Ellis 1
Ellis 1
Ellis 1
Kieran Ellis
Mrs. Cramer
Comp 1 Period 6
24 March 2017
"Student debt is crushing the lives of millions of Americans. How does it happen that we
can get a home mortgage or purchase a car with interest rates half of that being paid for student
loans? We must make higher education affordable for all. We must substantially lower interest
rates on student loans. This must be a national priority, says Bernie Sanders" Vehicles, houses,
and multiple other expenses are more affordable than college tuition. We should reconsider our
spending options to make expenses affordable for all Americans, regardless of their wealth and
job. However, some believe that making college free or only free for two years is the most
logical option. We must ask ourselves is this possible? Sadly no, and for clear reasons too. The
economy prevents us from doing this action. If college were affordable, no one would need
financial aid, scholarships, and other means of payment. However, two years of free college may
give students an opportunity to see if that is what they want and its free education, with more
important expenses to focus on. When taking action on this topic, people should not make
college tuition free, but instead make college affordable to decrease debt and increase the number
of graduates.
First and foremost, we all know the economy is changing. For better or for worse, prices
change on certain items. Therefore, college costs an arm and a leg1. Prices will only increase as
we go from generation to generation. Therefore, when someone attends a University, the person
must pay for books, supplies, boarding, taxes, loans, food, and transportation. Which leads to
1 Hyperbole- the sentence is an exaggeration college does not cost an arm and a leg.
more students in trillion-dollar debts and second guessing higher education (Cubberley). Most
people in college choose work over school. Even the students who apply full time minimize their
time in the classroom significantly. In the end, they usually quit altogether since the schedules
take most of their day or they do not have the money to pay for college (Cubberley). Students
such as, Claudia Niessler who lives in Berlin, Germany, made sure to attend a school that did not
charge tuition. Unfortunately, she had to work twenty hours a week at a supermarket. Stefan
Steinbock states paying tuition would discourage people with good grades but low incomes from
getting university degrees (Marcus). People have to sacrifice their college intentions, for the real
price of reality and triple digits. If we made college affordable, debt would decrease and people
There is no doubt, if we make college tuition free then there would be no use for financial
aid and other financial supporters. With no money coming in and out of a university, critics say
that the government will have to raise taxes (Josephen). However, there are alternatives. Using
combinations of federal and state funds to make public colleges tuition free. The problem is
many states have been reducing their higher education budgets (Josephson). Making college
tuition free not only causes conflict for the government, but also for the professors and other
people working at the university. Half time professors make approximately 75,000 dollars a year;
add in taxes, luxuries, necessities, transportation, homage, and food. If we decide to make
college tuition free, the professors will get half of what they are making now, approximately
37,500 dollars. This is not enough pay for someone who creates the lectures, provides office
hours, spends their summer working on the lectures and work, and working on additional plans.
Spending their life in an office. If we make college tuition free, the government, and, people
working at universities will earn less. Making the issue impossible to pass with people opposing
higher taxes.
On the other hand, two years of free college might give students an opportunity to see if
thats what they really what. Most students leave high school with an idea of what they want to
major in2. When they attend college with that idea in mind, they discover two things: either they
like the major and want to continue, or they hate it and want to do something worthwhile. If they
change their career, they can be in debt and consequently major in a career they hate (Josephson).
However, due to free college tuition, students will not be as competitive in the workforce or at
school. If we allow students to go to college for tuition free, most students will take the school
for granted. This goes back to the argument the use of scholarships. When scholarships come out,
less than half of the students will have any use for them. Thus resulting in less competitiveness
and money, they can receive. Students will not work hard at school or work because the school
has free tuition, making it harder to find good employees and hardworking students (Cubberley).
Even though two years of free college might give students the opportunity to see what major they
Another counterargument that can arise is that education is free, a person can save their
money for other expenses they might have. With the new economy, we all know the necessities
we need is not free. This includes college expanses. Some critics ask the question how the money
could be raised to pay for free college (Josephson). The most concrete answer is through
2 Analepsis- Flashing back to an earlier point. Since some parents might remember
We all have to remember that college years is the most important years of a person life.
Leaving high school is both an exciting and scary paradigm shift3. The student has the
responsibility to choose which major they want to do for the rest of their life. If we give students
free college tuition, this issue will be both impossible and absurd. Students need to realize that
life is not always perfect; we have to work for what we want. With the economy changing, we
have to save and accomplish more. There would not be any use for financial aid, since tuition is
free and competition would be limited. The counterarguments include the two years might give
students the opportunity to see if that is what they want for a major therefore students will not
have to worry about paying the additional classes. However, the students will feel the need to not
work as much as a person who does work for their education, and it is free education, with more
important expenses, such as transportation, taxes, homage, and, luxuries instead of books, taxes,
and boarding. The downside, where would the professors and the people working at the school
earn money? College itself will not be able to function without money, but not a ridiculous
amount either. This is why college tuition should not be free, but instead be affordable for
or action which is not literally applicable. Comparing the world to a paradigm shift.
Works Cited
Cubberley, Fran. The Reality of Free Community College tuition. Article. Academic Journal.
April 2016
Josephson, Amelia. The Pros and Cons of Free College. SmartAsset.com. Sep 15, 2016
Marcus, Jon. How free college tuition in one country exposes unexpected pros and cons. The
Better World Quotes- Bernie Sanders on College Education.N.p.,n.d. Web. 21 Apr. 2017