1

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Table No.5: Toxicity Index

The resulting TI values are ranked into three categories:

1-5 Light

6-9 Moderate

10-up High

The Toxicity Index for Chlorine is calculated to be around 9.1 which indicate that the degree of
hazard is high from table no. 5.

B) Monds Index Calculation for Dimethyl Sulphate

Th (Toxicity Factor): For Dimethyl Sulphate will be 325 from the table no. 2 as the Nh factor for
Dimethyl Sulphate is 4

Ts (Correction Factor): For Dimethyl Sulphate will be 125 from the table no. 3 as the MAC for
Dimethyl Sulphate is 1 ppm

Table No. 6: General & Special Process Hazard

1.General Process Base Factor 1.00 1.00

Exothermic Chemical Reaction 0.30 to 1.25 0.00
Endothermic Processes 0.20 to 0.40 0.00
Material handling and transfer 0.25 to 1.05 0.25
Enclosed or Indoor Process Units 0.25 to 0.90 0.00
Access 0.20 to 0.35 0.20
Drainage and Spill Control 0.25 to 0.50 0.50
General Process Hazard Factor ( F1 ) 1.95

2.Special Process Base Factor 1.00 1.00

Toxic material(s) 0.20 to 0.80 0.80
Sub atmospheric pressure (< 500 mm 0.50 0.00
Operation in or near flammable 0.00 to 0.80
range_inerted ______noninerted
1. Tank farm storage flammable 0.50 0.00

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2. Process upset or purge failure 0.30 0.00

3. Combustible solids in storage. Dust 0.80 0.00
iDust Explosion 0.25 to 2.00 0.00
Pressure Operating pressure psig 0.00
Low temperature 0.20 to 0.30 0.00
Quantity of flammable / unstable
1. Liquids or gases in process 0.00
7.8 x10 ^9 2. Liquids or gases in storage 0.10
3. Combustible Solids in Storage, Dust 0.00
in Process
Corrosion & Erosion 0.10 to 0.75 0.10
Leakage - Joints & Packing 0.10 to 1.50 0.10
Use of Fired Equipment 0.00
Hot oil heat exchange system 0.15 to 1.15 0.00
Rotating Equipment 0.50 0.00
Special Process Hazard Factor ( F2 ) 2.1

Therefore from the above table the GPH and SPH is coming to be around 1.95 and 2.1 respectively.

Calculation of Toxicity Index:

Toxicity Index : Th + Ts (1+GPH+SPH)


Toxicity Index : [325 + 125 (1 + 1.95 + 2.1)]/100

Toxicity Index : 9.5

The Toxicity Index for Dimethyl Sulphate is calculated to be around 9.5 which indicate that the
degree of hazard is high from table no 5.

Recommendations for Storage of Toxic Materials.

1. The toxic chemicals will be stored according to the compatibility with other chemicals.

2. Proper colour and tag name system will be followed for the storage purpose.

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Suggested features for Chlorine storage:

1. Chlorine emergency kit can be stored

2. Chlorine leak detector can be installed.

Fire Load Calculation

For fire load calculation all the raw materials classified as flammable according to the MSIHC rule is
calculated. Definition of FIRE LOAD:

The weight of combustible material per square foot of floor space.

The combustible contents or interior finish of a building per unit floor area, often expressed
as pounds per square foot or as Btu per square foot.
The amount of fuel within a building which has the potential of burning and releasing heat to
feed the growth of a fire.

Fire load can be calculated as follows:-

Weight of material in Kg (mass) X Calorific value of the material = Answer in Kj

Calculating the Fire Loading of a Compartment

The fire loading of a compartment is a way of establishing the severity of a fire and the measurement
(kj) is related to the heat output. As stated by Drysdale (1985) the formula for calculating the fire
loading is noted as:

Calorific Value x Mass (or volume)/ Floor Area = Area Fire Loading Kj/m2

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Raw Material Tank / Flash Calorific No of Quantity 1 drum Total Fire Area Fire
Drum Point (O Value drum/Bag/ at any area (Sq. Drum Load Kj Loading
Capacity C) (kJ/kg) Box time (Kg) m.) Area (Kj/m2 )
Ltr Sq.m
Naphthalene 50 kg bag 78.8889 38844.2 200 Bag 10000 0.03 6 388442000 64740333.33
Ethylene di chloride 200 ltr 13.3333 10699.6 3 Drum 600 0.54 1.62 6419760 7379034.483
Acetic acid 200 ltr 39.4444 13025.6 3 Drum 600 0.54 1.62 7815360 8983172.414
Ethyl acetate 200 ltr -4.44444 23492.6 3 Drum 500 0.54 1.62 11746300 13501494.25
Methanol 200 ltr 11.1111 20003.6 8 Drum 1500 0.54 4.32 30005400 12933362.07
Cyclohexane 200 ltr -20 43496.2 3 Drum 600 0.54 1.62 26097720 29997379.31
Ethyl bromide 200 ltr 13025.6 5 Drum 1000 0.54 2.7 13025600 8983172.414
Tri ethyl amine 200 ltr -8.88889 41402.8 2 Drum 400 0.54 1.08 16561120 28553655.17
Para chloro phenol 200 ltr 63.8889 21399.2 3 Drum 600 0.54 1.62 12839520 14758068.97
Di methyl sulphate 200 ltr -48 30703 8 Drum 1500 0.54 4.32 46054500 19851077.59
Benzoyl chloride 50 ltr 72.2222 29307.6 12 Carboy 600
carboy 0.08 0.96 17584560 5053034.483
Bromine 1 ltrx6 0 500 Box 3000
box 0.03 15 0 0
Acetyl chloride 200 ltr 4.44444 5815 3 Drum 500 0.54 1.62 2907500 3341954.023
Chloro benzene 200 ltr 28.8889 25353.4 25 Drum 5000
(mcb) 0.54 13.5 126767000 17485103.45
57.6 706266340 235560842

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M/s. Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited. has proposed an expansion plant of intermediate for
API at MIDC Jalgaon, Maharashtra. The Proposed expansion has direct & indirect positive
impact on surrounding area which is mentioned below:

Substantial Socio-economic benefits

Good Techno-commercial viability
It will help gain valuable foreign exchange by exporting the product in international
It will help in improving the infrastructure facilities
The expansion will be set up in existing plant; hence no displacement of people is
In the project site having industrial activity, semi-skilled and unskilled workmen are
expected to be available from local population in these areas to meet the manpower
There will be employment opportunity for local people during operation phase.
All treated wastewater duly complying with MPCB norms will be utilized for greenbelt
development. Treated wastewater will therefore not impact any existing surface water
Secondary employment will be generated due to the proposed expansion project thereby
benefiting locals.

Thus a significant benefit to the socio-economic environment is likely to be created due to the

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8.1 Introduction

Impact Assessment helps in identifying potentially damaging aspects of a proposed expansion

project. Based on the finding of the impact assessment, Environment Management Plan is
devised to minimize adverse impacts and enumerated various steps to be taken for improvement
of the environment.

Environment Management Plan (EMP) is the key to ensure a safe and clean environment. A
project may have identified proper mitigation measures but without a management plan to
execute it, the desired results may not be obtained. The Environment Management Plan
envisages proper implementation of mitigation measures to reduce the adverse impacts arising
out of the project activities.

Some of the major objectives of the EMP are:

Ensure the expansion implementation with minimal impacts on all environment attributes
Minimize the impacts on socio- economic indicators of the local and adjoining regions
Maintain the highest level of readiness for meeting the needs of any deviation in
sustainability practices
Systematic implementation with adequate manpower, budget and action plan for EMP
Use EMP to demonstrate the effectiveness of its workability along with the project
proponents commitment.

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8.2 Description of Administrative Aspect

Fig 8.1: Organization Chart

Table 8.1: Environmental Management Budget

Sr. Cost of environmental protection Recurring Cost per Capital Cost (Rs.)
measures annum (Rs.)

1,00,000/- 6,00,000/-
1 Air Pollution Control
2,00,000/- 8,98,260/-
2 Water Pollution Control

3 30,000/- 1,00,000/-
Noise Pollution Control
Environment monitoring 30,000/- 1,00,000/-
and Management
Reclamation borrow/mined area ---- -----
(if applicable )

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20,000/- 20,000/-
6 Occupational health

7 Green Belt 10,000/- 2,51,740/-

10,000/- 30,000/-
8 Solid waste management

9 Rain water harvesting --- ---

4 lacs 20 lacs
Total Cost

The total project cost of the proposed expansion project is 2 Cr, Out of which 20 lacs will be
spend for the environmental pollution control. Approximately 4 lacs will be the recurring cost
which will be used for maintenance purpose like machine repair, ETP repair etc.

8.3 Environmental Mitigation Measures for the Project

Table 9.2: Mitigation Measures for the Proposed Project

Construction Phase

Environmental Phase Project Activity Potential Impacts Mitigation

Component Measures
Air Construction Construction Dust generation Wind Barriers, Water
Phase activity, Sprinkler etc
Noise Construction Construction Health problem for Ear plugs,
Phase activity, the workers management of the
transportation time during work etc.
Water Construction Domestic use Contamination of the Septic Tank and
Phase and sprinklers surface water proper water
etc. management etc.
Soil Construction
Phase Not applicable

Ecology Construction Not Applicable


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Operation Phase
Environmental Phase Project Activity Potential Impacts Mitigation
Component Measures
Air Operation Transportation Increase in Air Smooth flow of
Phase inside the plant Pollutant traffic, Regulation of
premises Concentration in air pollution by
some locations. legislation and public
Boiler and DG Air Pollution Dust Collector is
Set given to the boiler
operation/produc Also appropriate
tion stack height is

Noise Operational Machine, D.G, Health problem for Acoustic enclosure,

Phase Process Activity, the workers Closed machine
Transportation room, vibration pads
Operation of Increased Provision of trees
Equipments and equipment/machinery along the periphery
Machinery noise due to of the boundary wall
negligence against shall act as noise
maintenance work buffer.
Regular check-up of
all machinery to
avoid noise.
Boiler and DG Increased noise level Providing ear plugs
Set operation for workers.
Boiler and DG Sets
adhering to CPCB
Proper maintenance
of Boiler and DG

Operation Process and Waste water Waste water will be

Water Phase Domestic generated due to the treated in the ETP
process provided.

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Soil Solid Waste Improper disposal of All the solid waste

generation plastic waste and generated should be
sludge of treatment separated at the
plants can cause source and disposed
environmental by authorized agent.
hazards. The sludge generated
by the Effluent
Treatment Plant sent
to the authorized
disposal facility.
Transportation of Hazardous chemicals Transportation of
hazardous from accidental spill hazardous material
material and storage as per
H.W. Rule 2008 and
H.W. Rule 2011.

Even after taking precautions if soil is found to be contaminated, it shall be removed and disposed off
to authorized site.
Operation Operation Increase exposure to Enactment and
Phase anthropogenic activities. enforcement of laws
regulating human

8.4 Plantation Scheme:


A green belt will be developed to minimize the air pollution & noise pollution at the project site.
Development of green belt not only minimizes these impacts but also improves the aesthetic
environment of the region. Therefore a Green Belt Development plan has been proposed at the
project site in general and along the project components in particular using the local flora.

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Development of Green Belt:

Green belt planning has been done with the ecological perspective of API Intermediate
Manufacturing Plant for Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited., taking into consideration nature
of pollutants, availability of space and dominant wind directions. Benzo Chem Industries Pvt.
Limited is an API intermediate producing unit. The project is located at Plot No. E- 13, E- 14,
E-15, MIDC, Industrial Area, Jalgaon, MIDC, State - Maharashtra.

Guidelines & Techniques for Green Belt Development:

Extensive survey in the project area was undertaken to observe the structure and composition of
vegetation. The soil characteristics were also kept in mind. Based on this survey and the CPCB
guidelines native plant species have been proposed for the green belt development plan. The
green belt is proposed to be developed within the project site (approx. 33% of the total plant
area). The general considerations involved while proposing the green belt plan are:

Local/ Native fast growing trees & shrubs will be used for plantation

They should have large leaf area index

They should have higher Air Pollution Tolerance Indices

They should not have any noticeable effect on the plant yield due to gaseous pollutants

The planting should be in appropriate alternate rows around the proposed site to prevent
lateral pollution dispersion.

Plant Site Area Distribution

The total plot area distribution is as follows:


No. Sq. (Proposed) Sq.
1. Area of Plot 12150 Same as 12150
i i
2. Built up Area 2195 88 2283

3. Open Area 5910 5822 5822

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4. Existing Green Belt 4045 Same as 4045

A i i

A reconnaissance survey was conducted during which sites/blocks were identified for the
proposed plantation scheme & same are plotted on the plot layout. The proposed plantation
scheme will be executed on an area of 1,000 sq.m. & plantation will be carried out in 1 phase
viz. Phase I - January 2015. The details of the identified sites/blocks during the site visit are as

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Figure 1: Sites/Blocks Identified for proposed plantation at Benzochem Industries Pvt.

Limited., Jalgaon

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Table 1: Site Identification for plantation at Benzochem Industries Pvt. Limited:

Sr. No. Site Identified Plantation Type

1 A block Large Trees
2 B block Shrubs
3 C block Shrubs & Small trees
4 D block Large Trees
Total No. of plants to be planted: 66 Large Trees
1,000.00 sq.m.
Area 100 Shrubs/Small Trees

Area calculations for plantation are as follows:

1. Area required for Small Tree or Shrub = 2 meter x 2 meter

2. Area required for Large tree = 3 meter x 3 meter
3. Total Number of Small Trees or Shrubs to planted at Project area = 100
4. Total Number of Large Trees to be planted at Project area = 66

Criteria for Plantation Scheme:

The following parameters were considered while developing the plantation strategy:

Probable sources of pollution

Type & Quantity of Fuel used

Noise Generation

Prominent wind direction

Probable sources of pollution:

I Point Sources:

Plant operation will lead to permanent air pollution having negative impact on the air quality.
The three pollutant of main concern are particulate matter, SO2 and NOx. The sources identified
which will be responsible for above mentioned pollutant are Boiler and D.G set. As the emission
is expected from the fixed locations hence it is considered under point source.

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Table 1: Details of the Point Sources are as follows:

Stack No. Stack Identification Stack

Height (m)

1. Boiler 30.0

2. DG (320KVA) 3 (From Roof Level)

II Fugitive


The major component of fugitive emissions like VOC will be from the processes & also the
volatile organic compounds storage in tanks/drums in the plant site

Type & Quantity of Fuel used

Fuel Requirement Existing Proposed Total

Coal / Biomass 5 TPD 5 TPD 10 TPD

Diesel 200 L/D 200 L/D 400 L/D

Noise Generation

Probable Source:

The plant noise sources include turbo-generators, air compressors, feed pumps, condensate
pumps, reflux pumps, recycle pumps, diluents pumps, tempering pumps, air blowers, I.D. Fans,
cooling towers etc.

Table 3: The details of Noise Level monitored in the plant premises are as follows:

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No Location Sound Level dB (A)
1 Near Main Gate 47.4
2 Near Office 55.2
3 Near ETP 69.2
4 Boiler House 72.6
5 Production Room 71.3
6 Laboratory 61.5

Table 4: Resultant Noise Level at a particular distance from the source

Combined Noise Level Drop in 20 m Resultant Noise level at 20m

76.2 dB 6 dB 70.2 dB

Drop in 40 m Resultant Noise level at 40m

76.2 dB 12 dB 64.2 dB

Drop in 60 m Resultant Noise level at 60m

76.2 dB 15 dB 61.2 dB

Drop in 80 m Resultant Noise level at 80m

76.2 dB 18 dB 58.2 dB

It is predicted that the cumulative noise levels inside the plant will be exceeding 75 dBA hence
the proposed green belt is designed to suppress the same.

IV Prominent Wind Direction

The prevailing prominent wind direction in the project area is from North to South.

Plantation Strategy:

Benzochem Industries Pvt. Limited. manufacturer of Active pharmaceutical Ingredients

intermediate with proposed expansion quantity of 681 Mt/annum. The industry has already

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developed the green belt in the East & West direction around the factory premises comprising of
large evergreen trees. Also industry has planted small shrubs & flowering plants around various
utilities. A one tiered plantation comprising of large evergreen trees will be planted towards
Northern periphery of the company. Shrubs will be planted in B & C block & two tiered
plantation comprising of large evergreen trees will be done D block. The boiler chimneys are
located towards south form the main gate & the proposed plantation block identified around
these utilities is block D.

Table5: Trees/Plants to be planted at other blocks are as follows

Site Botanical name Habit Common name

Terminalia arjuna Tr Sadaphuli
Sterospermum acerifolium Tr Muchkund
A block Dalbergia sissoo Tr Shisham
Azadirachta indica Tr Neem
Aegle marmelos Tr Bael
Lagerstroemia speciosa Tr Taman/Jarul
Derris indica Tr Karanj
Carrisa carandas Sh Karwanda
B block Ervatamia divaricata Sh Ananta/Tagar
Caesalpinia pulcherrima Sh Shankasur
Calotropis gigantea Sh Rui
Canna indica Sh Kardal
Lagerstroemia speciosa Tr Taman/Jarul
Cblock Cassia fistula Sh Bahava
Derris indica Sh Karanj
Plumeria rubra Sh Chapha
Neolamarckia cadamba Sh Kadamba
Azadirachta indica Sh Neem
D block Morinda citrifolia Tr Bartondi
Terminali arjuna Tr Arjun
Neolamarckia cadamba Tr Kadamba
Schleichera oleosa Tr Kusum
Note: Tr- tree, Sh Shrub, Gr - Grass

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Table 2: Action plan for the proposed plantation Phase I- January, 2015:

Plantation on Block: A,B, C & D

Estimate for block plantation for Phase I January 2015

Total area of Blocks A, B, C, D: 1000.00 sq.m. Estimated Expenditure
Total no. of plantation: Large Trees 66
Shrubs/Small Trees: 100
Rate ( Rs.) Amount
Sr.No Particulars of work Magnitude
per plant (Rs.)

1 Alignments of pits 2,66 5 1,330.00

2 Digging of Pits 2,66 27 7,182.00

3 To Provide good Soil and Fertilizers for the plants 2,66 38 10,108.00

Large Trees: 66 66X50 3,300.00

4 Purchase of plants Shrubs/small Trees: 100 2,66
100X40 4,000.00

5 Transportation of plants 2,66 30 7,980.00

6 Plant Loading and Unloading 2,66 7 1,862.00

7 Planting in pits 2,66 23 6,118.00

8 Removing weeds 2 times in a year 2,66 10 2,660.00

Appointment of 2 Care Takers for Plant care 2 for 12

9 months - 1,00,800.00
&protection for 12 months
Watering the plants for 8 months each plant to be 2,66
10 given 5ltrs water at an interval of 3 days as per - 1,06,400.00
climate. @Rs 5/plant/day 80 days

TOTAL 2,51,740.00

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BenzoChem Industries Pvt. Ltd. SEEPL/EIA/F/IND/BIP


8.5 CSR Activity

The main principles involving corporate social responsibility involve economic, legal, ethical
and discretionary policy aspects. A corporation needs to generate profits, while operating within
the laws of the state. The corporation also needs to be ethical, but has the right to be discretional
about the decisions it makes. Levels of corporate social responsiveness to an issue include being
reactive, defensive, responsive and interactive. All terms are useful in issues management.
Selecting when and how to act can make a difference in the outcome of the action taken.

M/s. Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited. are involved in corporate social responsibility activity.
The project proponent would employee majority of local peoples as permanent employees of the
company to fulfill the need of increased manpower. M/s. Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited
provides appropriate support to the nearby school, organizes the medical camps for local people
and provides free medical help to the local needy people.

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BenzoChem Industries Pvt. Ltd. SEEPL/EIA/F/IND/BIP


Fig No 8.3 : CSR Activities

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BenzoChem Industries Pvt. Ltd. SEEPL/EIA/F/IND/BIP


8.6 Rain Water Harvesting

Level of the Ground water table 30- 40 meters

Hence the proponent is opting for Roof top Rain water harvesting tank and not for
artificial recharge of groundwater.

Amount of Rain water collected (Approx) : Annual rainfall (mm) X Roof Area (sq.m) X
0.9 (Run off Coefficient) = 784.8 X 1957 X 0.9 = 1382268.2 ltrs/A

Size and no of RWH tank(s) and Quantity = 1 X 25 m3 Existing

1 X 25 m3 proposed tank will be provided for RHW

The rain water harvested will be used for gardening, boiler intake and cooling tower intake
purpose. Currently Coal shed roof area is used for rain water harvesting purpose. In the coming
future it can be planned to use the roof top area of old as well as of the new boiler for RHW. So
that the water management in the plant site during the rainy season can be increased.

8.7 Quality Policy

Safety, Health &Environment Policy

We shall Operate in a manner in the process of sustainable development to protect the

environment and the health of all interested parties during manufacture and supply of
Intermediates for Drugs, Pesticides and Dyes

To achieve this, we shall:

Abide by applicable legislation and others relevant requirements and emphasis on the
continual improvements and preventive measures for environment, health and safety.
Aim to eliminate all incidents and injuries.
Minimize the risk when handling storage, processing of products.
Continuously evaluate, control and minimize the wastages of groups resources and
energy consumption.
Be obligated to inform interested parties about our activities and products.

This policy shall be reviewed periodically made available to all interested parties in line with
continual improvement of organizational safety, health and environmental performance.

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Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited. IND/BIPL/001/


From the forgoing chapters it can be seen that:

1. The proposed expansion project is to be carried out within the area located in MIDC
Jalgaon which means that there will be no displacement of human population and
therefore no rehabilitation process of the plant are involved.
2. The raw water requirement would be fulfilled by MIDC and the power requirement of the
proposed expansion project would be supplied by MSEB hence no separate additional
load would be exerted on either water resources or general power supply system.
3. The water pollution generation details and effluent treatment plant description illustrates
that the mitigative measures proposed are adequate, would meet the requirement of
MPCB and would not cause any adverse impact on receiving water bodies as the treated
effluent will be fully recycled (Zero discharge Unit) and reused in the plant itself.
4. The proposed manufacturing activity does not create any major air pollution problem
however certain small emissions of the gaseous form are likely to be generated during the
manufacturing process which are proposed to be properly collected and mitigate using air
scrubbers, Dust collector and chimney with appropriate height, the D.G sets provided for
meeting the power requirement during the power failure from the main grid are proposed
to be provided with adequate stack height and appropriate sound controlling enclosures.
5. The hazardous waste generated from ETP would be sent to authorize Maharashtra Enviro
Power Ltd (Ranjangaon). The used & empty plastic bags also drums will be sold to
proper authorized dealers.
6. The proposed expansion project will generate employment for the local people and will
also increase the income of some local people due to related activity such as,
transportation, grocery shops and dhabas etc.
7. Area surrounding the project site does not have any sensitive area like forestland, reserve
forest, aquatic presence and archaeological historical monuments which might be
affected by the proposed expansion project activity.
8. Risk identification study has been carried out so that the occurrence of the risk causing
events can be reduced.
9. All the required steps for alleviating the risk and minimizing any hazard are delineated in
disaster management plan in a systematic manner. This can be implemented at time of
emergency if at all occurred at the project site.Overall it can be said that the proposed
expansion project will not cause any adverse environmental impact if at all it will have
positive socio-economic impacts around the project area.

SadekarEnviroEngineersPvt.Ltd Chapter91

Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited. IND/BIPL/001/



I, hereby, certify that I was a part of the EIA Team in the following, capacity that developed the above EIA

EIA Coordinator : 5 (f)

Name : Mr. P.R Sadekar

Signature & Date :

Contact Information :

Functional Area Experts:

Sr. No. Functional Name of the Name of Involvement Signature & Date
Areas Expert/s the Team Period &
Member/s Task

1 AP* Mr. P. R. Dec 2012 to

Sadekar Feb 2015
Task: Impact
of Air
Mr. Vinay Dec 2012 to
Gupta Feb 2015
2 WP* Mr. Prabhakar. Dec 2012 to
R. Sadekar Feb 2015
Task: Impact
of Water
Mr. Jan 2013 to
Prashant Feb 2015

SadekarEnviroEngineersPvt.Ltd Chapter101

Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited. IND/BIPL/001/

Mr. Vinay Dec 2012 to

Gupta Feb 2015
Mr. Jan 2013 till
Bhaskar Feb 2015
Task: Impact
of Water
3 SHW* Mr. Prashant C. Jan 2013 to
Dhotekar Feb 2015
Task: Impact
of SHW
Mr. Ratikanta Aug 2013 to
Mohanty Feb 2015
Task: Impact
of SHW
Mr. Dec 2012 to
Prabhakar Feb 2015
R. Sadekar
Task: Impact
of SHW
4 SE* Mr. Prasanjeet Dec 2012 to
Khanderao Feb 2015
Task: Impact
of SE
5 EB* Dr. P.B. Dec 2012 to
Salaskar Feb 2015
of EB
Mr. Jan 2013 to
Bhaskar Feb 2015
Task: Impact
of EB

SadekarEnviroEngineersPvt.Ltd Chapter102

Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited. IND/BIPL/001/

6 HG* Mr. Ramchandra Dec 2012 to

Deo Feb 2015
Task: Impact
of HG
7 GEO* Mr. Vivek Dec 2012 to
Navare Feb 2015
Task: Impact
of GEO
Mr. Ratikanta Aug 2013 to
Mohanty Feb 2015
Task: Impact
of GEO
8 SC* Dr. P.B. Dec 2012 to
Salaskar Feb 2015
Task: Impact
of SC
Mr. Jan2013 to
Bhaskar Feb 2015
Task: Impact
of SC
9 AQ* Mr. Ratikanta Aug 2013 to
Mohanty Feb 2015
Task: Impact
of AQ
Mr. P. C. Jan 2013 to
Dhotekar Feb 2015
Mr. Vinay Dec 2012 to
Gupta Feb 2015

SadekarEnviroEngineersPvt.Ltd Chapter103

o Chem
m Indusstries Pvt.
P Limmited. IND/BIPLL/001/

10 NV* Mr. Vive

ek Dec 2012 to
navare F 2015
Task: Impactt
o NV
11 LU* D 2012 to
F 2015
Task: Impactt
Mr. Vassantha A
Kumar o LU
Mr. J 2013 to
Bhaskar F 2015
Task: Impactt
o LU
12 RH* D 2012 to
D 2014
Task: Impactt
Dr. G. S.
S Bhatt o RH
Mr. J 2013 to
Prashant F 2015
M Vinay
Mr. D 2012 to
Gupta F 2015

** Please attach addittional sheet if required

________ ______________________ ____________ ___________
Declaration by the He
ead of the Ac
ccredited Co
onsultant Org
ganization /authorized pe

I, Mr. Prabhakar R. Sa adekar , hereb by, confirm th

hat the above e mentioned experts
e prepaared the EIA of
o M/s
Benzoche em Industries s Pvt. Limite ed. I also confirm
c that the consulta ant organizattion shall be
e fully
accountab ble for any miis-leading info
ormation men ntioned in thiss statement.

nviroEngineeersPvt.Ltd Chaptter104

Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited. IND/BIPL/001/

Signature :
Name : Mr. P.R Sadekar
Designation : Director
Name of the EIA Consultant Organization : M/s Sadekar Enviro Engineers Pvt. Ltd.
310, Dempo Towers, EDC Patto, Panaji 403001
Goa State India
NABET Certificate No. & Issue Date : NABET/EIA/SA/258 dated 20th Jan 2015

Sr. Functional
Complete Name of the Functional Areas
No. Area/s (Code)
1 AP Air Pollution Prevention, Monitoring & Control
2 WP Water Pollution Prevention, Control & Prediction of Impacts
3 SHW Solid Waste and Hazardous Waste Management
4 SE Socio-Economics
5 EB Ecology and Biodiversity
6 HG Hydrology, Ground Water & Water Conservation
7 GEO Geology
8 SC Soil Conservation
9 AQ Meteorology, Air Quality Modeling & Prediction
10 NV Noise /Vibration
11 LU Land Use
12 RH Risk Assessment & Hazard Management

SadekarEnviroEngineersPvt.Ltd Chapter105

Benzo Chem Industries Pvt. Limited. IND/BIPL/001/

SadekarEnviroEngineersPvt.Ltd Chapter106

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